TTTR rrNfATTA DATT.T Tl"RTZi A Pfi-TST 17. 1SO7. Adrertl ement for these column * villl be tnl en antll 12 tn. for the evenlne nnd until S ] > n. for the | B ioriilti7 nnd Sunday edition * . Adi erll ern , by reque > tlnR num bered cheek , cnn lime nnnrrersd - : dr e l to n numbered letter In en re I of Die Ilee. Answer * o ddrc ed lll be itelltered on | ire rntntlon t f the cliecli unly * Hate * . Ji c n noril flr t ln ertlon Jc n vrord therenfter. > nlhlnc tnlien for le * thnn ST.e for the flr t ln er- | tlon llie r ndt ertl einent i t be ran c in ecotlrelj- . I \v _ iTr ITIO.V. A -L BLEMISH KS TRKATED TRUB CO. . IK niuljer of CwBRBem A MJTt AS * W VVTHD MALI ! HULP. CANi AEHf > TO TAKE ORDKRS. MTK LINE . ; > . tx > heitvy ciwdt to cwry sUry n K-ar'\0 \ C. F. Ad.m. Co. HM So eth SH. ron CIGARS UK A MONTH AND off nrra. exr Jence ine < > et * o < . l - < Jti-Tn nt. to coftaatm. C. C Vtftttif & Oo. , El Lonl * B M147 FTi , SAMPLE Or BCnKT OF BBAUTT True Co. . SIC CVantlwr of WANTKD-A MAN WHO CAN .i-p r of > rp-rtp in wunr. thr * revoht- ti i H * i r w. > pre nS l > co 4 order ; ke-7 r * * -e Jtt ) e. an * * ke j > * e i 'M j-ermwwtrt * * st coed * li ry. by * * - * tnr P 47 thin f-fH- > - B 7WU TVAN MEN TO LKAKN THE HARPER - „ . -til } etcM weeks retired. * tea y po - ti f ml toolt Rlien Fr < ! B 1e w ees nd rstxTi : r. ' c In nhofw Stur4ta"f befnrt core | > tel- 1e ' ! metbnd eavei twn yrmrr' mipreellce- r , ei < J fnr tree ntatocve M hler' Bertier S liiwl Sn Po Clwk St. . TOUNG MAX TO ASSIST IN r r- f Tie ; mm * 1" nt iicrsirr and type- BT.trr A 4tw < P H. 1 > - P-CT 1 \V XTITT. . TOT'NG VAN TO SRUIIJNK p4n " < fimR lr 4 In Om ha : w > T4 r ftr * nl Rn ll rapiuo r rtihTd- Aft ff Mnhr If -nvo eon mtmrt nbnp * prrfcrr Ir i k. Shnfl.t > ar h. lo . D-M H If rxrrirENCBi : ) CXOTIIIXG MAX WANTED IT- ' ' * r Ra1 'Kruin and r 'fl i tr > cKKrfi * T. m Pp" k'ni : Grmuin jirrfMTt-d Inquire fit J- ( irr A. Co . CTrte. NtV II MC'I ! WANTED , cn-E BEKT > ' Matt a anfl naJary f i ! > . B M ! I yofxc MAX rosEriXG BUSI- e : Rilarr r. W I"-r k. Ad- r - . IV-e R-MWW H- T' A TAILOR : A GOOD OT > AT MAKER > -trifi at onrt. A4dr w N O XordMrtira Gnf rr rnt r. Nfb H M tO 17 * \vrnn _ ) CTTIJ = r R ALL mxT > = ; WORK. R TO tr wk Canadian Offlrt , 1EU DouirtaBC C M1) ) " ! -Tors HAIR REMOVED TERMA- r"Jr Tmr Co . KG Cha.-vl > T of foTnmrrrr C M17J AM \ VVTrTCOMPETENT NURSE GIRL AT r. "i < ji.ntol ave. C MT10 S TO TAKE ORDERS. LARGE jirot R 1CS Farnam. room IS. C M739 11' GfRt , FOR GENERAL , HOtTETVORK : SMALl. ftm''y KIS S. ITth. C TK 1C . GIRL TOR GENERAL. HOT5TE- n rk. ymall lamlly. coed wae - 4M N 4 tb Btr-rt C TS ! > 1C- WANTED. A GOOD COCTK FOR HOTEL : wimun preTrrred : iterratnent prsltltTn and cooa * r-Lff A4dres at once Commercial H tel ? t Paul Neb C 7 I re * WANTED A GIRL TO D > GHNTTRAL HOTE - tr rk ai IS South SCth t- C FT ! 1C' * TTUCTED A NURSK GIRL. INQUIRE AT 11C Pa Ehid Are. C tso r FOR KKAT HOrSKS. HCT-KES IN ALL PARTS OF THE qTTT. THE O F ! > Clmi > any. 1SOT. Farnam. D 2B ! HOUSES BENEWA & CO. . 10S N. KTR ST D 100 N HOUSES. C. A. STARR SS N. T. Life. D 401 CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVER Intr cliy. to CO. Fidelity. 1712 Farmim St _ D--ia H USES WALLACE. BROWN BLOCK 15TH and Dnaclaf- D 40S HOUSES. OOTTAGES STORES. ALL PARTS c * cttj Brennan , Love Co. . 43n Parton block D ) M MOVING HOUSEHOLD GOODs A.VD PIANOS. O Var & Sterace Co. . ] < ! Farnxm. Tel IMS ' D 4M LIST. M-CAGUE. UTH AND DODGE. D I"S HOr SES FLATS. GARVIN BROS. . 1 J FARN-JJ D-4C HO"PES RENT. BEM1S. PAXTON BLK D 4W IIOT"SES J. H. SHERWOOD.13 N. f. LUe. D > iar 10 F. tOM FL.M' . DOUGLAS NEAR I4TH. MODem - emt am hent. Inquire Lindguii.1 , S16 S. lith D 410 H FT VT ELEA-1-- ; ROOM BRICK RESI- f * r-p modrm in m r > rewpert. Rteflro heat f " - * Uclit. Lotmtt l at the KKitliTvirt Purner l"'h toil I > 9Uri SIB. Apply U > R. TV. Baker. FcyTnttndriit : Bee Uldi ; FCH RENT MODERN FLAT. BEST IN THE c'y. In new I > uvdce tulldlnK. oop-xlte city hsll alss coed store In same b HAt e. Jjhn W JIM.Un * . njent , IkK Faruarn rfeet FTAVlf RD CIRCLE CX)7TAOKS. C ROOMS S. W "or lith and Almon flnrnt lucali- in ' 'f ff > r iMwlDcrk men of Omajja and South C uha rents mol irate. y Bet Bulldinc D-J1I11 P'M ' HOUSE. MODERN IMPROVE- i , liai Caw ft. Ai > pl > - Hunt botci. Sooth 0-s. a U M766 n t-T. X > Ii OOTTAaE. ALL MODEKNJ LAWN r-1 'ode SS4 Mland rt. D 7H r .T I'E.KIRABLE AI'ARTMEXTS OP FIX r ? nMMTi frontlne uii Hamteom park. - - ? i > n ht iiartj with rxiiaii tamil } . M j n - rf & F.n. n Itrowti OlitX Cur ir < k i r _ K a * st * . ron * * TNT. U RGEROOM HOUSE , ALL f * n nr mxwMlan cround * Btmn lint r | . llrtia. evrrythUw flrnt cl&M. Hi. 00 rr E - W H Ruw U. or N. y ut , P-M7-J3) ) PARTLT nTRNIFHEr > Mf > lIB - I--B ID. urn liuus * . with txro Sll Hnrnj ; r ti' I7t ( , rpf vnw frcwarr4 Jy 751 Jc * J X TRN FU TS ADJOINING AND r < n . I > u4r & SUi Ptk. inn BnKldc J i S NrW MODERN 7-ROOM HOI S-RS FOR I ' rrnF ii. Bee. -MHB If 1 j ron iti : > Trt UOOMS. GENTLEMKN 1 i i , K-J _ - fc-J UAI'.nr T-n RABli'tTirBoaMl TO GEN- Ucmcn < nl } ; staall fumlly IWC MS 1 > < CAPITOL AVB U-UMC a- N" " FURNISH Bti ROOMs ! TWO h J . B-WKJ HM fO 11TH. E K88 S * I'lRMMIKD HOO5IS AM ) HO.ini ) , E * > .U . RCKiM. OX > 1 > BOAJ5D ; IUITSS r e The ROM , SC Karnry. N'FLY rtTUCISHETBOUTHEAST FRONT r -a Tntiivrn . on CVHUPM . j-rtute f > mtly ? a rwb rt. F HOARD ANH HiXUKK. HOT tt t ; Witt larktian to ilty. rt ! S 3Me F 4 N. - ' T FOHNISMEU FBOVT B-OOMS VHTH \i g- r tt IX-wcteA. ! MtfcJ It' RfX MS XD BCUKD. STEAM HEATED. nous : Tvrru BOARD. XM s SC L St. F-SAWI-J3- TZIC ALHAXT JUS IXXXJLAS. FVtt Oil UN- ur r..inu. &Mctxt : hwattas lufcif tuori ; for OVB LARGE FINEW FTHVlSHEli left-lit v "k a4rr & 1 piLfc'.rr * > - > ! ' . > * rzn r < v . * ii * kt . Jl Sa Sib F' Y-SK 1C * a DAVU.\KKT ) ST rrnxi nnn nooM ? A\D no.nn. G < X'I' IT > M BO RO t bn-lc ppt-tr * ! CM Kortti tttb F M Sf ron nn'\Trvrrn'viiinn IIOOM * . " ' B UXFl RNtSHED ROOMS FV R UOMT h iif-irn it , water o < Imth. JMT nuB. 0-M7T > 17 * xirn noovts. w so. MTH AVE. ron RII > T7 < nin < A\D FOR RENT-IN THE BEE BUIUHKG On * ! * m meiwsroom. . * JKl Boar , witk - uK afid l rt * * e office wter rtc One l JTr trout n-otn. tna Bear. < flMe < tot * tw moot * tiy p rtnj < ti. water. tc. On I JTT comer roam. 8ml aoor. wttk r K , wat'r. etc. On ? rroM mm 4Hrto 4l Vy r Ttltl fx tblr * Aocr On corner roam with xlt. . thtrt Boor Oive ) rrce room. thr d noor. wnh jwrtKloB TI - inc It IE'.O one larpe rarm and t o simlrer irl te rnvnii. water , etc. 9 r l nnall ruum * e frwrth Boor w Itb xavttx. All thee roomn are hete4 wUh rtefcm. . .rf rut. day and kJl nlpht rtrtrtlr nrn r 4. Ap4y K. ltitnrnt Rorxn 1M. Be * TOR RE1NT DESK BOOM IN GROUNT ) FLOOR B liulllltic. wter. . rtc * b t , Hectrtc and Janltfir t rv ce. ArHr t 11. W I 7 FOR RENT THE 4-STORT BRICK BflLDINO at P16 Famfcra ? t Thit tmlWIiir has a n e < * roe * eetnert l tri nt. eomfuete rte m hestlsc S - t tr : water m all flnors. E s. etc. Apply at the f"Vrof The B e I FtE ACKVTS AGENTS -WANTED fCSnNERAlJl FOR THE ! Inr iVs p it G Llcht in the tnark-t Fn * InMrortifia to our urenw b < to rn Kf mantle * Northern Llcht Mt G l - ave Brooklyn N T. J-JT4M7' L.KDT CANVASSERS FOR CITT AND COIN ; tn.ic oammifKion Howlej Mfr rrL..JJ' Bft Hide. J-C S1. IT IS TRUE. IT IS TRUE. IT IS TRUE. "WE know It. l dd cure- TraCe , Chiuhr of Cemmerce. 3 MlTi AM " \V.\XTnnTO MODERN HOUSE "WITH ABOUT TEN ROOMS. near Hanreom park. AflirM * P M. B e nfflce. A J'IJI. < LAJCT. FTRNISHED COTTAGE OH four or fltf furalKbPd nxraif wkntBS br lit ot SoptfnrtT lijdrKlrBbl * : punlf-s. M. J. Ken nfcrd k Son. . 310 Brown Block aim * " ' St - ' WAITED. TO REICT. TEN P.O M HOUSE RE- tween KMI > Dodre tnd Ha.rney ureeu Ad- dre-s P O twx CW , Omaha. K 7S1 ! D VTANTED. TO nENTKOOM ) K > U - with larcc turn who ha * on * E Street , Board oj Trade. K MK'T STOHAOE. PACIFIC STOIIAGE ANT > VTAnEHOrPE CO . Jcmts GcncrEl ftortce and ioru-arilng M ai OM- VAX & STORAGE 1 < 15 FARNAiL TE1. l2i M 1I FRANK EWTinS BEST STORAGE 1 ncy. M-7S : \v\vrnDTO nt.T. BEST PRICE PAID TOR OMAHA SAVINGS back accoontF at rocm SBC N. T. LJfe BTinfltaC- N JD1 of FECOND-HANT > "WHEEL5 S3 TO J10 Omaha Bjcycl * Co. . S" : N TCth R _ N 73-S11 FOR CAETJI IJGIIT OKE HORSE. rTT top family currtosft Adrw P S N-ISI 1C- TOR S.LH CHEAP. TWO BEDROOM SETS. "WALNTT. with murlile top PnrU kiavtns c t.v 4M5 SewnnJ strt t. I'x tilucfc tram "Walnut Hill car O M85T K FOR S VLK HOn.SKS AND "VV.\RO > S. FOR EAi GODDAKD PHAETON. HAMMOND trj .Tlter. lioth cooJ KJS new. u. c. Pjntenson. Block. P 21 TWO-HORSE FAMILY CARRIAGE TODBLE harness ana poofl rharton. SOU Harney. AT OUR REGfUAR HORSE AVCT1OS. "Wednesday r > . wp will EPII two cars ot werttrn horfpfi. Th-M ; borse * h&ve proven very ? er\lceable and earilj handled , roznt down to the t'nJon clock yardi them at ytrnr own iirlctK. Walworth ITortor Co P-M8M 17 FOR SALJX FINE MATCH DRIVING TEAM. Call at Ft Mary's Ate. lUerr Ft We St. a enut and 17tb ft. F M > 91 17- FOR SAI.H MI CKLIA.MOIJ . SATrVDVST. BOJv OR SACKED CIUBT3ING tn hoc fence. C. R. L e. Wtt DovjiSE. Q ttZ _ BALDNESS CTT1ED. TRUE CO. at CHAM- l > fr or Cnmrncrre. Q MT7t ASO POP. SALE. SPRING LAKE AKD RESEK- voir ife. Gilbert Bros. . Ccmnrfl JIlutTf. Ia. Q-M711 S. PIANO fED FOTR MONTHS. STANDARD rcake , cost jr.00. inirat hell at onre. 1WT CUE. . QMJ S34 A GENT1XE "AMATH' VIOLIN FOR SALE- pricf. JSWLIH1. Apfty . ' Dr. BadrnK. IlayS't tb ater. city. tj MkM ir * TOR SALE A COMPLETE COURSE IN phyclenJ mlturr 1 > > Alvln P Ftrolwds. at . . ofTl - . phjhlcail culture taBsht to HITI WUWTI and chlldrtsi. Q Btt S' FOR SALE , J8.t i ) OF C PEIt CENT BONDS InterrM puj-abir f.rml-iuinadlly , in dfnrnntna- tlon of J-'W > cn. cut rfll part or e tt jisld pronitUy and a lirrt cl& s Far full particular * cddrrps P Cl. B * rflrif * Q SW KNEED - NEED MUNEY. "HILL SACIliriCE ALMOST n-w hlch-cradr upricht jnancutt JMO. ir.lf North i h . O Mh9i SIISCULI.A.VEOCS. FALLING HAIR CURED IN TEN DAYS. Traf Co. . XX 3h nber of Commerce . , , T > * u K-M177 AM Su RTC. MADAM FJIIT11. jar DOfGLAS. MASSAGE rtem liktn T ; > ' St * MRS DR. LEON ELECTRIC MASSAGE BATH jmrlcrt. rertlul tnd cuietlie117 Sllth. . uj- Kalra. T ME4 Ii * PKUSO.NAL. RETIRING FACE CIIEAM UEJITESATES tbe feLm making 11 it * smooth , faofl and clear us c-hW ! t eitry wnnLIe every line and ertry indlutlun of time's harmb trt-ntmect uanlshod. True Cc , tX Chamber cf Coro- mtrct. U M17k A ill MJ1KM TKfE WILL EE AT HER OFFICE tvery nfiernion KBd - l clidljcl e btr time * Utoet vbe hme htmofore U-vn unabi in M * her in jierfcon. at. Chamber of Commerce. c Mice A-a > VIAVJ FOR ITTERI.NC TBOrBLES S4t-t BEE Hide. . ply lcl n. consultsUon or beiUlb book Jrt-e. V 4)4 OF BEAt'TV. IT IS HARMLESS IT not injure the moat ortleate kUn Tru Mt Chamber of Commerce U MIC AJO HAIR ON FA"K. NBCK ANti ARMS. GROWTH Act rvjed iHrinaiie4ul > without Injury so tb * mu t di-llcj.t r hUu. True Cb , C Cliambcr < A eommerre. U MKi A ! * TIALPNESS. FALLING HAIR. SUPERFLVOUS hair tnJ Jtrtkl U-mif * a cure4 True Ca. ChutnUr oS Ctuamnrae. , L'ilJQA it l . KUPTURE Cl'RIH ) FOR K. t'NTIL SEP- temfcrr 1 : n p ln ; w > drtmtkoti from business , rofrr u > tbou aa4 I j tirnu cured. cUI ta Titt O E iillajOB. . . WtN. . T. L , Omaha. U M-4U _ BLAi-KHEAUS , PIMPLES AND PRECJCLBs Htl ) ' trifled. True Co. . S CbaBtber vl t" M3H A M WANTEP-PAKTY TO INTEST LIMITRB animux ft esptts ! in refonaire theatcical ero- Inv For } > nl < - mr > adUreu A. H. . care Perkins HOBK PuitumwiUi Neb. Neb.V V 78J-H' - Tburndtj it a It vMl uc Jail. True Co. D MlTi A MOXKV 10 1.0A\JtUAl. CfeTATU. ANTliOXT LOAN t. TROST CO. . SK K. Y L- . .k omai Imr rur > for etwtotUna > u > A > Iowa northern Mlwurj. rtxtrn Niiniiik& . "W S 1MPROV3O nX-IMPROVUM CITT r. W Hkn-jiBi = sth * - CX , Jn r m m. "W ill t PET. CENT M XtV ON XEto 6. 1A FAKM& IV MMklt. M Xtllwiil tutu. B.Oi OwaiJi V -41 X' Nl-T T - \ " I > VJ' .T S."rir O F Dt > U Cfc. , l - Itrt js fcu 1cj I 1 ? IO\nr TO LOAX CHATTLE5. , . - - _ MONKT TO LOAN UN rVKKITCKS. PIANOS. b r e . ar iii rte. at hnrert r tf In ettf : no r-enKTal of cw l . rtrtrtly c tinaefittaJ , fen rtn 7 y th invn oC * .t any tiny ot in any I anwwiL OMAHA MORTGAGE UOAX OO. . JSt So. > < U > St ' X 43 MOKET TO LOAN OV IMrnOTEP OMAHA P -y & Thoraa * . S 7 lt Nat Bfc I ON OMAHA PBOTBHTT : FKVrtnr ruf. Co.4M 4M j crrr AND FARM LOANS. LOW RATES. j G rrte Urn * . . WH Famam rt W MiB St ' MONKT TO 1/MN ON IMPftOVEI * OMAHA i real etat . Brunei a. Lore OB. . Paxtan BIK IH-5IM1SS CHCII , BARBER .SHOP. J1 OOOU BrstNBAS. J. J. Qlnten { . First National bank. bank.TMS8S T-MS8S II FOR PALE I > Kro STOTK. INQI'IRB OF Harl H A Co. . Cmnc 1 BtaCft. la. " 1--M7J6 IT FOR SALE AT A GREAT BARGAIN. COM' | iete tailor ttpck. ftlture * . tn U and n rhln . Im-tHc * II Wi rood lemtJoa. Jc" frnt. on J-e rem < > re4 , mrtte or eall en Ptinm n fc Still- man. Sbujrin Mock , Council JttfCr. Ia. T M7W17 - TRADE IS "WHEAT. CORN. OATS AND PROf vlstoBi" mart-tii very Mmnr an * artHen - ctnJ attentlm Cln to Krasll ievexion ; dully msrkft bulletin fBralch < J t > n reguest tree nf rhftrce Addr < fmo-l Wlnper A On. raM * Ji Tntd r " bWcChlcact. . . in T-MTn WELL LOCATEP PRfG PTOME sen DOWN. to suit. KU-pknt Incattun for Trun - wiljipl ExjKjtcmon. Addresn p 4C K e y-TSJ S- CiCHANOC. WANTED TO TRADE OOO1 > LOT FOR FUND Adirest O < 1 Bee. 2 3 TO EXCHANGE ROOM AND DOAH.D OR DAI bnard for llrht iiu7 > phaeton or peed btTTjit- Addre f P SS. Dee oSIre Z nt ! run sALU UIAL BSTATC. HOUSES. LOTS. FARMS. LANDS. LOANS , Gto. P. Eeml Real Ertate Co . Paxton Elort RE 4 FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE , FULL LOT. SOUTH Omaha , Wtn. caty terms. R C Pstfrnon. Patterson yhxA. RE S SPLENDID COTTAGE AND LOT. NEAR 1FTH and Cumins. , SOO , Room It , Patterum B1L HE MM ! A1S ACRES CHEAP. IS MILES FROM SUGAR factory. Inquire R. IS. Patterson bloct. RE-MISS ATI CASH FOR OMAHA SAMNGS BANK AC- counts. G G VTnllace. US Brtnrn blkRE RE 1S KOUNTZE PL.VCE BARGAINS , ti . SI.7M TO SG 500 ; > ee photo * at Jtth and Fumssi Morse Bide. J JGitwon. . EJ4 First Nat. Bank BISc. P.E 43 SNAP. J1.7DO FOR TWO LARGE HOUSES. AT me aal * 71I N. S'th. it ; lot iix6. J S- Frtnzer. ppn. P O. RE M7M FOR SALE AT SPECIAL BARGAINS. NICE east front lot ltw n Cameron and ErlFtnl : raukoler , five lot ? opposite stale cr3UOQ entrance. fl\e lots In iniltman'B Place South Omnh : flnc lot In TUk-r Pl c lot PTiil b J hnu ! s of 4 nn < 3 E room * ( llth and Center ) . n.S ( > Q. Corner lot Mxlft ? in Grand View addi tion . 5 four rwm houses csltswater , h 3U * - r n for I ? p r mnath. b R nrrer lie n vacant for tii last : yeai-f. win sen It" O . "Wni ! T offer frr a ferr days at a Me barcala acre lots on mlUiary ave. . richt on the Benson line ; stre-t car raas to the land. Call and Invejtl- eale. J .A. LTverea. Ml aad HS N T Life , RD Ml" " 17 * CHAS E. "mlJJAMSON. > ! BEE BLDG. Te1 717 HE MR : * EA.ST rRONT LOTS ARE VERT SCARCE IN tb vicinity of Sth and F rnaro. I have a iroud one at a l u-fra.ln. co Ktb vcnu n-ar Dt 3ee P Si ! > . RE SM AND TVPE\VIMT1XG. A. C. V.'JC SANT'S SCHOOL , US N. T. LIFE tx AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE , 1CTH & DOUGLAS MEDICAL. LADIES' r irHESTER" ? ENGLISH PENNT- noval Plils diamond brand are the I * * * * ! Safe relttWe. Take no otlier. Send 4r stamp ? for ptrtlrulara. "Relief for Ladles. " in letter by return mall At drucrtsts Chlchester Cheralea.1 Co. PSIladtlpMa , Pa. Mention Bee MS S 17 * SCHOOL FOR STAMMERERS AND STUTTnP.- ers. Julia E Vauphan. HZ N T Life Wdc Method bj' srzded voc&l exercises. Hours after 1ft JL. m. 643 S34' rorvn. FOUND GOLD FILLED GENTS "WATCH , near 17th and Howard owner can same by caPInc at 1C1S Howard Found SQ JC * H. MAROTTITZ LOANS MONITT. 8 N. 1C St. < .IDK1VA .IC5. SXTEO NATURAL STONE. AKTIFJCLVL hrtct. Tel 1CIS W J "WMthar-'s , MS S. 17th St . * 0f. COMMERCIAL COLLKRE * . FALL TERM OM. El's COLLEGE OPEXS Sept. L Cat t d weclmenr ticnoikntJilp Ire * 160-A MATTRESS IIE.\OVATI.\C 1VOUICS. MATTRESSES. COUCHES. P.UJLOR FURN1. tnre to order ; repatrej ICR Ix-arenw'h ; TeL 1595 ' TYPEWRITERS. TONS OF ENERGY WOULD BE SAVED DAILT If ery < - [ ratfir uwd the llcht runninc Denn- more JOi ; Farnaro St. . Omaht. K2 FL R > ITl RE I'ACKED. M. S "WALKLIN SU CUM ING ; TEI. ISJ. 430 DVAClXfi. MORAXT > S iFli HARNET ST PRn'ATE LES- 6on * norlety nr rtaee now oocn. 4U A-30 P VTKVTS. D A ' "PTT'NTT'G ' Surt * " CtoA erne > § - FA i 11 IN i b - ratentx- Omaha. Neb. Branch office at " . D C. "We ronkr FREE EXAMINATJOX3 and aid invrntori In * lIlnf their Invt-utlom. Senl for frt * AiSvlre ani Patent Book. "P A.'PRX'T JTo = i red oy C A. SNOtV -1 - * * JjA ' - " "Ws- . . . FHEE EXAMINATION and . - < No ttttir- cej't itf Iw-fiire jmter.t Nf clarump offer of jirlzr L.r i < r mute of tuddrn nealth. but ctraicnt- 1t-m\r \ adilM and laltlifu * tcrvicc- Xo. irt SEALED BIDS "WILL BE RECKIVED AT tbe orfire of tbe Grounds and Buildlncs De- jianmrnt. Tranamlsilis j > pl and International ExpOKiuon , for tte Maclilnerj' and Elec tricity Buildings , until I o'clock p m * Wednesday. August 1 1BS7. Plans and ppeclfiratlunj for both butldlnr * en flle in tuperlnlendent's attire. No. CM Par ton block , or s-e's will be furnUbed contractors at cost. T. P. KIRKENDALL. Mgr. Grounds and Bidet. Dipt. POSTOKFICE .NOTICE. 'Should be read DAILY by all Inle-reateJ. as chance ? may occur at any time. ) i Foreign mails for the week endinjr Autruit ! a , 1 7 , will close ( PROMPTLY in all , cast * ) at tbe General PoMotHc- follows : PARCELS POST MAILS CLOSE OXE HOlrR EARLIER than closlnc time below. Tranv-Atlanllc TUESDAT-At 7 a , m. for EUP.OPE. jr a f. Trave * . via Plymouth and Bremen fletter for Irelaad outt be directed ' > er Trave" ) . "n3DNESDAy At 7 a. rn. ( supplementary S a. m l fer BCROPE. per s. s. Pans' * via Suuthaoiptcin ( letters for Ireland mutt Ite dlree.4 rr Pans"at J a. m. HuppJe- meatary 10.30 am ) fer EUROPE per f. s Teutonic * ' via QB6ea U > a ; at 34) a. m for KtAelum dirt * ! , jt-r s. a. WeWtrnlani. via Aututrp betters ino ( be directed " } > tr THtTR3IAY-At T * . fpr BOROPE. per ' , av k. F Bismarck * via Piyj&ftutti. Cb f t > v.-rc and Htroburc SATTHIiAV * t 7 a. m for FRANCE , STMT/KKL Vt. IT4LY. SPA1X H4 > KT- , t'JM , Tl'PKKY i JYPT and I'.JilTlSH INi'lA iff f A 1 i r ajrx * ' v : Havre 1 l1" l lor c-vbtr fur.j ti tL.rppe mui tic i , d' t - ! 4 "t. r L * Prr' irr ' i at s a tn frr NETHBRLAXPS JV "V ST H. s. V * n- ' datn , via RotieTdain tltitvni must be dl- reeled "pr Veendarn ) , at % a. m. fer t GENOA , { r * * FuJaa ntter n rt be t dtrwted 'T > fT FuMa irat < a m < s oi > i > Je- mm'ar.v S a tn > for ETROPE. per s R. I Cajnpirta * . via Qn if4lr rn. at a tn. for SCOTLAND airert tff f . Flir e ka. w k-ltws nsnt1 be directed "per " ! PRINTED M 4TTKR ET OWHMIB rtean r j MHIHC m Tw a TT t * Pr1 rM < M tt - . etc. , for O r rT and 9pie4aJlr A44res e4 Pr1n r > 4 Mutter etc Ttr other j W i4 Kttroj * . A 1- tmn mid 'White 3 * r nmOHtff Mvamrv TO T7TOTafcr < * d J TWlOll fttt < 3 G fTtntft 8iWiik. Il4Jl Ot3 lttk < Irtitt ! Muti f 4 ? * * * * 5 ( * Bt r I * % fvi * "Whlcfc tlTr jtfi * fctf I't ' ? ! lW"I W * CVJ ! j TfttU. j After rtofUnc of te Nautili pnutary Tr n - i Atlantic Matt * n me * tti nre. K4MiMotria mnAe- ' iBentarr malls art ujxwl on tbe ptrrr of the American Enert h Frrfira and < Vr n Memtn- ern a 4 reT fctTi n eH wwB T,1tliifi Te'fi MKI- t of the hour of Matter of rtenmer Mnll for * -onth nnd Central America. . AVe l Indleo. Ktc. TTBPAY-AT 1 p m for INAGfA , CAPE | HAITt GOXAIVnS. JERKM1K ST. MARC. PETIT GOAVE an4 PORT PE PAIX per i s. Tlru-tticla. at : p tn. for COSTA RICA. p T 'learner from New OrI lean. at > p m. for JAMAICA , per * 4eaaier ; from BoMon. \VKDXESDAY-At "S6 p. m. ( mppJement- ar1 p. m ) for ST. THOMAS. ST CROIX. f LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS. ! I per < s Caribb-e Oetter- for Grenada. Trin idad and T bac" rnu't I" dlreftelr I Caribbee" ) . at 1 p m. for CVBA , per s. s. i Yumuri. via Havana. . , _ . , . THfR5DAY-At r 3d a. m. for PORT AN- TOXIO per steamer from Phllsdeiphlff" . for NEWFOUNDLAND FRIDAY-At ! - a m. LAND , per s s. Silurian. frt.m Phila delphia ; at 30 a. m. ( ruffplernentary U a. m ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ' ? * Costa Rica and Nicsrapua ) and SOtTH PACIFIC PORTS , per r. Advance , via Colon ( Wtrrs for Guatemala must be di rected "per AdVT.nce' " ; at 11 a tn for MEXICO , per P Santo Dominco , via ProRre o aad Vera Crcr Getter ? mut be directed "p r Santo Dumlnpo" ) . at li m for BRAZIL , per F. s Ga'ileo. via Ptrram. bnco and Rio Janeiro rte'terfor : Nnrth Rrazll ind La Plata Countries must be directed "per Gal'leo" ) . JAMAICA , SAVANILLA and NICARA GUA. per s s. Altai ( letter ? for Copta Rica muri b dlrec-ted "per Altai" ) : at 30 a m _ ( 'upplem ita.rv 1P:3 a m ) for HAITI. GC'NAIVES. AV7C-CATES and JACMEU p = r R. HoUteln Oettrr- forCe Co ta Rica murt be dir-cted ' 'rHol - steln" ) ; at lO.TO a m far CAMPBCHE. CHIAPAS. TABASCO anS TI CATAN. per B E. Concho ( letter ? for other parts of Meiiro and for Cuba must be directed ' -per Conrho" ) ; at II m fc-r GRENADA , TRIN- LON , per eleainer from North Sydney- Mail * fnr Nerrfoundland. by rail to Halifax , tni tbrnce > ' We.tner clos ui thl offlrtdallv at S-3J > p m Mall for Mlqnelm. hy mil to Ho. - ton and thrrice by ttamrr clrfe at this oSlre. dallv st S.39 p. tn. Mail ? tor Cuua Hte at thlt or.ce dally at T- ' _ m . for f.wardlnr tT fi1-atner 'alltncM -ndRrs and Thu * avK > JTOTO Pnn Tampa n M n for M-rlro Oty. errerlfind unlf" "jw-JBllv nadr w5 for dlv patch bi Ft Hmrl. . e Bt th' irflcaally at : a * a. m. io a : - . * p m. " R slKcred mall clews at 6TO p. tn. prevlTUf fiay. Trnnoiinrlfic MnllK. Mail" for China and Japan ( specially ; ad- arec .a onlv ) . per s. si mpre i of Jatian ( from Vanronvpr ) . cJtue here daily up to Auc-UFt " at G--30 P inMailF for O'lna , Japan and Hawaii , pt-r s. s. Peru ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to Aucnst lM.h at S"-3& p. tn. Mall for the Sortetv Islands. p rjiiip Galilee ifrom San Franrl po ) clef * ht-re rtailv ua 'o AutaiFt 25th at 6:30 : p. m. Mall" for China and Japan per s. .s. Columbia ( from Tacoma ) . rlope here daily up to Aucust * i9th at p m. Mall * for Hawaii , per K s. Australia ( from San Francispo ) . clo e here daily up to Syitemt > er 1st at G.Vi p. m. Mails for Australia ( eT-ept Wet AuFtralia ) . Hawaii ar < 3 FIJI Ulands , per B s. Aoranci ( from Vancouver ) . clo = e here dailv after Auru"t "Hth and up to S p- lember 1st at C.TO p. in. , Mails for Aus tralia ( except those Tor TVe t Australia. which are forwarded via Europe ) . New Zealand. Haws II Fill and Samoan Is lands per s s .Maripisa. ifrom San Fran- ( -i - Mrtoe here daiiy up to Sfateinber "llth at T.30am. . . Ilia m and 6"33 p. m. ( or on arrival at Netc Tork of s. < s Cam paniawith British mails ier Australia. ' f K maH are fo warde-d tr port of r SaiU and the gchf nle of rlnsmc If red < ra ih prfFai3ptH n nf their nnln- terruined overland tnuinh. Repistered jnai ! clnwf at CIKI j , m jirevloaday. . Post r.'nf N > TS T'irk. N TAucu = 1 12 , lf ? CORNELIUS VANCOTT. Po ° tmastfcr. OPF1CIAL R\IL iVAr TIME \UD. . Leaves [ BURLINGTON 4 = iiO. RIVER. Arrtvet Omanarniun , L T > ot , 10th & Mason Sts. | : Kam Denser Erpiess SSaro 4 HIKs Mont A. Pupet End Ex. | 4luim 4.Kpm Dtnver ExprfSF. . . „ 4Ulpm 7Kpm : . . . .Lincoln Local ( ex. Sunday ) 7:11 ; j.fonm Lincoln Local ( ex. Sunday' ) ll:3fo tCHlCAGO. BTRLINGTON & "Q.vArriie Omana'LJnlon ' Di wt. Jftth 4 : MIIBUD SUL | Orutha 5-Bpm . Chlraeo Vestibule _ . _ _ Chlcaeo i St. Louie Express - TiK llMUEin . Pacific Junction LcnyJ . K-ltrpn- Fart Mall ( ex. Sundiy ) ICH1CAGO. MIL. t ST. PAUL.ArrlTeB | Omaha iICH1CAGO. i . 10th & Mitcra Sa.1 Omaha e:3Bjim . Chicago Lta ! ed . 8Kara IlUOain..CfalcaFO Ezprctt ( ex. Sunaai ) . . tji L-aves [ CHICAGO & NORTHWESrNTiArfivcT OniahaUnlon | Depot. ICth & Mason 5u. | Oniihi ID 45am * Etrtern Express S.lOpa 4-45pm Vestlbuled LUnlttfl 4Epra vpm St. P ul Expresd S-iBain ; 4bun St. Paul Limited. KUJpni 7 36atn Sioux City Local 10.41pm C..30pm Omaha-Chlcaro Sp"clal . . . Eltaa -4liam Missouri Vallej- Local S Sjini " Except Sunday Leavet ( CHICAGO. li. I. & PACIFIC-pArrtves Omaha fUnlon Depot , JOth & Mason 5ts.f Oznaha E.VST. 7OKsra..Atlantic Exjiren ( tx. Sunday ) . . l.S 7W pm Nitht Exprezs 4.Mim Chlcaco Vtstlbuied Limited S * . Paul Vettlbalea UmiieS WEST. cTiT"MOrV.ULLT"pirel Omabai Dei ii. ) i-tn i TVebEttr Sts. [ Omaha Sl inro F M Mall end tuireki t:00pm SWiim . .lex. > al _ ) .Vjo. Ex. nrx. lion . . . t:00pni 7S > ( ikm..Fr nicini Loral ( Sunaajr om . 7Mam ) NorftuB Expre5un.i . . . (0-SJjini CJlpip _ t. Paul Exprest JDam Leait-i I K. ( X. ST. J. i C. B. ( Arrt e Depot , llnh & Mason Stt * : K n . .Kansiif City D y Exp'esf . C.llipn ) ltpn ) KC Nlcbt Ex via VJ. P. Trant. C:3 ( m Leaves I T M1E5OCRI PACIFIC | Arrl > e > Omaha ] Depot J&ih i "W'ttirter StR. i Omaha : : l pB > . . .Nrbr&ika & Kunnt LiraUiid . . .Kantts Qy Exprers . . . . . Leaxes I SIOUX CITV & PACIFIC lArrtTeT Orauttt | Depot , lith & TVttisu-r Ftt | Cruitba St. Paul United . . . -.ilium iu CIFIC Omaha UiJon l > rjx > l. lloh 4 Hjjon Sts I Omaha t:40im St , Paul Pa enjer ll.ltoa 7JOiua.Bioui City I'tistiser . . . . J > : ! . ; .m . - . . . . . . . . .St. Puil I VVAUASH RAILWXT lArrlves nlun Df. Ji , 1Mb i. VtKm Bit ; Omaha 4SOpni : St. Irtult Canon * BaH UesT "i UK J ONTPACIFJ "JArrl vtT Omaha.Tnlon I > eput. ) Wb UMascn Hit , Omuha OnTland Llreocl . . 4 41pm Beafce i. Rtromiti f Ex ( et Sun ) i t&pm .Grand lf-lnnd Exirrs lex Sun ) ' > :3 : pm . _ Fast MmU . . - . ' ( CBT. . P-7 M. A O. aj Depot , Ulb & U'ebher Stt. | Omaba 1 IWiira. .Sioux City Express Jex. Sun. ) , .ll l i tajim Sioux City Aeoo tfjSun. . ) CJlpm . . .St. Pau ! LlmSirJ .iani -U rr .Flwix City Acctu ISvn. tmtr- . . . ( : Spm j OMAHA & ST LOJHg R. R. , L * ves i I > T"t 10th and Wt an Sis. i Oraahi 4ifi m. i 1 ! Jte.m St. L,3ul end Nnr Turk Ltd 4 pnj ' . It otn be rlifti vrlthont the > Uu..u.r of the patient n " ( Tee tea ut K ti les of | food .U effert a j-ernmticrt and nevJ > cure i whetbt-r tbe p-tient a m .rr&te driraker w ab kl- * ll nr t i no J : vf pn-ut-ul. rs free to I * < > f Ivuliu ACe 1Mb BJ D ic-i : Omaba Neb U01.D12N M'KCIFIC CO , Ciurlunatl. n. Wrile for tbelr "Baok on Morphine HaUt. mailed free. Cltf > IIU ron n lie Iu Ilie Cliurcli. NEW YORK. Aur It-Rev Hmr > ' Van tr > ' ok Ibe vows of the 5 x-1 > of l. fc'.t j.r-per v I tbe Jesuit brotiernood He i * a K-n of "J'-t 'i H ' r. an lTise.a r ar . , Jr.- n r'e3 o-e f-orth of ih-r en"i. > % * TTerhsaa "VTill Be Breuglt Here frera Easlcra Oitics. COVEH.V6 FOR EXPOSITION BUrLWN'GS l"nctorr llrlnc Krcctnl for the Mnnn- fnrtnre ot tbr Mntnnrv tbnt AV11I Ornnmpnl tlip Court of Honor. Tk eo tr ct r * for tb * tt s work o tfe * MiB ftctBr aci Mines btitldtagf. Snstth t of Chlrasa. have eomatcBcrd the &I tbeir worW b f > la which tbe- will be mannfactarfd. The tailAiag is xM feet a a * h V atrt Jart oBtsifle tbt exposition fecce oa tire ocmth elde of Pink- i Dfy strert. w- { o-f Sbermtii avecne It 1 I a o e-stery strncture with a high * pace in the center , la this nitwits' looking building will be moulded the MatHary of heroic * lie which will grace the upper portion of the main bonding * and the delicate tracery Imitating elaborate carving ID marble w-iifc which all of the large batldincs wiH be pre- fuely derorated. Here alft > will t > e made the pUln panel - rk , which will present E con trast to the decoration. It Is expected tnat work in the ftaff shop will l > commenced some time next week , giving employment to about twpnty men. who will be experienced worker * ! n sttS and model making brought from Chicago and other points. The work of making and putting on the staff covering the builfiincs will be carried on as long is ne-ei ! > ary , regardless of the temperature outside. Here alto will be moulded in the shop. and. during warm weather , may bt put on the bulldincs be fore It it thoroughly drie-d , but when the temperature falls brfow the freezing point it will be dried is the thop and may then be put oa the buildings at any time. The contract for the staff work on the Ad- nalni'traiion building will probably be done by Leopold Boaet , another Chlctgo man who was connecteS with the World s fair. Tbe contract has not been made with him , but he It la the city aad a contract will prob ably be made within a few days. It is understood that Mr. Bonet will adopt the more expeditions method of putting the staff nn the plaia portion of the Administration building after the manner of putting on or- d oary plaster. Tbe decorations and statuarj will be molded Is the shop and placed In position when dried. The work ot making the ridels for the many croups and tisple figures of statuarj w.ll require a rusaber of expert mdl make : * sod almost every day brings one or more of these men to the city Some of them htve been bore for months and small models pf several of tbt main grou ; s have alreadj been made by them and submitted for ap- prove.1. This class of work calls for the same skill as is required ia the modeling of patterns for marble and bronze statuary and the workshops of the staff contractors will undoubtedly become the ccoters of in terest during the progress of this work- AltlllTIlATl.NG A 1VAGC Carpenter * nnd Contrnclor Kxpret to Itrncb an I nrierMandinc. The misunderstanding between Briggs t Cushman. contractors for the carpenter work on the Administration building , and the Carpenters' union will probably reach a settlement tomorrow nightBefore any contracts for exposition work were let a number of contractors In this city entered into an agreement among themselves aad formed a combination. They also agreed with the Carpenters' union to employ nom but union labor on contracts secured by theja. agreeing to abide by the rules of the union regarding the scalp of SO cents per hocr aad eight houra constituting a day's work. On the olher hand , the Carpenters' union agreed that no member of the union should uork for any contractor not a party to the contractors' agreement- Tlie coatractors who made this agreement say the members of the Carpenters' union nere the firtn to violate it by accepting work from contractors not in the agree ment. They say that this action absolved" them from any obligation. As a result of this Briggs t Cushman about two weeks ago notified the men 'in their employ that after that date nine hourt would constitute a day's work and that they would pay carpenters but 25 cents per hour. They served notice that any man who did sot care to work under these rules could quit. One man quit. The' Carpenters' nmon took the matter up and it hts been cmbmitted to arbitration. It is ezpected that an understanding will be reached. Briggs t Cu&hman eay they do not care what the length of a working day is. but they object to pa cg a poor workman the same wages that they pay to a man who can earn the XEUHAfrKA UKADV TO CO-OPERATE. AVIH Invite Otber 5tnt < - to .ebnre lt Ilrndijunrter * . Notices that tie Nebraska Exposition commission is organized and well under way have bten sent to the > exposition rice presi dents in each of the transmlFsissippi states by Assistant Secretary Dearing. These notices inform the vice presidents that Ne braska is ready to co-operate with the othei stales in etery possible way. One of the objects which actuated the commission in choosing a design for a state building was to have a building which would answer for a general headquarters building for all states which desired to use it for that purpose rte plan adopted complies admirably with this idea. The lower floor contains a large assembly room suitable for meetings of various kinds , while Bll around it are roams of different suts , intended for parlnrs and lounging room * , while telegraph and telephone roaa , baggage rooms , check rooms and toilet rooms are provided gener ously. The second floor viril hare nearly a score of large office rooms , aad desks -nill be provided for the rtpreteutatives of the different states , where the official duties of their petition may be performed with as much privacy as would I * obtainable in any building. This building will b * furnished tn comfortab-le and suitable style , and there Is fiery indication mat the Nebraska build ing will be one o ! the most popular on the grounds. . 1'L.AX TO SECfltB COI TV iXHIUIT . j ' Active Work Urine Done by llier - brakLa Couiuil loii. Afififtant Secretary Deariag of the Ne braska Exposition commiEfi.oa hae eest let ters to each county agricultural society in the state to ascertain the btntimest in each county regarding the making of county ex- ! niblu at the erposition. Each cousty eo- ' ciety it aike-d if it w HI make an exhibit , pro- I vided the &mni ica furni&bte the nice-j I eary space for EUCB exhibit- Tie oncers are j ' ! aiked ID elate tee minimum amount of j epace that will be required by their ceusty I I for making a creditable exhibit and whether * they v ill install tLe tiMbit and keep it in good order during tbt exposition. Thte replies will be laid before tie coaznlsslaa at its next metine , when eome plan for se curing county exhibits wii ; undoubtedly be formulated. It is tctieipatci that tbe plan of oSerinc iiibeiantial premium * for the test county exlUbitt will be adapted , JMI'HOVI.NG IIAMCS OP THE L.AGOO.V. Mnkluir tbe IlolK'iii of Ibr LjikeVatrr Tlelit. The work of putting in tbe stay piling for tbt tht-fung-uliitii is to line tee b skt of tbe lagoon U progreniDg rapidly. W rk was , ccmmeaebd at the Dorth e pom or of the Icgooci Si-crdty sottrBtae L&4 coitiLped k E the Bertta back. Vt Htrday it had > racked a point al tbe e&it Jide of Twentieth tweet Two r Kk al t'illt ' * ; are beug put hi One row i > tgaiatt tie tank at the legbon , tbe pHet D t& dnve lou tbe Uit'.eai ba t eigbt fMrt tai tb * top cj tie piling rtitidng . to tbe Wl' ot tb bank Ttu : Mwood row It { drift ) it j ib * btnk about f.ftl ft t utcL ' , fr x 'if fife end the first ror a ill be i a 'ttorj IP > gnei rip. "iy The ' eiect v.l rfsfttl- ' ' boird j 5 - e a > sfc' fet.-e tta3e sf i c r.acks 'J v. ' ! be . j tetwetu the l-te * tci the l-int. fonaJ J * tap k water tifht a > bar.fc3n ct hlrh will keep tit inter frccn soakiog Into the Mfca ot the laprv > n. Toe bottom of tbe Uroon 1 * betas rotted wHh a twelvem steam road roller. The bettesi was ftrct perertHi with a thick layer of " 'black dirt. " which was mixed Kh tie Hay 4 f tfce teittKa with a palverttw. and then th > work of roUlap w CMBmracel. Bast at Twentieth street ibe bottom f tbe UROMI it as levri a > a JVw and bard ai tfce can nuke H. i\srnnv TITII vni ; Letter * Minnlne Friendly I Toward the K\pt > lllon. 0. W. Watties. president o ! Ore Trann lf- trMlppI Bxpetltloti. bat received tbe follow- las Vrttew frewa the executive department of the staler of West Vlrtfnla. Winroattn a d Pennsylvania , h h indicate a frlea iy In- terent la the ROC-CMS ot the exjwsltloe highly rucTrtiraclEC to tbe jnanacemfnt. CHARLESTTON. W. Va. A c li. 1W7- Ourdon W Wattles , * > q. . PreMdent Tran - nile4Klppl and Internal > onal llxpo * < ltlnn , i Omaha. Neb Dear Sir In compliance ' with the requ st contained in ycmr courte- o s favor o-f the Mh insl _ 1 l ec to Inform you that I fuily appreciate the Importance of your en-option , and < ordlnply have ml-wttoners from the stale of West Virginia to represent our Interests and resource * In your creat enterirlse : ' B , Walker Peterson. Wbellnc ; Alex F. Mathewt. Lewlsburc , D C Westenbaver. ' Martln * urir. Henry G I'aA K Elkins ; 1 Jacob S. H > er. Sotton : J. H. Furbee , Man- nlntrton. J. N. Catnden. Parkeirsburc. Colonel E. E-nMfrn. Huntincton. P. W Morrl * . Harriyv-llle. Lytnaa Stedman. New , Cumb'Tland ; I recret to say that our letislature dw. ' not fonvtne until January , 1W. X'nles1" an extra w-K k > n shooM be held It will lie lmjio > i iMe to secure the Dercssary ap- projtriation to enable the state to be iiroj - erly represented by exhibits1 of itsje - stnirces. Induotrles and product * . Trus-tinc that your preat undertaking HH prove abundantly saxssful , 1 remain. very- truly yours , G W ATKINSON. Governor. HARRI5BVRG. Pa. . . Auc. IX ISJT. Gurdon W Wattless , President , Omaha , Neb. My Dear Sir : Governor Hatlncs directs m - to acknowledge your fo\or of the ! > th inst. . and advise you that he is in receipt of a communication from his exeellei > cv. the covernor of Nebraska , ex- tendinc an official Invitation to participate In tb TTRnsmississlppl and IniernatlanRl Exj OEitioti to be h ld in Omaha next year , and to advise you he will b very happy 'o take up tbe matter of appointment of commissioners' ' to represent Penn - > lvanla at thi exposition at the very earliest op portunity , and will at the proper time ad vise you of the. name * of the Reatlemtn whom be selects Faithfully vours. LEWIS E BEITLER , Private Secretary. MADISON. WlB. AUR. li IW-Hon Gurdon W. Wattles , President Transraissis- rlpppi and International Exposition , Omaha My Dar Sir : I am directed by the povernor to acknowledge the recerpt of your very courtnou letter of Aucu t S concfmthe the appolntlnc of commissioners to reprt sent Wisconsin at your exp i tion next year , and to say that he will take pleasure In appointing In due time dele- pates to reprts-ent this state Th lecl - lature has made no provision for th ap pointment and expanses of ' ommis 4oner . o that all that can be dine under the circumstances is to appoint delecates to represent the state. Respectfullv yours , WILLLVM J ANDERSON. Private Secretary- STAFF CO.VTRACT ISTRA > &FnilIlKD. TTVO Hundred Oollnri. nvd l > r the Cbnnce , The executive committee of the expasitloa held -a meeting at 5 JO o'clock test night for the purpose of passing upon a number of building contracts. All but one of the con tracts were in accordance with the an nouncements heretofore made. The one ex ception was the contract by which the staff work on the Administration building was fiven to the Artistic Stucco and Modeling company of Chlesco. the contract being ex ecuted by Leopold Bonet , president. The n .mes of those composing the company , or the reason why the contract had been taken from Smith Eastman of Chicago , to whom it was awarded originally , were not stated. The only statement regarding the change was that of President Wcttles. who said , in j recommending the cppraial of the contract. that Smith i Eastman had relinquished their claim to the work to the other Crm. and the -exposition had frure-d a lower fig ure by J200 fr n Smith Eastman's bid. The contracts were approved , tubjert to tbe approval by tbf attorney for the exposi tion. C S Montgomery , tnd the president and secretary were euthorized to execute In this connection Manager Rosewater called attention to tie fact that tbe specifi cations for the loafing , as drawn cp for bidders , were worded ia such a way as to excluflfc Omeba men from competition. He said th ? widest latitude should be given In these matters. This view was approved by the other members of the committee , and it was directed that in the future all specifi cations should be so drawn as to admit Oinaha bidders as well as others. The railway trackage question was dis cussed again , but no action was taken , the matter being laid over for future consid eration. \olr of tbe Hipoclllon. The McSherry Manufacturing company of Middletown , O. , has made application for 200 feet of space for an exhibit of grain drills Joseph R Katarons , advertising agent for the PabJt Brewing company , is in tbe city investigating the exposition with a view of making a recommendation to hi * house re garding tbe making of an exhibit and secur ing concessions. * George F Miechke , commercial agent for Colorado , has * ent to the Department of Exhibits an application for .OM of space for a display of mounted animals and a ool- Ipction of Colorado curios to be made by tbe Woodend Curio company and McFadden Sons. Mr. Mischke also saj * that Jackson , the celebrated landscape photographer of Colorado , is now in the fit-Id with four men making photographs of mountain scenery for display at the exposition. Contractor Strchlow. who is to do the car penter work on the Manufactures building , te hauling his lumber to the exposition grounds with learnt. He Etaled ycner- day that he would not be ready to begin work for about two w.eks , as tbe ! umbr for tbe loag posts to be ut > ed In tbe build ing would not arrive until that time. Tbe pile foundation for tbe building Is about completed and work on the building might be commenced at oace but for the dr-lcy in the arrival of this p < in of the- lumber Vice President C. Parker of Louisiana -.ends the Department ( - to of Ex hibits u letter from Major J. G. Lee , com missioner of agriculture of Louisiana , re garding tee exposition. Major Lee says that he i& convinced that the Transmi ii ! > - tippl Exposition offere tbe state of Louisiana tbe * * opportunity it ever cad for ad vertising its resource * and inducing Immi gration. He says that be has been for r-ozne time arranging for a display of frniu , vege tables and other product * of tbe ntate. which will be a fitting exposition of its most un limited jefcoarcet. It heals everything except & broken heart , may be eald of De Witt fc Witch Hazel Salve. [ Piles and rectal dltesses , outs , burrs. bruibtt , tetter , eczema and all skin trouble ; may bb cured bj it quUkly tad perma- , ncntly. ] WtlltK. ON THE I'OsTOrriCK HIJ CIC. I'nilurc of Material to Arrlrr Caucen n Uelur. A large EbcUoa of tee uLtightly fence la I front of the new gevemnjetit building bus ! been itraovrd This wet 4one to make room j for the workmen tcjtgttd ID taking down tbe tior-e step * leading to the building that ntw ot . may fee tei. The soDlraeter has commenced removing tbe debrte os the portottice Mock Ic readi ness to begin tbe grading of the tract. Work the Interior o-f the on - cew gorem- meet building U vt.Ccrlii2 n &gr vall&e delay owing to ibe failure of proper material - I terial to reach here on time. The marble i which was expected ver two wt-tks tee has uat jet put in an appearance cod OBCietderaMt > of the wool faith. , n hteb ought to be her * , ta * not Marrlace l.ltn * -k. Permlu to wed have btes UiowJ ui Hie lkia-log parties by the w u ty Jndrf. Nam * an j RrUdewt Af- Johz W li.nuis. Dougia * C4 > ucty. N r > 17 Anna 'I'lljurke. Ix uel J coatty , Net 30 H-Tiry IM'ore C'-naha W Mr * . Ar'lc M < tit oma ! f < S Ha-ry G R-e-J-r J > ir.a a . 24 Xir itzLTj' Weaiey , C.un'U KuSti , IA . , Xt DEADLOCK J ] STILL UNBROKEN of Edacatioa Aoespts tie of Prcod t BJwards. UNABLE TO AGREE UPON HIS SUCCESSOR Ilnllol * TnUrn Without Ilr anlt. thr Vntr Heine a Tlr llnrh Time , mitl < | nr > tlnn I * ro tpcinr l. The deadlock is tfc * B * r4 of the vacancy cati e * by tlw rtrlpoatloa pf M ard. . rrraatos unbroken. BWh eight In awfptlni ; tfc * rrolsnttltm. bwt when U j came to tbe fHt-rtiOB e-f his ruecreccr they I drifted hopereffily apart. Bandhauer. Deanls j , Hens. Irey , L at. Sears and Van Gilder ( voted for J. L Wrishanfi and Ander son , Davl6 > 9a. Grattcn. Johnexm. Jordan. Moorea&d 1 PenfoM cast their vetes for An drew i Kienlt. Each of the- * candidate * re ceived seven votes on a dcuen pucec * lve > haJtote ! after which the fight a called off until , the next meeting la the meantime , Vice President Penfold remains la thechair. . and neither element hag a controlling major ity j la the board. lla > resignation of Prestoeat njwtrdi wai the first document read afur two or tires routine reports had bc-e * disposed of , cod oa zaotioa of Sears It wa accepted by a unan imous vote. Jordan rooted that tbe board proceed to ballot to fill the vacancy , and tha Icing-drawn-out ordeal was promptly begun. The first ballot stt the pace which was kept up without a break. J. L. Welshans re- cehed the > seven Luat totes , while the re- malalng seven went to Andrew Kiewlt. The second ballot produced co chance and Lunt moved that funher ballotlnp be deferred until the next rtfrultr tBretlnc. Jordaa raised the point that the third ballot waa already ia proprt'Ei aad was sustained Lunt rtne fd hie zaotioa Lfltr the usual rmalt had been announced , and Davidson amended to the tffect that the regular order of busi ness should be Ukea up and thr balloting rturued after this had bctn disposed of. Both motions were lost by a tie vote and the fourth ballot was ordered. Thl was fol lowed by numerous others until the total rpjiched twelve and neltbrr raak was broken. Fiaally Dr. Moore prew tired of the dead lock and asslfT.c-d the opposition to l > oit- pone further action until the next regular meeting. The rrslpaatioa of Jessie C. GoflKo as a teacher was accepted. PROVIDE FOR THE INSTITUTE. Couaty Superintendent BoJwell was given tbe use of the Hish school building from Au gust 20 to 30 for institute purposes. A petition from property owners , asking the- board to purchase i site for the Daven port school , was placed on file. The- High school committee recommended an Innovation In the shape of clerical assist ance to the principal of the High school s.t aa expense of J30 a month. Irey sup ported the resolution OB the ground that teachers , who were drawing salaries of J1.500 and I3.SOO a year , were now doing the work which could be done by a clerk at the ex pense stated. Davidson and Gratton op posed the resolution and stated that If the. practice of employing clerks for principal ! was once started there was no knowing where it would stop. The resolution wa laid oa the table. The contract and bond of Karr & Davidson for furnishiag coal during the school year was approved. , ' The date of the aext regular teachers' tx- a-ainatioa was fixed on Tuesday , August 3L The committee oa special Instruction pre- peated tn adverse report on tbe proposition to re-eetebliEh -commercial course In ths High school. It contended that there was ro room available -for the purpose and tbt to add the department at thla time would disorganize all tie arrangements that had been made for the course of study for tb coming year. Nearly every member of tie board improved the opportunity to make a soeech on the question , pjd after H had been ventilated Irani all possible BtaniJ- nointfi. the report ves lost end tbe commer cial cotrse was again added to tbe High school curriculum. On motion of Davidson a committee , eon- tirting o-f Anderson Grattoa. Lunt. Super intendent Pearse and Superintendent Banker , was oppointed to consider the advisability of submitting a proposition to issue boc3s for the construction of a new High school to the people at the coming election , and to report e.t th next meeting. The secretary wts dirertefl to notify tbe ) contractor to put in an electric motor in stead of water motor to run the ventilating fan at the Loag school E. C Page. Dr. W. F. Mllroy and Miss Anna Fees were unanimously re-elected ai the examining committee for the coming VOU > G Mart * fur Thl Cllr. bat Kail * t Arrive. Miss Addle Bishoji. a DO-year-old woman , a former resident of Athland , Neb. , hai mysteriously disappeared She left her home during the early part of the month to pay c visit to Mrt. A. L. Horton of 114 * North Eighteenth etrt-et , but has not yet arrived there Ddwjrd Jose , an Aabland ranchman , wae in the city ye-fitwday to trace the girl's whereabouts. He is bf > r afHanced lover. HP believes that the girl was foully dealt with , as she tad In hrr possession $400. the proceeds of a sale of land , but the jolice believe that the is still alive. Some three ytars ago the ren away from home and came to thi * city , but wia captured end ten : back. She met , tbeu a telegraph oj > erator. A Valuable Prr riiitl > i. Editor Morrison of Worthingtoa , Ind. , Sun , writct : "You have a valuable prtcrip- tion In Electric Bitters and I can cheerfully recommend It for Constipation and Slclt Headache , and as a general system tonic It has no equal " Mrs Annie Stable. : CU Cottagfc Grove avenue. Chicago , was all run down , could not eat nor dtgert food , had a tackaehe whlth never left her asd felt tired and weary but Fl * bottles of Electric Bitters restored her health and renewed her strength Prices 50r and tl 00. Get a bottle t Kutn Co. ' * drps core. A pnnit has b < en irsuel to P E. B len to build two one and one-half-ctory tirtrk dwelllDp/ 280S-10 Ir.trd ttritt. Henry Ilurmeittpr , living on Smith Thir teenth ctreet. was arrested latt evening en t warrant charging Lira with disturbing the peace and with rwUHi&g an officer. Frank Novak has appiird for a diverts from Mary Novak on the ground of di-ter- tion. Hf naje they were marrleil in Moravia in October , H70. and the diverted him June C. Ibil. Natheu Kaplan hts been arreitwJ at the inifUnce of Joe Politoe o a clnrge of at- uult and battery. Tbe trouble eroe ever & puih cart which one of the men uas try ing to place in a i > oltoti ; oueuplcd by th > otter nar Sixtetnth and Capiud avenut- Ftnais Wright has applied for a divorce from Charles H Wright on th * grounds of crutlty. ucc&upport and druckrnn > 3. Sh alleges that they verc tnarried in Poltawat- tanit pccDty. Iowa , la November. 1SSS , and ta\t three children. She Efkc for the custody of the children A cni ! tervu-t tximinatica will be held in tbu city September Ib , for the potitioni trt deputy cll ( tor. itc-rekreper. gaoter. storekeeper gauger tnd mec eoEcr In th < revenue eervicr. Appllcitiac for the ex * tmmitloD muet be filed with the ttcrfttry pf the local board t > rfore the close of l > uci > n Auguit 2 . CASTORIA For Infant * and Children. liifw-