0 TILE OMAHA DAILY 'l' ICS'DAY , AUGUST 17 , 1807 , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat is NeiTously Active and Strong All the Day , BAD NORTHWEST CROP NEWS A FEATURE Oilier Mnrkr < * rnrllcliintu In tliu Strength , Corn , ( lulu nnit I'ro- VlNlOIIM All SIllMTllIK Sonic ( Inln. CIIICAOO , Aug. 15. There was a scare In September whcal loday , shorls jumping Ihc market lo n point 2 > ic above Salurday'n close , and rendering U nervous and erratic nil day. The close was at n l'c ' advance. Had crop news from the norlhweJl m- tlnued a feature. Other markets pnrtlcl- palcd In the wheat strenglh lo n grealer or less dcsrce , corn and enl advancing cibout He each , while provisions closed utf 12',4c ' higher. In wheat the market opened with nn nmount of slrcnglh and activity that It wia at first dlfllcull to find a reason for. The. Ihreatcncd frosts In Iho northwest did not materialize , although Iho danger line wan reached In several localities , and nothing could be learned dellnllcly conllrma- tory of Saturday's rumor concerning the reduction of French duty , whMi was so Inllucnllal In that day's market. Never- IhelvsH theru was an iilinust unanlmoim rush of shorlH to cover na soon MB the inarkel oticncd. The Binning price for Seplember was from ST > c lo Ri'.ic , compared wllh Sic nt the close of the se. slon Saturday. It touched sifte for nn Inslnnl and Ihcn started on an excited whirl which first carried It up to M'lc ) , from thai down again lo Slftc and once more as high a MiHc , and all that within an hour after the opening. Thu rush for cover revived Iho talk of a September squeeze. One noticeable fealnru wits the absi'ii u of the September bull crowd from the pit , the mantel receiving lint little help from that direction. Crop reports from the northwest were nlmost uniformly bad anil this fuel became one of the Imporlanl factor * In Sustaining thu inarltol late In the day. Chicago received 2M ) carloads of whea. ( , and Iho quantity withdrawn from store was 247,000 Int. Thu Blocks In regular elevators are 2f,21,000 bu. , or 70I.OGO bu. less than there were u week npo , Minneapolis and Diiluth reported re- celpln of 34o carloads , compared wllh EOT carH a year ago. The world's shipments to Kurope lust week woru 7"W,000 bu. , cntn- pared with 5,0:15,1"K : ) bu. In the corresponding week the year before. The quantity on ocean passage Increased 2,2IUUOO bn. Liver pool wan 1V4'I higher lo begin with , but closed nt nn advance for the day of Id Tor spot and ld for September delivery. After the llrst hour the mnrUel kept JumpIng - Ing about In a nervous way on a rather small amount of business. An order to buy or Bell 50,000 bu. would in Its execution move the price up or down Uo per 1m. The price of September bobbed up and down a number of times hetweeen SJ'4c ! and Mc ! with the tendency In the last hour toward the lower quotation , 83',4c being asked al the close. Trade. In corn was heavy enough to keep btokcrs fairly busy. The tone of thu market was llrm , although elevator people weru free fellers both of September and Dtcem- ber. The low temperatures In the north west started prices up He. Theru was u reaction on predictions of warmer weather nnd an Increase of 1270,000 bu. In local Blocks. The llrmness of whcal had much lode do with maintaining the market , llocelpls weru 1,472 cars. September opened " ! , c higher at 2Sy'fi2STjiC , advanced to ZVfiiSttfcc , reacted near the close to 2S'ic ' , and closed nt 2 > , % c. Oat was more active In a Kdipral way , the buying being by commission hoines without side trade. I'rlces ruled frncllon- nlly higher wllh wheat and corn , then- being no Independent features of note. Lxjcal storks Increased 320,000 bu. Receipts , wcru 903 cars. September opened % - higher at ISc , and ranged between ISc and li-iic. Which was the closing price. The amount of business d.one in the provision pit was not heavy except , during the llrst half hour of Iho session. Conlldcnt firmness , how ever , appeared to underlie Ihe moderale nmount of the day's speculative tradlnp. The strong hog markut helped .some , but the Blrcnglh was principally due. to th- > p-i- couraglng aspect of the grain markets. The dny's range was narrow. At tnu r.- > -.o September pork was 12V c higher at fS.W ; September lard , "Vic hl.cher nt JI.47Uand September ribs , 51i7J4c higher at $4.U" > . No. 5. Cash quotations were as follows : Fl.Ol'll Stronger ; htnndard spring patents held at $5.50 , or 25o higher than Saturday ; win ter patents , JUOU1.C ) ; straight * ! , SI. 10ff4.10 ! ; eprlnx specials , JVlHl'- > . WHEAT No , 2 spring , SCc ; No. 3 spring , lff 8lic ; No. 2 nil , SSVjc. COUN-No. 2 , 2SHc. OATS-No , 2 , mic , t. . 1. . . old ; No. 2 while , 21'iffl22Jic ; No. 3 white , l 319 c. UYE-No. ! , 4G'r. ' HAUl.EY No. 2 , nominal ! No. 3 , 3lfT33c ; No , 4 , f. o. b. . 2Ci26iSc. | FI..AXSEED Nn. 1. J1.02'4 ? 1.0I. .TIMOTHY HEED Prime. J2.70. PKOVIHIONS l'.rk , mem , per Mil. . JS.05O 8.10. Uml. per 100 Ihs. . Jl.45ffl4.47'4. llacnn. Bhort ribs BIOR ( leone ) , J4.wgi5.o. > . Dry suited shouldetw ( bnx l ) . $5.0)i5.2j ) ; short clear aides ( bjxtxl ) . JS.12'4if5.25. WHISKY Distillers' finished goo < ls , per gal. , Kt/OAIl-Out / loaf , .84 ; granulated , J5.21 ; ctandaid "A , " J5.ua. On the pro.lucc exchange toilay the butter mar ket firm : Creameries , llfjlCe ; ilalry , 104fl3c' clieene , quiet , 78o | ; eggs , Hun , 12c. Poultry , ( Inn ; tuikeys. 9iflOc ; chlcke-ns , 7i7Vic ; t-prlngti , Kc ; ducku , - Nisw YOIIK ( ; IMHAL AIAHKICT. , QuotntloiiH of tin- ! ) > oil ( ifiieral L'OllllllllllltlcN. NEW YORK , Aug. 10-FIXUR-Ret-eptH ) | , 18- (59 bids. , ; exports , 27,593 bbls. ; strong and lOir 15o higher , following the rUu In wheat ; Minnesota seta patents , J5.UO < | ' 3.40 ; Mlnnesoia bakers , J1.35 < f 4.20 ; winter patents , Jl.7505.25 ; winter vlralghts , J4.40Jf4.CO ; winter extras , J3.2W3.70 ; winter low grades. J3.OJfi3.30. Rye Hour , strongur ; super- Jlne. J2.75ff3.00. ( OHNMUAL Firmer : yellow western , 63c. JlYE Firm : No. 2 western , V4e. HA RLE Y Steadier ; western , 2J4c. ! HARLEY MALT ( Julel tit 4i(5Ce- , WHEAT Receipts , 2J0.050 bu , : exporlH. 271,617 bu. ; spot , stronger : No , S red , 95Ji'JC',4c , Options npeneil very slrong , udvance < l further on higher cables , covering ujid bullish spring wheat crop noun , eased off under rralUIng , but llnally re covered on export buying nnd the reduction In American nnd English slocks ; closed imxellle-d ut 2lf2o net tidvancu ; No. : rid. August , closed ut mie ; Septemlx-r , 90T ; it)2Uc ) , closed 91Hc. CORN Receipts , 337.525 bu.j exi rl , 176,6 > 6 bu. : spot , llrmer ; No. 2 , 33i\ ! Options opened Hrang nnd higher on bullish cables und tun ! e-rop Hews ; eiibcd uff wllh wheat , but rallied sllghlly on covering , clewing tf'-jc ' nel hlKher ; Aiis\mt -loned at ST4c ; September , SS'.tfSSTvc , t-lut-eil HAY Quiet ; shlpplntr , 4tf55c ; KCKM ! lo choice , 70tr76c , HOPS-Qulef Ik95 crcp , 3 f4c ; 1S90 crop , CiiSc etate ; Paclllo coast. 1S93 crop , 3tf4c ; Ulni crop , KfUc ; Ijondon , C5CC5c. HIDES-FIrm ; llalveitcn. HUtflSltC ] buffalo , dry , 19c , Texan , diy , ISMl2'.4c : California. I7v , LEATHBR-FIrm ; hemlock sole. lluenot Ayrm. ISfiZOe- . HIJTTEII Receipts. SC5 pkKs. : market Him ; wentern creamery , Ill-jfflCc ; Elglns , 16c ; factory , . CHEESE Recelptf , 8,623 pkss. ; market blfudy ; large , white , 7HOi > o ; small , w.ilte , 7'.insc ; large , colored , ItiSVic : small , rnlored , SijS c ; part cklmi. 48Jlic ; full cklms , 2' , : c. EOQH Hecelpti , 10.U5 | ik-i. | ; market Ilrm ; cit rn. 15c. ' PROVISIONS-Heef , ste-ndy : lieef hanw. JM.W C2S.50. Cut meatn. quiet : houlders. J3.00aS.W. Ijird. tinner ; western steam. H. L > ; rellned , llrm. J'srk. firmer ; old men. | 8. : & S.75. T llo\v. ktuady. RICE-Flrin : fair to extra , 4Vitf Ue ; Japan , , , OU S-Cotlonieeil. teady ; prime crude , r. o. b. . mlllB. 17c ; prlm u'n'nff. > ' , ' ! ? , * ; Utte. off fummer. yellow. Z5 Z3Ho ; "ll' erude * . 30032CJ prlmB uinmer. while. prime winter , yellow. J3o ; prime crude , Petroleum. juUt ; United clo td at I bid. quiet ; strnlneJ. common to good , II.StQI.U. Tur- pentlnr , qtiUt At 503s',4c. MOLAftSIWFirm ; New Orleunt , open kettle. Coed t ch6tte , ? 3tT.Mo. FRIJIOHTO- . MUTAI.S rig iMn. nnl t ; MUthern. fl.Mft 10.7.1. rioithfcrn , Jlt > .50fn.M. Copper , te dy ; lake limltem. tll.ll't ; exchanise , JI1.00 ll.ri. Tin , nrm : stria * . JI4.0 ff1l.lO ; plates , quiet. Spel ter , quiet nt SI.2MH.3.V Ind , tendy ; exchange , J3.SDU3.U ; brokers , JS.CO. OMAHA mSXIti'lAI. MA It Iv UTS. Condition of 'Irniln uml 4uiinlonii ( ( on Stiiplc nnd I'nncy Produce. nnOB Hulk of w > le , Ilic. ) DUTTER Common to fair , 6fl6'c ; choice to fancy , lOJOJc ; separator creamery , 15c ! cathercil creamery. 12c , . VEAL Choice fat. SO to KO Ibs. , quoted at 8O 9c ; lutec and coprte , 4Q5c. LIVE POULTRY-Hens. Cc ; cocks. 3 Tc ( : spring chickens , per Ib. , 9c ; ducks. 6c ! turkeys , e 8c. PIOEONS Live , 7uU90c ; dead pljcona not wanted. HAY Upland , J5.CC ; midland , J4.50 ; lowland , II.00 ; rye straw , J4.50 ; color makes the price on hay ; light liales tell the best , only top grades bring top prices. IlllOOMCORN Extremely slow sales new crop , delivered on track In country ; choice green self- working carpet per Ib. , 2f2tic ; choice green , running to hurl roUc : mtnmon. IHo. VEflETAHLES. CANTAljOWPKS-I'er dm. 40flCOc. CtlCUMHERS-Per doz. . I5ff20c.x TOMATOES-Per hnlf Ini. basket. 75 90c. ONIONS-Per bu. , RffMI CO. LIMA DEANS-Per Ih. . 3c. HEANS-Hand-plcked navy , per bu. , $1.20. C'AIIRAOE Home grown , 1'ic. POTATOES-Pcr bu. , new , f/M ( c. WATKRMELONS-Crated , per doz. , J1.75fl.W. FRUITS. APPLKS-.per bbl. . ll.83fll.S5. NATIVE PLlMS-Per basket. 250IOC. OIIAPKS California , | l,23rl.Co. III.ACKllEHRIKS-Per 2i-qt. casII. . SOUTHERN PEACHES Per 14 bu. . foj60c. CALIFORNIA PEACHES-1'cr case , Crnwfords , Jl 00. CALIFORNIA PEARS-Daitletl , per case , It S3 ( Ai.tFORNIA PLU.MS Per case , ll.25f7l.fA KANSAS OltAPES-1'er 10-lb. basket. 33840c. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANlis-.MHlllerranean : n\\eetn , J3.50. LEMONS-Messlnus , J3.r.O ; choice California , J4.coni.75. RANANAS-Cholce laigc stock , p.-r h.inch. J2.00j2.25 ; medlum-sl.-.cd bunches. Jl.50tf2.00. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , Culifuinla , per Ib , , largo M7.e , ISc ; Iliazlls , per Ib. , lua ; Entslls.i walnuts , per Ib. , fancy , eoft shell , 12iflc : slnndards. 10 ® lie ; inherit , per lu. , lOc ; pecans , polished , large. 9fflOe ; jumbo. HMIJc ; large hicnury nuts. Jl.Ii per tin. ; cocoanuts , 41,40 cacn , FU1S Imported fancy 4 crown , 20-lb. boxes. I2c ; 5 cro n. CO-lb. boxes , ISlfHc. HONEY-Chnlce. 13JJI3c. ! CIDER-Clnrllled Juice , per half bbl. , J2.33 ; per bbl. , SI.OOTM 2.i. MAPLE SVRUP-Flvc-gal. cans , each. J2.23. gal. cans. pure , per doz. , J12.00 ; half-eat , cans. JG.25 ; quart cans. JJ.f.O : FRESH MEATS. DRESSED DEEF-C.ood native steers. 400 to COO Ibs. , 6V4c ; good forcquartcrs , steers , 54c ; good hlndiiuarters , Slse ; wesltrn steers , Cc ; fancy helferH. Ctic ; good heifers , Co ; good forcuuaitcrs , heifers , lo ; good hlndquartem , hclfcr. . , Sc ; good cows , Co- fair cows , 6V4c : common cows , Bo ; cow foreiiuarteis , 4He ; cow hlndquuiters , 7'jc. 1IEEF ClTTS-Tcnderlolns. ISo ; boneless strips , SVic : strip loins , Cc ; rolls , Sc ; sirloin bulls , Sc ; shoulder clods , uc : rump butts , 4'i.c ; steer chucks , 4l4c ; cow cn'ucks , 4c ; boneless chucka , 4c ; cow plates , 2V c ; slcer plates , 3c ; Hank steak , Cc ; loin ? , No. I , lie ; loins , No. 2. 10c ; loins. No. 3 , Sc ; sirloin ends , No. 1 , 9c , ribs , No. 1 , lie ; ribs. No. 2 , Sc ; ribs , No. 3 , Cc ; steer rounds. 7c ; cow rounds , S'.Jc ' ; cow rounds , shank off , 7V c ; cow rounds , shark and rump off , Sc ; irimmmgs , 3lfcc ; beef shanks , 2V4c ; brains , per doz. , 35c ; sweetbreads , per Ib. , 10 ; sweetbreads ( calves ) , per Ib. , 40c ; kidneys , per doz. , S5c ; ox lulls , each , 2c ; livers , per Ib. , 2c ; hearts , per Ib. , H4c ; tongues , per Ib. . lie. MUTTON Lambs , EC ; sheep , 7e , market racks ( long ) , 9c : hotel racks ( short ) , 12c ; legs and saddles , Sc ; lamb legs , ! " - ; brensls und stews. 3c : tongues , each , xc , PORK--Dressed plgf , O'AC ; dressed hogs , 6c ; tenderloins , S',4c ; loins , 6c ; spare ribs , 4c ; hnm sausage , butts. Cc ; shoulders , rough , 5c ; shoulders , skinned 5Hc ; tilmmlnss , 3i-jc ; leaf lard , not rendered , f > c ; heads , cleaned , 3c ; snout nnd ears , 3c. Imcklioties , I'.ie ; cheek meats , 3c ; neck bones. 2e ; pigs' tails , 2e ; plucks , each , f > c ; chltterllnn" . Sc ; hocks , < c ; hearts , per doz. , 23c ; stomachs , each , 3o ; tongues , each , "c ; Kidneys , per doz , ICc : brains , per do15c ; pigs' feet , per doz. , 23c ; livers , each , 3c. HIDES. TALLOW. irTC. HIDES No. 1 green hides. Cc ; No. 2 , crecn hides , 5Vtc ; No. 1 salted hides. Sc : No. 2 green salted hides , 'c : No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. SV-c ; No. 2 veal calf-12 to 15 Ibs. . fc ; No. \ dry Mint hides. 10iil2c ; No. 2 rtry Hint hides , 9S > 10c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 95/10c ; part cured hides , he per Ib. less than fully cured. SHEET' PELTS Green salted , each , CJIiCOc- green tailed , shcailings Ishort wooled early skins ) , each. 15o ; dry shearlings ( short woolea early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c ; . dry Mint. Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , ac tual weight , 4@5c ; dry Mint , Kansas , and Ne braska muiraln wool pelts , per Ib. , nctu.il weight , 3ft4c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual welL.it , 4fl3o ; dry flint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , nctiiul weight , 3ff4c ; feet cut off , as It Is useless lo pay freight on them. Xi'w York Dry l.oodN Market. NEW YORK , Aug. 16. The market for dry goods opened today wllh Ihe same strong tone. lhat marked It at Ihe close of the week previous. Staple cottons are llrm In all directions with n well sustained demand. The activity on the part of Jobbers , converters nnd the cutting up trade * has made additional replenishments necee- snry with Hocks In first hands fast becoming de pleted. The situation on cotton goods shons Im provement from every standpoint with every In dication that sill ! further Improvement will be inndet with thn advance of Ihe week. The mar ket today was well allen.led for the opening day of the week with u number of good tlzed transactions - actions reported. Coarse colored cottons In the more prominent markets show continued geiod results with stocks fiiht becoming exhausled , parllcularly denims , which are frequently Vic higher than last week. Print clothes continue very llrm on the basis of 2c for extras. In jobbing circle ; * buyers uere In good altendancc for the opening day of the week. STOCKS AM ) IIO.VDS. Market IH Duller 'I'llnil oil Some Itccciit DIIJK. but Still Moving ViMViinl. NEW YORK , Aug. 16. There were periods to day when the maiket for stocks had an appear ance of actual dullness ; but this was only by contrast with recent markets. The total rales fell below SOO.OOu thares by over 50.000 shares , which la what It did not defer for any whole trading day of last weeK. There was n large fulling off In the activity In the bond depaitmcnt. Whatever striking ani mation there was was In the llrst hour of trad ing. The buying during this peilod was brlslc , Arbitrage brokers Joining with the commission house agents lo swell the demand. This repre sented the working off of the accumulation ot orders received by commission houses over Sun day. London was buying tome of the Interna tional xhares nt the mine time It was selling others. As u result of this prices bounded lightly upwards , nevrt lecord prices for the year being made In u number of prominent stocks. The grangers weie actively traded In at the higher level , llurllnglon showing Ihe sharpest gain , but St. I'uul being most actively dealt In. St. Paul was the leader of thu list and was quite.- largely bought for Ixjnclon account , llur- Hni-ton touched 99V4 In the opening dealings , but closed a point below that. Tlie other granger * moved over n much natrower range , hut cloned but llttlu above Ihe lowest. The upward bound of prices at the opening Invited realizing sales. Tlie profe-sslonal bears added their ulmuHt efforts. They had In their favor some reports of crop damage In the nest and Ihe result was coon showing u reaction in prices of the giangera and southwestern * ) , which had a sympathetic effect upon Iho whole list. Prices of many slocks were ct.rrled below Saturday's clo e. Although there was a llrmer tune later anl slight recoveries , the market fulled to fully re gain Its tone before the close and consequently prices of most of the active leaders of the mar ket showed slight changes from yesterday. The net changes , ihough slight , are mostly gains , one or two of the grangers being exctpin | . The undertone of strength in the market was again strikingly manifested by the dullness that set In the declining prices. Sugar took a promi nent part In thu dealings and touched u new hlKh re-cord prlco at T'J'i , but reacted nearly a pjlnt before the clsse. Tobacco was also largely dealt In , opening ut a thnrp gain , but selling off during Ihe day. Chicago ( Ian also showed some signs of renewed activity , bill also suf fered from the reaction to the market. While the euily strength carried many slocks lo u lolnl or over above S.ilurday'8 cljso. thii gain was In most cases pr.icllcully wiped out. The Vander bllt Mocks , particularly Chesapfaku & Ohio and Cleveland. Cincinnati , Chicago & SI. l-mil , wore notably llrm all day , closing near Ihe. te > p , The tuner's preferred slock was bid up 6 points , Oilier notable gains' were : Rubtier preferred , 3 ; per cvnt ; Spirits preferred , 2U per cent ; Oie-gon Navigation picferred. i per cent ; Ciilton Oil preferred , Central Paelilec'llorndu Fu.'l , Clreat Northern preferred , Metropolitan Traction und Rubbi-r common. The. bond market showed a marked diminution In HID volume of trade as compared with recent ftveraBes , the total falling short of J20W.OOO. The speculation also lacked uggrestlvd strength , but the market wan fairly well supported and some MiUstantlnl gains were mode In thu less knawn ismies. The aggregalei transactions were Jl- ISLOiO. Oovernmvnt Iwnds were heavy and re. ceded a fraction on light offerings. The Evening Poft'u Ixmdon financial cable gram nays : "The stock markets opened dull to. day , but rt-overej later on calmer vlaw of Hit Afghan IncUcnt , Ametlcunti were tronir. Ar bitrage dealers were hort of t < , ck and bought largely , Prices , however , closed a. fraction un der the best , Indian affairs , however exag gerated they may I.e. have made a benefit to the maiket and served to attract the attention to the event of the hull account. Kullir have only partially recoveied. Cables ha\e been received guying that the recommendations of the Indus trial commlolon have not been appointed by Ihe Volkuruud. The Indian rupee loan has been ap plied for In Iiula about twice over. The mini mum price \vu 97Vv and tenders at 8S 1-16 set about 67 per cent of the loan , It would have been more > ucce i > ful tut for the Ame-er Inci dent , The reports that Hoojey has negotiated a loan of 16,004.000 for China are probably pre mature to far Hi the actual llxlng up of the mutter Is concerned. The London time money market has rlien 3-16 per cent over Saturday's lilKlH-st rate on large offerings of American bills for dlicount. Oold lias fallen to 77i lid Nearly liCO.OOO which had arrived from the Capo his not yet been dealt wllh. From Information mation JuBt received I get the ImprcMlon that Void m y o direct to Ntw York frcm the con tinent * oon. The PArl und Ilerltn market * were iteody. " Hie following were the closing quotation * on the lending stocks of the New York exchange today : Total fairs of Flocks today were 413,461 , In- rlinllnR : Atclili-on , 3,445 ; Atcldjon preferred , 23.K2 : Clie nieakc | A Ohio. 21,500 ; HiirllUKton , ! l,420 ; Denver & lllo Orande preferred , 10,4.0 ; l.oulsvlllo & Nnthvlllf. 8,3r,0 ; Manliattan , 4.MO ; Mlp o\irl , Kansas & Toxnn prcfcrrrd , 3.70S ; Ni-w Albany & Chlcaco , 7.4M New York Central , 2J.201 ; Northern Pacific , 8,930 ; Northern I'acinc , preferred , 18.3W ; Heinlinir , B,720 ; Hock Inland , 8,70,1 ; St. 1'nul. 31,27s : Oinnlm , 3r,15 ; Southern Hallway preferred , 4 200 ; Union 1'aclllc , 15 030 I'nlon I'aclllc , Denver & Oulf , 3,275 ; American Spirits , S.270 ; Atnerlrnn Tobacco , 18,455 ; Hay State Ons , 3OfMj ChlciiRO Ons , 7.020 ; t'aclllo Mall , 4,733 ; Kusar , SO.KO ; Cldoago O'cnt West ern. 17,420. Western Union , 4,730. X ' \v York Mtmi'y Mnrkd. NEW YO11K , Auu. 1C. SIONKY ON CAU - Hasy nl 1W14 per cent ; last loan , 114 IT cent ; clcj-ed tfffrpil at 1 pir cent. I'llIMU MUHCANTIU2 I'Al'KH 3 > iO4i ; Per ST'KHMNO KXCIIANOK Wenk , with notimi liuiilntit * In liankiTH1 bills at } 4.S3UJf I.S3 J for demand nnd at $ l.83U'in.s,4 : ' for Blxty days ; Iiustcd lutus , Jl.Stlifj'l.kt ; and inerrlnl Mils , J1.ST4. SII.VMH PKHTIKlC ATnS-55f55V4c. IIAIl SII < VKn 54&c. MEXICAN DOM.AIIS 41Kc. QUVKIiNMUNT ItONDS Weak. STATE DONDS Dull. ItAll.UOAI ) DONDS-Klrm. Closing quotations on boildfi were as follows : HAR SILVER Qulel at 25'd per ounce. MONEY W94 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills I" IHfll ? ; per cent , * for three months' bills , IHJilSi per cent. Gold Is quoted nt Iluenns Ayres today ot 168.Cnt : Lisbon. 4SV4 ; at Rome , 105.30. American eaglcH arc quoted nt 76s o'id ' and bar gold at 77s ll'id. ' Klliiiiii'lulVotcH , I1OSTON. Aug. 16. Clearings , J12,450,084 ; bal ances , J1CI4 344. HALTIMOKE. Aug. 1C. Clearings , J2)63,081 ) ; balances , J34I.978. NEW YORK. Aug. 16. Clearings , J78S59i2 ; balances , J6,1SI,4I3 , PHILADELPHIA , Aug. 1C. Clearings , J7.123- 458 ; balances , JI , 409,0)3. ) MEMPHIS. Auic. IC.-Cleorlngs , J278i60 ; ; bal- ai.ces , 1S1.M2 ; New York exchange , selling at tl.W premium , CINCINNATI , Aug. 1S. Money ; ZH-ffC Pr cent ; New York exchange , 40o to 25c discount ; clear ings , J2,2W0.9l , ST. 1-OI'IS. Aug. 16.-Clearlngs , I4.73I.S37 ; bal ances , JS16.155 ; money , 4R7 psr cent ; New York exchange , 50j discount bid , 25c asked , NEW ORLEANS , Aug. -Clearings. . 15-6.190 ; New York exchange , bank , J1.01 jier Jl.tOJ pre mium : commriclal. We pr Jl , ( dlscouni. CIIICAOO. Aug. 16. Clearings. Jll,360,1 l ; bal ances , Jl.lM.OOO ; New York cxchanw. WWOc dlHcounl ; sterling exchange , posted , J4.S3ffl.S6li ; mocks , ( -Ironic ; Diamond Malt-h. 146V. Metropoli tan U 7 > 4i Sliawboard , VI : Wr t Chlcaga , 111 % ; North Chicago , 2llVi ; l ike Street , 17i ! ; Oas 5s , )02Vi. ) , l''orclprii l-'lniiiicliil. RERLIN , Aug. 16. Exchansu on Ixindon , 20 marks 39 pfg , for clierkH. PARIS , Aug. 10. Three per rent rentes. 106f for the account ; exchange on London , 25f IKc for checks. IXNDON. Aug. 16.-Tlie amount of bullion gone Inln Ihe Hank of England on balance today was 93,00) . \IMV OrlrniiH NEW ORLEANS , Aug. 16.-11OO PRODITCT8 Quiet. Pork , old , J7.W. laid , reHned tierce , J3.87Vi. Hexed meutk , dry salt Ehoulders , J5.2S ; Hldi-B , J5.10. llucon. qlear rib BlOi-s , J6.tx ) . Hanu , chr > lr- < sugar cured , J9,00j9.73. COFFEE Onllnary lo low fair. ft.SOOH.U. FLOL'R-Sieady ; new extra fancy , Jl.10ffl.15 ; patents. J4.DO. COHNMKAlr-Dull R | fl.60. IlllAN Quiet at " 'jc. ' HAY Steady ; prime , IU.OOQ13.M ; choice , JI1.60 O15.00. CORN-Steady ; No , 2 sacked , mixed , S6c ; white. S6 37c ; ye-llow. S7c. OATH Ste < 1y ; No. 2. Z4V4c. RICE Steady ; onllnary to good , 3 i IVic , Kllfln llulter ELGIN , ill. , Auff- DUTTER-FIrm ; offer- Int. , 63 tubi ; ( tle > . 61 tula at UUc ; K Bt Hiic ; 117 withdrawn on offers of UKo < OMAHA LIVSTOCK MARKET . ' "n " ' ' * " Arrivals o" On tile i .liberal . and of Hogs Bart , Lirattod , FUTILE EFFORTVATU BEAR MOVEMENT Dcinniiil S u lilt-Ion In AltMirli the La i-K < - CnttiuiillrvpttilH nt .Vonrly SU-mly l , l ti _ UIIKX Aultvc mill St SOUTH OMAHA , Aug. 10. llecelpts for the days Indicated were : Ca'.lle. Hogs. Sheep , llotsea August 1C 4sG7 ! 2fc03 5,477 August 14 lidl 0,115 14 August 13 S.vlH Il.l'Jj 2"Jti August 12 2,071 3,724 3,111 August 11 2,5142 O.tMI 1,458 August 10 2,374 7,020 1U1 August 9.- . 2,423 2,202 . . . . 26 August t 1,188 4.DS1 . . . . 3 August 6 1,025 6,445 2,41 ! ) 46 August 5 1.4ro 12.G75 2W)3 ) 1 August 4 3.U2II 7,56J ( 267 24 August 3 4.E6 ? 97i , ( 1,4.11 23 August 2 2S'Jl , 2.1WI MS The otllclnl number bt cars ot Block brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. , M. ft St. 1' . Ily 3 Mo. 1'ac Ily -17 Uir.oli I'uclllc Syftem 42 8 ! ' . , K. & M. V. U. II S2 13 C. , St. I' . , M. & O. Uy. . . 7 8 H. & M. II. H. H 40 9 15. & Q i 1 8 : : It. I. I1 , Ily. , east 1 H. I. & P. Ily 1 Total rccelptR 221 41 2G The disposition < of thu day's receipts was as follows , cnch buyer purchasing the number of huud Indicated : Uuyerf. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Otn.ina racking Co 33 278 G. 11. Hammond Co f.l'J G ? Swltt nnd Comp.iny r.uri GtU The Cudahy Packing Co. . 443 1,017 l.CDG . U. i looker and Uegan. . . . 330 Vnnsant & Co M J. L. Cnrey 1.1M I-obman & Hothschllds. . . 2.V2 \V. I. Stephens 23 Hill & Lewis Co 410 Honlon & Underwood SU1 Huston & Co 1G 1-ayton oi Co 222 Fester 323 I'lunklnglon , Mllwhukee 177 Other buyers 123 Left over , COS Total .4,679 23 ! 2,932 CATTL13 llecelpts were the largest of thu month so fur , there being 179 cms , 4Si)7 head , wllh fully two-thirds ot the entire supply from the ranges of the west , and largely on the feeder order. Chicago and Ktxnsas City also hud big runs nnd cjuoled lower price ? , which exerted a w > inewhut de pressing Influence locally , although Ihe Irade was fairly acllve nnd the market was * In > good healthy condition. Fed beeves were only In moderate supply and Included nothing like Saturday's lops , and feeders were such sharp competitors lor western catlle lhat killers got practically none that were at all desirable lo lurn back lo Ihe country. Iluycrs weru bearish gen erally , but wanted the cattle , nnd could hardly be said to have taken off more than a thin shaving" , the fed cattle selling largely at $4.2HT4.fiO ( for * Just fair to very decent grades' . * Cows und heifers were In good demand , but buyers sudceedetl In shrilling prices slightly , with Woref sales perhaps SQICc lower , hut the trade was active , and the twenly-Ilve load * offered were soon cleaned uo. Hulls were ! ' ab'pul tleady , and veals ruled iirm. / \ , It was a big day1 ifi the feeder trade , and Instances of more thjin a lOc drop were rare , while few showed , that much decline. Speculators werelarffe buycw , nnd the yards weie full of countryf'.lookers , who cenerally look caltle honie With them , the day's out- jiut being one of the largest of the season , llcpresentallve s/Ues : | i NATIVES. DEKK BTEEUS. No. Av , Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. AV. Pr. I..9SOJ3S3 U..124 < rl 33 . 0. . .1180 Jl 43 1..1284 4 W 4Ji. . 11151 4 S3 2J..IW1 4 53 53..1214 4 20 , l.lltO ! 4 4. . ) 51..1193 4 tB 16. . . . 933 4 35 21..IMS 40 24..1222 4 CO 3. . . . 003 2 50 1. . . . 970 3 13 S. . . . OC3 3 23 1. . . . 040 2 73 1..I320 3 20 G. . . . 9S6 3 35 1..1100 290 2. . . . 930 3 83 1..1310 3 50 2. . . . 1)03 ) 3 00 1. . . . 7CO 3 23 HUIFEIIS. 1. . . . C40 2 0 13. . . . 669 3 23 1. . . . CIO 3 25 6. . . . 7uO 3 20 I3UL.I.S. . . .1120 2 40 1..14SO 273 CALVES. . . . 140 C 00 STOCKEUS AND FEEDERS. 1. . , TOO 3 40 34. . . . 938 3 90 15. . . . S20 4 10 1. . . 720 3 SO 2. . . . 745 4 CO WESTERNS. NEHHASKA. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 cow 970 $1 . _ 1C cows 953 53 30 1 hull 16SO 2 03 2 feeders. . . . 930 3 50 1 stag 1180 2 63 I 2 feeders..1190 3 50 1 stair KO 2 65 CO feeders. . . . 6S3 3 70 2 feeders. , . . 7CO 2 C5 6 feeders. . . . 033 4 CD 4 cows 9SO 2 6.1 15 feeders. . . . 940 4 (10 3 cows..H56 2 UO 11 feeders. . . . 805 4 00 1 cow 910 2"90 3 feeders. . . . 886 4 00 2 cows 940 3 10 1 feeder 850 4 CO 1 cow 1100 3 15 K2 feeders , . . . 873 4 05 2 cows 073 3 1 ! 23 feeders. . . . 05G 4 03 2 feeders..1000 3 13 28 feeders. . . . S'Jl 4 10 I feeder 1200 S 23 24 feeders. . . .119.1 4 10 1 heifer 050 3 23 S3 feeders..1119 4 10 12 cows 1040 3 25 22 feeders. . . . 830 4 15 1 feeder S20 3 23 21 ! feeders. . . . &S7 4 30 1 cow 820 3 30 1 calf 170 G 00 41 cows S" 3 SO I C. K. Coffee. 3 bulls 1210 2 40 DO feeders..1220 3 00 2 bulls 1410 2 40 42 feeders.1222 3 UU 8 cows Ml 2 50 6fl feeders..1223 4 00 1 bull 1S90 2 CO S feeders..1262 4 10 1 cow 10iO 2S 2 feeders..1130 4 10 116 cows 955 S 10 12 feeders. . . . 10S9 4 10 1 cow 1050 3 35 SOUTH DAKOTA. B cows 902 2 C5 41 feeders..1134 3 K ; H cows 914 310 1 feeder 1300 3 75 C feeders..1118 3 15' 1 feeder 1100 3 75 1 feeder 920 3 15 15 feeders..10GG 4 UO 15 feeders..1008 355 25 feeders. . . . 776 4 00 43 feeders..1103 3 C5 29 feeders..1073 4 10 Sheldly Cattle Company. 5 tailings..1155 SCO 03 feeders..1155 4 00 Vermont Live Btoclc Company. 42 feeders..1126 3 CO 20 feeders..1256 3 65 OREGON. 60 feeders. . . . 841 4 15 - ' MONTANA. 1 sleer HfO 3 15 , 22 fee'ders , . . . S14 4 00 3 heifers 623 3 2" S3 feeders..1409 4 05 I feeder. . . , 740 3L. 172 feeders.1210 4 05 .1105 3 40 2 calves 350 4 75 1 feeder. . . , CSO 3 r.o 3 calves 240 575 WYOMING. 1 talllnK..12CO 300 1 steer fiOO 3 60 1 tailing..1150 300 . 2 steers 1220 3 65 1 cow 1000 3 15 1 tteer H-0 3 65 J cow MO 320 1 steer 1MO 3 6.1 1 cow 1070 323 1 steer 10SO 3 C5 5 cows 970 3 23 15 feeders..1236 3 95 2 cows 1005 325 1 feeder 550 4 10 1 stee-r 1110 3 W Paul Compton , 17 cows. . . . . .972 S 17',4 ' 1 feeder 1250 3 7C 1 feeder. . ,1040 325 C feeders. . . .1050 3 M 1 feeder. . .12SO 325 9 feeder 1196 4 00 . . .1041 3 40 1 feeder 12CO 4 10 OI over. 2 bulls. . . . . .1340 31 heifers 1020 3 55 . . . , 55 14 heifers 967 3 fB 1 cow. , , . . . . 950 2'W 4 cows lo ; > 0 3 61 4 COWH. , 13 feeders. . . .106 ? 390 3 COWH. , 950 5 j > 3. ' 7 , 16 feeders.,1070 3 99 " ' 4 COMB" . . ' . ; . . 917 W7'fV ' 1 feeder S20 4 0) 1 sleer 1120 3 1 > 3 feeders..1103 4 00 1 steer 60 S' i u/ 35 feeders..1289 400 7 steers ISil 3lt' ' > . * 21 ( .leers K 7 4 10 f steel 1214 3-W. 7 feeders , . , , C24 4 15 H heifers S76 3 40.n , 6 c lves 265 4 25 C. APuBsley. . 45slrf , Tex..1137 M103 * sirs. Tox. , 1 \W1 tVI'UKf ley. Scows 772 S-TO 1 fccJor 89) S 25 19 COWH. . . , , . . 951 IJ9nl I 1 sir , Tex..1035 3 CO ' ' 10 feeders..1143' * * > ' " ' 6 feeders.1142 3 8& M , . Il.lr-iICatllc Co. 70 cows 1057 33,1t 161 feeders.,1310 4 10 1 sleer , 1310 4 COWS 1 sleer 1270 3 75 1 cow 34 ( leers lICi 3 75 12 cows , . . . . . . 930 Zcalvc-s 130 6 75 1 Meer 1110 Scows 1022 fi ai 1 feeder 1240 3 75 feeders , . . , 921 4 10 ' ' ' " 1 heifer' , . ! 750 750Hockfnrd L. B. Co. 1 tailing..1010 2K , Grows.,1014 3 M 2 cows. . . , . , . S S 3 10 _ 17 steel s 1153 3 85 2 feeders. . . . 10W 3 W New Ilanipihlro Cattle Co. 2 cows. . , , . . , 875..S'l * ; . .18 cows..1078 3 5- 2 feeders. . . . 5 3 55 < i M steers 1S02 3 8J .IIIAHO. T. Ilutehens. Iculf 320 2 00 11 txiws 1071 3 25 1 Lull..112)T. 12 cows (05 3 25 1 Lull..112) 2 40 1 Htae . . .10(0 3 " 3 2 45 CO cow * . . , . , , . 944 S 23 icow 1040 2 I/J 11 cows. . . . . . . fcM 330 1 bull nw 2 15 1 cow 1150 J / > 6 bulls..14:4 2 55 7 fe-eder . . . .112 < i W ) 2 S 1K 14-5 310 21 feeders..lO'O 3D ) 2 rows IS" 300 3Sfeed r8.lC6t 400 1 bull UW 3 HO . 10 feeders. . . . 713 4 00 2 Down 1010 100 ' 1 feeder 1150 4 ( ) 29 cows. . . . , * . * * 69 3 05 57 feeders. . . , 613 4 M SO cows , . " 4 301 m feeder 915 4 35 heifers.t 6W SCO 4U feeders. . . .12i 4(0 1 cow 1 < WO 315 ' 81 cows &C. . OSJOJ 'COLOHAliO. 112 feeders. . , 6)5 3 m feeders. , , , C21 3W TEXAS. . . , „ „ _ 1030 t 7S 2 feeder * . , . , S45 SCO ! . . . . . . * S 15 19 feeder S71 419 IIOQS There were only forty-one Icadi , 2.S05 hogn , but llil * wa above llio average Monday and the UITMI lncs July 11. The hcr wrre rood In quAllly , with Ihc uiual Inrxn chowtnr of mfilliiin tu hf.i\y nclRhli ntiJ only n few light lends. With rantern report ; ilronR'i' and the JfmanJ Kood for both pncklnr * nj shipping ccciunt , tlie innikot TTM ncllvr nn < \ prices niMlc a little bettor rliowlnx than cu Saturday , alt.iouch with prnctlcnlly the tame inner of l3. Hf3.EO. Thr rtrong m\t \ * wrrr of irood cnrtln * IIOKI bonaht tiy the uhlppftn , whlU packern' purchafca were nioMly nt tteady prlctf. It only took n short time to clear the l > 'n . the Inillt rf the talcs ni-lni ? nt J3.6tfl76 , nRiihift JS.WH3.70 Saturday nnd I3.45CJ3.C5 on Inbt Monday. ltrpre nliill\o rales : No. Av. Sh. IT. No. Av. Sh. Tr. 10 S17 . . .131,0 CC. t4l 1(0)370 11 345 SO 3 M 40 272 . . . 370 61 3M . . . 3 B2i ! r'0 -'SI ICO 370 M 293 KO 365 78 : 2 40 370 S3 274 ICO 3 f.S 67 5J5 1M 370 51 309 40 3C5 C9 237 SO 370 ( M 167 . . . 3 OS f.9 274 . . . 370 74 290 160 3 5 19 270 . . . 370 M SOI CO 365 f ) 5(0 ( 120 3 72'i CO 273 . . . SOS 63 S4J SO 3 7 ! * 64 ! M > 120 3C7U 21 223 . . . 375 62 2IJ fO 3674 f,4 SiS SO 3 7S 70 25S 160 3 67'i 15 217 . . . 375 71 2S2 W 3 7'.i ' 67 227 40 1 7J f,2 242 40 3(774 ( 73 544 SO 373 KS K6 160 370 66 ! 3S SO 373 IB WO . . . 370 B2 301 100 375 10 KO . . . 370 M 232 ICO 375 CO Ifil ICO 370 78 232 UO 376 61 R0 . . . 370 68 ! 52 12l ) 375 67 2M 0 370 75 241 ISO 373 CO 275 M 3 70 60 303 SO 373 62 MJ Stl 370 64 2S 40 3 7 63 154 fO 370 SO 177 . . . 3 fO SMAt.tj HUNCHES. 1 20) . . . 2r 2 6 SO S 65 i : oo . . . 2 ro r. 2'c . . . 370 1 180 . . . 3W B 2i | . . . 370 1 6) . . . 3 TO 2 2SS . . . 370 2 39.1 IX ) 3 C. ' . S 103 SO 370 4 : r,7 . . . 3 M 1 207 . . . 375 3 430 . . . 3W 7 2.M CO 375 1 220 . . . 360 2 203 . . . 375 3 S0.1 . . . 3 f.O R ! i > 4 . . . 373 5 311 . . . 360 1 210 . . . 375 4 2SO . . . 3 M R 121 . . 375 7 221 . . . 375 7 215 40 375 SHEEP The supply was the largest for romp time , mil nnly Included n small number of muttons. The fooling was generally weak on the nart of buyers , while sellers were unwilling lo make conces lens , so that the maiket was rather slow. Kcprcgenlallve alen : No. Av. Pr. 319 Utah mixed 91 3 40 778 t'tah rnKed 100 3 10 10 Dakota yearlings 91 3 7S 15 Dakota lamb. * 78 4 00 H4 Ittnh feeder lambs M 4 13 144 tltiih feeder lambs 55 4 13 KO Dakota lambs 63 4 M cuic.icio tii via STOCK : MAUICHT. Cnttlr a I ) I nitlor -r UIIKN AVt-uk fur llcavjSli < ! > Stonily. CIIICAOO , Aug. in. Heavy lecelpts of cattle made a weak market for common kinds , nnd such lots Fold off about lOo , but good to choice btevcs were In active demand from the start at unchanged prlciu. Sales were largely at from Tl.0 lo 15 ; common lo c\lia choice nallve beef cattle being ratable at fiom (3.90 to (5.33. Exporters \vere good buyers and n fair Mi reef of the heller class of cattle fell Into their hamli. SlocKers and feeders were fairly active at steady prices , and butchers' nnd eunncis' utuft ROM fieely , prlcis ruling llrm for fat lots. Calves wcie active and steady. Texas and western cat tle showed no matked change. In hogs hea\y p.icklng lots alone s'.iowcd weak. nes-s , belllnt. off 2',45f5c ' during tlie latter part of the day. Sales were nt an e.vtmne range of from $3.60 to } 4. 12'i , for coarse heavy to prime assorted light weights , the latter being scarce and commanding a handsome premium. The bulk of the IICRS crocjed the rcalcs nt from JC.fT , to 14. and pigs Hold largely at fiom S3 tu 74 In sheep there was a brisk demand and r > rlccs were steady , except for roninv n lots' , which were nliout KH.lower. . Sheep were salabl" at from 12.2.1 to J2.50 for Inferior up to from 51.0) to jl.2i for choice to prime natives , wllh western rangeis selling nt frcm 53.25 to J3.90. tjtmbs joM nt rnim J3.40 to J5.50 for Inferior to extra , the hext being 10chigher. . Western lambs sold largely nt from J4.60 to { 3.00. H'-celpts : Catlle , 22,000 head ; hogs , 33,0)0 hcnd ; sheep , 21,000 head. SI. I.onlH l.lvr Stock. ST. I.OUIS , AUR 16. OATTM3 Receipts , 7,000 head : shipments , 1,0 ) head ; mirkct steady' for best and others about Mo higher ; fancy steers. $ 'i.11452 > ; native shipping nnd export steers. JI.OOSW.OO ; bulk of sales , J4.60ri.f > ' > ; dressed beef and butcher stri-rn , JI.OWI.73 ; bulk of pale' , J4.35iff4.CO ; steers under l.ow Ibs. , KA\fi I. SO ; bulk of sales , J3.S."fl 1.0) ; stoekers nnd feeders' , J2.40JT4.15 : cows nnd heifers , J2.00-iTI.fiO - : bulk of cows , $2.5f 73.0i ) ; canning cows. J1.3.MIJ2.35 ; Texas and Indian fleers' , grosser ? , $2.8Mt-l. : ; ; cows nnd heifers , J2.23iT3.20. HOGS Receipts , 6,000 head ; fhlnments. 3 , head ; market stcadv : light , J3.SOBI.03 ; mixed , J3.7t < i(4.flO ( : heavy , J3.704.05. SHEEP llecelpts. 2.0M head ; shlpmcntB , 1,000 head ; market Hteadv ; natives. J3.15fi3.FO ; culls and bucks , Sl.5003.2j ; lambs. J3.70ff5.00. HiifTiilo f.lvc Stock. EAST I1VFFAI.O. Aug. It CATTI B aiolcc fat steers , J4.SOJI5 00 ; medium to heavy , JI.60J ? 6.73 ; coarse rough , J3.65 < tT4.25 ; choice fat heifers. J4.104T4.15 ; fair to good mixed , butchers' stock , J3.50fl4.00 ; good , timooth , well fatteneil eovre , J3.40S3.SO ; fancy milkers , J4.00ijl.15 ; good to fancy ( .prlngers . , $3. Mil I. M ; fair to choice veals , J.1.EO ; prime to extra , JC.40JfG.5. HOGS Good to choice yorkers. J3.75iT4.40 ; light yorkers , J4.4064 45 ; mlxrd packers' grades , J4.2r.jTI. 30 ; medium welBhts , J4.2MT4.25 ; heavy hogs , J4.20 ; roughs , J3. 50 3.65. Yiarllng lamlu , choice to prime , JI.25H1.SO : culls to common , J3.25ST3.55 ; cprlng lamb ? , good to extra , J5.257f5.5i. SHEEP Choice to selected wethers , 51. 401(4. ( 50 ; fair to choice mixed sheep , 51 GOI4.25 ; culls nnd common , J.SO@3.85 ; export sheep , J3.75Q > 4.50. KiuixuN City I.lvc .Stock. KANSAS CITY , Aug. 16. CATTLE Receipts , 12,000 head ; market steady to lOc lower ; Texn steers. J2.riOiT4.35 : Texas cows , J2.2r > ff3.75 ; na tive steers , J3.60ff3.00 ; native cows nnd heifers , S1.75H1 1.2.1 ; Ptockers and feeders , J3.OOiT4.65 ; bulls J2.30ffl3.35. HOGS llecelpts , 3,5 * ) head ; market strong ; bulk of sales. t3.77V4W3.SO ; heavle * . J3.75ff3.S2K. ; packers. J3.6DO3.80 ; mixed. J3.7003.Si ; light. 13.73 J3.f5 ; Yorkers , J3.ICV403.fc5 ; pigs , J2.SXff4.70. SHEEP Hecelpts , .3.00) head : mnrkct steady ; Iambs , 53.53 5.0) ; muttons , , J3.2i05.75. N MV A'ork I.lv > Stock. NEW YOIIK , Aug. It IIREVES llecelpt > , 3,410 head. Active , native Me em. J4Q5.25 ; sines and oxen , J2.75Kl.fO ; bulls. 52.33ff3.SO ; dry cows , J1.tOft3.35. European cables q.uote American steers al 10145JHVic ; refrigerator beef ut i > WSe. CAL.VES llecelpts , 3,100 head ; veals , Jl.60f7. 5 , buttermilks , J3.25&4 ; grassers , J3.50 : westcrru. J4.COJi5.12V4. SHEEP AND L.AM11S llecelpts , 1C.CS5 held. Sheep. J2.00S4.15 ; lambs , J3.C086.25 , IIOC1S Ilccelpls , 7,511 head ; steady at J4.CO j 4.65. Slock In SI Kilt. Record of receipts of live stock at the four principal markets for AUKUHI 1C : Cattle. Hogs. Shrep Omaha . 4,167 2.SC5 ,1477 Chicago . 2,000 33. COO 21,000 Kansas City . li.OW 3:0' : ' ) S.oOj St. Louis . 7.0CO C.OOO 2,004 Totals . 45S37 45,305 31,471 St. Ltiuln CJcncriil .llurkclH. ST. 'LOUIS. Aug. 16. FLOUR Firm aivl higher ; patents , JI.704J4.EO ; k'.ralghts , J4.30STI.40 ; clear. J3.90ST4.10 ; medium , | 3.25f(3.75. ( WHEAT Futures chewed another advanet today , closlni ; 2'lc to 3c higher ( linn yesterday. Seplember opened IVic up , udvnnced l-Xe moie , declined lc , advanced 2c , declined I'.ie , went up ITic and later broke back to Hie , closing at 92Hc , which waM IVic below the top prlcu of the day. There was plenty of action In thu market , the opening advance being followed by some of the wildest fluctuations ever Indulged In here. It was the effect of n badly congested market , so oversold to exporters that few dared tell , unlins already long , Spot grades higher ; No. 2 red carh elevator 92 f92V < c , track ! < „ & ! i3ic ! ; No. 2 hard cabli. (4c ; AuguM , We ; Septem ber , 82'4c ; December , Wljc ; May , 93V4. < a ked. CORN Futures nuctualed under the Inlluence of wheat , closing with buyers' fractions above the lower price , Kpot , dull , neglected , but higher : No , 2 each , 860 ; September , 26iO2C'ic , May , S'Jc. OATS Strengthened by the advance In wheat and corn , but speculation was ulack. Spot , higher ; No , 2 cash elevator 17 ic bid , track 18c ; No. ! white , 21V4622C ! September , 17)ic ) ; May , RYE-Hlgher. 45H046UC. UARLEY Nominal. I CORN MEAL-FIrm , JI.SO , 11RAN Firm ; tuilable country points at 335 S'dlic , und eant truck at 41c , FLAXSEED-IHgher , fiS c. . TIMOTHY KEED-1'rlmc , 52,70. HAY Easier on heavy recelpls of new llm- olhy ; prairie , new , J5.COO 6.50. this bide ; timothy , JC.lOfflO.CO. IIUTTER-FIrm ; creamery , lieiJo ; dairy , Bfp 11 lie. EOGS-Hlgher. lOe. POULTRY Chickens Meady ; old ; hens. Cc rprlngs , kc ; ducl.li , i-prlngs , CiJClic ; ecese , spilngi , "WHISKY-JUS. | COTTON" TI EH Unchanged. 1IAORINO Unchanged , , METAI.H-I.ead , lileber. J3.62V4S3.C3 ; speller , dull. J4.I2H. PROVISIONS Pork , firm ; standard mess , job bing , 58.60 ; J7.SO old. I-ard , higher ; prime steam 14.25 ; choice , J4.32V4. IlJcon .Iboxeil lot ) . cxlru short clear , J5C2Vi ; ribs. J5.75 : Miorlu. JO. Dr > Halt meats ( boxed ) , choulders , Jl.87',5 : extra short clear. H.2S : rlbf , 55.23 ; rhorln , 55.37Vi. RECEIPTS-Flour , 8,000 bbls. ; wheat , 148,000 bu. ; corn. 12S.OOO bu , ; oats , 64 tXlO 1m. BHII'MKNTH Flour. C.IWO bbls. ; whtat , 114,000 b'u. ; corn , 19,000 bu , ; oats , 4.0CO bu. Cliic-liuiatl JInrke-lH. CINCINNATI , AUJT. 18-KlJOUH Bteaely. flrwiirEAT-Flrmer ; No. 2 red , SSo. CORN-StronBer : No. 2 mixed. 29e. OATS Quiet ; No. 2 mlied , 17V401' ! > o. RYE Stronger ; No. 2 , 46c. HULK MEATS-Stronger , 55.00. Ilacon , firm , K.OO. Lard , llrm , 54.30. WHISKY-Steady. 5U19. 1IUTTER Steady ; fancy Elgin creamery , IClJc ; Ohio. 12 fi3c ; dairy , ISo. SUOAR-Flltn hard refined , 54.0385.85 , EOOH-FIrm , higher , t'.ic. , CHEESE Steady , Coffen 3lnrkr n. NEW YORK. Aug. 16 COFFEE-Optlon opened ( teady , unghanged to 5 point * hlcher : ruled exceptionally Inactive and featureless , with transactions confined to September and' March ; decline In spot coffee , apathy of ouUttle specula. tlon and liberal movement at Draill , caused w * k undtrlonf. I'oreljn rn rVM Indlffrrtnt. climed dull , net unchnncrd to A rolnt * nrtv nc - . fll < > 4 , 2.000iagt. . including Bri > trmber , t .TOi March , 57.IS. Hpot coffee. Hlo quiet ; No. 1 Invoice , 17.FO ; lobblnr , H.W. Mild , quiet ) Cor. rtnva , flV.COOlC.lO ; frdn. l.f.OO biRO Itlo No. 7 at SANTOS. An r , Kt.COFFF.nQuiet : ; ero.l aver. tiff snnto , 9,701 rein ; receipt * , S . bags ; stock. 3 < ? .W ) ba . Weekly repnrt : Coffen quit ) ; gf > od average , per ten Kllon , li.SOO rein ; ircvlpti diirlns week , 2IS.POO liaro ; ihlpinentii to the UnlteJ fltntef , 13,000 limn ; mock. 3SS.O > X > lnn , RIO DE JANEIRO. Aug. 16.lllo. . quiet ; No. 7 , Rio. 5,700 rels ; cxchnncc , " 7-S2il ; receipts , Is.OOO ti B ; cleared for the 1'nlted Stnteii. 11.000 bng : for Europe , 21,000 l > ag ; stock , Z29.000 lmc Weekly report ! Coffee , quiet ; exchange ftaiul- ard , S.7M rein ; receipt * during week. Its 000 bagss shipment * to the United Slate * , 102.000 bags ; ( lock , 32J.OM bagf. HAMRl'imUf. ( . 16-COFFEE-Opened vm- cli n < ed. ilnsoil wllh a net gain of U pfR tu H PfR lower. 1l.\\'UE , A\if. | It.-COFFEE-Closed quiet and net unchanged ; sales , .13,000 bags. COTTO.V .tlAUICKTS. .Miui.v IiilliioiiorM Are ut Work mill 1'rli'cn Ar-p lrrKiilnr. . NEW VoniC , Aug. 16 , Cotton opened easy , with August 9 point * lower und other month * S1J7 points lower , cables being very weak nnd crop account * , while rather conflicting , showing 11 KooJ average. The failure ot William Mitchell , operating In cotton and coffee , but more i c- tl\ely engaged In the latter , wan announced nn change this morning , wltlKiut any Influence on the market , hl.i Intercut at the time being finall. Heiiiy Nelll loday estimates that the crop will exceed 9,750,000 bales Showers have again fallen In Texa * . wltli bcneilclnl results , this llng the feature of the crop news. Report * from Fall River dry goods district me encouraging. The estimated receipts of cotton at the ports today were 4,100 bales , against 1.175 bales last weeU and 6.79S bales laM year ; this week , ! 2.0iKi balm. against 7,317 Iwles last week und 3S. : ,7 h.ilcs Iisl year. Memphis , 31 b.itos ; last year. 370 bales. Houston , 2.314 bales ; last > car , 2 (87 b.xles. Fol lowing the opening the maiket ruled lir.Ktil.ir and weak , further eased off under netlvc bear hammering. loKlng JJS | points under vriy weak cables , shonlng a net losn of 4Sif , ' . ' > polnls at Liverpool , gem-rally hearUh cn-p lepoits HIM Nelll llrothers' cellmate. The market ns mole or lesis unsettled throughout tlie session In Ihe afternoon the eourre of the market showd u more conservatlvi- feeling , through fen's that the licnrn had oversold tliems-elves Pi Ices re- actcil partially on i-overlng and closed sternly. with Hit net decline leiluccl to 4Ti'.i p lnls. Total sales , 120,400 bales. Futures closed steaily January , J0.78 ; February , lii.il ; Mulch. Jew- April , J6.&S ; August , J7.C5 : Siptembe' , Jii.92 , Oc tober , JB.77 ; Noxember , 15.71 ; December , 56 73. Spot cloted quiet ; middling uplands , Sc ; mid dling gulf. S'.ie ; net lecelpts. mine ; groys re- cclpis , 1,323 bales ; exports lo Franco , 162 bulls ; fonviir.le-d . , ! X1 b.iles ; slock , 4I.6SO bales. Total today : Net recelpls , 4.1CS bales ; exports in France , 1,210 bales ; continent , 1S.7 bale" ; stock. 78.W.I . bales. Consolidated : Net lecelpts. 6 SIS bales ; expoits to Oieat llillnln , 71 lulis ; j innce , 1,216 bales ; continent , 1S7 bales. Tidal since Scmembor 1 : Net receipts. 6.6M.1SI tmles ; ex ports to Client llrltnln , 3.06T. bales ; France. 7i'0- ' ! I72 bales ; cuntlnrnl , 2,114,815 bales ; channel , 5.4S1 liales. LIVERPOOL. Aug. Ifi.-OOTTON-Spot , fair demand ; pilces lowir ; American middling , fair , 4 17-3J.1 ; gixjil mlildllUK. 4 0-3M ; American mlil- dllng. 4Ud ; low middling , 4d : good ordinary , 3T d ; ordinary. 3 11-lGd. The miles of the day were 10,000 bales , of which 1,504 were for f pec ulation anil exiurl and Included 9,3' American. Receipts , 10 0 bales , nn American. Futures opened wsak , with a moderate demand , nnd closed easy nt the decline. Ameilcnn middling , L. SI. l\ , August , 4 1-64 4 2-iilil , sellers ; August and September. 3 G0-C4if3 Cl-6ld , buyers ; Septem ber uml October , 3 5l-64d , sellers ; Octolwr nnd November , 3 43-6ld. tellers : Nuvember nnd De cember. 3 4 VOId , buyers ; December and January , 3 44-6ld , buvern ; January nnd February , 3 41 64d , buyers ; February and March , 3 4l-6lfl3 43-C4d , buyers ; Marcli and April , 3 45-C4d. buyers ; April and May , 3 4C-64d , buyns ; May and June. 3 47-C4d. buyers ; Seplember , 361-64-1. NEW ORLEANS , Aug. 1C. COTTON No mar ket : nale , 23 b.des ; ordinary , 6 B-lfic ; g"od or dinary , 6 11-K.c ; low middling. 7c ; middling , 7 7-16c ; good middling , 7-Tic ; middling , fair , S 3-16c ; receipts , 3,30j bales ; stock , 13,313 bales. Futmen were quiet ; sales. 34.100 bales ; August. J7.03ff 7.0S ; September. J6.54 TV > .W ! : October fi ( 11 11.42 ; November. 56.42 < ff6.l3 ; December , JH.4irifi.45 : Jan uary. JC.l7iIG.IS ; February , JG.50Si6.51 ; Mnich , J0.57C6.S4 ; April , J6.rCfli,7. , ) MEMPHIS. Aug. 1C. i OTTON Steady ; , mid dling , 7ic : leeelpls , 3 | bnlen ; shipments , 16 bales ; sli k , 15,521 bales ; sales , none. ST. I/3FIS. Aug. 18. COTTON-Stendy ; mid dling , 71316. * ; sales , 5 > 3 bile ; receipts , none ; shipments , 5 bales ; slock , 9,16.1 bales. llnllliiKlrc .Iliirki-lH. RALTIMORE. Aug. 16-FLOI'R-Qulet and One ; western , cupcrllne , 52.73iT3.00 ; western , extra , J3.2rC(3. 0eplern ; , family , J4.:3fi'4.50 ; winter wheat , patent. 54.C3W4.i3 ; spring wheat , patent. 54.735r5.CO ; spring wheat , Etinlgiils. Jl.COiJ1 4.75 ; recelpls. 1S,2CT > bbls. ; exforlK , 2JC4"i bills. WHEAT 1'nuetlleil and higher ; spot. 94' < .ff 94 ? c ; Siplember. 93V4e ; tteamer No. 2 red. ilu.i | > 91'ilc ' ; receipts. 152.1C2 bu. ; exportx , 1S7.SS3 bu. , Fouthern wheat , by sample , 91G'J3V..c ; southern wheat , by grade , ' . ( ! { ! 93. CORN Firmer ; spot. 33V45I33-iie ! : Septfinber , 32 ? < W33c ; > .tenmcr , mixed , 3U1iifi3le ; receipts , 157.SM bu. ; exports , 441,509 bu , ; southern , white , 34p3.r.e ; southern , yellow , 35 73Cc. OATS Steady ; receipts , 1S.447 bu. RYE Firmer : No. 2 westein , 50e ; rccclpte , 7,238 Im. ; exports , 43S."iC bu. HAY Finn for better grades ; choice timothy , J13.COffl4.00. GUAIN FREIGHTS Very quiet ; steam to Llveipool. per bushel , 4d asked , September ; cork for orders , per quarter , 3s 3df33 4'i.d , September. IIUTTER Firm ; fancy creamery , 15Q16c. F.nas-Flrm ; fresh , 13c. USE Firm ; fancy , llrm ; fancy New York , KIIIIHIIH City llnrkcts. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 16. WHEAT Market V5c to Ic higher ; No. 2 hard , 76Vjffilc ; one car fancy at 82c ; No. 3. 77079HC ; fancy ami mixed , FOJiSlc ; No. 4 , 765J7Sc ; No. 2 soft. HUOW.ic ; No. 3 , MVji3SC',4c ; No. 4 , I0ic2c : No. 2 fprlng , 7S'.iIf79c ; No. 3. 75V4ff76c. CORN Srmc sales fractionally higher ; No. 2 mixed , 22j23c. ; OATS Market fairly active ; No. 2 unite , ISVic. RYE Nominally 4IVfec. HAY Market llrm ; choice new timothy. JS.CO ; choice new nrnlrle f5WJ)600. ) ) HLTTI'.R M rl.e. firm ; cc. msry. lllfllc , dnry : , 9fjllc. EGS Market very llrm ; recelptu light ; Mis souri and Kansas , lOc. HEOEI ITS Wheat , 457,80) bu. ; corn , 91,900 bu. ; oats. 33 000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 114.60) bu. ; corn , 11,000 bu. ; oats , 3,0 bu , Liverpool ftrulii mill I'rovl-iloriH. LIVEHI'OOL , Aug. 16. LARD-Stcady ; prime western , 23s. WHEAT Spot , llrm ; No. 2 wet-tern , fa 3d ; No. I red northern , spring , 7s 4d. CORN Spot , firm ; American mixed new. 3s lid ; old , 3s lid. Futures , steady ; August , 3a ; Septem ber. Sslltd ; October , 3s 2l' d. The following arc the Imports of wheat In Liverpool for the week : Wheat , from Atlantic ports , 35. < 00 quarters ; none from I'aclllc ports ; from other ports. 4.000 quarters. Corn from Atlantic ports , 60,900 quarters. MnrkclN. LONDON. Aug. 16. SIJOAIl H'Pt. August , Rs EVid. NEW YORK , Aug. 1C. SUOAR-Ilaw , firm ; fair refining. 3'ic. Ri-dned , steady : mold A , 5'ie ' ; slandard A , 474c ; confer Hollers' A , 47 c ; rut loaf , Wc ; crushed. C'kc ; powdered , CVie ; granii' lateil fie : cubes. 5'Jc. NEW ORLEANS , Autr , lt-SUOAH-Open kel- lle , Z"tfl3\'tc \ ; centrifugal steady ; irniniilated , 4".iiM 9-1 fie : whiten , 3 13-ir.ff4',4c ' ; yellow , 340 3c ; seconds , 283-Hc. _ Pcorla Mnrkcln. PEOR1A , Aug. 16. CORN-FIrni nnd higher ; N < > . 2. 27-\c. OATS Scarce end nrm : No. 2 while , 2lc. WHISKY Markei ntPiidy ; finished gooils n the lmslof J1.19 for high wines , RECEIPTS Corn , C9.41 * ) bus. ; oats , 66,250 bus. ; npe , whisky , wheat , none. SHIPMENTS Corn , W,7.0 bus. ; nals , C7,5- bus. ; rye , none ; whisky , 1.420 bbls. j wheat , COO bUH. Toledo Miirl. ct . TOLEDO , Aug. It WHEAT Active and steady ; No. 2 cath and August , MVSe ; September. Active and steady ; No. 2 mixed , OATS Easy ; No. 2 mixed. 17c. HYE-Hlslier and steady ; Nn. 2 cash , 47'e. PI/WKHSEED Active and steady ; prime cash , J4.3i. ! OH < Unchanger ] , Cnliroriilii Dried Trillin. NEW YORK. Aug. It ) . CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Steady ; evaporated apples , prime , wire , tray , 5V4a per pound ; wood dried , prime. Cc ; choice , Cc ; fancy , 6V4c. Prune * , 3 ] c to 7V4- ! per pound , OK to size n nd quality. Apricots , Royal , 7fi7V4o ; Moor Park , F4c. ( Peaches , unptelt-cl , 6SSo ; peeled , HOHc per pound. AVool MnrkclH , NEW YORK , Anir , 1C. WOOIl'Irnii fleece , 19if20c ; loose. 12 15c. ST. I/3UIH. Aug. 1C. WOOL-l'nchanRerl ; medium , 1517c : light line , 13&14V4C ; heavy line , lOttllo ; tub washed , Wfi'Ka. Oil .MiirkclM. OIL CITY , Aug. 16. Credit balances , 71 ; cer. tlllcates , opene < l at 92 bit. rloxcd 93 Lid , Ship ments. H0.427 bbls. ; runs. 1S9.29S. TII 12 M\V LI.VH opi : > . Oiuuhii , ICunnnH Ctty & KiiNtt-rii Itnll- riiiul Oinnlm A ; SI , lonlHallriinil. . The QUINOV ROUTB with through trains to Trenton , KlrttHVllle anil Qulncy , Connec tions east aud BOtithcp.ft. Kor rates lime tablfs and all Information , call at QUINCY IIOUTR omc9 , 1115 Farnaro elreet ( I'axlon Hotel Hlock ) , or write , GEO. N. CLAYTON. Agent. LADIES CAN WEAR SlifE5 One site tmaller after unlue Allen'ii 1'oot Ea e , a powder to be nhaken Into Ihe s.ines. It makes light or new shoes feel easy ; lives Instant relief to coins und bunions. It U the xreaU-nt comfort discovery of the age. Cures und preveqt * swollen feet , blUters , callous and tore spots. Allen'a Koot.Eate li a certain cure for tweatlnt ; , hot , achlnr ftet. At all druggUti and klioe > tore > , Kc. Trial package rilliU by mall. Aeldr , Alltn 8. Olmittad , L Hey , M , Y < VIGOR OF MEN Easily , Quickly , Permanently Restored Wcnknrts , Norvousncvi , Debility , nil ftl ) th trfcln of tlt ( from rlj trrort or Ul letiMf ) li reinlli el etetwotk , iloknm. er- tt , ln. Full MMFtth. dttilornifnt nd ton * lit n lo Tprj orikn ind rottlon ot tn body. Rlmrlo , n > tn l method L IinmedltU Imprornncn * 2aX ) refertncek. Hook , ttiUtiftllon ftad rfoofs milled ( t kl d ) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. . FRENCH TANSY WAFERS . ntc " > Bnuln I'llKNCll TANSY .lls. Impcrtcd dlrfcl trom 7-nrls. l.nJlfa cnn dt | < rnd upon trcuilng rrlkf from nj i cure of imltiful ntia Iruniilar l > crlo < l , ronnrj- l s of cnufo. K.MICHSON UUUO CO. , Impurtcr niut Agrnls for HIP Unltrtl States. San Jci-r. Cal. Tor talc liy the Kconoml ! nniR Co. : ! 2 3. Hth. bet. ! mini in and Douslns Ste. Sole nienti. ; PfiTROPIIZE iY purclitisini ; eoods made at tlm f 11 lowing Ncbrns * kit ( .ctofics. Ir you can * not liiul what yon want , comimmUntc with thu mnmifuctnrcrs us to \v li ; i t tlo.ilurs handle their uootls.- HAICIM ; KXTIIAUTS. KAllir.l.l. . .VCO. . Syrups , Molnpfcs. SurRlim. ' etc. reBervf Jellies. Haklnc ivnv.kr. Entraf.j. etc. Also tin cans nntl Japariedva e. OMAHA Car load shipments made In our own refrlR- tratot curs. Hlue Hltibnn , Hlttc Export , Vienna Export and Family Export delivered to nil parti of the ctlv. IlIllCK. \viTii\r.i , i , nitos. , v co. ravine , Sewer and HulKlIng IIHICIC. Capacity. 100.000 pi-r day. Oniee and yard. SJJ rnd Hickory Sts. Telcplione 425. Omaha , Neb. COHMCKVOH1CS. . G. K. KI'HXn'I'KII. KAJli : COHMCM WOIIICS. Manufacturer nnlvunlxeil Iron Cornices , Oa- ! vnnlzed Iron FKV'I MS. Til , Iron nnd Slat * nooflnu. AKCIU for Klnnutir's Steel Cellinc , 10S-10-12 North Elovpiith street. CHACKEll KArTOIllES. AJIF.mr.IHStTlT .VXD .MFC ! . CO. , Wholesale CrceUer Miinufacturers , OMAHA. Neb. IHON WOI1KS. DAVIS .t CJOWCIM. 1HO.VVH 1CS. Iron mill Ilrnss KoiindiTN. Mnnufactuiers and Jolilicrn of Machinery. General - eral repairing a Eiieclalt.v. IdOl. 1303 und 1305 Tackson street , Onmha Neb. TAXTOX .t viKitiiixc : IHOX wcmics. Manufacturers of Aicldtectural Iron Work. Rcncrnl Kounilry. Machine and tllacksmltli work- . Enttliieers and Contractors for Fire 1'roof HullJ- InK" . Olllce and uorkBi U. I * . Ily. and South 17th Etreet , Omaha. OVEHALIA AND SHIllT KACTOnlE3. 31. 1C. SMITH .t CO. , fanufacturtl s Ideal brand Shirts , Overalls , Jumpers , Lined Duck ClothliiK. Importers and Jobbers Diy Goods ami Notion * . Salesrooms , 1101-1107 Hartley St. Tactory 1102-1103 Howard St. 1CATK-XUVHXS COMI'AXV. Mfcrs. Clothing , rants. Shirts and Overalli. OMAHA , NEl ! . SIIIUT FACTOniES. J. II. I2VA.VS. NKHUASICA KIIIHT COMI'A.VY Eiclunlve custom nldrt tailors. 1515 Farnam. IX3UNGES. i , . ( ; . DOIIP , Manufacturer I.OUIIBCS. Couches , Mattreases. Jobber of Spring Ucd and Feathers. 1307-H N'lcbolas blrc't. DYE SCUOICDSACIC'S TWIX CITY DYB WOItlCS , ITi l I'nriiiiiii St. Dyeing and oleanlne ut sarrnents and coeds of e\ery ( leFcrlplIon. Cleulilng of Hue garments a ipiclulty. _ V1NEGAH AND I'U'KLES. IIAAIIMA\ VIXIO.VH CO. , Manaufacturers of Vinegar , Pickles. Catsup * , Mustards , Celery and Woicetlerslihe Sauce. WAGONS AND CAKRIAGKS. \V1I,1IA.M I'l'IOIIT'lCH. For a fiood Huh.Ntantlal vehicle of any descrlp * lion , for icimintlnB or rubber tires on new or old wheels , the bett place Is 27'.h and Ixiavenworta ftrtetH. Dltl'.M.MO.M ) CAItltlACI" CO. Cheap medium priced and tuny carrliiK" . Any thins > uu want , tccond hand or new. Ileiidquartera for Huhlwr llres , warranted. JStd and Harncy , opposite Court Hnutc , A. .1. Sl.MI'SOX. l-IOil , 1-111 UnilKf. Full line of Carriages , lluuules , Phaetons , Pony Carts. Whcelu rubber tiled. The Lett U tli < LINSEED OIL. WOODMAN II.\SIID onvoincs , Mnnufactureiu old process raw IliuteJ oil , kettle- boiled lliiKeeil oil , old pioceas ground lln- > red rake , crjiind and kciecned flaxtfed for . OMAHA. NEH. AWNINOS AND TENTS. WOI1 IIIOH. ! A. CO. . Manufacturer * tents , a\vnlriK . lurpuullns , rov. ers of all klndu , UUKS , hanntrn und btreamcra , TOJ-7W H. 16th Kt. , Omaha. OMAHA TII.VT AM ) II fllllKH CO. ( Hurri'tsnra Omahn Tent nnd AwnhiK Co. ) Manufacturer ! ) lenln. iiHiilnuu. Jobbern ladlf-a * and crntii' mncklnloiihes. Tents for rent. 1311 Farnam St. , Omaha , CIO Alt MANUFACTIJHEIIH. MHXK .t CO. I.areeet In the west Omaha. leading Job bers of Omaha , Lincoln uml Kansas City han < Ulw our coodb. CHRISTIE-STREET Cujiltul , * no , < HIO , Kully Pii Id. Stocks , Grain and Provisions , It oi > in 111 illonril uf Trude ( Tel. 11-03. ) C. C. CHIHSTJIS . rresldenl B. J. BTHKKT . Vice President U. W. KKNNI3V . , . Bwetary David T. Deals , I'reat. No 3637. f. P. Kt-al.Vlce I'res I nlon .Nnlliiiiiil llnnk Clias. II , V. Lewis. Cath. Capital , S600.000 , KANSAS CITMo. . , April tl , 1197. We liercuy ccillfy that Ihe Chrlntle-ftreel Commiiilon Company lus thin day comu.ti.ced butlncus wllh in by deponltlny Fifty Tlioubana Dvllan ( J'AOOO.DO ) In cutti , ( Dictated. ) CHAIILBS H , V LEWIK. < lu hier. JAMES E. BOYD & CO. Telcplione 1030. Omnha , Neb. COMMISSION GEilN : PROVISIONS : AND : STOCKS I 11OAHD OK THAUK. Olrtot win * to Chicago and Ntw York , j