Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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Pa'.sfii tl./n guarantee at the reliable
B..H r > j tteam laundry. Phone 314.
Thi- State Saving * bank baa moved a
41 ! 3r ad nay , next to Sargent's shoo i tore.
Si .3 Vermont Reynolds ami Miss Mary
Sn will return today from Denver. Celo.
ar a n V O. Pryor left last evening for
\Vaah. nston ; , la. , to attend the encampment
of 'he Second regiment
Uir field In Iowa , Mlreourl ami Nebraska.
OI'acitr unlimited and our work un- 1Vtat more can be said ? Eagle
l * . . ITT , " 24 Bwar.
l-jnul ItHtffg camp No. 14 , Woodmen of
the World , will meet In regular session this
even.n * There will be an election , and the
flnai report of the picnic committee Is ex *
1' Ualtlauff. In thr employ of McPhrrson
& K cd met with a very painful accident
ah.le lowering a heavy ah. It fell seR
R ti a. Jitter the Rlats and one of the plecu e 1 the liwtep about two Inches.
The two young men who mere arresttd
T.c lay for peddling without a licence were
en b fired { 3 60 by Judge McGee In police
c * * ' The police have not been able to
flni an owner for the upholstering gooOa
thy were trying to sell and which was sup
per 1 'o have b "en stolen.
Charles Tohmy , brother of Mrs. Peter
Wcm. died at hln sinter's residence. 1335
Mala n avenue , yesterday midday of heart
failure The deceased waa 54 years of age
arl has lived In Council Bluffs since ISGS.
I'ji.-ral Saturday morning at 8 o'clock from
t , e residence. ? orMces at St Peter'8 church
at 9 Burlil at the Roman Catholic ceme
Tha entries for the 01 Club bicycle meet
cla u tn.Iaj. The number of the rtders will
CS..CC 1 that of any previous bicycle tourna
ment ever held In ihla city , and as the pro
gram la a flue one. the fact Is apsurtd that
the n.cct will be the best In the history of
the Ity The track has been placed In good
sba. j , and only bad weather can prevent
the u. s success that the young men feel Is
no ' .v as. , jrcd.
.MrsV D. Klrkland was painfully In
jured in a runaway accident yesterday. She
was driving the old family horse. In com
pany with MUs Cherrington. The animal
became unmanageable while passing along
Tenth avenue. He ran Into one of the un
filled lots In the vicinity and overturned the
carriage , throning out both of the women.
lira Klrklaml's head came In contact with
a pile of stones. A scrlouo scalp wound was
made.- , which required the attention of a
surg on. Miss Cherrlngton escaped without
Injury The horse continued to run until
he had demolished the buggy.
C V. VlavlCo. . female reaeiy ; consultation
free. Office hours. 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. Health
book furnished. 326-327-323 Merrlam block.
N V. Plumblnc company. Tel. C30.
40 Domestic coap wrappers are good for
lx sllvr teaspoons.
Grand Plaza , August 15 , the Cliffords , the
IIiililIitK tinKOJK. .
Two bojs. arrested at Silver City who
provtl to be runawaji from the Christian
home are belns held In the central station
iuul word can be received from Manager
Lcmtn , who Is in Colorado. The boys are
charged lh burglary. After they made
their way to the Milla county tonn they
found themselvta without money and ex
tremely hungry. They stopped dt a farm
h asc near town to set something to eit.
It happened that all of the family wert
aivay and the boys after knocking arouml
the place for a shcrt time trying to find
somebody discovered an unlinked door and
entered the house. Not finding the pcntrj
readily they proceeded to search the house ,
and In doing so they ran acroia an unlocked
trunk. They opened It and found some ar
ticles that pleased their fancy and took pea-
Bission or them. They also found 53 cen-s
In money In another part of the house
which they also appropriated. Tney were
discovered as they were leaving the house
and after the articles were rntesed tht
firmer followed them and procured then
arrest. When ho learned the true aituatlo :
ho wcs not Inclined to prosecute the chil
dren and Insisted upon them being seni
back , to the home. Judge McGee does no |
want to eend them to the reform school ant
hns Usued an order holding them at tn <
city building until Manager Leraen can bi
heard from.
The genuine Domestic soap Is the firs
grade. The Imitation Is a cheap grade.
Thera seema to be no mlsfake about ta
Clifford ! having been becked to appear a
X j Grand PUia. Sunday , August 13.
Hud Man Amiinirxt Uonirn.
H. Fishback , an emplo > e in the restauran
In the west end of the pavilion In the Gram
Plaza , Li under arrest , charged with as
saultlng Miss CUra Kracht , a young womai
who has been emplojed In the place at Inter
vals during the season. Wednesday after
noon Miss Kracht was assisting in the wor
of entertaining the crowd. During the after
noon Fishback applied a vile epithet to he
and aha slapped his mouth. He seized tb
girl by the throat and choked her Into In
sensibility and repeatedly otruck her In th
facci with his flst. Her sister , happening t
enter the restaurant at the Instant , al
tempted to rescue her from the graa
of the brute , and was herself attacked. Thl
brought Fishback's wlfa to the front , an
she endeavored to restrain her Infuriate
husband. Fishback seized a large butche
knife and attacked his wife , and befor
the woman could get away he inflicted
painful wound upon her arm. He was rt
s'ralned by some of the men and the thre
women were gotten out of the place befoi
ho had a chance to Inflict further Injurie.
A warrant was Issued by Justice of tt
1'caco RIef and Fishback was arrested o
the charge of assault with Intent to do gre ;
bodily Injury. _
They are coming to stay one week at tl
Grand Plaza , and will be here Sunday mon
ln , August 15 the Cllffo'da.
Silver teaspoons go w Ith Domestic soap.
G. A. Gregory has been placed under a
reel upon several charges preferred by h
neighbors on Hazel street , and he will 1
kept under surveillance until Saturday wbi
it wl.l be decided whether he shall be cltt
to appear before the cornraltssloners for U
Insa-r for examination. His neighbors b
lleve be U Insane and are Inclined to li
Ust upon the authorities taking care of blr
Hie eccentrlcltlea have caused a great def <
of annoyance In the neighborhood. One
the red-hot mornings a few days ago 1
awakened some of his neighbors by bull
Ing a rcarlcg fire In all cf the stoves
the houai * . He was found sitting In a tet
perature that wart blistering , and when aiki
for an explanation dtclared that he w
"roasting out the devil. " Mr. Gregory
over 70 > eara old and hid htalth has be. .
quite poorly for DO me t-me. He came
Council Bluffs recently from Beatrice. Nel
and bought a home on Hazel street. He
in coajforuble circumstances , and has
.wife , but no children , living with him ,
The Cliffords left New- York yeste'day a
will arrive In Council Bluffa Monday mor
Ins They open at the Grand Plaza SundJ
August 15.
_ _ _ _
Two ! > mnll Klrr .
Yesterday morning atI o'clock fire bro
out In tne rear portion of th grocery stc
conducted by Nels Juhnaon on Sixteenth a\
nue near Seventh street. The stock of goo
Y.U3 fcirlomly damaged by smoke and wat
but the building escaped with slight Injui
Johnnon' * ttock was covered by liuurac
amounting to fSOO and the leas will exce
the Insurance. The building was owned
T L. Smith. His IMS Is also protected
insurance. U Is bellaved that the place *
purpoaely set on flre.
At noon yesterday a small flre was on
stoned by the explosion of a gasoline ut <
In the residence of Mm. Foster , on Sli
avenue near Ninth street. No damage M
With the Cliffords and tha Tyrollana
the Grand Plaza next Sunday there shot
be at least 6,000 people at the Plaza. T
Cliffords alone are considered < u : a 1
UOK ttecuelYM and a good on * at tint ,
Beard of Education Adopts a Flan to Head
Off Kickers.
School * AlMtiirtionril Aniline tlie C < iri >
of Instructor * Alrenilj , tint the
Annoum-ru'rnt Wilt lie
MrlU llitck.
The Board of Education baa decided not
to announce the alignment of teachers until
the day before the beginning the autumn
term of the public schools , September T.
This k contrary to the usual custom and
foreshadow ! 4 general changing around of
the teachers.
For a. number of years past the arslgn-
ment of the teachers baa Involved consequences
quences to the board that Incurred graver
responsibilities than the election of the
teachers. Many of the teachere are sure to
b dteaatisfied and disappointed with their
; as'ignment These who have taught a num-
j her of years naturally feel that they are en-
I titled to some consideration when It comes
j to the aasl cment of rooms. They feel that
I they are entitled to be placed In rooms In
the central buildings , or in building. ) located
nearest to their homm. They hae not
httiltated to make their desires Kiion and
members of the board have bad to listen
to many vigorous protests and complaints.
"We are golru ; to get rid of this annoy
ance this season , ' said a member of the
board , yidtcrday , "by refusing to announce
the aeslgnmenUi until the day before the
schools open. The time will then be too
short fcr ua to hear many objections that
will Inevitably be made and too late to make
changes , even If we were Inclined to. The
assignments have all been made , but It la
our Intention that none of the teacherd
shall know positively what disposition has
been made of them until they are ready to
begin work. Of course , aorue of them will
find It out , but It will only be a few and they
will have no cause for complaint. In mak
ing the assignment the board and the super
intendent have taken into consideration the
convenience and wishes of the teachers as
far aa practicable , but we believe that our
first duty < a to the public , and that the first
duty of the teachers is to their puplla. arul
we accordingly have placed them where , In
our opinion , they can. do the best work ami
give the best service to the schools. If we
were to consult the wishes of the teachers ,
the outlying schools would never have the
sirvlce of any but new and Inexperienced
teachers. All the old and experienced
teachers would be working In the central
buildings. Then we have offered a slightly
better salary for some of the grades with
a view of making It an object for the best
teachers to seek them. This inducement Is
not Intended to apply to the teachers whcae
chief recommendation Is their long sen-Ice
In the schools , but to the best teachers in
the tervlce. We expect hereafter to place
the teachers Just ae a wise business man
would place his clerks and assistants where
they will do him the best service. There are
good tochers willing to draw the salaries
we are paying , anl we feel , after we have
con. ulfed the convenience of the teachers
as far aa we can that there should be no
objection to the assignments. "
The musical program of the Elka' banquet
at Manhattan beach. Saturday afternoon and
evening will be for the general public aa
well as the Elks. The program selected by
the Twenty-second Infantry band follows :
Marchv-Omaha Elks Prof. E. Relchardl
uverture-In Gay New York rv * .
Fantasle My Old Kentucky Home..Dalbey
Cocn Dance Cotton Blossoms Hall
Selection Bohemian Girl Balfe
March Hot Time in the Old Town To
night Slackie
Potpourri Martha Fiotow
Patrol Blue and Gray Dalbey
Selection-Herald Angels ABe5'ei
Fantas-le-Auld Lang Syne. . . . Dalbey
The Tyroleans now filling an engagemeni
at the G'rand Plaza will leave for San Fran
clsco as soon as they ace through at Manawa
The genuine Domestic soap wrappers are
red. Beware of Imitations.
Ilcnl Entnte Triin fer * .
The following transfers were reported yes
terday from the title and loan olHce of J. W
Squire , 191 Pearl street :
G L Stempel and E H Stempel and
wived to E H Stemp l. lot 3 , block 9.
Macedonia , w. d J 32
E L Shugart to Mrs Ella O Pinney ,
right of way over lands In K-u-13 ,
q. c. d
Sheriff to E E Hart. s U sw 4. nel4
and nw > i sel * 23-77-43 , s. d 1..2
Tbree transfers , total J2.0S
The Cliffords. Grand Plaza , August 15.
doitlnc ScKMlon of Tenehern' Inatltnti
U Well Attended.
Yesterday was the closing day for work li
the teachers' Institute , today and tomorrows
being occupied with examinations. A dee ;
i Interest has been manifested during the en
1 tire session by all In attendance and man
of the teachers express the opinion that I
has been one of the most beneficial Institute
they ever attended. Prof. Eastman c
Fayette. la. , delivered a very Instructive ad
dress on last Tuesday evening and last even
Ing Hen. Henry Sabln- state superintended
of public Instruction , delivered a very lr
spiring and masterly address on education :
themes. The theories of Horace Mann an
hU magnificent life were held up ta the 2E
teachers and others interested In education :
themeo who had come In sufficient number t
comfortably fill the assembly room ot Broai
way church. The gist of the address ! d coi
talned in the following :
Horace Mann was the greatest educate
America ever produced. Born like Lincol
In poverty , the only means of education h
had In youth was the common dlstric
school , wh'ch he attended three or foi
months In the- year Having a wrong wil
power and tireless spirit he worked in at
versity and made it the stepping stone to hi
later position , tbe central nsure of educatlo
In America. When he was 14 year * of as
hN father died leaving him the oldest c
the children and consequently the princlpi
support of his mother and younger brothei
unu sisters. He undauntedly took up th
i , task and succeeded In this and also in ge
ting a fa.T education through his own effori
principally. At tbe age of 20 he began 1
tit himself for college and In elx montt
liad prepared himself to enterjhe gopbomoi
clnstv He graduated at the bead of h
class and afterwards practiced law , \VM
he was a good lawyer and legislator , for 1 :
was af en\ards elected ta the Massachuset
legislature , he never acquired the greatnes
that lie did In educational work. When
new board of education war to be appoint *
for Musbachup tts and he was Infornn
Mat he u as to be made secretary , be at F.r
declined , saying he was not able to till tt
position , but he afUrwards contented so !
hla law library an ? threw hla whole strengl
and energy into the work. Tae plan 1
adcpted was similar to the one now pursui
In the state of Iowa. He traveled throug
the country visiting reboots , fjivine lectun
and In every way arousing public interest
educational work. His great success was n <
acquired by great words or deeds , but I
the aplrlt and earnestness with which 1
entered Into tbe work. He realized thi
the education of the entire people wj
necessary In order to maintain a republl
The open source of knowledge to evei
re il la one of the glories of our r
pub.ic. ( Applause. ) The p ople are
wiurce of power The great need of ot
.11 state Is more normal school ? ; tno-tirtl
cf our teachers ha > e only a common echo
education. Would It not 7 > e true econorr
to establish normal schools where the :
teachers can educate themselves at
reis Table expense * Horace Mann's theoi
waa Improved methods , Improved educatlo
If all teafhers and educational soelett
would unite their forces we cuiiU ! get tl
Iowa legislature to crant our request at
have these normal Hchoolx established , ni
thereby place Iowa at the head of eduo
llonul progress In the Vnl'ed State * , as si
thas ought to be Instill this principle Into yo
as pupils and talk It to the people. The fa
of Christian civilization depends upon t
education cur children receive. Educutli
costs money , and let us not try to eco
omtze by cutting down the school tax.
we leave our children an Inheritance
knowledge they are not poor Tbe bo-
who are playing- the etrteta today a
ltd voura ot the future. Their vote d
pen-Is upon the education they now get
Doe * It pay to educate them' ' How to
rench the * trr t urchin H one of the
greatest que tlons. Their vote will
mum n * much a your boy's or mine , who
ha been brought up tenderly and educated.
It H the letter that killeth and the 'ptrlt
that elveth llf * In t-aehtnc. The "plrit of
the tedeh r fc the sp'rlt thnt prevails In the
school. Sow good < e * l aftd the harvest 1 >
sure to come. The ? ed time an * the harvest
seem far apart , but they may not be. < jod' &
care 1 as much over the plowman as over
him who sings the harv it home.
One of tae great prlnc.ple * ot Mann's
theory was couched In the e word * "Be
aMiomed to die till you have wrougiit some
victory for the good of humanly. "
Before the address Prof. W. N. Paulson
read a poem composed by himself which re
flected considerable Inspiration to teachers.
The glee club of the Institute also sang a
song especially prepared for the occasion.
Awoclntlnn to Look After the Council
HlutTo Cnd of the MioTr.
The Council Bluffs Tranemlsaisslppl Ex
position association , was finally organized
last evening and the permanent officers
elected for the full term of Its existence.
No other c inlzatlon formed In the recent
hhtory of Council Bluffs has had the care
bestowed upon. It and the work , of selecting
Ita members and officers given such close
attention as this , and It Is confidently be
lieved that It will exert more than ordinary
Influence upon the destinies of the city dur
ing the next year. Upon Its work will de
pend a large share of the benefits that the
city will derive from the exposition. The
Idea has been to form an association ot the
busiest business men who will take up the
work assigned them and push ahead. It
was necissary to move slowly In selecting
the men to constitute the executive com
mittee of fifty , and nearly a month haa
elated since the start was made.
The report of the committee ot ten directed
to select the men. who were to constitute the
officers made Us report at the meeting last
night. A. C. Graham was recommended for
president , Dr. J. H. Cleaver for vice-presi
dent. C. H. Judson for secretary and E. W.
Hart for treasurer. It was generally known
before the meeting convened whom the com
mittee had selected and Its report was
promptly approved. The committee also sub
mitted the names of the fifty men who will
constitute the executive committee , each o (
whom had given the secretary his assurance
that he would accept the office and discharge
the duties assigned him and nearly the entire
number were present at the meeting last
night. The seven subcommittees to be made
up from this membership were also reported
by the committee of ten and approved. Tluy
are as follows :
Transportation J. H. Cleaver , XI. F.
Rohrer. E. F Test. J. M. Barstow , S. Haaa ,
J. P. Greenshleld , W. I. Smith.
Exhibits'- . ; . P. He s ( chairman ) . William
Mcore , W. A. Maurer , O Younkerman. J.
C. HI. ey. F. H. Keys. R. H. Bloomer.
Literature E. F Clark. J. E. F. McGee.
I H. W. Sawyer , H. P. Barrett. W. H. Lynch-
ard , W. S. Baird , J. T Oliver.
Solicitation F. A. Bixby , George B. Rex ,
L. A. Devlne , E. P. Searle , A. P Hanchett ,
H. L Forsythe , V E. Bender.
Finance Tneoiiore Gulttar. E. W. Hart ,
S. B. Wadsworth. A. W. Wyman. H. W.
Binder , J. A Patton. E. H. Walters.
Printing W. C. Boyer ( chairman ) . A. C.
Graham , George X. Bowen , M. Wollman
fs-ecretary ) . George S. Davis , J A. Hereld ,
J. E. Hollenbeck.
Legislation I. if. Trevnor ( chairman ) ,
Georse Carson , O. P. Wlckham. W. C.
Jame ? , William Groneweg , X. M. Puaey. A.
S. Hazelton.
Following the announcement of the ap
pointment of the committees It was sug
gested that the members of each get to
gether and organize by the selection of chair ,
men , and all ot the adjoining rooms in the
city building were utilized for committee
meetings , J. P. Hess was made chairman
of the committee on exhiblta , and it was de
cided to hold the first meeting at the office
of Day & Hess tomorrow evening at 8
o'clock. The literature committee decided
to meet In the Grand hotel this afternoon
at 2 o'clock and select Its chairman and
plan the work of tha campaign. The solici
tation committee will meet for the same pur
pose at the Nonpareil office at the same
hour. The finance committee was not able tc
perfect its organization. The committee or
printing organized by choosing W. C. Boyei
chairman and M. Wollman secretary , and
.he legislation committee chose I. M. Trey-
nor for Its chairman. The committee on
transportation named E. F. Test for -its
chairman and selected the office ot Dr.
Cleaver for Ito meeting place. All of these
committees will meet and arrange theii
work and report at the next meeting of the
.jeneral committee In the city building nexl
Thursday evening.
The committee on solicitation was notified
that the Third regiment of the Iowa National
guard would meet next week at Osceola
end It was recommended that the commute' !
secure the next encampment of the reglmeni
at Council Bluffs.
F. A. Blxby announced the receipt of ;
telegram from Cedar Rapids conveying th <
Information that the grand lodge of thi
Ancient Order of United Workmen woulc
meet In Council BluCTs next year.
The matter of securing permanent head
quarters fop the association was taken up to
discussion and a committee , consisting o
Treynor , Rohrer. Boyer , He. a and Test , wa
appointed to look up a suitable place and re
port at the next meeting. Mr. Rohrer sug
gc ted the Idea ot a. midday lunch at one o
the hotels or restaurants , where tbe member
of all the committees could get together am
talk matters of Interest connect *
with their work while they ate. Th
proposition Immediately met the approva
of all present , and It was decided to havi
these lunches each Friday. The commlttei
on headquarters was Instructed to select thi
room with special reference to Its proxlmlt ;
to some good hotel or restaurant , wher
these midday lunches could be served. I
was suggested that the hotels and ren
taurants be Invited to submit bids for fift ;
dinners every Friday during the next yeai
These dinners will enable tbe full com
mlttee or a largo portion of Its members t
meet every week , In addition to tbe regu
lar meetings , after the plan of th
Commercial club in Omaha , and wll
fix a date when a , majority of the member
of the committees can always be found. .
plan to assess each member the cost of th
meal , whether he was present or not , wo
suggeflted , but was not approved.
After the meeting adjourned the con
mlttee on location held a brief session an
dec'ded on the course it would follow 1
making Its selection and arranged for th
meeting of the committee to do Us work.
Conurem > mnn
JEFFERSAN , la. , Aug. 12. ( Special Tell
gram. ) Congressman Dolliver delivered
masterly address from the theme , "
Sketch from the History of a Great X :
tlon , " before the Greene county normal It
itltute this afternoon. An immense crow
listened to the address.
\\Moil Imry County Heuiilillranx.
SIOUX CITY , Aug. 12. ( Special Tel. .
gram. ) The republicans of Woodbury count
today met in county convention and e
lected thirty-two delegates to the state coi
ventlon , all favorable to the nomination <
Senator Funk and Instructed to work fi
a plank In the state platform favoring tt
Temple amendment to tbe railroad laws. I
n. Santee. a bunker of IHlltArry , and Jamea
Barrett , a railroad empltre , formerly
tone cutter , were nominated fbr representa
tives In the legislature. John i A McGown
for treasurer and Wllllara Davenport for
sheriff were renomlnated tor third terms.
loirn. Pythlnn * Klprt O Hcrr * nt Clin
ton nml Ailjiiorn.
CLINTON. la. , Aug. 12 , The sessions of
the grand lodge , Knights ot Pythias of Iowa ,
i closed tonight Officers were elected as fol
lows : Grand chancellor. C. C.1 Dowell , Des
I.Molnes ; grand vice chancellor , W. E. Harris ,
| Vlnton ; grand prelate. Wr L. Douglas , Bay
ard ; grand keeper of records and seal. H.
D. Walker , Mount Pleasant , grand master
I ot exchequer. Fred A. Bennett. Manning :
I grand mastsratarmaV. . L. Eckey. Hamp-
1 ton ; grand Inner guard. J. W. White. Cen-
( tervllle ; grand outer guard. F. A. Welch ,
i Oto. Council Bluffs gets the next tesalon.
ro | > ullf li Put ti | n Ticket.
OTTL'MWA. la. , Aug. 12. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The first middle-of-the-road populist
convention In the state was held here to
day. A full county ticket w s placed In
the field. Delegates were present represent-
Ins 500 votes , which Is over half the voting
strength of the party In the county.
| Killed on III * Wnr Klondike.
, JEFFERSON , ta. , Aug. 12. ( Special Tcle-
' gram. ) Frank Collins of this city was killed
today at Helena , Mont. , while on his way
to the Klondike gold fields.
1 Snjn llrllirry Ilciiort Conoornlnjr Him
' IH VlmirillKiiMc. .
| CLEVELAND. O. . Aug. 12. On his return
from Chicago today Major Charles Dick au
thorized an Interview on the subject ot tht
charges of vote Influencing , made In the lat
populist state convention In connection wltt
his name. He said :
! "The whole story of attempted bribery Is
abeurdly false. On Monday morning last 1
received a note from Hugo Preyor , asking i
personal loan and promising to return 1 !
i within a few days. In response to thai request -
, ' quest I gave him my personal check for J23
The check Itself Is the beat evidence of thai
fact that could be given. On this mere In
cident the attempt Is made to create a
political sensation. I never gave -Mr. Preyoi
i or any other man a dollar with a view ol
' controlling his political action or Influencing
! the result of the papul'st convention. "
Fire Kecord for n Day.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 12. Tire in the tw <
upper stories of the building at 312 Nortt
| Eighth street , occupied by the Enterprbs.
Braes company , did J10 000 damage at ar
i early hour this morning.
MinlMter Woodford Oolnc to Madrid
| LONDON. Aug. 12. General Stewart L
Woodford , the new Unled States rnlnlstei
to Spain , started for Paris today with hit
I staff on his way to Madrid.
llattlenlilp Indiana In Dry Dock.
HALIFAX. N. S. . Aug. 12. The battleship -
! ' ship Indiana was successfully placed In drj
dock this morning.
Ilannn'n Yacht Ilnns Acronnd.
JACKFISH , Ont. , Aug.'li-iSenator M. A
i Hanna and party of pleasure seekers ac
companying him on a cruise of the Greal
Lakes had a thrilling experience today or
the wild northern coast1 of Lake Superior
Their yacht , the Conr nch . a staunch
vessel , went aground In Nlp4grm straits , anr
stuck fast in the rocks that Abound In thai
region for sixteen hours. Th f accident oc
curred at midnight last night , when tht
"enator and his. guests were comfortablj
stowed away In their berths. There wai
considerable confusion for a time , but th <
captain soon saw that tae yacht wa :
caught In an easy position , and all sai
down to wait for tugs , which , were orderec
from Nipigon , ten miles distant. The Co
manche was hauled Into deep water at
o'clock this afternoon and resumed he :
journey with all on board well. Beyonc
a slight leak , the yacht waV-not harmed
The mishap was caused by the pilot get
ting the yacht out of the channel.
Force Packers to Combine.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Aug12. . The fac
that a close combine exists among the bli
packing firms in Kansas City , so far a
least as supplying the local trade is con
cerned , is emphasized a second time within i
week. On Monday lat all the packer
slmultaneouffly raised the price of dres ei
beef to the local trade to 6 cents a pound
This action , being an advance of nearly i
cent , caused protests from all sides. Th <
result has been a reduction to 5i cents , not
withstanding that the price of live cattle li
the yards Is even stronger than when th
price of meat was first advanced. Ever :
packer In the city announced the reduction
all at the same hour.
Fortune * In a Day.
REDDING. CaL , Aug. 12. News was re
celved here tonight from Coffee creek to th
effect that $40,060 more of go'.d dust an
nuggets was taken out yesterday afternoo
from the pocket out of which the Grave
brothers took their $42.000 last Saturdaj
Another exce-dlngly rich discovery of gel
is reported on Morrison gulch , about tw
miles from the scene of the Graves brother ;
discovery. It is said $1S 000 was taken ou
in one afternoon and that two miners ar
taking out gold on an average of itO t
the pan This strike Is on the same vein a
the Graves clilm and Is supposed to be a
extension of the same.
One Ivnnanx Town Without AVnler.
KANSAS CITY. Aug. 12. A Star specla
from Wellington , Kan. , says : Aa a resul
of a disagreement between the city councl
and the water company over the price t
be paid by the city for hydrant rentals
peremptory orders have been received t
chut down the pumping plant. This leave
the city entirely without tire protectior
and compels the shutting down of two larg
( louring mills , a number of stationary er
glnes and all the repair work at the Sant
Fe roundhouse.
Twelre-Yenr-Old filrl niope .
KANSAS CITY , Aug. 12. A Star sped :
from Mexico , Mo. , says. Ernest Crosswhll
ran off with the 12-year-old daughter (
Thomas Plckerson and went to Halllda ;
where they were married. The father <
the girl started In pursuit and secured th
young bride and will try to hold her unt
of age. Mrs. Crcsawhlte Is probable tl
youngest bride In the state. If not In tt
United States. .
Drilled the Motion to nini'lmrsf.
MILWAUKEE , Augr. 12 Charle ? Polactu
a member of the Wisconsin legislature , wl
. was arrested yesterday on a charge of a
e tempting to bribe Alderman Elkert. w ;
taken into court today. The attorney f
the defense moved fcr his discharge , clalr
Ing that the convening- the lesls'.atu
next week nullifies all the pracedlngs. TJ
motion was denied.
lllc Trnnnfi-r " Place.
CHICAGO. Aue. 12. The property of tl
Chicago Sugar Rertnlnp company was fa
mally transferred to Tlje 'Glucoe Refinli
company of New Jersey , today for the co
slderatlonSaf JiCO.OOO''nndother valual
considerations. The plant canslsti of :
enormous sugar retlnery acd glucoe facto
" wnlch have been In operation for twenty-tl
y years. ,
: * i Opcnlntr of Rrouni ; Slioollnur.
i ; I LONDON , Aus. 12G.rouse shootii
' opened today under favorable auspice
r The highlands report gbTxTOas ? . In routhe
e Scotland there la some * Ks 5e and In Derb
In " "
3ty Doing "stimts.
ie That seems to be the 'case with the
isy women who are washing in tKe old way.
s- y You can stand on your head , for instance.
sie ir Almost everyone could do it , if it were
1CDI necessary or desirable. But "standing on
iy the feet is more natural and more sensible
j *
an ay and easier. So with soap and
n Pearline , Everyone can wash with
ife id soap many do. But washing with
idui Pearline is easier and more sensible.
aie .The hard work of soap is neither
tic te necessary nor desirable. Everyone
inn should give up the use of soap and should use Pearline. a
nIf T f\r\\f \ P dlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you , " this is as
of 4-/UU1V. p „ cr "the same as PewHne. " IT'S FALSE Pearline U never
fS re S \ , -4 , peddled ; if your grocer sends yen ta imitation , be bantu tend it kuJk ,
ree \JWf JAMES PYL& New York. .
Vr * the blnl are healthy and trenT , but
too wll.l to yll. | cooil twifrs. Th * first rou e
at Sheffield soli ! at IS shillings ( M.50) per
Dlxenurd Illilr * Cnnneii thr Cloxlnv of
n Penn ylTnnlit Tnnnery.
CLEARF1EI.D. Pa . AUK. II.The Falls
Creek tannery , it Fills Cr ek , this county ,
has closed down because of the ippearance
of a peculiar and terrible dlseaie among the
employee , of whom ( our died within a tew
hours after they were seized , tt Is supposed
to be caused by handllcs tome hides which
were Imported from China and contained
the germs ot an unknown and dangerous Measures Mil be undertaken to
ttamp It out Before It spreads any further
HUMOUS or A Avnnciv.
Pmncixrrr Trnln on tlir "lvn > " Snlit
to UP In n Oltoli.
DALLAS Tex. , Aus. 13. H Is reported
that the Missouri. Kansas & Texas north
bound passenger train Is In the ditch at
Caddo Mills. No particulars.
\n Vnfaltcrlnir Kcotlit.
The Actor vhose confidence In hlmerlf
wavers for an Instant \ lost. A member ot
the hlfitricnlc prof lon who had triol a
new character , relates the Detroit Free
Press , was conversing with an acquaintance
about the manner In which he hail per
formed. It wasn't so much that he cared
for anybody elses opinion , but he liked the
"I was a little bit frightened at nr . " he
salil confidingly , "but t soon sot over It. It
dldu't take me long to feel sure of my
round. And when I got to going 1 wan
erfectly easy. "
Yea , ' replied the friend , "I dIJnt' ob crve
ny signs of nervousness. "
"You saw the performance , did you ? "
"Yes. "
"Of course you liked It7"
"Well , In a certain way. Sometimes you
ere very good. AnJ. to be candid with
ou , at other times you were very bad. I
op < I haven't hurt your feelings. "
Hurt my feelings ! Not a bit of It. I
wouldnt' have been good all the time for
nythlng. U there Is any quality upon which
pride myself more than on all others. It Is
ersatlllty. "
Scitmllnnvliin Wliilom.
Denver Post : A man met out money
aver haf vary many friends who vant to
orry his as.
A mean man who can mak folks tenk hae
ane gute sometimes haf batter luck as taller
at es gute and es shamed to tal et.
Xaver marry faller vat call hes fader
'old ' man. " Hae vel call yo old vowan.
Sorrow es a tens vet com to eferybody
metout envUatlon yust lak bill collector.
Ef a man es gute to hes vlfe hae aught
o get to heaven yust ns quick aa som vat
s called Christians who Dane mean to hes
Es gute teng for faller to Ian and enjoy
ctisal en des world , bat hae ought to kno
en hae es at a funeral.
Bacause faller get hes revard for efery-
Ing en heaven es na reason vy he should
row oop gute yob en daa country.
A Flnnl CnpltnluUoii.
Washington Star"Pete. . " said Meander-
n ? Mike. "I've held out agin advocatln' an
ctlvo labor market ez long cz I kin. Dere s
o use o' talkin' , we wants prosperity , an'
ve wants It quick. "
" \Vot's de matter wld yer ? " Inqulrad
loddlng Pete. "la de scarcity ot work
' ' "
vorryln' you'
"Yep. I'm afraid dat If It Increases some
' de people we depends on fur hand-outs'll
ie ou : of a job. "
Help * Connt Lnmlicr Trade.
SAX FRANCISCO. Aug. 12.-Tne building
if the Siberian railway has been of preat
ienetlt to the lumber trade of this coast
The Glan Turret , a new freight steamer of
026 tons net. now at Shanchal. has been
bartered to take lumber and railroad ties
rom the Columbia river to V'.adivostock.
Vlrelnl" Democrat * .
RO.VXOKE , Va. , Aug. 12. The democratic
state convention adjourned today after
nominating- . J. Montague for attorney
general , endorsing Senator Daniel for re
election and defeating by a vote of SO to
509 the primary senatorial election plan.
liny 3fen Adjourn.
PITTSBURG , Aug ; 12. The National Haj
association adjourned finally today after
adopting a resolution Instructing the trans-
> ortatlon committee to demand four days'
ime from the railroad companies for loading
and unloading hay.
Rnloeil the A eH ment.
INDIANAPOLIS. Aug. 12. The State
Board of Tax Commissioners has Increased
he assessment of the Citizens' Street Rail
road company of Indianapolis from
.0 $3,000,00) ) .
Scotch Oil Combine Collapne-t.
GLASGOW , Aug. 12. The Scotch oil trad *
combine has collapsed , owing to the decisior
of the various companies not to fix the price :
i for the coming winter.
MoKlnler Will Attend Ohio Tnlr.
1 COLUMBUS , O , Aug. 12. President Me-
Klnley has accepted an lavltatlon to attend
the Ohio State fair at Columbus , opening
August 3L
'Frlneo fietn n STTlii flank.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 12. An applica
tion has been received by the bank com
missioners of this state for a U ens to dc
a banking business in this city from a cor-
Sea rles
i ! & Searles
Xcrvous , Chroni !
D.kordvrgof Me
Trrutnirnt by in a
Cured for life and tu potion ttacrousnly cleaate
( rom ( be iitem.
fepermatorrhea , Seminal WeakncM. Lost Mai
hood. NIcht c.mi = lcus. Decayed FacullUi , V-
male Weakneia ami all cclicate lilionleri P
cellar lu timer sex positively curw. I'lUH !
ucce fuUy cured. Melh < xi n w ami unfalllnf
Stricture and Geetatf ! '
by new method without piln or cutting > * i
on or address with itamp ,
The Popular Scenic Rout <
- Chicago , New York and Phila.
Solid VeMtlbuleil Train .Service ila
Grand Trunk Railway System
In connection with the
I'lctureiiQue ! rh Vnllc-j- . R. rl
Lare filcaco. Dearborn Station , via Gran
Trunk Railway Sjtiem at 3 09 p. m Throus
FoliaV tlbultJ Train to New York ana PhlU
ilelphla. Tbe train run * dally , Sundays Include
ana conrlsta ot a Combination Oassage ar
Smoking Oar , tint rlain I'mienger Couetiea an
Pullman Uun > t Sleeping Car * , ulth Dlnlmr < " .
HLLKD 1 * lighted by za . heatel by tteum. an
contains all lmpm > cmenU lately introduced I
modern railway equipment For Rates. SleipUi
i ir * > mmodatiomi acd further Intorroatloi
apply to
L. It. MOfllJOU' , Clly Tlc-kt-t . \ = cut ,
103 South Clark Stiwt CHICAGO , I LI
art " "pleasant Don't
try "It-treatment , but
Consult Juhn JLWood-
bury IT V , ' 41d it N Y M lean ex-
pvrience In curtn ? nart and all Vln
tlis * use * . Send nc ) I r Ueauty Uoclc and
campie of Woodbury * Facul Sojp or
Failal Cream.
Most Complexion Powders.
have a vulgar glare , but Pozzcmi's in a
beauUfler , whose eftects are lasting.
poraMcn form * l by a number cf nell known
capHit' ' ts. It Is to be a branch of the
8wlA.mcrlcan BADR of Lu * rn , duly
nrganlxnl under th laws of the rvp.iblk ot
Swilierlnml The local branch h s nn u-
thorltcd capital of n. ( 9 , . of which MOO.NO
ht * b en paU up t > y the Incorporates
JUiotrrri In > rt > rnUn frith XorthwrM
IVInil * nml Cooler.
WASHINGTON. Amr. 11-Forecast for
For Nebrn'ka Showers : cooler In extreme
wetrn portion , south wlniK bccotr.'nt ;
For South Dakota Fair. prece ! e < l by
shoneM In northern portion. se\ere thunder
storms In. east portion , cooler In nostcrn
portion ; southeast winds , becomlnu north-
we ' .
For low.j Threatening wt-ather. with se
vere thunderstorms In northern portion ,
warmer , outhenst wlmla.
For Mls'-ourl Fnlr ; warmer , southeast
For Kansas Partly cloudy weather , south
wlnd , becomlnc westerly.
For \Vyomlnp Generally fair ; west wln < l .
l.ornl llrcortl.
OMAHA. Auff. li Omahn re enl of rilnf.ill
and temperature compnretlllh corresfoml-
InR day of the past three year *
is ? ; . iws : . isw.
Maximum temperature . S4 73 01 Sfl
Minimum temperature . . . o * ftl * flo
Averace temperature . . . . TO 69 W Tfi
Ualnfall " 0 .17 00
Hecord of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and slme March 1 ,
1S97 :
Normal for the duv 74
Deficiency for the l y 4
Accumulated ex-ess lnce 'Jtarch ' 1. . . . S
Normal rainfall for thft day 11 Inch
Jeflclency for'the day H Inch
'otal rainfall slnco March 1 12 ? l Inches
tendency < lnet March 1 7.S < i Inches
Sxce ; s for cor. period , l tfl 2.21 Inches
Dellclency for cor. period. 1 95 S.s : lnche
llpporlH from Mnllnui nt > 1 > . > u.
Seventy-nrth meridian time.
mah.i. clcir w
orth I'lntte , cloudy
alt take City , cloudy
he > enne. cloudy
arid City , partly cloudy
uron. c ear
ilcaRo ulear
Illlfton. clear
t Louis , clear
t. Paul partly cloudy
axenpTt. clejr
elrni. partly clnuily
an as City clear
3MT Cl Uj >
Ismirrk partly cloudy .
lUeatun. partly cloudy _ V0 fc4
I * A. WELSH Local For -ta t OlHi tal
si > tn < uh
dizziness , heartburn blurred
. a separate cure for * ch
dliw > i ifor . sail * by nil drug- PE {
r'TTTS'PC ' cists. Mostly
vUrtUlO centsVh n Q I A
In douM write ta rr-f MunO 1 r\
yon. ro5 Arch .itreat. Phllndelphl.i. TB. . for
frea medkal aiHlce.
All Druggists.
urgicil Institute.
St Omaha. .S'b.
I.TTIO > punK.
, . l t In trc tm nt of
„ „
Chronic , Xervons and Inv aULsusis
unit anv IAKM. : S RJCU
mill nihOunuiiMir RlCn
L.VLMUs given tartful a ; < J pclai Attention fui
ull l-.clr man ) a.iinctit * .
I'Ull.U-lf > uur iimpliinM nre plmplet on
fce. lore throat , mm u < patches In mouth ,
rheum ttlsm In bones ui.a Joints , nalr tall ,
inif cut. sou have no lime to nraite.
( Vltallt ) W k ) . n too clo e appllta-
tlun to inialnm or xuily. f tre mental strainer
or grtef. SEXUAL EXCESSES In middle life or
from 'he effect * f youtbful foUlcs. Call or
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL , S100.000
\vc ncsuiE roun COLJ.KCTIU.NS.
for tale r r ct. Liay & lle.i. t3 Pearl
,1 ,
MATCH RACE One Mi'e County
Championship Colored
A beaut'ful silk banner given to club having largest attend -
ance at the races.
Grand stand free. Children under 12 years 15 cents.
For entry blanks , address
HARRY K. SMITH , Secy and Mgr.
for steam boilers , furnaces , otc.
This prate ia being larifely use I
in packing houc3 , breweries ,
mills , steam heating1 plants or any
place where steam uoilers are be-
infjiibed. . They tire the moat
euimmical. ( Hit-able and eflloient
shaking crate made and will save
fuel Write for circulars describ
ing grates , givia ; ? fuller Informar
ticn to the
Grate Go
tOthAve. and 12th St
Council Bluffs. la
IOOO Wain Street , Council Bluffs. Telephone fOO ,
After July rst my father. Dr.
Hi At
a EL I. Wood bury , will have charge ol
the plate work in my ollice and I will
{ live my entire attention to Operative
Dentistry , Crown and Bridge Work.
No. 30 Pearl St. ,
Next to Grand Hotel. H. A. WOODBURY , D.D.S