Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1897, Image 1

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    " " *
. , . . .
British Forces Drive the Dervishes from an
Important Town.
Contest Was Hanfl-to-Hand in tlie Harrow
Streets of the Town ,
Artillery Wine tlie Day for tbo European
Cninlrj nnd n Smiill llotlr f liif n > trj
nnil tlir Ileiiinliuler of
KnllfnV PoriMtKltocr Klllril
or ( v'
CAIRO. Aug. 11 Official dlsimtches from
Assouan on the Nile , mar the first cata
ract give details ot the capture of Aba
Hamed on August 7 by the Anglo-Egyptian
troop * , under Colonel Hunter , otter an
olgbleen hours * march from Merawl
Colonel Hunter kept all his preparations tor
the uttAtl ! u blriet iectet , In order to pre-
v cnt the spies of the Khalifa in the Soudan
from getting wind of his plans
After currying t"e blgh ground overlnok-
Inc the town 'he Anglo-Eg.vptlan trnars ad
vanced to the attack upon the village A
stubborn hause to houne fight ensued mid
Colonel Hunter was obliged to 'bring up the
nitillery bufore It was possible to carr ) the
The total loss was twent-Dne killed and
rlxty-ono wounded , of whom the Tenth Sou-
dane'e battalion lobt Jourteen killed , among
them two British officers , and thl-t-tour
wounded Major H M Sldne ) fell mor
tally wounded while leading his men to the
attack and died in five minutes Lieuten
ant Flt7clarcnce was hhot through the
licart almost at the same moment. Three
Egtian officers received severe gunihnt
Colonel HunteIn hlc dispatches highly
pralres the bttadlnebb and dash of the
trotir.s throughout the engagement The vil
lace Is Q network of crowded houses and
tw Ibtlng , nar ow alleys , so that most of
the lighting was done at the point of the
bayonet 1 he Dervishes repeated ! ) chaiged
through the narrow streets Finall ) their
cavalr ) , having lr t DVCI half their numbei
fled precipltatol ) followed b ) 100 Infantr )
These vvere all that escaped The Dervish
comnmndet Mohammed Zeln. was captured
Another well-known Sklemlr Etubbornl ) de
fended himself with his follow ers In a
fitrougly fortified house , and was oul ) killed
at Itiht when tlie house was dec5troed b )
the artlllen-
A large uumber of prisoners , aTms , stnnd-
jirds camclt und horses , with other prop
erty , were taken The Nile at Merav.l h
in a moHt unpleasant state from the CO'P LS
Doatiui ; down
JUlniifhOtii I'rclntc TuIU * of tinGrctil
Iu > iitiif lteuii Couff relict- .
LONDON Aug 11 Rt Rev Henr ) B
Whlpple 1 iKhop of Minnesota , who has been
one of the most prominent among ilic nisi ops
in attendance upon the Lambeth tonfercnce ,
nt the recjutbt of the Associattd Pries , ha
written the following views of the confer
ecce *
The conference manifested a decided
ununlmltj of feeling on ull qutmoiih con
nected witli woik for mls-slons und the BOC.U !
problems which at this time hnve HO mud ;
interest for ulL thoughtful men One of the
rooRt remuikable HpeecheR of tlie confeit.nct
WIIB made by the bishop of Washington ,
I > r. Sutteilee , on the soda ! problems con
nected with the emplojer and emploved the
keynote of which was thut men do not need
charity , thcv need what the gonpel of Chrlsl
plv ei- them brotherhood as the children ol
one father The bishop of Albun ) otuuiiie
u fotemort position in the conference us ont
who ninny * expre--ed hlmKelf with ter f
Hlmiillclt ) Bishop Potter ulwuyt bus n
bearing in England us well us at home fo >
his wixe and lovlnc thougbttu IKRS
1 think tlie .American biMiops won tht
rebpe"t and love ot their EnglMi brethren
'J'heie wan us trong unanimity of feellnp
vith ul ! tlie Aim rlcuii blRhops that , whiU
in Iraternal love and biotherl ) B ) mputhv
cur hearti. are one w th the church In Eng
land nnd the colonltn in defense of Uu
Tnltb and In the woik or our Suvlor. ) ti
the ) stand , und ulwuvs wll' Mtund , un tht
rights of the iiutionul ehurch , with lu
peculiur reHpoiifllillltlrs lo God and HlR chll.
clren. Tb Amtrlcan blftbopB have ulwut
maintained from the rer ) ftrst Lambeth eon-
Jerence that the Americun ohutch mu"t ul-
vvuF Btund upon Itf- rights und maintulr
it > i uutonomi un u national ohurrh nnd the i
TCngllMi and rolonlul biethien all recognlzi
that this is their powltlcm They know tbn' '
tbo Ameflcun churrh does not desire tc
Imve nn ) voice in tht internal nffulrs 01
management of the mlHbloiib ot tht Churcl
of Englund , nor doec it tit Hire to u"sunu
any of the ret-pnnRlbUitlfH tbejtof ; ntlthei
does It ( the English chtirt h ) expect to tuk-
unv slmrc of the government ot the buidenj
of tlie Americun church
Tin it wen Himib thioughout the eoufei-
en < e thnt u power ubove men'p wlll wn-
tlruwlnp CbtlHtlaiiB together There WUF
ver ) much to cheer us In the stoiy of the
t burch'n triumphs In mlHslon fleldt , , pucli uf
tuiulu , where fifteen .vearn HBO tliere wort
live ChrlMlnnn und today there are 4f (
rliurtheR , 27.WK ) w ornhlpperti und fiOxK ( ) whci
t-nn read tht gospel We have seldom been
jirlvlleped to witness pueh Futlicrinps nt , the
inlHRionui ) nieetlngB lirld In ronneetlor
vltb this conrtience At Siillwhury cntbi-
ilrul 7DK ( ) jiBOple eelebruted the nnntversurv
nf 'be ' ImpllHm of Etbelbert l. : X > jeurs upo
Ten tlioutinud were present ut u miBHlon-
ury meeting ut Biiint Buvlour' church , und
the cathedrals ot Southwell and Llchtfield
never hud better coiiKregutlons than wert
druwn to the meetlnKH there.
It bun been u iileunute to the Amerlcutif
to meet wime of the foremoxt men umonc
the nnti-cnnfornilfitB , who bnve Hbown the
tliepmt Intereht in our deliberations. Wr
were Informed lit n mlHslonur ) gathering ut
the Churuh of Bt Saviours that it IB pro
posed to pluce In thlb beuu'lful ehuieh. ont
of the tildeet in London und excelled in
jrrumleur enl > b.v Weotmliifitci ulibev. u
memorial to the non-conformist John Hun-
yun In Bt Buvljun John Hnceis uncl otbet
prleHts of the Church of England vv ere eon-
tlttmnea b > their own klmmien ( n rhrist tr
clle BB martrs , and that Huch u memoriu ]
Hhould be plu etl in tblH thureh Is u mat v el
IOIIK tiltrn of the ttmth ,
The Americun blshnps luke to their hornet
delightful memories of open-hburled lion-
Iiltulli ) on even huntl But what 'ni-
| ire ed the Anienrun hlxhops mast WIIK tbt
3itw life which In stlrrlnn the Cburth ol
ISnglnnd to great ventures for God ul harm
und cbrond
JU > OI T Tn'ic . nr 'HIE
I'lillliiliip | ltcl > elx Hold I'ji Siiunlkl
'J'riiuiiK for Arum mid \iiiiiiuiiltiou.
BAN FHANC1SCO. Aug 11 The CBpoel o
the war In the Philippine hut changed ar
cording to a correspondent of the Jupai
'Advo-ttte In a letter from Dtill.un , July 3
lie reports that tht rtvolutlonlsts are follow
ine the Cubans' tactics surprising cuuvo > i
and detachmrutb of Spanish troojaud uj
to date Jiave been general ! ) in ulmc.t al
the encounters , this being rc'allj the onU
meant b ) which the liberators have acquire !
the Urge iiimibtr of Remington and Manuel
rifles And the supply of ammunition the ]
puwicse at pre < ent at t trifling cot > t uf 11tM
co m pa re ttv el )
\iiiirfliint Krpelled from
l'\RI3. Aug 11A warrant hat bnei
J fued for the rxpulclou from F'anta
ZTKrridd Marino ! the Suauifch anarchltii , whc
du the courte of a upceili wh h he uuu p ui
Sunday luist at fcpucuU jierformuure cnci
U the Theater flu U lU'pubhgue tot Ui
benrfU of the Spanish refugee In Paris
urged that Fenor Cftnovai ) del Cartlllo the
Spanish premier tthould be B auilnate > t
Marmnl who formerly a pMroner In the
fortrem of Mont .lulcb at narreloni IP t > e-
llevefl ti ligve utarted tot- England yesterday
The French authorities have resolved to
expel a number of other anarchists from
.oiniurv\ cmiHIdtnv IMIII.
Doitntlon 1o Pniultir "nfTrrern 1 hnttU *
full ; lt < - < - < Ivvct.
NEW TORK Aug 11 Tht following
cablegram hae been received
CALCfTTA , Auq JO City of Everett
arrived safe and Hound , UK carpe In pnod
condition Mil Bishop Thuburn Arr ng -
mcnf ! for dlmrlbuthin perfect Cnrso Is
mo"e ueteptublc even than experted
Rev n. G Hobbs Railed from San Fran
cisco June 12 on the whalelmck pteomcr
Clt ) of Everett. In charpt of a cargo of corn
given to the India famine puff ere rs b ) the
ptopl of the T.1 nlted States Hi will now
turn the cut go over lo the Inter-flenomlni-
tlonal mtasionar ) ? nmmltlee of which
Bishop Thciliurn of the Methodlbt Episcopal
church Is chairman und It will he rvRtem-
utlcnll ) apportioned among the missionaries
of nil Protestant denominations in the
famine districts for distribution among the
suffering natives
Ml ' 1 liniiMiiid < lioMt lit HitEnrtli -
< | iinkf In ItiiHn.
SA.N FRANTISCO Aug 11 Additional
details of the nrat tartbquuke In June which
made all India tremble received in reten'
mall advices confirm the orlg'cal rcpo'tft
of 'its nevcrlt ) In northtrn Bengal , Assam
and Cnshar the shockt continued for som"
time The mortality In tlie Ch'rra hills Is
estimated ut from 4 Olio to fi two At Goal
para a tidal wave dtctroed the bazaar nnd
slict ) live * were lost The earth is fiSFU'-ed
und the countrv Is covered with mud nnd
sand The tclegrnph office tutcher ) and
other public bulldingf , were destroyed nnd
the nat'ves ' were forced to fin for their
llvefc The countr } Is flooded CE the earth
hns subblCed along the banks of the Brahma ,
causing great damage to the craps Slmllat
reports are received from man ) other places
> CIIUHCH Aliuovt ii Finite AVbeii
ItCt-fll fll III Illllllllll.
NEW TORK Aug 11 A dispntch to the
Herald from Havana sas Official Irforma-
tion bus reached Havana of a decisive batUe
between loal troops and inturg > nts In
Matanzas According to this Info'tnatlon th
Spanish troops were loiited with heav ) lo"-ees
This news caused a veritable nem-ation In
Havana as it Ih general ! ) known that Cap
tain Geueial Wi-jlcr is now In Matnnzas
J and there Is a belief that tht Spanish troop , '
dircctl ) under him were those which suffeied
defeat at the hands of the rebels
Premier' * It ciiutlm. Itncli Mndrld.
MADRJD Aug 11 The remains of the
late premier of Spain , Senor Canovus del
Castillo , arrived here at C 55 a m , from
Santa Agueda They weie met at the rail
road station b ) the mlnlwtert. members nf
tliti diplomatic corps und the civil and mili
tary nuthorltles of Mudrld and Us vlclnit )
Immense ciowds of people were nsHembltd
ubout the depot.
The coffin wns placed In the waiting room at
the elation w here prayers were said over the
remains The latter was th n conveyed to the
residence at the late premier , escorted by a
eompan ) of infantry , with n band and cellars
Inside the mansion a chapel liad been ar-
langed with two altars and masses were con-
tinuallv tielnbrated until noon when the pub
lic was admitted toview the body
Golli the anarchist assassin wcs taken to-
dn ) from Santa Aguefla to Verrara. where
he will be tried On arriving at his destina
tion Golll said "My cavalry has commenced
\ priest will tr ) to convert me and thun
the comedy will be rene through I remember
wTiat happened to the others ; " mentioning
the names of nil the anarchists who havt
been executed In Fiance and Spnln
* i f'oiiilK "XVIll rrniiere tlic * Duel.
MARSEILLES Aug 11 Prince Henry of
Orleans has arrived here on his letuin Iiom
AbyESlnnln Hit > seconds M Leontleff n
Russian officer , nnd M Rnoul Mourichon n
traveling companion will meet in Paris the
hccords of General Albertonc , Uie Italian
officer who has challenged tht prince to
fight n duel on account of the Intttr's ntper
ilrinp upon the conduct of the Italian sol-
dlcis In Abjsslnia
Vnollicr Aimrclilxt Exiel ] < - < 1.
LON'DOV. Aug 11 1 special dlbpatch
from Paris that Planas auother Itader
of the Spanish anarchlsto hat also been ex
pelled from France being conducted to
Havre Irom which port he will go to New
York Both Marine ! and Planas , the dis
patch adds , called themselves Cuban
TM eiit * - * ! * f IHotrr * ArreKtf-tl.
THE HAGUE. Auc 11 A crowd of people
ple assembled at midnight In front uf the
residence of the Spanibh minister here Seuor
tie Buguer , and shouted "Long live an
archy" The police iinebted tvvent-fivc of
the more v loleut of thone taking pnrt In the
liurliil of ICiikt uhLo'i. Hi-jirt.
BERNE Switzerland , Aug 11 The heal t
of Kusclusko the Pollab patriot , war In
terred toda ) In the special mausoleum of
Cattle Rnjipetiw } ! , on Luke Zurich The
ceremony was performed 'b } n requiem
inaEbwhich -wat attended t ) } ISO 1'olh.u
Iiati lotM
Pull In Mln-r IIurtH liiiiMirt Triule.
HONG KONG A g 11 Owing to the full
in silver tbeie is n general d"pre Rlon in
the import tindc A prominent firm IK es-
tnblliihliiK cotton factories cstenbivtily in
fciouth China
MrlioliiH Inilt * n Grrimm Colon. ! .
ST. PETERSBURG. Aug 11 Emperor
William of Germany has appointed -Grand
Duke Nlcholnt JJIcholarvltck to the honorary
colunelc ) of the Magdeburg huftart.
I'reMideiit Pimre llitrlc In 3'nrlfc.
PARIS Aug 11. Prtsldtnt Faurt "has re
turned to the Eliee from his euminei villa
at Hpvre.
iiuj Mt-n nii-i-t ottifiiK.
PJTTSBURG Aug. 11 \t toclu6 sesplon
of the National Hay aw > oclnUon the rtpart
nf the committee nn proposed change. , hi Mic
guides of hay and t > traw recommends that It
was inexpedleut to uiaku nn ) chaugeb lr the
national grades at this time. The following
officers were elected Pretldciit E 1. R p-
rrb of Philadelphia. nrbU vlte piettideut ,
Henr ) V Diirns of Buffalo N Y . nerond
vice president , A. E Clutter of Lima , O ,
neoretarv and treasurer , Frank E. Calllnt of
Mo ( UiK-ntu of Ocfini VfifceK , AUK : , ] 1 ,
New York Arrived Teutonic from Liv
At Southampton Arrived St Paul , from
New lotk
At New York Arrived Werr- from
At ] 'hllnd ! phla Arrived Swl.ZBiiujicl.
from At > twi > ri !
At I'l ) mouth Arrivud Hnvtl from New
York for Ilremen
At Liverpool Arrived Mnjmtlc. from
New York , Cnnhnteniun , from montrful
At Kremen Arrivtid-Jiunlehen. from I ai-
At New York Bulled St Louie for Snuth-
niniiuiii , Gurmunlc. for LJvarpuul. Arrivtui
Trav'e. from Bremen
At Queenstewn Bullbd Servla , for New
At alnt < FovvArrived EtliHijila iiojn New
At Boulq , ne Arrlvafl AinsWerJam from
Kew iirk far RoHnrdnn.
At lotteidcn Suited Spuarndum for
] New YiuU
At I'hilndelphla Arrv ! efl Switzerland
1 fiom Ajiivvtrp
At Liierpoul S ! lied Bntannlc lor New
, for
Anti-Fusion Men Coatrcl Ohio Fopulist
State Ooavention.
Sclrr Clinlrn nnil Ilrrnk
in < t-r Knrli ( Itliern * Ili-niln
Police Cnllril In In ( lull
tbf 1 rouble.
Tor Governor. . .JAPOD S COXET
Tor Lieutenant Gmemor . . .
Tor Supreme Juflut . D C. J > OMOnT
Tor AtHinver Gtneral C A JU31DBII
Tor State Treasurer . . . . T M J1OH1US
COLUMBUS , 0 , Aug 11 The populist
state roimutinn opttitd with Mr AV-itte of
C\F\ \ eland demanaiug more than fUt min
utes In which to Kpeek upon jlmrgtt. ; to the
tiffect that certain mldule-of-the-rcad dele
gates were thf re In the Interest of Senator
Hanna to keep the ronvtntlon from
the fltate democratic tltket The chair re
fused MrVltte more time. DolEgaxes told
him to sit down and flnallj Martin Krumm
of Columbus undertook to put him down
Mr "Wltte resisted Mr Krumm George Rid
dle of Columbus seized a chair Delegates
took the chair from Riddle and pande
monium reigned Mr E M Kcrr and Mr
Krurarn clinched and were fighting
when Policeman MtMahrm separated
them Chalrp were broken in the
fight When quietude was restores
Mr "VVltte demanded more time
further trouble belog rampant the chair
man tel ( phoned police headquarters and a
nquad of officers respoideJ All of the anti-
fusion dtlegatcs were seated and a straight
populltt ticket will be named
The contention then effected a perma
nent organization w 1th Tcmporarj Chal -
man Seltr of Tiffin nnd Temporarj Secie-
torj A S liightw alter of New Phi adel-
Phla being made permanent officers Trom
that time on the iuslonUUs though In the
minority v ere \ e \ much In eidEiice. . but
their efforts Jcsulted In nothing except to
delaj thr p-oceedings of the contention
The rcEOlutionB adopted reaffl'med the pop
ulist platform adonied by the Omaha and
St Louis contentions of the rort > , and took
Issue on several matters of local InttrtoL ,
Before the mcirning session closed a rcso
lutlnn was adopted providing for the ap
pointment of a committee to investigate
charges made on the flonr of the convention
that delegates had been cor-uptcd The
fuslonlsts wht > made the charges opposed
an Invcsticatlon bj n committee claiming
it thould be made In open convention
At the afternoon session the following
state ticket was nominated
Tor governor Jacob Co > .ej , Stark count } ,
for lieuttnaut governoi Morris Whltcomb
Tusnarawas counts for supieme Judge , D
C Pomeroj , Tiankliu count } , .for attorne }
general C A Reider , Wayne count } , for
Btatr treasurer , r M Morris , Auglaise
The convention remained In session until
nfter C o'clock , awaiting the report of the
investigating committee , hut it vas not
forthcoming and the convention adjourned
sine die , with the understanding that the
committee would report to the state central
Viivrlitln Dmiorrnth Ol * - Tlu-in the
Colt ! mifiuldc-r.
ROANOKE , Va , Aug 11 The democratic
state convention was called to order at noon
today The dut } of calling the convention to
order devolved upon General George J Hunfl-
le } as the chairman Hon J Taylor Ellison ,
is a candidate for governor Nearlj all the
1.548 members of the body were present
The platform will hard ! } be submitted toda }
Itb declaration on free silver and other Chicago
cage planks will be unequivocal A most
determined fight will take place over the
proposition to adopt a plan lor nominating
United States senators b } prlmai } Develop
ments indicate that the most conspicuous
part } leaders in the state will antagonize It ,
The best Informed Jeaders predict th defcai
of the prlmar } Idea The canvention hall
v as packed with delegates
Mr G D Letcher of Lexington the tcm
porar } chairman of the convention was In
troduced bj General Hundlej UF the repre
eentativt of the "joung democrac } " of Vir
ginia Eve- } reference by the tcmporarj
chairman to Bran and the Chicago platform
was heartlb cheered The speaker made a
vigorous and cartHet defense of the Chlcngr
platform and eepeclall } the planks favoring
j fediral Incomt tax and denjIng govern
mcnt b } Injunction His denunciation of tbt
"deep damnation' of the Dingle } tariff law
was received with cheers With reference tc
the plank of the Chicago platform touching
tht Interference of federal gove-nment witt
local affairs the temporary chairman said
this wru Intended for Prthldent Cleveland
If he sent troop * to Chicago -without the re
quest of the Illlnolb governor and blmpl }
ui-eJ the Interference with the mails ut > an
excuse then U applltp to him "But it la
ni } opinion" nald Mr Letcher "that Cleve
land was the tool of plutocrac } In this BE in
other things and that the movement of tht
mulls w as eimply an ex ( use for the use o !
The Indications today are that the ticket
will be Tyler foi governot , Edward Echole
of Stuunton for lieutenant governor and for
attorney general elthir -t'nited States Bis
trlet Attornes Montagut of Danville or ex
I'nlted ' States Dlttrlct Attorne } F S LEBS !
ler of Petersburg At 1 o clock the conven
tion took a recens until S this afternoon
A communication was presented b } the
committee appointed b } the populist t > tait
convention whicl nominated Edmund R
Cocke for lleu'enant governor This com-
munlcntlon which if Higned bv General
.Tames G Field end the three other mem
bers of the iiominluefc , fclmulj adv. iked the
democratic hod } of the popullMt > ' action
Action on the tiubjtct was deferred
TliIP Incident wuh the first one in which
there had been am reference made to the
popullsth or the action taken b } that part }
at the recent btate convention
Tim convention at D o'clock took a re-
ctL until B tonight.
Carter Glass of the Lynehburg Newe
plated before the convention the name ol
J Iloge TIer of Pulattkl for the guber
natorial nomination
The mention nf his name called forth
tumultuous applause Mr Gluts' refertncc
to Hoge Tyler being a dt mucrat. and 11
nominated he would be elected "and bta }
a democrat , " wa < < thorough ! } understood bv
the convention and retelved with a storm ol
applause At the conclusion of the stcoiid
Ing hpeecb for Tlei Ilun J Talor El
lison who was hU on ] } opponent , in u
brief speech , moved to mal e the nnmma
tion of liih competitor unanimous
Thin proposition was received with wild
applause and the scene which followed WOE
the only dramatic one of the day When
Mr Ellluou took his seat , on motion of Mr
Wlllard of London the convention b } t
ribinr vote unanimous ) } re-elected that gin-
llenuin chairman of tin state committee
Mr TSlllsnn'e proposition was carried will ;
a wild hurrah uud J Hoge Tjlei of I'ulutk
wet. declared the nominee of the convention
for governor
The platform reaffirms tht , Cliitugo detJa-
Colorado Coin rutloiih C ll < * il ,
DCNVKit Aug 11 The demouiatt ani
the M-KJules republicans will both 1ml-
their vtuit oanitmiimifc the E&ine da } , Bep
teaibtu 6 to nominate a candidate fur judgi
of the miume conn Tht McKinle } re
publli-aris have made over'uit * to the tlhei
republicans to call their convention fui
tmubur r alto with a vltU tt >
union o' the tut. f net lout
OrtflUli 4-urrrrdn Iloliuun.
IKDIANATUL1S. Ind . Aug 11 The ma
jorlty ol Qrtf&tiij fltuiocrttj over Lee , n-
nubllcan in the Fpcrfal ffl ttlon for con-
grfes in the Fourth Indlahd dls'rlrt held
j-Mtcrday in 1 fif.2. Mnlmnc1 * , majority last
November wee R2fi Thfr pnrnllBif ni fl ft"
candidate against Holman but M \ \ Brow
der WBB their candldate'tBlfjc&l He re--
cclved about ( IK ) votes.
Srtli I.oii Ont for Ibc Mm ornltv.
NEW TOItK Atl | . -i'cmvlncea that
the e whn hnve lieer | _ urging him to nroojit
the cantlltlnc } for tnnyor represent n ma-
jnrltv of the repubir&in voters" of Greater
New York , Selh Lavrthni : entered the rncc
and will U'wHi in thcftunrBJo thut tt > being
made fur him.
tDV4Arn - THrtnic
t Srpt4-nil 1'rloe In"
CHICAGO Ang 11. Feptembrr wheat nj
vcnced 3 cents tndsy nnd cloned Btinnc
nt 814 ccn'B This Is the hlchert point
"touched b ) Stptcmber wheat ulnte IBM nnd
compares with t.7 cents a * tlit price ruling
oilvtnr ago todav The cpcnlng strength
In fo-tlgu markets etnrteB a ncarc among
tuorts and thtlr crvorintr ojieratlons wert
ran led out on rn extensive ncilr throughout
tin BeiItin Foreigners accepted tree ! ) uf
cash offers at t > und 10 cents premium
over September The ) were credited with
rolling distant futures nnd some evidence of
th1' ! ma ) be found -In the fact that the Dec -
c ember premium entlrelv disappeared today
Crop news from the northwest and the de
cline in condition shown bj the govern
ment crop icports were the chief factors
which combinei to tlr up the fhortf.
NEW YORK Aug 11 On top of ) t-ster-
da ) a " cents advance taint even n grcnte *
Jump In vvhcut prlct * toda } The bulls had
tntlre control of the market from stnrt to
finish Stveral times the beare attempted
i to raid the market In .an effort to stare out
long stuff but the ) found prices .Ike a
rork and each time were obliged to cover
at considerable less Buyers were plentiful
ull du ) encouraged lr ) the sensational ad
vance of from 2 pence to Z\ , pence In Llv cr-
PDO ! prices and 1 t'O francs in Paris four
'u-c-E that created In the minds of bull
trade-b v islpiiB of further export demand on
a continued hear ) scale
Stptcmber wheat blurted ut 87 cents , which
was ] % centti higher thnn Is closed last
night From there it moved upward btcadll )
until In the earl ) afternoon 8S % centb was
reached ecllpelng all previous records for
tht season The bulls said it would go to
fl a bushel in New York before the present
bull inovcmcut bubblded nnfi loielgners were
Eutisfud On this theory the investment
purchases in nil markets of the country v ere
hear ) Foreign houses , bought lu the local
markets and reports ol big export businc-c
again nl seaboard polntb spurred bulls on In
tht afternoon to tvcn greater efforts Th ?
btibhicss actual ! ) confirmed however , was
on ! ) Hu.tlOO bushels. , although seventy-five
loads were reported owe and nt outports
The dote was at the highest point of the
da ) September leaving off at f > 8 % cents
and advanced ntill Inter to fS ! % cents Total
transactions in future , were 10"Cti 000
YOIIIIK Hineiicl * Arrcslt-rt nnrt Juileil
ut 1 liiitlou.
YANKTON , S D Aug , H { Special )
Young Hibcock the man arrested hen
charged with being a horaethicf from Burt
count ) Nebraska , was Ins'tnBtl } recognized
b ) Sheriff W R Langfnrd of Burt count ) ,
who came to Yankton upon being notified of
the arrest Sheriff Langford knows Hlscock
well , us Ue , had htm 4n jail in Tekamah
Neb. for t'lRbt months- last jearupon n
charge of murder * If , IF hellered that HIS
cock and a cousin killed a * men named Sell
ers , who riilned Hlscopk's bieicr Hiscock
has a record , as a desperado throughout n
large portion of the , west ! He .has stolen
horses in Nebraska and the clt } marshal
here knowe where fifteen head nre now
secreted Hlscock's home -was at one time
in Cherokee la , and he Is wanted there
with his brother for wholesale stealing of
harness He Is also wanted in Vermilion
for the same crime He is a young roan of
small Etnture , with blue eyes and light hair
Papers were found In his possession v.hlca
Indicate that he is familiar with the rough
countr ) of the Niobrnravallt ) Two or
three unsigned c ommunlcations evidentl )
of recent flnte , atking Hlscock to meet some
person or persons at the mouth of n ravine-
at S a m were among thcee papers
The officers here received a telegram Irom
the sheriff of Plymouth eounty , Iowa , telli-g
him to hold the prisoner , as there was a
reward offered for the tvvo'Hiscock ' brothers
and the recover ) of the1 stolen property
Another telegram from Veynlllan Instructed
him to hold the ba ) team and harness taken
with Histotk , as the pioperty was stolen
Hut * > prlneh lli'0iern from tlie Flood.
HOT SPRINGS S D. Aug 11 { Special
Telegram ) The dnmuge caused b ) tlie flood
is now niostl ) repaired Trains upon both
roadb are running regulitrl ) Into the clt )
The water , light und telephone systems arc
completely fixed , and the-'big plunge lath
ib expecttd to be ready tor business this
week. _ " *
cnizv rnoM'BCTon IUJAS AWCIC.
Slioott. Four I'f4iiile Ileforf the I'ollee
Ctiitur * llliu.
SPOKANE Wash , Aug "ll John Thomat > ,
a prospector from Foil Steele , either crared
with liquor or laboring under the delusion
that he was being persecuted , ran nmuclt
and us a rtsult two .men nre believed to lie
mortnll ) wounded uud a man aud a bo ) serl-
oufa ! ) injured The list of wounded is
John Thomas , aged about 'ID shot through
the liver nnd In the left snpulder , v.lll prob
ably die
Ole Olsen , aged 1R , nf Anokn , Minn shot
In the left brtnst ; prpbnlil ) mortal ! )
C E Davis Spokane , fchot In left fchouldcr
flesh wound
Max Jackson , aged 11 , sbcJj lu the left wrist ,
wounds slight
Without having recelvefl , an ) provocation
Thomai firetl three tlnits nt G N Watson ,
who wub standing in front'ol the Grand hotel
but mibsed him. A rtlnnlng fight then en-
cued between Tbomn * und Chief of Polite
Warren and Officer Sullhnh Thomas' bhoto
were wild and Olseii , Darts'anfl Jackson , who
were aimong the large crowd of spectatorh ,
were struck Thomas wan1 finally hit When
carried to the police station heasked the
officers to take n plbto ] and kill him
H -u < l \trrlriilturnl
u M i-fcttjril Tour.
DENVER , Aug. 11 JftfAatPnviUan , ecre- of the Agricultural department , liut ar
rived here on the tonr beMe for the
pu pase of familiarizing "iriratoif with the
conditions and neceEaltlre of the west The
cultivation of the .sugar bset'snd the breed
ing of calvar } horse * are the''twD mo t 1m-
portuut matters which he wlll invustlgale
"It Is the intention of the "Department of
Agriculture in the. matter1 of seed distribu
tion , " bald the nccrttarf , 'lo jirtieure seeds
of rare -varieties of uueful u > lunts and such as
are difficult to ubuln and dibtribute them In
> .uch parti of the country 3" are suitable far
their growth uud are of the came Boll and
( limuilf tharacturinicE ai tbu cauntrleb In
w hich these plents nrr iitdlgenuus In jiur-
tuit of thie Jdeu the department now has an
agent irt Siberia iiHpBtigatlng the eraesca of
the elevated plattaue of that region who will
secure seeds of tliete plants If jioisible- and
experiment with them lu the arid ud seml-
fcrid regione of the wettwith the view of
tl e selection of such HH may prove to be
advantugeoub for eocd far the clock ol our
great plains " Scuretarj' Wilson proceeded
to CheEiine
\ IIMI > rr l < lriit nnd Tru ( r < - Clioxt-n.
NEW YOHK , Aug 11 At a nmHiUE of th
lnHrd of director * of thtAdanib Expros *
rimpany here todaj Htnrr Sanford wa e-
ier'eU v Ire pretident , und William B Dins-
nrure trus'it The \a anaes wtJ-e cau-.ed
1 } the utath of < . " A BewurJ , who a'ttd in
a dual capacity
pr\n Ttir < prrtpn i nun r\iv/
Plane Promised to Bs Eca3y for BifldorB
Within Bix Weeks.
Actluc Arehllefl Kcmi cr < > tin-
'turv111 lie UK Tltir tl < C
Kuuilf.Ilimnl Him
AV 111 ISrect. |
WASHINGTON. Allg 11 ( Special Tele
gram ) Chief Constructor Crane of thr su
pervising architect n office , liuini dialed } upon
his return from Omaha , was granted a short
leave of absence He will be nwa } for about
ten das , and Immediate ! } upon his return
v 111 begin work on the design and plan ,
lor the government building to be placed
in the Transmltslssippi Exposition grounds
Acting Supervising Arthltect Ktmper , in
speaking of the proposed building toda } ,
said "The government bulldlnc nt the
Omaha exposition will bt us line a tctu-
porar } Btructurt as can be erected with the
tunds at our disposal Mr Crane w 111 biglu
work uiim a new design ab inu nb he re
turns from hie leave and I think the plans
will bt completed lu about thret weeks after
that The work will tertainl } be placed
on the market In sli or seven weeks Mr
Crane , in discussing the building with'me
duilng the Lhort time 1 talked with him ,
said that he would dtblgn a building that
will harmonize with the general design for
the other buildings proposed to be ended
by the exposition compan } It will be con-
rtrucled of hard wood aud mast , the latter
being a priparatlrm with which tmme ver }
ver } beautiful effects mny lie obtained The
whole building will be put upon the market
In one contiuct There will be no dela } In
complt tlou after H Is ouee btarted *
William T Hustings edi'oi of tht Full"r-
tou News hns been called to Washington
b } Assistant Secrotar } Melklejohti th-2.'igh
the Civil Service commission to a pluce in
the "VAar depaitment He will be transferred
fiom there to a coofl position In tht goveri > -
ratnt printing office
In the land contest of John P F A
StMmmer pgalust William Stollc } from the
Lincoln dlBtrkt Acting Secretar } Ran to-
dav d"nl ( > d the Inttcr'e motion for u ievle < v
of the former departmental decision The
decibioa taS that all evidenct Introduced
proves conclusive ! } that Sthinimcr IB en
titled to the land apd that no new tjuibtlon
of Inw or fact la presented that justifies
irvucal of the fo-mer decision
The Civil Service commission bus set the
date for regular bemi-anmml internal rev
enue examinations lor September IS On
that date applicants for position of deput }
tolltctoi tlerk etort keeper , gauger and
mcsspnger will bt examined b } the Internal
revenue civil service board at the head
quarters of each internal revenue district
Neccssarj blanks for making application
for examination can be had of clerks of
boards , together with other Information
r < u.L.r\t ; oi-r iri IMMIGUTIOX. .
nefii-lifK tlie I o'fcl Tolnt Since tin-
Gon-rniiH-tit TonU lit. uiteri isioit.
" 'ASHINGTON Aug 11 The tide if Im
migration is at the lowest point since the
general government assumed. Jurisdiction of
the subject In 1S82 The number of arrivals
Irom "nil countries , according to tr utur }
statistics , during the last fiscal jear was
r.0S32 , a decrease as compared with the
previous jear of 112.4S5 The lightest Im
migration of any previous } ear was in Ibid
when the number from all countries was
" 7H48. ! The } ear of heaviest iiamigrationb
was the first of the period beginning with
1882 , when arrivals numbered 78S.ESI2 Dur
ing the entire period of federal supervision
7.4R2.01C have entered the United States
The arrivals of Russian Jews lor the past
jear numbered 22 7f > 0 as against 4ii 137 for
the fiscal jear ended June 30 , 18 % Ital }
furnished the greatest number of immigrants
f > 4 431 n decrease of S.C29 from last v ear
The cause of the heavj Italian immigration
of 18 % was assigned to the war of Ital } with
Abssinia hut the figures for .he last } car
ai o not abnormal , hav ing been oxcee U"l 1 }
seve-al years of the period Since 18h2 then
has been a large and steady decrease in
German Immigration In 1BS2 , S.'O.CnO en
tered the United States from that countrv
while in 1B9C onlv 22.r.,3 arrived It will
be been that the number of German immi
grants during the first } ear of government
EUpervihion exceeded the immigration from
all countries during the IUB' } ear Immi
gration from Aust'ia-Hunpui } d < creased
from r.5103 In 18HC to 33031 111 1S97 The
den ease from othei countries ir ub follows
England , 13.4')2 ) in 1S9C , to S 571 in IIW
Sweden 21,137 to 13,144 , Norna } , Slfi5 to
D.642 , and Ireland 4CI.2C2 to 28,423
Exiierlinent of I'o ti > fllee Dcpnrtllifiit
llclilK AViitclifd wllli liitrrfHt.
WASHINGTON. Aug 11 The Postofflct
department has received a report from Dee
Molnts , la. , where an experiment it. being
tried of having btreet letter boxes attached
to all the fctree.t cars of the city and a
large chare of mall collection taken up b }
them The cars in Deb Molnes all run past
the poBtoffke Tiny stop at all place * , to
receive a letter or other mail matter and cs
the } tome by the postoffite a tarrier taken
the mall from the boxes During the month
of Jul } there were tollectcd b } this mean
In Des Molnes 28,237 letters , G,0i9 ! cards and
441 pleten of second third and fourth club *
mull matter It t > howt , an increase of 1,301
pieces over June and the postmaster Is ol
the opinion that owing to man ) Icart ) being
run opeu and no boxes attached tbcre wac
not bo much collecttd by this means ae tht re
would huve bten if all the cars were tlcsed
If the experiment is successful it will be
tried In other cltlcb where blmilar condi
tions prevail
ftt-Wh for tlir Arinj.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 11. ( Special Tele
gram ) A board of officers , with Captain
William Balrd , Sixth cavalrj , us president ,
has been ordered to meet at Fort Leaven-
worth for examination for promotion of un
listed men. Corporal Benjamin P Nlcklin
troop I. Plrst casalrj ; Private Malcolm
Young , troop G , Fourth cavalr } , Private
Robert E Wllie , baud First artlller } , Corporal -
poral Charles S Lincoln , company B , Second
Infantry , Corporal Samuel Curtlt. Vestal
compan } E Second lufantr } . Sergeant Pat
rick H Mullay compan } F Fourth infantry ,
Corpora ! Thomas H R. MtJutyrc compan }
E , Fifth itifantrj , Corporal Richard H Me-
Maoter. compan } D Tenth Infantrj Corporal
John C Ilarnard compan } C Twent-llrbt
lufnntr } Corporal Engelbert C Ovciibhlne
compan ) C , Twenty-third Infantr ) also
Firu Sergeant Joseph D Brudly compuii }
D Twelfth Infantr } und Sergeant Major
James V Heldt Thirteenth Infantry , have
been ordered before the board for examine
The following transfers ere made In the
Ninth InUntn Stcoud Lieutenant Francis
H Schoonfel , from compan } H to company
1C , Second Lieutenant Hurry F Kethers.
from compan ) K to company H
Lane to Lieutenant Charlet , D Parkhurst ,
Fourth artillery , ' has been extended one
Tli < * * > < * Itluiiioudu Mtmt I'uj Diltj.
WA. = HINGTON Aug 11 The uttorne )
generfl In un opinion to tl > e secrotar ) of tht
tre&ttur } rendered today , decides that goodt.
and products of a foreign couutr } nut con-
tlglaus to the United States which art
regularly imported Into Canada and after
ward exported to the United States are * > tib-
Jt"t to the dlbcrimlnatlon of ID per urn ; ] no-
vlded for in aectlun " 2 of the new tariff
net. and aUo that the method of convey
ance , whether by water riul or otherwise
is not material Tht question whether goodt
transported lliroucb. CcwilJa tQ ti >
\\n\niGit tm I.ITTI.Iv \ . : .
vky In CIrnr nntl -inirrnt ire t ti-
uxtmllj C ninfortnlill' .
Ilniir. lire. Hour. I rc.
r. n. ni. . . . . . Till 1 11. in. . . . . . Tit
n. n r.s i i. . in rt :
7 n. in till 21 ] i. in. . . . . . T %
V n. lu. . . . . 411 4 | i. in. . . . . . 74
1 n. ut. . . . . . cr. r. ji. n TT >
111 n. 111 < ! ! > It ] i. ni 74
11 n. in. . . . . . 70 7 ti. in. . . . . . 7n
1- III 71 S ) i. in. . . . . T.'t
0 | i. in 7 l
When the merrurj drops dor n to tip In
ugt l H U sate to st ) that the weather
hat ; been ver } ronl , but Hint was tht reglt-- .
ler at t o'clock } eiltrds ) mnrnlng The
nlclit bnfore had been dangerously cool , and
the < e who were out ! alr buttoned their
coatt close up about lliem in going home
The mixlmum tempciature } esterda ) wat >
7fi Tlip wind was norther ! } nnfl the
weather wc ver.v eomfo-taWt all day The
prediction' foi today are for fair and
warmer weutber
S-tatet , under co-istjlar ntnl nrt subject to the
uutj has not } et btuu determined The cane
In point VVBB that uf JtO OHO worth nf
diamonds which were dolatid at one of the
fiinitier ciihtom hnusrt , until this qucflon
wa decided The dlunnnde are subject to
the 10 per ctnl dut )
r ( IT in ( ) iiiiii < lM of AVlietit mill
1 nrri'iihv In A nine.
WASHINGTON Aug 11 A bulletin lf-
by the Buieuu of Statibtics uf tht
TrcnMiry dejmrtnietit toda ) concerning the
principal atutlcs of domestic e-xportc lor
Jul ) Ikli" , sliowB that the total value of
the month's t xpoi tt- amount to nc.ii4fi 27S
as ugulnfit tlfi r.4n 84i ! for tht came munth
In 1S % nnd ? 2n 44D.340 for the same mcnth
of ig'iB '
The value of brcadstuffs cxjiorted during
the month was J13.114.4R7cotton S2 3f : : , - , mineral oils 5B.132Mn , provisions in
cluding cattle and hogs , flli 4C ! ) 4RO \ bcavv
Inert awe in tht cxpoit of corn is shown
12 40n 4fiG huhhelc for last month an in
crease of almost 7000000 buhhels over Julv
IbliG while the Inciease fat the * -cvtn
months ending Jul ) 1 it from 04 OSC C12
bushels In iRSHi to lift bublitls for
the tame period of 181)7 ) Another htuv )
Increase If bhow n In the exportation of rv e
which for the seven months period Hiding
July 189K , amounted to 1.251 IDS butihelc
and for the bame period this ) car , 4BI3 ! 770
There has been a decreuwe In tht numbei
of bushels of wheat exported during the
first seven months of 1BU7 compared with
the same period .of 18'tC from ,14 4i > 2 fill1
bushels , to 28.12C,3I3 huhbelb Thit. decrtast
ib more than offset , however , b ) tht in-
citased value of wheat exports for this
) car , it appearing from the ticusur ) re
ports that the value of tbt letser export of
1897 exceeded the greater export of the
same period of 18 > * G b } J.7 ! i > 79 Tin ex
portation of wheat during Jul ) , IS'T.
amounted to C 002 OPC bushels of the value
of $3824031 and during Julv 18' ) " to
3.987 412 bushels of the valut of $3 13C.ROB
It will he noted that the value of the bainc
quantU ) of wheat exported duiing Jul } of
this vear ib almost BO per cent greater than
that of Jul ) 18'lfi
The cotton statistics for tht eleven months
ending Jul ) IB'ifi , show the exportation of
2,334.C10.0B7 pounds , and for the name period
of thib } eat 3,037C7C,2B1 pounds , the In
crease in the value of the export is from
? 190.4S7.fl30 to 122C l)24r ) 43. The average
prieo per pound of cotton during Jul } WBB
7.B cenlf , , as against 7.4 cents for July ,
189G The average price of cotton per pound
during the cotton year ending August , IR'iC ,
was hi cents , and of IBir. . , 5 7 ecu's Ex
ports of cotton have increased to all coun
tries except Spain and Mexico , in which a
bmall decrease Is noted There is a grow
ing demand for the product in Japan tht
Increase for that countr ) having been from
l Br.7,2o2 pounds In 18'if , eltven months
ending Jul ) , lfc)7 ! ) to 31 C24.B7C pounds
Aii oliitiiifiil * lij the PreKlrteiit.
WASHINGTON Aug 11 The pi evident
has designated Frank A Vanderllp , assistant
secretary of the tieasui ) to perform the du
ties of register and uesiHtant itgister of the
treasury during the absente of the register
and atslstant register
The following appointments have been
made Felix A Reeve of Tennessee , im-
sistant solicitor of the treasur ) , August E ,
Benjamin M Chiswell second lieutenant In
the revenue cut'cr service , Aug 4 , Bernard
H Camden second lieutenant in the revenue
cutter service August 4 , Harry G Hamlet
second lieutenant In the revenue cutter
sen Ice August 4 Frederick C Blllard set
end lieutenant In the revenue cutter sen Ice
August 4
\ \ nrnliiK lo nmue Hunter * .
WASHINGTON , AUG 11 Officers of tin
Interior department are preparing a public
notice to be posted at points on the bordcjf
of the forest reservation adjoining the Yel
lowstone National park , warning all per
sons against trehpuRElng upon the lands und
efcptclall ) against hunting on the reserva
tions and shooting the game which ' .s quite
numerous In thehe lands Much of this
gumb got * upon ihs reservce tram Yellow
stone park and the superintendent of the
purl : has Informed the department that the
game det.troed In the adjoining reservations
will tend to diminish the game in the park
Illilct. Dfi-lnrcil Dutiable.
WASHINGTON Aug 11 Assistant Sec-
retar ) How ell hat decided thut hides of
American cattle slaughtered abroad aie
dutiable on being returned to the United
States at the rate of in per cent ad valorem
under section 437 of the new tariff It in
held that taking the hides Irom the cattle ,
salting and drying them material ! ) cbungu *
uud improves their eoudition as an artlile
of commerce so that the article imported ib
eutirel ) dlflereiit from that exported
Viirdcri-d li > HI * Omi Count rj turn.
WASHINGTON Aug 11 Ujilted Statu ,
Minister Claton has leported to the State
department that uu American pained Gtoige
G Ktll ) was murdered In Duraiigo , Mexico ,
July B Two other Americans , M E Reims
and JuTne * T Davidson , are accuse 1 of the
.murder Relnes ib held in Durungo David
son iled and wat > caught In San Antonio
Tex , , where lie ib in Jail
WASHINGTON. Aug 11 It ie Intimated
that at , a result of the coirtspondenct which
has been hud on the subject , the State de-
partmtut has ho fur succeeded In meeting
the objections which were made by ib'
Greater Republic of Central America to
the new ! ) appointed minister W L Merry ,
as to maltt It protmblt that he will be re-
cclv ed
'lliuiikt. for > mjiutlij .
WASHINGTON , Aug 11 United Sttttt.8
Mlnisttr Tujlor at San Sebastian cables thr
State department under date of } esterda )
as follows "Fpanlbh government returns
ulncere thanks to the president for his me *
bage of condolence. "
I > ull ; Trrnwur ) Mlitcmriit.
WASHINGTON. Aug 11' Todu } ' * , state
ment of the condition of the treasury
A'vallablt cash btlance , * 228,1 ! > 4S09 ;
, ; J41,147,177.
( imiiitlt > of I > > iiuiiiltr
ST LOUIB , Aug 11 Advices from Konne
Terrt Mo. , Htaie that Hbout 2M > jioundH of
giant pew ( ler exploded in the Bt Joe lead
mine , near that jiluut lunt night , killing Wll-
llum H Muddern und Tuilor Uadoun , and
berltiuk ) wounilnm Alltort Marrln unfl JoMcjili
Jllller uiid pulnfult ) injurlnr Cul Gltivun unfl
Ed Forfhee
Eli-relit I Coiitrnut Siiril. .
URISTOL n I AUB ll-Thc torparto
bnut Dupnnc , wt'l h vim given a 'rUl todjy
exoeeUtid hct < oti'mc't upwi tv more tliun L
knot The trip w as * ma-Ue under HJIIH \ , I a
reduced varuuna. The uvtruet -
2EC-10 Unote.
Operators in No Htiny About Signing
Uniformity Agreement.
De Armitt's ' Oab Hill Miners Formally
Declare a Strike.
Foroe at Plum Creek Greater Than on
Pr vious Days.
Mutineer ofrti lorU mill rirtrlimd
( Inn C4inl C iiiiinii ; In ill ctt tc > . thlit
It Mil ? In- Done rood
in Ciiinji.
PITTSBURG , Aug H. The committee
hnv Ing in charge the matter of securing BG- !
naturct , to the ) irniniit > d tinitoiinltj agree
ment to govern coal production lu the Pltte-
burg district bus decided not to urge the
operator * to sign the document until tlicy
have liccn given uu upporlunlt ) to cxuralue
It more fullj uud come to nuaii conclusion
of thi-lr own mind lbt commlttt * feels
that no Unit will tlni > se In-fore the
proponed agreement Is to become effective
that nothing Is to In coined b ) burning
mattem lletldis that then 1 * no ono pcr-
bou t-pitlfltull ) chained with looking after
the aftnlr It is proposed to njijiolnt a sec
retary to the tommlttet who thai ! conduct
the coirespondente of the hodj nnd to whom
the blgnid ccuitructf mav l > i iiont
The Oak Hill minors whose wages wer *
withheld b ) the te Anultt conipaii ) jeBter-
daj betutiM thij had btruck nut ut New-
tou latt night and aftei denouncing the
uimpanj'B aetlon , formal ! ) declared the
ntrlkc at Oak Hill on , and derided to re
main out until the dlstiict price of 09 cents
PIT ton is paid Notwithstanding this ac
tion theie were moie men at woik lu the
mine toda } than on am dn ) elnre the
mai there appeared lu the neighborhood. At twcut ) men went Into the jilt at 5
o'clock this morning who were not there
the da ) before Near ! ) ull of them were
among the number who wore refused cniih
for their wc-lghman sllpr > ehteiday after
noon and a few of them v ere a' the meet-
lug ut New ion lat > t night Most of them
live In Turtle Creek and went Into the mine
lu flat cure on the De Armli t coal road before
daj light Thi pound piuude at the tamp of
the. Etrikere in Turtle Cieel brought to the
commissar ) provisions haidH enough for ono
imal Iheie are about MO mm and two
bands , in the cauip and atur their usual
morning marcih on the Oi-k Ilill mint they
were eeried with bhort ration * . . Tire
PitBldent Mc.Ka ) , who IK in charge of the
camp , caid that the .latter would be replen-
ibhed before noon
At Plum Creel : the force was Increases.
Tht full quota of 283 men w nt In before 7
o'clock and the De Armltts are jubilant. The
striking nmrtherK watched tlirm go In , but
thej Etill hold that the ) will be out In a
few da ) 6 At Sand } Cieelt theic hue been
no change In the situation tlnte Monday.
The stilktre continue thclruartbe * and
nbout twcnt-flve men continue at work.
The output at the Oak Hill ) t tcrdaywas
four cars Sandy Cieek piodueed three car
and Plum Creek twcnti-thiee cars , accord
ing to the strikers but tht company ofllclalg
haj thty shipped thirtj-nae tarn
There IE a storv belrg discussed about the
mines and on the street corners In Pittabure
that the New York and Cl < v eland GOB Coal
eompan ) hat under corfiideratinu a plan that
Is cntlrelj new as applied to uoa ! mining.
It is nothing more or leus than sharing the
profits aunuallj with the minei Tne plan
will not be put into effect however , until
after tht stilke , and those claiming to ha\e
knowledge of the purposes of the company
in this resivect taj It If copied after the
E ) stem In f01 ce lu Wanamaker P stores In
Philadelphia and New York and other large
retail establishment * ) in the raft The dl-
Mslon will be accoidlng to the eurnlngb of
the men The man who digs the mom will get
the larger hhare Jt lb propcsofl to retain
the present form of tontraU , binding the
digger * to work for 10 rente ICBH u ton than
the miner * are paid at oilier niliun In the
district , KO R to enablt the nompany lo
compote with other mint * in the market ,
and their being allowed to uhaie in the
proflU. U designed n an additional compcn-
satlon to their being ghen sl < ady work and
being pKld In ranh twice a month This
plan It IE claimed w ill enable the company
to heli-ct HE men from the best miners in
the district and to encourage the building
of hornet b ) the mint re near the v. orkt.
Thert will be nu change lu the present bjs-
tem of working the mine the check welgn-
man will be retained and the men will still
ha\e their pit committed. I ) II DC Armltt ,
whin eeen ipgardlng the piopoaed new plan ,
( aid he would rather not tc'k about it at
present as It waa not lulls dtclded upon and
would not go Into effect until after the
strlk <
Setwal thnateiilng Jnttm ( . liuve been re-
cdved bJ'ronldi nt Demnlfr recently ,
H aaj-b some of them lite mount , ng to him
pereouall } and other * , thio < ta > n .this com
Coal Is htlll plouilfu ] lien aiiil prl-is ore
ftuudThere is htlll a lui'Rt quiin Ity ( it
coal in the rhfr mullnbh' for mil tihlp-
numtfi , but nnuh of It hdd foi emei gcu ( ice
It , now being wild UK U Is hi ng ngarded
by the nperatoru as must teitaln that a
break will be made bj the mliHM * ut Beneral
places within the neat tin da > h Tiin reason
ghen Jor this \\e\\ \ IE that there Ifl gniat
detitltutlon among the families in the vil-
lagen t.ui rounding the inlncH The contrl-
hutlonK from the jmbllt bu\e lie en dt'voud
largbl ) to the foedlng uf the men at the
camjib while the women and children in the
Isolated Ullages hate been iiiglctttd
Appeals to the tittUlalt ( dint flora the \11-
luperd e\erj duj for uld for the famlllct of
the- men who ate at the \nrloun camps.
Operators think the Ntrlke u 111 be cun-
tinuitd at certain placet un lo.ig us the con
tributions art 1,0 liberal Hut the doutltu-
tlon wlilch intalls in th illlaget. Is relied
upon to induce the men to utiept the offers
which buebeen made In ojioiatnrn until
such time ut , u nettled rate will hare been
( tablldlit'd As high at 70 tonic a ton 10
touts more than U demanded ban been
offered by xornti ojieratorn wbr e contracts
specif } mat of a tertaln grade and which IE
only obtainable at fancy figutui The meetIng -
Ing to In Oield nt Irwln tofluj It. regarded a
almost eertuln to result in the oitmatlon of
the in eduction at the mints of the I'euiitiyl-
\unla Gas Con ] and Westmorel mid Gas com
pany , the I'rtiuijhcniu Jilaiior rtmft , and
umaller mint * lu that vlfclnltj There IB
talk among tbt leaders of ft march to the
mln e of the Kevntone tloal and Coke com
pany , largely owned by Congressman Deorpe
11 Huff of Grtieuhhurg. to get the diggers
employed there out. IIE from the tlx mini *
opura'ed bj thl oompan ) much of the
coal that U coming to Pltuiburg Us produced
The tompaiiy'v capuclty It t.ixty tons B day
and all iu > ralne bine tnnin running full.
Ex National Vice T'rb&tden. Cameron
Mlllor of the t'nlted Mi-jo 'Workers ueeoel-
atlon euterttd nutt todkt for jr,000 damacea
agciust T II De ArmlH t.iapormtendfnt of
the Turtle Creak mines pf the JCtw Ycrk
and rle" laud Gae ° oal r ) wpauy for ullegt a
TiRiiiiou prosHcutlon In addition to cm *
ng .njutr ioue or Miller , M" De Armltt uud
iin ) ar cc ud uu ehargui of not tnfl