I HH MHm l THE OMAHADAILT BEE : ST XDAT , JULY 23 , 1397. BIDS \VERE \ ALL TOO HIGH Szcrcil the Ena Kameti hi tie 0WLD1HC NEW ASYLUM WING 15 DELAYED Dnnnl of Pultllr lnti < 1 an < { lo Oinncf tlir Ilan * re AxVlnc for the Nrvt Illd . liTNOOLK. Jnly 24. ( Ppeclal. ) The Boarfl of Publk L ndr and Itulldlnpt bud under the bt r lor the erectton of the to the AtylntB for Inrura' p lnntif at retpr ajeveiilnc Btid a number of tk&w who had mtunlttpfl bid w e in e. sv lUBg the decUJon Th < board , r. ttnmd a * ! the bids too hipt te cnme tht t > prnprlfiHon and none were H it , now deemed n e iary to * imth jilani ? BTmewhat. and oc Augurt I nrtr bid * will bt opened , * tte Supt-rlntendriit J cVnnu : drirverj-d a lortnre t Llnceln Nermrt lost even4nq on "Onr Coninmn Srhootr . " which was w-ril re- rrfvea by the mufleiits of that institution Mr. Jackcnu v-IM ji n4 nil f next we V - vteitlncc.iint > Inrtltntef ; . niaklnc bir first It Cht-rr > pouoty Tuf fl y uieht ppoplc's bunk of Weittarn. Saline ty , ha * none otrt o ! bu-sin-f * all the deio Uor > h vlii * , mrc paifl up In full. The hunt report nbovefl the ban * to liove a caoHal ef nb.5 * dep' to. MR"i. loatif ; and dtnonuntB. * 3068S 7i officers were H B in prmlrtent ; C. 0 Undb-rg. vine t : E. E. Butler , ratsliier. I'mnk Zabal. caihirr. The bun ) : wa nrganlzed in IBM. Hoti. C. E Kt'Hiv , upcntrr i > rn t m of th" 311iDfll bm.fie of repre etit"tvr , srcom- 5nl ( > d br lite wife. IR in the rltv viKitlnp C. P. Bt deputy state Miperiaiendent They h ve been out visiting wtli ; Mr. Snlbj'p lather , vho liven hi rurn -county. . State Tr > 'Bscrer Mpf rvc 1m ? mafle a call lar jnfl.OTO in unv ! r lty Tran-t-Btiti ! to cnme in Auguit 2 Goernnr HB emn ! > anfl h ! pwty returned frnra Cl icucn this fo-enonn. ill bring In cn-vl hc it'i nu3 well jilewefl with tlieir tnp State /uifiuor Cornell is at Auburn , oora- Wnint ; a huln M trip vhh a A-lrtt to hlr lirotlier ot that jilace. Ab CarCer und Henry Hand , who were arrmtcc : Tnt Ftr'ling goodx from the Ssmuele rtocli while tb < rtnel : was In th" ciwtody of the ph'-itr wrr bound over until Tuesday vheii ; hry will ii ve a hearing Neither ro-.i'l hnitish bnil. Bertie Pwrti'n. the girl to b im Carder gave a part of the stolen jjrcpei : \ j h 3d a * o witness. H m E J. Buikett of tltKIty lies bten Bdet.eJ ftf the orator of the day at the A O I" W plcnlr , to be held at McCo.il Augurt f , Mlfi Pi .an Doty left todny for Seoul. Corea. vherr ph goes as a mlEclonary Slie sail ! Irnm Vat nuver August 1. Lin"i 'E has baen Infested with Thicker tli iev e for norq ? time and erery effort has lii-en n-.Dtie to catch them. Last night twt East Lincoln citizens * aw two men drivlnj f'otn hi > i B' ' to house gathering up the cliirkrn * Tbev gave chase , but after a shon ck.rin sh , be thieves got away , the citizens not bcinc ablB to kec-p them conered until Lelt > < jnit T i firrnien , C. F Bocet of No 1 and Dar Hallikan of No. S. were disnji = fcd from tin ftr-ce todaj by the mayor , the charge belnf d , lo > ult } to the new chief of the fire de partment Omaua people , at the hotels : At the Lin dell J W Ililer. F. C. Brov.-n. M D. ; D W Jtet-d At the Lincoln A. M. Jeflery , H J Nit-hols J J Everlngham , Prank Gregory J A rnmhart. IVATtHMW P1CH71TI1 Strticelr In Slil > nn nt Dulii'ln CSt ? . \KOTA CITT. Neb. , July 21. ( Special. Harry Milton , a crrok who hz * made Cov ing" co his headquarters for fctveral yean pa * > t. was arrested last night while breakinf into the Phoenix saloon "in this place , ownet bv J C Kiddle Las' Su : day night this salonn was entem anfl hfvp-al gallons of liquor taken. Sinci that time tiiuht watch lias been kent on the Jiremibcs L st night the bartender. Sam A C.-atth. wae on watch and about midnigh lie heard dome one effecting an entranci through tlie cellarway. Progress was easi and a the intruder enter-d the roam h1 laBSed within two feet of Coates and t doublborreled shotgun but did not notice either tl > e man or the weapon The robbei w ut to the bar aud partook of rrlreshmenU after which he tnuched the CEBh register fo ; fcoroe penulet. when Coatee made his prefanci laiown by informini ; the robber that he coul < < f e better if he had a light Milton thi robber made a rush for Cnates A * ho en d-avorod to scare him by Eh-oting into thi celling bat instead of scaring , Milton a * tacke-d CioateF and a fight rasued. in wtacl Coate * dealt hie antaconist a blew with thi but of the pun During the malee the bacl door of the saloon was opened by ihe par tlcipauu and the fight continued In the yard Oiatf * getting Milton down and fceverol ; putumellns him At this time Deputy Sherif Smith , who bad heard the hhot Jlred from thi court house where lie was preparing to re tire appeared upon the seme and took th.i Imrglar 'iiro custody. Milton IB supposed ti have ieieral confederates. V. oikilinrii I'xii'i-ll r 'WotiiuiM'iit. D\KHTA CITT , Neb. July 24 ( Special. The oodmea of the World lodges of Siou : City , la. , and South Sioux City , Neb. together with membersof that orde : fr-im all ctcr the county , on Sunfla ; aftemoon at " o'clock will unveil the manu meet re-ently crested bv that order In tncm cry tf tb"r ) lately dnceu ed Ixrotiier , Dr J Sau-lge The Sioux-City liidge will hate tin oxctc4s.es in clmrge and will lie accompauie1 here by tbe Sioux City Cadet band. Aboa 100 membcrB of the order ere expected to b present , Itevlvnl Servlpe In n Tent. OMCLAND. Neb. July i4. ( Speoial.- Thp yetbodUtF have pitched a large tent o : Main street. Large crow-oi are In aUendanci every cvcnlnE. and today there werer all day hervlcrB Tlie mivallfct , Rev Geurge S Bankers Reserve Life Pays Ban FarrsE ! OUAHA. Ni-li. . July SI 1W7. Ji H , Tnl l""on J-i Jiunkf-ii j.i M rvt i.ift A * orlutlon. Omuliu Xabnul.a. Dt-ur Sir 1 tBl.e KrwH lilnmurr | n aql.nowl UCHIC KIB ofijit ut your slwcl. Nu. 141. un tu Onifciia Xdtiuual Hank tur Twa ThotHiuni < U ( KHII I > i.um ! : in lull k ulura nl uf ni > oljin u U-ni In iw } uiuiar I'oUe * Ko. 36 ! In tfce Jtuul , < m ] , . - , ne x ifr AuilkDu | ut Onmhu. . IntuH tii no lullliuhband Imnlttl Pup-nil. 3r Tnu riurti-fj m Jin llti : ; ju to aotutilnlr liujiruoti i-nO , 5 IHT I'Tuu niieiHi in anUdp&unc " ' pay nmnof Hie KIUOUIU , ulilob undet * tlie Ircnii a tile IKIUwuuUl nut iHtoumr due fur thru llM'll Ilk II rrultfulljUl ) n > Ol&tMl 114 DIBk thankful ! ) rHil ciS l > > me. 1 lime no iienliutlan in rfwunmcnUinc nu Jrlonun to yuur 4x > niHUi ) . Uk } our leuer.t uotlai U u kir nc rudoi.or uf the lulur of puiruntKlni a lintue nikt nutiou , tp whlob Mr rurrull WHI jOeuM'd tt jviid ltl liitlu UDt uut U | > | MK-t. l > elnj our i ! iti , lirvt ( .iiurtw m mlier I uur * Ver Itetj.-olfuUj- , /glriiBUi AXNA C J' FARIIELU AVe IwkrtlUr Join in riieiKjlnir eiir tUunk * fo uw * lu > ti : ji ouijit und verjat luDturr D rAHHELJ . Futlmr J4 H PAKItELU r.rnlher ItOltT B. FAHItBUU tlrwlhrr. Unit Pan I urmll , 3r . I'rrkblimt at the ] ia&n of Y ar of Onmlitt. N liruil.R iwcurtKl u llfi iiairitux jiuUDjr Jar t : HW tn the Uuiil.er Jlu Mt v Lllr AvoorlulUiu un Junr 3D. 1MT wus ur cidriukiir und JMnllj' in urcu ! > > ' tlir mi'luntoi 4if a lirecruU.Br Jul > fclli. moullinc in tuutliut from whi-h hr died Ju ) > - Ik On the day ufte the funeral tltp Ajutunlutlaii iaurtMl Irml pnml of I m ucuiti und iiumcdlutt-l ) | iuld Uu wldut tlie rut Kum iminod in tte i > < > ur ) u-in lur tin uimiW-D < il Ui riiitit in wluuli tit furtaU cur rimt nfiuimmw to juir Jt lout. TI i . 'i4 ' 11 "me Cura | > iuu h > iul4 naeiv * lit nj Dtirker te confluctlrK tbt > mfetincn and de- llveri ome rceHcnt inrtnont. The follow- ItiC craUide tnlnlntcrr ir in itiendinre : Her Mr Hcndernou of Craig. Her Mr Mill - l rd of "WiyD * . Rev. Mr TVebnter of Lyons. P.rr Mr I' JmqoUt ) and Bev. Mr. Clirk ot Oafctand. LTONS Neb Jnlr 14 ( Special > A largt n.umb r v ii from here to Oakland lart even- Inc to attend tbr Ubernaclf mw-tinp con * bj Cvauerliot Barker of New Jersey CHOP iinroHTs Ann EXCELI.KXT. IVIieiit Prodtirllnn ! Almot T'lirnnro- rnnl In Sonif r nntlR. . rHANKUN , Neb July 24 Opecial Tele- cram > A fine anover early this morning nod B. steady rain faHIng tonight is making the com boom It never looked better than at the prweut time. Threshing has com menced and the quality of wheat win grade peed No 5. Several new nepamtors and en- Clncr have been received and will have all the work they can do liOrp CITT Neb , July 2 < ( Special 1 The largrtt fitnuil grain hanest ever path- wed in Sliernian countr IB now about through mid ctitiprrrutjxe cetlmates place the production of wheat for Sherman oouiitj ut T&tMMW bushelc rUElCHTON. Noli. July 2t { Special 1 The wet-lily crop report in some of the duliira regarding Knox county are mlsieadinc In- MtiBd of lining burned out by hot winds the county hue one of ttif best all around crops in UB history. Corn will be the bit crop for jesrs TRENTON. Neb. July t4 ( Special > Ruiall grain i * nearly all harvested. Threeb- inc has begun One field of wheat that has been threahud yielded 3C5 * bushels to the acre. Since the recent rains corn is doing line and a couple mare good rains will in- Bure a ourn crop mid westoru Nebraska vill be in the best shape for yearn A ITATOllll M IIII1M7S IV j V. M. C. V fif IlnMtnir * Ilulliln nnlni - nilnc tlutli fur lt > lrnil T . HA = TJVGS. Neb. , July 14 ( Special > The You : . : ; Men't Christian association of this cltj liar Ktarted to build a notatorluai on the vacant lot * next to lit building The bjwij : will be fcliteen feel wide and eightj leet long , eight feet deep at one end and tw-p font deep at tht other end. The excava tion work war commenced yt-fiterday and it Is thought the entire structure will be com- plet"d in lew" than two weeks The nata- tnriutn will be run free to all memberi , of the oosorlatlon and this fact has caused the momberhhlp list of the Titling Meu'e Chris tian uBMieiation in this clt > to increase nearly 150 during the past week. Kill.-il 4i tlitTriKUt. . lu AVjoiuIliK. GRAND ISLAND. Neb. , July 2 * . ( Special ) O. H. Tracy of this city formerly of Sheridan , recehed a telegram this morning , announcing the death of Mr William * aVShendan. "Wjo. , and stating that the remains would be Bent to this city today. They will arrive here tomorrow morning Williams was for merly ba the restaurant buolness in this city , reijnovmg to Sheridan about four years ago He had just been r instated in the Ancient J3rder of I'nited "Workmin and Master Work man Nicholson of that lodge has called tht members to attend the funeral. Williams leaves a wife and one child. At Sheridan he WBB bartender at tbe Sheridan Inn. the leadIng - Ing hotel of that city. Mr. Williams was killed by the cars , the details of the accident not being known here at the present time riidlnn In rillnMirr Comity. GENEVA , Neb. , July 4 ( Special Tele gram ) The Pillmore county democratic central committee mot today and with the populists and free silver republican com mittees consummated complete fution on all county candidate * ; . The following delicate * were chosen to the democratic state conven tion September 1. at Lincoln- . H Taylor , Exeter ; Ur Canine and J C. Brecnan. Ge neva : Harry Pattee and J B. Arends. Shick- ley ; Jacob Weiss. Momence , IL G. Hall Talr- monl. David France and F. O. Donald , Graf- ton. ; J. 13. Miller. J. W. Patterson , J. W Taylor James Llghtbofly , "W. H. Cookbey chairman. Ilnrt Count jV Aim tin ] Itrniilon. OAKLAND. Neb. , July 24. ( Special > Im mense posters ore put for the ninth -annut reunion of the veterans of Hurt county. Tb < reunion "will be in progress four days and large corps of speakers has been procured Senators Thurston t > nd Allen are both ex peeled. Ex-Governor Crouuse , W H Thompson of Grand Island. Colonel Patricl of Blair and Cyrus Llnuell. the colored orator tor , will be here to address the old soldiers. Program for special days- Thursday , Mod ern Woadmen daj , Friday. Relief CorjK" das Saturday , Ancient Order of United Workmtn day. lnjnr - < l 1VliII < > WorUlnir a Drill. PLATT3MOUTH , iNeb. . July 24 ( Special Tom E Miller , a young man employed li the B. t M. shops , met with a painful acci dent yesterday while working on a drill. / piece of iron that was cut loose by the ma chinery struck him with great fo-ce in the mouth , lacerating his lips , and breaking twc teeth. The young man was picked up un conscious and taken to the odice of the com pany surgeon The injury is not * erious H < will be able to resume work Monday morn- Ins- Itiiy'n Torn Crnnlt 1 nder tli - Car * GENEVA , Neb. . July 24 ( Special ) Whil ( attempting to catch on a freight train tha' ' was ewitching at Mortland this afternoon Prank Connor , the IS-year-old son o : Charles Connor , grain buyer , missed th < ladder on the car and fell , getting his fooi under the wheel , which passed over nnc crushed his toes. Dr. McGrew of Geneva BBKisted by Dr Brown of Ohlowa ampu'atec three toes and thinks he can cave the foot. HiiktliiCM Slen Will F-lml tli . Alone ; HASTINGS , Neb. , July 24 ( Special ) - Severn ! of ( Hastings' prominent busi- note men have caught the Alufckt gold fever and intend to iuvepi some money up in Yukon valley They will organize and get about 100 men ti go Into the deal , which Is to put up { ; apiece every month for the purpcse of wind ing prospectors to Alaska. It If though ; they will have little trouble in getting 101 subscribers. > Principal ui Mirlton. SHELTON. Neb. . July 24. ( Special. ) A 5 special meeting of the Sbelton school board last evening. I'rof. Paul Goes of Pern wai unanimously cho en &s principal of the publi school for the school ywr which will com oionce Aurui-t 30. Thlz will complete thi ist of teacher * , there lielng fclx in all. Mr Go.-t coolie highly recommended. Iliiuilri-il 1'liuun.Miid I ollurn In Clifcli BRAINARD. Neb. , July 24 ( Speclal.- C. C GtJvrlcb , treasurer of Butler county today m&dr hifl report of funds on hand He reports a balance of cash on ( hand of J97. . 800. Mr. GulwiLk WUE elected on the repub lican ticket four years ago and Is now nun- ing the last ytur of his Beuotid term. liiteiiMf llfiit t I. } < > , . LTONS , Nob. . July 24. ( special. ) Tester day wot. the htittekt day of the Keonau , Fo : two huun > the thermometer stood at 102 de- prcet Several tetnjh had to be tckea fron the fit > ki iu the aftemcou on aepouui of ihi heat. J'rlnt-liuilV l ( - icm tl n in rt'LLBRTON. Neb. . July 24. At & meeting tJ UM school board last tin ? reslgnatiou of Pref Lsrd as principal o the schools for the ensuing year was pre sented and duly accepted by the tiaard KHIIV < oTiuijI'ulr. . CnEIGHTON. Neb. , July 24 ( Speolal.- Tiie Kuox County Agricultural ussocUitiai will hold He fair ibis year on Septeinbe S. 1 * and 10 No pains will bo tipartd to mak it the mtt bUBoottful fair for yeare. Ilntlt-r Conntr SII T | J'nitrrniu. DAVID CITT. Neb. July 21. ( S7 M3ial > The Butler county ngilcultural bbow will b- held here Septcml > er 2K S9 30 and Octobe 1 An exetdlent ni'tcd piogram i * betn ; prepared un Club t CrrlkTlitou. CREUGHTON , Neb. July 24 { Special V A gun club hts been organized in Orelchto : with E coed membership and new thr law will b enforced to tii * letter. NEBRASKA WELL CARED FOR Gettbg Its Share of AppolntniantE in the Consular Semea. MERCERS WILL GO TO THE SEASHORE Driinj-tmrnl Mnklnc nn EHort to Get Sonic -\V - tem -rii In tlit > nvj Hermit Inc on tlie Grrnt WASHINGTON. Julr H. ( Special. ) TVhen the count it completed of the ac credited consular representatives of the United Slater to Joreien countries. It U confidently believed , that Nebraska will be found to have been well talen care of by the president. So far as can be ascertained Nebraska has never heretofore had more than two consul * nt any one time For neveral years but one consular representa tive has been credited to the Antelope state that of consul general at Panama , Colom bia , which carries with it a salary of M.OUl ) per annum. By reference to the record- will be found that Nebraska has not at any time heretofore had anything like a lair representation In < tbe diplomatic service. There are 820 places indicated in the blue boot which are Important and desirable Upon the proposition that each state per se hhould have one representative abroad , it would leave 275 places to be fairly distrib uted among the several Elates "When one conblderB that Nebraska has at least one- seventieth of the population of the United States a single consulate is hardly a fair proportion 2f anythlnc ; like fair considera tion should be given Nebraska it would be credited with one fairly Important position and une-Bt-vcntleth of the remaining " v places , or four , making five Ss all There is no question but President McKlnley means to deal fulrly by Nebraska. He hn Inti mated this to many representative citizens who have called upon him In tht past few weeks and it Is safe to assume that Ne braska will , when the offices are all distrib uted , be found among the vcrj first receiv ing recognition from the executive. Charles S. Johnson , who was confirmed last week as district judge of Alaska , is an old Nebraskan , having served in the leg islature of 18B3 , which elected ex-Senator Manderson to the senate for the llrEt time He was a representative from Saunders county. In IhB ! * he removed from the state to take the ptiMtion of district attorney of Alabka. Judge Johnson , to honor iimwith his new title , was one of the most con- pplcuouB members of the delegation that went to New Tori : last summer 4o notify Mr. Hobart that the republican convention had selected him at lit candidate lor vice president. Congressman Mercer hac taken his famllj to Atlantic City. N J. , for the summer , an3 Just at sean as his legislative duties will [ > eimit. will be found at that famous sea side resort , taking a measure of rest in ordui Jiat he may be in condition to participate in the campaign in NebraeUa this fall. A "Washington paper tlie other day told a plc&fant little etory of the congressman's vnucg relatives , which will tear repetition in The Bee. The paper in question said that Mercer of Nebraska bus a little nephew who is. in his way. rather a philosopher. Not long ago. despite the protest of his mother , whi remembered what fleeting joys ttalloom are , he invested his pocket money in a toy balloon which exploded after a few hours , erectly to his diegnet. A few days alter be was walking on F street and passed thf balloon merchant. A small noy was in tht act of purchasing one of the fuscinutlnc ; toys The concreEsman's nephew Hatched him foi a few moments and then , with an air of im merse superiority , he turned to his mother "Well. " he said scornfully , "there's anothei darned fool. " The eame paper has the following to sej of lire. Mercer , who IE one of the most at tractive women in official life of the capital "She's a woman for whom poverty can havf no terrors , for if she were by any mlschann to become penrilees , she could win fame an : fortune as an interior decorator. The Mertei home in Roanoke street is one of tbi quaintest and most artistic houses in town and is filled with delightful souvenirs of if young mistress' travels from Paris to Hong' kong. Mrs. Mercer is an exceedingly do mestic young woman ; but only a few year ! ace she was graduated from the UniTjrsltj of Minnesota as the. youngest member of 2 verv famous class the class of ' 90. She wai actually only nineteen when fche took he ; decree , and nineteen is just the age at whlcl the average 'varsity student matriculates. ' Speaking of Atlantic City which IE uniqut among the cummer resorts of the countrj It is interesting to know what the eo-calle plain people of the United States really lool like when they are at play at the seashore Coney Inland and Manhattan to the New Torker are the highest types of wsaelde resorts " sorts , but when the New Yorker has had t look at Atl&ntie City his breathing spoti fall into In&ignlQcaoce. us Atlantic City It unllte any other cummer or winter resorl tn the world Brighton , over which th < English rave , is at , nothing compared to thle New Jersey place Atlantic City is cosmo politan to the greatest degree. The studen' of human nature finds here material lor in vestigation which no other wjnblde reaon affords The scenes along the board walk and there IE no finer octan thoroughfare it the world than this Eame board walk art kaleidoscopic Ata rule the men curiotu , ! > enough , look lustier cared for and e en mort properly dressed than the women. Thf women , as a rule , are gariehly costumed fo > the oeaside resort admite of an unquestion able -display of colors and riaque effect ; which tlie ttober-minded people at hem w.ould regard as loud aiid vulgar. Many ol the most glaring and giddy of the costume ! are of such a filmy character that they loot ae if designed for spectacular effect and art abhorrent e\ea to the touch of the "long fin gers of the sea " Talk about people getting t "run for their money" They have It in end- leas profusion at Atlantic Chy The biirc walk tlong the Atlantic beach extends Joi miles and here fronting "old ocean's graj and melancholy wuete" may be found al ! the catch-peuny attractions the world hat ever heard about The "barkers" along tht Midway Plalsance were but pigmies along side thew > solicitor * of trade who hold fortl : at Atlantic City from the early days ol June until the frost drives the , ojoumen back to city hornet and work Drocripliaiii of thU famous New Jerwy resort are bui poor sulfctltutei for the real thing , but whet you realize that the I'ennrylvauia Railroad company brings in of a Saturday from DU.OM to 100 000 people who go bnclj to Phila delphia. Wilmington Harrisburg and evei New York on a Monday , you can form sinni faint idea of the remarkable facilities whlcl : this railroad ha * created U > take care o ] this fver-fchifting crowd of people who an looking for a day of enjoyment along tht Atlantic fchore. The navy department is about to undertaki the plan of getting tome wetern blcmd it the ncvr an a to this end several officers o ! that branch of the government have startec out from "Washington on a tour of the largei western cities with a tiew to mcuring re cruits They are now at Duluth where i rccrutlng elation hats been established nut from there they will go to Chicago Milwau kee. Toledo , Buffalo and other lake cities Remarkable a * it may ! the prairie elate have contributed but few joung men to th < navy , either ae officers or us men-of-war * men. the natural tendency of jouug mei coming from the trausrnibststlppi country be ing to gravitate to thf army , of which the ] kuow a great deal more thun uf the navj Recently , however , nome westerners havi been drifting .into the wirrlca. Out fcf > far a Nebraska it concerned a round dozen wouli b the utmost limit ol theme who haveen _ tered the navy from our tuete. Recutlj ihi navy department has been in receipt of i number of letters from wmtemen. thowitt ; that one ottstacle to the entry of lh t > per sons into the uervice due to the fac that while willing and acxlouc to ruler the ; had not the means to reach the Bbtboan cities where enlistments are made It wai for this reason that IJfutenaut Commands Hawiey wu instructed to establish tempo rary offices lor recruiting in ihe iaterior tha recruit * may apply and be sent in bodies a ten or a dozen in charge of a btusuwmn ti the nearest cavy > urd , at tht > government' ! expense The tern * offered and stlanefc an lor ordinary Acumen $19 per mtiotk , lor bull nrt tI4 with an tllowtcce o ! SI per month extra to each upon rc-mltotment tnfl ra- coMMirrnns or xnn IIOCSK. n -rd Cl rn Tf fTln Lint Brforr WASHINGTON. July t < pcaVer Reed to- nicht at S-"C > anoounceS llie bouse commit tees Tht committees eo ways an4 m'anK , arrtrunt * and mllraef wre announcrd at tb * b-glnnlnt ; of the sesslot ) , rorelcii AttWr. Hubert R. Httt. Robert Adun < , Jr. . Pennsylvania , 3 mueJ E. QulCK. New Tork. Bnbnrt G. Otm ins. JOWR , W - Bam Alden Smith , MI-hlgHb , Joel P H * al- wole , Minnesota RJchtnoud Pearson , North Carolina , Trederlcfc H GHlett. Maaiarhu- m tt ! : Cliarl L HendjIndlnnn : rej'al'- Wcuns. Hurti A. Dinsniore ArkRnwis ; dern- errat Pranric New land , Nenda ; sHver re publican , and Chump Clark , democrat , Mls- our ! . John S vnl on. AJlfrt S Berrj . Kentucky and "William Howard. Georgia. Additional Memb r of XVays and Mean. * Gftrpe B McClelland New Tork AjipropriBtinns Joseph G Cannon , 1111- nol ! . HenrjH. . Blncliam , Pennsylvania , William W Grout. Aemiont. Stephen A Northway Ohio. WilllHm A Stone , retincyl- rnnta. Mahlon Pltnev New Jpr' > y. Jame A. Hemenway , Indians , Jam J Bridon , New Tork. Samuel S Barney , Wisconsin. William H Moody. Ma ttehupettn. Samuel J PtiKh Kentuekj . retmbllptins Joseph I ) Sayers. Texas. Alex M Dork ry Ml" < our1. L."onlda * r Llvlng'ton. Geurcia. Thomas C McJinft , Arkaniah , John M. . Allen. Mlai | - Blprrt , < 3emf > crat ! John C Bell , Colorado ; jirmnllit Judlclorj- David B. H T > dersen. Iowa. Georpc W Rav. New Tork. Ca"r Brodrr- lik. KRIIRRP. Thomas I'pdecrall. litwn , Jnmfi A Ccmnolh. rilnols Sumui-1 W Mr- Call. Man > < nchu ettF , John J Jenkins , Wic- ponsln : TUchard Wartie Parker. New Jer- wv. J um-r'treet Indiatui Warren R naker. West Vlrrinln ; D" Al-a AltxHnder. New TorU republicans. William L. Terrj Atkanfas. David A De Armond. Missouri , Scmnpl W T L. nham. TCSBF. William ni- llott South Caro'lna : O"cnr W Vnderwood. AJabama. 1 * H. Smith , Kentuckj. demo crat" Banking and Currency Joseph H Walker , MarsnrliUM'tt , Marrlot Broslui. Loiilsiktia , Hvnrj V. Johnson Indiana , HenrjA. . Van Voorhet * . Ohle. . James T .MrC "arj- . Min nesota , Cliarlc" N Fowler New Jersey , J S. Spalding , Wisconsin , D. B Hill , Ctm- n rtirut : C O Southwick. New Tork , Georc-e W Prince Illinois : John M Mitchell , New Tork : Adrian M Cap-on. Khode Island. republicans. Nicho.ns N Cox , Tennessee , democrat , Francis" G. New-lands , Nevada , Rilve-rlie Jesse r Stalling * . Alabama : Dan. id Ermentrout. Pennsylvania. John W Aladdux. Georcia democrat"- Colnace , Weichts and Measure Charles Stone. Pennsylvania , JamH Southard. Ohio : Edward S Minet , Wisconsin : Elu- nezer J Hill , Connecticut , Thomas T"i > df- crafT , lawn : Jacub Test We"t Tirptnla : Wi'.llam C Loverinc , Ma sarhu t ts. : Lucius N. Littliuer. New Tark : Daniel W. 'Mills. Illi nois ; William M Mclntyre. Maryland. j - pulilifans. Eli hard P Bland , Ml sour ! , Samuel B Cooper. Texas , democrats Charles S Hartman Montana sllvr repul > - llcan R A Pi rce. Tenneswe democrat Samuel Msurwell. Nebraska : fusion. Edwin It. Ridcley. Knnius. popullm Chatles F. Cochian , M.lh ouri ; democrat H. B. Fer guson. New Mexico ; democrat. Interstate and Ft"eicn Commerc" Wil liam P Hepburn , Iowa. Ixiren netcher Minnesota : James E Slui-man , New Tork Irving r Wanger , Penti ° vlvnTUn , Charles T" Joy , Missouri ; J B. CorliB- , Michigan , Charles G Bennett. New Turk , James r Stewart. New Je-xey ; ohn Slrrpkins. Muf-- Kachuietts : J. A , Barham , California : R B Ilawley , T a > . Jumea 11. Mann. Illinois I'-jiubllcans William MiAlesr , Pennsyl vania . Robert C. Day , L , ui lana ; Williair H. Hinrichsen Illinois , William C Ada.ro- win , Georgia , Robert W. Davis. Plorida democrat. Rivers and HarbonWarren - C. Honker. New Tork : Henry A. Cooper. "Wi consin Theodore E Burton. Ohio. William A. Bar rett. Mississippi : Walter Reeves. Illi nois : B B Dovener. "West Virginia , ROP- well P Bishop , Mic-hiciin. Erne n P Ache- son. Pennsylvania : Pag Morris Minne sota. ; republicans ThomaB C Catchincs Mis- " Etaiippl. RufU" E. L.e ter. G-nrria ; J H. Kinkead. Georgia. Philip H < McCulloch. Ar- nKax Albert S Kerry. Kentuekj ; Stevhet ; . Sparkman , Alabama ; TJiomur H. Hall , Texas : demtirrata. Acriculturi James W Wadsworth. New Tork ; A * Warner. IHincris : E Stephen ! Hum-- . Connecticut , Edward FauThering' Wis-onsln , Williiun B. Baker. Maryland David F Wllb-r. New Tork. Horace G Snover. Michigan. William Lorimer. IUi- noN : Thoma H Tongue. Oreiror : WHlian C.onnell. Pennsylvania ; Owjrg * H White North OarnlinB. rt-publicans. John SviWIl- iiams. AliHMlwIppl , John D. Clardy. Ken tucky , democrats Jerry Simpson. KanHas Alcnzo C. Shuford , North Carolina , popu lists J. William Stokes. Virginia ; Johi Lamb Virginia , J T. Callahan , Oklahoma democrats. Militan- Affair * John A. T Hull. Iowa Benjamin F Marsh. Illinoi < i John M Grif fin. Illinois. John H Ketchum. New Tork Lucien J Ffnton Ohic . Rowland B Ma hanv. Newr Tork : Hugh Tl Bellmap. Illlnoi < = John McDonald. Man-land. Walter P Brown. Tennes-fee. republicans. 'William Sul aer. Ne-w Tork : C H Martin. North Care Una : Nicholas Cox Tennessee ; John J Lentz , Ohio. Jnmes Hay , Virginia ; Thomai M .Tett , Illinois , Marcus A Smith. Arizona Naval Affairs Charleo A Boutelle. Maine Samuel G Hilborn. California. Melville Bull Rhode Island , Francis H. Wilson. Net * Tork , Georpe E. FOS > B Illinol" ; A G. Dav. ton. West Vircinla ; James H Southward Ohio , H C. LouoVriKlager. New Jersey : R B Hawiey. Trsas. Thomas 3 Butler. Penn sylvania , republicans Amos J Cummlnjrs New TorU. Adolph Mejer Jowa ; Parish C Tate Georgia T S P.owman , AJalaroa Rob-rt N Bodtne. Mis ! uri. democrats. PostotHees and POJ.I Roads , Eugene F Loud. California ; John H Keicham. Nefl TorVr. Georce W. Smith Ulinol" . John W Gardiner. New Jersfv , N D Sptrry. Colorado rado ; W. Lorlmer , Illinois ; K. H. BrowneK Ohio , AVallace T. Foote , jr. . Nt w Tork Henry H. Bingtiam. Pennsylvania. ; Samue H Clark , Iowa. JeHse B Strode. Nebraska republicans C aude A Swanson , Virginia Henry A Ocden. Louisiana ; Daniel Ermen trout. Pennsylvania. John A Moon , Tenne- nee , William A. Love. Mississippi ; Jamep M Griggi , Georgia , H. B. Ferguson , New Mex ice. dnieucrath Public Landr John F. Lacey , Iowa : WI1 Ham R Ellis. Oregon ; Samuel S Barney Wisconsin ; Monroe H Kulp. Penncvlvania F. C. Stevens , Minnesota , C D. Shclden Michigan ; Daniel E Mill. Illinois ; renuU llcans. John F Shafroth , Colorado ; yilvei republican Rudolph Kleburg. Texas , Jamei H Lewis , Washington : Jams D Campbell Illinois ; Marlon De Vrles , California. Davit MeekiRon. Ohio ; idarcuf- Smith. Arizona democrats. Indian Affairs James S. Sherman. New Tork. Charles Curtlh. Kansaf ; I F Fisher New Tork , J M Edfly. Minnesota : Alex ander Stewart , WlwonHln , James P Lucey Iowa ; Horace. G. Snpver , Micaican : Charlei B Landis. Indiana , Samuel J BurrcrwR MS'fachuhetU , Horace IS Packer J'eiinnyl- vaniu ; Cliarles E I'earce Mishouri. re'iuli- .icanK John S Little , Arkans-as , Willlan A. Jones. Virginia , Elijah B Lewis. Georgia John H Stephens. Texas. William T. Zenor Indiana. M E Ber.ton , Missouri ; Msrcui A Smith Arizona , democrat ? Terrltoriei William & JCnox. JJansachu Bvttf. P B Low. New TorK , Cohe IJradcr ick , Kansas . Loren Fletcher. Minneiota : M Griffin. Wi consln ; W T. Foote , jr. . Nev Turk , J A Hemenway , Indiana , IVilUan S Meslck. Mirhirun , lepublieanh "millan McAle , PeiinHvIvatila : A J Hunter , 1111 tiois , . Jphn A. Moon. Tennescsee. John \V Cranford , Texas. James M GrigRH , Georgia Marcus A. Smith. Arizona. H. B. Fernub non. New Merl"o ; democrats Public Bulldlncs and tUrdundsDaid H Mercer. Nebrnctca , J D Hicks , I'ennvJ \-anla , S. G Hiliiom. Calir orma , Charles W Gillet , NCVITark. . , Geiirpe Wliite , Illinois Richard Rartboldt Mlt-jiuurl. Edw'n C Bur leigh Missouri : Georce TV Wej-mauth Ma .Hachii > etti , , Benjamin F Hollowell Ne % Jersey. C P Dorr. Went Virrlnia ; repub licani. John H. lianknend. Alabama ; oem orrut Harrj' Slilimer. .NiinJi Carolina , pop ullat. J S. Little Arkaniu , , Robert Broui fcard , Iowa , William G , Eruntley. Georgia democrats ' I'aclHc Rallrondp H ' "Henry Pnwf rs , Ver mont. William P. Hepburn , Iowa , AshlP- B. Wright , MaHsacbuieia * W C Arnold Pennsylvania. Gwirge TJ" . FariH. Indiana William S Kirtpatrid , Pennsylvania , ii M Hurley , New Tally r J Clark Nei Hampshire- Well B Shuuuc. Ohio ; Je imbllcanB Janie * B MtOuire , Iowa R W earmark , Tennessee ; "ftttUitLm H Fleming Georgia. William 1 Slivj-deii , Texas. Wll 11am V Sulllvun , &Iu > Mtii ] i , J A. Coonw Missouri , democrats ! Invalid Penklonj GerrseV. . Ray Net Tork. C A Suilc-way N-w' Hamishlre : C S Kerr , Ohio. Vehpaslm VTarner. Illiooife H. C Urew ter. New TtirfciJ Henry H , Gil ) lion , Tennens e. J C Btuj-tevant Tunnea * t E S Honey. Connecticut . L A Barbel Maryland , Sum W Smith , Michigan , rt Publlcu.UH G H MrCleHand New Torh Robert Morris Illinois , J. S Batkin. Kuiir.at A Gorton , Oiiiof democrute. Curt : Califumti. popullta Immlcratien and Naturalization Lucien J Fentun. Obit ) , Churies N I uwler. New Jer fcey. R B Malxinoy. New TorU S W Me Call , aiarBachUK-tt * . , M N Jnhni-on Nort ] Dakota. Edward E. Itobliinn , Pennsylvania JoMfph V Graff. Illinci.srepubHcanH. . Stan ytme Wilson , S9uth Carolina. C J. Olej MrRlniu.Sydney Ppper , Vircinia , demo ' ruts \\Tillmm I. Grueij , Nebraska , J.BJIU Labor John J. Gardner. New Jeney Ji'iepb H talker. MasuctiusetH- . James ] JrloCJearj. Minnesota. William Ltinnmi IllinuU. J K Sbowaltt-r. PennMylvunin A&ren V S Cochran. New York , Iaae Bur ber Marj'land. rei-uWkane V J fcBbtol South Carolina wrilam A Toung Virginlu Ferdinand Bruckoman , Michigan , Tlioma "VSnnnih Teunctistnr , denwcratk aiiliua P.enjan in F Marsh Illitiois CUB RrocJ.rK-U Kauuu * . Gborcr E. Spaldmr ilitiuean , L J. Peauui. Ohio. Warren MS If TVf-st Virginia. I C Burlev 3tfl sl - ( rtppt E. E Robbing Pennrrlvwila S J Barrows , Mn * fccrmsrttf , republicans R. Klel crc Texas , John H C. VBrftAee. N w Tork : John B Fowler. North Carolina. " 5VTJ- Ua.ni Stark Nebraska : Charle * K. Whfwr , Fellowlne are thf chairmen of the le * irntinrtant commHtees Illectlons CommJtte No 1. Jlob rl H. Tsvlor , Ohio No i Herrr V Johnson , In- dliina No S. Janus A wn'.kw. Vircinlt. Lever and Imprwc-mpnt * of the Missis- slppl JUver Htehard MMthoMt. Mi' ouri. Eaucatlon G A Crnwf Pennsylvania. Merobunt Marine and Fisheries S. H P me. Xrw Tork. K&ilwayt and Cansls Charte ? A. Chteker- ln& New Terk. Man fartureii Gecrrr TV Paris Indiana- Mine" and Mlnlnp- Charles H. Oropi-neor , Ohio. Patents Jewish D Dirks. Pnnnfj-lvanla. I'enKlonf Henrr C. Lrfiudfns'acer , New- Jersey. Cln.tm C. N. Drum. Prnn j-hiin'.a , War Claims Tliaddeus M. Mahen. Penn- Fylvanln. Private Land Claims Gearce TT. Smith. . District of Columbl * J W. Batooock , Win- con sin. Revision of te Law ? Vespasian "Warner , IHlnnls. Reform In < ! h Ci\-tl Ser\1ct Merrltt Bro - his. Pennsylvania ElertJnn of PrenWent Vice PreBldent and Representatives in Congres. Jnhn B. Cor- ll ! > s , Michigan. AUnitmllr Liquor Trnflle H. C. Brortrier , Vew Tnrk VentllBtion and Acoustics Joel P. Heat- wole Minnesota Irritation of Arid Land WIHtain R El lis , Orecon. KxjMrtidltures in the State Department E yuidd New TorU Ej.i n < Jltu'-f In the Trs ury Dej > artm nl Rnliert G Cousinss , Iowa Evpeii'lttuiuj in the War Department W W Grout. Vermont. ExrendlturtHi m tile , Kavy Department J E Stewart , New Jersey. Expendltuies In the PoBtoSlce Deinrt- mtiet In-lne P Wagn r , 1'neniivlvhnla. Expenditures in the Jr.terlor Dppartinenl Charles : l > CurtK. Kan'a- Eriwnditures tn the DeimrtnT-nt of Jus - tic < Cyrus A. Sulloway , Neiw Tork. Extieiiditurep in the Department of Aj > leulturj C. C Gulllot , New Toil ; Expenditures of Public Building * F. G , Colson. Kentnclcy Aeeount' B B. Odell. jr. . New Tork. Printing C D Perkins Iowa. Llbrarj Alf i ed C. Harman. Pennsyl vania. Cimflrnt < * d lij tlir Snintr. WASHINGTON. July 14 Th < - nomlna- lens were confirmed today by the senate Rear Admiral John G Walker , r S N . Captain O. B. Carter , corjis of engmesrfc. r. S. A. , and Lewis M Haupt of Peunsj Ivanla. an engineer from civil life , members of the Nlcaraguan canal commission : Morris D Wicl.ers'hirn. attorne > of the Vnited States for the southern district of Alabama : W. D Wright , attorney of the Vnlted Slate * for the astern dhcrict of Tennessee : Creighton M. Forakrr , X'nited States marshal for the ter ritory of New Mexico. Collector ? of inter nal revenue John C. Lynch , for the first district of California : A. L Mrrrieon fo- the district of New Mexico ; Albert D Elliott of the DU-trirt of Columbia , clfk of the di trlct court , district of Alaska : William S Clan- ton. as-saver end member of the Fiiltea States a'say ofhce at Charlotte , N C : Miles Cavancch , George D Gieen of Montana and William R Manning of Iowa commlc'-loners to examine end classify lends within the land grant and indemnity grant limits of the Northern Pacific railway in the Helena land district , Montana Panmus-ters Mitouri- . C Van Meter at WarrcnBbug. F. S. Jones at Sarcoxle H. H. Mitchell at Clinton. J. M. Cox at Adrian , J. Wright at Richmond. ArkansasW. . B. Morris at Harrison. Kancus , S. G. Wells at Erie , _ Xn * for tlie Arinj. WASHINGTON. July 24. ( Special Tele cram ) Lieutenant Glrard Sturtevant Twenty-fifth Infantry , has been relieved fron detail for instruction at the Fort Leaven- wo-th erliDol. Lieutenant Henry L. Klnnison , Twenty- fifth infantry , hat , been detailed for Bucl Instruction The fonowinc transfers have l > een made Lieutenant Thomas M. Corcoran. Iron Seventh to Ninth cavalry , troop L ; Lieutenant ten-ant Edward L. King , from Ninth ti Seventh cavalry , troop C. The following transfers in the First artil lery are made : Flret Lieutenant John L Chamberlain fi-om battery E to battery D First Lieutenant William Kenty , from bat terv D to licht battery E. Lieutenan Kentv has been ordered to his propc station. Captain Alf'ed C. Shoupe , Twenty-dFcnni infantry , has been detailed to attend thi Ohio National Guard encampment unti September la Lieutenant John W. Joyee has bean or dered to Watervllet arsenal , N. T. , for duty LBVCE of Absence Lieutenant Tboma. G. Hanson Nineteenth infantry extendei one month ; Lieutenant George W. Mclve : Sevtnth infantry , extended one month Colonel Michael V. Sheridan , assi'taut ad Jutant general , extended one month. oiiilniitfoiiK Itj tinPrrtIilpnt. . WASHINGTON , July 24 The presides todcy sent the following nominations to th Collectors of Internal Revenue John C Entrekin. for the eleventh district of Ohio Philemon B. Hunt , for the fourth district o Texas I > B. Biady , for the second dlstric of Virginia Interior Qulnby Vane ? , surveyor generj of Mexico. Robe't A. Cameron to be repiste of the land office at Alva. Okl. ; Henry E Bowman , receiver of public moneys at La Cruce * N M Justice Abial Lathrop , attorney of thi United State * for the district of Soutn Care lina. Postmasters Amelia Williams , Glenwooi Springs. Colo. ; Hiram J Dunlap. Kankskee 111 En.fSt G. Howell. Geneva 111 : Franl L. Wilson. Cameron , Mo ; Jefferson Swan ger , Milan. Mo. As.o ! Engu eer-in-Chlef John Wilkie Col line of New ToiK to be captain of engineer In fhs re\et.ue cutter service. I'ntfiili * f r "W c' lerii l v - il > r i. WASHINGTON. July 24. ( Special V- Patents have been issued as follows : Nebraska Carl H. iletrck Grand Island word counter for typewriter machine ? Charles C. Smith , Exeter , index ; John Wnl < Nebraska City hpnd tied Iowa John BoBnard. Dubuque , elertro-de titMltinE device ; Cha"-les A Callejii3 r an E AV. Parno. Greene rotary steam engine Amos E. Carter , Tavlor , combinttion can iBter. Ira T Evans Cllve , drag harrow ; Tru man C. Kenwortby , OsUaloosa. bankbindine Jacob H. Petprsen De Moines , elastic wheel Matthew Wilfcoti. GarriBon , bridle South Dakota Philip Schmltt , ParUei fender for traction engines WASHINGTON. July i4 Recognizing th importance of the leceut gold discoverle in Alaska and adjoining territory , and i obedience to the wlde pread demand lo autiientic information in regard ther o , th commUfcioner uf labor has detailed from hi regular fnrae an expert , thorougnly fumllia with all the featmes of gold mining , to jirc ceed immediately to Klondyke for the pui poitof making a c&relul and rxhausitv siudy of the conditions as they exist then It it , the intention of the commiiibuiiier t embody the lurte in a special report or bit letin of the department , which will appea i.t as torly a date cs poeeible. Ti > n1i -N All uf Hitr < - -d. WASHINGTON , July Si It U Mtld at th State de.'crtmi'Lit that ooniiderable mleaj- prehension exists as to the effect of th ohaugrc made in the cenoular regulatior to for a tliey relalo feee oaHectud b tliu - officers TUe revltlon will touch but the official tnd untiiltclal fees , but it is bai that not ui any oane will the fw * on it volcf-g in Great Jirilaiu lie rfimpefced ct ti cliaiicM hive been made b ) Mr. Chilioi chiuf of the consular bureau , and are in lln with the r&jio u be hat made from time I timu to the d iurtnirait while travullng i Buruj * . Eurico. Canada aiid olb-er Dnllr 13ia urj ftlnfruitiut. WASHINGTON July 51 Today' * statf mttnt of the condition of the treasury ghowi AvaHaWe catUi litUnce * . , tytt.Mb.Wi ; gel reserve. I'nj IIt > from TORK Neb Jirty 51 ( Special Telegram Prunt Patton a 34 year-old boy dlBd yet terdiy tfte-r.on near Thuyer , UiU count ] j from the efffcui uf u euu > trbku THURSTOK HELD THE TRUMPS Eeadj to Debate tie Harris Kesolntion tc Foreclosure. HE BLUFFS THE OPPOSITION SENATORS Morcnn nnfl Ilnrrl * Src tl p futility < t ( t inlrrtnUltir to J"orcf u Votr , and Ult - I'ji ' tin- Grncef nit ) . WASHINGTON , July 2 * . ( Special Tole- cram. ) For a Uine today it looked as If the B nate wuulfl ruttine Hi concur with the house for adjournment at Si o'clock. The Harris Union Pacific resolution mood omin ously In the -way. Thornton refused tn al ien a vole to be luk n on the resolution and said he was rmfij to resume its dis cussion. As he vas entitled to the floor , and there was piled upon bit. desk a formid able arra ; uf books. Senators Mergau and Harris h(4d a i art conference , vhtu the } dnrldod IB allow a vt itto tie taken on ad journment. There "as during the on the Harris rcBolutlou u flecldnd of temper on the pan of Sen Kir Outlor toward Thurstan. Tht laUer hod yluided in thu Nnrth CaroliniHU far a word , when tbe chairman of Ihe populist * said that Thnr < - tea nud "hl conftder&tuK" wore throttlnip the right of the mnjinitj to be htard and weie engagi'd in darl : lantern pr rtlres Thin brouRht n dectatve reply from Thuriuon. whti said be would not further yield to nu > ik.tor viho charged him with having eon- 'edoraiei. . Duller dlticlatmed any luiuitiou .o be pcrwnia ] and said he had used coa- fedetttts" in the scn c of frleiirt nad The annual report of the Mlsnovrl river in was made pubHc today. The rc- ii rt showe that during the fiscal year SS11- LUG was eicpcnded in improviiii ; the Missouri river from its niouih to Sioux Ctty IcavltiB a balance unexpended uf ySS.125 : : , IUBB t22.5Ui ! ! outBtauding liability , leavinp an available balance on hand on July 1 , 1K82. of $ ; ! G3 , ! > G Construction work between Omaha and Council lilutfe during the paet year w t under the charge of tb secretarj of the commission , with Assistant Eojgiaeer Trtigt n 'immediate control. Opera ions were bejun immediately upoa the breaking up of thr ice In the spring the launching of the plant laving been completed in April. oj > nr tiotu nere ccccluflod May 10 by tlie cample' ian o' .he project end the plant was -aem to Ne- jraska C1tjto work nt that point Woik jstwesn Omaha and Council BluKs under the lart project was conducted unJcr con siderable difQculty. thai done during the spring by blgh water , bat it was nrvtiUiu- BSB completed very nearly on time aud iLlilQ the limit ol the ollountint provided for it. The latot work executed by the oouiriiE , lini in the vicinity of Nebraska City wins the revetment of fi,7ii0 linear ft-Et of bunk of Nebraska City Island , cnaplered tr 1M > 0 'hanccable ' chtnnels turoucn the root also uroduced a caving of banks on tiir Nebraska CH y Bide , which if allowed ta ciutinue would endanger the ea'ety of tJe city vnter sod other municipal IniLresiE. It wta decided to rip-rap the bank wl'n stone at three places or Bectiaii ? of fifty 1'nerr 'eet eacli where apparently most neuiled This work at the end of the fiscal 3 cal ls about half comple-ted The commiKEinn expended during tLe ju.fi Tiscal year S3 000 to repair and protrt w 01 ks b tbe neighborhood of Nebraska Cilj. To make a more thorough improvement nt this pcint and to insure protection of the previous work an allotment of SU-OPO IE from the appropriation of June 4 , 1S37 HEADY TO START HOME. Senator Allen has made all arranceinntE to leave the city on Tuesday for Nebraska Senator Thurston and family will leave Wednesday , going via Boston and Canada so it will be at least two weeks before the junior senator reaches liorne. Congressman Mercer will go to Atlantic City for a rime. taking the first rest in two jears Judge Stall ; will probably allow his family to rein - in WaEliinrton , but will go to Ne braska to participate in the fall campaign. MERCER GETS A COMMITTEE Speaker Reed honored Ncljrabka today In a very handsome manner giving Mercer the chairmanship of the committee on public buildlnct , and grounds one of the most im portant committees In tne house. Judge Strode has a good place on postoffices and poEtroads , one of the committees he spoke for several months ago. Maxwell goes on the committee on coinage , weights anfl measure. ! and Stork on militia , in which tbt member from the Fourth Nebraska is es pecially interested. Greene and Sutherland are taken care of on similarly good commit tees. Mercer s appointment is received wltt rejoicing by Nebraskans as well as mem bers generally. His vorli on this committee in the Fifty-fourth congress brought him prominently to tbe front on tbe death ol Milliken. and Speaker Reed ohov ed his ap preciation ol "Our Dave's" ability by giving him the committee on which he can dc an Immenne amount of peed for Nebraska Senator Tliureton nulltd off another oBici VBHterday In a most unexpected manner , tin anpomtment of L. B. Sheppsrd. to IKoni of the commissioners for Alaska. but t ? hort time ace Sheppard was a well-know t business man of Arlington , Wothing tan county , also .having re-sided in Wes Point. Thurston had & telegram fron < Uala that the president's repent eppoint i had taken the gold fever and started foi Klondike , and that his resignation wa < unroute to Wofclungton. Shepnard'e ap pointment was asked for , nud within flvi hours of the request being made , hit nami was in the senate , being confirmed yesterdav Sheppard moved ti > Alaska two year * , ago Hi will be Kfcbigned to St. Michacle dititiu-t. a tbe mouth of the Yukon , and will havi charge of parties outfitting there for the goli mines on the upper Yukon Hugo DDnzelmaun and wife of Wyoming the newly appointed oousul to Prague , an in tlie ' uy. Duuzeimann it herelectivin ; instructions and sails next week for hr new post Miihi-t Bell of Abhland arein the cf enroute west. The following pension -examining f.ureeon ! were appointed today. Nebraska Ink In Doane. H C. Mc-EouaJd aud L B Smuh c Freratint ; J. A Martin at Mmden , L M Sha at Osceola ; F A. Ma'sh , G W Bran don cud H. H. Schultz at Seward. W H Dempster. J. V. Hlnchmon and C. M Eatoi at iHetiron : A.S Pierce. W A. Chapman ar Winfield Ackley t Hallngi ; A R Roy C P. Shoemaker and 0 B. Canfield at Pt field Jow-a William M Glouny at Ailila Nebraiika pwtmastWB oppuintej todas Filley , Gage tiounty. J. M. LlnsKott Ithura Saunderi county. F W. Sciiroeder , Onj ; Clay county. F H Bottom ITZ/I.KS 'J'UKASriM' OFFICIALS Mr - P ln iifc to "U'lune TnrllT IUI CiK-fc I ti lo Kll.-ct. WASHINGTON. July 54 The quefition B tun day and hour when the neu tariD lai will go Into operation If utiuifl by tbr preei dent before 12 o'clock toalght has bee raued at the Treasury department Info * mation h&e been received that a VBBBBI lade with sugar li&j > btxui elcbiod off the cajte and probably will enter the harbor at Plrfl adelphia during the tfiornoon Atiother vt * Bel with a caretof sugar U. in Bcfaian har bar and other \aueli tlrallunj laden ore ea pectBd io arrive during the duy. Hitburi the custom * office * on tlifa Atlantic oou hove J > em practically ckitad at ution on Sit urdcys. nearly all the empl yti > being pel mittbd to leuve Se-criinry Gage buwe\M hcc decided Lo l.ttiji the unices open tula until 4 o'clock , ihe ueual hour far c-lokiug c other Wft-k daye , and Atwstaut Booreitar Howell hai eeut tbe following telegram t Bollectnrs- XlPIiartmeni ln tructlon < ' to you on June ' ! ) > ! , regarding hour of clotunc un Euturdu were < u > fo'low g"Such deiiutien , rlarks an other employes a are nuctust-iio' to traiifac such current bUHinew , u * may arrive bef > r tbe usual clearing hour of eiirb workln day murt remain at their dek for tliu purjiosc " You will Jollow the above in HU-UI-UCIIF. ut the prtweiit time These lu.tructions do not affect the Urn the- tariff act poee into effect The quefi tlou l a iirw one to far ai tariff set * nr concerned , aud cuiibequeMly never hut beel paused upon If the court * . Th MeKlnlry turltf rt went Into effrrl br i ! own te rm * on Ortober f , ftrr fl y * after tt recrlve * the president t nlcnBturri TbeV u- MIC bill bet-nnif * law at 31 r > cflncV mid night. Augunt 17 , 1SP4 by reasou ot UIP lajx > of the ten day * allow H ibe prcFidmt by the ranotltution for t&e omiKidersMtin ot WllP patwrtl by pongrew The matter km been well cnnuMFred bj the treasury of- firltlE. nd tt IB xery prnbablr that thrr win bfiM that thr new art w-ctit into cfTect M It o'clock lam night The president , htiwrver. bus ten dn.it before final din * pooKion In wtitch t > determine tbe qut-i" tlnn. aufl no action 1 * llknl ; to be takro before the Inrt of tirxt wc k at tbr earliest. A ClIIIUCCMK.SSAIJH. . Prrnptitril tt rotnrr "t ! > o > n n * Turin Kill Vn ( Inl 'f tlir AVny , WASKINCTON. July J4 The president hss pent tbi * messnp tn ronirrew To the Cotigre ! > nf the ftittrt 9tle < In mj nie" > apfrpnvpnme 1hn ncrpT In rx- fnirrttniirv w1titi 1 culled sttejition to a dingle HU 0ct tt , t of p-oviaitiK revenu * adeciiitte to HM-M thi tea otiuble and p-op r cxji tH > e of tbe eovcrnmrnt It wein-fl to b the most pr B 'tie nt > lM-t Tor stilament thpn A bir tn prrn I3 ' tbr m'C " > Bn' rcve- ntiec fnr the cnvemment hm > alreadj psied the luuw o reprrnmiumrs and the wtiKte und await" px cutivt uctiiui Another yuertii-ii of imput-tainT 1" tbBt of the eotnMIshmerrt of nur rurrencj' and bnnk- inr x tern on a better lm l * whlih 1 foro- metided In my lr ucur l uddiesa In the ful- Iriwlnc word * "i > uj flnntidal nv trni nerds a revision , our inonrj l all ptiod but ) t valui mu not IKlu'thrr tVreatened It Hhtmld bp j > u ! tijnti nn enduring ba'-ls. not MiblTt tp puny nttiick nor lt utabllltv to di'p te Ttn formB of cur pHper : n > ney WTtr In my juctginent a fonmnt erlmr- raimnelit to the gcvernmrnt t > d lnip ! ili > n naf * bji'mire In tbe trenMtrj " NntMnR va * 'ttl 'd more rleiirlj at the l re natlnnal election than the afertn1 > . 'inn on tl.e jmrt of the people IP lipeji thflt < u-n-n' ' > h ube in value nnd equal to tbe m IB ! a 'vanced natiLinr of the vorH The nnunrtin- of mir oiini-ncy 1 nowhere qufrtlmied Nc lo-s OKI , occ r to Its liu let- It l.i the fn ! n uhl.h "lnm d lie simp' ' .td aud strenpibenfl. keeplnc our mnne iu t a" SM > d uf It l now with lm . e icr.se tn the c'VcrnnH'tit nd tin i.-'iie ! The n-n l- m nt nf tlir e-ountry In t tronirlv 'n favor of FBrtv action by rflturrwiin till' dlret lon tt revise our rurretipy lawi- and Jemove 'b-m from paj'tipau contention A notalilt ap- wmV'lv C'T bunnies" rnei with ( "flec 'ca from twenty-nine state1atd tcrritnrlM. was held at Itidlanajmll" In January of this > uur. The flMint-Jal i-itUHtlim cnmmaiided tlieir e rn it attention , and after n two ditvR * aesfion tbe rornentlon reft.mtnendi-d to con- prefi tbe upponttn ! of a monetarv ct'm- miFRlon 1 pomtnend thl ° report tn tbe con sideration of cotigreBB The authors of tbe l-fwi-t rosrtnerid a rimiml-'lon , "to make a thorough inve tlp8ti' i of the monetan > tl- falr. oid tieedr of this roumrIn al its jeation * Btld appertf , and to make pnmci st'frrertlons n * to anv evils found to tvist , and tinnmedie tburror. This < < ubt r-t should have liocn railed 'o tbe attention of cnncrecs at tlii ; bp'-rial f-ei.- uion. It ought not to be pn tponi-d I'll tbe r7ulir session I f'er fore urce and rec im- n > erd that a special commlPBioti b create , nocpart snn ln.if chara'-tpr to be compos- * : . ! eit well ir.forvned ritirens of d ffe-ert parties , who will command the confidence of evi.rreps luc u t of tbulr EPS" l l ntn'-ss fr r the work wbo e dull It sha 1 be tc m , k rocomment'ittion" of whatever cr.ansej in our TireB nt birUinc and curtcnrj law-p may be fiu d necePBcrj" otid iapi"Hnt and to report their coneluslons on or before 'hr first day of Novmbfr next , in order that the Bame tnay btren mifed bv tiu 'o oonpres * for ith consideration ut itn Jlrst repular sp < " ! lon It ii to be boped that tbe report will be r o coinvrelieTihive and Hound as , to rereive the rupport of all parties' and tbe fBvoraWe action nf concresR At all events Kuch a report cannot Tall to be of value to the executive brar-eh or the Eroverninent nt well S-M to the ! p e-hargetl with pub Jo legiBlation. and to r eutl.n'BUt . in tbe es- tabliB'am rit of an Imtiioved HvMem of nuance Sijried. WILLIAM M'KINLEY Executive Mansion , July S4 , 1SP7. M ) TIME rOK HAWAIIAN THUATV. St-iintcir * . l > o < .1 I'nll InVIUi Miir- WASHINGTON. July 24. While the acnat was In executlv ee-Kioti today Senator Mor gan suggested the imjinrtance of taking up and diEpBblug of the Hawaiian annexation treatj before final adjournment of this ees- fiion. but the eungcstion was met by n mo tion of Mr. iMdrlch to resume lepulatlve business , whlcn prevailed withoul opposi tion Mr. Morgan did not make a speech but he suggested thai events of importance might traiifcpire before another betsion of congress which would cause the penate to regtet ite action Tlte Alabama senator's euggeption was not seconded by any one and the Indisposition of the netiat ? to consider the matter wa BO apparent that Mr. Morgan did ciot priisi it. The underc-.anding is that the treaty will be taken up on the- convening of congrece next December Atrrie-tiJturnl dix-rliiu-titK In Aluhkn. WASHINGTON , July 24. Secretanof Agriculture Wilson believetr that congress at its next sef-slon will authorize the establish ment of agricultural experiment Ftations in Alaska He said today that he had no doubt the people in some parts of Alahkt would be able to f/roduce their own vegetables and to tome ertent the cereals they will need. The hard } classes of animate , he tali , also could be grown there. The cattle from the mountains of Scotland , be believed , could be raised successfully in Alaska , but no far as IB known now tbe mining regions in the vicinity of the headquarters of the Yukon river are about 1,000 miles , away frnin any oart of Alaska in which agriculture could ba succcMifully pureutid. .lni > an Will 1'rolnil.Ij Arbitrate. WASHINGTON. July i'4. Though no offi cial advices have been received at "liber the State department or the Japanese legation here co-ornmtcry of tbe report ihat Japan hat agreed to the propo&al of tbe Hawaiian government to arbitrate the question at issue between the two governments. It is not doubted that this la a fact , ouch unoul-UJ information as ha come to imnd thawing thu the proffer WBE made ana w-as under nsidLraiioB all t 'nuc to warrant .he belirf that a satisfactory ouicomc of the affair has been arranged , though there w eio means of knowing us yet what will be tht > natme of thu machltiery of the arbitration , nor the exact amounts and issues involved Love is the natural heritage of many an ct- tractive young woman , now doomed to love less spinster- h o o d by ill- health. No wo man should en ter upon tht du ties of wifehood is not fitted by good health for position and for the responsibili ties of jnotherhood. If a woman suffers from wenknebs and disease of the organs that mate wifehood and motherhood JK - eible , the bhould xemedy these conditions before assuming the respom-ibilities of a wife , Otherwise , the stands little chance of proving a happy and cajiable wife , and motherhood will always menace her with the terrors of death. A sure and quirk cure for all weak ness and disease that unfits a woman for matrimony and maternity is found in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It acts directly and only on the organs involved. It makes them strong und healthIt cures all weakness aud disease. It pre pares for wifehoc d and motherhood. Taken during the expectant period it makes baby's coming easy und compara tively painless. It insures the health of the child. Thousands ofKonieti have testified to its merits. Druggists sell it ' I have- found preot relief miice tuViac yout 'Favorite jTecnptien"write * Wr Henry Harlot * of Lon dale IToviiicucc Co R I "J wa all brukcn dowu { ram nrrvou * prostratiao. Since takiiiR yuur medicine I lievc liad mure re lief than from all the doctors nieiiiane * w Inch cost me raarc thun 1 cauid ufiorii Jt Is naid work to work -when from ntElrrf-d rnn .njiBt'on r r Pitrct't I'ciicti cure