WIMIMBBI H r THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : j5j § AY , JFLY 25. 1897. AUSTIN IS CITY CHAMPION aim ; the TH3e at tils Ltr Twsk ; H SKOL TAKES ONE SET WST OF POOH "llrlnr 1 . . Onlj Tlirep Gnine In 7hrrefrln. . liol tlie Tlilrd CnincH to Drrlile. The brtlj cent st a rttr tottrnnmctirt of tbe Omaha T'tinw ; ohifc hat CORK te a ctee AH I the ynunp women wit * have beea raetit hrt r- , wept' rpfrtatnrE i > { the p me w1H now h re b i iifctice to ew ap pha utwiH ? 7'osKlbly wimc o" their nmsrnlltic eoRDrtx win ( kino eaMb In rmtl , aniotmic. The final conf-st was a clmc tif for eneh younp gladiator of the rnchet La Irld tbt rhamptoiuibip aUernatc ncaMms tni' both ware equal lavorttet with tbe crowd The play ttt times was hiphly esclt- , IIIR and rbeer * w re Jreiiiieiit until the onn- rluriou of thr fourth pet It has been de cide * ihnt Rat Atwtlti win carrj the rbiim- juctjofcip per.nant lor th p'ewtit year Ka'-'T ' lr the rvrnini ; admirers ot the game li'put to a'-lve and lij ( ! .3U etery luch "f th. uratr eurroutiAtni ; the court ortcf a Tns feralttlne frteuls oT tbe < -r were In the tntjorltj. anfl cries from then t" 'Good goofl " root1 In nh.-lll t-nflcnres r.p onn Rf the came wai , fa lily unfl-r wny One Ui'"s was eauily flemcmstrated a ! ac ferif s'ac" of the "fmteBt. that wa that the J mir tir cntitlngpnt nerdi-d no eoeehlnc Irom th male ewrartE Btifl a R ofl pl y met with a prmnpt nward if v.ell tlifrtrlbdteil ppplaiint pocs fnr much Tht eourtF were in excellent trim There wan not D nartlcle of hreeiN , and th" cnn- tPF.nrtK wint a : tlielr work with a prim tipiortulnaMon to in In the npnnlnc pam Haj.l ' II knocked ttic dum nut of lile opjm- imn s court w llh rapid rcurus flellverefl M . b unerrini ; ncraracj Hf played In his 1i"st fnn and won with points Btandinn 4- IE th ncrt game late cppearefl to dally with the Mfurdy youti'c champion for the halU thnucb plnvefl with the came care nnd fort" as in tbe Iirtt trthor foil short nr Fklmmeil l' p ! m E a fen Inches to tn bad The score v. HPxiMme , gomg on hi tab oc a love game The next pame was a duplicate of the i-erond Austin rook four more pomes tr > 3 fh" set at C-l _ In the second set Ha ° keM chanced courts with the il'tor and Jrom the mnntier In wh.th h vent to vork ft was evlflent he Ir'erj ed to hustle It was In vain. Hall * "whub lie returned with a forre tlmt sent thp bieacherr w lid w 1th enthur.la < ; m bounded buck from the racket of hi = opponent. Somt of Ails' Ins returns were made in a llstl KR lory manner vxhich produced miraculous re- nullB , Hiph drive" , bach-handed returnt ; lobs anfl lonp runs were performed by him fvlrtcntly v.ith scarcely an ? Eori. His serv- Inp war swift and straight , not a double lault being call'd upon him during tlie con- tes * Toward the enfl of thf set he tired the man on Uie other side by chaslnp him all ov er the court , anfl w on the Bel v Ithou * InMnc , a name The third ne ! itartcd In with HasV.cll In th' lenft Games out two anfl thrct were cor-alled by him In short order Four and fire wen ; to Austin , and then each man set tled down to his work with Sn ordnr which jiromlsed good things for the spectators Tlie KLZth pome went tn Hbkell then two more to Atis in th Bcventh to Austin the eighth to Haskell and the patnes stood fiv-e oil. Then the plaves : went after the vcntapc pare * 'Ike Knights of the tourney in dsS of old Hasl.ell manaped to lraa his opponent lor fve patne- when Austin captured the vantage hut failed to pet the nest. HaEke.ll pained the next vantage pame but fell down nn Hie nrxt Thspamcs stonl Un all when HsukcTJ took the nest into camp and then von the final with the sp ctators fitandlnp nn their seatb amid a Ktonn of handkerchief waving Tbe score Btoofl 12-10 lor HaKkell la th" last set U was evident that the hot work had tolfl upon Hoskrll end thouph hr won pames two and lour the fates were npaltiBt him Auptin concluded the set with a score of 0-2. winninc tne championship. Tollowlnp IE tbe ecoro by points "First set- Austin - J ! 4 4 5 r. 4 4 4 Huskell - . 4 0 0 3 S 0 S ] Second put : Austin . - . . . . . 4 C 4 " . 4 4 ( Hn * < k'ii . , - o c o r. o : i Third set- Austin . 3D4ii441S.l : 44 DT. 34:02 II Hnhkell . . .C4in4004SS:4124SJ244 4 r Fourth set. Austin - . - . .4 2 4 S 4 4 4 4 I Hatkell - .1 4 1 D 1 1 2 2 . ' Irtz ItroK. mill < > < inlli Omnliu. The Metz Eros nnd Sotrth Omahus Trll play on the old Tort Omaha ground * thl ifteniDon nt " o'clock. Adml-islon free. Tai Ilne-up Is as follows Metz Bros. Position Srutb Omaha Bare . Catcher . . . „ . . Jackwu Baff elder . . Pitcher . _ Demon ! CrelRhtin Firrt base . O'Nril V , ' Bowles .Second base. . B cJ Peterton . . Thlrfl base. „ Salmoi Bachup . .Shortstop . . . Fltijrerali O Connnr . L-rt Held . . . Rut D : wns . .MWdle field . J'ug ] Connors . Right field . . . Eennlso ; Tlie Omaha Biewing Association Bas. . Ball club will leave on a two week * ' trij through Nobni'-ka next TiiawJay They wil Jiluy at rrorootit. Columbus , Central City Grand Inland , Hastings. 'ttv ! t Point , Nor folk Nellti and O'Neill The Brewers ar ; Jaying fast ball and the } ejcpect to tak eveT game , sn that when they retun liome thev will have nn undisputed clatn to the thamplonhhlp of .Nebraska. The tear will ! * oompoHed uf the following players O Shannon L. Shannon. Waller. Bowman 3deffner Rooncy. Vapor , Holme * . Davl and Scully Oniulin nuu Clul.V \ \ . . Teste-dny tbe Omaha Gun club indulge. . in Us weelJy Bhnot at tnrgetti the hcore ialr. as follows- E'raes . , . „ . Hill limi 1011X1 ] ( nD ( 3 E Kalb „ - Mill lllld mil m < n 1 K nyon - . . . iti'll inwio 01111 Him 1 J hu-nee . . . linn ouioi iinn omj i J'.ur.dlett . „ . . . 11111 1111(1 ( mil mil l TI vT > nend „ . . i na nnn riano inn i 33'Jf hen - . „ , , KKttl 11J10 lull 11111 1 Jvrug _ < T1H > mil oil II mil 1 Balnliury . _ . KD ( 111(11 ( 01101 HinO 1 . . 01111 ( IJ1U 1BU Ulffl 1 H IIIN - to M. C. C. uiicl Grouni 7 U } Pr w I uliliKhinc fonijianr LO > nON. July IM ( New Tori : World Co lili , tarn Fipeciol Telegram ) The America : wii'-kptem liruurht the thirteenth game t tbnlr nngltob tour tt n ooncluBian here to d s and ufferea the seventh defeat of th trip They -were defeated liy Slur } Icbiin rlub aid ground b > ± 27 runs The visitors -were cent > idexabl handicapjKMl to HOW TO FTD ! OUT. Fill a buttle or oomman plat.s with urlni nd li It stand twenty-lour bours , a bedt n.out or nettling ludlcuteB an unhtaitli ; condition of tlie Wfiiioj"When urlni rttliiB linen it t * imsltlie t > viuetiee of jid. ne trouble Too frequent desire to url catc ar pain In the buck U also caavin cine prof thut the kiiJueys cod bladdej ere out of order M HAT TO DO. There IE comfort In the knowledge ti often cxtre EMl. thai Dr. ICilmar'n Sw-amp Rant , the pre-at kidnny remedy , fuiQlu c jry wish in roliwinc pain in the book , Iridaevt liver , bladder tn4 pvcry part tt the urinary pottages Jt oorreins IccblHtj to held urine cnfl bcaiaiup pain in jwEslni tt or bad iiCeau lollov. lap iu > e at liguar wnii or bear , ac1 O'lemeuw * that unseat cm necu 4ty of I utp coiiiptOHwl to gtL Ui raauy tituet durio * the niRtu te uricoli 1'lje niilfi i.n3 the extraordinary tttact o CwanuKiiuot te coou reaiteod It tr.sjide th. lupit tor in wundtjrjul cures ot the mns austxewtiip cab e u you need & medic.a ycu cWiuld have th bent. Gold by drug Cinie. luice JUt.f iicuita and one dul.a' 7 cu zuay Lave a ramjde hottir and paaiubii < t boti t ut fret by aiail Meuuaii The QmaUu Sunday Bee cad i-enfl your address to Dr KiUasr 1 Co lilucliamtun , K. Y Tlie pronrletni * D this paper cutrtntsi ; the tecuiatness cf thi Ser. . d - > y th trft pf * atwnrt nf < 1 S T"lrt- lr i a tlie ' npiott ) t-f t 1rm anil - t > - oott'olh thf tx-rt IB t mh H * tr * tmiihVe ! < takf | ' n It ttoRum' rw a to hhi tti- JurxflaM < \ , rd tb < Aj Ttmti > In Qo nff plsypfl only twi UKII The * T J. A ljftrr w * tb * fettore rT tbt laj Aittltwt tht hpw Itnt of tb eracV tfMttonaic 3 T Bearce. A. E. Tn.rt and RaitTtoi Ire cornpli l MI mtrtnp * vf 71 , wtli > - t oSrrtnp the vHtnbtofie of clMcnec. cad If b * had tail Ptttrr-or. to h ck or ht Bf- lmt th- tutor would protisWr hive enfl-4 tn i. amw F H BoWeii. L Blfldh' Mtfi S N Crwnr all mad * ntmnrti "aortt tc MT * tb * gaw MI ( ! < t * dy pi y mrtl tow tbe nrotemimnal bowline nrtneB tct > uraeh fm UK otiiioJTtMi nfi tbe total K2. PAl'l/IA riKUHAC AT CRICKET. rirt rii-l-Md - dniiir I > ei ! > ! ' One. I'olnl > f AV - V . A cam * wa * p1ard yorterflar on the Omaha crtekft rroimd bftwenn leant * ej - tatncd by Oerrn * YatBrban and Harry K w. w We * w s TI on by the huter bj K ran * . HAWRT KffW'S TEAM P S Ford b & > raw _ _ . . .X M Pinujae. e Iilrk , b w v srr n . 1 J DiiBt-taF. r > lulr b W. Vmoshitn 1 , P BOB-TO-F c auraFi * b TV YwfTban. . . . f H Lawrie , b W Yamdwn J I F BarlHjr 1 li w. . b Tajlnr 1 H Jiew. c Mntr. 1T r or „ . . S 3 SnaVe. i Lr.nd. b G. H Vimghtin J lt\r riemnif. li W 11 Vsaithan J G SMtldo run out. f W Owen bO H Vawsken J- 1 P Potter , run owl [ J F Pen-fiiia b Kirk I J Brnnner I. W B Ti.y jtn 0 Dr TPHBC b G H Tanc'mn 1 Rev S V 13 LlwjC , tnrt ' . t 4 Kxtri - - Total . . . t Ml G H. YArOIIAN'E TJtAM. iF Farmr , b rber .2 * : 'R M * Tavlor , b Mnwen : . - " 'J ' Oulld c JlnnnHsr. b Dmtslan 1 K n Spiipue , c and b DotijrtRB n. I G H YaBRlinn , run otit JA 'W ' R VsBrtmn. b nowvrs - . 1 R'-v Mr Kirk , run o t.- H | J Mul * . ran nut . . J ij Franel" , b New . . . . . . . . . „ ft I J U Rpvnol3 . b Lowrie * . . , . . . . . 4 .T K nurklncham b Lvvrit . . . . t | H P Mul In. b N w „ „ „ „ „ , . . . 2 3 Lund run out . . . , . . . . _ . - . 1 J \V Kuhn. e and b Xeale. . . . f E Peake , not ou1.M- . - . . . . . - . - . 0 Extra * . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . , _ - . C Total H TlOWLHCG AXALTEIS. K'W'P Inning ? : Overs. Itttnc. 'Wkts T < * . Vntichan . . . . . * . . K HT t ! R TV Tavlor . . _ R 21 2 ft YaUChan . . S 12 : : Kev Mr Klrlt _ . . 0.1 0 1 YHuphan' * Innings. rt HOWRT- " . .12 20 5 1 Douclas . „ . . „ . . „ . . * . 7 IR 2 J Xeale - - H Lawrie 4 K 2 Hurry Now „ . . . 4 C 2 EDAVAIID.L. 11VICEIL. -nci f HU Lnvt PIX-IIIK 11 Hit. Little GrannM n. Plilllp. The n cent denth ol the nnited States consul puneral ilaward L Baker in Buenos Ayres has Veen the occcsian of much com ment thruuphout the west , and particularly in Illinois , where Mr Baker was at one time a prominent figure In Journalism and poll- tier It har been BO lonp blnrt bis appoint ment by President Lincoln to the honorable post in the consular bcrvlce in tlie Argen tine Republic that the prepenl generation has but little appreciation of the worth of the man , his work as on editor nf the 'Illinois State Jou-nal" and his Influence with th" politicians who were grouped to- pethtr before the war In Springfield und drew their inspiration from tbe noble hadrrbhip nf Abraham Lincoln AesDciated witb him for several years in the povern- ment service at thr capital of th" Argentine Republic v rites George Fist-back in the Globe-Liemncrat I came to taiow him mast Ultimately anfl learned to love him with a tenderness and reverence given to but very few men in my limited world In the consular nenite he was at the ver } head of the list and was retained at his post by all the administrations einc.e President Lincoln's election his reports standing to day in th" department at "tt"abhrag .on as models of perspicuous statement and beau tiful Enplinh diction The duties of Mr. Baker's position weir not alwas arduous and pave hlra from time to time tbe rovcted opportunity of in- dulpinp his lucra- } tastes His readinp was mnst extensive , embracing ; tlie whole realm of English letters hl3 fondness lor the tarJy wrltert never dcscrtlnp Itlni , and his critical faculty never failing to cstrcct and enjoy the choice developments of modem lltsra turc. Nothing however , in all his exile could divorce him from hie ialcr Bt In the newspaper piopress of his native countr } His attachment to Journalism was the pleas- uie of his whole life He wat a constant rtadcr ol dl the leading pcpc-s of this country , and T.ept himself thorough ! } in formed as to tht party principles and li ad- ing men of all the states. He wrote much but not lor the public eye Hi" poetical talea : was a rare quality - hich he In dulged only for the pleasure of his closest friends It Is taacrrtoad tls vrttmpE have been preserved by his family In the Intimacy of our Iriendbhlp , be on * day pave me a copy ol two of his latest poems the one complementing the olhei and both forming one of tbe most patheUt anfi beautiful expressions of personal affec tion 1 have ever rtafl The lines were wrunp from hit. heart by the departure of his lit tle BrandBon Philip Randolph Baker , nn r voyage from Buenos Ayres to New York Ton will be iileascd. I am sure , to print them. , L4. DESPEDrdA. I My gallant ch'p betide what fate- Has balled toda } with preciout frfigit Far down the bay , witb wind abeam I f-e her white sailc 11J and gleam : And 1 bhall see them wnen 1 bleep Like phantoms gliding o er tbt fl p. And I hhall fte them when I vvake. Through all tlie wear } leagues they make ! Oh ! treacherou" oe-eon , faithless pea. Guard well v\nat 1 have give tlite. n Or in the day or tn tlie night. That ship it- ever In my j .Kbt ; Each courne bhe take * each iwind that blow s , Each wave that breaks and overflow ! Or , xaU she Plow , or sal ] In baste. 1 watch her throucn the truckles. ! waste. In calm or morn or gentle breeze , 1 joj. or fear witb eacr cf these' Oh' treache-our ocean faithless sea 1 pra } that thou ketr faith with me ! m. "With prlef J never can forget. And breaking heurt. and eves all wet , And deMiUted borne I pee Mj heurt b dear treasure * pain from roe , And I Khali moLrn as one dihtraught F" sreal the H'lrrow love hath wrouchl Till 1 * hall Uncv. a 1 dancer' ! o'er My bhlp bor reactied her deBtlneo shore ! Oh1 treacherous wean , faithlefw Heu Bring bock n good report to me EDWARD L BAKER. Buenat. Ayres. Ft-hruur } IE , ItM. LA BIENVENIDA , 1. A magic < w ord at lightning speefl Hai. come te roe witn news indeed ! My fchlp that tirptv hile sailed hi ) far , Haa made her jierl hut -jroHt.pd the her ! HUT fiact > aloft are llyinpr now. The l > ! ue wuv s dance along bar prow , "V\"ilh landward breeze und Btllf at play. She nievw in triumph up the baj ' Oh'ti U'-.ie.reuH oeeati , lulth ee - sea , Glafl tidings ihuw I have from thee ! n. I i > aw that Bhip from me depart Witb liodinc f ar and britrtiiif heart. 1 ivjueij * ! * her rourne w n pueh a pritif That lu.pi ociulu oflwr no relief Tjdaj Uiank Goii btr peoik a < ir I huu her from this diciaut nbure "Itn pr wtinpF af m > tnmum h > ul. An * W , ni } eses eunno * control' Oa1 treat Imraur oc an , faitlilcKS tea , Thou haat inrit d been true M me , , III Ot. wear ) prtMwerc lonp eonfteed IVUdw p r U of tbe wave and wicd1 Of Btorra uiid w nick all fears have Tbe prayer fur land It- yours at law ; 1 bcT you aU vvtth umuld love And jK-aue thai eoroKh fmm ub ve ! Ob d * r , miod vfalp ah' dear peed crew. In gratitude I pltxlpe w you' Ob' treacheraub outan fu.itUltt t-ea , Mot < t f rvcui timnlv ttiou haw frtun me' ' EDWARD L. BAKER Buttnot ATe . AlirM U. ISM A-i < liiu > - for tlir Hrrolr Drnmuirr , A luiifiur M * drummer rticentlj raw o wivnirn tiatw tji * train at Nerth BuckBjiurt and rush through tbt tar Just a * it wat EvUinc W dj H * e mllywalkod after h r tuui JuM iMfurr tbe fiitul Itmn craeptid hai ftrnil > to lib nianir bossm Slit strusgled , but be oi.lj tipbtenwd his crip biiytnp Mud ro you Hum t jumv on the car and kUl yuiir if' " Wijtai she pot bar breath i-he bbrteked "Tou big foul 1 wu * only going < jut em the pliitlurm to wave my biuidker- obluf to no friend * . " A Jiurt } of Banco ; yocbtimit-ii aboard the train tjiplaufled tht Crunimer Jor cbi heruh.m JxiUj' i.tU tn houi u Iniuntl * Utrtkfltr. ORIOLES ARE AB EASY MRK Pi 8trarrcrs Briar ; Than Bcvm at the PlrEt ELst , SIXTEEN TO TWO TELLS THE STORY rr. tlir Homr Third Iln piiinii. I'lnj * Ctrcut Unit ItdhtonA'lu * mid Clu- c'luimtl l > nfk Nut I'laj. X , Baltimore. . Bmiten , liouttrvitit. . I. Ntis lurk , , Chroapa. * Cttvelm.o. l > , i'hllBaetritilB. . 6 Su Irtitrt . ' . W a-hlnptwi , C. CmeMiMU-UnwkU n. N parae/raln , Kan B . Oitj , ColunttotK. 4 Inamimj.ull- , MHitmtqHm- , ' . . St. J'uui. K. Oranfl HajrtflE , U. Mllv aal.t-fc. M , Iietrolt , k. PITTSBtrjlG. Jnl } at Baltlnvore waf nn e i jnark for pmrtmrcitiday Hoff- naeJsler , tbe home team' * sew ttitrfl ltae- raaii. made u great bit with the crowd by , battlnc In liv * rtmr ID three times ut the br.t , and hrnrlne jn iotir iher tallies. Hh- errors oest ncnhine Attendance , SMW. Score. nALTIMORE. it.ti O-A-E. K.M.O.A.E „ of i r i > u e MrQraw , 3li u i a s l LMIITO. If 3 1 1 l ) I ) Kf lM. rf . 0 I J t J Xtevhi. Hi. . S 1 11 w U J.'mmiRT ! H. 0 1 1 I 1 1'bfloor. . St ) i 1 41 U O llrlftl , It. V II 1 U D lw.ntin.il. rf t r u C It Kett . Wo 1 li t 1 BU. * . . 4 i : r B KtctizH. of. i i s o i ) KniKtr , 3t > : S s I S Duple. Ib _ 1 I a 1 0 Martn. c . He.tz Ib . . li l > 4 1 HUBIi f , p. . U 0 0 C 0 C'lnrKf. c . fi 8 ti 1 ( i - Blnckb'rn. p 0 C 1 P li Totuli . . . .IS 13 S G I Hnflrr P- 0 ! ft 1 I I Totals . . J 11 5t 1C t 'lttclm-c ' . . . t 4 S f 0 n S P ' 1C lnKitniirr 0 0 ( l 0 d I 0 0 1 f Enmed run * I'tttuburp 30. IlalttmciT l I Tw'o-liinH littr Tnnneliltl I > nle Thrrf-baur lit : UnEnrelnttr Sucrillee brt Hup irj ' . I'nddtn u Ulj Jinmnpf to Doyle. . Firm bure on l.ullF . OC tlltteklmrn , t , oC HaCcr I Hit U i.ltr.hcfl LullUy Hupiej. I , bj Hotter S Strutik out. U : Huc. cx InntiiR * played bv I h irttch-T Huclifj . lIlacKliunu 3. Hutler ( Hit * uK eiirl , j.liclnr Off Huchej 11 off I : lliirfcliurn f on Hotter ! ) l jtt on Imp- * I'ttHliUTB S Ilultlmnn' 10 Pl-Ht Imw on ei rum ] Utt lm-K i , llnitlninre i Tlnn Two hours nnd ten nilnuti-c X nipln Shcrldui. ST LOriS , 7. WASHINGTON , u ST LOUIS Jul } M. The Browns baned out a victor } In the e\e.nth inmnp toda Neither Hart nor AUJamefr wa ? effective U t Donald t umpiring WUB wretched , the home team suffering the ino t from hi - bad deci'iont. Threatening weatacr kept the attendance down to S.MW. Score fcT L.OnS VASHINGTOK 11 H O A E. K H O.A.E r 1 5 a 1 IlrorTi d U 0 3 n o Harlej d B t ) S 1 t P-llia-h If r I 0 0 1 Hn-tn- 3b 1 1 1 : a AVripl-y. rf 1 J J 0 1 Gradj 111 3 1 Iti 0 0 Ikpminit BK n : : s 1 U.m II . 1 : 0 1 rurr.u c n 3 5 0 o rltllm.in 2b n 0 D 1 0 TucKer 3b. 0 n 31 0 n rt-KS HK . 1 I 4 t > Rollly. 21 , . I J 1 S 0 iM-m'n rf 3 1 S3 f CVIIrl-n. 31 0 r I S 0 Hun P J : o 2 c sic.ianiMi p n a pro _ , - - - MeOulre , c 3 S 0 : 0 T"talF . 7 II I i : I , _ 1 ntnlF . R 14 24 17 3 . „ - ) I r l iult . - . 7 runs St. Louis , S , Washington. 2. hit clbach. Sacrifice liltF Hn'lej tlallman Stolen buwE. Hnnmnn Han HP Irj Ci SelbaLh CrtWk Double jilayis. O ! i-i n ti Iiumom to Tuel.er Bas-eB on ballK. Off Sic- Junii-F J off Hurt I Hit bj jiltuhcd liall Hui lej Lalb GruUx FtrucU out. By Hen 1 b } M'-.lHmi-fc 1 l'u hcd ball Far-ell Trill ) pitch : JcJ inih Time T D hours and fixe minutes I mplrr McDonald. BOSTON. S : LOTIS II LE 2 LOUISVILLE. Jul } 24 FraFer pitched a line frame unfl the hinh inniniwhen two ba. tfon bal E two errors and a stolen Uuse gate the Benntaters tl te ruUE and tiie game IClohedanz wa taken out of the ox ID the MKh , after he had filled the bahet. Nichols. who wan subtltuted stuited in , retiring the side without run Great Mops , of liners b } Uoian and 'Werdeji were featuies Attcnjance , 2.000 Score UOSTON LOLIbrrLLE. p. H o .VE. I JLH oA n H milfn. cf 1 3 1 1 u Clark. If. 1 2 0 3 u , Ib. 1 3 33 3 ( M Cn.ery if o u 2 D 1 PS . 1 0 2 C U Wucner , cf 0 2 2 0 0 IT 3 r 3 D U StuBord , es. ft 0 0 S 3 rf Wl-on. c 31230 2h 00230 AVtraen Hi t > 1 3S D 0 ; b 2 I 3 0 Dolan 21i 0 2 " 6 0 - 0 D 4 0 0 Cllnqro'n. 3li 0 0 3 0 0 p 0 0 0 2 0 rru - , p _ o ( i li c H p 00300 Jnhn.aon . Tntnlg T. 7 U B Totcls . .I 2 b 27 37 2 T.utted for rraier In the ninth ItOBton . C S 1/iutsvlllo . . _ . . . 310 li 0000 C t Eurnoa runs Boston , i. LouirUlie. 1 Plm ba. c en errors llozton 2 L-ft on baneE. But ton 7 LuulMlle Z rirpt baEf an ballr Off Prnwr 4 off IClnlHdanz r Struck out * Bj Pru- n < r 2 bs K.lobedor.2 2 bj N'lcliolE 3 Two-buFe HltB Wlliian erdt-u. IJuCj . f-acrlflc hltE Cllrjnnan Btrccn Btulcn banes tTactiu- Lone Hit by pitched ball. HtmiUun llfrdtn TBEWO ImliB B TBcn 2 Time of Ci.nc Tivo bours and iUt minutts FmiHre HurKt. NEW TORK. 7 , CHICAGO. 3. CHICAGO. July 24 Friend -was upaln put in to pitch for the Coltb toda } . but tht- strain of Buccebsive game ? proved lee much for him und be was -wild and hit hard at the riRh.t time Meekin pitched a ewid game , received good Fuppon and kept his hits well scattered excepting in one inning Cajahau made the Ftar'pla } of the game b } a running catch in deep center Attend ance , C7UI Score. CHICAGO i NEW TOItH. ILri O-A..E ' U H QA E Everttt 3b0 0 S 3 3 VnH'l'n cf 2 2 3 0 M C m k BB 0 3 34 1 Tie-nan rf 3 3 2 o n CHllali'n. cf 3 3 4 0 3 J yce , 3h 3 o 2 0 ( Ann-Hi 3b 03700 DurtB. PR 0 2 4 f 2 TJ Hn rf 32330 Gl < on 2b 0 3 3 t n Dwkfr IT. . . 3 3 3 3 fi Hnlni"F If 3 3 3 n n * -nnnor. 2b 02240 PJnrU 3b 0 3 31 3 n f-if-nd , p .01 220Vprr r c. T 2 3 2 0 Dnnnhue. c. 0 0 4 0 fl 5J kln p . . 3 3 2 2 0 Total * . .3 27 34 3 Tnml * . 7 12 27 15 2 rhlcacu . . . . - . . . n - . Vew Turk ft - Enrn d runs Chlcnpo New To'k S Lfft nn Imcr ChlrHcn C New Tori : B TwiMm hltE- Clark , "Warner Thrf e-ba e ItttrT > ecl er Vnn Haltren 'Wami-r fincrlfice hit * CallHhan 3oyce TJouble pluB MpCnrmirk to Anion (2 > T Hiii to Clnrk (2) ( ) StnirK outTU Priend S b\ Htwkln 2 HUFF on bfllt Off rrlena r off llpeMii 2 Timr of raroe Two hnurs and live mlnuti-f TTmiilrr O"D 5 CLEVELAND 9. PHrLADELPHIA , 0 CLE\ELAND O. , Julv y At the end of the lgbth toda } the Phillies had the In dians beaten , but the game was , decided j-gfcinut them n to 0 In the end of tne ninth Eni lie having been sent to C'nctanatl ' Mc- Uinty , the Cleveland FtibBtitute and Bnyle of the J'hf'lleJ1 acted lit. umpires McGintv V.O.B judging balls und MriLrt In the ninth he rent Zlmmej to ( irnt on ballf Tnen he called two balbon Tebeau Tht Pn Ihee be- cau to object and the gmne was delayed I'ln was however , rtnumed after a time Next MeGjnt } cail"d a ha 1 and two strikes. Tlie Phillies again protested The neit liall pltohed war called a ball giving the batter lirht. Then the visitor * refui-ert to pla } At tlie expiration of three minutes McGint } 2TBVP the game to Cleveland Score CLEVELAND. I MtlLAJJELl'HlA , U.HOA.E. JtH.OA.E. IlurLntt If 0 2 1 fl li Oml j cf 2 4 S 1 li Clilldn 2b 31241' Bmvd rf 2 S u 0 0 IcKtfuu , BE 0 V 2 3 OllJTIum : > If 0 3 3 ( i 0 Wallace. 31 > 0 3 23 P LnJuie , Ib 0 1 10 : ( I OXVnnnr of fl 2 4 0 0 ric mt-ntit. r 0 0 S 3 0 Zlmm r . 0 0 4 1 6 G-im 2i U 0 1 S n TP ! > - ua Ib 1 1 f > 1 n 6 lilt n. BH 01431 F'k i tl . rf n 2 3 fl S Ki.Hli 3li ( i 1 ' : 3 Tminc P- . J 0 ( i 1 n FitiBlc p . . 0 0 0 S 0 M'AlllRtpr H 0 O 0 0 - ' Totalu . . 4 11 24 17 2 TntalK 2 8 S4 8 2 Jlur tar Ztmmer Iti ninth flweiand . 0 0 1 0 P 1 i n s J'lillBflclliliia . . . . . . 0 I R&rrivd runt Clnvi-lund. 2 , rhllndelphlii 1 Flint bufe on emu * Pl ? > pl na 2. L < it nn bawit Cliwfland 7 Phlludvlphln 7 Firrt UBM- an IH Off TounB i. off rilifld , 2 Struck mil Bj lounj : t. hs Flfiflfl 1 ThrMJ-liaw ttn TvlK-uu. O'flnnpnr Ceulpy Stulen buww IlowA. Lh.l le Iiol'Ule jilHj1 * lli Kiwirt to Tc- licuu Tlti M ti Lcjulr ti > Oamenu VmiilroK MdOtnu un4 Borle Tim- Two hour * and fivf mlniiKW AttrMuncf 100 dNODCXATI. 3ujf 24 Ctnolnnati-Bnok- Ivn game jw ponnj on acoount of ruin Tw-o gumefi will be played tomorrow STANDJNG OF THE TEAMS piavf d Won. Irf tP C. . . . . . Ti ES 2 : TO j Cincinnati . 73 4n M.l KaHlniure . . . , . . , . 71 ! 47 IT W4 New Torli . _ 7a 44 20 * f Cleveland . * = M ( I'i Bburg. . W a * 47.1 PWlade4phla , . „ . 7 X G 4C.f ChlOBW ) . 7K X 4S 44J UouiwUle . - . S 24 44. " Bno-klyo . . . 71 2 * 41 t'.t WaabloRUn . 71 2S 41 K4 St L utg . . . 1C Hi S.I Gunien tftdoj" ltr oklfi Kt Oijurfniiati Baltimore M Oltol d , WasWugaun at Bt Louis. Trt'Bt'CK'E la. . JuljScare : Iiulmuue - Quinry : Babe luie Dubu < jut. 7 , QMiurjr It Er ror * . Puktwiue t. C'ulnejS iiat rt s Iiuliuqut Butler Strait and Sullivan , C'uiney MfGruvm ; and Graver IIOCKPORD. I1L Jul } 34 Score I Rockford . . . . OOOSOOOCC : 1 Dec Molne * 0 a Uu : Rootlcrfi 1 , Dex ilolntt , 17 r i > f i" f in l p.a - I'uff 1 > "B Mi > m i ipe l t m ui and CKt'AR R riPS la Ju'v -Srnrt Oder Rapt If I fi d < > f 4 1 7 B fllnptrrfi , ( < -4 . . Orrorp Crdfcr R mMR. I. BarttncMm , 2. t rt R C"dnr Ruiiifl * Itc&tttgttL Palter tatt Knar ? BwlttictotL Kirn" not BefVert. in &tJo rn P iz o e htt Pw-ta. 4. 3f * 4w i h . rant P > rta , 2 St Jown * . k B T Uh * n Qntnn Bv. .Jcn pfa , Rllar .c nu or THE wnTiliv \ Ivnnxno City. ImllnnupollK. St. 1'ntil nnO > 1IlTriitil. AVln Ont. KANSAS CITT. Jnlj StT5he E u f wcrt lucky In the ftelfi ted \ an Alilx-y va * a r Ha9et > thf i-HltoTT whfn they hltfi The Bh eF earne * ftve mn * and ln f one Score K n B fit } ttn * 401 0 Ha e hits Kansas City R Cotemims , J Ulrror * Kania City. 4. CoHatibus , I ! Ba.t- terief Kan as City Abl - } and Dugdale. Coambu < ; Bnker und Buckley MINNEAPOLIS . JulysTbe MB- "er" errnr were more On sOv th > n th ° e of the Hotvler end Htrtoliir-on ah toarfl In the ttfth inning. Score Minneapolis .rCPS3PCP ( -7 Indlanapnll * 0 0 0 2 E P 3 SU Ba e WtJi Minneapolis. ! ' Indian pnllF U. E ror MlnneapottR C. IndlanujoUR n Bat- twrt f. Minneapoti' Uutoiiln on , rigge- muler and Borli IndtanKpohs Phillips and Wend ST PAfL. Minn. . .1 h M Mnllune Irftched a ' narrfu' gamr today nJlnwins the vltUtors but one l tt. n single bi Bpan. while Scott wa < hit hard anfl poorly sup parted Score. Bt Paul 7 37 j Q-atid Rarplfls H D II U II 0 P 1) ) 00 j Base hits St Paul a. Grand RapluF. 3- | Errors St. Paul S. Grand Rapids , k B t- ter'tSt ' Paul Mullane and Kline. Grand i Rapids Soott and Twlnehani | MILTVAfKEE W JulM Harfl anfl tlmelj hlttinr on the part of the home 'team won another vlclon for The Brewers Both pitchers wen hit harfl Srore Milwaukee . nOfiOOOSO ' 10 Detroit . . . . . OailDDrni l > Ba e hriF Milwaukee 34 Detroit. li ( Error - ror ! Mlcukee. . " , Dttrolt 2. Ite'trrlc" Milwaukee Barne-- and Spear ; Detroit Thomas and McCuuley. STANDING OP THE TEAMS Plm ed. VTon. Loot. P Ct Indianapolis . 77 Ti1 i" ( TT.r , Columhu . . . . 77 HI 2G Gr I St Paul . H S.1 51 HS3 Milwaukee . . . . H 7H SO GT. 0 Detroit . . . . 7K 3Ji OT HBO Grand Rapids 7fc SB fC ! 7 Mlnneajiolis . K : r. B7 SQ.r. Kansas Clt k2 14 3fc 2.S ! Games todav Columbus at Kansas C'tv , Detroit at M'lwaukee. Grand Rapier at Si Paul. Indianapolis at Minneapolis , GVWE * . OP THE LI1ELT AMATECIUJ. Tel r Pnrnirlrr' * Tnin IViiIU * All Oicr tlie lnlirri.ltClnli. . Tobe Parmelee's douphtj LouiTvilles made unrther call on the Cnlversitles out at tbe Lak street park yesterday afternoon and what thej did to them was n-plent } The } brought u colored pitcher up with them by the name of Jones , and he was a pitcher . ton. holding the slugging Vnlersitie * nufe 6.11 through tbe pame On the other hand , both nlurphj and Lawler were hit free ! } , but It was not tneir pitching , that lo t the pame bv a lo'-p shot The fact wet the i Parmel e faini1 } played rlnpe around them and w htn the } w anted B cob of run1 : they Ftmplv hlipped in and pt.kedi them off like you w ould pick poosebarries Clement at Rhort and Adams at second put up a lirll- Lant pnmt , but w ben it comes to that the whole team must come In for unstinted prai e They -simplv toved with the Uni versities Lawler. at thl d was an ei.- ception His playlnc was lend } pi nomenal and the quieker the Dftrjits get him. th. quicker thev will be able to t > u } that the } have on firit claos man Frank C'uwford the Un'VT'lties jilucky catcher , was " ri- ousl } injured In the hev enth innms. belnc hit on the none by a sv ITtlv thrown liall b } Trail , as he was endeavoring to cut Adams at the plate He was > ImockeJ seCFe- Is s. and when curri d off the field It wac discovered that his no"e wan bad y broken The. score- scoreCXTVERSIHE5. . AB.R.3H.SB.PO.A.E Crawford , c. 4 J 1 2 " 1 1 Bittlnper. m. S p 0 0 1 f ) 0 Abbott. Ib t c 4 1 S 1 IS 0 0 McAuHfTe , in. 4 0 0 0 3 S P La-wlsr , lib t p. , 2 0 0 1 1 P P Jelen , If 1 0 0 0 1 0 P Trull sa 3b S 0 1 1 2 3 1 Murphv , p t rf. R&biiiRon. rl. .SE , . . . 2 0 1 0 0 2 1 Dorcas , la -J 0 U 0 4 0 0 Totals .27 2 C C 57 20 4 LOUISYD LE ABJl.BH.S3 PO.A.E Clement , Pi n S : ; 0 4 3 0 Jones , c. . u 3 i 1 K 1 2 Adami. 2b C 2 1 Ropers. If. C 2 1 1 0 1 1 Irwln , Hh 5 2 1 0 0 2 P Jones. B. . p Reinhnrt , Ib f 1 1 0 12 2 0 Clark , m _ . 0 Parmele-e , rf S 3 2 D 0 0 0 Totals . „ _ . ,47 13 35 n 27 17 4 Louisville 1 0 0 3 0 010 0 P If- "Diversities 100000001 1 Earned runs : Louisville. S ; TJnivcrslt } . 1 Twc-baoe hit * Clement , Jones , Rocers Tnreebase hits Clement B Jonec. Doub'e plaviLawler to McAul Ce Jones to Adnm to Relnhart. Clement to Reinhart Struck out Bv Jon 7. by Mun'hy ' , 1 , by Law- ler , 1 Base on balls : By Jones. 3 ; by Murphy. 2. Hit hv pitcher B } Jones , 1. o > Munihy. 2. wild jiitch Murph } Time of pame Tv\r hours and fifteen min utes. Vmpire Patterson. Frrmciut Pluyo - rltli 1nlioo. . FREMONT. Neb Julj 24 ( Special Tele- pram ) The Fremonts had n picnic with the 'Vrsboo bat > e bull team this afternoon beating them 24 to 4 Every one of Mooney' ' men pot a bane hit , inme of them three or four The troL'ile for TVahno commenced in the first inning when the Fremonts pot ; ix runs , three of them earned. Olson took Crawford's place In the box in the sixtt inninp and tne buys found him an eanier mark than Crawford Waboo could neither hit the bull nor play a peed fielding game Score Fremont - C 2 0 fl S S r. 1 4 24 Wahoo . . 4 Base hltB Fremont 1C , 'Wahoo , 4 Er ror * Fremont , fi. Taboo. 12 Struek out By Mlddleton , 7 , bv S Crawford. 4. by Ol- uon BaKen on balls Off Middlelon. 4 off Crawford. 3 Hit by pitched ball B } Middle-ton 1. b } B Crawford , 2 Horn.- run Marshall Tnree-bu- hit Narden- brook. Two-bane lilt * Jameson , Irwin Holmes Vmpire Marshall. Central Cltj AnnUilInie * . ClnrUfc. CENTRAL CITT. Nth. July -Special i The local team went down to Clarks ree- terduy to play the drcidlnp pame of tbi heason with the Claris "Sluggers" Tbe visitors won the pame liy the score of If to u The luealf donned their battlnr clothefi in the eighth iKiunflinp out tec Boajer and winning the parae. Glade's catch ing us usual lielng a future Thip make three games , Central Cltj winning rwo out of ttrree , the first pame t * mp 17 to 8 and the Micond 11 to 10 In Clark * ' fuvor Score Central City GOOOOOO& 131. . Clarkfc . . SDirCDVOOO-fi Bp-e hltF- Central TCity , 10CUtri. . * , & BatterieF Central CVv. Kombrink and Glade , C arks Flnec } undCow lII Vmplrr Grave- Central City plays-two pames with the Omaha Brewlnp 'ar ot < iation team on Friday and Saturday 3ury2f and S MlKMiarlank KuC r I ) - fiit. . TDCtTklSEH , Neb. , ,3ulj' 24 ( Speoiol Tel- epram > Good steady plav zip b } the locale nnd numerous errors li } tbe visitors pave the wic.und of the baU.jiumee betveen T- cumaeh and Rockport , Mo. , to the bame nine toda } Score RoeUpart . . O'lElOOuOP I Tttcumhfch . " * li J IS Babe hits TecumscK' C , RocVport 3 Errers Tet'unuteh , St "ItiM'kiiart K Stru-k i-ut Bj' Henmker , C , Iff DsvU , I by Stoi- tard 2 : bj Fulruli Batterlen Rockjwrt Hensaker. Davie , Dunlup and Cnrititian T - c.iiranth Stoltard , FttlrttW and Buffum Urc- plr * Charles BrunS re The Rnokpen t am v.111 play HumbuliH Manduj und Tuur- daj > -ll rh AVint. from \nrf ll NORPOLJC. Neu. . Suit SM ( Sfrtioial Tele- pram h-The heoond came of have but ) bet - t en Xt-ltfjc and Norfolk was | Uayed to da ) und rtultnd iu a victory for KnUcl by a mare of 11 Ur 6 It w.afc witii rbd by u larp-e crttwd. whirk ra mrtod t * * * * a Imtur pame than in the Jirta in wfcloii war ditwpHOto ttd The htav } flusgiMg uf toe Kelirii mtsu wab a muri-wd feature of Huiuliiilili Srri. . a Gniui , HCMBOUJT. Xt * JtfljS | cla ) - Tb * liome uiam defeiUdd Suubt-rfp bast- ball club in an cat * pome bf a Miore of 2u to U Lew Howe und Guy Rtdd wurt tbe buttery far Huiob-ojdl end Schradur brothers tar fitubcri. GREAT COMBGATIOS CARD AH tie Hg PaesTK , Pins Bkj-dHfts , it WtEbiartoa Park. STAR POINTER DOES * MILE IS 293 TnUet. Ilnrb f tlir Turrf Urntfc.nltlt PnlrJirnri Murton Mill * Gn icnliift Ibrlr i CHICAOO. JnJy N A cwnWnatlon carl. I maoe HP of paclnp an Mc.rtUe raees ftrcw l | the WaHhlbpttm park tsoume this afternoon a tsrcw * estimtted to namber between S.0 t RDfl SO ! ( jwrsonii The conaWonj : were not altticether tsvurahle tor Jast ttme Th * ( weather wnr Just right to get nj > ee < l nut of the norM * hot and dear with only a Blight ( brcefe anfl the track wai In vtvry poofl con- dttloii , tboupL a trIQr hard. In the horw ; aivtalon o ! tbe afternoon's Rpurt there was a rather remarkable preuji of "Bifle-w heelers' with not a trotter BtnoBE them There was Jnhti R. Gentry the klnc ' record 2'tlP1 ! . Robert J SDliStar Pointer 2'0 * rrank Apan Ser t , Joe Patchrn . 2'nsC. Marion Mills : W\ without 4rher j or hulk } , anfl a dozen mo-e of leswer tiotc. J but last The nrieht particular frttrt ol the coterie were sent to beat lorlou * reoorfls but uo record fell Robert J was the first of the pacing arts- , tocracy to corae out He wab Bent to tbe flnst quarter In t.2lll ) ) < 4 Beeonfls. or at the remarkable ' markable clip of 1 uM ! Time by quarter * 0.291 01. 1 SS. I'OE'U i John R Gentr } went acalt > t the record til t I'OGV , made b } Johnetou to tn rifl faahlouefl | hiqh wheel sulkj He mode the mile In 2-l'b1 ' * I Marion Mill * the mare that paces witb- ( out hindrance troa c null ; } or BHSlBtanpe | from a drlxcr wnt thin Bint a mile In i 2 ll'i , her performance provlnc the most popular etent of the da } The Irti-Ior ail ( pacing rape for which Star Pointer Joe i I Patchtn and Fn.nk Apan utarted resolved I Itself into u match race between thr first j twc usct.u was ne ir In It from the start and WOE ClK'.anred in the first heat Pointer and Patchcn battled for the kafl from wire to wire In tach heat with n er more than half a Itncth Beparatinc them. Results rreforall , purse K.WJO. Star Pointer . Ill Joe Patchen . . . . Prank Agaa . . . dis Time. 2:301ft : HU. l.S , 2C.P : : Second beat 0- S . 1 tc. l3. . - W1 * . 'J'alrd heat : l : Ui 1-U2U 1.34 2 WV * In the .11 fiace TVentvorth took the lead at th" l eglnning of each heat , but Sherman Cla } had HtUe d-ilhcultj- oufootinc nif field Results. iJl puce , purse nBOO : Sherman Clay . - . . - . 131 . 'Wentw-orth . . . . * . . . " 25 Tut } Wltfcef . . - JO ! ' " Itburiel . - . - . r S 4 Kansas . . - . . „ . . . „ . „ . Is ! > 3 Ntllie M . . . . - . 4 410 Babctte . - , , . t , 10 r Cubert TYtlke ? . J 3 F P.octer . . . I' ' T . Difk . - . . - > . . - CCS Time JI'dSI , 'CS i-lUS- At the conclusion of. the e -ents tbe bccle riders -were called out ana occupied the remainder ol the afternoon. CLO5E OP HLtli ItllJllO.V One ttnee AViniln I j > tlir TrottliiR ul Detroit. DETROIT. Mich. , July M One race left ote.r from Friday was decided at Gro t Pnitit today which clod the lilue ribbon meeting It was won in Btraipht beats b } Ja\elln. who s-old at X50 to IlTi for tlie field. Tne meeting ha - been a grand sur-ess as to hich cians racing , but has not had the pa- tronape that the quallt } of tlie racing mer ited Tbe annual twenty-fit e davs' meeting of the Detroit Jocke } Uub will begin on the GroEM ; Point track August IB. Sum maries 2:14 cla E , pacing purse S1.1WO- jEielin. 1) . ir. > , bv Cmle-riush. by O'hijiplus' Hambletcc'-an ( KeUj ) „ 1 1 3 PaJmetto Prince br h ( Haight ) n : " Ruuben S. br g ( Malone } ) . „ . . . . - . " 7 4 Rlair Bells bL b ( Gerrltyl 3 S S Bully Bo } ch hMcNane } ) . . . . 4 u i Mar } S b m ( DiLkenun ) E C 2 Llhbeus I. D h ( Easton ) . . . u 4 S Corr Johnson , br h ( Dunbar ) 7 f Cadet , ch g ( McCarthy ) ! ) dis Time. 2.11)1 ) ; . . 2J31. , 21C AXD 11A1MCIAS IX A DR V\V. Tirrntj KouTjilvot Enoncli to DecJile tbt- fcupriniir ? . SAN KRANCISCO July The Disou- Haiskins fight tonight was declared a draw in the twentieth round It was a lively con test throughout , witb Hawkins on the de fensive in the earlier rounds. Later he went c.1 Dison hard and for a little while It looked as though he would do him , but the colored lad rallied gamely and the light ended -with honors ewn There was an hour's WTar.fle over referee whl-.Ti ended bv Coot withdrawing In favor of Jake Welch Till ! } Elmer knoi.ked out George Allen of Australia in one minute Tne men are wel- lerweictt * The details of the Dson-Haw kins match follow F Round 3 Both men very careful. Dal swung left on Dlron's bead and misned an other at tbe fame spot. George countered with left on bad } Dal tout left hard on head Geurge rwunc left on liodv Diron -u hed and Hawkins cllnehrd Dal tried l ft for fane but was blocked Dixon put left on neck and Dal countered witb left jab on huid. Dal staggered George nlth a Ktraight left on fact , Dlron s eye Ehows hlgn : of blows Dnl jabbed left on face as round ended Haw Uinb' round Round " Dlxon led v.ith 'eft and Dal ( lineht'd Dal jabbed George on head Dixon rushed and Uawklcs clinched Hawklnr cwung hard on htail and Diion ilinched Dixon ru ° hed and Dal met him with straight left Dal pwun ? left hard but Gt-arge got away George ruihefl and the men clinched. Hawkins swung left on chest. Dlxon : rushed unc rwung left on neck Dal PW ung li-f t on head missed Fame bluw later Dixon rushed and frwuni left on wind and right on bead Hawkins put hard left btiaight on fuee. Round even right BO far ver } fast , Dison acting on the agcreE-sive Round S Dal swung left on body Dlron wuiig left on face and HuwlUns clinched G orge rushed in to clinch Dal wune left on face , Dison missed pwinr for head end l-Ui uniercut on I ct Diion ve-\ wary Dal w ung left on bed } nnd ducked left swing from the little colored man Dul jabbed left hard on Jie'k aim tried witb right for head As pong wounded DU twung terrific lefl squarel } on Gt-orge'p stomai h Round 4 George BT. unp .tft and missed head Haw kin * ewung left on body Dixon ru lied but misled left for head and cot left swing on head. Hawkins mifBed left t-wing for jaw Dal i-wur.p left on bodv und George countered on head Dal ducked u hard If ft lor Jaw HawU'nr Jabl d Dlson hard In face George put right on ribs und pot left on face DU.on rusihfQ , but Hawkins slopped him -with straight Kft- Round even Round 5 Gnarce rut-hed and miut-ed left Dal pwung eft on netk and Georse clinched Goorpe pa ung left for fate but Hawlrins Mopped it Hawkins rushed and swung 'eft ' on betid George swung left nn l > od } Dal wunc left hard on wind Haw kins tried left lor heart but war blocked G orer swunr ; luft un client. Guorge swune loft at head , but -was mopped with left un head Dtxon tried with rbVnt for jaw nn cdlnch , but mi Ee41 Dal cw ung > trt for body and mi ; td Da. ' ewung left n head an ) wai- ooumered with leji on wind Dixon bar done moft ol the leadins to far and hut- blacLed HuwLliu > Itft hand ewingt well Hor-orr even Ruund l > Hawkins swung left on body Hawkins jabbed Divon hard inwind and gut left nvinc en body Dal jabbed Gear ? * on face and dui kta liift t. irg Gt-arg < jublwd Dul on face witb left Haukint ruEhefl and Georn c'ltiched Dal w unp left , bat was blocked. Dal mlHtd straieh ; lift for Uun Round even Jtound 7 Geoipe ruticeo end Dal rwunp left on body Grargt jahliefl Dal on face Hawtint- swung bard l ft on bed } , lifting George oI" ( I fit- Hour DHOD jabbttd lefl ui face unfl put two leftR In the htmt jiluce HawkinirtiHiMl. . but m'snttd lelt for Jaw Georpe riithe < ! ' and FTI unp lett un buds Da ru"bt < 4 and swung lift on moutr Disoo's noM- bleeding X > ixon rurhed but Int. ! jabb d bim in fftce and rwunr left on the ooloTHd bo > 'v body G surge runp itf- un head lipn : aud flinched. Round K Dal owung luft lor bed } hui nuiwed Gturge nil " d Tt-ft for jaw DiC ru n d and minted left for > iv Huwkin uggru lve Ofrurse HW UCF .eft un n ck Dal jnbUe < lefr on Or arc * faee JJJH.T , ruelitfl but Hawlunjr g"t uu : of the wuj Dixon jaUb d left uo fac e and cllnt licfl Goorcf riRbt eyt ewulleu Kawkine Kopj f to hTTHl < 'h bi * > IIOM : and Gfcurpt Jumped ii und luiidttd left on bittd. Haw Li.it. nwiiit.3 * left for wind Huwklnp Jabbed l ft MI face ut ponp Bounded. Dison'n blowe do nut tem to have any effect on Huwiane Picht up ID tliib utage ramarUiibly fattt tutd fair Round i Hawkins twung left lor bead. but niiiiki. H&wkio ruunr left lot body STOP HAY FEVER Many Now Applying to Dr Shepard for Pre ventive and Curative Treatment. Not B = HU .s af tht Tr.flins \ < ss < ! ninl WhJc'i All I'atisnts arc ExpceteJ te P * > , IlMt BesflH ; e the Treatment Scetn < . to FaM wf a Cure. H r frvcr fc & fllrtfmt r ot ramiw nnfl . tntnjMB and tonr io rd bj the d-c j und tfertrnipMitloB pf lr v and jil tni > and otii r v * n Me element * clmrptnp the air will ) HiviK'.b f dr } hard vepttHlrtf < lu t "W'hwi am person w ht > If ttot lined w Ith iron or nnj pr oo nf ArltrBir IUIUCF or ni' ' r- xrtmttrre mnruf m < > nilmitH * Itreatlw * an thMf charped or Imprr-cnnlrd It like blvwttic corrortv * Iron dw or "timr * ftuwflutrt powder down the winfljitpf and & .11 through thr whole rewjrtrator } tract tth a pair of strung bellows It Induces firm u tlckttnp then * 'Inrlnrr of Inflnntmntlnn. throHfli tlie bronchial tube * and utl the inrce and pmull utr flurtp und feeder * of tin luiiC' . tlimuch tli- windpipe , Htanp the lurj ai an < ! pha-v hi up and flow n the ttirtiat and through the nacii c vltle > Tar ur > Ititn Uir head Thr patient lierlnF to luirti with 'everlsl heat anfl tn w-Rk n and "Ink under f.v.f i , iminuir to rua nt the nciw Hlje a hcrse with tin rpisontlCK. atifl to run nt ttit fH'f like i ch Id h lf dead with a ce a Add to this the tntucrv of almont Complete IhiHl4jil ] I'ritfclrntlon RDfl the. aconj of rtinntant unrelenting and inerrileM headache If the-rr anything funny anything amuttinc In these mrHlpht n mptnnw nf h j fev < I " But that IttTt Kit tmr Imlf The no"e of the rnllerer Itrroni * * "Fluffed up' Sill ht loie * tint ol the human Hen ef Tbe en e of smell thr ill c pa-a'.e of the liraln wheieby the Imagination rsn t te rt > cF and pom cratiatrs" lHvojn temjior- arilj i > rahi C Then he lo ei , another tt n e the x irible pulutr with which he ins i" . rtrawl" tii'-i and oratiEe * l'e omei < jiaral.vi"a For to the ( loom mid Pnln IB mlr'-d ' tn the flowlnr flttli of hafrer cnturrh. und the jmtlent P th-oat nature e clf-nn flurt fnr white milk and human nutri ment , herome * o foul rver for the flow n- ttarfl jiuFhiice of cntarrhal exrrementF foi-eefl liarlrw ard from tlie cioiefl nasR ravlttes 'I InT IJ to itreit-nt Hnj 1't-t rr 1 to trnt It 1 f ir - It lircriui. ij liriiltnir tiniiilluiiiinii tlunulilch fnu e * > it. If tlnike Milijre-t to Iliiv liK-in.c nonli ) tuk - trcntniriil IIOM. tlurr nonlil ! > lltllr cnuor to ilrcnd tb - iiiir < iiii'li ot tisruM l.MUnlirn theUltnihv -uullj ovtrni rou 'iiiinri J. II. PfrVlm. . 2--I1 Olilo tr 'ct. Cltj , Boll -r nud L > loint r lni-i. < - < -ti > r for tli - Kjdcllt ? and Cusunltj Coniiniuj , KCJ > : "I have had haj fevr for the last 2) ) jears e\en Aupast und -pteml > er It has always struck me on Aucun la , purely us would n note in the lianU on thut date Th - attncki. misled me bm three j-ears out of the thirty Last fall when the ftn-r had partially Bpent HP force I wasin a wretched httte. M ? IH-TOUP strength " "as exhausted I couldn't > Hep nor eat Wv hearlnc1 WBF preaUj Impaired from th" rweJlinRp and Inflammntionr in"ideiit to the diseaoe Ther" wa a crom'.h in one no - t"l und the disc-ha-res > w r eonFt .nt and irritatlm : A painless op ration by Dr Shtpard cl nrca m nostril of the tumor and the soothing and cltanMns MiporF ad- mlnlKterfd pave me prent wi * quick rt.llef I have "sent a number of - im friendID Ur thepard His treatment in nn opinion. 1 JUfrt the thinp fur rvrftrer- from nuj Jcvtr una all caturrhal trouUl " ELECTlllClTl , \\1i3 and Hem it Curt-t. MIIIIJ Dl - TOr XEnO ELDCTRICT-n- : jou are troubltfl Tilth . KTED ELBCTEirirr If j-our IUHEE arr weak und jininful Tor xnnri nuncnjciTT ir j-nu hovp dyn > c > > - Bin or inili esitian TOI. NEED ELECTKICITT If your lUcr if In- TOr NEED nLBCnUCITl > f TOUT Uldncjii arr inartln. TOU KEED nLJ3CTHJC3TT IT sou haxe rheu- mntl ° m. f - rOU KEED HL.tCTIUCITr ! If : na hoif ncuml cla _ _ TOU NEED ELECTIUCrrr If yon ha\r dartlnc pains aH3"w h re TOr NEED ELJ3CTJUCITT if you HEM a veaU and ml"sed Dncon blocked two left tw Injjs j Ual FW ung left hard on jjw ana George I ciincbed Haw kins lande ; 3cTt on body. I Haw kins forced Dixon and swunp left on ' head and cot ripht over heart. Dal tried riebt for body and mls'ie'l HawUitiK tool ; thlnps e-y EUFJ and w aitcd lor George to' lead , but the little fellow wull.ed uround and Rrlnned. Haw kins , has fouthterj careful ! } , talcJnc no ( .Sutures and KIHJI\ ] Htood the cimmpion off Kound 10 Georpe nnH = d left for jaw Dal | nwuns Itft on ribs and Geortre countered i v.'ith left on head Dixon ml3' < "d KtralsHt I eft for chin Dal jubb d left on ch st and George rlintJied. Dul jabbed left on head llphtly Da ] rwunc Jeft hard on stomach Not murh done in this rounu awUnr did , verj little moving about aliowincr Diion to cu-cle around lam and stopplnc the colored fellow s rtiihes Kound 11 Dal jat > bed left lichtlj on 1 George's fac e Dal FW uns left on wind and Ge rf"i countered with left on hfnd Dison I rubbed and Huw kins slippsd down Dal i rw un ? left on bodj "Dai mlhBed hard left | wwinc for bed and fell from the force of the blow. George BWUDC left on neck and Dal countered with left on wind. Dal , miss-ed left Fwing and E"t ncht and lef l liphtU on head ' Round II Georpe pwunp luft on head llchtly Dal mlBsed leJi pwinp lor bead bul landed left rwlnj : on boflj Hawk.np ac- cre 8.ve und pla > ed for the body continu al ! } Georpe Fwuug left on bead and right on ribs George rolled Itift Fwlnc for chin Da ] nv unc Jef t hard on hodj and forced I George about the rlnp Dal nwunp on bndj Dli.on pwunK left on neck and pot left Bwine on the body in return Fiphi HO f ir even Round II Dal jahbed left on face and put in punch over heart with rlcht. Dlson maylng awaj' from HawUias Dal pwung left on body and Dli.on clinchtc Both rwun ? left on head and both blipj > d down Ilawklns jabbed left hard on cnln and punched Dlson over heart lichtlj ith riKht Round 14 Dal Fwunc left hard on htom- ach Dlion Jablied left an necl. and blocked a hard left for tht jnw Geo-srt jabbed Dal on fact and tried with left for the wind hut minted Dal jabbed George on neck George put right on ribs lights and u mo ment later pot hard left on body Dal rwung Itift on bad } Dal Ik much the fctninper and fort et > Dlion back In tht break * aftir clinches Round If Dal jabbed Itft hard on Georpe'p fuce. George ruhhed. bat wuh mopped with .left on buoy George pwunc left on ribs and mtewd a left for jaw George jabbed Dal in fate hard ard pot left on v.Ind Dal jubbed his left hard on chert. Ha-nkiiiK landed hard richt over heart anfl got light left on head Dal fobbed George \ery iiard on faee and mlened sumr blow a momunt later Gt-orge runhed and landed left UtUitl } on face Olxau'B round Round Kr Dal swung left on tienfl and pot bamt In return George pwunc left on head Dal swung left hard on tiody. Dul jabhed 1 IB left harj on Dison'B eve Dal ru-tied nnd landed left on Tape und right on body HHwkinB jabbed laff - > u face und tmt rlpnt over heart twice. Haw kins rushed Dlzon and landed right and left xi'.rj harden on head Da' landed left on Dixon'fi dam- acecJ e } e Georpt vv ung left hard on neck Haw K-iiF Jabbed George on nonf. w hu h brought the blwid again Ge irge mlfched lett for Lead and Dul put right hard over heart Thlh round waE the moat dt-clnive of the llfht * o far , HuwUin * bsvlnc all Uit bem of it Rounfl ' 7 George runbed und kwung on n cl ; Dal minted hart If ft straight for the face , but landed hard left un D'xon t none a moment lu'rr Gear ? * runhed t > nd Dal mopped him -with b uraisht left Dlxun ducked very hard left Jur chin I ixon rufchbd but -WBB fiiojiped T/tth mraipht eft 01 neck Dixon Fwung l ft on neck lighU : Iiiion ducked twu left leadK for liit fui e and landed lift hard un wind Ju athe 111 rung Ha-ukme landed left hard in face Rounfl even Ruund 11 George rwuntr left on ntcli lightly and ducLad uard Vft for the chin Dlxuc rutihed and ran up uc-miist hard left Hc Wiu rwune Jutt saiic on Jaw twice and George tllwrnta Dal put left on necL again and got left on bed * in return Dal Jnl.liwl Oeorg < - hard en nec-k ana forclne bim iino a. corimr landed rifri't un budy George mvung left on : intk aiio IJ1 ullnclaed as tJic -uund toidwd HLwlar.s rounfl R -uiiiJ Ifc D l f w ung .ft : tor jaw and mimed , but a mumtuU latur jabbed lufi bard on Gt-orpc t > nt < l. . DoJ put right nn Oforfff'k rlbf. and clincliefl George rolwd l lt for Jaw and ran acaiimt left kwing un bed * from buth risbt ted lft Haw'kinF gwuop Itfon n iek un4 lorred Georo * Lack- ward puttiug hi * . riRut uc oar HawUine H ung left on btud und G < orct ( ciuutfrfU witb one on let Minie po : HuwL iir round Round 20 The men er up anfi at it efier bandt , in the nudr.lt of the ring ruittied and Fwunf lert un be.ad came back witb left an cwk Haw- kine ewunc left on Jaw iiurd and forced Dixon into s. corner 1n a but ra Ij jubbeS left DC neck tvice , Icrc Tor NEEI > ra.i5nT.trrTT r * _ _ El CTRinTT If N rElBLBiTiaCTTV tt jirw h r jiilp * . TOI NEEt' Bacnurm H rtmt nj tlrm U * . r run down Itt n Ball lt n n 'W'HT HrrntmElmrirltJ tt thr vitm fn e throui : whieii w * mint * Th - BRAIX in thr r nnr huttwr of the bnflr Th KR VE n to tlw hr lti w mt the ctili- tin'tlnc trw utr tr u ( mU-anlv h Mr Th - JIPT T rimnvet thr bruin ltn rte-j ir-cnn at ttw hnrtj Tinlrrtrir ru-nmt J * fclmo t Mentlm wl'U tht ourrrtn nfrnnl nuiipllHI hj tlir i-nlr. WjH-n tinrurron nf nrr\t-tiulfl ml bj tlie blti tu thr niaiM o } tlir l } If k tliow 1 ilrtlrirnt ticrvp-flulfl ( i thun tw rw > nn err n I ti \ hlrti It I * ( tlrret-a thiw nldlnc mi li ti-pan ti > M-BMtn It * Imttlit runilltkin C'ur "In trie tn-ntni'-iit fur fttn v.m\.t wunflir * OVUIt 1 > H ) PliKtiu. . ' 'VVIfcVht. . llni. Hrrn TnVliiE UK- Mill 1 rent in rut Iroin ( tinnlin. rt A K Brewer wife oT Rn C TT twmor of the MetbodlHt nj > .m.opal i church or Malvern Iti wrlie I "Wlien 1 lH-min j-our trrntnifiit In mull tnr a t nrrvir putrr h of thp tirnfl Hiifl nuiinni h I WIIB a j great .fft > rrr I h t f UKUII ! mtnptnnii nf | tli * e ettmiilttltitF HiiA w t > murb clrMlltbtpd 1 I nrj iiUmn-fl tt > r hll"h wi % tlmt 1 r n rnmmrnfl i > our treatment a1 trrr Hiicrf-f-ful li linn | tirouctit HIP mui'li Iwni-llt nnfl 'ninfnrl ntifl ui > t Junt wtmt I nt tfrted 1 do imt fHt to * ital. a peed for vim lit ricrj upjHituum " THE Mll'-IA'Vril ir IT. 1 The Sb T ra sp clalltK cure chrnnlr catarth Thi 1 franUlj eonc ied ! 1 tlielr p-ofeFSlonnl lirethren anfl thej liai e that reputation Pi 1NT The Shetwrd wiedtllitB euro HHthmn and broncMtl Tbr p-ilnt 1 * frat Uly conceded b } their p ! 1lotiul b elh- ren and thehaxe that reputation I'r lVT S The Shepord BjH'clcliPts ci.-p mi'licnant catarrh of tlie plotnnch and kid- nevF The } have that reptita'lon. I'OINT 4 Tb" Shepurd pe MalK" cure fhrntildlpeaiue b } mull The } hnve that t fputatlon POINT > The Sheparfl Fperlali ! t "U e ehronlc malartifF. with creat and unusual tz- jH-dttinn The } have that reputation I'OINT r. The Shepard hp"clallsti ; do not "hise up" their patients in try tn look Into their pocketbouks A patient wltt a roll that % "ould fill a hat w ould not be alluw ed to pu } u p-nnv in exces : > f the low uniform fee rati muntLb medit in"f tnclufled \oon-llour St.ki < iii for THINK Or THIS. Tlir Mirimril Mrdlvul lunlttitr , tlie 1-oinitrj. Hi. ( illlc-fK ere tbr mnct rilriihii r lu Oninuu. und Ur Mie'pnril nnd Ktnflnni.nll wltli uliont one liuu- drrcl ] > ntlrtitf. dull' . HO MR TKEITMnvr in M ITS , in a. Irnrilittr frntnrr. Mrdlriitr * nrr ent t ri rrj > > tiitr In tlir I uniu. Mt-alro utnl CiiiiiMlu. ritd Hiilnj ftir Dr. > lir > i- iix1 ! ! ' * . fanning nni.ultii1ic > ii liltinl n ziuil lii * . nrvf liooK. llliti.trnitkl TUiN IN n t'lfim l ook. ff r fleun ] > < Miile tn renil. It ii- fur tlir litiail ; iid fur alln 1m ivnnt to l r rnrt il. jirrlrltlci.1 All flironlc niwrnMr i f tbo Nrrirn mill Illixxl. Ciitiirrh. Ilupturc. J'lli-s und other ziilnti'iit * tltul llir Jamil ; iloctor ftiinnt nirr. * 'j > 'rinl Rlnnfc * f < r Mm. S ] > fciul JtlanUk for Vloiueii. ' - C. S. kllCPlRD. SL. Ii ) ConsultinR -.na Anxoriiit-H , ( FhEicianE. ROOMS 3U. 212 i SIS NTT5V 'ORK. LIFE . BtTILDECG , OJ1AHA. J.-EB. Oflice Hourf P tol2a.m 2 to DTI m. Ev > , nniet W ednesaavu and B-turdujs only C to k. Sundaj-s 10 to 12. Georze a-ound the rincr Discm mlwd left for luce , but put ir left an face twice a rr.om-m later Dal landed lilt on heafl twice nnd right on hudv. Dal ( .topped Dixcm'fc rushes iwith lefts on nee. . which brought blood JUKI as th" pong sounded Hawklnr landed left und ripht uti heafi. Fipht L draw It "was on the fourth floor of n department htore lelatei tht > Chicago Record The ele vator door opened und three ralesmen en tered , each holdinp lu affectionate fflaip a beauiifull } attir-d dummy a bnapcly thinp made of wire anfl uttlrecin the swellest gowns and flnfli st laces of tbe establi-'h- ment. The Falef = ra n st ndied their dummy com panions. The e.ev.ator stopped nt the third floor A young man , whose pore roar mo'1 Bt'v directed toward the floor , nepped aboard and removed his hat Even Ir a department flt&re It Is eminently proiie' to remove the hat when ridlnp in an elevator with women Sr the young mt.n removed his hat and contimied to lonl : downward seeing only the skirts of his fair fellow paawpnperr for It is counted exceedingly rude for a younrr msn lu stare at a woman Jn an elevator Thi Ealesmen began to tnicker This em barrassed the vounc man , for he had no reat-un to believe thev were laughing ut h'm He blushed und shifted uneasl ] } . but be did not looL up Tnen one fale-Jtnan lauched aloud The younp man lifted bis head in order to re- jirove the vulgar per"in wlta u looU. and tb-n he said 'T\ ell I'll be " The-women had no h"adf ! , The salesmen exploded and the youns J man put his hut back on his bead rtmncf-T OP Tinny * . ; IVEITHER. j Griirrnllr Tnlr in Alrn , Unnitfc AnrlnlilrVlniU. . "VTASHTrCGTON , July 24 Forecnst Jar Sunday For South DaUo-tn G-nerally fair , probo- lily cojler in euBtern portion ; -variable winds , l comlnp nortiwecterlv For NfbraHku and low u Generally fair ; variable wind ? For Mwsouri Probably loca'stiovv erfi Sun- dav uftenioon , tllchtl } cooler , variable winds j 3"or KunsaF Local Bbtrwers , cooler ; varia ble winflfi For Wyominc Fair , norttwenleriyKinds. . * ' OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BrREATJ. O IAHA Jul } 4 Omaha re ord of rainfall nnfl temperature rompaied with oorrespond- lug ; da } of tbe paw three vearc- . , 1KI7 ifcM inar. IBM. 1 Aluximum temperature Ki 7i SC Ml * Minimum temperature 71 60 C5 C7 Average temperature 7K O 71) ) k Rainfall ( a , ( iu .00 w Ruciord of temperature und precipitation .a at Omaha for thus da } and since March 3. f Normal for the day . . 70 Excebs for the day . At cumulated dhlieiency since Marrh 1 IK Normal rainfall for the Uuv . 14 inchea Delirlenc } for day „ 14 inches Total ra'nf jll sinr ° March 1 12 Hi Inches ' Detlcleiifv nince Mart li 1 L M Inches j EkceB * for per permit ! ] Hlie C Jncli Iieliclenry for tir perm I 'i Is H ine.be * DI 'NALDS N nb < H > rver Mrs JoBephlncJ'oliiiil , oTDneTVest , S. C. , Imd a pevero case of cutarrli , whlcli finalljUr meFo dtn'p-Bested thut Ebe was ent in y ( leaf in on ear , uutl part of li li no ni litr uoB6 ciouphcd off. The b'u.t iibyE > ciiin treated JILT inzur , and t-iie used Tunnus uppli- cationB of e p r B v wn.bbe.fi to no orail. Fonrteen bottles of S. S S. promptly reached the Bent of the dis- and cured her bound und well. B B. S never fail * to cure & blood difceaoe , tud sss it it tbo only remedy which reaches deep-Mated , ciucc. OuaranUtd pure- t j F lu wpetattle. llouts ynrr .i. BWiTt tijtUfiO CO , AXli Jtf , Gi ,