SSSp'wrTj TTTP 0 1 AHA DAILY "HEE : RrXDAY. JULY 25. 1897. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S ' TRADE Hot "Weather Interferes to Soma Extent with Business , CUNTRY : COLLECTIONS ARE VERY GOOD M * n Until.Inif on llrllllniil rroxicctH | for 1'nll Trnilr Pro duct * lltnlir4 Triitililril with i\iiliilnliur ; Linnet. Thl In lht > middle of the ilull sea'on nn'l H will be some Jays jet before buslneip men Kenerally will mnke miy sreut or per- Hlfttent nttctnpt to puih business. The weattter Is too warm to talk fouilne * ! * ! and ino-st every onu Is content to wait until the approach of the fall stufon rentiers It more imperative before puttlnK forth any great effort to < lo business' Stll' , cenerally cpeaklns. builnens li better , Sali-f * at the pre * ont time pojslbly are no larger , tnklnt ; Into consideration the nviny different department * of ti.ide , than a yenr nijo. but the foellnjr Is bitter anil the prof- jiecty for the future far brighter than vn the case * twelve months nso Huyers lire fcellni ? better and are manifesting much greater confidence In the future. Without exception they are anticipating a largely Increased demand with the coming of the autumn and will place on their shelves larger stocks to meet the requirements. Crop conditions In trlbu\nry territory arc oxceedlng'y favorable and with prlrjt tend ing upward there 1 every reason for ex pecting that the coming season will be pros perous for the farmem nnd hence foi tne small merchants scattered all over the state. Already money In the country Is uislcr nnd there yet remains considerable of lust year's crop to be marketed , which will be converted Into money av coon as the np * crop Is absolutely safe. The entire buslno" * outlook Is more prom ising than at any time in many months and the commercial skies bpsiti * o put on different hues as compared with those of the last four ye-irs I'HODUcn MHN'S WOHS While the heated term brings re t nnd many time * , recreation to the workers ilown In the jobbing district. It has very little of ptcasuro In store for the dealer In country produce During the Puinmcr ea on the farmers all over the sttUe ilsure on llvlnp on the product of their hens .ind cows and very few of them have any money to ppenJ for groceries , the luxuries as well ns the necessities being secured In exchange foi butter nnd eggs The marketing of theft- two stjples is accordingly a much more Important matter than man > peep \\ould suppose During the ertremelv hot weather this month the shipment of butter and eggs any Kieit distance without Ice has been a dllll- cult matter aid the dealers in this clt.j have been kept bus > explaining to country shippers why their egg * nirlvetl baked nnd their butter melted With butter the ca"e I * not quite o serl- ovs , as It can be sot awaIn 'he Ite bo % to eonl and hirden and oan p\initially be worked and put In good marketable condi tion With egg" It Is much I .ore oeilou * V Jlotten eggs are nrntil tne po rt < t propert\ tliat a man can pokes' * and there Is noth ing to do with them but haul them to the river anil dump them In , and tint Is what the produce men of the city have been doing The loss on the egg recelxed run" oil the way from 2.1 to SO per cent , the amount clon ndlng upon the condition at the time of iilpment and the length of time on the road Shippers In the country cannot nvvnvb iirdcrtjnd why the lo-se are 'so heavv nnd perhap" the > never will until thej t ikp n tr > p of two or three Jay- . * duration in n clo td freight oar , with no Ice and with the thermometer close up to the 100 nmtl' . The annoyance frcm losses N alwayc great during ihe heated term , but this jcai it has been unusuallv great , owing pet hups to the greater humidity of the air Movni MIT .so IHJLL OlllilllJI MlTOllltllt * Plllll UllOIIKll ill Jill * , to K * ii Thrill lliisy. W II Itoberson , lo nl manacer of It. G Dun R : Co N Mercantile agency , ays- "The midsummer month Is never ai seed forgeneial hu lne" as either June or Sep tember In a retail way It Is usually bad bcr.iti'o pn many consumers are alntnt from their homes and in the jobbing line the de mand even for necessities Is consldcrnblj 1 educed llowe\er , July" far to our re- tall dealers has been better than the > an ticipated and no complaint is heard ut the Jobbing hoii"C < > "ixpo = lt'on matters arc progressing \ery satisfactorily and the Inteiest in the great event of 1 9S Is ) rapidly spreading oxer the entire country. All the other great enter- prl'es ere moving forward nnd the fruition of our hopes Is almost In "ight at Tenth and Mnson ind In South Omaha "These dull summer months are good times for planning for future business , too , nnd merchants are looking with renewed confidence to the coming fall and winter , While It Is about it. the Commercial club might take up and urge n little railway - way building to advantage We neeO that Tank ton connection worse than exerln % Iew of the excellent crop prosperts reported from South Dakota. Wo want the Santa Ke tc e.xtvnd Its Superior branch to Omaha tc open up New Mexico , the Texas Panhandle and western Kansas to the Omaha stock market , and finally we need and "hould have the old Nebraska Central enterprise revived nnd a direct connection with Fort Dodge la. , and Duluth. The Illinois Central Is less than 100 miles away and will be w-mtlnq In Its usual enterprise ! If it does not 1111 the Bap. The Santa Fe ought to be per uadeU to extend Its DOJ Molncs line to Omaha to meet the superior branch here These mil- way scheme- * are nil fe'i lble nnd with n general upward movement of commercial conditions ought tc come to the front with out delay" STOCKS AM ) IIO.MJS. JTlirKft In .Stroller Snt e for n Slight WrnKriilni ; nl Hie Clone. 'NEW YOUK , July 21. The foregone con clusion that the tariff quetlon would bs nettieil and the continued prospects for good cereal and cotton crcpi lent the stock mar ket further strength today , except . .f the llnal half hour , whsn short sales and some prollt-taklng diminished the day's rise a fraction , .while trivial losses were suffered by Sugar. Lead. Chicago das and the Head- Inc rhiires , Commission houses bought lib erally In the early dea ing , as did London , although It wan a ho'ldny there The move , ment In the grangers was slightly mixed , winr Itock Island gaining a fraction , while llurllngton and St Paul remained statlon- nrv and Omaha and Northwestern receded slightly , St Paul hal shown some tem porary strength on having earned more for the third week In July than ever , exce-.t In 1S2. On moder.UP dealings the soutn- westerns showed pome Improvement , Mis souri Paclllc gaining Hi The Baltimore & . Ohio fal'ed to announce an Increased In terest. General Hlectilc , exceptionally , fell 2 per cent from the l.iltlal price , hut It closed with n net losn of a point. Advances of n point or more were- scored In the fol lowing : Hlo Grande West rn preferred , 2 ; Central Pacific. Delawaie & Hudson. Den ver & Hlo Grande preferred nnd Mobile & Oh'o. High record price * hnvn been the ru e rather than the- exception for the week un der the- stimulus of the approaching tariff sealeinent and the combination of good crops at home and shortages abroad. "Wheat , on the week's tremendous exports , about S.0u0,0r < 9 bushels , had made an ex treme ndvanco of 4lc and a net rl e of l * c. with but three weeks before the crop Is ab solutely assured. There be-lng no unfavora- bin advices , stocks continued the steady ad vance of the past two months and displayed IrreMstlblo strength , and predictions were not wanting that the boom In 1S97-1S9S might bo duplicating that of im-lSS ) . A variety of favorable IntluenccJi operated to buntr about the buojancy In the -week's block market , Chief of them was the compromise on tha tariff schedule with the Knowledge- that It would speedily effect a rapli rise In cereals on Inc to heavy export onierg arums from the decreased world's visible supply. The lareo engagements of cargoes for llrazll , Austria , Peru. Argentine and other wheat- producing countries disclosed the needs of the foreign markets for our surplus and In fluenced tremendous trading In the grain market , where the shorts were badly nuieezed. This circumstance was re flected In the value of the granger and southwestern shares to a notable extent on the theory that farmers , being ; enriched by the Improved prices for their products , would expend a portion of their proceeds , o that the rail- roadr would secure a lucrative westbound tonnage , as well as Increased transporta tion * rates on grain. The policy of severe retrenchment which many lines underwent durlnsr the late period c-f depression , which forced some roads Into bankruptcy and scaled dividend disbursements In others , would make an economical handling of the westbound tonnage , which would augur well for net receipts and would provide more liberally far dividend payments. Exchanges at the various clearing houses reflected n larger business. Commercial failures are de- crralnK and resumption of Industrial anima tion , together with more optitnUtlc trade advlcfs Ecnerally , unsettled the market : and usually unsettling Influences were disre garded , as the engagement of U.SOO.OCU gold for export , the strength of foreign exchange Because of nntl-tartll Imports and the con- Untied Pfilp of American * ! by London , mil * were quoted Ht J4 SS'4 ' In ome Instance * , but the current rate was * l STV The gold export - port In Ident rnu * i no alarm , thp treas ury being fortified with a large rfiervt al ready and ion .tunt nece lon i being made by the receipt" ! of the yellow mXnl from the Klnnilykf iHitrlrt , together with cuiiplder- able gold to be ultimately received front Austria In payment for American wheat The Rcn * ral | > .culatlon was \try broiii and many long dormant "iliareleil with the reeognlzrd nrthf * stork * In point of nnlmi- tlon. l rrhafe * by Inside Interest * were In evidence nnd report. * of pool support were freely circulated In\e * tment shates * . Te ongTly sought and the plethora of money at HIP i > \nl"nt low rateencnuiaited exten sive purchases for long account * Tht mercy trnrket was otnevvhit 'tlffer at titntn , call a commodatlons ransinjr tip to 1H per cent , nlthouxh buslne ° s was generally transacted at 1 pir cent Time loans \\ere In better reqtieM , with short proceeds In moil demand The commercial piper mar ket held quiet without < * * > ntlal change from the current rate of " ! fZ4 per c'nt , according lo maturity The fill for the week of IUc for ll\cr bar and He for Mcsl- tan dollar * was In sympathy with the decline li London. With the ex ception of Hubbcr preferred , which lest 3'i p r cent for th week , the In dustrial * ! were strong In anticipation of bene fit * from the new tariff law. Sugar in ide n n t gain for the week of 1'i per cent. Sugar tranzacllont were on an enormou fc.ile at the opening this week and bl ck * of llP"fl up to 3VV ) shares wre Jutrgled about with unconcern by trader * frantic to shire In the exccsEsHe prolll * they thought would mcrue to the company owing to favorable treatment , accorded it on the promise of thistijtar schedule The fa t that the company had Imported u tar1 amount of raw * > iMir , which wa * consl ler ? d likely In yield millions of profit and rumou that extra dividend * would be In order were contributory Influence * , In the advance , while the stock wa.s not allowed to sag. Hut on the ensuing day the common reg istered Hii. tin * highlit price * ver attain * * * . ! by thi * riipcln'.t } The advance culminated at thi * level and a recession followed lo HO , with a sub'oquent reeivcry to HI. bffore the clo ° i of the week The preferred stock l > ound d up to 117 , reacted to 111. and clo'ed at 11.1 , a net gain of 4'- . per cent The ncllvlly in Sugar sulHded .is the week wore a'ontr and the ntniioin ! share * a - sumed the leadership of the trinket In point of strength. Report * of purchase" by pow erful Interests * and advance Inarlou * Grade * of the stable contributed to the yen ! rise Leid nnd Tobacco comnun responded to prospective benefits to he de rived from the new tariff Tolnceo common rising 4Hr while the preferred rose 21- ( " 'ilcairo Ga * ro e 5 Purchases In the gen eral list .were confirm ? : ! tnd the actlv'ty of the commission houses Indicated an In- ( renre In public Interest , which had been lifer some lime The continued dribble on the market for the foreign holding was ex it .lined by the unfavorable comment cf the London new "paper prf t * A ch inge of tenor In thc o column * toward the close of fie vveik mav have the extensive L'ndon purchases , or they mav bo the irverlng of short contract" The b ° ara I rotiEht about a reaction about the middle cf the week on the as'timptlon that the t.irift 1)111 ) would be delayed , but sulMeiuent assurances that It would be deposed of thl week caused the bi.t prices of the week t. be recorded In the last two da\s i\- pectatlons that amicable agreement wouU \ > s cffpeted In the soft coal dlfliculty trenjrthened the share" of ro id _ largely de- -i n 'cut upon this tariff The anthricile i ual stocks wore firm on satisfactory tradp condltlcns and gossip as to the likelihood of KII eirlv Olvldond on Heading first pre ferred was responsible for a rise of 2 4 p"r oi.nt in that 3tock. Sonio attention was di rected to local treet railway securities by niniois \irlous Impending consolidations Tills lacked vsrillcation , but the stiength of some of the ref , i concerned lent color to thp report The exceptional strength Hid acllvlty of railway mortgages In- llcative cf 'ubstantial backing to the market , created considerable enthu- ! t'm amen thn ImlL' , who wire sanguine of further marked eiihantement in vilue The onlv notable declines In the v.holev llt v.cre Hubber preferred and n.i t Hlver Gas , both of which receded moie tha" 1 per cent Among the advances of 2 point' pud ov * r are the Hock Island , G'j , Burlington : St. Paul , 2 % , Brooklyn. Union Gas , " > ' . . . ; .Missours Pacific , S't. Te\a Pacillc , 1St ] xul Southwestern pre ferred , 2' ? . Dejwir i Hudson , 2 < , | , \Iorrl = & I'ssex. .VA , American I pre2. . Tobacco Scrip. 4 ; Canadian Paclllc. 3 ; Denver S : Hlo Grande prefrned , 2' , , , Detroit Uab , Kile tlr * > t prefened 2 > A , Greit Northern preferred , 2V5 : lllinol Central , 2N ; Like HrieVat - frn. > : ! > refencil , 3 ; Loul'ville , 2'4. Min- hittrui , 2si. ; dliuiapoli < i , \ : St. Ixiuls pro- frrreil , ? . Starch first , preferred , 3econil p-cfi-rred 5. Pittsbuig , Cincinnati , Chicago . v. St Loul , 2 , and Lnltel St te.Txircsf The ptfgresnte sale for the wotk reac Cil the unusuall > Ijir e total of 2.TI3TW share * ? The bond mrfrkpt during the week , de veloped marked animation with notable Im provment In values i f many l = siie" The peculation was very broad , with purchas" for Investment account beinr dlscermblu In minv Instances The lower grade Eccuii- ties were quite generally d alt In and were largely taken for forelen account The ag gregate .sales weie $15,700,003. The prin cipal advances were Oregon Improvement 1st , SVj per cent ; Imperial Gas of Chicago , consols Cs , \ \ per cent , Minne apolis , < t St Louis 1st , Seabord ind Brooklyn Bridges , first trust receipt * . 3'i ' , Detroit Gas Gs , 4H ; Milwaukee. Ijike Shore & Western Ists , Ashland d'vli-ion , an-1 American Spirits , 3 , Centm' of Georgia Incomes and Union Pacific fls , 41 , ; , ; St Louis Southwestern 1st" , Cleveland & . Ohio 4s ( , and Atchhon , Colorado & Pacific l ts 21 , nnd Tennesiee Coal Ists. Birmingham dl- vl-loz. Uock Inland 3s .and Kansa" X. Texas 4s , 2 per cent. Government bonds were quiet but generally strong. The rollo lns were tht closing quotations on toe leading Blocks of the New iork exchange today : offerej Total dales of stncl. * today w-re : tl.7W shares Including' AtchUon preferred , S.WS ClilcaBo lliirllncton & Qulncy MM3 , Louisville , V Naslil vllle , 15ejO. Sllsinurl 1'nclllc 8,257 Ml5 > ourt , Kansas & Texag ( ireferrpd. i 771 , Northern 1'a. cine preferred , 2.MO. ht , Paul. 16,7:3. Southern Hall A ay prcferrej , 6,797 , Texan. . 1'aclllc. 3 , a General Klectrlc e.Jtw. Sugar , Mi5i Chlcuco Western , 3.SS3. > i * v A'orli Slinn-y .IliirUi-l. NBXV VOKK. July 2t , MONEV ON CALL- Steaily at I per cent , PH1ME MEHCANTILH PAI'KR-MjTI per cent STEHLLNO BXC'IIANOE Steady , nlth actual bunesn | In bankers' bills at tl S7 > ,1 for demand and Jl k6U for sixty days , posted rates. < 4 S7 4 B7j ( and (4 SSG4 fV , . commercial bills , (4.UH. UAH rilLVEH-SSiJc. MEXICAN DOLLAHS-46'40. GOVEIINMENT ItONDS IrreguUr , HAILHOAI ) ItONDS Strong. hTATH 11ONDS Dull ClL lue quotations on bonds were ns follown : II. S. 2 , n-ir * 7h Erie-Ma Ci3 n. s , 4ttmr. , . . . 1111 ! i ; Hvs. . A nfi..iiiKVf ! I ) , S 4n.cotii ! , ,1PJ > ( Q. H i S A 7a . . Hlli'S U. S now 4s , reg I'M II A T. Out 6s. . 101IH U. S. new4 coiiji. 12.114 H i T , C.-nt. Its , . . .Mi ) U. S. Stt , rtr . 11S LAN Unl. 48 . 8.11 % U S 5 . coup I14W M. K.T flr t4ii . . 80 Paclflc. hs of 'OJ . . HHh M 1T . > cund4a , mj AU.clastA , . . 1O.JH . Mutual Union OK. . .1117 Ala. , claan II . 104 JN. J C Gen. 1818 , . lU'K Ala.claaaO . U8 No. P.iclrtc Ut . . . .117) ) Ala Cnrrfiicy. , US 'No. ' Paclllo - ' < 1 . . . 60H I j. . New Con 48 . . ! t ) 'No ' P.icltlo 4 * . . . 1 > O MlSHOurlOa . 10J [ NV. . ConnolH . 147 N. CXUa . I''J N W. S. r' . Deb. 6 a. 117 N.C. 48 . . . .10. 'Ore. ' Nav.Uts . ill S O. noufund , ) * Ore. Nav , 4s . . , . , htl HH3 . 82 lit O West lain , , . 7lJ Tenn. new bet 5B..105 St. P , Consols 7 . . .137 TCIIIL old sol da. . . , OU 1st. P. C. A. P , W. Sa.llCH Va. Cenliirlra . OIL , St. U & I. M. Oou. 5 bO Va. deferrvd . 4 ( St. U Jt S. Atcld on4a . BOWtHoutbuni Ky. i * . . . . PI Atchlson Second A. 5J . Tex. Paclllc 1 U. . . OJ Canada So-'iid3..1U7'4iTex. PaclQn'.lH . . . * * fHi c. P , IBM of ' 03 . HUM U. p. lata of UJ.loi > t U. ill.G. 4e . hrt'V tShoro s . . , .109't ' D. li H. Q. "a offered , I.ouiloii Slock IXJNDON , July H The Stock xch tit 1 > clo ed today. LIAR SILVEH-Dull t HUd P r ounce. MONKV : ! i p r c uu Tb rut * of dlacount In thi open m k t for nhnrt hllli U ; per < --nt anl for three monthV bllli. , i r cent Odi U iju led At Iturnns Ayrrj txlay at I < M , LIMxm , 47 Homf IN 70 Hnilon SttM-U ( inoliitliini. liO TO > Julv a Ifill I ioin . ill nir cent ilni loiit > * m \ f fiat. Cluiiiu prlcej foiit'Mxt 1)311 * til mi ili nrji ' nil Pram-lsco Mliilnur ( luotiitlniii. S\N KftVXCHU. July .M-Tliaonjlil elov Insa ntitioun ( u it s. s 11 tuiy wj.-j , i follows Silver btpj. tlOHSc. Motion doUiri 47MO43kc , | - > if ilrifu iiiuroi. 17-ns. N.-VT Vnrk Mliilni ; < lnitntlont , NK\VY)1 < Tuly -Tni fallo.vtn ; .irj ths eloslnc nltii is auititn'-n \V'iMUI > llnnl. Sluteinciit. NI7VV YOUK Jul > 51The weekly bink stt > tt > ment fhmv * the follow Ini ; changes Hescne in- crei'e , Jl W 57" lonn , liicreace , J5 S.25,200 , fliecle Inrreare 1146 7eo. lecal tenJer , Increase , J.4j.tol ! elnjiolt * > , Increase , } j 2J3 Si , ctrculitlon decreisr , tlOC.fCO Tbe tanks now hold J47.3H 573 In fXcesa of thB rcqulrementfi of the ! 5 per cent rule. riniinoiiii % ot ( * * > . HOSTO.V. .Iiilj 2 | . _ Clenrlngn. J164J,01S ; bal ances , J2 362 SCI. IIM.TIMOIU : July Jl Clearings. J5 5(5,107 ; tnlimes , J3U7 197. NKW YOUK. luly ! l Cleirlnss , J110,5CO,131 , l > alanct , 47 IKX > 151. l'lIILAIiLl'JUA. : July -CleirlnKs , JS.7H- < > I3. Inlnnrcs II 4J7.112. CINC'IN.VATI , July 24 Clcnrlncs. $1.141 , Xj , > H iork exchange , 2UQC | > er cent. ST. LOt'IS , July : i Clearings J2fSMH ; bal ances J4W yjo Money. 4ft7 per cent New York ve-anRe. : discount UIJ , par ntked. 5vViV..9"UANS * Jul > -Ciearlnjra , . S7S3 017 MLMrills. Jui } 24 dealings , Ilb4,2 ! ? . bal- nc J4i : o New York exchange , stlling at fl 50 iiremlum CHK'AOij. July 24 Clearings. H2.r3 500 hal- ancei JU1X : ( X ) Xew Ycrk etclmiiKe. lOo pre mium Sterling exchan4 , lOu premium. Hier- Unx cvclinnsi. demand , 51 S7'44 S'4 ; slity days , ! 4.H'fHS71 , I cal sto-Ks wire fairly active' cirfln . \\t-t ChUaso. 101 j , Xorth J4ii , Straviloanl. ! s , Diamond Match. m . . l Ue Mreu. 14 ? , , lletropolitm L 5New - York Illhcult. M , American IJHcult , 72 Pori-luii riiiancinl. , . } 3EJlLir < " Julv : ' l tc-iange on London , 20m SjHpfR for ciecks. 1'AKIS July .4 Three per cent rentes I04t 2oc fer the account. U'ccnanse on Lundon Kc ' for checks t , Louis ceiicrnl tlnrUct * * . ST. LOUIS. July -riyDLT.-Unchaneed ; , at- enf J3 10 4 10. stinlRhts JJ 70S3 J. ciear S.M : W. low tu meJIum. KKfi3W MIirJAT l"utures * < tioni ; and mj)2Uo lil hpr than vtserday , pot hlsher. No 2 red cash elevator. 74'ic bid , trac > , . ; ff76ijc , No 2 ha-d' caih 70S4c bid , July , 7SV , Ausu-t 74 ,0 , bid ftcptciiter T4 ! ® ; 4'c. Uacember 75' c bid ' fractionally hli-ner than yc-- terday ulfi trailing nulet and active , pot difher No 2 caih , 23ic bid ; July , So'ie , ben. tcmter.jCf ! frC. , OATS-Putures dull and firmer , rpot higher No 2 casi. lie bid. July , ISc. b < | itemb r. 17 . UYB ItlRhiT Pt Me. . . _ , HUAN rirm , sicked ei-t track , worth 3Sff30c- ealt ldc cuiintrj i.ulnl ? . S2fj37c. hniD = i--n-x eed lower. 7s07S'Jc , ITIme tim othy nel ; 250p.73 fpot. H Y Dull ttcalyind unchanged ; timothy * 7 ( j > II M. prairie. } 4 MBS V ) . 'fTEn-Steady ; creamery. llf15c ; dairy , Sff t at 7c. rOI'LTRY TicK ! | n weak. oM hen 6c jprlni ; ' tc ducks prlnci. Cc Ree-e , spr'lnss 6c , turkeys , old. 7Uc , pprlngs. 12&13c WHISKY $1 I1 * . COTTO.V TJKi Cc. UAGGINK ( Xic Mirr.\r S I ail , lower , J3.6503.67'J. Spelter ' ea ler II 12Vj I'UOVISlON'S-rork. steady ; standard me < JoMiliiR 7 100S CO Uird , higher ; prime * Upam ! J393 ; choice , $4 C2 > Ilacon ( boxeJ ) . fhoulders. * " > V extra hort clear J3 70. rll ) $1 70 ; shorU ' 53 V ) Dry 5alt melts ( boxed ) shoulders. Jl < < i' extra short clear , t5 C3 : ribs. $ r 20 , shorts JM Receipts riour 4 too bbls ; uheat. 47.COO bu com , JOUCO bu ; oats. 41 MO bu Shipments. Flour. 400. ) ! . : > : * . tUieit , 16 COO bu , corn , 41,000 bu , oit 14 000 bu Ilillliiliirc Market * . nALTIMOIlK July 21 I'LOIT. Firm and un- chanBe.l . recelpti. 5 C:3 hbls ; exportx r S bbls WlinAT 1'niettle ! ? pot. 7S07a'4c , i-'eptembcr , . \f7Sc steamer , red. 7397tlc , receipts. I0',215 bu . exports ICO 010 bu , f oiithenn heat , by sample. 7W c , southern v\heat oil grade , 7i/ . O'OljC. COISN firmer : fcpot.\c , September. smfiSI c , steamer , mUed , . ' 7Vt57c , receipts , D2 211 bu . FMithern white corn , S2Sr33c j < outhern yellow. S4(7Mc OATS Steady ; No. 2 white , 26826 0 , receipts. 1' M7 bu RYII Ilasler ; No 2 western , 41Uc , receipts 2 OM bu HAY-rirm. cholct timothy. 13 tOflH M. OUVIN" FnniOHTH Very quiet and un- chani-c-d HtrrTKU Quiet and unchansed. IJCfiS rirm ami unchantreil CHIJnsiJ Steady and unchanged. i.M < Tiool O ru I n mill S'rov l.oKmn. LIvnriPOOL , July 21 WHGAT-fcX | > t. No 2 red winter , stocks exhaucted. No I red northern , fprinc 0 < 8d OO11N American mKed > pot. new. : 9td ; American mixed , old , 2s IDVid , July. 2s W ; Au- uust , 2 ? 9 d. September. 2 < lO'.l rLOl'Il St lyiuls fancy winter , S . PROVISIONS Deef exlra India mess , firm , 5" . prime mess medium. 45' rork. prime mess. vii-stern. steady 4 , x , western medium 4s 6d Hams short cut , 14 to 11 11 > * . " > st. llacon short llliH. : > ; s C.1. long clear mldilliM. light , : CH 8d ; Ions clear mlilillen heavy. K . ( short clear mil- dies heavy J3 . clear bellies. 27 Cd Shoulders , i-rjuHre. 20s 6 < 1 I-ird. prime western , 2U 3 < 1 CHKlISi : American , finest white and colored , SSU 6d TALIV Prime city , 17s 3J OILS Cot ton eed , Llnrpool refined steady , Ks Tun > fntlne eplrits , firm , 2os Cd. Itoiln , common , steady , 4s C.1. SI , I , IIN Live Slnclc. ST IjOIJIS , July -CATTLi : P.ecelpts , 3 00 head , shipment" . 1 000 head , market steady for natives , no Texans received : Kood to best ship- pins steers. Jt.SSffJ 00 bulk of satei. J4Vg75 ; dressed beef and butcher iteere , 13 S..BI 70 , bulk of s.ile II ISO 4 CO steers under 1 Cert poumls , 13 C01J4.3S. hulk of sales. J3 SSi I OO , Btockers and feeders 275 410. bulk of sales , J3.OI'3 7S. ru\v0 and heifers. 12010410 , bulk of cnus } 2 50JJT3 00 , bulls. si(3M. TexaK and Indian steers , grass- eia. JSMfH.Ki bulk of sales at about S3 03. cows and heifers , JS.4f > 8J 15 Iioas-Ilecelpt * . 10.0CO head ; shipments , 4 000 head , market rleady on lleht * . stront ; to Sc hlRher on others. llKlit , (3.536300 , mixed > 3 330 355 , heavy. (330 3 CO'-Ilecelpts 3000 head , shipments. 00 head , market steady native muttons , SZ.'jtft 375. cxilU and burks IlOiJJ.OO , Texas cheep , 0063 7i , lambs , M frOgf. 15. ICaiiniiM City .Vlnrlcen. ( KANSAS CITY , July -WHttAT-Market ac tive. about la under jerterday's dote ; No. 2 hard. C7iJC..c : No. 3 K' ' : < | Mc : No 4 aft'Zc ; No. red 7W70Hc ; No 3 , CSo ; No 4 CM ? Me. COItN Market firm ; No t mixed , M'i-OJJc. O VTS Market very Iow , about lo low r ; No. 2 while. 8 > 4c UYII-No ! , Me. HAY Demand good ; price * firm and un changed : new prairie , f 5 00 Ht'TTBn-Market dull and ellf-htly lower ; creamery' . HO13o ; dairy. iOlOc. KGOS Market weak at Cc. Itecelpti. Wheat , 130 , fW bu ; corn , Jl.S'W bu ; oats. SJfpftfl bu f-hliunents : Wheat , 44.40J bu. ; corn , S7.SOO bu. ; Oat , 1,000 bU Vf v Vnrli Ir NEW 'VOHK. July ! l The week In the dry coodi market hot ) been notably unsatisfactory. Such ndviintacrs a might have accrued from the openlnir of lines of woolen goods tit advanced prices have l * < n delayed by the tariff hill , and they liavr been counteracted by the exceeding dullness of thi market for cotton xoods In all grades In staple cottons , particularly , the eck lisa tiren Almost a blank one Sales have been vrry llclit and were m prices which sellers will not make public , Illtached and brown goods lines , coarve colored cottons and prints have shown no Improvement through the week In print cloth * the wrrK has bv n a very llsht onf. The only quotation for , extras Is ( till : > icier ior futures , but the rales were all list nil , Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. July -BtJTTnR-Sttady. . fancy western cretmery. ISc ROOS ? Trrn : frrih rrarby and r tcra , ll@le. CHEESB-Unchxngrd. COMMERCIAL AXOIXANCIAL Wheat Closes Strong at ] 'off , Advance of a Gent and a Half. BULL INFLUENCtS ARE NOT MADE KNOWN tliinrl | ( * l lint AVImN | n flir lilvc an liiilepetnlfiit Iliiiijancy to Corn , \\lilcli ( iiilnn > iarl > a Cent. CHICAGO , July 2)-Wheat ) closed strong today nt nn advance of 14 cents. There vv.u nothlntf mide public that suggested nny radical change In the tltuatlon , although strenuous claims were made of serious dam- ace to the sptlng wheat crop by excessive rains. Corn vva-s strong throughout on hot winds west and light country offering" , gaining ' 40 O.its also Improvid * nc. Provi sions were dull , but sympathized with the strength In the cereals and gained 2'fe'O'lOc. The Liverpool market declined Hid for the September future , but quoted spot un- chnged. That showing n much smaller de cline than had taken place here on the two preceding days revived the drooping spirits of the bull crowd and was the chief reason for the llrst spurt In price. Continental homes were good buyers of December wheat. A numbtr of complaints were received , how ever , from the northwest of excessive mois ture Itijurlnu and of Its having flooded lands. Chicago receipts were 121 cars , of which 114 v.ere new , and 112.000 bu. were Inspected out of store A year ago 161 car- lo.irts were Inspected , 159 of which were new. Minneapolis antl Duluth received today 442 cars against SfJ the corresponding week of the jear before. The clearances of wheat and Hour from both co.ists for the week were 1.97S.S25 bu , or about 410,000 bu. more than last vvutk and compared with 3,073tJOO bu on the similar week of the previous year The woild's shipments to Curoxj | for the week were estimated at 4,40i ) bu. The ship ments from principal Atlantic ports were liberal , being ! iO 5TO.COO bu. , 4 ,000 bu. of which were In 'he raw grain. Wheat opened with a verj K > neral demand for Sep tember at a sihude o'er the price at which It closed jesterday. Offerings vvt-re light to begin with , and In flvi minutes or so It had added INc to the lowes liqures made around the start , nnd In flvo minutes more It was down ataln to the original bottom price. In another live minutes It had dropped Uc more. The figures weto il c and 71V.-C at the start The that buying was very general among commission house * , local ppecuitors and scalpers , but the bujlnc rush qukkly sub sided and n raid brought a smart re action from 71c for September to "l c , which proved to bo the low point of the ses sion. 'Ihe decline to TlKc referred to did not last lonp. There was a quick rally to 71'sc , and a leisurely advance of Vic more , followed by a fen swift bounds tint took It to 72c , rc.ictc < ] to 72Vc , and took an other spurt to 7 * 0. After that the bears were too much demoralized to do anything The oudden rKe had what seemed a very In adequate explanation for so unamlmous a buvin/i fever as nccompinied It The houie that has leccntly floured * so prominently as the leadlnc commission house fur the bulla had an order for. It was said , not over 200- 000 bu. . but coming at a .moment when i majority of the crowd were short , the pres tige of the house was juch that heller j disappeared for a time , and although the price was 71a/ic when tlu gal their order , It was up to 72"ic before they were able to fill more than 75.000 bu. of It The scare lasted until the close of the Cession and September touched 7 > c September openeJ Vu4C higher at 71' c. sold to between 71H ( JT71' ' , cloMne nt 71V 737tC. . _ Tiie market fT corn wnq excited through out Crop damage talkj whlph had almost dlel out , vas revived early in the- day , and telegiam1 poured In fiom he "outlines ! rela tive to crop damages OiTennss of countr- shippers were not up to expectations , and .shorts busied , themselves In spreading the feollrg that trj'tj more favorable weather pre dictions for Sunday \\ojtd fail td ma terialize. The out Inspection was ? 1,097,000 bu Argentina shipped 1.54KK > bu. , against 1'iOMXM bu last y ear Damage report" from the southv.cet were accomp/inled / by sub- tsntiil liacking In the chape of bluing 2T..c , closing a shade from th"top _ fThe trenprtrr T > f tlie cprp market rather tended to trip up the short element on oat * , and their lihera' buying which iva * = the substance of the action taken by them , caused an Independent firm , feeling here Selling was not very urgent , yet suffi cient to ittend to all orders without re- rtrlcting business September opened from 17'gC to 17'/ic , sold to 17Tbo and was offered at the top price at the close , which shows a gain of Hfi c since yesterday The cas1 ! nricei held steady Receipts were 273 cars and shipments 2bCCO bu. Provision ? were firm , supported by the run of hogs proving no larger than had been looked for. and the strength of the corn market The re-suit of the day's trading , which was smaM , was a sy c rise In tw > rk , 7'4c In lard and 103 In ribs. September pork closed at $7.73r lard , 54 17 14 :0 ; ribs , $4 fie Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat , 2011 cars , corn , 723 cars ; oat , S30 cars ; hoes , 3.5,000 cars. Leading future range as follows : , OATS No 2. K eiSc , No 2 white , 21Q22c ; No. 3 white , 17 > AS2Ic RYE No 2. 37 4c HAIILKV No 3. 2Sc ; No 4. f. o. b. , 2Sc. FLAXSEED-No 1 i2S3c , TIMOTHY SEED Prime. J2.75 PHOVISIONS Pork niens. | * r bbl. , 7 70S7.7S Lard , per 100 Iba , J412V-fijl.l3. Hacon , short ribs xiiles ( lee c ) . 14 25 1 50 , dry silted choul- dera ( bnxed ) , It 75S3 W ; short clear sldeb ( boxed ) , (3 12V > f(3 K. WHISKY Distillers' llnlshcj fc-opds , per Eal. . J11S Oiithu Pro 1 10 ! ixch3nf3 toJJviu butter mar ket w.ia lirnn crra m-ry UIWUVic , dairy , ti'i IVc , Cheese , dull. 7 8o.'i t nifH. tlnn , fresh , U > tc Ln a poultry . a y . turictf nl 037o , chlckeim , tc , eprniKU OSJhc. ducka , u 7e. Colfcc NEW VOHK. July 24 i-COHTEE Options opened quiet at 6 points dralln - , ralllej sIlKhlly on local coNrrinc , with selltrn Scarce othernise featureless , ftllh weak un.Iertt/ne follow Ins un satisfactory European cal | Un.l hea\y Ilrd- zlllan receipts cloned firm ; ' * v1th prices un changed to 10 polnta hleherr rales. 4 'W hags. In. cludlne September at 16 KyUM. March , J7 40. Spot , Hlo , nulet. No 7 , Inrolfe , 57 SIH ; jolt- line , (7.87' , Mild , dull , Cordota , (10.30 , Kales , lf > lO bags of tery desirable Kto at 1750 , also 1,000 tJKS SahaJor for 'tspurl to Europe at tli'Ji and on prbate lernvbll.tOO bags Mara. calbo. 40. . ) bags Hucaramanga ' and 1.C40 bags Central American , total -warehouse deliveries from the United States , 8.570 hags. Including 7,933 bags from New Vork. New York stock to day , Ml. WC bags ; United States stock , 423.07S bags , afloat for the Unite fctftrrts , Sil.OOO bag * ; total il.llile for the United hutes. CW.07S bags , against , : s,00v bags last yi4j.Und n , | j bat"/ In U SANTOS , July -COFFEE- - Quiet : good average Santos. 9,2u > * rels ; receipts , 12,000 bags , stock 217 COO bags HAMDUHO , July 24 COPPEE Closed HCh iifK. loutr tali-j. * . , CW bans. HAVHE. July -COI'FEK-rOpened i.f lower. at noon unchanged ; sales , g.OG * ) bacs HIO DE JANEIRO. July 24. COFFEE Quiet. No 7 Hlo , S.7& * rels , exchange , 7 17-sd , re ceipts. 12.000 bags , clearel for the United States 9,000 bags , for Europe , 6 , < X bags , stock , S17.0M bag ; I'rorlu PEOIUA. July -COHN Market dull ; No. 2 , nominally 2lo. OATS Markel slow and steady ; No. - wliltr , \\niI8KV Market steady at ) \ 19. RECKIlTS-Corn , J8,3 1 bu. : oats. bu.j whisky. 75 bbls , ; rye and wheat none. SHIPMENTS Corn , 31,100 Im. : oat * . SO.WCl bu ; whUky , < M bbls. , rye and wheat , none. Wool MnrUrti. NEW VOHK. July -WOOlv Hrm. fltec * . lltftic ; pulled , No. t extra , tii/sc , Texas. lv8 ST. l OUIS. July 14 WOOI. . Quiet and un- Missouri knj Illinois , clothing anil combine let nniic light nnr I1I4' , northern tnd w t < lem bnisht 19 * 17c inHtlum. 14H1J.C , flm tn ? < 1lum , n llc light fine. l l2Hc , T ; a . Indian Territory etc , mpdlum. 16'ic , f" " * " " ilium. 134iil4c tub * * . > hnl , fair to clolc * * , ! 1U J4c OMAHA ( JK.NKHAL MAUKUTS. Coinlltlnn of Trnili * mill ( luiitntlonn n Mntle | * nttil Pniu-r rrinliu-e. KOOR Hulk of rile * , 7'ic. Hot weather Is caii'lnR liMtvy lo * pj. nn much AS eight dozen per caw and many time' much higher. UUTTim-Common to fair , W e , cholf-e to fancy. 19fllc , separator creamery , 15c , gntlnrcd crenmer ) , IJc. VKAt < Choice fat. SO lo IM lb . . quoted nt SO o. lante and coi > r a , 4ff5c. LIVE POULTin-Hera. 6 Hc ; tck , S04e ; sprint ; cilckcm. j > er Ib , ! > ( ? 10r ; ducks. 60. P1OKONS LUt. 7UT50 ; ; uead pigeons not wanted HAY Upland , J3 00 ; midland , 14 SO : lowland. 14 M. rye straw , il M ; color makes the price on hay , light bale sell the brut , only top grades brine top prices HHOOMPOHN ExIremMy 1ow sales new crop , delivered on track In country : choice green self- working caroet per Ib , J02Hc ; giten , ninnlng to hurl , 205140 ; common. 1'Sc. VEOETAHLES CfCUMHEHR-Pcr dot , 400fc. TOMAIOKS-l'er 4 basVet crate , ONlONS-Per Ib Cnllfornlft , Sc. LIM < > I1KANS Per Ib. . So HEANS-Slnnd-plrked navy. p r bu. . J1.10 CAllIlVOIHome grown. IJflHc. lOTATOES-If r bu . new. C0ff70c. WATEHMEIyONg-f-rnted , per doz , 00. KHUITS APniCOTS-Per cane. Sl.3SOt.S9 fordi. tl noni 10 CALUXIINIA ) PEARS Hartlett , per case , SI Si P200 CALirOHNIA PLI'MS-Per ca e. 1 W" ! 75 SOUTHEUN PLfMS Per 21-qt. case , SI OOQI.SS lILUEIlEHHIES-Per 16qtcase , St.W. HOME GHOWN CHEHHIES-Pcr S-lb basket. 30O33C. THOPICAL rnurrs. OUANnES-Mfdlterranenn sweets , SS M. LEMONS Messlnas (3 .003 CO choice Callfor- nla r i \NANAS choice large slocli. per bunch , J200S22J. medlum-Mzed hunchri. SI 5002 00. MISCELU\NEOUS , NUTS Almonds , California , pel Ib. larRt lic , 13c , llrazlls , per Ib , luc : Engllsi walnuta , per Ib fancy , soft shell 12fl c , standards , 109 lie lllberM , per In. , lOc , pecan" , polished lirt.e. fJflOc Jumbo , Iligi2c , laige hickory nuts , } l.a per bu , cocoanuts , 4140 each riOS Imported fancy 4 crown , 20-lb. boxes , 12c. 5 crown , M-lb Ixjxes. ISffHc. HONCV Choice. 13W13C. CIDEH-CUrltled Juice , per half bbl , S2.53 ; per bbl. . S4 004 2T MAPLE SYUUP riVP-Ril cans , each. SI 25. Kal cans. pure , per doz. , 512.00 ; half-gal , cans , S6.23 , quart cans , S3 50. FHES1I MEATS. DRESSED HElr Good native steeri. 4M to G'W ' Ibs , 6'4c ' , gooil fcrequarlers , steers , 5Hc , good hindquarters , 8Hc , wcitern steer i. 6c , fancy heifers. 6\c , Rood heifer * . 6c , good forequarters. heifers , DC. good hlndquartcm , heifers , be ; soou coui 6c fair cows , 3\4c ; common cows , f c , cow forequarters. 4Hc , cow hlndquurters , 7Hc. HEEP CTtTS TenJerlolns ISc. bonele "trlpi , S'4c strip lolnf , Cc , rolls , Sc sirloin butt' , fc. shoulder clods. 5c , rump butt , 4Hc steer chuck ? , 44C , cow chuck" , 4c , bonelei chucks 4V5C , cow plates , 2'e , steer plates , 3c , Hank steak , fie , loins No 1 , 12c ; loins. No 2 , JDo , loln , No 3 , S'4c , sirloin ends No 1 " > c , rib' , No 1. ICc. ribs. No 2 , Sc , ribs. No 3. CHo , steer rounm 7c , cow rounds 6Hc , cow rounds fhank off. "S-c , cow rounds har > k and rump off , ! sc , trimmlnRS , 34c , beef -hanks , 2140 , brain" per dnz , 33c , sweetbreads , pf-r Ib , lOc ; sweetbreads ( cilves ) , per Ib , 40c ; kidney p per doz , S3c , ox tHlH carli. ! c , livers , per Ib. 2c , hearts , per Ib , lUc , tongues , per Ib. lie MUTTON l nmb' "He ; pheep. 640 , market rack" ( long ) , 9c hotel racks ( "bort ) , 12c , legs and saddle" , Sc : lamb legs , Sc , breasts and stew * . 3c , tongues" , each. 3c POHK Dre * ed pigs , 5'4c , dressed hogo. 5c , tenderlolnt , SHc : loins. 5c , spare ribs. 3V.c ham sausage butts , 4c , shoulders , rough , 4yjC , houller" . skinned. 4ic. trimming" 3c. leaf lanl. not rendered. 44c , heads , cleaned , Sc , snout and cars. 2c bncl.l nncs 1'ic , ihiek meat" So , neck bones. 2c. pigs' tails 2c pluck" eat-h , Gc , cnltterllngH , Sc. hocks 41 , hearts , per doz , 2"ic , stomiclis , each. 3c , tongues , each , 7c , Kidneys , per doz. lOc. brains , per doz , 13c , pigs' feet , per doz. , 2V ; , liver" , each , 3c HIDE. , TALLOW. ETC. HIDES No 1 green hides. 6a , No 2 , green hide" , u'fcc. No. 1 salted hides , Sc : No I green salted hides. 7c : No. 1 veal calf. S to 12 Ibs Sc , No 2 veal calf. 12 to Ib Ibs. . Co ; No 1 dry tllnt hldra 10lfl2c. No 2 dry flint hides. Oft lOc ; No 1 dry a1t"\l hides , 9flOc ! , part cured hC'les AC v r Ib. less than fully cured. SHEEP PELTS Grefn Eilted , each 23TCOO green --failed , shca'llngs ( short vvooled early- skin' ) each 16e ; dry shearlings fshort wooied early * -hln" ) . No 1 , ich , Sc : dry Hint. Kansas and Nebraska Initcher wool pelf per Ib. ac tual \velsht , 4j3c , dry flint , Kansai and Ne braska murrain wool pelts per Hi , actual weight , 3 < 84c , dry" "In * Colorado butcher wool pelt * , per Ib , actinl weight , 4ir3c , dry flint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 3tHc. feet cut off , as It Is useless to pay freight on them. TALLOW AND GREASE Tallow , No 1 , 2 ; c , tallo.v , No 2 , 2c , grease , vvh''e . A 3c , grease , white H , 2c grearc. yellow. Jo , grease , darlc l\c , old butter. 29240 , beeswax , prime , 132c ; rough tallow , Ic WOOL Unwashed , fine heavy , 7Sc ; fine light , f > G10c , quarterblood. 10012c , seedy , burry anct chafly , Siltc. cotted and broken , coarse. 73c , cotteil anil broken , line , G0SC. I'leece washec. medium , 13 < ? lSc , fine , Hriec tub washed , IC < f ISc , black Sc , bucks , Cc. tag locks , 2@3c ; deaa pulled. SflCc BONES In carlots , weighed and dellver"d in Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton 112 00@H 00 , dry country" , bleached , per ton , S10 00312 00 , dry coun try , damp and meaty , per ton , 56 OOQS 00. YOIIIC CKMHAL aiAincirr. ( liiotntlonn of the Dny oil fJciM-ral Commnilltlt-H. NEW YORK. July -FLOUR-Recelpts. . 12- 437 bbls , , exports , 7,241 bbls. , weak at first , but subsequently Improved with the jump In wheat ; Minnesota patent' , S4 2361 55. Minnesota bakers , S3 3003 CO , winter patents S4 30Q4 Co , winter straights , > t 00 < < ? 4 20 winter extras , S-123S3M , winter low grades , S2 93@3 30 Ryn Hour , quiet ; sales. 200 bbls , . superfine , S2 0082 20 CORNMEAL-DulI yellow western. a c. HVE Dull , No. 2 western , 40c. WHEAT Kecvlpt * . 74,923 bu . exports , 242,763 bu , ftpot. closed Hrm Options opened firmer on covering and foreign buying , eased off und > r liquidation , liberal new wheat receipt" , short selling and favorable crop news , but finally rallied sharply on the Jump In corn , and closel ISlHo net higher. No. S red July. S3fr 3 ; c. clo ed SSSc September , 76 15-1C07S * ! ; , closed 78V4e * CORK Receipts , 130730 bu , exports , 73217 bu , spit , stronger : No 2 , 32c , opened firm and Has ptrong all day on covering and talk nf hot wind * ) In Kansas and closed } c net higher , July closed at 32c , September , 31',632 * e , closed 32'if OATS Receipts , 720 0V ) bu ; exports. 2C.801 bu. ; , pot , higher No. 2 , 21'.c , quiet hut steady , closing unchangft.1 , July cloted at 21Jic , Septum- bcr closed at 2140. HAY Steady ; shipping , 43f:0c ; good to ehjlce shipping. CTKEc HOPi Steady ; state , common to choice , 1R < > 5 crop. 3 4c ; 1S16 crop , C 9c ; Pacific coast , 1593 crop 3J4c , 1SSS crop , CSlOc , London market , K ftSCc HIDES Firm : Oalvpston , 20 to 23 pounds 14V4 JTlSUc , Huenns Ayres dry , 10 pounds" ISliWlJc : Texas , dry' . 24 to 30 pounds 12c , California 21 to 2f > pounds IClrC LEATHER rirm , hemlock f-ole Huenos Ayres , light to heavy , IfRlOc , California , lSS22c PROVISIONS Heef firm , family , SS WkfiO Mj extra m $7 WO ? 00 , beef hums. S2J 09 2liOO ; packet JSfvrtw ! Cut meats steady , pick-led bellies S 00ff700. nlckled shoulders J512'4 < ? 5 3. pickled hnm" S * SOS'S fO Lard llrmer , western Fleam S4 30. refined firm Pork. dull , old mess , J775 i 25 : new mecu S7 i925 , short clear , I87.S10Mfamily tO 2..f(1050. ( HUTTER Quiet , western creamery * . 11 5 ! . ' < ; western factory 7jl04e. Imitation creamery. smilta ; state dairy' . IWHc. state creamery II GISe CHREHB Oulet. stale , large white 7 > iR7 > ic : colnr d , "mfTHc small white , 771ic : cnlorert , 7V.fi7Hc. part skims , 4 r3ifec : full sklmn JHff3c EGGS Quiet , state am ] Pennsylvania , H' Q 13c. we lern fresh , 12c. . TALIjOW Dull , clly ( per package , , ; , _ j c. country ( packaged free ) , SVo. as to quality OILS Petroleum , dull ; United , no market. Rosin , steady ; rlralned common to good SI ffl < $ 1 63 , Turpentine , flne. flnner 27V4cruttonn > eil , firmer Eurot > ean demand Imnrovlng steadily , prime crude fob mllln HftlCHc prime mini- mer yellow 21'iffKl < * nff pi-mmer y lln 2)J ) 24'4c butter grades , 28tf2 < > e pr1m summer vvhll * 27ftSc : prime winter yellow. S0 31c RICE Firm , fair to extra , 4'&Cc , J pan. 4' ' MOLASSES Firm : New Orleans , optn kettle , good lo choice , MOSOc. FnKlOHTS Steady rolton by steam , lcj irrnln l > y tleam , "ViQSVic MRTM S PlR Iron flr.nlv , southern , 4'509 10 50 ; northern 110 RA01S OA Copper , strong ; lake , brokers. JH KU. Lead strong ; brokers. 13 SO. Tin platen , easy. TOMATOru > ' r carrier , Sarannah and Charleston. 75cOH < iiKnr tlrtrlvpt" . LONDON July 21 SUOAH-lleet. July , Ss 3V.d 3V.dNEW NEW YOIIK. July J4 TOH Hun- , firm ; fair reflnlnc 3Uc ; centrlfucal - ' > ' > tert 3 } < c Ile- nned firm , mold A. J3-lSc : ftnnilard A 4 IS-160 ; rnnfectlnners' A , 4 IJ-lfic ; cut loaf C"ic , rni'hfd We. imwdered , 5 3-16f ; eranu'ated. 4 IMCci ruli 5'V" NBW OltLRANB Julv Jl RI'nAn-OrfU ket- llr quiet Jif'Zrenlrlfucal very stranri Bran- ulalc.l < ffl'c. whites , 1 13-16Oc : yellow * ! ' , f Sc recinds , : & 3'4c Molasses steady , nnne In first hands riiiclnnnM P'VfIVN TI Jl'lv ! 4 WUHT-Flnn No I red 74 PORN V-m | No nilx-il J7I'- O TS-Diill and e'fy No : mixed , 21c nVRQuiN / < t SlirMo HULK JI TS Pirn , ( II SSI Hacon 5.frSvi. . lard. flnner at S39i EGGS Quiet at ' : OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts Not Heavy and Request of the Urgent Variety. LIVELY TRADING IN THE CATTLE PENS Kill I'ntllc .Sell llciulllj at ( iiioil Price" , tin * \\cck SlroiiK " I'lvc Cents and All hold. SOUTH OMAHA. July 24. Uccelpti for Ihi ! da > 3 Indicated were. Cattle 113g . Sheep. Horses. July 21 1.531 2.22J July 23 1.H1 r.,421 2,712 July 22 2.3.VS 12306 Sot July 21 2.S15 10013 1,311 July ID 3,107 S.752 10 July 19 2,03t ! l.f)9 12vfl 1 July 17 , 1,1.19 4'd ) JUiy Ifl 1.CS3 6.C93 674 1 July 15 2,773 3,163 . . . . 1 July II 2-.iiS 4,449 1.902 1 July 33 4.J69 75 : > S lfC3 July 12 2,0t3 3 , 6Ti 2(3 July 10 1.704 6.7M 2 > W July ! ) 2f.W 5,003 1.0G2 . . . . July S 2 , : > 22 B.39J 4SI } Receipts for the week with comparisons wero. Cattle. Hogs Sheep Week ending July 24 . . . 12,170 fOHj ! fi , < K7 Week ending July 17 . . 1V27J 23.KM 1. 04 Week ending July 10. . . . 12r M > 2 ,422 7.SH2 Week ending July 3 15,512 36,578 S.GTu The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle Hogs. Missouri Paclllc Ily IS Union Pacific System 3 11 1\ , 13. & M. V. H. II 20 9 C. . St. P. , M. & O. Ily 1C 3 1 ! . .t M. II. H. H 3 11 C. , B. .t Q. Ily 1 K. C. & St. J Hy 1 Total receipts 67 3."i The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated : Bu > ers. Cattle. Hogs Omaha Packing Co 77C The G H. Hammond Co ( Tt 2V1 Swift and Company 2V ) 617 The Cudahy Packing Co 4'H 650 Vansant & Co SS . . . . J. L Carey 3 Benton .fe Underwood 46 . . . . Livingston & Schaller 101 L V Huiz .TO Swift , from the country 60 , , . . Ctidahv P Co. . from K. C 4"S Other buyers 10 . . . . Totals lf,37 [ 2,256 Receipts of cattle for the past week were smaller than for the week before , but larger than two weeks ago. The receipts were the largest since the last week In June. CATTLtt Only sltseven loids of cattle were reported In the yards , and a third of them were consigned direct to pickers , so that there were not very many cattle of anv kind offered for sale. The demand was good and what cattle there were here met with ready Bale at good pricey. That app les to all kinds of cattle , killers and feeders alike Uverv thing w.isold early , and the > ards were de serted soon after the middle of the forenoon The fat cattle sold principally Inside the range , $325'ij345 ' , with a $4 60 top A few "Ittle heifers brought f4 03. but there wa * nothing vei > notable among the sales The cattle market of the past week was , decidedly In the ivller's favor. Light re ceipts and active demand , both and shipping , combined to give values a stead ) upward tendency , which VMS maintained all the week Each da > 's nirtrket was a little stronger or higher than the day before , and bv the end of the week values were fu ly ! Uli20c higher Iran at the close of the previous week. While the advance was the mo-t marked on the better grades. It applied to all kinds in a g : eater grades , it applied to all kinds In a greater or less degree and to feeders as well as to killers In addition to being higher. It has been active as well , and each daj's receipt- hav i met with ready sa'e on arrival Representative sale" . NAT1VHS BEEr STiins. No. Av Pr , Xo Av. I'r Xn. Av Tr 1 . .900r)7r. ) 13 . .ir.J } l 30 33 1VSO J4 49 . . .1'9.1 3 f'J 10. . . 113 450 17 .1141 443 : SCO-4 CO 23 . . .11S1 430 IS. . . 1213 445 22. . . 110J 4 UO 9 . . . ) 4 SO 16..1M3 4 43 3. . . . ; 4 co H . . .nor 4 TJ 22. . .in , , 4 y > 19 914 4 0" 19 . .1214 4 M 23. .1235 4 CO 20 . . .1CJ1 4 10 I'O . . 1.11 4 37' : , J ) 1145 4 50 20..10W 423 18. . . 1170 143 23. . .1U37 4 1.0 COWS. 2. . . . S10 ? 10 1..1240 3 23 2 . 535 3 55 I. . . . 7M > 215 1..12M 333 2. . 12S 3 CO 1..10TO 2 M 19..1111 3 41 17. . . SC4 3 C3 3. . . . 9'C 2 CO 1 . .leOO 330 3 . . .1235 373 1. . . . S'O 300 3..1106 350 2..11C3 375 1. . .SCO 3 CO HEirEP.S. 1. . . CO 2 90 14. . . . S10 3 SO 3. . . . 760-403 2. . . . 865 3 23 5. . . . 77i 4 CO BULLS. 1..1420 250 2..1210 2 S3 1..1170 315 1 . . .1320 2 73 STAGS. 1..1530 375 CALVES. 1. . . . 300 450 1. . . . 170 573 3. . . . ISO 600 2. . . . 140 575 1. . . . 100 5 73 faTocicnns AND I'EEDEIIS. 2. . . . IM 4 23 MILKERS AND SI'HINGEltS. No. J'r. 1 milker 12300 1 cow anil calf 28 0 > j 1 cow and calf 2900 1 cow and calf 30 0 1 sprlnKer 3000 1 cow and calf 33 oo 1 springer 32 Oo 1 cow and calf. . . , 33 uo 1 springer 34 00 1 cow and calf S3 CO 1 cow and calf 't 42 CO WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. No. Av , Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2 feeJer * . . . . 953 J3 M 25 feeders. . . . 1/21 } l 00 2 feeders . . . 995 3 CO COOREGON. OREGON. 3 steers 12W 2 G3 48 feeders. . .110 ! 3 73 1 bull 1UO 300 HOOS The story"of the da > 's trading In hogs is soon told It opened 5c higher and all uol.l by S o'clock. The hOKs uolil all the way from U 23 to 13 40 but the bulk went at J3 3033 35 , na against 23f 330 > eslerda ) Th * popular price today was (339 , as 13.25 was jeiterday. The hog irmrket had Its lips and douns the past week , but the lips Kot the bent of It. The week , howeer , opened with an advance and on Tuesday the market sained a little more nnd ontdne9day it wan again hlKher.y Wednesday proved to be the high day of the week , the IIOKS on that day nellln ? on nn average Co higher than on Monday , and IJHio higher than at the clo-e of the previous week On Thursday values dropped with a dull thud , and l > lday market was otlll lower , the loss for the. two da > s amounting to about l4c. On Saturday the market recovered somewhat the week closing almost In the same notch that It o > c < \ nnd a Mrong ! > c higher than the close of tn . previous week The u.'mand for hogs wn sufficient to keep the supply well cleaned up , but It was not BIJ brisk on some da > 8 as sellers like to see , representative sales : No. Av Sh I'r. No Av Sh Pr. 50. . .331 40 3 25 71 271 W 13 30 49 341 . . . 325 K 271 40 3 SO M . . 292 1W 3 S7H M 333 . . . 330 E8 . . 312 SO 2 W 5) 232 W 3 SO a. . . KS . . 3S7H C5 123 . . 3 SO 58 SOT . . . S 30 C7. . . 3SO 10 3 M fl ) 24S 80 3 30 tu SSS . . . 3 32',4 .5 2S8 SO 1 SO 71 251 40 333' , 76 281 40 3 30 30 215 . . . 3 35 66 321 W S 30 51 241 40 S 35 K . . .311 M 3 30 61 jet 80 3 33 55. . . . 2S7 f.0 330 71 2C6 . .333 51 2S7 M 330 70 237 0 3 33 59 303 120 330 59 223 fcO 3 33 22 . . . .S2S 40 3 30 31 : U 40 335 69 273 SO 3 30 4 270 ICO 3 35 55 254 40 330 79 21 ! . 3374 W . . . . . ' 73 M J SO 72 240 . 337" , M . . : M ice 3 so cs rs co 340 W Ml SO ISO PIGS-ODDS AND ENDS 1. . . CIO . fV > 6 261 . 3 SO 4 ZC2 . 323 210 . . . 3 SO . . . . ' 3J1 . . . 325 3 200 . . . S 55 ( 15 . . 330 SIIEKI' There were no heep here to make a teit of the market The demand nai good all the week pail for desirable sheep and all arrivals met with ready sale The tendency of the market was craduilly upward and the prices paid were entirely satisfactory to the selling Interests KIIII U > I CIO Live Stock. KANSAS crrr , July ! -CATTLn-RMelpts. l . 200 head , market rteaily and unchanged , only retail trade Texas steers , { ! . ! 5H 20 , Texas cows , $ ! 15fZt5 , native JtPrrn , IJ WfM ; native cows and tiflffs , (17504 V > . stocktra and feeders , 3 1604 10 ; bulls. U 25Q3.15 HOGS Receipts 5 0 head , market stronger ; hulk of sales. Jl Wfrl.SJfi , heavies , 3 : ; j333 ; packers. Jl ISfitt 33 ; mixed U 3S5. llfthtrj. I320G135 , Yorkers , | 132b93S5 ; plfs , JJ < n > & 3 20. SHEEI * None htre. Stuck In Sight. r.tcord of receipts of lite stock , at the four principal nurkets fcr July 21 ; Cattle. Hoes Sheep. Oinahn 1.531 ttK Chicago 400 J9.COO 0Wi ) Kansas City 20 S 600 , . 51. Louis 100 2000 tOO Totals . .S231 2,225 , 00 V.-w VorU I.Ur Stock. NKXV YORK. July 24 UnEVES Receipts , Ml htad no trading , European cables quote Ameri can tocrs t smJlfmi" refrlKfrator l-ecf l "H W7\e. exports loda > . l.t-io hteres and 4M qur IMS of bf CM.VFW-Uefflpts. r. hmil , very dull ; niarkU nlmo Jt nnmlnxl S1IKK1' AND LAMllS-Recelpts. . . ! nhrep. itcad ) . liml . Hft c lower , hep , 4 < * 0 HinKs , SI It * ? * , (5 lICKlS-Hecfll.ti , l.:3i bend , cteadr at ft.lOgi 4 4) . CII1C\(50 ( I.IVi : STOCK MAItltKT. Cattle Stcnd > llou * < \cll\c mill n Trln * llltrtierMicc | > strnity. CII1CAOO. July } 4 The market for cattlf WAI fnlrly active nnd steidj on llgit receipts tloo.1 to choice sluers sold fmm $5 to IS IS , medium from 1430 to SIM. MixktiM nnd feeder * nt from M20 to $430. cows and heifers , choice to prime. nt from tl SS to $4 IS , cows nnd heifer * . ROCM ! to choice , nt from 12 75 to JJBO , calves , common to choice , at from (1 M to 15 25 Trade In IIOKS was active nnd prices n trlflo better The bulk sold nt from Ji.50 to J1CO Pnlc * ) were nt nn entrctne rang * * of from 13 2 > to M 77'ti heavy picking lots broURhl from J7 2 * . to Jl 3 * . The week clo ed with prices generally from UHo to 15c higher Trade In sheep was ncllve Sites rnncol from J2 W to 14 2Iwlnir lircely nt from S3 7S lo $1. Limlis bmught from S3 50 to S"i 41 for ptvir to prime feeding limbs sold nt from SJ lo S3 M Receipts : Cattle , 400 head , hogs , 19000 heaj | shecji , 6.000 head. Ttitrilit MnrUoln. TOLHIX ) . July 21 WHEAT Acll < * nnd fln | No J cash nnd July , 75SiC. CORN-Actlve and higher. No ! mixed , tttte. OATS Dull , No 2 mixed , V > c IIYK Strad > ; No 2 caih , 37 > Jc. CI/DVEH SKED-Dull and easy ; prlni Oe- tolwr , S4 K OII Unchanged. I Cnllforiiln llrli-il NE\V YORK. July -OAL1PORNIA DltlKD rRt'lT4 ' * Stonily c.npornted apples , pilme wlr tray , So per Hi , wood drlml prime. 5Uc , choice. 5 > i4 , ifancy , fc iirunen. 3 < f7i c per Ib , us to clic and quality apricots Rovnl ifr > c , Moofl I'ark. 12c , twaches , unpeeled , CffSc. peeled. 11 1)11 Mirt * t * > . OIL CITY , Pa . July -Credit balances. 7.cj ! certificates , no bids , a'llpmrnts and runs , not re- ported. LONIKJN , July ! 4 OIL-Calouttn lln eed spot , 52s 61 , near nt hand delivery , 3s 6.1 Tun cn- tine spirits , Ws 6d _ \C-T\- A'orlv'it Imports mill l'\iorin. | NEW YORK July 21 The exportu of cpecl frcm the port of New York for the weelc amounted to SS00 VH ) In gold and SI 03' , 54 J In ll\er The -Imports were * Oold , S"1.S24 ; silver. S77.1S7 dngoods. . S1.910 1 ; general merchnii- dl-e , SSC07.5U. llillTiilo Cruln . I1UPPALO. July 21 WHEAT Northern , 7 > llo | No 2 w Inter quoted nl 7Sc CORN No 2. 3lc. ' OATS-No 2 white , 2im2l c. ' RYi-Neglected ' _ _ < ! nii Krnnils \Vlnnt ami Hnrloy. SAN rHANCI ? CO. July -WHEAT-Qulet and steadDecember. . Jl ( IS bid. May. $1 4J % | c.i h. SI 40 UARLKY Strong. December , t.O'Jc MMin o HIM\M > ON THI : AIJIJITOR. CiniimlMslon NI-MT llornsod Aoccss to 1114 IllMtUs. SIOUX FALLS. S D , July 24. ( Special. ) State Auditor Mnjhcvv. In a private let ter received here today. sa > s that the pub lished stories that he attempted to prevent the state Investigating committee from ex amining his affairs Is wholly false Ho savs : "The statement was published In the form of an Interview with a member of tint committee tint my deputy , Mr. Anderson , and myself refused to answer questions asked by the commission. The fact la Iho commission did not visit this offlce until t'.iey came to get their pay after having put li four or five da > s of time looking over the Insurance books that they procured fioiu Insurance Commissioner Klpp They did not summon mjself or Mr. Anderson 01 an > on9 else so far as I can learn. Ihcy did not ask me any questions except whether I would bo governed by the opinion of the at torney geneial In the matter of auditing their claims , and this I declined to answer In advance of the tiling of ULs opinion. So far as Mr Anderson Is concerned , they dl 1 a little unclllclal talking with him , in which he told them that he wtiuld talk with them freely as Individuals , but did not recognlzo them as a commission , and If they wanted anything olflclal from hl.n their way would bo to subpoena him ns a witness. They seemed to realize fully that they had no power. The } have now all gone home and thl * is probably the last of Governor Lee'a famous Investigating committee. " Will Iteliirn In AlnnUii for IIore. IIOCK SPRINGS , \Vyo. , July 24. ( Spe cial. ) The eon of Union Pacific Agent of this place returned jeaterilay from the Alaska gold fields , where ha cleared up upwards of $50.000 in gold. Mr. Lovesquo states that the reports of extreme cold weather In the bonanza region have been exaggerated. The thermometer never falls below 3S or 40 degrees below zero and thcro U no wind , so that the cold is not so penetrating as It is here. The hardships are many but are more than compensated by the richness of the diggings. , Mr. Lcveaque will return to Alaska soon. Pant Time vtltli a hln-cp Train. CHAMBERLAIN. S. D. . July 24. ( Spe cial. ) The Milwaukee Railroad company hai recently broken all previous records In transporting - porting stock from this city to Chicago. A train containing 1,000 head of sheep belong ing to Franklin & Bartlett was hauled from Chamberlain to Chicago in twenty- three hours and thirty minutes , being bev- eral hours less than the best passenger trala time between the two points. Hob a ( irneral Ml ore. HOWARD , S. D. , July 24. ( Special. ) Burglar * entered the store of W. T. Shova by breaking out a glass In the back window. All the caeh left In the drawer , about $6 or J7. was taken , also tbe jewelry In the housa and a lot of clothing end Bboei. There is no clew to tlio burglars , hut it Is generally sup. nosed to be the work of tramps , who bav been numerous lately , Clii ) Count ) I'll I r. VERMILION. S. D. , July 24. ( Speclal.- ) The Clay'county fair will be held September 21 to 24 at Vermilion. The special attrac tions will bo a farmers' Individual grain and vegetable exhibit , a band contest and a speed program , Death renal ! ) for Amiiiult. CONHOR. Tex. , July 24-Archlo McMII. len , who committed a criminal aesault on the 9-year-old child of William Gllea on. the IGth Inst , , at Egypt. ha * been convicted by a Jury and received the death ix-nalty. JAMES E. BOYD & CO. Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb. COMMISSION GRAIN : PROVISIONS : AND : STOCKS I10AHD OP TIIADK. Direct wire * to Chicago and New Tor * . U ; John A. Warren * Co * CHRISTIE-STREET COMMISSION GO. Cnpltnl , Jf-50,000. Fully I'nld. Stocks , Grain and Provisions , Ilooiu 111 i-U Hoard of Truile Hills' . lfj " " ( Tel. 1CS3. ) C. C. CHniSTIU President E. J BTHKCT Vice President G. W. KUNNEY Sftcretary David T , Heals , Preet. No 3617. F. P. Neal.Vlce ITen. Union Aiitlonul llnnlc Chaa. H. V. Lcwln , Caili. Capital. (600.000. KANSAS CITI. MO. . Apni . n 7. We hereby certify that the Cnrlstlv-Urcel Commission Company has this day commenced business with us by depositing Fifty Thousand DolUrs ( wO.KOCO ) In cadi. . ( Dictated. ) CHAHLE3 H. V. LEWB. fji Cuahier. C. H. MAGOON & CO COMMISSION BROKERS Stocks , Grain and Provisions , 314 South 15th St OMAHA , - NEB.