Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1897, Part I, Image 1

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Opposition Orowfls Englatifl't Torj
moiit on SoBth Africa.
Action of the Mnj ritj of the
Tort Priest Gets Much ProrflinEnoe in
London Cirolcs.
t Aciiln CUnlln r r lor
Aiii Tlcn * Cni > If tinCimrtHlon *
Art- Mode t Suit HIP IJrH-
Ikh .Notion * .
< Corrrlrht. 1B < 7. by J'rcM ruWl'hlnc Comjmnr. )
LONDON. July 24 ( New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Th ? South
Afrlra commlRMon scandal is etill the ex
citing topic of diocuuelon In political circles
tnd hat putdueed the most herlouB dlojieD-
r.lou in the lltieral and radical party blnce
the home rule cplltOn Monday one lact
utttrnpt is to be mafle by the radicals and
Irlth membEri , to force the government to
produce thp cablegrams KUppressed by order
of the majority of thf committee end
which It U bfUcved wcmld t-hed raluable
light on the raid and the reasons It * promoter
meter * had for thinking it wau favored by
Beciftary Chamberlain. The committee , with
the assistance of Sir William Harcourt ,
Sir J Campbell Bannermun and Sydney
Burton all liberal ex-ofilclals. deliberately
decided Uiii. evidence should not be pro-
flueca and that the inqulrj should be hubhed
up without even a preteui-e of probing the
moot important matterb ft was created to
unLarth. This action has aroused a most
uncaKj feeling and naturally led tea sus
picion that Chamberlain and probably mem
bers of the royal family were Implicated In
the raid conspiracy. Tiie prince of Wales
denies he had anything to do with It. but
the fact that his son-in-law , the duke of
rife was closely IdcntlneU with the Char
tered company leads to contrary PURplciouE.
The debate on Monday night , therefore , epoch-making consequences to the
liberal and radical party.
Father Ducey of New York hat played on
unexpected and Important part in the eight
hour movement among the engineers here.
The statement he fcent by cable a week
ago - as cabled back to London , and oo
Thursday -morning 1 woe waited upon by
t delegation of strikers anrloue to learn
Father Dnrey's London address. Father
Durry consented to meet them at ths Hotel
Ccill. and as a result he cpoke liefore a
great meeting of strikers yesterday at
Greenwich , urging the men to be calm and
earnest , to avoid disturbance , and to etay
of the work *
awa ) from the neighborhood
which hnre been fchut down In consequence
of thf strike. Great enthusiasm greeted his
worflfc and be was cheered to the echo.
Father Ducey lias not been in London be
fore in fourteen years , but found he Is well
known better known than any other Ameri
can Catholic. Bulgravla and Mayfair strove
to make his stay pleasant , but lie preferred
to epend his vacation studying the condition
of the English poor. It was while on on ei-
j > edltion of this sort of Ktudy and recreation
that he visited a meeting of the striking
cnglupere in Deptford last week. That night
lip prepared the statement concerning the
Etrlk ? which was cabled to America. At that
meeting ab soon aE the strikers found out
that Father Durey was in the room there
was a loud call for a Ejwech . and he spoke
c few minutes. That wo ? at the beginning
of the battle , when thf newspapers which
nppobtid the men were predicting disorder and
riot. Father Ducey told the men that the
orderly way in which tliei had conducted
the fight up to that time iad
creatly impressed him. He advised them
that if tbej eontlnutd to be Just in their
demands' and rfasonaWe in the way they
made them they were certain to succeed
in the end. 'He counbelcd moderation and
good order. No English churchman had
shown the slightest interest in the move
ment and the men wcrt. . Impressed. Father
Duccy's peaceful urglngs were vodlerouElj
chcert-d Jii the iall and when he wtnt out
the men followed lilin to the street and
chewed him again. Outot the members of
t ie eomrilttoe- tells me that the two
speeches mafic liy Father Ducey have done
morf to keep the men from disorder and
> mistaken methods than any other influence.
Thub it is quite possible that the American
jinei-t on vacation has prevented riots
among the London strikers.
The English yaU'liEnieE are evidently itch
ing to Ibtue u Irons challenge for America's
cttii. With Yuteor. Boua and Aurora , to say
nothing of Britannia , to j-elect a challenger
from , all having been built lu the Vnltud
Kingdom and called by British crewa , they
feu ! ceenungly that the btt chur.ce for yean.
fXlFU of wrestinc from the United States
this trophy , which they affect to debplse ,
but the posbCbsion of which it still the fond
est desire of their hearU , Mr Roce , whose
Aural u has been tried thin week on the
Bolent with very promising results , is must
JlU > ly to be the ciiatlenger , but Jhe Yathu-
nian ( newFpapor ) thisek tayt tliat uu
ract * is possible unlet > ! the dcwl
of gift Js we'hnuW. It further
suggest * that some neutral coum
be fixed ; for example , off the ooust ut Mo-
deira , a ft. ) ' from excursion hacu and beyond
Ul possibility i3 giving ribe to any captiDUt
talk over ( > on3U ] ms. Thw hlgnlficunt iudiui-
iloii of their desire to brine abnut a ruee lb
the fact that the Yacutbrnaii , which war Dun.
ra uns most thoAufciigaiug supporter , now
Uir wb him over iiud t&yi be was as n.uch to
iilttmr ac any one for the former fiasco and
the- bad feeling. U Anything comtt uf ihr
{ indent ilisjiOBition to uft up a. re DC it w-il !
be apparent before Co\vts M-t-k it orurat -
the matlfj will be diBi-tmsed among thr
jnumbtrt of the Ttoy&l YaUit tquuflron UK-
( wmbled there The New Yoik Yarht olub
vould be pcrfeutiy jubiiDed in jmuitig ruj
oruft owuitd by the Gmncu emperor outeUe
the contest , at he ha * carefully fremcd cou-
diciuits atUcht-d to * lt hit prwusutian
tc U ) to exclude Aiuurlrju yachu.
Tbr BttilKt. London't Icadinc
lluatiou. ealvmul'j wuriin lit iwdnrE tbit
that wmruhuion u Aiuerirjin TKl\- * is tw ; d < . .icc > ruus. jind tx-
llttlf hnj. * Jor tbr future It n-
u ihfiU rcfivel tfter thv
of rrmfrenr. Imt a following alump flue to
the cwrewr nrofloTf It ttkw Volrnrfr Irt-
mrttlUi RotnmlMtioti and EllepwJ cnrcrarcgf-
ratiit in Traace T ry raroe ly end intlmatec
that Oticrland m j opuhi be willlnr to offtr
te rMJiH-B tht Indiuu mlntr and takf It ) iihll-
ling pold pipp c tmt of circulation in CMK-
rrtiicv and America are able to fit up n
deal , but does jmt tielleve ihe silver party
in America wtmlfl accept sucfi blicht cou-
The frightful Increase of the drug holrtt
ID BBglBnd lias lmp Hfd the Brttle.h Me cal
An-wclatloD coraratttt-e. the repreentaUve
iiH-aicel body in the wiuntry. to rwmmmBnd
I'nrllajuciit to include dmg drinker * In a
l fll now iHtlng pEE6d through ParHament.
giving power tor thf camputeory drtentlon
of halrttual drunkarclK. Thtt ' the fin ; : ,
time tliat the crsvlty of drug vice hat thus j
been admitted by the profesttlon here , and
the ronimltdon i ho deeply impressed with ]
the growth it advises tht establishment of
Itieclsl houees of detentiun for Its vlctlmt
Bt different rtageg of the dloae. The le-
Ftrietion * on the Eale ol drugs here are KO ;
lax tluit tliey do not amount to ac.vtliiug. and
this trade now forms one ol the mtiet profit
able wmrcer of business of chemibU in th ?
lashionable parts of London.
The Klondyke dinoo erics promiBe to start
the gold fever in London nt well as Amer
ica. The EUddeu successes have educated the
Londoner up to gold fever and the agents
i of Atlantic transportation companies and
J other cheap lines tell of many attraction *
I for mea w-ibhlng to go to Alaska. The new
Canada traneatlantlc transportation line IE
actually hurrying work on its new line of
boats to gut Its thort o : the rush There
Is B tremendous lot of experienced gold
miners in London , who have worked in
South Africa , and they would make formid
able rivals for the amateur American for
tune Heekcrs. Most English miners are
i bound for the Canadian diggings , as they
express great confidence in Englloh regula
tions concerning mineral dlFiot erics and the
system o ! policing , which the government It
sure to introduce In the districts us soon
as any lory treat number of people get
The Royal Geographical society Is much
interested in the scheme of the American
geographer. Stein , now in Berlin , who Intends
tendsnert year to establish a permantnt
Arctic exploration station near the entrance
to Jones eouod. He thlnke the Arctic re-
gloue should be explored systematically. Or
ganising on different HUM a station of six
explorers at nuch place , which will act re
a "basis " for northern expeditions. These will
push north anfl establish other permanent
stations from which systematic and thorougn
iavestlgatlons of the unknown regions can
be made. He believes the plan is tremen-
douslv important commercially , and is ex
pecting great finds of whales and other ani
mals , OE well as guEno. Many English
scientists approve the plan and will probably
help the American society greatly.
The report that Cornelius Tunderbilt'e con
dition in serfrus is inaccurate Jir Yandcj-
bllt is by no means well , but he is very much
better than when he left America. For
some time he lived la London at the Berkeley
hotel , the smartest hostelry here , then he
went to the Hotel Vendome In Paris , where
iio is now He probably will return to Lon
don before long , for he still keeps servants
here. His butler , who cells at the Berkeley
every morning for mall , caid today that Mr
Tanderbllt ib as w ell ut could be expected.
Richard Croker IE to leave for Carlsbad
Friday or Saturday next. There wae In his
party Jefferson M. Levy , J. J. Coogan , wife
and three children and niece , and Sachem
Hotchkl6s and wife. He leaves his fifty
iiorbes behind ct Vtmpage under the care
of his manager. Ho will surely make a
change in trainer next year. He is not sat
isfied with the work done by the stable this
London IB excited over Andree and many
expect to bear from him dally. It IE a long
timp since the rooms of the Geographical
society have been ao weill filled at this timr
of year with persons waiting around , like the
scientists waiting for newt , after the cannon
was fired in Jules Verne's "Voyage to the
IVoium Olijrct to
TJn-Ir Caulur IVtx.
( CopjTicbt. 1ES7. by ITeno J'ubllnhlnc Company. )
LONDON , July 24. { New York World Ca
blegram aj * * J Telegram. ! Th * women in
England who own dogs ure combining aE
labor people ronibine to do away with the
act requiring every dog on London streets
to be muzzled. Tht situation is amusing.
The women are very much m earnest. The
effort by the engineers to get an eight-hour
day Is not accompanied by more resolutions
and demands , solemnly passed in secret
council , than this movement of the fair
owners of poodk dogs to do cwuy with
wire guardn on the noses of their pets
There Us treinendour and bitter enthusiasm
at their meetings und the newspapers are
full of manifestos which iney solemnly give
space to.
The matter has a serious side , now ever
which will probably defeat the efforts of
the dog women Official repartt thow a strik
ing decrease in cases of rablcb. There were
thirteen last month , while the sami month
last year before the enforcement of the
muzzling act there were thirty-fire. In
twentynlntweeks tluce the act lias been
enforced there were only ninety-nine cakus ,
against SS7 for the same period before Par
liament stepped in to hind up doggie's none
This disease is practically banibhed , indeed ,
in the metropolitan area , where the pollct
watch vtiry closely for unmuzzled dogs , for
ouly one cose out of this month's thirteen
is credited to this enormous district , which
Includes London.
lu I > < - u IIMul of llir DtiUr
< if tlvu.
LONDON , July 24. The correspondent of
the Dully Chronicle , in Sagua IL Grande ,
province of Sante Clz.rt. Cuba , writes to
hie paper e terrible account of the situation
of affair * . In tue Wand. Both the gm em-
mem troop * ana the insurgents have been
suffering terrlblj from famine and the
rtTkptt , of emallpox and yellow fever while
butcheritf of pritontuc after inquisitorial
torturif artuf daily occurrence , if the vic
tim * be cuEpeotei of withholding iufnrnut-
tinji. Capttls General Wryler , the corrt-
epnnd ict buj-K. hub ihown neither mercy uor
Quartar. und has turned the campaign in
Cuba ii'to a near approach of that of the
duke of Avt ! in. Holland , in the sixteenth
JIliu ? I'i-rdCiiiB Ur < iivut-d.
LONDON. July M. A dispatch from
Slr.f.cporr Buy * , thct the Chluetie stc&mer
CrlhtmcKcr. bound from Singapore tor
MaUoir wiUi 15 * pau > ucEtrt vas wrecked
in j. uauc.ll off Mclbcbiu June SS > . One hun
dred at a 'v.etjty j > crton including the imp-
tfln of thr stcumer ven > drowned. The
rtmuluder uf the fchip'c company were ret-
i-ucd by
Gonnanj'E Enlsr to Visit tlis Autocrat of
sia'c Broad Domain.
Gorgeons Velooms to Bs Acoerl 3 the
Ecoontric Teuton.
' Empress Will Acsompony Her Eojal
1 Oonsart on BJE Journey.
iTiiinn 1'nlillc Griiii > . IleKtlic L'udrr
tli < - Cnuttiiual Intcrlrrciirr of
Tlirlr Miv - rljrii In Tlit-lr
J t r IlIll
tropj-rlcht , 1W7. by the AEsnclntcfl IT S I )
| BERLIN , July 14. The approaching vleit
of the German Emperor und Emprter to
I Ru Bia will be signalized by a great display
of Muscovite pomp end ceremony. The pro-
pram ie uow definitely arranged. They will
arrive August 4 at Cronstadt roadE. where
i the Emperor Nicholas and the empress will
, meet them on board the Russian Imperial
yarht Alexander. A Eplcndld reception will
; be accorded them at the landing stage After
| luncheon with Prince von Rzilolln. the Ger
man ambntsador , their majebiiee will visit
the Winter palace where they will bold a re
ception for the diplomatic corpt. In the
couree of the evening , with the Czar and
Czarina , they -will make a tour of tbe Kras-
nee sales and their majesties will tisEe lun
cheon in the camp. In the evening a
gala performance will be given on Olga
Island. During the evening of the 12th the
new PetcrhofT park will be Illuminated bril
liantly and their Russian and German majes
ties will take tea together at the summer
palaep of Peter the Great. On the 13th the
Imperial visitors will start homeward , tht
Russian emperor and empress accompanying
tLcm to the place of embarkation.
The emperor's incessant Interference in
places is weakening the government , while
the ranks of the malcontents are swelling
day bj day. Prominent men In ecclesias
tical and univertity clrcltc are openly ex-
preulng their sympathy with the Impneoned
socialists It is pointed out that the offence
ks majeste IE of almost dally occurrence ,
that if all were to be proEscuted who er-
press discontent with the acts of the em
peror and the government it wonld be neees-
eary to turn all the barracks into prisons
ao order to find room for them.
A law suit has been commenced by JDng
Leopold of Belgium against the Hamburg
newspaper which had published eome offen
sive statement concerning his majesty. The
latter has declared that is- will prove the ;
carrectness of the statements , and has ueked
that certain members of the royal euite be
subpoenaed and examined before the Belgian
court. The Belgian Department of Just.ce
hcs refuted to comply with the request , on
the ground that the constitution guarantees
the Inviolability of ths"clng , whose acts
may not be subjected co inquiry. The out
come IE awaited wl.n much curiosity.
A Tery interesting letter , written by the
celebrated Prussian premier. Baron Stchi.
to Goethe , -when the latter was minister to
the Grand Duke Saxe-Welmar , IBE just
been published. It Is dated Frankfort , De
ccmber 12. IBIS , and has hittorical volut
as applying to the present political tlttic-
tion.Baron Stein says :
"Freedom of the press Is en inestimable
blerslng. but it hoe brought very little U
ligLt in Weimar that is estimable , auu such
ipsrtlef of freedom as Lyden , Martin. Obeti
Wiel and FricF end the rest , ore not fitted
tc be tearhere of a nation. The prime cause
of fermentation in Cermany -certainly tt
be tra-ced to the conduct of our firincet anfl
governors. They are the real Jacobites
They allow affaire to continue in the way lu
which we have .lived since 180C. and thej
provoke and encourage discontent and irri
tation. They hinder the development anfl
progress of human intelligence and prepurr
the wny for en universal upheaval of an
archy. We can count , howrvcr. on thr
coed sense of our nobility and peasantry
May our cans cuite writers end o'gcnlza-
tlon burghers not succeed in trampling the
first in the inud and dissolving the second b }
a Ej-stem of patents and lastly by division
among the land owners and in reducing writIng -
Ing to a great crrw of empty authors , dema-
corjues , and upstarts , and town rabble an 3
ditj laborers. "
Heligoland hut become a kind of Greina
Green siace it waE ceded to Germany , anfl
couples can now be married there between
the arrival and departure of the steamer
The formalities observed areof the simplest
character , and it is caid that the officiating
clergyman. Dr. Schroder , has become oo ex
pert that he can conclude a ceremony Jt
five seconds. By tome means he has secured
a monopoly in theie marriages and now
boasts a total of J.I'i : . He refuuet , to dea
with widowe , widow-era , or divorced personr
if he discovers their true character ia time
The replj of the gm eminent to the dni'anti
of the agrarians for a decree tempa'arlly ex
cluding foreign grain has been received with
considerable good will , Rartly has any pro
po-ial been so universally condemned
Neither has any journal given support ex
cept tbcee of the agrarian lecgue. ur.d the
outcome of the former's alliance hae been
to widen the breach between agrarians and
the ronservatlBta , ae the only explanation of
the attempt is that it must haxe been in
tended U > embtrrof * the government
Carm-tl - Ulckcri. for Lai till.
ropj-rlclit JW ? bj ITL * I'ubllslilnc Comimnj- . >
LONDON , July 24. ( New York World Cs.
blegram Special Telegram. ) Andrew Car
negie is said to be in a treaty with the
duke of Sutherland for the purchase of 40,000
acres of the duLe'c vast estate in Suther-
laudbhlre , In the extreme north of Scotland
The duke it practically the owner of the
whole of Butberldndtaiire , two-tSSrde of
which coutictt of deer forests , but the duke'fe
policy has been ti > break these up and r <
claim them Jor tenants. Walter Winano
unpopularity in buying great trucu > in Scot
land and preserving them for gernt. remov
ing everything in the thai * of human lift
is not going to be emulated by Carnegie
whose idea ie kcid to Ub to transform the
land into model ectttet. The duke would
scarcely ttkc le * h p 0,000 lor thlt >
ctrjp of kit ectttt. ,
mnll TnlU Aluint tlie Smart I'roplr
( Tnr-rlKM " * * '
LONDON. July .24. < New York World
Cablegram Six-fin ! Telegram - TUP wit-ltl
p-tnuon is dvlng hard. . Had not the quern
taken pity on the shopkeepers and especially
linked wime Imimrtatrt hrtessej ; tc ptve nl-
lalrR lute in July fo as to keep the people
IB town , tt would hate cnfied two week * ego
The royal hlnl went to the Duchess of Suth
erland , thp duebws of Diirelmen Lody
Burton. Lady Ellcamerp und the duclites nf
Portland. The laot nnai'd glvee a boll lu-
nlght , where society will tweat a fl ewuMcr
for today is terribly hot for Londot. Ail
the American rrntlngrnt have remained in
London to the bitter nnfl scorching end.
draining the ncaton's cup to the - ery dregs
At the Sutherland garden party the other
day given tor the exhibition of Scotch
tweeds , the prince of Wale * bought enough
tweedf. to last n life time. Thi * t-et the rut
for the American ! ? present tnd Mrs Pcgct ,
Airs RonaldB and Mrs. and Miss Goelet
started on a rush for the counteiB. It was
wilder thtu u bargain day ncranible.
Lady Randolph Churchill , will give a big
affair at Goodwood , after wiich she will go
Mrs Roosevelt joins nf husband at Baden
Baden going to Dlnard latrr.
Mrs. Bradley-Martin Is tiourly expecting
her daughter's confinement , ntiJ is preparing
tf fly to Scotland as teen as the interesting
even' ie o\er
Mrs. Rolands cannot go far. as che has her
invalid brother to look aficr.
The duke und dusne-.s'-of Marlbnrough.
after Goodv. ood. go to Blenheim and will
tour Scotland on vlsita.
Mr Bradley-Martin Just secured a ruby
necklace said to be madeup of the fluent
utones In the world 3t cost a. fabulue Bum.
Hitherto the possession nf the finest rubies
on earth was ci edited to Mrs. Aycr , an aged
American lady residing hi Paris.
The prince of WtleE asked tlie American
Amelia Kussner to paint his miniature. He
has given two sittings at Marlbormigb houae.
the prlneesB of wales and the duke of York
being present. He IB inuch'pleased with the
picture , which represents him in hit. Devon
shire bouse ball cretume as a.Ma11ese knight.
The only other miniature ever painted of him
is one when he was a boy. His desire to
hav e Miss Ivuscner point | him was due to
the miniature of HisE Gpelct , aid to lie well
worth the high price of 7300"paid for it.
There is no doubt that the announcement
of MiBE Goelet's engagement 3.0 the duke of
Manchester wet almost without foundation
The duke paid her some attention and once
eaid in jest "I am almost broke and must
marry Miss Goelet " Thut ttie rumor started
He Is the last brldegroam tlie pareutF of Ihc
American girl woul-l approve , but BOC.C
frienfls say that now MisD. > een has got tlie
notion in her iead ahe will have much to
cay She would Ilk-e to be a ducbcES. The
duke is not a marrying insa. but is vcrv
hard up. BO theJmniiuaoejneni , c.t first with
out foundation ma ; come trnu
The ducheis of Alarlbc.-cuRii IB In marvel-
DUEly good health. She : aSsnaed t-fveral
parties tht : week and at ihe opera , viec 3
sew her , Ahe nne looking "t51 inidly well.
She expects nccouchmcnt nixt molith cn"ff > 3r.
Vsnderbllt end 'Mrs B"lmonlwill both bt
in Londcri for the event The duke'e thrna *
it bad and he goes to Hoi : J'Or. but will ro-
turr. In time to ee& the first glimpse of his
Lady Leyler Loltnd lies taken a house at
Eeaford Jor the season.
ilre McKay leaves lor Paris end Ham
burg tomorrow.
Mr. and ilrs. Eugene Selley go fo Neu-
bcim today for the cure. "
Douglas Grant. Lady Essex's brother. Is
going to the country to the place taten by
his father-in-law'Mr. Scott. He IB also go
ing to Cowes in his yacht called "Fingall. ' "
The smartest yacht at Cowe-B this seccon
will be Mr. Goelct's new one. The Goelet
campaign for fashionableJtriumphB will be
carried on through the eummer.
nnESiir > G THAT if. TATAL.
Iiiflniumulile IViiKUo. iitul tlir Dinnhtcr
fConjTitrlit ItflT bj J-PW * I'ul.llshlnc Compncy >
LONDON , July 14. ( Ncir York World Ca
blegram Special TelegrcmJ The sale of in
flammable hair washes and djes will prob
ably be prohibited by Parliament as a rcsulf
of the death of 74rt. EcntM-teon. the other
day. The wash -which Ignited w hlle she WOE
at the hair tlreflser's Lnd which practically
burned a hole in her head , while horriblj
injuring her husband and ethers attempt
ing to tave her. waa made principally of
petroleum The hair dresser had used every
precaution extinguishing' fires and lights
la the room before opening the bottle While
working she used a rubber comb , however ,
and static or frictlonal eluctrleity , generated
by its pas&cge through" the unfortunate
woman's hair , doubtltsu developed a epark
which fired the highly ' -inflammable ctuff.
An investigation is now being made by gov
ernment experts to determine the real dan
gers of such preparation ! * , and It Is almost
certain that the Bale Vili be promptly
Such washes are in vary common use in
New York. Attention was first drawn to
ihtae compounds a couple of yeare ago
when the beautiful MrsJ Reginald Pitrwll-
llam , daughter-la-law rf Earl PitrwIUlam ,
had a great part of ncr | mir destroyed by a
tlmllar accident as thal-ftiiich , caused Mre
Samutlucn P death. Tbaj .accident , however ,
instead of having a deterrent effect , had the
lecnlt of widely advertising the explosive
hair wash , contributing -first to Its extensive
lite 'by English stxjety wumen. Mrs. Fitr-
willlam't. hair waif r ( the must exgulblte
shade of Titian red , tndh d long been the
tnvy md admiration uf society and many
w ere the efforts maflt > tq discover tlie secret
by which tht ) eujijiDsad toireuerve its
hue. When it wan liurn a by the petroleum
wat > h every one believed that the
fcccret wai > out. au'd vain women
rushed to employ tixtiame com
pound , bwdlctJt ol 1u > dangerti. Mr
Raveacroft , the fashionable in
St. Jamtt , ' Etreot , cay | ic liar numerout
customers whcue hAlr'ias been destroyed by
the eame cpeclee of waah and that Injuries
obtained are frequent , but art- kept carefully
beeret. ,
llfiiuMn IVnii Ordcreil Hrr - Ilfftirr
Srul Mfhkuvr AV k Scut ,
LONDON. July i * . Dituetehes trom Wash
ington tcy that in inuuy parts uf the United
Statte the ordering of H. 3A. S. Renown to
American water * ae the fltpehip of the British
North Atlantic fcguadron is regarded us Lord
StliEUury't auewer to Mr. SUermjui in the
neallng controversy , inasmuch us this is the
first time that tf battleship of the rc.t-claui
IU.E been sent Into thai quarter The .facts
of the cat > e * re the aifoitralty had decided
to vend the Ruioitc uleks before the rj-
cial dlEpatth to AmhiLbiadur Hay wat writ-
Sjraoial Bcssbn is Kcv & Thing of the
Prasidant Sfgns the KotEure oad it at Once
Bcoomee a Law.
Senate Adopts the Oonferenoe Eeport by a
Tote of 40 to 30.
Allen If. PrrM-iit , lint Doot A'itv. .
\\lillo I'fttlcr'-t' ntl KltAli -
ncul 7'liriiihflv f'K AXJtli-
tiut I'lilrK.
WASHINGTON. July 14. The tariff bill
passed its last leglhluthe at r p. m ]
' today , when the Minate. by the dedal ve vote j
of 40 to SO. agreed to the conference report i
on thi bill. The announcement of tic result
wcs p-eeted with enthusiastic applauuc by I
the crowded chambers Thlc closed tht great
labor lor which the rifty-lifth congrtsi as- j
seinbled in extraordinary session and after
stubborn resistance , at times threatening a
deadlock. tht < senate concurred with the
houst in a resolution for the final adjourn
ment of the session at Si o'clock tonight The
president's message Jor u currency commis
sion was received bj the house , but the
house bill creating a commission WRE not
acted on. ThUE the closing day was prolific
with a series of events , each of which ,
ulont , would have been of extraordinary In
terest. The final rote en the tariff confer
ence report and the bill were as follows :
Yeas :
Alflrl-h , Allison. XaV ! i
liurrowk. Cuncr , CluiX
lu i IK liUioe. niUtie ,
Fulrliiiiil.K. foniUez , Trje.
GullltiRer. G ur , HHIC.
lIiiRKliriurh , Ilcwley , Hour.
Junes i.t'v. ) , L-iSBt : . "MclSriae.
McKnery. iloilltlun , ilhron.
Mnrrlll. NelBon. 3'cnnffiC.
J'latt . 1'latt N. 1' .
IVrlcliiE. ( Coi.n-5. < ) ,
3'rltcliaril. J-riictor. Quay ,
S ! ! , Kliouji. fcpiioncr ,
Strw art , TtiunlDnVaircn ,
XVftmore 10.
Nays :
i Ilacnn. Inle. iierry.
CuflerjCiflHon. . Clay.
Cocljx'Il , Daniel , rmiltaier.
Gi.rnmn. llurrlE. Jonce < Arl : . ) ,
LinflEuy , Mallory. Martin ,
Mills Mltcliull. Mnrcun.
Murnny , rn c e , T'vttUK ,
KmiL-h , Smltli. Turler ,
Turner. Ttirni * " . VtFt
\ \ uttliall. T\1iltfi,1C.
The following pairs were announced the
flret for and the last against the bill
Chandler with Cannan ; Cullnm with Grnj :
Wolcott with George , Hanna wjth Row-
Welltegton vilh McLaurin ;
Hanua voted jrt first underth
that Mr Rar/linE , with whom he was paired ,
was prtfcEnt uiid learning of his absence
withdrew his vote.
The folio whig senctorE "were present end
did not vcc Allen , Butler , Teller Tvo
EEnatDrfc , Kyle ac3 Pettlgrew , were absent
and not paired.
An analysis of the vote Ehowp that the
affirmative was cast by thirty-seven repub
licans , one democrat , -one pilner republican
( Jcncs of Nevada ) and one populist ( Stewart
of Nevada ) . The negative vote was cast
by twenty-eight democrats and two popu-
listc , Harris and Turner , ilr. Teller , silver
republican and two populists , Allen and
Butler , did not vote. One populist , Kyle ,
and one tilver republican. Pettigrew , were
absent without pairs , which WOE equivalent
to withholding their vote.
Although the result v-as a foregone con-
clufdon , yet this did not abate the eager in
terest attached to the cloht ) of a great con
test. Earlj in the ( lay the dtbate vas llsl-
letE though enlivened at timen , with violent
criticism by Mr. Allen and by speeches from
MeELTE Burrow E , Caffery , Morgan and Stew
art , Tnhu occupied the time up to 2 o'clock ,
when the vote WOE taken.
Then came a lone parliamentary battle
over final adjournment. The opposition en
deavored to Boore a ; > elm by comjtelling a
vote on laying the president's message be
fore the senate , end succeeding in this at
tacked the majority for refusing to act on
the president's recommendation. The main
desire of those opposing adjournment was to
secure a vote on the Hams resolution call
ing on the president to stop the uale of the
government interests in Union Pacific prnjv
ertlet. For Mine hours a lively contest -was
waged. Gradually the tactics of the oppobi-
ticn were overcome and shortly before 7
c'clock Mr. Morgan withdrew further op
position and the resolution for flnal adjourn
ment wat prepared. Complimentary reso
lutions to Vice President Hobart were
adopted and at D o'clock the Cctl scene was
1'o.kei. llie f-loijf Currrury C
felon IUI1 und Adjourn * . .
WASHINGTON. July 24. The last
of the lioufcewas marked l > y many interest
ing events. In addition to the final act of
the speaker in firing his signature to the
Dingley tariff bill , a bill providing for the
creation of a currency commltt.ion vmt >
crowded through in the cloning hourt , und
the hpmaturb who thronged the galleries
were treated to a continuous , if not very
brilliant fusillade of oratory for several
hours. The house recessed until after tht
senate had adopted the conference report ,
and one minute und thirtj-oue suconds after
the hou ; reconvened the engrossed bill war
cigned and on its way to the president. The
demouBtratloifc which marked these rv its
were spontaneous and enthusiastic in the
extreme. The gUlerlet , played a significant
part in them.
When the president' * message came in
recommending the creation of currency
coininilon it wae received by the repul-
llcan leaflere w'ith great promptitude. By
means of a special order the Stone bill in
troduced tome dayp ago , with the approval
uf the administration , wan brought to a
\ote after an hour's debate. Considerable
foe-ling was manifested on both eldte There
w ere eoine sharp exchanges and t.ame iiliter-
netc was dlsjilajed. There wae , of course ,
the usual attempt to make political capital
out of the jJltuatlon , but all realized the
bill would not pate the ceiiate , end to that
extent the debate latkod fceriousncss. BtlU
the republican Ikadere felt they wore doles
their duty When the vote wu taken the
republican * preceuted an unbroken front
with two xcfpUon . Mr. Linnt-y of North
Carolina end Mr Muhtnv uf New York , who
voted with the opposition aeuntt the bill ,
wue pam > e by K vet of 121 to kt.
Wemther' FoTcuwt Tor Nib * * kii
T\it OiH.ltr 1nrlLl > l < W'tnfli.
J. South Atrlmn < T n < 1 l Sol ttadnd. Will VNM t r Crur.
TnHJT Hill Heroine *
ConriTiiInc < ln h 'n CMrf of I'nMcf.
2. ' qunlihlr tlr ' .uu Antnnlo I > r M.
U rU ' .V URtirt * t i-l H Hoiid.
Gi Coinpmij to inHrc ) < < Jt > 1'lnnt.
A. AuntlnVlim TfnnU t'lmiutiloiixttlp.
I'ltlwliurc MHUU thr < lrh > lcK.
M r J-olntrr tjr i > Mllr lu
4. 1.S-.I \ \ i > rb In O imhi Mirlal
> i 'lirMhU lu tin1 I orclcn Si > ri1 Hi.
TtiufKtoii llnld tinTruniji ClHril.
C. ( ouni-ll Hlun 1.01-nl Mnttrrfc.
Icrrllili' Staiuiuidr Ht I'Milui-Hh.
7. Ill the or < U of M'hlrHiic Wliwln.
C n l ( Ijirmuir * It - ili tn men.
Jtunh to Kloiid.tkf Continue * .
K. Mwln llulldluc of thr li ) > nsltlmi.
tiontnirt for tlie Iturlltictou I > i > ] i t.
Clerk Itelllt-ld 1 * Cul d Ii.mii.
P. l > uol ol fir S.i.ut tt'i'l ! ' in'- * .
Iliumlimtln ; l > .i riintpli rrnt Tulir * .
UJTortt. of ttirVcatlier on Crliun.
I'iczltn * and Their I'Kcullar llclli-ft. .
Ill "sliwwKliurj. "
11. % Voinuu : HITWHJH iitid Ilrr World ,
IS. i : < llti > rln.I und Conmirnt.
ta. Clarrlur I'lcf > a la A-tutl Srrilcr.
Kchoi-i. Ir.ilu thp Aut < - K.-HiniK.
14. ( l.u-itia Vaittltiir In ItrlSUh Cola-.tiSli.
IT. . Co-jiiiiT.-lal und FiuiTii-ial XPU .
( i ITt-iiklj Grl t of ji rU-Js GJIS ! | > .
Ae thp final Kct of the nespioc. the tpcakrr
announcrd the api > oiutuient of the corn-
WVnllii-r Vrr > 1'lrnt.nnt , TlKUicli
\\urin lit TlnifK.
Hour. lire ; . Hour. lire.
< n. 111 7 1 11. lu M
< > n. in 71 ii. in. . . . . . Til
? n. in. . . . . . 71 I ! | i. i SiS
S n. in. . . . 71 ! 4 ] i in. . . . . . SCI
: i n. in. . . . . . 7i r. IL n sr
1(1 n. in. , ? T77 It ] i. in. . . . . . * .l
11 it. in. . . . . . 77 7 ] i. 111. . . . . . S"
ir in. . . . . . . . . 7 !
Taken BB a whole yesterday was a
delightful day. It wa& quite warm , but noi
neirty BO much &o as the two previous dajE
tnd In addition to that there was a very In
vigorating breze blowing nearly all the day.
At tlaies , too. it vat rloudy. and there were
indications nf ram. but none had fallen i > t
sunset A fair day IE promised for today by
the Chicago weather office.
JuliIHtIlotiiltnllt ; JI Mjulr - * n STIc-i-
Sum of Uuirli > > h I'onndK.
( CoiiyrlfTht , IfeRT l > > ITCKS I'lilillfchliiB Comiiunj i
LONDON. July 24 CNew York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram. ) England hut
had to pay XhU.OOO for the entertainment of
colonial and Indian foreign jubilee visitors.
The bill for the colonial premiers and cuitcE
at the Hotel Cecil alone IE sold to amount
to flu.OOP , but the aggregate sum men
tioned flotE not report anything like the
total cJ3 endlture Incurred. The principal
eipenElvc"ot foreign Tojratiijf wrnij
of tie owners. Thus Lord lveagh , member
of the famous Guinness stout firm , placed
his palatial residence in GroEVenor Place ai
the disposal of Prince and Princess Fer
dinand of Bulgaria. Prince Ferdinand on
leaving presented him with a gold caske
w orth. it is bald. iSOO. and night before last
a burglar WUE cfiught leaving the house with
this interesting meme-nto , while he iiad up
wards of 200 worth of other plate waiting
for removal Jn the came way , Loid
Burton , the head of the BOEE ale firm , ga\t
his mansion , ChecterCeld house , totheprintc
end princess of Naples , who , on leaving , pn
scnted him -with a set of rare antique faenet
"ware worth , it is caid , 500. Other magnates
entertained other royalties , going to hotelr
during their visits. But for this the eoun
try's bill would have been treble the amount
stated As it IE it Is severely criticised by
the radical * in the Commons.
I KO P CTfe OPKVIll/l J-
\ < -cr"tlnt ! n . nlili Cntrliiiiil Orcr SCH
ProBrrcm-intr Piii pulilj.
LONDON. July 24 The negotiations for
un international conference aE to sealing in
the Bering sea are proceeding smoothly , and
the prcBpects arc .favorable for an earlji
agreement between the two governments
Ambascador Hay had a long and eutislar-
tory interview yesterday with Mr. Chamber
lain , secretary of stele Jor the colonies , and
afterward met Lord Salisbury. Later in the
day "he Bent teveral code diBpatchep to Sec
retory Snerman. The Pall Mall Gazette
SBJF"We ore given to understand thai
Mr. Foster ia not conducting the negotia
tions vlth Great Britain in the Bering tea
contiovcrfy. his iiosition being defined by
hit own fiide ab that of adviser on the
technical questions. We are acked to state
that all negotiations with Lord Sulibburj
on this subject ice conducted by Ambnb-
nador Hey It would fleem tinnceeeaary to
mctbt people that this should have to bt
ofilclallj fiti-tod. but there ore retsons wh >
the actual position should be properly de-
fccrlbed. Jt may be said on very good ground
that the Tnited State * government is auslout
in tblE as in otner inattert to adhere tc the
usages of diplainri'ic courtety , and jicsotla-
ticiifc in thu : country have been conducted
in the mott friendly manner. "
runssriic uEVCL.IMI
IliiihoiikVlilcli Mti ; Jiiiliicr Tin-in to
Join niniclulllf Ciinf Tcncr.
LONI ON July 24. A fltifinlte answer U
exi > eced from the British government within
the nert few days to the proposal of tin
rimed States and France for u hlmuiallii
conference The United States blmetUlii
commitiEloners we confident that the Invita
tion will be accepted but the movement
uiuru vith the solid oppositian of Britltl
capltalUt , who argue that the Britl b
financial eystem ic tatlsiROlory and the gov
ernment dhould not be called upon to atssUi
other governmnnu , Jiat may bt in dUtreEt
The only argument which wolghs with their
in favor of u uonltr&nee is the fear that
unless lutematiou&l aotloc is taken tor thi
coinage of silver the free silver parly will
succeed in the Unitttd Suite * and bring ou
a fuiaiicial jmnU in which Brltlch iiiveol-
inetite would i.uffpr It U understood tiii.-
trgum&ut hue baec udvuuccd by one of the
ittitmuibUoutrs 'ho iiac bbcn tuost active in
ende voiing to eulitit tbr euppurt of the
Rothkchilds and titber uig hwiivciert.
Nol Out- tit Audrt-rV J'Jccuun.
CHIUBTIANL1. July 24. It bai been
proved that the carrisr pigeon iound in
the neighborhood uf Scovode 1 out of thuie-
released on the 13th iiiKU. ut a place about
"ED kllumeterc tiurtivt ) * < t uf Hcligciland.
Urnrirul of Cnrlifct Artiillj.
MAQRIi.1. July yi In view of ! br unl-
verctl unreM amuue t ! ) elatbtt hr.i luJUicr' '
pbrtlet in. Sti.u tht Chrlibt Itfiders li \r (3t
cidud to btflu an bctive
out tLt whole cauctrj.
Public Opinion Ooaoarain ; tie Hsad of tia
Police Dspw.mjat.
Sicnufi bj Basjaoss , ProfuBsioaaJ
aad Working Men.
Oombication of L&wlesi Intsrests to Control
Omaha's Polio Fnrcs.
J'tilllujr to Sfcnrr tlit Aiiiiolnttnrnt < if
Tln-lr Choicetlif Pott-rlv Clrrn-
lutft. Sinn < ! < . titid I.I ! < ) > . Aliuut
Mr 11 Tbi-j Cniiuot t he.
The question of ranking a new chief of
pellet , which has ben hanging fire ever dace
tht new Board o ! Tire and Police Commls-
slonurE was appointed last March. , U ex
pected to came up for mittlemcnt at the
minting of the board tomorrow night. The
contest OUT thi * appointment bar. been car
ried on thus far largely under cover having
early resolved itself into the question
whether the new chief ehould be a man
ciiKicu because of Ills known abilities as
e. police othccr and iitnesE far the position
or should be named by and be subservient tea
a coterie of elements Interested in the run
ning of lawless resorts uui the manipula
tion of the police far private or political
purposes. The candidate whom these elc-
mentE have been exerting themselves to kill
off io Martin White , former chleh of the
Omaha police , who hut- been backed almost
solidly , not anl % In the entire b ilncgg
community , but also thi mass of the work-
ingmcn of the citj and by reputable citizens
of all without recpect to politics.
Besides his record ae chief of jiollce of
Omaha , Mr. White bus strong credentials
on file with the pallet board in the shape
of n petition signed by pretty nearly all the
prominent business houscE and a large num
ber of professional and working men at
Omaha , and letters from , many well known
citizens , all urging hit appointment as chief
of police. Tne petition leclteE that there
will bt more need than ever during the com
ing year foi a vigllunt and efficient police
force in this city. It declares Martin White
to be the most experienced and most effi
cient chief of police Omaha ever had , and
his appointment IE urgently requested. The
letters ore of similar import , though in most
Instances of a stronger nature. The let
ters ore from the ftTlowlng : Herman
Eountze , F. H. Davis. W. 3. Clair , 3. L.
Branflclf , Joseph P. jprtnzer , T. M. "Orr , J.
.M , Kenney. D. Clem Daarcr. , P. E , Iler
The petition IE elgned Jiy the .following
business firms and Individuals. : John F. Coad ,
Hayden Bros. , Coston Store , J. L. Branded
t Sons. TT R- Bennett & Co. . A Donagbue.
T P. Cnrtwright t Co. . A Edholm , Steph
ens t Smith. Sherman & McDonnell Drug
company , C. S. Raymond. Joseph P. Freiizer.
Rector & Wilhelmy company. Peyckc Bros. ,
E. E Bruce , Farrell & Cn. . Guy C , Barton ,
Deering Harvester company. E. O. Bugep.
general agent , J. E. Marke'l t Son , Millard
hotel H. P- Cody , president Cody Lumber
company , F. H. Davis. Herman Kountze.
Johnson Hardware company P. J. Bugler.
Philip Nathan Furniture company , Tlctor B.
Caldwell , Edward Lytle , Charles Shivcrick
& Co. , Omaha Stove Repair Works , I. Brown ,
S. Sugarmcn , Katz , Nevlus & Co. , Crane-
Caurchlll company , W. H Roherson , W , S.
Poppletcm , E. E. EdwardE Samuel Rets , IL
E. Smith Co. . Parton Gallagher com
pany , LiningT 4 : Metcalf company , Klngman
& Co. , The Sharpies company , W H. Mc-
Cord , C. E. Rldenour A. Booth Packing com
pany. Mm chants' Express company , Phil
Stimmell , The Cudahy Packing company.
The G. H Hammond company , Wagner
Bros. . Kitchen Broe Hotel company. Prank
Coljielzer , prwldent Tlie Chicspo Lumber
company of Omaha Omaha Elevator com
pany , John E Brady. A C. Drclbus , D. J.
O'Brlcn. The Omaha Pcjier Box company , C.
E. Carlton , W. A Carney Freezer.
American Biscuit Manufacturing company ,
Bemifc Omaha Bag company , American Type
Founders' company. King & Emead , Morse-
Ccie Shoe company. Branch Co. , Kimch-
baum t Sons Santa Clara Manufacturing
company. G L Wegeucr Brob. , J. WilliamB
Son. W. G. Sloan , Lte-Clarke-Andreesen
Hardware company , The Peoples' Furniture
Carpet company , Milton Tioeers t Bonn ,
Thomas Kilpatrlck Co. . 05. B. Wood ,
Luther Drake , J. A. Creighton , Gladstone
Broe. . H. HoHeufctock t Co. , A. B. Huber-
maun , Merritt SchlanU , Arcade Hotel.
C. J. Fuer. The Baum Iron company J. H.
Mlllard , John E Wilbur , George B. Lake , F
A Nnbh. H. H. Baldrige. D T- Mount , M.
H. CollitiR , Cruighton theater. Paxton and
BurgeBE. Charles L. Smith. 0 A Leavny ,
W T. Tucken , Charles Killlan , Dewey t
Stone Furniture compauj. H. Suscubacb ,
Voegle A : Dimming , H Cortan Co. ,
Charles H J'ickeus. 0 W Bettb , M. F Rcd-
ou , manager Avery Planter company. Great
Western Stove company. M. O. Qaxun Man
ufacturing rompany , Contiuental Clothlnc
company , W. R. Martin , M. D. . Kuhn fc Co. .
Brow nine , King & Co. , B. F Crummer , M.
D , J. N Marbh Byron Reed company , A.
L Reed. W L litard , Ptafce Brce. , W , A.
Kingbley , Flanlgan fc Heafey , IZidly , Btiger
t Co. . P. H , J'hllbln. J. A. Kuhn , general
agent Chicago & Northwuttern Tallvay , C , A.
Rutherfurd , Rock Island railroad , E , L.
Luvejuy. E. 0. Furcan , Omaha Diamond &
Watch company. J. E Rilry. H J Tenfold ,
M. H. Blitfc. Carter Hardware company , Thb
NebraEka Seed fompauy , C. H. Frederick ,
CMT & Pegau , P. E Flodmun W T Ehiitk-
elford , J. W Rote. H A Whltmore , Hamil
ton Brot. , A HoEpe. Thomas Qululan , Ed
ward Cabsldy , W J Hughes. Euclid Martm ,
J. I Woodard , ThomaE Swift , J F Lally.
Charles Haulej , P it Mullen Rlcbetiberc ,
Bmyh company BurLley Printing company ,
Thompson , Beldnn k Co , Omaha uurgical
Supply company. E F Loavcnworth , Uuttii-ia , >
& Co. , D J Crt-edou G. E. Dertraud ,
Thomas Harrington , IV H. Crary , A. Clark
Rudlek , P 0. Malley , Thomai Fallen Johu
A. Kt-wan i. Co. , Johu P. Qululan , Otto ,
Selffert , iL J. Dowllug. M. Collins. Mart fi
Jt. Coad , A. Merlin , J Beckman. E. C Gar-
vie. M. P. O'Connor , Jmepb A. Connor ,
Murb-Dtllou Drue t-oinpapy , John Beaton.
Jeniii : Brophy. J C Rooky , ThonAi T.
Swift. Thomas Qululau Henry Farmer U.
OlpHi l tver John Little , Lunlel Cftrey , E.
F wnn M T Murphy J A Tuggart , Brcuu
* . 0eU , a. W. MtJJaii. JametC Swift.
Thomai K Isuiu. P J. RuiuscU. Albert T.