Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILV BEE : Trik AV , .TTLV 1:1. : 1S07.
Rraok * "Gedrf : * ' ! ! Own " Klelc. 112 P-w y
Ir.vt-r Art lift : moved to 24f. MetTiam Mk
Tn Royal Neighbor * ot Lilly caaip tno t
t .iiu'ht
' „ < T We-e tut goo * to Kmrutli tor e
Ji-i > f iiit
\ \ \ fiMrman and * f Me ( MiJoytaS at
c. . . r at leiiowiuiue fi&rk
: . , - ( GlMer of MM ouH Valley ie a BUMI
nr Mui .I.liiiH.n uf RlRhtb trl > ct.
Tnincht te the rspulfcr tneening oS Con
cor IK Indpe Knlfiliti" Of Pytb'HJ.
nl ami Mi F. T Trnc ha f Cone U
Mi Hcia polnu tor a brief outlns-
Mu .Mulqueen & & * returned troni a trlj
i < i.unibut Clevolancl and Sandusky. O
Mi e .1 1 Jeffcrl find BOM of St. Jowp !
BIB v. i , ng her motlifr t 108 Fourth stn-ct
\ .Mt.Millan dpiart | Ml Saturday evening ti
n-iiiKi MM ( onelavt of Kniglitfi Totnplar a :
Fjunt Lnkf
; , in L A Mnrtln so'l na , ntwsrn. o
J > e Moiinr are v lilting Mr * D.V. . Pricw
Jn-i Martit , e mother.
.ilrr liifklimon ot W luennrtr anfl Mrs
In Ii of Miiimiiota t"c the nucsls ol Mt
a- i Mrs W U Taiklngion.
v. vv Lunper and family are fpending thi
! i i v.L athir In the wrnturu mountain renorts
J in t u ill bt tn Fen tor home time.
Mr * Juhi C Clanc ) aufl oti of Port Mafl
i > i. la are In .hi city guesti ot Mr. am
I.1 , la'-ub Sclinnai of Glee tvcnuc.
J \ IlioadViot of Anita returned to hi
1 , ie Uuu eveuliiR. after liavlng vis.tei
< rif nls .n tblt cltj fnr several dayi
Tin will of Ninthlaii DngDl , * hlch wn
MM ! June lu wan approved yesterday b ,
Jti pi inlth and admitted to probate.
' , murr.ngt lleeune vvns iEKUid ytt.terda
t" I'tiaritfc C Hartcr. Chicago , III. , age
; , < ! iiinl L D Iiakt-r , Council Bluffs , aged " ' .
M Muinle Hill joined an outing part
f-t in f uitfclm und loft for tin north las
f. > t g M.nne ipolih woo the llrnt objecth
pom :
M L W liurtiham. formerly of thin clt )
but now a lesiJtnt of New Yorl ; City , 1
MI 11 p v ib : C. K. Hcs.e and family o
Okiui tl avi'tiue
ll.i S-t Johns EnBllsh Lutheran churc
uii M M lav m.lioul v ill have their anuu :
pi u bt 1 ulrmouul park this week o
Tlmi i .v afternoon
Tin Muiei- Thomas anfl Mnstesrs Don Ben
uud rte-d Muijih ) left lant evening for Watei
i < N.b where they will visit friends an
i IT * a couple of weeks' outing
"he "Ewee-tcst thing" on the beach Sun
tli \ wut the voung woman in the prett
Blu-L walBt and duck hklrt , frebhly luundere
41 the Eugle L.inudry , 724 Bioadwa ) .
: Uie di-trii-t court yesterday the flm
n i o : of the udminlEtrutor in the estul
< > [ Kei.i&h C' Smiley was tiubmltted and a ]
jumetl Tin udmlnistiator wa < . discharge
and bit , bond exonerated
rount ) Clerk It"ed and family have n
tii mil from their pleasant and somewhat c :
t < lent ou'iiig on the northern lakes M
l.i > > ( ! CM i ilifs his experiences an amocig tl
iiiuvi ( ltihttul ! | of his Hie
Lit utt uunt U P. Pettlt leaver this afe !
IK i fin his home In Salt Lai.e City , Utal
af 1 1 o iiltasant visit of several montl
v i ! i frn mis and re'latlvcs in Omaha Com
t Bluffi- und other Iowa points The bo ;
cl i uiii ] in > L wish him a safe and plcasai
Jin 'i < i
C.'iitial ' L V Test left fnr Salt Lake lai
p iniip He will he absent several days HE
vl J uum will louX up nome impurun. ma
ttih iinii > 'tted wltli his duties as chttrma
o' ilit txi-tutive committee of the Me :
el. i und Manulupturcrt * association Pa :
ti' ilnMOutlcj. . are to help boom the Tram
n i M.-ni'pi Expusltlou
* " in l.ovul Temperar.ce nrmy will meet i
1 . fliii'Muii tabernacle , corner of Sco
ami Mvn te > r Btn-titB. this afternoon at
< r tin K Mih Denny of Vineennes , Ind. , m
nn , l orpi'Llycr of the Woman's Christie
T. mpi lante union , will address the chi
< 1 < ti All memburfc ure requested to 1
ji unit Pannti are invited to attend
1 Ii niiat- Welch , who cald hl home wi
ii , ( iiiulia fouuid hltnbelf In the vicinlt ) i
t ! i M rnpiiliian hotel last evening and I
tin i MM mi of Mtb John Short He did m
1m u e to address some insulting remarl
ti IH-I anil was promptly throvn Into tl
t 'ei1 b ) Landloid Bierworth of the hole
A pohttinun e-ame along about the tin
In lu.idetl in the middle of the aidewa ;
ui ' look him in charge
, , coal dealers have agreed to advani
tin prit e fid cents n ton. in view of tl
jin silile Bboilage in the east , owing to tl
Hanoi mriKe There are Ke-vcral indie ;
ti atof the existence ) of u fear on tlie jia
t > ' lii pi c oal foiiritimers that a coal Tamil
If. iliiiBteiiinr this locality All of the ral
routlt- read ing the city are increasing the
i. tn Ii o1 coal The Northwehte.rn on Satu
elaj brought in fifty cars ( if coal und bid
trai ivi J then in their yarflti for use.
> I Viavi Co. . female remedy ; consultatii
f'tf dllice fi.urs , 9 to 12 anfl 2 to D Heal
In.ol , furnished : :2fi-327-32S : Merriam block.
I\ > J'lumbinc cmnputi ) . Tel. 230.
TV h annual dlECOunt sale , 20 per cent
ii ( ui-b lUMomers. Durfet rurulture-
! ; i uni JOT B'woy
Huvurd & Pouter's $4 men's ( .hm * . , u
o i b uud btlet. , $2 SIS thib week at Su
Sf I'liUNV or Itlquor I.IITT.
A new pliaie of thti Iowa liquor law w
rxt tu'ed ymtf'day for the first time In tl
Miini > Count ) Attorney Bright of Shell
ci.un t began a i.nit In the district cou
ecu ntr Martin and ) 1'iper , w ]
huu pned the liquor bond of Max Duubne
( niiiM'ed with liU > Hci'iiKi' to conduct
siU.nit a : I'ortbmouth during ISiO Dcubu
jiunl In tlrht J300 of the JKOO license fe
In , in pit tied to pa ) the other and HU
eoi iid n , trading payment until almost a
( . i , nu'i- Incline fee had accrued He w
itu i im"d up by un injunction tinder t.
lutt In ptoptrt ) In which the lmnlnt"b
e- ' > DC ied becomes liable for the payme
Ii tu Ii. time and the Shelb ) county u
th tr it , M ut d hath the property and t
( - > mi i' K Thi1 stock wae protected h )
11. ruc < tu John Luider of this city ai
cu. . < i 1101 be touched The property w
rur tu mitt u under tlu law and nUvertlned t
bun liui ui huver could be found The j
t"im fileel Mhtcnlny alleges tlmt the jirn
TM ould not be sold fur TlftO at the pre
ti- .int Suit ik commenced nn the bo :
fur lit Hill amount of the indebtedness
tin IOUM > end Judgment Is asked for J51
vt b tnunet and costs The suit is hroug
lit i 'or HU riason that oue of the limit !
nut l vet in tlilb count )
All our ladies' J4 shot * , all bhadcfc ui
unea J2 US thib weel. at Sarpent'b
A' tur iuilieV J4 flO and Ju hhoeh blacl
an < lunh 13 lih tlilh week at Sargeut't
lii ou" way
'Jni. llo ; N Ilrutvilfil While Iliitliln
I'm r UuliGK la Jul ) 12 (3i iul Tel
rrcn John Ke-Il > and Prank Murphy t
foiintr ut luineoinbe und the latter tif Bt
in oo u.ri ( Irowni'U in the Iitw Molneb rlv
n * . ' > igh ) enerda . while bathing. The bo
vert mitme and were 37 ) earg uld Ntdth
cou u fWiii , well and Hull ) htartetd to bin
.M.'ri. * wti.i to hit uld and buth we
drownej ,
h r , ; , Garfitild'fc I. , und JC tboet > JS.
un UMI , wt-e.1 , ut Sargent b
tilrl Ivlllftl lii u Iliiininuj.
CF'JAlt RAPIDS la. Jul ) 12 ( Spec !
Ttugram iMiitt lla ) Tiirmou , aped 1C. II
Hip 'Hti nulif eatit of Itcnvlf ) . wub luhtuut
ki'u ' } todu ti ) a liorke running owa ) s !
liaO ne'-'D tt Remituud was marl ) lu freer
or he > humr when the auLiduiit ot'turred
fclif iut > alone it ib impuuible to tell hi
A I IT ' If Uiii ttif etmrt AI tt
* j : n s ur f n ftt r nivn ! uiui hot unt ) ,
ti-r ra * IT jou liuit Mnuruntv \ nr HE
' f. fr > A it ii k I mil Eu e i . n ( In t > r It
timl HiLKr MiilUtui : iit > v'urrii untl jirrvcr
r ( 1 i t > ' tHtuunc Jfft 1 > iBtrn uii S ruli i
r ; i Ik. It n > i iiriik und tiuniuiik nf till I * '
tiii i trk rvk ; uiiu ruruiurt Trj u tixlu ) hii
X'V kit OniCKUtk uud > huv utortni fur ric Tri
l cl. | T Kl.l U. AdOlu * , Xilu. 6. OilUitt.
I * iivy. K. r.
Underwood Lccu'eea Hobo Who W tit
Employment on t
' 1 rkln 111 * Cnjinrlty ( tir OfMitl Prm t-n-
Ct < r HIM ! MIIIMM 111Oriiilttitlo
Ii ) Mfitlliui li i'r ? tliliic lit ;
Coulil Curr ;
Sett 0 Underwood lookoi
over lilt v.Beirut Celtl of poldcn prtl - . 01
Setntlijinornlnt ; and 1-01eluded thhl h
would be obliged to Increeee bin fence n
harvest liar-elo If be maintained \ i-eputn
tlon of be-lng erne ol the nn t thrifty cm
enprcetlc 'aruierc in Pottawattar.iie county
All of the h&rv ( i hando In hl vlclnlt :
were at work , and lite only rcnourcc wn
to eomc to town and pick up some memlie-n
of the army of unemployed who hunt ; uroiin
the ctreet cornert and dlwujs natlonn
flnanrcc. He did not pet fully Into th
U&untB of the latter cla < , . but instituted hi
inquirlt-H at the Kiel hotel and the barn
attached to the hrotclry There he made th
acquaintance of John Williams , a tiueky tn
dividual John , wee inclined to treat th
proposition to co to work u ith the sam
contempt that had distinguished hit
through life but Vndervvood prevented It 1)
InvlttiiE bin to consider the metier ove.
a Rlats of beer The tramp was tinxlou
to keep on considering It that wa.v all dnj
but Vndervvond llnally got him into
wap.4i uud btarted with him to the countrj
At the Mipper table the tramp proved tha
he hnd the name cuormoup capacity for lee
that he huel for beer and the farmer cell
eluded that if hU new man could worl' Jui
half ah will nt , he c uld ent and elrin
he would be a champion harvester H
was a peed rester and pond eater all da
Stindaj , and hupped the blind ) side * of th
treu will eurnetit devotion When Mn
t'nelorwood FURpcsted that he mlRht fe-ed th
pips and milk the cowf , he informed he
that he was very rellpinut and we > uld hnv
to fir t petition the Omnipotent lor pen
miKsion to thus , desecrate His holj Sabbat
flay While he was prayl&q Mrs fnderwoo
went out and performed the little chore
she had asked him to do When nlct
eame the tramp appeared to be Just Uf. ana
IOUE to show hit new employer that hi
capacity for BlecpmK was JUM UK pret
as his eating and drinklnc aciompllshmeut
nnd he asked to lip carlj shown to hit hei
Mle room was In the viclnit ) of that en
cupied by another hlied man This hire
man looked at the tramp , and then at h :
own gold watch he wore ouly on Sunday :
and v , bile the tramp w-iih reclttnc ; "No
1 laj me. " in a voice that could be heard a
over the house , thih hired man war hidtn
the watch between the mnttrcn QS of h
bed and the pillows Bv ! ' o'clock the ran :
was esnorinp so carne-Ktlv that the raftei
of the house were vibratmp and tlie hire
man , believinp that he had sccurelv hiddc
his watch , dropped to sleep before mldniph
When .he fatnilv arose at elaylipht yeute :
da ) morning the tramp had nlread ) left h
room and Mr Vnderwood was cougrati
latlnp himself that amonr the uc man
other eUraordinarv qualltie-E he posst-hf *
the virtues of an enrlv rifer He was m
around when breakfast was called and U
ether hired man was eent to call him ll
stead of hunting for the tramp he wei
to hce if his watch wae where he put tt tl
night before and discovered that it had bee
btole-n Investigation tevealed the fact tin
another gold watch belonging to Mrs t'ude
wood's fcoti VVBP alf-o mining Further ll
quiry rhowed that the tramp had arisen du
ing the night , thorough ! ) ratihackcd tl
hoiihe nnd had taken everything- value 1
could find Mr Underwood came to tow
ycsterda ) and told the police about It Si ]
ping n cooling drink and recounting tl
story to a few of his old friomU , he r
marked "He wet , a pious looking cuts , at
was reall ) the btfot eatur and drinker 1 e\ <
saw. "
Attempt 1 Hrlnt t'l > < li ' IMrj rlr- ( i
< 1 In a HIMU Aeulii 11 Pnllurc.
The clt ) council held a brief adjaurm
meetinc ; lust evening , and awarded the coi
and brick hid- -
tract * ! for cmihtructiug plank
walks in accordance with the bidt at tabi
lated b ) the city engineer S. Huliu A : C
and John Skinkle i.ecured the contracts
Marshal Canning reported that he butl not
fied the owiierb of a partially burned bulli
Ing at Aveuue H and Twenty-eighth stre
to tear It down.
The Judiciary committee- submitted
proposition from William Martin to acce ]
J25 in full katlKfactinn of hU , claim again :
thH city for J-10 damages for the tnjur ) i
a bom1 , and alho to Include a similar hi
of damages for u horse injured In 1HU
The committee recommended the1 ucceptani
of the offer and the council agreed to It
An effort wu6 made to bring up tl
bicycle ordinance again , but it was prompt
hat upon b ) Aldermen Sayles. Casper Shi
hcrt and Prough. who all votc d to nueta
Alderman Sayle'b motion to lay the ore ]
nunce over until the next regular meetii
In August. Alderman Casper vvub will It
to let the thing come up and be killed
once but other members desired to lei
into It a little further nnd it went ov <
with a pretty large certaint ) of mectlt
that fate in the end
An ordinance wat introduced ordering tl
grading of Palrvirw avenue. Jt went ov
under the rules
The olllclal acceptance of the Long Di
tunce Telephone company o .uance was pr
sented and placed on file
Permission was granted to Ibauc Smith
oceup ) a street lunch stnd on Ilroadwu
between Pearl and Main W H Welch w
granted permUEion to move his stand frn
Ilremdwav uud plaee It under the tha
trees at the corner nf Iluliss park
I'pon motion of Alderman Casper the cl
solicitor wub ItiBtructed to prepare an nrt
nance requli ing all telephone and telegru ]
companieb to IIBJ an annual tai of n i
ever ) pole belonging to them within the cl
Aldurman Puce reported that his comm !
te > e un pulice and health hnd Invcstigat
the ) repurted bad conditlnu of tht old dum
ing ground , and hud found that the u
burled carcasses complained nf at a prevln
meeting had beeu lying on the surface fever
over a veur and had been thoroughly drl
UP InMcad of finding thi "thlrtj or fort ;
di'ad horses reported the ) found half a doz
bleu lied end eidorle. > s skeletons
The council spent Mime time dlhcussl :
the dumping ground and garbage quchtk
but reached no other conclusion tlmn th
Alderman Pace's e-ommltte-e1 had not coi
pleted lu work and ordered a further 1
vestigatlon of the dumping problem T
nlrtt rnien are endeavoring to meet all
the requirements of the situation winch a
mum and conflicting The ilcsirr ib
protect Oarbipe Master Nelson In his otlli
and at the hnme time , provide a meuiib 1
the people who desire to dispose eif thi
own garbage when too poor to pa ) t
cost which the council hah authorize"1 t
garbage muster to collect The commit !
Is tapocted 10 securea public dumpl
ground , whle-h can be controlled lij the cl
exclusive 1) , for the use of the ] iiorer cU
of i > eoilc |
The council adjourned to meet tomorri
evening to consider the wide tire ordinance
Snrpfiit'f , JS hhne > , the lire ! on eart
K40 all thlr week at Sargeut'e. bign
the Hear
Mn n mill 1Vifr Klllril IM I.lKlnnln
r > ni < HI N Y Jul ) 32-ndwln J B-ttgj. :
wife wno resided on u furm lmilefc ! fru
De 1.1. - tre killed 1 > \ llgbtniiiK IUH nip )
The ) liuJ li en to a ItttlpnUor j. imufe n
nert > on their way lionir w nen u fniw
forced UmW lo take rufupe under a trt
Thn were itpiiartmll ) killed Itie'.unil ) Itel
vvub aliuin if > tytrs of iipc Two childr
survive the
Muiik 411 fhr Mrritf Turk.
TACOMA. JuU II By r uton 11 : lie br u
liip of tlit i oiuifnine rod attached to t
. jrf\t-rnor tin fun \-ton fl > wht-fl of u j >
, , if I'urlit * t omji mud ftiRinf of tnt Tui-m :
Strt-fi railwat i ompan > wt-ni u int-t KB < !
i plrir } wrt-tkilig thr Vlant nrH liu.iain
r-uuhiiiR dumuct ic thf extent of JiV ( ' T
wreck invuim the total UUrJtitlnuuuce of I
" " ttrfctt cw trtfflc for e\trJ fiaj
ffrh. ptekr ejcfp'HiP hf pRrl < nnfl K'11
fc.n lint i T h < } r Turnt hrt lix the plant
tthf clM Tot llrhtlnp Jiurp i ewill In dls
rotitlt , ueO t rmporarih
Itnl'tCiilltftttiti of K\lilliltk llclntivi
to I litAttntitlc Cnlilf.
One of thf mot iutrrcatlni ; collection *
ever ccurfl by the National museum hw
Jtt arrived at that Itwtltutlon IB W htug
tot tnd i * hrtnp arrHnsed for exhibition bj
Prof George C Maynard in cb rre of thi
collertlont in the Department o
under the direction of ProJ
The collection w s the prcinrty ef Mr i
Ifobella Pield Judson of fiohbs' Terry , N
V. . WJ-R the Globe-Democrat , and com
frci > tb * private pjpers of her father Cy
nw W Field relative to the laying of thi
Atlantic cable. cabl gratne > drat dent object !
with which he worked out bis Idea of la ) Ini
the eablt anfl many other thing * of intercs
pertaltiiuc to U The comsponfleuce am
autograph copies nf telegrams -nt b ) Mr
Plelfl to tht president of the Vnlted Stste
and other prominent prrsoiit , are extrcnirl :
Interesting There are man ) letters am
draughts of plane invitations sent aud te
celved. in Mr Fields ore wrltlui ; Th
ropl t. o ? Uie tck-critmt font to hi ? wife am
father Juet after the Euccestiful laying of th
cable or "Atlantic telegraph ' n he tcrtnei
It are cKpeciull ) attrnrtlve An object In th
collectloti which is calculated to inspire th
greatest amount of Interest Is tht globe , con
itrucud by a London manufacturer ou whlcl
the great electrician traced the cours-e for th
cable to be laid from Newfoundland to Ire
The Journal kept by Mr field and note
' of deep fee bounding set down b ) him an
ameers of the Great Eastern , b ) which th
cable was laid , are part of the colloctioi
Mr rield's private library with all the lit
' erature relating to the work of laying th
i cable , forms another part of It There or
hlso copies of medals presented him b
congress and the Prcuch government ; eti
graved re"olutlnnr parsed by members e
bndltt. In thlF couutr ) and Durope. D can
presented , made from the wood of the Grea
KHBteru Among the relics which cause th
visitor to examine elo el ) aud attentive !
are cnses containing sect loin , of the first cabl
and those evolved from It
I Sectlour of the messages transmitted I
regard to manufactures for the space of te
or llfteen years after the first cable was lai
down and presented to Mr Tlcld by til
manufacturers are shown ; a Fllver v si
i gold chased presented him by his childre
on the occasion if his1 golden wedding whlc
l occurred in December 1890 Ou thin a :
1 Inscribed the name's of all his children -an
, grandchildren This is inlaid with parts t
the cable and also the cteamer Orel
I Eastern. _ _
Dentil of n Mini 1o AVliom tlit' nitilte
\ \ ut. n TullHinnii.
The announcement of the death of Capta
William Fowlei relates the Buflalo Exp ct
recalls tUe common superstition concernli
the number " 13 ' tor he it w as w ho orga :
tied the first Thirteen club Captain To\
IT was followed through hK life by th
number , and. as hewas Mi y successful i
a rule in all business vetituub. he came
believe that it war really his maniot Tl
number llrn appeared when he T as gra
uated f-om school No IS at 13 years of ap
Tlie building firm of which he was
member erected thirteen public bulldinp
When the captain was twice thirteen yea
old he was chosen to command the "Old Ci
Blue * " and he continued at the head of h
companv until Ap 11 13 1RC1 During tl
| war he was in thirteen battles On accou
| of wounds he wat forced to resign b
' , commission on August 13. 1&C.3. and on t ]
thirteenth of the next month he took pci
session of the home afterwards famous
Knickerbocker cottage HP was a celebrat
entertainer and had at his table about :
the well-known men of the countr ) T ;
cottage passifd out of his possession on Api
13 , IfcSS The captain belonged to thi-tc <
secret societies and was a .2d degree Maso
He was also thirteenth on the membersh
roll of the Nobler of tin Mystic Shrine.
WES In 1SSO that the idea of o-ganizlng t !
famous Thirteen club flrbt came to hii
and he struichtwa ) set about finding ti
proper membe'E Thirteen men of the reqi
hite nerv * finally agreed to meet , and Sc
tember 13 , 1SS1 , was fixed for the first ha
quct of the club Twelve of them arriv <
tarly The banquet hall w as arrange d
def ) supeistitlon Everything on the tab
was arranged in a series of thirteen spllli
salt was everywhere and to enter the-y hi
to pa 6 under crossed ladders What mai
eleven of them more uncomfortable thi
anything else was a motto prepared by t :
captain and suspended on the walk On
ted background In white letters woe , "N
Morlurl Te Salutamus' ( We about to d
salute you ) Long the twelve waited for t !
musing member When the hour grew la
and It seemed that the banquet would be
failure a happ ) idea struck the captain O
of the colored waiters , the whites of who
eye were alread ) Khowing was drafte
Trembling like a leaf , he was dragged to
deek and told he should become a membt
De&pite hie , howls he was put through t :
flrst rites of initiation and was Just beii
shoved through the ladders when the
guest arrived
no\mini.Dcim IIVY Tun
OttnniTin Wilier Coiiipiitij V Proper
IN Siild lit rort-fliiHin- .
OTTTMWA. la. . Jul.v 12 ( Special Tel
pram ) The plant and prop'rty of the lov
W'cter corapan ) in this citv was sold todi
at mortgage sale for JTu.lOO to the bnn
holders' committee The committee repr
sented S22i > 000 out of the $349,000 of bon
of the company The hale was made Mibje
to the underlving mortgage nf tlie Ottumv
Water company to the Boston Safe Dejios
company for JGl.diifl The sale wap co
ducted U ) Va ler Cnramibsioner Babb und
an order fro'n the United State * court.
A rompati ) will be o'ganized from 11
committee and extensive improvomeu's w
be made In the plant Interveners lu t
cat-e flled objections to the sale , but it
thought that Vnited Stales Juflge Wool"
will overrule thnaj atjil Luulirm the sa
at once The plant was up ; o t ]
time It went into the reue vet ? hands by
L Wile ) . now of Omana.
riiieil for IlL-cnl Pl lilnc.
CEDAU RAPIDS , la. July 12 ( Spec !
Telegram ) Sixteen men and boys who we
fishing Illegally were today fined f-5 a
costs each Eight othe-rs who were arrest
early yesterday morning with those fin
will have their trials tomorrow AH we :
to Jail , refusing to pay their tinee.
iicuiiifc of n DM ? .
LONDON. Jul ) 12 Samuel Charles A
sop. second Huron Hmdlip , Is dead , aged
years Baron Hlndllp wan for ma
) eare idertified with tin great brewing hot
or S AlUop A : Sons From 1873 to 1S80
tat us member of Parliament for East Bti
fon'shlre and from liiSi to IS ! , " foTauntt
DETROIT. Julj12 Hnn George V
Lothrop ex-miuU ter to Huaiia ate
o clock this morning at the Lothrop ie
denre He wus htrlcken with heat prrsti
tion a week ago and had been in a t-onutt
condition mtt of the time elnce Mr Lnthr
died peacefully , surrnundrd by the menibi
of hie family Captain Henry R and Cyr
II Lothrop aud hit > daughter Mrs Will's
Prall wife of Rev IK Prall of this cl
Hie other daughter. Baroness Hi-une , ir
Si Petertburg
HAURlSIirRG July 12 Louis W HE
attornt ) for the Peniifilvania railroad a
a member of the board of visitors to t
Vnlted States military acadera ) tt W <
Point died suddonl ) this morning of hei
STANTON , Neb . July 12 ( Special Te
gram Mrt Monlmcr was found deud
bt d jesterda ) evening Heart failure v ,
the caute of death Mr Mortimer is ma
ager of .Mtirfbtll Field's ranch and Is aw
freim home bu.vinp wttlt-
GIBBON. Neb Jul ) 12 ( Special
Thomas Kirk reached home ) esterda ) w
the remains of hit gun James C Kirk 1
young man had been suffering far a year w
tubereulotiie of tht lunge About six wet
ace he left for the Yellowstone Nutieii
nark in t.earch of htclth aud hod react
Sheridan Wvo when ne was taken do
with mountain frver from which be d
Juh 10 The funeral was held toda.v
the Baptist rhurch ReA W Ceiffui
preaching the sermon Interment was
Riverside cemeter ) v\iih Makonic ce
uiouii'E The deceased was 20 ) fare old v
a member of Granite lodge No 189 l
cieut Order of Free and Accepted Maso
also of Gibbon lodge , No. 3i , Ancient On
o ! United Worksxetu
Turks Assort Th y Will iErtorminato thf
- ' .x
fmi. llm < Aliiiiii1u icil.\\ litili-Mi
iiNNiit-rri. for No lii * BC'trttiln
but Monrr .Mftliotlnntif IHh-
llllfclllkT ( If ' 1 lirill.
FAK1S , July 12 1'ere CharmcnnMit , dl
rortor general of tht rrcncb mission in tlii
Levant has received by waj of the Csucasu
and Tim * a report prepared by a uumbe
1of 1 A rui en Ian notables and Gregorian bishop ,
on the southern boundary in 'Armenia I
took the messenger who had the docunuMi
in charge nearly three month * to pet throupl
dlflleuUits end dangers along Uie Turl :
j Ish frontier , which was carefull >
apainu all Armenians m Armcnlau
thlzerE. The report , which C1U thirty prime
papes pocs fully Into the nltuatlan
I According to Its author * the Turks 1n Ar
incnla , fearing European Intenuntion , ha\
abut doued tlie old practices tifliolraal
massacre , but during the last year there lm\
been clandestine butcheries utifl most tcrrl
ble persecutions , especially In the more f (
laote province ! , The Turkish soldiers boat
! that they have eworn to wipe out the whol
Armenian rare. The dofumtni recites I
details Various forms of persecution H MI
peart tlmt the tax collet .or * seize tnc in
habitants if they do not pay everything dt
"Women are taken through the street
with chnliiE around their ueeks and lri ! fo
days without food In some cases they ai
fastened : o pillars , head downwards Trees
Ing water is thrown over them and they ar
lien ten until the lilcad runs In other caec
their handB are tied behind their backs an
they uro whipped Often they are burnt ?
on varlout parts of their bodies with redht
"All the hiphwnjK nre guarded so as t
prtvcu4 ernigratlou Not a olngle da } passi
without our hearing of or witnessing homt
where within our unfortunate provinces hem
act of flendthh cruelty. The Turks nn
Kurds enter the houses of Armenians i
gangs , bind the men and then assault thei
wi\ce. sifaters and daughters before the ,
eyes. "
The document concludes with the dcspal :
Int ; cry "Our hope Is d > ine out God hul
us. May Europe have pi * upon ut , "
Aiitrrlruii r < iniiiilM-l < iinTk Ilttlil Cm
frrrnrr Ttltli Ilrltinih.
LONDON. Julj 12 An important confe
ence was held ut the foreign ofllce todt
lift-wren Senator 'SVolcott former Vice Pre
ident Ste\cuhon and General Payne , tl
members of the Vnlted States bimetall
commlcbion , and Lord Salisbury Mr Hn
Sir Michael Hickfc-Ileach cnaucellor of tl
exchequer , Arthur Balfour. nrst lord of tl
treasurj. and Lord Hamilton bccrotarj
state for India The .continence , whii
lasted an hour was preliminary to the can
ing on of further negotiations on the Bubje
of international bimetallism. The Amc
jeans did most of the talking. Lord Sail
bury Inquired what were the jiowers of tl
American commissioners. , and was informi
that they btand authorized to make arrang
mente for the holding of an intcrnation
conference or to negotiate a trtat > of inte
national bimetallism , which they might su
mil to their government for ratiflcatio
It was stated also that Trance was rea <
to co-operatt with the t'nltefl States Gre
Britain and Germanv tn reaching an agre
meut for international bimetallism
The BritiHh representatives present maine
no statement indicating their intcntioiiB
the matter.
Consultation of high British officials w
be held before the meeting with the Amei
can coinmisBiontrs. and in the meantime tl
latter will privately discuss the quchtli
with Baron de Kothschild and other fma
ciers and endeavor to secure their suppoi
Lord Salisbury accompanied Messrs We
cott Stevenson and Payne to luncheon
Windsor on Saturday , when thej were r
dived by the queen and presented to h
majestj their commissiont as special e
MIVISTKY M\Y nnsin :
Gin frumciil Hit * n Nnrrim EM-HI
from Defeat.
PARIS , July 12 The government had
narrow escape from defeat In the Chatnb
of Deputies today The minlRters desired
postpone until autumn the discuboion of t !
bill for the readjustment of the direct taxi
the passage of which would chielly bene
the peubantrj.
The opposition , led by M Miller , and t !
socialists urged the immediate discussion
the measure. In the first division , tin go
eminent was defeated by a vote of 270
245M Cnchcry , minister of finance , made
clever reply to M Miller and his supportei
saying that this vote implied a prefcren
on the part of the socialists for the exihtli
system A scene of the wildest confusii
ensued , the socialists rising to their fit
ihoutiug and shaking their fists Anoth
division wet final ! } and M. Millei
motion for tin immediate discussion of t :
bill was lost bv a vote of 270 to 2S7. T ,
trouble was largel.v due to the ilefectii
of a section of the rightists Should it occ
acain tomorrow when the usual bill rein"
Ing the direct Is Introduced , nnoth
critical division is possible The dnwnfi
of tin mlnintry on the eve of Preside
Taure'E vlhit to St. Petersburg would
most unfortunate
Fort } J' -iiil < - Killed mill Mmij Mm
COPENHAGEN , Julj 12 A terrible ra :
way disaster took place about midnight
GJeutofte The express from Hi'lfiingoer
ran into a passenger train { .landing at t !
Motion , vrucl.ed eight carriages , killed for
persons and injured sixtj othcrc. Most
the victims are ol tlic artitan class. T ;
dead cud iujurfd have been eouvejed in m
bulance trulns to this cltj
It appears that the collision vat due
an error made bj the engineer in recogn
ing signals Two bodies vert curleati
The number serioutly injured , is eigbty-foi
IIIV > IhNllf flf \ < lt ; f , u J lffHf nf tl
\iuiiiint A litliiirlrtMl
MAI > niP , July 12 TJi'p b temcnt of t
Hank of Spain , -which has been formal
gazetted , has increased thciftdverje coinme
en the licinK management It hhows a uc
circulation of 13C,000OUO pmetus in cxct
of the authorized lestif. '
MANAGt'A , NlfuraguR , { n& Galvcsto
July IS Today l-rendum Eidlaja gate a EI
ueBsful nccjitloii in honor if thf fourth t
lilversary nf the revolution 'v-Jiith ' madt h
president of Nicaragua nnd Viand the I
erals in power Among -tin gjifiu wt
Lewis Uaker and JoUiii.E.i IlaUei I nl-
fitatts minister and tecr ; inry of the t in'
States legation. respurtt\fly. und all the 1 <
eicn consulK cxtejit tht JinglibJi The tu
pacj Includud manj Jortipncrt uud pi or
nent Kicaraguaus
Ilflirlk llurii u GIM t-riiini-iit hlntln
LAV AN Island of Labun Nortbwi
Coabt of Borneo , July IS Mateallox t
rcbtl leader with blxtj followtrt attatl ,
and burned tin goiernment station a1. Gu
at deybrfal. yekierdaj lit- looted the tov
backed the trtBburj of abuut i' ± UUli i
jirluoiitd the officer In charpt and othuru a
killed B corporal of poliet The llr.tisti rt
dtiut ininiK't-r nas gumthert with u sm
force of tree ) ,
ronilltliiiik Miitlili > Ciliulfinnlli.
MANAGUA Nitaragua Junt H { Con
spoudtincf of tut Associated I'rets ) J're
dent liarnos of Guatemala hut inform
1'rticident Znlaje of Nicaragua in cubH'.an
that the conditions' on which Guatemala a
Costa Itlca will enter into a Central Ame
can confederation are thtt the firm jirt
deal ot tbt conledertcr. U oreactzed , it
IM ' - Ritleni iRlems n' Tostii Klce and the
< ! ] of 'he < irn p'-PKlrtentlRl term c > ' fl\f
six or ninnert hf Inf-atrJ : Put ) Jo e
In < nr's Jiini mid the wend pn-niVnt rlull
be PrfrtdfM Harrlrf of QuKtenmli witb thf
r > plt l during hiF uric at OnutiinalA ' 'ity
Thrf condition * will pitiMM * not Vie BC-
rwtcd by thr president * l the other On.ral
Atnerlcau mates
I'tHMJUS . % llltllU > > THIS J-tl-T\\
\titiouncr Tlic.i HIM i < Octi-riuliieil tt
I'm nn r.nil to tin * Illistriie-tliin.
CONSTANTINOPLE July 12 Tollowlnj
Is the text of the rollTtlve s * e of the pow-
rr i to TuKtj - "The prrat powers lmv
artoptpd the project of fctratrpical rectifirg'
lion HE U has been out by tbt tail , '
tarv attnchtr. and communicated to the Sub-
limp Pone lu consequence , thrj hav
agreed to awure thr Ottoman govcrnrnptu
that the ? h vt arrived Bt c firm dptermin '
tlon tn put an end to Uie obetruction tin
only efiert ot which Is the prvvrntlon o :
, the eonclUBlon of a peace eminently It
tinIntercut of Europe. "
I llERLLN. Julj 12 The Tapeblatt'e Con
filantlnople corrcBpi'lideht Bays that tin
Bnti h and Trench ambaisaaor * to TurUrj
are about to bp recalled ovvlnn to tlipli
povcrntnetitfi being dlBgatlfiflpd with thel :
conduct in connection with the pence tipgo
1 tiatlnns. It U elated that Emperor U'lllLan
who IB unw on n tiorthland tour lippt thi
j telrpraph wires between Norwaj and Be-rlii
occupied with otticlal diBpatchec durlnc tin
whole uf Sunday night Thepc dtspatche-s 1
i Is Buppoe-ed , were In refcrenee to caster !
j af/atrs
PATHS July 12 Yellow hootm were leeuei
today which ore chltfly Interesting In tha
they connrm TluNsia B Initiative In th- -
i European concert's caBlprn policy and Ger
many c holding aloof from the concert nni
Imitating that energetic incnsurcs ogains
Greece be adopted They also show tha
I Bulgaria nnd Servia In re-bruar > las
wanted to demand certain privileges trou
I Turkey for Macedonia but Servlo decllnei
I to ally herself under any pretext will
! Gree-ce and utipulnted that Greece shoul !
i not be u partv to the demand.
j HOME. July 12 In the Chamber n
' Deputies todas the Marquis Vlscontl Ven
ohti minleter for foreign nffairs said thn
' the Turkish government was placing numer
ous dinicultles in the way e > f the prosecu
I tlon of the peace negotiations nnd causin :
delay He lidded "This condition o
I things cannot be allowed to e.intlnue Th
I great powers icniain perfectly united an
ure > determine-d to attajn their ends. "
uiottnt u nun riuiit.
BARCELONA. July 12 At the bull HE !
yesterday a riot took place , growing ont t
an alteration b > the management of th
announced order of proceedings The spei
tators threw sticks benches and evcrythin
movable Into the arena. The bullfighters He'
in dismay nnd the gendarmes were compelW
to intervene \fter some one had fired
revolver the police cleare-d the ring Seven
gendarmes and inspectors were seriously ii
Jurcd The rioters tried to burn ihe bul
ring Manv arrest * have been made.
riirm ii Culinii Cluli I" Colon.
COLON. Julj 12 ( New York World Ct
blegram Special Telegram ) Many w ealth
residents here both natives and foroigne-ri
have determined to secretly aid the Cuba
, insurgents A soc ietv called the Star clu
| has been formed anfl has n large metnbei
I ship Tunds have been ralBPd to scud r <
' lie'f to the wounded insurgents Clubs hav
also been formed for the same purpose i
Bocns del Toro aud othei centers.
Clinnues In Hc cinuk > Mnn.
LISBON. July 12 The budcet will I
submitted to the Corte > s today by Sem
Riboiro. miulster of finance. It providi
for a reorcanization of the Bank of Porn
gal , a conversion of the cxleiual debt
government rnonopols In the manufnctui
and reiluiug of beet sucar the leasing of tt
Btate railways and chungcs in the tobacc
and match monopolies
StlltVhlllfll Mllllll Knell OtlUT.
BUENOS AYRES. Jul.v 12 Scnor Jul
Costa , formerly governor of the province i
Buenos Ayres , and Sennr Mariano Pauero.
member of the House of Deputies , hetvvec
whom there exists an old feud , met ou t :
street today aud drawing revoiveib brga
firing at each other Both wcuc acriouol
Oriiiiireim'iiV I > ii > to C 'lfl rii < e.
BELTAST , July 12 The usual celebrn'ioi
in commemoration of the battle of the Bojt
took place today Twenty thousand Orang
men marched in procession end great crowi
filled the st'cets Everything putted off .
the meet orderlj fashion
Itniulcroh ICillfil.
HAVANA , July 12 Reports from Snnc
Splrltus confirm the rumor that Genri
Qiieirm Banclerofi , vsho commandel 'l > e i
mi g ntt ; in the engagement on Juh "i ,
ppya Heights , was killed duiing the
Ilcin < ir * il li > Mtnl -U.
PARIS. Julv 12 News has been receive
from Has Jibutlte. on the Gulf of Aden I
the effect that King Menelel : II hap a ]
pointed the Russian malar. Leontieff go' '
ornoi general of equatorial provinces i
niitrlUli Null \ \ < irK Th Mrlkc.
LONDON. July 12 Tlve thousar
wrought nnll makers in Staffordshire at
North Worcestershire have struck for a :
per cent advance in wagce
Coiulilnliiir Clilcnpo CIIK Ciiiiiiiiinlci.
NEW YORK. July 12-The Muil tina E
jirehs today quotes a gentleman connect
with the Chicafio ConHoliclate-d Gas c-tn
panles as enying " is the nut
lion to oiganise the People's Gaf , LiRht a-
Ooke compun.v One of its ndvuntnp < < v
be tliut the legislature cannot unn \ i
( omj'any We elo not imend by nr\ mite
to pusb the price of CUH up to un unn u
which the pi-eiple of Chk'URu e-aniift < i
pnv Pains will bt taken to aneertun t
jirice at wliieii it can be delivetftl LI
reasonable profit to the investor * . "
ciiii-r or rciiii'e niMiiUhfii.
BAUT1MCIUE , Ju'y ' 12-Tf.e . B mrc1
Pulice CiimmiyBlone'rs t < ( la ( llsmls i < < , > '
Marshal Jacob Tie.v , the uctiml ehn (
pallet , as the result of nn Investlgiitl
whluh bits been in progress for smr
weelcn Frev has been on tnpnllt < f ( .
various cnime-itioi. for twenty MuriT
ehiirgcs were prejened by the Hrfur
Wlm-liri'iiniT < ! lrl Ili'iicln-h Di-im-r
liENVIDR , Jul > 12 Julia L Burtun tl
IC-yemr-old stejiduughter of Adam
ner of Beatrice , Neb. , wna has arrui-d
lienver to live with her aunt , Mrs r. !
HlBtinp btlll liearr the marKs of tht htut.i
with n horsewhip which cauned her to n
uvsay from homt a fortnight nio. ;
Crocker l.ll.flj ( o Ilecim-r.
SAN rrtANClPCO , Ju'j 12-The latest '
formation from the summer home of < ulm
Charlei F Crocker , where the Southirn )
clfle's \lee president lies prostmted frcn.
Ftruke of up plei , is to the cfft'I
Colonel Crocker IT restlnt : quietly , wi.n i
voruble indlcutions ot recovery
Cnlliollc Summer M'liiMil.
MA1'IS' > N Wis Jul > 12 The 1 t.
r.uul K shion of the C'olumbia Cuthu n sui
nn r bt jiuul npentd niri tociuj with u ici'u
tiyjuigt M JVuat of liwu Thtsc fc.
lone niy tliroatvj
filk'd vritli hores , lurf
lumps furme-il ( in in
nei k , and u horrib
ulcer brote out on my jaw , taj
Mr. O 11. Elliertrlio reside-s nfcca
ii2d fau and Avenue > . , Galveno
TertE He WUB thrct ) tunts jin
riounced cured by proirjnt jiJi ;
BiciaiiR. but the dreadful uihea o n
wuj-6 returned ; he was then told tin
was tl
f fi I 1 C
out , and he was in a nod jihfrli
Alter taking one buttle of b h
lie began to improve mid two dozi
bottles cured
lain completely ,
fro that for more
Las had no B\gu \
of the disease.
Hook on tbt. dltc&u nd lu tr tm n
fr c If Bwttt clflt Cu , XtUau , Gu
err lnue tSree we k * \rnlriF 'hi % <
lii- ! will \ " p v < r n r < < i > t iti f tliv ' .i
bcu e where th c" lotu n litl' Tin
leiu anct wil bt nlioii thi
JPRT whrn It a\crnpe > l 5P" fl
1'nrki-r tn > on tlir Iliinnl
Atr.ANT N Y Julv 12G tn > . - . . 1
toilny Htinputiced 111 * dl KifnovHl ] t-f M > > '
Stronp's order i-f rrlncvul of IVIu t m n i > .
( loner Andrew t' I'n'-krr < > f Ntv i ,
I'artw-r w- < oharpedwith n < cl < t f n *
l < ai Qovertu-r lUnck tlilnkt It u not sii"
mined l-j the evident e
I'nlr niulnrnur I Nflirnvkit.ltli
. < intlic 'l > AVIiiilt. .
WASHINGTON. JulyTcr < ( uM T
Per Nebraska South Pakota and lti i-
Tulr and Warmer , southerlj ind
Tor Mlmtouri Rnd Kansas' Pair , pi v \ MR
ItiB temperature , x-aWablf vinyls 1m mug
For \Vyomlne Pair. frotinbH 'Ipbt "hew
em and cooler Tupvdaj afternoon 01 nli'it
BnutheartcrUvinu >
, lnfiil 1lt'tn rtl
OM AIIA Julj IS Omaha rfcorc ! if rui- till
ami itmiK-riitur * compared with turns1 n d
lug Uuy of tht past thro ? year *
1S 7 1"K , 1S.M < M
Maximum tomjieraUir * . . . , " re
M minium temperature. . . K7 7tM
A \cracc- temperature C7 7tK'
llulnfai : . . . . . . HI ( K'
I Itpnird of temperature nnd pie MI ' <
nt Omaha fur thlp da } and Mnn M. r :
t Normal for the dav
IttDcient' } for the day . . .
Accumulated deflclenrj sltice MH *
Normal rultifall for the da >
Ht-Hflenij for thr rtaj . .
Tutnl rnltifBll ulnet- March 1
l > eflrlenr < since Mnreh 1
i i\ft-ns : forreKji'p pcrind ISPfi v ,
iiefU'lfnf } correKp'p period is r i , v
Iti'lKiriK fftini "tnlltin * . nt i > .
Srvcntj-nrtli meridian tlmt
Tlie piuil wave hlis extended throughout tin
rorn und wheat belt lleav > rnln ticrurrt'd U :
the Ohio vuliej. und lleiitor Ehowcnt In nl :
other diBtrlctfi , except the Cinuilm. Mlnnfiiiuilli
untl KniiKas Cit ) , where the weather IIHB can-
einufd fiilr
T Indhuteii lnuj' | rt' ( lultlt rnlnfiill * Maximum
for ytiKterihn Minimum fur twt'ntx fnur
hours cndlnp ul S a m pfveno fifth nit.iu1uiii
N'oTf. The mtrupt muxlnnim uml minimum
li'injMTatiirfis nnd thi imiun ininl II nn nunir
up nt rm h i-tuiipr fini HM at tuul ntmilK t nf
rfimrts n-iflM-cl Tht B . H of weuthcr n-
thut iiit\uilmp LI * tni * n' nhi'Mitiun
L A V T.U'tH Lciu ] Tiiinum
Unsurpassed for fine Linens ,
Muslir-s and Laces.
Don't ' Stop SUDDENLY
Tu do w Is In-
Jriinii * 1o tlip
NcHdiis Sys-te-lll
* ' "
Rspfi-Rurn * ! >
UUUU UUi U 1 i'1'iifco
Hn ruretl tjiouc
nn i 'urc i Ui r
Baco-Curo r > ! ! In v fw .
tvr tfor i ro .f--i
1 ' ifi- not < 1e : % nil mi
U > e win p < w r of 'he
Baco-Curo i It is "In i u"- !
vt it uit'1'iv.hnnnli-iit
! I i ft p-lnnl w r i.
i m irnntrt it-nit-
Baco-Curo , ' - tllllT Ii flllllpMiur
m nn > If It rnil to
t in t
r f < \ < i . TI ' t l t Ii x r l itpinr. .
It ! tt i ' l ' i fc.ti 1 * I'll' 'I iccl t l\i"-S 11 it
kl i I I V 1 W ' XI * 1 i ri ur.H A t iiiCM-
K \I .V Ml ( . e o l.n C r < KM- . \ \ IP , .
& Searles
MM t 1 UlMm
cr\ous. \ Uironic
iTivaie" Diseases
M M AUi i.
AI 1 ri\iilctlsrui.n
A 1 > 'MH lltThor leil
' 1 rim uii-iit hj iiiHil
t iiiiMilttttIon I ri. .4
Curril tin nfi atifl Hit PK. ' ' i i ugMi t-lfulinW
u an Hit \ Mt m
MI mi.tin , Stmtuu ! V > iuKiv t LtiKt Mult-
lioiii Nlpl i t.niL fU'lu ' lititit.u iutul let , 1 -
nmti VVfiilluipp alul ill Utluil ! T lit.-
tl hut > tlilii- Ml piiltht > iiirt.i . 1 tJiJ ,
ri'-l i L.A ana 1.1 J XL. l > r in l U.i
' ! - \M VAli ' 1 L.E i iuiitieti"\ und
m nil v fur , u MitiKi n w uml undiiilnr
SirisftireandSiest ,1
l Litiuiiiii Nth
_ p t ir trcr'mcnt of
. iNcnous and I' ' Diseases
und nil W T < lvfiflf
! : : ; Bi\eti .un-fu "i"1 MMI.IUI uttcutlon lor
ul : tntii iiiuii > nilniiiut ,
Imt'M' ' f tlirnui nun nuk putrlipiIn mouth.
rtifumutlMii In Imiifiuml Juiutfc luitr full-
IUK ouitiu lui\t nn unit In wabte
\ \ i : VK w\
CVItnlltWtaki imitli kt l' toil CIOFC ujuilica-
iiin tu luiHkiit'h- t > tuiH tr\tit rmnittl t-trum
11 rii'f M M AU I \i l.--I - Ir middlt Mn ur
lull 'In trli'iuul suutlilul lulheb t-'Ull W
Li BRBN'S Thin rtiiii-d.T liuinR in-
: j > otpd dlree-tlj- thei
beat ot tlitiHO dlBeiiM-H
of the &rntto-rrlnary
, rcqulrcH EO
rin of diet. Cure
Ruarnnte-t-el in 1 to 8
clcjh ! > iuull plain park.
* UK'J iiiB.ll , 81.OO.
- - > IT b
lilil. . i Jirur UT K th nnd Tar-
numnf Neb
M nth ( Thi MotlKTs ! ! 'Mitt t
Mrs TYIiiBlrm B Rooihinp t-Mrup Imb IMUJ uprd
fur oer 5 ( j ur , 1 million'of mot hen- for
their children \ \ hilt tct ttimp w Ith jvlvi't u -
< cfv n M.nt 1 1 et. Hit ( hlid h > tl < nithi punm.
tilltt\F ull pain tutth'ind < nli unri ittlu bent
rcmefui ( lUnrrhmii Stl l l \ rtruRRipth tn
rrrpart nf t him arid iisk lor
' rMh \ \ ( niiK' tuUe no
d'li' i t ITU ! " .
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
. \ \ LL.L.1.N .f i JvLli j ANlJ UAUi'JJN
lunilh iui kult. .11 tei.i. Uuj i. IK-st Ul J'turl
Bit , K. & , WeSBBURY , After juiv ist m ]
- " . L \\oudburj. . \\ili himcburjro ol
riF-RD ?
fiSi t' ' " ' > latt w 'k in im < ificc- ! und I will
LiCr . * I B , .
WW.IS B Bv c s
jjV ( mj ftiUrt utttuiiou Operutive
Uuiitihtrj , Crown and Bi idfjc Work.
No. 30 Pearl St. , „ .
T > .txt tt > Gr. nd Hotel. E11 Kt W00&BIIP.Y ' B Lyibltvi
Buy one of a legitimate dealer.
Buy one of known make and quality
Buy one that will stand the test.
Buy one that is guaranteed by re-
sponsib'e parties.
You waste good money when you
buy otherwise
You make no mistake when
you choose
A Tribune SfQO
A Deere SIOQ
Ask Deere Tribune Riders or A Dserwell $ T5
why they con
wheels sider these at the A ioine ! special $80
head of the
Send for catalogue.
General Agents ,
Council Bluffs Cyclery , 337 Broadway local