Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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Smoke ' George's Own. " Klein. 1J2 tl-vMiy.
1 Bhrlvtr. rtrntlnt. moved lo ! Mfi Mcrrlara blk.
Miss Kva Schwt-nger Is vltlllns In Undcr-
iv oed
Mr John O'llearn and son arc visiting
Uncoln friends.
MIBS Kdna Lester In visiting Miss Mattlo
Jltii-k" at Avoca.
Mrs Frank Kvcnst Is visiting Miss Helen
lllake of
MrA T. Kllwdl and children are home
from a Missouri trip.
Miss Daughtery of Oilman , Neb. , Is a gutfit
of MIFD Allle Marble.
\tiorney Halnbrldgc Is vleltlnt ; hccncs of
his boyhood In WUennsln.
Mrs Mefjee and Miss Lucille I'lnncy have.
rt" nul from Kan as dlty. I
Miss Cora Ileneke of Clinton , Mo. , Is a
gii'iu of the family of A. T. Ulwell.
Patronize the popular ICngle laundry. 724
Uroailwny. Tel. 157. Ihit'o ' wngons.
Hobert Vuting left for New York last even-
lilt ; He nallw lor 1-Jurope In a few days.
IPierce nnd wife and F. M. Coy and
( Win ; -if Carson arc Council ftluffs visitors.
Mifis Lottie Newton left > eslcrday for a
few weeks' visit with friends In Nebraska
Ciy |
County Clerk Heed and family are In Chicago
cage en route lumic from thu east. They aru
expected today.
Mr and Mrs. 11. L. Cummlngs and Mr. nnd
Jtrs II. M. Sargent leave toilay for a tour
of Ihe northern lakes ,
M 8. Mabel Stevnis nnd children of Kallfan
City are visiting her grandmother , Mrs
Kl za N'pwton on llenton street.
Con luctor W. II. Iltnle , accompanied by
Mrs llealn and their ton , will leave on
Sunday for a six weeks' vl lt with friends
In Philadelphia and other Kistcrn points.
Captain Toms of tlie Salvation Army was
In former dajs n circus clown. He will
appear on the streets Saturday evening with
the army In the last clown costume he
The funeral of I'ngcnc Mottnz , who died
on Wedt.fHday. will take place from the
m-i'lencc ' on Oanlen stieet on Sunday after-
nee c at fi o'clock. Mr. Malta/ never recov
ered Inn reason KUlllcli-ntly to recoqnlit1 his
family ulncu hu returned from the asylum at
Mrs H. K. DPiiney. national organizer of
the Woman's Christian Temiprance union ,
will deliver a temperance nddtess at Trinity
church next Sunday * evening at 8 o'clock.
About thirty chlKlren from the Christian
hotni ) will nisist In the singing. Public
generally welcome.
Willie doff , a Id-year old mw : > cnKer boy
In the service of the Western Union Te > -
grapli comiMtiy , fell from his bicycle yts-
tcrilny nnd broki ? his left arm. He was rid
ing on the sidewalk on South Seventh street
and In attempting to get back on tlie pave
ment was thrown from hit ? wheel.
Prof and Mrs. Iliaoy left yesterday evenIng -
Ing for lies Molnes , where Prof. Hlsey will
assist in the DCS Molnes Summer School of
Methods of Dtoko university. He will tie
employed ono week there and ale > o one week
In Webster City. Ho will return to Council
llltitTs ono week previous to the beginning
of the Pottawattamle County Normal school.
Al a meeting of the board of director * of
the Young Men's Christian association
Thursday night It was decided to clone the
rooms , retire the secretary and appoint a
committee to adjust the claims against the
association. This action was taken because
the money necessary to remove all Indebt
edness and provide for running expenses
was not available.
The Citizens' bank has reopened the Blcn-
coo cattle case by instituting a , suit agjinst
Wood Ilros. and others for $3,500 damages.
The case grows out of Ihe alleged conversion
of 151 head of beef cattle. The cattle were
mortgaged to tlie bank by A. Drown. Drown ,
It Is alleged , turned the cattle over to Wood
ttlros. In South Omaha , and the bank brings
milt ugolnsl the firm and against Ilrown for
the amount of the mortgage and Interest and
The funeral of Mrs. J. H. Johnson will
lie held this morning at 9:30 : from the Danish
IJaptlHt church. Mrs. Johnson lost her life
on Thursday by the explosion of a can ot
kerosene oil which she was pouring over
the kitchen tire to hasten the preparation
of the morning meal. She was frightfully
liurncd and died in great agony a few hours
afterward. The accident occurred nt hot-
home. 2317 South Seventh street. She was
27 years old and leaves one child 3 yearn
Reports received from Crescent City las !
evening Indicate thai the storm of the after
noon was very severe there. The rain fell
Jor an hour and was one of the lieavlcitt ol
the season , The wind blew very hard anil
damaged tin ; farm crops considerably. The
blow was hard enough to enap off several
poles belonging to the Postal Telegraph com
pany. The wires , however , did not hecomr
tangled nnd there was no Interruption ol
business. The repair gang reset the poles
last evening.
The severe flurry of wind nnd rain that
cooled the heated atmosphere yesterday aft
ernoon was most gratefully received by the
lieoplo of Council Hluffs , although the clouds
that brought the change gave strong Indi
cations of a serious storm. The wind came
in gusts nnd with almost hurricane force ,
but beyond raising great clouds of dust nnd
picking up everything In tin * streets that
was loose , did no damage. Ono remarkable
feature of the storm was the great mass ot
red-legged grasshoppers that H brought before -
fore it. The wind blew straight from the
northwest and after the llrst few preliminary
jinfTs It brought the. grasshoppers. They
came helplessly driven before the storm
mid pelted against the sides of the buildlnga
and Into the open doorti like hailstones.
They were the genuine migratory kind that
hnvo caused the grasshopper plagues.
C. I ) . Vlavl Co. . female remedy ; consultation
free. Office hours , 'J to 12 and 1 ! to 5. Henitli
book furnished. 320-327-3 8 Merrlam block.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
\Viitrr lllllM.
5 per cent discount all this week. Oper
Saturday evening.
Albcrtta , ( Jrand Plar.i.
TriniNrel-rlim HitO. . . .VSI. . I. .
Tlie llrst steps were taken yesterday toward
ftiti llnal rcllnquUhinent of thu Omaha & Kl
Louis railway by Heeelver Ilarnard. It was
expected that the transfer would have bee-
inado on the llrst of the month , but then
iwcro several causes of delay , ono of wnlil
wan the sale of tlu > bondholders' Interest tt
the newly organized Omaha & St. Louta Kail-
road company. Thla company la composed o :
O , Clllman , Son fi Co , of Now York , Urexe
& Co. of Philadelphia and llu > Missouri , Kan
las and Texas Trust company of Kunt > ai
City , each owning one-third. The sale wai
cnii&ummutcd lust Tuesday by tlie bondhald-
pro' committee. Hepresentatlves of the new
company arrived in the city yceucrday am
began lho work of checking up and takim
I > c wnlon. They are John M. Favln o !
Qulney , Theodore Oilman of New Vork. J
Mel ) . Trimble and Thomas C. Sherwood ol
Kansas City.
The work of transferring will occupy conn
tlino and It will bo delayed somewhat bj
the Illnesrf of Itec-elver Ilarnard , whose tiealtl
bus Ill-oil somewhat impaired during the ho
, w father.
< ; rninl
Albcrttfl Specialty company lias bc-rn Be
cured for one week , commencing July 11 ,
Uuslncss Is Improving and money Is plenty
i\Vo arc prepared to make good wiutern low.
farm loans In email or largo amounts at lov
rates , You fan save money by writing us
We also wrl'c tire and tornado Insurance a
lowest rates. Lougco' & Lougce , 235 Pear
Albertta ! Alberttn ! Alberttn ! Albertta
Great men and famous women and al
books taken by subscription neatly and wei
bound by Morchouse & Co. , Uverett block.
Fifth annual discount rale , 0 per rent tc
all cash customers. Durfcc- Furniture Co.
205 and 207 ll'way.
Albertta Is coming. Will arrive Sundaj
nornlug In ( hue to give his first performance
it Grand Plata ID the afternoon at i o'clock
Special Meeting Puts in a Busy Aftrnooa
Uiscusjlng Details.
< > t \V" > for n l.liuAIMIIHN tbr
I'leree Mrei't ttrniitiilx In
( irnnleil ClintiKCN III
Svhuol rinno.
The I'.onrd ot Education held a special
meeting ythttnlay afternoon for the pnrp eel
ol considering the application made byV. .
N' . Joit ! , > on of the Long DlManrc Ttiip'icuc
company for permiKslon lo crct-s Ihe grounds
of tin- old I'leice street school. The school
groumir. orcupy an entire block , and bcnto
the allcj thai tuns between the streets Is
lulurupted to that point. The telephone' '
company io prrparlng to build It ; linen along
this alley and It was nem < > ary to get the
conwent of the board before the school
grotint ! * could be entered.
The proposition had been HilbinUted at a
previous meeting of the board , but action
bad bien deferred until It W.IB ceitaln the
telephone company would accept in | > ordi
nance granted by the city. The nutter had
reached a stage yesterday whi-n the locating
gangs must know to a certainty the couis-e
that was to be and theKpcclal
meeting was hastily railed. Mr. Jolnuon
wan ptun-nt and fully explained to the mrm-
bein the tiercfrnitUf- : thr situation and told
them that the locating gang hail discover-ill
that It would only be necessary to establlMi
une pole on the grounds , and thai his com
pany would be willing to submit to any
reasonable restriction the boaul might feel
Inclined to place upon It. A resolution wan
passed granting the request to plant tie
pole In the grounds upon the conditions that
tliu company would move It whenever lie
pritiencc Interfered with building or other
ImpiovciiientH the board might make on the
grounds. No chatge was made for the right.
-Mr. Johnson accepted the privilege with all
of the conditions put upon It.
The board put In the remainder of the
afternoon discussing In an Informal way the
klndergaiteii problem. There was absolute
unanimity In favor of a general establish
ment of the system. The more the member *
liavo looked Into it Ihe more satisfied have
thry become lhal It Is the only system of
primary teaching , and some of them have
gone HO far an to express regrets that the
system was not established many years' ago.
At the start the question of cost was feared
to be an obstacle , for tliete was no diKpOoltion
on the part of any of the members to In
crease the burden of the taxpayers by In
creasing the heavy school expenses , but in
vestigation has established the fact that the
system will reduce rather than Increase the
cost. The board will have this fall several
hew rooms to fit up. There arc two In the
Washington avenue building , four In the
Twentieth avenue addition and two or three
others in other buildings. To fit up the e
rooms with the furniture now In use will
require Ihe purchase of fifty ( treks for lach
room at a post of nearly $200 for the desks
alone. The little red tables and rhalrs tint
aie used for kindergarten purposes ccst
much less. Then the board has stored away
a large number of Just such chairs and little
tables that arc required that wete used for
the little folks before the desks were ob
tained. With a little paint and soap these
can be made just as good as new and take
the place of new ones.
A number of the board members favor the
( stablUhment of four or six rooms Instead of
the experimental two at first proposed. The
original plan was to employ two teachers.
The proposal Is now to employ three and let
each teach the morning session in the room
In one school building and In another during
the afternoon. For Instance , one teacher
could take it room in the Bloomer building
In the forenoon and go * to the Twentieth
avenue in Ihe afternoon ; another could teach
in the Pierce stieet building In the forenoon
and In the Second avenue In the afternoon ,
: uul the third could teach the half-djy ses
sion In the Washington avenue.- building anil
go to the Klghth street building for the
afternoon. The kindergarten system osty
contemplates half-day sessions , and as each
teacher could take cae ; of fifty children in
each room tne three would be able to In
struct 300 pupils during the day. The in
terest that he system has awakened has
created a strong anxiety among teachers to
familiarize themselves with the work , and
lho board feels sure that there would be no
lack of voluntary assistance in all of the
rooms at all of the stfsions from teachers
willing to work for the experience they will
The board feels satisfied that the estab
lishment of the kindergarten system will In
crease the school attendance. Under the law
a child has arrived at school age when It Is
5 years old. but the majority of patents re
fuse to send them until they aie G or 7 years
There are numerous applicants for the
positions of kindergarten teachers. Among
them are .Miss Kannle Tlbbots. Miss Allen.
Miss Krances Wright , Miss draco 'Deniming '
and Mrs. Lulu ll.rilinnn. .Mrs. Ilardman is
the pioneer kindergarten worker In the city
and has had great experience In the work.
She graduated at. Ann Arbor and then took
a two or three-year course in a klndeiRarten
training school , and has gone cast each year
since to familiarize herself with all of the
newest improvements In the system. The
board will not take any definite action until
the regular meeting In July or August , but it
appears to bo sure that the experiment will
be tried In more than two buildings.
Thu board also discussed Informally the
repairs contemplated in the Bloomer build
ing. The changes xvlll be confined to the
upper barnlike room which was formerly
used for high Fchool purposes. Architects
have submitted plans ( or the proposed
changes and the board has them under con
sideration. The two long , solid wooden par
titions that have been strung through the
center of the room will bo taken out and
the floor converted into four school rooms.
Albertta. Grand I'laza , Sunday , July 11.
They are coining. Who ? The Albertta
Specialty company.
IMIIIIM : : : HUTS A co.vnxiJ.ixcn.
\ot Itendy to lie llenril oil ( be Clllirne
of Criminal Axsniill ,
Oeorgo Kmerine was arraigned before Jus-
tlco Vlen yesterday on the charge of crim
inally assaulting Anna Arnold , the 13-year-old
stepdaughter of II. ] ) . Carbce. Kmerlno
was represented by Colonel Dalley. and the
attorney Intimated to the court that In- would
have ) no dltllcully In disproving the portion
01' the charge against his client that alleges
that violence wan used , but he said that he
wan not ready to proceed with the case. The
hearing was continued until IICM Saturday.
Thu child was present in the court room ,
attended by her parents and an uncle , who
lives at a distance , and who ramu here upon
hearing of the case. The little girl Is the
apple of his eye , and It was with dltilculty
that he could be restrained when he looked at
her tear-stained face , shrinking form , and
then yazcd at the stalwart man who was
acciibcil of the brutal assault. He walked
Ihe floor with tel teeth and clenched hands.
Kmerine never uttered a word during the
entire proceedings. An effort to have hit
bond reduced failed and ho was taken back
lo thu county Jail.
llrrcici at Manawa at all times.
Wilier MIUnT
G per cent discount all this week. Open
Saturday i veiling.
Albertta Specialty company. Grand Plata
July It to 17.
AlliiTKlloblier } Cnne.
John Henry Alberg. the Colorado miner
who wai > drugged and robbed of all ilu > money
ho had by eouic friends he met in a taluan
tu the vicinity of tUe Nortinvvcturu c.'ty
depot on Thursday night , Irs been given
lodglngn at the city Jail until he can make
some disposition of himself. Ills horns IB
In Pes Molnes and he was on his way there
when he fell Into bad company hero , lie
ptoved to have been mistaken In declaring
he met his pickpocket friends In the Northwestern -
western saloon kept by Midnight. Mr. Mid
night called on him At the city Jail } ( s-
ttrday morning and Albcrg admltiM that
ho had never seen him before and W.TS not
In his saloon. The saloon wag on the opposite
site- corner of the street. Officers Murphy
on 1 Anderson were able to promptly pick
out the fellow who had done the robb'ng ' ,
but he had left town before ' .he- case was
given to them.
Klrst appearance of the world renowned
Albertta Specialty company. tirnnd I'lara ,
Sunday , July 11.
IteualMl of 1-JiitcrprlNi * .
That It pays to Improve your place of
business and make It attractive to the public
has been clearly proven In the case of H.
M. Sargent , the popular shoe man. Mr. Sar
gent opened the season of ' ! I7 by making bis
store one of the nicest In the city and in
fact In the west , and by doubling his former
Immense stock , until now there Is nothing to
surpars It In the west. The re-suit has been
most t-allafactory to himself as well as to his
patrons. Despite the close tliiun Mr. Sar
gent's buslncES has grown to almost double
lt former proportions and he never has a
dull day. This Is In contrast to some other
dealers In his line , who are content tu do
business In a tumble down building and arc1
afraid to Improve lest they dilve away some
nt their cheap trade. Mr. Sargent carries Jus > t
as cheap shoes aa can be found.aa well as the
brat , and the Hear has ns hearty a welcome
for the man In overalls as the gentleman of
Don't fall to attend the summer annual
clearing sale , commencing on Monday. The
highest priced shoes In the house will be
$3.IS ! , Including Strong K Garfleld's line of
men's fine tans and patent leathers. Look
for the Dear , 413 Hroadway.
Thousands of people are Hocking to Man-
awn thise hot days.
ItlMlllCCN KillIllNCNNIIIflltH. .
The Hoard of County Supervisors reopened
the land assessment equalizations jcsterday.
When the boaul met In June as a board of
equalization It raised the assessment of farm
lands In the county. At the present session
the board has been considering the advisa
bility of n reconsideration , which the county
attorney Informed the members they could
do , notwithstanding the assessment had been
certified to 'Uc--i ' Molnes.
Yesterday the board adopted a motion re
ducing farm lands 10 per cent from tl-e
figures fixed at the June session , and town
propelty In Avoca and Mlnden was reduced
25 per cent.
County Auditor Matthews spent , some time
last night figuring up the net result of the
reduction. The original assessment before
the Juno meeting showed that the assessed
valuation of farm lands was $5,783,998. The
board Increased this to ? t,747,22S. ! The 10
per cent reduction made yesterday leaves the
total assessment now $6.204,413. This reduc
tion of more than $ . " ,00.000 will materially re
duce the amount of taxes thai will accrue
and the board will have ample excuse for
practicing Its hobby , economy , during the
next two years.
The only cool place Is on the north side
of Lake Manawa ; there is always a good ,
cool breeze there.
Henl I'.Mtnle TriinsferN.
The following transfers were repo're.l yts
terday from the title and loan otlice o : J. W.
Squire , 101 Pearl street :
Herman liuerdorf to W I ? Mack , nnd
1-ir of lots , " > and 8 , In sub of se'i
sw'4 1-71-H , nnd lot ' . ' , block 6 , IJuy-
HPS ' 3d add , q c d $ 1
William H Mack and wife to A Wal
ter Johnson and E Frances John-
sou , und 1-1(5 ( of lots 5 and S , sub
of sett sw'4 174Hv d M
Ardella Glbb.n and husband to T D
Hosmer , lot ! > , sub of lol I'.M , original
plat , lot 3 , bloik 1.1 , Hyatt's sub , lot
13. block 4. Sunnyslde , w d 5,000
\V W Wheeler and wife to T D HOH-
mer , lot 4 , Mendel's sub , w d 5,000
Four transfers , total $10,051
Picnic parties , don't forget that there Is
always a cool breeze at Manawa.
( ) lil Mil n Kllle.l on the TrncbN.
nOON'B , la. , July 9. ( Special Telegram. )
0. T. Marshall , a wealthy and highly rc-
spectcil citizen , aged about 70 , was killed at
fi:30 : this morning near this city by a pusher
engine on the Northwestern road. Mr. Ma"-
shall was very hard of hearing. Ho was
walking homeon the track after taking his
cow to pasture and evidently did not hear the
approaching engine. He was walking along
side the track. The engineer supposed he
would step aside In time , but Instead on
reaching a caltle- guard he stepped Into tlie
middle of the track to get by the crov's fence
just In time to be struck by theengine. . Mr.
Marshall was a pioneer railroad man here ,
serving the Northwestern as agent for about
twenty years up to about. 1S91. At aa early
day ho was also trainmaster for the ,
combining the two olllccs. Ho was a man uf
thu strictest Integrity and good business sa
gacity and leaves a large fortune to nit ! wife
and ono son. The coroner's jury exonerated
the cnglnemcn from any blame.
SluMVei-H Cool tli < ; AtmoMgiliere.
CRDAH KAPIDS , la. , July 8. ( Special Tel
egram. ) Keller from the Inlense heat of lht >
pasl two days came late this afternoon , when
copious showers fell at 4 o'clock. For two
days and nights the thermometer hast ranged
from SO to 110 in the shade. All business
has been at a standstill and men working out
doors liavo been compelled to quit work. W.
H. Lintcr , an employe In Ihe Burlington ,
Cedar Rapids & Northern shops , was pros
trated by the heat this morning and is In a
precarious condition. Charles Hparenberger ,
a young farmer living icar Norway , was
ovc-uomo by the heat yesterday and died thUi
morning at 3 o'clock.
( llilirrelN mill HIIIIKH IliniHcir.
CIODAH HAPIDS , la. , July' ' ( . ( Special Tel
egram. ) Tony Ilirworth , a German about "iO
Niarij of age , had a quarrel with his boarding
house keeper toilay and went to the barn
and securing a fish line hanged himself , He
WOK dead when found.
Timely mill SiillNfnelorj- eruption of
n Volenno.
" 'Hout th1 rlosfst call I ever had , " salil
the long legged nun on a backlrna chair In
froul of the grocery , relates the Detroit Free
Press , "wus when I wus emlgratln' to Call-
fortiey In ' 49. There wus 'bout fifty of us
starte'd together , but we didn't agree very
well , to ten of us tep'rated from th' refit
an1 run a experdltlon of our own. We got
along all right till wo got among them
Apaches. They was soon hangln' on our
trail , an' one day they s'ronnded us. The1)
wus fifty to our one , an' all we could lool ;
for'ard to wua to die a fightln' . They kep' a
clrclin' an' a clrclln' un' a glttln' nearer
all th' time , an' un ctan'ln' with our Imckt
logether waltln' till we could shoot to kill.
Jlst when we wus a whlsperln' good-by lei
each other them red devils teak to their
het'lB Ilko th' United Ktattr , army wus artei
them. It wus an alrhqnakc done It. an' we
wasn't troubled no more. "
"Wus they a volcaney near there ? " asked
the little man with high shoulders and a
weazened face.
"Naw. What'er you talkln' 'bout vol.
canr-ye ? I said airthquake. "
"I heerd you. Hut I went through that
tome deestrlct that year. Them Apaches got
nrtfr us an' we hustled up Into th' crater ol
a volcaney so as to stan' 'em off. Wo built
a kin' of a platform Inside , an' they couldn't
a took us In a thousand years It we'd had
grub. Ono mornin * when wo wits jlst about
starved , that ole volcaney klm to life , cut
loose like a dynertnlte explosion , an' we wua
blcnvfd ninety mllcu to th' west afore we
landed In a tan1 hill. Not a durn one of us
had a scratch. "
The long-lt-i.'K < * > l man reached for hl §
wetter ) skin , took on a sickly grin , acd said ,
"Wtut'll you fellera take ? "
Drops Game Nutnbar Two to Pop Alison's
Frisky , Colts.
\Vlmly Clly Itiitninc-n I 'nil ttint !
1'ltclirr l.iMtln ( un I lilt UN I > e-
Ilt < * rlt'N VITJ Kuril Itvi'oril
of ( th T
fhlciiKO , S ; Hoston , 7i
liiilthnnro , ! l ; l.oulFVllo | ; 4.
New Yurk , : I'lttslfnri ; , ' 1.
St. Louis , S ; Brooklyn , 3.
I'hllncleliihln , Ill ; Cincinnati , 7.
Mlnnenpolls , f > ; Kansas I'ltyI. .
Milwaukee. f > : St. I'nul , 2.
Detroit , 14 ; Columbus , 11.
OHICAOO. July 0. The liostons WDro
again defeated toJuy In n close but loosely
played game. Lewis was batted hard , while
but little could be done with Krlcnil. Hoth
captains were fined and 6Ciit to the bcncli
In the seventh on account of a heated argu
ment with Lynch. Attendance , 4,900. Score :
Cltll'AUO. , 1IOSTON.
H.II.O A i : . ii.ii.r.A.i :
llu-rltt. 31) ) . . I llnnillton. cf 2 u 3 0 0
McOir'U. HS 2 a 1 t > I'Tciim-y ' , II ) . . .1 2 3 V
1-iitiKP , cf. . . 1 2 4 n ( i 1.0111 : , KS. , . . I l 4 2 n
Aiiwin , Hi. . . 1 1 < i 1 ( Mtiiny , If. . . . 01200
HVIIII. rf. . . . 0 Ktnld. rt. . , . 0 1 f > 0 0
D'k'r , If ll > i 3 n 0 lU'nlltns , Sli..o
CaUuhiiii. : ii 0 ( i 1 2 o'lxmc ' , ill. . . . 00301
l-'tlctiil. p. . . 1 2 n 2 0 I.-ike. c . 0
KlltnilRf. eO 0 2 0 ( I Ix' K p. . . .
Thiunl'ii , If 0 1 10 0 Htlvcttp , If. . 0 0001
Totals . . . . 8 13 ST 13 "iil Totals . . . . ' 7 7 21 1 1
' 'hlciiRti . 0 2 2 1 0 1 1 1 - - 8
HoMim . 7
lIiuiitMl rune : ( . 'hlt-iiKO. 4i lto tcm. 1. Left
on liasi's : Chicago. Si ; Huston , 7. Two-base
lilt : Stuhl. Tlm-e-liape lilts : Kvrrltt , l-mme.
ItSiin , Home1 run : 'IVntu-y. HtuliMi bares : MI-
f'ltrmlrk. Hjun , I.UIKIUniililv play : Alison to
i\ftllt. : Struck nut : lly l-'ilrml , 1 ; liy 1-vls ,
1. KliM banon luillx : Oft Krlcml , 1 ; off
I.fwls. B. lilt by pltcliiMl Imll : llnnillton. Teii-
IIH.V. Time : Two hciuis ami twenty minutes.
t'mplre : Lynch.
ST. Loris. s ; imooKLYx , n.
ST. LOl'lS , July 9. The Drowns got biu-k
at Brooklyn today , iU > fvatltiK Ihein by a
score of S to ; ( . Tin- day wan extremely hot
and players ITnuly and A. Smith were over-
tome by the heat , retiring from the Kame.
Carsey jiltehi'd Kllt-cilKe ball and was faultlessly -
lessly supported. Cross' home run In the
thiiil started the lireworks KoliiR. Wort1 :
ST. l.Ol'IS. , lltlOUKI.Y.V.
11. 11. 0. A.M. 1LH O.A.T. .
li.iUKlitH. i' . . 0 ( lilllln. rf. . .
lliirli-y. ef . . 1 1 3 2 0' ' Jones , rf _ 0 3 II 0 0
Hailmnn sti 2 2 1 4 O'AncliTwm. ' If n o J 0 0
ilrndy. Hi. . . 0 Khindle. 31) . .
Ijiilly. If . 0 Uieliuncc , Hi 0 1 ! > 0 d
Ilullinnn. 21i 1 1 23 o'anH\an ! , 2li 1 ru 3 2 n
1'ii'ss ' Ht . . . 1 2 2 ( i 0 II. Smith , ss ( T 2 1 1
HoiiHf'n , rf ii 2 2 1 0 ( Jrltn , c . 0 o 1 in
Ciii-st-y. p. . . 0113 o'A. ' Smith , c. 0 0 3 1 0
Minphy , Hi. li.uili. n . 00010
- Uunn , p .
TotnlH . . . .812271' ! Oi -
Totnln . . . . 3 6 21 12 1
HrooKlyn . 0 3
St. Ixmls . s
Unrni'd rims : Ft. I juls , B ; llrooklyn , 2. Two-
liase lilts : .limp. , Dunn , I.-irhancc. Threc-lmsr
hltn : Douglas , Hurley , ItoUMMiiaii. Homo runt
Cii s. Stolen bases : Ilattmun , Lully. Double
lila > n : ( 'aimvan to l.achaiuc ; C'ross to lliill-
mun to Murphy. Klrst haye on lialU : Off Car-
K-y. 2 ; ofC Dunn. 1. Struck out : lly Daiili. 1 : V > y
Dunn , 2. I'awd lull : A. Smith. Hit liy plklu-a
balls : .lone. * . Time of Kami * : One huiir
and thirty minutes. Sacilllce hit : Anduison. V\n- \
lilre : Shi'ililan.
CINCINNATI , O.- -.lulv ' . > . The Phllllo-
defeated the Hods easily today. The lattei
had In tlnee pitchers , but 'could not stop the
visitors. lUilnes started the pnino. but K VI
way to Khret In tin1' fourth. The lattei
lasted three inning , wheli be was relieved
by Uamman. I'mplre'llnrst put both 13oylc
and Meeklt-y out of ( he fcamd for Iclt-klnc ,
Attendance , 2ix : : ) . Score' :
riilliulcllihla ! 0 3 1 2 ! 2 4 3 1-
Kiirneil runs : Cincinnati , B ; Diltailplpliln. 10.
Two-liai-e hits : Htilnt-s. IX-li-hantv (2) ( ) , Ialoti'
( S ) , Nash , Irwln , Orth , VaUKhnn , 1/owil. Thrcc-
liape hits : Irwln , 1'eltz. Mci'nrland. Left 0:1
h.-in' : Cincinnati , 10. Ptoln b.ises : llecklcy.
llltchpy , (3ilr. ( . Double play : Oder to I.a.Toip.
l-'lrft base on tialls : Off Hhlncs , 2 ; off Ortli , 3 ,
oft Khli-t. 2 ; off Uaiiiinail. 1. Hit by pitched ball :
( Jllli-n. Struck out : lly Kliret , 1 ; by Orth. 2 by
11tinman , 1. Time of KHIIIC : Two IIOIII-H and forty-
live minutes. I'mplre : Hurft.
NM3\V YOniv , 9 ; PI'ITSBUnO. 1.
IMTTSIIlTItt'i , July 9. The punie was too
onu-slileil to bo Interesting. 11 Hull lira's er
rors anil slow tleldlnp were very costly ,
while New York's * flelmnK f.-as fine. Hawley
illil 'well ' until the eighth , when four ofthe
i vli'itors' earned runs were scored. Attend
ance , 2,000. Score :
H.II O.A.M I u.H O f.K
Smith , If. . . . 1 2 1 0 0 V. H'fn. cf d 1 n < , 0
I aildt-n , ib. 0 _ _ Tlprnan. rf. 0 1 200 . , Ib. 0 on 1 0 Joyce. 3b. . . .1 1 2 4
II. D.ivls. rf 0 2 u 0 1 ' ! . Davis. ! , , 1 'I : ! 5 0
llriKlie. of. . 0 i 1 0 0 2h i 1 .1 0
Kly , RS . ii 1 4 5 1. Warner , c. . 1 1 B 0 0
.Men-lit , c. . . 0 Clark , in. . . i 2 in o 0
Dnnnelly. 3b 0 0 0 1 1 IlnllliPK. If. 2 1 300
Ilaw-iey , p. 0 1 0 3 J Si-yniDur , p i | 1 o 1 0
Totals . . . . 11 2M > . , Totals . . . . 9 13 27 13 i
I'lttsbiirK . 0 1
New York . 1 9
Karm-d runs : New Yolk. 0. Two-ba e lilts :
I'adden. Kly , G. Davis. Three-bape lilt : Sey
mour. Saeillice lilt : .Merrltt. Stolen basc-i- :
Holmes. Ulrason. Double play : Joyce to Clatk.
1'Mrft lu " on balls : Off Hawley , 2 ; off Seymour ,
4. Slrui'l ; out : Uy Hawley , 2 : by Seymour. : .
Irf'ft on liases : I'lttsbnrK. 12 ; New York , 3.
Kim bncu on errors : New York , 2. Time of
KIIIIIV : Two hours and llfty mlnuft-s. Umpire :
1.0IMSVILLK , Ky. . July -Hill pitched < i
poor Kame thU afternoon , and tin- Oriole :
were easy winners. Hlacltburn was very ef.
feetlve and blf support was KOOI | . Uexter
In KlIdliiK to third In the sixth InnlnK , splkei :
McOraw , and he retlied In favor of Qiilnn
Attendance , 1MW. Score :
it.ii.o.A. : . ' A.I :
MrfJmw , 3h 0 1 1 2 1 ! * . Claik. If. ( I 0 2 ( I 0
yulnn , 3b. . u u 11 1 Mi C'n-ery , rf o 1 i o o
Keeler , rf . . I'lcker'ir , ef ii 0400
JennliiKH , IB 0 If " 6 0 St.ufoid. us 2 2 1 r > 1
K < - | | > - If. . . Wenl-n. Ib. .
Stenzel. cf. . Ie\Kr ) , 31) . . 1 1 2 2 ( I
Doyle. Hi. . . . I 3 IB 'I ' 0 Wilson , f. . II 0 3 1 0
Iteltn , 2b. . . llork. 2b. . . 00432
Clark , e. . . . u 1 2 1 o Hill , p .
Itl.ukbuin , pi u 0 1 0 "Jones . . . . o 0 0 0 0
Totals . . . .9122717 1 Totals . . . .4 C 21 13 P
Jonex Kitted tor Hill In ninth.
llaltlmore . 3 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 f
UllUvllle . 010201000-4
Karneil runs : llaltlmore , 3 ; Ijoulsvllle , 3.
I-'Irst bane on errois : llaltlmore , 3 ; I onisville ,
1. U-ft on biiiies : llalllnioie , ! i ; Ixmlbvllle. ii.
I'llfl base on balls : Dlf Illiiekbiiin , 4 ; off Hill.
f. Struck out : lly Hill. 2. Home run : Kelley.
Thiee-base lilts : Weiden ( ' . ' ) . Tuo-bai-e hits :
lieilcr. Stenzel. Stolen \oin-r \ ; Devter. Doyle
131. Ket-ler ij ) . KHIey. Hit by pitched ball :
JemilnKB. Stenzel ll. Wild pitches : Hill , 2.
Passed ball : WilKin. Time : Two hotiru and
sevrnleeii mlnutiv. I'millitMcDonald. .
rlay'cd. Won. Lo-t. V.C.
lloston . fil 4. 1 7.1 *
cini'innatl . . ; RU 18 ( ,7. ' .
llaltlmore . CO i 3 ! ) il fi.-f
New York . l . 37 B ! fl. !
Cleveland . lil t 32 yi M . '
I'hlladelphlu . KTi I 31 31 17. ;
I'lllsburs ' , . < 9 ' 29 : . ' . ' 47. :
Brooklyn . ffi \ .i 3. < < fi >
Loulsvl'le . M 25 35 41. ;
Chlc-UKO . fSI 28 37 41.J
\VashlnKton . 6R 23 35 Ki.i
St. L'Uls . ffl , 1L' fiU 1J1.4
Ciiimis toilay : Hoston' at ( Milcano Ilrook-
lyn at St. Luiilp , Ni'w York at I'HtsburK ,
I'alladeliihla at Cinulnntitl. Haltlmore at
Loulsvlllf , WashlliKtoil a | ( Jlpvelanil.
Tnniioun. : .
Mltlern Til lie A no I tier ( iiime from Ihe
MINNHAI'OI.I.S. Jul ! i.-Tho Millers won
from the Cowboys to lay by timely lilttlns
In the ninth Inning. Seote :
.Mlnneapollu . 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 3-C
Kaus.ia Clly . 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 I I
Hai-e hits : Minneapolis. S ; Kansas Clly. S.
Krrors : .Mlntuap.i'ii' , 2 ; Kansas City. 0. Hat-
terles : Minneapolis , Hiitohl'un mid Uoy'e ;
Kansas City. U'hlted and Hlanford.
4James soheiluleil for Sitnnlay ,
SutKlay and Monday linve been trunsfeire ! to
ST. I'Al'L , July 9. Hoth pitchers plti-hed
BOOball ! , but Ihliell's support was ratht-r
rat'Bed and the vis. tors won easily. McHildt
n ade two of the most brilliant catches of
thu t-vason In renter lied. Score :
St. I'aill . 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2
Milwaukee . 0 0-5
Bust ) hits : St. 1'aul. 6 : Milwaukee , g. Kr-
rots St. Paul. 3 ; Milwaukee 1. Uatterles :
St 1'uul , Ishell arid Spies ; Milwaukee , JUnies
utd Spter
DETJtulT , .Mich. , July 9.-tiftrult retun.cil
t' o ecmpllmcnt nnrl niailP It four stralRht.
Perhaps It was the hot weather , 1-ut the er
ror columns beft tel' the story vtnl Ire
lUtrnhnm Mn on his mtttle and had n fan ,
Hoc toil from the bleachers for abusive Inn- i
tiWKe. Captain Tebeau was nlpo lined nnd ,
put out of the came and escorted from the
wound * by a policeman for back talk. Score :
Columbus 0-11
IVtiolt 1 0 S 1 0 2 B * -14
Hase hits : CVliimliui. 12 : Potrolt. l.V Kr-
rors : Columbn ! ' . 10 ; Uetrolt. 7. ll.itterle :
ColutnbtiP , linker , Jo : es I'll kl.-y nnd ! Isher ;
Detroit , \Vail > worth. KRIUI and McCaulcy.
1NIHA.NAPOLIS. Ind. . July P. Orand
Haplds-lndlanapolls no Kiune ; rain.
Played. Won. I.ot. P.C.
Indianapolis Vo 43 ' . ' . ! f.6.2 .
St. 1MIII 72 47 2. > C.VR
Columlnis Cfi < 2 24 i
Milwaukee 70 43 2 ! f,1.4 |
lH-ttolt ( ! ' 3.T 33 W.O '
C.ratld Haplds f.9 2 < 15 34. . .
.Minneapolis 71 23 4S 32.4
Kansas City TO 20 49 9.0
Oainrti today : Detroit at Indianapolis , Co.
ll'tiibtis at Grand Haplds. Kansas City at
St. Paul , Minneapolis at Milwaukee.
WeMterli AsMOellltInn Seoren.
ST. JOSKP1I. July P. Pcotv :
St. Joseph 0-lfl
Dts Mollies 000000000-0
nne hits : St. Joseph. IS ; Dos Molnef , 2.
Hrrorp ; St. Joi-eph. 0 ; Des Molnes. 2. Hat-
terles : St. Josetili. Pardee and Col'.ln ; Des
Molnes. Mnuek and Lohmnn.
lU'lllilNOTON , In. . .Inly 0. Score :
HurllnKUm 2 0 0 2 3 0 2 2 rt-U
Qnltu-y o 0 2 0 0 1 1 1 3S
liase hits : HurlltiKton. 17 ; Qulney , IS. ! > .
ior : Hurilnnton , C : cjulncy , 3. llatterles :
UurllnKton. Coons and Williams ; gulncy ,
Meaner , llaekett and Trallley.
UOCICI'\UD. 111. , July H-Score :
Itoekfolvl 0 5 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 10
Pforln 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0-2
lase hits : Hockford , 10 ; Peorln. 7. terrors :
Hookford , 2 ; Peorln. 3. Itattef.eHuckford :
1'ndi-rwood nnd llulT ; Pcorla , Talbot and
in'ltrqriO , In. , July 9.-(1ame called at
end of llrst Inning ; rain. Dnbmiue , 7 ; Cedar
Hapldr , 0.
a A .M us tin * TIII : i.ivni.Y Aii.\Tnrns.
WnliiMi Ten inVliis liy tinXl ' - S > iri
of Sl\ Til roe.
WAHOO , Neb. , July 9. ( Special Telegram. )
Tom Crawford's eolts showed the Fremont
bat' team a merry tltnei at this place today.
Pitcher Olson for the colts pitched pool b.ill
and was Klven excellent support. A K"od
rain fell during the afternoon , which made
the grounds heavy and delayed the Kame for
Koine time. Score :
Kiemont -
\Vtihoo 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-fi
Hnse hits : Kremont.Vnlioo ! : , 3. Hrrors :
l-'remont \Vahoo. : . fi. T o-l.i ) > v lilt : Shoe-
mark. Struck out : My tfhornmclc , ! ; by Ol-
sun. 4. Hases on balls : ( iff Shoemack , I ; off
Olson , I. lilt by pitched lull : Cilli. ! . Wild
Pitch : ShoemacU. 1. latterles : Fre-nont ,
Shoemack and Irwln ; Wahoo , Olson nnd
Llndorcamp. Umpire : Jamison. Time of
Kiune : One hour and ten mlmit'-s.
' ' O'Xflll.
\Vliiw 1'ivii ill
VALKNTINH , Neb , July " . -Syecial.- ( )
Thc "Andrews" Twelfth Infantry liase ball
team closed a series of three Raines with the
O'NulKs yesterday. O'Neill-won the llrst and
1- \"dtews ( lie tno others. The Tweltth
hnn this season defeated tne Ninth cavalry
twice , the Omaha Drewets and the O'Nelllf ,
and has not as yet met defeat. The team
noes next week to Deadwoml and Fort Mead
and later to NellKh , after which it will be
open for additional enKaKumunts.
Hail IJny for TIUIHC Who Stnkp Money
mi I-'n vnrltes.
ST. LOriS. .Inly 9. No favorites won at
the fair grounds toilay. Track fast ; weather
very hot. Attendance , 5,000. Ilesnlts :
First race , purse , for maiden 2-ye.ii-ods ! ,
live nnd one-half furlongs : Afrn. 10.1 tStev-
eiip ) , H to 2 and 3 to 2 , won ; Xallsf-a , 1U.1
( liritton ) , 10 to 1 and 4 to 1. second ; Fted
liroens , IDS ( C.arner ) , even , third , 'lime :
I'lifl Kam ls. lied Silk. Cane Wnlk. HI niche ,
Collars and Cuffs. The Hrewor , Ordain , lC < iul.
tom and Doms'ie also ran.
Second race , w'llng. seven furlongs : Ma-
nile O. ( Webster ) , 12 to 1 and .1 to 1 , won ;
Cappv , 9.1 ( Helio ) . II to 1 anil even , see nd ;
Glad'F.yes , ! C. ( C. Comlm. 12 to 1. third.
Time : 1:2S. : Miss Theodore HnFiinll. Argo-
tnuit and May GiOop als-o ran. Gold Top left
' ' Th"i-d' race , purse , for 2-ycnr-old fillies , live
furlong * : CiockiM. 101 ( .1. Matthews ) , I to 1
and C to fi , won ; Marietta , lufi ( C. Comlis ) . 10
to 1 and 4 to 1 , second ; Sorrow , 113 ( C. .
Slauirhter ) . 13 to 10. third. Time : 1.02. la a.
Ha. Katie Hiitherford , Wild Hei , Miuzclla
and Non > S also ran.
Fourth race purse , fnr tlllles nun mares ,
one mile : Linda , IIS ( Garner ) . 1 to 1 and fi
to < won ; Gladys II. SS ( Stevens ) , IT , to 1 and
I to'l , second ; Florldas , ! iS ( C. Slaughter ) , 13
to fi , third. Tune : \K\'t. \ : \ /.arina and Made
line also ran.
Fifth race selling , one mile and seventy
vanls : Charlie Helff , HI ( Kltley ) , fi to 1 anil
i to 1 , won ; Astrada , 94 ( Frost ) . 12 to 1 and
5 to 1 , second ; Flying Dutchman , 108 ( Hiley ) ,
12 to 1 , third. Time : l:47si. : Hussella , Am-
bur Glints , Helvadel' and Jane also ran.
Sixth race , celling , six furlongs : Hrldget ,
101 ( I'eterman ) , S to 1 and ? to 1.won ; Hobalr ,
101 ( Warren ) 7 to 2 and even , second ; t'tooln ,
101 ( Gainer ) . 3 to 1 , thlid. Time : 1:11 : ? ! ' 1 in
Cup , Nle'.c Ci-rter , Judge Stoufter and Nich
olas also ran.
KANSAS OITV , Julv 9.-Jockey Moore was
ti.idly > irt In the third race at Exposition
park this afternoon , falling with Silver d'Or.
Threeof the boy's ribs were broken. Ile-
Flrrt race , five furlongs : Frank Nichols
won , Correspond second , l'.sy Dugan third.
Second race , 2-year-olds , four and one-half
fiirlonu'P : Volntante won , Hatlle Ashley second
end Lillian 'May ' third. Time : O'.rA'i.
Third race , one mile : Wnlken haw won ,
Mlcklo second. Queen Fauslus third. Time :
'Fourth race , five and one-lialf furlong ! * :
King K'm won , Ansolum second , Danuier
third. Time : 1:12. :
Fifth race , seven furlongs : Starbeam won ,
Derby Maid second , Little flirt * third. Time :
'ciliCAnO. July 9. Captain Hail at 10 to 1
won the closing race at Shellleld today. Amy
Wade and Dr. Sharp were the favorites to
win. Kividts :
First race , live-eighths of a mile : Al Lone ,
107 ( Gouln ) , won ; Joan 117 fltizenmn ) , I ! to 1 ,
second ; Smithuorlh , 122 ( Caywood ) , C to I ,
third. Time : 1-.01-V
Second race , three-quarterf of a mllrAmv :
Wade. 107 ( Dot > ey ) , I ! to fi. won ; Tieeliv , 100
( C Clav ) , 7. , to 1 , second ; Golden K"d , 112
( C. Sloan ) , : : u. to 1. third. Time : 1:11' : . ,
Tilrd race seven-eighths of a ml e ; Whirl ,
away. 101 ( Caywood ) . 4' ' < . to 1. won ; Amiiii'lu.
107 t'C. Sloan ) , 20 lo 1 , second ; Lady Dlxnn ,
101 ( It. Armstrong ) , Mi to I , third. Time1:27 :
Fourth lace , one iinil one-sixteenth mile"
Toney Honing , 109 ( Donaldson ) . 4 to 1. won ,
Kvanatm1 , 104 ( Dorsey ) , 2'4 ' lo 1 , second : Sull
Hess , 107 ( T. Mcllugh ) , 12 lo ( hlid. Time.
I- ) ' '
Fifth race , four and one-half furlongs
Dr. Sharp. 107 ( Caywood ) . 7 to 10 , won ;
Ouecn .Mali , 99 ( Dorsev ) , l'c 10 1 s co d :
Gnimie , 101 ( T. Mcllugh ) , 7 to 1 , third. Time
Sixth race , live-eighths of n mile : Captain
Hall. 110 ( llarrlnt'ton ) , 1W ) to 1. won , Ixiult'i
117 ( Anm'trnng ) . 20 to 1 , second : Hamlln , 110
( Cliy ) S lo 1. third. Time : 1:021 : ; .
CINCINNATI , .lu'.v 9 Second choleeK WJn
four of the races on the curd at Onkh y to
day. The MIOII WHS replete with cloi-e and
exciting llnlHhei' . Simon W In tne fourth
ni'-e hiavlly hacked liy the talent anrl
went lo the post a hot fnvorlto Wlien the
Hug fell Simon \V was flow lo gel away and
; > s ne"er able to get to the front und Un
ified lust in the Held of live. II. T Gilflln
bid French Grav , the winner of the Mrs !
race , up tu f'Oi. li'it she was retained liy her
owner. Jake Markley. The Illly wiu < In for
fiwi. Wealher hoi ; track fast ; bettltiK fair.
Itesnlls :
l-'lr" ! race , live fur ongs , selling : riench
C'.ray , 101 ( J. Illll ) , 4 to f. . . won ; Allle Hell. Ktt
( Iteaiichiimp ) 4 to 1 and 4 to .1. pecan 1 ; Lucy
M , WHlisrh \ ( ) , r,0 to 1. Ihlrd. Time : 1 it !
( ii-orgle C , Cuba I-'ree , D.iyo and Fair De
ceiver al o ran.
Second race , seven furlong * ' , celling Li
Monre. 101 ( Morrison ) . 5 lo 1 , won ; Dago UK ;
( C. Helff ) . l ! to 1 and 2 to 1 , second : Mutlll.1
102 M. Illll ) . 5 to I. third. Time : I 211 .1 I'
II. KVInu , Assas.--ln , Harper , Hats ( iff \\ln-
tlirop , llarton and Maclrcllne aim ran
Third race , live and one-half fiirlullgc
KanlHu-d. Ill ) illeauc'iamp ) , 'I to 2. won ,
Fwlng 110 ( J. lli'l ) , l ! to 1 and even ,
ICInsteln. ln ( ) ( I'lggotl ) , : i to 2. Ihlnl Tliw
I'M. Areturuv , Tin Crjft , Tule
Simmons and lias-lil lirmiuk nl-u ran.
Foiirtli race , h ndli-ip , one mile and twenty
vards : Mai-v. 107 ( T. Murphv ) . 11 to . ' , . won ;
I'nninurc lee ( Iteaiicliamp ) 10 to -and 1 3 to 1 ,
srKvnd ; GcvKcr. HM ( J'lKgnt' ' > . 7 to 2. third.
Timel:42'l. : . I.elc'ier and Simon W also ran.
Fifth nice , seven furlongt' , sellln1. : Arl iig-
ton. 105 ( \l"rrli-'on ) . 2 10 1 , won : Kddle Hurkf ,
107 ( \Villlams ) , 1.1 to 1 and 5 totl teoord ;
Abe I'-urst. Kill ( C Ilelff ) . 2 lo 1. third. Time-
1:2JS4. : Kl Toro , ( Varowltz. Ormon , Whaler-
lou and Charley Christy also ran.
I'rl/ex fur linn Chili Slioiit ,
At the next weekly shoot of the Dupont
Gun club n special handicap Hhuot ul Iwi-n-
ty-tivo tart-etH will be held , open lo Hub
members only. Tluee prizes will In- given ,
thu first , a S. VlrtcTla leathei gun i-ase ;
second , a leather shell can- , and the thlid , u
. Ilelke'u hand hold.
Flve-lliiiinil Iliiilnir Inleli.
FIIHMONT. Neb. , July 9.-Kpecial.-Hllly
Dacey a Han Francisco boxc-r , and Itllly
King , who ctalniK to be the N bra ka cluun-
piunwelter welnhl. gave a llvi-round boxltiB
mulch for pointt' at .Maentiorchor ball last
evening A good lzed irunu wax out umj
a llnv txhlbUiun. Date )
the most skill nnd science find It was n dim-
; ult matter for Klnp to land < ftrotlvly K'r.R
lipld his wind bettor than Dacey and In a
( Inls'll match would show up better. They
* lso gave nn Illustration of the famous
kfcrk-otlt Mnw that FltzflinmotH llnlshed up
'orbett with In the big nsht at Carson City. AT WHIST.
Cnrrlex Off the .MliiiirnpolU Trophj
for Palrx.
Pt'T-lN-HAY. O. , July n.-Tolcdo won the
Mlnnenixillfl trophy for pairs this evening ,
with Dayton second , nine tricks : behind ,
lho Toledo Yachting association third , the
balance following In the order named : New
Hedford , Italtltnore , Junior of Philadelphia.
American of Huston , Minneapolis , Chlcapu ,
N'ashvillP , Cleveland , llrooklyn. Troy , Sault
Ste. Marie and Sioux Falls.
The three tup teams are now In the Amer
ican Whlrt league. The preliminaries- the
Hamilton tiopliy will llnlsh tonight , with
Ihe Philadelphia Wlil t club llrsl with twelve
mid one-half tnati lies won out of a possible
thirteen , Chicago Duplicate "croud with ten
matches won , Minneapolis thlid. North
Pin to and litooklyn Hid for fourth. Wal-
hnok of Maltltnore wan sixth. Delndt and ,
I'hl.-apo Whist tied for seventh. Hamilton
nf Phlladelphln. Utiffnlo. Pink of Plalnlleld. |
Indianapolis , Nn livllle and Toledo folh w i
In the order natneil , Plilladelphla nnd Chi- i
i-ago Duplicate will play off In the llnals
Saturday afternoon or evening.
The result of the American Whl t league
prellmlnailos has not been otllelally an-
inuinced , lint II In certain that the Toted"
and Albany tennio will play off In Ihe
llnals Saturday aftetnoon nnd evening.
Amellcan of Huston took n hi ) : slump this
evenlntr. fallltiK from llrst to third place.
The annual election of oltlcers will occur
Salurday morning.
Siiiiilny I.IMV I neoiiHlltuI liiluil.
CLKVKLAND , O. , July 9.-Jndge Ong of
the common pleas com I handed down a
decision today declaring that the law under
which members < tf the Cleveland base ball
club were ntiestod for plavlng on Sunday
Is unconstitutional. President Uohlscm at
ntu-o announced that a game will be played
on Sunday with Washington. If tin
weather is line there will be an Immcimr
crowd. This decision will stand unless thr
city antboiltlcM carry the case to the
circuit court and It Is revetscil. It has
not yet been decided whether an appeal
will be made.
Ilentl/iillnit SlnUi-H Toiliiv.
NICW YOIIK. July 9.-There Is every liros-
peel of a line day's- racing nl Shei'p."lipad
bay totnurrow , for , besides the llr-t half of
the double event for 2-year-olds , the rich
realisation stakes for 3-year-olds at a mile
and live furloni-'H will be run otf. and the
winner will get close npnn JCO.OH for hi
vlcloiy. It looks as if the staiters would bo
eleven in number.
Cjele Slinrt-s TnUi > n llriip ,
H1HMINGI1A.M , Ung ind. July -The cut
In cycle prices announced by the Itinlue-
\Vhltworth company , limited of London , has
? aured a geneial fall of cycle shares on the
rtock ! e.xchango and almost a panic thruugh-
? ut the trade.
A .IOKI : ( I.N TIII- : < ; ur.nMiit. .
ThoiiKbl lie Ciiiiuhl u > lny unit II -
( Mii't'ri * ! ! an 12&port.
Kx-(5overiior Jackcon of Iowa for in.iny
yeara was the Hawkcyc secretary of state ,
and employed in his olllce quite a large
clerical force. One afternoon a rather nirty
rtirallte wandered in , and Mr. .Jackson Im
mediately iw In the newcomer opportunities
for fun , . the Chicago TlmcK-llerald.
"llev ye got a telephone ? " stammered the
"Certainly , " icpllod Jackson. "There It Is
on the wall. Help yourself to it. " Then ,
as the stranger ( .lowly walked up to the
telephone and began looking it over , Jack-
eon passed the word among the clerks to
watch the experiment of .1 . jay In trying to
tine a telephone for the first time.
The visitor looked the Instrument over
carefully , as if trying to figure out how to
use , It. The entire oilice force was watching
him with unconcealed amusement. Finally
he timidly took down the receiver , looked
at It with evident curiosity , tapped It gently
with his lingers , and then , giving a glance
about the loom , blew the dns-t off the re
ceiver , and putting his lips cloix to It softly
said , "Hello ! "
That W-'B too much for the clerks. The
olllce force hurst Into a roar of laughter , and
Jackson promptly went to the assistance of
the old man. "Hold on ! " he cried. Don't
try fo talk Into that. That Is the receiver ,
not the transmitter. Hang it up again ; and
then turn Ihe little crank on the right , place
the receiver to your e-jr and wait till cen
tral answers. "
The visitor was looking at Jackson as
curiously a one might regard an escaped
lunatic. "Say , " he drawled , "what's the
Custards Cakes
For Puddings , ,
and Blanc-Mange.
nutter with you. nnywny * I'm an p rt
sent over here liy tin- Hell Telephone com
pany to find out wlnt's the mutter with tbls
Instrument. "
And not * clerk dared to look up from
his work for the next hour.
Tolla Her Experience With
A dull , tlivoVililnp pnhi , nccomrmiilcA
toy n sctibu ot tenderness nnd hcnt low
down in the side , with nn occasional
shooting pain , indlciites Intlainination.
On examination it will In-found that
the region of pain sh-nvsMmie swelling.
This Is the llrst stngu of ovaritis , in *
HiuiiinMlon of the ovnr.v. If the roof of
your lealts , my sister , you liavo
it iiM-d at once ; why not pay the saiuo
rcspeet to your on body ?
Do you live miles tuvny from a doc
tor1,1 "Then Unit is
all the more reason ,
why yonsluiuldnt-
tend to yourself lit
once , or you will
soon boon the Hat
of your back.
You need
not , you
ought not
to let your-
fcelf go , \
your own
sex holds otitthc help
ing luiml to you , nnd
will advise you without money nnd
without price. Write ( oMvs. I'inUlmni ,
Lynn , Mass. , and tell her 'ill ' yonr symp
toms. HerVxperieiice in treating feiunlo
illsis greater than any other living per-
bon. Following isprtiofof what wo sny :
" For nine years I sutVetvd with fe
male weakness in its \\orst form. I
was in bed nearly a jetir with conges
tion of the ovaries. I also suffered
with fulling f the. womb , wns very
woalt , tired all Uiu lime , had such
headaeheb as to make me almost wild.
Was also troubled with feucorrluva ,
nnd was bloated so badly that some
thought I hail dropsy. 1 have taken
heveral-bottles of Lydia U. I'inkhnm's
Vegetable Compound , and several of
her lllood Purifier , and am completely
cured. It is a wonder to all that 1 got
well. I shall always own Mrs. 1'ink-
hmii a dohtof gratitude for her kind-
iitib.s. I would advii.c all who sulfur
lo take her medicine. ' ' Miss. A.N.NII ;
Cuitlis , Ticondcroga. N. Y
Thr. o nip HIP rtmiliip ritKM'll TANSV
W.UTIIS lmi , , it. 1 iltit.t . ft.111 , . l-.nlM l.aillcit
i-an ui | H nd ui > < n . . -rui-lnn iclu-r fi m and
i-uli > i > f ] ) . , uirul anj it ii-Kuhil- , li-iiiril *
loss .if . .HUM. I'Ml.'IIS 'Nlllirc. ' CO.
ImiiMlli-lh alll AKinl. lci- iln > t mlt-il Slali.1.
t un JMJ-P Cat
LE 'P * ' > " RITIIKK NKX.
O This remedy liclnc l -
'Jt'clctl ' directly lo the
Heat of those clIwenNcn
o. ' -culto-IJrliiary
N. riMiuiroH no
of utct. Cure
jrimrnnteed in 1 to 3
dnyM. Small ii
f * TT TZ2 * T3T ° nK . l .v mail , Sl.OO.
* Lr U JlTLJCSHold o nly by
Myi-i.s . Ilriifr Co. . S. r Cor ICth anil Far-
ii.ini Slri-cln. Omaha. Ni'li.
Council Bluff3 , Iowa.
CAPITAL , . . . $100,000
jWl-.UUNiS KlILJl' , 1-Allil AND UAUUUN
lanilb fur tulu uitu. . : . Liuy & llenu , iU ! I'carl
After July ist my father. Dr.
13. I. Wootlbury. will liavo char o of
the [ ilutc work in my ofllr-o und I will
g'lvi' my cnliru utU > niion to Operative ,
Crown und Hriil o Work.
All ohiii'L'os ns moderate us thee
eif rcpiitnblo dontidts In Council . A. WOODBURY , DD. S.
HlulTs or Onutlin. .10 l'1-AIII. ST , Next lo frrund Hotel.
Buy one of a legitimate dealer. , ,
Buy one of known make and quality
Buy one that will stand the test.
Buy one that is guaranteed by re
sponsible parties.
You waste good money when you
buy otherwise
You make no mistake when
you choose
A Tribune
Ask Deere Tribune Riders or A Deeml ! $75
why they con
wheels sider these nt the A Moiine special $60
head of the
Send for catalogue.
iciiv aa&aaaa i WWmm
General Agents.
Council Bluffs Cyclery , 337 Broadway local agent3 }