THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SMTKHAY , JULY 10 , 1807. SOME OLD-TIME COURTSHIPS An Aiu ( . : ng Side of Life in the Early Days of New England. IIESTRICTIONS ON COLONIAL LOVE MAKING HIM * Iliiclii-liiri mill Klili'H } MiiliU \\i-rr n ml 'I heir lonclliiMi 1 KIM Ill-ll I Illlll ( III < > ' .Mill ! lull * for Sloorm. . As the < hicf and only olijcct of a girl ol ctiinti ii i iei was plainly to set married , reia "o th Chicago Kecord , It Is evident that In SMI * that led to her marriage wire ' much Importance She wag earl ) ta igv i v precept and n few rare and de- piorai a examples to dre > ad and aliuti being jta oil maul Tlio traveler John Dunton vrrof in I'M I It is fno nn old or superannuated , naul m I ) ston Is thought such a curse a * tio' > nn can exceed It , look'd on as a dis mal i trie " HP H t is that unmarried women were called f born i i i < s ' The state of old maldlsm waa reahi I nt an earl > date Illgglnaon wrote of a'i in nut maid of 25 The letter ? ol Mijy i "ii nk. ditiKhtcr ol Kmanuel Dining , J hn \ \ i lirnp s brother-in-law , show how li nl it > - pare-nts relented her remaining u muni I rill about 25 > enrs of age And ] , tr. . ' IM father ghow his mortifieation enlv malehlng ' Ills children The uv s it fainll > rei ords of giavcstones , of h lima show that unmarried women ofVI VIler VIW I inii ar Slit knsponro called them W f c use tquallj discouraged. Bfcrht- . lor I fvcd askance and with much BUS iluy were watclied by ministers l n nnn magtstiates , heads of fam- iiK - I tithing man was ordered to have a . ' i > > i-oul ' on them Thej wert i ) t p. nmtteil to llvi > alone , nor to chorx * ilitu it residence but had tu no with Mb i , u I A m id the court assigned , and II lit S. 1 1 IM | this wire sold for a mm ol " i\ i I i innnv 01 the tolonles they had ij I i i i ix If tiny remained mimarrlt i f i rt.iin age \ll iii nrt smooth sailing when thp rc- utr I an 1 watched bachelor decided to marr > ai 1 gain ficedom He tould not innki a not Ion of mariiage" to an > vouug .n , an in the commmiU ) whhout obtaining the i nt nf her parents ot near It i in I k I lie vv nipping IHKI ami cat o nine tai s i > i ti 1 him if lie ' Inveagled the alTtc- t mn ii v mild or rnald-fcervant" by m ik- h,0- I ve > hi r without piopei permission 1 ban > it u wondered whether thi > marked a' in i i - an I charms ol * Idovv.s It , colonial davs 4 i nrt somewhat due to the fart that n mi 'ild oourt them without being wi n I i > r be' ' " ? given permission or rend - d in i ! n mi it Va la - restricting unlleensel lovemakIng - Ing in bi found In court records of i-olot.lal davs I ut the New Ilavni magistrates FO- > leiv a ) 1 1 ill"d th ( "Inveagling ' us ' b\ spc Ii vviitmg me.isigc , eompauvkeeping UIHH irv fiimllliritdUordcrl ) uighi in i ts , sinful dalliance gifts or ( as a final blow o invtiitlvo loviis ) In in > othei w.ij ' C\T O SINK TAII..S FOR S1Y WOOCIIS It in iv plalnh bo seen that if a s-ly wooei v.erhauli 1 up for "ln\eakllnK ' and ihrtat. pned i h the whlppiiiR post and stocks bold swi > 'ht > art had aur > simple waj ol 'hwnrtint ; the maisistrates When ruttlc nf Nm Ili\en found that Jac-ot Murl u ha 1 been Musing Sarah Tuttle his daiiKhti r without leave 01 license he ariKrllj br-UKlit suit against Jacob for ln\eiklin ! ( : Sarah s ifTe tloii" Affairs weie looking dart for J u jb and the lazli of the whip seemed tc trembl" nnr him In the air. when the cimn aslu 1 1-nrah whether Jacob ln\elkled ; hei and he lomurelj aniweiad Xo " Ihemasls- trate oilUd htr i "bouldlrgln. . " but he coul 1 nut make her sij ihe was kissed Riin t \\r-r \ \ will so Jacob went scot-free tc Goodman Tuttle s Ire TheIHAS is to tin- restraint of lover- tier n it wludlj foi the control of iKiiorani and punr folk , nor to prc ellt the lo ° * > a b uir I 1 \aiitf 1 as tome historians Imi limk ; i ) ' I They applied to all classes In thi toinimim j and were taktn aih intake of bj fithir iir < l ( .inrdlana of all ranks The RO\- < ni , o' I'ljinouth colonj Thomas Prtnct dint In suite to diai ; his , daughter's lo\i T i r i n re the public He prosecute' ' \ h ir IIowHnd for dloon'eil ' , and unright f u h inleavorlrR to Kstn the affections o ] \l si - , Kli/aheth I'rrnce 1 lia\e a tu I i nn th ' in tl'h case had Klirabcth 1'ieiut 1 n i 'luii'd - . lriin" she mlRht lu\e truth fjii ) I-.STUI ] 'hat the affectio is were Khet Uj h r nit unrlKhtcousI ) stolen Lj\er How UT | i ordernd to "refrain and desist" am he pa 1 a line of 3 pounds Sincii jcaru lati-r 'ill i liivorins to retain the affections o MtstrisiCiunlielh , and r\ldently hiicccelliif ver ; \ \ II in hl iMilpi\or ) he was .main flnei the bn le amount liul la\e laughs at law and In a fen months 1'rence bccanu Miner bur Ilowlind \n eiiKi ement cf nnrrbno was a serlom matter In those dijn If the father had Rhei Ws ci nspnt he could not reckle'-Aly or un reaeonalib Inteifere to breal. the contract ColoniHl lourt records , especial ! ) those o ! > lin > uili pro\e tliat l&\er In turn , coul rtuc p.inntM foi IntermeildillliiK In saiutiont loveniakiiiR and cist1 were t > r < n.sht by men aftalii't women In > i me omnniniilis in both I'l > moutl an I li 'on a formal hc-tro'tial tailed a ' ton r.u uu. . took place This was not held t < have aer > favorable inlluence on morals as fil 'al ' ruordb pro\e and. as it furtheni H-iik ; eiiKHKt'nionts , wai not encouraged C ut j n Ma hi r expfisscd himself with sonii form in in I ho ftiibjtct. SIHUIUINl ) ) CALCULATING V ii Jin sordldnecs and mtannc&.s ap n mum of the account ? of wooln- in ol nnl tunes thioiiKh the enReniifis o ; bo h tlie fuller of the bride an I tlu tiiootr to dm i a * fclurp a bargain o\ir the mar r IK mi nn t as paulhln The tender pis Hu'ii HJK lecltoned III mail } enen In pouni'n iiliil1 n M and pence < "he paKi" of Judni * . < ill s dl irKlvo ample proof of thl' hrt I jliulatlcn In C'lirtfililiw botli hl < own on I lu Ui'idren ' s And the piRf-s alsi hiw nut he proMd a el } goad husbam In MI i if tliu shurpnerti of Ills barKalnlnf ; A nn Hati seltieinvMit wi nerj Imjiortan mat ir in tiojoda > s A K'rl ' could fiet unr rled of our'-e , wit'ioM ' a dowry but tl\ 'ould I- ) ' f\p ct to match ulth an ) one oi MTJ liifh ktiiulliiR In the coininiinlty un l ( < i fli < - ' roniht nionr ) ir her pocket Thtti wait omo sontlmeiit In finikhiK Ibril of a rather broadb outlined kind A f \ irUo method of expression was b ; cnergit'i love at llrfil slkjht and fpeed ; inainaRe I am ronslralned to noie that thi hern of 'li t cert of romance has been. Ii ever ) isj which 1 have noted , a widower No romintU baihelor has eiei fallen ii love ai B Ol of a fair maid who t > at milk liiK lie' f I'ner's cows proposed at once am inarru 1 hfas noon aj puhlUhed It ha aiwas In en a widower who did this , am I am bi u.i I to tjtnte. in approval of hi : apparent ! ) ha ty choice , thst the speedll ] von bnli ulvfajH proved a notable hoiine keepi r 't hits ne\er been a bachelor whi his i i.i k n to a man's door and said holdl ) " 1 hear ) nii IIMO u ) ouiik ! dauKhter houll to tee her with alevv to mar rvlin- her and followed thH step b ) i inanh Into niatrlnioii ) It | j Hi a vMdowur who U uch a hardy wooer often 'el ' it not dim the Klur > ot Uie n : mar , ' PI u widower with children who nrei Imniidnto carr Wo do not , ho e\er llni a faf IK r who will make such an off r ti I ' rntlri a favorable aiuwer , as did Hev illclmei U : iltsworth , the popular poet thi author of the terrible "Da ) of Doom " Hi was a w dower with oeverul children am hu Pdtiii ! > ( tared that his eought-for brlJ wonUl objtut to HO man ) tin mnbraiicfrt hence ho offere darkl ) to dUpot < e of fem of themVo are left to lunnUc the mcthoi of disposal It has bornifd to me In ititdylni ; domentl relations In the colonies , that widow u an widuvvVrs were both much souKtit for a marriage partners , werH so evjdentl ) pn ftrrrti to unmarried men and women thi I hair wondered how the buppl ) of flrt husbi.iuls anil vvhes held out hov\ ail ) on was vvi'linK lu bu tht > first partner th iaiTlUt ( an It were. Old ant' did not dete them from manning nor rum their oppui tunuus Marriages of widows over ( Oi-3rn of age vtrt > fnqutnt and seem t have IHUI regarded aa not \old of Interci ami evin sentiment Tliu paKfs of Judi ; Sew all dlar ) tell us of hU ' ductuatloni , as hn ttnmil hla vurlou * atttvtupt at matr many. In bli succt * lve wiJuvierboodi , an d'l'ivv ij i while he never lost slRht of the b sm.o asptLt of the proposed contract he anil .uul 1 be somewhat mawkish and Billy a niawki h and sill ) an could perhaps , be , tici ( 1 of a woo < r of threescore ) ears and ten 1IIK ntUDRQROOM S \ONinrENCn. . Man ) frankl ) simple customs prevailed 1 lo not know at how early a datp the fashion obtained of "coming-out brlde"on Sunday- thai Is tbe public appearance of bride an 1 srortin and sometimes entire bridal party , In wedding array at churth the Sunday after ttc marrlaue It ccrtalnl > was a common custom loni ; before Hevolutlonary times , both In New England and In New Vork Oabrlel Kurtnan In his manuscript ' Com monplace Hook , ' dated 1S10 tells of one brldocroom whom he saw who appeared on tbe first Sunday after his marriage attired la white broadcloth : on the second , In brilliant blue and gold on the third. In pr-ach-b' ion ! with poorl buttons The bride's dress wholh obliterated b > all this mascu line maKUlfkercH is not even named Potton Mather wrote In 1713 that he ikenied It wl e to have the newl ) married couptf app ar publicly with some disnlty Jinltje Sew alls dniRhter and her husban 1 walked with sK other Couples to meeting the Sunday after her marrlaije In llrook- Ivn Conn It wa the ( ustotn for the bride and brldiRroom to olt In the galler ) and at a certain point In thn service to rise and turn around several times slowly to show their bridal finery to the whole congrega tion. _ _ M > ( ON\HIII > . Sliotlillf Dffrnilliiu 1II > ln ti'iIlllll Ilinmril no M > lui ili'M-r. " Vppearance are decelxlng" said on old law > er to the Chicago 1'ost man 'The strongest case of circumstantial evidence 1 e\er knew was against an innoctnt man. My father wa a lawyer and In the criminal practice1 Ono of his cllcnln was hinged for a murder which he ne\er conimitteil "Just at the edge of om * own llvetl a rich old mm tn a grand old hou c He had no famllv , nliil was alone with his servants Olio inglit there' was a fearful disturbance ! In Ills house , and neighbors hurrl"d In Seven pl lol hots Bid been tired The rlih old man was dead with n bullet In his brain anil the butler lay , with his hands full of Jevvelrj and wUchts light In the dooma ) of the old man'1 ; room with t bullet somewhere In his licud , but hn was not deid "Hit revolver la ) by his side and so far AS could bo seen , the whole stor ) wa told light then- The butler who had be'eti In the hoiKe nnl ) about six months hid at tempted to rob his master , had been caught Ii. the act and cliot , but had killed the old man In the tight That was the enl ) trans lation of It and there was no other for "overal dajs because the butler had A ver ) seilous wound and was delirious for a we-ek However , It wa.s not fatal , and as soon as by was himself he made a statement to the effect that he had been awakened In the night by footsteps , and had taken his [ ilrttol. which had enl ) two loail.s In it out of fl\e and gone down Into the hall below to * ee what the nolao was ' Ho noticed that hlh master's door was poitly open at the fat end of the hall and hut rled toward it As he approached It he heird his mn-tcr speak to some one asking who was there and with that there was .1 pistol shot and he Jumpe.ii into the room grabbing a bmtjar an he did so and at the homo time getting a fchot in the head from his masters pistol UevcnJ tint he remembered nothing more His stor ) was generall ) disLcllcved for there was no evidence of an ) person in the house with evil designs , and all the plunder that he ha I not ciiuglit in hU hands was ling on the lloor about him , to that there wat , no ap- imrent re-ason why a burglar should be thtro All the doors were found locked b ) thojo who came In response to the alarm and there were absolutely no slgns > of an ) burglarizing from , the outside ' Another strong point wai that the bullet v.hlch was found in the butlers head exactij ntte'd the pistol of his master showing con cluslvely that it was the master and no' ' the burglar who bhot him This was the con dition of the affair when m > father took chirge ot it and though he reall ) belitvct the butler fl storv and tried to prove It. he could not do It and the man was fluallv hanged \ ) ear later a burglar was shot In policeman in the clt ) neirest n > and he confessed on hlo deathbed that he wa the murdi rer of our rich man He had hidden In the nous- early in the evening had co1 lected all he tould of jewelr ) and other portable table valuables and waa about getting 0111 when he wat > caught both b ) the old man and the butlei and that the butler had RO the bullet intended for him , as lie had m into the room just ab the old man flted Dropping e\er ) thing In his sudden surprise he had ru hed downstairs and lildlen In the ballwav from where he hail slipped out a ! < soon as the front door was opened In the excitement h" was not observed and he got avva\ without an ) trouble at all a.s the nearness to the cit ) imde strangers ho com mon that their presence excited no suspicion I 11 never forget that Incident and 1 11 nev be In favor of the death penalty on rirtuti stantlal evidence I don't care how stronp It In Hven lneh law is Icvs unjust " Don't nauseate ) onr stomach with teas and hitter harba but regulate your liver and sick head i'he b ) using those famous little plIlK known as De Witt's Little Earl ) Ilif-ers. siin itr.c nun O T i.'O.OOO , < MI ( > I'lirl.llli.-s Scn < Out lj ( "lllllfri-HNIUfll ' 1 IllN Vl-lll. Over 20000000 packages ofegetihle flower aTd Held seeds have been distributed b ) the Department of Agriculture during the pist hpiing sas the Washington Star Th 3 distribution has gtvtn to member of congress 40 Ouu pickagea of seed at a total cost of J1JO 000 Over a million of these packa en were llovver eed and nearl ) 30J 000 Held seed , the balance being a great va rlet ) of veijc'tablcs In the intlrt ilistribu tlon neiil ) ever ) varlet ) of vesetable known to th agrlcultuiists was dibtilbuted There vvtie thlrt-two varieties of luinb ten \i- rietkM of beets tvve > ntv-tlirei > vailelies ol e ibbage eleven varictlife of carrots nineteen vnrlttits of sweet corn eighteen varie'ifs oi ein umbers thlrt > kinds of lettuce nineteen varletliM of iinmkiin-loiiH seventeen klndb 01 watermeloiih and llfteen varieties of onions The entire amount of seeds distributed WHS .s u HU U nt to plant an area of Ar > H bin an mllcti or about six tlmea the MZC of the' District of Columbia Tills t the largttit distribution of seed ever attempted by the Department of Xgri culture , and It U said that allovii the country are complaining that they du not make sakb u > farmers and otluri be Ciiuse. they are getting all the seed the ) ivaul flee from the Department \grlculture The distribution of seed In 1S91 amountoil to h.SOO packages for each member of con gresd at a totil test of $ riari4 ! > . in 1M1 each tonguoatiun got 1C ooo packages the cntin coat to the government belnt ; J"i7 < > ( ) in IS'.io the number of paikagea of see Iri dis tributed vvas the same a * in ( be iircvi . vear but the total cost was reduu 1 to $17 ooi ) In IMMi coiigrer nnn got I'uii ) paik ages each and the government paid $ v ) 10i for the whole lot During the past spring each member of congress has receive ! 40 Ooi packages of feeds for whlcl' the governmcn' ' has paid J130 000 lleecham's pills for stomach an.1 liver UU \ Mu i > i HUN IDT. v , lilrUlio < ; UiCulil MIIII- | | of Thi-li IIlllr riiiKfro in I lii'lr Iti-lriilliril. ' Do the glrU here give gold models o their little Mngtrs to their fiances' ' askei the western girl of thei Gothamlte nuclei the New \ork Sun ' Ili'aveiu no1' answered tbo Gothamlte It begins to me that that U a rather t > reu some souvenir. ' "Nut at all. " answered the western girl It U decidedly dainty and I'm a little mir prised that New York la so far behind thi limes The fad marti-d In this wa ) U'he'i the daughter of one of our big westeri politicians was six months old tin had : ir.oJtl of her little linger cast In gold \round the little dimpled digit Is a ring c turquoise which Is her birth stone and i make a lovely charm for her betrothed'i watch chain He valued It so much that I set other men to thinking and the reaul U that as soon as a girl wrap one of tliesi chaps around her own little nnger sufficient ! ] for a proposal to follow he > Immediately In slit , upon a gold facsimile of the flesh am blood original It U a print ) conceit and ii being followed b > every westerner who U It nublectioa to somebody's little EUROPE SHY OF FREE SILVER Bourke Cockran's Investigation of the Temper of Foreign Countries SOME MANUFACTURERS FAVOR IT HNIi tlrltloh iinplo : > cr \\niil Pri-r SIM IT lii C < iiiin-t | < - n Itli Inilln .sjiiiniil Xiinc ) s < > n I line * lit Hon Dourke Cockran of New York re turned from Europe recently where he In- Mwtigate-d the temper of leading men on the subject of reopening the world's mints to the free coinage of silver In an Inter- Mew In the New Vork Sun , ho sajs he met the American commissioners in 1'arls , and dlscuesed the quititiDn with them , " 1 also discussed the question with. BO v era I states men In different countries ' lie scis "and 1 Investigated for injself Its bearings upon the social and Industrial conditions of labor wherever I went ' ' Have } ou changed jour \levva about If" "No , ever ) thing which I have seen con firms me In the belief that that agitation for the freu coinage of silver la nothing but an agitation for the reduction of wages The remirkablo feature of this agitation is that laborers are Induced to partltiinte In It b ) the pretence that an Increase In the prices o ? commodities will result In an Increase in the rate of wages Oi course thw U u fal lacy , but It Is plausible , and U appears to have Induced many worklnguieii to regird tha dcbanemeut of the coinage as a distinct gain for labor I have never > et found a demand for bimetallism to exist in an ) localit ) wheie , upon a clo e examination , I did not find that It was but n dlsguuse'd complaint that the rate of wages was too high In discussing the Question with a very prominent Hnglish smcsman he In- fanned me thitoutsile ot Lancashire there h alttolutel ) no demand for the free coinage - ago of silver In Kngland It IB well to re member that Mrrthur Ulalfour sita in the House of Commons as a member from Man chester I do not pritend to ay that this accounts foi his support of 'bimetallism but It is a coincidence' worth noticing I asked this statesman why there was a demand for the remoneUzatlon of silver in Lincashire and he Informed mo that the Manchester manufacturers complained tint thej could not compete with their rivals In India I anked him whv and he said because the rate ) of wage's is mucli higher in Manchester than In India Clearl ) this explains bi metallism In Lancashire and the same idei will be found to underlie the demand for it wherever It exists \IK\NS KUDUCED W\GKS "Now if wages be too high the obvious romeJv Is to reduce them but the candidate who suggested to the opeiativcs of Mauthes- te- that tlielr w igcs be reduced would be burled political ! ) and would not be entlreh < at > per on lly Instead therefore of openlv and frani'l ) suggesting a reduction of wage- , which la eatsilv understood ind would easil ) bo disposed of , it is more politic to advocate a debasement of the monev In which wages are paid and curious ! ) enough as I hue said the laborers tlienifelvc's to a large extent have been enlisted in this agitation Inus - tria I conversed with sevenl member * of the legislative bodv on thU t-ubje-c. and I that every one- who represented an agrlcui' tural constituenc ) was in favor of bimetal' lihm They explained this attitude bv eain that the prices of agricultural products have declined , while waget > remaJii aa high oi higher than ever Some ot them expre > scil tha name .sentiment more felicitous ! ) by Cav ing that the cct of agricultural production remains th ? same while , the prlteof agri cultural products ha\e diminished But since the cc&t of production Is almost , entire ! ) a labor cost It k > plain that here again the cjm- plaint of the blmetallists h that the rate oi w iges is too high ' I do not men ion this with an ) dUposiJon to embark again in a discussion of the silver question , or to express anv opinion as tc whether the rate of wage-s is realh out ol proportion to the -value of the product bul simp ! ) to tjolnt o\i what 1 have nlvvi ) li- Msteil on during the late canvass , that tin silver agintion > n strong now he-re except where pro lucers believe thav 'the eo t ol production tha. . U to s = a\ , the rate of v.ages Is so high that it endangcis their prolit. . But the trades unions in this countrv lu\ also In manv Ir-tances sunportcd uif i ' coii.age of silver at the ratis of 1C to 1 * "I am aware of tint but I have iinbonn ] confidence in the capacitv of no la'onu ' deal with all matters tine itfeu then iwn inteiests Before the ) Hue anv letUle'd ac wiou on thU subject I am confident the ) will Insist on know ing just now thev a e 'o I , benefited b ) a ocheme which will cl rl > an I avowenll ) Incrri e prices but * liien ot it el doea not and cannot Increase KJ CS , I. ll've the ) will show thenamo good een > t ' jiitriotlsm in dealing wl.h this quest ! jn v I i h the ) have dUpla > ed In dealing vlth evejv other question tint affectel th.-ir own vet fain or the prosperity of the tauiui ) ' Do ) ou think the \\olcott mi- > - . 0,1 v ill have an ) Importau- effect ' ' "I do not be'lleve thit the. ittled pollc ) of anj Kur'fcountr ) new using the KD ! 1 standard will be changed b ) anjthlng vvilih this commlssiorw can do but I tnlnk it quite like ! ) that an attempt ma > be made to per suido people of this countrv tint some ein ec slon has been made to the bimetalln a ! titlon b ) the gold-using countries of or to use a phri o cunent evei ) where , tha 'something has been dent for silver. ' Anv Kuropean t-'ove'rnment which , ha-s be > er troubltil b > i similar agitation would bo plad to see thh country thiow onen It mints to the free coinage of silver so tha- the con = e'Q "lien of our exoe'lmeut wjulij seivo as i warning to tne people of otm countr'ea ' ni'HQi'i : SUV op rnuB SJLVKH ' I do not think an ) European countrv which has established Its finances on a gal' ' Insls will abandon it svtitem of sounl m n ev under anv circu.nHanees an ) im than I think It would abolish the tflegrap i or an > other devlce > of civilization Hut whllo holding fast to its own gold s'andarl It Is quite pchMnlo that it will ado it some device- for the subsidlar ) u-f of silver which will juatlfj It In ealng that It has made eotno concession tr > the 'double standard MI ] then urge us to lead the remainder of the way In the experiment of free and un ! . Itel coinage ' 1 have no doubt the Indian mints must be u opened Rome time or othi r since Indi Is a silver using countr ) and tin tlosum ol the mints has left it without my system ol coinage whatever but ln t ad of ftanklv admi'tlng this the nnglt h COM mint nt un ler Mr Ilalfour H lia'irship Is vtr\ likelv to pietend that the mints have be.t" FIFTY-SIX YEARS OLD WITH VIGOR OF THIRTY-FIVE. 519 Guarant ) Loan Hid R Minneapolis Gentlemen \\ill > ou anept ni ) thankt , foi the Kr-'at benefttfc received from the use o Ur Charcot'B Kola Ntrvlno Tabletb' ' At thi lime of commencing its use , last Julj V-ould not read without mj Blastes , the on our bubiueau Mrccis. could not retiin ui my mind a nutter of business suthelentl ) IOIIK to get to the street from mj otilec an : eould not call the DUIAL-S of my Intlma-i frlentls and would fretjuently set lo t li parU of tne city where I had been a dail ) visitor ( or the past teven jearw I attribu ted my condition to advaiued age. Thank * to Kola Nervine * Tableta however I an satisfied that I am toda ) la as good condltloi In uver > reopect ao 1 vraa at J5 Anytblu < that will accomplish eurh wonderfu , ! result : aa this should be heralded to the world . might add far the benefit of tht public ( ha ! this tftitlraonial k > given without any Eolici talion on > our part whatever Yours trulj \v s S\VBIT xigr , Macnacbuaetts Mutual Life Ins Co Dr. Chareot s Kola Nervine Tablets civi new life , strength and vigor to the debili tated A trial will convince } ou At drug glots or mailed direct , 50c and M 0) per box Write for testimonials Kureka Chemical Mfg Co. La Crowe , WU. reorenel as a i . ji j.i i t . .i talllsn As the Ind an tr.i.'i v < i-rt jptn up ts 1W their rtepefn ? we ill i.iflv rt-es'abll-nh the corllriuti whuh pri i 1 tfip r. peal of the Sherman law \ h uia t > r of fart ' ) < > ) should never have been rlowd becsu e to co from a llver to a cold ba ls In India would be just grave n ortroe-as It would bp to go from a gold to a silver iy l In this coun try The objection to R violent chance In the " < tandirl of value ! not to the coinage of an > particular metal , but to the discharge of obligations in one metal when , b > the term * of the contract , thev should be re deemed In another. Il wbiild be Just a criminal lo compel dibters to discharge In goll obligations wlileh the } Ind con- tractel In silver as It would be to compel creditors to accept pavinent In silver ot debts which had been contracted In gold The clrBinK of the Indlnn mints waa slmpl ) an act of panic , unjustifiablennd unscienti fic India must cither be put upon a gold baMs and the free coinage of gold estab lished , which It not llkel > or else the India mints must be reopened for the tree coinage of silver The pretence that this will be done as a concession to blmttalltm Is but a trick to saddle upon thli countr > the conse- nuence * of an experiment which nearly everj Kngll'h statesman understands would. If adopted in GreiU llrltnln. prove fatal to the commercial pre-emliienre of the empire llefore this government will listen to any country which may urue us to open our mints to the free- coinage of silver we vvlll require thit countrv to share the experi ment with u < 'Moral support , 'conces sions to silver and other phrases cqmlly devoid of sense and good faith will not per suade the United States to pull chestnuts out of the Ore for the benefit of Great Hrlt- aln and other Kurupean countries A Viiluiililirri'iTiiiUoii. . Editor Morrison \\orthlngton , Ind , Sun , writes ' You have a valuable prtficrlp- tlou In Hlectrlc Hitters and 1 can cheertuli ) recommend It for Constipation and Sick Headache and as a genei-U sjstem tonic It ha < no evjual ' Mrs \nnle Stehle , 262J Cottage Grove avenue Chliago WHS all run down could not eat nor digest fool had a backache which never left her and felt tired and weary but slv bottles of Llectrlc Hitters restored her health and renewed her strength Price 50c and Jl no Get a bottle at Kuhn Co K drug store M\V : rnrou A\ \ insiuu\ . KetlKiinltiHi "f Coin-nil l.i' > \ftcr llu- Iliitllt * f CflUMlniiu. A volume of war records now In course ot preparation at the Wir department w ill set tle the ormtrovei-jv whether Generil Hobert K Let Midired his resignation after the bat tle of Gettysburg It will contain writes th Globe-Uemocrit cprrespomlent a letter from General Lee to JeiTer ) ! ! Davis The dite Is about one mouth after the defeit In Penn sylvania The reason that the letter did not appear at the time the eorrespondenco relat ing to that period was published by the department Is that its existence vvas not known The replv of Jefferson Davis declin ing to accept the resignation has be ° n i matter of common Information , but the character of the letter In detail which cille I out this replj has been u matter of inference onlj until recently The letter of rcsism- tlon of General' Le will be llrst pilnte-d olll el-illv In a supplemental volume of the \ \ ir H"cords , which is now beiilc prepare 1 It is given herewith in Its entirety C\MP cmN'on.ugun b isc ; H > K\celle > ncv JeRensop DaMfe President of ht Confederate States Mr ' Pro" ! lent Yoi r lit ters of JuljS and \ugust 2 have betn r ceived ninl I have wilted for a Ul-ure hour to reilj , but I fear tfjat will ne'ver ( i in I am e\fremel > obliged toou for the at tention given to the \ > apt of this armj and tlio efforts made 19 suypls them Oui obsenteea are returning , ami I liope tne e > arne t and be-autilul jippeal mule to the country In > our pro lamation ma > stu up the whole people' , audi tint thej mav see their dutj aiid perform it Noth ng I- vvantel but that their fortitude should ciju i their bravorj to insurw thei saci-ess of on cause They are sent tn teai h u w adi in and pru lence to call forth sreatei eiurgie- and to prevent our falllnit hito greater dis asters Our people have onlv to be true- and united to bevir manfully the misfoitunes Incllent to war and all vvlll come rigu in the end "I know lie v prone we are to censure and how rfad > to blame others for the non fulfillment of oui expecta'ions This is un beeo"ing In a gener us people and I gritve to ste Its e > prr b'on The gdieral re'nedv fi - the v pm e-f , ucn s in a uilitar. eoni minder is hi > rimoval Thi Is nuuial an 1 in ir iv iustan ts propei Tor no inptttr vvhi maj be > the abilu > of tlie olll SUDDENLY 1o do FO is In jm Sous to tlio I IIIOlll } 'll Illl- < > ! run- for Ilif ' 1 oi ll * < -ii lillliit. II i- LUieil thou- in 's wlifit othtr ( \ \ i Me for ' ro > f : > ) ! s not It.- t ml on the vlll PJVV r of the us r II 1" tin i uu Vi-tet iblt Charmless 11 HIH oi iuiml vvrit- . . , , tell nii iiunli e leme- „ - „ m ij ti-iti fun 1-vuiir m m > If it fills tu eun I ftv ml ' 1 pi r b \ ilioxts fuir I li 1 i ll I i- f > It > nil I ! - „ ! - ( elut s n il k , . jj i ; \ . L v ill - i I i ! HI IM'K \ ( III.U- II \l , \ Ml ( , . ( U. . l.ii ( riisrf , U Is. HEDI6AL InilSuigiul Instunte It , si uiii i 11 Nub i i 'i 11 ION I-IIM : dllsii. In irtrdtinmt of C 7oniL , Aerious and Private DIMMSJS nil \ \ 1 l/.Cfl .mil ) | > ( ) ltl > iits nf iftlt.14 areful 1 - . atttntiun for I.VIMIJs bin an -pn.ial ill i Hir ninny lilnifina bYl'MII.IS If J ur > iiit ins an pimples on fine- - ri thrnt mui ous pitihfH In inuutti llivuinulitiji ! lu bont.d unj 4 ° illtf. bulr lull Inuut Juo Iwve no lime t ) w aisle \\IC\K VJI3N ( \ ltalllyVealu miila HII by too close applied tltwi 11 bu tn. > H ir siuily , t-tvere niPiilal i-triin r srlt-r il MU U\i PSMi In inidtlle Ufa ir i ruin in etlotls of > uthful I lllt ? L.ill or irlie CMrhfuUr * KnislUh PUraotnl HrAnn. BOVIIL PILLS Orljtrnl and Only Genuine , Or I iij c a M vn > I oi hi r Huirfj u / inttufu nf A D ifc-i n orHLd4o. ii Mtuit r r firfitulfcn ftJonbUti n4 "IWItf for Li..Mi * , " i" frftrr tj rrtnni lciiM < > r ( Ler IruYl o.U lUia SqoAr * * . Prj * * iti lJUiVl > A. , i'A * Lumber anli alnn les U t- Indian herviee. 1'lnu H ii e Axentj , I'liie ItldK'c , bn.n.uun i uiinti , h U Jul > ] 1 'iT seale 1 pmposals LII lojvetl ' 1'iop "iln fui l.umlii r und Hliin lfa s t u- rust may I anil u lilie eil lo the i - 'i-nl ni-ii , u I'm lildtre Sliiinnon euunt ) nil r > .lKuti vvni be MII u. 1 until one t < 10 L p m of Situi la > Jul > 'I , li.iT. fur furni-hun' Hn 1 de Ive-i. ln < either at Ituslivllle , N h or at thl' .igt.-nc > , within fortj (1UJ iIajaflet noti. , uf dppruviil uf contrart , a cjuantltj ef , it. sorted uinbir and - < liiimli > a full Hn uni. Ksciiptlon of whim mn > he obtalne 1 b > making upplie-atlon to the undi-rBlrned n'd- ' deia vvlll state apeellli all > In then bid * , tju proixist-d price uf tuh , urtlck and point < i delfveo All arthles lUJiv red umlei an > contraet vvlll be subject in a rlidd Inipection The rlKht is re-strveil to relict an > ur al ! blilb , or any pjrt of onj bid. if dermed fui the lir t lntere ta of the tervli e t'ertlrtei I'heeks Iy.K h bt I must be act-ornjianle 1 b > n i ertlflid the > ek or draft u [ n a me Pnltf : Stutt-M deiio aoo or sotnt national bank li : the vltirm > of the r < mlilenev of the bidder made pavablo to the or ler of the C'omml'- slonr of Indian AffaliH. fur at leatrf. the per etnt of the amount of the vvhuli check or draft vvlll bo forfeited to tht I'lilietl fctutex In caw anv bidder or liMler.- iee-el\lng an award * hall fail to prompll.v L-XLLUU' a cuntratt with Koud and uflliini Hurftit.i. otherwise to bu returns 1 to the bidder. Hlda aogomp inleil b > cash In lieu of a eertltled check v > lll not Iw < on-ddi-red Tor an > ( urtliei Infonnutlon aptlj tu c.ip- ulnVm II. CUpp , ULline U. S. Indian Agent. ccr If he loses the conrHenes of his troop dl 3ster must sooner or later rnup I Invo been prompted by the-se refleetloni ninrp than once sime mv return from Penn ) lv nla to propose to rour excellent y tin p'p [ rlptj of selecting another commnndn for this armv I lnve e < > n and hoard o exfire-uiloin of dl rontenr In the public Jour nals Bt the result of the- expedition I di not know how far this fording extends li thp armr M > brother olli-er * ha\p licet too kind to report It and o far the troopi ha\o been too tjptierous to exhibit It It 1 fair however to suppose that It does exl t and success Is so neee'wary to us that noth Inc should he risked to secure It 1 there fore In all sincerity request your excel lenry to take measure * to suppl ) un plice I do this with the moro eirnestne a be < cause no one Is more' aware tlnn m > ell of my Inabllltj for the duties of tn > peist tlon 1 cannot even artoti. .il h what 1 tnvclf de lre How can 1 fulllll the > expec tation' of others * In adlltlon. 1 senslbb feel the growing failure of m > bodll > trenctli 1 have not jet recovered from the attack I ixperlenced the past spring 1 am becoming more and more incapable nl exertion and am tlm prevented ( rom nnkinc the peMoiml examination's and plvlug tht pe-isonal supervision to the operations In the field which I feel to be npces < ar > 1 mi so dull that In maklnt ; u c of the t'jcs ol other * I am frequent ! } misled Uverv thins therefore ? pointy to the adv ntaK s to bt deilved from a new commandtt and I the mon > anxiously utRo the nutter upon jour excellency from m > billef that a voungcr an ! ahler man than myeelf ctin reidtly be ob'alned I know tint he vvlll hnve i Ral- lant and bravo nn army a1" ever enlsleel to spcond his efforts , and It would bo the hap piest da ? of my life > to see al Its head n worthv leader one thit would iceomplHh morp than I could perform and all thit I havp wished 1 hope your excellency vvlll attribute mv reque t to the true ro ian the deslro to serve1 m > countrv. and to do all In mv power to Insure the succeed ot her rlghtecus causp 'I have no complaints to ti'iko of anvoif but myi-lf I have lecelved rnthlnt , but kindtie' < < fiom the e ahove me and the inoM eoncldira'e attention ftom n.j cunrad s and coinpanlora In arms To j nur excelk-irj 1 an specially indebted fnr u ilfnrtn 1. ! i ' 'ir i- and consideration You have done ivervtlilna In vour power to aid me In ill * work com milled to mj chnne without oml'tliR mv thing to promote the general w-lfaic 1 praj that vour efforts maj at leomli lie crowned with suceeus , and tint you miv lout ; live to cnjoj the thankj of a grate 'i I people 1 With sentiments of cre"U esteem , i am verv reapectfulb and truly vjura Mr Pivis wrnte' declining to aocept tnc nnlut atmn and Cenerjl Lee re milnel in command until \ppomatto\ \ \ II S For Infants and Chilelren. Searles & Searles SITCIALIS'l in i\cr\ous \ , Chronic ind Private Discasss A. Dlcorilt r of > ] i i ; ' 1 n utim nt lij in ill Consult itinu 1 ret- SYPHILIS Cured for life and the pulton thur uthij < - eaiis * . fi in t ! t stttn apcnntt ti in i Mminaleakn ti < 1 * st Mar ho 1 Nig iu t nu-i-n ne Detu } t , J i at uKK < ! i * m i e \ \ IM ! s * . tn i ill nun it -Jt- i IHIS p cull r t tith i t-ex ji * iti\el } Lurcl J ILLS I I- ! I H in i llh i r1 LJ * ( . L.H II | ) K i * _ I 1 I sNU N XKit Qi I LE piinijncnti > in u - f u > cur 1 M the i n \ \ and unfal In ; Stride anil 9ap& .llrut | j < fi IIOIIJL b > ne \ pun or cutting il nn fr o1 1th tnmp \ mil M. . Dr. S3 , v\ \ii v , M s.shs ron CI.OTHINO irrc nr : Ii-trtiiient of the Interior Olliee < > f Iniliu Ufiiii.ishiiinton 1) C , June 17 IVJT- Seilel prop j alt t mini -.d Proposalfi i luthiPK Etc " as the CUMin i ) be Tin i mcttd to the connnlsontr if In lUi .iftiiis XDS 77 and 7'Voostfi ntieet New Vom / "ly.vvlll be received until i link p rn , of ITiursjilij. Inly n 1S'I7 lor furnfshlns' for the Indian service cloth In , ? and vvonlfii Eood1 ! ISnls must be m nl < on sovein'nint blinUs aclietlule' . Hlvin. all necess.ti > Information for bidders w il be furnisheil upnn nppdc it'on to tl'e Indlii olliteIn Wa > hinston.o 77 and 70 Woo * ter streev NPW Yoik Cit > or 1241 Stall btrtet Chi".mo 111 liitls will be opened i the hour .ind di > mtntlonel and bidder' an' invited to le pri st MI it the. opening c-niiTirirn mncKSu WIN must b. aft ompinleil b ) cei titled cm i KS or draft ! upi n s m Pn'te-d St.ile * lepoiltoi > or sol v iit n bank fir at least l'I13 Pii : i PNT f iV imuiint of the propiwil W A JOMS ComuiKsioiur JJ1 il2"t RAILWAX TIME CARD L.-I i > , HI lU . * & IJfl 1.1MJ. n lv < Jli a. 111,1 , niuli Itt'i & MUIUII talj j Un a.i j din . Denver I,2.n.hA . j a i 4 -in | J Ik till * M nt , V ] Mill ix 4 p r 4 wwl ill 1'enver L.\pre"l ! . 4 0 p ; ; tMim Unculn 1 > cal ( n bunja 7 4 pn : . . , in 1. ntuln Uocal ( ex. i/ ; 11 J'J.i l.mvte , e Hit ACJI ) ULHLINijTON A. l } , Ar IvtH O I ujl H.OI1 Dej t. K : j & ilajunota _ Omul ) i ' fl tt'Tt < UU ito \otibliir . . T SSau < Sim. U'llleairo Kxpuao 4 luj ) i 7 apm Lliki BO \ M l ouls l.xi > re > a 7 jjjir 11 40ara. 1'ucliie junction L.CCJI c H' ' | ) : . _ el JSt Mail IPX SunlijJ . _ l ipn iJeavvn le.lll AOeT'lUh .V M 1'A JI | 7\nlV8 Oniali.lL'nlun | Utiiut , 1'Jlli It M.nutiu i Omulin C SCpm . Chicago I.HnneJ . . 11 dim ChlcuKo iii > rt3j ( ex , buntla . 3 . i > i LeiiveTTe HJCAOO & NOItTHWnMT'N | ArrIws OinMliiiL'nloi.lJrpol | _ , lutu u lli ou bin i Omah.i ' 0 fn-n * ia-ttrn I xure .i . . . . 3,40pn 1 41pm . . Vftlliulvl Umit'U * * iM pn 5 SJpm . . St PAU ! l.xpret. s 30an ClOim . . . . Si , 1'uul Limited 9 ofpn ' . .Mum , . . . Sniux. City l > " -i ll.lupn C SCpin Omih.ihlca.o SlJt.lil. . . . S OOin ' Ticept suinlay > 8 Except M ma > UTM- Tr'HI-\GO ! It I i I'Af'jriUlAr * ,7T o 11 ' alLnn ii Depot. JOth it M mon S't i Oniahi " " " EAbT. 7 ftijm Atlantic llspii-ss ( ex SundMy ) & 33pm 9 pin . Nmht 1 xpif 8 15,11 4 11 in i Iilcni , \ci-Iiniileii L-lmlieil 1 Sdpir 4 uepm st I aul VfbllbuleJ I.i ; licit 1 jipn J JM in Colnriiilo Olpir K In HO VAH.B' Arrive * ' . _ 1-tb Jt Wtt'ti"in. . i uniah. i is'i am LMI'3 on , n SO-mi . .t i W > o Kix iun S y > ui 7 SOam < (0 ( 2 > an lipnl t Pftui Lxpr j iiau . \ " * V K C , BT J i. e. U Arrlvei OriahajL'r.lui Druijl , j'nh tt MIKIJII Si | Oman : o'Ti i Mm mi i lij Day b < pre 6 lupit 1000pm _ lv C ? ! ; t Si via L' J' Jraivii t 3tau leaves / MlbtOLHI PACIFIC .Arrlvei Omaha ) Uepui l th & W t > ltr &t > j Utnulu Tospm Neliratk i ft Kan a LlmlleJ .i Jtim _ IC.iiiMii , Cit ) UiprKm _ e 21 an l--ave | falOU.N f ITS k I'ACJl'IC 'Arrlv Qmalia ) licpct , Lth s.ebt er Sla | Omi . J5p-n _ . . . 81 1'aul . _ . . _ t , aT | : eaTl blbUX CITY f. PACIFIC fAirlvn ninahalUnlo Utpot , 10th & Maton JU | Omaiii I 10am . hi I'aul Tauenger . H l&pn m . Sioiii CTItx ra j.eiii ! r . I OSpu 6 * > Spm St Paul l.ltnilfil 8 tO Leaves ( Mr\-5H rtAILW/TV [ ATrr OmatialUnlun Depot , 10th & MJH' ns _ > JlJ On 4 30pm _ Lanon Bnll _ \ \ TJMON " Arrlvi Omohalunlon D. pot , 10th < fc Miuwn St I Omahs t Warn Orlan I I ImHed 4 4 PTT 3Cpm Lent ce & htronub'v Ex ( ex sun ) 1 OOpn ' . 'F.l m ( Irani IHnnl Kxpreo < n Bun ) . 4 U or. l-KT-n. . F l Mall. . 10 Ann I cavfa J f ST P M & o Omuhiii Ulh ard Webster 1 Omal . . I Ovpm Sioux C'lt } Uxpreti ( ex Hun ) 11 ! an S Main fcluux City A ecu ( x gun ) . . . i i-vu < Hpin St Paul Umltr ! 9 liian J Wain Mvux tlty Acco ( SunCa ) on ! > ) I :5an ANHEUSER-BUSCH BREWING Ass % THE LEADING BREWERY IN THE WORLD , Brewers of fhe Most Wholesome and Popular Beers , The Original The Faust Budweiser The Aiiheuser The Miclielcb The Miiencliener The Pale Lager Served on all Pullman Dining and Buffet Cars. Served on all Wagner Dining and Buffet Cars. Served on all Ocean and Lake Steamers , Served in all First Class Hotels. Served in the Best Families. Served in all Fine Clubs. Carried on nearly every Man-of-War and Cruiser. Served al moil ol She United States Army Posts and Soldiers' Homes Re Greatest Tonic , "Malt-Nutrine" the Food-drink , is prepared this Association. "CUPIDSNE" MANHOOD RESTORED ItilsKrentVtRctnbl Itucpri3irl | * tlonof fammiH 1 n-ncu plivslciiii , vvlll qulcl.l > cure.vtninf nil Her Vims or iIHiaMS of tlie ceiiernlivi * nrzmiv Mich us I > st Mnnhnoil. Instmiiifn , 1'iiinslnlheJt ul .beinlnul Mission * J erviiis liibllltr rimiUs , Intluiess to ilurrji 1 xlmiiMuii ; lrnn ! , Vurlnx-t IP unit Ci tistlnilli n It sti ps nil lo sn l > \ tlnr iir nlqttt. 1'itMiits iillik- ] ness of tllscli trRo , vv lilt h If not elirokiM loails tn spprnintnrrliiiMi mill nil tholinrrnrsnt Impnlfncv. 4 1 I'l l > t.MKflealite3 Uioilver , Hit AMD AFTER kl.lmn s nut ) tlie nrln irv uriinns jS ull linpurlUcx < 'tTl'II > FNE ntrencthensnnilrexteirP3Ktiiivllwcnk.ei"vtn. ( Ilie rtiuon miiren ri lire not ciirnl In liortnn li hre mil' ninety PT cent nro troubled with I > ro tnllln. O t'l'11)1. X Kin the enl v krionn riMnnly tntnro without un opt ratio I ! ii > mii sllinnnl. His. A wrltti nctmninti uclvoti ninl numi \ ri uir mil If six IHITI-H iliu'3 not ellctl n eura JLDOn t > ox , BIX for { j Wl , liv mall , f-eiitl for VHKKclrtul ir anil testimonials. A.Jdrts3 UAVwb J1JKHICIMJ 'O. , 1' . O. Jlox OJ76.San rrn iciscoCnU fbrSaleln' MVI.ltb-DlLt.ON DHLO CO. S i : 1C111 AND I'AltNAM STHUU1S , OMAHA. NKH. OF OMAHA e Not a Dark Office Room Incandescent Electric $ Lights Perfect Ventilation fj In any Night and Day < j Pai't of the Building. Elevator Service. OHOLMJ I'LOUR riDEMTY TRUST COMPANY , iloilb.iu Ull. OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING AS- LDJIIS faOClATION , G U Nattlnger , Secretaiy. \V\CKOFP , SEAMANS & BENEDICT. MITU\L LOAN AND ULILIJING AS3l > Ilemlnston Tvpevvrlters nnel Supplies CIA1ION. rOUEST LAWN CEMETEUV ASSOCIA ROBEItT PIUTCHARD , Loans. TION R E CAMPBELL , ; oiirt Hutunda , Clgan BEE BUILDING UAIIBER SHOP , Tred and Tnbiit "f > ISuelow , I'roorletor JOHN KELKENNEY. The Lobby. nusr i 'LOOK Ml 'I t \I , ItESLIlVE FUND LIKE ASSN SI PKRINTENDENT BEE BUlI.mNG BEE HUSINEPS OITICE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAI'U OMAHA WATER COMPANY KICK Y W CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION SECOND PLOOR ( JSl'ROM I3RO3 i SOLOMON , Tire- In i liuGH MURPHY. Contractor. surance DIt. IvINbLLU , Ntihe .mil Throat. MASSACHUSETTS MI'TUAL LIPE 1N- DR I'HARLLa RUSEU'A'l EK si ICA.SV.E COMPANY. EQU1TAULE LIPE INSURANCE SO- C S ELGUT1LR. Law Olllee. r < HllI&ri\N SCIENCE P.E V.DINCJ TIOOMK READ \ BPCICETT Attorneys. NouriMLsnriss' MI IM-AL LIPE IN- PR A 1C HEIWILEIS SI HAXC'E i U-John Steel Gfi Agent NE\V HYGIENE 1NSTITUTQ. THIRD FLOOR DR. MO1UAUTY ' Oculist and Auilat. OMAHA Ull 1ST CLUB rilJLLll i hLP'iUUE CO. PACIPJC MUTUAL LIPE INS. CO A V. liV PA1UICK Law Oltico. Todil Gt nerul AKent OH O S HOJ"I\MAN PROVIPPNT SAYINGS LIPE ASSUR- Ecjl ITJ i 'ill IJ'I1 1UJM ( NO C ANCP SOCIETY OK NEW VO K. M. B * . E W. SIMERAL , WM , SK.1ERAL. Law Rohrer , Asenl Olilcts. THE GR\NT \VING COMPANY. Slreet VI \\l COMPANY. l'ivi mints and SpovvTllcs John GranX WCnSTElt. HOWARD S. CO. Tire In SiiDerlntendent Burance. Konrrii PLfOR P J .SnVLirrE , Stenogi ipber OMAHA COAL EXCHANGE. I'lDELITY MT'llIAL LITE ASSOCIA \ \ A. WEBSTER Re-Ill Httutc. TION PHILNDELPHIA , PA-Van II W\SHI.NTON ; I.IPE INHPIIANCE COMPANY - Lad > , Manngcr. PANY New 'ioik P C T > m Gen Ahent HI. 1 liEliEIM' TEAL CHAULES L THOMAS , Real Estate. NAPON & NASON. Dentlsta 1 U I S VII MiN COAL CO C E. ALLEN. Alpha Council No. J , Wood PENN MUTUAL LIPE INSURANCE CO. men of Ui World IIP1" nslatc- ANimrw ROSEWATER. Civil Engineer. G W SUES fi CO Solicitor * of Pitents. PROVIDENT LITI5 AND TRUST COMPANY - PANY Philadelphia , A Lansing , General TUP nunnuin PUBI ISHING Agent rhlln < l"lnbln PT T B Tivlor Ren. OR L A MERRIXM BfsUNPSS MEN'S PRATERNITY. riTTH PLOOR AHMY HEADQUARTEItS-DE PARTMPNT OP THE PLATTE. SIXTH PLOOR BATRS-SMITII INVESTMENT CO , Mori- STATE MUTUAL LIPE INSURANCE CO , Kieb and Loans Worcester. Mass ; J. W CralK' , General QEE EDITORIAL ROOMS. Atte-nt REE COMPOSING ROOMS. U S f. < \ P.UVMPS'T PI'.IN'TING OPPICE ( } E TURKINGTON Attorne ) MANHATTAN LIPE INSURANCE CO. .1 W Dean & Son , General Agonls. SEVENTH PLOOR UOT\L ARCAN1"AI LODGE ROOMS | Elegant office rooms with modern conveniences , Apply to R. W. Baker , Supt , , Room 105 Bee Building. CURE YOURSEIFI U Wgll for uiiouturU Irriutloui ur ulrtrttloci „ . . „ . _ cf mufom iu intr D i. FMMBU * it i o rfciaUu , ftuq nut bilria * Hold by or leut ID pUla r > rpr. bf exprnu. Dir [ . id , ( of II ( U , or 3 bottlM , r " CHreBlu Mai . r " KITIIKH MK.X. TlilH remedy lielni ; In- : je.le l directly to the Kent of thoxe dlHrnxrH of thn tirnlto-L'riuary , reiiulrob no or uiot. Cure euarantfrit In 1 to a = uaM. Huiall p only bj Mjera I/ui n I > ruK ' " . . h K < ur ICI ui > > I nuni hlieftn Orodtia Ni'b. j The Perfume of Violets [ The purity of the lily , tbo clew of the ron , n and the itutli ot Helm corabinu ta I'OZZO.NI a ' vvonilrouj I'ovrder DR. PJlcCREW IH THE ONI.T SPECIALIST WHO TBKA78 AM. Private Diseases Wr k u i Ultwiir tf MEN ONLY 'Jl YrariKximrlenco ID Vtiarii lu ( linulin Ili.ok Km ) ( on'nltn- tlon rrtMj. Il < ii 7M , oi 14th and Firnim Bti. OMAHA. MC1S. fill IIMNt-'t IJI l.lll : > .SI'H'III. .lull l uitl-ll Mllltolll lll KlIIIMlriluv uf llif li.illml in . ! ! , < iru r rlli lixl Itnl will ill it H | nn IIM ut mil l"i Iv ff wlmhrr tin ntniii M lu t li it < * il ink. r r ju tilriiliullc vvrtiek Hunk fiurli ul iifru I I e I I iif Ihulm A ( l lh.l l wuictM * U. Omitb * . N b. GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO . Prao't. Cincinnati , 0.