THE OMAHA DAILY T.K JULY 8 , 1897. SMASHED PAST REDEMPTION Wreck of the Merchants' Bank of Lincoln Appears Complete. HONEY GIVEN FRIENDS ON LITTLE SECURITY H | M > rt of IlirItirdt rr MIOUK nn A - ( iniiiilltilC Snli | of AITilIm In funvt limtlliitlon. LiNroLN , July 7. ( Ppfflal Telegram ) Tlio rrelver of the defunct Merchant * ' bank pft.T a flx-dajo' examination of the affairs of , r-o in-tltutlon. niecl his first report with IIIK ii Judge. Holtnew today. It doe-s not sli' < w a xcry promising elate of affalrn At the lime the bank olcmtd Its doors , on May ? 1 'b depoills were $17,25S. , cash on hand , Jt3S 10 The books alno showed that thers vere note * and bills receivable amounting to $ S5 5nij Tlio receiver round that of the la'ier It'in JSG.lKll.lO ua In the hands of third parties to secure deposits and bot- i-owo.i , nonev. The ll , t of notes found In the bank amounting ID $11,83303 , Is a xery poor lot only a itaall per cent of It being col lect Illic it the showing U correct , the bank made * * > a < U < e of loinlng considerable amounts of nn r j to frtcads on the lllmslpst kind of " > uritv Ihu teinlverH statement hhows the -ini > nnt of rash on I'aml In thy bank eaeh day during May , and sometimes It was as l-jw ajun The real estate ownid by the hank in eflmatcd at $7 fiOO and the turnl- tu < PI d lUtorer were carried on the bgoks at J2 sim One rimarltable thing In the re po t [ f the showlnij of the part taken bi ns nk I' < amln 'r K A Heynoldn. who. under the ordi ra of the Ftnte Hanking board , had charu of the bank during the month of June or the JVJS 10 on hand , the examiner kept $ tj- | for lid services and turned 3JI1 3S over to the receUer. leaxlng a shortage unai i oun'ttl for of $31 72 The examlnei made no report during June , or at any time did not Keep the dootn open and there Is nothing to show that he did any wnrk xxhatexer The bllndt ) to the bank building xxere al'xajj pultti ! down and It Is said that on tir-xeral ctax at a tlmo Ke-ynolds xxas mv r In ihe builillng Jmlge Holmes In re ceiving th" report ordciH Rximiner Kevnoliln to uliow cause within ten da > s why he should not pnv over the mone } retained by him Tie riTclver Is Instructed to rent a cheiiper loom and to neil th furniture and IHturiM of th' picxcnt room. LINCOLN NOTKS. Thi htalth OiTlcer of the city has tiled his rep > rr for the month of June showing that there neie but eleven de-atbs during the month -a very loxx rate At an estimated populotlon 01 f.OOOO th's makes the yearly death rate 27(1 ( per 1.000 The rnniUllty xxa from the folloxxlng cause'sApoplexy. . 1 , hllllary calculi 1 , eatnrrhal pneumonia , 1 ; old 1 , gastritis 1 , meningitis , ] ; paraly- is 2. obstruction of bow-jls , 1 ; rheumatism of heart 1 , typhoid foxer , 1. The x\ill of H I' , who cllc > d In Oer- inany a few we-eks ago XXHS filed in probate court today Il bccue'aths ( $100 to each of his six children and the balance of his for- tui.c et.tlmated at $2r > 0.000 to hlflxlfe Mrs Fredrleko I > au. 11ie xvlll > xas executed on the 21st ol 'ast May. Jim befoic Mr Lau started on hlK trip abroad. C P Jenkins formerly city editor of the I'xenlng Call ' "as convicted ! n police court today ofarr > lng axxay 'wo checks and cashing them , th * complaint changing the eteallnj ; of the checks and also ob'alnlng money under false prrtenstw. The amoutit Involxed wa t7 Jenkins xxirt lined tif > acrt C'wti and hpa appealed tlie case to thu dlstrli t court. Lincoln light Infantiy boj 3 .110 back from N nra ka Cltv. where 'hey gave an exhibi tion drill at the celebration on Monday. They are Mil pIcnM-d with Nebraska City pe * > pl ca < > iitertaliie" . The funeral af M'RS ' Mary Kitygerald , whose deal ! occurred Monday nlghf. x\ns held at St Theiesa't * procathedral this nionilng at 10 " ! 0 Aitgo numbeof sorrowing friends vro In a1 tendance The Swe-dish ImmanucI Po'igregatlonal church will be di'dltatcd next Sunday after noon Il v Dr Gre'porv and Rev Dr Hross xxlll hax'e charge o ; the senlces Gc-or e McArthvrat , las , ' -nght appointed by Ma ror Craham 'o s. plice In the- city x < a'er Jepa-nment Al Ittach Is the unlucky man xvi > > .tteos down and out C M (1).ii"tejd ( ) , from I'eorla. Ill , dropp < M In at the pollee iitatlon thin afternoon for thn pnrpjse of xxrltlng a letter , and , haxlng doiii' so turned to Icaxi. the room ! ? Vok f a few t > ti-pa and fell In a faint , being over come by the heat The fall resulted in ne- > ere bruisps about tbo head , but Mr Oim- Btcad Mas about recovered , and will resume bin Journcj west 'n ' the mornlng The elty library bcitrd met and rtoiganlzed last night H T. Bobbins of the i\enliig Nexxs and Mrs H H Wilson are newmeni. . bera of the boutd x > 1io came In at this meet ing The matter of a tax levy WJK dls- eussed and thu elty council will be asked for Omaha people at the * hotelsAt the Llmle',1 A S riiurchlll , Van I ) I.ady , W S. Jack son Mrs J H TOIIIHOII At the Lincoln I. , i : U ilia d , J 1' Dogue John S. Krug , r. J McShati" , Oeorge It GJlld. i.'n M Tin : .STITI ; HOI si Ai > | ifiil IntciiiliMl to ' 1'i'nl tin- UNfOLN , Ntb. July 7 iSpeolul ) An pp < xil rate comes down froin Sheridan coun ty \\hl.h la to ttst the law pissed 111 1ST ! making enttle. stealing the same grade * of crime as liorsu stealing. In December of last > ear I lei man F. Granger was tried In the district court of Slicrl Ian county for utenlmg one cow. The jury brought In a \erdlit of guilty , and aUo found that the \al-u of tlie cow was JJO The judge sen- It nu-1 Granger to three jearn in the ixnl- tentiiiM In the brief filed liv It C. Nole- man 'ittoiney for Granger , It l claimed that the art of IKUfi Is tllironntitutional , till. ] claim having al o been made in district court and it Is theiefore tirgued that the otteiibn is only petty larct > n > While rely ing principally on thin defense , the brief fllo.l tgjA > aUo cites erroin the fact that the complaint against Granger did not men tion thn ait under which the defendant waste to be tried. A requisition hart been l aued for John Nt'oly who is hi Hlchland eount > , lllinnlrt , and U wanted In Cherry county for burglary. In Apt HI IbWB , NYel > and \4. \ A , Coll'na broke Into tlio him of LewU Archer , a Cherr ) county citiren , and stele liaini'si nd ether articles to tl'oaluo of $3 ! ) Neely has just been lonited lu Illinois , and A mm Strong 1ms been appointed tnt > agent to go after him School bonds from district No fi. Iloono rounty to the amount of $5000 , and drawIng - Ing ( p.4r rent Interest , ttoru tiled with the ecrrrtary of stale today Hm O Hull of Harlan and C W Stew art. a prominent farmer fiom Alma , were callers at the go\ernor' olllco today They report IM < M in an excellent condition In Ihelr comity , and | x > Iltk-s corrtpondliily ( quiet w. r. T. I' . \KS orN IVIIIIUT. ArliruiiKa > | I-IIIMTH nf ltn > t'nliin I'm or Hit- i\ni | ltloii , rilBMONT , July 7 ( Special ) - The ol ! - oars of tbo atate Women's Christian Tcm- poranco union held an executlvt stralon to day with Mra W. H Clemmon * at t'io Konnal mhool. Tlii n pu-xtu were : Mm S M Walktir , italo prt > ldfiil : Mrs Anna Hunting vice luvslJent , Miss Klla Watson. rocordlns tccretary ; Mrs. R M Cobb treas- uror. oinl Mrs. W II Clrinmoim , correspond ing * e\-retary A larRu amount of buslnrwi wan transacted In the way of arrailgemeutii for oxteiuliiiK and caroltie ou the work of the union The most prominent matter discussed was that uf an exhibit at the TrammiUslsslppl Kxpoiitlon The women CHin sed them- Kuhiti at being strong ! ) In fa\or of It and plan and details of the exhibit ui-ro con- e.dereU at > omo length A communication from the American So cial I'urtty allUuco was rt > muid and its work mo'it buaitll ) InJarsod. Thi * opening U . Walker Jtllveud ta lutercatluc lecture tt ! 'he n-rtiul chapel on "Glimpse * of Eng land. France nnd Sw 'zertand ' The nor mal student * xxerton * in full force and many people from the cltj were present. int. < ; i. UIM : > ocoinon VTio > 9 .Vilcil spi-nk * nt tin * Crcl ' CiUTTK , Neb . July 7 ( Special ) Pr Wathitigton Gladden of Columbus , O. , gave tlio Dm lecture on social problems yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clork Dr. Glaldeti Is one of the most prominent leaders In social re forms that thl * country POJH S His lee- turn jMlerlay was on ' Th Corporation , " and the fact that they xxerc listen as 10 duch an authority kept a large audience Intensely Interested throughout the address. Aa he said In opening , his lecture * were not to amuse , but were to consider carefully Im portant problems that are before society to day From time to time new adjustments of thought nre demanded and within the laat fifty years the tthole Inn istrUl order ha ? been changed The corpjrailo.i has grown up and i clofcl } connected with tinpnlltlril , I I Industrial , ediir.-ulonal nnd religious ela- metits of socletj Ily nature there Is home j I difference In equality of freedom between men. but the Incnuallty existing betwe'Mi man and the corpora.loi Is not u natural in equality. The corporation etitars a * in l.n- menso disturbing factor Into cotii.iu-rdal re- latlonu and Is killing out In Ih ( duality and enterprise If corporations are neeesf-ar > we pay an enormous price for their b neflta. Tinj problem of how far publicity of aecou'iiii should be carried wlih corporai.ons I < i tin- portant. Men have a right to a"v'4'e ' them , sslvcs. but they must no divtat tlicni elvra of social and moral obligations , Christ ) in laxx- should govern all oiganlzatlonsvhcther of labor or capital. The Chautauqua Literary and Sclent1- ! ! ; circle' held Its first round table at 5 o'clo k in the > I'rcsbytcrhn headquarters. Mltw Kate Klmball. secretary of thu notii ollloeof tbe Chautamiua Literary and Sciericltlc irrie movement in Hullalo. N. V. . couuuu"i ! this meeting. U the .same hour the Woman's riirisiian Temperance union school of method * mot in the Congregational building Mr N \I Illchardsoii of Lincoln conducted a "pjrlir meeting. " The school 1st In charge of \ii ! < C M. Woodward. This la thu tv iity-Mxth school of methods that Mrs Woolxvird has conducted In connection with Chjutauiu.iti in this and nelghtoring t.tatcs The c'xening program was opened is xvlth an open-air toucert by the lioan. ' ol- lege bind At S o'clock Slayion'a Juhtlem gave a full e-venlng concert. The solos by Miss \\erltto , the nexx poprano , and the humoroi's and comic pantomimes and sou s by Mr Itoblnson wc-re .specially enjoyed. T'ie evening wa < clet ed with pictures by the amei-m.ignHrope. The devotional service this morning xvas led by Hev 1'ierson of Weal Point , N'eb rile topic was ' The Transflguta loti " The ; rugu- lar blblo clas-ses were conducted at U. The subject of Hev Stew art'h lesson thin morning xvas "Contention for the1 rreedom and Unity of the Church " A good-sized audience gathered In the auditorium th1 * morning to listen to Or Washington Gladelen's second lecture on so elal p'oblems He took " ' up "The Hailx.-ay' as the tjplcal corporation He said that lie- cause of Its public character and because l the state brings It Into existence the state- I should haxe" some control oxer the railway T'io stale hhould protc > ct Ihe stockholders , the general public , anil prexent the rull- XV.IJH from making discriminations between IndixidualH. Intense competition resultH In monopolies and competition betxveen ihe gre-at lines results In discrimination be tween places Although there are evi'.j ' . tht-ie are many good epialltles and xxhat evil I there is Is In the s > ttem and not necrs arlh j I In the managers If the state cannot pre vent the evll then free goxeminent Is , at an end Goxernmental contiol and owner- bhip of railroads Is the only logical and prs- sible conclusion of the problem. The reason that peoples have not been ready sooner ! to take up the problem Is because manyi i of them recelxe compliments from railmad } ' and because they are not readj to Intru * * . so Impoitant a matter to such men as ! lll our state and national legislative buclieh Mr J B. Koehn's lecture at U was on "The I'ersonalitj of Christ and Modern Skep ticism " H was In reply to Mr Ingcisoll'fl declaration that Jesus x\as not ex en a gooJ man. IJespltn the Intends heat large numbers come each day to attend the x-arious exer cises Today Is editois' day and a goo Ily number xxas present In the pavilion at 2 o'clock to listen to the concert that the Ju bilee Plngers gave for a half hour before the editors' rallx took place This rally was In charge ) of Mr V M Kimmel. president of the Nebraska 1'ress association The ad- dtess to the editor" was by nr Gladdln on "Tho Newspaper" Dr Gladdln bzi ha I a close connection with nexvspapers and their work sincehe xxas 10 years of age He said that much of our best and our worst litera ture Is found In our monthlv magazines and wefkly and dailj papers The influent of newspapers upon society Is to enlarge our knoxvledge nnd a dnllv newspaoer Ju- dlclou > ly read is a great benefit Again th newspaper promotes phllanthronv and cn- forc-es upon the community th" rule of pub licity Hut the great and unpardonable Kin of th dally paper , especially , la the abuse of this rules of publicity nr.vr .iiMti:1 * TUP. < oiiv SHOOT. I < Sri wN llnil"ll > . Mli < ln' TlK'rniiiiiu'- 1-r nt Iliinilriil In Ilic siulf. | HATTLH Plinniv Ned ) July 7 ( Special ) The weillei is xery hot , xxlth btron , ? sou'h xxlnds Monday the thermometer stood at 97 In ihe bhmlo. Tuesday at 100 , and toJa > the tame Ihe rapid growth of the com ciop U almost phenomenal The ground Ib in good e-ondltlon , havlnt ; hid clexen showers during Juno and tx.o 30 far this month. rnrrvn'll In Two I'jtliliin * . KIU2MONT. Neb. July 7 ( Special ) The KnlRhts of 1' gaxo a farewell entci- taimiient at l' > thian hull Innt e-venlng In honor of Mr and Mr.J C Trick and Mr and Mrs Prank Doleral. who leave- hero to- moi row for Salt Lake City , ftah The Sir I 1 Knlgtitg of the uniform rank wetv present lu full uniform and thcro was dUo a full attendance of the subordinate lodge and the Ilathbono Sisters Mr , Frlck and Mr Dole- zal h vo been prominent and very active In the- order Mnre they hnx-e resided here and their departure * Is much regretted by the knights in thl * \ trinity In ? plte of the boat thn affclr laat nUbt wai one that will bo long reruetnb red by all who were present nt it r cot vi \ u \ vis \ \ I\IIIIIIT. lllllllc | II | < TO | Ormuilri * til Til lie I'nrt In the i\iiixltliin. : TB1CAMAH , Neb . July 7 ( Special ) All organization Is being planned to take charge of Hurt county's Interests at the Trancmls- slsslppl exposition. U will consist of the business element of the county and Its purpose * arc 10 tee that Hurt county re sources are- properly displayed at the fair , and that a share of the good Nebraska ex pect * to renp through the exposition Is re- cehed by Hurt rounty Hesldcnt * of this county for twenty years say there his not been , In that time. crop of small Kralu In this country that will equal in quality or amoutit this > ear's crop. It all stands tip tilcolv , nnd is almost en tirely free from weeds. This applle * to nil kinds of small grain As a straw Indicat ing bettor times anl an aslrr money mar ket In this county tan be riled the < ondl- tlon of county warrants. Last fall rountj | warrants , registered and drawing 7 per , cent Interest , were hn ked about the count } { ' and t > old at all klmta of exorbitant dls- j counts Btnrrrly any at Ic s than S per cent , i this too. with the prewpett of payment by I ' the eountv onlv n few months In aihanci Now < ounH warrant * are sought after at par. the bu > er being content with the 7 per cent that they dra-\ nun-Ms \ \ n n \ > t \ itititiVOMV : Setiwlitliiillll DI-nplM'll riini'iiif P. \ . \\i-lllli' of OoKllliHixii. OTU'MWA , la. July 7 ( peclal Tele gram. ) It has been proxed here that there was a uonmi In the case of the t-etisatlonal dlsappeirance of F. A. Avellhe , manager for the Wyma i Rand company hero Av llhe eloped with Mm Gestman , wife of a photographer at Cnkaloo'a who was v.e etiratcd or her hiau.y M's Gcstnnn came to this rlt > 0:1 the night A\elhe ! disappeared was met by h'ni ' and the couple Itlt hero for Omaha Further than that thev ha\o not be < n traced Wjnun Rnml company will not attempt to apprehend Avtllhe as the amount of hid defalcation with the firm was not lar e and he Is a relatlxe- a prominent member of the firm He left a laige amount of unpaid hill * nbiut town. NOIIN is INTIJNT o % spn-tni : . \Kfil Tlilrlx mill ll ii | > | nilntiMl In I.nilshe -l'rl- , li > Kill llcrnelf. CHAUUON. N-b. July 7. { Special Tele gram ) Disappointed In love and smarting under nllcgtd abuse from her parents , Mar > Carpenter , aij d SO , daughter of t ) I ) . Car penter , a promlmnt farmer of Dawes eountv ottamptcd suicide last tiizht. She IIMt tri J to purchase str > ebnlne. but It was n-ftn-d tier and going home she Wok a ra/or and tried to cut her tnioat Falling in this sh procun'd a large needle and a hatpin and stuck both of them Into her thr-it A physi clan was summon d and * ucceeded In ex tracting the pin. but ( lie needle could not IJP located The woman will die lln-llim1 Ni-n Si'liiiol llo.'inl. HASTINGS Neb , July 7 ( Special ) Tin new school hoard has organized by electing jl W Cramer president , Wllllim llrachIce president. H C Kerr , secretary The ap polntincnt of committees was deferred tlU the next meeting of thboarl Mrs I. \ \ Cramer wa.s selected by the board to go t" Milwaukee to repr sent the Has ings hchoo' at the meeting of the National Educational association Prof. L W Flke , who intendel to resign and accept the profr orship in th Nebraska unhersiU. has derided to remain is the Instructor of science in the Hasting- hlirh fchool Ho * Injured I > n CMIIIIOII. COLUMBUS Neb. July 7. ( Sp-clil ) Frel Rollins , aged 20 jears , was severely Injured by the premature dls barge of a cantn. which ho was loading on the evexilng of t'.m .1 h His face , head and handj x'ere uadly burned and the e < ' ° nt of th = - Injury to hi- eye-a cannot be definitely ascertained at pr t- ent. His left hand wan l > adl > turn ind li- Jurtd. but It is thought > he memb-r e in bo ! > aved Rollins was one of the High c : < 1-ou ! graduates tlil-s > ear O\er n IInnitrril IK Preniont. FRKMONT. Neb , July 7 ( Special ) - Thl3 Is the hottest day this mason At 'J o'clo k this morning the mercury stood at ftO At 2 o'clock a temperature of S3 was recotdel and during thu afternoon it ro o to oxer th ' 101 mark Mont therm'treters were from thiee to flxo deg.res . hu'ier than > eittidj : ) A hot wind from the- south has prex-aile-l since earl > morning making the heat all the harder to bear No cases of prostration from the heat have been reportrd .ItiMllee I'IINIniiiiiiiiiCM Himself. COLUMBUS , Neb. July 7 ( Special ) In an interview today Chief Justice A. M I'e < > t of this city admitted that he would be a candidate for re-election to the supreme bench of Nebraska He said that during tlie lecent se.nloii of the supteme court he ha I refused to discufs the matter and probab'y ' fiomo had drawn the Inference that he would not bea candidate , but at thij time he Raxno reason to delay the announcement of his can * dldaoy. HnrKliir Crln Itlrli nn siiiiii < . CLAY cns'TRIl. Neb . July 7. ( Special Telegram. ) Burglars entered the postotln-e here e > arly this mornlnf ! . blew open the safe with nltro-gljcerlne. securing about $30 ij stamps No muni ) w'OBI uiiod , and noth ing else was disturbed Ihe burglars o- caped without detection Si-lioiil lioiiril line 1'li-nl.v nf Pnnilx. GRAND ISLAND , Ju'y 7 ( Special ) The Board of Education has reorganized by the edec'lon of IxiuUolt , preaUtnt , and R L Harrison , ser retary Mr Volt's election makes "Wlu'ii you can iinii'linsi' ; i biaii new piano fur > ! ! ! " joii very nauivall.x ttflt tiltiiHi'itlriii WhenIt's rl lit lit-n1 tin' only iiliu-i' xv < - Know of wlien1 yon can tfi't a ncxv lii li srailc piano in fancy natural wood : it sui'li a price XVP linvi * two oilier prices on ( lllfcicnt jilniios-Hif HKt anil $1 ! we'll M'll llietn on c.i\v lei-ins $ ! 5 anil S'-Ti caMi ilown xxlth an ifs anil $10 i > a.\wcnt each inonlli smeral < llft'ei-i'iit to ct'lect ftoin all of tlie lilaiifst cia * anil chur.--tei' everj one Kimi.Kitei il- \xe bought them at ont'-lialf xalne tli-.t b \iliy yon pc-t Iheso prices. A. HOSPE , Jr. , JIUEic ami Art 1513 Douglas. l > o yon Know w pull teethV Well xve do-do it without pain or Ka-a little local application to the puns and . " ( Jo an elec'trie tan that plays on our operat- ItiK chairs makliiK It really a pleasure for jou to have your teeth diH'toicd tht'su hot daxs we turnl-h the 1'rof. J. K. Moirls tliiu elastic dental plate Ills best-and In the most comfoi table of any jilate made If your tooth do not lit satis factorily you fhonld try a set of these $ lt ( M > all of our ansistant.s me men who nndeistand all about this business lad. } attendant. BAILEY , THE DENTIST , in Vf r 3il Plour I'axtnn IIIk. 10IU untl 1'urnuiiL. 1 It his third sutce-siyi. . term The IwarJ finds Itself In snci pt > it on , an f r as flnnce are ronrrrned that II - III not be compelled to loxxer the standarliof tli schools and the unsuccessful effort In th t direction of tail year has not ben fepe-atfd It * &a feveJ ln t > ear that tlie fund * would run hor. , but by careful man ienifnt on the part of the loard this vtas avoided llou slmi t , > ( I , , . Mir lml. Ilt'MUOLDT , Neb. , July 7 ( Special A JOB owned by Dr A \VHllamon caused a commotion ! > y Its queer actions and xx-as shot by the marshal Oar boy and sexeral dogs xxere bitten It M bellex-ol however that the animal was not mad CMTtlti : TWO itOlli : llOIIIIKItS. One of flu * Men \Vlin llelil f | > llrlle 1'iinrelip linn ) . l SIIH at lnrc < - . rHnYKN'NKVyo . July -Special ( Tlc - praiii. ) Word xva < rec-elxed t. Ia ) from Newcastle - castle * Slock linpertor I.OIIK of South Dakota , with a posse , hid captured George Currle and two of the Roberts brothers , all Implicated In th ? hold-up of the Ilelle Kourche bank last week Tom O Day was captured at the tlmo of the hold-up and Al Smith U the onlj one of the party > el at UTRP Tlie five men are all member * of tbe Hole-lti-the- Wall RanK. which has bcsn a tncn.lce to northern \VyomlnB cattle * Interests for the past jear. I ruvil to Ship Cnttl.lnll > . CHEYKNNB.V > > . , July 7 ( Special ) The stockinpn of Wyoming have received a cl.cular sirred by all of the 100 commis sion firms of Chlc-iio. rentfatlni ; them to ship their cattle wlthc-ut refereiica to the diy on which th y xxlll anlx-e at ChlciRO. t'li-ler the present avstem of shipping cattle by wc tern Htoc-kmcn. nearly all cittle ar- rlx-eat Chlcjsa on Mnnda , Wednesa ! > 9 and Krldax . th * testilt bi-lui ? that there are virtually but tines uiiikit da > s in the xveck In the Chicago cattle niirket The custom I urexx out cf the faet that In thi earlier daj . before cattle were clatiRhtere 1 at the I > ! R < 'hl 3RO packing homen It wa" ne > cei ar.x to H art phipinentfl for the eayt upon these da > s In order to citch the N < nv York mar ket clsja Tlie commission men i > "Our weekly receipts of cattle haxe ax'erJucd for the past five > ear-s lS')2-it5. ) ! fi" 1"7 ! head per week full > UO per cent of them are sold In three dajR , or fil.OOO Now If the > were divided equally or marly so. It would Klvs us 10'00 ' cattle n day in < > icad of 17000 for each of tlie three dayu Thl" cotnpe's ' tlio bu > ere to buy more cattle thin they need for three days and the shlppr must stand the chars ? ' " SIM-is llti \ \ | > . llul > tny I.Hi- . CHKY15NXK. W.xo. July 7 ( Special ) Hon I.aban Hexvanl of Mmy. Unita count } who was a member of the third state Ieil-- lature. attempted to commit suicide Sunday h > euttlti ? hU throa' xvlth a raor Mr Hew rd "ave.-el the xxlndplp * hu' failed to cut the jugular xeln. an 1 with skilful : ned- . ir-al tieTtmuit hU life was Dived and It I U believed he will recover Mi Heward lua btsn despondent oxer the death of his v.-lfo and th" care ami upp it of his family , . which coiui'ts of nine chil Iren. ItuMi-r CniKtirril lit I'lnh. nV'ANSTO.V.'yo . Julx7 ( Special ) John Heiir > who wp.s ciprtirc.l In U'ah and ' li ch rgeil xOth ci mpllclty In the Poll Iridier ) " ore and , pc.3'ofnoe , hold-up , was hriught hete Tue iliv by Sheriff Ward C'harlni Stexena whu e capture was rppcrtei last ween , made hu < ai ip from the po. ? e | xxhlsh wai putttuitiK the' hold-lira It IH ' ) (1- i Ilevel be was wounded , and It la thought I he xx ill > et ba cap ucd. : | ' vrit.NCii : nisnx.miio > r : c\TTI.K. Suilili'itl.i lli'i'oniiCrn / - > mill Cli'in-r- nll ) ) > ! < In u ; , , , 'I I in i- . , CHAMHnR AIN. S. IX , July 7 ( ) J Harneft , a faiiner living In hycn tox\n- i ship has lo t a number of cows from a . ' m > s enous and peculiar disease The anl- i mils are attacked x ry suddunly , and the | llrst ojmptcms of ihs disease teem to be ( crazlne a The otjier day a > OUHK ton of Mr njint" , Iiaxins just drixen tic rattle homo and Into the > ard. x as fierceb at tacked by an animal xxhich berame sud- ' ilcnlj Billeted xxith tlio unknown ma'ii'y an ! It xxas xxlth difiiiulty that he escap d , \ith his life. Another singular featuie 13 i ut alttio-igh the ( .liease teems to he one i ol tlio brain , tha I eaJa of the animals a'l l Ill-teJ by tht d se : . = cate inx.irl3bl > founl. to be p > rfe"tly cold , and It iniptoSildt to i blci-d tliem from the neck. Much fear has I been cxpres-cd tlwl the disease spread to other he-.d . but competent me.i i who line exam.r.ed tbe ani nals and inxc'- tliited the nature of the ciUease saj that j t it is not oa ' ! liiinilreil anil IJiwIil m ( "lininl'f rllnn. ' CHAMBlCr.LM.V. S I . Jnl'y 7 ( Special I TeleKram ) Thermou.eierb I'cre today ren- . ' istered 10S in the shade It xxa-j the warmest day of tbe season The erop < arc In good | .iiiditlon to withstand excessixo heat. I INDIANS IN DIVORCE COURT Conjugal Infellcitr of the Noble Red Man Jndicially Adjusted. FALL INTO THE WAYS OF THE WHITE MAN Tlirrp Mlsmnlril Connie * A | | 'l > " t Itfllof llenuly \\liit Itrllinicil from ( lie Inillnti Sclionl CrrnleH Truublr In One lluusoliolil. \MI1KRLALV , S D. July 7 ( Special ) Although the South Dakota divorce Indus try Is not very actlxe t prestnt , the SlouT Indium who formerly paid no attention to laws relating to marriage or divorce , are now reaching the conclusion that If they wish to be strictly "up-to date" they must , when unable to llxe peaceably with their htiHbands or wlxea , resort to thu divorce court and procure separations In white man style. In this they arc encouraged by the Indian bureau and by the Indian agents , the policy of the government being that xvhen an In dian and his wife cannot agree they must eek lawful relief In a divorce court Instead of rtlmpl ) sepirattng and marr > ing In the lax faahioti prevalent among the Sioux up to a fexv jcars ago At a recent tcim of court In this city three divorce casen , In which members ot the Sioux nation were principals , were trle-l before Judge Smith C C. Mortow j of thl. ? city being the attorney In each of ( the case * . The cases attncted great Inter est The one having the most lomantlc fi.v turtu was tint of Appearing IJarth against FlMt Born , her huxlmnd The couple wore married at Crow Ctook agenc > by United State" Indlingtnt Dhon in October. l PO Both belong to the Crow Cieek reservation All went smoothly In the First Born limiHe- hold until about two jpirs ago xxhen a jjung Sioux beauty named Good Natured Fool Hear appeared on the rtcene The ted kiiined beauty had been attending an cistern Indian chcol. and had returnel to the res ervation to pass her xacatlon. when she and Plirtt Born met and formtd u warm attach ment for each other Naturally the jeal ousy of the patient wife waL < aroused. Then the recreant hii'hand and the xoung char mer decided to elope They fled to Yaukton agency but x ere followed by Indian police , who had been put on their trail by the de- se-ted wife , and forcibly can led back to Crow Creek agency , whpre they were thrown In Jail. After remaining In Jail for a time thev were llberatid and the relithes of Good Na ured Fool Heir again e-ent her to the eastern school hoping that the separa lion would cause the love-is to forget each ether \ few months ago ( tie Indian girl te-turtud to her home on the re-ervatlon First Bo'n nnd the charme- again left the resemtion and went to Gann .Valley , ttie r nty Mat of Buffalo county , where they were married by Ilex K. I1 Swartout. a Methodist minister. They re turned to the leservat'on that exenlng and the next morning were arre ted and placeid in Jail Complilnt was made to Ttnl' " ' ! States Commissioner Stuart , of thj > city , agalnn Fim Born , charging him with llgam > , and a warrant was Issued and served by a deputy marshal. At the pre liminary e.xamln itlon the attorney for the accuse 1 maintained that the United States was without jurisdiction In the matter , as the man-iage. ccremon > constituting the act of bigamy was performed outside the Crow Creek reservation , and therefore only sub ject , to tlie state statutes. The commissioner concurred In this xirwand First Born was released HU laxvful wife then instituted I'ivorco proceedings against him , and won the ca e The chief witness bore the slg- nlfi-ant name of William Trulhteller Nexev Ml"es and Her Cane were the prln- cipls In another of the cases They were marrio-1 at Crow Creek agency in February 1KI3. by Indian Agent Treon. They Ihed together until the spring of Uiat jear. when after numerous affiays they epjrited On onu occciiion the wife droxe an ax\l Into her husband' body In a number of placet , , and on another occasion she crawled up behind her husband gra ped him b > HIP hair and literally dragged him all oxer their minslon Ihe husband is a consiimpUxc. while the wlfo U xery muscular and weighs about 22. > pounds The principals In the other divorce ca e xxe/e Charl'e ' Kagle and Maggie Crow , who were married by the Indian agent at Crow Creek asen.MIn Ausubt , IS'13 Prior to the marriage Mag'jle had eloped w ith a young warrior nant-d Strong Blanket , and bad been sent to an eastern Indian nciiool She attended othool for three or four yeai and completed her education. Soon after retiming to thleserxatlon she met Charllo Hagle , the couple loved each other and wfie mairled Strong Blanket was des- lined to cause trouble In the fat. 'y ' circle , and n lei led such an Influi-nco oxer Maggie There are a many features in the llnril rL-fiisLTiitiu1 that no oilier re- fri ciator nintle can cl'tiin tliat' xx-hy xxe ate .selling so many of them liie ! > > -.t ivfrU'erator o ne.iith for S" , 10 ami ti ] ice liiixei .s.'l.iVi the Sterling l.ixxn mover at > ' _ ' T.'i i > one of out list off.M'ln s cuts joiiluras1' > niootlil.x and easily lliN xx tthcf makes a gasoline stove a neix" slt.v tliu ltst ) f-a--oline htovi U llii' "Iitsniance" not only li ) > cans | . xxe .say It is tlie lii'st lint heoatist' It ! s all * iy.v > ft inn S'.7ri up jou't blow the "In- Mir.mce" up. A. C. . . RAYMER , HUH.1)1.HS' HAKDWAKi : I IK UK , 1514 Farnain St. I'm de new chief of lie perlese 'co- > I jol more frens dan anj body nobody ever lieard of ihe papers loastln' me or my dad's "live-rent Stoeiker ciuat" we'u > Ixith pure ! ts dcdo ill ops an" every time yon jjmuke de .Stoceker . > n say It's tie best ever If dis I oiler Doll Man Kits my job on de force- wonder If we can say as much fur him -anyway he'll be all tluht if lie smokes de Stouckor -like all de rest of de peili-se says de di-alcrs .in > ili ! toxvn sell dc Stoeoker so doeliu ; 1404 DOUGLAS. Mi ht asell h > out of tlio woild as without a ne\vspupj > ri-bnt you cannot Kit so far away from Omaha that The Itei > cannot reach you-IloiiK KOIIK C'hlna Cairo , Kiyjt I'aris I.oudon Llvi'ipool Horllu ; Mexico Alaska are some of tlie cities and iiiuntilea to which vte are noxv nriiliiiK The Hex.-your sum mer outbiK whether taken at homo under your own vines or at some resort eaht wi-st north or south In your native land or on foreign Hhores will not bo complete without The Hee have It follow yon step In and leave jour order with the circulation depaitinunt. The Omaha Daily Bee Circulation Department 17li ( and Farnam. Bee Building for infants and Children. The jTac-simile KSk'nature of Appears on Every Wrapper. lha' she. desertel her hvl'bind The. lu'lir liKtlttited dixurte pro. ( vdlng agauislu tickle spouse and Ills petition was granted b.\ Judge Smith TIJ % TIIOs\M > IMll VNS IMII > i\ I' . lneiiiiiiiueiil | lit Iliiseliuil N u Xllle In IMn niel ei1. ROSiniFO , S D July 7 ( Special > The grand Indian celebration has continued since last ThurM.ay. It Is estimated that 10.000 Indians arc In attendance. The ramp IM a mile 'torn the agency and they are encamped around a large circle a mile In diameter The foini of the encampment Is that of their old style. Harti hand Is by Itself. The ) spend a greater part of the day In pa rading and making presents anil at night they hold their Omaha dances Sunday XMIR obherxed by religious meetings by the dif ferent dt iionilimtlors No dancing XMI * al lowed. Kxery one is hippj and good natured - tured Veterda > they ci ntrlbiited tweiit > - eight hcMil of cattle for the enjoyment of the x i.s'tors ' \ great mail ) x lisltors nn I sightseirs are here from the neighboring towim. Fort Nlobraru ami the Black Hills. The Sioux worn out from long celebra tion are today moxtng quietly from the aaeiK > to their respc-ctlxe riserxatlons The Host bud .Indians will camp one mile from the agency to attend the Roman Catholic congress to be held next xxcek. HIack Bear , the Indian policeman wounded xesterday In the Cinter tight by Broncho BUI Is reeoxering slowly An Indian was found dead this morn ing on the prairie , his pony graying by his side probablj oxercome by the heat I'ine Ridge and Rosebud school teachers begin today a three-da > V institute at the i.ew gox eminent school There aie 200 In attendance. PITS \ > KMI TO Till : IIMM ) I'KiS. McniiF lii flioed HitDUfi In South niiUoia. HURON , S. D. July 7 ( Special ) Those to whom llcenho has been Issuevl under the proxlslons of the now llijuor laxv , keep n sharp lookout for xlolatora of tliit statute , and blind pigs and holes In the xvall are things of the past here. Up to thl time only six licenses haxe been issued four for retail , one for wholesale and one to manu facture For these $2 G3.1 34 has been paid , of which $1.612 r > 0 goen to the state and $1.02(1 ( $4 goes to the county. A.s jet the state has recelxed no part of the license ) money due from this count j , there being a "hitch" in the law providing for Its trans fer. \vn\Tiinn FOH HIM : TO cou * . shiMix Iti-i-o\ -rj Dnrliitr tin- Week In south ItnUiitii. ItM'ID CITY. S I ) . July 7 ( Special ) The obserxer of the weather bureau of this city has the following report for the week ending July 3 "Axerage maximum temper ature , 80 degrees ; average minimum tem perature , fi9 degrees Crops generally look well and seem to haxo recoxered during the week. Fanners feel much encouraged for the present outlook for a good crop " The amount of rain during the week was elght- hundredths of un Inch The Black Hills countrj as a whole Is haxlng an abundance of rain Small grain Ib nearly out of danger of dtouth and hot xxlnds and corn Is making a fast growth. The baj crop x\-ill bo the best for several x < .ir Cattle on the rang * * are. doing well nn the gr m Sexeral de structive * hull -toMim HUH cloudlitirstri liar * xislted lnrvl count. unities 111:111:1:11 : : Cllnrts In ttriirun nl/e ( hi * roiiipiiny mill lleoiinieViirl > . RVI'ID C1TV S D. July 7 ( Special ) The fltoc kholdrrs of the Hartley Teak Tin eompin.x haxe < commenced to iidconi their property as the firu step toward the resump tion of xxork by that company H Is tie f thought that with cairftil manam ment th * mills can be operated with the tin ore Ther * are aKo bevcrnl gold-bearing. ledgea .found on the compaio's proper ! ) uhlrh It If thought. If worked would pay a good profit. The mills , as they stand today , are mnra- moth In proportion and together wl'li th evpeiiBlve mnchlneiv crist sexoral hundr < Ml thousand dollars For si vornl ) eurs every- thlng been Idle The report , which U gtoundcd on good authority , that the comp - p ny In about to reorganise is creating con siderable of a stir In that xtclnlty STOI K IIIKIX\MI : ) in t i.ot nut UST , I'lrMl t > Itiiln In Nii lln ( iiuntr for 'I hree \ earx. CHAMBIRK\IN. s D , July 7 ( Spe. iai. ) News of a lerrlfle cloudburst , which oc curred In the sou'hw extern portion of Nor lln county , has been reeelxed here Kittla rain hail fallen In that .section during tb * three scasono , hut now the soil Is thor oughly drenched. After the- cloudburst tbo Bid rlxer xalle > near the forks , wu.s like vast lake Some Rtock xxas drowned and much damage done to the property of ranch men. II < M > | HTM SirlU Hit * Itmiuro Country. CHAMBHRLAIN. S D , July -SpcclaL ( ) The grasshopper "scale" of the .MU- sourl rlxer Ls practically oxer , but the r * glen xxcat of the rlxer haw noxv been Invaded. Information , is received that during the pact txvo xxccka xast sxxarms of the pests have put In their appearance in Jack.sou , Noxvlln and Sterling counties. They hove detroyed tlia gardciui of many ranchmen and are doing some damage to the range. A few small swarms visited that region last season and dcpcalted their eggx from which ine younlt happen , are now coming forth by the rail1 lion. Wlllter Khixlet N K neilll. CHAMBKLAIN , S. D , July 7 .Special. ) A recent telegram from Hdgerton , S D. > stating that Walter Rhodes , a prominent stockman of this legion , became crazy and had died Is upon inxestlgallon , found to bB without foundation Some uci'U-s ago Mr. Ilhodew suffered a sunstroke while on the Missouri rixcr bottom south of Chamber lain , and as a lesiilt acted somewhat SstraiiRely Hc-latlxcti were notified and they took him to California , where he noxv Is. It is beliexed that he will fully recover In a short time. HiieUIetrn Arnlen suite. The bc-bl Salvn in the xvorld for brulnes , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever eores , tetter , chapped hands chilblains , corns , and all skin eruptions , and pobltlvely cures pllos , or no pa ) requlrcu H Is guaranteed to glvs perfect satisfaction or money refunded Prlc 25 cents per box. For sale by Ktthu & Co. If yon are jzoln ; ; away you'll tal e the little' ones xvith jou nexx1 shoou will have to lie bonjihl as Diex L. Shooman says theio I-n't a better looking .shoe any- xx here thnn our one dollar and : i half oxlilood tnn and hlnolv coin toe lace : shoe lt'.s not only a line looker hut it wears well xx'hy p.\v more \xlicn our Kiiaianti'e KIM > S xxith every p.-iit Mitit they are the liest .shoe ever ollt-icd for ifl.fiO yon'xe jiald as mncli as $ 'JTi ( > for a whoc that xxa-.n't near its oed xxe have the laixcst childie-n's depaitinent in all ( Jinaha , Drexel Shoe Co. , FAKNAAI. Send for our Illustrated Catalogue. Frca Von often pay a dollar for a pocket knife lint did > on ever hear of one with a solid silver handle tor that money ? We have them in beautiful designs with jrooil htt'cl blades iiM'ful and stioiiK wu are ntaUlDK some e-ijjet'lally 1)1dlM'ounU ) on plated xvare noxv yon can liny lace phis htuiN piitf hiittons fir. of us for tlie least money in Omalia btioiness men and professional men say our line business cards en raved ate Hie very thltm we do all sorts of en iavliiK on stationery and we have thu statlonoiy. C. S. Raymond , JEWELER , 15th and Douglas. Wise patents take proper care of their chlldien'rt eyes-no one can afford to neglect the childien'h optical seiise.s we never take clmni'e.s of any Mud of u uis Hint comes to our observation- make the most careful examinations free of charge-and tell yon frankly what fur ther Meps to take bi'ln niaiiiil.u-iunnt ; ojiticlaiis vx-ecan alxxays the rem edy ifijiilit'il all work IH done In our o\vn xx-oik iooms tinder the direction .f an expert workman who hurt had over twenty-one yeans' expeilonre In Krliulin lesiHes this enables us to Kmininteo every case. Columbian Optical Co AIITIVI'IO. hCinNTIKIC A.\I > I'llAC" ! ICAI , OI'TICIA.SS , OMAHA. D DT f. M B. letb EL K nt City.