Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1897, Image 1

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Britannia's Ohililrcn Are Hovorinp ; Near to
Her Embracing Arms ,
Ti/st Material Outgrowth of the Recent
Ureat Jubilee Conferences.
Plans to Give the Colonies Moro Intimito
Relations with England.
J.rtlcri to Hifiirrliil for n I'l-iinj
anil ( i.lnnlcN In ( . ( iiilrlhiile lu
Hie linperllil Arm > anil
\IH } Dll-l-l-ll ) .
( l'f > IniM I > 1"iT liy I-ri-x I'lil'llchlng r-nmnany )
LONDON , July 2. ( New York World Ca-
li'egram ' Special Telegiom. ) "The only pos-
nlblliti of a war Interesting Canada IH a war
with the United Stairs , and that I rcfu.seto
consldtr , declined Premier I.auiler , when
the propifcition was made to him heie that
Canada help the llrltlsh navy.
1 am able to give , on the highest author
ity ex'liibiviparticular ! ! of the eonferencc
between Colonial Seeretarj Chamberlain and
the colonial ptcmlerB. Three things have-
Brown out of the pro-scncc of the. colonial
i ] premleis in England for the Jubilee which
Interest the Uiiltoel States. One Is the propo
tft t sition foi pei.ny postageto all parts of the
empire , second , the mlabllshment of a
ft naval reserve In the- colonies and the third
I military co-ietatlon with England on the
jiart of all the colonies.
Yc'terdny's confeienco brought out the
eiiggefctlon that penny postage to the colonies
nies be nmi.c' an achievement of the Jubilee
year This Is tantamount to Us acceptance-
It means that a letter fiom New York tn
J.ontlo.i would cost 5 cents , while a Uttei
from hondiin to Monti e-al would cost 2
cenls A more striking Illuhtiatlon of tin
dlscn pam V would be the cases of Detroit.
f MHi , and Windsor , Out. 'Ihey aie enl >
eeparntrd by the Detroit river , but tbcie
4 would be thiee cents difference In the coat
of bending lottero fi'nm Kondoii.
In the l-.ival nutte-r Premier I/inrler's
atteiulon was called to the fact that Aus
tralia Is to fuinibh n saiudion and tha
( the Capo offers to finnlsh a fiist-clai-a battle
khip If Newfoundland would furnish tin
men. It Is not quite certain that this
I would not be a violation of a trenty wltl
the United States.
In regard to the- military , no recruiting
for the llngllMh army being done at prcsen
Jn the colonies , the piopositlon Is to li.iv.
recruitlng olllces establi'lied In the- colonies
Including Canada The piemler of Sout !
Africa was usptclnll ) lit favor of tills , Ii
ordci to give an opportunltj to enroll im
pcrinl tnioiis at the Cape. H would glvi
an opportunity lo em oil imperial tioop :
against President Krugur of the Transvaa
oil his own giound.
At the next meetins of the premlcit , th
rights of Great llrltaln with rci-pect to th
Solomon Islands , New Hebrides and the Pa
clllc I-Isnd" generally will tome up Iinme
dlnte annexation will meet -Mr. Chamber
Iain's \iews and undoubtedly these of the
eleven pi cullers. This Is Interesting In view
of the London papers' howl over Hawaii
No London paper has mentioned one woid
of this Mi. Chamberlain IB anxious that I
be kept veiy quiet because homo of the pre-
inlcru lac.k backbone.
.More Impoitaut than any of thc o matter \
to nngland Is the piopcsltion which was
tcrlouclj entertained at tlie Instance.of lll < hard -
ard Seddon. the piemic-r of New Xcaland , for
jiaillamentary ri-prescntatlon of all the col
onies at We tmliiHter. At present Ireland
ivvltli a population of 1.000,000 , has 103 mem-
btTH of the Houte of COIIIIIIOIIH. and Ih dls
contented , while Canada , with 5.000.000 popu
1 lation , has none. > et ehout "God save the
queen" at the- top of her voice
The Iall > Mall miggests Sir Wilfred Lau-
ifl rkr , hlniHClf foi the- House of Commons
m iivi.t , .
Oneiif tinlriiiliNl ! * - iully Kn-iil *
l.llllllllll 1' 'T MMt.
( I'npvrlhlit isn ; lij I'li-ss rulillolilni ; f'enipanv I
f.K' LONDON , July 3. -I a. mNew ( Ymk
World Cablegram- Special Tclcgiam )
K' What .Mr and .Mrs. Itradli-y-Miirtln did
Ii ! to New Yolk the duke and ducliiu * of De-von-
Ehlre did not do to London tonight As 1
write the lust of the elect are dilfting home
from Devoi.el Ire house The greatest ball
of the mason and perhaps the incut ten-
uatlonal ball In London's hlslor > IB over.
It was not mi'ch aftei 10 o'clock when tin-
crowd began to airlvo at Devonshlie house ,
K a gloat palate a hundred jauls baik fiom
J'lccadllly with a giaveled couit down lo
high stone vvalln with two gnus. While in
New Vuk the common people wire kept not
nt arms length but at two blocks length
by the lliadley-Maitlns and the pedice , In
London the duke and din-hens of Devon-
ehlto praitlcally shook hand.s with them
licvoimhlie house gionn > ls , oidl.iarlly among
the most i-leibt'ly guarded In ingland : vveie
open tonight to whomever wished to enter.
Manj of the most Important people In Lon
don In pron tscuiiH dftws wandered into the
rouit > nrd st mew hut mouilifnll ) Illled with
woo over thoughts of letters of In
vitations vvhlili never tame .Mm Iliadlej-
Maitln paM-ed a dull e-viiiing at the opcia
Jn chagrin over the lack of an Invitation to
the trcnuidrus affali
The bell.of th ball lo IK it mniue tluiab'y
v an Aiiii'ili-an. An Jo fiom tinpnnuss
ofiltM the battle for Mipremacy uniinc-b-
tlonably was between the two Cleop.iuas--
Wrs Arthui Pugi't.\vell \ knuwn In New York
eocic-ty as. Miss Stevens before her marriage-
to Colonel Aithur Paget , and Lady De ( liny.
> vldovv of the- fourth e-arl of Lonsilalo , now
tvlfo of Karl Dn ( iray and certain loie \
Uiarthli'iiebs of Hlpeiii Tlie fait that Hi.-e
two vveie to go as Cleopatra had uht-ads
oct-aaUine-d much lemaili When thej ap
peared on the lloor there wa.s no quesiio i as
to vvhuh had won the evening lauielt Mis
J'aget diet > s was a maudlins btor > In tvluie
nnd guhl and was llteiall > cove-mi vvlt'i
Jcwols Nothing like Mu-h gems on aniuir -
Ican lRd.v' dre-iw vveie ever be-on In'un '
or olspvvlnio The costume wan slinplj abWo
With dlamoiKJK , iiilihs und emeralds \\h'ii
t\\u \ enteiod people acetintonieil to the grcatot
display of ] ewrlr > in the world has Knoun
dUpla > s of modern London socict } , gasii"d
Ylth amazement and wonder.
1/ulj In- ( ira > 'is drcas. although It crust nol
ICES than ( ti 000 , wau quite ecllpfc-d bj MIA
1'agei is wonderful eootuniu.
The ducheks of MarlhorotiKh was anoihei
uiagnlllennt tight of the period of Louis XVI
Uc had hooped powdered hair and garlam
crosscn set off with many maKiiltlci'iU jewels
Including a miperb diainoiul girdle.
J.ady Kandolph Churchill wore one of th (
pwt BtlccfMiliil dri-ssca an Theodore Tin
iujferh emerald ilrops on her forehead an
( Valuable enough to amount to a king's ran
ifuy the wlfo of the Aniei It-nil am
„ _ or ilrctm'il an the Duchem Uoiuiul
iwa § accompanied by her dftiighttr. an ex
frcmely charming girl , as Pilncred Lecqi
Vcbia. Thcito two laJIcu made among th
t > lt > 4bantt > t impii6 U > na of the evfiiing
Mm. tlcorgo CavondUh Hrnunik anottie
'American , wan heautlfullv gowned in
Vfcetbu lady ,
MM. Jack L llc , steter of Lady Haudolp
Churchill , went as one of the Valkyile1 ,
wearing a white petticoat and a helmet wltfi
wigs. She was accompunlexl by the Hon.
Harry Stoncr equerry to the prlnco of
Wales ( one of London's beauty mc , i , uu
Mrs Adalr , an American , who married a
tremendously rich Ilngll'htnan , and who IH
herself known as one of the best hostesses
In London , went as an Egyptian queen , In
white chiffon , embroidered with gold and
P"arls an Egyptian headdress , embroldeied
with pearl * The duchess of .Manchester
lieiilrit the procession of Venetians as Anne
of Austria , with Leird Duiiiaven on her left
as Cardinal .Ma/arln. She aUo headed the
Russian procession.
The guests were received first of all In
IIP marble hall , by the duchess of Devon-
hlrias ZcnnhU , with the duke as Charles
' , at her side , at the lop of the staircase.
, fter passing the ditches * , each guest went
ito a private room assigned to his or her
rocefislon , and there formed to piss before
eijalty The duchess' dress weis le's elr-
ant than that worn by Mrs llradley-Martln
the ball In New York. It test
bout $1.000 much less than the .sum spent
y many a guest After the processions left
" 10 ai rival rooms they pa * ed before the
rlnce and princess of Wales , the duke ami
tie li < ss of York , the duke and duchess of
onnanght. Princess Loul e and other royal-
l"s. all ntainllng on a dlaH at the end of the
real lull room Nothing like this wan ever
een before at an 1'ngllsli hall. It was quite
ke her inajiHtv's drawing rooms Alt the
tile pcopl manned up In lines assigned
o them , and humhl > made a bow before the
remeiidaiiH aggregation of llrltlsh royalt > .
The prince of Wales seemed rather bored
v the pciforinanc e , but the prlne-ess was
cry gracious mid evidently deeply Inter-
sted She lonlied quite radiant , dresrvd as
ilarguerlte DeValols , lu white , with a gold
) rlental pattern train , a small diamond
ttti and the back of her he-ad covered
vith pearls 'I he prince was dressed as a
Jrand .Master Knlglit Hi upltallcr of Malta , In
lack velvet doublet , cloak trimmed with
liver , with a while satin cross on his
reast. n clo ik with a large diamond cros" ' ,
bliick velvet hat with a while feather und
ln > k hii i- and boots.
T o of the best prorrastons were the orl- and the Kll/abethiaii. 1 he llrst wae , led
i y Mia , Arthur I'ngel and was Amcrlcin
rom the stait The nil7ibethlans , Ird by
" .ail > Tweedmonth , were gorgeous , but thllr
glory faded before the tremendous f-ensatlon
reated bv Mrs Paget's Jewels.
Next to Mrs Paget In gorge-ousnrss of at-
ire was another American lady , Mr.s. Ogdcn
loelet Her dress was black with a torn ;
lack train and mirvdouslv or amenled with
ivhlte and black pe-arls Miss ( lOelet , who In
lie gieatest success of tlie season In the
American contingent , wore an eastern driv-a
of gold gaiue , having three separate gauze
sashes , pink , mauve and blue The embroid
ery on the dress wa > s done In different colored
prec-louh htones and made In Paris. The head
Iress was a helmet with sMde pieces over
ach e-ar ; or one Hide a * < arlet llovver and one
hn other a white lotus Illy.
The ball was teally mole of a pageant
linn a ball 'Ihe display of gold lace was
noii' goigcous than that in the queen's
iibllee procession , and the prince of Wales
.aid the show of diamonds , vvao greater than
hat at the gala peifcrmance ot grand opera
up to tonight considered the most magnlll-
-ent dl p'ay of London. The- lighting of the
loikio was beautiful and illumination of tlm
gardens was superb.
The duchcsH of Devonshire doubtless has
Hindi enemies by refusing Invitations to
liundicds who wanted to go , but among the
SOO Invited she has made1 linn friends , inan >
of them Important , evn to a person so
strongly ll.\ed In the icgard of llrltlsh eo-
ciety as she to. HALLMID SMITH
MCIIT < > \ TIII : TII ivu \ vii HMD.
IVIcuriim * from 'rinii-N Mall In Cooil
It lllllll-M.
LONDON" , July 2. At the resumption ; ola >
if tlio sitting of the parliamentary committee
appointed to Inqulic Into the Tran vial raid ,
four ttlegrams exchanged between Miss l-'loii.
Shaw , the colouial editor ot Iho Times , and
Cecil Hhoi'es ' , tlie-n premier of Cipe Colony ,
weio pioduc-cd Tlie ( Irst from MIHS Shaw
iwkc ? for : lie date of the commencement of
tlio plans , owing to the necessity ot instruct
ing Euiopeau cot respondents of the London
Times e > o that the ) might use their inlliienco
lu favor of Mr Rhode ? Tlie second tele-
giam points out the danger of delay , at. the
European situation was lon.sldeied M-iious.
and a piotont from the other powers might
pirab o iho government The third mcs-sagc
says Mr. Chamberlain ( the sccretaiy of .stale
for the colonies ) , "U , sound In case of th
Interference of European power' , but have
special leason to believe he vvlhtt > sou to
act Immediately
One dispatch from Mr. Hhodes to Mln >
Shaw frays "Inform Mr Chamberlain I hhall
get thtough all right if he supimts mo , hut
ho must not scud tables like ( ho one sent
to the high coinm HMOIUI. I II win , and -'ojlli
Afllca will belong to L'liglaiul "
MUri Shaw denied ever having given the
colonial olllce aiiv iiformation icgaiiilng
Colonel Hhodes Heralding the cable mei-
hagciisajlng Mr. Chamberlain was "sound , "
MU Phaw explained that thesecretarj of
Hlalo for the colonies liad publicly declareu
hl.s attitude on the subject of South Aft lea
Mr. Chamberlain ald this ida of Miss Shaw's
\\utt probably gathcied fiom a remark ol
Under Secictaiy 1'alrileld nt the colonial of-
llco that "If tlic'io was going to bo an up
lUIng ho wished the Johinnctbiirgors would
hurry up about 'It " Mr. "hambeilain e.x-
plalne-d thai this w.i.s piobibl.v poiFlllago 01
the part of Mr Talrfxld and that .Miss Shaw
had taken it seriously.
CIMITIV iiioTKitsui : CM IITII : : >
( 'iniilii-iiiiilxi- IlilvvorniiMinrllliN inn
Mollll Illllirilllll Nil 11 % -N.
CALOl'TTA , Jul > 2. A compioniihe on thf
plague nit..tiiiifH having been at ranged be
tween the iiuthoiltlo.s and the rluiois , the
dUlurbanciti have coat-rd rho absence of
rain Is causing the gicatost anxltlv throrgh
out India
Tlm rloilng arcrio out of the giaulng prac
tice of the MohammedaiiH ot belling and ic
fusli.K to paV rein for ccitaln so-callc'd
miysquis , built contrar > to the tenets of the
.Mnhnntmi-ilan lollglon , on giouud belonging
to Inlldels. Iho deinolltlon of n mud hit ,
a mi-call I'd inooiiui' . lei t > Mio outbic.iK K < n
foity-ei lit IIOUIB the Ulinry vvue r ppsi-Olj
obliged to clear the tilrt-t-t * dit.uhed pail 11-
ot Mabniniiiediins Ktontd KillopejiiH whoitvor
they found tlioni. in ome carets diagglng
the men irom thnlihoun
IIIM\V : : TIII : rii.nriNt ; IN iruti : s.
l'arl > of l.'ii-i-K Iliilili-ro Del en li-d li >
lluTurl.s. .
CONSTANTINOPLi : .Inly 2. The news
papers ol tins clt > nyort that In n battle
ulikh.t \ \ * jti t -il > i n placebeiveon 400 deck
raideu and i ii > taihment of Ottoman ireoik
under Colonel Mtt/.ovo , the OreekB sufferrd
a liids of I' " k'lled In nddltlon eiglitv of
the liirelis were captured und taken lo
.lanlna , llu lionliuaitirs | of the Turklah
" '
Diili-rliiliii'il nil ( In- lli'iinl.lj n ,
SOUTHAMPTON. Jill ) 2 The deputy
mayor and shcilffe of Southampton , accom
panied by the United States consul at this
port , paid an olllclal v'slt to ihr United
States crulM'iIlrookljn til's ' ultc-rnoun The )
were received b ) Hear Admiral .1. N. Miller
and his staff vvuro I'litc-rtaiiifd M lundicji )
and toautid the pi evident of thv Unlle-d
Statru and Queen Victoria The Hrooklju
IIreil a salute of tvventy-ut.t guns. The
cruiser sallb for home toruonovv.
Dliiiiei' in tinI't ' t-mli-rk.
LONDON. July 2. The dnko of Coniuugbt
preslde-il at a banquet given tills ovoniiig b )
the- Colonial nutllnto to h" colonial premier *
at the Ilulel CVcIl Covers were ! &id for
Ulu Among those present woie LJU ! Hula-
bur ) the lord chain ill Ji the earl of
) the can of Jt-it > Lord 1. di Ml
a ( Mscht-n me flr t lord of the udmlritit )
Kicorc ! ; KauJel rhllliim lord major , and
i uirbt of the loiuular agfiitw general.
Edict Goes Forth from Headquarters of
Executive Boardi
All Mi-inln-r * of Hie Unltvil Mine
Worker * niiilirnceil In the Oriler
nnil All of I IKCoul
I I'leltlH Int iloil. .
COLirMUUS , O. . July 2. A general strike
of miticra of the United Mltio Worker * of
America IIBS boon ordered for July 4 by the
national executive board whose headquarters
are l.i thin city , and also by the dlntrlct
piesldentri , as the result of a meeting held
hero Juno 21 , 25 and 26.
The olllclnl document says :
To the .Mine Workers of the Counr.\ , Greet
ing. Kellow Mineis At tin-ln t nnnutil con
vention of the United Mine Workers uf
Aineiltii , htlil In the city of Colmulins , O. .
Janiiai } 12 , 1S37 , It was deti rmlnod tluit the
K.ili. nt in'io" should be advanced to the
follow Ins .nteii Penn j Ivanla , Pltlsburg dls-
tilet ( plik mining ) , C'l cents per ton , Ohio ,
ixi cents per ton ; Indiana ( bltiinilnons ) , t.o
ruin per ton , Illinois ( iimi e cioek ) . "i c.nts
per ton. Maohlne mining to lie p ild Uirce-
llfthi per ton of the prliof p'ok mining ex
cept In Indiana ( bltumtnoU-O. when- the pr'i-c
sluill lie four-lift is of the price paid for pit k
Hilling , other mining sections 11 oorteMinnd-
nif ineie.i'-e In price that whl place them on
I tehitlve liaflu.
It was fnither agiocd the time for on-
on fluent of tin' soakbe left with the na-
mnitl i xoeutlve board and the dlsttlel piesi-
ilents lo detertnltte when It would be must
opportune to put tills mle In cltect
The ilocnn cut then urged unanimity nm !
lldellty among the menthol H
The signs of the time * ale pointed out bv
the pro's and by the tiMiinnnj of men veined
n public affairs , that l > ii tnesr Is lev-ivlng.
that nn upward teiuleliey In prrie of all
commodities In appiunt In the genoial buM-
III-SM it-vlval ail'i liidii'trlal linpiovement
which Is edinestly proclaimed , we ought to
share and If v\f do not iittempt to Hrmiovc
shall lie fnlsf to ourselves and tho'e de-
letident upon u * . Let the wutchwoi'l ' be
' .Mine vvork r * nio etitltle'l to a fnlr d.ij'c
lay for a fair daj's work" Local oomnilt-
cos nie dliecteil to be foi mod and toee
hit action Is tak-n at once The Held H
argc and It will be an Inn otMbllllj foi the
mtfonil and .llhtrlct olllcots to attend to all
mints , consriiticntly local leaders are uiKt-1
o a'-'Uitif the tespoiiHlhillty and anthoilt >
for the successful consummation of our ile-
To Injure = ucci"ss great caie should IK' ox-
cielPotl by all Unit no bieich of the pi are
r < tins at any time or place. 01 imdei an >
liouinstanees. Mullet us will he Issued fiom
time to time to keel ) joil informed of the-
> t&gie . ° of afTnli"
The na'lonal executive board is composed
of Tied Ditcher , It. T. I-iavis , J. II. Kennedy.
Harry Stepheni-on. James M. Carson and
Patrick Doldn. The district prrbldonts are
W. n. Farmer. W C Knight , James M
on and 1'atrlck Dotan. M. D Katch-
Tord is president of the national executive
board , John Kane , vice president , and W. C.
I'eaice , secretary. All these namcH are
signed to the circular
p ofilcetR liere say 3 ri-ooo men are In-
\olved as proposed strikeis President
K.itrhfonl says this Is the best time to set
tle the question of wanes , as dining the smn-
nicr the nan can make use of their little
Harden pl < It , in obtaining subsistence , and
the need.i of clothing are note greit as in
winter. The propev-cel scale is intended by
the mineis to irake work for mineis piolit-
able to them In the Pltlsburg dUtrh t and else
where Plttbburg , it is asset ted , IH pajing
)4 cents per ton and Ohio 51. To make the
differential what the Ohio opeiatots insert
it ought to be , they threaten to i educe Ohio
mineis to I. tents per ton. The miners pio-
pose , if possible to lalso I'itiBbuig pi Ices seas
as to prevent a reduction to 4"i cents and the
ibillty of e\en a furtlier reduction here
hliould opciatorb keep on lowering , ah Ohio
lowered , to maintain tl.c difleicntial of 0
CHATTNOOOA , Tenn , July 2. Tno bilua-
tlun In tlio soutliweht Tenne.Miee and Kun-
lucKy mining region is rapidly becoming
very eenon.s. There are now over 2,000 idle
nitii in tlio Jelllco district , ami > the
s-amo number along tlie line of the Cincin
nati Southern lallioad. These men struck
on March 1 and have done nn work since. All
effoith to settle the htrikc lia\e proved un
availing. Ke\v of the men liail an > money
. avcd up , and tlie majority are now buffering
for tlie necessities of life.
Piri'SnUHG. July 2 'Hie official circular
ordiring a national strike of the coat ralnem
in ll.'e btatCo on July 4 was leceUed at the
illntilet litad < | uaiteris fiom Columbus , O
at 10 a in. , and copirn were at once sent
out to the different nilmrf Action on tlite
> iculai will lie taken at the district ton
vention of miners in tliiw city tomorrow.
Theie nem.s to ho no doubt but that I he
delegated will tome iiuttucted to declaio a
Mtl' ' .
District President Patrick Dolan of the
miners 'organi/ation , In commenting on the
clicnlar said "It will remain with the con-
> cut ion of miners tonuiirju t'J d cide vvluther
a strike tOiall be Inungnrated in this dUlilct
or not THC circular contains only a j'lom-
memlatlon of the olllclals of the United Mine
Workers. If It Is decided to strike , I will
do all In my power to make It general. "
A number of operalorn v\eio been dining
tlie daj , but none appealed to bo worr > lng
over the probabllltj of a trlki. Thev are
of opinion tluit a stiIKe at this time can
not be made general. Some bav they will pa >
the advaiue and tan dn so and make mom > v
provided the majority of the inliies n d.
The mliu'ib' leaders believe , however ,
If , the convention orders a Blriko the > will
In ; able to hi Ing out all the milieus , whether
they are working under a contiact or not.
Two more signed scales have been rec Ived
at the Amalgamated ai-s .cluljn lieadiiuaittis
They aie from tie Citulnnatl Kolllng Miil > , of Itlvei-side , O , and tlio .Marlon
Iron and Sit el compaii ) of M.nlon , Ind. Ten
Hi ins liave t'lgiitil the trait' to date.
TCIllli : HAl'Ti ' : , Ind. Jul > J.iibldent |
Knight of dihiilct No 11. I'nited Mine Woik
era of X'ntiuii , otllciall.v conllimed tht > m wn
of a miuera' cliikt IIU estimate , howevir
nt thr tuinibcr of men who will be Involved
nrtliuut 1W.OOO Mr. Knight ayh the object
of thet IKe ' to elixir out the maiketa
.ili'l en.iblo tlie oiH'lalorn to pjj living wagiM
to Ihrlr iiinn lie declaim It is not a war
on opeiutiHH , und the mliu-M do not i > o ugjpi
II. The > admit atrording to .Mr. Kn'gh1 ,
tliat the operator aie not irjpo Jrible fu-
the pre.cnt asg'iivatrd ' condition of affalrr.
but a > e. like the inrn City employ , the vie
ilm > of over-prikln tlon and under-conkump-
t on Mi Knlghl cjy * that while the mini i *
ma\ not le ( jpielally hopeful as to the out-
ionu ( > ' tin littike they feel sure they have
nothing to Ipt-e. mill tuut they may gain
some-thing It It , believed the block toul
miiHTs will alto join the t > trike.
fl'UIXO VVU.UY. HI , July 2 The
inlne'x of till ) clt > have \oled unaiilinou l >
to obij the order of the national executive
board of the I'nited .M \Voil.irs of Ame I ate
to mine no more teal after July 1. T'io
inlnrni are not the only ones' that will ipilt
work , but all theemployes of the coinpan )
whoio nages talRC nnl decline when the
wages of the nilneitt ate affected have also
been tHAtil to come out Th s mcana that all
tlio traieiii and even the cagtih who
have- charge of UK hoi-ling of the cars will
also mint' out Th' ' . . pule a isciluue cuptct
upon i ho situation , for if the mines aie
allowed to remain I Ho without the con
stant attention of the tiapcre , It would not
take long for them \y \ CMC. The mint i >
of this ( ! tv are vtry dettuTi'ne-d. ' The ) have
had their wama iedu.-ed ncprlv GO nor tent
in lie peel four ) eai\3 \ an ! " ccnu'a c5a )
I ? above thf avoai-e Tun.oirtiu the nun
will go Into the' mint fa In the morning fix up
tbtli iojin and take out tin ir tnois and
> thc-.v will remain out until the operalorr.
conctde the'r demandj All klni'rt of buslntes
in th" il'v will bo mote or le s dfinoiaUztd
NASHYILLB Tonn Julv 2 A spetlal
from Dirininpluin Ala stales tliat tbo
at IlrooLrfuk Ilra/il. Cardiff Dings
Inrg Illoitin , Adgor Johns and Siimtor ocl
i mnifk are idle having -fued i to MC - u
Ircductlcu. Tbrcu huudruJ coke oitui ai
Johns have heen shut down and notice given
that work ta Indefinitely postponed In Illrm-
Inghnm and Gate City , two rolling mills
have clreed , awaiting the flgnliif ; of the Peak
of the Atnalgainated Association of Iron and
Steel Workers No disorder * * have resulted.
HKAZIIj. Ind. July 2 The calling of n
genrral ntrlkc has cntisrd much ngltntlon
among the miners here. There Is no organ
ization here and olllclnl Information camot
tw secured. The leading miners believe the
wor'tiiirn ' here will join In the Rtilke not
withstanding they arc In a destitute condi
tion and unprepared to stand n strike. A
tnatH meeting Is called here for tomotro > v
ami the state president of the United Mine
Workers Is expected to be present.
CI.nVISLVND , July 2. The situation at the
Crc < = ceiil slieet and tin plate mills , where the
union men are striking for the Amalgamated
HEttoclatlon scale of waiev ; , Is becoming more
nerous. ! This evening one of the non-union
men , Ilarrj Hu&aell , wag waylaid by strikers
on hl way home from work and fearfullj
beaten with clubs. He was carried home ,
where he now lies In a dangerous condition
Arrests will be made tomorrow , I.att night
nt the mill gale another non-union workman ,
Jamcsi Kllroy , wtih attacked but the secretar.v
went to his rescueami got him tafely into the
olllce. The olficerB of the roinpan > declare
they will on no account make their establish
ment a union mill.
The Cleveland coal dealers profess to take
a cheerful view of the impending strike of
the > miners. They claim to have enough
Mock on hand to prevent retail prices from
going up. unless the fctr to laslri more than
six months. The wholesale dealer * aie get
ting the coal mined into the city ao fast as
the trains can haul it.
Neither Mil n ufiiol urers or Men Iii-
t'lliii-il ( ii ti-lil.
I'lTTSmtUG , July 2 The becond confer-
eme bctvvnen committees of manufacturers
ind tlie Amilgamated association OD the tin-
ilate wage tcale began hero at 2 o'clock thl ?
ifteinoop. There was a full icpievcntatlon
on both sldin. The marufactureib held a
meting dining the morning to dlscuto the
bltuatlon. At the close of the manufnctur-
rs' meeting Clnlrman Orccr of Newcastle
said he i oulil make no prediction as to the
outcome of the conference. "We pob lively
will not pay the cale demanded by the
woikers , " said he. "The condition of Made
will not vvanant an Ineirase In the cot of
[ irndiictlnn " The workers' ecale committee
Held a preliminary meeting durlui ; the morn
ing. They are as determined as ever to make
no conce. bloiw fiom their oilglnal demands
ami are confident of FUCCCSK
The meeting adjourned at midnight until
tomoiiow me ruing without having leached
any agicement. The entire pesslou was
given over to the dlocusslon of the meiltB
if each bide of the case , neither side olfei-
ing any con-promise. The workers think
tliat tomonow the inanufaettirerc > will make
some coiieiBsloiiR , but the manufacturers
will not admit any such movement on their
KMV.V Mi\ M.IOIV Till : STItllvi : .
lin-rs 'I'n 1 1. of Coiiilii ) ; Out In S j in-
| intli > vllli Hie iiiKierii .
OTTl'MWA , la. , July 2. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A bvmpathetlc strike of miners in
this district IK rented by operators as a result
of the call sent out today by the Mine Woik
ers of Amcilca. Ottumwa Is the center of
a distilct employing about t.OOO miners. Sev
eral small stilkeh In this /.leinlty and the
cutting of the scale in many' of the mines lias
cieated much di'satlsfactlon'aruong. the men
and a general strike might be joined In by
them. The tympatlietjc stilke by the miners
In this district three years ago under similar
conditions was not a happy one. The Iowa
men got no help from eastern miners and
after thiee v.nks the sympathetic sttlke was
leclared off. Should the miners In other
states join the eastern men In a sympathi'tl
stilko the Iowa miners would probably fol
low. lliev are not working over oii"-thiid
time- now and at a reduced summer scale
Although the miners , ' union is not v r > strong
in this vicinit > , it is thought that ouuide
men would gladlv join their union biotliciM
If they could see where it would benefit
them. The miners talk this on the street and
aie waiting for a called convention of the
men in the distiict
'I'o \ \ < -rt a
nAST UVmiPOOL , O. . July 2 At a
conference at which all the manufacturing
potters of this city were present this after-
neon. the first step was taken toward ad
justing the difference ! * between the optra-
tois and operatives , vvhlth threatened lo
lesult in another pottery htrlke throughout
the entire countij. The c nfeiPiite adopte
a piopositlon p.-ovlillng a eliding scale legu
latod with the selling pi leu of waic This
will be sill milled to a special meeting o !
the Amcilcaii .Manufacturing i'otier.s' nsso
elation , wl-lch will bet tailed Immcdlalelj
anil will be gotten befcru th ? annual conven
tion of the National Hiotheihood If Opera
tive Potters , which mieU In this city.
These Will Nol Mrli.c.
ST. LOl'IS , July 2 A special to the He
public fiom 1'ana , 111 , tavs : W. I ) . Ityan o
the United .Mine Workcia of Illinois liau
notllled the Pana miners that a general isirlke
of the Illinois miners lin.i been demanded bj
the 'illlcers of that organl/atlon. An Inter
victv with the employes of the four mine'.s
he-let Justifies the statement that therevvll
bn no i-trlke In Pana. The Pana miners have-
not been working on full time for st-vora
months. While they are favorable to labor
mgaiil/atloiiH of all kinds Ihey conshkr tha
what little- advance In woik they would se
euro would In no way Injure the cause of the
demands of the United Mine Workers.
Iteilnre WIIUI-H nl Illi.lerH.
DHOCTON , Mass . July 2 What is takci
to be the initial step toward a general ic
ductlon In the prlcc-H paid for Goodyca
lasting ttuoiighout was dlbdosed today vvhi-i
It became known that on their return t
work after the ubiiul summer suspenelo
the lastcTH ol the (1 0. Snow company woul
be asked to i.ceept a reduction whleh mean
an aveiagei loss of SO cents a day Th
change ) will directly affect about scvcnt
nn n. The new price UK ! vvll ! bo accepts
under pioltst , with expectation that th
entlro shop will be Invdlve-il In a strik
when the proper time comei.
Iledlenlcilvllli Aiiir | | irliili > Cere
1-lonleK lit eirtlj'olnirK.
OinTYSIirilG , Pa , July 2. The state o
Mlnn'tfota toiluj paid tribute to iU holdlc
dead wlio fell on the Held of Got > ; > t > hurg h
ileillt jlliiK a monument to their memory. I as n memorial lo tin ? pirt played Ii
lha' inemoruble battle bv the cnlj Mlnne
sola ti'glii'eiit there , the First , and th
dedication ceremonies took place In the
pretence * of a numbei of dldtlngulb'jul
.Mlnncbo'aiiK and over IfiOeteiaus am )
friends cf the command The monument
co l { Hi 000 and l.s erected on the spot from
which eight ci mimnlcu of the Klrut .Minne
seta rpgiirent made their famous -cliargo ,
In which they lost In killed ami' ' VoumU > d
215 out of 20. men engaged. , ' - 7
Ooveinor CMough of .Mlnn otii arrived last
night to take part In tha dedicatory cere
monies. accompanied b > bis 'ttatl and a num
ber of pronilnei.t i itlzc-ii , andinearly all the
( iingretismen of tia 'fetBtc. ' * TITe ceremonies
vvtru prpeeli-.l by jiraycr by'llev. W H Me-
Knight nrcsldeut yfTjetlyuuurg college Oov-
oriior Cluugh was tbniutroJuced and made )
Ml aildrib' In whlffi be reviewed the achieve-
iiieiitB made by tbo'famoiia .MUincaou regl-
nunt. A poem IYBB then re-ad bj Mlf * .Mabel
.Mai v In , daughtr of Commander Marvin of
company K. and vvhlili wan written for the
occasion bv the widow uf Samuel Wood of
com ) a yG Colonel C oh II. i , uo couiniideJ
i ho ri-ginitiu gave a tilj at ) of It , en did
lion Miiitln Kaclnnik of Montana who wan
18 aJjutani Seris'or K liavlj dellvertxl
iht prain an ] apprn-ruf' icnurk vvcr
made b ) I'cn-rrs nn .1 C Tawni'y. l.ore-u
Flct'-hti J T M < - " i
' M Murrli. K N.
Tb and IM Kuui
Senate Tariff Bill Will Bo Amended in This
Slnrtn IVItli Half a Cent a I'oiiuil , to
lie ( irinliinll > ivlliiHiiUlieil DIII--
IIIK tin * Ne-\ l'leYenrw ,
WASIHNOTON. July 2. ( Special Tele-
gram.i Senntor Thurston eecured at n cuu-
us of the republican hcnatoro Inle Thurs-
Iny night a concession of enormous ad-
antage to Nehinbkathe agicoment of the
nnnnce cnmm'tteo ' to grant a bounty to the
icet KilRir Interests of the eountr > . This
amendment to the tarllt bill will be made
oinoirow. and provides that on and after
July I. ISIS , and until July , 1903 , there
'hull ' be pold , fiom any IIIOUC.VH In
he treasury not otherwise appropriated , to
irodiiccis of .sugar testing not less than
JO degrees by polarlseopc from beets 01
sorghum grown In the United States , a
lounty of 5 mills per pound and 1 mill less
each bUcctedlng jear during the live jears
lie bounty shall inn. This pel loci will not
inly penult the present factoiles In the
tale to enjoy the benefits , but will mateil-
illy affe-ct the new factory to be built at
South Omaha and all other factories which
will be In operation on July 1 , IMiS.
The growers of cane are up In arms over
his amendment nnd It will undoubtedly line
t Senator MtKueij'B vote- . Senator Allen
said to The. Hee that he would see to It
: hat the bounty provision passed the be-iiate
through popullbt aid , as a set-oft for nnj
lemociatlc votes lost to the republicans
from the poi-th.
LIAD : oiu : scunnui.n NOT SETTLIJD.
The long , hard fight over the rates of
luty on lead ore , pig lead and base bullion
ivas not Fettled satisfactorily to either paity
In the senateTuthduy and ( ho whole ques
tion will be reopened ami discussed In the
conference coinmitti e of both house-s next
woik. Fenatorfa Thurston Wilson and linker
made n btiong light to have the ttoublesomc
amendment witlnliawn by the committee
it-fore the lead schedule was rcpoitcd for
ictlo'i , bi't nfter holding it up nearly three
weeks , Senator Allison let It go to n vote ,
though in bitch nn amended form its to
make -some change in tlie coiifeience al
most ccitaln. Senator Alien made a vigorous
light against the amendment on the lloor
lint nothing could prevail against the pre
vious binding action ot the republican cau
cus W. H. Alexander of the
Oinnha & Giant Smelting company ,
nnd speaking for other great com-
[ iniilcs , has just file-d with Chairman
Dingley and hit , conferees a last appeal for
the house bill rates of 1 and " ants. This
nigument. it is said b > men who have
caicfully read it , Is tlie most exhaustive and
forceful presentation of the case fiom the
smelteis' standpoint that has yet appealed
It covers eighteen general heads , touching
every vital point In issue and l.s dcclaied
liy several vvcll-infoimed parties to be prac
tically umuib\veiable. \ The Nebraska sena
tors will follow the matter through the
conference , and very strong hopes are In
dnlged In that fairly satisfactory rates ' .v'lll
yet be secured.
The apportionment of the appropriation
for the fiscal jcar for horse hire and car
fare for carriers nt the free delivery olllces
was announced today. Omaha cairlcrs me
allowed $1 157 for this purpose , a teduc-
tlon by the lequest of tlie postmaster of
$500 from last year. Allowances for other
ollices are as follows' Nebraska lieatrice ,
$200 ; Hastings , jnno ; Lincoln , J1.SOO
Iowa Cedar Falls , $200 ; Cedar llaplds , $ . ! 00 ,
Council llluffh , $1,000 ; Creston , $170 ; DCS
Moinefi , $211.15 ; Dubuque , $2,2S : . ; Koit Madi
son , $00 ; Keokuk , $200 , Marslialltovvn. $ JOO ,
Muscntlne , $200 ; Ottumwa , $400 ; Sioux Citj ,
$930 ; Ilurllnglon , $410 ; Davenpoit , $512.
South Dakota Sioux Kalis , $209.
Congiessman Strode has lecomnicndcd for
postmaster at Murdoch , Casb county , 0. P.
The following Nebraska postmasters were
appointed today. Callawaj , Custer county
J. J. Douglas , vice J. II Decker , icmoved
Campbell , I'innklln coiintv , F. S. Hlllott
vlcr S H. Seats , i emoted , Imperial , Chase
county , Thomas Meicer. vice H North , re
moved , Litehficld. Sherman comity , A. II
Potter , vice M. S. Paffe , lemt ed
Longpoint , llrottii county , J A. Nnr
vieo W. f ! . Mason , icbigned ; P.ixlon
Keith county , J. I' ' " Iloche , vice A. J. Sheri
dan , 11 signed ; Havenna , Buffalo ctitrftty
Clmrlos Miner , vice W. F. KlchardBOir , re
moved ; Sioux , Dakota county , Martln Lock-
wood. vice r. H Wilber , icsigned ; Stratton
Hitchcock county , W. L Glbbs , vice O
Lavvjcr , removed.
I'liMHi'iiitiTM nnil < 3ri iv llp 'jiil Iifor
tli < - Criift < : " ! ; ' n.
NiW YORK , July 2.-'t5n tlm yaeh
Llewell > n , as It 6tcatnc . ip the bound 01
Its way to O > bter bay lasV'nlght , were AI
fred H , Cnrr , Its owner , and a party o
friends. The Llewellyn had rounded Davi
Inland and wau hwceping along at the rate
of twenty miles an hour when It smashi'i
Into a rock that stove a hole three feet wlilt-
In the port hide of the yacht. In a fi w
ncconds tlm vetted began to Fink. The
women , who had he-en thrown to the dcek
by the < mock , got to then feet and ran up
and down , screaming. Mr. Ibclln , quietly
smoking on lila steam launch half a intle
an ay , had FPCII the collision , and In a Hush
was beurlng down upon the boat. Fiom
.every direction came other launches The
government tug Hamilton was In the rate ,
too , but Mr. Ifelln , with his party , was
ahead and kept tlicie until ho reiched tlie
i.dfc.of ! the sinking LU-.vcllyn and rcs < urd tlm
pastengera and crew. The LU-vvclljn In one
of the largest Me-aiu jaihts on the isound , mid
ItH value is estimated nt tUO.OUO.
' - I'lll/enslilp I'IINI-N Deelileil ,
SOl'TH .M'ALISTKIt , I T , July 2 Judge
Clayton has hamlcd duwn an opinion In the
Indian cltl enshl. ' C.I'CH It contaltiH fortj-
llve pages of t.\pewrlttei matter and ci'Veis
cveiv pli.iti' of the c intention Tnat portion
rt biting t" tin- whit , s Is 'iimniiirlzpi' : i f'il-
lovviAI whit' pi r-iiim n n-iied in C'hoi lavv >
In : n i Hiiltinri * v.llb their laws wre entitled
to b i nro led. \ \ h'te pi imrs who bay ri nr.
I lid e'hoetaWH ill ai i nidill > e.c with their stat
utes , where- the husband 01 wife- dies and the
widow or wllovvei afturvvard mnrrle * a white
peisoii. tni pally Is entitled to allotment A
white man h. vlngjnarrk-d ( a Clint ta.vv vvomiin
not In aecoi < lieiic\vltli Chew-taw laws , but
afterward rx-rrtnrrloH hti In IK cotdancu with
Hucli Invv. . entitled to cniollirif-nt.
Tliri-V Injiiri-il III n CI > | | | NIIII.
JJOl'PTUN TtJulv 2 - The nortliboun 1
p'hfHCtipi-r train on the- Missouri , KUIIPIIH A.-
Toxria lan Into the touthboiiinl fiulf , Colorado
rado & Panta Piloial at a i lousing
Celi.ite tbi" nft rnoon Tinpleeper and < rr <
KI.II b were wie-cked. Tin- Injured an-
.Mi MurHlmll f'f Whllcvv light , TeItg
hintMr" .Mack of IndlanaiKili" . Ind , left
i-ldc , arm and face hurt Unknown man.
hurt In the bmil , shouhlerK und Internally ,
will probablj die.
, Miirili-ri-r llnnm-il.
OUANT'S PAKS , Ore. Julv 2 Lemuel W
Moltam wax bunged heie at 10 o'clock today
for the rnurdpr of I'harlt-B Periy. | IH ! frltnd ,
In Jof pliin > - ceiiinly. In Maiib , ISM About
ti"i people wliiicis-ed the hanging. IIH a vVvv
of the nalfo d could In- had fiom the stieei.
On theHctiffold MelM'M ' said "I am guilty
of kllllni , ' I'crry , and uni tony for It. Ma )
clod haveintro ) on my guilty wul. "
ixlriilltlini : ( iriinli-il fur I.eiiiniv.
ATLANTIC CITV N J Jul ) 2 < J.\i-iui.i
( il'KKK ' todav ismifl extra litlon paprtH f I
tie removal if Hlg l"k Lc-miux ti.
allf'c-il forger lo Bloux ( ' ! > > la wloii -
In vvarte I Lennox vR" I k n avva > b ) Hhti
I iff Davenpoit of hluux City tudu ) .
Weather ForccnM for Nebrwkn
1.00.1) ) Tliunili-rMnrnu. Cooler ,
I. iniliu\ir : Colonle-s Dniw Clo i-r.
tliilon ( 'nil Allneri Union-it to Strike.
Tliiirxlini Iliiiiinit Heel SMTIIT llniinty.
Itrtiilbitliin 1'itrt lit New f.irltT.
! t. Iti-n-lvrrs Ciuiuot ( 'nniliict SiiliiiiiiN ,
.1. l.nillllle IIrks tlio Cliii'ltiinitN.
Corni'llVlliH the " \ urlt.v . Itnrr.
1. . A. W. Kiue .Mert rrognuii.
4. rilltorliil nnil Ciiiiiiiii-nt ,
I ) . Ciiunrll lllulTH l.nrnl Mutter * .
Iti-wiiid OITeri-d furu I'leclni ; t'uriner.
? . t'tiiiuncrel ll mill I'liianeliil Ncnx.
8. lloiril of l.iiilj liiiMgi-m III sr 4liiii.
puller \iillll ) ; ( lets it Cll-.lll Illll.
Oiiidlng on tinAnnum - Tract llcgltn.
II. l.tiHt uf tlie KtiiU-avori-r-t ( in Through.
1(1. Itlls of lYiiiltilun llo Hlp.
< ollectIng ( Jn ilul Iteer I'nts
II. AnierlnlllKlin full Hliimt III Ihirnpe.
Snlmtiiurillunlvr 'I lueii tin111 iiiionil.
IS. "At the Plntnl-H I'nliil. "
Sunn1'ulntern About Iti-i-t
op niiKiiitM IMII > S MIIT. :
Al.ont llnlf of ( Di-li-ixnli-s I'l-esellt
Ciiniifiiiiu TI-VIIN *
NASIIVlLLi : . July -The National He-
form Proh.s aasociatl/3ii held Its opening ses
sion in the hall of the house of representa
tives tills morning. About neonlIUe dele-
gales vveie present , llfty of whom are from
Texas. Hon. Piank Iluikett of Mississippi.
ptGEldcnt of the association , being absent
on account ot Illnefs , Vice Preside-ill Ma > ta
of PomeroyYafh. . , presided. Plavei was
offeu-d by Kov. J. D. Ilarbe-e , 1) 1) ) . , of NuMi-
\llle , nftei which Vice Pietldent Ma > e de
livered n brief speech. Hon J. H. McDowell
of Tennessee made the nddri-Mj of welcome
and J. S. Iradle ) > of Texas responded. Hairy
Tracj of Texas , Paul niton of Missouri , M.
If. MnlrltiRcr of Texas and Abe Stelnbi-rger
of Kansas were appolnte'd a committee on
riiie-j > . H vas dooldetl that all resolutions
prfBeutetl tliould Inrefeneel to that com
mittee without debate The association In
vited pi ess association ! , now visiting thu clt >
to Its meeting" .
J. H. McDowell , the populist leader Jii
this state. In isptaking of the coufnenco.
eald It was called for the purpose ot making
n deliverance ui > on the fusion question and
that Itwill detcimine not to go with Sena
tor Duller or anjone else in the fusion move
ment , but will realllrm nnd adhere to the
Omaha platfoim.
Robert Schilling characterises tlie confer
ence as u iiieves = aiy and 111 advised Tin-
friends of the people are excited , he said ,
and it would have been better to wait a jear
or two until the excitement had died out
bcfoie holding the confeicnee , and that the
popullstb an- not jet In a condition to take
the action proposed by the party.
Ignatius Domiclb comes Sunday and will
deliver a political speech Monday night.
At the afternoon session strong anti-fusion
Fpceches were made and many middle-of-
the-road populists declaied In stringent
let ma against fusion. Jesse lint per of Mil
nols advised a conciliator } cour.-c and spoke
of the coming conference , declining it should
adjoin n und utter adjournment reoiganin-
Into n national convention and declare' foi
the Omaha platform. MetsliiKcr of Ohio
placed all the blame for the present con
dition of the paity upon the demiKratle-
patty and declared tr--t Allen , Uulltr. Ts-J-
beneck and Simpson < -"eYe agents for tKaJ
party nnd that Um nemocratlc paity Was
preparing to stampede the populists. Othei
speakers awsnlled Senator llutlerehemcntlv
nnd cspcclallj were the bpeakeis from Texas
severe In speaking of him Other Bpeakeis
Insisted tliat the national committee should
be forced to jlelil to the demands of Un
people Vincent of Indiana urged that the
past should be forgotten and the paity keep
In tlie mfddle of the road , llobeit Schilling
ppoke , urging harmony and reorganbatlon
and defended Senator llutler Ills defense
stirred up tlie delegates and the attacks on
Senator llutler were icnevved with vigor and
several made on Schilling. W. S Moigaii
of Aikansaa handed Schilling a list ot
cliaigcs and requested an answer to them
Schilling opoke , sn > Ing he was not icpie
sentlng nn > c-ne but himself , nnd If Senrtcir
llutler was proven guilty of treason he
would quickly take up the fight against
him.Tho committee on reorganisation lepaited.
lecoinrucndlng tlie club plan and n non-par
tl.sin--co-opcratlve branch , the clubs being
tho-tBUpcrvlsing bodies. "Action on the re-
porl"wi.8 deferred. ' "Convention adjourned
until Monday ,
Narrinv l > i-nn < - Ii . i IHmiMle-r " tin
HiiilNiiii ltl > i-r.
NKW YOIIK , Jul > 2.- The Hi."clccker
barge AndiewR , c ir > lng over "O'J ' ptuiMin
'ran Into the steamer ( loldcn Hod of the
Hudson Yacht club , nncboiod off \\OBI Om
Hundred nnd Twentieth street , nt 2 a. m
Considerable damage- wan done to the baigp
The bow of the jaiht smashed. A
panic followed Man > excinsionlsta on boaid
waijted to jump overboard. Iloats woio low
ered fiom the vaolit. those nn hoard think
ing It wan going i' ) sink. Hie exi IIIMOII
barge Church and the tug Sammle wcio re-
tinning from the ciieampm'-nt at PeeUMII
when the accident occurred .ind came Ie
the rescue The excursion was given by
friends of company (1 , Twelfth legiinent
Men fen mod In line to piivont the panu-
Htrlckon exi'in-'loiili-to fiom juiiiniiK o ei-
board Into the water. The- how of the
vacht wan dilven Into the barge- . The Imutt
bold fast for nn hour , tin crews on boll
trvlng In vain to pull Ui--m aput. The
ixeiirslonlsts beiame moio and moro panli-
strlckcn 'lhe > vveie told time wan lie
danger , but women bccnino franti t-oim
tried to take down the "Ifo pi I-MM-VI is
When the jneht and the n. i-ne if dngjcei
jiliirl there wits a big hullIn the baigr
Tlio ( ioldon Hod's bow was badly Injun d
Tliu bniKo was qulcklj M.ialred at the foot
of West One Hundied .ind Tvvi nty-llm
otrect The exi insionls'.s dlsi-m'iiiu 1 , * , il
in a pinle- . und several iv ie > liaiiiplcd upon
Many ictolvcd InJiirlcH. but lone wt-ie eei I
oils. Only a few came dovvi
to Thlitj-flfth btrejtvhcio ' .he jomne-j
CiinillilnloN DimVIIU Mel.enll ,
CINCINNATI , ( t , July 2 Hon. Horace L
rimjiimin , democr.itlc rnti > lldnto lor gov
cinoi , lion. Melvlllii I ) Shtw , iloinoe ralle
c'liidld.ito fui liuiti lunt Kovi-iinu ; lion Dm
li-l MoCoitvllle , chairnian nf ( no di iiim-iiitlc
ttale ciininiluo , and other rleinoclatlc leadiir
thl * aftcitiuoii dined w'tb ' Julin It Mi Lean
niopiicteit of the Cincinnati Knqnlur am
( luidldatfoi I'nited Riatoti HI natm This
evt-iilni , ' Mihrs .Mi-Lean , MoCnliVlllo anil S
K Jol-nfon 'c-fl for WiiHbliiKliiii jl Me
Li all will fin lid th'Hummi i at llet .tii > llligH
Va Mr Chapman n-iurnul ti > hi- old home
at Jiii kbon , D and Mi Shaw lo U'npakiiii
ut.i ( i Chaiimin Mii'onv He airlvnl lien
veMi-i lay inm-nlng an 1 npin twii da > h will
Mr Mi Lean. uinllnli.K the wnrlt for tie cam
iiaign Mr .Met'onvilbt.atid | that he wouli
IM In the inn iibout tvvu vviik' , and wouli
tlie-n iKioin to CiilumbuH lo npi-ii the iliino
i lalle HtateIioiiiiiirtol8 ( ] | and lie-Kin the vvoil
of the
lit i-i I-I-IMV ili-il Cniii-li I PHIIN ,
C'OLoltADO HI'KINIIB Colo. , July 2A
eoach load of prcip'c , who vveie iK-Ing tnke-i
through the fjurde-n of the Oudu toilav vvci
upset ill theIlularidil Itoek. ami Pled W
nvniirton of Kopton was seilously hurt
The atiident was i.iuscd by ovortiuwillni ,
Ihrd a. h.
_ _ _
Alleinlliiii-i- < Hie Nnxlivllle Kvpu.
NASIIYII.I.F. Tfim , July 2- The de-part
Iilflit of ailnil-'floiH hits made an ollli lal l-
port of the number of pnld udinli-sleinrf t
the expwltluii during May and June Th
total IH MI I'M Uiilliiu .May. admis
hlonn vve-io 2 u,35l ; iHirim- lime , 20J II. .
HllV I'llll-lllM "f Ol-l-llll \ 'B -X , Jill ) - ,
AI Liverpool Aiiived liilltaiili from New
At lienoa Air vt4 Spiuillilain f mn N'evv
At Hainburj. Airiveit l < , i i l HI n > n K
ruin New 'i oik
At ( Jueeiittuwn Suilvei 1'avolli.l fur I-- '
Scnnto Incorporates tlio Idea iu the Tariff
OalTery anil McEuery of Louisiana Vote
With Rojiublicaus.
Teller , Mills nml Several Others Offer Do-
lenniucd Opposition ,
Yt-lK-lui-iill.v I pliulilN Ills Se-iiutorliU
I'n-riiivtiillv c In tinMnttor u (
Kl-llOI-lll Al | | > llllHlllIltNllL -
IMII-I of I'l-oet-ctllliUN.
WASII1NOTON , Jtil > 2. Keclproclty uel
otnllatlon weio the two ph.ises of the tariff
illl to occttp ) the attention of tin ? tu'imto to-
la > to tlio exclu&loii of all ether Bubjccla.
loth piovlsious weroaKttod to , althoush the
lobate' on the ic'c'lpioclty clause was pro-
lacted to e > p. m. hortlv bcfoie ndjourn-
ncnt Mr. Allison iiuloavou-d to secure nu
ngretiuent on thu time for n vote , but
Ir. Teller would not consent lo llxlng the
In e until all propott'd aiiiondmciits had bean
ubmltted to the st-nate. A.i Mr. Allison wan
lot pre pared to mibmlt the ainendnieiitu , ho
vlthdrew hl reqiicflt , ami the time for tut
ln.ll vote was left open , although there k
still hope it will bo i cached tomorrow.
The ictallatoi } clause provided that vvurn-
-vr any country bestows an export bounty
m any nitlclo there -shall be levied iu addl-
lon to the duties piovlded by the act , nn nd-
lltlonul duty cipml to the amendment of the
lounty. The clause was agreed 10 JJ to 11) ) , tha
wo de-mociullc senatora from Louisiana ,
'affrey and Mi-Huery , voting wlta thu lopuli-
leans in the allli malivo.
The reclprocil ) clause empowers the preal-
lent , with the adviyo and coiitic-nt of the uen-
ito to make reciprocity tieatles giving 20 per
cent i eduction in duties on designated artl-
Ics or placing articles on the fico list. The
imendment brought much opposition , Heiin-
01 s Mills , Vest , Pettus , Teller and While
ajlng that It evaded the constitutional right
if the house of loprcscntatlves to paitlclpatu
n measures affecting levenue , whileScnntom
Morgan , Omv a eel Ch.tndici dof'"ed Itu
egality and propilety. It wan agreed lo ,
iO to IS , two democrats Gia > and Morgan-
voting with tlio lepubllc-ans In the ; ulllrma-
Karly In tlie day Mr. Wellllfgtoii , lopuhllcan
of Maryland , rising to n question of personal
n Ivllt-go , veheinetitly upheld his aenatorlaj
iroroKatlves in the matter of fe-dtual appoint
ments. ,
Senator Welllnglon referred to publi
cations conceinlng n conflict Raid to
have taken place yesterday before the committee
mitteeon commerce In relation to the ap
pointment or 1) ) . II. Warner , jr. , as consul
to Lelpslc. The senator declared that the
imbllc-atlon wa.s unjust und nought to cm-
bioll I 1m in a eoiillict with the prculdcnt
of the United States. Mr. Wellington uald
ho underbtood committou meetings relating
lo nomination ! ! vveie secret ami sacred , nnd
ho could not believe that any member of the
committee gave the iiifoiniatlon. Under such
ciiciimstances , who , ho said , could have In-
bpiiod this report but ' that creature" pres
ent in the committee loom yesterday.
Itvas alleged that 1 e had attacked Preil-
dcnl .McKlnlty , bill this , too , he declared
was false. Ho was a free man nnd he rc-
seiMd It to himself to ciitlclso any np-
iiolntment. He had done so yesterday In
a ic'spcUlul manner and should the occaaloil
arise he would do so again.
"If the- price of patronage Is to bo servile
obedience then I refustto give It , " ox-
clnlmcd Mr. Wellington He opoke again
of the "crcatuie" icoponslble for the report
and i lo-u-d with an emphatic statement as
to Ills im rogitlvos. Jf these pioiogatlveu
weie tu lie Intelfeieil with llien ho pro-
lioseil to inak'war. . "I will remain right
hoie. ' i-\i lalmi'il Mr. Wellington , striking
his desk a losoundliig bltiw. "No man
ivei .mink me a blow that I did not rc-
tuin It with intoroi. ! , and they will Mud
! 2i' on ilt-ek if the Btiligglo Is begun. "
After this Incident the tariff bill was taken
up. .Mi- White of Callfninla. In behalf of
the mlnoiity of the lin.ince committee , asked
Mr. Allison as to the pi OKI am on ten , beer ,
the anti-trust amondmeiit and other Impor
tant ijiiestloiis.
Mr. Allison le'Hponded that an amendment
relating to the Inciease of tlm revenue to bo
dcilvoil fiom the bill would b'e brought in
later In the day. Ai > lo other iiit.stiona | a
ll'llo ' more time- wan dcslied.
'Iho donate him ugroed lo iho retaliatory
xectloii at the tnillT bill by u vote of 33
tf ) 19.
Mr. Teller Inqulii-d what ( bo commltlee or
i ,1111 IIH contoniplati-d doing on iho quratloD
of ileeieaHlliK the tax on liiblllled Hpirlln , la
view of the letter wiltten by the necrctaty
oi ; the tie asm y.
Mr Allbon ans.vired that tbo whole quci-
tlon of distilled spiiit.s had been gone over.
Peitonallv he bellevid a lower tax would
bo piodiictlvo of gu-ater n venue , but ho
thought It Ulivvlisi' to g.Info the complex
qmatlun In connoi tlon uiih the tauff bill
Mr. Teller uald the letter of the Hi-cretary
of the troatuiry Indluiiid a d > sire for lee-
Irilatlon on tin' ( subjeit 'Hun Uio senator
added , "III fore Ihln bill IH dl.spored of I will
dlhCiDK win * ) Fhoiild be done in dccrt-uiinc
tlm fix on fip.iitij I Kill t-hovv that the com-
inlllce IH giving away $2 000WU n mouth to
the detriment of the ( oi-aumiis who hour the
lax hurdiim und to tlm eletilmc'iil of honest
iU.ii | IH In dluUHcd t-plillti "
Tlii' ioiiilileratiiin of the bill then pro-
ecidid The pir.igraph relating' to nlokel
was ihange-d , innkliig the rale : ! on nickel ere
. ' ! ii'iita per pound on the n.ckel contained
liii-icln ; iiiikel matti r. 1 uiitti per pound ;
nlikel nli la'l oxide , iilloy , etc , 8 iinlii pur
'I his biougbl the ueiiate to the retaliatory
i IIUIHIto railed , pioviding that "vvhoiii-vur
any eoiiiiiiy pa > H a bnunty on any artlclo
Ihcn upon thi importation of that article
Into the I'lilte-il States theie , Nhall bo levied
and paid In aih'ulon ' to thc < duties othervvltio
lmpo ed by this act an additional duty rqual
tn the net amount of null bounty or grant ,
linweve-r the1 name In paid or bc < .tovved "
Mr ( Jray of Delaware pole against tlm
amendment , saying he legunled It as opeu-
Ing the vvn > lo a dlnregard of our treaty
obligations with at leant two ninnpoan couu
lrle . Ocrinun > und AuMrla-lliinyarj' He read
the protc-ist of Ilaion von ' 1 hle-lmaim , the
Rrruun ambafflador , and Ilaion von Huncel-
miillc-r the Austrian minister , otalnkt the
pioiioted dUirlminator ) duty
Mr Cuffery of LuuUlana diffoifd with * ir.
Oruy. urguiiif ; that no bieaih of iiiternatlounl
oijIlgatloiiH vva Involved un < 1 tlut retaliation
uf Ihln character VVUM In the nature of telf1
piiiscrvatlon , to which uny country could IH-
MID when iUi IndiutilrH vve-ro Ilircatened by
the pjyinc-nl of foreign export bouiitlin
Mr Wblto ot Califoinla arKUed that If
( lennuny had the right to give an xport
duly , which in e Iff el operatfd against tbe
United .SUUe. the Unlle-d Sutcn could adopt
miMbiirefc to offact IhlH , and be would not
ou-h tall It totuliatoi >
.Mr ( 'liKiidltr republican of Now llainp-
i-hitt n.ii'l ho would vote for the retaliatory
iUn e m h ix r met rrluctunco. Ho bad littn
ild Iliac Unman } would begin a ccnirn *
ji comrQcrilil na'faro agalnat tbe Unlt4