8 THE OMAHA DAILY 111313 : PAY , JUNE 21 , 1807. A Numerous Novelty Exhibits Already Secured for the Transmiwiesippl Eipoaition. MORE ABOUT THE GIGANTIC UMBRELLA Srcllon < HP or t'niiMinl ti-ri-M _ M < ir < t KnlrloN XIMV Tlinii at Atlanta .Mint 1'ro- VlUUH tll.OlXMlllltf. Everything now Indlcntoe that the nmu c- jnent features at the Transmlssltslppl Ex position will he or n high order , and that they will ho fully as rmmcroiw as nl the World's frilr. Already mnny concessions liavo been Bruited and hardly a day pnrsefl that applications are not filed with Manager Jlcrd of thi ! Department of Concessions and haul Week a concession was granted to It. J3. Slior.iion , n drnuKlitstnnn In the office o ( the recorder of deeds of Cook county , Illi nois for permission to erect and maintain durlni ? the exposition a gigantic umbrella , jvhlcli Is to ccll | e the Ferris wheel. Mr. tiherman , who flits the application , Is n ivul- dent of Chicago and la the Inventor of the Umbrella. The tniur.nioth umbrella will stand on a bluff at the head of the I'lalsanco or Midway , facing the Missouri river. This bluff rises 225 feet above the river , and when the arms of the umbrella arc extended the passengers in the cars will bo 575 feet above the Mia- eourl. Inside of the Inclosuru on top of the bluff will bo a palm garden , the ground upaee occupied being 300 feet square. The vertical Htandnrd of tlio umbrella will lie 3.10 fict high , made of Btecl and Iron , am ! anchored In a stone foundation thirty feet deep and acvcnty-ftvo feet square. It will be lorty feel In diameter or 12C feet In cir cumference. On tliu Bides of the standard , running from the bottom up , will be forty rails , forming ten tracks for the lower plat form to. move up and down. On this plat form will bo a circular track on which an other platform Is to revolve , the latter plat form holding the standard which supports the arms of the umbrella. SIXTKHN CARS WILL RISK. The arms are to bo 110 feet In length , nl the extremities of which the cars .are to be suspended. From the outer end of tlio arme cables will reach to this top of the standard , connected there with counter weights , whlcli travl up and down on the Inside of the Btiinilard. The cars will bo constructed on the same principle as those of the KerrU wllpel , hullt of Iron and steel and will hold forty passengers each. There will be six teen of these cnrs. The lower platform will nlso bo need for passengers , having a carryIng - Ing capacity of about 200 , This plafonu will rise to. the height of 1MO feet. The whole machine will be operated b > electricity. " Each car will be lighted wltli different colored electric lights , and on the top of the standard will be a searchlight which the exposition company will provide , The umbrella will make th--cu trips an hour , 11. II. Hlnchliff of Chicago , who wao con nected with the construction ot the World's fair buildings , Is the engineer who will super- \Isu the erection of the Sherman umbrella. On Chicago day a free ride In the umbrella will be given to every Chicago person at tending the exposition. Klcclrlilty , applied lu different ways Bckntlllc , Industrial and decorative , wll form the most attractive feature of the ex position. Already active rivalry exists be tween prospective exhibitors In the olectrlc.i section , for Manager 13. E. Ilrncc of the Ie partmcnt of Exhibits , has announced spccii prizes gold trophy , silver cup and gok medal for the best electric light servlci and dlr > play. The manner In , which uppllca tlons for space are ccmlng Iri'ls a source c satisfaction to the manager , of. the depart mcnt and his active lieutenant's. More spaci has been allotted to exhibitors than wa : taken at the Atlanta exposition up to throi months prior to the opening of the gates Every mall brings a batch of application : from the east , and It la wholly within bound ! to predict that the Manufacturer building and particularly Hie electrical section , \vll bo fully representative. WILL ATTRACT ELECTRICIANS. I'rof. II. D. Owens of the University o Nebraska has been appointed commissions of the electrical section of the exposition I'rof. Owens' appointment as commlsslonei for the electrical section is regarded will much favor. He is said to ba well quail fled for the duties of this responsible posl tlon , and ho will have full charge of tin work ot organizing and superintending tin electrical department. Beuldo the conven tlon of the National Electric Light assocla tlon , the professor will endeavor to secur other meetings of technical societies for 1S9S ns of the American Institute of Elcctrlca Engineers , American Society of Mechanic.- ! Engineers and the American Street Kallwa' nsojclatlon. Jt Is the Intention to make th' exposition an Irresistible magnet of attrac tlon fur every person Interested In the sclen tlllc mid practical study of things electrical Colonel W. R Sapp , ono of the promlnen business men of Council Uluffs , was over ti Chicago the other day and was caught fo an interview bx a reporter for one of tin papcrd of that city. In the course of tin conversation the subject of the Transmlssls elppl Exposition was brought up , whei Colonel Sapp said : "you see we on the Iowa side of the rive are Juat as deeply Interested In tlio succcs oC the exposition as our Nebraska neighbors In fact all western Iowa expects to reai sumo nf the benefits from the onward marcl of visitors to the Transinlaslsalppl. W liavo met with encouragement In nearly al of the state ! ) west of the Mississippi , am Illinois has got Into line and will have , good lepnjsentulloii at the exposition , "Iowa was the first state to make an up prcprlatlon , and as this action was taken a the request of Council f ) luffs business men we are with Omaha In the Interprlse flral lust and all the time. There are many dia couraglng features to be overcome , bu Oinah.i and Council Uluffs expect to comn on on top and have a grout show there In 1S9S. ' " 1'laiiH ore almost perfected for 'tlio con nectlng of the two rlllus by more rapid tr n elt , and Council HluffH will get her full sliar of visitor * who will bo within a half hour' ride from thu expedition LOW ll.rri : * 'n T.I-JW V ( lit 1C Till I lit- lluKlmiuM- Ohio It , It. .Musi Jimo 21 to0 , inclusive , the llaltiinoro t Ohio Railroad will se\l \ Excursion Tickets t New York at rate of n faro and u third fo the round trip on the certificate plan , at count above meeting. On this basils th round-trip fare from Chicago will bo $23.7 < Tickets will bi < guod for return leavln Now York until July 1 , 1897. The n. . 'i O. Is the only Una via Washing ton , Stop-over of ten days will bo allowed e .Washington , l > . 0. , on return trip , by dt positing tickets with D. & 0. Ticket Agci ; at Washington. For further Information call on or addrct 11 , N Austin , General Kiuenger Agent , Ch cage , 111. , Vln ClilOHCO , Mllvmikt'i- St. Paul It' A long list of rxrtiitdon points to whlc round trip tickets will br geld at greatly r durcd rates The conditions for suninii tourists were never more liberal than the * for this season. For full Information as i routes , rates , limits , selling dntc-s , etc. , a ; ply at the city ticket olllce , 1501 Karnnm e F. A. NASH. ' General \Vcetcm ugcut. llllldll I'lll-lllc has been selected by the Nebraska ChrUtl : Kndeavor committee a * the OFFICIA JtOUTK for the V. P. 8 , C. E , convcntio Ban Francisco , July 7-12. Special excursion train , consisting of l'u man I'alace Sleepers , Pullman Tourist Sice i'r . Chair Cars , will leave Omaha Wcdne day , June 30 , at 3:30 : p. in , For Sleeping Car reservations and fi Information ivgardlng this excursion call CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1302 FARNAM S A pcrauually conducted party cf tnrbf nd friends IhU nummer. Low ratca. K elusive , NorlbwMtern Lice , 1401 Firoim t TWUNTV YI3AHS l.Til 13 MI.VISTHV Pnxtor nf People' * Clitircli Crlctirnlrf 111 * VlKlnlcmilnl. Last evening , the twentieth annlvcrsnrj of the entry ot Rev. Charles W. Savldge. . pastor of the People's church , Into tin ? min istry , was celebrated with fitting ceremonies The edifice at Eighteenth and California streets was handsomely decorated In honoi of the event and the church was filled tc overflowing by the many friends of the pastor - tor , The evening's program consisted of shorl addrcssrfl by a number of pastors and lay men , who tmvo been arsoclated with Rev. Mr , Savldso In his evangelistic work In this city , Hotwcen the speeches a special musical pro gram , under tlio direction nf Prof. Lampmon was rendered by the church choir , largclj augmented for the occasion. Rev. Samuel Lindsay , lately ordained minister of the People's church , spoke flrsl upon the "Temperance question In Rclatlor to the Hallot Ilexes. " His ml dress was con fined to exhorting those present to lend theli energies to the prohibition cause. He avcrr-M that the solving of the question lay In tin ballot box whereby laws should bo enactei to do away with the liquor trafllc. Ray Jester talked upon the subject of "How the Young People's Society of Christian En deavor Should Help the Pastor. " Mr. Jea- tcr outlined the history of the society It the People's church , the mnny good result ! attained by It and Its present large member ship. Ho concluded by saying that the so duty should work as n unit along the line : ot religious duty set forth by the pastor o : each church. John W. Dale spoke at some length upot the work of the churches , with special ret' ' ercnco to the field covered by the PeoploV church. Ho complimented the pastor of UK People's ' church upon his untiring zeal It bringing to the front the sect of which IK stood at , the head , and dwelt upon the man : acts of charity and Christian work performs by Rev. Savldge. Judge Keysor spoke upon the "College Life of the Pastor. " This well known Oman : Judg. . Is a former co.llego mate ot Rev Savldge , when both attended the -Mlnncsott State university. He told of old times on tin campus , of the sincere manner In which lib ministerial friend had always performed hli college duties , of his value as a friend am of his successful career In his chosen call Ing. Ing.Rev. . Savldgo concluded the scries of ad < dresses by a short speech In his UEii.il char acterlstlc strain , thanking his friends foi their kind manifestations of good will. Hi spoka of his long service In the work of tin Lord and stated that It was u proud momcn In his life to know that they had ben sue cessful In a measure. Rev. Savldge spoki of the organization of the People's churcl e\x \ years ago and ot Us subsequent strng ghs , until at the proscnt day It numbered It : congregation at nearly 200 members. Tin services concluded with a short social ECS slon In which a largo number of those pros cut tendered their congratulations lu per son to the pastor. DANISH imoTiiioiinoon . i , Crnml I'lfiilr n Illlilr , Juno 27. Train leaves Webster street dcpo at 9:30 : a. m. , returning the same evening Fare , GOc round trip. Music , games , races refreshments. Secure tickets at the depot lllliik Stork for Sale. Union National Hank stock below par. Sei want , column ud. For tinWulinsli , Commencing Sunday , Juno 13 , the Wabash by leatc of the Gtand Trunk ( Great Westen division ) , , will extend Its line from Detroit li Uuffalo , running Its own trains solid frou Chicago. TIIK ONLY LINE RUNNING RECLININC CHAIR CARS FREE. Chicago ti HulTalo and New York , St. Louli to Niagara Falls and Uuffalo. wltl Wagner sleeping cars from Chicago am St. Louis to New York and Unaton. Al trains run via Niagara Falls , with prlvllcgi of stopping over on all classes 'of tickets For tickets and further Information , or i copy of "To the Lake Resorts and Beyond , ' call on any a&cnt of connecting lines , or n Wabash office 1415 Farnam street fl'axtoi Hotel block , or write. G. N. CLAYTON , N. W. P. Agent , Omaha , Neb. SPECIALS Vlu Mlss.iurl 1'nrlllc llnlltrny. Homc-ceckcrs excursions , Juno luth. To Plttsburg , Pa. , Juno 11 , 12 , 13. 14th. To Nashville , Tenn. , dally. To Toronto , Can. , July 12 , 13 , 14 and 13th To San Francisco , Gal. , June 29 , 30th July 1 , 2 , 3rd. To Chattanooga , Tcnn. , In July. To Buffalo , N. Y. , In August. To Fourth of July , rates as usual. St. Louie Limited Train leaves Wcbste street depot dally at 3:05 : p. m. K.-uisan City Night Express , 0:30 : p. m. Call or write for further Information a city ofikcs. N. E .corner 13th and Farnam. J. O. PHILLIPPI , A. G. F. & P. A. THOS. F. GODFREY , P. & T. A. IlAIMtOAH ItA'lT.H. HnllroiMl ItntcN. Half faro $10.40 to Dakota Hot Springs an return June 2.1. You may think It Is hot at Hot Springs- lot so ; not so. It Is delightfully cool there ( Hot Spring is 3,500 feet up in the mountains , with at like crystal , laden with the odor of a mllllo jilncs ) . 'fhe largest , plunge baths In Amerlc are there , supplied with magnetic bcallri ivatcrs , where overheated and worn on human frames are quickly renovated and re paired. Call at the city oliice , 1401 Farnai street , or Webster depot. It Is only a shot run there. Omaha 3 o'clock p. m. He Springs for breakfast. ( ! rtN IliTorclK of ( InKlrnl CIiiHH. VHKMILION , S. D. , June 20. ( Speclal.- An Item ot interest has come to light I reference to the early records of the Unlvei slty of South Dakota. Tim first collegia ! class graduated in 18SS , but the record made reference to a class graduated from th normal department in 1SS7. All further rcc ord of this class was lost , however , an the members were not known. Inquiry wa Instituted and one of the members was fnun from whom thu class roll was obtalnei They are seven : Catharine Hudson , Ann 'Uurklnnd ' ( Malscn ) , Alice Cape , A. / Hoilgln , Ella Peterson. Mary Sponceley ( Ilai uctt ) and Mary Vlzenl. I'ratri-iiiil OriliTH CrtlliiK MASON CITY. la. , June 20. ( Special Teli gram. ) The Odd Fellows Knights ot Pythlai Rebckahs and Rathbono Sisters orders unite In memorial services here this afternoo ! Dr. W. F. Barclay of Cedar Rapids dell\ ered the add : us , dwelling on the dcvelopmei of u broader fraternal feeling and u true unit higher brotherhood nnd sisterhood In a fraternal Eocic-tlea. AVUI MnUiovtn WlriSiirlnpTH , CHEYENNE , Wyo , , Juno 20. ( Speclal.- ) J. R Phagan of this city has received a pal cut foi woven wire bed eprlnga and will a once remove to Denver , where a factory t manufacture the article will bc < placed ui : tier Mr. Phaean't charge. IMCIISCI.VU , I'All.VCHAl'llH. C. C. Klmball of New York Is stopping i the Barker. F. Hastun of Milwaukee Is stopping at tl Hotel Brunswick. J. Francis Klrke and his comedy con puny are registered at the Barker , James F. Lansing of the Lansing thcati at Lincoln spent Sunday at Iho Barker. John A. McShane left last night for Ch cage , where he will remain for a few days , L. H. Martin and wife have- gone to DC ver. wjicre they will paos a fortnight wl friends. J. A. Munroc of the Union Pacific left f iho east last night \\licrt' ' ho goet > on but ncsb connected with ( lit road. Mrs. C. F. Wllklns , wife of CatbleiW ! kliu of the Pullman rompan.v , left yestcrdi on an extended vlall ultli rt'latUcb In Mass rluuotts. Shu ' .viib accompanied by h \iu-.tilcr. . AK. . Brown , Chicago ; C , E. Harry. liui moud , In.l. : E. II Talbott. Mr. and Mrs. 1 B. Hit' Chicago ; W 0. nienii , Denvc William H. Pauldlng , N 'w York ; New ; Settle. Los Angeles : J W King. St Loul Mr * 1) . H , Tiiuuip.ou , Ucuvcr , are at t MlllattL Many Have Been Sicured for This Oity in Exposition Year , SUCCESS STIMULATES NEW ENERGY AToiv OrKnnlr.lnp ; tit ( So After Homo ul the 1nrKcriitloniil ( intl ivllh ( iooil l'r < iKiL-o ( , . for Winning. When the TransmlsslsslppI Exposition di- rcctoni , the Commercial club , and the so cieties of the city started In several week ! ago to secure conventions for cxpoaltlor year , they felt that they would do well II they succedcd In landing half a dozen. Al ready they have passed the limit they scl and at this time they feet that the work hai hardly been commenced. The annual convention of the Travelers Protective association was the first securcO and this cuccess naturally caused a genera good feeling , as It Is known that the meet Ing will be In session fully ono week , and wll bring not kss than 1,000 delegates to tin city , besides an equal number ot friends. The Swedish Evangelical conference de cldcd by a unanimous vote to meet In Omaht next year. This conference Is usually at tended by from GOO to 750 ministers and lay men. The conference continues for om week. One of the Important mcctlngfl of tin year will be the general assembly of the United Presbyterian church. It Is estimate ! that the attendance will be between 1,50 ( and 2,000 , nnd that the meetings will con' ' Unite over ono week. Aside from the churol people there will be a largo number 01 agents representing book concerns. The American Institute of Homeopath ] will convene In Omaha during cxposltloi year , and will be In scslon for from nni week to ten days. Usually the meeting ! are attended by from 300 to 400 doctors , am half as many more appliance and Instrument agcnto. The annual convention of the Amerlcar Nurserymen's association will bo held hen during the summer and will bring fruit ant shrubbery men from nil over the country The meetings will be attended by not les ! SOO delegates , and will continue six days nnd possibly two weeks. So far. as UK "armew are concerned , this Is considered thi nest Important convention ot the year. The National Eclectic Medical society ivhlcli has just concluded Its annual mcctliif at Lake Mlnnctonka , Minn. , voted to comi to Omaha next year. The last meeting wai attended by some 200 delegates and n larg < umber of medicine and Instrument men. The Danish Lutheran church of America ivhlcli hold Its annual meeting at Marlnctte WlE. , last week , voted to hold next ycar'i meeting In Omaha. The meeting that Jus adjourned was attended by 100 delegate ! and continued In session ono week , It I : said the attendance will be larger nex year. POSTAL CLERKS COMING. The annual convention of the Association of Railway Postal Clerks was held In Phila delphia this year , but nxt year It comes tc Onialn. The last convention was attendee : by 750 delegates and lasted , four days. This ii considered one of the desirable conven tions , as It usually brings a large contlngenl of postal men In other lines aside from the railway mail service. Through the efforts ot W. L. May of tilt Nebraska Fish commission , and other Omaha citizens , the next annaul meeting of the American Fisheries society has been cap tured. The convention will meet on the thlrt Wednesday In July and will be In sesslor four days. There will bo something like GOC ilelegates. and about as many more visitors and supply men from all parts of the coun try. try.In In addition to the conventions already so- cired ) , citizens and members of soclctlrn art bending every effort to bring- more , some ol which will be attended by thousands of dele gates and visitors. Among the conventions in sight and those which It Is hoped may bo brought to the city U the National Educational association which mets In Milwaukee this year. Till ; meeting will be attended by from 15,000 tc 20,000 teachers and educational workers. A strong effort is being made to get the 1S9S meeting of the Epworth league , whlcl : meets In Toronto , Canada , this year. Tin churches and ministers of the city are hand ling the campaign which Is being made tc locate this meeting , and at this time thcj feel very much encouraged. They estlmatv the attendance at 30,000. This year the League of American Wheel men will meet In Philadelphia and an efforl will bo made , to have the 1S9S meeting heli In Omaha. Omaha will send down a strong delegation and the members will have tht support of the city , several of thewesterr states , and all of the railroads centering a ! Omaha. The meeting will bo attended bj about 15,000 wheelmen this year and all o the blcyclo companies will liavo agents am representatives In attendance. Omaha will send a delegation of 200 t ( Minneapolis to capture the next annual meet Ing of the Elks. The delegation will go 01 a special train , taking a band and plcnt ; of matter advertising tlio exposition. Thli meeting Is the session of the supreme lodgi and is attended by about. 1,000 Elks. Everything is working In good shape fo the securing of the next annual meeting o the National League of Republican clubs am a strong delegation will be on hand to pres ; the claims of Omaln. The meeting Is at tended by more than 1,000 members. The meeting of the Association ot Ixica Freight Agents of America Is another con vcntlon that is on the string. The railroad centering hero are working hard and the ; give out the assurances that Omaha will win The convention Is usually attended by abou 750 freight men and nearly ifi many mor. . railroaders who work In other lines. Itlfh Ore In ( lie Illtr Hnrrt. OTTO , Wyo. , June 20. ( Special. ) Wllllan Kerwln and associates , who liavo been pros [ icctlng In the vicinity of Wood river In tin Big Horn mountalna for several years , re coritly cut a large vein of ore , samples o which were sent to Uiramlo and Butte am Livingstone , Mont. , for assays. The repord are aa follows : Laranvle , gold , $11.44 : tllvor C7G ounces to the ton. Butte , gold , $50 , sll ver , 89t ) ounces. Livingstone , gold , $44 ; sll vcr , 503 ounces. Theeo assays proved a grra surprise , as the ore , though known to bi rich , was not believed to contain such : bonanza as ( lie assays indicate. Since ( hi ccnays have been received 'Mr. ' Kerwln hai been engaged In sacking a large quantity o the ore , which will be cent to Omaha. I Is believed the result will bo the establish mcnt of a good mining camp In tlio Wooi River district. CurroliorntcN lyrmvrll'n filorj" . CHEYENNE , Wyo. , June 20. ( Speclal.- ) The coroner's Jury In the Erswell CJHO ha commenced lt work. Three witnesses wer examined. The only testimony of Impor tuncu was that of Huckman Rabou , wh drove past the place where the row occnrre ubout the time of the trouble. He tcritllie to et'clng a crowd of soldlero pursuing civilian , who was running with a blcycl In his hand. He heard , < rmu one call : "It Erswell , " and another man said : "Stop o wo'll 1:111 yon. " A fc.\ seconds later h heard the report of a plslol shot. Rabou' story corroborated the version Erawell ba given of the affair and Indicates that be wa attempting to escape from the soldlera be fore be did any shotting. r NoiM | Olf at Clniinip. . CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Juno 20. ( Speclal- ) Phlllp T. Colgrove ot Hastings , Mich. , th supreme chancellor of the order of Knight of Pythias , accompanied by bis wife , rcache Iere ) yesterday from the west , and accom pained by Mayor Schnltzer and other clt nfllcers visited Fort I ) . A. Ituftiell and othe points of Interest about the city. At o'clcr.K a reception was held In Ihu par ! 1,1 o the Inter Octan hotel In honor of thu vlslto- . A large number of Iho members of ( ho or.lt and their friends called and paid their re tippets. Mr. and Mrs. Colgrove left for th cast In the afternoon. Terrlblo Accident It u a ter'iblo n- dpnt to be burn d or rraidtd. iri i o vz and agony anl the IrlMilTul ili ljur i-jni csn be nulckly overcome wHls i lc.v uc scar by uulog Da Wiu'VHcu Hizel CIII IICII MJVIMITO Sfl-'FKll I1KCAY. . lU-v. C. M. Aimlv < > r nrSriiimn l.y The anniversary colflhratlon In honor of the completion of the nivtntyfUth year of the South Tenth Street -Hethodlst church was concluded ypsterd j- morning by R sermon preached by Rev. XX M. Shepherd of Lin coln. coln.Tho preacher toAH for his text Hike x , IS : "And ho said unhrtbcm I beheld Satan as lightning fall from shetven. " At the outset the reverend speaker Hold down the propo sition that Christianity Is Invincible. He asserted that the lessons ot history prove the truth of this statement. Ho raid that mor tals may have grave doubts at times as tc ( he power of the religion ot Christ to over come the power ot evil , but ho Insisted thai convincing proof exists that this power \f \ Invincible. H was nothing new , he said , that people should be astonished at the won derful power ot this religion , aa there are numerous examples In history of Instances where astonishment has been expressed from sources whrro such doubts 'votlld be least expected. As nn Instance of this ho cltcil the seventy disciples tent forth by Jesus nl ono time to spread the gospel of Christ When they returned they expressed pnrprls ( that "Even devils arc subject unto us through Thy name. " The speaker said that Christ was destined for a grander mission than the rcdemptloi of the race. Ho aosertcd that It man liai never fallen Christ would still have come He declared that the Savior la the medlatoi between Oed and man , and If man hai never fallen Christ would still liavo conn with a revelation of God's power. Man wnf created perfect , but lie fell from this perfec tion and fell so far that no hand hut thai of the Son of God rould lift him up agnli and place him where he could travel aloiu the straight and narrow road. The reverend speaker declared that bis text stands as n prophecy ot the warfare be tween the power of God nnd the power cl evil. He said that God ordained the Churcl : of Christ to never suffer decay , and he pre dicted that the tlmo will como when nil things will bo guided by God's power nnd in wrong will be committed. The hosts nl God , he declared , will see the Satan of tht rum traffic fall from power , Ho asserted , how. ever , that the rum tralllc was not thi worst curse which blights civilization. Tin social evil was declared to be the greatcsl curse upon mankind , The speaker said thai the tlmo will yet como when , through tin power ot God , man will be- pure and womai will bo suffered to walk the streets wlthoul having the linger ot scorn pointed at her. In conclusion the speaker said there wai no sin so dark that Christ has not thi power to rend Its chains , and no life Is w blasted but that the light of the Son of Ooi can clean It out and lit It for the temple oi the king. _ XUW Ut'AHTKllS ' FOR WOMAN'S Cl.lJII 1 < "lrHt CoiiKrt'Kiill-oiuil Chiil-fh Will III V'HIM ! Xr.vt YIMII- . Mcnibcrs of the Woman's club have giver up the Idea of building a club house , a : least such a building will not bo croctci this year. The lease on the quartern nov occupied by the club expires soon , and tha the club may not bo thrown out In the eoli during the past week or two members o the building committee have been lookinf about for rooms In which to hold meeting ! during the next year. Several halls wer < visited , but none of them were satlafactory Saturday , however , the members of the com mltlce Golved the problem and entered intc a lease for the occupancy of the First Con gregatlonal church for ono year , commenc ing with the beginning of the next clul year , which will be next September. The Woman's club will occupy the vestrj rooms of the First Congregational church foi committee rooms and will occupy the au ditorium for the holding of the genera meetings. The church Is well arranged foi the purpose , as the auditorium Is commodi ous , capable of taatlng something like 50 ( persons , while the v < stry rooms are well lighted-and airy. The church Is located clcae to the business portion of the city ami at the ii-anic' time It ls--far-enough' away oc that the meetings of the club-will not bt annoyed i by the trafllc of the downtown streets. AXXUAf * SKItMO.V TO FORESTERS. . Twriity-Tlilril 'Aniilvi'rsnry of tlit1 Orilrr'N OrKnnl/.ntloii. Rev. J. 0. Staples of Grace Baptist church , who Is high chaplain of the order , last night preached the anniversary sermon to the In dependent Order ot Forresters. It was the twenty-third anniversary of the organiza tion of the order , and about 100 members ol the society turned out to hear their brother , The church was prettily decorated with floral dcslgna nnd emblems of the order , and with the national colors. The preacher took as his text. Proverb- xxvil , 19 : "As in water face answereth tc face , so tlio heart ot man to man. " He di vided his subject Into two sections. He showed that man In paying his as cssmcntc In the hope of his family receiving a retun : after his death , thereby showed his depsnd- ence ; while the hearts ot the brothers beatIng - Ing together In social and fraternal spirit returned dividends stronger than gold or sil ver. He paid a high tribute to the ordei generally , and Impressed upon the member ; that the success ot tlio organization dcpcndec upon their Individual efforts and moral stand- lug. _ l.O\V R ATI-IS TO X1-3W YOU 1C Vlll Hie Itiilllmnrf & Ohio It. It. Rio- cutliiiilnlt. ' .Vudoiui ! AMNOolutloii. Juno 24 to 30 , Inclusive , the Baltimore E Ohio Railroad will sell Excursion Tickets tc New York at rate of u faro and a third foi the round trip on the certificate plan , ac count above meeting. On this basis the round trip faro from Chicago will be $23.70 Tickets will be good for return leavlnf New York until July 7 , 181)7. ) Tto n & 0. Is the only line via Washing ton. Stopover of ten days will bo allowed al WttPhli.gton , D. C. , on return trip , by de positing tickets with D. & 0. Ticket Agenl at Washington. For further Information call on or addrcs ; B. N. Austin , General Passenger Agent , Chicago cage , 111. _ lluiriilo , Ncrv- York , UoNloii and Now England points are reached In tin meet comfortable manner via the Lake Shon and .Michigan Southern railway. The sum mer train service via this line affords morn Ing , afternoon and evening trains from Chicago cage at convenient hours , a complete a heduli of which will bo furnished on application Tourists tickets to < the many cool and do llghtful resorts of'the ' eaet , Including Chau tauqua lake , are now on sale , A handsomi Illustrated Tourist'Book ' , showing routes am rates to tliene points ; 'will be sent free on re quest. If you contemplate an eastern trl | this summer the printed matter referred ti will bo of InteniUi. Address B. P. Hum phrey , T. P. A. , Kansas City , Mo , ; or C K. Wllber , A. O. P. A . Chicago. CliIlil'H Aruininil lt'ic CruxlitMl , Jesslo Uorfthu , tli 14-months-old child o John Horehn , llvlng neur Fourth and Jlasoi Btreele , was playing' ' In the shadow of sonv Burlln"on ( freight .cars not far from hei homo yesterdiiy ( when a switch englni lmck < > < l dc A n th track and In ome mannei knocked the child l > eneatli the rniH. : Thi right hand und l iwvero badly crushed. Tin cliald wa picked up ; and tiikt-n to Its homo and Inter rcmovedi U the Presbyterian hos pltal. where It IB probable that both the in Jured members wfll be amputated. Siiniiiirr IdiMirNlonu VIA THE WABASH. HomcBctkcra south June 15. Nashville am return evtry day , Chattanooga In July , To ronto In Ju'.y. Buffalo In August , and all thi summer resorts of tir > east and , sjuth. Cat at Wabssh otllci. 1415 Farnam atrfet , or writ G. N. CLAYTON , Agent. I.OOAI. Hitivrrirs. : Andrew Seow , while returning fron Kuser's park nn a Leavenworth street mete last evening , pro.luced some excitement b ; ! ; icklng Ihe htadllsht from the car. It WE badly smashed an-l Scow was arrested fo 'jelng drunk and disorderly. W. B. Gordon and Christ Hanscn wen Into the hou < kept by Irene Huntlngton. o : ' 'apllol avinut. las ; nlsht. en I engaged li a drunken law lJurin ; the trouble a larp , iano of glass was broken. The luin wci arrested for mallcloua destruction of prop ttrty. STATE REPUBLICAN CLUBS Annntil Lengno Meeting to Bo Held in Omaha Next Weak. CANDIDATES FOR NATIONAL DELEGATES . Men t HiCliiiMriiVlio Arc lli-Mt Flltril to Sroiirc Xlidonut Cimvrn tlou for Till * City Jfo.xt Your , , The annual meeting ot the State League el Republican clubs will be held nl Doyd's thea. tcr In thla city Tuesday evening , Juno 28 , The convention will elect officers for Iho next year and select delegates tn the national con. vcntton which will meet at Detroit July 1,1 , 14 and in. The rules of the organization pro vide that the uHlccrs of each club shall be delegates to the state convention and each club is entitled to nn additional delegate foi each flfty members or major fraction thereof , This would mean upwards ot 1,000 dclcgat If overs republican club In the- state should send Its full representation. As this Is an oft year In politics It Is not expected that nny- where near the full representation will be In attendance. As there Is nothing at It-inn except the honor of representing the ttato In the national convention many who would otherwise attend will not care to piy I belt expenses lo Omaha and return , and 500 'Inlc- gatia will be n very large attendance nndei the circumstances. Nebraska Is entitled to six delegate * nn-l six a'trrnntcs ' , and also four delega'ss and alternates for each congressional district In the national convention. Omaha Is conceded at least cne delegate at large , and Douglas county wilt probably get at least , three ol tiic four delegates from this congressional district. So far the candidates for repre sentation on the national delegation ure ex- optionally scarce. The only thing that ope-r. ntca i a Induce Nebraska republicans to take any particular Interest In the iuitlon.il con vention this year Is the movement to < ceuro the 1S&S convention of the league for 0nnh'\ , WIIUSTER NOT A CANDIDATK. I' , hns hecn Intimated that John L. W b- ster Is nn n still hunt for the prcsldem-y ol the national organization , but this Is 'lonled by his Immediate friends and no nppare'tl olfort Is bring made In that dlrectio-i. .Mr. Webster will not even be a candidate for n place on the delegation , as he expects to sail for Kurcpo early In July. So fur culy five local candidates arc In t.u field for i-iaccs on the delegation. Charle- J. Greene , W. F. Gurley , A. J. Liint ami K < ] .1. Cornish are candidates and J. H. Van DUBCII Is also prominently mentioned. Oth ers are likely to appear before the olatc con vention meets , but It Is more than likely thai the delegation will be mainly made up from the list mentioned above. The general feeling Is that the Douglnt county delegates should be men who will 1 able lo exercise a good deal of Influence or the floor of the national convention. Some ol the larger eastern cities want the 1SUS con vcntlon and It Is expected that If the plun : is secured for Omaha It will be after a llvclj fight. Consequently there Is a tendency U name di-legates who will be able to hold llieli own In the convention and properly Impress the other delegates with the desirability ol locating the next convention In this city. I South Omaha News . & r3 _ . ? $ Fuaffi\x& „ - - Street Commissioner Ross Is doing sonic good work tbcso days by compelling property owners to repair dclnpldatcd sidewalks. The city cleric has advertised for bids for laying sidewalks for the coming year nnd It is ex pected that there will be quite n spirited contest for the contract. Some of the prop erty owners are going ahead and making the repairs without complaint , but In a number of cases the work will have to be done by Iho city and the cost charged up against the property as the owners have cither neglected or refused to order the repairs made. A number of new wooden .sidewalks have been laid In the- permanent sidewalk district and EO far no attempt has been made to en force the ordinance relating to the repairing ot worn out wooden walks In the business district. Some of the councilmen feel that permanent walks should be laid , but as t linen have been bard and money scarce they do not feel like stepping to the front and com pelling property owners to put down walkt ot brick or stone. The walks on N street ore at III In n di lapidated condition , the owners or occupants of property being permitted to nail boarde an inch thick across holes and on top of the rest of the walk. This makca the walking bad , and is liable to cause an accident , c.i- pcclally at night. Will I.iiy ( In- Corner .Stone. Next Sunday the corner stone of the Afri can Methodist church , at Twenty-seventh and H streets , will be laid with appropriate cere monies , H. K. Hillan. master of Acaclo lodge. No. 40 , Masons , will have charge ot the ceremonies and will be assisted by M. 0 , Rlckctts , master of Kxcelslor lodge , No. 110 It. B. Rhodes , master of Rough Ashler lodge No , 74 , and Rev. J. C. Owens of St. John'f African Methodist church of Omaha. Lodgei at Lincoln and Nebraska City liavo been In vited to att ( nd. Music will be furnished b > a hand and the choir of St. John's African Methodist church. Pastors of the local churches and their congregations have been Invited , also the members of the Young Men's Chrlstlin association. Mayor Knsor Irt promised to be present and deliver an ad- drcts. Mrs. Lena Mason , tlio well known colored evangelist , will tpcnl ; . Rev. Jordan Allen Is the pastor of the church and liac In charge the work ot raising subscription ! ) , < ) lijci' < lo Ciunij IT'M Sou. The old soldiers here continue to Kiel ; against the appointment of Charley Con- oyur's eon to a place In the Bureau of Ani mal Industry. In the meantime the young man con'lniics ' to draw u man's pay for doing practically nothing , The protecting in not alone confined to pen.'OiM ' on the outa and lo.klng for a government job , but a number of the old employes of the department arc objecting also , One old veteran who ranke high with his party Is of the opinion that If a job of that kind was to be given out to any one's sen he ought to bo given a chance tq get a place for his sou , He con sidered tha appointment of young Conoyer an Injustice , and In order to s-ce what could be done about the matter took a trip down U ; Arbor Lodge * the other day and laid the matter before J , Sterling Morton. The re publican veterans mailed their complaints direct to Washington and are now waiting for replies , Preparing I.HN | | of VoterN , The school enumerator are preparing a complete Ikit of voters In the city. Thle work has been done along with the census and will bo valuable Information for the county and city cominltiees of both parties. The name of each voter , along with his red- Ideiicc- , will bo Uiown. Several well known politicians are already dickering with tht enumerators for the lt ta. The enumerators liavo done thla work on their own account , not having bad liuiructlons to tlut effect from the Board of Education , and when the work is completed they will have Informa tion for dale. The registration last fall waa 3,312 , the largest lu the history of the city. ( iooil OuUooU for Criiiix , L. L. Wyott , ono of the traveling reprc- rontatlveo of the stock yards company , re turned yesterday from a trip through north ern Nebraska. He reports crops In line con dition , and says that farmers now have plenty of young pigs , which they arc rftlh- Ing for this market. As a rule , the farmcre and btockmcn In that section of thu state feel greatly encouraged and look forward tt 3 bounteous crop. Arelili > etiVorl > lnir < ui I'lunx. Private advices from Washington arc tc ihe tfTi'Ct tlut architects In the Treasury department are working awjy on the plant for the postolllce building In till-1 city. I' 11 cx'etd that notice will be nerved tn Trn Geary In about ( hilly day > lo remove his building from the iuu. When thi * to dooo the contract ( or eicavatlag for the llc-o , JuneJl Find 1Oc buys n pair of two legged 'Waih Pnnts for boys , For Yourself We sell Wash Suits for children as high aa 90 cents a suit. You can pay more than that somewhere else. You can a'so ' pay a dollar liming for Paincs Celery Compound but some very rc- your own trunk , spectab'e drug stores are selling it lor 69 cents. Some folks would tell you the 69 cent kind 'aint as good as the dollar kind , and some folks will tell you that our Wash Suits at yo cents aint as good as somebody oho S3ns for Take . . You know about the medicine It with $1.50. argu of n grnln suit. ment , you dent know about tlv.se Suits. We want you to liiul out. Dent take anybody's word for what you can investigate personally when your pocket is concerned and the chances are you'll be richer in the end. We are m ak Find Find out. out. ing- some very good friends by selling good Find out. Wash Suits for the lowest prices ever quoted ii ; Omaha , to-wit : 250 , 350 , 450 , 65C , 750 and 93 cents , The saving is anywhere from a quarter to a half. Do you perceive ? HE THAT WORKS EASILY WORKS SUC CESSFULLY. " 'TIS VERY EASY TO CLEAN HOUSE WITH \3xk-iiJSi K2S32SSS3 Turkish , Tansy aiul Ponnyroy.il Pills most cllcotii il FUMALK rills will UKLriiVi ; SUlMMtliSSIJU , KXCIJSSlN'li : , SCANTY OK PAINFUL .MENSTRUATION-Will hrliii ; menstruation sure to the day. Sent by mui securely packed , SI.OK ; i box. HAHN'S PHAHMACY.lSUiuml KtmmmStd , Onmlm. Nob. foundation will be let. Huslueys men here would like very much to have work on this new building commenced thi ? summer. The survey ot the site made by George Mellrlde has been accepted ami paid for and the arcliUecto are using the data in drawing the plana. . Complaint Atialnst Union I'll o I ( If. Ilesldcnta In the southern part of the city complain that the Union Pacific U dumping manure from empty stock cara along Iho of Twenty-fourth track near the Intersection and V streets. Far a distance of aevcrnl hundred feet along the track there lies great piles of manure and refuse which have been thrown out of stock cars. This ground is within the city limits , In fact , only about 100 feet off from Twenty-fourth trect. The warm weather the p.vt week caus > ed a ter rible stench to arise from this long pile of rubbish and the people in that vicinity have not hesitated to make complaint. Think Tlu-y Ar - OliloUon Thli-vcM. Sam Manlcy and John McCroskln are locked up at the city Jail on n charge of being susplclouo characters. The men were caught milking a cow belonging to a ninn named Hughes , who lives In the vicinity ot Forty-fourth and 7 streets. A couple of dozen chickens were found in possession of the prisoners , and the police are Inclined to think they are the men who have been robbing hen roosts In the western part of the city. Clly COH.SI. | | . The Equestrian club meets for drill this afternoon. An Important meeting of Phil Kearney post will bo held tonight. Mrs. John Gorman , Twenty-third and J streets , is dangerously 111. Tomorrow evening the Masons will Install their recently-elected officers. Hnrry Carpenter spent Sunday at Tarldo , Mo. , looking after some business matters. The committees In charge of the celebra tion July n , all report progress nnd predict that the celebration will lie a grand suc cess. \MV ItOIIU * . Commencing Sunday Juoo 13 , tlio Union Pa. eltlc will Inaugurate Through Tom 1st Car Service between Omaha and Portland , Oregon gen and Washington points via Union Pacific and Southern Pacific railways , thereby giv ing passengers the benefit of two tourlut routes via Ogdcn to Portland. Tills route will take them up through tbc beautiful Sacramento Valley , disclosing all the notable features along the Shasta route , from Sacra mento. Kor rates , tlma table and full Information , call at Ctly Ticket Olllce , No , 1302 Farnam street. KOItHCAST OF TOIIAY'.H AVHATIIISIt. Fair In \ iIpriiBliaVnimor | ) Hunt lo Sniillii-UNt Winds , WASHINGTON , Juno 20.-Forecast for Monday : Kor Nebraska nnd Iowa Oencrnlly fair } warmer ; cant to tvnithonst wlndi * . For South Dakota Fair : pouthcrly wlndn. For Missouri fJenorally fuir ; probably sllKlitlv warmer : pautheantrrly wlndn. For ICnnwis Fnlr ; vnrlnb'e w"d ! . For Wyoming Fnlr ; southerly winds. Loral ! t < * roril. OFFICR OF TIIIC WRATHKR TWP.HAU , OMAHA , June 20. Omaba record of rain fall nnd temperuturo eomparod with cor responding day of the past three years : 1S)7. ! ) 1KM. 1SD. > . 1KH. Maximum temperature . . wj SS M M Minimum temperature . , 01 as rS G. Average tcmperaturo . . . . 78 7X 70 711 ruilnfull 00 .13 .00 .01 Heooril of tpmpernluie nnd precipitation ut Omaha for thlH day and Hlnco March Nonmi'l tPinpernluro for tlio day 71 Kxccfft for HID ibiv 4 ArriimulatPil iledclciipy Hlnco March 1. . r > S Normal rainfall for the day 20 Inch Dcfli-lem-y for tl > ilay 20 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 9.79 Inches Dolldenry Hlnco March 1 2.SI Inches HxpecH for cor. period , 1KW 387 Inches Deficiency for cor. period. H9S..I.27 Inches lUMicrlM from SlatloiiH al S p. in. , Kcventy-lHIh int-rldlan time. STATIONS AND STATK OI' n \VEATHKIl. Omaha. , clear . .00 North I'latlc. clear .00 Salt 1/iUe City , eloor .CO . c-lciufly l-ll .110 pl I city , purl cloudy Ul Si'l Huron , clenr 70 tO ! .00 ChU-uKu , cli-ar HI I M .00 U'lllUtcn , pnrt olouily 1SI l . (0 ( Kt. UiulD. pait cloudy k2 | Ski .on Kt. Paul , char 72j 7 < | .W Pnvrnport. part cloudy 70 | "f. | .m Helena , prut cloudy . . . . f'lty , cl < r M .14 lUvre. M | .00 Hlpmnrrk. clear .1 tw , .UO ( JuHtHon , clear I IG | S2 | T InJIciKB Ira-f of prcclltatlon. ) L. A WKLSH. tco | Koreuit Olllclal. of Hires Rootbccr on n sweltering hot iluy is highly essen tial to coin foil anil health. It cools the blood , reduces your temperature , touca the stonmch. Rootbeer should bo in every home , in every office , in every work shop. A temperance drink , more bctiHh- ful than ice water , more delightful and satisfying than nny other beverage pro duced. 1 > ! - ! < oi.lt l.r ll'c rtiirtc-r n. HIT. C. . l'lllilrlllj. A | > rk- Kf - jikci ! i clouf fcoM ir > crjrwLclc Lake Michigan and Lake Superior Transportation C ( LAKE SUPERIOR STEERS , ! THE GREAT LAKE ROUTE. Oun Thi-Ni w HIcdKlciinxhlpMunlluu. SailltiGO From ChlcnRo. Kor Mctlnac ItUmt. Dvlrolt.Cleveland , IlnfTMo.Tnr- OIJto.rt : Tu * . A M.Wril VI * M.llifl II A M.hlt 41'M. Fur Clmrlovnix , jliiihnr Hprlntfj , 1'cUnker. etci Tucs. SA.M.TIiur II A M.Sftf 4 I'M. f Knr Mariiut-tte , Ifniu-u'-lf , lloucuon , AM nil. Dulutli.rtV < -.9 , | ! ' M lltuitrittci ! paiiipl.lov matlej fr on Kpr'UcAtlnn * OFFICE AHO DOCKS , UUSII AKD K WAI [ B. STi. CHICAGO. RAILWAY TIME CARD l.riue lilt KLINOTOr : * MO. IIIVUU Arrives OiiiuhaUnluii | Lliput , 10th A : Muton titi. | Omaha < . . . . . . . . . . . 4:3J : | > m.Ulk lilt's. MMH A t Km ) ix :3im : , . Dcnvtr - . 7:03iim..Uncoln : l ucal ( ex. Hunday ) . . . . 7:4Siim JwLm..UncoIn Sunday ) . . . . II : > luin ) C avci'lT'HICAOO , IIUHMNiiTON & Q | Ar.'lv 7" O miijiullInluii IJcyot , let ! * , & Muaan BID. ' Omnliu T-OSpTn. . . . . .chlciifo Vi'fctluuie . 7:6Jam : 8 ; < 8uin . C'lllcuEul < ri > . 4luilil | 7Wjm..Clilcnio : & til. l.uuU Kxprcus. " .CS.uii ii40um . I'oi-liic JuiiL-llon Local . CilCpm - /.ouve / i'lilCA ( Jt r'MlI. . & f'l. I'Afl.Arrives | OiilulmUnlGn | Ui-pot , Ibtli & Mlmi.ii Ktn.j Uiuuhji i , " . " . . . .Clilciiifri Ltmneil SjO..ttin isprc : a lex , .Sunday ; . , 3:2-jnji : & " "NOIITIIWEHT'K | Arrfv < " biiiuliaUnloi. | l vnt , lum & Miou tin , , Omaha 10-4'.nin Kai-trni r.xniebt 3Wpm I'Kniii . . . . . .Vei-tlliulril Umin-il * * 0:40(1111 6tVni , HI l'ul Kvim-ts. : Man 6HOnin . . . . .fit. I'aul Limited - : 5 | > in V30am. ! titnuK Clly ixica II lupin 6-3CIHI1. . .Omului-rlilcuuo Hiieclal 80fiiiv | , 1 . . . .MlMourl Valley l coi . . . . : JOaio Except riinxJiiy. " tixn-pt Monna > ijeove * | dififACb7 ! ur l. & PAPrKKIIArrlvn Oiimhallliilu" Di-put , IDIIi & " Uimon | ifh.i Omaha clAtiT. _ _ 'lloonm..AtlanticJ't"f' ? < Sunifny ) iMpm 70inm Nlfht l-rii.i * liani 4-Wpm..ClilcaBO Vct-tlliulfu Limited . . .liZCpm ; tOpm..St. I'aul VfMIIJUleil Lira ( it ! _ „ " " WtiUl. WtiUl.Llmirea lii'Spm . _ .Colorado _ Llmirea . i Tvprr-i-'n-r & MO. 7ArfIve " Oinalial cf"t.l _ h siodpin" r t Mall end fcxir ( < - . . . I-OOpin. . ( * soit.l Wyn. Hx. irx. Mm , TWam..Kri'inoin. i > cnl ihundnK-x.-r-'y ) . . i ! .1-1 - fuk | Uxpree * icr. Sun . . . .JOiZJjm .HI. I'aul Kxprcn U.IOaiu | j > v I K. L' . , 5T. J. & C. II. Arriv 7" OmchalUnlonIrt-ot. _ lOlll & Miutoii Bli.J Omh . . . * JOiOpm.IC. ( , C. Ks..t ! Ex via U.l _ . _ 'Irdn . . _ J.Miitn IxuVfi'l JIISSOUII1 I ACII'IC. " jArrlvfT Omalia | _ epoi. If-lh & % V Ut r t > t § . ± Unmlm T-05iin. . . N 'l > ru7ku & KUIIIUII Limited. . 12i5pin < ) : Ciiii | . Kania Clly Ijxprcn . . . C.jjUma. Uuveil SIOUX CJTY & I'ACll''IO. JJepotc UthV b tr Hl . | Oii . . ' . . . . Bt , I'aul l.linhcU . d-I f BiOUJf tilTV & I'ACIKIC. | Arrlv iabalUnlon Depot. lOlll & MuconUlj.JOinaha ' " " . . . . . . . I'u'ul F uerir. | . . . . . . . .llilSpin 7iOam . Bloui Cll > I'mecnufr . lOCpii : ) t:65 | > in. . . , . HI I'aul l.lmili-'l . ; t0 m Uve f \VrAilA SH"ltAflAviAV [ ArrlvTT OinuhalUnluli Ufpi't. 101 li It Munpn Hti. | Omaha i ; 80pm . . . . TC'anun lall . . . . . . . . . . . u-uvci r - , " , . . . . , , . . OinuliaJUnlon [ > tvt , Kill & Wa onj6li. | Om h SrOam : Ovrrlnnil I.llnifrd . . , 4:4Spm I:1Ciin.Ifiit'ce : & Htromilj'K Ex ( t-x Bun ) , 8:00pm : ' . V-m.iruii'l | Ulaml Kinrrri I A Bun. ) , . l-.ll-rm K l Mull. . . . I LraVr * I C , . HT I' . , M. A O. lAnlvt * Qmahul IMIi un < l W < Liter. 1 Om alia 1.00pm . tilciux City Kxprega ( t * . Hun ) . , llUam : i-.Oam .Sioux Clly Arco ( ci. Kun. ) , . , tKi ; > n 0 lfpm , . .Bt I'nul Limited . , , , . , tilOain. 4OO ; m..SIoux Cltr Accu. ( liUDtlay ) , , . ; ? in.