o Tins ( TMAIIA DAILY ui3B : SUN DAT , 20. 189 4. Omnhfl , June 20 , 1S37 , Go bv the Almanac sanaa Never mind the mercury It was always so from time long ago June then July Goods of seasonable sorts are heaped up and priced down delightfully here Wash Goods that arc new Our window tll p1iiy shows Init a fe-w of. the styles more on our counters Unit you must not iiils-f seeing - they will Interest yon sure. New eliolee things KO llrst , yon know. Nn need to be un comfortable when can buy a service able , cool mid loveiy Wiihh Orcss for lOe u yard. SKItniNH FUAN- OA1SKSometlmS called Cotton Covvrt A nr.l line iigaln of nlMolutely fast colors price , UOo. NOVMI TlK8-On black ground-bemitlful Inro effoots In dark colored Wash Ooods At I2 < 4C'-1V mill 17o. IjlNMN HAT1STK Plain colored , al 15e , 17c , 'JOe a ynril. MN'KN COI.OHKD BATISTES-Al 12' ' e , 15c , IS" a yard. I.INM9N NOVKt/riRS-lllch lace strlpes-at 27 c a yard. Qrgniiclies from France 25c Kverylmdy Is talking of tlio hot wenlht'i1 nnd our Organdies. Kor n Mil liMi 'iiln we recommend you to our fiOc ? and 'ir e I'Yencli ' Organdies ut IMe. Extra Values in Silks A beautiful assortment of Maek ami colored ( Jreiiadlnes extra pmd In boll , price and ( inalltySUM ) . 40 < > Foulan' ' SilksHe. . . .We Foulard Sllks-Ko. 7&c Foulard Sllks-COc. Children's Mull Caps 25c We will place on sale .Monday morning n lot of Children's Mull daps which have become slightly mnssi'd. CHOICE 23C BACH The lot contains caps that have sold . . . for TiOc , 75c , $1.00 , $1.23 nnd $1.10 each. Waists and Corset Covers U costs rio little now to bo comfort- nble. Thfse prices will apical to yonr economy. Children's seamless ribbed Waists to be worn with or without vest ISo or 3 ferRO RO- . ] Cxtra line Wnlatp at 2'c. f Oiunbrlc Corset Covers square necks at ' 15c. IScttor iiuullty embroidery trimmed at 2Jc. ( UNOI.A The new wu hablu fnoiiiK for linen skirts comes In live-yard : leces at 13o a piece. Ladies' Hosiery and Vests Tlu .v say we nre. headquar ters for eool wear. We eer- tain ly show some ili o 1 c o baritnlns. L , n (1 ( I e s' fast black M H 1 u Hose , double tp.\ ? rv > Mini heel 4jc. Children's very line fast ran Hose , double t"o , pnk- / > heel nil sizes' 15c. Ladles' ribbed t.Isle Vi"-ts. rrm ynuif" or V-shaped nrrlis , no sleeves , Me quality for S3c or 3 for $1.00. Infants' Silk Vests , hlRh neck nnd lonR sleeves or low neck nnd short Hlecvcs reduced from $1.25 ami $ ! .Vj to Inc. Infants' summer welRht Wool Vests , hlnh nedc and long sleeves reduced from U5o to Z5c. In Our Basement Store That's equivalent lo miyiiiK < " " ' "Itnr- jiuln Store" for rotilly w are surpsifsini : ourselves In onr Itiisoinont Store oll'er- IIIKS thl.s seasou even sneh as matter- oi'-fact ShiM'Unns notice how wu price them : UNHM5ACHKIJ SHBIOTIXGS. 42 Inches wide at "Vic , PC , llo per yard. 43 Inches wide at SHf , Idc. lUM-c per jard. r > 0 Inches wide at 12'tc , Uc per yard , fil Inches wide nt l.l e , l.'c per yard. S-4 nt lie , 13c , Iflc par ynid , - 1 at i2'Jc , ISr , l c per yard. 10-4 at 14c , 20c , 2i'ic ' rer yard. UM5ACH AND HALF HLKACI1KD. 12 InciiPH vvldo "He , lOc , 12'ic per yard. ! . " > Inches wide at S'/iu , lie , 14c per yard. M Inches wideat She , I2'/jC , I5e per yard. fil Inches wide at lOc , loc , Ifi&e per yard. S-l at 12'ic ' , IS'c , 20c per yard. ti-4 at lie. 20c , 22140 pur ynid. 10-4 ul la'/jc , 22Vie , 2oc per yard. Plain Black Lawn Waists Another shipment of line plain black Lawn Waists came In yesterday. "Marquise1' style all sizes up to 41 $1.50. Still n few line Lawn Waist ? 38 to 40 sizes to clew ; out at the bargain pricu of GOc. Big Discount on Parasols We've sold nn Immense iinantity of Parasols so many that we fear ev ery ludy in Omaha lias one of onr new styles. AVe have de cided lo buy no more Ibis season , pro- ferrlnj : to close out the few we have left at cost , and even below , rather than carry a simile onu over. They'll all bu gnw Monday at these prices. lllai'k prenadlnp with hollotropo lining re duced from $4.r > 0 to $ H.OO. Hlnok brocaded sit'n heliotrope lining re duced from $ , VOO to $3.50. I'rlntod India silk , with whltp rhltfon ruf- Ili , _ riMlucod from $4.50 to $1DO. Colored brooadrd silk , with eiinmelrd sticks to match reduced from $ .1.7ri to $2.50. Fancy black and white striped silk reduced from V > . .COto1.00. . Hlacl < and white and blue nnd white Shep herd check reduced from $ ,1.0i > to $2.00. All ? 2.no Parasols reduced to $1.73. Dlaclc brocniled Silk Parasols , ebony han dle" reduced from $1.73 and $3.00 to $3.00. Art in Sofa Piiiow Tops Designs that eem to have been made just for yon so well will yon like them. Sofa Pillow Tup ? In llsht pink , blue ami vellow with appllnue design to bo em broidered H.'c anil 50c. Uluo Denim Sofa Pillow Flpur do Ids den - n top and buck at 25c each. Our Linen Handkerchiefs Mopping one's brow does little toward cooling. perhaps , but llnon handkerchiefs foci .lU'atoful OIK a hot day. Ladles' \inlaunder- i > d plain linen HaiulKcrohlefs for 23c. 1'lnln linen Handkerchiefs - kerchiefs , soft bleached. rcndv for use , 10ciric-3o A broken line o ladles' and gentlemen's .Initial Handkerchiefs reduced from 23c to 15c. Men's soft bleaclicd all linen Handker chiefs 15c , 23c , 33c or 3 for $1.00 and GOc each. . New Reversible Belts 50c , 75c Thi > now colors just in are black and brown , black and green , black and red , black and bine , brown and green , bine and green , red and green. . /'i Bui on ? hand in the general fund April 1 , 1S ! > 5 , tfjSVllfi.12. The iccclpts to the general fund ihsrlng the period between April 1 , IS93 , ojl'd ' January , 1S)7 ! ) , were ? 42liC74.1S. ' 'llcfore the witness was allmrod to state these items the defense opposed the admission of this line of expert testimony , alleging that Hie state bad no right to ask a witness testate state conclusions reached by htm after ex amining the books. The defense argued that the records of the olllce were the best ovi- dcncc , and should be used for this purpose , This raised thu same question that waa argued for a whole day in the llolln ca > i' , bul ( Judge Halter held to the same ruling lad | down in that case , and admitted the evidence. n'/The / witness was then asked to elate the qufbursoinonta during the same period from the general fund. He answered that the dj'sburoementa were ? ! , 105,57 ! 77. The bal- qjiftO ; In the general fund at the close of .b.us.io3s . | ; January ( i , 1S97 , OH shown by tlM rjff'rrJs , was statcj ( o be $419 , 215. E3. The w.t- nras was then asked to state the aura of the amount on hand April 1 , 1S95 , and the bai- i | | < f ; on hand January C , 1897. He maJe the nfuinmlatlon and stated tint the total W.IH $15M,790,30. | ; Taking the disbursements from tlts , amount the witness , stated tliat the bal ance was $119.215.53 , being the same a.i the balance shown hy the records of the office. The 'Witness ' read the receipts by classes , showing amounts received from the following ' Owlnfy treasurers . $ t ,373,2.17.00 ltitfre.st . . , . 5.227.GI Vntrnl Stntfs for Soldiers' nnd Sailors' homo . 31. M l ( Miwlet labor . 4.1ir.OS Vnrlvus state olllcors . ( JIT.W ; : ! ) llufiinded . l.r,27..l > l Transferred from other accounts. 1,029.18 $1,128,071.18 stated that the books and records sh.OB'ifd no receipt of $50,000 from J. S. Hart- ' lcy' , 11110 fi , JS06. The only receipts In the &UVi ) > during June. 1896 , the wltmss stated to ' b'it4'V,9iJl ' > > .Ji ! received from county treasur- NO HKCOfll ) OF TKANSFEH. Witness was shown the check by meaiiH of wili'h | tlio di-fi'iisu claims Hartley transferred $50,00 ! ) Juno I. 18 % . from his personal ao. coulit to the state general fund. Hu stated positively "that there was no record In Ihu uja"surir's [ ( ! olllco of such a check or the rimu'unt rcprtscnted by It. Tlio witness was then asked regarding the permanent school fund and stated that the iMlanco In this fund April 1 , U95 , was $548- OSI.Kfi : The receipts In this fund during the perlO'l ' between April 1 , 1895 , and January 0 , 1897 , * Vcro given as follows : County treasurers $122,132.07 I'rlqi'lpul on bimdH 71.TiXJ.Ul UVilU'd State's , 5 per cent on pub- lie lands lVi7.7H ( Transferred from Nallne account. . 1,637,73 Total $221,67X06 Thu expenditure * from the perm.iiient BOllool fund during thn same period were given as $ : I7 ! > ,751,93 , Tlio. amount on hand In the permanent fl h6ol fund at Iho close of business January C. 1897. was stated to bo $389,936.01. Witness was shown the draft for $85,000 for'ilia payment of Olou county bonds , am * stated that this amount was never credited to tlni school fund as coming from Hartley , as claimed by the defense. The witness was next Intcrrnogatud regard ing the proceeds of tlu < sale , of the. warrant , $1 0,101,75. and waa asked If such proceeds or any part of It had ever been credited to tlislute or accounted for by the defendant In'feny ' way , aa bhowed by the records of the irradurer'a otllce , Hu replied that no part of such proceeds had been credited to thu state o'r accounted for. The witness was aeVed If the records c ! the ofTIco disclosed that the permanent school firnd1 received any money whatever from Hartley during the period between April 11895 , and January C , 1S97. Ho replied that- the records did not disclose any receipt oMIiat kind ' ' KXl'HUT STICKS TO HIS TEXT. p. first hour of the afternoon session yes- \y was taken up by the cross-examjna- ' tjqu'of Export Helblg hy Attorney Whcdou , xyjjo attacked the qualification of the witness fti an expert accountant and attempted to "llfOiQ the testimony given by the witness * tbu result of his examination of thu treas- uior's books. TliU attempt was not success ful , the witness retaining his self-possession throughout the crossfire of questions pro pounded by the attorney. Tha iieJt wlttios called In rebuttal by the state was Kr'il A. Archar , an expert ac countant employed In the offlce of the state auditor. He testified that ho Is now em ployed to check up the various county treas urers and make a report to the auditor. Ho said lu had been employed to assist In check ing up the books and records of the state treasurer. Regarding his experience as an accountant , the witness said he had been deputy county clerk of York county and had been employed In auditing and checking public accounts up to the time ho was em ployed by the slate auditor. The wltnei'3 was then Interrogated regard ing the expenditures from the permanent school fund and corroborated' the evidence given by Helblg ius to the total of the ex penditures from this fund. He was asked testate state the items of expenditures from this fund between April 1 , 1S95 , and January t ) , 1S97. He gave the following Items : April 10 , 1893. Hamilton county court house bonds $10,00000 Juno IS , 1SK , Hamilton county court house bonds 10,000 00 August 19. ISO' , , Hamilton county court house bonds 1000000 January 13. ISM , otoo county fundIng - Ing bonds 40,00000 March 5 , 1SW , Richardson county railroad bonds 3,3)2 ) 50 March Ii , 18 % , Unrlan county fundIng - Ing hondx 2,018 03 May 7. ISllii , Grceley county 2und- IIIK bonds 29ftij 00 Juno n , ISM. Boone county court house bonds 23,03000 June 30 , IV.uI , Otoe county funding bonds , ST,70S 33 Juno . .0 , ISflii , Uoyd county fund ing bonds 20,176 CO June HO , ISM , Stnto relief fund bonilK 25,000 CO September I , ISM , Nuckolls county court house bonds , 10,23ii 11 September 21 , UUO , Grceley county funding bomlH "Gij 00 Octoboi" 10 , IMW , Duwsan county refunding bonds * 19,290 00 October IS , U90 , Nuekolls county court house bondn , 10,290 US January 4 , 1SD7. Saunders county refunding bonds C'uRh $79.001) ) Old bonds 21.COO $100,000 00 SCHOOL JIONKY 13 USKI ) . The attention of the witness was called to the draft In payment of the bonds of Otcc county , amounting to $85.000. He stated that thn amount of the draft was charged against the permanent school fund. Ho also stated that the Snundcro county bonds were paid for out of the permanent school fund. The witness further stotpd that the $201.000 covered by thu check drawn by Hartley , Jan uary 4 , 18 ! > 7 , In payment for the warrant In the care and Interest was deducted from the general fund account In the treasurer's office. TlilH completed the direct examination of the wllnca ? . and hu was cross-oxamliiqd by Attorney Whedon. The .erosg-examlnallon did not ehaneo Mr. Archcrd'o testimony In any material particular. Ilobert Taylor of Omaha was the next witness. Ho said he had been employnd as an accountant with railroads In various parts of the country for the past twenty- eight yeurs , the last two years having been spent In the employ of the H. & M. and Union Pacific. He said he had been cm- ployed to audit the books and records of the Btate treasurer and auditor from April 20 to June 7. thin year. The witness testified that ho had exam ined the accounts of Hie treasurer as shown by the records In the auditor's ofllcf. Tha evUi'iiee given by this witness was merely corroborative of that of Experts Helblg and Archer , showing the same condition of the receipts , expenditures and balances In Ihc mineral fund and the permanent oehool fund. The state then called Treasurer J. n. Meservo and asked him what conversation hu had had with Hartley weanling the amount of the state general fund In his hands at the elowj of business on the last day of Hartley's term , January 6 , 1807. The witness stated that Hartley submitted s statement to him at that time , which had been furnished by the auditor for the pur pose of settlement. Ho produced the state ment and stated that Hartley told him at the lime that the statement represented the money In the various lunds , and also the securities he had to be turned over to ( ho witness. DAUTLCY'S OFFICIAL STATEMENT. The state then offered In evidence that portion of the statement showing the amount In the general fund and also the amount In the permanent school fund. Tb offer was received over the objection of the defense , the statement showing balances In these funds in the same amounts testified to by the experts as being eh own by thu treas urer's records , as follows : In the gener.il 15-53' Permanent school - ' fund , , . . The witness was then asked how much money had been actually turned over to him by the defendant In the permanent school fund. This was objected to by the defense on the giound that the settlement had already been adjudicated by the supreme court County Attorney Haldrlge said this evi dence was pertinent as rebutting the con tention of the defense that Hartley's private money had been used for the benefit of the state. The defense objected that the admission of this testimony would bring Into this case the question of the final settlement of Hartley with lite successor without allowing him anv opportunity for defence. Attorney General Smyth said the Plate would offer the testimony for the sole pur- poaa of showing that the Otoe and Saumlenr. county bonds were paid for out of thi- per manent school fund and not out of the In dividual funds of the defendant. Attorney Mahoney Insisted on his objection claiming that It Involved bringing into till' case the matter of the settlement of the de fendant with his successor , which had no connection with the case at bar , and also be cause the transaction In question occurred In Lancaster county , and 'whether the amount turned over agreed with the balance shown by his statement or whether it did not agree had no bearing upon this case. DID NOT I'AY AN EXCESS. After a lengthy discussion Judge Halter ruled that the question should he put In a different form and the attorney general asked the witness whether Hartley had paid to him moro money In the permanent school fund than was called for by his statement The defense opposed this question , but the objection was overruled , and the witness re plied that he did not at thai time or at any other time turn over more money than was called for by the report. The wltnetH was not cross-examined by the defense. The state then offered In evidence the four oheets produced by Hanker Hanvood , containIng - Ing the account In the First National of Lin coln of Hartley as state treasurer. This Is the account which the defense offered In evi dence and then , after the court had recon sidered Ita ruling excluding It and notified the defense that the accounl 'would be re ceived In evidence , the defense declined to offer 4 liu account again. Mr. 'Mahoney objected to the admission of the account saying that wheu ho ( list offered It ho was prepared to show why It had been opened , but the state had objected and the defcrse. had > been unable toehrtw this , and he claimed that It was shutting out the defense by admitting the account at this time. The objection was overruled after the offer had been modified t > o as to cover only such part of Iho accounl as WBH related to cer tain checka introduced by thu defense , Following thin the prosecution announced that It had completed Its case with the ex ception of calling Mr. Halch for a few mo ments. _ Ilnil Too -Mail } ' Iliinuiiti1 . MrP. Pnsquale Constnnzu , who Is also known a Mnry Iloui-lui utiil Mrs Fred Everett. IB booked at HIP police station on n chnrce of adultery. Shi > was marrl > vJ to 1'aivpjiiln Constanza , but after n month olio left him. For fclx month * slu- lived with Fred Everett , a builder pf screens , nt 611 South Sixteenth street , as housekeeper. A few weeks aio the two wc-nt to Council HlufN and were legally married. The de serted husband then tiled u complaint against them. Kverett was also locked up last nlRht on the name charge as the woman. He pleutli-il iKiiornnrc of it for mer marriage upun the part of the woman. lllIN I.IINl II | X \\lfr. Charles N. Williams , who boards nt 1211 iJoushia eirect , reported 10 the police yes terday that lib wife bad packed her grip nU left without notice. The t'Au ' arrived from Chicago but a few day ace Williams Is of the opinion that his wife Is tempo rarily demented , Not only plica of the very worst kind can bo cured by I ) > j Witt's Wttclt Hazel Salve , but eczema , scalds , burns , bruises , bolU , ul cers 11 nil all odor skin trouble * can be lu- ztantly relieved by the nine remedy. OMAHA IS GOING AFTER IT Arming Itself ID Capture the National Association , LARGEST CONVENTION THE CITY SEEK Several Cltli-H AVnnl HuSlrrUiijc Next Vi'iir , lint SiiM-rln | 'inl 'ii I'pnrito ( liven ll.ii.nnWhy Oinnliu Mny Mel It. The National iMucatlotul nssoclntlon which meets at Milwaukee next month and which Omitlui Is trying to got for 1SOS. Is tlio largest convention which this city has yet sought to bring here. The effort to bring tlio association to Omaha has been taken up actively by the teachers lithe state ns well ns by thcue In tlio city , ami they hnvo had the hearty co-opcratlon of the business Interests of Omaha. Preliminary steps to secure the ronvonllon hnvo been taken , niul the delcgn- tlon from Nebraska will bo armed with all the proper documents to formally Invite the as sociation to conic to this city In tlio exposi tion year. This association , the strongest organization of teachers In the world , has been In exist ence for nearly halt a century , though Its first president , 1'rof. Salmon Ulchards , In still liv ing in the city of Washington. The associa tion led n precarious life for many years , but nt the meeting held In MndlsonVls. . In 1881 , was finally placed upon n firm footing , finan cially and othnrwlse. Themes W. Hlckiicll was president a. ' , this the first of the grout meetings. Since that time thu attendance 1ms varied from 5,000 to 20,000 , the meeting at Toronto In 1S91 having reached fully the latter llgurc. The coming mealing at Mil waukee promises to equal If not surpass the Toronto meeting. Tile association now brings each j-ear lo .some Inrgo ( a small city can nu longer entertain It ) 10.000 to 15,000 comfort able , Intelligent people , who pay their bills nnd enjoy themselves much after the fashion of ordinary human beings , n crowd of people who show wide departure from the tradi tional "schoolma'am" and "schoolmaster" types. Omaha will provide as a hall for tha largo meetings the Den of the Knights of Ak- Sar-Uen , with seating capacity for 10,000. This is a better ball for meetings than the association has had , except the hall which Milwaukee will provide for the coming meet ing ; also suitable halls for all section and committee meeting's. A mass meeting was held some two weeks ago , at which a committee was appointed , consisting of Superintendent Pear-M , Mr. Victor Uosewater , Mr. John 13. Utt , Mrs. F. M. Ford and Mrs. Jennie 13. Keysor , which was to make detailed arrangements secure a definite formal proposition , and re port nt an adjourned meeting. The work Is about completed , and another mass meetIng - Ing will be held Tuesday , Juno 22 , at which the committee will report , and committees will be appointed to attend the convention at Milwaukee and present Invitations of the varlouo bodies. I > HOSl'IiCTS : .FOH OMAHA. In dlscuss'ing tne prospects for ( securing tha convention Su'pcglutcndent Pearso saiii : "The afsocuilioirfnteds to be assured of adequate hotejjnccummodation. Omaha can give thLs asauraiicj. } \ canvaia ol a few of the leading hotels chowv capacity for 2,600 people , with room for as nuny more in ths smaller hotelsr-'anfl those In the- residence district , as many more in the boarding houses of the clly' , > and as many more in pri vate homea wlilch'Kvould \ > s available. Add to this the Increased accommodation ! ? which will bo provide tT .foe the txposlllon year and no trouble need "bo feared In caring prop erly for the . "Tho western railroads have always been the .best Jrlenits" the .association. .Their courtesy and 'hbcriillly In the way of rates , in condition of'-tlckcis ; and In limits for the return journey , have been unfailing , and sat isfactory arrangements In these respects maybe bo counted upon as a foregone conclusion for the Omaha meeting. "The city Is attractive In July. A view fiom any commanding point , like the High school tower , snows the best residence dis tricts embowered In trees and commodious homes , and charming grounds are found in every direction from the business center. There the fine blocks of wholesale , business and olllce buildings stamp Omaha as a met ropolitan city. The streets , well lighted ard paved , are traversed in every direction by electritT cars , which make access easy to every part of the city and Its suburbs. "Omaha has been" little late In formally entering the contest , but now being in , ex pects to give a good account of herself. "Los Angeles will present an invitation , hut the principal competitor seems likely to be Salt Lake City. This is a pleasant place , but for several reasons It Is not believed the association will wish to meet there In 1898. Salt Lake City Is not likely to change. It will be the same in 1S9S that it Is In 1807 , or as It was in 1895. V.'ILL DB OMAHA'S YEAR . "Tho thousands who go to California this year , tempted by the phenomenally low fares offered to the Young J'eople's Society of Christian Endeavor , and not likely to ba offered again for years , will all , either going or coming , stop In Salt Lake. Two years ago the Nebraska Endcafor aitioclatlon met In Denver nnd thousands who were there visited Salt Lake. If the association should go to the metiopol'o ' of the desert in 1899 , or 19CO , or 1901 , would not any one of them be just as good a , year as 1SU8 ? While In JSOS Omahu will , be at Its best , will have. mast , attraction ? anil , will be- best cqiilppeu to eare for the convention. It will bo Omaha's year. "It may bo true that some , doubtless many of thos ? going , if tlio meeting were In Salt Lake , would stop over In Omaha , but not moro than one.-half or one-third as many would go to Salt Lake as would be likely to come to Omaha. The great bulk of the membership of the National Endeavor asso ciation conies from the territory within 800 miles of Omaha. The great bulk Is from the territory lying cast of a line drawn north and south through Omaha. Is It good public policy to compel all those who go to travel the additional 1,200 miles lying between Omaha and Salt Lake ? The association would certainly suffer In funds through de crease of membership fees. What Is more serious , great numbers of the educators of tha land for whom the association oxlsts and holds Its meetings would be deprived of the privilege of attendance on account of the greatly Increased expense. "Omaha people bcllevo that all those who attend tin-so grfiqlu meetings when held at reasonably cei raji points will prefer to hold their meeting , for 1898 where they may not only attend tlio convention , but upon the same expenditure , visit also the great TransmU lBslppi' ! ' and .International exposlr tlon. - For thojV * ho wish to go further equally' good rtUew iwill Tie provided to the mountains , the I' clfle coast , or to the north ern lakes. " OMAHA TO \rADI3 31I.VVHAPOLIS. 1 ' liiivnl Kill * i : V * < ' < ' < ' ' Secure Tlirirn - tlnli'iil Moi'tliipr , The Omaha 'itlMj are preparing for the final effort to s'fWre ' the 1898 convention of their order for Alji.i , c'tyThe grand loJgo of the Denevolimt.'Qrder ' of Elba Is ng.irdoil as one of ( liei"nAbl desirable of Hio ir.iny conventions ttia iVlll bo l.cld 'luring t'io year , and same of the biggest cities l'i the r-nmtry aru disputing with Omaha 'he ' right to Ita entertainment. For several mouths past the Omaha members of the order huvc been planning to secure the pltrn for their city and their efforts have arousu'l more than an ordinary degree of local enthusiasm. Aside from that they hareaiu'cccilu.1 In inter. cstiiig thu Elks -various other Io"aIltljJ 10 their plans and they have , an excellent clianto to win out. Detroit , Denver and Louisville are Ml after the. convention , but Ilaltlmoro and Philadelphia are believed to be the most for midable rivals of Omaha. All these cities will send special trains loaded with uni formed Klks to the next grand lodge at Minneapolis where thu battlu for the 1S98 convention 'will ' \ > o fought. Grand Itnpidi ( n thought to have dropped out of the rac ? and the bulk of the delegate * who were for that city will be likely to bo for Omaha. Down In Texas a number of lodges have Instructed their delegates to vote tor Omaha first , last and all the time , and the Indications are that the western delegates will be a unit In favor of the Exposition city. The local lodge expects to RO to Minne apolis nearly 100 strong. The member. * will wear their new uniforms and will be ac companied by the Twctity-pecond lufnntry band. They will travel on n special train from DCS Molnes to Minneapolis and when they get on the ground they will give Ihelr eastern competitors a lively exh'.MMim ' of the genuine Nebraska hustle. Hear John L. Webster at Crelghton theater tomorrow evening on "The Stars and Stripes" and "The Union Jack" a contrast. AMUSEMENTS. "Man , the 'Master ' of Ills Destiny'1 and "Life After Death" will bo t'.ip tnibjects of tht two lectures to be delivered byMrs. . Au- nlo Hesant , the prominent leader In theesaph- Ical work , who will be heard at the CrMghtou theater Tuesday and Wednesday evenings , June 22 nnd 23. Mrs. Ilcsant will bo re membered from her former visit to Omaha , when she received marked attention socially , and her entertaining talks were heard with Interest by large audiences. While Mrs. Ucaaiit has alwrys been an extensive trav eler , her recent tour has been the longest of her career , she having visited during Ita course every civilized country In the world. Much Interest Is being manifested in the lectures , and a largo attendance Is antici pated. Seats will bo placed on sale tomor row moriiluu. The Irat performances of the season at noyd's are announced for today. The at traction will be the Klrke Comedy company , prcaentlm ; "Canillle" at the matinee , and "Three- Silk Hals" In the evening. The moving picture , showing counterparts of Corbctt and Fltrshmnons lighting for four teen rounds , nnd the knock-out finish , will be presented at each performance , < ' < > ! lNtri' IM Injtirnl. F. Sorai.Mon , while coasting down Hamilton street , lost control of Ills bicycle last night ami run Into a motor car whli'h WHS fas'lnif n.'omi Twenty-fourth street. The wheel was nior-ki-1. ami t.ie wheelman badly bruised nbout the haii'ls nnd fare. He was taken to bin home nearby by friends who witnessed tbu accident. i.m'.M , iiHKvrrii'.s. Sixteen cars of ore for the- smelting works passed through the custom house last week. The jury In the United States court has been excused till next Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. A charge of "sweeping sweepings Into the gutter" bus been filed against Frank Wlglng- ton , a porter , arrested Friday. An employe stole $30 worth of razors and barbers' tools from the barber shop of A. J. Taylor , 1719 St. Mary's avenue. Rev. G. W. Isham of the First church , Hastings , Neb , , will occupy the pulpit this morning at the Hanscom Park Methodist church. The Knights of Tabor of Omaha will attend services at Afro-American Methodist church this afternoon. Itev. J. C. Owens will preach a special sermcn at 3 o'clock. Next Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Cake will give an entertainment at Trinity cathedral , the proceeds of which are to be given to the choir boys of the church. David Lewkowltz , a small boy , went Into Kuhn's drug store last night and stole a pen knife and several other trinkets which were lying Ioos3 on the counters. He was ar rested. Stephen Dennett was arraigned before Judge Munpcr yesterday on the charge of using cancelled postage stamps , and pleaded not guilty. He will be tried next week. A. A. Ilouck of Albion decided to plead guilty to mailing nonmaHable matter and Judge Munger find him $23 and costs. He surprised the court officers by at once pay ing up. i The receipts of taxes at the city treas urer's olfico are showing considerable Im provement. Thursday the receipts amounted to upward of 90,000 and Friday they were $13.701.72. Henry Dug.in , a stockman from the west on route to Maine , visited the burnt district last night and went Into the house kept by Pet Webb. He is now mourning the loss of $10 , which he wants the police to recover. E. S. Colvln and William Locey pleaded guilty yesterday in the federal court to disposing of liquor without a government license , and each was fined $10 and costs. The court gave them a specified time In which to pay up , falling to do so subjecting them to rearrest. John Smith and a companion named Welch , together with another friend , stopped to talk with a woman near Ninth and 'Capitol ' avenue last night and a quarrel resulted. The woman got a club and hit Smith over the right eye with It , Two long gashes on the eyelid and forehead resulted. Smith was taken to a drug store a few blocks distant , where his wounds were sewed up. Smith is employed as a watchman at the. Transmlsslsslppi Ex position grounds. I'KIISO.V.VT , I'AHAGHAI'IIS. M. Benjamin of Chicago Is stopping at the Millard. G. H. McGlll of Minden Is at the Hotel Brunswick. J. C. Buchanan of Detroit Is stopping at the Millard. V. A. Emery of Chicago Is stopping at the Hotel Brunswick. Clint > B. Slater of Chicago Is spending Sun day at the 'Barker. ' O , B , Horton has gone to Chicago for a few days on business. W , A. Paxton , sr. ( left last night for an extended western trip. H. B. Merrlam of Chicago Is in the city , the guest of Dr. Teal. A , G. Kleman of Kansas City Is a guest at tha Hotel Brunswick , W. H. Parsons left for Chicago last night on n short business trip. H. J. Cashman of PlattFinouth Is slopping al the Hotel Brunswick , G. D. White and P. F. Collins are registered at the vMIIIard from St. Louis. Leon Bloch , William Hood and P. D , Hlsley' of New York are at the Mlllard. B. B. Hadloy of Chicago Is in the city shaking hands with , old friends. Miles 'Mlxson and Edwin Warfteld of Ilaltl moro are registered at the Mlllard. Captain J , B. 'Meuardl ' of Sheridan , Wyo , , Is registered at the Hotel Brunswick. Mire 12 , licasoncr of Chicago Is a visitor In the city and Is stopping at the Mlllard. A. G. Kelm of Beatrice , deputy United States marshal , Is sloping at the 'Barker. ' Miss Mabel Stiiht leaves today for Tacoma , Wash. , to visit hfr brother. Or. Albert Stuht. Alfred S. Cooley of Lincoln , deputy United States marshal , la registered at the Barker. Mrs , G. G. Burnett has gene to San Fran cisco , where she will visit friends for a month. George F , Swift of Chicago , who has been In the city for a short period , left for home last night. Miss Kllnoro Agnew left last evening for Llinoln , where she will visit friends for a tliort period. Stephen Bennett. Tekainah ; J. L. Illcharda , Lexington , Miss Hclmer Stulp , Beatrice , are state arrivals ttopplng at thu 'Barker. ' Hev. A. W. Gould of Chicago , Hecretary of the Western Unitarian conference. Is the guest of Mr. and Mr * . George A. Joslyn. Charles Mason Talcott , assistant superin tendent of tli Pullman company , returned laot evening from an extended western tour. Dr. Shcpard an4 Mm. Catherine Shepar'J ' returned yfuterday. after a visit to the water ing places and other points of Interest In Colorado. Tax Commissioner Backctt left last night for Philadelphia , where he will spend the greater part of next week Investigating the assessment system. G. F. Garthwalt of Holdrrge , whose foot was accidentally crushed by a Burlington train at the Union depot a few days ago , left for hem last night. J , H , Sharer of Alliance , O. , president of the National Aaraciillon of Emualiuers. andV. . A. lUbbenachuh , president and demonatiutor at the Western College ol Embalming. Chicago , are In the city , the guesU of II , K. Uurket , GOES 10 HIGHER OFFICIALS Roads Pnil to Arrive nt n Satisfactory Traffic Agreement , UNION PACIFIC AND SHORT LINE AFFAIRS Sixth CoiiftTuni'i' of Ofltpprn tif Two l.lnpn AdjoiirtiM Without tinIllf - ftr < MH < ( > N Hi-Inn Ni'lllril Vn- utlicr > -i-tliiii Xi-\t Work. General Manager Dickinson , General Solicitor Kelly , Freight Traffic Manager Mini- roe and Ocner.il PaiJi-URor Agent Lonwx of the Union Pacific returned to Omaha yes terday from the Chicago conference with the officials of the Oiegon Short Lino. The Chicago mcetlm ; was the sixth attempt on the part of the inanaKotiiciit of these two lines to arriveat a satisfactory tradlc ogroo- nient. but , llko nil Its predecessors. It was without robldt. The seventh conference will bo held In New York City next week. Despite the nssurances of harmony and the predictions that the conference would result In n settlement of all dllUcultlcs , It Is known that the meeting was anything but harmonious , The Union Pacific absolutely refused to allow a division on the hauls of a constructive mllfHRo of 1.75 , ami the Short Line spurned all offers of a constructive mllcago of a lo s amount. Now that the managements have been un able to leach any agreement , the controversy will bo handled by the higher olllccrs of thu roads. At the Now York meeting next week the Union Pacific will ba represented by Its receivers , and the Oregon Short Line by Its directors. These olliccrs were to have attended the Chicago meeting , but were un- ahlo to got out west at this time. Oliver W. Mink , one of thn Union Pacific receivers , aiU the gentleman whose name is frequently mentioned hi connection with the presidency of the toad , came out from Hoxton to attend the Chicago conference , tint oven his In- fliienca was not sufficient to restore harmony between the two belligerent lines. AI.'TKU ForirriiK.v M > X < S MONTHS. U'iHxk Klhliurn , , liil Union I'a- olllr to Put III XIMV Til r I IT. Today will complete the fourteenth month that the shipper , ! of Omaha hove been waiting for the Kllihorn and the Union Pacific railroads to put In the long prom ised Lincoln rates. It will bo remembered that now tariffs , giving lo Omaha the same rates westward ns Lincoln enjoyed , were Issued and were to have gone Into effect on April 20 , 1S96. There was some opposition to the new rates from the Lincoln mer chants , and the roads rero enjoined from making tlio rates effective. The Omaha uiorchuuts allowed the matter to be pat-sed by temporarily , accepting the promise tlut the rate would bo put in before "a great while. " It Is probable that the matter will ho taken up once moro and that within the next ten days something definite , uno way or the other , will be decided. The freight rate commltteo of the Omaha Commercial club , composed of the representatives of fourteen of tlm principal business houses , has taken the matter up and resolved to push It earnestly. Several requests have been made for a meethiK with General Man ager nidwell of the Klkhorn to consider the matter , and a conference will doubtlew be had within the next fendays. . Though the matter has been apparently slumbering for the past fourteen month. * , ' the Omaha mer chant ! ) haven't lost track of It , and are now prepailng to have the long promised rates nmdo effective. _ _ _ IIAIK IMIII3 TO COLORADO 1MJIXTS. VUHorH to fiiiYil .Milling Coii rNM t Hi' ( ilvi-ii a dinner to S < MIn - Staff. DENVER , June 10. The Colorado rail roads have decided to give a rate of one fare for the round trip between all polntd In the state for the benefit of visitors to the Inter national Gold Mining convention , July 7 , S and 9. Hcsldes this , a one-fare rate baa been made to Salt Lake for the Transmls- slfslppi congress and Utah Pioneer Jubilee , July 14 and 20 , respectively. The governors of seventeen states have so far notified the managers of the convention of the appoint ment of delegates at large. The committees In charge of the affair arc very active In preparation for the entertainment of visi tors. The program has not yet been com pleted. A feature of the preparation Is the organization of a committee of over 100 Denver women to arrange for the comfort and entertainment of women visitors. MICK TIlH.VT.1II3.Vr TO .VI.Ii 1IOAIJS. \ < > I'roMlK'ot of file OIoxlliK of till- CHICAGO , June 19. Negotiations are In progress today between the Interested parlies to the Union Pacific-Oregon Short Line squabble looking toward a settlement of tha difficulties which have threatened a serious wain In passenger rates In the west. A conference was held this afternoon between representatives of the Missouri Pacific , Santa Ke , Oregon Short Line , Hlo Grande , Western , Jlurllngton and Hock Island roads , the out come of which Is hoped to be an amicable settlement of thu interests In dispute. It Is said there is no likelihood of the gateway being again closed to oil the roads but the Union. Pacific. It has finally been decided that whatever terms are made for one road will apply. to all. In other words , the Union Pacific will bo treated no hotter and no wonio than all Its competitors. Ollllllll ! Illlllll .lIlllil-H II Cllt. CHICAGO , June 1'J. The Omaha road has decided to meet thn ralo of $30.50 made by the See Line from Duluth and West fill- perlor for the round trip between thebo points and Chicago , Just how the Omaha road can do this Is not easy to understand , as all the roads runnliiK out of Chicago to the cast have said that they would demand their full percentage of all the tickets H > ld from the northern cities to Chicago. H is said , however , that the Omaha will sell all of the tickets possible between now and next Tuesday and fight out later the iue ; - tlou of divisions wllh the I'asUru loads. This action may have the effect of opening up the fight over again hut the balance of the Chlcngo-St. Paul roads are walling to see whdt the Omaha will Ret out of the di visions , and If It In compelled to stand all of the reduction they will take no actljn la the matter. MSW linVTK TIIHOWX o'l'HX TOD VY. 1''lr it Tlircintrli Train oil KIIII IIM City. KANJU3 CITY , Juno 19-Tho Kaium City , PlttaburK & Gulf railroad lo speeding on to the Oulf of Mexico and It U announced will bo In operation between Knnsns Oltr and Port Arthur next month. Commcnc'ins next Saturday through trains with through sleeping cars will bo run from Kansas City to Port Arthur by the way of L.iko Charles. La. The trains will use the trarks of the Southern Paelllr rallwuy between Lnka Charles and Deaumont until the gap between - twoen Qulnry and Heaumont la Illlrd. The cotwtruc-l Inn work lo procpodlng rapidly and It will be only a few wcekn before the VtlW- bin K & Htilf will rrach Port Arthur over Ita own tracks from Kansas City. Lnt < o Chnrlfs , which It will roach next week Ii 741 miles south of Kansas City , r.rl.Mi „ . . . \ INMANAPOL1S , Intl. , June 19. The an- . uual statement of the Lake Erie & Western railroad nhowa that the grow earning ? for the year suffered a deoroisa of $17l,8t0.r : > 5. The net earnings show corresponding de crease of $17i",943.r ) , " , and the surplus , after paying charges nnd dividends , decreased $174,785.29. The earnings from the follow ing source * wore : From freights , $2,136- 6SS.91 ; from passenger , $8,11,548.19 ; from mall , $66.638.9S : from express , $52,871.90 ; from car mileage , $103.768.28 ; from miscel laneous , jnO,9SP..4S. Total , $5.344,27.1.71. Short ItinMutter Scllleil. CHlCAno. Junn 19. It Is definitely de cided thai hereafter the Ogden gateway will bo open to all of the roads that have busi ness there , and that the Union I'acllle will have no advantages and no disadvantage a compared with IU competitors at that point. A conference was held today between repre sentatives of the lines Interested In the business and this much was nettled. Tin chances now are that the entire matter will bo settled without a war In the rates. \VriM-k on ( lie lliirllnutini. Engineer Hamilton was killed outright and his Ilicinan was seriously Injured by the wreck of the Hurllngton train , No. 11 , known as the Iowa local , at Crrston. la. , early yes terday motnlng. The train was Juat moving out of Creston when II ran Into an opcti switch and was ditched. The train was west bound. lInlHvnj X | I > N mill IVi'NiiiialN , Engineer Mt-Cluro of the Iowa Central will speak to railroad men at the Young Mcn'u Christian asEoclatlon hall th'is afternoon. Traveling Freight Agent lli'tnuor of the Klkhoru reports the arrival of a little girl baby at his house yesterday In time for1 breakfast. The Klkhoru has announced that It will make one-faro excursion rates between all Nebraska points within. 200 miles of each other , July -4. Western railroads have agreed to make a rate of one and one-third regular faro for the rouud trip for the convention of the in dependent telephone companies of the t'nlted States , which will be held at Datrolt. Juno 2- ' * 1 S13IIMO.VS O.Y TIII3 tlUI3I3VS .11 IIIl.KH. Special Servloi-H n ( Several of Onmlia'ii Cliuri-lii-N. The services at several of the local churches today will bo In connection with the approaching preaching diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria. The Diamond Jubilee association of this city requested a few days ago that the ministers of the city devote their services today to this subject. It cannot be said that enough of the pastors have accepted the Invitation to make the service general , yet sufficient liavo done so to give the day a coloring of Jtibllco Interest. At Westminster Presbyterian cliun-h this morning Dr. John Gordon will take for his topic , " ( Jueeu Victoria ; " jt Castellar StrMt Presbyterian church Itcv. J. M. WlUon will preach tills morning of "Victoria , the Em press Queen ; " at Park Avenue- United Pres byterian church Hev. Edgar MaeDlll will have for his subject this evening , "Chii-stlan England ; " at Grace Lutheran cliuix-h liov. Luther M. Kuhiis will preach this morning on "Tho Womanly Queen of an Illustrious Ago ; " at Trinity Cathedral Uean Fair will take as the subject * of his sermon thU even \ ing , "Tho Victorian Age ; " and at the Church of St. Philip the Deacon Ilev. John Albert Williams at 4 o'clock this afternoon will preach on "The King's Daughter All Glori ous. " Tlilv < ' Tulii- Horse. Frank A. Johnson , living at 1210 Picrco street , told the police last night that Homo hor.se thief had made away with a valu able marc which lie kept tied in a barn nearby. There Is no trace of the lost anl- lna1' I -OIII3f'AST OK TODAY'S WI3.VTIU3IU Kulr mill Cooler with AVI In tin * \orllnv < ' t. WASHINGTON , June 111. Forecast for Sunday : I For Nebraska and Iowa Generally fair ; cooler ; northwesterly winds , becoming HoutheaiUcrly. For South Dakota Kalr ; vnrlnble wlndH. For AllHHourl Showern ; clearing Sunday afternoon or jilght ; cooler ; variable winds , becoming northerly. Kor Kansas Fair , preceded by Khowerf in eastern portion ; cooler ; nortliea.HterIy winds. , For Wyoming .Scattered showers ; vari able winds. l ncal llecoril * OFFICU OF TH K W13.YTIIUU IlfHKAU , OMAHA , .Tune I ! * . Omahu record ol' laln- fnll and temperature compared with cor responding day of the past three yearn ; 1897. 1S9I5. ISM. 1S34. Maximum temperature . . M3 hS 77 St Minimum temperature 71 ! TO ra AvoraKu teinperalurn . . . M -'j ' as 7 Halnfall . 02 .11 .00 .12 llueonl of temperature nnd precipitation at Omaha for this day ami nlm-o March 1. 1S'J7 : Normal for the day . 73 Kxcuss for the diiy . 10 Accumulated deficiency since March I . K ! Normal rainfall for the day . . . . . 20 Inch Deficiency for the day . 1H Inch Total inlnfnll slncn March 1 . 9.7 ! ) IIH-IIPH Dfllelency Hlnce Alnreh 1S97..2.W . Incheii KxecHS for c'or. period , lf > iH ) . , . . . .3. ! > 1 Inches Dullclency for > 'or. period , 1S3 . , . M7 Inehoa I ocal Kori-cnHt blllclal. HOT WEATHER MILTON ROGERS & SONS , 1 ' Arotio Tco Cronm Frco/.oi-H. , 05o White Mountain lee Cruain Frcox.ors 81-45 Hovorld o Btonm Cooker.for rus und gnBoliiio atovos 81,15 Two-htirnci' 1897 Uyliiiblo Gusoliiio Stoves , wnrnmtud 82.95 Ml Guboliuo Tin Ovoiw , lull lined 81-25 ; Tin Snuco Pans , bala of ! I , for gas and ffasollno atovos 50o U , ii-burner Oil Stoves 90o ! Givrdm Uoso , standard brands 5c to 18o f""t Iloio lit-olH , Nuzzled , SprinklorB , Unliunakors 25o t 82-00 H SitUa HofriKoi-fttorH 85-40 P m Hard wood Ian Chests ' S3.95 "P KntorprUo Chopry Stonoru..t. 75o IcoIJloks lOo , lee Chiools 20o , IcuShtivc ? , , , , , , . . . , , . . , , . , , , , , , . , , . , , . , . , . . , , . , , . . , , . , 50o I IiiO Cliippors , . . , , , , , , . . , . . . , 5)0 ( Luinoit Siiei/.or ( ( , i i- , . . . > MI..K. . , , 25o I , I.otnonudo Shukor.H , , , . , , . , . . , . , . . , . . . . , , . , , . . . . , . . , 10o O-ani'o ' Tea and ColToo I'ots , , , , . . , , . , , , . , , . , , . , . . , , , , . . . , 25o Nf ) . 8 Nlckol i'liited Uopjior Tea Kottloa. . . . , -85o ' Improved Hucoess Family Klltui-H , extra cjimMty 82-95 I \Vator Ooulopt ) , charcoal filled 82 00 V Milton Rogers & Sons , i 14th and Faritam Sts. i