EDITORIAL SHEET. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE PAGES 9 TO 16. ESTABLISHED JUKE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MOKKIXG , JUX1J3 . 13 , 1SD7-TWEXTY PAGES , SINGLE COri ELVE CENTS. The Big Store takes summer invoices in about three weeks. It is easier to count cash than goods , No remnants , odds or ends or broken lots appear on Hayden Bros. Inventories' All must be cleared up at once. The unprecedented unfavorable selling weather leaves entire stocks of summer goods still almost complete. All must be sold at once and the Big Store this-week enters .on \i 999 999 Prices are pushed down to the lowest ever reached on new high grade Seasonable Goods. Mail Orders BSSI Agents for It Butterick Promptly Filled | Patterns Pre-Inventory Prices Washable Summer Fabrics. Summer Dress Fabrics nrc NOW a necessity "Wo have to invoice soon nnd bavin } ? had bitch a backward season , wo huvo u stock ot Wash Dross Goods that luis got to bo moved in the quickest way. Our now prices will bo intorostinc everything now , Btylibh and up to datu In tni * MAMMOTH DKPT. Satin Striped Organdies , worth ( c ; newOQ price . 0t7U French I'rinted Organdies , worth S nndlOc ; new price French and Scotch Mulls , worth ; 5."c r.dc ; new price T/tpppt Mulls In l.llit and Dark colors ; -1 pi value , -tie ; new price . -L jo Imported Dimities : value , uric ; iww- "Vfl price j'-- a'liirty-Inch Jnconet Printed Lawns ; new price . We Sell Crispine Suiting for Skirts. Calicos- , Dress Cimrhains , worth i.e to Qlprrr \ lOe ; new price- . . . . . " .Y 3t-lnch ; Standard Percales , peed styles. new price . Pre-Inventory Prices in Linen Department. Crssh 2 cases IS-lich TwIllPd Toweling , reduced to 5c' c brown Linen Crash reduced to 5c. icri oi Yp J c 100 pieces White Wool Flannel , " ISc qual ity , reduced to 12' c. 10 pieces ull-wool hemstitched , me qual ity embroidered Whle Flannel reduced to lcA big line of " Shaker Flannels at A I'lR ' H"c of Domet Flannels at 3MC. : White Goods . Fine striped and check Nainsooks. 3c. 30c ciuallty Swlf > s Pin Dot at 15c yard. India Linens at 7 c , 8c , lOc , 12 > 4c yd. Bed Spreads 9-4 Marseilles Pattern Spreads at 49c. 10-4 Marseilles Pattern Spreads at 59c. 11-4 Marseilles Pattern extra heavy spreads at Sue. Linens- 1 case Turkey red , fast colors , table linens , 39c quality , reduced to 25c. 2 cases celebrated Clyde Table Damaeks , ( il Inches wide , worth GSc , at 39c. 72-Inch Silver Bleach Linen , C9c quality , reduced to 49c. Hats of Straw Wo want all who could not be waited on Saturday will give another call Monday. We will be glad to show you the coun- terfulls of evnry style popular this season. The prices are down to the bottom. Men's Straw Hats at lOc to $1.50. Hoys' Straw Hats at lOc to 40c. Pre-Inventory Sale on Waists , Suits and Capes ,100 rl o z c n Waists In the highest grade of fabrics from the world's best market's. Very latest ' / , best stylos. ' Faultless in fit Bargain mar vels without precedent , all this season's styles occupy ing nearly ball of our tecoiul floor. 50 dozen Waists In dark nnd light colors nt | 9c 100 dozen \Vai ts.uow styles , In nil new checks and stripes , In lawn , dimities organdie * worth $1.23 , at 300 doz. Waists In handsome vorlstio * , de I. tached collars anil cull's , worth 1.50 , at. . . 50do7.cn hiffh grade waists in nil the latest I * ] m * styles ami finest inalerluls at 2.50,2.00 , III Q Silk Shirt Waists 6 dozen Wash Silk Waists In nil the new shades in stripes and figures , sizes . ' ( - to12 ; worth $5 ; Monday , only ono to n customer , tit 4 doz. Silk Shirt Waists In all the now shades of changcablo taffetas , very latest styles , worth 7.50 , at Misses Dresses Misses all wool two-piece suits In Blue , Tan 4 and Green and plaids , worth 0.00 , at. . . . i Misses Wash Dresses , from 0 to M , at 75o Bit : bai-Lrains in Ladies' Skirts , nult wrappers , iniiekiuto.iliu.s and eujo3. Pre-Jttveiitory Prices on Millinery The uwellest eroutions lu Ilcudvrear are to bo neen In this Hlj , ' Department , A luurvellotii ussortincin of navvoit thiupj in flow ers and triuiuitnis at lowu t prleas. THOUSANDS of YARDS of SILK to close out before INVOICING , here are the prices to do it : I-'AXCY KOfLAKDS , full i7 ! inehe * 39c wide , nil . ilk. FANCY SWIVKI , Wash Pllk , in nil the Jl 'ht tind diilnty shades , to close 39c tliL-in. Monday's price H'.le. Yard I'LAIX SIMvS of all descriiitions , in both ll 'ht and dark shades , worth two 39c and three times 'We. Yard FANCY JAI'AXKSK SILK in rem nants , all of this season's styles and are worth up to $1.00 yard. 39c BLACK INDIA SILK , makes nice cool waist or tiros. ; ; ooil quality and full U7 39c Inches wide. Yard I5LACK SritAH SILK , very fine and 39c excellent finish. ard I1LACK SATIN , line quality and very 39c lustrous. Yard BLACK GUEXADIXK , to close , worth 39c 7..c and 1.00. Yard FANCY TAFFIvTA. our very best , worth ! ? l.r.O . and ifl.iil ) , all kinds and 'J17 75e pieees to select from. Yard FOULARD SILKS All colors , In highest grade. 9 AU Yard Damaged Silk Will Last Long IU.ACK M01HH VKLOri { "no yards sllphtly damiined : this beautiful new skirtinj ; silk to he sold because Inii > . > r- fec-t at lir e yard ; when perfect worth $1.00. Yard STILL IN FULL BLAST Pianos at less than wholesale prices until our present stock is reduced. Wo have all the good makes Including the Big 4 CHICKERING , STEINWAY , KNABE , FISCHER. Also a flue selected stock of VOSE & SOXS.IVEHS & POND , EMERSON and fifteen other makes. Every Piano in stock ex cept two makes at less than wholesale prices. 7 Now Pianos , $135 , & 1-I7 , 81SS , Slfij. & 195 up to the wholesale prices of the' best Pianos the world pro duces. New Pianos for rent. SHEET MUSIC We carry nil tue very Inte.st sheet music that Is published , both classic and popular vocal and Instrumental , and wll It to you at nway below regular prices. We also carry two complete catalogues of cheap editions , wld at r > c and 3c ( ) per copy. The selections contained In it are wonderful to think they can sell thoiu at that price , ns for iustiince , "Crand Vaise Hrlllnnte , " liy C'hopla ; "Kalry Unnce. " by JJoluu ; "Caprice. " by l'adeivw.-ki ; "Cavalleria Uustlcnna In- tenuezxo , " by Mascak'iii ; "Jmproiuptu. " by IJsxt ; "Mclodle , " by 1'aderewski ; "t'nder the nouble Kajjle , " by Wanner. Think ' of 'cttliiK any of ( ho abuvo copies at K'K'V Nobody should overlook thin c-lmnce , If you want to tret a line collec tion of sheet music for almost nothing. Mall orders promptly tilled. TEA AND COFFEE A nice present given with 0110 pound of our best tea. Good Japan tea , only 25c. Fancy Young Hyson tea , only 33VsC. English llreakfost teas , 25c , 32c , 43c. Cracked Java and Illo , only 12 > , * > c Ib. Whole Illo coffee , only 15c. Golden Rio coffee , only 20c , Fancy Hlo coffee , only 25e. High grade Java and Mocha , 27 c. Java and Mocha , SOc. Mandabllng Java and Mocha , 33'ic : 3 Iba. for Jl.OO. 1 Ib. Vau Ilouton cocoa , 75c HAMAIOCK SALE Colored banimocks , 3Dc. , While hammocko , 47c. Kxtra No , 1 hammocks , 9Sc. Extrt No. 2 hamuiocka , J1.1S. Extra No. 3 bammockrf , J1.4S. Extra No. I bammockfi , J1.6S. Extra No. 5 haminock * , } 1.6S , Croquet tcts , iSc. WOOL DRESS GOODS FOR SUMMER WEAR. Commencing Monday , June i4th we will inaugurate our Semi-Anual Inven tory Sale of light weight Wool Dress Goods. : t < ! and -10-ln. fancy wool dross ponds , in Il urcd nnd brocade , in all of ( lie new summer shades that.have been soiling nt.IL - and ; i. > e per yard , inventory price to close only , pur yard 44-inch nil wool I'laid Mixtures nnd Check Mixtures , that Imvl ? l en sell- In : it .Vic1 per yard , our inventory price to close only per yard 10-inch all wool and silk and \VooI , in tin1 new fancy weaves for Summer wear ; thesioods have sold foA7.V to $ ! . < ) ! per yard and are this Season's productions ; our inventory price to clnsi' . iH-r yard J The balance of our high grade sjirlng and summer novelties , in all the late weaves and shades , former price Jl.li.5 per yard , our inventory price no close only , pr yard t We have just opened . " > pieces of colored all wool French Serge , line , twill , mo hair linish. very linn and sti'ong , dust- proof , sold l > y till others at . " 51.00 pel- yard , our price only J Black Wool Dress Goods for Summer Wear A full r.ult of S yaids of , black wool French Serge , : tt > inches wide ? " 8 yards of black all wool French ( Jiis-hniere , 1M inches wide ; S yards of bind ; Nuns' A'eiling with black silk fimire. 'Is indies wide. Every one of these suits is worth S't.t.'i each , iur Inventory price of any of the three suits only.per suit of S yard lengths ; -10 inches wide , heavy twill and verv ) l Indies wide , heavy twill and verv linn , actual value ? 4.T > per suit of 7 yards \ S yards of Black Sillc and Wool , with small bilk liiiure , light weight for sum mer wear , does not muss'or wrinkle , actual value $3. . " 0 per suit , for 40-inch black all wool Nuns' Veiling , ff § & * with a cloth linish. very lightweight , JO if * former price 7."c per yard , our In veil"l TJi tory price to close only , pur ynid IU Jf Qj "O-in. black all-wool French serge , vorv Jinn , witli a very rich cloth Ilnlsli , e\- rsa a * trti good value at $ l.X ( ) per yard , our HOfa inventory prlee to close only , per yard. % ff v& W All open Mail Orders promp'lv filled and money refunded onall goods not perfectly satisfactory. Pre-Inventory Prices on Wall Paper and Paints. No. 1 , white Blanke , at 4c and EC , with 0 and 18 In border. Gilts at 5c , 6c and up , A large line of No. :1 : ants in remnants from H to & regular Paints. Heady mixed jmlijts , quart cane , 30c. He.lt gallon cans at 55c. Gallon cane at $1. Carriage paints , yellow and green : Pints , ; i5c ; quarts , t > 5e ; Vermllllon and black pints , 40c ; quarts , 75c. Pre-Inventory Sale in Carpets and Curtaina The wind-up bt the season leaves ui willi goods which \vc sacrifice before Inventory. ] f you buy a carpet In this sale you secure a bargain. Tapestry Brussels' , per yard , 39c. Extra , fine Brussels , per yard , 65c. Body Bnwuelfl , per yard , 38c. Flue Velvet Carpets , per yard , 65c. Extra super , all , wool Ingrains , 47c. Good Ingrain CarpoU , 19c. China Matting" " at lOc. Very fine fancy Hatting at 15c. Cotton warp Jap Hatting , 20e. Curtains , ; ji Elegant Derby "portieres , per pair , 12.25. 12.25. , : A regular TS Portiere Curtain , $4.25. Everything Jn the , Drapery line at equally low prices. ' Full-sized lice curtains , worth 12 , at 9Sc pair. ' } New effect * In fiph.-jiets , both frilled and plain , from J1.5Q p lr , up. Splendid ling qf yard goods for Sash Cur tains. ' ' j You do not go ( o a goat's bouse to look for wool when you ? come here to buy furni ture. Our prices.tare right. If you think not look around. ' 'You will see we make tU9 price for thetn all on furniture. The great question la what does Ilaydens sell It forT Two bed room suites go on sale , Just to keep them gucE Ing , and to give you a chance to own one cheap. Kine largo suit , 3 pieces , b-c-rpentlno top on drereer and wash stand , solid and well flnUned. patent drawer work ; 18x10 bevel plate mirror , neat carving on bed and frame of mirror. Thlo suit has fox castors and the price will be $15.00. r I ook for Its etjual only among the $20.00 suits of the otters. The fame etyl of suit , with the square mirror Instead of ( he cheval , at $13CO. Oak rockers S5e , $1.25 , Jl.50. Large arm rwkera 11.75 , J1.S5 , JJ.95. Iron bei $2.SS. J2.95. H.85. and I5.CO. Oak center ubie * , 24x24 , J1.25 , J1.S5 , J1.75 and | 1. , Couches J7.76 , 9.5 , J12.00 , J13.0. Corduroy or Velour BxttiiBlon Tables 13.25 , 3.85 , 15.00 , $6.00 , $6.60 , $ I.S5. Fre-Inveutory Prices ill Jewelry Department 5.000 Shirt Waist Sets at 5c up. 2.10 Solid Gold Hand Kings at Cc each ; regular Jl.GO goods. 250 Solid Gold Set Rings go nt C9c each ; regular Jl.GO goods. llablcs' Solid Gold HltiRS , 13c each. Gents' Gold Killed Watches , warranted to wear 15 years , with fine Elgin or Waltham movements , at $7.95 , worth $15.00. Ladles' and Gents' Gold FllUil Hunting Case Watches , warranted to wear 20 years , with fine Klgln or Waltham movement , $11-45. worth J20.00. Gents' Gold Plated Watches , hunting case , ? 2.9S. Sterling Silver Novelties In endless variety at about one-half the prices asked elsewhere. Oak and Walnut S-Day Clocks , half-hour strike and alarm , $2.45 , worth $5.00. Nickel Alarm Clocks , 55c each. Grand Preinventory Sale on Embroideries , Ribbons and Notions Monday we will place on sale the ballnnce of our Immense purchase of line cambric , Swiss and Nainsook embroideries at one-half actual cost 2V-c per yard for 5 to Sc , embroideries. 4' , c per jcrd for S to 12c , embroideries. 7c " per yard for 14 to 20e , embroideries. Do"per yard for 20 to 25c , embroideries. 12 > c per yard for 25 to 35c , embroideries. 27c i > er yard for S5c to 43c einbrolderic-s. Ribbons 500 bolts fancy satin stripe linen ribbona , the latest novelties , worth 25 to 40c. go in this sale at 9c per yard. 300 bolts , No. 1C all silk black ribbons , worth 20 to 25c. go at 7' e per yard. 1,000 bolts staple colors of satin and gro grain ribbons go at 3c , Oc , 7c and 15c par yard. Ladies' Belts On sale , the new Capltlan reversible belt In all colors two belts In one , SOc. 25 styles fancy leather belts , worth 50c , go at 25c. 1 lot ladles' belts 4 > c each. Eye Comfort It will prove comforting to your eyes to have your glasses or spectacles fitted by our expert optician , Dr. 01. A. Lesser. Prices are always the lowest. Steel spectacles , lOc up. Solid gold spectacles , $2.75 up. Ey < tj tested free. Satisfaction guaranteed. X. U. We have received a big line of all styles colored spectacles at the lowest prices. House Furnishing Goods. AVash tubs , 25c each. Wash basins , 7c each. Good brooms , 7l4c. Wood frame clothes wringers , $1.49. "Wooden palls , 7c. Chopping bowls , 3c. Cupj and saucers , 22c per set. Pie plates , 3c. Tea plates , 3V c. Dinner plates , 4c. i Tin top. Jelleys , 21c per dozen. Sauce dlshefl , 2c. Cake stands , 13c. Coffee pots , 5c. , Dippers , 414c. Milk crocks , gallon size , 3e. 3juart granite steel coffee pots , 33c. 3-qu.irt granite steel tea pots , 33c. 4-quart granite steel coffee pots , 39c. 4-quart granite steel tea pots , 39c. No. 8 granite steel tea kettles , C9c. Down Goes Nails. The combine could not harmonize and they failed to corner the nail market. 20 to CO nails. 1 7-10c ; 10 , 12. 16 nails , Ifts ; S nails , 1 8-10c ; 3 nails , 2 3-20c. Rim and mortise lock ( regular price 20c ) , Regular1 25o steel padlock , 12c. Good padlocks , 3c. Spring screen door hinges , 7' c. Door bolts , 3c ; eprlng window bolts , doz. , 8c. l Hardware. Do you do your own repairing about the house ? Jf so , there Is no excuse for waiting , the Fall will soon be here and It may be too late ; we have the goods and it only takce a little money , Cobblers' Outfits. Three lesls and stand , 33c a whole outfit for S3c. Carpenter's Tools. A set of G bits S3 c , rachet brace GSc , a steal claw hamner : 29c , steel hatchet 27 c , 2G-lich ) hand eaw , beach handle polish blade 43c , kitchen meat saw 27c , 12-lr.ch key hole euw 12c. 25c blued steel screw driver for JOc , Dall nozzle lawn sprinkler , regular 85c , for 49c , J1.50 nickel plated toilet hair clipper C9c , 100 square feet screen wlro 11.10. 100 square feet poultry netting 35c , 20-Inch butcher taw , regular price Jl.GO , for SSc , a few more 1C inch high wheel lawn mowers J2.S5. Garden Tools. Steal hoe 15c , 12 tine garden rake ISc , steel shovel or spade 43c , full size handled ax 29 , screen door complete binges , kuob and hook C9c. ALL IRON DAILEV PATENT ADJUSTABLE I'l ANBS. No , 3 smooth plane 9 inch ? 1.0S , 14-Inch Jack plane } 1.3S , 18-lncli fore plane fl-C2 , 22-Inch jointer plane J1.9S , eteel grass book 17c. Jl etwl square 4Sc , garden lioec CVzc , 7c' SVic , the best lOc , hose reel hard wood Iron whtclB " 3c , double barrel breach loading ebot gun IS.2S. 22Flobert rifle } 1.57. loaded abelU per 100 )1.40. Most Startling Men's Clothing Bargains. Closing out the mammoth wholesale elothin'g stock of Max Krnst & Co , New York U-adinir manufacturers. All the men's al wool cheviot pants Hint sold for $ ' .txi at All of the M. K. & Co. line all wool Mack clay worsted men's suits , that sold for : ? lo.oo , sack or frock styles , Q * tC now at * p tAll / . All of tinM. . ! : . iV : Co. well made new simile In-own , men's sack suits , that Mild up to $ . . , at All of the M. K. .t Co. Ilnest fancy . worsted men's sjick or frock suits , that JRI ( ) . OO sold up to JMMK ) . at ipiV-.WW All of the M. 10. & Co. llni'st worsted cassimercs ami cheviot men's pants , § 5 3 75 that sold up to $7.50 , at ? ' _ > .7. > and t"- " The most startling hoys' and children's clothing bargains In town. Hoys' and youths' long pant stilts , all sixes , from lli to 120 years , nil wool fancy cheviot suits , worth ? ( i.50 , at. . Hoys' and youths' long pant suits in the new shade. In-own , plaid , cheviot , suits QJ Q that sold for ! ? 7.r > 0. at tpO. All of the Ilnest cheviot nnd cnsslmere Imys' long pant suits , worth up to d > fcl / " " \ / " \ $ u.no. nt 90.UU All of the finest Scotch plaid * and fancy worsted 1 toys' long pant suits , sold up CD1 ? to $17.-)0. at * P * ( iivat liai'Knins in .luiilor sailor vestee stud double breasted boys' knee pant stilts. if'J.OO boys' junior and double breasted Qnf * suits , nt ? .r.O . boys' junior and double breasted , all wool suits , at All of the Hue cheviot and c.-isslmere suits in junior sailor vest el and double breasted $ -l..r)0 suits , now at Choice of any and all junior sailor vestee and double breasted knee pant suits , JPQ sold up to i7.7r. . at tp < J. All children's washable suits at . . . . . . 25c , 35c , 50c , 7ac and 'Joe Washable knee pants for 10 Prc-Inveniory Sale of Furnishing Goods \\-n will civ " away 1,000 Fine Feather Fan ? . To Introduce a "new line ot Umbrellas the manufacturer Instructs us ti Rive with every one dollar and nlnety- elKht cent Urn .tuila a Ueautlful Feather Fan , the fan SPB6DISPlJ 'rtrN$1iflI STREET WINDOW. A GRAND S VEKPING SA1.K ON SHIHTS. 1000 dozen fa icy Laundered Shirts to be put on sale at about We 01 the dollar ; colored fronts , collars at- tachcil or deta bed ; shirts worth $1.00 to J2.00 each , yBOrdOTenCSleS i Sample BiiVrYi rom'the'wai iiB-keTl Htock , comprisi .B even-thing they make In line goodH ; shirts worth u i to } 1.W earh ; this lot ROCS at , each. . . . COo "mi dozen Men * Cotton Sox. tans nnd b.ucks ; your , " ' ' ' ' ' ' Q chl0iot1orBoy"'VancV"i unnWwY'shlHi'worth' ; 6Tw'dnzp'n Mc'nVhYte 'iJJiiniYored 'phirU : 'thl'n''hhVrY Jcties' .compeiltlun. as BuJ as others nsk $1.00 for. on Bale toraor- row for Basement Bargains BUTTER - - GRASS BUTTER ONL.V CC. Fancy creamery butter 13c. Separator creamery only 15c. , Strictly fresh eggs , CHEESE - - Sap Sago cheefe only 7Vie. Fancy brick cheese , lOc. Best Ohio Swlra , lOc. McLaren's Imperial ( fine ) 12'c. . Neufchatcd , only 3'/4c. Wisconsin , full creurn , lOc. Fancy llmberger cheese , 7',4c. FISH- - - Nice family white fteh , 3Hc. Fine mackerel only lOc a Ib , Large herring 3 for 5c. Holland herring 25c a dozen , Holland herring per keg , 75c , MEAT - - 1'lcklcd pork , Cc. No. 1 hanirf , 9V4e 1'lcnlc name , Cc. Ikfct plate beef No. 1 bacon , 6lie. Devilfd and potted ham , 5c. llologna fiaueage , 3Vic. GROCERIES Oalj meal , per package , Mustard Aardines , 5c. I Coasehc-rrles , ulutberrlca and blackberrlci , only 7Uc a can. Gloss starch , 4c a Ib. i Ilaked pork and beaiiB , 3V c a can. Kidney heann. 3c a Ib. Flat cane salmon ett'&fc , only 12'c. . Cold water march ( new process ) only to , 10 bars laundry eoap , Or.t- . Illuelug only 3c a bottle. Jtoot beer , only 7'jc ' a hottlc , AVheatel , package , 011 eardlnei , sjc. ; Wash powder , only Sweet chocolate , 3'/4c. Haklnc chocolate , 15c a cake. Good flour , COc a kacK , VcrM best flour , fl.10 a sack. 2-lb. Jar fine preserves , ] 9c. I arge raisins , 4lit , Flnu evaporated uprlcots , 10u , Good prunes , 5r , Dried blackbcrrUs , Cc , C for 10 tobacco , 20c a Ib. Newsboy tobacco , 32u & Ib. Battle ax , 20c. Duke's mixture , SSc , Mountain Hose , ISc. Mrerbfhaurn , 32c , OeresUne , package , 7lic.