Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1897, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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Qaittlng Retail by Quitting Profit and
Part of Ibo Cost ,
After Till * \\VII Slick in Our I.nM
All 'I lime MIIM-H Will Soon ltd
i ( lone % im\\ IIIMI Tlie-j're
Uitni ! We're ( tone1. Too. ,
Wo will make the prices nnd > ou can do
llin rut.
Right nobly liaxc the crowds of people re-
They will have. u out of town now In a
few ila > s.
Shoes that arc duplicates of what jour
thoomaKer has hctn inakliif : for jou are on
our bargain tallies.
Not a pair In thu house- that lioa not been
cut , hard and deep.
i\cr pair n bargain
A lltilo fellow can buy without his parents.
He ( .nulil'nt inlfs It 'If lie wiitild.
Ktory pair marked plain , as well as way
Iho rlKii , "BtnndlnK rinm only , " \\as dis
played early In the d.iy > csterday.
The first table Inside the door Is filled with
all the ladles' linen oxforda In the house for
48c a pair.
Then come all the Infanta' and chlldrOns
Un strap clippers at "fie n pair.
Then the children' * tnn oxfordfl and shoes ,
running from r , up to number 11 , nt ISc.
Open till U o'clock Monday exciting
Contrary to our emphatic warning , mail
orders still continue to tome ; nmln we state
pi , lti\ily that wo cannot mil will not 111 !
wall onlem
Llttlo IMIJH nnd big Kir's ' nro Klxen a. table
a pli' ) nt this sale for ox blood show. They
am both Slu tables.
Unllts * thocalato front lace ahous that
wore $1 20 are Jl 75.
The ini'ii'H I c "quitting tablo" will l > c
flllrd at'iln Monday with odite and ends ; and
reKUlar flits flllwl to oferilowlug with hltth
cla&salurs ut H1. !
Any day inny bu the last day now.
What will jou ilti for rhoeu then ?
It iiieitm regular prices whcii we're1 gone ,
remember. '
Monday we'll roll a man's blafclt kid shoe ,
ildaln too. laeo and iimgri-M , for $1.18.
Wo 11 M'll n man's chociilnto Kid shoo with
new too for ? l 75.
In mntltlng the hhocn wo don't think of
what they're worth , hut what price we'll
quicken the iiultllng.
You'd think our Bloro wan the center of
Kraxlty JmlRltiK by the continuous crowdu
that beuk this loinmon center.
llcller Join the thiongn before \\o quit.
LAIRD , sciionnu & co.
1515 Douglas St.
< 'lu-mi HoMldi'lK'r 'IVlt'iilioiit-n.
The Nebraska Telephone company nre readj
to place telephones In for wlnt
will bo Known as "Ono Way Senlce. " The
rale for said Rcrxlcu will bo $2.00 per month
on > early col.tracts.
P.irMfH hr.xlng that kind of son Ice can call
lip nnv othei BUhBcrlbcr connected with the
exchange , but tannot bo culled up by any
ono. That clr s of bervlco will be a grout
convenience for parties who dtblro to call up
the grocer , 01 the butcher , or the doctor , 01
the lire or the pollco depaitment , or any
other siil-sci Ihur.
Kor full Infoimntlon as to above service
call telephone No 2. Hespectfully.
11 VANCi : LANi : , Manager.
Vln UlNiniirl Purl lie Ilnllviny.
Homu-seeKeis excursions , Juno 15th.
To Plttsbuig , I'n. June 11 , 12 , 13 , 14th.
To Nashville. Tenn. , dally.
To Toronto.'Can. , July 12 , IS , 14 und Ifith.
To Sun Francisco , Cal. , June 2 ! ) . 30th ,
July 1. 2 , 3id.
To UhnttaiirioKa. Tcnn. , In" July.
To lltirrnlo , N. y. . In August.
To Fourth of July , rates us usual ,
St. Loulrt Limited Tinln leaxfH Webster
lilted depot dally at It 05 p. m
Kaunas City Night Kxpiess , 9 30 p in.
Call or write fur fmthur tnfoimatlon at
ulty ollkcH , N 1 ] .eoiner 13th ami Fnrn.un.
J. 0. PIIILLIPPI. A. O. F. . < : 1' . A.
TIIOS. r. oouKimy. i' . & T. A.
A. D. T. Co. , McMHUKera furnlshdl ; bag-
rage delivered. 1302 Douglas St Tel. 177.
IliiilicM-cUri M * l'\cilrsli > ii.
And cheap ono way lateb via Jllssourl Kan-
Bin & Texiu rallwny Juno lf > to Texas polnth
i : A. M'Nt'TT , I ) T.A. ,
Kansas Clt > , Mo
Elizabeth r Allnn will hold Bitmmer scliool
In vicinity of Kelloin mhool. Address 220&
Hurt street.
II n sic ill IIiiiiKciini I'nrk.
The teennd conceit of the season will be
given nt Ilaiiscom pnik this afternoon , the
music being furnished by the I' Infantry
Heglmintal band. 11 local musical organiza
tion , of which 1'iof. Hen V W.ilker la the
manager Thu ( list number will bo played
piomptly nt II o'clock The program follows
Stars nnd .Stripes K re\er ( New ) . SOUM.I
Oveilme l.lKht CiiMihy . . , . iSuppe
Dance of the IlobSllnkH .
10U1 Night Waltzes . J. Stiousw
Overtur IKlwnil.m _ ( Jlrl . Il
l"ornet Solo . „ .
11. .Lot/ .
Oiuotte KlilB Albeit . lleh
I'tnnlo Allulu . lluch
Mitt ill I'l C'iipltnn . Sous , i
Inlcrmtasit Unstlennii . Mahengne
] < ( ivn SoiiK1- \\'nH/es . HI enbers
CJallnp Oumlcouo . . . . . .Heifmth
.NOT > lloitlr.
Commencing Sunday Juno 13 , the Union I'a-
rl'le will InaiiKuruto Thiongli Tourist Cat
Service between Omaha nnd I'ortland , Ore-
ron nnd Washington points via Unlou I'aelllc
and Snnthern I'aclllc i IIvvn > M. thereby giv
ing pniscngerx the benefit of two tmirint
routes via Ogden to I'nrtland. Tills mute
will take the in up through the beautldil
Sacramento Valley , disclosing all the notable
featntcK along the Shasta route , from Sacra
For latifl , tlmo table and full Infounatlon
call at Ctly 'IkUct Olllte , No 1302 Tarnam
' AViiiiilnii-ii of ( lu > World , Allciitloii.
i" Woodmen are n iuesled to meet nt M > rtli >
j < hall , In conlliu'iitnl block , nt 1'J-r.O Sunday
.i. Juno HI , to ntlen l funeral of Sovereign 1' . J.
? ' Krogn , a member of Alpha eainii
w v. Tiirziu ;
I Consul Commander.
c i : . AI.MN ,
I Clurk.
V. 1' Chlodo , Ladles' Tailor , tine work and
Ot giiarauterJ Ifll2 Cntdtol A\u.
Ill Ill.l.MiTON HOUT12.
Onl ) ' > i < --.r ( t ( o Sun I'ranelHpn ,
Juno 29 to July 3 , account of national con-
\entlon of Christian lltulcjvorere Through
DleepliiK cars , Juno 2' ) and 30 and July 1.
Stopovcrtf allowed at nnd west of Denver
ItcUimH ! I'ortland , Vullou stone 1'uik and
illack Hllld It doslrcil
I' ; ' llnilcavoroiB and their frleiula who take
S the Ilitrllnglon Hontc muy depend upon a
< quick , cool , comfortable joutuoy , llnet.1 eccn-
erv In the world ( by dajllsht ) , and first claws
1U i llm rosencd nnd lUvicrlptlvo literature
fnrnUhcd on rcnueat. See ticket agent. I50L
raumm St. , or nrlto to J , Krancte , Q. I1. A.
Dnrltnt'tcm Koule , Omaha , Nt'b ,
SoiliellilllU Ni-'T.
Of efpeclal Interest to the traveling pub
lie 1 the Bplcndldly isjulpped new twentj
four hour limited train of the Mlchlgai
Central. It leaves Chkngo dally at 1 ! 3
| i. in. , and arrlvt'H at the Orand Centra
iHtlim , New York City , at 1:30 : p. ui uu
Kni'elutld Blrvct btatlon , liotton , ut 4 i
Hi thu next duy. A ttlal will convince > o
Umt It U the Uncut train In all rcapcct
lutuiim Chicago , New York and Hokton
Kor tickets apply to your local ng nt an
lin will ulso it euro your vleepliiK car ac
uoimnodatlaiu lu out ) of thu elegant coui
purliiii'iit or ttanduid eli'ecrliig earn In ud
lOo postage for n summer note book
0. W. jlUdGLBS ,
I'avi. nud Ticket Ast. . CUlctKO.
Starting a Sale that Premises to Startle the
Entire West.
\ Ciiiindiiil WHIP iif CretMilN lCi-i > t the
Arm > n f Clerlin on tin * .lump from
.Morning 'I III
for Muiii
Just as Bonn as the clock In the tower of
lie Continental pointed to 8 yesterday morn-
ng the crowds began to pour In upon the
Continental people
And they kept It up nil day long nnd way
n to the night.
More1 Kiilt.i were sold nt the Continental
cstcrday than have been sold In Omaha In
ill the stores for any whole wecK this jear.
t wax n gteat day , loiklng at It from the
Ido that \rst numbers of suits were sold.
The amount of dollnra taken In probably did
not exceed many another big day. Hut the
irlces pre largely to blame for that.
Ac has been stated , the Continental , an
veil na evtljbody else , has been dull be-
nuso of the excessively bad weather hcrc-
ofore. The Continental has sold clothing
Ifiht along of course , more of It than any
thcr store In the entire west , but nt the
ante .line , It has been dull.
All this linn resulted In the blggcflt block-
dp of spring clothing ever Known of nnd as
vns demonstrated > cstcrday It his resulted In
lie biggest cut In clothing prices over made
nyvvhere nt any time
The crowds came In such heaps that It was
mpof > Hlblo for the clefks to keep people
rom waiting a little , but music hath
liarmu , nnd no one seemed to bo nnmiyed nt
lie waiting , In listening to the bind , which
Ispensed m\cot music all through the day ,
Crash nulls nt J2.60 , sizes : ifi to 4fi. This
rice Is selling more crash suits In a day than
lonio old fgy IKHIMH would tell In a year ,
'ho Cotitlmr.tal will get away up In the
iundr d * on crash mills MoniVjy.
W 60 nnd W 76 will buy tnpe-d BCTIIIS , crash
ultH Monday ( hat cost you W In gilt edge ,
Ig prollt stortH
Monday Is wash day at the Continental.
IO > B' waoh bulls for 50c
1'eck & Hnuchhau.s' $100 nnd $350 gradcH ,
U go Monclaj for $1 ! " . ( ) nnd $1 85.
The s&lo continues until the spring goods
re > gone. Cost or value Is not taken Into
niiBJilerat'oii at all. There are no broken
ol , no odds and ends , except In a very few
nstances , the entire stock , enough of It to
upplj a do/on ordinary atoics , Is at your
ClirlNllait imli : > ii % orors.
Going to San Kmnclsco in July , should rc-
nomber tint the Union 1'aclflcs \ 12 hours'
shoitcr than any other Hue to the 1'aclllc
For V. P. S. C. n. folder. Bleeping car
reservations , or nuy Information , call o'
city ticket ofilee. 1302 Favnam st.
rrc-ti-mU-r in > olilllty WiirKH Col4i-
riulo SiirliiKs Sot'Ioty.
DIJNVKH , Juno 12. A special to the lle-
publtcan f'om Colorado Springs savs : A
man who pretended to bo son at.d heir of the
enil of llardwlcke arrived In this city sev-
iiral wo'jks ago and registered nt the Antlers
hotel as II. A. Yorke of Leamington , Wai-
wlckalilic , nnglatul. Yorke left latt Saturday
night , ostcnslblj for Glenwood Snrlngs.-vvhen
lie discovered lint his dupes were about to
loam the truth concerning his pretensions to
. oblllty. Hcforo leaving ho settled all his
accounts vrlth checks drawn on the First
National bank of Trinidad. Uvery ono of
Lhe eheckh given has been repudiated Tiy the
Tilnldad Innk , and now a ecoro of people ,
li.cludlng brckers , tallots , livery people , dcn-
tlits , bhoo iiurchants , and a long Hat of ac-
( Itialntanccs , and also the managers of the
Cl I'aso and Country eluba are chagrined
at the easy minner In which they were taken
In by the cITcmlnite little Knglbm-appcarlng
fraud. The mutter has been put In tbe hands
of tlu-sheriff and an effort will be nude to lo-
oalo Yorke nnd his baggage. Yorke left for
Glenwood Springs but It Is believed that he
Is now In San Francisco.
'IVIIx of Ills I'.xix'rlc'iice A l
I , .SjiiiulNli CruIsiT.
NiW : YOKK , June 12 The steamer
Valencia , Captain Shillings , arrived hero to
day fiom south side Cuban parts. In rela
tion to the firing on the Valencia by the
Spanish cruiser Maria Mercedes , It Is learned
that shortl > after noon on Thurolay , May 27 ,
as the ship was leaving the harbor of
: iuantnnnmo , having alieady saluted the
forts and taken down Its eolms , thu Spanish
cruiser Maria Mercedes bore down and fired
11 blank shot across the Valencia's bows.
1'hlH was ( illicitly followed by a solid shot ,
which dropped c\Ofv \ under the ship's stern
The Valejicla then showed Its colors and the
crulhcr qulcklj vvlthdlew and hteamed away
to\\ard Santiago Captain Shillings , while
not willing to make any statement tegard-
'ng his encounter with the cruiser , tald
that the Valencia was no btranger to the
cruiser , whoso commander \vao well awnie
that It was engaged In the Ben-Ice of the
Ward line. It was publicly reported at
UuU the cruiser's captain op uly
tat a tiit t hf hiMjw the Vatoneta was an
teAiiMT , but that In ftim ] on U
purpoai-ly to t < ompel It to show It.s folors.
niscovKits Tit.\ris or POISON.
Kim AltcKi-H IIINKiMl PiUhcr Met i\lth
Koul IMay.
I/S ANGHUJS , Juno 12 A sensation has
been caused In Pasadena by the Investigation
bolng uiado In that city by 13 , T. Singer of
Chicago Into the manner of the death of hi ?
father , the aged millionaire , II. N. Singer ,
sometime after eustalnlng an accident In
falling from a moving street car. The re-
niilns vveio sent to the fanner home of the
dbceaocd nt hockport , N. Y , for Interment
The widow1 and two children of tlfo aged
millionaire remained In Pavadcm but' there
was a divorced wife at hockport , whcro the
remains found a lodgement. It la the llrnt
wlfo of Singer , together with his fcon , who
will inaKe n thiough examination Into hla
final taking .off.
U T. Singer , the pen , assorts that the re
mains of hli * father , after being Interred five
months , had been taken up at Ix > cltport nnd
examined , with the icmilt that traces of
poUonlng were discovered. The fan Is con
vinced that the old man's death wuf <
hastened , If not actually hi ought about by
foul play The disposition of the nilllioiulre'n
property IB the incentive for thu Investlga-
tl0" '
"Head Stuck" for bugs. Used by U. S.
Oov eminent. A liquid Insect ( wwilcr. Won't
Vlu Clileiino , tlllvMiukee St. 1'iuil ll'j
A long list of excursion points to which
round trip tickets will be sold at greatly re
duced rat on The conditions for summer
tonrUts were never moro llbcial thin those
for this boason For full Information as to
routes , rates , limits , selling dates , etc. , up
ply at the city ticket olllce. U > 04 Parnain et
ld. . ft'ASH.
Rrncral Western agent.
To llepi'ddiH'i' louiit Vi-riiiiii ,
At a meeting' of the board of munugcrp
of the Nebrnhkn Boclrty of the Sons of the
Amcilcnn Itevolutlon , held at Omaha June
5 , tliu secretnry was Instructed to ie < iue t
thu Nwbraxka h < - mi tors HiiJ ii-juwsviiliitivus
"to undb > ivor to Imlurr the iirojxtr uuttiori-
tles of the national Kovernment to construct
on Iho grounds of the TrunsmUsltblppI im
position u fiU'-blmlk1 of Mount vernon.
Wnbhlngton's home , and to place In thin
bulldliiK rclli-b. documviitH and memorials
of the American revolntlonun war , and to
permit the national anil stnte Hoclctlcs of
thti American re\outlon to keep and ex
hibit In tills , bulldlnR fucli other relics , docu
ments und memorials of the ri volutonnr | >
war as may bo cathored together by the
committees uppolimd for that pur.oM'1
And It was further r solved that "thu other
stute societies be requested to communl-
elite with nnd nrgii their representatives to
co-opvrnto with the Nebraska society In
this matter. "
A personally conducted party of teacher *
and frlfndi this summer , Lour rated. Hi-
clush o , NortbwMttra Line , HOi Firatm fit ,
M vM > iitnii < ; 's JIM : CASH SAM : .
-r to f > 0 I'cr Out IKOOIIII | ( on Our
Kntlro Sloek.
AVe have the most complete stock of
watcher , diamonds silverware , cut glare ,
umbrellas and so forth than any other house
n the city. Wo must have CASH , nnd the
gooila will have to be sacrificed. Wo sold
nero goods last week than all the Jewelers
n Omnlm ccrr.blned. We ctpcct to eell us
nuch this week At the prices we are sell-
tig goods It will pay ) ou to make pur
chases , whctl-er you need them or not. Note
a few of our special bargains , and every-
hlng In our entire stock sold equally as
ow.M 00 solid silver waist sets , 5c.
J2.00 Hogera' 1SI7 knives ( set of 0) ) , $1.33.
$200 Rogers' 1847 forks ( set of G ) , $1 38.
$200 Rogers' 1S47 tea spoons ( ( i ) , $1.25.
$1 00 Rogers' 1S47 desert spoons ( G ) , $2.75
$ .1 00 Rogers' silver hair brushes , $3.00.
$200 solid silver hair combs , 90c.
$2 RO solid silver hat brushes. $1 25.
$10 00 4-pIcce quadruple plate lea set , $5 00.
$2 OU solid sliver salve boxes , $1 00.
CO-c solid silver umbrella clasps , 25c.
$3 00 solid sliver mucilage bottles , $1 60.
Finest selection of wedding presents In the
city ; also diamonds nnd watches which will
> o sold cnually as low
Cor. IGth & Farimm St.
Mall orders filled. Juno cash sale.
Summer i\riirHliins :
Ilomcseckcrs south June 15. Nashville and
return cvciy day , Chattanooga In July , To
ronto In July , Huffalo In August , and all the
summer resorts of the east and sauth Call
at Wabash olllco , 1I1C Farnatn street , or wrto
0 N _ CLAYTON. Agent.
No , the groceryman has not got soap polish.
Wo are waiting for > our trial order. It costs
nothing. Klghtccn little girls nnd forty
adles , who need to earn their own living ,
ire aiding ua by taking these trial orders
for soap iKillsh. Can you refuse them n
clianco In life , when It costs you nothing to
1o so 7
ciitAM )
nioiitn unit i A rv
The federal grand lury made Its second
report ycetcrday , arid was dlschftrgcd , after
Judge Mtinger had complimented the mem
bers on the speed -with which they had ac
complished their wsrk. The Jury returned n
batch of forty-ulna Indictments , making
sixty-seven returned In eleven days. One of
the Indictments In ! the second report was
against Thomas D. Conncll , formerly post
master at Qrcely , Wei ) . , who Is charged with
omhcrzllttK $2.300) ) from the government.
William McKcnnn nml Theodore Parrlsh nro
Indicted for pcsslng counterfeit money. These
three men are under arrest or out on
bond. The other Indictments are classified
as follows : One for accepting money to In
fluence official action , seventeen for selling
liquor to Indians , twenty for violating the
Internal revenue laws , two for mailing un-
niallablo matter , two for using cancelled
postage stanis | and four for cuttlug timber
on Government land.
Hcforo making Its report the grand Jury
pissed resolutions commending the efficiency
nml courtesy of Assistant United Stoles At
torney Rush , nnd prtbcntcd H 13 Smith , the
clerk of the grand jury , with a handsome pipe
and tcbacco pouch.
Dandruff Is an exudation from the pores
of the skin that spreads and dries , form
ing scurf nnd causing the hair to fall out
Hall's Hair Rcnewcr cures It.
Ointilm l.oilKC , No. ! , I. O. O. ! '
Omaha Lodge No. 2 , Independent Order of
Odd Fellows , meets nt the Temple , 14th nnd
Dodge , at 12 30 sharp to attend funeral of our
late brother , P , J. Krogh. Visitors Invited.
Noble Grand ,
, I Secretory.
Samuel Burns la offering a Mercer china
dinner set In white 100 pieces for $7.75. See
front window.
M/3 /
Review of the Week's Events
For the Week Ending June 12 ,
i roiiniov.
TUUKnV-aUKIOCD-June fi ; Sultnn leives peico m-KOllnllons wholly In hnmlH of
Ms minlsleis. June 11. Ambiu biidorft al Constantinople partially Ignore absence of
Towllk Pasha and do not look for cany evacuation of Theswily , reaching conclusion
thul lluImivesl lost chniged as iwrt of Ihc Indemnity to be allowed Turkey.
CUBA Juno 7 : Appeal for aid forwarded to United Stalca by slnrvlng conccn-
trndos In Mutiinziit province ; ilccKlon In fjnso of steamer Thrte Trlends , charged \\lth
violating neutrality laws , dismisses libel forfeiture , proof of charges being Inadequate ;
General 1/ee's re-xirl on Hul/ case muile public , Us version , corroboraled by remarkB
from Coinmls-slonci Calhoun , who has wrllten a sepaiule report on investigation. '
OTIIF.RNDS June G : Cloudburst In province of St. Ire , southern Franco ,
cniiHed oveillow of Morgc nnd destruction of paper mills nnd silk factories , throwing
1,000 opcratlvei out of work and financial loss of lO.WO.OOO francs. June fl : President
Hniriot of Guatemala , declnics himself dictator ; street railway ( strike In
Vienna ; queen regent of Spiln confirmed Senor Cnnovns premier-uiiil cabinet to remain
with policy unehanged June 8 : Retiring United States Ambassador I&lwln F. Uhl has
farewell audleiuo oil ISmperor William , and Tils Bucce ° ) r , Andrew D. "Wblte , airives at
Herlln ; reception of John W. Poster , American seal commissioner , nt St. Petersburg ;
cholera epidemic nt Unngkok , Slam June' > : Duel at Puiiicbefween Counl Reboil do
Monleqoln and Henri de llcgnlct over reirark made by Mile. HerOdln , slsler-lu-law
of Hegnler , tnkcn as reflection on conduct of Monte < -qoln nl the charily Im/ir tin. Mon-
te.Mjoln'H hand Bounded , basis nrrlved ul for ailjulment of dltllculty between J.iiiin ]
nnd Hawaii over rejection of Japanese Immlginnts. June 11 : Onslaught on puty of
IlrltlMi Uoops on iioithcrn frontier of Uiltlsh India \\hlchiso\eral olllceisniid about
Iwcnty nun were killed feared It is forerunner of general uprising ; bubonic plague re
ported ut Jcdduh. '
coMiiiussioNAi. .
BHNATn-June 8 : Ad valorem tariff of 20 per cent on raw cotton adopted by vote
resolution nationalizing Trinsml' " > lsspjl | ) Exposition
of 42 to IS. June 9 : Concurrent agreed to
position and requesting Ihe president to rcqucs-t forrflgn nations to participate ; Ileuiy
L. WIlMin of Washington confirmed minister to Chill , JolmiG A , Irishman of I'enn-
f-jlvnnln minister to Switzerland , Lawrence Toxvfiscml of J'ennsylMinta , .minister to ,
I'ortugul , and Andievi D. liarow of Missouri consul general at City of Mexico.
THTPINHSS FAILURES June 7 : Centrnlln & Chester railroad , short Illinois line ,
In hands of iccclvci , unpaid cl ilins ng reGntlng $115,000 and no funds to pay Interest
on $ lnSOKIO ( due Jul > : ! ; WIlcoK & White Oignn compmy , Merldon , Conn , , direct lia
bilities $7.r.OeO ; John lljnn , North i.Mllwuukeo , carpenter contractor , a cts $ . > 0,000 , lla-
brillea $50COO. June 11 : Nci.v lluvcn Manufactuilnir company , New Ilu\un , Conn , bl-
cjcles and rolling chairs , liabilities $ S3,000 , iifsets unknown.
SIGNS OP 1UJSIN1JSS H13VIVAI * Three large mills started up nt Pottstown , Pa. ,
the mill of Potlstown Iron romp-iny. Valley mill of G'asgow Iron company ,
and Glundulo Itolllng mill.
cnmns A.M ) CASU\i/nns.
Finns June 5 : Shoudy Uros , . hardware and harness establishment , Atlantic , In. ,
loss $ J,000 , covered. June fi : HellV e'cvntor , David City , Neb , los $2" , COO , Insurance
$4riW ) ; four-story block of Sc-hroth & Westei Held. San Francisco , occupied by St.imlnrd
HlFCiilt compnnj' , lots on building $ IOOCO , on conle-nls $00,000 , Ihree firemen peil.siicd.
Juno 7 : Grain elevator at S.iwnemlu , 111 , containing no.KX ( ) bushels of oats , bolongwl to
llnrtlotl , Friisoi Co , Chicago ; JMjrar McCmtnej's farm house , nenr Nebrnhkn City ,
loss $2noO , Inhiirnnco $ ' . 00 June S : Shure bul'dlng , Chicago , fireworks factory , started
with explosion and blow off of lire-works , injuring large number ol persons , one fatally ,
loss fM,000. ) June : Montrose hotel and block of stoics at Montrosc. Colo. , llobert
H , Mend of Poitland , Colo. , burned to death.
MUIIDKRS June 7 : Ke.neth McRcn , convicted of murder of Robei t Gordon nt
Cnspjr , Wjo. June 8 : John Weto-kl. coal miner at Mlnonk , 111. , killed , and Sii ] > crln-
tondent Moignn dangerously hurt In riot growing out of strike at the mines June 9 :
Policemen Dan Tlt-deman nnd Albert N. Glover shot by ImrRlnra nt Omaha. Tleilcrmn
dying from effect of wound. June 10 : Reprieve Issued postponing Durrani's hanging.
June 11 : Captain George A. Tlllett shot nr.d fntally wounded his won-in-Inw , John
Glenn , nt lliverdale , 'JVnn. ; James S. Ilathgcber slabbed lo dealh nl Cnlcago by Alt -
t > err Iliirlte , both ex-Omalm printers ; C. J. JliiFh nl Pierce , Neb. , found not guilty , re-
ganled not responsible for killing his family ; August Chacon , murderer , to be hanged
June IS , Mwed his way to liberty nt Solomonvllle , Ailz.
6UJCVDI29 Juike : llrs. K. II John-oil , Wayne , Ne b. , 4ook ixilson ; CJiaPel B. Heath ,
CliMluuull , Hlwl lilin-K'lt in temple. Juno 7 : August Miller , Chicago , Hhot htmselbuil -
ike-sn revcrM ; Cliurtos Darter , pulcnl nttoriM-y ut "VVrushli > Ktoii , rthot titm.vlf urtrr ut-
templed munler of MI i Dorothy 13. Squlr ' , thoughl lo have bee-n Inxine. June 9 : Miss
IMIth Harmon , 17-j'ear-old-daughtcr of C. II. Hnimon , near McCook , Neb. , took jvolbon.
June 11 : F. N. Hllven , Plpestonc , Minn. , killed himself jfler falally wounding daughter/ /
of Fiank Wdgcl , who had refused lo clopo with him.
FI/3OD AND STORM June 10 : Cyclone at Lyle. Minn. , and vicinity. BK persons
killed , over twenty Injured , und twenty houses demolished , nevero ralnstoThn In New
nngland states causes freshets , Interfering xvllli uillroud travel , and arresting opera
tions In sovcrnl large mills.
ACCIDliNTS Juno 0 : Steamer Ystrom foundered In collision on Thames , hxopassen-
gtis drowned , nlso t\\o of crew on steaimr lilUeni. June 7 : Twenty bicycle riders
thiown in a heup In race ) near Passalc , N. J. by tuinlng shnip corner nt foot of hill , all
bndly bruised nnd poxcral broken limbs ; Arthur W. Lnhlff killed while cycling down
steep Incline at Providence , R. I. , lacing with motor ; llvo men killed by collision on
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omnhn railroad near Hudson , WIs. ; six men badly
Injuicd In fulling fi eight elex-ntor In New York postotllce ; four men Injured by
fall of c'evator at 95 Dearborn street , Chicago. June 8 : Frank Humes e-.iught
In shafting nl Dempster Mill Manufacturing e-ompany'H establishment at
Beatrice , Neb. , und killed ; two men seriously Injured nt Sioux City by collapse of
bridge \xhllu herd of cuttle and \\ngon load of Imnlicr were crossing , June 10 : Three
men killed and neveii cars demolished by fall of frclglK train down a culvert on IJoston
& Mulno loud nenr looter , N. II. June II : Mrs John Cameron , prominent society
woman , fatally burned by benzine nl Pueblo , Cole , , and IS-jear-old son badly buined
Ing to HO her.
OTHIIU CRl.MKS June 7 : Fred Fosdlko and A , n , I.undlo arrested nt Omaha
chaigcd with general liuceny , by systematic robbery of parcels from Hnyilcn Uros ,
department store , ex-convict commits nssau't on 0-j-ear-old dnughtcr of Mr. and Mrs ,
King at Cheyenne , June S : Dr. 0. V. Limerick tientenced ul Cincinnati to two years
In the penitentiary for ntlcmpted blnckmnll of Frnser Tablet company ; Jepso Hamilton ,
at Ottumi.xn , la , , sentenced to eighteen months In penitentiary for complicity In Eldan
bank lobbory , Judge admitting grave doubt of his guilt June 9 : Josluh S.Viight
committed to county Jail at Omaha for Iwo yeais for nllempl to Intlucncc- member
of Jury pined In case agalnsl ex-State Tieasurcr liailley for umbezzlement. Juno 11.
Seven Chlmunen ain-sted for Illegal : iu ding near Coplstraoo , , Cal. , und olllcors nnd
sailors of txjut "Nalrld" ulso arrested for smuggling Chlnninwir 6am Crow nnd Yellc
Hnlr , txvo Cheyennes Implicated tln Hoover murder , arm-ted by Sheriff Glbbs and
Stock Intpcctoi Smith , Indians .niakln no resistance ; wife of Gox-omor Aiiciiew J
Smith of National Soldieia' ileme nt I envenuorth , Kun , severely Injurvd by dynamllu
explosion ut tlm Smith residence , surnosal to have bee-n caused by some enemy of ? m'.tt > .
MOUTl'AHV. ' '
June 6 : Francis Schlatter , famous healer , found In foothlllH of fllerre Madre , state
of Chihuahua , Mc-x. ; Haron Dlck-on , Hjo , Sweden , arctic explorer ; Nicholas Hotullnt , ' ,
Huron , S. It. , sergeant'ttl-arins South Dakota nenate , oncouiiinllllonalre , Mrs , Char.ty
Green. Iloston , ured 105 , cumo to Boston a slave unrt fice sluuiJSWj Thomas W. Hooth ,
St L ul , ex-president Merchants' exchange nnd president J. TW Uooth Commlsflon
company June 7 : C D. 'Mosher , Chicago , aged CS , fdthrlHunkwrecker Mosher of
Nebraska. June S : Charles L. Bt John , New Orleans , La. , consul of Great Urllaln
at New Orleans , aged CO , Commander Georo D Wingnte , U. S. N. . of Chnrloton navy
jnrd. Maiden , Mass. , aged CO , James Rshuri3 | on , New York , eccentric ml llonalie , who
madu hlu fortune , cfllmoied ut JiO.OOO.OO. In railroad construction ; M Paul Cassimlr
Perler. Purls , undo of ex-president of thai name ; Mrs. Sarah A. Granger , w'dow of
late Julian N. Granger , and Ulster of Stephen A. Douglas June S Dr A Owen ,
Palatine , 111 , of cle-etrle lull fume , Prof. Alvln G. Clurk , Cambridge. Mass , famous
tele.Hcopn lens manufacturer ; tMrs. Car ; T 6 < > ely , Mudi-on , Nt-b. wlfectf t-Oltor Chronicle.
June 10 : Jopiph D. Turner. Urndfhaw. Neb , , aged &J , pkne-er York counly , Hon J.
Hull Hitchcock , Tecumseh , Neb. , aged 3S , prominent local attorney , Cuptaln William
Hi-dicef , JuckBon , Neb , ajed CO , dle-tl at Hot Springs , S D. , pioneer , promoted to innk
of caplaln during civil win. Juno 11 : Colonel Prank Hufer , Ttoanoke Vu. , nged CO ,
superintendent uantportatlon Norfolk & Wc-ktcrn rillxxoy and co onel In confederacy ;
Prof , Present ! ) * , Wlenbiden , Germanj' . ngfd 79 , well known chemist ; Huv. IVcdeHck
O. llolmnn , D I ) . , Minneapolis , well known und brilliant pulpit orator ; Ujron McClel
land , Ix-xington , Ky. , widely known turf man.
.MisciiiAMors. : i
June 8 : Southwestern Winter Wheat Millers' association In sefslon at Kansuti
City , also National Association of Credit Men ; decision In case of ex.State Auditor
Kugenu Moretnuulnlng three counts charging embezzlement , trial commenced at
Omaha of ex-.Stute Tieasurer J. S , Hartley. June 10 ; 1'rocii-s of phot grapning bound
waves and lepioduclng sound from the plates discovered by Itev A O FergusJii of
Urookljn , N. Y. ; sccom ) elaughter born to czarina at St. PctcisburK , Dr. Saxanelll ut
Mpntcxldeo announced discovery of bacillus of yellow fever.
This wonderful tre-itment Hint lii\s lifted
the darkness niul blight of the word "Incur-
nb o" from the thoWHiid * of these castes of
Catarrh In the Knrs , Htonchlnl Tubrs nnd
Lung ? , works 111 curullvo action for two
( I ) It rent-hoi firry wort * niiit. | from
Hie orlllec of tinIIONI * ( < i the ( lenient
linrt nf < lu * limn * . < < > I lie Inm-rntOKt
r - MNHN of ( lie in I ilil I < 'nr.
(1 ( ! ) liiNlcnil or Irrltiillnir. InllninliiK
mill ft-eilluR ; lluHrtN of < li * lln - nmIt
NIHltlU-M , llllcH , lie-Hill "Mil
What Is tills trrattnent tlmt cures
conclltlonsi , once n-iinrdi-d us Incurable' 115
what process ( lees It restore the dl'viwil
membriiiip remove the jvol on nnd tcllc\e
the orene fl of dlsin e' Let the experience
of Pntlcnl' ) cured nnd bc-ltiK cuied tell.
H -r IN a Cnm- Thai SI | MM ( InMirf -r-
IIIKH tit 'riiiiiiNiuiilN of Our Ili-nt
Many people- think that tntnrrh Is only n
sllpht nasnl or throil trouble that H Is not
at all dangerous nnd It tioublesome only us
n pio'oiiHul cold In Ihe bend Thit It Is a
daiigeious and fntnl malady one ban only to
Mudy the retultH In any oidlnnry wise of
long stnndlHg nnd to lemembpr tnat In nine
cf.Kes of consumption out of ten , eatnrih
was the Htiirtlng point.
Mrs. L -Norton , Chndion , Neb , Is m ell
known to the older residents of that ilt > ns
a Inily of the highest ri'speetubllltjtSlie
writes us follow lo Dr , hhcpard :
"I ii m telling a'l my friends who are sicker
or need good treatment to write to Dr. Shepard -
ard for a consiiltallon or sj-mptom blank as
1 did sometimeago. . I bail been sick for n
good while wilh catarrh nnd lu grippe. These
ailments settled mainly In mj" lungs und de
veloped nil the signs of approaching con
sumption. I m1 1 not mention the < group of
tcrifblo sjmptoms that took ho'U of mj s > s-
ti in I wasted in nerve force and strength
while at the frame time nn Inll'imm itoi j
soreness settled in my chest , giving me
piercing pilns and a deep cough My days
and nluhtn were made wietched by the violent
lent i > ffoitb to the lungs of inucuous
and r urulent dl'-clmige ? I tiled by all
menus within my ijowei , Ineludlng' doctois nt
hrme , to check ths wasting cough , exhaiih-
tlon and dee ly that were sapping my canstl.
tutlon. After I failed completely to Und
am thing helpfn' , I ratote for J5r Shepird's
blanks. I Illleil thete out. RivingIhe doctor
a full history of my ca e. Di She-pitd then
t-uit me n beef medicines which , from the
veiy llrst day had a decided elTecl upon
m > ' nllmtjiits I was required to nvike a le-
port cnch week upon blanks furnished me ,
and in three days after sending in my le-
nort 1 would get a letter fro < n Ihe doctor giv
ing me advice and Inductions My treat
ment was changed fiom time to time as 1
Improved , nnd in a few weeks 1 WIIH entirely
cuicd I want to make the point clear and
piomlncnt that my comlillcm resisted nil
other treatment , that 1 was colnp nown hi 1
very rapidly , and that Dr. ShelKml nol onlj
relieved me nl once , but mule me n sound
nnd iwell as I ever was In my life. .My
health Is nci.v peifcct. "
Ciirnlilll ( > < if Ili-riilll.
There Is no chronic dlfacase more emcnablo
to treatment and euro than hernia when
proper'y treated by our new process which
Never before have such opportunities been presented to tlio public os wo are ifovv
offering In now und second-hand Instrumcu ts. Persons Intending to buy a Piano nnd
It to their advantage to pay us a vli'It without delay.
I , < -lniiil 1'prlKlil , link flint * ijSli ! , " ( Ill
ClilcUtrliiKirprlKhl !
Kin.Siunpli * I'lii no , only
KlHL'hur t'l-rlKht , liu-KCMt ftl tonl > SUO. % IKI
Sq unto piaiKfa It ( in 8 6 u\\ \ u clt11 ty inimcna. Irttit'b lenlccl
tuned und t-opuirecl.
New .vers & Pond , Vose ck Sons and Emerson Pianos.
105. South FiftconthStrect ) A. C. MUELLKK , TUH-JP. Tel. 1025
I'rom 7 to 10 Inst ntglit that II.TCJ 42
fountain of ours was kept sUzliw. Ne-vcr liiul
niich a. crowil boforc Humlicilh of people ilnmk
our ik'ltcloiis let- cream foila-nnil nil iiiommnctil
It Ihc llntst Foila In this city nml It don't
tnku nn exiwrl to draw toiln fiom our flimmt
fountain eltlier lo n town wliercn tlu-y employ
expei ts they chargeCo extra
Ice Cienm Soda Cc
Vine Kolafra T'c
Williams Pink Pllli 35e
Duffy Malt WhlHkcy We
Pnlno'R Celery Compound , Me
Hood's Sarsnparllla Clc
Hlrneys' Catarrh Powder ! Me
Lj'dta PlnKham'B Compound 7'c
S. S S 73c
KellowH' HypophosphltcH (1 GO
Ciurlleld Tea J.'io
Syrup of KlRB H2o
llunyndi Water l e.
1 dozen 2-graln Quinine Capsules fie
1 dozen 3-graln Quinine Capsulen To
1 dozen C-grnln Qulnlno Capsules lOc
Cor. Kith mill C'liIi-tiKii Sis.
P.13. . Our Rooil frlciul , Max lltehl lias einf
l.arkp.t In tiualness for Mmn-lf ut 'M K ICtti
Kt Wo hope ho will make- arum ! biiccem
Oirr Hit ? HixiUlf" liy Iii ) llurlil.
Tlio llurllngton'ti Nebraska Christian Hn-
deavor train for San KrancUco will leave
Omaha C 00 p. m ,
Lincoln 7:30 : p. m.
Kulrmont 900 p. m.
Hastings . . . .1030 p. ui
Wednesday , Juno 30.
Stop-overt ? will bo mode at Denver (1 ( hour ) ,
Colorado Springs (8 ( hours ) , Leadvllla (1 (
hour ) , Glenwood Springs (3 ( hour * ) . Salt Lake
City 00 hourt. ) .
Tlckctc , $22 SO ; berths ( wldo enough and
big enough for two ) , JO 60.
l-'nll Information given and reservations
made on application to W. II. Waddell ,
chairman committee on transportation , 1605
I'arnam St. , or to J. U Hejnolda , city pas
senger agent , llurllngton Houtc , 1502 Kar-
nuni St.
Vita PurtNlVli.uH ,
Surely Omaha has roaaon to feel proud
that now there Is no use In sending away
for their family wlimi and liquors ; and It Is
certainly encouraging to the well known firm
of May & Hiller. 1303 DJUglaa etreet , to
know their efforts to supply to the trade of
Omaha the cbolsi-st wines and liquors pro
duced 4s appreciated , as Id attested by tile
largo nuuiljcr of orders they are receiving
dally This firm make a rpeclalt ) of carry
ing in stock all of the beet brands of for
eign anj domestic wines and Ikjuori. and at
the same lime not charging an enormous
prlco for the goodc , but rather on the cen
tral y mal.c prices as cno would expect to
have < juotcl on the much Inferior and adul
terated clocks ,
B. J. D \ la , uafo mover. Hi ti.lStti. Tel.75 ? .
boa now been In ti ° e several years and has
proven Its superiority over all other methods
of treatment.
This treatment Is NOT KXPHNSIVK , and
In view of the skill neee siry for Mich work
our prices nre ridiculously low. lint we
tnnke them so In order to be In harmony
with the low fees In our other dep.utmentu ,
and In reach of nil.
Write or cull i | 3ti us for reference to people
ple cured.
Pnriilj nix , SUIT .loliits.
Kln , .Nrf.oiiN DlNeilNi * nnd VII Alii-ieu-
Inr I'll Ins.
PnltiN. IIC-IK-N nml m-urnlulii vniilsli
In n ftrt m I ti ti I I-M ; Mtvolli-ii mill MtllT
j nl n I M lie-conn * llevllilci MI-II | < liiu-I.N
lu-eiinu' Nlromrt fciunlc trim liter , illi-
iipiK-ni-l iHU-iilj -il iiiiinoli-i timl iur4
I'cRiiln Ilivlr i > iMiirNi tinnirv 11111. tin-
liruliincmuiiil lli < - lir < ili-ii ilnvtii
f < -t-l Hitoiirnllx < mill HoiillilnuInlln -
iMH'o ptiilrntIIIKcr > illMt-uxeil nml
vvi-iiUi-nt'il iiiirl , rini < Tt IMHT Hit * vltiilll.i.
liii-rriislnxr ( tic liliiotl clriilii < l < iii In
cold ftriulll < -H mill liiiiiiii'lliin IIIM\
lift * Illlll fll < TR > 10 tiltlllllf lldll ) .
Mr * . J. i : . lll\ti-r , Clnrenci' , IIMVII ,
i\rli-H nliiiut tin * cure of lu-r lltllc
lie ) . Sh < - mi ) HI "Mj IIIIU- nun , In
gram , WIIB mulcted for FCXCII j'earshen
vi.u . l-cgnn to cure him a few months ago
lie couldn't eat , sleep , or even i-.ilk with
out great dllllcultj. He could not gut his
breath , and It wa-t not plea Mint to sleep
near him. In fact , entturh , thin bhiod nnd
nerxou.1 w kni-w liad Muntcil his growth.
Hut now It Is all gone , he often Pix-aks of
'how nice It Is lo bieatho right' I wilt add
that tbe curi- has been complete in t-\ery
respccl nnd all through the Mall Ticalmenl. '
"Tho New Treatment How It Cures , " la
the titleof Ii. Sncpiid's book which will
bo In ( lienl.Ulon In a lew dn > f It Is full
of facts nf inn irst to nlllng people and
contains line hulf-tonu wipra\lnjs of tci lies
In the extensive otllccs of the Shopnrd Me II-
eal Institute Those who applv In ptrton
or by letter mnj have n copy free.
W/ / - -
lU-iiry Ili'tltVliI , Ihc -\\i-II
iiK-inlicr ( if tinOmnlin ) HII-O fili-ce ,
ti-sUIU-n < o Iliu niail of Di.Sli < -imi-il
In ourliiK t-Ur Milcntnrrliul
Of tllClltltI - N > Nil-Ill.
C. S. hlll PAHU , M. U. , I Consulting
ami AHsiieiilt-K , I Plnslclnns.
ROOMS 311 , 312 4. 31" NKW VOHIC LIPH
OiHco Hours 0 to 12 n m , 2 to u p m.
livening ! Wednesdays nnd Sa ur ajtionly
0 to S. Sunday , 10 lo 12.
ICuttinq : Prices on3
Latest Styles Fine
SEioea end Oxfords
( ) > KIIIST ( I , X'.S MIOHt. KIUMI
run iir.sT \ \ \ \ \ run IIIK.S.
AII , hliSM : U II ) I IISM >
iviuv 1'Aiit W\ U.V.\TIU.
Infants' SOc Sbocfl 25o
I ulles' Jl Kl Dongola Patent Tip Oxfords -
fords 9Sc
Lad'.os' J225 Uongolu and Tan Kid
O\forda , n ' 45
Ltnllrs' WW Gr on Vlcl Ida Cloth Top
Oxfrd . f'f
Ladles ' 23 Dongnla Patent Tip Uico
Klioe-s .IMS
LudlcH1 13 fX ) A'lel Tan and Wlno Kill
Liice Shoes . J' ) 43
Ladles' J3 rfl Vlcl Dongola High Top
nicjcle Hoots . } ' 75
Ludie-n ' ] 00 Ulcycle lxralns 490
Hojw' $1 DO Shoc . ; , sc
III HM.MiTON 1101 '
i : c-iir liiii llnllt-lln ,
California | 22,60--June ' . ' 0 , 30. July 1 , 2 3.
13en\er } 9 00 Juno 20. 30. July 1. 2 , 3.
Colorado Springs J.9 UO June 29 , 30 , July
1 , 2 , 3
Pueblo f9 00 June 20 30 , July 1 , 2 , 3.
Salt Lake City - lG.60-June 29 , 30 , July
1. 2 3.
Toronto and return J26.1C July 12 , 13.
Milwaukee and icturn--JIG 7& Jnl > 345 ,
Dctro'tard return -20 60 eo tlrkrl Kent.
Uqually low ratui to nuny oilier points.
Call or write J. I ) , Krynclcle , City Paiuenycr
, 1502 Karnam street ,
Harollton AYnrren , M U , oloctnc and mag.
nctlc yhyslciun ; tpcrlnl attention to dlieavra
of women and children and all obtfuiro aud
locetBiilDe dlicttei. 119 N , l th SI , H. 2 ,
T. B. Norris1 $10,000 Shoa
Sale continues all this waek
Jnsl the1 Klml of n rrl tint oun to burn
jour lawn lip If J"U Inkr nur nilvlcr iinj
lU > lllifr tlio NMlc ' Onrrade "
or VitiliHxil tiniuls of
nnd u o It ilnlly > < > ur Inwn will 1 * In ai
l-ood comlltlon iu\t mil us It IH toila )
No mutter If the run turiiH rt-il nnd no
rliiRH cnilulo the inotui with our how sou
can control your liiinirdlnte MclnllUn
the esteem of Joui nelhlibara and have lot
of fun. I i
James Mon & Son Go.
1511 DodRt : St.
Often contains nnd conceils reil zs
goodncra A thowy label Id all :
rlglH when Ihc contents of the :
bottle are all right. Quality In :
the lliot and prime consldciation :
In the manufacture of i :
It Is the beer that Is brewed
S especially for the family ute
SEE from the finest malt and llohc-
mlan hops. It Is the beer thai
physicians recommend Will jou : T3
telephone 420 nnd order a case = = S
sent lo jour home ?
The yelow jackets me making It
\vnrm 1'or the lni and Old Sol will
" innko It for you from now on.
Youd' butler uxnmlne the
Siberia Refrigerators
They aio food ketpcis and Ice sav
ers , nnd i
Keep Things Cool.
It don't o t much to own 01 * J5.00 |
for the',1 fist' und a little more if
jouwant u larHcr one.
John Hussie Hdw. Co. ,
2107 Cumins St.
for Jewel Gasolene Stoves.
How much ? Say J12 ,1 month iUI a
> car , or $1,110 In 10 years.
A dollar paid to a landlord Is gene
forcve-r and leaves nothing but u re
ceipt behind
For a mini eriunl to your rent , paid
In monthly Installments ; , the
OMii.v LOAN .v in ir.niNr. ASV.V.
will Bell you a home n\cry month'h
inymer.t will f.lvi' jou a Hubntnntlil
IntereHt in th pioiieity. and ut thu end
of 10 jeai-H > ou will June- , Instead of
landlord'H iccclpts a homo of your own
Now la the tlmo to begin Ued Hock
1'ilo's Call nt
170U riiriimii ' treeI , HutIllilK ,
CJ. M. AVTTINfJUH , bcaretur > .
Full Dress
.VIIt.SHMII.NTS. ' / \ .
"in if f'tin i ,
of 1(97 , In counterparts of
COHIIITT AMI riT7.siMMis ) _ <
In coimtctlon wltli KIUKi : COMKRY CO.
Matlnte i Kvcnlnir ,
AHA1IIA.V MiillT * I > * > o\VII.\I.I
l c. tOc. ie.
The Mi I lard I3tli/ind rfr
American plan. < ! .f > 0 perd.iy up
l.uinpean plan , f l.OO per d ty up ,
J. E. MAHlC l , ( StiOrV , Proof ,
\Vlirn Vim > Ult Omnlin hliiji ul
C riii > r Illlli uiiil JuuUmm hln.
Under law matmtnm ut-American Jianti S
AM ) J.'W 1'ini DAY
U UKTMEHS , I'rcprietor. _
110S-10-12 UouKlai * W M , I1AHH , Manager.
100 well lurnlehrd rooms European or
Aiurricau Plan.
Strc t CAT llout counsel to til part * oi d'W '