THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. JUXE 1,3 , 1807. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Easiness Looking Up in Hear' " ? All Sections of the West. COUNTRY COLLECTIONS ARE SATISFACTORY Jobber * nnil Mimtifiirttirrr * lliiprftil IIH ( o fit I lire Trnilp In Trllmlnry TirrllorA l niinIn l.lvu htHUU. Mlllil-t II.-ttlT 'lIlllL-M. Loril trade conditions have not materially changi-d ulnco- week ago , but uch altera tions as have occurred are on the side of still further improvement. At tint only a f vf iMIKlncss huUHi's were able to note an > thange for the better , but as thu process of recovery became stIU more advanred , others were abln to fe l the efT'Ct1 * , until now It t n qupstlon If tlinrp Ls a single hou-e doing btiBlne s In Omaha that Is not able to provp by Its books a substantial Improvement ever a year ago The Improvement appears to bo genrrul In all sections of tributary ter ritory nil reports from the country agreeing that the fumers ae getting into better shape and the retail trade Is feeling the ef- ftcts of the casing up In the money .supply , In fact , all over the west , us far north a Minneapolis and south to Kansas City , 01 beyond , the reports all speak of greatly Im proved Imslnei-H conditions , with ever > on hopeful of still greater Improvement In the near future. Onu of the best results of the Improve- ncnt In business is the Increased numbtr ol laboring people- who have been able during the past few weeks to llnd emplo ) incut Almost every manufacturer han put a few more people at work , and while In min > coses the number of names added to the pij roll has been smad for each llrm , In thii ag. Erogate the number would be quite large Collections show Improvement In all wC' tlons of tributary territory and at a gen < cral thing are entirely satisfactory to Jou- bera. bera.The The Omaha retail tndu has been quite pt-i | during the week past and local mer chants talk In a. mutt encouraging manner As an evidence that there Is more mone > In the counlrj and that people are ready U spend some of K on the luxurlts and p eas. ures of life , at well as on the necessities. II may bo mentioned that Jobbers report o greater demand for llreworks all over Ne braska than ever before Nearly every lit tle town In the state will celebrate July 4 nnd a great many of them on quite a largt ccalt- Another straw which shows the dlrei tlor of the wind Is the fact that Omaha Jobber report their sales of fruit Jars us largci than ever before , whli-h means that the pee pie , tro getting In better shape llnanclall ; and feel that they can afford to buy frui and put It In cans. A year or two vears ag < few people felt that they could afford t ( tpen 1 mut h money for a table luxury tha tlie > < ould do without. ADVANCH LN LIVE STOCK. Liv.- - .it lie at the loading marketb of tin c > untry continue to command hl h prices w hi * h are proving very remunerative to tlv growers , and whlih will go a long wa ; tiwurd restoring prosperity to the westen c untry Cheap corn been turned Inti htgh-prlceil beef and the farmers anil feed urs if the country aru reaping the benefit T'lTe are several reasons whv cattl Bin-Mid sell much higher now than in th pxst During the past two years or mor farmers ind stoek prowers have under th ftrf-ss of hard tlme.s , turned as many o thc'ir i attle into money as po'isiblu , with th result that the joting cattle have been rui c.ut .if the countr > The scan Ity of cattl brought about by this means his had , stlm ilatlng HlTi-i t upon prices , while at th sumo time .in increased demand for beel due to the Improved bunecondition ! - , i tin --oiintrj at large , has added still srcnte strength to the market. Tli re has also been an unusually large do mard for bevf from London und IJverpo > : < m u omit of the queen's jubilee This lat t. r lom.iml h is greatly stimulated the m.u ket for the choice grades of beef , a.s the foi eign rs want nothing but the best cornfe ute-rs The market on cornfcd steers Is now i cents to Jl per hundred higher than it wa n v ir ago. or in other words , the fat cal tie now being marketed are b'inaing froi $ S to J14 per Jibuti more than they were 1 June of ast jear. What this mo ins to th cmuitrj ran he most fully appr < elated b glnnring nt the figures representing th number of f.ittle now go'ng forward t market from Nebraska and other wester states \ \ hlle producers have been reiplng a goo harv e t that is helping to place all the 'vest ern states on a much better financial fool Ing. consumers have not suffered an npprei mblo burden It N n time honore complaint fiat when the price of cattle drop down the selling price of meat remain nearly as high as over , o thnt It mav b in order to examine Into the effect that i a1v im o In catt e has upon the r rice of mea The p.u-Kers "ay thut the rapid advance I cattle his only advanced bfef < t to fe cer per pouml on an average , the advmce belli the most mnrkeJ on the choicest tuts. Th following figures repre"nt the whole'al prlet of meats at Omaha for tae Ilr3t wee of the current month as compared w'th ' th corresponding date of last year : June , Jim i I'KT Itfts Ono.l native steers 4m.f 00 lln fioinl foreqiianer * . ? teers ( Jonil htn liiuarter , steers \S > ftern tlcer * . . . . . . 64c ! CM. Go il foreq tera , conn jnd h. . .4'jB < ' % * < 1 * Oooil hlml < i ters conn and h . " 'iS'o T'jSjSt Ten.Icrlnlnn fnfli . . . I8c Ki- steer i IlllnkH . < UC 3i Cow ohui UH . . ! ( - 3Li Cu routnU . CVjc if t'oplaten . . . 3Hc Cc Slrlnln butts. fr - h . 9e 8c Shoulder cl'nls . . . 3 0 &c Live hogs have been selling at 40 cents t fiO cents per hundred premium over th prices prevailing a year ago , so that th fallowing comparison of wholesale prices t pork may b of Interest : June , Jum LS37. ISO Dressed hogs . Tic n Pork loins . . . . . 3l-c 3' i Spire ribs . : i"-c 2l- Pork shoulders- . Sc _ 4V ( 5 Leaf lard not rendered . 3c " 4 > i MEXICO SENDS IN CATTLE. Another feature of the live stock bus ne. s that will be or general Interest In th Wtlon of the country , where nil business . so largely dependent for Its bucct'ss upa the live sloi [ t Industry , ls the extenMv marketing nf .Mexican cattle in the l'"e btateji I'nder the Intluence of the IUK prlies the. .Mexicans are -hipping more ei tie iiiio this country than ovrr before Du Ing the Ilrst four months of this year s. cars or 2.1,000 head of cattle were sfilppe out of the Doming > nrds alone The Anr shipments from the Mexican state of t'h liuahua amounted to T2.i' ) htriid , almost llv times as many as were shipped from tl iwho'u state during the entire jeir of ISO The prospective adv-uice in the duty on In ported cattle Is hastening the Dhlpment The most of these cittlo are > oor , but the represent Just co many pountls tif beef thi ollierwiiM uoulil h.ivu to be pi idueed b > tl : cattle growing stales of this country \i. iicT is n\nii.i : > ' K. C. Dun .t Cn. M-i' Mun I , urn I I In . inmi-ineiit. W H lloberson. local manager of R. ( Tun .t fo's Mercantile Tgencj- , speaking < trade for the week Bays : "The wpek Just pissed affords more fem datlon for the fast rising conviction tin the country generally and this locality I particular , la on thu Iilu'h road to a quk recover } than any vveek of thu year. Se : Eonab o weather has haJ sometlilng to r > wlth th situation , but the real causes i deeper and aru found In the general Improv ment of material conditions The state ar country aru again approaching the norm ! consumption of natural and manufacture pr luct . thoiiKh nt tUures greatly reduci from tlHme of former yeir Production still a little In excess of consumption , whli deprives prices , bin It must be rememben that the demand will be vastly lncreii : just as soon UH the period of btulneni coi valestence Is passtn ) The appetit of r covery In the individual j.s ana ogous to th of mi\ery In buslnes * , and me. are rapid reaching the point when activity will be tl rule of trade Among retail dealers , small and great , tl tory U the same lluslnem U better than > e-ir ago At th * freight houses of ( he gre ; railways the old air of energy is preseii Wholet-ale dealers and Jobbers are In II best f spirit ? with collections good and d raand brisk. "P'rhapi the mercantile agency touch the situation more accuiatuly limn ui cither element of trade The record for tl past nve years shuns the number of fallur for the pant week the smallest of recoi fir that nerlod Since 1SOJ every month hi registered a net low In the number ot tra < era In this district , until January ll > 97. nin < which date w added nlnnty-nlne name twenty-three of which were In Omul alone. alone.The The exposition has Ita effect of cour here , and probably retail trade in Omal U much better because of that enterpria Hut the fact la that the state is recoverit Itself for a much stronger reason. Catt and hogs are In good demand at good prlc nnd pled. , prevails at all th farm hount Prices of grain are ruinously low , but ever thing Hie farmer buys U also ruinously la and as a consequence there Is an active e change In all the Interior towns. The sta Is ahead of 'helty In Its improv < l con- < 1ltlon , whlrh 18 a fnvonM * sign for the future ' STVTK \MT.urn ii BUS n > KXIIUIIT. \\nlild II lie ( o .In I ii nlllfnstrrnvrs Otbi rs A\IITI | < | Prefer : . \lone. O C Helm * * secretary o Nebraska Manufacturers * asraclntlon , has h n send ing out queries to the members of the or- scanlzntlon us to how many will take pnrt In the romlnK Tran mlsl.s lppl Bxpnsltton , and to whether they wmiH prefer to htive a Nrbrnsks Manufarturors' bulMIng or hiivc th lr "xhlblts plaied along with similar exhibits from other statM A good many tep It" ! nricomlng In nnd pment Indications would > em to lolnt to a full rpre entaton ! of Xebn ki Industrie" at the exposition Of thuxe who have "Ignlned their Inten tion of exhibiting their products six favor being allotted pact * In buildings devoted to exhibits of similar lines or goods , while ten favor a Ne1ira ka Xlnnuf clurerV building. It Is tainted out b > same of the manu- r.icttirer * that It uoulil be a dllllcult mat ter to construct a building and have It Just large encugli and not too large to con tain all the Nebraska exhibits Anung thp manufacturers who have agreed to take space are German Ye lit and Hiking Powder company Parrel ! ft Co , Wtstern Soap company. < arter White Lend works , Paxton & Vlcrllng Inn works. Hem's ' Omaha Dag company , J. H Hnnry & Co , Swift anil Company , the Cudahy Packing i impanj A Hospe. Omaha Tent and Awning compiny. Fred Krug Hrewlng company. M n Smith & t'o , Western Tinware Manufacturing lompany. K' pp. Drelbus & Co. all of Omaha , ami Hurchard Bridge & ( "o , of Norfolk and the Crete mills of Crete OMMIV ( JUNKIIU. MAHKKTS. Condition of Trail"nnil ( luotntlons on Su > li. nnd I'nncv Produce. Erins Hulk of sHl . Te lirTTUU Common to fair TUc , choice to fancy ICtJlIc , separator creamery , Ivc ; cath- | * rpil creatn'ry , IJc. I VUAIriTiolce fat , SO to 1M lb < , quoted at ] I5j9c , lurse and coarse. 40Sc. UVB IMULTltr Hens. St , Cc , cocks. 335c , tirlnw chlrkenn. per II ) , tSc I'UlioNS-IJ\e , ; < U' < Oe ; Jead plRons not HAY Upland K 00 mlrtland SI M ; lowland Mw ) . ne straw. J4 SO ; color makes tie price on haj llicht bales ell the be t , only top tirades bring top prices. UltOOMftOKN Extremely slow al ; new crny delheied on track In country , choice Kreen self- worklnK carp t per Ib : a : > , o. choice Brecn , runnlni ; to hurl iaiuo enmrnon , IHc. VnOtSTABLKS annnx PCAS ivrtu. . basket. lojeoc. 1'in ' ' > I'LANT-l'er Ib ic CITt MlintlS I'er doz. SOSliic. TOMATOliS I' r 4-ba-ket cnte. HADISlin ? I'er dm . l.irnrTCE Per < lu : I WAX > er 4 bTUINO UKAN.S-rer Vl > u box. SVC. NEW O.VIONx I'er noz. . lOflllc. l'AHSI.F\-ler : doz.4Kc. . ONIONS I er lm . SI 50 I.IMV rtEANS Per Ib . Jc. UKANS Ilund-plcketl navy per bu , SI 10. < - AIIlAGKillfnrnln. . 2 < ? : vtO per Ib I'OTATOHS New. per bu , tl-W ; old natl\c utuck per bu . ? 5 3Cc 3CcFRUITS. FRUITS. r-AUroilNIA Clinilllins Per 10-lb. box , II W , HI V 'K UASPUKIlillKa Per Z4-plnt case , : , o APPL-ns No shipping stock. SOUTllEHN PLUMS Per :4-rjt. case. Jl 73 ? GOOnuCURIES Per 34it cai-o. SI M < 7t 73. orTHiitN I'UAntnP Perhu . 7riflS100 IlIID HASrilEIlHIKS Per : i-plnt ca-es. n 50. T11OP1CAL FKU1TS. OUANGES Fiedllncs. J3 M , Mediterranean sweats fttnc } J3 50 LKMONtK -lnas fancy. JJ.Mgl.TO , choice. J30"1f3 . choice rallfornla. KM I BAN \NA.s-i liotc-e larst stock per bunch , J200ijS3 : mcJItim * lz I bunches Iho LOi. MlbCCLLANKOUS NL'TS AlmunJs. calltimilu. per Ib , large size. 13c , Urazlla. per ! b . We , English walnuts , per Ib fancy , suft shell irgilc EtunJnrds lUijllc , flllitrtt per Ib. . UH ; , peians oollslied larsc. 9 10c , jumbo. HStISc , large hickory nuta , SI " per bu . cocoanuts , 4 * 0 each FIG1' iniportvil fanc > 4 crca. . M-lb. lioiea , 12c , "i croun & 0-lb boxes. 13' < } 14c. nnxny-choice , nfiisc ( " 1 UER-Clarined Juice , per half l > bl. . $ :33 , per bhbl J4 00114 M. MXPU3 bYRCP Flvc-cal cans. each. K J3 , iril cans pure , per iloz $12 , half-gal , cans. ST. . * quart can 13 SO MVoitic OKMUVL M viticirr. . ( Ittota tioiin nf ill * * ) : > 1111 ( t'liiTiil Cuinmmllt Iri. NEW YORK. June i : FLOt'R Receipt * U K ) bbl , exports , S.300 bins , quiet but bte-ad ) I Minnesota patents JJWH 15 , Minnesota bakers $2.3 : & , winter p-itents. St WQt SO. wlntet straights H 1MJ4 20 , winter extras. $3 3."pflJ 63 , vv Inter low gnulei. 13 01&3 s : , Rje Hour , dull , i superfine. , j : uwj ; y > | CORN : MEAL Quiet yellow western 37c. H K Stead ) No : western , 3Gc. BARLIZV Quiet 274J RARLUY MALT'nal. ' western. 4C64c. WHE V.T Receipts. Ui KO bu ; exports 31 ( bu Mwit ttrm Option * cper- * ! easier under for elKn elllns. weak tables and favmnblo weataei news , but turned Mromt and advanced ilecldedl ) on coverliK , prompted by gras liopp r rcxirt | ; from the northwest ind i n > n damiKc- Russia closing 'iffcjc net higher , June. 7SV45J7S34C clci-ed , 7 ; , c , September. CD , ftTO U-lCe , cluswl CORN Receipts , S SCO bu . exports. KO KO bu Spot , sternly No. i , ! S' c. Optlrns optned barelj bteudy 11 mil r tine weather news but rallied -will wheat and closed llrm at HSfUc advance Junt cle-d at rJVc ; September. 3U.Q3ifi c : clot-ed 30"c. OATS Receipts , 5S3.5C" ) bu. . export * 69 SO" ) bu Spot nulet No : . Optluna dull and un changed HAY Gary , shipping Mo ; coed to choice < X HOI'S Quiet. U93 crop. 38tc. IfH crop ftSSc Pacllli , cnast. IS'ci crop 3ff4cXn \ crop SJflta HIDK.s rirm. Galveton. . He. Texas l&Mi lie California , 16c. LBATHnR-qteady hemlock sole Rueno : Ajre , IStiaJe. I'ROVIMONS Reef , steady , fancy , joaio * * > extra me s. J7 Vigs no neef hams' , lit ( XKUJJ W packers * S futfts W Cut mcin. llrm. pickled btl llei. riiiftijiJO pickled ihuuldera. K 50. plcklet Imms. foohsiio. Liird , rtrm , western Btp m J3 W. rcllnt-d , firm I'ork quiet , mess J7C , short clear. I9OSJ107 : family S ) MC10 M , i TXLI.OW Klrrn cit > SStiS c , cuuntrj , 3' ; . lll'TTCR t Receipts 69- pkKf. . riilet westerr i cnamery HhlSc. niKinn. IV , factory. 7'4SH'4tc' "iV , " " ' ll''celm * ' "S9 pkB" 'luet. | state ine S-ic. state small. 7 . c. part skims 4fj v full klm Z'sn > -OGS Rit.lpts 3J ) pkffs. quiet , state am C' * ° U' , ern. K HKjS to per thirty dozen cai- i I " 'V , , r""um 'l1"51 I'ennfjlvanla crude I 6Hobld _ Rosin , quiet , stralm-d. common to see , | I ,0 < jl 75 Turpentine , quiet , rubric Cotton , , ! nulet but llrm.T vvli | Iara , prime cmde , XV . prime summer > ellovv S'c. off summei . I M.I. | -nn butter - fc-ndes. WfOc prime white | RICE Steady , fair to extn t'ffCt. Japii KRKIOIITSLTO' " i-ivrmrooL-Quiet "T i , ' F" " " " ' ' > ' If'a'n'c. . Brain , l iS METVUH-I'lB Imn . | tilet. .outhern 10 Hi northrni. JlOOOIitJOO Copper i broken , lie I ad. str-onc. brol.ers , Ji'.c M. I.uiilH lii-iiiTiiI .llarl.ot. ST I.OUIS , June 1PJ 1 > jrR-Dull and un chunKed. patentd )4 jym 7u extra fancv 11 * 4 ' " -/.I"1 * ' ' 'P3 . choice. ZiW . - WllEAT-Hlghtt. No : nvt , cabli , elevator OATS-Qulet , Nu cui-hV K > , c bid ; July , ITT , RYU Steady at Kc on truck IjAHLKY Nominal - a' I M1,70. \N Dull at JMiJ" . . eiiht track. KLAKinitniil ! > at 7Vc. TiiioTin snnn rrim , . mtmco I HAY Dull nnd uncl angeil , pralrlc , 14 OOfik 00 ) timothy 11 so . I RI'TTCR cjulet i-reninery , iOlScecondi ' I HKil.'c .lain k iic j I Kt.OS Mrady at 1 ( fnr c'lolce I I'Ot LTRY-CliUkenn old hens , firm at Be | I MirlnKS. stead ) at > > JIUducl.s , n rliige , nule I at MV , Krtff , rt'rlnir * . quiet nt We. I WIIISICY-Mead > at fl.1V I con ON TUKCC : SIKTAI Lead' , quiet at 13 H > ( J3.i4. Speltci Hrm at 14 hid 1'ROVIhlON.S I nl better : JtSO for prime JX.S7'i for rholie PurL. J ? 1 for new , f7.S fc old It.iunl tlioxnl ) thnulderc. J117H ; oxtn short clear H.K ribs K 55. bhortii. J1.10 Ir salt meat * ( iHixinl ) shoulilen , SI . extra clear. J ( 70. rlb II u ihnrtu )4 & 11 IX'EIITS Flour 4 irt bld , vv lent , 10 B bu corn M ana t.u , 04ti. 3.u bu SIUPMiNT.FIour. . : w bu wheat 8 < * * > bu corn U w lu oat . t nw ) bu hucnr NPW ORLEANS June It-SUnAR-OrH-n ket tie. ( julet at t'.ij-JHf centrlfUKal vry nrrins Kranulateil J'.tHc white J 11 ! Wkc. jellovi 3 ( ( j3 1I-160 Ft-cnndi ! < | } i4c ilolaisei , steady ccntrifuial 4fi c , othen unrliani : * . ! . NKW YORK. June IISfGRRaw. . Mrens centrifUKal. M te t , J'.c Rellneil , Hearty ; mnl , A , Sc ; standard A. t'ic ; confectioners' A. < , c nit * loaf. JHc ; crusheil , lc powdereil , 51.c cranulateKl. tlie ; rubes Sc. LONDON June It. Sl'OAR-Beet , June S Autrust. tt TOLEDO. June It - WHEATHigher , but dull cash. ( Ac. Junr. 7Jc , July..c CXRN Active and t ady. Ko. 2 mixed actlvt Vf. No. J mixed , l c RYE Dull , No. J cash , Kc aikwl CLOVBR BBED-O.ulet prime , October , II.W. OIL Unchanged. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Gains a Big Fraction with ShorU to Cover. OTHER MARKETS STRONG IN SYMPATHY Cum iinil ( Inli Vlinut Strnd ) In I'rlvct uiKl I'm * Ixliiti * n Mi'Ui-l nr MoriItlitlHr WIii-tit I Uiivtli cnK. , CHICAGO. June It Wheat todiy recov ered the Kreator purl of ye terday's de cline , clo ln r at about * * c ndvanc There was quite a general eoverltiR by shorts wno had oversold yesterday and who were sUmulfttiil by dlviuletlng fordi ; " crop diim- ape report * . Other markets were sjmpa- thctlcnlly strong , nlthouili provisions alone made any substantial advance , closing1 from 5f to J so higher. The opening In whent was under the dls- splrlllriS"eTtect of th < > hot summer weather which has at last appeared , and foreign ad vices favoring the bear side of the market , both Liverpool and Paris hoxlng declines. July closed yesterday at wl c , opened at from liSo to GSV- : , and In a minute or so later It touched 67 > c At that point some other factors In the market received recognition , and being of a bullish char acter , the price began to Improve raplrtl > The rise which then sot In was not checked until It reached Oc. Peril ipj the most In fluential factor In the adxance was a pri vate cablegram from i Chicago Hoard of Tmle man now In l < ondononllrmlng pre vious reports of severe damage to Danublan ctup ) . rtie crowd had e\iu > * ntly o.rsold yt'sterdii } and covering was ijulte general More romp alms of damage bj uras'tiop- pers were received from South Dakotav but reci-lved little attention , the area -affected being as yet too small to attract general Interest. Minneapolis and Duluth receipts were 'ZSS can. against 2W cars last week and 459 can a > ear ago Chicago had 12 cars ln pectel Into store and 74.IM ) bu with drawn. Argentina "hlpppl no wheat to Kuripe this week and Keerbohm's esti mated the world's Hhipments for the week at only a.iiOO.oou bu IJrailstreel's reported the weeH'y ' clearances of whent and flour fr < m both coasts and from Montreal at 1.- ' -Jii.CiiO bu aHalnst 2.ftiO. < > ) bu. the week betore and J.22i ! ! > J bu the corresponding week of last year. Tradt waa more largely conHned than to September while busi ness was brisk and the former was rela tively stronger advancing V. while the latter was making54c gain. After July had old at t/Jo and September at GJ c they re acted , reipectl\el > . to i e and b4c , but again recovered to f c bid for July and WHc for September , with l.i'est trading at SS'fec for Juiy and from Me tu W'sc for the later delivery. Cash business in wheat for shli > - ment was jil m bu . Jj.uCO bu. of which waj No. 2 spring at ll.4c premium over the July price Corn was Hrm. ami a good business trans acted. Tic snrt nas nther weak , affected by the Ideal weath-r for the crop , and lib eral receipts , tii'i curt Offerings , however , wore scarce , and when wheat started up corn was not slow In follow lug. Some of the advance was lost later on realizing July opened Lc lower at ll ic. sold at from 2IHc to 24-Vc , advanced to 24 0 and re acted to from 24HC to 2l5'c. where It cloppd. Oats was stead > . the feeling being en- tlrelv in sympithy with c-urn and wheat Trading wa Ight all day and nothing of interest devn oped Receipts were re ported at .llo oars July op < iedc lower at li 4i' , idvanced to If-Ho and closed at troin ISe to li > c Provisions were fairly active and higher. The opening was strong mie to the Im provement at the yards , and a firm feel ing prevailed throughout , although the be't prices were not maintained. English houses and local packers were on the selling ide. At the clo e July pork was T'-c higher at $7 52 > s : JulN lard ' .c hlgh r at J3 C3. and July ribs 74c higher at } l 33. Estimated receipts for Monday Wheat , W car * , corn , 615 cars , oat , 3M cars , hogs , 37. < y > 0 head. Leading futures ranged as follows : Articles Opan UU'ii Law Clou i i i Yejdy Wheat- I I July. . . IJO Hi I U7i C iK-pt. . . 041.IU at Di-o . 071. 1C1 ! Corn June . . 1 $ 24Vi July. . . 1.I " . -.I * , i'fi * ? OatR July 17' * fcvpt. . . Po-k July . 33 7 ( ill r.n ' 47S tU 7 70 ui ) G-J ' 64 Julv. . 3 Dl ) Sent . . J 75n .1 77 > - 33il ? J 73 J 70 s-h'tRIb * Jttlv 4 I'-'V , 4 37 > t i u1- 4 33 4 271. S 'pt 4 17- * 4 ; . 4 171 4 43 4 .13 ' Nm. : Cash quotations vvere as follows : FLOUR Fteady ; kprinir sp. < rlala. Jl 40iH SO sprtmi patents , J370filM winter pntentp 51 an , I 40. Etraluhti. 5-1 M'yt 10 , stralchrs , 53 4d5f j 70 baKen. K.hOft3.CO WHEAT No 1 sprinc. 70O7Pc ( , No. 5 spring 73i Jj7G54c. CORN No. I. 24 ? c. 0-VTJ Nit : , ISc. f o b. ; No : white 2102 : ,0. No. 3 white. 19 if2c. RYi : No 2. 33Uc BARLEY No 2 nominal , Xo. 3. 27fl34c ; No FL.\XsnnD No 1. 7-.ug7Cc. TIMOTHV SnEl ) Prime , K.-tvQ2 75 PROVISIONS Hess pork , per bbl. . J7 50f7 S3 lard , per HO Ibs 3 ft ) short rllis sides ( lee ei t420fT44drj united shoulders < boxe.l > S : W ] C.2S short clear sides ( boxed ) , S4 23Q4 62't \ \ HISKY Distillers Hnlfhed KOIIUB per BaL ( (1 13 SUGARS Out loaf. S3.4S , granulated. S4 S4 On thu Pri litoi ? otehna todTr tii batter m vr- het waa llrm. oreiaiery 11 jl | ia. U unr IIJ J'Jc. Kuyit , tBvly : fresh. * ie CliB" * * . djll ; 7k n c Live poultry , turkeys , 7ab . cblckenn , 7 < The' , Bprlmr 1 ! < 4 > c. ducks. Tf-c-ic. AM ) HOMIS. l.oxi-s tli - Pertlxtciit strciiKth li Has Mimv n fur Sest-rnl Wi-clvM , NEW YORK. June IS Kumr asserted Iti leadership of the market quite empnutlcall ) to ilaj , and the tune of the market was almosi wholly dependent upon developments In It Thi olnn ut fact I mt there was selling to tal.e profit ! on bUKar was tn | uiti > nt Intluence In cau ln ; r < allzlnsiMU-s In other stocks. The consequence Is an aver.i t ; luta fur the day In the prices 01 stock * There was v isnrous maniyu ailon 1. t-usar to hold It at the him level and evei tu r.ilfe that level mi tha Mrt-nsth of benelU : to accrue lu the eumpan ) from the u nr scrhedu.i udc-iled by the teaate Rut those who hav < titnetltod b ) tint vvi-ek4 rlre tn Su.'nr argue tha the present prli e rtpresent the value to tin fctocK from the renati-'H actu n and that the nexi ItKlurnrv to In- taken act-nunt of In the conferemv c-Mintniltttt < > f the tvvti liuu-nx. As the action o UUa cummlttFe will. In all likelihood , be te /Kvurablt- rather than mum fuvur.ible to Lie re llnl Indtihto than U the i-enattf schedule Irn.l. ra wore Inclined tu dUu.unt a future fal In prliL * Tht-re VVIIH some < hnrt telling it ? Uihr In accordance with thin view In uddltlor to realizing sales , which combuud to can * ) tpi Iirti-c dunn nearly i pulnu from th < highest The dealinis In the slock rep Tisvntel fully one-llfth uf the total au tlinv The fall In Hugar carriei. dnvvu firing Ihmuehout thu llht and pracllc-all ) obliti-ratAd early tialns. except In a lew Instances Tlio riial > t x-ks nre ( julte notubly stroni ; Ir the early diallmIt In a noteivurthy fart thai tlii > f turks make up the only jcnmp In which llieif l > .1115 h rt Intiirst left after the recenl < < u * advance in piir c TliU fact had nc pa't In lutl.iv' . aliens I Ii In the Mo k . bul lul ma nave cbcin from fi ellnn the vttrtla ol tht < lute "llln - inuvtmcnt but not tn n suttlclenl ixtont to vvlpi- out the * -arl Bain In fact. New Jt > r iy Cintrnl rallied t nrar the tup jirke ivhich nearly 3c aU v * lant nisi f clew , TulMC-cn MUD hlKlier uiKin DanipuUtlon Tin luu-pruml shdit-j liuw l ermt nctlvlty and con llnuetl strenKtti. Brooklyn Rapid Transit Imdlni the Iniprnvemrnt vvltb a gain of ! or cent , In llii * decline which affected the whole market Kantub * . T xa prefenifd thowrd the rxtrcmi fall amunt ; the ra'lwax of a p mt. The rang era wrre romparatlri' ! > Inactive and move- within ver > - narrow limits but rU et with frac tlftnel net lo w Tbe vv > k Ju t closMl is the thlnl showing ixin tlnued JBsr Mlve tren.-tli In tUe > n k market The market l > 4s bten u talned all vvrvk b ) th , ui ( rclve tren < th uf h ai. grovvlnw out f thi ndrevm nt of the > an UK uf kenatt rcpublKait UIHIH a usar nrhe-lule * hiil > lii vtt-w 1 with ap Piuval b } Hie friemU ut tilttiur company Tin b in-- the cute It a natural tut the u icj , rnnrfcft should Klve way to a degree to the bri-ai In husar t > lav > m ifulizinii > alr . liut thi vrork neverthi-le > pir nt a * a trliaie anulliei t -p furnard In t' | , io t.vvard u lu < thiT raniti of prlciM vvhl h lubvrn K"Lug on evrr ilncv thi ttnate IOUK up ll-e tariff bill urn ! demiinnrau * that Ituuld < ll pow < > f II with ri-jxnabi , promptttudr fhl * . with tif dvcblon of tin < uprem > uurt aramst t ilitht iif th Intmlnli oammrrce tcnimlulun tu MX tl.e railrv d rutw e e the llttmit tmixrtui ( . tliim irKct w Ui ban endured ever lw < The mu t ulrtklni fMUurv of the mcrkt lui tnfu < Himpa.'allv i Ina , mil ) ' IMII flrmncM , f tbr i.ran : < > r uacLn wblcb troml > - lf l ih fHrly lmpm\i > < > nt Th5 have tultrd ton am 144Uttrl iurt uf thr Mwk nlille tlu ; XTDI-IU , in t if market w re t kIn * - ; In hand and br ucht up to ihrir \ etI'inStr \ M.nul tr.nlcri ha vvr ukbt tru mult larcfiy b- the tflllnc of Kraoiirra tn take prollt mnd put ting the prx-eeds ml i thtr-it.i k prrparmivi > tn A btall movement in fh rn ' 'The net chunks tn th * grangers hnv * brertrtrlnl prt rhowMHr K lns ml part ln tWni iwtiintlon of the annul quartTl ) JlvM > * rr Ve t m t nu.n of IVi p r rent . olvfl a uUie tHndlnK dnnht In W I1 tr t and IMS tRitf-r with the favor able nuarterly tntfmrt ( nf. the cnmtMinv and th * lnrr nfd Mimlnrs nf AlKnhattnn rvd to take fi * r fnvoru s of < h 1)frs out of their hunts and th n drlv * them to ro\r \\i-stern Union s rtHtrmmt ban tj'n-bwn m d much of ai Indicating th * lmpn > < mnt In xnrral buM- ne > conditions to which th * telegraph bu lnM Is alvrxyn r"frard * l M VI * etlv * Inilei The rcnt grown of th * teh-pvnt busln * ( i In comp- tltlnn for siort dl t nrt- Wijnmaks | ta mrn I'nlon tatemnt alt the more -Iffiiinrnnt In this rwrMcu'tr TheJMrlte < I * trnKth nf the etorKs of Iron companies Ma' b * n another inrtt- rntlon of Impnivlng trade rrndltlont nd Is at- trlhutablo to th * rife lnjfee.jik- ) Imn The fact that th * l rirl > Immi'wl volurmnf buMnf s In th * Iron Industry which followed th * break tti th * vartnu pool * | g blng mic-del b ) Imptwr- Ing prlcs is tBhn AS an * ncoumcln l n HM nnlm ; by annlne ) thu Inme viilume of deal- ln s in many line of trade now 1-s ilmtltd and hrps ar * awaknd t w ( prices e nerally will ilso Improve with auakcneJ business activity r i * weeks gain nf the Iron companies ranK * from l 4 pr cent In llockln-j real to 4 per cnt In Minnesota Iron Intermedlnt * iitns liettirt ihnwn by Illlnnls ! * * ! I'ulnradn Kuel tnd Iron and T nnesK > * 4'oal and Inm Quit t f * nire In the market all week has been th * aKurmmlv * strength nhnvvn by the low-priced shnrrsn1 * - cMlly then * of rrarganlzil cnmp nlea th * pre ferred ftnck leading Orrgon Navigation pre ferred lend tb * Imprrrtement In this cl " ! with i Hiln of 7L , pr cent Th * coalers have proved Mrung all week and New Jei-se > Central olofd at 14 per cent higher fVliwar * & Hudwin I7 * per cent nnd 'uoqu * mnna A Western preferred and th * Reading stnckii. the latter In heiv > d.-xt. Ings , over 1 per cent .iluher Other nollble ret gilnii are Sugir and New Haven 4 p-r o nt Suirar preferreil Rubb r prfrr d Northern Pa clllc nr frreU. < t. Paul A Iiuluth Oregon rftmrt Line ( when iMUed ) 1-ike KM * & Wemern pre ferred. Omaha preferred and St L.JUW & "an Fram-lsct , 1st preferred 3 per cent or over. Lln- e l oil Cinadn Hnutherti. V r ork ildcss. . A St LnuU preferred inJ Rmnklyn Rapid Tranult l > s Mulnes & Fort finds * Kan fl & Texas prferr * . | , Norfolk und \Vettern prefem-d Paclllc Mall Canadian Paclrtc Ptillman anil Electric Light nf RronVilyn I per cent or over Net gains nf I Pr rent were shown In a large number of ftnck Chicago G.-in if off a frac tlon. and Orinn Navleatlon. and Clevflsnd. Cincinnati Chicago St Louis and Erie -s preferred hav * lo-t 1 pr cent or mor * ' "J" " Piultlc was actlv * during th * grealer part of tnc week but clo"d with a allgnt gnln The Iwnd market dlppla > el a ver ) strong tone during th * week with th * dealings In con-Id- was govrne.l to n * rabl * volume The market con-blerible extent by th * developments op.r atlng to enhance shnr * rnlue. Purcbaj-es by lending Interests Imparted divided Impetus to the gfneril tendency with th * Imiuiry fnr t"1 ? Hens of reorginlzcl prnpertles ver ) ' brt R Transactions fnr continental account vvcr * In large -volume and Included purchases of _ the mor prominent International mortgage * ' -ome of th * middle grid * bonds wer * marketd but th * offerings were readily absorbed an 1 a morp general dlsposltlnn wa evident tr > carrj Iln s of th * low-priced pfculatUe l ues The ti uilly inactive Ecurltlespre cnnrplcunus In th * p ' - ulatlon and sustained material Improvements enl ) The gllt-eJged bonds ommnnded fair nt tentlrn but thp variations were rither nirrow Th * hnnces In the mor * actlv * mortgages were malnl > unimportant , with galnx h wever. preva lent aside from Atchlsnn 1 which ire off H per cent and Mchl'on adjit tmnt 4s unchnng * ! The legregat * ale were J10 m O > Tli * prln- clpjl idvances were Imn Mountain stampeil "s , 7 per cent , Tnni w - Coal firsts Illrming ham dlvlflon 7 per cent Oregon Short Line < -om-ol ' . tru t n-celptx " per cent Ilrookljn Tran'lt 3 Iturllngtun 5s Iowa division General Electric debenture " .s International .V Great Northern thlrdi Iron Mountain at. Ml'vourl Pailllc consul 5s nmV Utah. Suuthct-n gnrnl 7n trust receipts. 4 per c nt or over \Vabi h * c- ends Detroit A Chlcngn extn lnn tlr-ts M Jo eph vt Grand Ifland flr t tnist receipt" . North ern Pailflc collateral "s nnd Loul vllle New Albany c Jn ol trust receipt ? 3 per cent or over Central Genrsli west Incomes Iowa Central tlrsls. Pltt burg & Western Hr t tat Louts ,9. San Pranclsco generil 4s Oregon Short Line Incomes A. t'nlnn Pacific"InMing fund 3 . 2 per cent. Norfolk .1 We tem fs Uncklna Valle ) tlrst tnist receipt" . Toledo PenrH A ; Western firsts Wabnsh debenture series 11 and Pnrt Worth Denver City tniBt receipts - per cent or nver Guvernment bonds exhibited considerable tlrni- no ° s. Thff fnllonlng WTC the clnslng luotatlcns on the leading stocks of tile Xew York eichanse today Nt'Tt Yurie lloiiiMnrUit. . NI-W YORK. June 12. MONEY ON CALL F jy at ltjl'4 per cent PRIME MERCANTILE PAPtTR J i4 per cent. STERLING liXCHAXGB Dull and steady , ultli actual builnebu In Uinkere billa at S4.S7 fur demand and J4 5 * 464 fS for sixty days : posted ratta. 14 iCHe4 " and J4 t ! J4 SS j , commercial bills S4 K SILVER CERTIPICATES Cloidl at MVic , HAR SILVER 6S , c per ounc . MEXICAN DOLLAR'S 47I-c , hTATU IIOND.S Dull RAILWAY IJONDS-FIrm GOVERNMENT BONDS Firm. Closing quotations on bonds were n follows : \i-vv \ iirU'H Iinixirtx nnil UxiiortM. .NKW YORK. Jan * li-Th - port ot * [ > * cl r m tn * pi.rt uf N tv York tor t i vvevK in : JdlrJ lo cn.u.l in gc4d and J37S.H6 in Hl- i -r TM Import * rv Gold JttUJJ , illver ill iw Iry KM * ! * , ttSOi , ! * ; , cntml wrrcnandlx OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Week Winds Up with a Verj Slim Bnn of Cattle. BUYERS Af D SELLERS FAIL TO AGREE llfTrri > nit > of Opinion n * to futile Price * MnUi' lltioltiro * Mim llnu-t Artl % ( * nnil ii ( tooil .MclU-l Illalil-r. SOUTH OMAHA. June 12.-ttecelpts for the days Itidlcutpci were : Cnllle. lion's. Shwji. Horse1' Total receipts . 4. 95 3 1 The ilNpnslllon of the day's receipts \\sii as follow y. enrh buyer purclinslnt ; the number of lieuj Indicated : Buyem Cattle. Hoss. Sheep. Omnh.i I'acklns < " "o . The G. H. Hammond Co. . . 27 ! 10S Huift and Company . 1S7 I , * * ! . . . . Cudahy 1'acklm ; Co . ftJ.10S . . . . II. Rerkor > 1 Detfan . 11 . J. I * . Carey . 15 . . . . . . . . Hll ! & I.evvH Co . 10 . Krebb" ACe . 23 . H immond. 1C. C . GS 201 M7 Cudahv H. Co. K. C . ISs . 1.KO Other buyers . 55 . Totals . 916 fi.218 2S32 Hetelpts for the wetjk with comparison : ) : Cnttl" . Hojr * . Sht3.'p Week endlnir June 12. . 16 , U 33.4SJ8 S.030 \Veek emlllis June ' , 13 7.4 42041 HI VST Week ending Maj Jfl . 13 S4ti 52.ST..1 22.4DO \Veeit endlnKMay 2i. . . 13.72S 4I.3T ) 23,541 PATTL-n Jtas a typical Saturday's market , light receipts , dull trade and no life Salesmen "Denied to feel that with onl-v forty-six fresh loads of cattle In the yards they ought to bo able to s cure nn advance In ptti-es Buyers , howe\er. did not take that view of the situation. Other markets lm\e been bid , with price- ? here mot too lilKh In proportion , and no one was prepared' to pay any more than steady prices The natural result was a dull and drassy market that looked weak to sellers. A good many held on to their cattle and the morning was well advanced before anything like u clearance wai effected Cows and heifers sold at about yesterday's prices and the half dozen loads her * changed handf early in. the morning. There were no stockerg and feeders to speak of In ilrst hands and the market was nominally steady Representative sales N \Tn ns HOG.S It was the kind of a market that sale- . . men like to fen 'duller and active. In fact from a seller'a point of view , It was the best market In some dais. The market opened active at an aduncf of clo"e to 'M , and tje olfvrlnea were all taken In a very short time. The great bulk of ull the hoes sold at C Jc and S3.32S. with < iult ! a enowlng at U.S3 yes- tenla ) the sales were about equally divided be. tween the three prices. S3.23. S3.2"Hi and JJ yi This has been a low week on hog" The hlsti point of the month WHS at the very beginning , wnen the averace of all Mien on thlx market was J3 (0 , and tae nenrral tendency of value : since then has been Meadll ) downward with enl > occasional and ullght reactions Ily the Jrrt of the month the price wan down to 13 SCS. and b > the end of the nrst week in this m on in It had dropped to S3 ! l The present vveex opened with the a\eniuu price at J330 but tlie derllne did not stop at that point , the downward course of MI lues continuing until on Friday the average was tl 27 , the lo t t point touc ea by thin market since Febru.irj 17. The .lecltne , however , was very gradual , and the little rr. action at the dote of the wtek was suilclent to put the market back where It was at the close uf the previous week. Representative sales M . . . 271 200 3 2714 76 . . . 237 SO 3 22i , S3 2:0 . 3 27'j ' 72 . . 177 3 32S 53 . 294 M 3 SO K3 . 209 80 S S2' C4 . IW KO 3 30 C3. . . 233 3 Su. si . sin . . : so 9 . 2s : ica 35:14 il . . . J43 .330 SS . SC2 . . . 3 S2U .12 233 40 3 SO 109. . . . 2S1 M 3 32U 03 . . if W 3 30 Gl . . yj' 120 3 KI" M . . .309 . . 3 SO S3 . . 3 S2U SS . 2t2 M 3 SO 64 . : . . . 3 32U Ol . . . . 'ea . . 331) C4 . i36 , 3 jjil 22 . . S20 W S3rt . 208 M 3 S2i , C3 . 310 .330 ( X . J37 S.O . 3 521 , 10 . 2Ct . . . 330 SS . J70 SO 3 S'l , 2S . U M ) 3 SO 77 . 231 . . 3 S2'4 34. . . . 31 . . 331 113 . 2'9 . . 3 JJl ! 61 . . . 311 200 3 30 41 . . . . 22S 60 3 B > * 67 2W 240 3 SO 131 . . . 24 ? M 3 r'l 61 . SSi 1W 3 SO 37 . 3f SO 3 u 54 . 31 ! 49 3 SO 87 . 2i . . 3 H'l lit . 2-Jl 10 330 77 . 281 fO 3 3JU K . 298 SO 350 0 . 264 40 3 MU 47 . 20S . 1 30 5 . JCII 8' ) 3 J'u 14 . 239 SO 330 70 . 2M . 3521 ! M . 317 . . . 330 HI . . . .S94 ICO 33IU 53 . . . 3 7 W 3 30 62 . J76 SO 3 Zu 61 . 2W ) . 3,0 Tl . . . .233 Jffl 3 S2l , Cl . -265 .300 45. . . .237 ICO 3 32'i 19 . .33S 1SU 330 79 . J-33 M ) 33-1 * 67 . 315 l&J 330 SI . . . . -83 . . . 3 SJh 46. . , . 315 ICO 3 SO 61 . 211 . . 3 S2- . ! 71 . S05 SO 3 30 56 . 293 . . . 3 3-1 ! 74 . S07 . 3 SO 67 . 2 M 3 2J1 , 72 . Jbfl ll J30 M . . . . 3 jji , . , , .326 W 3 SO W. . . .271 IbQ s SH , 13 . 246 . . . 330 C8 . 2:9 . . . 3S2 27. . . a" kO 3 30 40 . 2S . . J Si < X . 297 VI 3W W. . . . 25J ICO 335 37 . iM . . 3 SO 81 . . .245 a 33 52 . J > i . . . J SO fit . 2t6 335 51 . . . .380 . 330 . . .2 3 160 323 5 . < SO 3 SO V > . 211 S S3 GS . Mi M 330 M. .241 135 U . 29 . . 3 SO CC . . . .255 ICO 3 25 10 . 2W . . . 830 74. . . .213 . 333 (7 . 2tfl SO 3 SV , . . . . 215 44 3 K P ) . 272 3 J2IJ 83 . . 213 . 3 SS (3 ( . .242 W S X'16 . . 211 . 3 37'4 J9 . SCJ M 3S2\t \ 76 . 2i9 . . . : 371 , PIGS ODDS AND.KNIW 1 . 1W . . JS5 3 . SfiO . . . J 25 1 . CHI . . . 225 1 . 20 . . . 3 iS 1 . 440 . . . 23C 8 . S3 . .130 1. . . 520 tUt . . . .165 . . 3 JO 1 . . . . .MO.y > 1 440 M 3 30 1 . . . . * . . 1 60 4 . . . IC7 . 3 SO 3 . 7 . . SUU 5. . . . SM . . . 330 1 . . . . 3 W 3 . . .SM . 3 Vj i . aw : * > i . . 300 . j xZ S. . .SX M 1 4 il S7 W J 36 3 CM M J 2tz MIEKP Ttofre were nine load * hir . but thei w r all connxiie.l dlroct to I lie ktllrrs > o that there was nothing to make any tut of the rruikBt. Si. I. mils I.lvc XKH-U ST LiJl'Ir" " June 1 ! - t'ATTLRer l | > tii Jfk. bead , stilpmenu , 1 uu iirud. MurkH suady but cnl ) a rrUtl iraJe uivint tu very mtjjvr cup- Receipts. : MX ) head , uhlpmtnU , 3.0VO Mrtc < V hotter and > ttve l ! ht. 34" murd ! ! O 10 hmivr. tVlM.4K SHKKP Hex-rrpw JTO hr d. fhlpments. ] OW hend Murkrt ntpnd } , but Mies very 'mail. nwln ? to light receipts prtrs unnltrr l CI1ir\CO I.IVK voCK MAIIKKT. llnit-s tells r mill n l-'iill Mi-Ufl Illltlirl- SI , , . , . , , il.MIll ) . rllirAOO June I ! . T l > ' cattle mnrkrt w s Uirnrly nnmlnnl. receipts belne "nrall s Is tiMttil on the li ! t itajr of the week The fr ' , a ltl < . offeml were dl ix > pil of at prices an- ( hnnRnl from jxter-Hir's limitations In heirs trade wrm m lire .it an ndv nr c wf from ( c In 7V IT IM ponndu o\tr si terilny'n tlK irrs MI-PS werr nt an extrrmr mnijc of fnvm to MM. with the bulk of the tr n ncllons at from H.4iH to W.51S She n were te d > at nUiiit y teril y's rnn ref of prices , nlthouKh ronrr floni werr a lieil In nme < < Inferior to extra heep"nlj at from It tti lit 14 5. the bulk Kolntnt fram W to 14 IS. li-nrllnc' "ild it from M K to Sl.Tl woided Cnlnrndo ) enrllnK nt and uprlnir liinlm nt from ) l t J5 ( S fewllnu sheep brouitht trom ( IK to It SO n i-lpl Cattle. r 0 hend. hois. H.UM head , shrrp , l.filiO hi-aJ. KIIIISIIV I'll ) i.lvc Stni'k. KANSAS CITY. June -CATTLK-Recelpts 1 2W ) hvml market stead ) and unchanged , only retail trade. Tetas steeri. S3 404.14 25 Texn. covvs J2094J3V ) . rtix-ker and- feeders U 4 14 10 mtlve rows and hflfers JJ.n 4Vi utorkers and f < cilers > i2ai4V3. bulls (2.I5M1.73 IlOdS Retelpls. Stsj hcnd. market strung to Se his rr bulk of siles J.r. 3 52'i. heavier , tt.rm a5. packers nroarKS , mlxetl n STHr ! 42 > t lUht . i- < i3 Yorkers 27U 1 So , I I.r Receipt * . 1 Cui hend tnnrket strong : " & ' . K mutton" . SS.25U4 . Nr \ orU l.lvr l < iok. xn\v YORK June 12 IIKKVKS Rnriiits 575 held. Cables quote Amerlcin steers at 11JJ lHe. hecp at ll > > # 12c ; refrliterator bref at S > u 9c Exps-rts 1 6.V2 berve * and 4.340 quarters of beef CALVES Receipts 315 hend Active and firm \eal J4Oi < ) fi26 , calvrU 7 * > fl4 25 SHKKP AND LAMRS Rectlpts 2 " &S head. Dull , she-p lower Umbs e4 l r Slurp H.OiJ 450. } earllms J3 73S4 v ) , Inmbs SI.UH/o 00. HOUS Rerclptsl321 head Kn-t liuffalii 1.1 vimU. . IJAtTT HITFMJJ June 12 'ATTl.n Market quiet IKX5K Receipt . C cars , ) orkers fair to oholro. U.63. rouuhs eiimmon to K'Hid. ' JJ 1 > JJ S3. piirv KOO.I to choice 5 ftitfS SI1KEP AND LAMR'S-ReOflpt * 11 cars Millet ami Mesd > lambs choice tn prime. } l fsHi4 7i. cullx common to oml J3riH4iiO heep elmlcc tn select wethers , 4 2W4.40. culls and commun. - < tiii-U In Record of rrctipn nf live stuck at t le four prlnclpil markets for June if ifCattle Cattle Hoc * Sheep. Omaha . 1 010 S.243 Chlpaeo . 700 nod. ) Kannns Cltv . IMVI 5 fV 81 Lauls . 500 ; ,0i. ) Totals . 3.110 2S.745 5332 Cntlim > larl.i-t- . NEW YORK. June -COTTON Steady , mld- dlimj. T 11-tGc mldilllm ; , upmnirs 7 ll-IOo. mlt- dlln . RUlf , 7 15-16c : rccelptH. mine , sales t SIS l > les. spinners. 1424 biles , stock. 124131 bale Total today and con olld.ited : Net receipts I J bales , exports to Oreat Britain bales to Trance SD 013 bales stuck , 337 S40 bales Total since September 1 Net receipts , 577 I . : bales : exports to Great Britain 2 r , S 473 biles , to Tranre CS1 O bales , cintlnent 2 H6S 103 bales , channel , r , 4S1 bales. Futures clo-eil steadv. nles 21100 bnlen JunuarjK 7s February. J7 S2 , Jlnreh. it iS ; June. S7 16. Jul > J7 1 ? \uiujt ; 15. September $6 'ifl. Octulier , J874 : November. $672. December $ rk73 NEW ORLEANS. June 12 COTTON Future- quirt and stead ) . ales. C 100 bales. June J7 20 bid Julv J7 20 7 23 Auiru-t Jf. 505C.'i | . .ptem bcr J6.C2J ? (3. ( Octolwr. $ < : 4C j 47 November J6 4SO6 30 December $ > ; Vi i M Jnnuao fc 34if S.3C. Febmarj. : t 5flaco. March. J < s61fi' ) 63 LIVERPOOL. June 12 - IXTTONpot very dvtil business prices lower Am"rlcan mtddllni ; 4 1" 32d , ffood nulilllnc. 4 23-22d American mid dlliv , I 3-32d Ion mlddllnK. 3 29-2J. 4001 ! ordi- nan i 25-32d , ordlnao 3 IV 32d "ales. 4 irto bile * of which 1 OCO bales were for speculation an 1 export and Include I ! 100 bales of American , receipts. 63 200 bales all American Futures ipenel quiet , but stead ) with a moderate de mand and closed stead ) , with the decline. American middling L M. C 4 2-64d. buvers , June and lul ) 4 1-6464 2-64d Imjers. Jul ) ami August. 4fi4 l4d. . buyers. August and Septem ber 3 61 54d si Deii. . Sen'ember and OLtober , fellers October and November. 3 vl-nes 55-R4d. 3 4 * 483 4S-64d. ellcr November ami December 3 4C-C4d. sellers , December ind Jnnmry 3 4)jljr 3 45-6ld busers Januarj' and Februun. 3 44-rjtf 3 45-C4d. bu > ers , I'cbninry and March , 3 45-64d bujers , Murch and April. 3 4r-r,4d seller" MEMPHIS Tenn. June -I'OTTilN Firm . middling " 3-lw receipts 153 l.ile . i"hlpment- , J5 biles stock. iSSTJ ) Iwle" mlrs 530 bale" ST LOUIS. June 12. UTIO.N Qu el mi iilimt. 7 S-lfs : ) sales , 200 bales , receipts 321 bales , ship ments. 32 bales , stock. 23 43S bales ( otTiillurl.ets. . NKW YORK. June 12 COFFEE Option- opened dull 5 points lower In svmpathy wltn easier European markets Tradlmr was of n local turn and small even fur i half holiday Hrarlllan receipts were moderate Ware.ious- deliverlra fair , doted dull. utiLhansed tu 10 pulnts lower , vales 2230 ba s Including Junr. $7.25 Peptembfr $7 S3 Spot cotfce Rio. nukt. No 7 J7 7Invoice. . $ S 23 Jobbing Mild. qult ; Cordova JH 23317.50 Total warehoun ; deltverle-i from the United States. 13 SI3 bais Including 13.194 bacs from New York New York storit toda ) 341 477 bacs : Vnltrd States stock. VZ 187 b.itr . afloat for the Unltwl States. SJO O/O basri : total % Ulble for tie Fnited States 713 1S7 ba - icalnst 3S7.t27 baCT Jast sear , and 3V ) 776 baps In U-91 U91SANTOS. . June 12. COFFEK-Steid ) . BOO.I averain- Cantos , 9150 rels , receipts , 5 000 bn sj stfx k tf3 000 bi * 5. RIO Di : JANEIRO. June 12. COFFEH Ste-idy ; No 7 Rio S < XO reia. icc-hanie 7 13 IM ilearei for the t'nlted States 11 Pflo bnus , cleared for Europe. 2 ( H ) bairs. stock , J % i iO bais HAM13URG. June li COFFEE Unchansed , Loiiiloii Colonial Wool Suit- * . I DNDON June 12 Since the olose of the last series ofvooh sale' K50 bales of Australian ami SW ) bales of Cape of Good Hope and Natal wool have been sold at rather Ix-tter prices than the Hosing rates Continental nnd home advices con- The5 arrivals to date fnr the fnurth series are an follows New South Wales. 55 750 bal.s Queen- land 19539 bales. Victoria , 230.3 bales. Soutl Australia. 9 59S bales. West Australia. 6 Ml bale-i Tasmania. 9332 bales New Zealand. 9 C32 Inlest Cape of Good Hope and Natal. S3 US bales mak- Inn a total of 255 540 bales Includlnc 55 OCX ) bales of Cape of Good Hope and Australian forwarded The * Imports for the week aEBreprate 33 _ 93 liales. Including New South Wales 13 834 u" ' - ' Melbourne 7 3 7 bales South Australian. 1.417 bales. New Zealand. 976 bales. Cape of Goo.1 Hope and Natal. 4.762 tales. Pan-nan. CM ba es. HamburK W2 bale * Rio Galleuos. 791 bales. France. 352 bales China. PC balls. Singapore. 2S4 bales , and sundries. 46 bales Ve-n- York I ry ooil MurUet. NEW YORK. ; une 12. The week cloxs with more hopeful cirtidltlons. prevailing In nearly all lines The prevalence of warmer weather and the belief that there will br a continued cnh market for summer uoods from now on has lirotiKbt a few local buers to the market , and iMith jobbers ind first hand dealers believe that nrders In these lines will be more frequent Fall ramies prints and woven and napped fab rics also show a gain In Keneral Interest The market for staple cottons remains aulet In blenched brown nnd co-lire colored Roods Woolen Roods , particularly In dress foods , plain mixtures and olher st > le for fall use. hav shown a fair deuree of activity and steady run of supplenwntary orders has been lower for thr week Men's fabric * thouehn \ active an- well sustained Print cloths are Bent-rally stremithenlnir on the prospect of a reduction of wages at Fall River. KniiNHH City MarUetM. KANSAS CITY. June -WHEAT About steady. No t hard , CMllOt ; No 3 , Kd'T&i No. 4. iitiwc. No 2 sprliiRB , We , No S. ijU7c , No , 2 red. Sic. No 3. 73fi77c , No 4 K.l'0c CORN ' -sftlc lower dull , No J mUi-d. Mfl21c O \TS-Slow , and about steady No 2 white , RYK-No 2. 28ft29c IJAY ateady , trading Hcht , choice tunotby , $9 00 , choice prairie , JC 755J7 00 ntTTTEK Firm , creamery. 10V OI2'4o. dilry. S KGI5S Weak. 7c RECEIPTS Wheat , 5 WO bu. , corn , M.KK ) bu.i jjts 6.UOO bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 'i 400 bu , corn. S3 300 bu. ; an 4 CM bu. Plillinlel | > lilii Proiliice MnrUet. PHILADEU'HIA. June 12. BUTTER teady , fancy western creamery. WQK'tc , western , Penn. nylvanln prints. ISfflCc ; Penmi ) IvanU western prints He. KOGS Firm frrs'i. nearby , ll USc ; fresU , ufitern. Hi-trolt liruiii > liirliet. DETROIT. Mich . June 12 WHEAT No. J nhltr and No. - ret , Ke. July , 70c COR.V-Nii 2 mli l , 25c OATS-NO 2 whiuss'.c. . HYE-No. J , 35c. Kiill Itlv.-r Print Clolli MarUrt. FALL RIVER. Mas * . Juni- 12The print cloth market advani-nl tu 2Hc late I > 1 nltlit on a small xal of extras for si ot And early contract deliver } Dm market ta u-aJ > and Arm ai that prlc . riilrtiinntt lurUrls. CINCIS'NATl June -FI/irii-gulet. . WHKAT-Strady ; No S red ? ; CiJHV Firm , No 3 mixed , ! 3 < OATS Kast , No ! mixed , Uf20c. IlYH Singly : No. J. 2t * \Voul t > T I-OUIS. Jurm 12 WOOL -Steady and un- cluncfj tratehi cut.Mnu. UV. llvla tlut SU IShc , hi-nvy nne. TIOc. . tiif-lliun. ir'-tjl . - , tab svashnl , 17BUSr NKW YORK , June U. WOOL Firm ; Ueece. ISUZb pullel. ] 5 7re Cullfiirulu Drlril l-'rillts. NKW YORK. June ! ! -CAUfV RNIA 1 > RIKD FRt'ITS lettdy vaporatrd apple * , prime vrtre tray 4N44ir prr tHiurid wn.-sl dried t iin , 4 > * r. chnlr , 4S < H , c. funcy VPr nrW a pnnnl. n * to * 1tt > * n < l iii llt > . \i-ri.--in. sil Wllf Miwir ImtV ttnifc rmrhr , m pw1e.t Il4tl c i r ponnil Oil Mnrltel- . VNTWKRP Jun ll-P trn nim. 1 f. paid anj \\eeU I > Hunk lnt < * iuoitt. NKW MiRK June It The wrrtly stntemrnt "hows the follnwlhic c1 * n * * " rne. lnrr ir tt Jn * n liums. Im-rrsw tlM ) o > sp ie. de < r * fr m. l ( l Irml ten li-rs In- cn-nsf JJ 7 WO. < tf > iwlt . lm rfr 1.1 V , 40 , Hmulnllon dertrs. * * ' J7u W * The bnnki * i \i > hold 147 ( Ml 17k In expiof the the H iwr cent rule. Ainerli-iin Svciirl ll " lit l.omliui. ljONlH. > N June 1 ! Thr market form. . r 11 erurtlr ! dfrllned romewhnl it oi > nlntf tmi "tlffenril later nn ct-mril spevulntlve < ti-iniii Is. The close wns firm \vlti n mi > derUi ? demnn 1 4trioU mill TnrKlsti lloiiil . t/1NtON , June It Foreign scsnirltles nr qunted * follows fpnnlt > h 4s , fiJJIi , . Ttirkts-i. 2 < IU 'Id hluher at itroup 4 ( t > i > o at 21 9n , others utichnmetl. 1'lililnvlnl > otes. NK\V ORLKANS June 12. < 'leirlnis ; ! MI 57\ IIOSTON June 12. Clenrlmjs J1S iWS 079 bnl- ances 112 1. HAL.T1MURK June -ClmrltiK * . J2 V'I " , l lancr . t l.M5 NKW YORK June It. aenrlnKS. SI07 * , balances S6 9 912 PIULVDKLPHIA June -dentines < V. . onfi bilanres. SI 1S9 ZTu. MUMPIIlrt. Tenn , June 12 ClenrtnKs JS30 irn. lmlancp , 5ZOI4. New \ork excnsnKe , "elllnk at SI 50 premium CINCINNATI O , June tS.-Mone > S tfl * per tent. Now York exctatiKe u75o premium. Clearlnss. JI..YJS jsn ST LOftS June -nearlniss S3 ttl 49 b t- ance . S317.73J Money stend ) t IH7 per rentj exchanije on New York. 5 c bid. 75c premium asked CHICAGO June 12. Cleirlnr" J13 S'S ' 795 New York etchnmte 70o prrmlum , foreign exrhance , llrm demand. $47slxt > das , S4 < . ' I < H'iil stocks were quiet nn I easj cluslnR price" \ \ e"t Chicago. North ChlcnKO 227. Straw Uxr-l. s : > 4. Clt > Ilullway S35. Diamond Match U5 , L.ike Strfrt. HI4 New York Itlscult 4S' , Piiri-lmi Kliiniiolnl. PVR1S , June 12. Three per cent rentes , 104f I74c. UICHI.IN June12. . Exchnmie on London , Si marks 37 pfg for ruecka I.ontloittiiiU ( liuilntliinn. LONDON June 12 4 p m. closlnjr Consolv.m'v . - 11U' * Ist-Puil common 7D'4 Conn1 * tec t ll'iN V Ccmrtl. . . 101 r-in Parlllo On . 11.111 Piuu < ivlviiil.i. . . . M ErlnlttHtifd . . .13 Ruullnr 11' < till MIIX. Can now Is. 74 Mexican onllmry 20 MONUY 4 per cent. Tin- rite of dlfx'iumt In fin op n market for short bill * 1 * IS-ltrfU per ci-nt ( dd N iUnteil tud.i ) at Iluenon Asrvs at 15j ; nt L'Mxin. 4t'n. ut Rome , IM 1)0 > nvr York Mlultii ; iiinintliin < , NEW YOUK. Jumi 1'J T > i3 followtur irj tha cloKlntrmtiilnir qintitumi Chollar . Hi ) Ontario. Crow n Point . . l'J iinhlr Con till. V V.i . .Ti Plvmouth . . l t ) Dcidvvood . 103 Oulukxiiruc lee Ruulil A , I'urrv . . .10 onlpittllvi'r nfd 7011 llaln A Norcro 70 si | > rra NnviJi 50 Himu-taku .2S100 st utd ird . . . 110 Iron Stiver . . . - t" > Union Con . 13 Mexican ' . ' 3 Yullun- ickul . J5 Poll.Ilirj D LIBERTY , Mo. , June 12. After once re porting a ill UBreemL nt anil belns xent out avnln to deliberate , -the Jury In tile Toley double murder ca < = e reports n M-coiul ttnia that tliey tire unable to reach \enllit. . Tliej were ills-linrK-cil. and Judie Hr'.uld\n et the second for the fall term Th crowd cfpectators were \l lbly alsap- piinteti when the jury dl'-b inilcil. and after court artjourne < l there was some talk of l\ni'hliiK the rrtson T It IK ! > < Mle\eil huvv- cver , that no trouble will result Kol > y was much relliil at the turn the tai > hail taken , and conllilently expre e 1 tha opinion that he would be acquitted at tr-o next trial Orilvr lint Pleiit-v of Piinils. CHICAGO. June 12 The prranil lo-lsn f the Independent Order of the Free Sons f Israel will meet here tomorrow Grand M n- ttr Julius Harburg- New York will pr - side and It Is expected that all of the 1 t lodKetliroutihcut the country will 1) ) i repiesented The condition of the ordi r n said to be prosperous. It h.ivins t rewrv > fund of ilftj ) ) o. The most important < nii - tlon to tome tip Is the rc-luctlon of .TJ-J.-.S- ments and It seni3 to be the Impres ioi ainotiB the iKlesate * alreml > In the cuy that ta.\arable uction will be taken. lltiUilliiif Co nit riirtllli-iitlons. POUT TOWNSEND. Wash , June li T > - aavertl'-ement by the RO\ eminent fur bid i to prepare the site for tile erection of the PitKet Sound fortification" has brousht hern to inspect the site contractors from \Visn- intjton. Oregon and California \Iarrovv- stone point is a roush. sto"p , hlsh prjnun- tor > , and the llr-t work will be the pro'.ll- Irj ? of a souice of frejh w.iter The run- tract for the Marrowhtone jwlnt work will be lot June 30. Standard , reputable articles are not dear at ihs prk-Pi aiiked for them. Substitutes offeiej by niibCi upulous anil irresponhiblu makers are costly at any figure Be sure that no huai- bus te practiced on you when you go to buy. Instruct for tittrK t f fie > triior. DAYTON , O . June 12. The democrats of this county In ma s convention have unan imously indorsed Hon P J Sorff of Middle- town for governor , and Instructed the delo- Katlon to the state convention accordingly. Thirty-one delegates from the city , county , and Soldiers' home were chosen. Unndfr of Ijytif-liInK O\or. HUNTSVILLE , Ala. , June 12. llosallnil Blnford , the negro woman who Is said to have oxxlHtcd the two negro men who as saulted little Nellie Lawlor at Decatur , li now In Jail here The troops who have been guarding- the prisoners will be withdrawn today. Examine the labels ana trademarks of pro prietary articles. Imitations are common , and In eomu casrs the difference between them and tlio genuine le so slight as to - capo careless observation. Heware of dla- bonest nbopkeepers and salesmen. A SYSTEM THAT HAS NEVER FAILED. Conservative traders p.itlMled with rea mabl * . pnfltlvc returns on nelr mventment fhouTT consult - sult our pampnlet on WHEAT INVESTMENT VER.SI S SAING HANKS mailed TREE ua application. STATJRT & PADDOCK , W HROAIiWAYNiV YORK si TO 23 IMES m nr > iNu UII.STON M\.SS. DIRECT W IRKS TO U.L l.V II JAMES E. BOYD & Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb. -COMMISSION GRAIN : PROVISIONS : AXD : STOCKS noAiin OP Tit Ann. Direct wires to Chicago and New York. CorresDoadenti ; John A Warren & Co. Cnpltal , 950,1)00. 1'iillr Paiil. Stocks , Grain and Provisions , lluiiui 111 1-2 lloiiril of Trmle Illiltr. C. C. runiSTH. n. J STRCET . VJcc Pre lde.iU G. W. KENNEY . Secretary David T. Deals , Prcat. No 3637. F P. Neal.Vlce Prex.L'nluii > utlunnl Ilanlc CliaH. H. V. Lewis , Caab. Capital. tCOO.OOO. KANSAS CITY. Mo April tt , lt 7. W hereby certify that the Clirl tlB.fctre t Commuslim Company ha Ilila day coimnci.c 4 bu > lnn with u > by depositing Flftx TtiouuoJ Collara ( PO.UD.OOJ In caih ( DUULud. ) CHARLE3 11. V LEWIS , Cashier. C. H. MAGOON & CO COMMISSION BROKERS Stocfe , Grain and Pfoyisions. 314 South 15th St OMAHA. - NEB