1-1 THE OMAHA DAILY UKr& .St'XDAY , JUNE 1 , 1897. SPECIAL NOTICES AiltertlKrtnent * for lhrmMiliiinn Mill IIP tiikcn until 12 in. for the ct miner mill nntll 8 | i. til. fur ( lie iiiornliiK ntul Suiiilii ) i-illtlmic. AiltrrtlPirrni tij ri > ittcNlliiK | n iittin- tirrril rlii'ok , cnn lime nnnniTO ml- ilroHaeil to n niimlii-rcil Iftlrr In cure or 'I lie HOP. AnsniTK mi nililwmcil will lie dpmiTiMl on iiroii-nlutlim ol tlic cheek null. lliitpn , 1 1-Uc' n ivnril Urn ! limrrtloii ( Jo a iioril tHiurrnftcT. AutliltiK ( nUi'ii for Ir thnn lr. ! for Ilicllrwt IIIHLT- lini. Tin-up luUprllKuincntM IIIIIHI In ; run connociitH < ! > . SITUATIONS \VAVni > . I-OMITION IN JUWKMIY BToitct inn Klve b st of referent-en twelve learn' ex perience AcVlresi O H Morgan , MtrhtUhl , Kfti A--M3IC U IIV YOITNO MAS' Cl.KHIOAI. WOHK OK OUT Hilc rnlecmnii , tem | > orixr ) or permanent llns linrt fl Jfnrc prnt-tlml ejtiiprli-ncp In book- kretilriK nnd KCnrrnl iilllctxxurk AiMrom M 4j , lire A-71 ' IV CM MAI.n STHSOOIIAI'IIKK AND tlcMrcn fonlllon. Aililrem M " ' > " . A-MUC-H * lJ IIKI.P. A rnu * nNimir/rie , ursiUNO MKN nnd Meiuly iirnlltiitilo work with C I * . Ainm ! Co 524 o , 16th Ht II-Ml \VAMT it > , AN 1DI3A WHO TAN THINK OP Mime rlnii'1" ' Ihlni , ' ti , intent * Protect > our liUnp the ) inn ) hrlnir jou \ venllhrltn.1olili Weililerhurn A. Co , Uf-iit V I'nlcnt Attlnine ) * . WnMilnKton , 1) r for their II.KW i > rlrp offr-r and lltt of l.Mitj Invention * wanted II M12B \VANTii > . MAN Or Ilt'SINK'-H IPOI' IIAVIJ llft > ilollnrn for pccurlt ) , InieMlcttp thin , 100 dollars it month rlenr Ailtlrrm M 37 Hoe 11M'i',1 13 AN INDt'CHMKNT POH YOU TO UIAHN Ilio linrlrr trnile , rplcndld rhnncc for men from it r > xv hi re , only two monthK to com * till ti mill Jobs for nil , XXIIKCS "nil cxierknre | in clt ) Fliuim Hntnrdti ) * while IcnrntiiK , tools fuinlFliPil for iirnttlci- use nml new. eoni | > lite outfit pre'finlctl uich Krinluntp New citt-i- IOKUI' JuM out , milled free Molcr'n Harbor Kdionl. 2J S Clnik street , ChlinKO IIMMJ 14 * \\ANTii \ > . AT ON ( I ! A STIIKTIA' KIUST- cln H lnrrln p lulntcrnhis J1 IK ) per da ) , aiiply to lllack IllllB Mf'B Co , Oenilwoo , ! S O ANT : ) SAI.IISMAN , SAI.AUY 1'AID wi-ikb exiurlenn' unniTomiiry , permanent Ilrn n llnithcrn CD , ChlcaRO HAN pNinaiTic : : MAN WHO ninfiAm.Y MKB | | tlu- trade , tindlio In In a liosltl n to pn > for a fine line of cutler ) nmplei. and til handle Fame on a Ilb"rn1 iotnmli9lon bu lu cnn imke u permnntnt arrnriB"mtnt ltli UK to pill our line txclurl\el ) or nH a fide line In unftuerltiK xtateliut class of tnulo ) oii cnll onVt > cnn fMrnlfh nnd ould expect cooil lefdrnces The U-i\\on Cutler ) Co , 112 nnd 134 I.nke St. , Chicago 11 MIN AND \VO\HN , TO WOHK POH iifs HAY or txenlnu nt their homei , pleisnnt work , no caniiifnInK , txperlence nnneceiparxe pay t tlar ) , Inclose Ktnmp for | iarllrulars Stnnd- nrd Mftf Co , 112 W 23rd St , Nen York H MNI : PUOM otr > ISTnusiini ) icx faitor ) , inin tU to IISeelil ) , fexs cnllr pt ite route "Conlldentlal , " I1 O 1371 Niw Aorlc Il-m 13 . MAN TOOHK IN GKIIKN house Appl ) A Oelnnney , 26tb nnd I MB , South Omnhn. 11-112 13 WANTI3D-SAI.TNMPNTO RVA.lt TO DKAI.KHS on tlnu , $100 monthl ) and exptiifis cxpirlti u unm ii-CMir ) Write for particular Armi1 ClBiu Co , ChlcnKO. Il-'iSS-lt * CMIIIMMJ tcrrltorj rf l neil outl in * n for salt eif genuine Arctic Hirrliut.itlnt ; Machines for eoolliiK r < CIM ! rnti.iH . < > nnrnntcc < l 75 jicr cent clunl'ir ' than let * Keeps pcrlfhnhle nrtleU * ! In iltllnltely Guarantcc-il liule tiuctlhle. Owners tif refrigerators liuj them , ns Mixing lie ni month more than pan for mtchlne Oxer 30.10 In tine \Vrlte toila > and t-ecurc territory ( He \xtre of worthier ! ! Imltatloni ) Tor full imrtlcu liir ami list live htintlretl tcMlmonl IB from ItMilhiK merchants V S , ncMrisK Antic He frlKerntlnc To , Cincinnati O H 97S ] ! \MiMn : < sini > MNi : Iron henter , tltn on can Blobc- lamp chimney ncvx Idea , riulck ncllcr , peed LoinmlsRlon di inrtinont ftons nnd noxclt ) houses xxlll-lui ) Onlos of I'lttpbiirB , I'n H 894 13 SAMXMHN POH CI.OCK8 AN15 ADVHHTISINO fiptcl titles UB tilde line , llbernl commission , fexx ( tumples required. Addrefs xxlth rcfercncet HtRtnt MfK Co , ClilctRo II yn 13 * BAMSMKNT WANTID- TO jus I-IH month and exptn < rii Staple line position per- tnnnent plen ant nnd dtslrnlilc Adilresn , xxlth Ftitmp. Setnour-miltney Co , C 10 ! Chlcngo H ' 02 13 Ann AOIT OUT OP n\ii'i.oYMiNr7 UON-I bo Idle , Btnrt In the manufacture of pnnie Kood fpetlilt ) We xilll furnish you a collection of oxer one hundrtd xaliiuble fnrniulim for per- funiCB , remedies , Kpeclnltlcx etc. , to xxork from for W cfnm Orders for formulas filled | iiompt ly AddreBS The A. II , Merrill Chemical Co , Toltdo , O II 991 13 BUM : I.INI : SALESMAN HIGUI AHIY c-ov- trlns established mule ( xxhlch mate ) can add com from promlmnt factor ) to i urn J20 xxnk ly , xxelKht , 20 Ibv CallH oneptr thoiiFnnd In- babltuntn "Conlldtnllul , " 1' . O 1371 " HAI.ISMIN : , POH sn > n UNI : . tonfectli tiers , nexxs nnd clpar ftnnJ.s buj It i-end utiiiup A anna. Co , 194 Handolph St | UO 1'IIH MONTH WHY III : IXDOH OH HAIl ) up xx hen an IntelllKent Indy or Kintlemnn cnn Ket n llKht , ens ) poxlllon ( all or part Unit ) pa ) . IIIR JKO per month' T World Mfi ; Co ( l.'j Columbus. Ohio I'lnnnnint. Write for place H 121 13 * . Timer : HAUSMIN : : TO suu taple line toroct.r ) nnd henernl store trnde ptrmanent poaltlun tri rlKht men W. I ) Can non Jr , , t Co. lima City , Iowa II US 13 * WANT TWO ) iininiiT MIN WITH noon AV- pcarnnce c-ill Monday at Hrunsxxlck hotel , be. txxeen 9 nnd 6 H 151 13 * IVANTII > , A HOY. AN ixriuuNcii : : > HPN- dlixxrnipcr , nt Hoston Store H M143 IS 100 C,1HIJ3 POH AM. KINDS WOHKj 3 TO J7 xxcek Canadian olllce , 1558 Doilclns. C-MC12 , „ . , . AOINIS : TO TAICI : oitniits : roii HOAP IKillnh. J , J. Glliton , Cli 1'lri.t Nat'I Hank C MS17 WANTii ) 01 HI. TO DO OHNHHAr , HOl'SR. xv oik Appl > ut once tit 201 houlli ath Axe C M'J44 14" TWO AI'PHHNTICHH WANTKH AT THH Hhlniuk ill era cultlnK cchoo ) S1G Houtli l th St C-7-13' I.ADY AOIINTH , 130S CHICAGO OOOI ) THING I.XDIPR. DO PLAIN NiiniisoiucNP : : W'Wlnif linnir , stnmped enxtlope , particulars JlfiOdtt ) , no fake \\UOny \ . Hutlon Potirth Ht , Philadelphia C 9SI WANTED GOOD HPCONI ) C1IUI. MHH C N Dlett , 428 So 8Mh St C MIS. 15 I.ADY AHI.'NTS WANTI3D IN Till : CITY AND * tau for the Jexxel t-klrt and * lilrluiili > t supporters - porters iiKtnU iniiklnir from (3 00 to J6 00 per ilny Write or call nt JOIS N 17th street lion , le Cunuion c ) f > 13 * I'Oll IIOUfiiS : IN AM. PAHTS OP TIin'ciTY Till : O r Dai. In Company 1505 Parnam. I ) tij ' jiousps , HINIWA . co. 103 N ISTII ST D-C3I JIODHRN HOUfiKS. C. A bTAHHS25 NY Mn : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u-tas CHOICK IIOl'SHH ANU COTTAfiRS ALI.OVKH tliu city. IS to CO Plilcllt ) , 17u : Painum Ht D C36 IIOUHI3S WAM.ACI3. I1HOWN I1I.OCK. 16TII and DcniKlns. D C37 coiTAnns & . sronns AM. PAHTS of tlt > . Ureiinnn. I.no Co . 430 1'axton block U-C38 JIOVINO IIOU813IIOI.U GOODS AND PIANOS Om. Van < xt btorute Cu , 1418 Purmim 'Jfl icj-i D-UJ l.AHOi : MST. McCAQUB , 1ST1I AND D-040 HOUSES , PLATS , GAltVIN HHOS 1613 PAIINAM D-041 IIOU8US POH HUNT. HUMIS. PAXTON III.K cincu : COTTAOKS , c itoo MS , nil moduli. Appl > tOt Dee lUiln D-C4I HOUSUS. J , II. 8HUHWOOU , 423 N V. J.IPB 1 IO-HOOM KI.KOANTI.Y PINISIUUl MODKHN bllck houre. No III4 Cam , 131) ) l-room modern Hat. 709 Bo. ICtn 117 CO Apply to W. U. UelkU. room WH l.t Kat'l Ilk. - roit ( Continued | S-HOOM HOUSK INQLIHC 27M DOUOI.AS D-M76S 10 HOOM PLAT DOCOLAS. NI3AH SITU. MOH cm , Kuin I t-nt. Inquire I.lndiul | t , 31G H 15th. D-S1J FOH HP.NT , S IIOOM HOUSn , NO 518 SO 2CT1I nxinup nio < 1erii. and In fine condition r D. Hr.mn M < > So Sfih me Ii-fij u fTltOOM COTTAtli : AM13 AVK CAH LINK , 5 2 4roim flat" N icth Ft , iurroiindPl ID ex position ground" "UHntjIe for bnnrdtrs 16 CO 0-ioiun liiiUFt 4th inc. Co I Hurt. " , cue or tun fntnlllen $2f. DC Cnll nt 'i01 Dotiglnii fit Omalm A fcFx nnoMMoiiiv : COTTAOI : . fi nlrhed or unfiirnlfhed (02 South 3"lli D-M327 lf TN-HOOM HOPSI : AM.MOIJIHN L nifntx 2105 Hainey t. DS7315 I\CPLMNT : : B-IIOOM MouniiN COTTAOU nnxl ) paprred tlinniKhuut , nicy locnllty Gas , bntli ett , corner , 11100 2tu2 Sexxnrd D--J70-I4' _ " pmtNisiinu iififsi : . cno < ? OPTH wiT i I2'i ( K ) per month , 8 room * modern tonxen If need , barn , rethrew es rniulred Hrcnrian , LnxtCo , 4W Pnxton Ulhck. D 114 13 south 35 ( li iivcnue clew I'nrnani. only (12 ( Ki Slrlnsi-r 1522 DudRe D-lor 13 * PIVn.HOOM PITHNISIII3D COTTAGi : . raiiRe , electric IlKhtn illy xxnter , one block from motor , slxtein dollar * per month No children Inferences M 49 Hee. 2 SMALL HOPHiS , MODUHN. JIT Ml 2221 CAL. Ifornla St D-M123 15 PH ( HUNT , S1X-HOOM ConAOi : COUNI3II 22d nnd Ciillfornli bent nclKhborhood , rmt Inxx lniUlre | nl C07 North 19th St . or lf > 6 N. Y Lift bulldlnfi D-137 13 1'oit un.vr KUUMSIIII : ) HOOMS. SlIIA.M linATP.I ) HOOMS , TULHI'IlONn AND all contenlinces rates reasonable I'tindt resl- denie. 212 "So 17th St U CIS HOOMS. PINi : LAWN AND POHCIIP.S 2009 Hnrney. 13-M4S9 J2G LAlUIi : PHONT HOOM , FUHN1SMUD. 2I1S Sewnrd St. i-)72-I4 ! ) DININO HOOM. K1TCIII3N AND bidroom , desirable locality for table boardirs AddrtssM 41 , lleo office i : 997 IT Nil I3LY PPHNISnUD SLUUPIMI HOOMS , alro rooms furnished nnd equlpiH.il for llcht ItouseketplnB 411 N 19th St H 122-13 * POH HUNT PUHNISIIIM ) HpoM SUITAIILI3 for Ixxo ladles , home comfortH to ttKrteable partlts 1911 Cumlnir. St 13 113 13 I.VHOIJ I'UONT HOOMS. KIMli : OH HN mite Apply at 1817 I.eaxenVYOrlh St , 11 lloor east title. H M126 19" Tiiiiii3 luMtcn : n 1.1:0ANTI Y "rvHNisiimr ) loiiim one with alcoxu , nliiKle or FUlttb'c for light houi-ekceplnff. 114 South 2uth Hrecl K-130 13" rt'HNimmu HOOMS , nofsr.icnnriNri si-sj ht Mnij'B i : .M14G 17 * IHHII : ri'HNisiiin HOOMS roii I.IOHT hoiiaeUteiilnh , prlxnte liath , Hat , r.ingo , Imiulrc cvenlnt' S < UO Harnex Ht. H 144 13" rUHMSIIIil ) HOOMS AM ) 11OAIU ) . NICi : COOL HOOMS. GOOD HOAHD HA113S reasonable The Kite. 20.0 Harnex. P 073J,10 11113 AI.IIANY SLNNY HOOMH PINK IXCA ) tlon xxlth txcellent table , transients accommo- dnted 2101 Douglas. P S74 14 * Monuii.v niucK HOOMS AND . xxeek fd4 N ISth P M S3 14 * 't. PUHNisunrjOPTHUAST PHOVT loom modern ion\ intends , pilx.tle fnmll ) No 702 So. 29th St. P-91S-13- 13LUUAN1 LY PI HNISI1I3D HOOMS 1 OH llBht liout-ekecplnjf , or rooms xxlti or xxlllinut botrd 207 S 24th tt P M531 13 M3UY DP.SIHAHLI3 HOOMS WITH HOAHlJ 2 22 Pnrnnm St P MiJ 14' VICI3LY PI'HNISHI3l > PHONT HOOMV WITH board 2011 Douglas P MTO 14 * PPHN1SIII3D PHON P HOOM I ril OR WI 1II- otit botrd , ptlxati fntnllx rates xer ) nodtrnte btth ( , ns . 04 Pnxenport St PMT,2 13 * ' ONU OH TWO PL13ASV.NT HOOMS GOTI ) board prlxnte fnmlly , loxx rntes 2.'IO Hnrne ) P 107 13 * PHONT HOOMS , W ITH OH WITHOUT HOAHD 2r. 4 Ilarney P M141 1'J- NIWLY : priiNisuni ) HOOMS "WITH" OK xxlthout board , latis xir ) reasonable M5 Noi tli 20th P 143 n * DUSlHAHLi : HOOMS , WITH HOAHD. CI3N- tral rtfirences 20J Nort i ISth 1' MHS 14" CAN KtI13l > COMPOHTAHL13 ALL hPSt mer nt the Merrlam , btautlful alcoxe mill.- 25th and Podne r MH'i 19 roii ui : > Tu > rtuMsiiun IKIOMS. 3 HOOMS , WATI3H. S13W13H , K. COS N. 131U G7S.4 . J)4 POH HI3NT IPNI3 11. T\S O LAHGn HOOMS , furnlhluil. 01 unfurnl hcil , for llsht houFikcep- InR. 213 S 24th St G WS 13- roil iii : > T5Toiits ! : AAU OPFICIS. POH H13N1' . TH13 4 blOHY HHICK HL'ILIJING ut 910 Pitrnum St Ihls bulldlni ; has it ilrvptoof cement bitft-ment complete ttcam lie itlnc liv- turcs , xxatcr on nil lloorj fis , etc Appiat the olllce of 'Ihc Uce. l 'JV ) ACJ13NTS WAVriMJ. WANTI3D , AGI3N1S , J75 PI3H MONTH AND expenses paid active men If rlRht , Rood bold b ) sttinple enl ) , tfninples , alto hoifce and car rlaRe fmulshed free. Address Jobber , Hex 530 $ , Hopton , Mass I C47 pou SAM : CHEAP , nxci.usivn TIIHIITOK\ for pattnt tlie thrlnker cun set tire In one minute , cells for H , Brett Ui tnic for hurtlers H. P Uonthofflndsor hotel J910 13' WANTI3D , AOI3NTSTO WOHK ON GOOD COM. mlttilon , no bonanza , but stralKlil business J II. Dundas , 1146 N. Street , Lincoln. Neb J-.MS17 U AS I AM DUS1HOU8 Op HAVING MY TO1L131' prtparatloiiK Introduced Into cxor ) home , I am oflrrltiK xer ) Illieral Inducements to lad ) agents xx ho xxlll all upon ladle i In theli Itomes and tnke orders , pleasint , genteel xxorK and n chanie to enrn all the xxn ) from > 2 > ni tu JUKI 00 per utik Wille jt once for ptrtlcu- Inrs Addrtxs , Mine. M "iule , ClilciiRO , III. WANTED. nXI'13HII3NCUD AGIINTS , TO HI3P- rcfent the best and largest hick , Accident nnd DiHlh Ilinellt nesoclatlon In the xxeFt , endoxv mrnt and xxltlidrnxxal prlxlletcs , llbcrnl contract - tract Addrem Amtrlcitn Henexolent Assocla- tlon. Union TruH llulldlni ; , St , Louis , Mo MUST HAV13 AOENTS AT ONCE IX ) SI3LL ra > 'i lot-Its nnd door holders. Sample cash lockx free for 2 ? clamp Immense , belter turn n eights , ImrKlar pioof , (10 a da ) Write < iui | k Addrem Ilrohnrd & I o , box 77 , Phlla- cc'Lhla ' , Pu J All 1 3 NTS WANTED AO13NT WANTED IN exer ) town ; brand new Roods , tell nt sl ht , no tiperlenre riijulred , Illicrnl terms , xxrltt for full Information Mutual Manufacturing Co , l.'O Chrmlers St Nexx ork J AOENTS WANT13DEViiUHI3IH3 : TO SKLL Hnnke's Pnkltlxt Corn Cure , Rood profit , ex elusive tenllor ) i-lxin Sind lr > cents for sim ple. It Hnnke , SO ChloaRo A > e , ClilctRo AGENTS. WE MANPPACTI HE THOSE ( HtEAT mnne ) maUliiR blot innthlncs > oti see exer ) xxhtrc1 Write fo- catalogue of 23 different st > les Samuel Nnfexx Co 107 Dtnrbnrn St ChlcaKO I AGENTS WANTED EVEKYHEHE. . SELLING ExprebH Duidlratnu multl eoplrs. I'O Intprer- slons from original xxrltlnits renulre-d exer- xihirr , nkinlB double mono , part Mars free llenslitKir Duplicator Co , Centre Ht New Yorl > J-US7-13 * AGENT S-A IOC PHOTOOHAPH OPTPIT. rells un sight Send postal eard for free Fantplc otitllt and terms P O llox UO , Nexx York WANTED-AGENTS TO INSUHE DEPOSIT ( Ills' bunk uccountH b ) K < lllnn the Indelible Check Protector Impossible to ralve amounts , retalU 5W Wesle ) II fir Co. 'I lines llulldlnrf Nexv iorkCII ) J-'iS5-U AOENTS WANTED POH OI'U NEW HOOK glxlnit a full account of "Wnr lletxxeen Turkej and Greece " Send ISc for iiKfnls' outfit Ad dress National Pub Co. , Lnketlde , ChlcnKo III J -97 13 * AGENTS WANTED-EXCLU8IVE TEHHITOHY KUen on e > ur metal IK > U | I cells to prlxatt ) house" , groceries and blc > cle repair shops. Sample and circulars b > mall , 15 cents San- funl. MfB . Co , Hustlngit , N\b J-977-13 * WANTED , AGENTS IN EVPHY LOCALITY. portrait ugents xxlll lln.l it tu their adxuntagu turlle us for xxholcrnle prices on portraits anil framrs , orders filled on time t-xerj time prices theloxxeit Groxe Co - Art , fJJ-L-J7 , 5th An- Chicago , J AOI3NTO WANTED HVEIU WIIKHE NEW A1 > T xrrlUltur HKClallles , IUH ) monthly , hustlera ket la uutllt fi t. It. biuiB & Co. , Wa > liliifctoii , . D. C. J-WJ-13' 1 AfJI TS WANTI3I ) . ( Continued ) AOENTS-A LIGHTNING RELLEH. BVEIIY hmise xxlll b > i ) , ctirllnR Iron henter , fltd on Rn Klabo or Intnp chlmne ) , toriin nnd rumples ten cents Ontcs of I'lttsburR , I'n J ; 13 I WANT AGENTS POH EVI3HY COUNTY IN the stnte , for nn nj-tlcle nced"d In i-\cry house , thMe Is MK monty In It , xxlth exclusive territory cnll or mldr-css me nt Hnden Hros Shoe Department John Pfe , Stntc Agent J-Hi-n HPSTt.ING AGENT-OIinEHS IXIH OLD Poll- trnlt copIng houre. IIOOCO monthl ) nnd rnll- rend expenses. O E Mnrtcl , Nexv York City , Depnrtment E6 J 119 13 * \vivrnnTo 6 OH S-HOOM COTTAGE WITH MODEHN CON- leniences , no children , ulll , o out If on cnr line. M 43 , llec K 100-13 * WANTED TO HP.NT OH ITHCHASE-NKXT September , n ten or more roomed hou e neir HIUi school Address M 40 Hee office K-1000 13 * 3 OH 4 MODEHN UNPUHNIHHED HOOMS , IlKhl luniFckrpplnK. ynrtl , Fmnll fnmll ) reftr- ences Address M 2 , Hee K MHO ! ! PACIPIC STOHAOE AND WMIEHOUSR CO , 0-jS 910 Jones General storage nml forxvnrdltiR M-S4S OM VAN & STOHAOE. 1415 PAHNAM TEU 1 M-645 WANTED JEHSEY CX3W. MUST HE O K nnd cheap M 47. Hee M ' ? 14 * WANTED. LAHOE CHOICE SPECIMENS OP HutnBiiK , HOFO Hushes , Althcns nnd other lloxxcrlnB shiubs Hint cnn be seen now In bloom Inrge Fptclmens lldrangeus In tubs nlvi choice excrgrecns to be mined this fnll by the ndvertlserlll pny } 2 to 120 ench , nc- cotdltiR to qunllt ) . Address Plorlst I'rnxxer 2 , Omnhn , Neb M 9CC 14 WA.vnn'io IIUY. A. PEIIEH OHEAT WESTEHN WHOLESALE nnd retail Jtinle denier rtmtned from lie South Tenth to S12 Hondas street NM7 < ( A 7 OH 8-HOOM HOUSE , ( -ONVENllTNl TO HE nioxctl to 25th and Jones Sts Pldellty Trtibt Compnit ) . N-850 13 WANTED A GOOD SECOND xxttRon , xxlth box. Address Hlclmrd Tllbitilvt , Gretna , Neb N M'iJ7 17 * WANTED. 1O Hin CHEAP , A LAHGE , OKN- tle fnmll ) hors-u for single ure In hem ) car- rlaRC. Glxc description and price Address M 4C lite , _ J ; _ 14 WANTED TO 1.13SI31 ( KM HEAD OP SHEEP Have rood ranee and inn fl\eI to keep them D O Shelden , Champion , Chase Count ) , Neb N 101 13 WANTED - LADY S H1CYCLE ADDRESS John H Webster , Hanrd of Irnde Hull ling N 102 13 * WANTED A SMITII-PHI3M1EH OH DENS moip Dpexxrltcr , state price nnd stle Eu J Steldl , Crete Neb N 134 13 I'OH S\I.I3ri IlMTl HI3. POH SALI3-PUHN1TUHE OP 7-KOOM HOUSlT bctt condition , three hundred dollars cheap M Si , lice olflce O 10J 13 * POH SALE. PI HNITPHE OP A IMtOOM liiaipc. xxlll sell p trt or all. 40J Xortlt 1'itli ht Call Mondit ) O 121 13 * roil SVLI3I10HSJ3SCidS , iri'C. H \NO13 HOHsr.s POH SM.L. 150 HEAD laue rann hoi < c , xvlll sell all 01 a put Him ut them Address P McCnrth ) , Slurldtno P MS'O II POH SALE IU.VCK \1IHI\C1E IP\M , ptrt ) M'liiB ' to letxe clt ) Applj'iOI Webvtt St. P M94II IT IIOIISI3 PHAETON AMI. 1IAHNI SS MCE HVIMi HiLad ) c.tn drlvi- \et\ ihup M. 41 Hit P M1IS-11 HUH SALE SHETLAND MAHL PSOIND ( nnl Rcntle. xxlth < att nnd h trnf-s ei in ilet. . No 1111 No .Mth St P1JJ 13' I'OU ill.U llbCUI.I. VMUJUS. . a HARDWOOD CHIItllLNC. HOG AND CHICK LN fence chcapei than "nil xxlre ' C It Lee Mil Potiglas IJ Hil roll SALE , A SODA POUNTA1N. GOOD . \b ncxv , Hindi , b ) Puffer 1 Son of DOS ton , no II in r In Omahi. xxlll le i-old foi itbout half Its xalue Dr Shep trd N. Y Life H I'R 17 SECOND HAXD ENGINES. 1 TO 100 H P. . motors. ' to 20 II P Industrial lion U'otks Q-x."J Jj 1 PIU3E MINE'M. ! SPECIMENS PROsPECl li'-fs , Infoimntl n , multiple pel cent axx tits ) ou brtkeis Hlclt tnlntial dexelopmt-nt" . He- liable. Martin .t Co , Seattle. \ \ t FI GARDENS At PAHMS TO RENT , T MURRAY. II MC31 J 15 SNAP CORNER 1(0x141 3 IIIXDI'KS EAST Hantcom Park ; $700. J N Pienzcr op.i P O It E-9C9 CLIItVOAM ! , . MHS M runx tu N icru ST H Micojia * i oN.st'i/r TIII : ONI..Y ( iixl i.\n uTi ri-nilcr. tells mines nilvlce , love mariluKc- lavv leunlle" ) frltmlx , fee COe nml up , tnt Isfnctoiy letnllnKS Hour" . 10 30 lo 7 1S1 : rurnuni S J3G 13 * \SS\fil3 , HVTIIS. I2TC. MADAM SMnil , U15 DOUGLAS , MASSAGE steam b-tths T M'l.'l 1C * MRS DR LEON. ELECTRIC MA'-SAGE HVT1I ptrlors , restful and cuintlxe 417 S 11th , up- stnlrs T M970 19 VIAVI POH P FERINE * THOU11I.13S 340 S HEE HUlh' , iilijslclan. consultation 01 health book free. U CjJ HATHS. MASSVOi : MME POST. 31114 S ISfH , U-051 HUP1UHE CURED PERMANENTLY. NO pitln no detention from business , xve lefer to thousands of patient * cured Cnll or xvrltc The O E Miller Co. ! I3. J Nexx York Life IlKlR , Oninhn. H MC5S MISS MAYER , .SI'RGnON-ClliriOPODIST" manicure R 400 , Pnxton block , diploma Ik&fi U M24J Jl EXPOSITION INVESTMENTS. POR PLEAS- tire and profit see L P Judson's want ads Council muffs pate U-MMI NELLIE P RYLEY MANICURE AND CIIIR- onodlEt 7 yrs. xxlth MU8 Mnjir , 201 Knrbuch bk U M3S2 J22 REST SCALP TREATMENT. 23C , SHAMPOOIng - Ing 25c 2 xveeks Miller's Parlors , 1514 Douc- | H ' U 41. J24 REV , W.V UROWN'H ASTHMA CfllE" naplllxeli euro. , xxrlle for testlmonlil Char ter Oak , lovx a U-M S J2C PREP SAMPLE HAZEL-LEAP PILE CURE AT Sherman A. McConnell Drug Co . 1S13 Dolte St U M733 July 2 niiMC HOOM 10 KINT. vnitv I.IQHT ANU centrally locutctl M S3 , Hee. U Mk45 WILL STORE A PIANO POH ITS USE , MAN rnd xxlfe , no children M JJ. llec NUDE ART PROM NATURE. 1C PICTUHPS c Dtt | 133 Art Pub Co , 1219 Arch St , Philadelphia I'll t' 103 13 * WIDOW HAVING PLEASANT HOME DESIRES actiuiilnlancc of honorable , middle-aged M'nt or xvldowir xvlth some mtans Object , agree- aide lompanlonthlp , possibly marrlu e Ad dress M 4. . Dee office U-04-1T ] > STRIKINGLY HANDS-OME CULTURED LADY xxorlh (300OiiO just tcturned from trip abroad , xxlll appreciate home svveit lioiiip xtltli ton genial hutband Wldoxv , 209 E Dirt St . N Y U l.'O 1J WANTED. II1DS EXCLUSIVE PRIVILEGES from legitimate fakirs , etcam hvvlnRs. aerei- nuuls , dance pavilions HustliiRH Nebtnska , July 3 , ctlebratlon Ed Mock , Sccretur ) - U-138 13 IP WEIISTER ST PARTY WISHES TO COM- munlcate uhnln es.n address G II Svxalmer KUI dellxcry. Omaha. U 142 13 * MOMY TO 1.0\n 1:11 , USTATK ANTHONY IX3AN & TRUST CO. . 315 N. Y L. , quick money at low rules fur choice farm lands In luxvu northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska. W-C55 I.O4NS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPIKJVED CITY Property W. Parnam bmlth & Cu , 13-U Farnam W 606 6 l'K CENT MONEY ON NEII & IA. FARMS W U Milkle , Ut Nut'I Ilk bldg , Ontalu W 1 7 I'ARM IRAN'S. 1 TO 10 YL'AHS. LOWEST rates. Can In Uro * . , 1U4 Vuuaw St. St.W - 9 MOMTO ib \\Hi3 ( Continued MONEY TO I/3AN > AT. LOW HATKS THE O. P Dnxls Co. , fa.y rn m St. W KM MONEY TO I/JANlToS IMPROVED OMAHA real estate Hrennan , Loie . Co. . I'axtonblock. , FROM $100 UP. WKAb. 16TH A 1KUOLAS W 297 J19 MONEY TO LOAlir 6Jf IMPROVED OMAHA property l"u ) & Thomas. 2071st Nnt'l Ilk bldg , w-235 _ ON OMAHA PROl'nnTY. ' LOWEST RATES ; bullilmic loans xx nlfril Fidelity Tru t Co MUNKV TO LOA.V ClI.VTTni.S. MONEY TO IXAN ON PURN1TURE , PIANOS , horses xxngons , etc. , nt loxxcsl rnte ; In city , no removal of goods , strlctl ) confidential , ) ou cnn piy the loan off nt nn ) time or In any nmouil. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO , SOU So. ICth St X-6C3 MONEY TO I/3AN-30 , CO. M DAYS , PURNI. lure plnnos , etc. Dun Green , R 8 , Htrker blk X tea CIIA.\CIS. : LUMI1ER YARD. WELL ESTAHMSHED. NE- bitiFka town 15 000 population , a simp J , J. OlbFon 514 Plrst Nail bk \-M73217 : CO INVESTED EARNS JSO WEEKLY , NO stock ( pecttlntlon in * gold mine Investment , ) ou control capital , fifth successful ) cnr , pnr- tlciilats frit Chase & Campbell. 12 Union Square , Nexx York Y M770 Jul ) 4 * POR SALE CHEAP. SHOE STORE IN PRE- inont Nebraska , best locitlon , cheap lent P A Peterson Premont , Nebraska Y M93 ? 14 * 1X1R RENT. PPHNISHKD HOTEL , AT NORTH llend Neb Address J W Hnll North Rend , Neb Y M0 l 14' GET RICH QUICKLY. REND I OR " 300 IN- itntlons Wnnted " 13dgnr Tnte & Co. 24S Ilrondxvny , N. Ti POR SALE. WELL ESTAHLISHED CASH DRY KotxlR business In loxxa , populntlon 1" > 000 , best corner location stock , about J. " Kit ) , KIII ! reaFon for selling Address M 3C , Ilee \ IHJT } 1 rooflO-Tini'l'PNDTMENTAl. PRINrlPAL OP iiccumtilntlnR vxealth Is InxcElltiR lour dolHrH xx htn nnd xxhere the ) xxlll imke tollnis for ) ou Pcxv fortunes arc nmne8ed thiough commercial enterprises , but IIIHII ) persons arln through sptctiint xc clnnniN fiom ibscmll ) nnl poxettx tti iiiiKltlons of nllliit nci nnd poxxtr In Ihc llnan- clal vxorld To learn wherein urn the greatest IKftlhllRlin for laiKC nnd nulck returns fit a 1 trgc or small capllil xxrlte to us. Ccnden & Co. Hoon Illock , Coxlngton , Ky Y 9 I 0-11 I * 120 TOM 0(0 ( MAKE MONEY llSI CC1.3M t L fpf < ttlttlon on the race * Send for book nnd Ptrtlculars Motrls it Co. lit Dearborn st , Chlcnuo Y W 13 * POR SALE HVI.r INTEREST IN AN OLD cttablUhed nnd proflt.ible innnufaettir n biiFl ne n In the grocel ) line , $500 cash requited AdlrcFSMf.1 Dec 12313 * J-I.M-O DRUG STOCK POR 8 M.E IN SOU ! II- xvcFtcrn lovxn all ncxx Including fmnlturi am HMtiri's it bat gain , If taken nt once Addre-v X. Hee olllce , Council lllitiTs \-147 13 * roii WANTED A HARDWARE OR IMPLEMENT stock In cxeh-xnge ft r stock In a Jobbing h us , good openltiK. making mono. ( .ootl reaFons fi3r i'll'B. Addr- K ICO Hee olllce Cmim 11 EHKb 7.-M101 TO TRADE 1IOM13 IN OMA1I \ POH PARM IN Soulbtnstcrn Mbimka. or Wtstein I vu Jt 4S WILL EXCHANO'3 24-I.NCH MAN'K II1CYC' E fir a. ltd ) s xxhie.1 , 101 xvlll Fell ehc ip .t21 St Mao's. 2-131 I. , * PORL13 OR TR.\DE M\V W II COX . ' - W hllo nrg-in foi goo 1 her e and bu ' ( ? ) 11 xvlll tri c fin t.xo rented light ea ilnpc nlMi tlv octnxt dilrafo rotlnst CIKII i , xvlll ttnlc til" cr bith SC13 N I"t St / 130 13" nsrvri : KOUN1J5E PI. Vqn llAPGVlNsj. } 2 SCO J1 ,0 TO Jijfii ) fee photos atjlCth * ind Parnnm Morse I ldK J. J Glb cn f4 Plrst Nnt Hank HI U HE CM HOUSES LOTS ; HARMS LANDS I IANS Gco P Ilomls Real Estntc Co. Pnxton Plock I i 'i , RE CM tl 200 WILL P.UY A C-ROOM HOUSE IN WAL- ntit II 11 , mmi mcnthly pnmc'nts Oniihi Hell EMa'e an 1 Iru t Co. 211 so Ibth St RE SSS POH SALE A NICE HOME 4HS PARNAM ST. . 9 room = imi'ein in rxio i expect , line Itxvn xei ) loxx price Imiulre of oxvnei tin premises RE M919 U * M.L REVL ESTATE OWNED RY T'llE NE- lir.isli.t Savings & I.\citnte ! IttnU xvlll be told itt n x = r ) r'lsonablo pilce Win K Potler , rerelx i - RE C73 \ HVIIGAIN rOR SALE CHEAP ON EAb\ teims U acie fruit and trucK firm txxo mile * fn in clt ) limits on good reid * , 13 acics nrapeb. S ncres orchard 5 acics tispit itus 2 acres ple.- 1 Snt 2 . .csrs line nl alfn. balance rl h uarden I . ' 1 . ' line xx ells 20 feet of xxittr In cnch 10- ic-m houtc 2 birns storuKe houfe i rellns riiid other outbuildings Will nxvlth } \ or xxllhout crep CJll rr addiess ! ' ter Huitcn , P" Holt ( on P , E. . M V. R R ) Dotii , ! ,1 Count ) . Neb HE MkH-J > ! > ' POR SALE GREATEST HAHOAIN IN OMAHA In Mil edged resl itrct. prep rt > , ! /G\io feet frcntlTK cts-t on Park nxrntie , xvlth good cot- tnte Mu t le fdJ thl ? mcnth J W Robbln" , bole Eht , 1S02 Pnrnum St H 13 900 iiiHnn Nn\v MomnN noi"-rs AND I.OTB chenp , xxlll meet arx competition Itxxa fruit laml for Omaha property I'lm * 10 ncrp tract near street car line , $2 200 IIoutcD nml | jt" , lure tin * HM iipiVHnl rnrms In cistern Nilinti-Ki anil lovvn for ' 'ale I'tieutlful rielilence luts In "Hemls I'ark , " srtat IIoiiFi * nml lot St Marj's live 12 SCO. " Kiiultv In pootl raMrrn NehrnsKa firm for ttjultj In KcioJ Oniali.t rcsUcncepropert } , Nice home near exposition , wa > down I riceJSOJ iloxxn , 117 M per month , without Interest Huslncsa bargain < 0\CC feet on 12th * ht , $2 ' 00 \Alll trailc- line 540 aero loxxn f.trm ami ca h for Booil Oiiihu hUHlness property Txxo lioteli , fcr rent , me at depot ttntl one at i-xpogltlt : n Hiniti'H ami ftorei fur rent. Ilii'lnem nml refliltnce loin for pale iiml for nnt In exciy p irt of city .Mont } to loitn on flrnt-clftss residence itnil busl- ne s prat cit * , Tire Infsurunce xxrltten In ' lire1 proof' companies O-nahi city maps fcr File rir t one pilljllflud li/ " \ n Jones Ii14 " J2 tnrh "H-mls' lf > V uml 1S(3" iiiiipt > . t ! euch Gen I * Hemlb Heal I > t.ite Co , thlnl Ilnor ) > ax- ton liloclc UK M'i's I3 ri.iioiiM v HUM. isrvn : . ITOU WANT INTOUM1ION Allft'T ) CAM- fnrnlii. the laml of "rnliH , hupth n " ' "I riovveriti | OrtDKe t ml I eet tui r Imlt-ntrics icnl yourndlre s mil wo will mill > mi nn la tercytlni ; pimphlet free. K.iHon , Kldrldui' S t"c > I.ri AtlKcles C'al | | 0130 LOST. 8TitAYii-wiiNii : ) > rAY ) NIOHT JIJNIJ sin , one Mack horie xxlth four white fut nml nno laiKe iray mare. Atlilrcsa T. J. Mahones , I'nxton Hlock. lxiM-U4j LOST RI.\OK l'Onv R SPANIEL. HETuilN to JCJO Parnnm and' get reward " * ' iMrt Mir > 14 STRAYED , PROM THE PREMISES OP THE Good Shepherd HI m South Omaha lune 1-tli one bay mure 10 } ent old Lost 118 13 I.IPE INS POLIC1KH BOUGHT W P HOLUEN A ( ,71 AM Tri > i\\IIITI\M. : " " A C VAN SA TJ ' CHOOL SIS N Y MPE . /I AT OMAHA Ilt'd IJLEGE , I6T1I & . DOUGLAS hllH3WAI.ICS. SAWED NATUKJIji STONE AHT1PICIAI. brick lei l&J VY. J We.shans 303 B 17lh Bt 113 MUSIC , \HT AM ) GEORGE P GELLENRECK HANJO , MANDO- lln and uultar teacher 1S07 Purnam Hreet , Tel 238 [ iyfc LADIES ! rillCHEhTKR'S ENGLISH PENNYroyal - royal I'llli ( Diamond brand ) are the best Haft reliable Take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles , " In utter b * return mall At druggists Chlchesler Chcm- leal Co Philadelphia , Pa Mention ll e. CATON'S TANSY PILLS FOH LADIES ; NEVKR fallk. gel the itnulne nnd uvol.l failure , il all drutrgUtii or direct R P , Caton , lioilon , A PHYSICIAN , WIO | POR SEVERAL EARS has I ten a member of the Kcele ) medical stuff U now in charge of the Kreley Institute ut lllulr. Neb This pb ) lclan has had phenome nal success in the treatment of e > plum , mor phine und other drug addlctloni Addresn 1 he Keeley Institule , Ulalr , Ntb. SUMMP.H SCHOOLS. SUMMER SCHOOL AT Y. M. C. A. , COM- menclng June II Terms (3. ( Elizabeth J. 'xMel. 97&-IV A SUMMER SCIIOOt. WILL HE OrENKD June 28 nrnr l axrnvxortlt nnd Mth St loiter notice Miss Crnne Miss CrnlK. Ml P 2 th \ i 10S-13 * M'MAHON WIM. HAVE A SUMMER school nt 26th nnd Irnnklln streets , beginning Monday , Juno 11 -127 13 * SUMMER SCHOOL OPENS MONOAA JUNE H , In school room of St Ilnrnnbns church 19th nnd Cnllfornln , sixth nnd seventh grades es- PC-rial I ) , nil grades received , (304 for six vvttks. Helm S Hoot -US IS * AUCTION. SPECIAL AUCTION SALE OP HOUSEHOLD goods exer ) Wednesday and Saturday morn ings NebrnFkn Auction nnd Commission Co. S , W corner 14th nnd Dodge streets. -MO UPllOLSTr.HINU KUHMTl HI3. FURNITURE REPAIRING AND PACKING Couches nnd cushions , mattresses mndc nni renoxnted Prices xvlll plcnse ) ou Sec M S Wnlktn , 2111 Cumins street -telephone , 1331 61,9 SU.MMKIl UUSOHTS. HOATINO , P1SIIINO , TENTS , I1OATS , HOARD Addrens Camp Omaha , Lake Qulnncbnuc. Te kamnh , Neb MtSl SO * PAWMIHOICnilS. II MAUOWiTZ IX1ANS MONEY , 413 N 16 ST C70 OKK1CI3. AMERICAN AND GERMAN EMPLOYMENT bureau. P24 DoJgc. Telephone , 876UM -\UM J)13 TYI'UWUITKUS. L/.TKST MODPL TYPKWlllTnnS : SUPI'MBS United Tpewrltr & Supplies Co , 161 ? P.trnan SUES & CO. , I1TF.NT SOLICl'lOKS BCD ttuIldluK.Ornalin Ornalin Neb Advice untl Patent lloolt VliKS P'-'s ' x\lll l > p recclvetl nt the ollloc o GioumlM nntl HtillilliiK tltpirtiiiciit of Hi Tranlnil i'lc linl ntul Inti-rnntlonnl I-\ims' ' tlon for the complete ; construction of the Atl ministration bin tlltiB , mull 4 o'clock 0. m Wctlneidtn , Juno 2J. ItiiT Plans anil sp..t'illcatloiis cm bo e\Tinlni ! < In ICoom G13 , 1'axton block , on anil aftc June 15 r i' . Klrkentlall. GnlHldKK Dipt. "Drunk as a oneon ! IVagcn" It's un eastern expression Hf < l it't v < ll ictittini. tint v do fll nil * ti/ ' < * < / ' t on i rrf Irtt iiinliimi I'l'iltl'l tiuJr RAILWA1 TIME CARD t-iixis HLRLlAarO.N A MO RULR lArilxcs iJiitaiiaithilun tleput , Ut'i ic Mason bu | Oina'i. * 3 > Jin .Denver Exiire s 0.3'u 4 4 < | m Hlk Illl1" . Mont & PiiBtt Slid Ex 4.0 p 4 1 1 m IJeiixrr Express 4 Ojpm 7 Odpm..Lincoln Local ( ex. buntlay ) . 7:4opn : 2.u. . m . Lincoln Local ( ex. bunila.vll:3Ujn I.eaAHb KH1CAGO. UUHLINGTO.N & . QIAi-lv OmahnUnlon | De.i.t , 1C1' . & M IKO&tc ' Oiiiahn ' Olpni Chicago Ve'ttLmie 7.Htn IS.-ni Ch'c.iKO ' Express t.Uimi T.M.ini . Chicago .1 St. Louis Express . . .7 J5am 11 40am. . . . Paeltc junction Local 6-10pn ( Past Mill ( ex Sundn ) ) 2.Cpn : Ledxcs ICH1CAC.O. MIL. & IT. PAUL.Arrlles | Oinitha | tlnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts | Onnilin 6 ' .Ci.m Chliaho Limited S.OZan. 11 Cnun..Ciilcuio L\ies3 [ tcx , Suiieli ) ) . . . 3.2 : r.ei\es ICIUCACiO S. NOR1HWEST'N lArrliea OinahaUiilun | Drpot , lOtli & Miwon Sts | Omaha , ii 4'am * KaFttrn 1 xuicsu 3:40pm : t.Kpn Vcitlbuled Llm ted * * D:4ipn . * Sjpm it PiVul Lxpi : . 9.Joan C ( Oi.m St , Paul Llmlteu 9.U.run * i 3l.iin ) S.oux City unnn lllipn t. oll'in O'nar * t Lhlc.iiu Eueil.il b.Ogan illbourl3lley Uocnv . . . ! > . 0ani Except umUy. n.cept Montia ) . ( caxcs ICHJCAGO , R. I. & PACIFlc'IArrlxej OnialialUinoi. Depot , 10th & Mieaon Sic | Oniah > 13AST. 7 Mini Atlantic Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . 5 3"pm 7 Oipm Nlrht i xpre r S.loun 4 upm. . Chicago Vctliiiuleu Limited..1,20pm 4 oOpm. . St Paul Vestlbuled Limited . , . l'ipin 1 23pm Coloratlo Llmlteti 4 05pm Leaxcs I Is E & MO VAM.ni lAruxen Omaha' ' D < pt , 15th & WehtUr Sts i umaha ' ftOpin. . . . P.ui Mall und Kxprs . . . . u OOpm 9 0"pm. . ( ex Sat ) Wo Ex , tx Mon . . 6.00pm 7 r am Premom. t. * al t&undkVr 'ss' ! . . 7.10am. . . . Norfolk t'xpress tcx Sun , . . . iO:2.'am : f.Upm . fct. Paul Exprc.B . e.uai IRIX's I K c7"eT. 37 i C. 11 [ Anlxes OnialiaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Moi'oii Sis | Omaha O'am. .KapiTs Cliy Day Express . C 10pm 10 Mpm..IC C. Nig t Es xiJ U. P Trans . t ,30am lynxes I MlbhOl HI PACIPIC. , ArHxes OnmhaJ _ Depoi. _ P.th & Webtter Sts _ j Onulu 3 O'pin. . NcbntFka , Vz Kutibat Limited , , ,7l2 S..pm 3 Stpin . ICuns.-is City Expicss . c 2oam " Ieaves | SIOUX CITY & PACIPIC. | Arrlxc Omalial Depot , Ijlh & W ebstcr Sis _ [ jDnMin 6.Uptn . St. Paul Limbed . S.lOan , Leaxe > I aiOUX 1'ITY i PACIPIC ( Arrives OnuhulUr.lun Depot , loth St Moaon bis | Omaha r , 40am St Puul passenecr 11,10pm 7 'Cam blotii CU ) I'ustenser I 05pm C Mpm St Pnui LI mi led . . . 9 20 I c.He : : I WAIIAbll RAILWAY ( Airlves OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th St Maaon Sts j Omalm t itipm . . . .Cjnon Uill . , .T.TTr..ll oijiim iZTvVs" ] ONION" PAf'IPltS i"ArrlveB pm thaUnlon | Depot , 10th le MiifQn Sis | Omalis nm Overland 1 Imlted 4 4 prn * .3pm ( Reat'co & . Slrornsb'B Ex ( ex Sun ) 3.00pm " Vl | in Grand Island Express i fc Bun ) , . U 6prn ( t'.r-n FaM Mnll lO'JU Leaves C , ST P. M S. O. ( Arrives Imahnl 1Mb nnd Webster , I Omaha 1 OOpm Sioux Clt ) ExpreeB ( ex Sun ) .11 55am SiOun Sioux I'lU Acco ( ex Sun ) . , k 2im | fi Upm St Paul Limited . 9 Uuil 9 50jm Sioux Cll ) Acco ( Sunda ) on ) ) ) 8 2rnm 9 : .0ani Sioux City Aceo ( Sun or.ii 8 J'pin Jt unin CIJI.ISIIHTIOV Kiitfrtnliiiiirtit Iii \ \ Iilt-li HpHt Ii > e-iil Tali-lit I'lirllHiniti-H , The concert and entertainment to he given In CreUhton theater on the evening of June 21 by the Victoria Diamond Jubilee asiio ation protnlncs to he one of the I'vc-ntu of the season. The Hpcakcra of the evening are John L. Webster of Omaha and Chan cellor Macl.can of the University of Ne braska at Lincoln Homer Moore , Mrs G W. Johnaton , Jules Lumbard and Mrt H W. Kill will render vocal selection ! ) , vvhllf Fraru Adclmann will play a violin colo. Tin Dudley Duck quartet of Council Hluffs will contribute and the Sutorlus Mandolin quln- tot , and the Seventh Ward Military bund will bo heard In Instrumental music Mlt .Mangle McKeuzIo will dance the Highland rilng to tto nklrl of the bagpipes manipu lated by W. Harry Wallace and Jeannle Ful COULT Douglan llowle will dance an Irish hornpipe In addition to the foregoing , Mrs Halph K , Suudeiland will read "Garnet Hall. " The ofllcers of the arooclatlon are * Presi dent , Matthew A Hall ; vice prealiicnts , Thomas Kllpatrlek T M Orr , Hev J. P D I.lwytl. H L Mattlce , M D , James Phillips - lips , John Yatfd , Donald Macrae , M. D , Hlchard Green , A Whltelaw ; treasurer , Itobert McClelland ; general secretary , John I < aughland , finance committee. Guy 0 liar- ton , chairman ; executive committee , Ilobe-rt Oil in ore , M I ) , chairman , and H , A. Hey- wood , secretary. People xvHli hysteria locomotar atazla , partial jiaralj la or Bt Vltus danro have weak , xvatery blood I'll ! Anaemic Pink maktH rich red blood and will cure any of these diseases If pertlutently taken , ( Made only by the Mercer Chemical Co. , Omaha , ni\rTifMT ) \ i\i\nvr ? T\nniT InAlJltAL rAKJlLMi lAulilli of an Agrionltnral Training School for Men and Woman. NEW NATIONAL MOVEMENT Prim * } li nnlli Institution Ilir Ottt- i of a MiuiscHtltin from Ndil 1 oiler n Viilliin | | M-H for bo 1 1 * ut I Ho riiriuliiK. Today , Juno 13 , the national farm school \xlH be opcncil xvlth appropriate ceremonies , nnd tomorroxx Its first BCBSIOII bcRHis This romaikablo Inatlttitlon Is located nrnr loles- towu , I'n. , txxonty-llve miles from Philadel phia. H consists of farm of 122 acris OP \\lilch a tommodlotis echool building has Just been erected , bchltles large barns spring hou o and fTrmcr'e d\xclllng. The land Is of that fertility for which Hucks county han been long noted , > xell xxooded and xxell watered No better location could lm\c hocn tclcctcd , for It offers all of the aihantngts of a model farm aud IB near one of tbo larg est markets In the world. ] j The purpose of the national farm school Is both noble and tlmel } The association which has founded It xxas formed by Itabbl Joseph Krauskopf of Philadelphia , one of the most progrcsalxe of American religious lend ers , lie accounts for the origination of the Idea , xx hllo walking over the grassy slopes of the farm , as folloxxB. "You know , I went to Russia In 1S94 to Inquire Into the condition of the Jews there , hoping lo per suade the crar to pehnlt the rcmo\al of the Jews to the Intirlor , who e they might en gage In agricultural life. I found that Im possible , but In coii\er6Ttlon with Tolstoi , he tald 'Why don't jou attempt work of that kind In > otir great land ? ' This ga\e mo much food for thought xvheil 1 returned In the fall 1 talked the matter oxer with my friends and rceolx'cd upon founding thLi school " lint lr Krauskopf did more than this. Ho started to raise the necrosatj colonies to be established on more fruitful soil , nnd In better xxajg Jt Is the solution of nt lead a | mrt of our social qumtlon , And If we cannot tnke the men nml women from the sweat shots , wo xxlll at leant so teach some of their ehlldreu ns to direct their energies along boiler llne 1 have no fear for the future. With the support of our gctitrous people all oxer the land for the founding of our school It xvlll In time be come self-supporting ntul be the mother of Jewish farm schools nil through the Unlttd Slates" I.OOICIM : m IH M3HHsicvs i"tints , Ollloorx of I3iiMli'fii l.iiiin Coiiiiinii- Mil Ulll if Illl fNlluiitlonn. Henry W Yntos , president of the Ne braska National bank of ( his city , and 1 d- ward I , Dobbins , sccretarj nnd treasurer of the Mutual I linen I I.lfc Insurance com pany of Ncxv York nnd New Jersey , re turned to Omaha jesterdny after a trip of oaveral dux a through the fields of Nabrrtstu , The } spint the greater portion of their t'tno In the eastern and southeastern portions of | the state , Investigating the agricultural con * dltlons and iRptclally Inspecting the corn crop In Cass , Hamilton , Cln > and Klllmore counties Lewis S Heed , cishler of the Ne braska National bank , U still out In the ot.ttc on n similar mission Jn rotnpiny with him ore Kuscnu Vnnderpool and I'rul- erlck rrcllnghiigcii of New Jersey , ihrre- lorn tit the Mutual Dc'iicIK Mfc Insurniico ronipanj. The object of the \lslt of these eastern capitalists to the cornfields of Nebraska at this time Is that the ) max. ; ce for them- sehes the existing conditions with n viixv of making more liberal loam * tu the farmers of this commonwealth than they have t'tir- Ing the past jenr I.nst August the Miif.nl lleticlll Life Insurance lompaiO In lompany with other large llnnnclnl lorniratlons of the cast , adopted n pollcj of retrenchment In regard to xvistirn loans U seems qt.lte probable that this companj will now let down the bars and adopt a mote liberal policy toward Nebraska loans. In speaking of the trip thronqh ( ho lleUa of the state and Ho mission Mr Yatot i-oltl to a Ike i ( .porter H'stoiday "Mr Dobbins and m > self tltovu thiough large traits of Cass , Hamilton , Claj ami l-'lllmore counties. I xxanted that lu > should ste the state for himself nntl am well pleased xxlth the trip. While east some tlmu agn t asked the olll- cers ot the company to make this trip through our elate , nml now that they ha\e NHW JEWISH PAHM SCHOOL AND ITS funds , and to this end lectured all through the country , from Philadelphia to San I Yan- clsco and from IJcrttoii to San Antonio In this wa > IIP his raHed some $25,000 , beside ? having almcst 1000 members pajlng annual thus of from $5 to ? 10 toward the running expenses , and today , when the school Is opened , U xxlll ( start xxlthout owing a dollar , with every convenience and modern appliance for scientific farming. The aim Is to make this a training school foi joung men ami women , fitting them to become practical anil scientific agriculturists While primarily In tended to reach the Jews and lead them back to ngilcullural pursuits , the school xxlll be non-sectarian , admitting those of other creeds who seek the training there offered. In no eenae a local movement , It counts Its supporters and founders all over the United States nnd Canada , thus making it even more than a national school. The pupils xvlll be accepted only after bhoxv- Ing considerable pioflclcney In common school xxork The projected course of study Is to et- tcnd through four years During the BUtn- mei months , from April 1 until October 1. the pupils will be taught practical farming. They xxlll take part , under the guidance of the superintendent , In all the work done upon the farm During the t.lx winter months tbej will be taught the theory of farming , end all that pcrttilns thereto , itch as chem istry , botany , geology , etc. There will also be R geneial course of education as patt ot the winter curriculum. Dairies , greenhouses , hothouses , etc. , will be elected , and all the branches of farming f 111 be thoroughly taught. A superintendent and his \vife , who have been at the head of a similar Institution , have been engaged , and tnerc will be no de lay in putting the school Into active opera tion. Sevontv-flvo pupils have already ap plied for admission , coming from the homes not only of the poor and from orphan asy lums , but from the families of ministers , law- vers and merchants. The school Is to bo con ducted on the co-operative plan. The pupils will be supplied with board , lodging , cloth ing and tuition at a fixed charge , but they will bo paid for every day's work done. At their graduation they will be presented not only with a diploma , but also with a deed for a piece of land ( to be donated by the various states , railroads 01 Individuals ) and enough money of their own savings to assist them in beginning life Independently. In this way each pupil not only supports himself whllo studying , but alto prepares to start out in life with ground to stand on and more than a dollar in Ills pocket. The faun lira ad jacent to the celebrated "Burpee seed farm , " with which arrangements have been made permitting the pupils of the farm school to visit It c.oii'Stantly ' and take part Jn the Im- poitant work done there , of raising seeds for llowers and planto. This xvlll not only be the teed bchool for the pupils , but the farmer , liead gardener , ftttlllyer , orchaullst and live stock man will constitute a part of the fac- ultj of the national school , giving Instruction during the summer In piactlco and In theory uy lectures duiing the winter. The "Slcclo" stock farm adjoins the "model farm" on an other side , and It , too , will wervo as an auxil iary of the "National farm ec.hool. " The accommodations prepared for the school mo both comfortable und modern. The house Is built substantially of stone , andt \ 120 feet long by thirty feet deep The rooms are aliy and spacious , furnlbhul icatly and comfortably. The furnishings iavo been donated by Individuals from ull over the countrj. One gentleman furnishes the large Bitting room at an expense of 500 , another attends to the library adjoin- tig One woman sends dozens of ton eta , another scnija the llnena , and otlll another the kitchen utensils The house , facing the south , looks out upon beautiful , rolling loltls of grain The Heading railroad runs hrough the farm , offering excellent fucll- tles for shipping while on the north an.l cast the cold winds of winter are shut off > y denbo woods Klio acres of orchards are already there , and the farm lieu ready for the eager bralna and ready hands of Us pupils , The affairs of the school are to be administered by an executive board. In ad dition tl'ero is an "auxiliary national loard , " When asked If ho thought that the Jews vould taUo up hla Idea and send their chil dren to the farm school , Dr. Krauukopf rn- illeil "The love of agriculture ) 1s Innate vlth the Jew. Disraeli's prophecy Is being uiniled now ( hat the lawn of the nations are permitting Israel to return to the fields and vineyards Let the Israelite but come n contact with mother earth and lie feels his old love reawakening for agricultural iiirnultB. In Palestine the colonies are hrlvlng At Odcbs-a I saw a great and Hour- oiling agricultural school foi the Jews in ho Interior ot ICufiSla SO.OOO Jevvii have urned a treeless , stonelrss , waterless wl | . erness Into fertile fields. In the Argentine cpubllc thousands of Jou lull fanners ore hrlvlng In New Jersey the Jewish colonlvo re gradually taking root And It 1s the bjcct ot our school to prepare lenders for done so I feel quite hopeful that tliej will become convinced that good loans may be matle here. I think I never saw the state look better , the corn looks splendid for this season of the jear , and there ib cverx pros pect of a big crop Just what decision the ofllcers ot the company will reach regarding the object In vlexv I cannot state Mr Dobbins bins appeared to bo well pleased xvlth the outlook , however , and I feel confident of the succcc-3 of the mission. When the other di- rectorb have thoroughly Inspected the parts of the slate which they are going through with Mr. Heed they xxlll all compare notea and an Ixo at some conclusion upon the sub ject of again making loans here. To mo It seems most likely that they will decide fa vorably to Nebraska's Interests. " i\.sTnoLM ) IIATHS AUK sivsiun. Out oil I'ni-kliiK IloiiMtI'riiiltiflH Untie V. Ill I'l-IIIIH } Illllllu. CHICAGO , June 12 Tne traffic ofilclals of the eastern roadb were thrown Into a panic this afternoon by the report that a tariff had been filed with the Interstate Commerce comuilcaton making a cut on packing hoiibo products and provisions from Chicago to the Atlantic seaboard of 12 cents. It xxas dif ficult to settle on the roads xvhlch had made the reduction , but the competitors of the Pemisxivanla finally decided that U hud filed the tariff. It was denied by the Pennsil- vanla , but the other roads are confident that it was the one that made the cut The re duction put the rate of packing house prod ucts and provisions at 18 cents , the previous rates having been 30 cents. PlIKHI-llLC.T Itlllf CllttlllLT , / CHICAGO , June 12. Notice was given to day of another cut In the Great Western road , which declared Its Intention of making a rule of $ S 50 from Kansas City to St. Paul on the same day us one-way rates are made from Kansas City to Colorado common points. The Great Western will also make a rate of f3 CO from St. Paul and Minneapolis to Kan- has City on the days anil under the same con. tlltlons as tickets are sold from Coloiado common points to the Missouri river. Tto reason for making throe reductions Is to prevent the diversion of tourist bualnc's f om the northwestern resorts to Colorado by the reduced lattH to polntu In that state. Illicit iNluiiil KnriiliiKN. CHICAGO , June 12. Tlie estimated earnIngs - Ings of the Hock Island system , both caht and west from the Mlsslrslppl river , for the month of May are $1,20J.I83. an Increase a compared with the intimated gross earn ings of the mouth of May last year of } 1,217. HllllXXII ) .totl-M mill I'lTHOIIIllM , General Atloiney S'crllng ' of the Elkhorn , accompanied by Mrs Sterling , have gone to Chicago. William It. Russell who acted oa secretary of the local passenger apsoclatlmi of Oinahu and Council UluffH for a few days this spring , has Just given tip ( ho position at Kan a City. City.The The fifth annual armlntlco of the Kunsaa City local p i sftiger agents will take place on Juno 20 The date for the firt-t annual plcnlo of the Omaha "low Jolnlt. " lisas not yel been fixed , JanuH Gaw. traveling paf-songcr agent of the Hock Island for Now York , has Junt resigned to become the Waliash road's new "gent at Duffalo , The new train ervico of the Wabash thiough to lluffolo becomes effective ( omorroxx _ The valuation of ( ho telegraph property ot Kaunas railroads has been Increased from * 57C,9G1 for 16'JO , to ICD0.583 for 1697 lh Union Pacific's share of the taxation Is In creased from J8J.C23 to J101.58. the Hurling- ton's from -113,482 to J1C 170 ; the Hock Island's from $ G'J,12I to JS2.101 , the MlBuourl Paclfle'b from IH7.-I88 to H71 007. and the bt Joseph & Grand Island from $9GSJ to 11.C24 The Master Cur Builders' ashoelatlon In nf nlon at Old Point Comfort , at which the Union Pacific Is represented by J. II McConnell ol this city , has made borne new rules for Amu lean railways regarding the condition a J chargeable with the lepalrs of cars win" away from home necessitated by the ordinary repair of freight cars. The rules niuKe car OWIICIH icsponxllile for and therefore wear and teat In hcrvlce Uallroads liainlli'M ears are responsible for damage canned l < y unfair Ubage , derailment , accident or Im proper repairs made upon them Women with vitality do not suffer femala weakness and Irregularities Hlood Is. vital jty. PHI Anaemic Pink makes ileli " I blood It Isicomposed largel ) of conti'iitratea beef blood iiul IBJ.IIO great blotMl builder v No lionc ( 'ejcaler will try 10 sell what ha \ Lnovxu the customer did not order aud dee \ not want. Substitution thrives for a tUn i , tut la the long run It goes to ttio wall. i