1 TIIE O rAITA DAILY BEE ; tfiyXDAY , OT E 13. 1807. is an old saying , and perhaps it is all too true. Our customers are engaged just now in something more agreeable and much more profitable never before was there such a telling of neighbors 2very\vhere one is asked questions or given in formation about our * * Cf 5fifJfirf QafieaflAYl Qfsit l1 a'9 What a hive of Jostling , delighted buyers we had on Saturday to be sure * crowds to the right Oldl lllllg OtJIloOllOll Old ! Od.il < ? of them crowds to the left of them bought as they wondered Their's not to reason why simply to come and buy bargains still left behind yes , by the hundred = > & Ua-lIeV We lime fill" ! \\e hae coM-r this l tint And All the Cambric To 311 our conlor our entire Ptork of an entire tnblc with nil for with eni-n The Serges end Nainsook and Swiss Serge Skirt * IUH- willl furnish ailo we will sll odd sulti * onn' nnJ Fktrt we Henriettas French Embroideries sold llantme Skirts jacket tote at lace counter all nish a WCTP worth $1 < ) oo skirts made from - ! the embroideries by us at from ISc to mn'rh all llm- ' and German which - , mixtures fancy others soM as nUh well mudo ami which were 7cup to 25 cents at th' well lined finished htid wcrr 75 to SOct as $15 00 the Star thu jacket will tolOcat the S'ar nnd buttons . Star Sale price. 12Vj scams n 'w Uhout Sale ii Sale Price I * J5 no both give Star Sale Prl-e 69c price of cents. two prices charge. . Stats J213 an > l cents. earh suit ft W J29S. fe And now please give us close attention in same department will s"ll a lot offer for we mo\e to another iloor First let us Ladles' Suits In blacks and blues , made Now for th" Cream This lot Includes Now for n Sensational Sensation \Ve will cleau up our stock of Silk Capes 3 Star from serge or made from tloth cton ami some of the ver > best Milts In our store- eel ] n lot of .ill-woo ! skltts. In fancy cnccks lots J2H. 39S nnd J5 00 stylish durable blazer st > lts at what puce , think > e- iNtrj sur n. w etamlncs popular iovcilc ami mixtures , percnllne lined and thoroughly & garments Our Kind of Goods. You never $2 75 FOR THE ENTIRE SUIT j.ain : < hfi"'s nil sles and colors some finished , for the very small price of JJ.'Jo saw such values before. lini 1 throughout with sill ; . Romr only silk each. I iii-l JatKets One Star Trice tor all ? ' ' 73 ia < h All the Wai'tr Trie1 ! ley's Jl 25 more striking values UH o r from Sat and $1 00 fan -I s- til .in we have c-vet shown urdaj B Star Sale Star Sale Prlre will be closed out 03 cent ! ) . un Monday. love the Jl fills 11. . ! , ' It .iceniH almost folly to do anv cut And still \vi. arc not through ' for wo -er i ting lu our Muslin I'nderwear D. . part- lin : e Jat-ki'ts to > ell. Let u- > tar'tle you meiit-as the with tin- Jlr t prk-o ! IS . of Ladies' A lot of Prlesf- coniftltlon ] In this , line at cviits. This lot A lot Icy a fancies- iOt any time is very .small. As a sensation Incluik's lailii-h' and nil. . ( < ' M. Wiappers made of"Fieucb figures we will sell all the gowns. emliroderv ! from cloths that will wear. KXIHIM ? us from full standard nnd a few fancy trimmed , umpire , stirplk-e yoke , square from inontloiiinc tlio orisinnl i rk'i > prints light or grena-Uti-'s. which yoke , etc. , full length ami regular Mii-h NtartMiiK MniiKhtor mlshtetin Incredible - dark colors Star sold at tl.OO rnd width , which were "iOe , 05c and " > , at credible Star Sale Price ! > S ivut > . $1 23 Star Sale ' Sale Price 50 cents Star Sale I'rice ; ! 0c. Price 7'JC. Anotlu-r Lot A litth' licttur and perhaps - each. ft haps inoro ill uvv , Star Saltl'rici > § 1.50. You have watted for the Hlack Press And Mon ; Yi't Spk-ndld clothi > .i. wood Goods Sale Wu will chow our appreciation st.vli-s ; every orluiiiul price more than by selling all the Black Mohairs hlch cut in two Star Sale I'rU-e ' _ ' . . - . ( ) . wtre 3c to 40c , at the Star Sale Price With sto-Jc of . And the Tans lrown ) mixtures the 23 ctuta. _ eoJon.'cl dots .Jariii'iii'il Si tin- Star hhu-Us all those worth up to $10.00 At one Star rrk-e § 3.1)3 ) each. The Plain Black Brllllantlnes and Sicilians , our best goods , at C3c and Sic. Make your selecllon from the most ex- ehiMve uonci'ptloi this > pa > on most ap proved styles , mo > t popular coloring * ' All the 46-Inch Figured Mohairs at the Star Sale Price of 2'i cents. < * * . purples green . tans , browns , hlackn , In owns sold previously at . flO.CW , Sl'J.OO anil § 1. . ( K > auy one of the lot at either All the Granite weaves , the Basket ' weaves , § . " . ( K ) or § . . " 0. And as a further < 2 . the .Malta * e figures and Priestley's fancier the etamlnc-s , lee , which sold at 75c tip to We gladly sold dealer * what they wanted sensation we will A lot of White U.OO Star Sale Price 39c. of the ribbons , as the stock xvae large , but let you take your Skirts , beautiful Millinery Dept , none of the items advertised here today pick of all the The best 46-Inch Sicilians will be sold at wholtaile under clr- Roods , trimmed - extra heavy figured any - cashmere and all ians for skirts , were Jl.25 Star Sale Price " cumsiancci1. . - . with lace or embroidery Mi c.Kahl Johnston the Silk Wrappers aold 75 cents. have appllcl the ii > thctc. . prices wlih a % enKear.ce no ordlna broidery , up ry cutting this , but prices 10 ssicun.l buytr i i > uo appreciate Hlqh Cla for $5 00. These to $2.25 At $1.29 Mllinp-v. ! lor . nstancc , a dividing of all Untrimmed Hats into three Io' were eold from { 7.50 each. L"t 1 Hats for Gc. wort h from SOc to $1.75. Lot 2 Hath for r.Oc. oold In OUH store to $15.00 each. from } l--5 to iJ.25. Lots Hata for § 1.00 ; these were considered excellent \alue at J.'JO up u J3.GO. AND NOW HARK Anv Trimmed Hat In steel : at JCST ONE-HALF THS FORMER PRICE. This will be iho millinery event In the history of Nibrska. Out-of- town cutomern w ho desire headgear correci in style it unuqualleJ quality will do well to attend Ibis sale SOEO of the trimmed ha s are a -.elaSlon of what artistic : aste snJ dcfi flnKer.t . can accomplish. There will oa a scramble Icr the best gonds. Wo advioe our regular customers to been hand early. * , & s a- < 9. ' White Skirts extra wide lae All the Lace and All the embroidered Dresses for Infants and embiuldeiy , embroidered Umbrella ered and Lace 28 dozen Summer fants and little with dust ruffle , brella Drawers Trimmed Gowns Corsets , were EOc which Jl.uu ones ; full and rom cambric or musilu sold previously at were body. were $1 < iO 50c to 73c-Star Sale and $1 23 at Star Star Sale Price 29c plcte stock Star and ? 1 2i Star ial Price 23c. / Sale Price. C9c. If Prices here also. price C3c M m&sr VOr * & y 3 * * r 7P- r 3-r&r 7 # y 7 - R1NCMANS WIN THE SUIT Secure Eestraining Order Against the Burlington Bead Using an Alley. JUDGE KEYSOR REVERSES JUDGE SCOTT Itnllrunil Co nip nil ) ' Mllut Arijillrr the Alley TliruuKli tliv I.iuv of Kiulliflll Diiuutlu uuil I'M } ' The injunction asked for by Klngman & Co. restraining the JiurlliiRton Railroad company from occupying the alley adjoining the Klngman building ax a driveway and approach preach to the new depot at Tenth ind Jlatou streets , was granted by Judge Kejroor jeetrrday The order was made condi tional , reserving for the railroad company the right to have the Injunction * el aside If the company could by any legal proceeding * obtain the possession of the alley. In his decision Judge Keysor took direct ls. < nic with the ilews of Judge Scott , as elated when be refused the injunction re- ctratnlng the city from \ c tlug the alley ome days ago. Judge Scott had appeared to confirm the absolute right of the city to vacate the alley. Judge Keysor contended that while the city had the undouoted right to vacate thu alley for its own use. It was a vrong principle of law that a city could exercise the right of eminent domain to appropriate the property of the city auJ theu turn It over to a private corporation. lu beginning Judge Kejrior briefly reviewed the history of the case. He said that If the application was to be decided on the condi tions as they were at the time the suit was brought there could have been no question but that the Injunction rauot be granted. Hut slncu then the city bad passed an ordi nance vacating the alley and another turnIng - Ing the land over to the railroad company for the purpose specified. This left the B me question to be decided that bad been ad judicated by Judge Scott In the case of Klngman against the city bad the city the right to vacate the alley and turn it over to the Burlington railroad ? NOTICE NOT SUFFICIENT. Judge Keysor declared that the right of Ingrttu and egret * to the building win a property right , and to take It away waste to take a , ay property. The party taking It was just as much bound to make proper compensation as If It had taken the lot Itself. The evidence before the court showed that when the appralaern bad been appointed by the city to appraise the damagre resulting from the vacation of the alley , they had notified Klr.pmin & Co. to appear before them and be prtuent at the appraisement. When the Injunction was applied for be fore Judge Scott and a temporary restrain ing order Uiued , they had adjournrti In definitely and after the Injunction bad been denied they proceeded to meet and make the appraisement , simply railing up the at torney for Klngman & Co. by telephone , less than half an hour before the appraisement was made. This was not a reasonable notice according to his Interpretation of the law. The court took up the question of the right of the city to vacate the property. Thla was considered at eome length , and ac companied by the citation of numerous au- thorltka. Judge Kejtor declared that the decision of Judge Scott on the same question wan not binding on him. He would go as far a possible to secure harmony in the courts , buc after a careful study of the question he could not ( * > cape from the con elusion that the Scott dtcUloa M not cor rect. If the use of trie alley waa issentlal to the purposes of the railroad company it should proceed to acquire it unur > the law of eminent domain and tbould pay the damage * resulting to property owners. But the law did not contemplate that the prop erty could be acquired at the expense of the people of Omaha and turned o > er Into the possession of the railroad company. The news of the court's decision against the railroad company was received with great surprise by Omaha railroad men After the decision of the first Injunction suit in favor of the n & M. railroad men generally were of the opinion that no further hindrance to the erection of the Burllngton'0 passenger station , according to the plans published a month ago by The Bee , would be encountered. General Manager Holdrege of the B. & M. Is out of the city ou a trip of inspection and has been away for a fortnight. The news of the decision was telegraphed htm this morning by George L. Loomis , his as- Blatant. General Solicitor Manderson Is out In the Black Hills on a pleasure trip. The latter stated , howe\er , before leaving the city that should the court decide againut the railroad company the (75,000 driveway , which was to have afforded a handsome entrance and exit to and from the passenger station from Tenth street , would be abandoned. This driveway waa to have been semicircular lar in form , gradually sloping down from the level of Tenth street to that of the sta tion. It would have been one of the features of the contemplated Improvement ! . WILL NOT BUY OFF KINOMAN. According to tbie statement made by the , company'o general solicitor , it is believed by railroad men that the driveway only , and not ncesarlly the entire building scheme , will now be abandoned. The result will be that the ouly entrance for vehicles will be from Ninth street , which entrance would otherwise ba\e been uwcd only by express and baggage uagon * . Speaking of thu decision an official of the B. & it. ulil juiterdjiyV ; U. this Is the most unexpected thing After all' the pressure ihat has been brought to bear for a new- depot before the uxppqltlon opeueJ , we did not look for such an Interruption at the last mlnuta I1 cannot Estate 'what the effect will be. Mr. Holdrege and General Mander- ton are both out of ms Tiry. and I don't know what action they iwlll determine upon. One thing is pretty certiin , the company will never buy out this firm. They came to us at the start. ai > < 3 wanted us to buy them out at a high figure , If It U thought that the company will d9 so now , some people are likely to be flliappolnted " 11 i I'AV MAY WITH SUUUOIOII'LOYKS. . llroUcrH Auilon * to TiU ) School War- ruiiU lit 1'ii'K Yesterday was pay ' 'day' In the public schools , and the BoardofEducatlon rooms _ _ were thronged with teachers and janitors , whoatood in line to recelv'e'the last warratits they draw before the 'long summer vaca tion. tion.The The city and school district warrants are becoming popular with the. broKer * . and > esterday the teachers were not com pelled to travel all over the city to get their warrants cashed al par. Several brokers had their agents In Secretary Glllan'e of fice ready to pay the face of the warrants in gold ae rapidly as they were presented , and the long table presented the appearance of the paying teller's cage In a national bank. The same feature Is apparent when the city employes are paid , and half a dozen brokers take up temporary quarters In Comp troller Wtstberg'i office and gladly accept the warrants at par. Ail malarlil dlteases , especially chronic cates of chills , may W permanently cured by the perelstent use of PHI Anaemic Pink. Made only by the Mercer Chemical Co. , Oms ba. Tiiinvrov IIIKIIS i. > IIAHHACKS. Armory f'onvcrtfil Into 11 Camp liriiiiiiil for tilt * 1'renrnt. "On to San Antonio" it the word of the Tburston Itlfles The subscription lists are being rapidly circulated and are meeting with encouraging eucceti. Dchoea from the great prospective drill are received dally from the San Antonio presa , and from the Interest and enthusiasm that are being shown by the southern people In military display , it U conceded that the Thurston Rifles may expect a royal welcome from the citizens of San Antonio. The en campment Is to be held in oneof the mott delightful spots In the country , on the banks of the clarslc San Atnunlo river. In the midst of the gigantic Pecan and 11 ve oak forests that sheltered the Spaniards and Indiana 200 years ago. The selection of the grounds will be made w-itli every reference to the comfort of the troops. The drill grounds , when completed , will be absolutely Ideal. Thu members of the Rifles have sacrificed all pleasures and have subjected themselves to rigid training preparatory to getting In shape for the great ! contest that now awaits them. Even Captain Coleman of the Itlfles wheel club has deemtd It advisable to further discontinue all expeditions of re- connoltanco until after the evacuation of San Antonio. The armory baa assumed the appearance of regulation military barracks. Tbe furniture , carpets , piano , etc. , have given preference to cots and bed clothing , and the once cheerful and bomellka appear ance of the quarters , together with the many social pleasures of lant cea&on , are now ling ering memories of thu past. At 10 SO p. m. every light in the building U extinguished as the last note of tap sounds through thu quarters , and every man is In bed There Is no deviation from this rule , and , aa a mat. ter of fact , there is scarcely a member of the Hlflej who U net jbiJy to clo * bis eyei after a continuous drill of two hours each evening , Saturday and Sunday evenings be ing excepted. At D o'clock in the morning the stillness of the air Is broken by the Etlrrlng blasts of reveille , which awaken the men from their peaceful slumbers only to tell them that they must turn out and get drresed. Rolls and coffee are served to the tired and sleepy young Tburstonltea , and at the sound of assembly at 5:30 , the com pany is formed and a sharp drill la had until C.4J , when the men are dismissed for the day. At a recent meeting of the company Cor pora ! Bartlett was appointed to the rank of sergeant , vice Coverdale , resigned , and Pri vate Vincent wag appointed corpora ] , vice Rartlett , promoted. Messrs. Jv Tillosen , D Bert Jones. W. M. Lemon , W. J. Koopman and A. H. Knutnon were elected to member- ship.Messrs. Messrs. Scrambling , Boebr , Scons , Thompson and Coy were visitors at Kort Crook Friday morning. Private Coy bad the misfortune to break the chain of nil wheel , which delayed the party from re turning until a late hour. Due-torn After Die Doctor * . A warrant was yesterday Issued for the arren of W L. Crabtree of Twenty-sixth s'reet and Capitol avenue on the charge of unlawful practice of medicine. The com- p'alnt waa sworn to by O. F Crummer of the State Board of Medical Kxarnlners. Mr Crummer stated that the board was Intend ing to begin its annual campaign against physicians practicing w'thout permits. There are nearly twenty In this city who are to be urrented. Young girls and women often experience Irregular or suppressed perlodi. They lack blood. Pill Anaemic Pink , the great blood builder , never talk to produce regularity. When you buy a proprietary article , look at It before the Mlemin wraps it up , and Miuro yourself that you are getting the right thing. Substitution U rampant. 3iAV TIST TIII : CM ii , .sijiivici : i.vw. nixi'liiirKi * of llnrxliiil Tliumiuel'ii StiiioKrnilier | ltnl r nil I on nc. The extent to which the civil service law- shall apply to the ofllce of the United State * marshal will probably be tested before very long. This will result from the removal of Miss Gertrude Kearney , who was ofilco dep uty under Marshal White , and lia > continued to bold the position up till this time under Marshal Tbummel Tbe removal was made Friday , and Charles W. Peanall of Co lumbus , formerly a court reporter In the Eleventh judicial district , has been appointed to the place by Mr. Tbummel Tbe Impres sion hat been around tbe postofflce building that the office deputies were under tbe civil service law , but they were ieapi > olnUd by Mr. Thummel conditionally. Ml s Kearney somu titnA ago wrote to the attorney general for an expression of bli opinion a * to her standing In the office , and he answered that she was on the civil service list and would not have to be reappolnled and would not be required to take another oalh of ofllce. With this letter , she fell sba was secure in the place. Tbe president of the civil service commission also wrote to the local civil service board a couple of weeks ago , stating that office deputies were on the civil service list , and would not re quire reappointment , but that If one re signed , or a vacancy was created In any , other way , tba place would bo filled by pro motion or by transfer. Friday , however , tbe marshal received a telegram from Attorney General McKenna to the effect that the comptroller of tba treasury had decided tint all deputies went out of office with their chief , and could not draw pay unless they were reappolnted by the new mtrrbil. As tbe comptroller It a democrat , this authority was considered suf ficient to govern the actions of tb inartbal. Mtii Kearney waa therefore notified of the new decision , and her connection with the office ceased Friday night.