Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY - BEE : _ TJSiJSDAY - i - , . JUNE 8 , 1807. 3
Smith , plumber. 2 M A-ve. A. T l. 3S1.
Miss Onrry departed last evening for Cleve
land , O.
Julius Deetkcn has returned from tlie State
Ilcrry boxes , baskets , 5)cc supplies
Misses Tlllman And r.svinc of Crctton arc
vlfllliiK frlc'idt here.
.Miss Amy Mlllon will si mil the summci
with relatives In n.-im.cll.
Mark Ourjca hni been eiiRBKcd to act as
cashier nt Manavv.i this season.
A blaring manure pile called out the t1r <
department jcstiTday atcrnoon
John While ot Picric. S. 1) . , Is ft K'JesI
of till sister. Mrs. A. T. Kllcklnger
Patronize the popular Hagle laundry , ' 24
K Uroadvva > . Tit. 157. Three wagons , "
Mrs. Hd L Mertln left > ctterday for ColO'
rado where tlio will vhlt relatives.
You vs111 Crnl W. 8. Cooper , the flro ln ur
anca man , at Ills new office. No. C Peirl St.
Ml a Marie Hartley , who 1ms been vis
Itlng here , has returned to her home In At
Calantho assembly. No. 1 , Pjthlan 81s
tcrhoud , will meet Wednesday aftcinocn li
Woodmen hall.
Mrs. J. H. Jewell and daughter , flora
dcpirtod jeslorday for Meadow Qrove , Neb.
to visit relatives.
Lily camp No. 1 , Hoyal Nolghborr of Amer
lea , will meet In tegular session Tuesda ;
evening at 8 o'clwk.
John MovsrnnnncstcJ upon Informatto
filed In Vlcn's court jcntprday , charging th
Isiceny of a. hitching strap.
The Hoard of County SupeivUors met li
regular fiefhlon yesterday and put In the da
In looking over the regular bills ,
A club nf 3Dung women , known as th
L. I. H club , his planned a sunrlno picnic t
Kalrmount paik for Thursday morning.
Mr. and Mr * . U , A. llaidy have gene t
Jlenomlnee , Wif. Mrs Hard } will rental ;
dm ing the summci , visiting her parents.
rlreman Sandcieon Its temporal lly off Out
while nursing back Into , .u'ulr.esb ( bid l-amU
v.hlch were badly burned at a umall llro Sat
urday night.
The Apollo club benefit concert for Harr ;
Hints , the High school pupil hurt In the re
cent ha ) rack accident , Will be given Thur-3
day , Juna 10.
Colcnel J. J. Steadman , Marshal Dradle
and Deputy Marshal Charles Bradley lei evening for DCS Molncs to attend th
federal court.
Mrs. C. II. Jtidson nnd Miss Emma More
house will attend the Young People's So
tlcty of Christian Endeavor district conven
tlon this v , cek at Harlan.
A number of members of the Councl
HlulTs Gun club went to Sioux City last even
Ing to take part In the shooting tournamcn
at that place which begins today.
The regular meeting of the Loyal Temper
ance Army \vlll bo held at "the home o
ilrs. Esancy , 351 Scott street , Tuesday after
noon at . ' . o'clock. All boys and girls nude
the age of 1C arc Invited.
Work was begun yesterday on the new at
dltlon to the Twentieth avenuu school bulh
Ing. Contractor llosen was conelderab !
elated over the discovery that he was ab !
to buy hla Himbci for $75 le'-s than the pile
when ho figured ou the work.
The Ladles' Auxiliary of the Young Men
Christian association will holdan ncijonrnc
meeting at the rooms today at 2:30 o'cloc
to complete arrangements for a reception i
bo given to all old mrmbeiG of the assocli
tlon a I some near dateIn the future.
G , Clifford Mattncivs of Logan spent Sui
day In this city , the guest of Roy Foste
Ho came down for tbo purpose of taking
snap shot at thu Unrllngton's fast mall tral
on Sunday afternoon and vvau ono of tl
enthusiastic amateurs who obtained fine pi
turos of the lljer.
Oorlrudo Thompson , a joung girl fro
Carle } , la , came to Council 11 lulls ycstcnlc
on her way to Longmont , Colo. She lost hi
money and applied to Rev. Henry DeLong fi
assistance. He investigated the catao an
finding the girl worthy of assistance , secun
the necessary means to send her on hi
George Ulrd , an Atlantic bootlegger , vv !
complete lib sentence of nlnctj ( Jays In tl
Pottavvattamle county Jail this morning. 1
has also served thirty days to liquidate tl
fine Imposed bj Judge Woo'uonl Ho was 1) )
fore Commissioner Wright yesterday to ta'
the poor debtor's oath to relieve him of t
obligations of the cwts of hla prosecution ,
Joe Leonard , the tramp who was neat
beaten to death lu a general fight amo
tramps near the Northwestern railvv
jards several daja ago , has about recc
ered from his hurts and will be dlscharg
from the Woman's Christian Association he
pltal today. The police will Investigate t
case a little further before they let h
leave town.
Uev. l nry DoLong on Saturday made I
first of a contemplated Eerlto of trips throu
the county In behalf of the American Sunrl
School union , returning > esterday. He vlsll
Underwood , Downsvllle and Pleasant H
and reports very satisfactory results of t
trip. Arrangements were made for an
day meeting nt the Harden Presbyterl
church Sunday , June 20. It Is expected tt
a number of persons from this city will abe
bo In attendance.
C. D. Vlavl company , female remedy. Me
leal consultation free Wednesday. Heal
book furnished. " 20-327-328 Mcrriam bloc
N. V. Plumbing company. Tel. 620.
I beg to announce to the public that
have bought at assignee's gals the eutl
stock , furnaces , tool LI and machinery of t
firm of Urhal & Wheaton , assigned , a
known na the Council Bluffs Hoaflng a
Cornice works , and that I have taken my
In partnership , The business will hcreafl
be conducted under the name of n. Grhal
Son. Thanking our friends for the confldcn
repcsed In the pirt , and hoping for a cc
tlmmnco of the earno for the new firm ,
remain respectfully yours ,
The following transfers vvero filed ycst
day In the title and loan office of J.
Squire , 101 1'earl utreot ;
John Shicls to Thomaa J. Shield , un-
UlV i fV4 traU 30-75-42 ; o'4 svvi4 30 , nnd
H nvv'i 30-75-4J , vv il $
Bar ah Shltls to Tliomnn J. Shicls , same ,
w d ,
iilcii 8. Johnson and husband to
Charles Shlels , vvi4 nwii and sc\i \ nwil
1l5 * \V 4
* i ( * * tt * * * * < < t < ttt ( t * * * (
Wooster Kay to Charlotte M , Kay. part
of he'l BvvU and mvil eU 4-74-43.
w d , ,
Four transfers , total ,
Miirrlum * I.ICI-IIHCH.
The following marriage licenses vvero
aucd yesterday :
Name nnd residence. .A
.Medea Wheeler. 8vracu , < w. N. Y
Ularle Fachman , 8 > racnse. N. Y. . , . . , . . . ,
II P. Smith. Council niuffs
Alice UaUKherty , Council Uhirfs , , . ,
llehHg , tcaly , bleeding palmi , ( hapelrtt nalli
nod jialDful Otii | r eudt , iilmj > lr , blackkcadi
oily , mutliy Vlodry , thin , and falling hair , Itcl
iDg.icul ) icaInnUleH | , qulcklto vrarm batt
wltu Cirrauiu BOAP , and ginllo anolDilot
with CUTICUIU ( ointment ; , tbe great ila cun
It told lhryuthouttk rU. PoTTn Dco ixc Car
Coir. MUrn > M.lio.u > a.
or "lt lo ViuJuc. buft , VVWI. Iliad. , " fcti.
'oadjutor ' for Uisuop Perry is to Be Ap
pointed Soon.
oiincll IllnfTM Men AVorU < ( > SPCIITC
the HoiuliitinrtiTR of AVIint U 111
lie H > < MV IllocCNC
Thrro Is an excellent chance of securing
or Council Bluff * a resident Episcopal
Ishpp. The pliu tbat was advocated at the
( invention In Davenport a few dasa ago ol
ppnlntlnga coadjutor bishop to assist Iltshor
'erry ' has met the hearty approval of the
hurches all over the Iowa diocese. This
s not only due to the fact that a majority
f the towns In the central anil western part
t the state perceive a chance of securing
he residence ot the assistant bishop , In case
o la appointed , but tram the realization ol
he fact that Bishop Perry has entirely toe
nuch work on his hands to properly lee *
ftcr the great Interests of the church It
he state The liberal proposition made bj
Ulshop Perry to donate annually $1,000 of hi :
alary to the assistant bishop provided at
ddltlonal permanent endowment could be eu
Hired that would Insure the payment o
he remaining $2,000 of the assistant bishop' :
ialary has not only been favorably commentci
ipon'but has spurred the Episcopalian :
ill over the state Into activity and had madi
t certain that the amount will be raised
) lnlio ] > Perry's pioposltlon Is that an endow
mcnt amounting to at least $20,000 must bi
secured from which the other $2,000 ot thi
affilstant b'shop's salary must bo realize !
by permanent Investment. It la cstlmatct
hat the endowment cannot be Invested oaf el ;
o Irsure more than 5 per cent Interest
n addition the bishop will require the an
nual payment of $300 for the traveling ex
pcuses of his coadjutor. At the Davenpor
meeting a committee of fourteen was ap
pointed to consider the matter. Prcaldcn
Shafe : ot Iowa City Is chairman ot the com
nilttee and Postmaster Bowman of this clt ;
s one of tbo foremost members. The propo
Itlon has now reached a stage where th
eallratlon of the scheme can be consldcrei
is assured , and the contest for the locatloi
at the episcopal residence has begun. Th
act that Ulsliop Pcrrj's residence la In th
rctrcme eastern portion of the state make
t necessary to locate the residence of hi
coadjutor In the western portion. At th
present time only three cities are being con
sldcred. Council Bluffs. Sioux City and De
Molnes. Council Bluffs has several ad
uitagea over cither of Its competitors tha
will be urged with vigor upon the committee
A special meeting ot the executive commute
of the Merchants' and Manufacturers' assc
elation was called yesterday for the purpos
of taking Initiatory steps In the work c
building up a popular sentiment In churc
circles that will favor the location of th
episcopal residence here The advantages c
having It here were pointed out to the men
bers of the committee who were not we
versed In Episcopal church government. On
of the Immediate advantages would be t
strengthen the church here and make S
Paul's church a cathedral The church bulk
Ing la the finest in the western part of th
state , and consequently will be the finest I
the new diocese A church seminary similt
to the one at Davenport Is amoag the earl
possibilities. Various plans were dlscussci
but none of them were sufficiently mature
to give to the public. It was confidently pn
dieted that a majority of the members <
the committee of fourteen could be Induce
to look favorably upon any reasonable propi
sltlon that might come from Council Bluff
One plan discussed was to offer the coadjutc
b'shop the free use of a residence here. Or
member of the committee who Is very muc
Interested with Mr. Bowman In securing tl
location here is W. P. Cleveland of Harla :
and It is said that President Shafer of low
City and Mr. Potter of Cedar Rapids wl
favor Council Bluffa under certain condition
Mnjor CurNon Si-iulM n IioiiKtliy MCI
NitKP to ( lie Council.
"Our experience with block paving hi
been milflclent to condemn It as Impractlc ;
ble and short lived , and Its twin brothc
plank walks , has glvsn us a like expcrlcnc
Your committee upon streets and alleys h ;
had an experience this spring that wl
justify youi determination ta abandon th
short-lived method of improvements , and
earnestly recommend that all walks In tl
Cutuie be made of brick , " was the wi
Mayor Carson Introduced a lengthy tjp
written communication to tbe city counc
at the regular meeting last night , cental
Ing a number of Important recommendation
Among other things the mayor recommend *
that the people who petition for walks to ]
laid on streets where the grade Is not up'
requirements bo required to provide
surface above the general level. The may
called attention to the fact that there w ;
only a difference of C cents per lineal feIn
In favor of plank walks and that brli
was the cheapest In the end. The maj
also called attention to the many complain
of the use of barbed wire for fencing In tl
city , and advised the council Uo exercise 1
power under the statutes of the state
enact an ordinance timcnting the use
such fencing.
Another Important recommendation wi
that asking that eome specific action 1
taken to make trouble for the people wi
persist In throwing glas In the streets at
ullejs. Ho called attention to the mai
complaints coming from bicycle riders
damage to tires resulting from this practlc
Among other recommendations was the pla
Ing of a policeman In East Omaha and :
arrangement with the county to recover co
of keeping state prisoners In the city j
pending preliminary hearing. All of tl
recommendations were .received aud plac <
on file.
The reading of the regular monthly bll
occupied half an hour. All were allowc
The chairman of the commlttco on fire ai
lights and police and health were allow
$100 and $75 , respectively , for current c
penses during the month.
A license was granted to J , W. Mahon
to conduct a saloon at 535 Broadway ,
oo Latayette Dunlap notified the city that
would expect damages In satisfaction for I
juries received from a fall last winter
which he sustained a broken leg. Ho fever
over a pile of stuff taken out of the roadw
on Lower Broadway , near Thirty-si *
street. The notice was referred to t
judlcbiy committee.
William Pratt notified the council that
had worked out tte poll tnx for Al Tra' '
and William Burrlll and had been unable
collect from them. The council decided it
ha a case of misplaced confidence and advU
Mr. Pratt to BUC the men.
A petition was presented asking tbo city
condemn the old Western house > , a dlla
dated structure on Upper Broadway , as bel
unsightly , a inemco to adjoining proper
dangerous to public health and a rendezvc
for tramps. The property la owned by t
Portsmouth N. H. , Savings bank , and t
council decided to confer with J. W. Ly
of Omaha , agent for the bank , and Investlgi
as a committee of the whole.
A petition asking for tbo establishment
an alley In the rear ot the Masonic Tern ]
block waa referred to the committee of t
The Pioneer Implement company and t
McCormlck Harvester company asked for t
right of way for Union Pacific Hallway co
pany to lay a track frcm its Tenth aven
line to the rear of the Implement hous
It was referred to the committee on strci
and glleja to report at the next meeting , wi
the understanding that an ordinance be dra
in tbe meantime , The laying of tbe tra
will require the removing ot the sldewa
and the condemnation of aomu vacant lots
George V. H , Brill was appointed spec
policeman without pay.
A number of bills that had not be
authorized by the chairmen of the varlc
committees were presented and paid , aftci
Irngthy debute on the subject of Irreipc
Bible und unauthorized purchase of euppll
and led to the paita of a , resolution tl
ny such orders In the future will constitute
n offense calling for the discharge of tbe
mploye who does It.
The chairman of the fire committee was
illowed $212.DO to pay for a couple of new
horses purchased for the department. The
engineer was Instructed to proceed with the
work on Indian creek , west of Tenth street.
The defective bridge In East Omaha , con-
tructcd by the Courtland Beach association ,
was a subject for discussion again last night.
A delegation ot citizens from the Island
vas present to urge the council to have the
> rldgo repaired. Alderman Shubcrt declared
hat the bridge waa dangerous , and a number
of teams had recently broken through It.
The Beach association had positive ! ) declined
o make the necessary repairs , nnd he
avored closing the bridge at once. The
matter was referre-d to the city attorney
and city marshal , with Instructions to notify
he Courtland people to repair It or It wou3 !
ic closed to traffic at once. The East Omaha
men who were present also urged upon the
council the necessity for appointing a police
officer to prevent hunters shooting the citi
zens In their doorjards On motion of Alderman -
man Casper the special health officer was
dispensed with and the major authorized to
appoint a man in East Omaha who will draw
the pay tbat has been given the health In
Tr-e council adjourned to meet next Monday
Couches In valour , $6.75 , at Durfce Furni
ture company , 205 and 207 Broadway.
'oll Tax.
Suit was commenced yesterday in Justice
Vleu's court by Poll Tax Collector Blood to
compel G. C. Pullman of Knepher street to
pay his $2 assessment and $6 of costs. Pull
man has been negligent and has failed to
comply with the. poll tax collector's notice.
Collector Blood and City Clerk Philips
spent an hour jcsterday In running over the
notices that had been disregarded and picked
out the most' flagrant cases. In which suits
will bo brought to compel pajment. The
poll tax collector Is not acting solely upon
his own motion In bringing suits to enforce
collection , but Is under the ordera of the
city council and city attorney. At the pres
ent time the amount collected Is more iban
double that on this date a jcar ago. There
are still a large number1 of delinquents , and
a largo number of suits will be brought
within the next few da > s
In running over the old tax notices In the
ofDce of the city clerk > esierday a number ol
delinquents were discovered who had suc
ceeded In evading pajment of the tax foi
many years. Ono rase was found of a well
known business man where the notices tc
coma to the city building with a shovel am ]
work two days on the streets or pay $2 Ir
c sh had been disregirded Llnco 18S9. Co\- \
lector Blood Is determlred that there shall
be no repetitions of this character this jcar
ArroMol for AVlfe IletitliiK.
Charles Clcrmont was arrested yesterdaj
upon an Information filed with the city clerl
by his wife charging him with assault anil
battery. Clermont and his wife keep a smal
restaurant on Middle Broadway. For semi
tlmo past Mrs. Clermont says the bulk o
the work of managing and providing for thi
business hss fallen upon her , and her bus
bind has used a large portion of the proceeds
coeds In an effort to satisfy a craving deslri
for intoxicating liquors. A few nights ag <
she made the rounds of the saloons juat be
fore midnight , looking fur him and glvlni
the proprietors official notice not to sell bin
anything. She sajs he became intoxlcatei
jesterday In spite of her pre-cautlons and re
sented her Interference with his habits b ;
the use of his fists. The woman was no
Injured but die concluded to take actlv
measures to bring her husband to a ful
realization of his duties
Clermont made considerable trouble at th
station after hts arrest. He refused to sub
mlt to the ordeal of being searched befor
being thrown Into the bole Deputy Mar
shal Ward was compelled to laj him down o :
the floor and sit on him for a few moment
before he would consent to stand up to th
line and let the contents of his pockets b
turned out.
Dentil if MnttlifTi
Matthew Engell , aged 75 years , died yes
terday of heart disease at the home of hi
sister , Mrs. Tobe , in Hardln townshlr
Death came very suddenly and unexpectedlj
Ho was In the city on Sunday and ate
liearty dinner at tbo Neumayer hotel , re
turned home and slept very soundly untl
a few minutes before 5 o'clock , when h
aroused the family , and died a moment latei
) was on old soldier , a member of com
pany B , First region nt , of the Nebrask
Volunteer Infantry. He was present at th
storming of Tort Donaldson , and lecelved
bad wound lu the arm during the attacl
Ho recovered and served until 1S63. He wa
oneof the very first pioneers of the countj
and had lived In Garner township since 181 !
The funeral will take place from the res
idence of his Elster tomorrow morning o
10 o'clock. Abe Lincoln post will tak
charge of the funeral. The body will b
burled In the soldiers' lot In Falrvlew.
M///.II ; L.EIVUS IICH sivrcii !
Cherry Troupe I'nllN ( o 1'lccex I
Den Mnliivx.
DBS MOINES , June 7. ( Special Telegram
The Cherry sisters quartet went to piece
today , after a ftacas that has been In pro ;
rets for tevcral weeks. It be an In Ne'
York. Lizzie , the oldest of the slstern , ha
refused to bear her part of the expcuoei
She has regularly put her share of the n
celpts In the bank , and compelled tbo othe
three to pay her expenses. She claims th :
she originated the idea that lias pinned 01
so well , and Is entitled to better pay than tl :
rest. The other elsters could not see It , an
trouble began. It opened up in New Yor
and after being patched up several tlnu
came to a crisis today. Lizzie would not pa
her share of the expenses of the Des Molm
engagement and the others went away will
out her , refusing to pay her bill. Tncy set
homo to the farm , near Cedar Rapids , for tl
fifth , who to the poetess of tbe aggregi
tlon , and Bald to be sufficiently atrocious c
the stage to make her a good member of tr
troupe. They will tour Iowa during the nun
mcr. Lizzie is still In town and declares si
will revenge herself by starting anotu
n\MC's AShrrs Aiir
iit of it .Sluux City llnulc AVI
Nut Ho I'roMi-clited.
SIOUX Cim" , June 7. ( Special Tel
gram. ) The district court today dlsmUst
tbo Indictment against C , Devon Oldflel
president of the failed Commercial Savlm
bank , who was charged with fraudule
banking. It Is found the assets more tlu
cover the liabilities , and the county a
toiney decided not to prosecute the case.
MrtiMir Sliooli ( lie Uiirlli.
LA'NSING ' , la. , June 7. An explanation
jdsterday's supposed earthquake has bei
found. Farmers residing west of this cl
report eeclng a large ball or fire sallli
through the eky In a northcily directli
about the time the Ehock was felt Bund :
morning. Immediately following tbe dlsa
pearance of the strange eight there was i
awful explosion , and it Is now thought
have been a monitor meteor , which mu
have struck the earth somewhere In nort
eastern Iowa ,
Sum June * ' AKHIXIIU on DON Moliirx
DES MOINES , June 7 , ( Special Telegran
Sam Jones has come to Des Molness a :
opened a three weeks' crusade against t
evils of Des Molncs. Ho finds It Is a vc
wicked town , and expects the job will i
quire more time than he can give It. T
meetings are held In an immense tent , n :
audiences of 5,000 to 8000 have crowded
after turning thousands away.
Trill u Jiiinim tluTrcirk ,
JEPFKRSON , la. , June 7. ( Special Tel
gram ) The northbound passenger train '
k the Des Molnes , Northern & Western ra
road jumped the track hero this noon. 1
one Is seriously hurl. The locomotive vv
tunning backward ami the tender jumped t
Every mother knows tnai young girls d
veloplng Into womanhood need a tonic
replenUU the blood. Pill Aneemlc Pink
composed largely of concentrated beef blo >
and uover falls to regulate the periods.
Cleveland Gives Washington * No Chance to
Cross the
, T
Onl ) Mnl < c Six lilt * Oft AVIl-
HOII During ( lie Untlrv .Sexuloii
Oriole * Kruoc Ut1nitil 'llcnt '
* *
the llron nfc. .
Baltimore , 4 ; St. Lout * . 2.
Cleveland , 7j Washington , 0.
Louisville , 3 ; Urookljn , 1.
New York , 10 ; Chicago , G.
I'hlliulGltihla , 4 ! Cincinnati , 0.
Uaston , J ; 1 utsburg , 0.
Milwaukee , 4 ; Indianapolis , G.
Columbia , 9 : Kansas Ulty , 0
Qrana UupIcK 10 : Minneapolis. 9.
letrolt-St. I'aul. No game ; wet grounds.
WASHINGTON , Juno 7. The \lattori
plnjcd an errorless game today anil shut ou
the Senators. Six hits were made oft Wilson
but the Washington plajers could not gc
In more than one to an Inning. McJnmci
toward the end ot the game was hit rathe :
freely. Attendance , 2,000. Score !
Totals . . . . 0 C 57 18 To'nls ' . . . 7 13 27 14 (
\VnshlnKton o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C (
Cleveland . . . . :
named mrn. Cleveland , 2 Two b e lilt : Te.
beau , three-bare hits. Uemont , Wnltnce Staler
base : Socknlexls Ioubli > i > li ) < < : O'llrlen to lie
niont to Tucker , Wnllnce to Chllds to Tcbent
first bite on balls. Oft McJames , 3 , off Wll
son , 19 lilt by pitched ball , lly Wllscn
Tucker Struck out. lly MeJatiiet ) . 1 , bj AMI
tan , K. Vi\W \ pitch McJiuncsj Left on bases
Washington. 5 ; Cleveland , 10 Ttmc : One lioui
and fifty minutest. Uminre ; O'Ua > .
BAIJTIlIOlin , 4 ; ST. LOUIS , 2.
BAI/TIMOnE , June 7. The Champion
won from the Llrownt today In a well playci
game It was a pitcher's bnltlo throughou
anil the home team won by their ability ti
hit Hart In the ilrst Inntnir Aftei that the'
were unable to touch him The lloldltif , ' d
Cross and Douglass und of Jennings am
Kxcler weie the features. Attendance , 1,811
Score :
Earned runs' Uultlmorc , 1 , St Louis , 2 T o
fc hit : Gi-uly. Three-bade lilt : Keeler
Icme run : Qulnn Stolen bases : llarlcj
cnnlnfT ) (3) ) , lleltz. Stcnrcl * rifft'basc on balls
> rt Nops. 3. off Hart , 3 Hit br pitched bill
Inrt , I.illy. Cross , JennlnKq Struck out : 11
Kops , B , by Hart , 3 Wild pitch : Nops Lu
m bises 11-iltlmore , S. fat Louis , 9. Time
53 Umpire : McDonald.
nnOOKLYN , June T.-jLouhvll'.e won
, vell plajed game from thq Ilrookhns n
park this afternoon , Both Hill an
pitched jjood ball , but the latter vvu
Iberal with ba es on balls Tho- give
: est run-5 Clarke's catchrof Schoch's lly 1
he eighth was one of tne lewloature :
Score ; i
-n cf. . . U 1 1 0 0 ClnrL. If. . . . 1140
one * , rf . . . 0 0 1 0 Ocl'wm'n. 3b 1 1 14
\nders'n. If 0 0 2 0 0 Warden. lt > 0 0 fr 1
blilndle. 3b. 0 111 0 bfirroiil jss. 1 1 1 1
l/icha'ce. Ib 0 1 12 0 1 Jlct're'y , rf 0 1 2 0
ichoch ss . 0 U 4 2 lHo | eri. 2b . 0 0 32
Dunn. 2b , .il 0 2 3 0 DL JT. cf. . 0130
fctnlth. c. . , 0 1 4 3 O.ullHjn. o. . . 0071. ,
" n . .0003 Oimr , p , . . . 0 041
BUTC 1 . . . ' . 01000 It'
Grim to 0000 Totals . . . . 3 E 27 9
Totals . . 1 D 27 11
Hurrell batted for Tajne. "Grim batted fc
Brooklyn 000010000-
Loulsvlllc U-
Harned runs Ilrookljn. 0 , Louisville , 0 Fir
base on errors' Ircol > n , 0 , Louisville. 2 Le
on bites : Ilrookl > n , 2 ; Louisville C rir
base on balls. Oft 1'ajne. 3 ; off Hill , 0. Struc
out * lly 1'avnc , 3 , bj Hill , 4 'J\o-bae hit
Dexter , fctafford Sacrifice bits : McCreer ;
Itogcrs. Stolen bases. SMndle , ClnrKO ( .
CllnKinan. WIM pitches : 1'ayre I'af3i > l ball Time. ltl. : AtttnJance , 1,042 Ump.r ,
PHILADELPHIA. June 7 The Phlllli
turned the tables on Cincinnati today nnd
game full of excitement and kicking on bet
sides completely shut the visitors out. He
played a most exce lent game at center f (
: he visitors , and Irvvin led at the bat. TJ :
ocals' lleldlnc wns faultless , their one ern
being a fumble by Nath. McDermott's un
plrlng gave general satisfaction Score :
Totils . 0 5 24 7 31 Totals 4 7 27 7
Cincinnati 000000000-
hlliidelpbla Q 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 -
Tvio-batc hits : nitchey , Iniln (2) ( ) , Mlllc
rcfoH Double pla > s : Deckle/ Hey to Co
coran. First Inc on balls' Off Hrown , 4 , t
Orth , 1 , fctruck out. Scirlver Urown , llojl
Gcler. Left on bices : Cincinnati C. I'lilladc
pliln. 5 Time : 2 00 Umpire : McDermott.
NEW YORK , June 7 Sullivan lost h
nerve In the fifth Inning today , before whlc
time It looked as though the Giants had tl
game already won but theColtnon n sing
nnd bases on balls fattened their run cc
umn by adding four tallies to the one c
ready there. Then "C > " Seymour wi
brought into the game and Anton's mi
were never in it afterwards. The fcntu
of the game iwas GleaHon's runnlng-bac
wards catch of Lange's lly. Attendanc
1,500. Score :
ii.ii o A n 11.11 O A.
V nll't'n cf 1 1 1 1 0 Cierl t : b. 0 1 3 1
Ti-rnan rf. 1 1 2 0 0 McCor'k , ES 1 1 0 1
Joyce , 3b . . 2 1 2 3 0 LanKe , cf . 0 0 1 0
llnvls SB 1 J 0 0 0 Anton. Ib 2 0 H o
Glensnn , ib 2 1 1 2 0 Thornt'n If o 1 l o
Holmes. If. 1 1 1 0 0 Ityan rf 1200
Clark , Ib 1 o 13 0 err n > r Ib o 0 2 B
Wnrner , c 0 2 6 2 0 Kl t'M'e c 1 1 C l
Kullvoji p. 1 1 0 3 0 Griffith , p. 1 1 0 1
Seyrrour. p 0 0 0 5 1 'Cnllatian 0000
Totals . 10 10 i.7 1C 1 Trials 6 7 24 II
Hatted for Ryan In the ninth innlnp
New York . 010S0013'-
ChlcaEO . 0 0 0 'O 4 0 0 1 0-
nnrneil runs. New lorU , 4ChIcaBO , 1. TV
bnge hits' Davis , n\erl ( | . KJn = t ba e on i
rors. New tork , 2 , Ch'cjRo , .1. Stolen baci
OlccEon , Davis Ityan , I'lmt Uire on balls : l
Sullivan , 7 , off Seymour , 1 , off Urlttith , 6 1
b ) pitched ball. Hjan , AUKlmi nieafon , Cla
htnick out : lly Hullhan , J ; liyiSi-ymour , 4 ,
nritnth , 4 Left on bates : , , J cw York ,
Chicago , 9 Time ; 2 25 Umpires Kmille ,
BOSTON , 4 ; PITT UG. 0.
BOSTON , June 7. Tha-IUrates could r
Harned runs : I lot ton 1 , Tv\o-boc hi
Nichols , Ely. btolcn bates : Hamilton
Tcnny. Lens , Duffj (2) , L we , Col In , Kly Sml
1'lrtt base on balls : Oft Nichols , 2 , off Kill
3. Hit b > pitched ball : Long Struck o
13y NicholD , 3 , by Klllen , 3 1'uthfd balls : Si
den. Left on Ilaccs : Hoston , B ; J'ltubnru ,
Time. 161 Attendance , 4 OW. Umplr * : Ljn
_ , . , Played , Won. IvJst. P.
Baltimore , . 31 i5 9
BcBton . , , ZS 2-1 12 I
Cincinnati . 37 21 13 I
New- York . . . . . . . . . 31" 19 15 I
PlttBburjr . . . . . . 35 19 16 1
Cleveland . 25 19 16 !
Philadelphia . 39 21 18 1
Brooklvn . . . 37 19 18 I
Louisville . 37 17 20
Chicago . , . 37 U 23 :
\\akhlnKton . 34 9 25 :
fat. Loula , . 39 S 31 :
Games for today : Plttsburff at Boat
Cleveland at Washington , Cincinnati at PI
ftdelphln , I oultvlllo at Brooklyn , Chicago
nt New York , St. I uls at Baltlmoio ,
scoitr.s OK TUP. WUSTCRX
Monilnj'ttVlnncTM SIllTfnnkrc , Co-
InnilitiN , CriiiKl U.iiililn.x
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind. . Juno 7.-WUU two
out In the ninth , Phillips went up In the
nlr nnd the Brewers batted In four urns. A
umble by Eustace r.nd Dalj's two-bafrscr
caused the trouble. Wea\er's 8en < allomtl
leldlng was n tenture. Attendance , l.JOO.
3coro :
ndlanapollg 01002102 0-6
Milwaukee 4 7
Ba e hits : Indlannpolh. 10 ; Milwaukee. 11.
Errors : Indianapolis , G : Milwaukee , 4. Bnt-
erlcs : Indlnnnpollq , Phillips und Kahoo ;
Milwaukee , Btrncs nnd Spear.
COLUMHVS , O. , June 7. Merle's Olie-
mndPd runnliiR catch of a deep lluo drive
o left center Held nvni the feature ot HIP
game todav , but It was only one ot several
en itlonnl pla > s. Score :
loumbus 0 ' -9
vansas City 00000000 0-0
Base hits : Columbu" , 94 Kan in ) Clly , 3.
; 2rror i Columbus 1 ; Kansas City , 7. nnt-
erles : Columbus , Dnnlcla and Klsherj ICan-
a * City , Abbey nnd Uike.
GHAND UAPII > S , Mich. , June T.-Hnind
vTplds turned the tnblcR on MlnniftpolH W-
Ony. Ileldy was unable to hold them dc * n
nnd had to plve ay to Hrady. The Millers
Rl o U"e < l two pltcht-rs. Score :
Grand Unp'ds 0 1-10
Minneapolis 0 0-H
Ua e hlt t : Grand llaplds , 1C : Minneapolis.
4. Krrors. Grand Iliiplds. 5 , Minneapolis 3
-latteries : Grand Hitpldg , licit } ) , llrnily und
Tvvlneham ; Minneapolis , Herman , Hutchln-
-on and Boyle.
Dr/THOlT. Mich. . June 7 The TX'trolt-
St. Paul game was postponed on account of
wet ground" .
Plnyed. AVon Lost. P. C.
St. Paul 41 2S 13 GS3
: olumbu * 37 a 14 CU'J
ndlanapolls 37 22 10 &U5
Milwaukee 41 24 17 SSJ
Detroit 3S 18 20 47.4
Minneapolis 4t IS 25 419
Grand Rapids 40 14 2C So 0
Kansas City . . . . .41 12 29 293
Games for today : St. Paul nt Detroit.
Milwaukee nt Indianapolis , Kansas City at
Columbus , Minneapolis at Grand Ilnulds.
ION ' n Vmiil.
LINCOLN , Neb , June " . ( Special Tole-
Kram ) The University of Nebraska bn'l
team defeated Drake University of DCS
Molnes today In a close nnd Interesting game.
The score ,
Nebraska . 30002051 1-12
Drake . . 6 11
1 Ba e hits : Nebraska. 5 ; Drake , 3 L'r-
rors Nebraska. 5 ; Drake , 13. 13itterles :
Nebraska , Hobimon and Header ; Druke , An
derson ami iMcClurc.
MooeltiTM Ciune Out Alirml.
The Moocohers and George Dolan's Colts
met on the commons Sunday nnd nfter n
liard fight the Moochcra triumphed by the
following score :
M others . 3 15
Colts . 1-13
Batteries : Moocbers , Knott and Hen-
drlcks ; Colts , Peterson , Henn nnd Lacey.
CoiitrnI CMj AVliii Apralii.
CBNTHAL CITY. Neb , June 7 ( Special
Telegram ) McCarthys volunteers of Au
rora went down before the Central City
sluggers today , the second time this season ,
by a s-ore of 14 to 7. Batteries : Central
City , Koinbrlnk nnd Covvglll ; Aurora , Klumg
brothers Umpire : Scoonover. Attend
ance , 000.
AVfHt OiiinliiiH Win.
The We t Omahas defeated the South
Omaha Athletics on the former's grounds
Sunday by a score of 7 to 4 Batteries : West
Omaha , Murray and Hall ; South Omaha
Athletics , Mclntjie , Morrison and Latchei
The West Omahas would like to hear from
Havden Bios Addrefs M. Murray , Twen-
tjseventh and Davenport streets.
rirxt Acnilcmlc 11 , Si-eoiul Aonileiiile (
The First and Second Academies ol
Crelghton college pla > ed Friday aftcrnoor
on the college grounds. The game resulted
In a victory for the former by a score ol
U to 4. The feature of the game was the
pitching of riUuerald .for the Second ant
the heavy batting of the First.
ItcHer\c > H Wnnt GIIIIIOH.
The Receive E'ase Ball team hereby dial.
lenges any team In the city , averaging li
jeaia , for n gams , or series of games , to b (
plaied upon any grounds , according tc
agreement. Address all challenges U
Michael Kenny , 2413 South Eighteenth street
The Reserves ngiln met and vanqulsh-i
the Vlnton Street Stars Sunday afternoon
It was a very interesting game , -notvv 1th
standing Its lopsldedness. The score :
Reserves . 0 2
gtara . 1
Batteries : Reserves Tracey , Qulnlan an <
Hart ; Stais , Zarp and Sweeney.
Mtsllts Win n Riiinr.
The Poverty Knobs and the MlbHts playec
a very interetlng game last Sunday , tin
Misfits winning by a Ecore of 10 to 8. Bat
1 icrles : Misfits. Brady , Gordy nnd Jackson
'overly Knobs , Gray and Batorf.
Surprise swliie * Slielliy.
SURPRISD , Neb , June 7. ( Special ) Ol
Saturday the Shelby base ball club met lh <
Surprise team on the diamond , only to mee
efeat by a bcore of : Surprise , 10 ; Shelby , S
ViuiKlon Di-fi-ntH Vermilion.
VERMILION , S. D , June 7 , ( Specin
\legram ) The base ball game today
'ankton asalnst Vermilion , ended 9 ti
In favor of Yankton.
IIiiinlKiIiIt Opi'ii for In < piH.
HUMBOLDT , Neb , Juno 7. ( Special ) -
Hie base bull bojs have been reorganized a
fie Humbolclt Leaders and are now read ;
or contests In their class. Bert McColIougl
N captain rind Ocorre Scjsrlst minaircr. The
first same Is with Falls CHy nrxt Tuesday.
Phllntlcliilila TrtimtlliiK Qultp iu Na
tion of the 'Vnrnlly Klcvrn.
( CopjrlKhl , 1S57 , b ) I'resa I'ubllshlnR Compsny. )
OXVOllD. England. June " . -New York
World Cablegram Special Tclfsrain ) The
openlnfj game of the American cricket team
wns commenced hero today on the ground *
of Chi 1st Church college. The threatening
tM > athsp Itcpt the attendance down , but n5-
though the dny was cloudy rfNJ the llpht
non too good , the vvlcket wns In splendid
condition for scoring and some good batting
WI\H looked for.
The Oxonluno won the toss , ( Which gave
them choice of Innings. Thuy. of course ,
decided to bat nnd the Americans prepared
for n long Mtgc of leather hunting. The
' \arMty men , however , treated the uovvllng
with the greatest respect , nnd the runs came
\cry slowly. D R. Kitn oin. who startMl
the b.-xttlng with r. H. R. Champnln. w.v
thi > Hist to jleld to the bowling of King , nnd
onoiAlcket was down for thirteen runs. O.
HromlevMatiln was not to be deposed of
so cheaply , hovxcvrr. nnd he kept Champaln
companv until within two runs of the cen
tury , When ho waw bowled In Cregnr. The
Oxonians tlun gave an exhibition of good ,
steady , even battlntr , nnd , ns It will bo seen
from the rcorc , no less than nine of Hit-
eleven got Into double llRUrcs nnd live of
them exceeded n quarter of n century. When
13. C Wright and J C. Hartley were to
gether some hard hitting was net-n nnd the
former , bcfoie he wai ut length disposed of
by G. 8 Patterson , was CTidltodwith
line Inning of eighty-three Champnln's In
ning of sixty-time was r. lendld pffort
nnd may be considered the best of tbo dav
Although the bowling anal ) sis docs not
Indicate particularly fiuod work , the slow
scoring Miould she the respect with which
the bowling was treated. King ripeatedlv
beat the Intsmcn. but IIP appeared to ha\o
the worst kind of .uck. Ralston did splendid
vvcrlt behind the vvlcUcts and was com
mended by his oppontntM nftcr the gtmc
As the light was \erv bad when It came
time for the I'hlladplphl.ins' Inning Captain
Puttirson dorlded to hold nl bc t men until
tomorrow. Ho cnt In H. P. Billej nnd r
W , llalston and they Kiicces'fnlly ro lstpd
the attack , until call ot time The Plillidpl-
nlilnns have now a big lead to oveicome
Thpy ar not nt nl' dlshpiirtincd , hcnvevcr.
and If the wicket plava ns well tomorrow us
It did today they fully expect to gut within
balling distance of 3K3 The following Is the
score :
V H. B Chnmpaln , e ltnl ton , b Bailey , fi.1
B. D. Bnnnon. Ibvv , b King . .T * . . f.
G Broinlev-Mnrtln , b Ctcgnr . 31
R. R Foster , c King , b Bailey . 31
A. Eccles , run out . 22
F. C Henderson , c Ralston , b Clark . 13
P. S Wnddy. c Ralston , b Clark . 20
II C. Wright , by Patterson . 8,1
J. C. Hartley , b Clark . . ' . . 41
F H. E Cunllffe , not out . 21
L S. Matthews , c King , b Crcgar . ( I
Bef , H ; IcgbjCM , G . 17
Total . 3J3
Bowling analysis
MaidWlrk -
Nnmes. BilK ens. Runs els
CInqr . H5 S 91 1
Bailey . 00 1 OS 2
'aik . 150 4 CD 9
Patterson . 70 2 40 1
Cregnn . CO 1 3(5 ( 2
' .ester . . 0 0 20 0
Coates . 15 0 IS 0
H. P Bailey , not out . 5
F. W. Ralston , not out . 1
Total . c
Runs nt the fall of each wlckpt : Oxford
13. 93 , 120 , 154. 18C. Ill , 200 , 2S4 , 3G2 , 3C3.
I'rotfxtN on S < . Louis Kotul Knee.
ST. LOUIS , June " . E. A. Krledler , who
was announced as the winner of the third
time prize In the Foren park roirt race of
last Saturday , today fl'eil n protest ivvlth
Referee Allen , asserting that the tlmerr
made nn error , and that he nnd not J. C
Conover of Kansas City had won the bec-
end time prize. J. C. Conover. to rahom the
second prize was awarded , today made a
protest against the awarding of the first
time prize to Arthur H StocUhoff of St
Louis. Condver ss that he made the best
time In the lace. Both Krledler and Cone
ver assert tbat they rode the race several
seconds faster than the Uncling of the tim
ers shows. Mr. Allen will make an investi
CInnHIck nxtitlillxhcN nrw Itcporil
NEW HAVEN. Conn . June 7 Under the
supervision of Dr. J. W. Seaver , physlca
director of the Yale gymnasium , a'publli
rtrensth test was tiken at the gjninaslun
this afternoon to cnible Charles C. Chad
wick of the senior clnsi to try to break th <
record held by C. S Venill of the c'nss ol
1POO , Venlll having broken the intcrcrSiegfati
record held bv Chat'mlclt. The tes > t wn-
hlgnlv successful. Clud-vick made a tola
of 2n < 5 KToprams , or atiout 4 .01 pout.ils
The record of > oung Venill wns only 1 G7 (
kilograms , or 3.GS7 pounds Chalvvlck'f
greatest feat wab his chest lift , which was
954 Kilograms , or about 2,099 pounds. 2had
wick's figures for lifts In e-ery position fx
celled those of Venill.
KuirleH for Tfiduj'H Whrrl IlnccM.
The following Is the ll ° t of entries for thi
blcjclo races to be held at the new State Fal
grounds at the races of the Omaha Fair am
Speed association today. Entries c'ose eac' '
evening at G o'clock for the following day'
races at the office of Secretary 'Mount. 2C
South Sixteenth street :
Amateur , one-half mile : D J. Hall. Ralpl
Brown , L. F Gernhard , V. J. Allgood , Frc
Barnum , Sol Schwart , D J. Brewer , Loul
Fletcher. F. G. Waters , Fi nli Sohrader , C
H. Barber.
Professional one mile : H E. Fredrick
son George Mlersteln. A. E Proulx. F. E
Ashlev , Virgil Ha'l , C R. Hall. F. H. Me
Call , H. C. Gadke. Waller R. Hlbbs.
WINNIPEG , Man. , June 7.-Jake Gaudaui
the champion oarsman of the worl 1 , who ha
located at Rat Portage , Issued a clinl
lenge to row any man in the word for th
single ecull champloiiEhlii .ind n purse o
from $1.000 to nnv amount leslrod. llr I
also willing to back hlmsolf und H. Elliot
for the double ecull championship of th
world for a stake of 11,003 or ipwnrd.
Sou Run CIuli'N Aiinuiil.
SIOUX CITY , la. . June 7 ( Special TPP !
gram. ) The See Gun club's annual Inter
slate tournament for Iowa , Nebraska , Soutl
is n e
5e ,
Uo NrcgctablePrcparationforAs- SIGNATURE
o slmilaling iheTood andRcg ula-
T8. 8.IT - ting tlie Stomachs andDowels of
) IT
lit K.
? romotosTigcstionChccrrul- )
ot ncssandncst.Contalns neither
e. Jpium.MorpWnc nor "Mineral. IS ON THE
-o IE , A perfect llemedy forConalipa
ion , SourStoniach.Diarrhoca .
Worms .Convulsions Jcverish-
it : ncss andLoss OF SLEEP.
TacSimile Signature ot
35 C Oaitorla li pat tp in ont-tlio bottles caly , It
67 ii not sold la balk , Don't allow anjcro to tell
I 9 yon anything ch en the plea or promlsa th t it
59 43 ii "juet 01 good" end "will atiswcr every per-
4 3 pee , " * r Bf that yon get 0-A-S.T.O-B-I.A ,
. ! Sbl fl8-
59 EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER ilalli X ir S/S/fe-t ? u w
17.8 * ef ( ta&yrM&Zi4S wtiipir ' " !
ami Minnesota marksmen will
in this olty tomorrow with ft InrRo nttriul-
nnee. Ihc principal event of tlif tourney ,
which will inst three dajs.vlll bo the In-
terstnto championship fhoot for a prize of a
JoO tnednl on Wednesday. Among the prlro
winners nlioniVy lure are Ur , and Mrs Vny
of rniliilti , Minn : 13. A. I. AVI ) , Trlpp 8.
1) . ; Bd Trottfr , KlnRSle- , ; PH.nkef
mini , \ \ ymore. Neb ; , C. A OnRe , nrldge-
vntcr , S n ititvmond Harto fh of Jackson
and A. Thlolmnn of St. Cloud , Minn.
I'nrlnir Johnnie nnd ( lie llotocjotc < o
IKI'onlurcM. .
The June trottlnj- meet open1 * up ht the
new fnlr grounds thi * afternoon nnd every
thing Indicates n veiy InlcroMInn nd suc-
crsiful week's sport. The track Is In BU-
peilt condition nnd the grouuils nc\cr pre-
sentt-d n lovilkr nppcnrance.
l oIlovslnB is the inoKi-ain nnd entries for
thli nfternooin
2SO trot : Slhctlno. b. f. . Colttmbua Mnld ,
by IMlKrlm , M. U. l.eneh , Topek t , Knn ,
N. Leach , tlilver : Oennot Muscovite , by
Muscovite , J O. Svvnn i > n , Oakilnirr. 111. ,
C. U. Sohmck. driver ; nuke Uu ell , oh. h. ,
Kit Monnio , bv Kentucky Iu > Rell , O.V. .
* '
Uiiillrr j T . . t. . . ! - . . . . _ .
u uini.iui , . 11 .tviuutii. asiiin v iiy , i\ei ) ;
Situriiwood. b h. , by Allcnvvooil , N. U.
Owen , Uubbell. Neb , N. K. Owen , drlvir ;
IVno Hell , by Mild 1'ero , W. A. Van Meter ,
Alpdo , 111.
Ainnteut blcjcle rnce , one mile.
3-W lute : Vcronl S. g. m. Little Alice ,
bv Ulnik llnvvk McOrepor , Kred Slcbcr ,
Clmnute. Knn , Prltz , b. K. , by Prlncf Me
dium. McKlnney , KnnxnCity. . Mo. ; Jilnir-
IliK. b. in. by King-tier. Km Claire , Win ,
ilrlvei. William C.mirn ; Con-cU , by Dlrcc-
um , T. O. Swope , Indepemlcnci- . ; 'l"an-
lbli * Y.m' I.\llry H "l < Hvv. by Tangent ,
. W. MUltr. Wlnturset. I.i. , driver , C. P.
Jnloy ; The Shah , bv Thor. C. i : . Htlll ,
Ctiksvlllv , Mo drlvei. Hatiulije ; Queen Glb-
on. eh in , by ri-sicrmnn ! , Cieorgu U. King ,
Julius , Tex. , driver , O. 11 King ; Chnrnn-
. b. s , Itelmont. by Dlctntor. A. H. Pat-
Ick , Otnnhn ; rnniinn , b. R. , by HUanm. J. Plckniil. driver , O. W. Ploknrtl :
fakitcs , b. p by St. NlcholnMlko Hlmore
Vllliitit-o , Neb. , dilvei. J. P. Klmoru : Silver
Jueen , br. in. , by Silver Cloud , J. 1L Hrown ,
Jluo Ivlinui , in. ; ejulxote , cb. . . bv
onUoy John , Asbcriy Singleton , lllchlnml ,
n. , Ptivlco js. g. , by Kunglemnn , J. O.
SwniiMm , ( Juli-sburg , 111 , ilrlvtr , C. .
i\hlbltlon by Pacing Johnnie.
Professional blcjclo , onemile. .
2 2i trot. Shtidelniiil Noivvnril. gr. g. , Allro
) n\\util , by Noi mancerVooilllno farm ,
'ullerton , Nth , ililvti , J. 11. Chundler ;
St. Joseph stnblcs , St. Joseph ,
\Io. drlvci , J. M. T > lci. Hole Poppln , eh.
s. May , by J. A Uaulln , 13. J. Great ,
ncy Sprngue. b. K. . by Anokn , 1'utter-
ion . Miller , Klrksvllle , Mo , driver , W. J.
roasey. i
Itllllll IVIlIN Ollt.
CHICAfiO. June 7 The shoot at 100 birds
'or the Dupont trophy held by C. AV. Uudil
if Les ) Molncb , In , between Budd and
Jeorge Heck of Indlnnniio'la , wns won by
he former by a &coie of 91 to 7S.
1'i.ilni ? to fern i' OoiitltMinirtl Murilcrcr.
DAYTON , O , June " . The case of Albert
Fianl/ , the condemned murderer of
Be = sf ! > Little , Is up In the circuit court hero
'oday His uttornejs nre seeking to save
ilm from electrocution by alleging erroia
n the trial before the common pious court
ind seeking a new trial. They assort that
brco of the jurors had cxpicssed an opln-
on In the case The arguments closed this
.ifternoon nnd decision was reserved.
No honest dealer will try to sell what ho
now a the customer did not order and docs
int want. Substitution thrives for a time ,
it In the long run U goes to the wall.
Mrs. A. II. Crausby , of 156KorrSfc. ,
Hemphis , Tenn. , paid no attention
to a small lump in her breast , but
it soon developed
into a cancer of
the most malig
nant type. The
best physicians
in Now York treated her , nnd fin
ally declared her case hopeless.
As a last resort , S. S. S. was given ,
and an immediate improvement re
sulted ; a few bottles
tles cured her
completely , and
no sign of the dis
ease lias return
ed for ten years.
Books on Cancer free ; address Swift
Co. , Atlanta , Ga.
All Druggists.
TONIGHT AT 8:15- :
Coiiofrt i'MT > - nf ( criiixiii nt HiIIO.
Admission to Hie Gniinds , 10 Cents.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL , SI 00,00(1 (
B run CUNT PAID o.v THIC nni > oaiT&
AMD BB13 V * Oil \VniTIS ,
u\vii.Li.scis : 1'iiuir , r.vnn AND
landt for tale ui rent. J > uy S. lifts , (9 rear !
mi. t-t.
\\lli tuitrlor brick cluy uriJiruInj ; tame ;
about 3Vi miles norllicatlcrh { ruin Omalid Iws-
l > o uion jrc.ur.dn , and two m.los noilh of Council
lllutH , ii > AiUtouil river , unit 01 U , & tV. .
H. K U ] Jucltoii , 8.-0 Sixth avenue , Council
river frontage and boat laiidlni ; , n ar J xpoBl-
tlon grounili eultable for nieaturc recnrti. In
tree to cult ; pkitx I.ardwbuj timber ; abundant
lie.w Inn iprlrgn , with tun clcnl full fcr lodraullo
raum in tlori v.ulir for fountalni and vupplyi
bank > und and cruvel for vtalki dnd drlvei :
It-uulllui imluial ] iailt < of jil4ifnu , valley *
and I'Uiffk. on C u N. W. H II ; vi mllm
luui if rtintlt IlluTe. and about SV miles
l.ortlu'iot from Lipcwitlon ( Toundi , I * 1 * . JuJ.
sen , 83J tixll > n nuc
rou HAI.I : . AUOUT m ACHKS OK caoicu
upland fruit , vegetable and | > urk land * ; Jlvo
acre * und upward at 43S toJi per acri , accord
ing to location and amount ; ubout three rnllea
nuilli of city and ol.oul tame tiUtance from
Kxpoiltlon ; other lamia und Council lllufta
lot * at low prlccn L. 1' . Jud ou , 5 Slith avt.
nue Ccvincll Illuffn.
When you wUli to move
And have everythlnit BO rmooth.
llntake a wagon , large , medium or tmall ; < v
Onti Just large to take It all
Klght rooma In one load they lake.
Try It , tie next move > ou make
I'lanon , too , vte move with * , nuUit care ,
And prlcei. you'll ( Ind. are alvvax fair.
You'll find none no careful UK thone SOU
When call ut No. t Boutu Main etrett.
Wllll m Welch , Tntntfer Line , Ttl. Ul