THE OMAHA j DAILY BEE ZSTAJ3LISHZD 19 , 1S71. O3LAHA. MONDAY MOTTSTK l , JUKE 7 , 1S97. SINGLE COPr FIVE CEXTS. 80 CHANGE 15 SPAISl m r tie POUCYTO SE IWCHED Cwfcai tie Prnaler ia Ea Ministerial CONSULTS MANY LEADl-tG PeUTlQANS 131 Advisa "Secafi of Captan General "w ejlsr ixsn Guba , SAGASTA AMD CAMPOS BOTH GIVE ADVICE Solution f th - CrI U 1 n. General Snrprl rIn Mlnintrrtal Clrclrn and to the "World t Lnrjcc. i MADRID , Jane 6. Tie queen recent has confirmed Seaor Caaavas. tie premier. In hie ministerial powers and tie eaMnet wffl re- pij.i-t in oDce w i personnd aad poBcy un- chanc-d. All tie leading member * of tie Senate aad Chamber of Depetles who were consulted by ier majesty as wdl as three marshal * , have advise * tie recall f Cai > - Uua Gaerai 'W yl r from Caba. At a cabinet round ! heW this afternoon at iis residence Seaor Canovas , tie premier announced tiat tie quefn recent had re newed his powers aad those of tie cabinet. In terms most flattering to htm aad all his colleagues. It Is understood , tiat tie government docs not contemplate any immediate change In tie supreme command la Coba , Tie sur prise and displeasure of tie varieas sec tions of tie opposition are not easy to describe. describe.SURPRISE IN MADRID. LONDON June 6. The Madrid correspond ent of the Times says : "The solution of tie crisis Is a general sur prise , as mufi In mialvterial circles as in the -WTirld at large. It was iiaucht. not with out reason , teal ffr * counsels of tie Meier military antiorities ; as reported by Marshal Campos. Marshal Bianco and Marshal Domia- BBez. wonid have iodine ! tie crown toward a ralical aad distinct change of policy Sn tie Cuban campaign. "This idea was espetsafly prevalent , as Scacr Casovas has himsfrll admitted that , bcti as regards reforms and the conduct ot tip war by Captain General Weyler , his cwn iopes and aspirations have scarcely been trailed. -The only explanation is T- tie first tisugit of tie premier is to vindicate his 'amour prapre * so far as tie liierala are cmcersed , aad when this is established to find occasion at en early date so to modify tie cabinet as to satisfy tie liberals and. to terminate tie deadlock before tie Cortes reassembles , waJci Trill probably not be for several months. It can iardly be doubted tia" tie mollfication would Jnclude-Uiff-ro- pJactoff nf Ciptain General "Weyler by some ' ' * clier commander LEARNED AT "WASHINGTON. 'WASHINGTON' , June t Hpaaisi .Minister Dirpuy dc Lome today received a cable gram announcing the result'of the < jaeen" decision la the matttr of tie Spanish pre mier and cabinet ministers , who recently tendered tieir resignations. Tie minister's dispatch ie in line with tie Associated press advices. It says tic queen had reached her deci sion after consulting witi tie former pre miers and tia marshals. Included in tie fTmer were Senor Sagasta. tie present leader of the liberal party , and Martinez Campos , , raptala general of Cuba wio Save way to General Weylsr. Mr. De Lame declintd to discus tie pra t- ojities of tie retention In office of tie- pres ent ministry an relation to tie paBcy to be pursued w.ii regard te Cuban * ' ' ' and th * tirumbency of Csptain GEneral 'Weyler- SfTPtsry Sherman also received s long cable dienalni from United State ? Minister Taylor a1 Madrid. Presumably it ia In cnn - nin wi'i the happenings ot the day in tia * f1 ! " ? but as i : was in cipher tie secre- tarv was unable -to diocioee the contents. Tie serretiry declined to make any Mate- ment In rrgard to the matter further than to susEtst tiat it indicated tie confidence of the ijaeen In the ministry. SATISFACTION AT HAVANA , HAVANA Jane C. In polmntl circle ! and among tie Spanish general public , wiere a Ieerlns of acute- anxiety iad existed as to tie outcome ot tie cabinet crisis la Mad rid , keen zatififaetion te felt it the news that S nor Caaovns ia " received frEsh proof of confidence from tie crown. Today La Gaceta ( tie official gazette ) pub- t hcj tie ext of tie reforms recently pro mulgated by the queen regent In council. Senor Jre Coagnrta. the Spaaifch repre- seata Ire on tbe Ruiz investigating commiB- san : sailed ycstsrday for New Yerk. LK.VTES ALL TO HIS 3II.MSTER5. Saltan lutm t PeaceVrcutintiun ta HI * Cabinet. LONDON June 7. The correspondent of tie Standard at Constantinople says : Atiag upon the advict of Izzet Bey tie enltan , s ifaiiag tie peace negotiations In the iandt of iia ministers , tins personal respanaibOtty asd placias b nsrif. la a petttten to cacriflce iimselt to pcpnaIndJgnation If neceecary. * I * s reported that tie palace party aa * B'rr d jo effnsive stock exchange opera tions on the theory that tie market will chow a rt * * as the prospects ot ptaee in- The Oueman ambassador at St- u-g ias tofarmeJ tic port * that Count Lb ? Ruacian foreign minister , tald he per anaBy abject ed to Rnsrian In tervention oa behalf of Greece , aad had ccvateracttnl tie temtaUce intrigues started .ii . tiat object ; sot tie Holy synod induced tie czar 1 intervene. " Duel b > French Drpntlo. PVRIS , June < L Macfiear Tiomson and Mnntieur Mlrniin , membera of tie Ciam- ber of Drputu * . faugtt adurt today , grow ing > ut of an arikAe rio.en br the latler a a k ng Mocsieur Ticnisxa * MeoHt-ur Mir. man was slightly rtcndod In tie forearm. The jrtr ia a radical sociaKst aad gained considerable notanety through his prMeet aga-n r being eanfliied to the barraeks as a cocrf-pt duriag tie election cf a president t ] succeed Caooimer Ptrrier. rrB Collide ; Kuar Drum. LONDON. Juae 6. The steainer Bsttem and YatroGta , beta bound for Amsterdam , collided la tie Thames early this morning. Tie Ystroom tcmodered. two * f her nawen- gtrs beiot drowned. Tic remainder at her passengers anj her er wmere taken on beard rie Bitiern. which r < a damaged. The B.nera t jieoead officer and carpenter ere Crowned. Awarded a Rjill my Cuatrart. OTTAWA , Ont , J ae . Dan Mann of tils city and TOSiiam Maektnxl cf Teraata have been awarded by the Canadian Plains Railway company tie eoctraet { er ti * bottd- Inr of tie Crov Nest P& * raliway from Lnhbridst X W T to Rabsoa. B. C. s distance af SOU milt a , It u said that tie work will ctjut tarn $2.004 ta JT9 000 per 5IR nODERT PHEL tRtl.A TOWED. . a HrldeIn "Tr M rrl Hrr Tn me. V frrrm PuUltiiMBc OmijaHl' * J ste t ( Xew T rk World CaMerrtas Sp ctel T tegrs . 9r ls * rt PeeU * s4vrBlw ia ear9h of a wife tare before BOW teterected tw esstntoesfts. to Hi b carried n Twnday at Laearsw. Switx- ertad. i Mln OraZeorled , da encr of a wmttttj German. Bar t ss QraftatreM. Tie WMtair has bera abort aad cw t. tbe krMe- etoct kelstg aeseribri ai botk yretty IB < wefl dvwcrpi. It is wriy a few raentha alace glr HaberTe araceiaeat t Hon. BertSia WUhatQoo. danckter ft Lard Afebtn , tie raOltosilr ? UBtH&sm masralactvrer waa frratUI ? aaoevaced. t ae SA tonaaty re- padtoted two days tatvr by Lord Aabtoe htta- ett. Stoce then Sir bfrt Bad dtappesred tram Landeo. T * rtae tiat both American. tad English women havlae Jilted altn , he woojd w d aone but a foreigner. Mr. Wh.'rtaw Rrtd , ralt States fpedal envoy tB tie JaUe has secarpd one - i the mod splradid aaeeicns in London ti oc- ea r < hrteg iia mieaten. Lard Loa dale' aoese ta Cariton Hoe Terrace. It ta baflt an a palatial scale aad wa damifleeaily re- a > e rated aaly last y ar By tie way. Lard Leaedale has not been seen in Laaden tbis easou. and eecinc he has let iis ioure , it tf evident heproprre * to take no part in tie Jubilee cetebratlcn. Tlie cause of its withdrawal from , society at tiia Jeactnre l dpfiared to b * due to a t iarrrt witi tie prtoce of Waks. but he stOl occupies tie position of msst r of horse t the princs. Mr aad Mra Ocden Mills arto be CUET * f iia brother-in-law. Mr. Cavendish Beottock. at thtir residence \ThitehalL Mrs. Cavendlah Beofnck has already iseued cards , for a smart aianer a > meet tiem Fri day nert. Cloodlmrnt la Fran r . PARIS. Jcae 6. A cloudburst la tie hill country of tie prtrrlace of St. Ire ia eowi- era Fraacs. ytoteriay. ca-aped the overflow of tie river Merge aad the destruction of a number of paper mills and silk factories , as well a. ' hour * * along the bank ! . At the towns of Voiron aad MsL-ans , the river rose suddenly tuentyyfeU. .One person war drowned andttieloai to property ia estimated at UB.OPO.Wn trancs. Four tiousand factory operatives are tirawa. oct of employment. Off for the Jnbtlee. QCE3EC. June C. Tie Canadian mflitarv contingent Jar tie qceen's Jtibilee celebra- ttoa la London railed tiis moraing in tie niaH steamer Vancouver , 176 strong. Tie force Is composed of tie representatives of all tie different branches -of the Canadian militia , regulars , as well as volunteers , and is commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Ayl- mer adjutant general , witi Captain Mc- Doucall of tie St. Joins school of instruction second In commaad. Railway Stritr In Vienna. VIENNA , Juae fi. A general street rail way strike Is in progress In tiis city. AH tie employes , including tie reserve men , iave gone out. Only a few cars are run In tie day , aad these are guarded by stroag bodies of police. Tins far there ias been no violence , and tie strikers siow a dispo sition to secure their ends In orderly fashion. Only a Falte. LONDON. Jtme 6. Tie premier cf Hy derabad telegraphs ta lie London papers r 1s morning tiat tie ctnry. widely circulated. t3 tie effect tfr"t tie imperial diamond , tie property or tire N2 = zm at Hyderabad , had been stolen , is part fiction. nolKarian * Crow * th e Fr ntlr. CONSTANTINOPLE. Jime E. U-Qls Te- ported < * t armed Balgarhm bands iave crossed tie frontier near TTtraaTina. aad , s large force of troops ias ieen seat to that point. TO ATTEaDPT A DIFFICTLT TASK. Prof. Ubliy of Princeton \flll Try to S rale Inae-c r IbI f Clint. BATONNE , N. J _ June C. Prof. "Vraiiam Liiby. Jr > , cf Princeton - universitywill leave for Albuquerque , N. M early jn July wili a party of EX explorers. Tiair plaa ! a ID at tempt ta scale relative a rectangular table land and shaped Uke a figure "E. " with per pendicular sides 7OO feet hlEh. Tie out- eropplngs of red eandFtone project tram tie face at tie -walls , inaldag it almost Inac cessible. Tier * are indications of occupancy by a preiktorie race la the fragments of pottery at tie base of the formation. Prat. LIbby ias arranged to throw a line over tils tableland , which ia several acres ia extent on top. witi tie aid of tie tandem Tr-t < . witi which Jie experiments were con ducted here iy "William Eddy. Prof. Libby has a mortar aad life line packed ready tor shipment , witi which an attempt -will be made to fire a line over the tableland la c , e tie wind ta too light for tie kites. Larger lines sriH be dragged over aid tie ascent made la a boatswaias ccair. Tie tableland can he approached on an eidlis and is cur- rounded by a plain , but o lar a known it ias never been scaled. Seme c13 dwellings have been seen along its ede s. Mr. Eddy says tie top of the tableland can ie photo graphed by jacana vt ils midair kite camera. SLASUtXG FASSBXGER RATES. Lively War Likely to Be on Soon at lCan i > H City. KANSAS CITT , June 6. A flurry has been caused la local railroad circles iy what ap pears to threaten a lively passenger rate war. The trouble grew out of a well-de fined report that several Chicago roads were using tie low special rates to tie Dunkardi' convention at Rosmlle. lad. , to scalp Cii- cage business. Tils prompted tie Alton road to announce a tliJJO round trip rate between Kansas City and Chicago , and all tie otier Hoes are offering tie same rate. Similar conditions apply between Kansas City and St. Louis , tie rauad trip having been cut to $7.50 , tie regular one-fare rate. The St. Louis rut is said M be lie result ef one of the lines iavins been manipulating ingSt. . Louis rates by means ot Detroit rates reading via St. Louts. It is also reported tiat rate of fl5-3 > is being made from Chicago te tie g Fran cisco Christian Endeavor convention , despite tie agreed rate of S25. titmgi tie report lacVi confirmation. Bat among pssienger men iere , it is generally conceded ttiaf est- ern rates are likely to be still further demoralized. Skrlnrra at Detroit. DETPOIT. Mich. Jmae fi. Ths proverbial drynese of the Shriners" Jesertwas not la evidence tonight ' h 3l tie advance gaard cf tie Ancient Arabian Order of tie Mystic Shrine arr1v d at tie mecca of tie Detroit Mos'ems. Tswy cume in a drizznar rain , but vtre thrice wejcoeaed by tie local bretares , wao bad too ? beea jvrepdrtnsr for tie annual laetrtlss : of taiaro rtal eec = cll of the order , -ailich wdl b beid OB Ta day. Wednesday aad Tfcorsduy H rriean Diiunnas of Wash , ifigion. imperial pcieetate of tie Hariaars. was ainuce the arrivals oa a rpecial train from ttae east. aic h also bnmg-st d k-sa- ttoaa from ftevwa-1 eastern ettles. Chief aroong- tie kpectuailar feu ; ores of tie w ek ' -fl be tae land parade en Wednesday aad the naval yarade the name nlptitta which many tttamers and yachts will take part. Pa tal DelruraJrn at Su Luaik. ST LOC13 , June . The delegate * ta tie International postal cengresa ten here far Chicago over tie Alton rsJaread utUJfl o'clock lanie-bt. A dririME * ratn KpeOttd name af the atertatcun xu which had bw-n prepared for the deiegattis , bat ia spite ef it tiey made a trip down tiie river aad were drtvttn areuad ta rtry. They were eater- tutaed at diaaer br ute reception commit tee at the Plasters' hotel Untight and an tuur afterward weat ta the depot. Banker Takri HI * Own Life OCALA. Fl , June t-H. B. iioCeaaeU. tee defanHtng- president ef tie llerehantV Natlacal bask eotncmtibd * uirtrte j > es- terdajr He seat a JwHet taraueh his arata aaj before medical aid eouid t > e cnm- munetl Se was a corpse The deed was eem- mittt-J at ( he borne of his biMtncr-ia-law W K McDoiiaU aaere be. his -wt e and mo her were taking- OUTLOOK FOR LEGISLATION Ta = f Sffl ffl EeH tie Eenate'i Attimrien THa SBGAH SCHEDULE UKlVf TO HANG FIRE It Mnot Wait an Mo-rrment * nt Senator Alilrieh. Wb t * Still lcL- Do-\otltlBc PotlcjIn I Hoove. WASHINGTON. J ne . Wi e the tariff wm acanteoe tie g eral pc i ttseuufen : in tie seaabe tarisig ts yreseat week , tfrcrt ! is no certainty as ta what pvtkm < it wQ I rectiv * especial attention. Tits certainty I is due larcety to tie diSlcalty of determining when , tie mnr schedaie will be taken afu i It Is so psaerally anierstood that tils j schedule wffl eensocie coosMeraMe time tiat 1 I there Is ao eCort to vdUlne beyond it tfae esurse of prsoeedinc. The wood staetale wffl afford a brief respite Monday before reaching the ragar questtaa. as Uiat subject was left UDdlrpesed at when tie senate adjonmed I Saturday. Senator Allen w31 prebabiy en ter a m tten to strike out tie entire para graph regarding sawed lonber. and there may bo other speeches. "Whether the sugar schedule wiH be taken up la order 1 undetermined. There are many differences of opinlaa on the subject , but tie prevailing desire is to get tie schedule out of the way as socn as possible. Tbis is tie case on both sides of the cham ber but U is especially tree of tie repub licans , as tie responsibility for action rests diere. Still , there is a dedre among republican senators tiat there sioold be ainolcte agree ment amons themselves on the rates of tils schedule before entering nptin Us discussion ia the senate , and it is realized tiat this may be diacnlt of attainment without far- tier exchange of opinions than ias yet been permitted. There is ire dsubt ot postpone ment until Senator AMrlch's refflra , to tie wnata Heis stBl eonaned to ils room , but is expected to be oat early ia tie week. That the Hawaiian treaty wfll be protected by the finance commiUtE la considered set tled , hot a caucus -may be necessary to de termine whether other changes should be made. Senator Petrigrew ias decided deflnilely to offer his anti-trust amendment in connection with iis schedule , but beyond the fact tiat it will lead to a number of speeches there is no certainty as to Ua course or Its fate. TOBACCO SCHEDULE. Tie tobacco ecbeduJe Immediately follows the sugar schedule , bat If It should be reached on Monday it would be necessary also , temporarily to pass It over , a ? the committee has promised the tobscco men a hearing on Monday night. They wfiU ask for S2 on wrapper and 35 cents on filler tobarco. There is also an inclination to re- tarn to the language of the "Wilson law on tils eobjecl. This is understood to be tie wish of boti the importers and tie tobacco brokers. There are many sharp contests aiesd oa the paragraphs of the agricultural schedule , which is next after tobacco , including tiDB2 on rice , on which there wfll be aa effort to secure a return to the honse Tales ; -tns cattle , on Trhlci it win ie daisied tiers should oe an. ad. valorem ralier a spe cific -dsty , and on flsi , fruits , chicory " ' * salt. salt.Tie Tie innovation of. a duty on tea is also proposed on this schedule , but It is prac- ticaUy certain that this provision wffl be withdrawn by tie committee. Thus what would have been oteof tie severest contests over tie bill will be averted. Tie -cotton and eptrit schedules wia. it Is ntw thought , excite ccmpintlvely little de bate , QCIET IN TTT' ! ? HOUSE. Tie house has no work ahead of 11 this week and It 5e tie intention of tie majority leaders to adjourn tomorrow tints TJrars- day and from Thursday until Monday. Mr. Simpson , aad other members of tie minority , doubtless will essay the usual maneuvers , wili the purpose of embarrassin ; the republicaza. but ia tie present - condition tion of the house their latitude is narrow nad they are easily overborne by tiiir ad versaries. FOR POSTAL SAV1XOS B.l KS. BUI LIUelir toBf Ictrodaml In Con- cre to tlutt En < I. "WASHINGTON , June G. ( Special. ) There is to be a decided attempt mads during tia second session of tie Fifty-fifth congress to put upon tie statute boons a bin creating postal savings banks and there is no more earnest advocate In Washington at tiis time in behalf of such a biH tiin E. Rosewater , editor of Tie Bee. Mr. Rosewater - water Is looked upon as an authority In tie rr.iinpr of postal savings bunko and he > " " > v a nnmber of conferences , not only witi tie postmaster general aad his first assib'- ant. Perry S. Heati. but witi tie treasury people and State department people as well , looking to a compilation en tie part of our consuls abroad of tie portal savings bang laws of the countries to. which tiey are ac credited. Mr Heath , it is understood , is to write a magazine article on tie qncstloa of postal depositories and it is expected to be a document of great ielp to- these who are eararst advocates of saci a measure. It is .interesting In this connection to noebat Omaha is one of tie first cities in. U- Coiled States to maintain a postal savings bank , although not autiorired by law. Rev. Mr. Flook a Congregational minister resid ing at Tilrtleti and Lake streets , la the city of Omaha , presides over a flock that ias gone into a poetal savings system , and a friend of Mr. nook's , now In the city of 'Washington , informs Tie li * > e carrespanJent that some 7 600 ias been dopcsiiml In station A. tor which postal notes had- teen taken by tie various depositorsTils niaar ner of doing business grew out ot tie failure of several tarings banks in tie oty ef Omaha , and. while no interest IB paid by tie Tnitd States far tie tataey on deposit to tie credit of the depcaitsr. tie iuliviJial depositors feel that when the monvv It needed all they iave to do la to make up- plication to ths superintendes ! of statun > A , deposit tieir postal noter and recuve in return tie money deposited. This is the ida of tie postal savings bank. Cocuinencrment at Catholic Cnlrrrmlrr WASHINGTON. June . Ti * aoiamfnce- meat exercises af tie Catbatte university be gan todar with solemn high macs PUBS by tie Very Riv Dr P. J Gamgan. vice r rter. Tie baccalaureate ermen was reached br Rev WiUiaaj Fitzgerald of LunbertviSr. N J Takingiis l&Epirattan frsm the feast f the day he spoke eloquently af the Haly Ghoet ta the teacher af all tnri. He traev4 the BJ lsin of tie matter of truth tireugi tie sense , recsoa and revelation , and urged tie students ta labor diligently to acquire truth aad tike it as their znatto. Investment for HrltUn Million * . EEATTZJ5 , Warii , June 6. EM X Gage , manager of tie Narth American Transpor tation aad Trading- company is in Seattle. OB his war to the company's trading pasts un iha Yukon. To an Associated press cor respondent ie said today that a chartered Bn th umpany ii prepiricg- prats on the Takun n tie same plan Tl scale as tfcat ef tie famous Chartered South Af- nc * . cumpaay It proposes ta build and tavsra towns aad cities , maintain a teroe f soldierh. operate miaes , buMd 'eam- ahlps. etc. Tae ecmpany 1 admitted ta have j&iltlans af money bask of it. CCTHRIE. OkL. June Patridc Na L United States aiarchal far tie district oi Oklahoma , ias wired bin resignaUoa to President McKialey He cnneasces that b < U tir d f tie place aad de re M l < * n , Uerei The affairs < sf the cfflce were re- i $ * nfly JavestieaUd by special agents trass A VC s-W H-tiwf CA.MPA1R5 Of LOCAL ISSCES. Xatlotutl to Krrp Onmd OfC. ALSANT. N. T. June < i Tia desaoerat * party win sot 'orce oattaeal IESUCS 1m tbe nrtaas state eampaieBs. iii wkOe rep s- tton f tie CbJcara plaJlann wflt not Ve aOowHL it wm not fee Urnrarit tont-arA M as tesoe paramocat ta artjthiBj else. That is the statnaeot ef Naticait Caaamineeaas Fmk Cunpbvtl of Baii. llr. CampteeU was In tbe city tmlgit. fresh from a with a party leader , aad ssid : TTK poBcy ot tie < ltc * craOr p aattoo as l&M down in the platform mf ClilraETi eonvt-nrion ia torbnl until the next democratic aattoeaJ enav-Bt * n , which -wll be hI la ISA It n n make BO difference whether stai . ttjr r cvnaty cTrrestioim Indorse It er rezmdtatc IK. It wffl taadttnalterrd. . , In lie atectfan hurt fail , the rtyralar orcaalzatton f the rtate ef Nw TerJr WTW loyal and tme to tae nominees and i lat iM lu of the CWearo etrarrnttan. TJye sacM < urpia zatten hesrtUy sopi-art d Mr CieveinJi-S t&zr yeaJ ajro a * the oVoorrmUcaDd < date r Bre < 4d t. al- tioairn ttir e dri rai < were opposed to htm ta tie national t-ocvrnttec. I rflve te home rule. If the democrats of th * ci'ies af New T"k. . RuiTale or Rocae- ter < J > ni It exaedlent and -rr5e , fer party yy- eets to conduct tieir local eieettras wtd- oat iajeftinr- into them 3tare * r natlooal issues. I believe Jiey hav a perfect right i to do BO without Interference of any ? tat < ; or national committee. ' Domr.ora.tii Hvinc in the date out We of tie < rtty ofN"w Tork are looklag anxJourty for tie fi rth n of a d-anocraOc mayor for Greater New Tark. If tile could be accotn- pitehed it weukl encourage the rank aad ale f tie iparrv and erahle tie arcxalaatloa i lo pet into fisitlnc shap * far tie Important ! state fJecBoa that is to tate place a year from this Ia.1 when gnvemcr. state fiJcer i and leclslature are to be wetted. If we carry Greater New Tcrk anj rlect the1 * * ffl- rer * fhis year. ti < n the purlywill l " in shap . with a fair phaare f placing New Torlt state In the democratic column in BMW. BMW.A. tbe re r > ntathre of th regular or- gamzatSan of N TT Tork an tie natJonal com- mitl . I can state that raf tar a * I knonv tie naUaaal committee > | fi ! no 3erlre to in terfere wltn New Tork rdte In Its. local elec tions this fall or to dictate W tae denocracr of New Tork what their issues * Baa bris these elections. _ LVDL.WS OUJECT TO THE Attempt to Era HcatrGlnnJrrn Arna < r Tbrlr Irr. PIERRE , S. D Jane . ( Special. ) Statv Veterinarian Elliott a la lie Cheyenne river country making an attempt to stamp cut glanders , which is reported tel > e prevalent in tiat section , lie kfljed eteral iar ? S in tiat sectirn about a year ago. and the Indians were very nruci opposed to hie work , as they consider 11 their jbwn liusmess srietier tiey keep diseased horses or not. Last year itwas hard for li veterinarian to secure and. keep help lor his work en account of the fear of "what tie TTI < MTI might do to get even srfth those assfetfas him , but -th. year he is aessMited Ijy a atrong detail cf tie Indian police and wfil make a determined effort to stamp oct tie disease. But even now , many of lie tndlng will rua off their horses which are snppocBd to be affected aad it will be hard to ted them. Four 7f > rr C nicinnle PIEHRE , S , H , June' 6L ( Special. ] Ar ticles of have tbtea. filed with tie secTEiary. of etatfi- For tie Lost Cabin Gold. SCntng company at Lead City.wUi a capital -SiOOB.eoO- - mcorporatarE , Peter Clark , Dwigil Casner. Patrick Doyle ana" Alexander Rase. aU of Lead City. i " " For the- LeRoy MtetsS and Milfisg com pany , at Cnster CUy , wsi j capJiaTW Slv- BOO.OOO. iac = rpBraiars. Fnanns H. Coot.-Jtad Janie HJ' Sinclair of iknneapaSs and ATbert F. Feay of Cnster. i For * ie H. it H. cmpasy. fox general merchardiEing. dealing In real estate and contracting , with a capital sf rKKU&Wi. head- auart rs at Lead City : Incorpotators , Tiooas J , Griei. Bardatte Mnady , Ijia ; dry ; GjC. Moody. Pczdw-ood ; J B-HiggitJ and EL H. Clark. New York. For the Zcar Church of Ennselical Arso- ciatlona of North America. In Grant roanty trafit eK , E. Redman , F. Fassler and G , Mel- " lenhauer. t 5onti Dakota. D < Mitnt Society. VERMILION. S , IX , June t ( Sp ? The State Dental snriptyjiagclosed its wcrk and adjota ied. Tie conitatatian c\-er- hanled and amended , and tia notary siiirts out with bright prnEpeca iLx lie nest i ect- Ing. This will probaily take place at Madison. Its programit already riertrcd. Eleven new members .cane ia the tsetety at this meeting. Tie work-of et > Il c".taff tie records was placed in tie .hands of a eom- mfctee. By resolntion , Kwas Secijfod to j join with tie dental societles-of other states j m memorializing -congress tar pa lt4vJy pro hibit the patenting of dental cpsrxrtons. The officers elected = werei "President. F. "W. Palmer. Madison ; vice- president , IL H. Wiitaker , Aberdeen ; secrHfary * ind treas urer , C. L. Blunt , Yaak"ton . , Tic member ship of tie board -examiners has not been definitely anonanced. Dr Field , Dr. SKtrea- roth and Dr. Straight 'anSttover and Dr. G. TV. Collins of Vermillofj ; Jind. Dr. F. O. Robinson of Madison wd- probably be tie two new members. Indlaa T. 31. C. A. Summer SrbooL. ROSEBCD , S , D- , June fi TSpecial. } Tie Dakota ( Indian ) Toimg Men's Chrisuass as- soclatiaa will hold a summer echo-J it Big Stcne Lake. Grant cutinty. S. D. Tiis is the second TousgMen's Christian asf ocla.l n summer school tar Indlaga. Tha instnjciora i wfll be. Rev. John P. WUllsris. D- Def | Greenwood. S , D- , wiowill lecture aad leach ia Dakota on tie New Testament , Mr. A. C Crpeland of Chicago wm have an Eng- liph Bible class , Mr. W. G. Tiotzp of Denver win give lecturM on TounsHen's Chlatlan rsBocia-ion work In gerwa } and special methods , Mr. F. F , CarruAeri Hjuitiags. Neb. . wiH iave charge of tie jtiletiat Tie attendants of lie senoQf wCl coae fraa tie Sioux country In North and Soath Dakotas , Nebraska. Mlanefota and Ucntana. * Hon-ard Hlicll SeluMtl HOWARD. S , DJnna commencement exercises ; tif tae Howard High school were held In lit ojttfhaute Friday sight. Tie hall was tastetiflr drcorat-ed for tie occcri'm , and wasqraftUsdwiti the friends af the graduates. Tie aames ef tie graduates ar Polly Feaum , Philo B. Sage. Lillian M. Sylvester. Wtldassar a Bieiski Annie L Seney , Charles , M Cray V-da L. Anderson. Harry L , H imeir Ira Matieny. Maud E. Means , RirjgS. Hatson , Deaia L Anderson , Homer T. B5 Hawtll Jind Charles B , Allison. Tha litavBry ezrrclsei - ere In- witi choice selictSan * fay lie orchestra. Makr Better TlmiTkaa Furuierljr. PIERRE. S. D 'Suce ' : Special ) In eomnarisca witi tie' old bv o Jars ia tie United States laTid' decartmcat , wiea it weuldtake from tir&a to'isur je + rs to se cure a > zienl to gnvernment land after tie proof had been tnadf. tae lasiC affice in this city reports tie return , af ji nxteot in but over sixty days. South D-akata Pliuratary DEABWOOD. S , D Jua * The aaaual mtetin of tie State Board af Pharmacist ! will be "tcfi ia this toj June * { for tie purpose oi Komialcg drugeiiis and drug clerks. A large somber of sp- pHcations for exaiolnatian sre already In. O'Corniala sit Pierre. PIERRE , S. D. Junes. ' fc [ Special Tele gram. ) Rev. Blsisp O'Gormtn is in tie city and today aeafinned a ehuc of fifty ot tie young peooie of tie ? TTITT C't tr church. iManisy dgit iewill deHrer a Icccare GO tie aonstimnon. la atu ABERDEEN S. D , Jane g. ( Special Tele- i tram , t There wa a hoary frast asaia Isst ' sight. Ice farmed ou ktoiifw water. Cam. j patauus and gardes irpri i SmaJi ema U maidac ; Ba TO SEE THE LUTED STATES Msabestf tie Zeosit Gesiasrsial Booked far a J2 WH1 TAKE IN THE SIGHTS FOR StX WEEKS - Cttlr * la DlScrrnt Part * of the Country Will Re VUltrO Lint nf tlir Drle rntr irI1l Their Occnpntl in . PHILADELPHIA. J ae 6. Tie 4eiegatei Iram cities aad tnwas ef Mexico IB * of the Central and Sowti Aaertcaa states , { arty- alec In natnfcer , wh can * here to tS Pan- American trade eoasres * , trWet dosed Friday , wffl teave tite city tmmnrraw awrn- tag for tfcelr six. weeks' steht-eeetag tawr of the rolled States. l eemmereial and in dustrial center * of tic eastern , -western and some of the southern states will be vtsitrd. Some of tie delegates who represented trade bodies at etttes f the Cfiited States it tie congress will accompany Qtf party , aswfll also a tew of the oOcials of tie Ph aaelphla commercial museum , who will look alter tie arraaRemeBts and details of the trip. Cem- mitle < of citizens aad business men will meet and tcke eaargs of tie party at the respective places visited and will direct the movement of the visitors In seeing the manufactories , business establishments aad ether placeof Interest. The pnrtT aril ! It-are here tomorrow morn- lag on special cars attached to the regular train on tip Baltimore & Ohio raHroad. Monday and Tu ; r wHI be spent in Balti more aad Wcjshiagtaa and en Wednesday they will arrive at New Tork. While at New York the parry will visit Brooklyn. Jersey City. Newark , Peterson , and other places in the vicinity of the metropolis , and trill leave on Sunday evening on one of the Sound steamers for Fall River. Ten days will be spent in New England , returning to New Tork June 3. when tier will If ave at once for the west , the first stop to be made at Pittsburg. Cp to tieir arrival at New York on June ± 2 , the party wifl travel in special cars attached to regular trains , bnt from New York through the west aad bark spun to New York eboat July IS , the party will occupy a special vestibule Pullman train equipped with all the modern appointments. The train will have sleeping cars , -dining car. smoking car and observation and parlor cars , and tie visitors will thus be placed in direct touch with the most advanced ideas of American railroadioe. Leaving Pitrsburg. the party will go to Dayton , Cincinnati. Nash ville. St. Louis , Chicago , Milwaukee. Grand Rapids , Detroit. Cleveland. BnSalo , Niagara Falls and across Nw York state to Troy and Aliany. thence by day boat on the Hud son to New York City. HERE THEY ABE. Following is a list of tie foreign delegates , with lie line of business or class cf mtr- chandiEe represented by pni-fr at the com mercial ccngress- CnrJos Lix K3ett of Buenos Ayres. Ar gentine. Tr ol xchange and product ex changes. Carlos Roberts of Btienos Ayres. exporter or hides , wool and Argentine pro-d ucts. Fernando Mendez E3o de Janeiro. Bra ml. commission merchant. Artinr S. Hjtrftlnga of Rio de Jaaeiro , r'taM , ma chinery and endneerms- works ; , stock broker F raeei ol Per- nnrrvtioca , commission merchant. ma chinery aa < l all Trtnda Trf"goods. . A. Da Costa < s l Para , iirapsand Amer ican hardHarechinaware , etc. Jioas Petra at Fara. provisions. E. W. Durban of Para , general merchant , rub ber , Guillermo GaEswem at Santiago. CTitif * . machinery , aigriciiliurai implements. Carles Eogers sf SantiLgn. engineer rail road contrac or , Luis Oelsekes of Barran- onffln. Cclcmbia , dry ooda , proviEiona and furniture. Joaq-oin. Pombo of Cartagena , general importer. J. H. E cuero of Pan ama geatral importer ct Amencoa pro visions , fioe Taaciinerr.wire , hardTrar Felhr Ehrman of Panama , proristona , beer and hard-scar * . Roberto Heman- de = of San Jose , -Ccata Rica , dry goods. Alejandro Cajrtau of San Joee lancy goods ; ilauro Fernandez of San Jose , financier , lawyer. I _ H. Hichier of Demarara. Paul 7.tWr.rof Stuttgart , Germany , director of the CamcnerciaJ zsa- BUEI in Stuttgart. CaHxto Pfeiffer of Lima- Peru , general merchant , punting- and sta tionery Pbio la Enai of Pans , prating , stationery and bookbinoing ; ruling ma chinery t Corflfeiro Da Graca. of Eio de Janeiro , Brazil. Alejandro Gajand of Ptrna , Peru , mines. Feridlco Mejia of San Sal vador. SaJvadcr coffee machinery. Y Mnr- niiondo of Jlonlevldeq , Urugiiay , consul at L'ruguay. Antonio- . Delfeno of < 7 .ra Venezuela , dry goods , coffee , bankang , Jesu De Icaza of Meslco City , Mexico agricul tural machinery fertfflzers. Fernando F Perez of Mexiro City oEJeer of tae gov ernment. Everado Hege-wisch of Mexico City , buJding juppilt-a. fv. Julio Limentonr of MeiiCD City banking , woolen manufac turer. J. Ponoatou-Ekl Mexico City ma chinery for tie .manufacture ofwool , com- mifipion merchant. Ignaxdo Carranza of TlnTPRla. JI aJco , acricultnral machinery , Ccnacio Ajrubre of THexico City , ice ma chinery electric plants. Enrique San chez of Tlaxcala , farmer. Francisco Rendra of Vera Cruz , tobacco. An tonio V Hernaixl n : Manierey , banking writer works. Adolpho Zambrano of Man- terey. bankinc. water works , -water fittings. J. A. Robertson of M-onterey. rail roads , etc. Frederico Kunhardt of Guada lajara , general merchant , banker. Manuel Corcuera of Gnadalajara. planter sugar mnchintrry. diti-Ulery. iron works. Rafael de la Mora of Guadalajara , mechanical en- gineer , machinery Emfllo Rabasa of Chia pas , button manufacturer , canned fish. Ed- nardo Donde of Jalapa , coffee machinery , sugar and hrick machinery , A. S. Canton of Meridla , Yucatan , general merchant. E. Cantilla of Meridia , henzp machinery. The following are tie representatives of tie FhSadelphia museum who will be Bf tie party : WUliam P. Wilaan. directorDr. . Gustar Xiederleln , rhlef of the acientiSc de partment. C. A. Green , arelstant chief at the bureau of information ; D. N. Harper. Di"ith at n Day. BC3STON. June t i Mra. Charity Green. 185 years of age , an inniat * of the Home for Afffod Colored Women , died todav. Mra- Green was bom a slave at Portsmouth , Va. She came to Boston in 1SE4 and became a Iree woman. ST. LOC1S. June < L Thomas W. Booth. ez-president of tie 'Merctaats1 exehaagr , p < aridtnt of the J. W. Booth CommlflEion CMnpany. and one af tie best known men if St. Louis , wa * lonad dead in tie bati tub at his residence. KS7 Wachlngton houievard , by his wife today. He bad been cuSering fram acompUcatum of dlseafiez. V.'ASHECGTON. Juae 6. Rar Admiral Samurt Phillip Le , r S. N. . rrCrtd. the last of th commanders at tie great equad- rons during tie war died at hia home it S ff Springs , near this eby , at S o'deck yesterday , alter a eion maeea. f a CT ) U ! at par&lyaa He win a Virginian by Mrti and a direct descenduxi of Ughiaorse Harry Lee of revolntiaouT tame. DECATtJR Nen June 6. ( Speciat ) Mrs. Roe. metier af Mn. Ed Higby. died h re yes terday afttrmoon at her daughter's borne. She was SI years old. Tie remains were buried tiu afternoon in tie Deeatnr ceme tery. tery.WASHINGTON WASHINGTON Juae t Mrs HM. . ' , , died cuddttsJy today. She IvavtfS a tanuly af two dauetaters and flofc Bona. ae f the la U > r butng in tie army and another la tbe nary. Bryan m * . .Montreal , MON TREAL. Janet W. J. Brran. wteo is r * ti nr b re far a. day afur bis lecoire last nicht. today atxeaded tfae American Pretbjaerian eiurci aodwas a/itrw-ard en tertained at iuaet by George Vf Strptaenx , iL P , a mftBoTiHr lu.'wy r aad peBU ian. Itr. Bryan vas driven axaoad lie cay by tie KnSchta of Pythias la the afternoon aad wCl It- ave tor CXtawa tsmoraow. at Oeraa Vtrl , Jane O , At Havrt Arrived La GiBOOgat , from New York. At Qu * n * oiwj Sailed Campania , frsin LJVOITHKJ tor New Turk. At Vtv Yerk Arri t > d Li Erttagne. from 5TIL.I. AFR.11O OF TUB Dental of Rrport that * rt1lrr Return to Tlieir Hnm < - . 9SCTBK. Ctak. JVff . A Jteek ? Mw * t i Nrwi tr & Xitel Cttj. The Mary * eat abrs 4 that * e * Brs were wtth uWfr aadlti > s t tr e. AXrat tit tke laffluuK. are scffl t > tilfl ettr. ( are eoaiiag ta * > Uy. . A matf M tut rtcil tinHfes a- * t > 4 < h4 to ia ron CT. witk o tfcOMtt f re. to their baste * wtafe the teAaM are o3 th reperptthie. A clural ta < * - w ia * hee tmcUac c Ottr crcet , x > ar tfre rnervitlKi. and tixmt sixty afiec from here. irriTH test rveaiag , iarta riddra tke - tire dtetesce BE a Mcyde ta o iy She r < * p nil wHnr vcrrrxl couU bnnAs of la- 4tees yrowbig B SC UK hflto o toot. Ov r 300 ladtaai are > C tie reMTraOMi. scat tered ta nmalt bastes , ruaraSaa tike emntry aa4 cwmaHtinc deprt4atiw ami dewwrto evprythtag la tieir ttae of march. T&ere are nM tie ee IJ fl lodlaac o tie reservi- ttaa. Tfee daae iouses djnited UM > ladtun DOC ttmr age by Captain Staocfa and others wfl ] be tora down and the large dram taken away from tiem and aU "bad medidoe" made hereafter will hare ta be made te apen air. SherlS Gttb aad Stock Inspactor StaXi leave tmorraw for tie sppne of tie trouble with warrants prsperly executed J r the ar- rert of "VTilte BuH. Yellow Hair aad Sam Craw. EX-MAYOR MAG01VA.V 1 A MESS. Annoy * Hl ET-\Vlf - . \ \ lta OrUcri Him Arrr t l. TRENTON. N. J- . June fi.ersons resid ing In tie neighborhood ofMayor Frank A. Magowaa's coienial mansion were awak ened about midaigit last nicht by a dis turbance lawiici the ex-mayar. his two boys and a paUeeman were tie central figures. Mrs. Macowan aad ier chlMr-n live next door ta tie houw occupied by tie ex-mayor and Mrs. Baraea , It Is claimed that last night Magnwaa and Mrs , Bamps walked past lie house , where Mrs. Maso.Tin and her ciiWrea. reside , an unusual num ber of times. The boys believed it was done with tie deliberate purpose of annoy- j Ing tieir mother. They beuan to tiout at Magowan. and told frin to take Mrs. Barnes Late the house and it is said made uncom plimentary remarks about them. Mage .van I waited into the yard af ils farmer -wife's' house after tie boys. They ran mta the house. MeanwiHe Mrs Marowaa ssnt for tie policeman and ordered tie arrsst of the ex-mayor. The latter ordered tie jr-ljce- man to arrest the boys , but tie declined to do either , without a Tt arrant. The matter was soon quieted down by Magawan leaving. During the day there h g been some talk about -warrants b 'ag issued but at police headqcartrirs tpiipit it was said no steps had been , taken by either side , Bit EACH STILL GROWS TVIDER. Japan nail Ha-n-nll Appear to B Gt - tlncr Kartlier Apart. SAN FRANCISCO. June 6. The steamer Coptic arrived fh < evening from Honolulu , bringing advices up to May 2L According to tie latest information procurable , tie difficulty between Japan and Hawaii , gro- - ing out of the immigration question , ias been Increased rather diminished ty the diplomatic proceedings. Officers on board of tie Japanese cruiser Naniwal. now at Honolulu , state tnT , a second Japan's man-of-war Is row en rode to Honolulu , and that a third armed vessel is ajKmt to .depart from Y-oicnmnaa fnr t-h * ! nt. rMy ruin iSrs. SiSnamtra , irire of tie Ja SBse sinister here , had arranKed to leave for Japan on June EL Tie intended departure cacsed a rumor In Honolnla to tie -ea ct TTit tie minister -would cooa follow her. He admitted tiat he was not satisfied witi lie answer -of tie Hawaiian , government in re gard to tie Immigrant controversy and ie gave dcse friends -understand that unless a reply satisfactory ta him -was made , ie would depart for Tokio. thereby severing diplomatic relations between Japan aad Hawaii. QUIET AT SAX QrEXTTV PH.15O * . Work ID th < - Jatr Mill Will Be nm il Twdaj- . SAN QUENTIN PRISON. CaL , June 6. Tie trouble with tie convicts employed In tie jute mfll at this prison Is about over and no further disturbance is looked for Work will be started up tomorrow morning In that portion -of tie mill , known as tie "old Jute , " -witi some -WO men. About 350 of the most desperate and mutinous of the criminals are still confined on a diet of bread aad water , and It is * ; x- pected tiat of these all but the ring lead ers of tie so-caUed "strike' * will soon be at work again. The ring leaders and tie who took part in the attempted break from the dungeon will be brougitup before tie board of directors and their cases consid ered for punishment. Extra guards will be stationed fn the n H to prevent any further trouble and to Sfe t t tie more peaceably- Inclined , who wish to return to work , are not Intimidated Dy their more hardened and ricious fellow prisoners. BACCAL-ITHEATE "AT WE T FOIXT- Faren-rll * > rmon 1 Prr-aclinl to thp Embryo Soldlrr * . VTEST POINT. N. Y. . June . Tie ciaprf of tie West Point Military academy was completely filled tils , morning by tie corph of cadets , the beard of visitors , the officers and women and families of the cadets at the customary hour far religious worship to listen to tie farewell discourse of Rev. Her bert Shipman to tie graduating class , Rev C. G. Osgood of Highland Falls preached tor tie Catholic cadets ia tie soldiers' chapel tinder tie iill. Boats frani N w York landed a largd party of excursianlBts today and West Point presented aa animated appearance lor a lew hoars. Fruit Farm CUanjrr. Hand * . KANSAS Cm" . MJL. June fi. Asaounce- ment in made of tiwsale of one-half interest in tie OUcn fruit farm , said to be the larff- t farm in tbt- world devoted exdurivHy to the raiting of fruit. The purchastr it L. T Aloore. tae wealthy merchant and capitalist of this city The farm it. vaJud at between timotH aad n-0.kK [ ) and Is situated at Olden , Mo. . 2uB miles from Kaunas City , on tie Mrmphis railroad , in th < Jzark mountains. Th farm eonsisu af rai acres , on wbich are over MW.iWU paach tres. W.UW appif * tites. iOTO pekr trtea and forty acres ia Mackterrief , besiilts a JLJ > vanery of otter fruits. Oa the property are a large ware- bouee. a cannery with a cs ; a jty of MUHiO -ST.P j > er 4sy. -cotd ftoraff * IwUdvng acidise li.ww barreb af appten. a aotei , a. sawmi3 aruj a number of nouses for tie use of the and tenants. flair * to Krpnbliran Lrusuf > ( rtlnc. DETRurr afick. , June C Secretary DowilBff of the National Ltague of Repub lican clubs , ias rt = ctjvd word tiiat tie Great Western raiUxt&d badt tie low-far * bail robingby onoounciojf a sinsie fare for loutuj-trip tickets to tie national coaven- Uoa te b ioU ifare ia JnJr. Judtfiag frosi the letters rcarfi by tie secretary twtej lb ? rate cuutce by roads ia the Western Passes g r tu * aa.tion vm becaea 6 o raJ sad the JTcct tritt be iareoir tacrfcased atUiBdaace at tic onv Bti B , CKficws ot the leapuf are hopi = e { or a similar disturb ance amnai ; tie eastern roads. Turp tln Boat Rmdy for Trial. NBW YORK. June t The fntt d States torpedo boat Peru > r came oat of dry deck yetnerday afUtrnooa with c w paint on its ste i botlon : , twWefa i&d ccra swvpt bare witain tnrre we lca by friction of the water ttoeartnntid by it * remartiLble c < ptted. The final trial it cnderstood to navt tfcta fixed for Tuesday , June 8. Pl iiisf A era IK. BI'ZZARD'S BAT. Mass. , Jane G.-Tie Bteani yacht Oaeida , wtti ex-Presideat Cleveland on board ticjpiest of E. C Eeoe- dict. let ! tb harbor this afternoon -ith it * itewtinaiion * r eaatea , Caca. , asid New York. Tie ittrntwaca af tacue en b ird are tor i toMS vriy a'.cag tie I ing Lalacd CRUSHED JO DEATH FireaeB FALL FF ALL BUSED B MeetUuir Fats to NARROW ESCAPE OF CITY PRISONERS Fazsed Up b tbe L rap ia abLit ; the Fii& RESCUED BY AUTHOiyTIES JUST LN TIME Lonn n the Bnlltllnjr and Contents Foot * Cp t ifUKI.CHHl 5alT > tioa Arm- Barrack * Are Silently 5lnirrd. SAN FRANCISCO , Jane S. A fire In the sautiecftera part of the city at ne n today cost tirte nremen their lives aad entailed a property toss of JM0OEtfl JCUIed : JOHN M.1HONET a Ciemlcal Engine No. fi. FRANK KELLER , steward at itwe cart No. 2. JAMES HALLINAN. driver at track N . 1. The fire started myEterHmeiy im the tour- story block owaed by Schmti & WeciterSeM and lenaed to the Standard Biscuit company. Work la the factory for tie week ceased at 3:30 p. m. yesterday and so tar as known the only occupants at the building tiis morn ing were John Erwin , the bookkeeper , and W. Cock , tie raeiier. who were at work la tie office. Cook departed at 11 , and Erwin. was still occupied with hie bonks at nocn when a fireman rushed in , conveying lie information tiat tie building was ablaze la tie upper stories- Erwin had betn quite un- conPciouE of tie fin. which had been "Ob served but a few nilnates earlier by several paseersby. who were etartled by a sodden burst of flames In the fourth story. After the first alarm tie fire chief turned In a iecrnd and general alarm. A stiff breeze fanned tie fire within tie brick. waHs , causing it to develop with ex- troardisary rapidity and it was soon ap parent tiat the Interior of 'ie structure wouW be entirely destroyed. Adjacent to ih. brick factory was a raw of old wooden build ings , including a branch of tie Salvation Army barracks and tie southern police sta tion. These seeraed d otatd. Fortunately the police station , contained only three pris oners , but tie terrified yens and appeals ot { tie trio to be liberated caused Intense - excitement - i citement among tie gathering crowds. They were transferred as quickly as possible to tie central tatlon. tatlon.FLOORS FLOORS FALL. Meanwhile floor after fioor of tie erackrr .factory .fell la. rendering the .side walls un- eale. Tien lie m < K waU of fh factory toppltfi. OTTET sail a.wavinsi , * ieet ot fianiea spread over lie wide -woo2en area adjoining. ' TTlth tie. craci at it * east wall occurred ! tie tragedy of the esnflagration. A score of t firemen were la a neighboring paint shop , . j from tiat * * J endEavoriag poin to check the spread of tie flames. A falling timber struck Fireman Mahoney on the leg. breakIng - Ing it. He refused ta anew his comrades- * carry him away ia tieir arms. insisUng that i ie must be borne -off on a shutter. AH tut j two of tie band of firemen ran to procure a J shutter * nd jast as tiey left f > > -ir Injured | comrade , tie wall fell , burying beneati a \ TSVKS at brick and mortar Mahoney and ils , ' faithful friends. By dint -of much dangerous 4 labor lie three bodies were recovered and esnt wili police -escort ia aa many patrol ! -wagons. i The Ios9 to tie brick bonding is estimated > at $40.000 , with $00.000 lots on the contents , j caneiaflng of machinery and stock. The j damage to tie Salvation Amy barracks was fl.000 and to tie police station nominal. ; Tie biscuit factory was operated by a cor- porition organized a year ago aad reputedly transacting a larc ? and proirperous business. The cause of the are isunknown. . DATTD CITY , Neh. . June fi. ( special Tele- gram.j BelTe elevaior , containing 7.000 buFhfcls of corn , 1,000 bushels of flax seed and other grala. rKl tie electric light plant ' were destroyed by fire lite morning , Icte , , Cli.OOfl ; insnrance , 2,500 In the Scottish i Union aad the National of Hartford eaci ) aad t2.000 in tie Liaorfn Mutual. * GERING- > n Juae 6. ( SppdaL ) J. A. ] Lowry's extensive sheep sheds and stables , ) were totally d. strayed by fire , tosetier witi a number of corses , buggies and barnesa. i The fire was caused ay a small boy building j trash fires. I ATLANTIC. Ia Jane C. ( Special. ) i Shoudy Brcfi.s hardware and harness es- | tablUament was damaged by fire early yesterday - j terday morning. LDES , J2 00 , coverid by t Insurance. t MB-S. GACMEK THA\ICS THE PCBLIC. ! I'rbnna AVoman > aj She In Gratrfnl for > yinpailir. URBAN A , O. . June 6. Mre. T M. Gaa- mer. who was assaalted by Mitchell , the negro lynched by tie tab last Friday , to day issued a card of thanks to her friends far tiedr sympathy during her adicUon. After speaking ef tie messages of sympathy she ias received from many parts ef tie country , the concluded aa follow ! "My heart and the sad hearts of my house hold are in mourning { or the afflicted homes | in Crbana , Broken hearts call ta hearts ; equally sad and distressed wltb prayer far " . strength and great so'os uf sympatiy. May "f all Christian hearts tirougtuiut tie lecj-ti , aad breadth of tils free land ofoars' go out | in sympathy U > tie sorrowing comes In our J tnidkt , mode desolate by misguided minds. * Never did soldiers on any battlefield d5e for a more holy and righteous cause than these brave boys tor the purity ot their homes , for mothers , daughters and slsterz. They should be looked upon as ieroes. as soldiers willing to epill their blood tar tie holiest of all causes. MRS. T M. GAUMER. " The ftu eral procetaion fottowtng the body of farmer Cpton Baker U ) the grave pawed tirocgb here today on its way to tie burial place at Point Pieaaaot. in Clark cuonty. It wci aa immeas * proetMtoa. People on tie streets here tosk ff tieir iau and stood witii bared ieads ia it pu * ' = ed. AA expfntcs are bora * ay eitlsens of Orbana. Cer mooies at tie beube and at the grave were brief aad simple. De-ad Trllli Two Pl lol M'onads. CINCINNATI. Juae t Ciapel E. Heali. spp&rmtir 3t y ars 4d , a well dressed irue t of the Oibitan bonM % was found dead today slttieK la bii- chair in bin Bliiht clothes , with a piBlol woend in bia temple and In bis left breast. Ii has been learned that ie was a graduate of the Washington Lee aatversiiy. V'irglaia , tiat wevtraj years ago be received an injury U > its head , causing spells of partial Insanity He is the son tif Dr. Heath af Richmond , Ky and appear * an a law student af that place His conduct when he registered last Bight was perfectly rational and attracted no srteottoc. Oa ti contrary , ie was vry rieertuj Supreme Kniztit * of Honor. ST. LOCiS , June G. Most ef the delegates , . t * tAinonvWs essioii af the Supreme KlaighU af Hcmer numberiog nearly a. iun- 4rod , icame ia by th sigfet trains and moro are exp c'J teroorrow The Keaalen will be held a' thr Soetbvm hotel and Is ez pe. led tu la ? a w ek. Thirty-six slates -will be ret-n tsie Joiuo Mallgun of Tonkers. K. Y or supreme oUctaior at t * lodge and JubA f of ZSbrrtan , Gasuprema ' * -iTfnmi > v n aim