TTTK OMAHA TATLY ) REE : "WEDNESDAY. .TrXTC . 1SD7. l\ SPECIAL NOTICES AilvrrH riMpnt for IIiciic columim Trill IHJ inken until 1'm. . for the rvcnliie : anil iinlll 8 p. nt , ( or the nnrnlinr anil Miinilny edition * . Ailvcrllncrn , \ > r rc < inctlnR a nnni- iM-rcil clirok , cnii linvc immrcrn nil * iIrenNc < l to a iitiniltcrcil letter In cure tit The live. Aiisirorn MO nililrenneil vrlll 1 > c ilellrerctl on iirvnvntntlon at the check onljr. Itnten , 1 I-lc n Troril tlrnt InnertloWj lo a irnnl tlicrrnfter. 'VotliliiK tnkcn lor IPX * thnn SHe for thetlrtt Innrr- tlon. Tlirnr n < lrertlnciiictitii mint b * rnn cmiNcrntlrrly. SITr.VTIOXS WAXTISD. WANTKO. SITUATION , FOtl A HOT , IS years olj. Addreu 1U N. ISth tr t. A MQl J A mw ENERGETIC HUSTMNO MEM CAN find itradr. printable work with C K. A.lami Co. . til Bo. 16th Bt. U 47J MEN WANTED TO LEARN DAUBER TRADB t the Omaha Harber Collfite. finest In the wc t ; complete course , 8 we ks ; lerm tnsy ; nil for catalogue. 1517-1113 r > ouctft St. Omihn. B MTlt June { T1IK MUTUAL ItKSEIlVR FUND LIFE ASPO- clntlon want reliable men m lornl and district arm ) * In cv ry county In this ntnli > : liberal contract * Klvcn to good men. For terms unit , particulars addrprn C. I * Iloblaon. manaRfr , * Ml lien htilMlne , Omaha , Neb. B MT1S WANTED. SALESMEN tN EVERY PISTIUCT ; new sranon ; nample * free ; salary or comml- Blon. with exncnrea from start. Luke Uros , Co. , CMcnitn. I 70S Jf WANTED , SALESMAN : SAUVIIY 1'AID weekly ; eiperlcnce unnecessary ; permanent. Tlrown Ilros. . Chlcni ) . 11 70J 2' KS A WEEK AND EXI'ENSHS PAID SALESmen - men ; Mnple line ; extwrlence unnecessary ; per manent po ltlon. The W. L. Kline Co. . St. Iiulx , Mo. II M703 Z WANTED. IAVK INSUnANCE AGENTS ( Kooil pay ) . A. N. Wrcoff. Ill Uamro block. Call Iwfore 10 a. m. 11-M70 : 4 WANTED. HARNESS MAKER. AT ONCE. ALL around man preferred. Frank Degenlnrt , Mai- vcrn , la. i 11-11637 ! TOt'NO MAN WANTED. AUI.E TO PI-VT" plann and make himself useful. Mureura. 220 K. ICtli. It-MT20 5 * WASTED FEMALE 1IKLP. 100 OIItLS FOR ALL KINDS WORK ; tTO J7 week. Canadian olllce. UK Dougln * . C-M74S GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. AT C23 N , 13th t C MI77 qitlLH FROM 14 TO 10 CALL AT MADAM DE ' 'Steele's Dressmaking parlors Wednewlay from 3 to 4 p. m. , COS Douglas Illk. . Cor. 16th and DO > IK : mothers requested to call with daught ers , c 631 Jl A.OENTS . TO TAKE OHDEnS , NO EXPERI- enca necessiry. Call at ill 1st Nat'l Hank. Thursday. J to 4 p. m. C 5S4 3 FIRST CLASS WAIST AND SHIRT MAKER. 1 Marti t Sullivan , S09-10-J1 Drown block. C 556 2 ACJENTS WANTED TO SELL MME. ' Yale's famous toilet preparations ; agents mak ing J2S.CO to J100.00 per wcok ; write for par ticulars. Address Mme. M. Yale , Chicago , JH. C M704 2' FOIl HE.Vr-UIOL'SKS. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. TUB O. F. Davis Company. 1505 Famam. HOUSES. BENEWA & CO. . Ids N. 15TH ST. " D 474 MODERN HOUSES. C. A. STARR. 93 N. D 475 CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVER the city. to KO. Fidelity. 17C2 Farnam St D-478 HOUSES , WALL.VCE. BROWN BLOCK 3CTH and Douglas. D 477 HOUSES. COTTAGES & STORES , ALL PARTS of city. Brennaji , Love Co. , 430 Paiton bloclc. I - D-47S MOVING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. Om. Van , & Storace Co. , HIS Farnam. Tct 1553 ' D (79 LARGE LIST. M'CACIUE. 15TH & DODGE D 4SO HOUSES. FLATS. GARVIN BROS.16U FARNAM D 431 HOUSES FOR RENT. BEMIS , PAXTON BLK. D 482 TURKINGTON. 605 BEK BUILDING. P 4S3 STANFORD CIRCLE COTTAGES 6 ROOM All modern. Apply 204 Dfe building. D 773 B-ROOM HOaSE. INQUIRE 2709 DOUGLAS street. D M7C6 10-ROOM FLAT , DOUGLAS. NEAR 24THr MODern - ern ; steam heat ; also 5-room at 31S So. 15th. Inquire Llnqulst , 3K S. 15th. D 917 HOUSES. J. H. SHERWOOD , 413 N. Yl LIFE. D MI7S FOR RENT. MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE AND Iwrn In fine repair and pleasantly located. J. AV. Robblns , ast. , 1S02 Farnam at. at.D D M1M 2013 HARNEY ; 10 ROOMS ; STEAM HEAT. D M783 June7 * TO RENT. 2224 CLARK STREET. 8-ROOiI home , newly painted and In first-class re pair. J17.10 a month. The Hyron Reed Co. , 213 S. 14th fit. D-517 1 -ROOM , MODERN , WEU. FURNISHED homo , with harn ; one of the most pleasant and hl located homes on W st Hills : Kn.ilw plann. carriage and phaeton If desired ! vrllL rent for one or two years ; posfesslon now cr tills fall ; references exchanneil ; Mate what family ami aiMrvo-i L 35. Deet D MI 3 * FUIINISHED HOOSK OF IJ nOOJIS. EVERY con\rnlencp , larce lawn and a.euod at&ble ami oarrMRB houre. to n. desirable tenant will rent for the summer season or longer ; possession ' Klven Jun < > IS. In > iulro on premlso. 2111 Em- ni"tl .SL , Kuuntze I'lai-e. D K$4 7 10-ROOM ELKOANTLY FINISHED MODERN brick hniine , No. 2414 Caps , t't } , t-room miHlern housa at 117 North ISth. J18. R-room modem tlat. 700 So. Kth. J17.&J. d-room house , H2S ? . 17th , J10. Apply to W. Bt Melklc. ro im Wl lat Nat'l Bk 1IU1 D M433 C-ROOM MODERN FLATS , HIS hi. HTH. D M7W 6 STEAM HEATED ROOSJS , THLEPHONB AND nil conveniences ; rates reason.ibln. 1'unilt Rml dence , 212 S. 37th St. K 703 ROOM3. 1703 DOUGLAS ST. E 7U FfRNISHHD ROOMS. 1516 HOWARD. E M231 ROOMS ; FINK LAWN AND PORCHES. 2008 Ilarnry. E-Mtss June y > ' FRONT ROOM. WITH ALCOVE. FOR ONE OR two Eentlemcn. 52 H. 26th av * . E-MM3 TOK IlKNT. FUHNISIIED IIOOM8. A UVROR 0 front room , nlnt'l * or tnnulte. Apply at 1S1 lenworth t. , Srd Roor- K MWO & ' DINING ROOM , KITCHEN AND BED ROOM , to a , woman without children , with , experience tu keeplnir boarders. Addresa L : . Bee offlct. DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMS. 1919 Dude * . E-733 4- \ 3 FURNISHED ROOMa. HOUSEKEF.PING. 1112 B. l h. , 11UOMS A.\U NICELY KURNI8IIRD ROOMS , WITH BATH : board If desired. 1411 Chicago it. F-MM7 3 NICKLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. WITH board , 201 ! Douglas. F 11(13 i * NICK COOL ROOMS ; GOOD BOARD : HATES reii n bl . Th Hate , ace Harney , F 73J30 MODERN BRICK. ROOMS AND BOARD : 13.50 week ; 514 N , 16th , F M67J > * UTOl'IA , 1721 DAVEN1-ORT. F-433 t you HKNT. LuXRQE SOUTH UOOII ; COOD boanl , t N. ISth. F MCW ! Hi.vrsToms AMI OVFICES. . FOR RENT. THE 4-STOI'y BhICK BUILDING at m Farnam St. Thu bulldlnj has a cement basement , complete Meam FOR RENT. GOOD BUILDING SUtTARLF. FOR restaurant * n < l lunch" counter , with living room * upatalra. Best looatlon. oppiulta depot. In the licit town In Southwestern lows. Rent rra sonnUix Wm. Koehler , lied Oak. Ja. I-S9Z-JI * AG13ST5 WASTISD. WANTED. AOENT3 ; 75 VER MONTH AND xlxBi * * paid active men If rlcat ; oixls sold by dimple only ; samples , also bars * and car Hs furnished free. AdJreoa Jobber , nostoo , lias * . , AVANTHO TO A PIANO FOR SUMMER ; BEST OF CARE. L 60 , Ue. K M-Stt 1 STOUAOE. PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE } CO. . tO-S10 Jones. General Storage and forwarding. M-4 ! OM. VAN & STORAGE. UK FARNAM. TEL. It ! ) M ( SS WAXTKD TO IllfV. WANTED , SECOND-HAND ORDINARY FIREproof - proof safe , Inslile measurement about 342 feet ; must be standard make. In perfect con dition ; quota price , f. o. b. cars ; Rivlnc meas urement and full particulars. William Selble , Deadwood. South Dakota. N-MCSO 4 FOR SALK Ftm.VlTimE. SECOND HAND DEALERS WOULD DO WI5LL to attend th auction sale June 4 at 10 o'clock at the Pacific Storage Co.'s ware rooms , 90S and 910 Jones street , of household goods , furni ture , carpets , etc. O 6S9 J3 KOH SALtl MISCBLLAXKOUS. STOCKS GROCERIES. 1 MEAT MARKET. 1 druB stock , .farms , eastern NebraiKa ; acreage In and around Omaha. Omaha city property. B. R. Bal. ( Ml N. Y. L. Q-79J J7 CARPETS. DRAPERIES. DRESSGOODS. SILKS J2 monthly on J10 purchase. Send postal ; will call with samples. B Hlrsb 1C29 Kyner Ave. Q-693-J3 HARDWOOD CRIHBIMU. HOG AND CHICKEN fence , cheaper than " 'all wire. " C. R. I ee. 901 Douglas. Q 487 CHICKEN. HOa A LAWN FENCE : AL.L WIRE ; cheaper than wood. Wire Works. 403 S. 14th. 0 664 J-J K.CO WILL BUT A KIMBALt. UPRIGHT piano. In Rood condition. Omaha MortKHge .Loan Co. . 304 South :6th street. Q MAX ) FOR SALE. A NUMBER ONE FRESH JER- seycow. Apply at 2S2 Webster St. Q M6SI 4 * FOR SALE. . REMINGTON NO. 2 TYPEWRITER No. 61,531 excellent condition , 113.00 ; barcaln. 644 So. 24th Ave. Q-GSS 3 FAR SALE , BICYCLE ; LADIES' J100.00 WAR- wlck In cxI condition , US.OO ; also Rents' bicy cle , JICO.OO Warwick , a blR bargain , R. K. Sunderland , 153 Douglas St. , Tel. 2Ti2.Q . Q 30 GARDENS & FAJUIS TO RENT. T. MURRAY. R-MS40 nfst\iss T Continued. ) FOR SALE. WASHING MACHINE ; OPERATED by means of foot power ; perfect In action ; provided with an attachment for securing wringer to tub ; saves time , labor and expense. Address Mrs. J. W. Ouentzel , care of John Wedderburn & Co. , patent attorney * , Wash ington , D. C Y-M707 2 IOR SALE. BRACE FOR 11EDSTHAD ; SERVES to ctfeottially prevent ildo rails from spread- Inc apart and Mnta from b Tt > mlne dl'engnged from same ; ndds greatly to strength awdura bility of bwlstead. IJ , T. Parr , rare of John Wedderuurn & Co. , patent attorneys , Wash- ton. D. C. . Y-M70S I FOR SALE. FOLDING BED PROVIDED WITH mechanism for preventing accidental folding of same ; of novel , yet simple construction ; will be universally appreciated ; cheap to manufac ture nnd big prnnts ar ured. Mrs. Loul. Arch , care of John Wedderburn , & Co. , patent attor- neysv Washington , D. C. Y M709 2 * FOR SALE. 50 PER CENT LIGHTER DRAFT and shipping weight reduced one-half ; two Im portant point * never before obtained In a land roller ; simple ; durable ; cheap ; will sell part or all of I'nlted States patent. Write to II. U. Goss , Bos IDS , Portland. Mlrh. Y M710 2 * 1.-OR SALE , WHOLE RIGHT IN MY NON-RE- htlable bottle , mnde entirely of glass ; so con structed that It can Ire closed If contents are not extracted at one time , Address Harm Ahlrlrhs. care of John Wedderburn & Co. , patent attorneys , Washington , D , C.YM7H Y-M7H J FOR SALE. COMPOUND GAS OR VAPOR EN- glne ; compound expansion ; double acting ; Im pulse In opposite directions at name time over coming vibration ; speed controlled and engine reversed a with steam engine. Eugene P. Wolllard , care of John Wedderburn & Co. . patent attorneys , Washington , O. C. C.YM7I2 2 FOR SALE. MEASURING RECEPTACLE : device - vice for containing baking powder , salt , rplces. etc. . from which a predetermined quantity may lx" drawn and contents still preserved from In fluence of atmosphere. Addris * John G. Stone. care of John Wedderburn & Co. , patent attor neys , Wcdhlngton. D. C , . .Y MtlJ 2 FOR SALE , DREDGING MACHINE , BY USU of which dredglngs are convcyeil directly from the machine or scow attached t the shore where they arc to be discharged. Ad dress J. S. Danena. care of John Wedderburn & Co. . patent attorneys , Washington , D. C. Y MTU 2 FOR SALE. 1'OTATO PLANTER J'HOVIDED with novel and effective slicing mechanism ; works to perfection ; can be manufactured and sold cheaper than any device of the kind yet Invented. Addrms W. H , Ooddard , care of John Wedderhurn & Co. , patent attorneys , Washington , D. C. Y M715 2 * The hustling man is not the one "Who mourns what "might have been ; " He knows a good ad in The Bee "Will-reach some thousand men. R B. W. CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. M. FRITZ , 819 N. 1CTH ST. ST.S S MCOOJuneS * SPECIAL ARRIVAL FIRST VISIT TO OMAHA of Prof. Clarence E. Chester , the marvelous full life-reaching clairvoyant and trance med ium ; plain , practical , clear-brained Informa tion. He telto your name , age. occupation ; ad vice on business , love , law , marriage , divorce , speculation , etc. ; recovers old estates nnd bur led treasures : reunites the separated ; causes speedy marriages. Fee 50c , 50c , and up for this week. Hours 10 to S dally. Parlors 1913 Farnam St. Call or write. S 674 J2 * COME AND CONSULT THE ONLY GENUINE life reader ; her predictions are wonderful ; . names given ; fee , 50c and up ; 10:30 to 7 dally. 1819 Farnam street. S 7202 * MASSAGE , IIAT1IS , ETC. MADAM SMITH. 1315 DOUGLAS. MASSAGE steam baths. T 3.HS2 June2 MRS. DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE BATH parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth , up stairs , T M60 JuneO _ I'KHSO.VAL.- VLVVI FOR UTERINE TROUBLES. 346-8 BEE Bids. ; physician , consultation or health bwk free. U 4S3 RUPTURE CURED. PERMANENTLY : NO pain ; no detention from business : we refer to thousands of patients cured. Call or write The O. E. MUler Co. . S32-S N w York Lit * bulldlngr. Omaha. U M623 UATHS. MASSAGE : MME. POST , 3191.5 S. 15TH. U 490 MISS MAYER , SURGEON-CHIROPODIST , manicure. R. 400 Paxton block , diploma 1SS6. U M2 J1S EXPOSITION INVESTMENTS. FOR PLEASure - uro and proflt see L. P , Judson'a want ads. Bluffs page. U M264 NELLIE F. RTLEV , MANICURE AND CHIR- ooodltt. 7 yrs-'wlth Mies Mayer , 911 Karbach bk. U M3SJ J M BEST SCALP TREATMENT. 25C ; SHAMPOOing - ing 250 2 weeks Miller's Parlors. 1314 Doug- las. U I53-J24 "REV. W. W. BROWN'S ASTHMA CURE" positively cures ; write for testimonials. Char ter Oak , Iowa. U M4S8 June 26 * RHINOCK. INVENTOR AND PATENTEE OF the Rhjnock.'a English tailor system. Is now located with Mrs. S. J. Le * | < > r at 216 So. ISth &t. , Omaha , and will , for 30 days , give Instruc tions free tn Introduce tha system , and will Klvu away sleeve patterns ami cut patterns of all kinds to actual measurement at reasonable prices : dress cut , Ht. stitched" and trimmed , from $2.50 tu (104 , all ready to finish ; young lijlea Just out of school can have the N-st of Instruction how to make all their summer dresses for the simple sum of 5J.W a month , at Mrs. keeper's. 216 So. ISth St. U OS 6 "SIOSKY TO LOA-V-IuEAtT ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . SIS N. T. I : quick money at low rates for choice farm landa U Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska. W ( M LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CTSY property , W. Farnam Smith & Co. . 13S ) Farnam. * * " - W-1M t-EH CENT MONEY ON NEB. & , 1A. FARMS \V. U. Melkle , 1st Nat'l 13k. bide. , Omaha.W4J8 W-4J8 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THE O , F. DavU Co. , 1505 Farnam St. W 494 FA.RM LOANS , I TO 1 YEARS ; LOWEST rnt J. Garvln Bros. , 1513 Farnam St. W-S33 ON OMAHA PROPERTY : LOWEST RATES ; bulletin ? loans wanted. Fidelity Trust Co , W 494 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Rrennan , Love & Co. . Paxton block. vr-tn FROM tioaoo UP. F. D. WEAD , ISth & Douclar. tt' 20719 HOKEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Putey . Thomas , 207 1st Nat ! Dk bid w-rs SIO.VIJY TO LO.\ * CHATTELS , MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. hone * , wagons , etc. , at lowest ratea In city ; no removal of Eoods : itrlctly cciuldentlal ; yon can par thn loan off at any time or In any ( mount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . : < * so. icth su X 49S iiL'si.viss cii.ixci-fsT A. WELL ESTABLISHED GROCERY STORE for sale In one of the best towns , In ea.tern Iowa ; stock and IHture * will Inrolca between 14.000 and .OCO , stock can U reduced If V quired. AJJre.a L (2. care Omaha. lion T-MS1S Junes * FOR RENT-SMALL WATER POWER MILL. Can also hand ! * grain. AdJresa bux K Lin coln. Nob. Y Ml-JJ FOR SALE , GOOD PAYING DRY GOODS UUSI. new In eastern Nebraska ; tnvotc * I15OM : good r a on for telling. Addren L it , IWe 4 * VOll SALE. HOTKL FURNITURB BO-ROOM houM dolnir a big pajrlnc buslncM ; will twar tha elokcat lnvetlca.tlan ; good rca on for Mil- Ing. Address \V. Homan. Human HOUM. St. J < w ph. Uo. FOR SALE , NECKTIE ATTACHMENT ; POSI- tlvely prevents band from loosening , yet allows same to be readily disconnected when It Is de sired to remove the tie. For1 full particulars , address Barton T. Jones , care of John Wed derburn & Co. , patent attorneys , Washington , D. C. , _ Y M716 J t FOR SALE IlIiAL ESTATE.- I KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAINS. $ : .5 0. J3.7SO TO 55.OCX ) ; .set ; photos at 16th and Farnam ; Horse Bids. J. J. Gibson. 511 First Nat. Bank Bldg. RE SOI HOUSES , LOTS. FARMS. t .NDS. LOANS. G o. I' . Bemis Real Estate Co. . Paxton Block. RE 603 GREAT BARGAINS IN HOUSES AND LOTS In any and every part of tba city , north , east , couth and west , ranging from 1330 to J3.000 or SS.OOO and upwards. Any terms desired. Bemls , Paxton tlR = k- RES 173 IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPERTY PAYING 12 per cent cross , price JU.OOO. Write L 46 , Bee RE 21 ALL REAL ESTATE OWNED BY THE NE- hraxka Savings & Exchange Bank will be sold at a very reasonable price. Wm , K. Potter , receiver. RE 67a WANTED. Omaha for Los Angeles property. SO acres , near , for 160 , OtoeCo. . ICO. near , for suburban acres. la section to a section , In Iowa. Housa for SO near Lincoln , clear. House for clear lot and cash. Clear lot for good clear house. House to move on to a lot Lot In Bedford Place for cash. J2.100 house and lot Jor cash. JS.OOO houre. part trade , bal. cash. Trackage lot for Implement business. Chicago property for 3000 ; acres In Iowa. New York property for Iowa farm. California property' for 3.000 acres In Iowa. J2.000 to JS.OOQ milse. fnr cash. Purchaser for $13,000 merchandise. to $3OM drug stock , part cash. Purchaser for J25.000 clothing stock. Business block for HO.OOO property and cash. SmalL business block , clear property and cosh. Hou. e In Omaha.ifor one In Fremont. House Omaha , for business property Desi Molnes. Property In Omaha .for Davenport , la , , property. House in Omaha for farm , near Ponca * Farm for'house near Hanscom Park. To buy , cheap house and lot. South Omaha. Ti > buy , cheap house In Amber UPlace. House for suburban acres. Good lot for equity Ifanscom PI. house. .Veres for business lot , 40th and Hamilton. Iowa land for block In Chicago. Iowa land for block tn Carthage.- . To loan out. I50U or Jl.OOO. Suburban acres for Hanscom PL house. To buy for cash , 40 acres cheap. Iurchaser for J550 lot , N. 24th. Purchaser for 165x300 near Exposition. Suburban acres for clear lots and cash , Farm , close by. for cash. Acres near So. Omaha for farm. $10,000 house for property and cash. House In Dundee , part c.-uh. House close In for loin and cash. C. 'P. Harrison. 912 N. Y. Life. Tel. 314.RE RE 687 1 J1.200 WILL BUY A 6-ROOM HOUSE IN WALH nut Hill ; small monthly payments. Omaha Real Sstate and Trust Co. , 211 Bo. 18th st. RE-3SS FOR SALE. TWELVE ROOM' MODERN HOUSE , eighty feet front. Northeast corner 41st and Izard (4032 Izard ) for 17,500. One-third In rash , or other residence property. Balance to suit purchaser. This U one of the 'most desirable/ locution * In Walnut Hill. Apply to F , J. Sut- cllffe , 44S Bee building. - R E 513 FOR SALE. IRRIGATED LANDS UNDER Helinont canal. North Platte valley , Nebraska , on easy payments , tn forty-acre tracts and upwards , with perpetual water rights ; good crops always anaured. COLUMBIAN INV'T CO. . First Nat'l Binlc IHdg. RE M59S SEE roo.00 HOUSE AND LOT AT 2105 N , 28TH St. Garvln Bros. , 1013 Farnam. R-E-M-687-i BARGAINS IN ACRE PROPERTY We make u specialty of acre * clone to Omaha and can offer , beginning this week , A beautiful tract of land comprUInr Eighty acres Ju t west of this city within twenty-five min utes' drive of tha posto/Tlce. and twenty min utes' ride from South Omaha , splendidly lo cated to receive the benefit of the future growth and development of both these cities , and yet escape ull city taxes. The street * are now macadamized close to this property , affording a beautiful drive In and out of Omaha. In order to make quick sales and close thla prop erty out rapidly , we have been Instructed to divide It Into ten and twenty acri- tracts and ottef Ib at the remarkably loir price of | 225 > to J273 per acre. If you want an Investment , If you want a home. If you want choice land for fruit and vegetable gardens , call and tee the Hicks Real Eitate Agency , 219 South Sixteenth street { ground lloor ) . Paxton block. RE 717 2 of LOST , AT UNION DEPOT , SATURDAY EVENIng - Ing , a short mink boa with two heads and four tails ; tinder will receive a reward by re turning * ame to room 323 Chamber of Com merce , Lost 693V ! U SHORTHAND AXU TYI'EWIIITIXO. to A. C , VAN SANTS SCHOOL , til N. Y. LIFE. .T OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE. 1ITH & DOUGLAS U0 FOII WANTED. A TtARDWyttB OR IMPLEMENT lock in exchange for tlock In a Jobbing hou i ; good opening ; making money , good rearons for * * Illns. Address M 100L. Bee ofllce , C unill ASTUO OGY. PROF. A. MASER' " QE.XOTIT. PALMISTRY nnd astrology the wonder of the age ; past , present and future /toUVsr no charce ; at S Harney street , Omana.'Keb. M519June 4 TVrBWIMTRIIS. ii iltf IJITEST MODKL TYTRWR1TERS : SUPPLIES. United Typewriter & Supplies Ca. 1612 Farnam Mil. -MKSJvJl" MUSIC , ART AXU LAXCUACC. GEORGE F. GELLENBECK. BANJO. MANDO. tin and guitar teacher , ISO ? Farnam street. Te' at 90S SIDUWALKS. FOR NATURAL STONE WALKS. TEL. 493 OR send postal to A. Stutter , ISO RoardTrndc. _ M731 JuncS * S1IJKWALKS. SAWED MATURAL STONE. ARTIFICIAL , brick. Tel. 1OS.V. . J. Wel-hans. 3t * S. nth Ot. 113- K3II-LOY3IU.NT OFK1C13. AMERICAN AND GERMAN E.MPLOYMHNT bureau. 1524 Dodge. Telephone , S7MSa -MSa JrlJ WI'IIOLSTKIIIXO FUltXITUHE. FURNITURE REPAIP-ING AND PACKING. Couches and cushions , mattresses made anil renovated. Prices will please you. See M. S. Wulkln. 2111 Cumlng street. Telephone. 1331. 507 AUCTIO.V. SPECIAL AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD prvods every \ Vednesilajnnd Saturday morn- Ings. Nebrsska Auction and Commission Co. , S. W. correr 14th and Dodge streets. I'HOTO-KXRUAVIXG. WE ! MAKE FINE HALF-TONES. ZINC ETCH- tnrs , embossing dies , trl-color plate or anything - thingIn up-to-date engraving. We guarantee ( Use , quality and wctmanshlp. Woman's Wecly , Nineteenth ana Famam. Famam.M943 M943 June 12 PAVX H R O If K11S. a. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY , 413 ? c. w ST. EM KI.VAXCIAL. UFE INS.POLIC1ES BOUGHT. W. F. HOLDS- ; ' MI" ' StRUIC L. INDIES ! CHICHESTBR'S ENGLISH PENNYroyal - royal pills ( Diamond brand ) , are the best ; safe : reliable ; take no other ; * ? nd 4c stamps for par ticulars. "Relief for Ladles. " In letfr by re turn mall : at druggists. Chlchetter Chemical Co. , Philadelphia. Pa. MentionV MCS2 SUM3IEH HKSOHTS. BOATIXO. FISHING.TENTS. . BOATS. BOARD , Address Camp Omaha , Hake Qulnnebaug. Te- kamah. Neb. J MS31 S0 SUES & CO. , PATENT SOLICHOKS BeoBifliains , bmaha Neb I id Patent Roolc ' FUEE PKRSOXAL II'AIIAGIIAPIIS. S. B. Thorp , New Yorkicity , la at the MH- lard. G. I H. Hlldebrand , M.D. , of Clearwater \ a Barker guest. O. I W. Berger of New York. Is registered nt the Barker. . : ' / I , n. R , Kyd and C. H ; Elmore'Cf Beatrice ' an Barker guests. ; * J. M. Coakley , Mount , Etna , Iowa , la regis tered at the Millard. H. P. Colgrove and Henry "U * . Jllnster , Chicago cage , are at the Millard. J. J" . Collteter. a railroad man from Kan sas City , is at the Millard. Grant Kenney left last night on a short lire. Barr , accompanied by her two chil dren , left last evening for Denver. Mies Delia Chandler has gone to Chicago where she will visit relatives for a , fortnight. 3" H. SracColl. who visited friends in the city yesterday , left for-Chlcago In the even ing : J. B. Frawley of Kansas City , who has been , in the city on business , returned home last ' night. J. C. Moore of St. Louis , who has been in Omaha for a short period , left for Chicago last night. " I it. H. Dlers , Seward , 0. M. Moore , York , | W. W. Keeling , Nemaha are Nebraskans at the Millard. I Tales of Lincoln , who has been visiting friend.3 here fora few daya , returned home last night. W. M' Geddes , Grand Island , and M. M. Parker , Rock Falls , are < state arrivals stop- pine at the Barker. " | Miss Nellie Bennettof the Castellar school went to " St. Louis last night to attend the wedding "of a relative. George R. King of Dallas , Tax. , arrived in the city yesterday evening with a carload of horses for the Juno racoa. C. Lincoln of the Wagner Palace Car comI I ' pany , with headquarters in Chicago , who ' his been In the city for a few days , left for home last night. " Ito' ' H. B. Cummins , Seward , P. L. Wllmuth , Eagle , and f. D. Howard , Harvard , respec tively president , secretary and treasurer of the Nebraska Eclectic Medical association , are at the Millard. Rev. T. J. Mackay goes to Topeka to ad dress the graduatea and undergraduates of the- College of the Sinters of Bethany In that city on June 2 , 'J7. This is Bishop Mills- paugh's girl school. Neljraakans at the hotels : I , "W. Waynlck1 , Sargent ; I. E. Doty , David City ; W. B. East- ham , Broken Bow ; G. H. Decker , Gllead ; H M. Warner. Alliance ; A. J. Murrlsh , Weeping Water ; William S. Doll. Nehawka ; H. J. Hentlry , Monroe ; Frank Horst , Madi son ; C. J. Pope , Hed Cloud ; J. C. Merrill and SOP A. Nelson , Button ; , P. J. ONeIl , Battle Creek ; A. W. Denton , Salem , Sent Free to Men , C3J 1ST IXDIAXA MAW UISCOVEUS A HE- MAIUCAIILB ilTfiEDY FOR LOSTiVIXOH. ! ll > a w g Sample * Will He ScutFrec lo All Who Wrt < e TOo > It. A Jas. P , Johnson of Ft. Wayne , Ind. , after battling for years against the mental and physical Buffering- lost manhood , has found the exact remedy that cures the trouble. ' r,1 He Is guarding the secret carefully , but Is willingto send a sampfe of the medicine to all men vcho suffer with any form of a sexual -weakness resulting from youthful Ignorance , premature Josa of memory and strength , weak back , varlcocele and emaci ation. The remedy has a peculiarly grateful - ful effect of warmth and seems to act di rectly. giving : needed strength and develop ment wherever needed. The remedy cured Mr. Johnston completely of all the ills and troubles that come from years of misuse tha naturally ordained functions and Is said to be absolutely reliable In every case A request to Mr. Jaa P. Johnston , Box 1010. Ft. Wayne , Ind. . stating that you would like a sample of his remedy for men will b * complied with * promptly and no charge whatever will b asked toy nlm. Ho very much Interested in spreading th news of this great remedy and he is careful end the sample securely scaled in a { f P * w Package BO that its rSrfplem of rabarrasi"B nt or pbHclty are reque u4 to write wltoout L B. CORNERING THE SCALPERS New Creation in Railroad Tickets Which Brings Anguish , to Agents. I I SEBASTIAN TICKET IS NOW ON THE MARKET Arc Jfnt IMcn cil with t I'nMclionril tlint They MnM I'rc- ] utrr > for the OntRoliiR i Cotornilii Tourists , The ticket agenta who have to dowith tha gala ! of tickets to what arc known as Colorado rado common points , namely : Denver , Pueblo and Colorado Springs , were a dis I gruntled lot yesterday. The cause of their unhappiness lay In the fact that all | western railroads had previously agreed to use the Improved form of railroad tickets | known as "tiio Sebastian ticket" for alt travel to Colorado common points this summer irjmi mer , beginning with June 1 , The ticket is the handiwork of John Se i bastian of the Rock Island. It Is designed towl thwart the scalpers , who , It is thought , will bo excluded from the Colorado business this season. The ticket U In duplicate form , ono portion only going to the pur , chaser , t'ie ' oilier being sent to the auditor of | the road over which the passenger Is routed. If there Is more than one road In terested in the haul an auditor's advice stub Is eent to the auditor of every road. The tickets vary from three-quarters of a yard to several yards In length. They are jointly printed and written documents , quite as much being written In by the purchaser and the ticket seller as is printed on the ticket. Before being passed a pen to at tach his autograph the purchaser Is p- qulrcd to read seven lengthy conditions of purchase , concerning whit ho will and will not do with the ticket. The new rule that this form of ticket must bewe used for Colorado summer tourist business went Into effect at four Omaha points yes terday : The ticket offices of the Union Pa , the B. & M. , the Itock Island and th Union depot. The attaches of none of these olllccs are enthusiastic over the new form of ticket. A representative of the B. & M. said : "I hope the adoption of this 'Sebastian ticket * will have the desired effect and knock out then scalpers. The additional work placed on the ticket seller ought to Insure that much advantage. U takes from two to five minutes longer for every ticket sold , and at the start the thing seems like a Chinese puzzle. " A depot man aald : "Well , I'm not stuck on the new ticket a little bit. It may beat out the scalpers , but I doubt It. Besides , It's just like writing a letter for us now to make out one of those Colorado tickets. toSu Suppose a man has two minutes to catch a Denver train , and we have to go through all the required form and ceremony , what chance ha * the purchaser of catching his train ? " The Rock Island folks naturally endorse tha creation of their own general passenger agent , but they admit that the extra labor necessitated does not make them long for Colorado tourists. A Union Pacific man : eald that he didn't mind the additional work so much , but the new form ° l ticket was BO very bunglesome that pas sengers might be frightened out of pur chasing it. The city tk'ket men appear to want the depot ticket men to make out all the new tickets , and the latter very cordially reciprocate this friendly feeling. SLEEI'EHS FOR TUB E.VUEAVOIlEnS. TonrlntH' Curs to lie Prcnseil Into the Service. The railroad companies- are not the only ones Interested in the coming Christian Endeavor . deavor convention In San Francisco. There are others , the sleeping1 car companies being especially Interested in the heavy amount of travel that will undoubtedly be attracted by the cheap railroad rates. While the Wagner system Is strongly entrenched on. the lines of New York , the Pullman company has the hold on the weat and the south. It ex- pecta , therefore , to get the long end of the buslnecfl. though a number of parties com ing from the east may go through In Wagner cars. Speaking of the travel expected. District Superintendent Richardson of the Pullman company' said to a Bee reporter yester day : "We are getting prepared for a big movement to San Francisco , and I think we shall not be disappointed. The only disappointing pointing- . feature of the big convention : to u& will be that the travel will last only about five or six days. You will remember that the Pullmin company bad an enormous num. her of cars- built for the travel to the World's fair , and has been building some each year ever sine : . It looks now as though we should use all these cars. "One feature of the travel to this con vention will be unique. A great number of the Endeavorers will use the tourist sleeping cars. It will be the first big occa sion where there has been a decided demand for tourist cars. Every tourist car that can be secured will be , undoubtedly. The first- class sleeping-car fare from here to the convention j vention will b ? 13.while that In the tourist cars will be but $5. The principal reason why there will be a greater travel In the tourist cars than erer before Is the fact that they have been so thoroughly Improved In the past few years. The service has been brought up and where a party of thirty takes _ possession of a tourlaf car there. Is no risk of association .with an undesirable class of travelers. The last time was when tourist ' cars were used only by immigrants and the seats were of nothing save hard wood. Now with the rattan seats , berths nearly as good as In the first-class sleepers , and the service excellent , It's no wonder that the tourist cars are popular , " ExhlliltN for County Fnlrn. The immigrant department of the B. & M. Is actively at work nowadays. Fine grasses , specimens of wheat , corn and other staple products are being solicited from all parts of Nebraska for the county fairs of Illinois and Iowa. Exhibits wilt be sent to all such fairs this fall , and a competent attendant will b ? sent along to explain , the Induce ments of Nebraska. Speaking of this work Assistant General Passenger Agent Smith of the B. & M , yesterday said : "The first ripple of a large ware of immigration to this state Is already in sight. By taking ad vantage of these state fairs to show to east ern folks what wo have here I b lleve we can Induce a large number to settle here this fall. " Changes ou the EILtharn. Several changes in the Elkborn's passen ger department have just been announced. Theywere ! all effective yesterday. S.til A. Mosher , general agent of the passenger department at Lin coln , will hereafter devote bis time to ccg general < business , rather than to that of Lin coin , E , T. Moore , for a number of years cashier of the Lincoln office , la appointed local agent for the company at that point. , S. Fielding becomes city ticket agent. IlAllwnr Note * and I'emonnl * . City Passenger Agent Abbott of the Union Pacific has been called to Denver , III. , by the death , of bis mother , ' The annual meeting of the Rock Island will be held In Chicago today. U is anticipated that the annual report will make very satisfactory showing , - J. B. Frawley , general agent of the Union Pacific's passenger department , la at bead- quarters from Kansas City. He reports tha prospect for a large amount of travel to San Francisco of Christian Endeavoreru from that territory to be very rosy. The local freight agents of the Union Pa cific , the B. & M. , the Mlsgiouri Pacific and the Chicago , St. Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha railroads hare signed an agreement to close tha local freight offices and warehouses every Saturday during the summer , commencing June S , and continuing until October 1. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dunn of this city , accompanied by Mrs. Dunn's staler. Miss Cora Armstrong of Minneapolis , will leave today for a month' * trip along the Pacific coast. After completing Ibis so journ Mr. and lira. Dunn will take up their residence in Indianapolis where Mr. Dunn will engage In mercantile business. General -Paeaenger Agent FrancU of the & M. baa a. floe sample of spring , from Perkins county. It wa grown on one of the company's experimental farms ander the Campbell system of soil culture. As that section of the state , the extreme 'western edge , U the dry region of Nebraska , If there is any such thins , It Is evident that this system may be productive of favorable re- eulta In any part of the state. i ' ncLKCTio nocTOiis i.v snssiox. TiTiMilSronil Anntinl Mcetlntt of the Society Xow lldiiR llclil. The twenty-second annual meeting of the Nebraska State Eclectic Medical society Is in seaton at the Millard hotel. The first scralon was hold yesterday afternoon and the meeting wilt continue to Thursday night. There are about 150 eclectic physicians In Nebraska and the committee which has the arrangements In charge estimate thit fully half of them will attend the convention. About a dozen visitors arc also expected from Iowa , a. similar number from Kansas , and a small delegation from Missouri. The attend ance from the other platen is largely for the purpose of assisting In making arrangements for [ representation at the exposition , and al o to take some steps towards an interstate convention. The opening session consisted largely of routine business , nnd for that reason very few of the members were present. The at tendance was somewhat Increased at the evening session aud the bulk of the members , and delegates are expected on this morning's trains. The main features of the opening session were the reports ot the secretary and treasurer , the appointment of committees end the annual addre i of the president , H. B. Gummlnu of Seward. The reports indicated that the iffalra of the society were In a eat- . Ufactory condition. The remainder of the program consists ot a large assortment ot papers and discussions on various phases of medical and surgical practice. Among those who are expected to . participate tn the program are William Me- Intyre , Unadllla ; J. E. Walker. Betheny ; N. I J. Carrlker. Nebraska City ; J. H. Woodward , Seward : B. J. Alexander , Hiawatha , Kan. ; W. T. Johnson. Pawnee City ; J. L. Bennett , Kearney ; J. M. . Neely , Elmwood : O. O. Wells. Beatrfcs ; C. H. Rush , Hepablhin City ; O. I. Latta , Hebron ; W. L. Cameron , Pal myra ; O. M. Moore , York ; A Opperman. Au burn ; L. W. Blancliard , Clatonla ; P. L. Moore. Grand Island ; O. A. Wlrrlck , Hast ings ; D. L. Palmer , Holdrege ; W. K. Long- rlge. Pleasant Dale ; J. A. Burford , Alma ; C. A , Ithlca , Utlci ; S. F. Deane , Carleton ; C. K. Chubbuck , Tecum eh ; T. E. Caster- line , Edgar ; I. D. Howard. Harvard : E. E. Fauver. Julian ; J. R. Purdum. Mankato , C. Plckett , Broken Bow ; E. J. Latta , HolJteln ; D. D .Potter , Seward ; H. H. Schultz , Seward : M. V. B. Sample. Cordova ; O. L. Cox , Coiirtland ; Alma Coe , O. C. Rey nolds. M. B. Ketchen , W. S. Latti and J. A. Eaton , Lincoln ; and J. M. Keys and W. S. Yager of Omaha. Aside from the regular session the dele gates will be entertained In some manner yet to be decided on. The entertainment com. mlttee consists of J. M. Key and W. S. Yager of this city , and M. B. Ketchum of Lincoln. The entertainment will probably take the form of either a banquet or a trolley ride over the city. At the evening session President Cum mins read his annual address. The docu ment was not lengthy , but was listened to with the closest attention and -was followed by a most animated discussion. Aside from the usual matter which characterized all addresses of this nature , Dr. Cummins' ad dress contained some very caustic expres sions regarding the subject of medical legis lation In general and the Nebraska article In particular. A bill which attracted considerable atten tion at the last session came In for a portion of the president's consideration. This bill provided for a state examining board for each of the three so-called schools of med icine. The president laid it had been openly charged that the eclectics were re sponsible for the defeat ot this bill. He did not admltxthe soft Impeachment , but criticised the bill very severely , and it was apparent that the deceased bill had few friends among those present. The president said the present laws were sufficient for all purposes if they were prop erly enforced. The effect of the law which waa defeated In the last leglsliture , hesaid , would have been to create three examining boards and have caused great confusion and conflict of authority. He also criticised the I amount fixed for an examination fee , $20 , ' claiming that was entirely too high. The president said if the present board enforced the existing laws as they should be enforced , there would be no complaint about laxity ot the law. He said the board should J [ bo more rigid regarding the qualifications J a required by the various medical colleges for , matriculation , and he predicted that If this ! course Is followed there will be less cause for complaint In the future about incompetent doctors. The address of the president elicited an animated and prolonged discussion. The members present aired their views on the subject matter of the ad-lres.3 for some time. Aside from the president's address tiid the dlscuralon upon It the main business transacted by the meeting was the informal discussion of the projected formation of a Missouri valley medical association. This plan has been In view for aome time and the discussion on It was quite general. Delegates were present representing the societies In Iowa , Missouri , Kaunas. North and South Dakota , Colorado and Wisconsin. No clBcial action was taken on the matter. Owing to the fact that severil of the dele- Kites had not arrived the reading- papers prepared for this meeting was deferred un til today. XOTICE. Members of "Washington lodtre. No. 27 , D. of H , , Ancient Order of United Work men : You are hereby notified to meet at 13th and Pacific streets at i o'clock AVednes- day , June 2 , to attend- the funeral of our late sister , Suffa. Sister lodges Invited. MAGGIE BIIIGHT. C. of H. KITTIB JORDAN , Recorder. ill CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Major Moorea Completes All Appointments Provided Tor by Existing MARKET GARDENERS REFUSE TO PAY RENT Old Ilnnnt of I' Work * Will llnro \o SntnrjAllimnucc L'ntll n Cer tified .statement of l'roi > - erly U Turneil In. Custodian of City Hnll JKHHY V. SBDO\ViriC Superintendent of Markets.W. F , GKHKH Clerk of Police Court..HOBUKT CINCKY Assistant City Physician J. . HAM IT Milk Inspector . . . . . . .S. U HOYU Kn lneer City Uall..J. A , WKLS1CNT1ACH firemen JAMKS S. KNCILAND Janitors GliORUB CATHHQ A. P. MAYNFI T. l . MAHAMMrrn _ , ; . . . .JOHN UH.MNUS Elevator Conductors W. I. MAIX3NH ANTONIO SCAtJU ) C. W. JOHNSON ! Ttio above completes the personnel ot Mayor Moores * administration with the ex * ceptlon of such positions , as may hereafter bo created by ordinance or otherwise. Th * appointments of Dr. Ralph and Milk Inspector specter Uoyd came through the Advisory board and those of the city hall employe * were made by Custodian Sedgwlck. All the appointments were confirmed without refer ence , the only lack of harmony Indicated be ing ' ' Stuht's vote against Gerke aud Illng- ham'a against Mahammltt ; l Two small Items In favor of the Omaha | l Water company in the last appropriation were vetoed by Mayor Moorvs on the grouud that these Items were covered by the restraining - straining order recently Isiued by the dis trict court. The veto was unanimously sus tained. The bonds of James Gilbert as gas In spector. O. U. nickelts a noundmaster. if. W. Perkins as member of the Hoard of En gineers. John W. Long as Inspector of weights and measures and J. T. McVlttlo as license Inspector were submitted and ap proved. CITY'S CASH DADANCB. Comptroller Westbcrg submitted the fol lowing statement of the cash In the hands of ttio city treasurer May 29. Gold , silver and currency. . . . . . S 7.7793 * Checks "O.M balance : ) In banks City funds : Commercial National J1M1T.U Flrnt National 1S.S16.SC Merchants' National 1S.137.1S National Dank of Commerce. 12.era.93 Nebraska National IS.GZJ.Gl Omaha. National 13,551.50 Union National 13.3.8 ! United States National 1S.525.0S German SnvlnKS 1H.SO Kountze Bros. . New York. . . 5S.6S.0313MI4.30 School funds : Union National S.S71.9C 8.271.3 Police relief funds : German Savinss 1.52S.S4 German Savlnm" , ce't. dvp'slt 1.E83.SJ Amer. Savlnp" . ce't. dep'slt. . 731.33 Merchants' National 50J.I3 4.1M.U Special funds : Kountzllroa. . . New York. . . S.COO.OO Union National 1.000. < 3.60000 Total of funds on hand I1M.010.O The market gardeners served notice tht hereafter they would refuse to pay rent for stalls , and the communication was referred. This Is on account of the refusal of the city council to have awnings constructed over ' [ 31 the stalls. ? ' A. C. Foster , P. W. Dlrlthauser and H. R. . j Palmer notified the council that they > tll ! ' ] claimed to be the legally constituted Hoard of . ' Fire and Police Commissioners of Omaha ami would claim all the emoluments of the office. The document was consigned to the flic. flic.Tho The committee on public property and buildings submitted a report which tecom- , mended that no appropriation be made fcr i the salaries of the e.x-merabera of the Board i of Public Works until after the members had complied with the charter provision which requires them to make up and fih > with the mayor a certified schedule of all tools and material In their bands. It wca adopted. An ordinance fixing the salary of tbe sec retary of the Advisory Board at $100 a month i' ' was Introduced and referred to finance. ' , Stuht Introduced a new garbage ordinance , > which was referred to street improvements ! ' and viaducts. It Is exactly similar to O'Mal- ! * , ' ley's ordinance , which was placed on fil ? l by the previous council. f The Item for the salary of E. H. Hemming | ! ; ; as chief of detectives was struck from tha U appropriation ordinance In compliance with 'i the restraining order Issued by the district I- court at the instance of W. W. Cox. f" \VIIO. UMTB roil THIS EXPOSITION. I'liinn fur Cnii > , II < li tlnur the 3IlMourl Valley .SileiiHTiThmi Jx. The delegates to the Nebraska Sacnger- bund have been ) called to meet In extra ses sion in thb city next Sunday morning to formulate a plan for consolidating the &aen- gerfaunds of Ibe Missouri valley Into one or ganization having for its purpose the concen trating of all German singers in this section at Omaha during the exposition. The dele gates who will be present will come from. Columbus. Grand Inland and Omaha , abd If the present plans of the projectors are carried out the meeting -will appoint committees to visit the fiaengerbunds. of St. Joseph , Kan sas City , Topeka , Atchlson and Leavenwortb. to present the matter to those bodies. The meeting next Sunday will be Tield at the ball of the Orphsus Singing society on Howard , betwecu Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. ANHEUSER-BUSCH BREWING Ass'N ' , THE LEADING BREWERY IN THE WORLD. Brewers of the Host Wholesome and 'fit ' Popular Beers. itI I itI I TnB rSllSt The Michelob The Muenchener Pale Sirveri on all Pullman Dining and Buffet Cars. Served on all Wagner Dining and Buffet Cars. ! ' Served on all Ocean and Lake Steamers. Served In all First Class Hotels. Served In the Best Families. Served In all Fine Clubs. Carried en nearly every Man-of-War and Cruiser. Served at most ol ( he United Stales Army Posts and Soldiers' Homes. The Greatest Tonic , "Malt-Nutrine" the Food-drink , is prepared bj this Association , IT WAS BEFORE THE DAY OF SAPOLIO THEY USED TO SAY : "WOMAN'S WORK 13 NEVER DONE. "