Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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    TILE OMA11A DAILY HEE ; KSHAY , JTJXE 2 , 18i)7.
Wheat and Provisions Are "Weak and Oorn
and Oats Are Strong.
Jlar.y Hcnr 1'notiirn Coiilrlhiite 1
KCL-II lic Ie-iidlnu Ceroiil from
AdMim-lim wllli OllicrM Hour
1'rodiictx it Mckcl Lon'cr.
CIUCAOO , June Speculative markets
did not all KO one way today. Whllo wheat
nnd piovlMons were weak , corn nnd oats
nvere ftrong. Weak tables nnd n total lack
c/f cntli lU-manJ caused a decline In wheat
of l' , < c per bushel. Coin , pn the other hand ,
advanced He. fiost elamnge Iran driving
chorU to cover. Oats nilVnnccd VtlOic fern
n hltnllar rcuton. I'luvltlona clo vd tit a vie- of about Go nil aiound , '
Wheat wa wink nt lite opcilltiK In con-
of thb piling up of the
i.ncu S.iluuliy mornlntf und thu woaknesi
| of tlio Mvorpoo ; innikvt. ' 1 Ho lotl'r vnt the
inost potint of thu o tulng fLiilurta un I nl-
ihougn dry weather und Miarp fro t linvi-
bte-n the chti ncttrlsltt. .if the climate ton-
OliluiiH clnm Satutdny. lhu nad but little
client In HtnMiift the hand of K'lort i-dUra.
July vvhcnl. which elo-ed aatuiebtj nt S'tc ,
titiuntd today nt i7Viti7V. and after n icoovei-y to w'iKiA'i' * . " stinted on a
dikllnu. wlilc.h by 1 ! orliick had curt ltd the
tirloo to t/,4c. ' 'luii Illllii | iurt follovvlng the
tmenltifr dtLllne wua all the cited thu u-
iiuiU of lru- had on thinarket , It bi Ing
considered lluil lit ! e tn no d image would
mum thcrclumi. I.lvcipool wns I'/jd ktAir
nt the opening than It clu-ed Silurilav. l-oi-
wi'ie said to hive bfen tellers of
lroember vvlH'iit lii Now Y.nk. Who it on
P.IV.IKU ili < crciii < til I,440XX ( ) bushels. iuiu- :
iir tn sloths' , norordlliK lo Hcclbolun , lie-
noa'cd l.MS.OKJ bushels Intvcclt. . The I'nt-
llh visible limit a vd M'i.WM bushels. The-
vvtnld'n shlpintntf for the \vetk were 5 itf > 0)J )
bushels. Tne iloiucHtlcltlblc showed u ile-
GititM * of l.o'i'j.txx ) bushel * iiKulnst tr > S.00 (
Iw'totls ill cieasc ! tlio ceuusp'jmllliK v.'i ek of
the > c.if before. This vv-n a disappoint
ment IIM the trnile liiul \pfCtr-d n. ilecicu1"1
of nt leant 1,7 = > 0 , < WO liu-hel ? . Chlt-UKO le-
ccl. > t' > wire 21 cms of wheat ntul Ifil.'CO
L'lislie'H ' ivvero ln pe'e'leil out uf ylure.Iln ' -
heapblls nml Duluth n-pcirteJ 1,0'Ji cms n > -
ci-lvcil clnces Satuulii.v , aK lnst 1,451 for the
flnillar ilina of the \vielc lieforu unil 1.4S4
cam the lllsu elnj . of Inut year , The pool
c.i h demand rctulte 1 in a loss of
premiums here , June Hflllnif lit Jul.v price"
i'hH VVIIB u fiictoi In the luiuldallon which
vvni and sleaily nil vnornltiR liu'lnif
-tht lust hour Rhorts covered to n ceitaln
ixtont , their efforta cnusltiR n reduction to
67'iiThe lutes' iriiillnK " ) nt G7ift'il4 < - '
lld.Torn was Mronc ; anil active compared with
thn ii uii : dullness of the market. The fear
of e'\ten lvo dnmnR6 bthe fro't1 * started
Rcncrnl buying herB : lie ng t-p-'tlallv proro-
IneiU and the marki-l uilvunceil fteadlly , be-
Inc ; stionir cvon when wheut was at HH
% vciltcst. ilccclpts vvcie very heavy 1in"
cuf. July openeil UP hlKhcr at 2.1 He. sold
nt 21'ic. then advanced to 21c. 'lliat vviu
the cloHliiB price.
OntB was llrm , helped by a InrKe ile-
niainl. by ROUI ! sbed clearances nnd by
frT t icpoits. TrndliiR was not 1 irpo. but
the nmilcut was by no irnim a dull one- .
Ilrce'ptH were UCi" cars. Local stocks dp-
cre.ised fllOOiHl bushels. July opened n Hhaile
higher at 17'i7n'/to ' , and advanced to 17ic >
whtru It clo cd.
I'tovlsioiis wcio vciy erratic , the market
moving up and down within a c-m a-at'vel/
minovv range , but without any uppnrciu
oulitde sere tiers' manipulation The mni-
ket ultlmattlv felt the bieak In wheat , nnd
Jlnjl pilPCH were close to thebottom. . July
nork clo--id about " > c laser nt 4795 : Jui >
li id , about 5u lovve : at $157' ' WHO and July
rib" about 5c lowei at $ l.Cfft ( 12'/-
Estimated iccelptq Wedncftliy : Wlitiit 21
cms : corn , iiuo cars ; oaf , 72.1 cars ; hogs ,
2\(00 head.
Leading futuiCH laiiRC as follows :
ArIicii'H"l'o > Jii I UUMi I C.i.v. | Uleuj'TsTtdy.
\ \ bent-
July. . . mm , OOM
' '
llec. . ! .
June. . . .MM asw i'.IW E.1X I3U
Juhv. . JIJ *
Eipt. . .
July. . . ,
' " 111 *
July. . . 7 PI S O.'W I oJJi - no 7 H7M
7 07' 8 ( I7ln 7 sr. 7 02 a uo
Julv. . . : i on 3 ns 3 no j oai %
fcont. . . a 70 a 7u J U7S 3 70 .4 70
Julv. . . 4 .in 4 M 4 .in 4 1"
bept. . . I .17 4 40 4 1 'W 4 87' <
No. r.
Cash quotations wcic ns follows :
riOUU Quiet ; -winter patents , $3 C05J4 70 ;
slrnlts. l lOfJI CO ; pprlnR special , H 40ii4 50 ,
Fprlue ; rntentH J4 0001 23 ; straits , (3COiiJ75 ,
buKeiH. J2R3G3 10.
WH1JAT N.I i cprlnR , C7Vt < iCSc ; No S tprlns ,
C3iC < ic ; No 2 red , 77c.
< XIlN-No. 2. 2.WI2TOC ; No 2 > ellow. 24c.
-OATS No 2 , nviu , f. o b ; No. 2 white ,
20ii22u ' ; No X white , 18U21c.
lt\i : No. 2. p2V4i > .
IIAKUIY No. 2. f. o. b. 33c ; No 3. :0032',4c ' ;
No. 4 , f. o b. , 2Gfi32c.
1'I.AXfinCD No 1 , f. o. b. . 7CUC77C.
TIMOTHY bunt ) Prime. J2.75.
I'UOVIblONS Mess pork , per bbl. . J7.9007.93
Ixiril , per 100 ibs. , 3 62140-3 53 Short ribs fides
( UxHf ) , $4.1'O4 40. Dry Failed shoulders lluixcd ) .
$5 OOS1 25. Short clear sides ( boxed ) , $1 C2 < 3OI
AVHIBICY Distillers' finished poods , per gal ,
11 19.
SUOAItS Cut lonf. Jl 31 ; cranulatrd. 54 7C.
Un * ho Pro lucj oxcli inzo tolir thn biittar mir-
bct WIIR Iliiu : cruiniorr. IKgllUc : dilry , 7a
lie FuKH.caHy ; fre-Bh , 8Hc. Clicflso. woik ; 7) < M
7 lc.Tltvo poultrj. Htendy ; lurkoyu , 7iSc ( ; clilck-
of the lny uu Ge-jirrnl
YORK , June 1. rijOUR nccclpts , 27.9C6
bbls ; exports , 1,715 bbls. ; dull nnd easier with
wheat ; Minnesota patents , 1 1 0004 20 ; winter ex
tras. J3.30 < f3C5. Hje Hour , etcady.
COIINMUALr-Uasy ; jellow western , C8e- .
1 HVli-lull : No. 2 western , 37lc. !
IIAItl.KY Quiet ; 25 c. .
1IAJU..KY MALT Nominal ,
WIIHAT Ilecelpts , 257,100 bu. ; exports. 213,775
tin. Hpot. weak , opened weak under lower cables
nnd fure-ltm nellliiK- , rallied on frost reports , but
nraln turned weak , Influenced by a disappointing
iltcreaFo In the \lulble uupply , biavy later con
tinental cjiblpa und liquidation cloKlni ; with a
dlBlit rally on covcrlnc at TtOlHo ; No. 2 red.
Bi ptember , C 8-16iJ70c , closlni ; at 70e.
( YRN Iteeelplv. 244M bu , ; exports , 44 S9I bu.
Epot. Htiaily ; No 2 , 29Hc , oiwned steady. Mail
pintnillllrm nil day on front talk nml the ro-
tent bin dull demand , cloflnj ? unUianKeul ; Bei > -
tiii-Vr. 29 9-KfiisOc , closing nt SOc.
OATH Ue-eelptH , 4'4BOO bu ; exports , 120,625 bu
Epot , No. 2 , : i'ic ; dull and nominal , closlni ; at
' , i net higher ,
HAY Hteady ; ehlpplnir , Me ; peed to choice ,
HOPS Quiet ; state common to choice. 1503
crop , 3 tc : IS'Jfl crop. CflOoi Pacino coast. Ib'Ji crop
tU4i > : lkKI ! crop , 6 1 < V ; . '
H1OUR rirm : Oulveston. 14c ; lluenos Aires
IS'iWltic : Ti-xiu. 10V4c ; California. He.
LiATlIiit : bteady ; hemlock sole , lluenos
A > res , 1D4JJ1C.
PROVISIONS Reef , steady ; family , I9f&i71050
extra. J70C0SO ) ; be-ef hanm. J2I. cut meats ,
ftijilyi plckleel bellies. J3 W4T3 50 : pickled shoul-
Ur . JSllfjuM ; pickled hams. } OOft < > SO I ru.
dull ; werttrn steam , $13 HJ ; refined , quiet , Poik
Heady. Tullovv , ttrady , < | ulet ,
HUTTUR-Recelpts (2 ( dajs ) , 34.744 pkg > . ; rtrin-
? 4wtfo"i'oCrelmielT' UBIBci It"n8. | 'Pe : factory ,
I'MKIMK Receipts (2 ( da > s ) , I7f7 pkgs. ! easy
te.'l' " > ? , ' , ! , 'V'e ' : .V"1- ' " 8c : rart
i : < 3afv-Ileeelit | (2 da > ) , 27G. pkKs ; etate and
IHmmMvanla , lOlic ; vvtslrrn ,
. .tl'5rUoln ' ! < 'lUlct ; utrulneel. common .o good
l ilWRI.ii , Turpentine , quiet ; 2G JH27l4c !
1'etroltum , Penniilvaiilii cnule , steady ; July , fSc
fair to extra , 4H Cc ; Japan ,
XV York Dry < ! OO | N Sl.
NIIW YORK. June 1. The market for drj
goexlii liovved a ulltlit gain In Ihe bulk of bu l ,
lic done toda > . Thin wa * due In u largo mean.
ure lu Ihe faet that two ila > ' accounts bad
uccumuluted lather than any growth in the
jir.en l demand for either noel or for cotton
Kcx > d At II nt hands UMa > ' demand U tlll
quite limited. Staple cotton Inactive , Coarte
r < -Jrr d collonK continue dull. Print cloths are
lu'd lu IK n inrr ut Kail River , tlicuali no changes
In iiuolatloim hava txen made' . Prlnta are it-n.
< rally dull , but In come quarters iale-a of fall
I iri n led HOcid * and tlannelette * urn mude In con-
rlUrablr quanlltln. Woolen and wonted goods
chow no Improvement. Jobbers leport butlnen
of lleht proportion * .
Hi. I.oulH fiii'r l JlnrUcU.
BT. LOUI8. Mo. Juno 1. FLOUli Uull and
nnk but a iliiilc hlKhtr. PtttenU (4 WS4 TO ;
rrtra fancy , 11150449 , fancy , J350CJ75 , choice ,
.W11UA.T Tbi ip culttlv ouukit optncd
with light tfiullnc , but foou 1 > c < nin4 rtrnr mid
.hero vrn ri ripld ndvni.-p. Kor Ihe wnnt nt > uiv
Kirl , h.nvev.r , tno nmikct ilerllnrd. ( luring fK'in
14C to 'lo under Sntuidn ) ' * nnnlf Spot nifltf.
s'o 3 red tcvnlor , SI Vic bM ; tinek , frifMc , July ,
CSUc bid ; AtiRiitt , C7'CWc , FepKmbir , ne
CORN -PuturrR flrnifr n rrpn-lx .f ilnnlnge by
're"t ' , hmVy hVevil receipts nnd n mtr.Icrat cnsh
limhnd. Spot , lower , No. 2 eas'i , Kat Julf , JJWiff
llxtc , Fct > trmlHr , 23'ic nrkcd.
OATH Futiins mill , but firm. Spot , lower ;
No 2 cnth , 1c bid ; July. IS'ic bid.
ItVi : , Me trarl < ,
II M1I.KV- ( mlnnl
1IRAN Dull , weak iimT unctiting * ' ) .
PLAXmiUn fitendy , 74c.
TIMOTHY 3iii-Prlme. l2.MR2.fXl
HAY- Dull , steady imd unchanged. P.-ftlrlo ,
(4.WI * M ,
lit TTHIlWrnk. . Creamery , I Iff 15 1 Ac ; d.ilry ,
C812.J. .
ini3 : Sttiilyj 7 lc.
HAltlINO--S' , jr , . .
MP.T.M.S-Lcai ! , quiet , nnn ! Oi403.12 ; < 4.
Snlln | , Hdnly , M t.fkcil
pnoVlSIONK--Pult , ilulli tniilcr. standard
liirf" , Jobblne , ! 3H' 75. I.ird , dull , weak ,
rime utiMim , (1.42'/i ; cholw , (3.50 Ilicon ( boreil ) ,
.boulders , t > > * U ; extra shftrt , clear , (525 ; ribs.
( * , 40 , tliottK. ! i ,10. Dry < alt ni"nl5 ( bovcd ) .
Fhoulil'iii , nnd extra fliorl , clcir , (4 75 ; libs , (
nhorty , tl.
POl LTRY Tlilckeni > , old hen * , Cc ;
durks , fprlng , HCI2'icj ' , c fe- ,
Plrur. IMeO bhK ; vvhral , 20,000
bu ; mm. tn Ooo bu. , pats , -278 OW bu
Hllll'MU.NTS t'lour , . " ,000 bids r vvlicat , 1,000
bu corn , 10,000 bu , ; ontii. G.040 bu.
OMAHA < n\iitAi : , UAiticirrs.
OoiiiIKIoii of Trnilx mill ( IttotiitloiiN
on Mnil | < > nml I'nniM 1'ioiliicv.
i : ns-llulk of Rales. ? c.
lU'TinR-Commen to fair , CflSe ; choice to
fane ) , lOfllAii Fcjiaralnr creamery , 15c ; Bath-
cud crramery , 13' ,
OA.Mi ; iverjthing : nut of reason.
VKAlr-Chnlro tut , SO to 120 Ibs. , quoled nt
SfiJie' ; I iri'e- und coarse , tSi'c.
HVi ; POULTRY-Hens , Kljc : rocks , SffSo ;
Hpiliuhlel.rns , per Ib , ISc.
PlUI.ONh I.lvc , 7& COc ; flead pigeons not
v < Milled
HAY Uplnnd , W.Ovl , midland , J4 50 ; lowland
5100 ; r > e straw , J4CO ; colcr makes tic price on
! m > , light biles rcll the test , only top grades
bilng tup prlCHH.
IIROOMCORN llxlrcmelv slow mile ; new rrop
dcllvried mi track In country : choice green sclf-
worklner calpet. per tb , 2T2'.uj ! choice green ,
nmnlnc o hurl , 2ji'U' : ctimmon , H4c.
QRUHN PIAS-PCI : jj-bu. box. GOOCOC.
PI1J PLANT Per Ih . ' 4e
CUOU.MmilS-Pei do = , 40050 Texas. H-bu.
bov. SOefH.iX ) .
TOMA'IOUS-lVi 4 b Ekr > t crate , $1.7,1.
RADISIIIIS- dor , 1Wc.
L7TlUCi-Per ! : doz. , 2Ciff2.-c.
AS'AX HHANK Per h-bu. box , 90c JMOO ; per
bu , tt
PARSNIP * ? Per bbl , 7ue.
STRINO IlIJANS-l'er ' 4-bu box , 90c.
NI2\V ONlONS-I'er 1107 lOQICc.
PARSLIY : Per do ? . 20T2rc.
ONIONS I cr bu . ( I.M.
LI.MA HIUNS-Pei Ib , 3c.
HIANS : Hand-picked navy , per bu , (1 10
CAIIIIAOUCalifornia , 2Uc per Ib.
POTA1Gi : < 5-Ncw , per bbl , (3 Co ; per bu. . SOc ®
Jl.OO , old native stock , per bu , 25u.
CALIFORNIA CIIIIRRUJS-Per 10-lb. box , (1.55
MRAWlinilRinS-rancy , (1 60.
APPLiS-No : KhlpplliB Hock.
SOUTHERN PLUMS Per 24-qt. ctne , $1.75
COOSIJIIIJRRIiS : Per 21-qt. ease , (200.
NUTS Almonds , ( . .illfornla , per Ib , laigc
clze , 13c , llrazlls , pel Hi , lOc , UnKll h walnuts ,
per Ib , fancy , soft shell , UiTl'.c : standards ,
lOiJlle1 ; nilerls , per Ib. . 10n ; pecnns. poll-hcd
large. 910c | , jumbei. Ilj12c ; , lurgo hickory nuth ,
II 21 per bu ; cocnanutfl , 4Uc each
TIGS Imported fancy 4 erown , 20-lb boxes ,
lie , 5 crown TO Ib boxes , 13314c.
11OXIJY Choice. 13ffl5e.
CIU1-R flirlllcd Juice , per half bbl. , (2.35 ; per
bbbl . J4 OOfll 25
MAPI.n SYHUP-rive-gal cans. each. (215.
KI ; | cans , pure , per doz , (12 ; half-gal , cans.
* r.2V quart cans mo
ORANOHS faccdlln s , (125 ; Mcdltcrronem
Bvvtrts fane } . $1 50.
LKMONS Mot'lniiK. fiincj. $3 Vf3 ) 71 ; chol'c ,
(300fj325 ; choice California 5250
1IANANAS Choice large Ftocl : . per bunc'i.
S200f(225 ( , medium-sired bunches (1 Vff ? W.
rniisii MIJATS.
I > RISSCD : HIJIjrClotid native sfeers , 400 to
fOO Ibs , 7c , good fore'qimiters Etccrs , S'/de ' ; good
hindquarters , S' c ; vvotcin steers , nite ; fanej
heifers , CV4c ; good heifers Cc ; good foi charters
heifers , 6c ; good hlndqunitcrs heifers , So : Rood
cows , Cc ; fair cows. 6Ho ; common cows , 5c
cow foretiuttrtem.4l.c ( : cow hlndqiiarlets. 74c
IllJCr CUTS Tenderloins , 20c : bonjiess strips ,
I0c ; strip loins , Fc , lolls , 9c , tlrloln butts , 9c ;
fhouldcr clodH , C'Jc ; lump butts , be , steer
chucks , 4'4c. cow chuc'ts. 3Uc ; 1 onelcss chucks.
4'4c : cow plates , 2UC ; steer plates , S Jc. Hank
steak , Gc ; loins , No. 1 , 14c ; loins , No 2. 12c :
loins , No. 3 , re ; No 1 short loins , ICc ; No. 2
short loins. He , No. 3 short loins , 12 : ; sirloin
endi ) , S10c ribs. No 1. 12c , ribs , No. 2 , lOc ;
rlb , No. 3 , 7cj steer rounds , 7o , cow rounds ,
d4c ; cow rounds , shank off , 7c ; cow rounds ,
'hank nd rump off , 7'4e , trimmings , 4c ; b"cf
shanks. S'tc ; brains , per doz 25c ; sweetbreads ,
per Ib , lie ; bweetbreads ( calves ) , per Ib . 40o ,
kldnejs. per doz , 3"c , ox tails , each , "c ; livers.
per Ib , 214c ; hearts , per Ib . IVSc ; tongues , per
Ib . 12u.
PORK IJrpFped pigs , 6'4cj drefscil hogs , 5c ;
tenderloins , 10V4e , loins , 6c , spare ribs , 35ic ,
ham sausage , butts , 5c , shoulders , rough , 5c ;
shoulders , skinned 6'4e ; trimmings , 44c. leaf
lard , not rendered , SV c ; heads , cleaned , 3c ,
snout and cars , 3c : backbones , 2c ; chrek meats
3cj neck bones. 2'4c ; pigs' tails , Jc ; plucks ,
each , 6c ; chltterllrgs , 6c , hoeks , 4c hearts , per
dcz , 25c ; stomachs , each , 3c : tonEnics , each , 7c ;
kidneys , per doz , lOo ; brains , per doz. , ISc ,
pigs' feet , per doi , 30c ; livers , cacn , 3c.
l.oiiiloii HII > IIILV AKKlHtH ImrKvly In
HrliiKTluK Ul > Ilio I'rlei'H.
NHW YORK , June 1. During the cepsnlion of
trading on the Stock exchange yesterday London
took hold of American railroad stocks and
brought up the price of all those which arc. In-
lernnllonally lifted to n point materially above
New York's close of Saturday. Promptly upon
the opening- the market here this morning
lingo orders to buy for London account were
executed to cover sales made In London at the
advance ? The consequence was a jump at the
opening to the Louden parity for nearly all thi
Intcinatlonnls. hi. Paul was the favorite In the
arbitrage operations , but there were purchases of
all the Internationals. London reports In Heated
that the traders there laid much stress ur > on the
speech of Secretnr ) Gage nml bU optimistic opln-
icn of the busineptt outlook. Some reaction fol
lowed upon this early jump In prices , the do-
prettdon cpreadlng tjmpnthetlcally from one to
two centers The Cleveland , Cincinnati , Olifcngo
& St , -mils shares continued to tng without an >
good buying to sustain lliem Admissions that
thn earnings lime been Insulllclent to cover the
dividends on the preferred clock have led tu the
suppoi-ltlon that the rate would be reduced. The
additional ( oil In the common stock or 3 ' 4 points
was a iIr K on the matket. although r. later re
covery left the net lots only 14 This was sup
plemented by some heaviness In the granger
group , caused by reports of crop damage bj
frostx Hurllngton's Increate In net earnings of
over (100.C < y > was compared In the minds of deal
ers with the greater Increase , exceeding (300 ( XX )
shown last month , and enured a reaction In the
stock. The bears also fell buck on their old re-
ecu roe of attacking' New Jerrey Central and the
llould shales , und thurf worked n reaction In the
ge-neral 1UI to below the opening prices. The
market fell Into dullness at thu decline , Sugar
fchovvlng a loss on Washington reports of danger
til the- sugar schedule of Ihe tnrlT bill. Realiz
ing tales In Chicago Increased the reaction to
fcomu extent , Tin re elements fulled to hold the
miuket from n rUInK tendency ard clewing prices
vveru , as a rule , thu bet of the day. The buying
by the commission homes was on quite a large
scale und the oulnlde Inlviest In the market was
mom In evidence than fur many months
past. The dealings were remarkably well
distributed and the speculative low priced
stocks , especially thofcc "f reorganized
companies , were In rpeclul demand. Union Pacific
hading In the activity of this clans of articles ,
with FAIeH of over 11,000 shares , The demand
from Ixindon for this ling of clocks was particu
larly marked. 'Ihu number of share's bought
fur I > " , nclon account was etilmatcd to exceed . ' 0,900
Ihe de-creiiEe In the net earnings for April h'lpe-d
to glrengthen tlio market , Denver * . Rio ( irande
LouisvilleNasivllle and Southern Paclllc ,
nil thovvlnc tubMiinllal gains. The total rto-k
of ull approximate 25Vuw ) tlmres. Some stocks
escaped entirely the early reactionary tendency
uf the market , and tn others It did not c > xc d
fractional hmlui , but extended to IVi per cent In
hugur , with only partial tecovery , a point In
Huilliigton and 1'J per cent In Omaha , which
aim cloned 1 per cent below Saturday , Oalns
were the rule throughout the Hit losses being
conllned to a few catee. Stockn allowing a net
gain of 1 per cent or over vvtroi llurlliiKlon ,
CiilcUKo Cas , Ncrthvve t rn , St. Paul Rock Island ,
Uiko Khore. 2 per cent , Minneapolis & fct.
I.OUIH. Norfolk .V. WtHtern preferred , Reading1
lint preferred and Rubber pieferred. New Jer
sey cxntrul was ( elected for attack , and after
an Initial rife was foiced down t per cent , but
only Ion u fraction on the day. Manhattan and
\\eilern Union were forced down ut one time
ll per cent , and 1 per cent , respective ! ) , but a
ubfenuem rally reduced the net c.iunL.e to n
Jraitlon , n ions for Manhattan md a sain for
\ \ intern Union. The doling was stronc und
animated ul lup prleea .enerull > .
Ihe bond market dliplayisl contlderable
treniitli nnd Biilmallon , with the Kulns very
proncunced In om of the International shares ,
which v ere helped b > foreign support. The sales
were fi.m.uflo , liov eminent bonds tended up-
Tie i\enlnic Post1. London financial cable-
urom iu > i "Huflnew In the rtock market * hro
vvUn very slack todu > , Dl.appoliitmtnt Is ex-
prrweel at the ab ence of a rrpone from Wull
tree ! to the higher prices quoted here yenler.lay
for Americans. Opera t cm here were quite cheer-
till prior to the arrival of the N vv York quota.
lions , and ev ry preparation had l en mailo for
an active builmci Secretary Hunt's anurancts
rmunllnK the Intentions of the United Mutrn
Bove-rnniKnt on the cuirrncy queulkn w r mainly
iMMin > lble for the Improved tone , although the
expending railroad eurnlno w r Jiol overlooked.
The market , htmmr. cloed dull and dlsaenrt.
en 0. The Jupantw loan wa appllea lor today
TTie ! total piles of stocks today were 141.PC3
shines , including : Ameilcan Sugar } 17,200 , Ilur-
lliiRton , 3Cr.OO , Chicago Has , trust receipts , 53 COO ;
Cleveland , Clnclnnitl , Cblcngo & St. Kculs , 4 WO ;
Man mttan Coiisolldatd3 7uo ; New York Central ,
2,400 , Northern Tactile preferred , 3600 ; Omaha ,
C.300 ; llock Island , 7.CW ) ; St. 1'nul , 2" , 100 ; Union
I'acllle1 , 11,200 ; Southcin Hallway ptuforied , t,4CO ;
New Jirte'y Central , 10,700 ; silver certificates ,
XOTV York Money Market.
NH\V Yoniv. June 1-MONIJY ON CAM
H.isy at IVSWI'4 licr cent , closing nt IVi-
BI'nilMXO UXCIlANai : Steady , with actual
biudneas In bankers' bills nt J4.S7 for demand
and nt 14 8.1if4 SO for sixty davnj posted rates ,
H ( CUJ4 87 and $4 * < > Q < 4.SSii , commercial bills ,
? 4 SMi
IIAIt SIIA'lin CO'ic.
IlAlI.llOAD UONUH Ktiong.
Closing quotntluns on bonds were as follows :
R-AR SILVlJR-Btcady at 2d per ounce.
MONEY = 1 per cent.
The rate of illrcount for short and three
months' bills Is 1 1-1C per cent.
Gold Is quolcil ttxluy at lluenos Ayres at 135.40 ;
Lisbon , 4G.75 , Rome , 104 97.
Gret'lc nml TiirUIxli IlonilH.
LONDON , June 1. Greece 1SS4. unchanged B'
24 ; Turkey new defense , unchanged at 103 Y ;
group ( A ) , unchanged at Cs r,0 ; group ( U ) , un
changed at 37,25 ; group ( C ) , He higher at 21.75 ;
group ( D.i,4c ) higher at 2fl'
American bcenrltlvH 111 London.
LONDON , June 1 Ihe market for American
securities advanced komewlmt. but weakened
later and doted easy , with Ihe demand fair.
Hulls wera early buyers , but renllzc-J latpr on.
Kiltlillcliil .Not I'M.
NKW ORL.UAN8 , JUne 1. Clearings , Jl,255-
llAI.TUIOIti : , June 1. Clearings , $ . ' ,175,417 ; bal
ances , 538,131.
1IOSTON. June 1. Clearings , 112,603,953 ; bal
ances , (1,410210.
NIJW YOIIIC. June l. Clcarlngs , J77.503.327 ;
balances , (5t > 09,278.
l'lIIIAIii.l'llIA. June 1. Clearings , (10,410-
311 ; balances , (1,769,157.
MKMPUIS. June -Clearings. . (234,498 ; bal
ances , ( CS.29S ; New York exchange , telling nt
II M premium ,
CINCINNATI , June l.-Moncy , 2'ifiC ' per cent ;
New York i xchange , COflG5er premium. Clear
ings , (3,305,100 ,
HT , LOUIH. June 1 , Clearings , I52451C3 ; bal
ances , ( S97,3SO. Money , 4&7 per cent ; New Yolk
exchange , 7uc premium bid ; 1'Uci ' premium arkfd ,
riUCAGO. Juno I , Olearlngs , ( I5kk0.911 ; New
York exciuncc * , COc premium ; foreign exchange ,
birely ctcad > ; dcmaml , (4 S7ii ! for elxty days ,
(4 kG'i ,
CHICAGO JUIHJ 1. Slock trnilliiK was ex-
cccdlngly dull and with no ppccla.1 feature ,
Clciilnu prices ; Ktrawboard , 2IU ; City Hallway ,
218 ; West ChlcBKO. 96 % : North Chicago. 214 ; New
York Illtcull , 47 ; Oas , Cs , 97.
PARIB , June 1 , Three per cent rentes.
103. 4 > , Jf.
liUHMN , June 1 , Kxchungc , 20 marks 38 pfgg
for chcckx.
LONDON , June 1 7he uincunt of bul Ion taken
Into the Hank of Ilnuland tuday wan 50,000 and
thu amount taktn out 4.20,003 ,
( Jliirlniiiitl .lliirlfft.
CINCINNATI. June 1 , KI/lUR Dull and
lower ; fancy. J300&I10 ; family , (325fj3CO.
WH1JAT Hauler ; No , 2 red , bOc.
CORN Active , but lower ; No. 2 mixed , 2JO
OATH-Actlve , but cutler ; No. 2 mixed , 20.V > 6 >
RYi-iasy ; No. t. 35c.
IJvKD la y ut (3 45.
HULK MKATS-IIuiy at (4.70OI SO.
WHISKY Quiet at (1.13
1IUTT13R Kuiler. but lower ; lllgln creamery ,
CHc ; choice , IZt/ISc ; dairy 7c.
StlQAIt Ktead > ; hard renned. | 35i j5W.
iOOH-Htrady : ut 8c.
< 'Hiisi-Ka : : y ; good prime choice Hat ,
I'lilliiili'Iiililu I'riiilncn Mnrki't.
xHl demand ; fancy wvitern criuimery , 15O15'.ic ,
iina-HUuJy , frc li , nearby , lOVicj wentern ,
OHWllc. '
CUlUESB-Dull and low r.
Month Begins with TTHberal Run of All
SoruWfituff ,
Snlcnmcti Take AMiiuilnKC of llic Slt-
tintliitt mill G't ! Hotter Tricon
fur OiTcri7.'Kfi3Il"KH . ' !
I'll mill Dim " .
r _
SOUTH OMAHA. June l.-Ilccclpts for the
ilajs Indicated \vero :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses
. . .
with comparisons :
Cattle , Hoss. Sheep.
May. 1S.D7 . ! iT > . $ OI 1G' > , ! > < ' 7 76,214
" " " " "
May ; & ' : . . : : : ! . . ; 121,370 00.4:0
The olllclal humbef of cars of stock
brouglit In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hog1' ' Sheep. II rs
C. , M. & St. P. Uy. . . . 1 5 . . . .
O. & St. I * lly . 3 > ;
Mo. 1'acllle Sjstem..j 3 3 1 ;
Ut.lon 1'acinc System 34 SO l
C. & N. W. Uy . 2 .
P. . K. & M. V. H. H. . 21 47 . . - . .
H. C. & P. lly . 1
c. , St. P. , M. & o Uy : s 4
11. & M. 11. U. U. . . . S3 39
C. , U. & Q. Uy . 1
K. C. & St. J . , .
C. , U. I. & P. Uy. . 15. 1 2
c. . n. I. & p. uy. wj ) Jj i : _ :
Total receipts . 112 142 2 1
The disposition of the day's receipts was
ns follows. , each buyer puronaslng the num
ber of head Indicated :
lluvers. Cutfc. HOR ° . Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co . 13 1.7SB . . . .
The G. H. Hammond Co. 317 1.3,2
Swift ana Company . 92 1 2,011
The Cudnhy Packing Co. 4S3 3.11S
Ike JIe > crH . 201 .
U. Becker and Uegan . 113 .
Vansant & Co . . . . 24 .
J. U Carey . . . * . pi .
IjObmnn A : Uothschlld" ? . . . . ICO .
! - . HUSK . 19 " .
Swift , from country . us . . . .
Huston & Co . 12 .
UvlnRston & Schtllcr. . . . 10 .
Cudahy P. Co , from 1C. C. 109 . ; ;
Swift , from K. C..s . 2 > ;
Hammond , from K. C . . - MOther
Other buyers . : . . . - . . 61 . . . .
heft over . . . . . 1.100
Totals . 2,533 951S 60i
CATTISH Uecelpts of cattle were quite
llbera' this mornlnpr , 114 fresh loads being
reported In the yards.
The beef uattlo on sale averaucd n little
better than vesterday In the matter of qual
ity , there being a good many dcs'raldn. wit-
tie , though there was nothing very fancy in
the vnrds. In addition tu u locnl demand
of liberal propo-tlons , llie"o were t omn orders
from outside bujers which gave stroiiRlh
and tone to the market. The result way u
good , strong market -Salesmen generally
were asking stiff prices , which tr.\ented the
market from belnir as- active as It might
otherwise have been , still the cntfe kept
celling and a icasoijably early clearance was
Butchers' stock fSoldit just about steady
prices and the market was reasonably active ,
the bulk of the ifattle ? selling early. As
high as $1 00 was pajdfa.r two loads of chqjce *
heifers -
The stocker and feeder market was not
materially change * cattle of that descrip
tion bringing way up prices every day In
the iweek. Uepre4tntrftlve tu es :
BRIIIsrcniis. .
with the market fclrpiWirfo f-o higher , but after
about half of the IttiKa lind been sold It en ted
off und clOEed with ( IAI rflvnnre lost.
The bulk of the hogs sold larly nt f3 404J3 42V4.
as against * 3 37 R3 40 > fjierduy. The late sales
were largely at $3 375JW3710.
The market doted flow and dull , buyers being
Indifferent , while e.llJttt-un nil wanted tie ad
vance of the me > niln 'IR irftentative rales ;
No , Av. 8h , Pr. No , Av. Sh. Pr.
11. . 351 . . . 335r.J-348 214 . . . 340
IsllllllllKO SO 3 S5Br 'i'TOllllllllsOO 'fO 340
CO .114 . . . 335 ° ' ' ' ' 66 292 10 340
74 S25 I. . 3 SSC&flBjCO 371 SO S 40
Col.l.lmt | . . . 3 S714 C7 . .311 320 3 40
f,5 J17 . . . 3 3 ila , " \e pl > . , , . . . .271 . . . 340
M 300 , , , 337' , . , , , . , . SO 340
12 I.S37 I 3 S7'4 70 250 10 3 40
70. " , . .SCO 0 3 fVj ! t 80. . , 208 . . . 3 42Ji
70 I . .510 . . . 3 SI4 7t 270 . . . 3 4S14
M 279 . . . 3 37V4 - S6. . . ! 00 . . . 3 42V ,
08 .1 . . . .254 . . . 3 37H 18 SOS , , . 3 42' ,
65 I . .JI2 J20 3S3 M ! M . . . 3 *
70 II I S5S . . . 3J7V4 2S6 240 3 424
C6 II I.2M ICO 337V4 69 SIS . . . S 4214
TI ! . ! , . . . 9 . . . 3 37Vi 49 2ii8 120 2 42fe ,
C8 . . . .270 240 337H 74 24J , , . 34214
Cl I .284 . . . 33714 32 23S . . . 342' ,
49 .820 . . . 3 37'i , B 2C2 M ) 8 42V4
74IH..2C4 SO 3 37V4 < > ' Ml 240 3 4214
( a"'lllll2iS 240 3 S7 < | ! | | | | | | | 63 3 4214
OS' . . .277 . . . 3 3716 65 272 60 3 42'4
G5 I , , . .2I2 fcO 3 37h 02 239 . . . S 4214
TO . .2fS . . . 3 37la 4S..263 160 34214
lit"I ! 1.267 . . . 331 > , C8.2S9 SO 3 42 ,
C2 . , .303 240 3 3JM 263 120 34214
M..1.1.279 to 3S71S CS 277 110 34214
f6. . . . .2 10 S S7b 78 240 240 3 4214
U I . .J45 40 S 87'4 2C4 . . . 3 4S14
65.11 , . . .276 SO 33714 2M ) . . . 34214
CO . , .S05 ICO } 40 . , . , . . . . , . . 8 42Vi
60 II. I.2t2 . . . 3 40 CS 246 40 5 4214
41. . 806 W 3 40 ' K 2i3 SO 8 42VJ
76 I . .272 SO S 40 74 257 SO S 421 ,
63 I III. . .251 . . . S 40 t * 78 100 8 4214
SS. I..Ml SO 8 40 ' 70 1(3 ( 10 3 J4
CT . . . . , .S 8 49 5. . , 264 124 1 41H
i . . . SV > 120 3 40 277 fO J 41 > g
i'i . . S8J 160 340 fj . . . 306 . . . 84214
. . . . 25 . , J 40 1C 141 . . 3 4SH
10 . . . . 272 . . . 840 C4 S4I . . . S 43'4
63 2M . . S 40 tt 5S 160 1 4J'i
C6 291 IM 340 W 243 SO 8 42 > 4
72 2C8 ICO 340 1 ] 34' 80 S 41' ,
89. . . T22 10 3 40 I 41 MO SO 3 4214
16 32 * ICO 340 68 274 40 3 4J'i
CO 312 240 3 40 CO 300 . . . J 4214
CO 328 . . 3 40 M 200 40 3 4S
84 328 . . . 3 40 C1 257 ICO 3 IS
M 2i ICO 340 73 , . . .242 . . . S 4t
12 2SI . . . 340 M 267 . . . 345
CO 277 . . , 3 40 70 243 JO 3 15
r > 4 . .317 40 3 40 (9. . . . . . .253 SO 3 45
II. . 2TO . . . 340 73 2.11 . . . 3 4 >
CO W (0 340 14 220 . . . 345
C ! . . . 200 ICO 3 40 SI . . .217 , , . 3 45
IS 3(9 240 3 40 Ft 2V ) . . . .1 43
69 2CO PI 3 40 CO..234 . . . 3 45
f,2 339 240 340 K 219 40 345
67 316 (0 340 71 211 SO 345
13 272 . . . 340 3 241 120 843
14 261 SO 3 40 CO. . . 277 . . . 3 43
68 267 . . . 341) 6 ? 2S7 , .345
fl 270 . . . 340 73 229 . S 4i
66 ,267 . . . 340 C9 23o SO 345
67 317 240 3 40
1 410 . . . 2 CO C 2 < 5 . . . 33.- .
1 4EO SO 3 00 7 2151 . . 181
4 427 . . . 3 SI 4 307 . . . 3 SS
2 . . . 3 21 & no . . . 33" >
3 403 . . . 32i C 273 . . . 3 37'4
7 t.r,7 . . . 130 C 23S . . . > .17'4
4 312 120 33216 226 . . . 8 37 < 4
4 290 . . . 335 2 35 . . . 3 3714
5 3' > 0 . . . 335 3 316 . . 33714
S 213 . . . 333 3 403 . . . 3 37 4
3 T.'Hl FO 331 5 2C4 . . . 3 37H
2 12' > . . . 335 3 200 . . . 340
2 265 . . . 333 7 1S2 . . . 340
1 3CO . . . 335 4 25,2 . . . 340
D 340 . . . 335 f > 303 . . . 340
4 420 . . . 335 4 272 . . . 340
8 3R3 10 33" B 2J2 . . . 340
C m . . . 331 7 250 . . . 340
B 270 . . . 331 3 . .ISO . . 340
1 430 . . . 3 33 2 22'i . . . 340
1 410 . . . 331 6 218 . . . 345
3 CS3 . . . .331
S1I13IJP There were no sheep on sale today ,
the few reported In the ) irdH being coii'lRiied
direct to packers. The demand wiis good and
desirable mutton sheep and lambs would no
doubt have brought about steady prices.
ciiic.vco LIVI : STOCIC :
Cuttle .St Miil > _ Ili > KM Slroiipror Sheep
in noiiil Ii-iiniiil.
CIUCAOO , June 1. The market for cattle re
mained steady under the Influence of a fairly ac
tive general demand , Native beef stecra told nt
from (4 to ( r.15 , cilefly nt from } 4 " 55 to J4 iC ,
with occasional sales of somethlnR extra In quan
tity nt from } " .20 to (5 30. There was n fair call
for good feeding e.ittlc nt lilijli | irlce Tliii
"calf day , " ami there VVIIH n liberal run and nn
active demand , the bcFt bringing SG 21. Hutchern'
and ennncrn' stuff was active nnd stendy. llulli
sold mainly at from JJ2 50 to (375 , and cows nnd
heifers went largely at from f3 to (4 S5 Texas
cattle sold mostlj nt from $3 25 to $4 3 i for steers
nnd from (1 2 * , to $1.35 for cows , bull * nnd nxen
Trade In hogs was animated , with u partic
ularly good demand from Chicago packers , und
prices ruled stronger , with the better clascs
spiling largely nt 2V4e prr 100 pound * higher
fales were nt a range of from $3 30 ted C" > for
Inferior to pilm hogs , with sale * large at
from 13 51 to ( SCO. Pigs sold m.ilnly nt from
t3 25 to (3 CO.
Sheep were again In excellent demand at from
JS7G to ( I C5 for Inferior to fair , with cholcci
stci k scarce nnd strong at from (175 to , (5
Shorn lamb- * sold nt from ( " > 10 to (1 TO for good
to choice. Spring lambs were much more
plentiful and were in active demand at from
(5 CO to ( 25 per 100 pounds , while inferior lotx
Fold at from (4 21 to Jl 75.
Receipts Cattle. 2,000 head ; hogs , 10,000 ,
rhccp , 11,000 bead.
St. l.iiulN LlMock. .
ST. LOUIS , June l.-CATTLi : Receipts , 8,000
head , shipments , 7CO bead. Market strong nnd
.icllve , choice lo fancv export steers , (1 OOill 21 ,
fair to good nathe shipping ulcers , (4 C0if4 SO ,
dre-sed beef nnd butchers' steers (4 TOJT4 70 ,
steers under l.COO pounds. (3 75ff4 25 ktockers
and feeders. J3 00T4 40. cows and heifers , (1 'Off
4.40 , Texas nnd Ini'lnii steers fe-d ( HOffl 50.
prnFS. J300R3SO ; cows .md heifer * . ( J 2'fi" ! SO
I1OGK Receipts , 15000 head , shipments 71)10 )
head , niaikct steady to 1c higher , light. (340 ®
? .M. mixed , (3250J60 , heavy , (3 .JO ® ! 61
SHUKP Receipts. 10,000 lead ; bhlpmenls , B 100
ic ul. market dull , but FUutlj ; n.itlvc muttons ,
1325JM25 , culLi nnd bucks. ! . ' 00tj300 , Texas
-beep. (340Q'421 ' ; lambs , (4500GOO
ItiniKiiM Clt > LU e Sloc'lv.
KANSAS CITY , June 1 CATTI.i : Rccciptv
7.000 head. MirKet t-teidv ; TexnH Fleers , } i 15ft
125 , Texas cows. J1.71B4 Pi , native ytccrp. ( J 605f
I W ; native cows and heifers , (1700IC5 ; dockers
mil feeders , } 2 f053 CO
HOOS Receipts , 15,000 nead. Mulkct steadj
to Flrong. closed weak , bulk of siles , (3 S53 45 ,
icavles ( ? .21 J3 45 , pickers , (120 < i3 40 ; mixed
W 3103 45 ; lights. (3 SOQI 45 ; 'VcrkcrB , (342V5P
J45 , pigs , rfSOdi&a.SJ , . , , , „ , ,11
I SIIiiP Receipts , r.000 head Marl'ct strong ,
lambs (4 15Q.1 00 ; inuttonu , (3 C004 C5.
Xc' Yorlc I.l-ve S < oi-k.
YORK. June 1. HCnViS-Recelpts : , CIS
head ; no trading ; Kuropein cables quote Ameri
can Bteera nt lOiiflllHc , iltcsned vveights ; sheep
llfplHie ; refrlgeraloi beef , 9lf4c ! ) ; expoits , 'J50
beeves , 1,310 sheep nnd 2,31'0 ' quarters of beef
Calves , iccclpts , 2J7 head ; steady ; \cnls , J4 10&
C 00.
SlinUP AND LAMDS-Rccelpts. 3,274 head ;
steady , sheep , 3 75JJ'4 25 , lambs , ( C OOffC 71
HOGS Itecelpts , 2,792 head ; steady at (3 Wlff
4 15.
Stock In Siprht.
Record of receipts of live stock at the four
principal markets for June 1 :
fatt'e llocs sheen
Omaha 2.CS4 9.f02 607
Chicago 2.000 1C.OOO 11.000
Kansas City 7,000 15.COO 600)
St. Louis S.OCO 15.000 10003
Totals 19.CSI 65,5(2 ( 20,507
Clnvlniiatl Li-v < - Stoe-k.
CINCINNATI , June 1. HOGS Active nnd
higher nt (3 0714.
CATTLC bteady nt (2 60iT4 75
blinin' Dull at (2.50S4 55. Lambs , weak nt
$4 5034 C5. I ,
City Sliirke-tH.
KANSAS CITY , June 1 WHEAT Market 2@
3o lower ; No. 2 hard , C7c ; No. 3 , Clc ; No 4 , 51c ;
No 3 pprlng. 67c ; No. 3 , 61e ; No 2 boft , 79c ; No.
3 , TSc : No. 4 , nominally KSfTOc.
CORN About ' , te lower , No. 2 mixed , ISc ; No.
2 white , 20c.
OATS About le lower ; No. 2 mixed , 17c.
RYK No. 2 , 23fT30c.
HAY Weak ; choice timothy , (10 ; choice prairie ,
(7 OOfJ7.fO. .
IIUTTIJR Demand good ; fancy separator ,
flrEts , 1014e ; dairy , lOc.
naas rirni : demand good ; fresh candled Kan-
pas and Mlraour4 stock , cases returned , 7'ic.
RHCIJI ITS Wheat , 26.001 Iiu. ; corn. 27,000 bu ;
oatH. CCCOO bu.
SHII'MKNTS Wheat , 7.2CO bu. ; corn , 7,000 bu ;
oats , 9,100 bu.
LONDON. June 1 RKITT SUGAR June , Ss 3d
NIJW ORLKANS , June 1 btlQAR Quiet , but
steady ; open kettle 2Uff3o ; centrifugal white ,
3 1-1CS3\C. jellow , 3\lW6c \ : seconds 2i311c.
MOLAKSHS-Steady ; centrlfUBal. 4B9c.
NIJW YORK. June 1 , SUOAR-IUw. nrm ; fair
rcllnlng , 2aie ; centrifugal , 96 test , 3VSc. Renned.
firm ; mould A , 4t4 > ic ; standard A , 4 > 4o ; con
fectioners' A , 434Kc ; cut loaf , 5 lie ; emptied , 5Hc ;
powdered , 4jc ; granulated , 4V4c ; cubes , 44c.
< V . < > ! ! ItirKut.
VYILMINQTON , une 1. Spirits of turpentine ,
steady at 2414j25c. Rosin , linn ; crude turpcn-
llnc. firm.
UHARMJSTON , June 1. Turpentine , 24V&C.
Rosin , nrm.
SAVANNAH. June 1. Turpentine , nrm at 25e.
Rosin , tlrm and unchanged.
OIL CITY , Pa. , Juno 1. Cmincutc oil , S7'Se ;
credit balances , 87c ; shipments , 148,425 bbls , ;
rum , 149.C43 bbla.
PIJORIA. Juno 1. CORN Active nnd lower ;
new No. 2 , 22c.
OATS Quiet nnd easy ; No. 2 white. ISfiWic.
WHISKY Market stendy ; llnUhed foods , on
the basis of ( I 19 for high wines ,
IHU'UIPTS 4."uin. 217,750 bus. ; oats , 101 9SO
bus. ; rye , l.fOO bus. ; whlnky , none ; wheat , 3 , COO
SIIIPMUNTS' Corn , 49 250 bus , ; fats , 78.450 bus ;
rye , none ; wlilcky , 1,400 bblu. ; wheat , 2,400 but.
VlHlMe.Supply of ( irnlii ,
NnW YORK , June I , The statement of the
\lslble supply of craln In etore arid iillont , as
compiled by the New Yoik Produce exchanRe. Is
as follows ; Wheat. 21 , BSSOOO bu. ; decrease. 1,407.-
000 bu Com , 12,217,000 bu , ; Increase , 742,000 bu.
Oatfl , 8,9C9OtO bu. ; Increase. 84000 bu. Rye. 2.C21-
000 bu. ; decrruie , 277.0CO bu. Hurley , 1,414,000 bu ;
dccreate , 110,000 bu ,
Uatler ; me n pork , old , 7e , Uinl , refined
tierces , 3 c. Hexed mtat . dry saltetl houlden ,
4Ti05c ; sides , 4'.04ic. lljcon. clear rlba , t'.ic ;
bams rholce sugar-cured , l46VHc.
CORN Mi : U- Dull at (1.75 ; otners unchanged.
Tel oil o MnrUcln ,
TOL'JIJU , June l , WJIl-'AT btfady , No. % c * l ,
CORN No , 2 mixed , 24V4o.
' O TH-No. 2 mixed ISc ,
HYIJ No. 2 cash , 35c.
CIjQVIJR8iii > Unehanse < J ,
OII < Unchanged.
8T. IXJI'IB , June 1. WOOIy-Uull and un
changed , htralght romlilnir , 15VSc ; llglit fine , 90
12V4e ; heavy line , itflOc ; medium. 1214015C ; tub
washed. 17V4023C.
NIJW YORK , June 1 , WOOL Firm ! fleece ,
lS@T23c ; pulled , ISitlio.
MliiiK'npollHVIicnt Quotiitlon * .
MINN1JAPOLI8 , June l. WIUJAT Steady.
June. C9ic ! ; July. CSSQCtKc , September , C2c ; No
1 raid , 71Uc ; No. 1 northern , 70a ; receipt * , f07
cam ,
Tcrllle Truilr.
MANCHIJSTUR. June I Cloths and yarns
quiet , with very little builneii doing.
him KrunrlHvo Wlie-nt Uuiitiitloni.
H.1SH. ' '
"onitions \ in Nebraska Still FiuroMblo to
tbo Growing Grain ,
i\cecilM flic Not-innl In One Ooriipr ot
tlic St < c mill I'nllK to
liiK on flu *
Weekly crop bulletin No. S ot the Nc-
br.ifiKn section ot the climate and crop
scr\lce , ot the wMthcr bureau , for the wrik
ending ! > a. m. . Mny 31 ,
U. KOU THI : wrcutc.
The temperntuio of the pisl wet k bus been
about normal In the wcstiin p-ut of the
state , ntid from 1 degree to 3 degtecs be
low normal In the enstein.
The rainfall hn * been about normal In the
grealer portion of the Mmtheastern section
and decidedly below normal ulsewheio In thu
stale. In the extreme noutlieii tt'in corner
( Johnson , Nctnuha nnd Illchnrdson counties )
the rainfall has been e\ce Jl\e , ranging
from 2i to G Inches" . Over consKleiable
are is lu Ihe not them nnd western poitlons
of the state no rain fell , nnd generally In
tlase districts the amount was le < tlian one-
quarter of nn Inch.
The week has lucn a good one lor small
grain In the foutlipa tein section nnd u fair
one In the northe > stcrn section , n'.though
the giouml Is getting dry thcie nnd rain
would be benellclal. In the western portion
of the state Generally sm ill grain Is sultei-
Ing y-omewlmt from diouth.
Corn pi intlng Is practlc.illv completed ami
much of the crop Is up. Thn weather has
bocn unfavorab'c for tlio get initiation am !
growth of corn. Cutworms nnd wireworms
nave done considerable dam ige , nnd the
stand of corn Is generally reported n thin
Mare than the usual amount of replanting
Is being done. Cultlxntlon of the mil }
{ Wanted coin bus commenced gcncially. Uyo
Is In bloom nnd winter wlfcut heading out.
Fruitlias BulTcroil little or no Injury irom
frosts In Ilia iouthein nnd eastern sections
and l now nearly ns far advanced ns u'uil
at this season of the year. Ileports by
llutter Ijirly cnrn bclnp cultl\nti > il , Rome le-
plnntlnK turn t > oln < done ; fiult at fur aitxancttl
ns on nn nuT-iRc ft-iioin
Core Small iraln locks line ccrn a falrljBOOI !
stand KCIKTAU > , but bacKuanl , nnmo it-pliinthiK
belnst done. nUhlK ton ccol for rapM Rroulh.
rillmiirc rail ulicit Innklns Talrlj \ \ vfiirlim \ \
Amln KOoil. potutoeK g oil Ktnntl. cum cultivation
lumincmcil , tome corn l > oln nplnuKU
GnBc Cutworms aic taking corn fust , mutli
will be rcplantcillifnt ntry Unlit tuml , ontu
uppiirntl > Rood , plentv 01 mo'i-tnic.
llnmilton Gomluok fin .mull grain ami
Krups io6r for rorn , ome rtplintlr ? of corn
ntccfpnry fcmnll Brr.ln locking line
JiITcihtn Wl oat nnd nath looking fair ; pome
corn nMilautril uti aicnnnt of iiuuoiniH nn I
rutnirni * , mill anil i-iops croulni ; FO l >
Joliiison Cold nnd wol. lli lipainlns of
Joth unit 2r tli \\i hciL on 'thliil of the corn nut
ulu it lili.l nalM li k Kcuil In plates.
l.ain.1'trr-ri.iii ninl , nla me doing nlcol >
iiniKlderntik. cnn belli ) ; rfplantid , ton colj foi
host growth "f coin
Ncnmha quln 'l * . ut\\orms wnih out anil
poor t-ocil h.i\c i.iiiicil much trplantln- < -oni
small traln KIO | HK xi.ll , lee cold fur coin
Nui-knll ) Cinn I aill > wn'ln-il lij rain In pans
of count ) , much will be nnlinitiM must farm
trs uiv Idi1 * ) plolii } coin Miiall ginln excel
lint.Hoe Small grain ilolrg well , ctiiKlilrrablc corn
ulll he uplun'cil , cul. Mitliin nf coin hcguu ,
pn turcs tiili I'M , unall fruu cluing will.
I'awnec Corn aima td li ) hea j ratim washed
out on rolling " "J 'o\eiej up on lonlnnd"
< thcr crp3 Oo tf well.
1'olk Wlm.r ulu at coining out In good shape
seme complaint nf poor htantl of coin , pasturth
hocd ; iipple crop pioinlslni ;
Ilklianlhon Heavy lain wished out much
plnntcil corn ; l.ottom land : ) u\rllo cd corn
bickwanl ami home damahe by cutworms ; small
Kialn dolne well
Silinu Some complaint of cutvvcrma In corn
Kencrallj u thin ftnml of corn
Saunders Corn routing slowly , fome replanting
necetcnry ; much cnrn cultivated the first lime ,
small grain and irasa ; line.
Seward Too cool for coin which Is not growing
us fast as It should , fame IlcliU icplantcd and
many have rather thin eland
Tlwjer Favorable week for small grain but
too cool for corn ; cultivation of corn commenced ,
rje In bloom , early sown wheat heading.
York Corn comlnir up ami growing slovvlj ,
lie and winter wheat look well and heading out ,
alfalfa re lily to cut ; spring wheat poor.
Antelope AH crops Buffering for rain ; rye
heading short and will be n poor crop , man )
fields of corn replanted.
Hurt Small giuln ttlll lookn well , but Is be
ginning to show effects of dry weather ; cori
generally n thin stand.
Cedar Need rain bidly but unall grain looks
well and corn Rrovvlnt , well ; r > c heading ; much
corn replanted , frost ban done tunic damage.
Colfax All crops In good condition , nhcmert
In central portion.
Cumlng Small grain riding fairly well ; too
cool for corn , omc IB being planted over , the
whole a thin stand , beebi looking well
Ulxon Karly planted corn a thin i-tnnd ; pome
replanting must be done ; too cool for corn ,
heavy frost did pome damage nn Imv lands
Uodge Ur > weather Is beginning to Injure
dome of tie small grain , much late planted
corn will not come up until It lalns
Douglas Kami work has been pushed ; crops
generally in good condition , paUuu-H wpuld be
Improved by ruin , bees wintered well.
Holt lrost on 23di Injured rye , early potatoes ,
and wild fruit , rye heading out , small grain
short ; some corn being cultivated.
Knox Corn is coming up , but It Is a poor stand ,
Eome fields being replanted ; small grain Is not
looking well
ricrcc Very dry and small grain looks jellow ,
corn not coming good , eoine damage from froht
I'lattc Week too root for corn , but good for
small wraln ; much corn , but crowing elowlj ,
stand good ; grass good ; rye average.
Barpj Too cool foi coin , much of It had to be
replanted ; early potatoes look lln ( > and lots be
ing planted ; corn living cultivated
'ihunton Severe frost on the ! 3d killed some
garden stuff and early corn In vullejs ; rain
would do good.
Washington Hye looks good and Is heading
out ; cool , dry weather IH keeping corn back ,
worms Injuring corn komcvvhut.
Wo > ne Wheat and oats suffering for rain ; late
planted corn cannot come up until U rains.
lloone Small firuln doing well : fome corn a
poor ftnnd and a little replanting will be done.
Boino cultivating dcmc.
lluffiiio UotKl rain In central and eastern portions
tions and all enps doing well , mill needed In
western portion of rounl > .
Custtr IJiTly Buwn wheat thovvinK well , laic
sown oats and baley bllll fhoiv effects f frott ;
corn doing well In nst nnd very dry In vvtst
part of county , mu'h damage by crusslioppc-i In
west portion.
Daw Kin Cnrn li coming well : small grain
crowing nicely , but nil ciopa need rain , nlfalfu
excellent ,
Oreeley All small grain rhnvvlng effntH of
drouth ; rorn not coming up well ) rye not filling
well ) rain ntede.1 badly * *
Hall Small KIUI | > doing flnelj , much corn In
Howard Grain | H making rather a poor show
ing ; too cool and dry , much nplanting of corn
necemnryj stock doing well In pfiMure ,
loui > (1 round verj dij , Intu sown nruln not
up > et ; cutworms are Injuring coin bndly , foini :
damage from frost In gulden * nnd fruit.
ileirick Spring wheat , rjo and nuts are look
ing liner too cool fur corn , which Is < omlng up
irregularly ; rome replanting neoirmry ,
Nance H ) heidlng out and win at following
cloFel ) ; oats look well , some have be un to
cultivate corn
Hhfrman C'onslderab'c frost In low plare on
2 < th , much corn rarnot come up unlll It ralnn ;
too dry for all ciops
Vnllej Hinall Kruln needs mln , cultivation nf
coin begun ; rome corn coming up iinivenly on
account of dry weather
Adams Wheat heading out and looks well
oatH not ' gooil , corn coming up xlovvlj on
account of cool wenther.
Chase Kant < iunrler dry fnr umall grain , grain
excellent eluevvheie ; win at lifuillnn ; urldc from
dainuKu from cutworml corn n good stand ,
Dumly I'ry week hard on crops In Ihe eastern
portion < > 5 county ; alfalfa will mik a blic crop ,
Kranklln Whole fields of corn bring replanted ;
nearly half the corn MiouU be replanted ; ulre-
worniH and cutwomm In nearly fvtry Held.
Frontier Crops illll locking well , but top of
ground getting dry nml rain is mtdid.
Kurnae Haln nredrd ; cprlng wluat and out *
beginning tu suffer In vpMBi'corn nearly at a
standttllli alfalfa fine , no In bloom
( Josr All crops would l > o benefited by rain ,
but nothing , except pcnlhly a little winter
wheat and r > e. Is being drmagcd ,
HarUn A little too dry for final ) grain , early
coin Is t lng culllvutej ; all crops doing fairly
Hitchcock Small grain looks well ; pastures
good ; all crop * need rain.
Kearney Cutworm * Injuring corn ; many poor
( land * of oat * , but doing well ; winter and spring
wheat look line ; corn cultivation begun.
I/ncoln arms * and all grain surfrrlnK from
1'erkln * Corn look * well ; rmall cruln look *
I'lielps Corn planting flnlihed , ground rather
dry on the surface.
IUd Willow-Cora planting done , moitly up.
and nome cultlvatlnc ; crops arc Kit
the rffrctk of Inck of rnln
WMxter Some corn txlng cuHlvnlrtt , winter
whrnt heading out : t > c In bliXim , oali maklnR
Kooil pmgress , potnttK-n look fine.
Cherry fli.iall grnln looking fnlrlr well : corn
coming nicely.
DAWCBttrnm srowlng finely ] corn comlrR up {
finnll fruit looks VTMI.
KrltliMirnt gnol ! grncs rplrmlliti corn com-
Inc ; up , rc heading.
Klmlmll Small mnln urowlnc rnplelly ; alfnlf
icndy to cut.
logan nveryililng nuffcrlnB from drouth :
corn planting finished
Hcottd Illuff Small Rrnln doing well nnl corn
romliiB up nlcels ! carl > pntatoe * up : a Inrga
ncreagp nf brand bring planted
ThomaR Cropa doing well but getting rather
ory. o A. uivr.i.ANn.
Seotlnn Ilrcctor. Lincoln , Neb ,
Dcillllllll III llllHtllll ItdtullfN ( llC 1.IMT
1IOSTON , June 1 The demand for wool In
this market hero this week linn been nlmoct
nothing. This dullness In the tnailict tdidol
to weaken the holdcm of law materials , nnd It
n bujtr wan dlrpntrd to opcrutr , lie coul , ! get
lower prices on nil ) grade of domestic , an Hunt
dintnndi vvirc' for fm-elgn wooln Tcrrltorlnl
wools nrc largely tiomlnil In prlies for nil kinds.
Ohio nnd 1'emm.vlvanlii llecces X and above , 1'icj"
No 1 e-ciiiiblng. rtc ; NIL 2 oimblng. Z3c : XX and \
XX iiboveU.e. . Dclnlnc. tie , Mlrhlgiin ,
\Vlnciiiittn. tic. . X MUhlgin. 17o ; No. 1 Mlchlcm
combing , Sic , No l llllnoln combing , :2c ; No 3
Michigan cnniblng. Ki , No S UUllol * comblnB.
"l > > A New York , New U unprhltc and Veimont.
IIP , No 1 New Ymk New
, llniui'JlilH' ' nnd Vcr-
nuint , U'e : DoUlnp , Mlililxnn. Ifo ; unwashed
medium Kcntmk ) and Indiana quarter-blood
combing , JSP , KcnliKkv and Indiana three-
rlghtli blood conibliig ISc , Ml souil iiuartcr blood
combing , ITfflfp ; Mlr-ourl tarci--ilHbta bl.iod
combing , ITSilEc , biuld ce.mlilng , ic. ; Ti.IH
wools , spring miilluni OS inonllm ) IHflSo ,
rrouiiM , 30 sc ; nulng line (12 ( inhiithi ) , IHilJc ,
fenuH-d , JIliMi' . 'lenltm
> wools. Mnntnnn linn
medium nnd line10 { ? l.'c scoured. SI JVtt ; iplo ,
SClilV ; Utah , W > rinliip. nte. , line medium nnd
Iliu1. H'ieillr , scoured 5I&3JC. staple , 5iW3rc ,
Australian vcnurrd bull iVmblnss. miiicillnr.
IHrtV , combing , ( .nod u\nrf . eeimbliKr , uvcrate.
c , Ijuoenfluiid cnmblng laifCic.
Cotton VlnrKK. .
NfiW A011K , June -CO 1 1TON- Spot , steady J
ii ° lllU',11 ! ; 1 " 'I'l'llliw ' ' ' , ; U , middling upluidH.
, \c , mlJdllng , gulf , vc. tn\c \ * . 11,712 hale * Net
rcttlptK , none. ross. < ' .S3 bales , exports , to
1 innee13 ! > liiltD , to the lemtliinit 2.S40 bales ,
foiwnrdid , l.KI l.iin , wiles. 11,722 Inles , ship
Illents , I V3 | bales , Moelt. nctllul H3 it ! biles
Total toda > . Net leielpts. 2,0 2 bil < ; e-xpoits
to conl null. 4 171 b Un , nance VIJ , bales Block.
31k 111J bilis. Coiiiolldate-d leeelpts- Net IBS
bllpsj exports to tlruit lliltaln , ( , 'XK ) bales :
1 lame. Oil bales , continent , 417 biles Tottil
slneeHcptcmter 1. Net lecelpts , CT C COC dales
eportto Guilt lliltaln. 2 IUS f U biles ; france.
CM9M biles , to I lu '
continent 2.'W ' bales , c lan
liol , 5,471 b le rutuics. closed Btradj , sales ,
W.MO bile-s , Jnmiaiy. ( ( , SO. I'cbruan f V3
Jliilill , JCS7 , June , $71- , , July , J7 IS , August ,
$ , tepUiiihe'iK 'KI , Uctobci , 11,75 , Novem
ber , 4074. DocemKr. JH7ihllo the cotton
maikrt was slow , sales reaching but DO.OOO bales ,
the gcneril tom > win Him on local covering In-
H'lrcd moro 01 loth bj cunll ling crop accounts and
( l poMtlvcl > bulllFh olllclal vveikly crop leport.
from \ \ iifliliinnii. Indicating < eel and dry
vveatlirr and llco with the effect of retarding thu
development of tip erop Tha market opened
quiet nnd may at a di'cllne of 1 to r points e-irly
uiblis being not up tn ixpvctiitlons Hut the
iipenlngwns the Inwett level of the day Imme
diate ! ) after the llrst call prices commenced to
htlffcn on covering mid from the- lowest point the ,
market advanced to S points , with the close
iUUt | and stpadv. with a net caln of 1 to 3
points. Utiilng the nftcrnoon tlierc was Rome
liquidation , owing to continued lack of outsldo
rprculntUc suipoit. A few minutes of the
e ul > BCMlon hail gmid bulng by Liverpool Iii-
dlcatlona nf a cool wave was n leidlnir factor
In lhe > stability of the miiki-t
LIVIJUPOOL June -lOnON-Spot I , iiulet ;
prlccii unchanged , American middling 4Hd The
siles of the day were 7.0CO bale-H. of which COO
biles weie foi shipment and export , nnd Included
GCW ) bales Anurlcnn llecclpf , 6 000 bales , In-
Pludlng 4 ! H ) bales American. I'liturcs eipeneil
MUlet. but ttcad ) with a poor de-mand nnd closed
uulct nt the declhip American middling. L M.
C , JimpI 2 < M34 3-C4 1 , buers , June nnd July.
I 1-Hd , buets , Jul ) and Auguft , 4d i-ellcts ;
Aiwusl and September , 3 ( n-C4ftJ C0-C4d. sellers ;
cplcmbei and O"tnbor. 3 C2-Md value. October
md November , 3 47 Cliff. ! 4S-C4 I , buyers , Novo-nb-r
ST IXDUIS , June 1 - COTTON-lJulct and un-
lianued , sales. 12.WO bales , middling. 7c , re-
clit | , 1.831 bales ; Hlilinuents , 1.42C bales , block ,
25 1S3 bates
Ni\V OIU.nAN' * . June -COnON-Steady
and qUlct , fuleH , 310 lulei , ordlnarj , C'c. ' itogd
nrdlnaiy , CK.C , low middling G 15-ICc , iiilddllnB ,
734c ; toed middling , 7 11-Kc : mlddllnK fair.
S'dc ; receliits , net , )7 ) < ! Inlcs : trors.
J87 bales ; stocK , SOO.U bale's Futurex.
lull , Ealcs , 8,700 bales : June , J72I ; July , J7 21B >
723 , AUKUSt. $6BISfi9' , , Septemlicr. ICt3gCCI ;
October. lC49fl6f,0 ; November , JfilUjOW. Decem
ber. JC53QG.54 ; Januarj , JCtHffl857 ; February.
CofTc-t1 V.irlvdN.
ND\V YOnK , June I COrFUIJ-Opsncd steady.
5 to 10 polntx lower. In Ejmpathy with vveulc
foreign inarl.ctB ; rallied partially on eoverliiff
and Improvement In Havie , eased off again
under lack of t-uppoit. llrazlllnn receipts free ;
ckfled < | Uict to 15 points lower ; Mies , 8.760 buns.
Including : September , $7 15(17 21 Spot coffee ,
Hlo dull , No 7 , 575.7'S ' , Involee , J7 87V4. Jobbers.
Mild , fiulet ; Cordova , Jll fOfl > U 75 ; sales 1(00
bins Marae ilbo , ba ls , } ] 4 for Kood Cucuta.
Total vvarehouFo deliveries from the United
State-s. 14,773 IIIBS , Including 12923 IKIKS Horn
New York , New York itork today , 39G 303 bnira ;
United States stock. 44C 2J9 bntfs , allont for the
t'nlted btntci ) , 3II.COO IJIIRS , total vUlblc for the
Unlte-d States 757.21J baKS , iiKKlnrt 373.SS3 bags
last > ear , nnd r > TiO(2 $ bnes In 1S')3
SANTOS , June 1 COITKU Quiet ; good liver-
age Santos , B.JtO rela. rceolpts two ilajs , 4600
bacs , stock. 245000 II.IRS. Weekly report : Cot-
fee quiet ; Rood nverasc per 10 kilos , 9200 rols ;
receipts durlnir theweek. . 29 COO him , shipments
to the United Males , 33,000 biKs ; ( stock , 245,100
bass. I
HIO Dn .TANfimO. Juno 1 COITKn-SteHdy ;
No 7 Hlo , 8700 tels , i-xo lanuc , 7 23-3M , recelpla.
tivo days , 101/00 IJIIKS , cltnied for the United
States , 9.000 Ins * . Meek , 229000 bigs Weekly
report : Coffee , stead } ; exchange standard , S 700
rels , receipts , during the week SGW10 II.-IBS , ship
ments tn the Unite. ] Mates , 2,000 bacs , stock.
229000 Imps. "
HAVHI3. June * 1 COrni : Closcil quiet ;
UJI'Af net ndvancoj niiles , II roe IJIRS.
. IIAMIlt'IUl. June 1. COrKIJi-Unclirinied ;
[ sales , 1,000 bat , ' * .
Ilcri > i > iil rirnlii nml l-riii IxlonN.
LIVEIU'OOU June 1 WIIKAT-Spot , No. 1
red , northern tprlnK , dull , Ca ] 0d.
CORN Mixed , fpot , new , pliHdy , 2s 7Viil ; June ,
Ktead ) 2s 7d ; July , Ftrndy , 2s 7 > iil ; AiiKUEt ,
stendy , 23"V'.d , spot , Am rcan mixed , old , tteu y ,
23 Ed. I
I'KOVISIONH Itaron. clear belli , dull , 25s.
I/ird. ipot , dull , 19s 3d.
CHUnsi : Aincrlrnn , llneft wlilte , new , dull.
45) ) Oil ; colored , new , dull 45s fd.
StiK'ltH In Ilcriiiifil. .
MVnnPOOIj , Juno I rollrvvlnc are the etockit
of breadntuffH and provUlotui In Llvrrpoool :
llreailKtufftt , Hour. 102,000 mchH , 2OJ1CCO
centals ; corn , 1,297,000 centals.
Provisions , bacon. 20C'0 banes ; hams , 4 CCO
iieH ; tliouldern , 2(00 boxen ; lard , 79 000 tierces ;
cheese , 36 COO boxes ; buller , 2,000 jiackuKfB , beef
and pork , none.
Onliriirnlii Ilrlril Krnltn.
ritUlTB hteady ; i-vuporated apples , prime wire
tray , 4'ifr4Ho ; wood dried prime , 4V4o , choice ,
4V4ff4J < 1 : fnney , 4fi'c , prunes , 2'/4R7c ' , un to
fdtn and quality ; apricots rnval , TlOo ; Afnnr
Turk. 12WIo ; pcocliCH , unpcelrd , CHlOc ; r > celed
lliirfiilii Ciriiln Inrlci'l.
N. Y. June 1 WHKAT BprllTK.
quilt , No 1 northern , old , 78Vlcj new. 74cj No t
vvlnlir , 79V4f.
( OHN No. 2. 27'4c ' ,
OATS-NO 2 wiiitc , 24 c.
IIYINo. . 2. 38c.
\\'hl iNiinllilo lliilliln.v N In Il crpool.
I.lVKltl'OOL , Junn 1. Next Kuturday. Monday
and Tuesday will lx > liolldayH In KTiiln The
; irovl tnn market vvlll obFirvo Ilio Whllsuntlda
lollday by closlnx next Saturday and Monday ,
Full Itlirr I'rliit C lo 111 MiirK-i-f.
1'ALr , IllVIIIt. Mass , Juno 1. Tbo print cloth
market continued unchanged , steady nnd firm at
2 7-lCc.
I'ornuil Ci'lclirnlliiii of Iho Aniil-
> iTHnr > - ill > IIHIV Illc ,
NASIIVILLB , June 1 , The 101st anniver
sary of the admission of Tennessee Into tlio
union was appropriately celebrated at Iho
TcmticKMo Centennial exposition today. Tlio
iroKram of the day began with a parade
through Ihe principal strecln , Two battalions
of the Natlona ) Guard escorted Governor
Taylor of Tennessee , Uovcrnor Ilusccll of
s'orth Carolina anil Lleutencnt Governor
McSveny of South Carolina and their re
spective staffs and other Invited euesta to
Iiu exposition grounds. Tlio parade was wH-
by thouaands of ( icople.
Telephone 1030. Omaha , Neb.
Direct vrlrcs to Chicago and New Yorlc. '
Uj Jclyi A. NY"0 fc C * '