THE OMAHA. DAILY BEESliFRIDAT , iMAY 28 , 1807. SPEC1ALOTICES fop Uirnc column * iv HI lie InUtn niittl 12 in. ( or tlic rvonliiK unil tinlll 8 | i. m. tor ilio lunrnliiir nml Nnrnlny rrtllloim. Aclvcrtlm-r * . lir rrqiir lliiK n nntn- 1 rr > il t-tieok , cnn linrc nnnirern n l- ilrrnncil a iititnlicrcil letter In cnre if Tlic Her. Anircrft m nililremiril vlll ilcllvrrnl on iiresxMitntlon of lie rlicrk onl- . UtitcM , l i-lic. it troril n rut lncrtlon | Jon Monl thereafter. NntliliiK Inken for H-xi. Hunt ar.c riir lite llrat ln pr- tlon. TlK-Hp mlvrrlncinrnt nniiit Iio run tMtnm-cnllvrljr. WANTliU MAMS 1 1 1 : I.I1. A KKW ENERGETIC HUSTLING MEN CAN find tcndy , profitable work with C , K. Adsmt Co. . EJ4 Ri. icih St. U 47 _ MEN WANTED TO LEARN HARRER TRADR * t the Omahi Ilnrlirr CoHece. finest In the f t ; complete course. 8 weeks ! terms ca7 ! " Bil lor cnlalocuc. 1117-131J Pn .las St. , Omaha. B M710 June 4 * HALE8.MKN ron CIGARS ; t\x \ MONTHLY nnd exix-tm's : old established hmi ! experience imnec ' nry ; Inducements to customrni. C , C. Rlshop Co. , at. Louis. n- & 31 * _ WANTED-A GERMAN KI/JIUST WHO AI O KpMk * Kmrllfh nnJ can begin work nt once. II , Han * . 1811 Vlntim. -317-27 _ WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED TRAVELING mm thoroDKhly acquainted with tlie liquor lni lnpfi > . nnil wltli an established traclo In low * . Ferdinand Weitholtncr & Ron * . St. Jowph. Mo. 11 415 GOOD "ainn UNI : IN ADVERTISING NOV. elllfs. Circulars nnd simple free. N , W. Nov. city Co. . Janesvllle. Win. B-M481 ' WANTKIl. A MAN OF GOOD BUSINESS Itto Hell Time ltcnl tera on cnmmlralnn , Ad- iln-M nt oncp , with references. The Mlll r Time IloeorHer Co. , Toledo , O. It M47 ZS' WANTED. MAN OP HOOD APPEARANCE nnd Mrlctly jobtr , with KM or 3flO for Im mediate Investment for vltnucope exhibition of Oorbrtt.Fltjislmmoim prlic flRhl : expen en , $10 per < lny ; receipt * . J1W per nlcht. Thl will lienr InvrMlROtlon ; only the e wltli ready money ami mranlng business nerd answer. Call nt Itnrlcer lioiel from 1 to I p. m. Friday nnJ Siliirdny. W. I , . I'ott . B-MS07 \VA.\THn FEMAM3 IIKLP. ICO GIRLS FOH AM. KINDS WORK ; $ TO S7 week. Canadian ofllcc , U3 Doustan.C . C M7IJ WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED COOK AND Kood laundress at 114 So. 19th. C 23J WANTED. A COMPETENT GIRL. AT ONCE , for general houwwork ; no wnshlnp , and the bent waccs. 16 < 1'nrk avenue , Council muffs. C M31 ! AGENTS "TO TAKE ORDERS. NO Kxrronr- enco norpfnry. Cnll at 514 1st NntM lUnk , KrlJay. 1 to 4 p. m. C 475 27 WANTED. I.AHY CANVASSKHS. CAM. AT 511 1ft Nnfl Hank lllJg Friday. Z to 4 p. m. C 47S Z7 GIHUS WANTnn. CALIAT 514 1ST NATL , Ilnnlc ImlldlnK Friday from 1 to 4 p. m. m.C C 475 27 GITU. FOll OBNKIlAt. HOUSKWOHK AT KJ K. ltli ! ) fit C 11477 FOIL IlUN'T llOUSKS. HOUSES l.V ALT. PAIITS OF THR CITT. THE O. P. Davis Company , 1505 Farnam. D 471 " HOUSES. BENUWA & CO. . 1C N. UTII ST. D-474 _ MODnnN HOUSES , C.-A. STAIIR. SSI N.T. L1FC CHOICn HOL'SUS AND COTTAQKS ALI , OVnn the city. J5 to 50. ridellty. 170S Farnam fit. D 476 HOtlSnS. WALLACE. BllOWN DLOCK. 16TJI nnd Douglas. D 477 IFousKS. coTTAans & STOHKS , ALL PAIITS of city , lircnnan. lave Co. , < 30 1'uxton block. D 478 JIOVINQ HOUSHHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS , Oin. Vail & Storage Co. , 1415 Farnam. Tel. 1555 , D 479 I.ARCC L.IST. Jl'CAOUE , J5TH & DODGE. D 4 SO HOUSES. FLATS. OAUVIN BIIOS.161SFAUNAS ! D 4S1 IIOUSK3 NT. 1JEMI8 , PAXTON BLK D 182 TUnKJNGTON. COS 13UE BUILDING.D D 483 BTANFOHD CinCLE COTTAGES nOOM - All modern. Apply : OJ nee building. D-77 : 6-UOOM HOUSE. INQUIItE 2700 DOUGIJV ! Mr-cl. D 1I7C6 rOH HUNT ELEGANT FIVE-ROOSI STEA1 heated Hat. Apply Flat 9 , DavldBe BldB. D M903 10-nOOM J-LAT. DOUGU\S. NEAIt 24TH ; MODern ern- ( team hent : al o 5-ronms at 316 So. IStli Inquire Linguist. 316 8. 15th. _ D-817 HOUSES. J. II. SHERWOOD , 43 N. Y. 'LIFE. * IfOU KENT. NICK HOU.SE3. 1109 MAIICV D 3SJ-2S * roil HENT NICELY KURNISHKD HOUSI for the Bummer to f&mlly without children Ileferencea required. Call thin week. 3017 m cllle ftrett. D 450-57 _ C-ROOM ; MODERN FLATS. 1112 S. 11TH. D-M461 28 * _ FOIl RUNT. MODERN 10-ROO&I HOUSE AN1 barn In line repair and pleacuntly located J.V. . Holjbln , oct. , 1S03 Kiirnnm et. D-XH83 CXITTAGE AND HA UN. 11000 ; ALSI 3. room rottnRe on car line , city water , } < " > . ( K Apply S407 Dccntur at. D-1HW 28 ' FOIl IlENT HOUSES , STORES AND FLAT lllcl , * Real Estate Agency. 219 S. ICtli' St. D 4 ! l 31 SOU HAUNEY ; W ROOMS ; STEAM HEAT. U M7S3 June7' IO.fOO.7"ELEGANTLY | FlNISHnu MODEH ! hrlcU lioure. No. 2114 Cn * . KO. n-rponi mn'lern home at 417 Noith 19th , its. X-rnom mortem flat. 709 Ho. 16th. J17.50. 6-ropm li-Aifc 1128 N. 17th. J12. Apply 1o TV , I Mvlkl" , rponi W 1st Nut1) ) Ilk IlMir , D M4M 1'Olt II./OS1S. BTEAM IICATKD ROOMS. TEl.l'JlONE AN all cnir , nlcncrn ; ratea n-acon-iblv. l undt Tlfa dciicc , Ji ; S , 17th St. E-703 rtlRNISIlED ROOMS. 170S DOUGLAS ST. E 713 Ft'RNISIIED ROOMS , 1516 HOWARD. K MJ ! rilQNT ROOM , WITH ALCOVE , mil ON ul two Kfiillfiiien. 5J4 B. 26th nve. K- MSS S HOUSEKEEPING. 1C St. Mnry'n , E-M 27 * i'l'I'It N'lUilKIi ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING. II Bo. llth. i-M4EO 2V _ _ NITEI.T rURNJSIinp ROOMS TO PARTIH \ylth ul clilldrrni i" > objection to light houi lVnlnc. ( 25M DoURlas. K-M4J32B * hOOMR"KlNH : LAWN AND PORCHES. 10 JUriu-y. . E M1S3 June 26' KICELV FUUN'ISHED ItOOMrl. SHADE AN rt. rates lensonatlc , 2:21 Hurt. E M4S4 1 ROOMS FOR MGHT HOU.SEICEEI or'njqmi wllli or ntthvut Loard. SU7 I Jlth it. K-MM8 30' _ BOUTHEAST 1'URNISRED ROOM. 2SIC DAI cnimrt. _ F.-MM8 S0 FIIRNIHIIED ROOMS. IICJUSEKEEPING. V HI. MaiVx K ililOJune2 < ilOOMiT"FOIt LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. IS DoJge. E-M501 Junel' VLHMbllUU : R005IS AMI IIOAHD. NICK ROOMS. GOOD HOARD. RATES RE , jnable. The Ro > e , tUVi lUrncy. M-Ftii2 80 * UTOi'lA. 1721 DAVKNlHiRT , F-MJW-2 * ' * MODERN lIltlCK. I1OOM3 AND JlOAItD : i week , 014 M. Hlh. Y M U 51' ' THE MEHIUAM. DESIRAUI.E ACCOM MOD Uans ; i ' June Ut. Uilltflittul lummer hoa F--41S-J1 NICELY FURNISHED SOUTHEAST F O > rubjii , modern convenience : beard , in W. K " KICKI.Y FURNISHED FRONT I K rJ. ? 01& Douglas. r M4M 29 roil iuvr s'roms AND ornoi : VOn RENT. THB 4-STOPy 51UCK I1U1LD12 at fit Fnrnim St. Tnis tuJUn ! ! has a nrepn crmrnt baMincnl. coinpl'tr itekin b < atlnr I turts ; u i < r on nil Hnors , cat. etc. Apply th oinc * of Tti Dn. 1 81 AGKNTS WANTED. AGENTS ; $7 } TEIJ MONTH Al cxpcnsrs paid nctlve mm K rlrtit ; CIM.J * * 1 > Y lampU only ; Mruplcs. also bars * nd c rtsie furnlihed free. AiUrru Jo Ur. Vex t Voitan. Mali. J 4 ! PACiriO STOflAOE AND WAREHOUSE ! CO. , tOS10 Jones. General Storage and forwarding. _ M-IH OM. VAN & STORAGE , 141S FAUNAM. TEU 1 > JI 3 1VANTI3II TO ntJY. WANTED. A. NICK SPAN OP SHETLAND mare ponies and hamrns ; round an& gentle ; reasonable price. Let Orwdr. rarranui. In. ' _ N-M4M SODA FOUNTAIN WANTED , SECOND-HAND. AOrireM U M. Ilarlow. It I'carl at. , Council lllurfs. N-MSW SAiinonsis AND WAGONS. I73.OT OKT8 A KING 5-SEATED SUtUtY AT ZIIO Cuinlnj ; St. ! ITI 2S KOH SALE , A FINE FAMILY MAKE. BOUIIEL , 7 year * old. registered ; nl. o harness and phae ton : > r > " Cheap. Call at 2323 N. : ist. FOR 9ALI2 MISCIIIAMOUS. X STOCKS anoCKUIES , 1 HEAT MAflKET , 1 ilruR stock , farms , enitern Nebraska ; acreage In and around Omaha , Omaha cltr property. n. It. Pall , SOI N. Y. L. Q-79S J7 B. DltAPEIUEg. DttESSaOODS. 8ILK3 It monthly on Jlu purchase. Bend i > osUI : will call with samples. K Illnh. IK3 Kjrner Ave. Q 65JJ HAiiDwoon CUIUHIMU , 1100 AND CHICKEN fence , cheaper than ' "all wire. " C. It. Lee , Wl Douglas. Q S7 _ CHICKEN , HOO & LAWN FENCE ; ALbWlRB ; cheaper than wood. Wire Works , 403 S. Hth. Q J-l FOIl SALE , 8,000 SECOND-HAND F1UE cheap. U KoenlK , 10 Krenzer lllk. Q M4M ! S * JWOOV1UL , 11UY A KIMUALL UI'IUQIIT Mano. In Rood condition. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. , 306 South 16th street. Q M300 MONI2V TO LOAN CHATTKLS. ( Continued. ) MONEY TO LOAN ON FLTlNITUnE , PIANOS , hones , wagons , etc. , at lowest ratni In cltj ; no removal of goods , strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at nny tlmr or In Miy amount. OMAHA MOtVTOAQE I/DAN CO. . Kit So. I6th SL IIL'SI.VKSS CIIANCKS. RENT-SMALL WATER POWER MILL. Cnn also handle grain. Address box K , Lin coln. N b. Y-W1-J9 WANTED. GOOD GROCERY MAN TO RENT store room In l > wt location In South Omaha ; ha had the l > st innlness for nre years ; will b racnnt early In June. Low rent. Address P. S. Carey's meat market , cor. llth and M streets. South Omaha. Neb. Y 42 * J0 STOCK OP GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND fixture * for sale ; the reason for onle of name Is one of the partners died and the other wishes to retire from business ; will be sold for part cash nml Rood security ; no land deals con sidered ; too Is will be sold for what they nre worth ; three other general stores In town ; population about 1.000. Address W E. Anfln , Winner , Neb. Y-M50I roil liXdHANGB. WANTED. A HARDWARE OR IMPLEMENT stock In exchange for mock In a Jobbing house : Rood opening ; making money ; good reasons for celling. Address M 100 , llee otllce. Council murm. z-Mioi FOH SALIi HKAI. ISSTATK. KOUNTZE PLACE UAItOAINS. 12,500 , tt.710 TO 16,100 ; see photos at Uth and Karnnm : Morse Illdg. J. J. Gibson. 11 First Nat. Dank lildc. RE-MI HOUSES. LOTS. FARMS , f-ANDS. LOANS. Geo. I * . Bemls Real Estate Co. , Paxton Uluck. RE 501 BARGAIN. ONLY J300.00 FOR LARGE I/T. ON grade , at 23th avenue and Corby stre-t. Oar- vln Uros. , 161 ] Farnam street. RE M63J A vriso young : lady , Sally "Wanted a position very bad ; Bo buying1 a copy of The Daily Bee Got a position through the wants ads. SeeP Homer Puyton. FOR SALE. A NUMI1ER ONE FRKSIt JER- ey cow. Apply at ! 82 Webster St. Q M(6 ( ! 30" TWO COMPLETE SETS OF SALOON Fix tures , Including bar. back bar , pier glasses , screens , bottled goods cose. Ice chest and dcnr xtand. Also two billiard tables , will bo sold with or without saloon fixtures. Milton Doo- llttle. receiver. North 1'lntte , Neb. Q M454June 1 WANTED TO SELL. ESTYJDROAN ; LOW TOP and In eood repair ; cheap ; lady leaving city. 1104 So. JOth St. Q-4M 29 FOR SALH CHEAP. FRESH JERSEY HKIPKR ; utno Impimcd Excelsior Incubator , MW ere file. 4129 Grant Btrett. Q M5032S * MISCELLANEOUS. GARDENS & FARMS TO RENT. T. HURRAY. R-MS40 CLAIRVOYANTS. SPECIAL ARRIVAL. FIRST VISIT TO OMAHA of the mar > elou3 full lire-reading clairvoyant and trance medium. I'ROF , CLARENCE E. CHESTER. The occult wonder. 1'laln , practical , clear- brained Information. Tne master mind leads , others follow. I'EB SOO-COC AND UP FOR ONE WEEK. He tells your name , age , occupation , advises In business , speculation , love and all family troubled , unites the separated , names of .friends nnd enemies. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. If you have been disappointed by Incom petent clalrvoyaniB oali and be convinced of Prof. Chester's ability. No matter what others have been , remember he is exactly as he rep resents himself to be. Fee iOc Me , and up. Hours 10 to 8 dally. PARLORS , 1315 FARNAM ST. . first floor. Let ters with stamp answered. 8 498 S8 COME AND CONSULT THE ONLY GENUINE life reader ; her predictions arc wonderful ; names cUen ; fee , 60c and up ; 10SO : to 7 dally. 1819 Farnam street. S MD05 S8 MASSAGK , HATHS , ETC. MADAM SMITH. 1C1T HOWARD. MASSAGE , steam baths. T M482 June I MRS. DR. LEON. ELECTRIC MASSAGE IJATII parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth , up- stain. M 390 2S 1'KKSONAL. VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROUBLES. S40-H 1JEE nidp.j phytlclan. consultation W heilLh book U 4 Ml free. 11ATHS , MASSAGE : MME. POST. SWA RUPTURE CURED. PERMANENTLY ; NO ualn ; no detention from bislntss ; wo rt/er to thousands of patler.-.s cured. Call or wrlW The O. E. Miller Co. . MI-S New "iorlc Llfs _ Omaha U building , BALDNESS CURED , Xt BOARD ,0 = MA - . nfinlcure. R. 400 Paxtcn block : rtlplom * IW. EXI OSITI INVKSTMENTS. TOR .PLEAS- urr.d rront eo L. 1' . Jud.on'n want ndif c'mnclt Wuff page. U-Mttt V RYLEY. MANICURE AND CHIR- f i-rV. wlln Mis * Maytr. = ' - , , r.-s-r r , . . TKRATMEST. KG : SIIAMPOO. „ 0' 0'w" JTrD-LEADINa LADY. SECOND LADY Vnd oub tte for amateur tljMtrtc.1 company. only youne P * P > " J * * * * Aad,1ic'1 . / i1' " " ' " ' ' ' . _ _ _ ' ASTHMA CURE" H rv W W JtROWN'S ? iliivJ& wfni VriU for t-Umonlal. U-MIM Junett . Char. * - ter Oak. Iowa. It MOMCY TO LOAN UlIAL CSTATIi. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . SIS N. Y. L. ; miick mart ? at low rates for chglce faim land * ncrU-ein Missouri , e tt rn Nebraiiku. in lo o , LO UW 0V lUrKOVKD & UNIMPROVED CITY y. W , riruuni SnUtl , & Co. . l J rnuru. I'EU CENT MONEY ON NEU. & IA. FARMS. W. U. Mrlklo , 11 Nan BU. blic. . Oawh MONEY TO IAAN AT LOW HATES. 1HK O. K. Davis Co. . 15W Faroam St. 57-4W FA.IUI LOANS. 1 TO ll TEARS : LOWKST rates. Garvln Bros. , 1113 ramtun SUV lh V T33 ' I ON OMAHA PROPERTY : LOWEST RATES ; / bulldlr.f loam wanted. fWtllty ' iu t ' * > MONEY VO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real tnte , llrer.nan. Lov le. Ca , l' * ton biocJt W-4S1 HOKKV TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA l . property , ratey & Thonus. ttl lit Katl Ilk bid at DtOM 1140.W UV. V. O. WKAD , ICUi k " 3IOXBVTO Lu < , c.r TO LOAN M. . 11AY8 ; VURNI r- lure , pluiiix , UDua Oretu It B. UirVcr tUt QHEAT DARQAIN8 IN HOUSES AND LOTS In any and every part of the city , north , east , south and west , ranging from JiSO to ? 50GO or 1C.WO and upwards. Any terms desired. BemU , 1'axton block. RE 175 IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPERTY PAYING 12 per cent gross , price JH.OOO. Write L. 46. Bee. RE I _ _ FOR SALE. NICE 7-ROOJf ( pOTTAGE. NEAR Kth and Fomam ; a bargain. If' ' taken soon : ' Good 6-room house. Arbor rjnce.- Six choice lots close to Hantcom park ; also Ir- risated lands on easy terms in tracts to cult purchaser. Columbian Investment Co. , First National Bank building. RE M431 TIII3 OWNBU OF TWO BEAUTIFUL EAST front lots on Military ave. ipaved street ) rr/ust / have money. I can tell the lotaery cheap. J. W. Robblr.s , net , 1802 Parnam st. . RB-"M4St TIUlKt : liARGAINS IN CHOICE RESIDENCE lots. Ixit , GOxll ! . Hanfcom Place. J1.350. Lot , Mils' ' ) . West Omaha , Hm i Corner. 100x153. West Omaha , J2.SOO. We have plans for a handsome cot tage to BO with these lots. Hicks Real Estate Agency , 219 S. ICth St. -i- RE SOI 27 CHEAT BARGAIN 10-ACItn LOT , JJ.JOO. Hicks Real Estate Agency , 219 8. ICth Rt. RE 500-27 TYPEWRITERS. LATEST MODEL TYPEWRITERS ; SUPPLIES. United Typewriter 4 Supplies Co. , 161J Farnam aiCJS Jy2l 1ASTIIOLOGY. PROP. A. MASERV OF EGY1T. PALMISTRY and astroltfgy. the Bender of the age ; past , present and future told J > r no chareei at 8021 Harney street , Omaha , Neb. MSJJ 2S SIIOHTIIAM ) AND TYI'EWIllTI.VtJ. A. C ; . VAN BANTS SCHOOL , 6U N. Y. LIFE. KH fcT OMAHA BUS rOLLEGE , WTH & DOUGLAfl HOB FOIl ItCVr IIOTCLS. HOTEL FOR RENT OF JO ROOMS. AMES AVE. and SUh st , , opposite exposition ( 'rounds ; almost new rent reasonable. Bemts. Pnxton lillt. . MOW 3IUSIC , AUT AND LANGUAGE. GioRon r. GELLENUECK. BANJO , MANDO. lln and eultar teacher. 1S07 Farnam street. Te' SIS. 90S SIUKWALIC3. NATURAL STONE WALKS. TUL. 492 OH rend postal to A. Stutier , 0 Board Trade. M731 June ! * SAWEO NATURAL STONE. ARTIKICfAL , brick , TeU IKS. W. J. Welihan * . Stt S. llth fit ! US ESIPI.OVMI4XT Ol'PICE. AMERICAN ANH GERMAN EMPLOYMEN1 bureau. 1SH Dodee. Telephone , J7t . Mtq UI'JlOLSTIZItl.VO FURNITURi : REI'AIRING AND PACKING Couches n < l cushions , mattresses made and renovated. Prices will please you. See M. S , Walkln , 2111 Cuiiilnir street. Telephone IS31 1'ASTUIIAfiC. HORSB8 ONLY. HOARD FENCES. 8PRINC water. A. W. Plulps & Bon. W7 N. Y. Life. Ml 31 * IMIOTO-K.MJHAVI.XG. WE MAKE FINK IIALI'-TONES. ZINC ETCH Incs. embottliij ; cllfrf" Irl-cnlor plate or any ihlniIn up-to-dite encruvlnc. We cuarantw time , luality and .vormnnthlp. Woman' . Weekly. Nineteenth IU Femain. June 11 IJ. ILVltOWITX I/3AKS MONEY. 418 K. II ST Kl AUCTION. BPUCIAL AUCTION SALE OF HOIJSEHOLI eocaa every Wednesday and Saturday morn Ings. Nebrsrka Auction nd Commltslon Co. 8. W. correr llth au-J IJoJs * treet . ITXAXCIAL. UVli INH.IXJL1C1E3 BOUGHT. W. K. HOLUE ; su SUES & CO. . mm soucnoRs Advice > nd I'nient Iloak JfUBK INDIANS DEFEAJ ORIOLES Salve Mr. Pitcher Oorboft After the ! IND IIM ; FOR .POTEEN BASES KnocUcil 00 , ,0 the llox In tlic Second Kino AVoijIf l > r Slcller- molt Other f ( j\p | c on , the Cleveland. Si Baltimore. 7. llrooklyn , 5 : I'lttsburR.3. . ] to ton. 16 ; Cincinnati. 7 ; Chleapo. 6 ; Philadelphia. 3. Ix > ulsvllle , 5 ; Washington. 0. Kansas City , 1 ; a rand Uaplils , 7 MlnnennolN , 10 ; Columbus , 7. St. Paul. 17 ; Detroit. 5. Milwaukee , 13 ; Indianapolis , S. CLEVELAND. O. . May 27. For seven In- Ings of today'6 game Corbett fooled the In- lans badly. . Then they found him for four- een bases In the two last Innings , winning ho game. Young was knocked out of the ox br the Orioles In the second. McDermott - mott , who replaced him. did fine work , Ivlng the visitors but flvo hits. Attend- nee. 2,000. Score : levclnnd . 3-S altlmoro . 311100001-7 Base hlti ; Cleveland , 1C : Ualtlmore , 12. nrrors : Cleveland. 2 : HaUlmore. 4. Earned uns : Cleveland , 5 ; Ualtlmore. 3. First base n balls : Oft Corbett , K. Struck out ! 15y "oung. l ; by McDermott , 1 ; by Corbett , 7. Three base lilts : Ulake , Zlmmer , Kceler. leltz. Twn base bits : Tebcau , O'Connor. ttmzel. O'Brien. Sacrifice . lilt : Jennings. tolen bas c3 : IJlake , McAllster. Keeler. Double play : Heltz to Jennings. Hit by Itched ball : By Young , 1. Passed balls ; Immer , 1. Batterlea : Cleveland , Young , loDermott nnd dimmer ; Haltlmore. Corbett , lark and Bowerman. Umpire : O Day. BnOOKI > YN , 5 ; P1TTSBUUO , 3. PITTSBURG , Pa. . May 27. Brooklyn von by outplaying the home team at every point. Payne's delivery was a puzzle and he kept the hits scattered. Attendance , 2,500. Score : Plttsburs . 00000210 0-3 Brooklyn . 10030010 0 3 Base hits : Plttsburg , ; Brooklyn. 10. Er- ors ; FlttBburR , 2 ; Brooklyn. 0. Earned runs ! UtRburK. 2 ; Brooklyn , 2. Two base hit : Donnelly. Three base hit : Jones. Home un : Gardener. Sacrifice hits : Shlndley , Grim. First base on balls : Off Gardner , 2 ; rr Payne , 3. Hit by pitched ball : 13. Smith , \nderson. Struck out : By Gardner. 3 ; by 'nyne , 3. Passed ball : Grim. Batteries : 'Ittsbtirg , Gardner nnd Sugden ; Brooklyn , 'nyne nnd Grim. Umpires : Sheridan nnd IcDonald. BOSTON. 1C ; CINCINNATI. 7. CINCINNATI , O. . May" 27. The Bostons von from the Ileds easily today. Dwyer re- Ired after the llrst Inning ami Hhlnes , who elleved him , was pounded all over the lot. luck Ewlns played llrat Jjase the first time tils season , but retired In favor of Holllday xftcr the fifth Inning. Attendance. 3,000. Score : Cincinnati . 2 02000030 7 Joston . 3 1 i o 0 o 3 0 3 1C Base lilts : Cincinnati. 10 ; Boston. 20. Er rors : Cincinnati , 5 ; Bo = tOn , 3 Earned runs : Cincinnati , 1 ; Boston , ' 9. I Two-base hits : Duffy. Irwln , Hamilton , Holllday. Tenny , . .owe. Thrce-bise hits : rf Gol'.lns , 2. Stolen jases : Lowe , Burke , .Milter , Stahl. Duffy , .onp. Double plays : Long to Tenny. Col- Ins to Lowe to Tenny. First bas < > on bills : Off Rhinps. 5 ; off Klolx-danz. 2. Hit by jltcher : Miller. Ewiryr. " Struck out : By "Ihlnes , 3 ; bv Klobedivnr , 1. Passed balls : Schriver. Wild pitch * ftl TJhines , 2. Bat- cries : Cincinnati lawyer. Rhlnea and ? ehrlver ; Boston , K'ob'cdan'Z and Yeager. Umpire : Lynch. J , ' CHICAGO. C ; PHrLADCLPHIA. 3. CHICAGO , May 27. For eight Innings the hillles were unable to'.touqh Brlgps. and It ooked like n sliutoiit. thc Colts having In he meantime piled upiflx largo tallies. In the ninth the llrst three Quakers up hit safely and with the help of. two bad error * cored thiee times. Attendance , 3,2.0 Score : Chicaw . 0 JO 0 2 1 1 2 00 - < hlladelphla . 0 rO' 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 Base hits : Chicago. ! ) : Pnliadelphla , t . Er- ors : Chicago , 3 ; Phlmde'phla. 3. Earned runs : Chicago , 3 ; Philadelphia , It Two-base lite : Thor'nton , 2. Sacrifice hits : Brlgcs , . Stolen bases : McCormlck. Cross. Double > Iays : Hallman to La Joie. Struck out : By Jrlggj , 2 ; " by Taylor ; 2. Passed balls : Elements : Bases on balls : Oft Briggs , 2 ; off Taylor , 1. Batteries : Chicago , Briggs and Jonohue ; Philadelphia , Tay'or and Clements. Umpire : Hurst. LOUISVILLE , 5 ; WASHINGTON. 0. LOUISVILLE. Ky. . May 27. Hill pitched a magnificent game today and the Senators vere unable to tct n man on the fecond base and only two runners reached that bag. At- endance. 1,200. Score : . .oulsvllle . 0 00012110 E iVashlngton . 0 0000000 0 fl Base hits : Louisville. 8 ; AVashlntrton , 2. rrors : Louisville. 0 : Washington. 2. Earned runs : Louisville. 2. First ba e on baKs : Oft 1111. 3 ; oft Mercer , 2. Struck out : By Hill , ; by Mercer. 2. Tworbnse hit : Wilson. Sacrifice hits : ClIngman.'HIll. Stolen bases : Cllngman , Dexter. Double plays : Demont o O'Brien. Passed ball : Wilson , S. Bat- crlea : I oulsvllle , Hill and Wilson ; "Wash- \rrlttcn Cnarnnteo to CURB ANY CASE or 2UONJUV REFUNDED. OnrcareUpermuientudnotapalcblaup. tre&tod ten yeftra ago b&ro nevrr Men a tjmptom c. 117 descrlbtniT your cisa fully we fan l rest jou by mill , and we elvp the tame Btrpnff ( rufrranteo tucare or rt'fund alt money. If your fljiuptoms arc | > I m i lc * on. Ture * ores tliroatt IUUCOUB patcbe * In mouth , rbeu- raulUm In booei and Jolnu < - hair fallliiE out , eruptions on any part of tti body , leellng of ccneral depreiilon , naliu tn.bead or bonce , you have no tlmo to wante. These who ara constantly lak. ingmercuryandpotaih should discontinue It , Constant u e of tbew dni f will tuielr Lilns core * and eattnp nlnralntuecnd. Don't fall ( nrlie. Those who pre fer to corao here fcr treatment can do TO and wo will pay railroad fare both wojsand hotel bll ! wtllDlu-ro If wo fall to cure. We challenge tbo world /or a cana that our Mnnlc Hemecly will not cure. Write for full'partlcnl r and cct the Tldence. Ve know that ; ou ara tlttlcil , jiutly no too. as the most eminent pbjBlclan > bare never tt-en able to giro man than tem porary relief. In our many yearn rractlcc wltlj thli Single ICumedy It baa lieen'most d.aicult to orer- coino the pifjuuuo asslnat all ( o slled fpeclflcs. But underouritrun ? Kuanntre you ehouiduut holtate to try < hli remedy. You take no chance of loslnw your money. Wu miarante to cure or refund erery dollar and aa we hare a reputation to protect , aUo financial tucUna ot SSDO.OOO , It ti perfectly lafo to all who vlll try the trratnwnt. Heretofore you bare oecn pultlnK up and paying out your money for dlllerent treatments and altnoueb you are not jcteum ) no ono haa paid back your money. Do not waste aay store money ur.tlljrou try us. Old , chronic , derp-aeutrd ru e > cureil In thirty to ninety diiy Invrtll- pate onr finroicial > tandrnff , oar reputation as bu lnM men. Write us for namia -adilresieii of thoto we ba\e cured of 8/ptilUa , wbo haTe elren | > ermlsUon to refer to tbfm. It copts you cnly postage to do this t It will nave you a world of niflert/iK from mental strain ) and If you are married trbst mArourca prlnriiuItcr tbroufrn your own n l rnco t All correspondence wnt nealed In plain envelop ? * . We Inrlte the most rigid InTektJuallonandolll do all Incur power to aid you In It. IVrite us > for our 1UO pnm tlDolL und proofs of cures. REMEDY cures.MASONIC'TEMPLE CO , GOOK , , Chicago , III. \ollce to Preliminary competitive Bketches , flooi plans and elevations , ford he bullJIns. of the Co\.ese .ol the Mechanic Arts of the University ofjJiebratka will b < received at the chun < ; ellorn oince in Llncolr until 9 o'clock a. m. on > xiday. Juno llth H'J7 , TiulldliigCommltte ( ij plans and datr for dimensions and Keneraharraneement o : Door space , conBtructlonat'teatures and ma terlala may be Been at thasolllce of the as sUtant superintendent of grounds and build Inga. Architects should Httdress plans am all communications to tlia. Building Com mlttee of the Board of rltf senta , Lincoln Neb. No compensation will'be I > ald for com t'etltlve work. The arcWWct chosen fron those cotnixjtlne to be IHeJ one to furnlsl building plana will alone IH paid , nnd enl ; for complete tracings nirrt-Edetail drawlngi for the construction of tltfbne xvlns ot thi zald building : now propott l to be erected The rlBht Is resen-ed to afB6" on > " nnd ' competitive plans. BketirK't5 ' or drawing offered. J. S. DAIjES. Secretary. MaySSH i * * ; Statlo EleotHclty li the only proper treatmen for ItheumatUm , I.umUjKo. ScUtlca. Gout and al Nenoui dUeasea. It is approved and recom mended by the medlca. ) iiruft ) on. Derroatolo Blst Woodbury. irj West d tit. . New York has a large Influence machine for < h treatman of these disease * . Cunsultatlon free ; charge moderate. DUFFY'S \ PURE MALT WHISKEY All Druggists. ANY KNOWN MAKI K.nt i-repald .nywhen stamp for lUt nod particulars. SAOMt UCJU.SM , 20 WeU B' y. N. * Inpton , fiercer and McCSulre. Vrnplrc ; Kmslle. Kmslle.STANDING STANDING OK THB TI3AMS. Played. Won. l o t. P. C. n.iltlmora M 21 7 75.0 Cincinnati 59 19 11 6J.S PltUburB 26 16 10 61.6 Cleveland W 17 11 B0.7 Boston 2.8 17 11 C0.7 Ixml\T.le 27 14 13 51.9 Brooklyn is 14 H 60.0 Philadelphia 29 14 15 4S.3 New York 23 10 IS 43.5 Chi en ) ro . . . < . . . . . 29 10 19 34,5 Washington y S IS SO.S St. 1/ouls 3S 7 21 25.0 Games for today : ] 1oton at Clnolnnntl , IJrooklyn nt PlttMnirg , New York nl St. Louis , Philadelphia at Chicago , llnltlmore at Cleveland , WnMiliiRton at Louisville. SCOUKS OK Till : - \ VKSTill.LKACIIK. . Grnml Ilntlil * Titlcrn n ( Same from Kaiinnx Oily. KANSAS CITY , May 27.-Scorc : Kansas City 000000010- Grnml Ilnplds 20410000 - Ua o Jilts : Knnsnn City , 6 ; Grand llnplds , 9. Errors : Kansas City. S ; Grand Unplds , 3. Batteries : Kansas City , Bevls nnd Lake : Grand Unplds , Scott nnd Buckley. MINNEAPOLIS , May 27.-Score : Minneapolis 4 0 2 1 1 0 S 0 0-10 Columbus' 0 04000210-7 Base Tilts : Minneapolis. C : Columbus , 8. Errors : Minneapolis , 2 ; Columbia. 2. Bat teries : Minneapolis , Smith nnd Boyle ; Co lumbus , Dinsmore nnd Fisher. ST. PAUL. May 27. Score : St. Paul 0 0045124 1-17 Detroit 0 00300000 3 Base hits : St. Paul. 19 : Detroit. 7. Errors : t. Paul. 4 : Detroit. 7. Batteries : St. Paul , Miylo and Spies ! Detroit , Thomas nnd Trost. MILWAUKEE , 'May 27-Score : lllwaukee 50401003 -13 tullnnapoll- ) 0 50002001 8 Base hits : Milwaukee. 15 ; Indlanapollo. 13. Errors : Milwaukee , 1 : Indlnnapolls , 4. Bat- erics : Milwaukee , Terry and Spear ; Indl- napolls. Phlllliw nnd Wood. STANDING OP THB TCAMS. Played. Won. Ix > st. P. C. 3t. Paul 32 24 8 75.0 lllnaukec 30 1 ! ! 1Z GO.O mllanapolls 27 1C U 59.3 Columbus M 14 12 53.S Jfetrolt 2S 13 15 4G.4 Ilnneapolls 32 13 19 40.6 vnrmas City 30 11 19 "W.7 land Ha lds . . . . . . . . 23 8 2U 23.C Games for today : Grand Kaplds nt Kan- as City , Detroit at St. Paul. Columbus at Minneapolis. Indianapolis at Milwaukee. Wrfiti-rn Association Sc rcn. DUBUQUE. la. May 27.-Score : Dubuque 00012100 1 3 Qulncy 10001000 0 2 Base hits : Dubuque , 11 ; Qulncy , 10. Er- ors : Dubuque , 0 ; Qulncy , 3. Batteries : Du- mqtie , Nonnarnaker and Sullivan ) Qulncy , Johnson and Frisble. nOCKPORD , 111. , May 27.-Score : Hockford 20040020 0-B Deg Molncs 0 1 2 0 0 1 3 2 -9 Base hits : Rockford , 1.1 ; DCS Molnes. 13. Errors : Itockford , 3 : DCS Molnes , 1. Bat- erles : Itockford , Bubser nnd Qulnn ; Des ttolnos , Muuck nnd Ixihman. CEDAU IIAPIDS. la. . Mny 27. Cedar lapids-St. Joseph game postponed ; wet grounds. PEOIUA , 111. , May 27. No gamewet ; grounds. KVI3XTS OX THIS IIUXMXG TRACKS. AcclilfiitH Occur Jii Hiinllc Knee ill Murrln J'nrk. NEW YORIC. May 27. The chief event of the day at Morris Park was the Ecllppe stakes for 2-yenr-olds , value $10,000 , and with jut four starters. Frohman was quoted nt 1 o 5 , but even nt that figure had some back- era The q-'artet Rot away In good order and Great ) end went out to make the run ning , nvlth Cherry Picker alongside nnd Frohman ratlnK alons In the rear. Thus they ran until thev came out of the dump , when Sloan gave Frohman his head and It was all over , the son of Himyar trulloplnc iway from the others as if they were stand- nf ? still. Cherry Picker managed to outlast Great Bend and pot the second place. There was a chapter of accidents In the c'o for the Hunt cup for nentlemen riders , [ toyal Scarlet , the favorite , took the lead at th beslnnlng and , well ridden by Eustis , won alone. At the Liverpool In the last -ound Tripoli fell , but Mr. Lefilcr held the frldle and remounted. He passed the next mrdle In s afety. but on the last but one Jefore reaching home the horse fell asaln and Injured his rider FO that he had to be sent In an ambulance to the Fordham hos- iltal. Mr. Lellier Is said to be seriously In ured Internally. In the meantime Mr. rlayes , on Right of Way. had fal'en nt the same hurdle and broken hs collar bone , but wa < i abte to- wall : to the club hous < ? . Results : First race , five furlongs : Zanone won , Takanasse second. Nick third. Time : 0:5SM. : Second race , ? ix and one-half furlongs : Brisk won , Trillette second , Savarln third. Time : 1:21 ! 4. Tlilrd race , four and one-half furlongs : [ Cenmore Queen won , Lady Cooper second. Calculation third. Time : 0:32U- : Fourth race , five and one-half fuKongs , iclipse stakes : Frohman won. Cherry Picker second. Great Bend third. Time : 1:04 : % . Fifth race , one mile and one-sixteenth : Declare won , Sir Vassar second. Maurle third. Time : 1.-51U. Sixth race , about two and one-half miles , iunt. steeplechase , gentlemen riders : Royal Scarlet won. Time : 4:33. : Right of Way and Tripoli nNo ran , but did not finish. CINCINNATI , May 27. Tfce track at La- onia todnv WPS fast , but the sport unln- erestlng. Results : First race , one jnlle : Rasperwon , Proteus second , Banquo II third. Time : 1:42V1. : Second race , five furlongs : Banished won , oodrlch second , Don Quixote third. Time : Third race , seven furlongs : Taluca won , jou Bramble second ; Trolley third. Time : Fourth race , one mile and seventy yards , elllng : Georse Clark won , James Munroe second , Sldkel third. Time : 1:4S : . Fifth race , four and one-half furlong : Al- Ic Belle won , Caddie C ascend , Ella JoluiHon hird. Time : 0:5CVi. : ST. LOUIS , May27. Track heavy ; weather cloudy. Hesults ; .First race , purse , maiden 2-year-olds , four tnd one-half furlongs : Papa Harry won , V > ushmak second , Elenay third. Time : Second race , selling , s.lx furlonps : Bridget von. Harrle Floyd second , Joe O'Sot third. Time : . 1:10. : ThlrJ race , w ! Jin { ; , five furlonps : Charm von , Don "Futano second , Dorah Wood third. Time : 1:02. : . , Fourth race. PUKP , one mile : Colonel Gay von. Long Tim second , Xephyrus third. Time : H44V4- - - Fifth race , purse , for maidens , ' 2-year-olds , 'our und one-htilf furlongs : Howltzor won , Naoma second , Afra third. Tlmo : 0:573i. : Sixth race , selling , six furlongs : Hester von , Walkover second , Terrier third. Time : CHICAGO , May 27. Hesulta at Inglesldo Park : First racp , three-quarters of a mile : Cav alry won , Glenold second , Mollle King third , Time : 1:15. : Second race , five-eighths of a mile : Evnowlci won , Official second , The [ Professor : hird. Time : l01 ; i. Third race , three-quarters of a mile : Dlggn , voni India second , Mies Young third. Time : 1 lit 7 * Fourth race , one mile : Simmons won , Morte Fonse second , I'lnkey Potter third. Time : Not taken. Fifth race , three-quarters of a mile : Joe Manclnl won , Canlleld second , Belle of Niles third. Time : 1.14'J. 1IIGYCLU HACKS MiXT SATIIIIDAV. I'rlzcH Incrcanca nnd Muny I2ntrleH Arc Hxpeelfd. The racing board of the Associated Cycling Clubs , under whoso supervision the Decoration day races are to be given at the old fair grounds track Saturday afternoon , held a special meeting at the Omaha Wheel club rooms last night to complete the nr- rangementH for what U expected to be one of the best events which lias been given In Omaha for bOine time. The prize committee decided to Increase the number of prizes , having met with un usually good Huccefaln boltclting , and instead of only offering two prizes for the profes sional events , decided to give three , as Bhown by the ] Ut appended. The list as officially announced last evening will con sist of the following : Half-mile Open ( Professional ) First , $25 ; second , IIS ; third. } 10. One-mile Tanaem fAmateur ) First , two bicycle suits , valued at 110 : second , two'pair bicycle valued at K. One-mile Handicap ( Professional ) First , * 23 : second , I5 ; third. J10. Ten-mile Handicap ( Amateur ) Time prize order for business uult of clothes , valued ai 123 ; first , sliver tray and pitcher , valued u' ' (20 ; second , bicycle suit , complete , valued at * 18 ; third , pair of "Vim" tires , valued ai HI ; fourth , ullver sugar bowl nnd half dozen silver spoons , valued at $7 ; fifth , one camera valued at K ; elxth , prize donated by Hayden - den Bros. , article unknown ; seventh , prize donated by Boston store. The balance of the fifteen prizes to be given will be announced later , as the articles have not all been received as yet The varloua prizes won at tbU meet will be given to the winners at the Omaha Whee club rooms Saturday night at 8 o'clock sharp The prize committee announced that all the prizAti will IM In readiness for dlilrlbutloi at the time and place designated and wll each be eomethlne of a useful nature , Phlllu Windhelm , chairman of the track committee , announced tno oflicera tor the ( Jay a fpllown : rliiiifps. W. JI. McCord , ) Ln Llve ey ( Ber Jradfonl. Fred Kuhno and n. K Huntlcyj imcrs , W. J , Fey , Max RcIchenbMR , Fred pratlrn and W. A. Paxton. Jr. ; starter. W. V. Turner ; referee. F. II. Slefkcnj lerk of course , Will Plxloy ; nmlstnnt , Inrry Mulhnll ; announcer. H. C. Hnrtry ; hlef marshal , G. F. Column. The en ry committee announced the entries 9 bflng very slow In coming In , but It Is onfldently cTpectcfl that 'a large number will enter today before 12 o'clock noon , the Ime set for receiving applicatlong. Among those already entered nre : K. R. Bine- , Frank Austin , Ray McOreer nnd O. W. McBrlde of Mncoln ; H. K. Smith and du lx > ule of Council Bluffs ; II. K. Fredrick- son. II. C. Ondke , George Mlorstdn nnd many other well known amateur and pro Cos- lonals. There Is some talk of attempting to get up match race between Mojsrs. Barnes nnd laldwln , who have been appointed as two mounted ofllcrrs for the day , In order to emontrnte their ability to compete with he ( scorchers who attempt to convert the irlnclpa ! streets and boulevards Into race racks. The track will bo put In first-das con- Itlon early Saturday morning and nil trams nnd vehicle ; ) will be kept off tbu grounds mtll after the conclusion of the races In he afternoon , WIIKIM. HACKS AT TIII3 .HIXH MUKT. Ileyclp Hlilrrs to Co AlmiK ttlth tlic The Omaha Fair nnd Speed association hnn arranged for a series of bicycle races dur- ng the June meet nnd linn provided the fol- onlng events nnd prizes : Tuesday ; Half-mile , nmntcur First , gold vatch. valued at $33 ; second , pair Vim tires. alucd nt 112 ; third. X liny bicycle ! nmt\ alued nt J5. One mile , professional First , 23 ; second. J15 ; third , J10. Wcilnonday : Ono mile , amateur First , tcmlngton uoublp-barrel photcun , valued nt 33 ; ppcond , pair ot Hartford tires , valued at 12 ; third. Christy bicycle saddle , valued t J3. Ilnlf-mllp. professional First. J25 ; ccond , 115 : third , J10. Thursday : Trto mlleB. amateur First , ; old watch , valued at $30 ; second , Plngle- rnrrel shotpun , valued nt $13 ; third , heavy wnnter , valued at $3. One mile , professional First , $23 ; second. $15 ; third. $10. Friday : One mile , amateur First. Win- heater repeating shotgun , valued at } 30 ; we nd. pair of Morgan & Wright tires , valued t $12 ; third , flve-shot revolver , valued at $8. Two miles , professional First , $23 ; second. 13 ; third. $10. There- will be an entrance fee for profcs- lonala of $1 for each event and for amateurs f 50 cents for each event. D. J. O'Brien , consul for Nebraska of the .eague of American Wheelmen , has Inter- sted himself In the success of these races nnd promises that there will be a largo num ber of speedy men entered. CHKDITOIIS 1-1M ) NO COMKOIIT. Ulicrn Cl nl in All the llnrxc * III Uic SnllNlmry String. OAKLAND , Col. , May 27.-Crodltors of Munroe Salisbury , the horseman , tried today n the superior court to learn something of his financial affairs. The examination de- eloped Into n battle over three valuable ace horses , namely : Azote , Rect nnd Miss Margaret , nicy were to have formed part if the string Salisbury Is now taking east. Saturday night the sheriff wan placed in charge of the stock as they were about to cave Pleasanton. Charles L. Grililth made t demand for the horses. He declared hat they belonged to his father's estate and Salisbury had no interest in them. The creditors decided to raise the embargo and o permit the horses to go. A bond for 7,00) was given. Grililth stated that Salls- lury had sold a half Interest In Azote to Mlllen Gi illlth before the latter's death. \zote was purchased originally in IKS I for 1,500. A petition to throw the stock farm nto Insolvency will be heard today. \o Kodrc H for Trnlner * . SAN FRANCISCO. May 27. Trainers of prize fighters can not look to the courts o assist them In the collection of training fets. Judge SeaweJl so decided yesterday In he suit of J. J. Raur against Thomaa Shar- tey. The plaintiff sued for a balance of $ alleged to be due William Smith for training Sharkey for his light with FitK- simmons. Judge Seawell held that the cause of action was one which could not be maintained In a court of justice and or dered the case dismissed. CruUcr'n Home I'laci-il Tlilril. LONDON , May 27. At the first day's rac- ng of the Salisbury meeting today , Mr. llchard Croker's bay filly Georgians fin- Shed third In the race for the City bowl , valued nt 100 sovereigns. Sir William In grain's Comfrey won. 11-cK-ler to Play Jii Cincinnati. CINCINNATI , May 27. Jake Beckley , yrho was released by the New York club a few days ago , will bo employed by the Cincinnati club today and will play first base for the alter team on next Saturday's game. A The forerunner of a train of evils , which .00 often culminate fatally , Is Inactivity or etlmrgy of the Iddneyo. Not only Is Bright'a disease , diabetes , gravel , or some other dangerous Integral disease of the organs themselves to be apprehended , but dropsical diffusions from the blood , rheumatism and ; out , arc all traceable to the non-removal : rom the blood by the kidneys of certain Impurities. Hosteller's Stomach Bitters depurates the blood , renders the kidneys active and prevents their disease. SI tint Ilnve n I'ny Dnr. Members of the executive committee of Typographical union , No. ISO , held a meeting ast night to consider matter * In connection vith the Labor Bulletin , a weekly paper that appeared for the tlrst time last week. They passed resolutions requiring the paper to fix upon a regular weekly pay day. Publishers are now considering a plan to make the pa per a co-operative affair , the printers taking itock In lieu of cash , While this plan is satisfactory to some of the employes , It Is vigorously opposed by others. Terrlblo Accident H is a terrible acci dent to bo burned or scalded ; but the pain and agony and the frightful disfigurements can be quickly overcome without leaving a scar by using Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo. LOCAL IlItllVITIHS. There will be a special meeting of the ) nmha Bricklayers' union In Labor temple thla evening. Fishermen at Cut Off lake ore taking some flno strings of bass , sun fish and crop- plct ) these days. A yellow wagon wheel waa otolen from a vehicle belonging to 8. E. Reed of 28C1 Caa- slus street yesterday or Wednesday night. The women of St. Mary's Avenue Con gregational church will hold a festival lu he church parlors tnlo evening from 8 to 10 o'clock. Ilov. Luther M. Kuhns will preach the annual sermon before the Young Men's Christian association of Midland college , Atchlson , Kan. , Sunday evening. Wednesday burglars attempted to get Into the basement of the First Congregational church. They were frightened away before they succeeded in gaining an entrance. The casra against Frank Dolezal and Joe Koutsky have been postponed until next week ) owing to the Inability of the county attorney to take up the matter this -week. J. W , Thomas , receiver of the Midland State bank , will sell the assets of the bank at public sale at the cant door of the court tiouso , Juno 28 , from 10 a. m , , to 4 p. m , Tbo women of the Plymouth Congrega tional church will amueo themselves aud tbelr frlenda this evening by giving what Is termed "An Old Now England Sew ing Society" ID the church parlors. Refresh , inents will bo served. ICMCIITS TKMIM.AU INSTALLATION. BInny Vlnltnrit lrrent nnit Ilrfrmtt- inrittn Arc Scrvrd. Mount Calvary coramandery , No. 1 , Knlghta Templar , held & public Installation of offi cers Im night Infft onlc temple. The ceremony was attended by a goodly number of the knlRhtn In full uniform , some ot their friends and A largo delegation of women. In all the attendance numbered about 200. They wcro called upon to enjoy aory agrccablo evening. The ceremony of Installation was becun at 7.30 o'clock and lasted for almost w couple ot hour . A portion ot this tlmo nni taken up with selections from the choir of the First Methodist church And a Htrlnged quarteU The following officers wcro Installed by Past Grand Commander IX II , Wheeler and Paal Commander Victor White : George E. Warner , commander ; James W. Maynard , goneralleul * mo ; Albert P. Drink , captain general ; Wil liam T. Itoblnson. excellent prelate ; Alfred M. Oleson , senior warden ; Samuel D. Cadwell. Junior warden ; I cverolt M. Anderson , treasurer ; Rbon K. Long , recorder ; Benjamin F. Thomas , standard bearer ; William U Hitter , sword bearer ; Oscar R , Allen , warden ; Fred W. Richards , third guard ; John B. Simpson , second guard ; John II , Watklna. first guard ; Oeorgo M. White , sctitluol. At the conclusion of the ceremony the an- eonibliigo filed Into the dining room ot tha temple , where a delightful Informal recep tion was held. Light refreshments of Ice cream , strawberries , cake nnd punch were served. Later In the. evening several houw wcro spent In the enjoyment ot the dance. Among those pn-aenl were the following sir knights , many ot them being accompanied by their nlvcs or fcmlnlno friends : H. P. Dcucl. P. S. C. : D. II. Whoelor. P. G. C. ; Ed Honey , P. C. ; C. Chase. P. C. ; 0. Anderson. P. C. ; C. II. Akin , P. C. ! Vic tor Wht.e. P. C. ; K. 11. Perfect , P. C. ; L. K. Do Lorlmlcr. P. C. : P. C. Dcralon. P. C. ; C. N. Powell. Samuel llurns , 11. W. Ilrcck- enrldge. H. Templar , T. F. Godfrey. M. C. Howes. H. Wcllcr , R. J. Dinning. Charles Baxter , Charles Mullen , Geori/- Fltchctt. J. II. Robertson. O. T McBwen , John Guild , Fred Stabrut ; P. E. of Council Bluffs , W. Y. Tcel- zel , I. 0. Flyng , U. W. Wllsey of Blair. J. II. Rorco of Chadron , A. 13. Miller. John. . G. Willis. John Gwln. George T. Nicholson. J. D. Colby of Hyde Park , MOBS. ; L. . L. Davla of Fremont. I ) . O. Sutphcn , Ed Davis. .Memorial day services will bo attended by the commandcry at the First Presby terian church on next Sunday morning. The sermon will be preachixl by Rev. John Mo- Quold. The knights will assemble at the asylum at 9:45 : o'clock In full uniform and march to the church In a body. PEUSOXAU I'AUACUAI'IIS. . ( J. W. Wright. Chicago , Is at the State. S. C. Warren , Smyrna , Is at the Barker. George Fox , New York , Is at the State. Dr. T. E. Stack , Humphrey , Is In the city. Dr. George Mozco , Geneva , Is at the Mer cer. cer.O. O. P. Clerln , Kansas City , Is a Barker guest. William Krotlcr , Stuart , U stopping at the Mercer. T. C. Krotter , Palisade , la registered at the Mercer. E. L. Cox , Chicago , Is registered at the Mlllard. George F. Porter , Denver. Is stopping at the State. John C. Black , Plttsburg , Pa. , lo stopping at the Barker. Harry O. Rico and wife , Nebraska City , are In Omaha. H. S. Archer , Greenfield , Mass. , Is stopping at the Mlllard. Nat Wolff and Will Freedmen , New York , are at tbo Millard. A. A. DeVore ot Chlccgo Is in the city on a short business visit. " Charles Holmes and T. R. Cook of Chicago cage nro at the Mercer. Francis Martin nnd wife , Falls City , nro registered at the Millard. J. F. Hurd , local agent for. a freight line , has goue west on business. E. A. Butler , an Implement dealer at Aus- ley. Is a visitor In the city. Robert Collins , Grecley. Colo. , is In the city , and stopping at the State. * * II. F. Tallmadge has gone to Denver and Colorado points on a pleasure trip. J. H. Colvln , general agent for the Grand Trunk , left for the west last night. Mrs. S. D. Foss has gone to Chicago , where she will visit friends for a fortnight. R. W. Patrick returned last evening from Washington and other eastern points. A. K. Goudy , Lincoln , ex-stato superin tendent of public Instruction , Is In the city. E. R. Spencer , n banker at Firth , and a member of the last state senate , is in Omaha. R. H. Townley , Lincoln , ex-clerk of tha State Banking board. Is a visitor in the city. Charles Morton , who has been In St. Loulu on business for a week , returned home last night. George Wcstervclt , an attorney at Salt Laka City , is In Omaha , and stopping at the Mll lard. Charles Harrison. W. M. Harmon and W. S. McKee of Missouri Valley are Barker guests. E. S. Jenkins , agent for the Adams Express company at St. Joseph , can be found at th Barker. H. H. Marley , 'traveling passenger agent for the Michigan. Central , left for Denver last night. L. Kelley , Kearney ; George A. Hall , Waterloo lee ; A. Boyler , Bennlngton , are Ncbrasltans at tbo State. J. B. Dinsmoro , Button- ; MUss L. Berthold , West Point , nnd F. C. Zehruug , Lincoln , are Ncbragkans at the Mlllard. Bert Brewster , for many years a clerk In the ofllco of the commissioner of public lauds and buildings at Lincoln , Is In the city. Superintendent P. J. Nichols of the Union Pacific left yesterday on a tour ot Inspection over tbo southern llnea of the company. G. W. Secord , 0. C , Williams. Clay Center ; F. C. Matteson , J. J. Bonekemprr and A. Bauer , Sutton , and T , H. Matters , Harvard , are attending court In this city. Brent K. Votes leaves for Hiawatha , Kan. , today , where tomorrow li will deliver the Decoration day address. Mr. Yates' father , who died n few days ngo , was for a number of years the commander of tbo Grand Army post ot Hiawatha. Ncbraskans at the hotels ; J , E. Unas , Genoa ; H. II. Woodall , Norfolk ; A. Schmidt , St. Paul ; II. M. Faddls , Pass ; G. 15. Richard son , LlJwood ; F. E. LUhon , Hooper ; H. II , Treat , Fremont ; T. A. Peterson , Mlndcn ; U. H. Claypool , Orlcaus. Ira P. Hlgby , a brother of City Clerk Hlgby , and for homo time chief clerk at the Lincoln hotel In Lincoln , Is In Omalia , and It is reported that ho will become chief Clerk of the Murray after Juno 1 , a position ho held for a long time some years ago , J , J. Colllster , Kansas City ; William Hoy- man. St. Lou'u ; F. W. Gilbert , Cleveland ; J. P , Cobb , Detroit ; Julius Lyons , Keoknk ; F. A. Scars. Salt Lake City : W. H. Arnold , Pueblo ; M. U. Neumann , Philadelphia ; S. J. Ellison , Des Molnes ; J. & Campbell , Phila delphia , are registered at tha Mlllard. GOLD DUST. You Can't Go Amiss If you get a package like this. It contains the genuine Washing Powder It cleans everything and cleans it quickly and cheaply. largest package greatest economy. , THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY , Chicago , St : Louis , New York , Uoston , Philadelphia.