0 THE OMAHA. DAILY FRIDAY , MAY 28 , T8)7. ! COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Everythfag Ehows Weakness on the Grain Market nt Chicago. BEARS HAVE THINGS THEIR OWN WAY Trouper * ol AnoMicr ImrKfi Wliunt Crop IN the Mnln t'nctor , nml ThU IN AliU-il ! > Wcnli Outnlile MurkctM. CHICAGO , May 27. Weak outside mar- Acts and a fast growing belief In another Inrgo wheat crop made.cnsy Railing for the bears today and caused a decline of ? fcc. Corn lest USHc of Its previous value nnd oata closed a shade lower. Provisions ruled heavy , but closed at only trilling declined. In wheat the tendency nf the price was downward for the most part , although start ing firm and n. little higher than It clos-cd yeilerday. July wan wanted at the openlnx nt from 70c .to "OUo. hut the ahorts whose covering caused this' llttln FpH m of strength wcro BO freely accommodaU-d tlmt the mar ket , tjoon drooped , the price by 10:30 : grttlng down to COHo. A s'.lght renctlon followed , Wul about 11:30 : the market got tin Increase of heaviness und brokr. Us tircVlutm bounds , reaching GV' GOHic by nuoii. The early Hewn was not of a character to Inlltionce thu mark" ! much cither way. The decline at Liverpool -wnt' scarcely the sriulvolcnt of the drop here nnd nt any rate , fiom having been expected , It did not attract much at tention. Receipts nt Chicago were four carloads nnd quantity Inspected out of stoio \VIIB M.tAHJ hti ! > liel ! > . The Minneapolis and Dultith receipts wcr ? 401 cnw , ngalnst 4Ml n week ago nnd 43S on the corresponding day of the year before- . Export clearance. * of whout nnd ( lour from the seaboard were only moderatt nt 265.000 busbf ! ? . The wiithor being still favorable , the traders Raw In anticipation n large crop harvested Thu nearness of cutting time In Texas ami Oklahoma was used for a'.l tlmt could bs got out of It and for much more than It was worth to pcnrc thebulls. . A break of lu at Bt. I < ouls , caused probably by the nearness of the time when new -wheat will comu on that market , went a long way toward ac centuating the weakness of the local mar- Vet. The trade was active , while the break WIIH In progress and It continued In a , ner vous condition for half nn hour therc-aftor. July recovered from 3 < fW , < ; 0'ic ' to CS f/OS' , * . thc'ii dropped to CHMiC and kept clofe around G9'ic for a time before It dipped to GV c. Tne lattsl trading wt'.s nt G'JKc , Corn was weak , with prices tivrrnghiK' under yesterday's clow. The talk was that rect'lptH next week will average POO earn a dav. There was a hlir cash trade , but holders of fututes lliiiililntfl and the mar- hot was lower from the start. Receipts were 734 tyirs. July opened a shade lower at 2lc , eold nt 2lf2IVfc ( ' , , then declined to 2Sic , where it closed. Oats were steady at n shade under yes terday's close , the slight decline b Ing caused by local rocclpls of 4.3 cars. The shipping demand wns not ro good , but offer ings west showed a falling oft. Good sup ort : was given the market at the destine , $ u'.y opened unchanged nt l"V ' 71"c , de dined tit 17c and recovered to nc , where It closed. I'rovlslons were oppressed by n large run of hogs and the weak grain markets. Liquidation and some Miort selling caused nn early decline , but before the close nearly all of this had been recovered. At the close July pork WIIH 2l&c lower at } S , , luly lard n shade lower at $3.CO and Juy ! ribs about 5c lower nt $4.32U.M.3.'i. Estimated receipts Friday : Wheat. 0 cars : c.orn , ST.O cars ; oats , COO cars ; hog ? , 25,000 head. Lending futures raiiRe ns follow * : Artlc.lcHrrbr uii. | "Hl''li. | Low. I cfoH3. lYuaMy. " Win-lit- Mny. . 71M 70 71)C July. . . 70SjU 70W fiftW-ii ! ) ll'.IU Sept. . . Corn- May. . . . Hf SSH C3W July. . . . HfMt " Mt 24M-UB 28M OatH- Mav. . . . 17WMS July. . . . ' Sopt. . , . 17W 17M Pork- May. . . . S 00 8 00 7 1I7W 7 07 R till July. , R 1)0 ) K . ; 7 nri . 8 00 B d'JH Sept 8 02 H 07X H uo 8 02H B II7H LnrV LnrVWay. Way. 3 BS n nn July. . . . ll ) ' 3 B7h , H DO SCPI. . . S 7(5' ( 3 (13 y 70 ih'Ullbi . Mny. . . 4 3fi 4 37 July. . . 4 H'J ( 4 3a 4 37tv Jicpt. . , 4 MM 4 S ! > 4 : i5 4 40 No. r. Ca h Quotatlonn were an follows : FIXUR Kaey ; winter patentx , f f.CO@1.70 ; bakfi-B , f2.90ii3.1.-i ; straights , H.30CT4.CO ; i-prlnc Bpcclals , S4.DOfTJ.CO ; iprlnc patents , $4.ij < t. 0i strulk-htF , J'JCOQ3.Tr. ( . . WHEAT No. 2 i-prlnc. 70U71Vic ; No. 3 Fpring. 68c : No. 2 red , fSUQSCc. CORN No. 2 , 23540' OATS No. 2 , ITJic. f. o. b. ; No. 2 white , 2iy.iO > * l ic : No. 3 wlilte , f. o. b. , l ! UG21Uc. IlYE Nn. 2. 34c. HARLKY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 27V 0Mc ; 14o. 4 , 2C027U.C. . FL.AXSKEI > No. 1. 7liyjl 77Hc. TIMOTHY SfiKD Prime. 2.75. I'ROVIHIONS Mess pork , per bbl. . JS.OOO8.C5 ; lard , per 100 Ibs. , KI.D5 ; short rll > 3 , sides ( loose ) , J4.30 < il.0 : diy faltt'il shoulders ( boxed ) , Jo.OOW 6,25 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , M.C004.C2U. WHISKY Distillers' llnlshed goods , per cal. , (1.19. SUGARS Cut loaf , J5.S4 ; granulnted , H.71. Onthol'ro.lnco uxuhnnee today I'm ' butter BCir- bet was linn ; creamery , Ilul4io ( : dairy , 7d ( 12c. EKKR , ntlcr : f rcBh. Oc. CIIIIOHK. weak ; 7 < s 7Hc. Llvu poultry , tittady and dull ; cblckcna , c ; dnckB. 7wSc. NIOW YOHIC GI3NI2UAL MAUKBT. of the liny on tieiieritl < Co in in oil I U ON. NEW YOniC. Mny 27. FIXJUH-necclptB , 6,746 bblu. ; exports , C,4t > 7 bbls , ; dull , EC lower on win ter nnd 10o lower op eprlnc whent Hour ; Mln- neeotn patents , H. 1504.30 ; winter patents , J4.CO 64.00. Ityc Hour , easy ; EUlicrllne , J2.2502.50. COHN MEAIQulet. . ' HVB Eauy ; NQ. 2 western , SC' o. HAllU5Y-Qulet. 28Vtc. J1ARL.BY MAI T Nominal. WIIBAT Receipts. 1C0.950 bu , ; exports , 04 , COS bu. Bpot , weak ; opened steadier on llnht north western receipts , but niled weak for the balance oC the "lay , Influenced by weakness abroad , favorable crop prospects , light export demand , continued liquidation nnd lower poutlnveHtern inurketB , closing' HUtt'H'.ic ' net lower ; May closed nl 79V4o ! Repttmbcr. 70 9-lCG711ic , closed at 70T4c. COUN Ilecelptu , 14,650 bu.r exports. 14.794 bu ; exports weak ; No. 2 , 29c. Opened fairly steady , but declined under brlKht crop prospects and the break In wheat : May , 29o ; ( September. SOVtl ? SOHe. clokinl at 30'to. OATS Herelpts , 264.000 bu. ; exports , 200.CS4 bu. ; No. 2 , ! l',4c ; dull and easy , clonlniat ITic de cline , HAY Quiet ; shipping. COo ! eoo < > to choice , M 43 > 7Ce. IlOl'R Quiet ; Btiile , common to choice , 1695 crop , S5o ; U9l ( crop , lO7c ; Paclllc coast , 1893 crop , 3lik ! ! . IIIDKS Klrm : Oulveston. 14c ; lluenns Ayres , flry , llV4C19o ; Texas dry. lO c ; California , 16c. l.KATIlIOH-Qulct ; hemlock role , Uuenos Ayres. 1&C20C. lIUTTUit Hecelpts , 8,000 pkgs. ; steady ; west- cm creamery , 14j > 15',4o ; Klglni , l&Ho factory , 7'i . CUKKSn-Ilwelpts , 8.402 pUss. ; quiet ; state. larfic. fcWTHic ! mmll. tc ) ; part sklma. 67V4c ; run fkimii. mosc. KOas-Hecelpts. 17.41 ! | ikgi. ; dull ; itata and renn ylvanla , ll',4c ; western , lOUc ; eouthern , (2.70 per 30-doxen cuter. PltOVlHIONK-lleef. dull ! beef limni. J23.00. Cut meats , steady ; fliouldcn , } J.2t5.ro. | Uurd , Bteady ; uestern i-ti'nni. li.f,1 ; nonilnnl ; n-llneil , 9teady , 1'ork. quiet ; mesa-J3.Wi9.W. Tallow , dull. . O1I.H Cottonteed. quiet ; inline crude. 20a | prlmo yellow. 23V4OJ4c , Petroleum , dull : United. Mo hid ; Pennsylvania crude , steady ; June , E5o bid. Itiwln , dull ; ( trained , common to good , ll.7Ti 'l.7. . . Tun > entlne , linn , 27 i27Ho. llICK Quletj fair to extra , 4Vit'Sfl ! ' [ Japan , 4U New Orleans , open kettle. good to hule < > , StSWJSc. MKTAI.8 Plif Iron , quiet ; pmilhcril , J9.Z5&10 ! S | northern. $10.1K1 | 2.CO , Crpper. Heady ; lake , broker * . lll.M ; chaiiKe. fia.Mfilt.sS. Tin , tlrm ; ItrnllH , 13MQ 13 Ci. Plutcs. quUt , fc'pelicr , < luUt tl. III ! 4. 17. tad , quiet ; exclmnire , brcki-m , JJ.HH. KIIIIMIIH Oily Mnrl ( > ( H. untulatle No , No. . . . . _ . . . . . . _ COHN "Mo "lower ; fol'rjy active" ; No , 2 mYx'ed' OATH AlOTiit steady ; slow ; No. 2 white , S Ji J H4e : old. ttc , ItVU-SteiiOy ; No. 2. Z9c HAY Steady ; choice timothy , 110.00 ; choice prairie. f7.CVi&7.M > . i Ut'TTKIl Weak ' 'and ' dull ; creamery , 10'i812o ; dairy. E 10o , * ' liOOS Vie hUher : receipt * barely uDlclent to cupply demand ; rrt h.7Uc .St. T.oulu Gvucrnl BT. IX3U18 , May 27. KLOUH- > Weak and un changed ! patents. | 4.60 t.e&r extra funey. f4.25 ( ? 41S5 : fancy , ft.60O3.7i ; choice , I1IO&3.2I ) . WHBAT The ppeculatlvu market opened Uc htniier th n. ye tcriaj' ' close , l > ut .weakened Im. tntiUUly alUrward and decllmJ itcjuilly BUM ( tit tind.iy , the clef * wn 4c to Ic under yes terday ; unil iloll hinl lower ; Nrt. 2 ! . cn h , In Her flint. Me M'l ' ; nn trnck. Kpfic ; July , ,71HfC 71'Af ; August. WJic bid ; Heplernber , MHc Mil. COJlNrulurfs dull , weak nnd ffsctlonnlly lower In sympathy with wheat ; spot 41rm ; No. 1 cash , 52140 ; July , : i itvi4c ; September , Ho ' lil.l. , OATK--tJM.il nnd lower for cash and futures : No. 'Z cnh.20 n ked July. Uc- IlYK Noniln lf : J4o on track. . . . IIISAN Dull nnd declining sackeil. fast track , worth nominally 42Q4lc and 40c for enst side country points. KLAXKHIID-Ktenrty nt i4',4c. TIMOTHY HKRU- Prime , J2.50 2.W. HAY Dull , firm and unchanged ; pralrlc , f .WJi t.V > . IIUTTCII Steady : cr m ry , HOldc ; dairy , 60 12c. 12c.rOUI < TUr-ailcken steady ; old hens. 6c ; ri > rliiKi > , l3 ] Cc ; ducks , sptlngs , 2.oOfl3.M per dozen , KllOfl--Pteady nl 7ytc. COTTON Tlis-r5o , . MI3TAIjS Iad. . quiet at J3.07HQ3.12H"pel - tcr , HronK at M hid. WHIKKY-fl.19. I'UOVIHIONS Pork , lower ; standard mess , Job- blnK , JS.WjB.Wi. ) Lnril , lower ; prime steam , fl.45 bid ; nlfnm , f.1.4714. llacon ( tioxed ) , shoulders. . " .37i4 ! extra short rlesr. 5.2 : ; rlhs , * S.40 ; shorts , t.VI.U. Drj * 'nit tncnta ( lioxcd ) , Fhonlders , $4.70 ; e lrn fhort clfdr 4 > C ; ribs 4.90 ; ehorts , $5. IIKCR1PTS Kloiir , B. X ) bids. ; wh at. 24,000 bu. ; corn , 123.000 bu. ; nats , CU.Ono bu. SIHPMKNT8 Hour. S.i"0 Mils. ; wheat , Mo60 bu,4 corn. 4 ,000 bu , ; natK. 3H. ( )0 bu. OMAHA UKMlllAIj AlAItKKTS. CcinilKlnii of Trntlr nnd ( liintntliuin on Slniili * nml Kiiiiui' 1'roiliico. KaOS-Itulk of tales , 8c. ItltTTKIl Cr.mmon to fair , 6fSc ? ; choice to fnncy roll. 10012o ; separator crenmer > - , 15c ; Rnt'.n-rtil cri'nmeiy , lc. OAMK KvelthliiK out oC reason. VI2AI < riioifp fat. Si ) to 120 lb . , quoted at iiic : luiRe nnd conrfo , 45c. MVM PUUI.TUY Hem , Co ! incks. Sfflo , sprlnR clilcliins. iittIh. . , Jtv , P1OMONS U\f , f.jiIKK : ! d-nd plKtons not vinntnl. HAY Upland. J.VOO ; midland , JI.M ; lowland , f4. 0 ; rye wtruw , J4.COrolcir ; makcn the price on liny ; light baleM fell the best- only top Kmdea rlnK tnp pilcoR. IIHOOMCOHN-Kxtremely slow sale ; ne'V crr.v. ilcllveicd nn track In country ; choice Rrecn salf- orklnR carpet , per Hi. , 2512150' choice green , innhiK to hurl , 2f/2'4f / conininn , l'/4c. VEanTAIJI.KS. OIIKKN PEAS I'ei M-bu. box. 75o. P1K PI.ANT-1'ei- . , lie. ftcM'JinKltS-P r loz. , 40Wo ; Texas , ii-bu. box. SI. CO. AftPAlIAnU ? Per d.z. ( . , KiiKOc. Hl'IN.M'H-Per linsket , tOo ; per bbl. . Jl.OO. TO MA TO MS Per t.nsket elate. J3.EO. HAUlKllHS-Pcr ilcrtt , , l.V. l.KTTl't-K Per 'Inr.- . 2.-J30c. WAX llUANS--l' ' ,4-bu. box , fl.W ) ; per bu. , .r.n. I'AIJSNIPH-Por bbl. , 75c. KTUINO IliANK : Per Vi-bu. 'box , $1,00. NM\\ ONIONS Per dnlOtJHc. . PAHSI.UY Per doz. . IBflSOo. IlHltMl'n.V ONIONS Prr crate. $3.W ; southern , fi3-lb. sack , ? 2.iv > : nnw California , white , large and fiinry. ; ier Ib. . 3c , LIMA IlKANH Per Hi. . 3c. 11KANS llnnd-plckcd navy , per bu. , $1.10fll,20. fAlinAOKOillfornln ! -c per Ib. POTATOnP-NVw. per bM. . 14' per Ib. , Cali fornia. 2Vic ; oM nntl\e Fto k. per bu. . 25c ; enrly Ohio peed potatoes , Ited river valley , 40c ; Min nesota , Hurbankn , 40c. CAT.IKOUNIA CHEHHIES Pfr 10-lb. box. Jl.BO. STUAWIIUUHIKS-Fnncy. J2.00. APPIjKS-Knncy. lnrKef3.COS3.60. . KOUTlIttllN PMJMS Per 24-qt. case , J2.00. TUoncAij rnuiTS. OIlANOnSj-ccdlliiK9. ! J3.00ff3.23 ( ; Mediterranean sweets , fancy , J3.R ) . LEMON'S Mi'wlnas , fr.ncy , t3.75ff4.00 ; choice. $ .l.2.Vf3.r,0 ; choice California. 12.75. HANANAS Cliolco lanji- stock , per bunc'.i , 12.005(225 : medium-sized bunches. J1.C002.00. I'lNKAPPM-IS Per rloz. , Jl.f.0. MISCHI.I.ANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , California , per Ib. , large size , 13c ; Hiuzlls , per Ib. , lOc ; English-walnuts , per Ib. , fancy , soft shell , 12SIl.tc ; standards , lOilllc ; inserts , per Ib. , 10o ; peca'ns , pollRbed , large. SfflOc ; jumbo , 115I12C ; lurge hickory nuto , Jl.'i'i per bu.j cocounuts. 4Ho ench. FIGS Imported fancy 4 crown , 20-lb. boxes , 12o : f crown. 50-lb. boxes. 13fl4e. HONEY Choice. 13iffl5c. PIDEU riarllled Juice , per half bbl. . J2.33 ; per bbbl. . 54.COiT4.25. MAPLE SYKUP Flvc-gal. cans , each , .12.13 ; iral. cans , pure , per doz. , $12 ; balf-gal. cans , ! B.25 ; quart cans , f3 CO. HIDES. TALLOW. ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hi'ies. b'.ic ; N > 'i green hides , 4'ic ; No. 1 green salted hides. CVie : No. 2 green salted hides. 5'/.c ; No. 1 veal calf. 3 to 12 Ibs. , 7c ; No. 2 veal calf , 1 ! to 15 Ibs. . 4o. No. 1 dry Hint hides , 9JPJOC ! No. 2 diy nint hides , fO 9c ; No. 1 dry salted hides. f9c ( ; part cured hides. Vic per Ib. less than fully cured. SHEEP PBLTS-Oreen malted , each. KlltOv ; green salted , shearlings d'liort woolc.l cirly skins ) , each , ir.c . : < lrj' shearlings ( short wooltd enrly skins ) , No. 1. ench , 5c ; dry Hint. Kansas and Nebraska butcber wool pelts , per Ib. , ac tual weight , 4fl5c ; dry flint. Kansas and Ne braska Murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. 3@4c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelti ? . per Ib. , actual weight , 4fJ5o : dry Hint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Hi. , nctual weight , 3fl4c : ffet cut off , as It Is useless to pay freight on them. TALLOW AND OHEASE Tallow , No. 1 , 2c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2c ; grease , white A , 3c ; grease , white II. 2c : grease , yellow. 2o- grease , dark , l o ; old butter , 22V4c : beeswax , prime , 15ff22c ; rough tallow , Ic. WOOL Unwashed , fine heavy , 6@7c ; fine light. EflOu ; quarterblood , lC12c : reedy , burry nnd chnfTy , t9c ; cotted and broken , coarse. 7i9s ; cotted and .broken , fine. C@Sc. Fleece warhed , medium , ISfflSc ; fine , 14@lCc ; tub washed , iciff lsc ! ; black , Sc ; bucks. Cc ; tag locks , 23c ; dead pulled , 36 < ! c. HONE3 In curlots , weighed and delivered In Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton , J12.00iffl4.00 ; dry country , bleached , per ten ) J10 00012.00 dry coun try , damp and meaty , per ton. J5.OOIfS.00. FRESH MEAT.S. DHESSED BEEP Good native steers , 400 to COO Ibs. , 7c ; good forequarters , steers , CVic ; good hlndquarterH , 8V4c ; western steers. OJ c ; fancy heifers , C'Ac ; good heifers , Cc ; good foreiuiarters belfers , Cc ; good hlndiiuarters helferx , Sc ; good COWB , Cc : fair cows , BVfcc ; 'common cows. Cc. cow forequarters , 4 ! c : cow hindquarters. 7VJc. BEEF CUTS Tenderloins , 20c ; boneless strips , lOc ; strip loins , Cc ; rolls , Oc ; sirloin butts. Oc ; shoulder clods , 5'ic ; rump butts , Cc ; steer chucks , 4'le ; cow chucks , 3ic ; boneless blnicka , 4V4c ; 'cow plates , 2Uc ; steer plates , 3 c ; llnnk Bleak , Cc ; lolnn , No. I. )4o ; loins. No , 2. 12c ; loins. No. 3 , 9c ; No. 1 short loins , 16c ; No. 2 short loins , He : No. 3 short loins , 12c ; sirloin ends , EfflCc ! ribs , No. 1 , 12c ; ribs. No. 2 , lOc ; ribs. No. 3 , 7c ; steer rounds , 7c ; cow rounds , CHc ; cow rpunds , shank off. . 7c ; cow rounds , shank nnd rump off , 74c ! ; trimmings , 4c ; beef shanks , 2V4e ; brains , per doz. 25c ; sweetbreads , per Hi. , lie ; sweetbreads ( calves ) , per Ib. , 40e ; kidneys , per .doz. , 3.'c ; ox tails , each , 3c ; livers , per Ib. , 2'c ; hearts , per Ib. , IHc ; tongues , per Ib. , 12c. POIIK Dressed pigs , CHo ; dreceed hogs , 5c ; tenderlolnn , 10V4c ; loins , 5c ; spare ribs , 3c ; bam sausage , butts , Cc ; shoulders , rough , 6c ; shoulders , skinned , DVic ; trimmings , 4 Vic : leaf lard , not rendered , CV4c ; heads , cleaned , 3o ; snout and ears , 3c ; backbones , 2o ; cheek meats , 3c ; neck bones , 2Hc ; pigs' tails , 3c ; plucks , each , , Cc ; chlttcrllngv , Cc ; bocks , 4c , hearts , per doz. . 2Cc ; stomachs , each. 3c ; tongues , each , 7c ; kidneys , per doz. , lOc ; brnlns , per doz. , l&c ; pins' feet , per doz. , 30c ; livers , eacn , Sc. STOCKS AM ) IIOMJS. Stroiiixtli IN Checkfil by a Sln'nip In Itiiblior anil SollliiK "f II. & O. ' NEW YOIIK , May 27. The market was quite strong for a time today , but the rather BHIS.I- tlonnl slump In the Huhhcr s'.iarea and the large felling of llaltlmore & Ohio put a stop to the rice and ulto to the activity of the trading , The volume of the dealings In all stocks for the three hours of trading after the noon hour was only about one-third of that for the two hours before noon. The lack of conndence In the sta bility of values on the part of the professional traders , who mill control tile market nlnioft al together , was Illustrated by the promptitude with which they proceeded to take prollts on rather slight provocation. There who are doing the bulk of the trading are now evidently In the market for a short turn , though there was some continuance of the civil commission house buying , which Indicates awakened outside In terest In the market. The fall In the Hubber elmrtu wan coupled with a rumor that It was caused by liquidation of Interests retiring on account of the declination of a te-electlon ot Preiildent Evans. This accentuated the decline without the sales reaching an extraordinary vol. ume. After an extreme decline of 35i per cent for the common stock and 4fc per cent for the preferred thete stocks rallied rather strongly , the common closing nt 12 and the preferred at COV4. All the fcecurltles of I'M llaltlinoro & Ohio that were dealt In showed continued heaviness on the belief tlmt the company will default on Us June llret Interest payments. Borne ten- tlmental effect was exerted upon Sugar stock by the trial of the president of the company for contempt of the senate , but the dlimlssal of the case ut Washington yielded no ruhstaiitial benefit to thlH clock , The market was remark ably dull ut the periods ol decline. London appeared to be a ready buyer of nearly all the Inlei national stocka when they fell below the new London pailty. Tile total purchniei for London account were estimated at 1J.WK ) sharer , T\is \ net changes In prices were narrow , but are mostly lowes. Tile railway and miscellaneous bond market was characterized by violent lluctuntlenu In u number of l * ue . Including- Baltimore & Ohio HenH and Kansas City & Pacific IMs. The latter leecded 3 * per cent. Marked etrength wan noted In some ( of the prominent UBUBJ , whlc'i was attributed to liberal purrhate * for continental account. The Urle mortgages were more actively traded In and thu prior lien 4 gained IH per cnt. Fluctuation In the rpecu- latlve bonds was rather narrow , but a generally llrm tone prevailed. Thevalea were JI.239000. Uuvcrnmenl bonds were Jtrong and higher on trunnactlohfi of 141. WO. The Evening Povt'a London tlnanclal cable gram tuyti "There wn a further general Im provement In the stock market * today , partly due to the glorious weather. Home ralU ur booming ugnln , but quite the feature III th strength of American * , r cannot report much public Intercut yet. .but the professional Inter. mt undoubtedly lncreaxe with every bullUb talk and tluu to , luwv vdceil bond * und pref erence tock of reorganized linn. Atcld on ad , jUBtmenu were ovaln elrone. th uivket here ( or th t pr'e nt alvldtml lu July. Mew York prlcen were R llttl * dl appolntlnR and hence slight reaction cum * nt the tloix. KRfTtri frc Rood. Not th * Irani factor In the rtockt At the moment I * Mr , Lnliouc.iere's position < m thf committee of Inquiry. Money U very dear. Iwtall of the > coM movement for th * week thow tno vl s of Btt4,000 In linr Kold , chiefly for IlUMl-t and Austria , and th * receipt of X1W.WO from l'e Cap * and ' 00.000 from Australia. " Vni 'ollOwinB n-ere the elomns quotation * o" the ending stock * of the New torn exchani * lodivf Now York Money .Market. NEW YORK. Mny 27.-MONBY ON CALL Easy at I'.iffl'.i per cent ; last loan , 114 1'er cent ; cloFod tit Uifrlti per cent , PRIME MERCANTILE PAP13II 3V&O4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak , with nctual LiuslneR In bankers' bills nt $4 &GitfH.87 for de mand nnd t-I.SsVnWI.M for elxty days ; posted rates , II.SSVJC4.87 nnd I.SS4.SS'i ; commercial bills. JUS. SIl.VHR CERTlKICATES-GOKQCOUc. 1IAR SlLVER-GOc per oz. MEXICAN DOLLARS ' 47'ic. , GOVERNMENT llONDS-Strong. STATE I1ONUS Firm. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows ; I1AR SILVER Steady at 27 9-lkl ( per oz. MONEY % per cent. The rate of dltcnunt In the open market for short blll la 74 per cent ; for three months' bills' 1 per cent , Uold Is quoted today at Duenos Ayrce at 195.CO ; LUbon , holiday. Greek nml TurklHli IluinlH. IX3NDON , May 27. KorclBn Eccurltles are quoted ou follows : Greece , 1&S4 , unclmnged at 24 ; Turkey , nuw defense , unchanged nt 103Vi ; uroup A , > ,4 lower nt 65 ; group U , U lower at 371i : group C , H higher at 2154 ; group D , H higher at 21. A in or I en 11 Sc ciirltlcx lit I.omlaii. IXNDON ) , May 27. The market for American cccurltleti advanced. . Bomewlmt , but weakened later on n derlre ntnonir holders to realize , clos- Inir barely steady. The demand was eenerally lltjht. i. Financial Noted. liOSTON. May 27 , Clearing , 115,213,325 ; bal ances , 11,152,471. IIALTIMORK. May 27. Clearings , f2C4lS8I ; balanci'8 , MI2.2CC. I'HILADKLPIIIA. Ma.y 27-Clearinss , 0,31J- 944 ; balances , (1OC7,404. CHICAGO , May 27. Clearings , 1JSI3,557 , New York exchange , COc premium. Foreign exchange , weak ; demand , N.M'.l ; sixty days. Korcli-ii Fliiiinclul , PARIS , May 27-IIolIday ; no markets today. NKW YORK , May 27. CleftJ-lngB , i3C28,207 ; balancer , | 4i ! > 7S9C. 1XJNDON , May 27. The amount of bullion withdrawn from the Dank of Bngland on balance today IB 4G , .0. ST. LOUIS. May 27. Clearings , t4.301.392 ; b. < l- anceg , J7C3.CSO. Money , 4ft7 per cent , New York exchange , 75u premium bid , II premium asked. OnfTeu Markclk. NBVS' YORK , May 27 , COKFKI5 Opened quiet at unchanged prices , wlt.i trading Ihroughout tha tension local and llKht , due largely to lib- n'ncii of ICurupcan nevvu , ihofcu markulv being doted. Holiday receipts at llrazll moderate. Warehouse 'lellverlcg In United States ( air ; closed barely steady und E points higher to 5 polntR lower ; Kale , 3COO bagx. Including Kep- Icinbcr , J7.V5. . ' 'pot coffee , dull ; No. 7. 17.37 % , Invoice ; mltn , .Ulo , 1.7CO UIIKH , 1,200 bagii tin- vanilla , p , t. ; 101 bug * Central American , p. t. Warehouse deliveries from Ilio United Hlules , 12.12S bags , Includingld.X ) MKB from New York ; New York click today , 3i5Ul ! tuna ; United mutes stock , H4.42S bug > ; allu'it for the United Statcv , 305,000 batn ; total vU'.iito ' for the United Htatea , 749.428 I.UKH , ugalnrt 311.MM bugs latt year , BANTOS , M y 27. COI'KKB Steady ; K0 l average Kunton , 9,700 rels ; recelpti ) , 8,000 lines ; slock , 295,000 bugs. RIO 1)1-3 JANHIRQ , May 27. COKI''KK-Klrm Nn. 7 Rio. 8.IW rels ! exclmnge , 7 ! 9-3d ; re- cdpts , 6 , iO bag ; cleared for I lie United Htates , S.OCO bag > ; for Kurope , e.OOO bar ; stock. 27,0X1 bags. HAMHUUO , Muy Z7. OOPFKI2 Holiday. 1IAVIIU , May Z7 , COFFKE Holiday. 1'furlu PKORIA , Muy J7.-CORN-Ea Ur ; new Nfl. 2 , OATS-Ka ler ; No , 2 white. . . . . WHISKY Market eteady ; tlnlii.ied goods , the tm U of $1.19 for high winei. RECEIPTS Corn , 19,360 bu. ; oats. (3.400 ( bu.j rye. none ; wliltky , none ; wheat , 1,210 bu. SHIPMENTS Corn. 11,200 bu. ; cats , 11.100 bu. ; whliky , 75 bbU. ; wheat , none. Sun FruncUuo AVhviit Uuiiliitlunn. SAN FRANCISCO , iUjr W.-WHEAT-Dull ; ' ' Occinbf 01IAIIA LIVE/MOCK / MAHMT Receipts for th < Al ) y Look Small When Oomparod-toiWcdnosrlay's. - CATTLE OFFERING ARE QUITE LIMITED Ilcmnnil Oooil Afiii nnnlnrnn lU-imon- nblr Hi-Ink iU'SHemly I'rlccH K Sl'II' Hlotvly nt FlveJL'cht Ucclliic. SOUTH OMAHA ; May 27. Receipts for the days Indicated wcro : Cattle. HOEB. Slicep. Horses. Mny 27 1.4TO 9,647 1,152 Mnv 20 3.GS5 10,572 u,5IS May 25. . > 4,312 1X.4G3 Z.Wtf . . . . Muy 21 1,534 3,234 3,041 , 1 Mity 22 1,903 S.C52 1,741 Mny 21 1.S54 8,377 3.SIJ . . . Mny 20 J.ilG 7.501 3.0-1 Io May 19 3130 6,621 8 loG May 18 t 3.0GO 9,070 3.JM Mny 17 2.070 1.418 3,2il Mnv 15 1.17(8 ( 4,233 } . ' ! Mny lli * U < 3 5,343 1.&J9 Mny 13 2.240 G,7 5 (5.3)0 ( ) May 12. . . . . 2,772 6403 2.3W . . . . The ofllclat number of cars of stock brought In today by each road wns : Cutlle. HORN. Sheep. C. . M. & St. P. Uy 2 O. & St. h. Uy 2 . . Mo. t'aclllc Uy 3 1 Union 1'nclllB System 15 4j i- C. fi N.V. . Uy . . 1 K , M. & M. V. It. U..V. . IS SO 1 C. , St. ! M. & O. Uy. . . . 3 i H. & M. It. U. 11 . " . . . . 20 2 G. , II. & I } . Uy..i 3 ; K. C. K St. J 1 1 C. , 11. I. & P. Uy. , cast. . . . C. . It. I. & V. ny. , jvtMt. . l . . 21 Totnl receipts i. . CO 111 27 The disposition ot trie day's receipts was ns follows , each buyer purchasing tlio num ber of head Indicated : IJuvcrs. Cnttle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha I'nckim ; Co 1X-1 IJ. H. llniiimond Co. . . ' . . . 202 l.OM US Swllt and Company. . . . . . C43 3,514 400 CuJahy I'ackliiK Uo 3I'J 2.U14 U. Ueckrr and Dcgnn. . . . Cl J. U Carey I. . . 2fl . . . Cnrrough . .l ' > < Hill & 1-ewls Co j. . . 27 Huston & Co , . . . IS ICrebbj & Co * . 73 . . . . Swift , from 1C. C 239 Hnmtnond , 1C. C. . . 193 23S Hnrt 402 Other buyers , " . D3 . . . . . . . . l eft over \ . " .SO * ' Totals 1,459 9,514 7.40J CATTLE After the1Ia runs of the past two days the receipts looked small this morningns there were reported In only fifty-nine loads , as against 157 yesterday and 1S5 on Tuesday. About half of the cat- tie were cornfed beeves of fair quality , but nothing very exit-it. The demand was good for nil kinds of cattle and the market reasonably active , BO that an early clearance was effected. Desirable cornfed steers commanded strong yesterday's prices and the market was at least steady on other kinds. The most of the cattle were sold at $4.00j'4.30. Butchers' stock pold freely at steady to strong prices nnd the demand wns mine-lent to soon absorb the ten or n dozen loads on sale. I r Stocksrs and feeders sold nt about yester day's prices. The supply was small nnd the cattle In first hands' were all taken early. Uepresentatlve sales : NATIVES. No. Av. Pr. Np. 'AV. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 32. . . . C21 } 3 K 6.ntO J4 05 22..12IS S4 25 SO. . . . 632 323 C4I..J ! l35 410 21..1121 42. , 2. . . . 8(0 ( 3 SO TV. . . 8,8 410 17..1198 430 12. . . . C3."i SCO 84. . . . SOJ 410 10..1203 450 4..1122 SCO 19C.-.HC4 413 14..1214 430 1..1CCO 36.18. . . . . ! ) B4 413 1C..12W 420 1..1ISO 3 C5 l.Hi ! ( ! .r . 413 S..12IIC 430 1..13M 3 TR 23OD2 ! ! 4 15 " . . . . : 4 30 1. . . . 7iO 375 D. . . ' . tS4 413 21..1233 4:0 4. . . . * 20 375 14..1210 413 13..1135 431) 7. . . . 7G7 4 00 18..inO 4 20 3S..103I 4 SO 3. . . , 753 4(0 15t..lfl:8 420 S..1211 4 M C9..103S 4 CO IGt.1131 ' 425 35..121 ! ) 432 1..1C20 400- 19..1204 425 13..13S5 445 15..1033 .4 05 1..1030 4 23 30..1315 4 50 3..1027 405 , . n , * < qoCqWB. . . 1S40 | 1 S5- . 1 ( . . . 9(0-300 - 1..103Q 325 1..10SO 225 4..1087 300 1..1130 323 1. . . . SCO S 25 l.U20 3 00 ' 4..1137 323 1. . . . 770 2 30 - 1. . . . 940 3,00. 4.,1032 3 30 1. . . . S50 240 1..11CO 303 1..1310 330 1. . . . 900 ' 2 40 " .1..1170 3 < 03 1..1040 3'S5 1..1UO 2 EO 2.,1263 310 1..1C90 340 1. . . . ICO 2 M 2..1145 310 1..1370 340 1. . . . 40 200 4S , . . . ! > 03 310 1..0TO 3-to 2..10 ) 2 SO 1..1039 310 l..i:04 340 1. . . . 890 2 E5 1..11CO 310 2..15SO 340 2. . . . 953 200 I. . . . 980 310 3..WO 343 2..1170 2 CO 1..W1300 3 15 14..1057 3 43 1. . . . 7SO 2 CO 1. . . . SCO 315 19..1037 343 1..10CO 273 3..12SB 315 1..1031 3 SO 2. . . . 7CO 273 " . . . . 'J93 315 19. . . . 819 3 0 2..lOOn 273 1..1040 315 13..10S1 310 1..1100 275 8..1102 U20. l..10r,0 3 SO 3. . . . MO 275 1. . . . 740 325 1..1050 350 3. . . . 933 275 1..1130 325 S..1I54 SCO 3. . . . 9SO 2 75 15. . . . 901 3 25 1..1370 3 C5 1..JOOO 3 00 20. . . . SG5 3 25 25. . . . Ml 3 85 1..1010 300 19. . ; . 883 325 1..07S 383 1. . . . 890 3 00 iiKivisns. 1. . . . COO 2 SO 29. . , . C12 3 50 3. . . . 806 3 75 1. . . . 400 2 CO 21. . . ' . C21 3 C5 1..11CO 375 2. . . . C80 2 65 7. . . , C2S 3 C5 6. . . . C4S 3 fO 2. . . . 690 3 CO 1. . . . C40 2 C5 3. . . . C7C 3 80 5. . . . 494 325 11. . . , 025 ,3 70 6..633 3 Mi 3. . . . 450 340 1. . . . C50 370 1..1110 390 4. . . . 717 3 45 2.w 723 3 70 1. . . . S 0 3 SO 2. . , . 505 3 00 I./- 120 3 75 I.480 4 K 1..1130 250 2..U25' 310 1./.1GSO 315 1..1430 2-CO 1..1240 315 1..1WO 3 " 5 . 1..12CO 275 1..1150 315 1. . . . 6SO 3.25 1..10W 275 , l.j.,13IO 315 1..16SO 335 1..13SO 210 1..1330 320 -I..1770 3 J5 1..I190 2 fO 1..1900 : 325 1..1SSO 333 1. . . . SCO 310 1i.,14.10 3'25 1..1930 335 CALVES V.f."lB6lo * -1IO ' " > W 5 75 . . ; STOCKEns ! AND FEEDERS. 1. . . . 800 S SO l..sS60 400 . 3. . . " . 953 415 1. . . . 700 SCO . , t , CCO 400 4. . . . 7W 420 1. . . . C30 SCO 1. . . , 5a > 400 1. . . . 890 425 1. , . . ! ) > 3 SO 2. . , . 850 415 1C. . . . 573 423 U. . . 940 375 lO.rt. 935 415 1. . . . CCO 4 IS 1..1070 375 18.- SSC 415 14..4J1 430 0. . . . C46 4 00 , .12. , . . 843 4 15 2. . . . 775 4 sn 3. . . . 813 4 CO 9. . . . 7S5 .415 27. . , . COS 435 2. , . . DCO 4 CO 25 , . . . f98 4 15 19.591 4 35 13.1109 4 CO 18. . . . $ C3 4 15 6. . , . 516 4 50 HOGS Ucceipts of lious were liberal atraln to day , though considerably smaller than yc-eter- ilay or the ilny before. The market wns lower , the decline nmountlnir to 6010c , ana thol , > lu BtrlnB of liogg sold nt J3.50 us iignlnBt tJ.40 yesterday. Snleemen were a little slow to cut locce at the decline , but when trjd-- Ine.wus once-uniler WHy the market was fairly active , the great hulk -of the h&Ks chanslnif hands early. The market hn been lower every day this week eo , far. After a slight reaction on Thurs day and Filday of lust week the market started down hill on Knturday , nnd has kept up the pace ever i-lnt-c. The hugs BOM toilay u HtroiiB 20c lower than on Friday of laft week nun 43o lower than . ' ( > a the first of the inontli. Ileprenentutlve mi let ; > No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. si. : IT. 23 340 (0 f3'30 f . ' C7- ' 507 . . . ' 11 405 . . . S 20 ' 65. . . .VSC5 . . . 3 33f III 3 % , i , 3'30 . . . . . . . . . . . 335 39 318 CO 3 30 ( 15 293 . . . 335 S4 348 fO 330 07 2.1S . . . 335 6 35 ? ICO SCO-- 17 . . .230 . . . 333 61 2C9 SO S.'fl , . , , ! CO 275 . . . 335 52 3J2 . . . 3Vd . 75 276 ICO 335 3d 332 80 3JO''J 113 308 KO 335 16 293 . . . 310 ' * ( a 2S1 ISO 3 ? 5 103 , 218 320 3 33Vi.u- CO..287 ICO 335 57.i , , , . . > 30ri . . . 3 M4 ! ' \ 12. , 250 . , , 335 64 282 fO 3 Snj"1 19 311 . . . 333 S3 310' SO 3 3iii 1' 58 289 . , , 333 9 2CO . . . 3 3(4 ( < ' 'J 67 2'0 . , , 335 30 288 (0 3 SS'A'M' ' C9.,2fi9 ; . . . 3 J5 07..293 ICO 3 StHfill 65 275 . . . 335 71 288 120 3 Ji'.tU SO. , 2FO . . . 335 . , , , , . , , 240 3 J314 "C 70 , , 274 40 335 62 283 120 3 8UII f ) 53 231 . . . 335 C3 , , .fc81 . . . 3314) ) , , , , , , . M 3 35 61.- . 317 80 32-n-4' . C9 { 'J3 (0 335 22 2S2 . . . 322UW 56 284 . . . 335 13 327 80 3 3U-r | < 72..888 SO 335 4 } 3l . . . 3 SSHl M SS8 . . . 335 C9 , , , S03 SO 3Mli-u , , , , , . . , SO 335 61 305 SO 3 S21i i.n 78. , , 287 ICO S 35 C2 284 40 33ii | } 14 ,179 . , . 335 Cl 331 40 3fZ < Ao'l < co 275. , , , 335 SO , , 371 . . . 3 K'A ill < 5 277 40 335 . , , . . , , . SO 3 Mi , ) , , 14. , , IS\ , , , 335 , , , , , , . , SO 31VAC ' { . , , , , , , . . . . 335 S9 ? 20 , . . 3 MR' 73 , 234 200 335 . . , . , , , . fO S3,4 S8 277 10 335 57 294 tO 5 3JH 67.JC3 kO S 35 ' 70 203 (0 3 MVi . , , , . . , . 60 3 35 C4 J9Z 80 324' * 0 ,211 . . . 335 CO ZU 40 332' * 31 Z44 , , , S'35 U 298 (0 33214 10 288 , . . 335 C4 317 40 5 32 . , , , . . , . ' ) 10 S S3 fa..W7 . . . S S214 , , , , , , . . , , , 3 K , , , , . , , . ICO 3 32W 23 2S3 . , , 333 U , 227 . , , 3 3214 68 ! U . , . 335 C 241 . , , 332H . . . , , . . . SO 335 61.Tf-6 , , , 3 32V4 C7 , , .25 < . , , 135 U 2M . . . 332U 63..241 . . . 335 UO 21S 40 3 32',4 tS Kti 80 3 35 U . . .245 . . . 3S5 17 Z32 . . . 333 ! tt 271 KO 3 35 05 262 80 S 35 71 , , : tS SO 325 | 65..262 ICO 3 35 S7 271 80 S ,69. , 291 . . . 335 7Z. . , 234 . . . S 5 | W.S01 SO 3 85 C9. , ! W ICO 335 72 2iC 120 335 63..29C 160 S3S ( I. , , . ; . . . 61 . , . 335 C4.2t4 , , . 333 15 ZJO . . . 335 74 , .Z47 . . . 335 68 VA 80 335 61 , . , . , , . . 7J SO 335 Ml SCSI H ) 3 35 i7..m . . . 3 . 72. , 238 80 335 10 , .Z32 . . . 335 , . , , . , , . 80 3 35 S3..J05 SO 335 | Cl KO . . . 395 C9..ZC3 . . . 3K CO..257 . . . 335 77..n6 . . . * 35 j 71 ,841 VX ) 3 35 U. , 28Z 40 3,15 , . . XS 275 . . . S 35 7Z .270 M IM ' M..IU . . . J5 I 74. . . . , Ht M J35 t ; ! 4t . . . ISS , J * I7S M .1 53 f,4 SOS 140 33.1 W 147 . . . ass M , . . . , .ZS7 K I XS 70 ISI SO S33 H CT . . . SM 47 rc.9 . . . J 3S (3 577 SO S JS 7. MO . . . ! 3& , Z37 7M S 97Vt MI 2so IN s ar to : ti . . . 8 3IH 7 25 * M S3S 78 MO 40 S7i S7. , . . , . , . ; (0 33. % TS..5JS ICO 3.40 70 : ZU 120 SS ' 77 S17 . . . S40 M ; .r.r to s ss 94 zso . . . 3-40 64 276 , . , 135 78 938 . . . S 40 I'inH ODD9 AND KNDS. 1 190 (0 t to 4 SR . . . S 1. .110 . . . 3:0 7. SM . . . 3 34 1 , . .270 . . . .1 : . ' - . . . . . . . . . . . S 33 ! . . . : . .2V ) . . . J ! 5 3 , 2 . . . S 35 a . , .3.in . . . s : r. K : o4 . . . 333 . . . . . . . . ' . , . . 3 17H 6 202 . . . 8 3S . . . . . . . . ? , . , 3SO 3 193 . . . S * S 4 322 . .ISO 6 X-Q . . . SK 1. . . 340 . . . S3II . . ! Sl . . . S 53 3 340 . . . 330 241 . . . 333 2 3V , . . . 320 1 ! 70 , . , S JS 4 IM . . . 332 4 SHHK1' llrcolpt * were Hsht und th * demand Rood , the offerings chatmlng Imndn nt about ttcnily prlrm , llrprrscnhitlve tnlrn : No. Av. 1'r. 127 fedlrrs 91 $ .1 SO US Cnli.rmlo . l.imbt , 7S r , 15 4UO Colorado lamb * 78 & 13 CHICAGO 1,1 VM STOCK MAHICHT. Cnttli- unit ItuitHurnlii IJIMTCI * Shc l ' Ai'llvu nml .StrniiK. C1UOAOO , May 27 , Sales of rattle were alow today nt barely clr-ady prices , the bulk of the transaction * showing a decline nf from ino to ICe per 100' Ily. , as computed with the hitter purl of last week. Native beef itvrra sold at from J3.90 to J5.ir , with nn nccarlonnl sate ut from (5.2.1 to JS.30. Choice entile were fcnito and steers sold mainly at from 14.30 to Jt.SO. The stacker nnd feeder trade IIUH fallen oft this week , but prices nrc still high , wlt'.i saint nt from JS.70 to J4.C5. llutchers * nnd catiners' BtulT continues In moderate supply mid In good de mand at somewhat lower average prices. Calves were slow and fully Me lower than earlier In Iho xvcclt. In hogs prices suffered n further decline of about Cc per 100 Ibs. Heavy nnd medium weight * were numerous and thtie were fewer lightweights than usual. Salon were made at an extreme range of from 13.25 to JS.t.214. the bulk of the hogs crossing the. hr.iler nt from JJ.Wi to J3.CO. Heavy packing lots sold nt from J3.2S to J3.45 nnd prime light hogs biought $3.C.'i. & . With nn nctlvc demand , prices were Hl-otig for sheep , but weak for lambs. Kales weie on n basis of from J2.CO to 15. for Inferior to fanctv theep , few going an low us J3 or above J3.75. for fat native sheep were ngiiln scarce. Texas sheep were numerous nnd In demand nt from 13 to 13.90. i-'nk'S were 'in n basis of from (3.25 to J5.55 for the poorest to the bist lambs , while sprint ; lambs brought from J4 to f. > . Receipts Cattle. 8.COO bead ; hogs , 40AK ) head ; tliccp , 12,000 head. N City 1.1 v < - Stool * . KANSAS CITY , May 27. CATTM3 Receipts , 5,0K ( > head ; best bnrcly steady , others weaker ; Texas steers , J2,75ff4.40 ; Texas cows , J2.75r4 , 3 ; native steers , J3.DOff5.00 ; native cows nnd heifers , JS.tojf4.25 ; Btockers nnd feeders , J3.2504.8B ; bulls. J2.r,0 > 3W. HOaS-Rccelpts , 16,000 bead ; market BST7',4e lower ; bulk of tales. J3.374@3.40 ! ; heavies. JS.SO'if 3.4Q ! packers , J3.255T3.40 ; mixed , I3.a5 3.12',5 ' ; light. J3.25H3.42V4 ; Yorkers , J3.4003.42V4 ; pigs , J3.0C 3.S5. SHICEP Receipts , 3,000 bend : market steady ; Inmbs , J3.COa5.60 ; muttons , $3.2303.43. St. Io nl I.lvo Slock. ST. I/31'IS , May 27 CATTLE Receipts. 2000 heed ; market nct'.vc ar.il steady t ) u shade higher ; native shippers , J4.40BC.2j ; Btockera and feeders , J3.00i74.40 ; llslit steers , J3.8004.85 ; cows und heif ers. J2.OOit4.CO ; Texas and Indian steers , J2.85j > 4.CO ; cows nnd heifers , JZ.CCXiM.M. HOaS Receipts , C.CCO head ; market Be lower ; light , J3.40C3.CO ; mixed , J3.30ff3.G5 ; heavy , 13.258" " 3.CO. SHEEP Receipts , 3.000 head ; market steady to strong ; native muttons. J2.2304.CO ; Texnu s'.ieep , J3.100I.25 ; lambs , J4.3Cif5.00. MncU In SiKlit. Record of receipts of live stock at the four principal markets for May 27 : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha . 1 4CO 9.547 1,1)2 ! ) Chicago . 8 CCO 40000 12.0TO Kfinfss City . C.OOO IG.Wrt 3 OCO St. Ixnlls . 2.000 5,000 3iOO Totals . 16,900 70547 19,102 \ > M- York Live StorU. NEW YORK , May 27. HEEVEfi Receipts. 107 head. European cables quote American steers at lOlfeKll&e , clresECd weight ; sheep , 115il2Vic ; re frigerator beef , 909i,4c ; exports , 119 beeves. SHEEP AND KAMHS-ltccelpts , 2,700 head ; sheep slow nnd steady ; Iambs active nnd firmer ; sheep , J3.CMT3.W ) ; lambs , J6.U00G.87V4. HOGS Receipts , 1,094 head ; steady ut J4.40 ® > 4. CO. GOVERNMENT CHOI' HCI.I.ETIX. Glliiintlu CoiulltloiiHVhlcIl 1'rovnlloil lit Hi i' ItcKliinliiK of the Wi-fk. ' WASHINGTON. May 27 The week ending 8 n. m. Mny 24 was slightly cooler than usual on the Fouth Atlantic ecast and over portions of the Ohio valley , lake region and northern New England , the deficiency In temperature being very slight , generally from 1 degree to 2 de grees , except over a few limited areas , where It ranged trom 3 degretu to 4 degrees. On th'e g ilf coast and over the southwestern districts trum Texas to southern 'California nearly normal temperature conditions prevailed , although for Ihe most pnrt there was a very slight excess. Over the northern porllon of the gulf states and generally throughout the Mis sissippi valley the temperature excess ranged from 1 degree to 4 degrees , and from the Mis * eourl valley westward over the northern Rocky mountain nnd plateau regions. Including , the In terior of northern California , generally' ranged fiom 0 degrees to 9. degrees , being greatest In northern California. There was also n slight excess on the southern New England and mld- dlo Atlantic coasts. The minimum temperatures of the week were below freezing in the western portions of the Uakotas and northern Minnesota ; throughout the central valleys nnd middle Atlantic states they generally ranged 'from 40 degrees to CO de- giecs , and In the gulf states from C5 degrees to above CO degrees. East of the Rocky mountains the highest maximum teniptrnture , 90 degrees , occurred In the south Atlantic and can gulf btates. und in western North Dakota. The highest tempera ture of the , week , 98 degrees , occurred In north ern California and in Ailzona. Over much the greater part of the country the week ending S a. m. Mny 24 was drier than usual. Except over portions of central and eastern Texas there was at. utmost entire ab sence of rain In the southern states , with only light ilunvels over Ihe greater portion of the lower Ohio , lower Missouri and' central MIs- sitFlppl valleys. In the nates of the lower Mis sissippi vnlloy the deficiency In rainfall amounts to more than an Inch , nnd a like dcllclency also exists on Ihe cast Florida , coast and In eastern North Carolina , while over nearly the whole of the country > outhwurd of the Ohlp nnd Missouri riviiB and x > ver a considerable portion of New- England and the middle Atlantic states the de ficiency amounts to half nn Inch or more. In the lake' region and over portions ot the middle Atlantic .states the rainfall exceeded the average for the week , a marked excess occur ring over the northern portions of the upper luke Iregion. Mere than the usual amount of rain also fell over portions , of the middle and south ern Rocky mountain districts , in which region heavy local falls are it-ported. The week has been generally favorable for farm work , but cool nights generally throughout 'tho states of Ihe ceniral valleys , lake region ami middle Atlantic coast have proved unfavor able for koine crops , while the need of rain IB beginning to be felt In the ventral Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys and In the south Atlantic elates. i Cotlon has experienced general Improvement In Texas and has made rapid advancement over the Houthern purt of the * tatc , where squares und bolls are forming. Decided Improvement Is atro reported from Alabama , with favorable re ports from Arkansas and Georgia , Cool nlghls have proved Injurious In 'Tennessee , and but tllght Improvement U reported from I.oulelatm , where the- plant Is sickly and Is being Injured by lice. While cool nlghttt have unfavorably affected the crop In MlFblsulpiil It snuws Im provement. In the Carolina ! ! the plant lu binull but healthy. In Indiana and Ohio , where corn planting ban been much retarded , rapid progress In plant ing has been made during the week , Planting Is well advanced In Michigan und continues In U'Uconiln , Minnesota and North Dakota , Culti vation has begun In font hern Illinois , Iowa nnd Nebraska , where planting Is practically com pleted , Considerable replanting is necessary in Nebraska , Missouri , Illinois , Kentucky und portions tions of Kanicu , owing to poor stands. Cool nights have proved unfavorable In the Ohio val ley , Tcnneiti'c and east Gulf elates , The prumUIng conditions of winter w'leat pre- tVlouidy reported In the middle Atlantic ttates and Tennegfcee continue , but In Kentucky the outlook Is Una fuvoruble. than In the prt-cedlng week. In Kanras the crop U much Improved. Complaints of chinch bugs are reported from MI KCurl , and In Illinois the crop Is unimproved nnd some fields are still being plowed up for corn. Harvest has begun In Georgia and Texas and will noon begin In Arkansas , In Washing ton tli < - crop U needing rnln , but In Oregon and California the conditions have been favorable , Spring wheat has made good progress In Iowa , Wlrconcln , Mlnnenotu and South Dakota , al though needing ruin In some sections of Ihe last named stale. In Nort.i Dakota the crop lias made but little Improvement. Slow progress hen bwn made with tobacco planting Io Kentucky , and ruin Is needed for "seasons" In Tennessee and Klorlda. Home has been tranrplunled in Pennsylvania , and about half the crop bus been fcet In Virginia , where U is locking thrifty , Cotton MnrUctx. NEW YORK , May 27. - COTTON - Spot , steady ; middling. 75Jc- middling upland * , the ; middling gulf. 8e ; i-ules , U34 bales. Futures , nd steady ; sales. CO.COO bales : Jan.ii.rv . 1C 81 * February , J .83 ; March , M.64 ; May , $7.17 ; June , 17.17 : July. J7.18 ; August , 17.15 ; September , JC.88 ; October , JC.72 ; November , JG.71 ; Decem ber SG 74 * NEW ORLEANS. May 27 COTTON-8Uady ; saint 1.8.V ) bales ; ordinaly. CUc : good erdlnary , CUc ; low middling. 6 15-lGc ; middling , 7c ; good middling , 7 11-ltc ; middling fulr. 8Mc. Liverpool Grnlii mill Provision * . LIVERPOOL. May W.-WHBAT Bpot , No. 1 red. northern spring , dull at Ca 7Kd. CORN Hpot , American mixed , new , firm at Is 7Wd ; May , 2u 7'4d. FLOUH St. I < oul8 fancy winter , dull at 8 * M. PUOVItllONS-liiicoa , clue Ulllc * . U to II Ibs. . K * . r'umt > rlnti1 cut , ! S to 30 Ib * . , : s , s'uirt tlbs. y > U 21 Ibs. , Ms bt , lung i-ltar middles. llshl , M to 3 $ Ihs. . K M , Inn * Henr mlddlr * . henrr 4.1 tn M ll . , U * . iteef , otlrn In.lln met * . tt M. prime tneti. 4n M. Pork prtini' me * * , 41 M. Hams , utendy M M. ShmihUrii. qunr , firm fit Ms. Uiird. spot dull at 19s M. OH 5K3B KlneM American white , ! L > J colored. f.3 ; mdlnary , ntw , 4's , TA1.1.0W Pflme city , 17s 2d. Otl.S-Cotton > ec.l. Liverpool rettncd , U 3,1. Turpentine , spirits , 20s M , lUiMn , common , 4s M. Tolnlo AturkctK. TOLEDO , May 27.- WHEAT Act He , , wnik : No. 3 cash nnd May , f2p ; July , 72Vtc. CX5IIN ActlTC ; Nil. 2 mlsed , 240. OATS-Dull nnd Meudy ; No , 2 mlxuil. 2 ! > c. RYK-Dull unrt lower ; No. 2 cnsh 36. ' . 'I.OVlilSERD--Dull und steady ; prime Cnn , ST. 1X5IJIS. Mny 37. - WOOl , -Dull but nrm ; straight comtdng , ICV4c ! Ikht nncD m4o ; heavy line , 7tjlOc } medium , ISliffl'-c' tub wnihed , . NEW YOU 1C , May 27. WOOL-1'Mrm ; Ileece , pulled , LONDON , Mny 2 ? . REET SUOAIJ May. Ss 10',4d. NE\V YORK , Mny 27--StjnAR-nnw. strong ; fair rcMnlnx , S5 c ; i-entrlfURiil , Uf tf t. 3'4C. Re > ntie-d , strong , crushed , tc ; imwiUrvd , 4 ic ; sriiti- ulatetl 4'4 ' ° . Citllforniii Drlril Krulti. NEW 'YORK , May ! 7.-CALiroilNIA DIHED KIUJITS Prime cvnpornted apples llrm ; other drl sl fruits stehdy ; evupcintt-d apples , inline wire trny , 4U04Uc ; wood dried , prime , 4 % J4V4c. OIL CITY. Pn. . May Certificates , 55c ; credit buluncer , S9c ; shlpmrlilK , ( < 9,920 bbls , ; ruiiF. 10J,3KTbblf. _ _ _ 1M)1A.'I'KACHKItS * Siiit. lltillinnti C'i > iiKiiltK Otiinliii 1'cn- l > lc Aliotit tin' ( iiithcrliiur. W. N. Hqllmati or Washington , 1) . C. , sti- Iiorlntfciiik'iH of tiiIiiillnn ! pchoolt ? , Is nt the Arurray , Ho cunun Io the city to complete ftrrntigoinpiits for Hit convention of Imlliin Icachurs to bo Jielil In Omaha on July 12-17. He has been ou n visit of Inspection to many of the fichoola In the xve t und nurtlnvrM niul leaves here thin evonltiK for WashliiRton. Uo will consult today with some ot Omaha's citizens * who have Intcivsti'd themselves In the comliiK convention. Upon his return to \VnsliliiMon ( he will complete the program for the convention , which will then he Riven to- the imhllc. Mr. Hallmun expects to he present dnrltiK the entire convention and an. tlclmte.s | that the meeting will be a Kreal gathering of people who are employed In civilizing the red man. Mr. Hatlnmn was met here , last evening by J. E. Hoes , superintendent of the In dian school at Genoa , and the two discussed plans for the convention. They are try ing to devise some- means whereby they could bring the Indian band from Genoa to Omaha In July to show what the Indian has accomplished In the way of music. They have not decided uncm n plan for bringing the organization to Omaha , but feel they will nnd sonic way ot getting the band here. They think It would prove to bo a great drawIng - Ing card for tha convention. Mr. Hces said the band has eighteen members , and all but three or four full-blooded Indians. Lotliroii School Commencement. The commencement exercises for the class of ' 87 at the IjOthrop school will b = held May 25 at 3 o'clock p. m. The program includes music nnd recitations , with the customary class song , clnss poem and n class recita tion. Mrs. Keysor will m.-iUe an address. "False In one , false in ull , " U an ancler. . ' legal maxim. Hcmcnihcr It to the dliaJ vantage of any tradesman wjio tries to sub stitute one article for ancther. KOIttiCAST Ol < ' TODAY'S WI2ATIII2II. ( iciiernlljFnlr , with Variable AVlmtM Shifting ; to Smith. WASHINGTON , Mrty 27. Forecast for Friday : For Nebraska Generally fair ; warmer In west portion ; variable winds becoming southerly. For Missouri Threatening weather and showers and thunder storms ; cooler ; north winds. . . .1 For South Dakota Fair ; warmer ; north winds , becoming variable. For Iowa Showers and thunder storms ; ccoler : north "winds. For Wyoming Fair ; warmer ; south winds. OFFK'F ' " "M | > \THKIl ' Btj'RBAt ) OMAHA , Mny 27. Omaha record , ot rainfall and temperature , compared with the corresponding spending day of the past three years : 1S97. l&'JG. 1S93. 1SDI. Maximum temperature . . . 77 78 12 70 Minimum temperature . . . . Gl 50 69 54 Average temperature 70 Ci 70 C-i Rainfall ; 41 .42 .CO T Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day ami since March 1 , 1S97" Normal for the day CO Excess for the day 4 Accumulated deficiency since March 1. . . . 51 Ncrmnl rainfall for the day 15 nch Excess for the day ; G Inch Total rainfall since March 1 0.23 Inches Excess since March 1. 1897 . . . .87 Inch Excess for cor. period. J8 % 4.03 Inches Deficiency for cor. period , 1S95..2.94 Inches HeiiortN from StiitlonN at S p. m. , Seventy-fifth Meridian Time. STATIONS AND STATE OP WEATIIKR. Omaba , cloudy North Platlc , partly cloudy Halt Ixikc City , clear Cheyenne , cloudy Rapid City , clear Huron , clear Chicago , cloudy Kt. J ula , cloudy 76 Bt. Paul , clear Davenpurt. cloudy Helena , clear 70 Kansas City , cloudy Havre , partly cloudy Illamnrck , clear Oiilvc'Bton , clear WlllUton , clear T lndlcnte trncn of precipitation. Corn licit Iliilletln , l.'nitfl f3t tes IVpunment ol Aurlculturt weatlier bureau corn and wheat recton bul letin ( or tlio twenty-four hour a enditiR nt S a. in rovcnly-flflli meridian time , May 27. 1S97 ; Tumparatiiro. I'.alufall. Slallons of Din- InohuH State of trlct. ai hu.i- wj itli'r " Mux I Mln" UreltlM. Aehlnncl , Kftb "fill 02 . .20T Cloudy ColunilniH. Null , . H7 2 T Cloudy Fiilrbiiry , Nub , , , . Uil no l.'IO Cloudy Kulnnoiil , Nub. . . H. 111 , ir > VI Clody Lincoln , Nub. . . . 02 . - ' I Clc.ir lliirlliiKton.Nel ) . HO .00 Pt Clody Oukdale. Nub , , . . KO III .00 Ulondy CinulinNtb 81 lit .01 Cloudy O'Neill.Nub , HI A5 ,00 Pt Clody Troi.niHPli.Nob K7 4.1 l.M ) Cloudy Tt'knniab. Nub , , KH 02 .00 Cloudy Curioll.ln 70 f.l .13 Pt Clody Clnrl da.li. . . . 70 IU .01 Kaln blbley.Ia 77 Oj .110 Cloudy District Avjrif.il. , Humbor To npura.urj. K'lnMU CentralStutloa. of Btatlou I lnoliu < roportliij , k liun- Mix. ' | Mln" Ir.Utm Chlc.-ito , III. , , . -2 70 4ri ToT ColiiniUim , O . . 02H 42 .00 CrB Koliier , , la. 13 ( H flU .20 liuilaiui polls. , , II 70 44 .01 KmittmOity. . , 12 H4 uo . .314T I.tinlsvlll : , Ky. 18 70 T Oimilm. Neb. . . . 14 83 i bl.I.OCllH. 14 im Dl Cooler In the Dakotas , wanner In all other portions of the corn and wheat rt-nlon. Hhowcri fell In all i-ecltons , except Ohio. T Indicates Inarpreclub.e rumfall. Maximum for yeVterduy. Minimum for twenty-four hour * , "link S o. m. , eevenly./l.'trt meridian " 'Note ' The average maximum and minimum temperalur" and the ovuuge rainfall are mad9 un at each center from Hie nctual number ct rpcrtB received. The "utate or weather" In that DrpvnlllnK it lime of obteivatlnn. 1 A. WKWII. Ixical Torecait Oinclal , THU HHAI.TV MAItlCKT. , 1NSTIIIJMKNTS placed on record Thursday , Muy 27 , U'Ji ! WAHHANTY DEI5DS. I. A Wood and wife to A.V , Tldd , lot C , blcck 2 J'ottet'B add $ 1 Herman Heal and wife to J , M. Wtlnh , 8 M ) feet lot 2 , block 49 , South Omalia. . 1,100 Krunk Thompson et nl , executor , to Q , V. IJeavera , lot R , block 12 , same < 50 O. F. Heavers to F. A. Ilroadwell , name < DO ! ' . H. Ilauseneck to C. P. Hauer , lot 22 , Hickory I'lace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020 fi , J. Gordon and husband to J. M , Oor- Uori , lot 6. h'oclt Z. Mlesourl avenue park , | . l , < w J. ai. aotdqn and wife to 8. J. Gordon , lot 4. Bame . . . „ , , . . l.w Alexander Garrow et ttl to J , A , Cavers , lot.4. block 20 , South'Omaha , . . . . . . . . . . . < < tawrcnce 116th. truatee , to n.H. Smith. trtiBtee. n 25 feet lots 19 and 20 , block 2 , Drake's udd . . . , iss Total amount of tranertr * , . $6316 PRUCRIiSSOFTIIECDlFROAD Jlortgajjo ( Hvon with Which to Sfourt Money to Construct the Lino. TRUST DEED HAS BEEN PLACED ON FILE lit Intercut Arc Tlm n Win t'uriilnli lite XloiKfitr ( lie Cou- Htructlon f Ilin ALMT 1. 1 no to tlio Soutli , Another evidence of tlio prosrcss bcliirf tnaikby the Kansas City. I'lttsbtirg & Oult railroad Is oftercd by the IlllnR of n inort- K Ke , or trust deed , for $15,000,000 , convoy- IHK nil rlRhta of the Omaha , Minneapolis a HuffAlo lUllwny company to the Missouri , Kansas & Texas Trust company of Kntieai City. The former company has no railroad , nor part of a railroad , In operation. H wan Incorporated to build n railroad from Omaha through Iowa , Minnesota , Wisconsin , Michi gan ni\d Cnnatla to Uuffnlo. The Missouri , Kansas , t Texas Trtiat company la the cor- poiatlon that Is looking after the financial end of the Kansas City , Plttabtirg & ( Julf railroad. The principal offlrcs of the railway company are to ho In Omaha. The trust deed was filed \Vodncaday after noon nt thn court house In this city. Similar di'i'dd have , or soon will be , filed In every countIn which the proposed railroad will , when constructed , operate. The deed recites - cites thai nt the meeting of the stocliholdera of tlui Omaha , Minneapolis & lluffnlo Hall way company , held In this city March 1 , 1SU7 , It wns resolved to Issue bonds for $15- 000.000 at $15,000 for every mlle of railroad btlllt , purchased or acquired. The board of directors resolved to rssuo 30.000 coupon bonds of $500 each nt 5 per cent Interest , duo In thirty yeats. The bonds will bo payable In gold of tlio present atandard value , or In storting money , free of all gov ernment tax or duty , which. It levied , Is to bo paid by the company. The mortgage In cludes all lines and brunches built or to bo built. The bonds art' to 'bu Issued nt the rate of $15,000 for cuch mlle of the railroad , ns It may be built. The mortgage was executed In Kansas City by J. L. Drown , president of the Omaha , Minneapolis & Uuffnlo Hallway company , and J. Mel ) . Trimble , vice president of the Missouri , Kansas & Texas Trust company , It Is attested by I * . K , Drown , Jr. , secretary of the former corporation , nnd A. C. Hobln- son , secretary of thn latter company. KATUS FOU THIS .SIJ.MMKIl MICICTI.VC. ( iciu-ral Ilcilticllmi to All 1'oliitw Hunt mill AVc-Nt. The reduction of California ratca on ac count of the Christian Knxlcavor convention rally In July has brought about the reduction of rates on all the local lines from Omaha to points between hero and San Francisco for the period Just before the convention con venes and between here nnd Chicago Just after the close of the convention. Passen ger men are looking for a lurgo amount of travel In the fore part of July , not only to the Pacific coast but to Intermediate points. Whllo the rate from here to Sun KranclBco will bo $22,50 , there will bo cheap rates offered for shorter distances on these days : Juno 29 and 30 , and .Inly 1 , 2 and 3. From Chicago to Omaha the fare will be J7.75 ; to Colorado common points , $12.BO , and to Utah points , $20. From St. Louis to Omaha the faro will be $7.75 ; to Colorajjo common points , $10.50 , and to Utah points f IS. From July 15-20 Inclusive and on every Thursday and Sunday thereafter till August 12 , there will be offered a rate of $9,25 from Omaha to Chicago , and of J10.G5 from here to St. Louis. On throe dates the rates from the west to Qmaha will bo reduced as fol lows : From Utah points , $18.50 ; from Grand Junction , Colo. , $17.60 , and from Colorado common points , ? 10. It will bo noticed that the westbound ratca have been cut much lower than the eaatbound rates. The Christian Endeavor rates , however , are the same both ways. Just why the Intermediate rates should ho cut lower from Chicago westward than east ward from the coast Is a matter that can bo explained only by the passenger olllctals of the western roada , who combined together and agreed upon the ratca announced. An other little matter that can be explained only by these officials la how rates may still bo agreed upon and Issued from the odlces of the Western Passenger association by its chairman , the supreme court decision against the trnnsmlssourl freight rate committee to the contrary notwithstanding. The lines east of Chicago have agreed with the western lines to make reduced rates Of ono and one-third regular faro for the round trip for the following occasions : Congrega tional Homo Missionary society , Saratoga Springs , N. Y. . June 1-3 ; Loyal Legion of United States , Detroit , June 2 ; National As sociation of Master Plumbers , New York , June 15-10 ; American Whist league , Toledo , July 5-10. Western lines will also grant re duced rates of one nnd one-third regular faro for the round trip from all points In Nebraska for the meeting of Knights and Daughters of Tabor at Atchlson , July 12-10. KIIIE IN A CAH MIAU12D WITH WOOL. KvultliiK Tliiii-K on i Union Pnclllo Krc-lKlit Trnlii. The crew of a Union Pacific extra eastbound - bound freight had an exciting experience near Nichols , on the third Nebraska division , at a. late hour Wednesday night. Flro wtm discovered In a furniture car loaded with wool. Every effort wns made to BBVO the car and Its contents , but with no avail. The train was cut and the ear turned over on It aide but the wool kept right on burning. The entire carload of wool , as well as the car , were burned completely. The wool was being shipped to Hollowell & Donald of Hoston nnd was from Mountain Home , Idaho. The origin of the flro Is un known. As the locomotive was throwing out no fire at tbq time , nnd as the car was tightly sealed , It Is thought the flro origi nated from spontaneous combustion. Mori llooiii fur IliieUlnKliaiu. Painters and plasterers have been busily engaged for'the past few days In renovating the room In the northwest corner of tbo Union Pacific headquarters formerly occu pied by the Union Depot company , now de ceased. Soon after the death of ths company that undertook to build a union depot and failed the office It had occupied was vacated. The car service department of the Union Pacific IIBH been cramped for room for seine time , and the management of the company baa fitted up the additional room for Super intendent Ilucklnglinm of that department. ItiilMriiX Nott'H mill rcrnuiiiilx. General Passenger Agt-nt Francis of tha H. & M , will return from an extended trip today. The 10-year-old son of Adolph nowinan of the Union Pacific mall department died Wednesday night at 6 o'clock from the effects of a severe cold contracted while In nwlui- mlng a few days ago. Six tailors of the United Status stcamnhlp Detroit paused through here yesterday after noon on the Northwestern Union Pacific western expieea. They were bound for San Francisco to Join their vessel , James Dcwar , private secretary to Presi dent Clark of the Union Pacific , hau Just returned from a visit to his homo In On tario Canada. He > In accompanied by his sister , who will be hU guest for several weeks. A. C , Dunn , city passenger agent of the Union Pacific , has resigned , and will bo succeeded by Oeorgo K. Abbott , now general agent of the same road at DCS Molnea and Sioux City. The change will bo made on Juno 15. Mr. Dunn retires tei go Into bus iness with his brotht-r-ln-law. Ho cumo here from St. Paul somewhat over two years ago , jAMEsT E."BOYD & col Telephone 1030 , Omaha , Neb. -COMMISSION GRAIN : PROVISIONS : AND : STOCKS IIUAIII ) OP TUAUI3. Direct wires tp Cl'lcago and New York. John A. Warren & C < v