PHE OMAHA * I DAILY BEE ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , THURSDAY MORftttNG , at AY 27 , 1897. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. BREAK THE CONCERT England Threatens to Withdraw Under Certain Conditions , INSISTS THAT TURKEY LEAVE THISSALY Bultan Must Not Oocupj Province Till Indemnity in Paid. INFORMS THE POWERS TO THAT EFFECT Otherwise Powers Must Oonduot Affairs Without John Bull's ' Aid. TURKEY CONTINUES TO SEND TROOPS Sc\eii ThuUHiitiil Mure Soiillerx Sent to ami Sultan I'romlMUH Nut tn I.e. ! Uii on Ilia Grip. ' 'LONDON , May 2C. A special dispatch from Athens saje that Great Britain has declared Iti Intention to abandon the coiir cert of the powera if It be determined that the occupation ot Thcssaly by Turkish troops ehall bo prolonged until Greece shall have paid the war Indemnity demanded by , Turlcy. ; The Athens correspondent of the Times Daju : It la believed that complications have arisen , owing to the advocacy by some of the powers , Including Russia , of a Turkish occupation of Thcssaly until the Indemnity la ipald and to England's firm resistance to such n project. The Greek government Is. preparing for a probable renewal of the ; war. war.A A dispatch to the Times from Larlssa says the Impression Is general among the Turkish troops that there will be more fighting. A brigade of Redlfs has started for Phourka , armed with Mausers. A dispatch to the Standard from Athene ) Bays the munclpal authorities have con ferred the freedom of the city on General Illccottl Garibaldi and Amlllcarc Cipriani , the Italian socialist leader , In recognition of thtlr "eminent services In the field. " ALU ISLAM WANTS THESSALY. The Constantinople correspondent ot the Btandnrd says : The grand vlzlcr on Saturday submitted a report to the sultan relating that the whole * of Islam was determined to retain Thessdly , Adding : "Your majesty proved victorious In Armenian and other matters , when you firmly refused to bo dictated to by Europe ; therefore , you should be equally flrnf on this occasion. Yet , If my views are not palale- oblo to your majesty , 1 bee of you to accept Biy resignation. " It now appears that the armistice was originally for three days nnd nothing but the vigor of the powers secured an exten- elon to two weeks. The story Is turrcnl that a wounded Turk ish soldier at Ylldlz liovpltal , on being In- .Vllcd by the sultan to proffer a dying request , implored him not to yield up Thessaly. The eultan turned paio and his eyes filled wfth tears. Seyfulla Bey , chief of staff to the sultan , nnd the Von iloltkc of the campaign , haa been summoned to Constantinople to give the liillltary the benefit of his advice. The Athens correspondent of the Standard reports an Interview with 'M. Ralll , in the course of which the premier said he was .Very grateful to England for her finances , ds this might effect the saving of the corn crop , valued at 6,000,000. If the Turkish troops withdrew within fti fortnight the crop might be harvested , but If the withdrawal /were / delayed for a month the whole w.cild be sacrificed , entailing a loss to Greece oi quite 2,000,000 , since If the crop were losl the government would be obliged to feed the peasants and to Incur other expenses. l With reference to the alleged loan ne gotiations M. Ralll said the proposal was merely to renew the treasury bonds author ized by the former minister tor war pur poses. TURKISH THOOPS TO THESSAI/Y Siilttni ProinlMen Minister * to Retain Illn Hold on < lmt Province. LONDON , May 26. The aspect of the east ern affairs is less peaceful. Turkey Is send ing 7,000 more troops to Thessaly and It Is Bald that the sultan has promised his min isters not to relax Ills hold upon that pro- .rlnco. The note of the powers certainly does not yield on a single point , and stnlct oven that the peace conference must be held at Constantinople and not at Pharsalla , but the sincerity of both Germany and Russia is doubted , and any sign of dissension among the powers encourages far more obstinacy on the part of the sultan. It Is reported from Vienna that Emperor Nicholas has advisee1 King George , for hla own safety , to appolnl n military governor with exceptional pow ers , and to concentrate 8,000 troops at Ath ens. ens.A dispatch to the Dally News 'from ' Con stantinople says that the Identical note ol the powers , which wan presented to the Turkish government yesterday embodying the terms ot peace to which they will agree declines to permit the abolition of the ca pitulations In the case of Greek subjects 01 the annexation of Thessaly , but U mud : milder lu tone than was at first understood The correspondent of the Times says the jioto expresses the views of the powers "li a deferentially suggestive form. " A dispatch to the Dally News from Con etantlnoplo says the porto has prepared c petition lu Greek and Turkish to be signet l y the Inhabitants of Thcssaly , praying te 1)0 ) placed under the rule of the sultan. A dispatch to the Dally Mall from VIcnni rays that the Turkish government ban mob illzcd 50,000 additional troops. which an In readlncsa to advance Into Thessaly , am that the government Is making active prep aratlons for u Turkish administration of Hi province. , EXUHTS 1MUSSSU1I13 GI3IIMANY I iiil in1 - H Uit > ICniperor t < flmiine UlN Altitude. CONSTANTINOPLE , May 26. The with drawal of Germany's objections to the col Icctlvo note of the powers en the subject o peace between Turkey and Crcece was dui to the representations which the powers especially Hubslu , made to Berlin , Ger many , In addition to objecting to sign tin Hole until Greece consented tn abide by th < terms agreed upon , objected to the Indent ulty clau u. being opposed to the princlpl of Indemnity being settled forthwith on tti babla of the present resources of Greece. This attitude upon the part of Germany I ftttilbuted to a deslro to rearrange the Grecl UniinceE In a manner giving better bccurlt ; to the German bondholders. The adheeloi of Germany to the action of the powers li this respect has greatly relieved the eltuu tlon. _ Turk * Violate ( lir ArnilMlce. ATHENS , May 26. A dispatch from La tula today gaye that 300 Ghegs Intruded upo : the neutral zone , but were driven bark b the Greek gendarmerie. Crown Prince Con B'.untlno has strongly protected against th ! intrusion as a violation of the ormUtlcc. Will Not CH to TheMkiily. CONSTANTINOPLE , May 26. Genert Kelson A. Miles , U. 6 , A. , who left th United States with ( he Intention ot observ Ing the draeco-TurkUh war , mated ycitct d y lor Athens with his suite. The geucrt has abandoned his proposed trip to Thessaly. Captain 0. G. Schrlvcn , U. S. A. , the United States military attache at Rome , who was recently appointed to fill the post of military attache at Constantinople as well , loaves this city for Thoiiialy tomorrow. 1TAMA.V STIUS UPA HUM PUS. ItiNiilfn M. Until , Who Promptly Hnn Him Arri-Nlvd. ATHENS , May 26. An exciting scene took place at the ministry of marine today. Slg. dt Felice , the Italian socialist leader , rudely accosted and Insulted M , Ralll , the Greek premier. The latter Immediately BUmmonctl the police and had Dt Felice put on board ot an Italian vessel with the request that ho be not again allowed to eet toot In Greece. When Big. dl Kcllcc was being conducted under arrest to the Piraeus to bo placed on the Italian war ship Sarldegcna , a number ot the Garlbaldlans attempted to rescue him and a free tight occurrco , In which a soldier nnd a civilian were severely wounded. Aa soon as ho was aboard the Ironclad Dl Kcllco was liberated at the request ot the Italian minister , the duke of Avcrna , on his solemn promtso to quit Greece without provoking further Incidents. I'OWHIIS IJIIOP A HINT TO TUIUCI5Y. Pence NrKOtliitlutiN t Tnkcit Up liy Tin-in IiiMtetuI of ( Jri'i-iM- . CONSTANTINOPLE , May 26. The col- lectlvo note of the powers , presented yester day to the Turkish government , besides proposing - posing conditions for permanent peace be tween Turkey and .Greece , concludes with Inviting the Porte to negotiate with the am bassadors with reference thereto. The reply of the government of Turkey U momentarily expected. _ _ WAHNING TO THE UMTI3U STATES. Ilnviinit I'npcr UiiIoiulH ItHclf of n Pciv AVorilK Til at lliu-ii. HAVANA , 'Mny ' 26. El Dlaro de la ( Marina In a leading editorial today says : "Wo see In the American newspapers that there are certain social classes In the United States who arc not alive to the Importance of the advice , 'Don't monkey with the lion's tall. " These classes are remarkable for the quick ness In which they evade Jurisdiction in. af- falra which , like the Cuban war , are ex clusively the affairs of Spain. "Tho persistence with \\hlch they recog nize the belligerency of the Inourgenta la crazy and ridiculous. The Important con servative Interests of the United States should not forget that the patience of Spain may soon become exhausted. The Spanlah government has given abundant proofs of Its good will by Ignoring the many Inconveni ences that have been caused by resolutions in congress. Those Interests ought to be thankful to us for our abnegation. We have suffered. Hut In case the sword should be unsheathed Spain would certainly not be the heaviest loser In the fight. "Spalnt has sent 200,000 men to Cuba to settle a domestic difficulty. What would she not do In the event of a foreign war with the nation which for a century has abused our patience by Ignoring Spanish honor and chivalry ? President McKlnley should consider this carefully and If he Is to deal with , us as enemies let him take the advice of an enemy and no longer trifle with us. " SAOASTA TO MAKF ] A STATEMENT. I.HnTiitH Would Never Consent to < lie Kaliof Culm. MADRID , May 26. ItIs understood lhat Scnor Sagasta , the liberal leader , will soon publish an important statement in which ho will announce his unalterable opposition to the Bale of Cuba and his unyielding sup port to the maintenance ot the Integrity of Spanish territory. Tlie Senor Del Canovas Del Castillo , denies the existence ot of a cabinet crisis and says that he is rc- polveil to remain in office in spite ot the ab&ontatlon ot the opposition from taking part In the sessions of the Cortes. The budget committee hns reported favor ably on the projected loan with the Almadcn quicksilver mines as security , and has also reported fa\oiably on the financial measures proposed to meet the expenses of the wars. L ConieK to Confer with 1 PHILADELPHIA , May 26. Advices from Cuba were received by the local Junta today to the effect that General Gomez will tem porarily resign ns commander of the insur gent forces and come to this country a ; " ( secretary of war pro tern" of the Cuban re. public to confer with President McKlnley on the Cuban situation. During bis absence General Garcia will command. Hfci-pdoii lo Ciilinnn. ( Copyright , JM7 , by Press Publishing Company. ) KINGSTON , Jamaica , May 26. ( Now York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The Cuban general , Salcedo , awl six men , who left Cuba In art open boat , landed near Port Marltn and were Immediately seized and sent to quarantine , a mile from shore. They had undergone great hardships and theli treatment on landing la considered scandal ous. WITHHOLD AID 1'KOM CHILDREN , Complain * on Ailnilnlntrntlnii of the I'1) ! in I lie F u nil. LONDON , May 26. Lord Rndetock , secre tary ot the Society for the Christian succor of India , has received a letter from Rev. J. O. Denning , an American clergyman at Nar- elngpur , relative to the dishonesty and Incompetcncy ot the natives , who are admin istering the famine fund. Mr. Dennlngs says that owing to the action of the Hindoo mem bers of .the local district committee , not a single half penny has reached the poor Hln- r doos. Ho adds that the members of this i committee opposed all relief of children on the ground that the only orphanage ls } Christian , and that to help the children i would bo helping the Christians. onsKiivi : TIM ; UUCKVS IIIHTHDAY , ] < > tile I al Ceremony of TroopliiK of the ' Colorx. 3 LONDON , May 26. The official celebra tion of the queen's birthday was observed today In London with the usual clcelng ol the courts and government offices , the ringIng - Ing of the church bells , a display ot flags , artillery salutes and the ceremony of troopIng - Ing the 'colors In the Horse Guards parade In which the colonial troops now In London took part. Although this ceremony wai somewhat marred by rain , It was wltnesset by throngs of people. The New Soutt Wales and other detachments of colonial troops participated. The royal family wai largely represented at the trooping of ttx colors. llai'iiey Ilitrimtu III. LONDON , May 20. A sharp drop In tin Darnato group of South African eecurlttct was occasioned today by a dispatch fron Capetown stating that Barney Darnato wai Buffering from nervous prostration and thai his friends had found It necessary to placi him under restraint. Uarnatu's London rep resentatlvo , however , Bald later In the daj that ho had received a cablegram statlnt that liarnato was suffering from a light at tack of capo fever , but his condition was no serious. llejeotcil ! > > the Can Him Vote , LONDON , * May 26 , A dispatch to th < Dally Mall from IHoemfontalnc , Orange Fret State , South Africa , nays that the Rand after a debate lasting several days , baa re Jrcted by the casting vote of the chairman a proposition to restrict the franchlsi granted to the Ultlanders. President Bteyi supported the proposal , which was evl dcntly the outcome of the recent visit o President Krugcr. Arrive * lit London. 1 LONDON , May 26. John W , Foster , wh < comes to England an the representative o the United State * to see what arrangement I can bo made to preserve the seals In Alaska water * , arrived at Southampton today , GREEK VIEW OF THE RESULT Oabinot Ministers Give Their Opinions on Present Conditions. TURKEY SHOULD BZ GIVEN NOTHING Jreece HUM No Money io Pay Indem nity ami Cannot Spare a Knot of Territory an n Penalty. CopyilRht. U07 , by Pr s Publishing Company. ) ATHENS , May 26. ( New York World Ca- egram Special Telegram. ) The following atementa ftom Premier Ralll nnd his fcl- nv members of the cabinet constitute an mclal government declaration of Greece's resent position. All nre signed except the no handed to mo by M , Slmopoulos , mlnls- e-r of finance , who guarantees hla statement , ut declines to put hla name to It became 10 figures are only estimates and not exact. ho originals are forwarded by mall. SYLVESTER SCOVEL. ATHENS , 'May 20. Greece should not bo ensured for the Inactivity of her navy , nor iculd European powers be blamed. They Id not restrain our ships ; Christianity did : ad we bombarded thc'.r seaports ami esiean IslandP , the Turks would have mas- ncreil the Christiana there , as they mas tered the Armenians. Could we have n-ed ur navy the result would he different. The owera know our poverty and 1 do not tear n unjust decision. KALLt , 'rime Minister nnd Minister ot the Navy. ATHENS , May 20. The story of the war Is Imple. The Tuiks mnsracred Greeks In rote It was Mohammedan against ChrlP- .in , and we sent forces to protect our sub- ucts. The powers permitted our ttoops to and nnd thus recoKn'zed ' the nation's right 0 protect its own. The powers repented ami locktnled Ciete. This was foolish. Had he powers -wished to punish Greece they Sould have acted directly against Greece , ot np ! > lnst Crete. The whole affair hade o significance , but It hail disastrous erects ectsIt aroused great public Indignation ver the situation of the Chrlstt-ins In tele , nnd nn alleged patriotic society with 1 large and Ignorant membership made apltal out of this abnormal display of com- r.on sympathy , and preached war. : UROPE FORCED GREECE INTO WAR. Greece had no national grievance ncalnst Turkey , and without blundering Interference he Cretan affair would nave been ouietly eltled by the two parties Interested. But Europe gave the patriotic society a chance o asltate. nnd thus forced Greece , unjire- mred. into disastrous War. The former alnlstry weakly opposed the society , but mil not the courage to resign. I expected he resu't. We liave been beaten by su- > erlor Turkish members nml superior for- lun strategy. Now we must make the best of It. SICOULODIS , Min'sler ' of ForHcn Affairs. ATHENS , Mny 2-3. The nnttlot'c ' war ot lefense has fucked our colters dry and Im poverished the nation. It has co"t S7r,00,000 cash already , without nioro fighting , and til ! cost $12.000COO. The ircnernl IOFH is tre mendous not less than $32,000,000. We can not cede nnv territory nor pay any money. : f we should pay Indemnity , wo sho.M havpi o default In the payment of the national Kinds and the European holders of them vould" IOKP for the profit of Turkey. The oss of Thessalv means n falling off ot .000,000 from the ordinary revenue. The war has not cost Turkey proportion ately. The Turkish trobp ? are never paid : ours nre. Besides , the Turks captured M.000,000 pounds of flour. They have .Ived well. well.Tho ( foregoing Is from M. Slmopoulos , tbo minister of finance. He guarantees the statement , but declines to sign It because lis conservative estimates are not exact figures ) . WAS LITTLE AGAINST BIG. ATHENS , May 2G From a military point of view , Greece lo t by opposing vastly su perior numbers with an Ill-supplied , hastily mobilized mob of recruits , handicapped by a lack of horses and without cavalry the eyes of an army. It was like pitting a boy against a man with telescope ? . The Greek Is brave , and ! f trained is the best soldier In Europe , nnd Intelligent. The Turk fights wel' . He is a fatalist. Danth n battle means pure paradise to him. Against such fanaticism old troops were needed. The Greeks have no annual field maneuvers , lack of which prevented the training of ofllcers and Then' . The mlvtakea of our generals would not have been made If they had been accustome-d to the handling of large bodies of men. We will take a les son from adversity nnd be prepared. We cannot yield to Turkey the frontier strategic points , for brlfrands would utilize th m to ravage Thessaly , moreover , new defenses cost heavily. The who'e war was little actalnst bip. Ciown Prince Constantlne had 30,000 troop- * DKalnst 70,000 , directed bv the masterly mind of the beet tactician of nny European na tion not Turkey. Furthermore , ho had eleven batterlos to silence twenty. TSAMADO3 Minister of Wnr. ATHENS. May 2G. Equity demands that Greece , defeated , be held scathless. Moura- vieft , the Russian foreign minister , can vassed the powers before the beginning of hostilities , and announced that the ag gressor , If victorious , could not be allowed one pitlmmlo of sail nor one drachma of money from the vanished. If this IB PO , Turkey must Immediately evacuate Thes- faly , for Turkey was the agsrpssor , tech nically nnd actual'.y. She declared war without justification. Turkey mnv claim two occurrences ns euch , the landing of Greek trooi > s In Crete nnd later the crossing Into Turkey of some armed bands. The Cretan proposition cannot stand , bccalioo the powers authorized the landing by per mitting it. because later they terminated Crete as n cause for war by the blockade , and because International law recognizes the right of n nation to protect its co-re- IlKionlsts anywhere from massacre. Greece attempted this. The ; so-called Invasion of Turkey by Greek hands cannot hold , as the Moslems claim. The few men crossed against the effort of Greek government and were not Greek subjects , certainly not Greek soldiers. They mostly were Mace donian ! ! , subjects of the sultan. If the powers allow power to five way to right , Greece has nothingto fear from the de cision. IUANTAFILUAKOS. Minister of Justice. ' EUROPE AGAINST CHRIST. ATHI-JNS , May 28 , The war has been ono of the Cross agalnxt the Crescent , with Europe against Christ. The powers per mitted our troops to land to protect Chris tians In Crete , thnn blockniled us. The- very day the Biiltan's foreign policemen landed In Canen , Christian blood flowed. The coun try hns received n ten years' setback. AH schools of Thessaly have been destroyed , We had been malting great progress In com mon education. If the powers give Turkey one foot of Greece , enlightenment will be by BO much retarded , and th Christians Imperiled. EIJTAXIA , Minister of Education and Religion. ATHENS. May 20. We don't know , naturally , the disposition the powers -will moke hut I believe they will take intq earnest consideration the already poor fate of Greece , and not Impose too heavy con ditions. If they Fhould do FO , Greece can do nothing' hut call even- man for national defense , anil at Thermopylae endeavor to repeat the deeds of old. Our taxes now arc higher than the peonle can stand. A high Indemnity IB Impossible , even had the UK- urosi-or. Turkey , the rlslit to demand It. ligyond the natural clamor of n disappointed people , them will be no rnternul disorder upon the dlsbnndment of the army. M. THEOTAKIS , Minister of the Interior. T11ANS.MISSISSIPP1 DI3I.KGATHS. Governor Ilolcomlioiuex Men ( o At end Suit 1/aUe Catherine' . LINCOLN , May 26. ( Special Telegram. ) The following have been appointed by Gov crnor Holcomb as delegates to attend th ninth convention of the Transmlsslrslpp Commercial congress to be held at Salt Lake City , Utah , commencing Wednesday , Julj 14 , 1897 : George W. Doane , Omaha ; W. F Hay ward , Chadron : John C. Sprecher , Schuy lor ; R. A. Hatty. Hastings ; George W. Merge Lincoln ; John H , MacColl , Lexington ; W. H Thompson , Grand Island ; C. J. Dowlby Crete ; Joseph Redman , Omaha ; W. F Wright , Bethany ; Fred D. Race , Omaha. . Troubled of n Day. ST. JOSEPH , May 26. The St. Josepl Furniture Manufacturing- company ha failed for something over $30,000. Silas Me Donald , jr. , was named aa trustee for th benefit of creditor : ) , all of whom are St Joseph banks and private Individuals , Th company wux organized In 1S92 with a pal uo capital of K-0.000 and bus conducted general furniture manufacturing business. OUTER PUESHNTS CttttDKNTIALS. New AniliitNKititnr lo Prnitce Meets ( * PARIS , May 26. President' ' -tttro formally received 'tho United Staffs antWaador , Gen eral Horace Porter , todiy. Shortly before 6 o'clock . squadron of Ultasslcrs , with threap can ages , one of hem containing M. Crosier the director f the protocol , and MMallard - , the Intro- ucer of Mr. Porter , droyc up to the house n the Rue do Madrid , tvhcro General Por- er Is residing as the Rucst of General Vlnslow , to escort the United States am- assador to the Elysco palace. On arriving ho municipal band played the "Marsel- also" and the guard on duty presented mis. General Porter alighted at the en- ranee and was Immediately Introduced to 'resident Faure and presented his crcdcn- tals. The document was worded as fol- ows : William McKlnley , President of the United States of America , to His Excel- ency. Felix Fauro , President of the French Republic : Great and Gotxl Friend I have nado choice of Horace Porter , one of our 'Istlnculnhed citizens , to reside near the ovcrnmtnt of your excellency In the qual- .y of ambassador extraordinary nnd picnl- otcntlnry ot the United States of America. Io Is well Informed as to the Interests of he two countries and of our sincere desiree o cultivate to the fullest extent the friend- hip which has FO lonfr subsisted between s. My knowledge of his high quality and blltly gives me entire confidence that he vlli constantly endeavor to advance the In- crests nnd prosperity of both governments mil render his mission acceptable to your xcollancy. I request your excellency to rc- clve him favorably and give full credence o what he shall say In our behalf and to he assurances I have charged him to con- 'cy to you ot ( lie best wishes of this ROV- rnment for the prosperity of France. May 3od have your excellency In His wise keep- ' ng. Your good friend , WILLIAM M'KINLEY. Washington , Marcli 31 , 1S37. General Porter , In prceenttng-'uls creden- lals , said In French : Monsieur le President : I have tlu honor 0 present you with a loiter accrediting mo inibassndor extruonllnaiy and plenlpoten- lory of the United S.ates of-America. It IB 1 source of extreme gratification to me to > e permitted to ha a rcpresuntatlve to the - hlef republic of the od ! world. I have been charged with the very agreeable duty of conveying to you lliovc.onllnl good wishes of the eminent citizen recently Inaugurated chief magistrate 6f 'the United States of America , nnd to aswure-you of the profound regard he entertains for you personally and ) f the high esteem In which he holds tha laople of France. The similarity of the 01 ms of government of our lespettlve coun- rles , th ( ! belief Indulged Ih by both in lib eral policies nnd the , deep Interest felt by ? ach In the freedom , rights and welfare of ts citizens , have created between our people enduring bonds of sympathy. The alliance entered Into by both 'countries ' when the American republic was' Ihilts Infancy , the ) loodshed in common In lha'cause of human iberty nnd the traditional friendship con- inued through so lonj ? ti jMJrloQ have estnb- Ished relations of nmitywhich time should never be permitted to efface. I take pleasure In nsauflnff von that I should not Jeprosent faithfully the sen 11- nents of my government or'of the American people if I failed to employ .every endeavor on my part to fos'er and strengthen the In tercourse which now Ijapplly exists between our sister republics. President Fauro replied In somewhat simi lar terms , expressed satisfaction at the uen- timenta and assurances General Porter had uttered , and . acaurcd" ! Him ho would find France well disposed to second him in his efforts , and , thatfivery facility would be given him to accomplish lib mission. General Porter then..presented Henry Vlg- naud , secretary of the United States em- basoy , ; , : E. E. Scott , , the second secretary ; Cnlnnrl , . . S. . . , . (1. Kellogg , the _ United Starr.- ' military attache , and Lieutenant Simma , the United States naval * attache. Th.e..cere mony/ lasted a quarter .of ah hour. When General Porter , withdrew the mu nicipal , band played "The Washington Post March. ? ' The ambassador returned to the Rue de Madrid , with , the game ceremonial , escorted by the squadron orculracslero. Gen eral Porter later called upon M. Hlinotaux , the minister for foreign affairs. An unprecedented Incident occurred upon the occasion of the presentation of General Porter's credentials. The ambassador wanted to. dellver _ hie ( speech at the Etysee palace , In English , as the retiring ambassador , Mr. Eustls , had done , but the , director of the protocol insisted that he must speak in French , and General' Porter was obliged to submit. Although on some previous oc casions United States ministers have spoken in French , this Is the first time the point was raised and formally maintained by the presidency. AmliKloiiH to Murder the Cxnr. BERLIN , May 26. TJio tokal Anzeigcr of Alx-la-Chapellc today publfslied a dispatch from St. Petersburg allying that a young artisan had been arrested in the park ot Tearkoo-Selo , seventeen miles south of St. Petersburg , where the summer residence of the emperor Is located , with a dagger and a revolver in hla possession. The prisoner said he wanted to murder the czar , become Vi hflnccd''lika other "heroes , " KANSAS IIECI5IVES f A DRENCHING Five IiielieM of HaliiiFall lit Troy Ii n KeiVj Ilo'urn. . TROY , Kan , , May 26. Flvo Inches of rain fell In this vicinity between midnight and 2 o'clock this afternoon , pausing heavy dam age to growing : crops. ' Terrific lightning * prevailed in the morning , nnd-eevoral houses were shattered , All.'Small streams are ou cf their banks and wsohoutu have resulted on the St. Joseph & Gra'nd and the Bur lington roads. No trains were run today between here and Wathena. EIJ PASO , Tex. , May 26. The Rio Grande continues to rleo , and'an , army of men are ; strung out on Sixth street working .on the new levee , iwhlch waa thrown up Monday when the old ono was ifroken. This morn Ing all the bells In' Juarez were rung to call out the people to check a break In the Juarez levee , and Hie Mexican troopa sta tloned in Juarez were put to work to save the 'Mexican end of the car bridge. The bridge was Eaved , as was , also the Juarc ; levee. At noon today thoj Wee In front 0 City Recorder O. palterson's residence 'broko and the waters rushed Into the houne almost drowning the recorder and a frlem who was with him. Hla-r&I enco was weshci away , together with aj dozen other bouses In the neighborhood. V' ' KANSAS CITY AJTI : n SATTLEY Ili'IeiiHvil IlanU : Cuyhle < i Hi * I'ut on KANSAS CITY , Ma 26.- An unusual legal proceeding is about tp Ho tarted In Kansas City. When Governor Stevens , on Sunday last , extended exe < futjvo cli nienety to Cashier Sattley of the defunct Kanpas City Safe Deposit - posit and Savings ba ik , af cr ho had Fervei less than half hla four y ar ' sentence fo complicity lu the fprgerii s which wreckei the bank , a storm of protest * arcse. By thi'B Protestants strong pressureihas been brougb to bear upon the local authorities and aa a result It is announced that Prosecutor Lowe proceeded against fiattle } on twenty-nlnt- ( Me [ merits still standing against him. Thee cases will be. set for'trjahal the ( all term of court and the prosecutor will apply to Governor Stevens for , a inquisition to brink Sattley back from California. Sattley Is sup poued to be In Los Ancelc , where his wife Is lying very 111. Prosecutor Lowe declares had ho known that Sattley'e pardon wai proposed ho would have had an officer a the penitentiary gates , armed with warrants for his rearrest. J. C. Darrarh , president of the bank , who was 'Indicted jointly with Sattley , la etil to be tried , tha case being postponed fron time to time. Wnrraiitu fur Father and CHICAGO , Slay 26. Osrow W. Clapp , one a well known nnd wealthy board of trud operator , and his son , Pwljrht O. Clapp were arrested today at the request of th New Yoik police department , charged wit being fugitives from Justice. It la uald the are wanted In New York to answer to a charge of illegally transferring property fo the purpose of defrauding creditor * TEST VOTE ON THE TARIFF In Unimportant Item , but Shows Where Senators Stand. EPUBLICAN FORCIS HANG TOGETHER ; ' ' Amendment 4o Ileilnce 1'ro- poxed lint ) ' on lloraclu Acid I'ur- nlxhi-H tin ; Opportunity The Amendment IN Detcatcil. WASHINGTON , May 20. The first vote on the tariff bill was taken lu the senate oday. It came after a two-hours' debate on ho Item of boraclc acid , which , although comparatively unimportant , afforded an op- > ortunlty for the first alignment of the varl- ouu elcmente. Mr. Vest ot Missouri , a demo cratic member of the finance committee , noved to make the rate on boraclc add 3 nstcad of 5 cents a pound , as provided by the committee. Thru presented a direct Issue be tween the committee and the opponents of ho bill. The amendment was defeated , 20 to 34. The vote was largely on party lines. The debate was participated in by Senators Vest , Jones of Arkansas , Aldrlcb , Perkins. White , Caftrcy , Gray and Stewart , Mr. White , a democratic member of the finance committee , opposed Mr. Vest's amendment , urging that the California Industry required the rate allowed by the committee. Seven paragraphs of the bill were considered dur ing the day , the commit too being sustained In each Instance. The resolution was agreed to , authorizing the secretary of the navy to employ any iniltablo ship In forwarding relief supplies to India. Among the petitions \vas one presented by Mr. Smith of New Jersey from the liquor dealers of twenty-one counties In New Jer sey protesting ogainet the proposed tax on Jeer. The final conference report on the Indian appropriation bill was presented , but not acted upon. It provides for opening the Un- compahgro Indian reservation In Utah , re serving to the United States the asphalt and gltaonlto lands. The bill was passed extending time for building the railroad bridge across the Illi nois river near Grafton , 111. Also the bill authorizing a bridge over the Clinch river at Kingston , Tenn. Mr. Allison ot Iowa caused the passage of a Joint resolution appropriat ing $225,000 for deficiencies at the govern ment printing office. RELIEF FOR INDIA. Debate occurred over the chartering ot rhlps to carry relict siif piles to India. Mr. Chandler ot New Hampshire endeavored to get a vote on his proposition to send the sup plies by any suitable ship. Mr. Morgan of Alabama Insisted that American ships under the /American flag be employed. He favored naturalizing two for eign-built ships , "even If It does grind on some gentlemen who monopolize the coast wise trade in steamshlpi. " Mr. Gray ot Delaware also urged that the "white winged messengers of peace and benevolence should bear the American flag. " Mr. Stewart of Nevada said this sending of grain wcs a charity , and yet here senators were discussing what display we could make how we could advertise ourselves and how Ihe American' flag could bo used as an Incident " " " dent to charity. ' * ' , Mr. Fry.odcclared that the proposition of Mr. MorgarT'wccj a" scheme "originatingwith Hogan & Sons , New York , shipowners , who were seeking to make a bargain as an Inci dent to this charity , by which two of their foreign-built ships would secure permanent American registries. A motion by Mr. Morgan to table the Chandler proposition was defeated , 18 to 40 and the Joint resolution was then passed. Mr Sowell ot New Jersey made a brief am vigorous statement that this American bene faction should go under the American flag and Mr , Morgan added : "Tho American flog is now hauled down. " The final conference report on the Indian bill was then agreed to. The tariff bill wis taken up at 2 o'clock. TARIFF DEBATE OPENS. Mr. White of California , In behnlt ot the democratic mcmbem of the finance com mlttce , submitted a number of tables show Ing the articles on , which the duties were from 30 to 70 per cent , from 75 to 100 per cent and over 100 per cent. In reply to questions by Mr. White Mr Aldrlch , In charge of the bill , said ho was unable to state the average ad valorem rate of the entire bill or the total number o amendments proposed. The formal reading- the bill then began , and the senate was thus brought to the poln of considering the measure by paragraphs The first amendments wore formal and were agreed to without question. As soon as the second page was reached a contest arose over the amendment propcsed by the finance committee , raising the duty on "coracle acic from 4 to C cents per pound. Mr. Vest of Missouri moved to substitute 3 cents. After a lengthy debate , the Ves amendment was defeated , 20 to 34 as fol lows : Yeas Democrats : ncrry. Gray , r.iGco < > , ( . artery. Jones , Ituwllns , Chllton , I Kenncy , Hoacli , Clnyton , Llnflsny , Smith , Cockrell , Morgan , Turple Gorman , Murphy , Vest. \Valthall. ' i Popllst : Heltrcld-29. Nays Republicans : f Aldrlch , Koraker , Penrore AllUon , 1'Tyo. Perking , llahcr , Onlllng-er , Plan ( Conn. ) HurrottS , Ocar. Platt ( N. Y ) Cnrter. Hunna , Quay , Cliamller , . IlniiBlirough , hhoiip , Cullom , Huwley , Hpoontr Davis , LoilKe , Warner UlUInn , McMillan , Wllbon. KalrliunkB , Nelson , Democrats ; MoHncry , White , Silver Republican : Cannon , Populists : Jones , Stewart 34. The following were the pairs , the flrs named would have voted for and the las named against the Vest resolution : Dante and Prltchard , Turner and Hoar , Pcttua and McBrlde , Mallory and Proctor , Martin and Mantle , Mitchell and Sowell , Tlllman and Thurston , Harris ( Kan. ) and Clark Uato and Doboe , Harris ( Ttnn. ) and Merrill rill , George and Wolcott , Uacon and Wet more. Mills and Mason , Butler and Welllnu ton. ton.All All the republicans voted or were palrcc against the Vest amendment , BO that they presented a solid front. Two democrats McErney of Louisiana and Whlto of Call fornla , voted with the republicans. Al other democrats voted or were paired to the Vest amendment. Heltfeld , ipopullst voted with the democrats ; Duller and Turner populists , were paired with republicans Stewart , populist , voted with the repub HcaiiH , as did Jones of Nevada and Cannon silver republican. Pettlgrew , silver rcpub llcan , was absent and not paired , Kyle , In dependent popullat. wan absent and unpaired Halo , republican , and Kaulkner , democrat were absent and no pairs announced fo them. The committee provision fixing the rate on poraclc acid at G cents per pound was then agreed to. I When the next Item , alcoholic perfumery cologne , etc. , wae reached , Mr , Vest movec to restore the old rates of $2 per gallon am Lo per cent ad valorem. The uinendrnen was defeated. Mr. Gray , democrat of Delaware , resisted the committee amendment on bleaching powder or chloride of llmo at ooe-quarte of 1 cent per pound , After noino discussion the paragraph went over. At C o'clock the tariff bill was laid asldo paragraph 8 , page 3 , having been reached An egreerncut was reached that a vote b akcn on the conference report on the sun- ry civil bill at 2 o'clock tomorrow. At G:32 : p. m. the ecnate held an executive csslon , and afterward adjourned , linPOUT ON KUIIISST linSHHVA Klrc nnd I'liMtirnup Hie G UaiiKri-K tn Tlmlier Innd WASHINGTON , May 26. The has sent to the eonate the detailed orcstry made by the commlttc < National Academy ot Science at if the secretary of the Interior , loncluslons of the committee were , n an abstract furnished by theffjlco / ome weeks ago. The report alls aa to European cxpcrlmcnflBHMlng ho Influence upon climate and Rirci'is = How mid says the figures dcmonstrAtc a consliler- \ble progressive reduction In tlie mean an- tual , the flood and the lowest water levels" upon all the chief rivers draining central Juropo. Mllllonn of dollars have been ex pended during recent years In Europe In hocking the force of floods duo to denuded mountain slopes by the construction of stone dams and river beds and planting eod and rce-s. The committee predicts that similar expenditures In this country must follow the lostructlon of mountain forests If the nar row , valleys of the west are to continue Imblt- ible. ible.Fire Fire and pasturage arc cited as chiefly hrcatenlng the reserved forest lands of the mbllc domain , Illegal timber cutting damage icing comparatively Insignificant , The com mittee says the government In permitting rce pasturage on the public domain to gheep owners In the public land states and ter ritories Is clearly unjust to people clae- vhere , who must own or hire pastures. Traces of depredations were visible In all the cservofl visited. By segregation of these great bodies of re served lands they cannot be withdrawn from all occupation and use , but should bo man aged for the benefit of the people of the whole country , not for a class or section. i\s to this the report sajs that under a strict Interpretation of the Interior depart- ncnt 40,000,000 acres of land are thus the oretically shut out from all human occupa- lon or enjoyment , a condition of affairs that should not continue. Land more valuable for | ts mineral deposits or agricultural crops than for Its timber should be taken rom the reservations and told to miners and farmers , mature timber should be cut and should settlers within or adjacent to the boundaries bo nimble to procure It in others ways they should be authorized to : ako such material from reserved forests aa s necessary for their needs , and prospectors should be allowed to search the forests for minerals. This general scheme of administration of forest reserves is submitted : A forestry bureau Is to be organized under a director , who is to be president of an advisory board consisting of himself , an assistant di rector and four forest inspectors. It also provides that the bureau should have a dis bursing officer , clerks and legal advisers ; twenty-six head foresters , twenty-six assist ants , to constitute a permanent corpsa ; 200 raugtrs cud various assistant rangers , the salary roll calling for an annual appropria tion of $250,000 with appointive preferences given West Point graduates. To provide for the survey of all lands surveyed or to be sur veyed a board of forest lands Is recom mended. Holders , corporate or Individual , of lands In the reserves are to exchange them for equitable holdings outsUe. As to the unreaerved forest lands , Shu report urges withdrawing from sale and entry lands more valuable ) for timber than for other purposes end suggests that after survey , those tracts ICES valuable for forests be opened to sale and entry and the remainder held permanently for the government. UKSTS ITS CASE. TenUmoiiy All til In the I'roocedliiKH AKnliiNt Iliivcmeyer. WASHINGTON , May 26. The government rested Its case against Henry O. Havcmyer , the president of the American Sugar Refin ing company , shortly after the noon recess today. Thereupon Mr. Johnson of Philadel phia , the leading counsel for the defense , moved that the judge Instruct the jury to find the defendant not guilty on nix grounds : 1. That the question aa to local nnd Btnte contributions of the cape ivus beyond the Jurisdiction of the senate committee and Im pertinent. , 2. That It was not part of Mr. Havemyer'a duty to examine iccords for the purpose of answering questions ho could not answer from memory , 3. That when data from books or records are demanded , such books or records are the best evidence. 4. That the question put to witness was too broad , covering ii relevant matters. G. If the witness wan to be held recusant It was the duty of the committee to warn him that the question was a committee , not un Individual question ; and 6. That the indictment did nof disclose cause of action. Mr. Johnson made an argument of an hour and a half In support of bis motion , and vktn he concluded , District Attorney Davis oakc-d lor an adjournment , which was granted. Mr. Davis will reply to the mo tion tomorrow. Tuo concluding testimony of the govern ment offered at the morning- session was not important , save for the purpose of mak ing up the record aa to 'What ' occurred In the senate Investigating committee. NOMINATIONS MY TIII3 1'HKSIDBNT , New I'ostiniiKUM' for Humphrey In. cliidvil In thu I.lMt. WASHINGTON , May 2li. The president today sent the following nominations to the senate : State Charles Durdetto Hart of West Vir ginia , to be envoy extraordinary and miniate ! plenipotentiary of the United States to Co lombia ; Fralcols S. Jones of Louisiana , sec retary of the legation at Buenos Ayres , Ar gentine Republic. Justice John G. Thompson ot Illinois , tc bo assistant attorney general ; James Edmoncl Boyd of North Carolina , to bo assistant at torney general. Treasury James S , Fruit , collector Interna revenue. Twenty-third district of Pennsyl vania ; Kenneth R , Pendlcton , collector o customs , Diatrlct of Alhcinarle N. C. Interior Thornton S. Howard , rcglstei land office , DCS MoincsIa. : John W , Miller receiver public moneys , Woodward , Okla homa : A. Wright , agent for the Indians o the MUalon Tall River agency In Callfor- n nl a. Postmasters Illinois , Kato 13 , Moore Gencsee. Iowa , P. I ) , McMahon , Chartei Oak ; Artl'iir D. Patterson , Cresco ; B. B Buell , Elma. 'Mlreeouri ' , F. J. 'Uclncmann Klrkwood. Montana , Lewis F , Ilabcock , Bil lings. Ncbreska , William H. Illlan , Hum phrey. Texas , Henry D. Bennett , Del Rico Wyoming , W. F. Drltton , Sheridan. SUPPLIES FOIl THU SUKFI3IIEUS C'oiiNiil General Iee HIIN K I , tint .Some Time. WASHINGTON , May 26-Consul General Leo cables the State department today from Havana that the amount of supplies he has on hand there for the relief of American citizens In distress Is abundant , nnd will last for some time. Presumably this state ment applies generally to all the consulates , for the consul general has been In consul tation with his subordinate consult ; on thle very matter , by direction of the secretary ol state. At any rate , the department will now pause before moving further In the direction of distribution of relief. CouflriiiiUloiiH. WASHINGTON , May 26. The nenate today - day confirmed Ilia following nominations : n. H. Smock , to be > mcelvcr of public mouejo at Buffalo , Wyo , ; F. D. Hcly , to bo register of the land olfico at Beaver , Okl. ; A. A , Trltle , Jr. . to be register of the land office at Preacott , Ariz. ; A. P , Oreely of Concord , N. H. , now nn examlncr-ln-chlef of the pat- cut office , to bo assistant commissioner ol patents ; T. O. Slow-art of Piano , 111. , now principal examiner In the patent cilice , to be examlner-In-chlef In the patent olflcc ; D. K Sherman , to bo posjlmaster at .Montroao , Cul. . SIXTY DAYS LONGER Time Needed to Pass the Tariff Bill Through Congress. MAY BE A LAW BY THE MIDDLE OF AUGUST Estimates on the Debate in the Senate Matlf by Exports. EXPOSITION INVITATIONS HANG FIRE Documents from Omaha Have Nrt Yofc Reached Washington. DICK JENNESS GIVES UP THE LAND OFFICE lU'llevew a Sti-aliieil Situation lit Con * iieetloii ttltli tinO'.Velll ItoKli- ternlilp ! ) > ' \Vltln1ruwltiK In I Kuvotr of Week it. WASHINGTON , May SG. ( Special Tele gram. ) If all days on the tarltf bill wrro Ike today , It Is calculated by arithmeticians hat the senate will consume 100 daje la llscusslon of the present measure. Senator Mdrlch , however , said to The Bee corrcs- ) ondent that he wan greatly encouraged with he condition of affaire and that the decision , of the republicans to settle all their differ ences In caucus would naturally change the Itnatlon ns far as the discussion of the > 111 was concerned. While the senate cou- umrd nearly four hours In discussion ot two paragraphe , there uro many paragrapl-s vhich can be agreed upon without any dis cussion whatever , and this will lessen very natei tally the calculation ot old-ttmcra here abouts In regard to the length of time the * 'cnato wilttake to eventually dispose of the arlff question. It Is confidently expected that the Keivnt'o will have disposed of the illl In six weeks from today , but probably .welvo or fifteen ikiys will bo taken In con- 'crence , and that It will go to the president or signature sonic time between the 1st and 15th ot August. This calculation may somewhat modlllcd In event that warm weather should euddenly come upon con fess , for there Is nothing like "general lumldity" to drive legislators to their homes. Secretary Wilson of the Agricultural de- jiartmcnt said today that ho knew nothing of the alleged appointment ot Hon. 1'cter Jan- een of Falrbury , Neb. , an special agent ot the Agricultural department to Investigate American shipments of cattlu and meat to England for the purpose of Inducing greater demand in the English market. He is em phatic in the statement that there bos been no application made at that department for any such position. INVITING FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS. Representative Mercer and Mr. Rosewater will call at the State department In the morning in reference to extending to repre sentatives ot the United States in foreign countries invitations to bo transmitted to the several governments to which , they are accredited to participate In the Transmls- slsalppl Exposition to be held in Omaha next year. Up to this time these invitations.- have not been received at the State department. There lias been considerable wonderment on the part of the olllclals that the president and secretary of the Exposition company should have failed to present these Invita tions along the lines laid down by the At lanta and Nashville expositions , which must necessarily be a precedent so far as form and manner of transmission n're concerned. Mr. Rosewater , It is understood , la author ized on the part ot the Exposition company , and as chairman of the Bureau of Publicity , to present these letters for transmission to ambabsadors , ministers , consuls and diplo matic officers generally throughout the world to Induce foreign countries to exhibit at Omaha next year. It lu understood that there has been a happy solution of the question aa to who should be the next register of the land ofllco at O'Neill. R. II. Jenncss was a strong can didate for the place , ns was also S. J. Weeks of Atkinson. Both of thctso gentle men , well known to republicans of the north western section of the country , filed endorse ments of "exceptional character as to their fitness for the place. Senator Thurston , who has moved most cautiously in the matter of appointments , was at a loss to know just what to do In this case , when Mr. Jenncss solved the problem by withdrawing In favor of Mr. Weeks , and in all probability Mr. Weeks' name will go In as register early next week. RECEIVKTl FOR THE ORLEANS BANK. Comptroller Eckels' states that there will be no appointment of a receiver for the Or leans bank until next week. He expressed a desire that , as Uio two largest creditors wore the state and .county , ho would llko the state and county to take n portion of the assets of the Uank In payment of ob ligations , as otherwise it would bo a very costly settlement that would devolve upon the receiver. It Is Impossible to tell who the receiver will be , there being a number ot candidates recommended for the place. Mies Adelle Randall of Alton , 111. , is vis iting for a few days with Congressman and Mrs. Stark. The annual contract for heating the Lin coln public building for the next fiscal year was awarded to C. II. Havens & Co. of that city for $332. The contact for the Fort Dodge , la. , building was awarded to the Lathrop Coal company of .Fort Dodge at $ G20.Miss Miss Alice Atklnflon of Nebraska has been promoted from $1,200 to $1,400 , and George Albertson from $1,400 to $1COO , In the pen sion bureau. Nicholas J. O'Brien of Wyoming has been reinstated as special agent of the general land oinco at $1,200 per annum. W. W. Crandall of Nebraska has been rein stated as tagger In the Bureau of Animal In dustry at $720 per annum. The following have boon appointed com positors in the government printing ofllco : Nebraska Cl'arles W. Marvel ) , Omaha , Iowa James M. Rlealer , Des Molnes ; W. S. .Sypher. Clinton ; A. J. Bentoii , IK'g Molnes. South Dakota William C. Beddow , Yankton ; W. Rugglce , Brooklnga ; Frank Overman , Dcadwood ; Gcorgo Whitney , Fort Pierre. Postmasters commissioned : Nebraska Wil liam W. Hopkins , Oakland ; Louis WusHlcr , Gochner ; John H. Crowder , Gordon. South Dako'.a Richard Davenport , Alptna ; Phillip Pfalt/graff , Loretta ; William T. Kllla , Salem. Iowa Ina II , Stewart , Alvord ; Hardy D , Har- rell , Bevington ; Harry O. Williamson , Chel sea ; Sidney M. Culvert , Kendallvllle ; liana .Maflsen. KJmballton ; Jennie 12. Smith , Ran- dalia ; Valentino Blleu , Rock Falls ; David II. Duck , St. Anthony ; John C , Haas , Union , YUSSUVS SLAVISH S8U.\TJ5.\CEIJ. llotli Are Given I''lfci-ii ( Years IiiijirU on in nit u ( Hard Liiuor. WASHINGTON , May 26. Minister Terrell at Constantinople has Informed the State department that the two murderers of Yu - euf , the man killed whllu distributing relief funds near BIllls , Turkey , have been sen tenced to fifteen years' Imprisonment at hard labor , I'lmlor Iliirrlxuii IN WASHINGTON , May 26. Rev. A. G. Harrison risen , pastor of the People's Tabernacle , and his family , disappeared from their homo hera yesterday , and It Is reported that the rever end gentleman la $9,000 short In his ac counts. He was glvvn entire charge of the church funds , and , according to the charges , failed to pay bills for furniture , carpets and a church organ , for which the money , was given him , and also borrowed largo sums frnm his parishioners. W. L. Brueii , the builder of the tabernacle , li a loser to the extent ot } 7,000 , Wbwi Mr ,