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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1897)
TJIE OMAHA DAILY JIBE : WEDNESDAY , MAY 20 , 1897. AfUcrtUriurtitft fop tticNC column * 1II lie ( nkcii niilll IS m. for tlic mill until H it. in. ( or the mitt Stmilny cilltlnim. -rK , ! rr < | tii-BlliiK n iimn- elioi-k , i-iin lin\o nimwrrH n l- il t it iniiiilicrcil Irllrr III euro of TheIM | < . Aimvcm NO nililrunxoil \ \ llIn * ilrllvornl oil ] iruniMitntl ! i ( llio pliFfjk iiill-4 Itiilrn , 1 l-'Je n vroril tlrnt lii rrtlon | If it unril tlirrniiflrr. : \ < > tliliiK tnlcon for li-w * MIIIII 2.-.0 fop tlio r ln * T- llon. Thrill * mlvrrdnpinrntu imint lie run Pimm-out I vrly. SITUATIONS WAVrr.ll. WANTED. 1IY YOt'NO MAN Ol' HOOD HAH- ll employed , during ilny time , placn to work for lioanl and room , best of referenced 1. 23 , lleo. A Mia 27 * WA.\TIU MAMS u KM * . A FEW ENERGETIC HUSTLING MEN CAN find flm.Iy , profitable work with C , r Ailnnif Co. . C24 So ICth Ht. H 47J MEN WANTED TO LEARN BARBER TRADE nt the Omaha Barber Colt'se. flne t In the wpt. complete course , 8 wn > ks : terms easy ; " nil for catalogue. 1317-1119 Houpsldn 81. , Omaha. IJ-M7IO June 4 BALERMEN ron CIGARS ; JIM MONTHLY nml < ? xr" > n < 's , old established lioii'e ; experlenr ? unnecessary ; Inducements to customers , C. C. IHMinp Co. , HI. Louis. -M2W 31 * \VANTED-A GERMAN FI/WIST WHO ALSO I peaks UnitllKh anil can begin work nt nncc. H , II 317-27 Una * . 1SIJ Vlnton. - WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED TIIAVELINO mm thoroughly acquainted with the liquor 1itinlncr . nml with nn rulnhllnhrd trade In Iowa. 1'crdlnand Westhelmor & Hon . St. Jo'eph , Mo. U-4H 23 A MAN FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK. WHO has hail Jear of practical cxtwrlence with InrRO corporntlnn or wholesale morcanllln houie. Muxt he ijiilck anil accurate nt ( Inures , Rood penman nml thoroimhly capable of opening- and cloning net of iKiokn. State age. salary , prcs- ont nml former occupation. Applicant * * must answer nliflvi * requirements to rccrlvn atten tion. I. 47 , lleo. 11 426 26 WANTED. SALESMAN ; SAI.AUV PAH ) weekly ; experience unnecessary ; permnnrnt. llrawn Bros. , Chicago. B-M4G9 26 * jr. A WEEK AND EXPENSES PAID SALESmen - men ; ftapln line ; experience unnecessary , per- mitlient position. The \V. I * Kllnp Co , St. LoulH. Mo. 1I-MIG726' WANTED. SALESMEN IN EVERY DISTRICT ; new si-nson , nnmpleH free , rwilnry or commis sion , with expenses from start. I.uke Bros. Co , ciiirnKa n-Mics 2G * DO YOtT WANT A GOVERNMENT POSITIONT Wanted , persona to prrpnro by mall for all civil sen Ice examinations. Write for cata- loKiie giving full Information n limit positions , salaries , diiteit nnd places of examination" . Civil Service College of Correspondence. Wnsh- Ington , I ) . O. n-MIM M' EXPERIENCEDSALESMAN.FULLY AC- iltialnted with retnll dniKKlsts to handle our "I ixatlxe Illoml Tnblets" nnd our "Onnorln * . " t\vo I'liPhomtMial successes liberal commission ; write , \\llli lliKt-rlasa references. The Oono- rlne Co. , P. O. llox , 720 , St. Loiil . Mo JJ-M457 27 * WANTIIII PKMAI.U IIKI.P. 100 cmii.3 TOR AU JCINDS wonic , ji TO (7 weclc Canadian olllce , 1522 Douglas.C . C M7I8 WANTP.I ) . AN UXPnKIRNPKD COOIC AND good laundrcsD ut 124 So. 19th. C 29 } . A COMPETENT GIRL. AT ONCE. for general housework ; no wnshlng , and the l > i t wages. 1C4 Park avenue. Council Bluffs. C M312 WANTED NICK YOUNG Nt'RSE TO AMUSE two bovs 4'4 nnd 2M years old. Apply at once. 11C S. 3.'nd Ave. C 425 28 WANTED. A LITTLU GIRL TO TAKE CA11E of biby and wash dishes. Apply 1111 N street. South Omaha. C 433 25 * EXPERIENCED LADY COMPOSITOR AT 112 H 14th St. , nt K. of | U hall. A steady place. C 431 26 WANTED. GIRL TO TAKE TARE OF BABY and wash dishes. 1111 N. Sllli street. South Omaha. C M472 2G > LADY AGENTS WANTED TO SELL MMli Ynlo's fainouii toilet preparations , ngentH nnk- Ina t > to $101) per/week / ; write for partlcul irs. Address Mm" , Yale. Chicago , 111. C-M470 26 * WANTED. NURSE 011117 TO TOME DAY only ; iinift be neat and have rcferi IICL ; ifoou wages. 1S23 Capitol Ave C M4W 27 WANTED. GIRL FOR OENERA"L TIOUSE- vvork. 3317 Davenport St. ( ' Mt" > 6 2G * KOIt IIBKT IIOUSUS. IIOUSHS IN AL7. PAHTS OP TIT.R CITY. THL : O. r Davis Company , 1503 Fiunam. D 473 JIOUSUS , 1II3NEWA & CO. , 10S N. 11TII STi D 474 MODnnN HOtJSES , C. A. STAUR , S2S N.Y. L1F1 : p-473 CHOICI : nouses AND COTTAGES ALi/ovnn the city , Jj to WO. Fidelity , 1702 Parnam St. D 47C iiousns , WAiAAcn. uitowx IILOCK. isril nnd Douglas. D 477 HOITSHS , coTTAons & STOUKS , AI.I , PAIITS of city , llrennan , Ixive Co. , 430 Paxton block. D 478 MOVINO IIOUSIIIIOUD GOODS AND PIANOS. Om. Van Storage Co. , 1115 Parnam. Tel. 1559 D 479 nxnai : LIST. M'CAQUU , ISTII & DODOE. D 480 HOUSES , FI.AT8. OAHVIN UnOS.lOU PARNAM D IS1 HOL'HP.S POll HUNT. IIUMIS. PAXTON UI.K. D J82 cos 111:1 : HUII.DING. D-4S3 BTANFOHD ClilCI.C COTTAOHS-S 11OOM All modern. Apply 204 Ueo building. D 77 ! IK'LJHi : . 2709 DOUQI.AS D MC 2011 ItAUNUY. 10 nOOMS ; BTUAM IIRAT. D M713 June7 rou IUNT : III.KOANT FIVH-IIOOM STUAM heated Hat. Apply Flat 9 , Davldgo llldg. D M80i 10-nOOM PI.AT , DOUOL.AS. KRAR 2ITII ; MODern - ern , cteam heat ; Uo 5-ronnm nt 310 Ho. 15th. Inaulrc Linguist. 3lli 8 , 15th. D-017 J. iTsURRWOOI ) , 423 Jf. Y. I.IFK. D-M178 vou IUJNT , NICI ; iiousns. 110U MA11CY. D-332-2S * i-ou HINT : Ni4'ii.Y : nruNisuni ) nousn for the. summer to family without chlldien. Itefeiences required. Call this week , 3017 1'a- clllp Mreet. D 4W-27 ruuNisii : ) iiousi : FOR HUNT POII THI sumnier 211 Ho. 23th u\e , Call between 12 am 1 | > . in D-4IS-2i 6-llOOM MODIIHN PL.ATB. 1112 H. IITH D-MIGI 2S lb-ltOM ) iUUlANTI.Y : PIN1SIIKI ) MOIJEItN brick hoime , Nn , 2114 Cans , 130. D.rontn modern haunt ) lit 417 North 19th , 120 , 8-room mixlern tint 701 ! Sn , ICUi , J17.r,0. f-ronin hwite 1I2S N. llth flj. Apply to W H Melkle room 104 l t Nnt'l Ilk llldg. 1MI55 1 roil iti\TrtJiixisinci ) HI/OMS. TijATTTlUA'Ti : ! ) IIOOMS. THLKPHONi : AND nil i-uiucnlcnccs ; rates reasonable. 1'unJt Rial ilencf. 213 , 17th St. H 703 ID ROOMS. I70S DOUOIS ST. ST.74 l > -74 > FURNISHED HOOMS , 1510 HOWARD. E-M2S1 FRONT ROOM. WITH ALCOVE , FOR ONE or two Ki'iitlemtn. 121 S. Mill ave. E M3S8 29 * ROOMS , HOUSEKEEPING. t 3 81 Mary's. U-M430 27 * 5 > riiNiKinD : ROOMS , jiorsnicnrpiNo. 1112 So. lllh. 1I-M4GO 28 * _ m normA8 ST. , TIIRUK i'i.nri.\NT ROOMS with or without hoard , first or rewind tl or IMirch up and down stair * . JJ M4W 2G > Nicni.v"i'FHNiBi ui : > ROOMS TO PARTIES without children ; ni > objection to light licmie- : ; CO Douglas. 1S-MI73 ! S Kllll.Mjllin ! HOOMS AMI IIOAIll ) . WICK ROOMS. OOOD HOARD , . RATUS RKA sonable. The lion' , 2020 Ilaruey. M K19J 30 * ROOMS AND HOARD , 1724 DOUCJIU8.F2712S * F-271-2S I 1721 DAVINPOUT , F-M360-M' KURNI&III3D FRONT ROOMS. WITI txmr.1. 201J Douglas. V M4U 26' _ MODERN IIIUCK. ROOMS AND HOARD : II K urk. 614 } ! , 19th. F M44I31 * MOST CH01CI3 FRONT ROOM AND UXCCI , lent board ; pihuto family. Ml s Reiner. 2il Farnain , p its-TI T1I13 MIUIRIAM , DKSIRA1IU3 ACCOMMODA tlou * after June lit. Dtlleluful lumuier hem . - F 44J-J1 * roii un.vT sTouns AND orrtcc : . FOR HI3NT , tl\K 4-8TOI y TiltlCK HUILDINO ill tit Pnrnam St. This building has n llnproaf cement bnsement , complete steam heating fix ture * : water on all floors , tai , etc. Apply at the omeo of The Ree. 1 910 AtJi : > TS WANTP.D. AOKNTS : ITS PER MONTH AND expenses paid active men It right : goods told l > y sampl" only ; Kamples , also hDrso nj car- rlago furnished free. Addres Jobber , Ilex KOS , Roston. Mn s. .1-414 STOItAGU. 1'ACIPIC 8TORAOE AND WAREHOUSE CO. . TCS-810 Jonea. General Storage and fornardlnR. M 4S8 OM. VAN . STOnACIK , 1415 PAIINAM , THI * 1553 M 4S. WAM'KIl TO HOY. . ooons OK ALL. KISHS. on will Hell on commlmlon nt our regular auc tion nle . Nebratkn Auction nml CommH- Blon Co. , SV. . comer Hth anil TVj'lue streets. N-.H7 June 24 WANTit ) . A | NICK HI'AN Of SHr.TI.ANI ) mnro pinion nnd Imrnc-m ; Round nnd Rentle ) rcnuonnbla price. Lee Greedy , J-'arracut In. N M4S3 30 KOIl SAMS KUHXITIJIIK. Fun.vmmi : , CAIU'ITS , nnmuxa , ETC. . new nnd ppconil-ham ! , nt prUntc nml auction unle ; rpKUlnr nuctlon xnleiiVc < IncB < lay and Hntiinloy inornliiRS Nclir.ifkn Auction nnd Comml8 lon Co. , S. W. corner lUh nnJ DoI o streets. O M11S Jun 24 I -OU H.VI.K .M1SC12M.AMCOUS. HAttmvoon citiuuiNu. nee AND CHICKEN fence , cheaper than ' "all wire. " C. n. , 001 < 3 1ST CIIICICHN , IIOQ & LAWN KHNCR , ALL cheaper than wood. Wlro Works , 403 B , 141)1. ) CAiirnrs. uiiAi'iiiiins , DHUSSGOODH , KII.KS > 2 monthly on (10 purchnse. Send post.ll ; will call with samples. Hlrsh , 1C23 Kyner Ave. Q-C03-J3 SIO.VUY TO IjOAX CHATTKIjS , MONEY TO LOAN , to , 0 , M DATS ; FUItNI- ture , pianos , etc. Duff Green , 11. S , Darker bile. X 600 f ilONHY TO LOAN ON FUIlNtTUUK. PIANOS , horfien , wnon ( § , etc. , nt lowest rstra in city ; no removal of Rooil . utrlctlr conflilentUI ) you cnn pay th loan off nt nny tlm or In any amount. OMAHA MOJlTaAOF : LOAN CO , 300 So 16th St. X 49S CIIA > CIS. : nnNT-siiAi.L WATnn rownn MILK Cnn a\rn \ handle grain. Address box M , Lin * coin. N b. V UI-J9 U'ANTIID , ROOD OUOCT.HV MAN TO HUNT ftore room In beit location In South Omahn , lm hml the h * t Inmlnem for n\o jcnrs ; xvlli l.o vncnnt rnrly In June. Ixiw lent AiMrtsi I * . H. Cnfcy's mi-at innrket , cor. Z4th flntl M Btrcets. South Omnhn , Neb. V 430 roil flALK-SUk ) WILL I'l'ItCHASK AN 1WTA11- llhrtl nnd | m > lng bu lnc. ' ; good location. Ad- Ureas L 43. Ueo. Y 4S6-2.1 * WANT1II ) , A HAHDWAIIK Oil IMI'LKMKNT stork In exchange for ( lock In a jobbing huiice ; good opcnlnR , making money ; good reasons for selling. Addron M 100 , Lleo olllce. Council Illuffi. Z-M101 \ VANT1HA OOOn TIIAM IN iXCIIANUK for piano. Imiulrc of A. Shaw , at Ilaydcn Itro . , hnrncKs ilppnrtment , JC 421 JO ron SAI.I : ur.AL KOUNTZH 1'LACn UAHQAINS , J2.500 , JJ.7.-J ) TO iH.500 ; FCC photos nt ICIh nnd Fnrnnm : Morse Bldg. J. J. Ulbson , 014 rirst Nat. Ilnnl : Illilk- . HK-W' OUC T HAIIOAINS IN HOUHlis AND LOTS In nny nnd exery part of the city , north , enst. Bouth ami west. ranKlng from $150 to J5000 or 15,000 nnd up ard8. Any terms desired. Iteml" , 1'axton block. HB J7S ron SALE , LA nan LOT WITH TWO HOUSES cnn tell one or both , the rent of nno hoin pnyn Interrat on the whole Investment , n bnr- train If BOM nt < > r.i ; terms ciay la rlslit party. AdilresD L V ) . Dec olllce. HU-212 2 $ Said th- ) barrel to the booth , with a twist of his head , ' What is your opinion nbout moving ? " Ths booth rattled his corrugated sides and snid : "I never move without advertising. " STOCKS dHOCKIURS , I MRAT MAnKRT , 1 ilru stock , farms , eastern Nebrnskn , acreage In nnd uround Omahn , Omaha city t-rnperty. U. II. IJnll. 001 N. Y. L. Q-W3 J7 83.00 WILL I1UY A KIM1IALL UPlliailT jilnno. In Bi5od comllllon. Omaha Mortmee l jan Co. , 306 South 16th street. Q M300 OK MALI : . A NITJIHRU ONC FIURH : .11111- sey cow. Apply nt 2S2i Webster St. Q-M1 30' OH SALI3 , 6,000 SECOND-HAND KIKK llltlCIC cheap. L. Koenlg , 10 Krenzer lllk. Q M1' S 2S' TWO coMi'Lirrn SITS or SALOON FIX- : tuies. Including bar , back bar , plr iliiRS''S ; , flcicenn , bottled goodi cane , Ice client and cigar Blond. AHr > two billiard tables , \\lll be sold with or without s.iloon llxtures Milton Joo- llttle , receiver. North riattc , Neb Q JlCIJune 1 MISCHLLAMIOUS. OAHDENS & FAIIMS TO 11CNT. T. MUURAY. n-MSIO CLAIHV4JYAXTS. SPECIAL AUUIVAL. FIIIST VISIT TO OMAHA of the marvelouH full llfe-reiidlne clulnoyant nnd trnnce mudlum. ritor. CLAHINCU E. CHUSTEII. The occult wonder. 1'l.itn , practical , clear- brained Information. matter mind leads , others follow. KKE-WU-WC AND 1JP FOR ONE WEEK. Lie tells your name , HRD , occupation , ndvlses In business , speculation , love nnd nil family troubles , unites the ceparated , names of friends nnd enemies. Satlofnctlon guaranteed or no pay. If you hnvo been disappointed by Incom- l > tent clnlrvoyunts call nnd be convinced of . I'rof. CliPSter'8 nblllty. No matter what others | liavo l > een , remember he U exactly us he rep > resents himself to be. Fee COc SOc , nnd up. Hours 10 to 8 dally. t'AHLOHS , 1915 I'AllNAM ST.r nrst floor. Let ters with stamp answered. S I4C-2C * MASSAGn , HATIIS , ETC. MADAM SMITH. 1617 HOWARD. MASSAOE , stenm baths. T M283 20' MIIS. Dll , LEON , ELKCTItlC MASSAOE HATH pallors ; restful and curative. 417 Sllth. . up. 1'KHSO.NAI. . VIAVI FOIl UTEIllNE TUOU11LES. 310-b ItEE lildf. ; pb > slclan , conaultutlon or health book free U 4SS UATHS , MASSAOE : MME. POST , sws S HUITUHE3 CURED , TKHMANENT LY ; NO pain' no detention from btElntsu ; we re'er to thousands of paiter'.s cured. Cnll or "rite The O E. Miller Co. . 932-3 New York Lit * building. Oniuha. u IJALDNESS CURED. K6 IJOARD MISS MAYElt. fiUROEON-CHIROI > OUIST , manicure. 11. 400 1'axton block , diploma 1S ! > 6. U * M24'J J IS rxrosiTioN INVESTMENTS , FOR PLEASure - ure and pront sec 1 I > . Judson's want nds. Council HHilTs pasc. U M.64 VPLI.IE F. HYLEY. MANICURE AND CIIIR- opodlVt. 7 yrs. with Ml Mny.r , 201.KnHncj. k. WILIj THE TALL LADY OF THE TWO WHO nnweu u BentlPinan ciimlnir out of liennett'i In Monday evening , Btoiu ns they ere going May 24. I > lea * ° communicate with him. care of L 10 , The Bee. U-MH3 27 * TraT SCAI.1' TREATMENT. KU ; SHAMPOO- liiB 25CweeksMlllerii Parlors. 1514 Doug las. " U-452-J24 WANTED LEADINC1 I < ADY , SECOND LADY and goubrelte for umatcur theatrical company. Only young people need apply. Addrens L 61 , lice , U-44I-2T SHORTHAND TAUfiHT 11Y MAIL : TBIIM elKht uek . Pi of. Eastman , certincaled by Uaao Pitman. Address P , O. b 537. Albion , ' U M471 26 , PERSONAI * INKOIIMATION WANTED OP JnnifS II , Campnu. formerly of Detroit , Mich. , nml later of Ri-dfern. Neb , ; last heard of In Omalitt In 1SSS ; father died In 1890 ; suitable mvard for any Information. Mrs. Livonia L , Campau , 431 Sherman itreet , MONKY TO LOAX IlEAL ESTATK. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , J15 N. Y. L. ! aulcU money at low rules for choice farm lands lu Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska. > \ 493 1,0 A NS ON IMl'nOVUD & UNIMl'KOVKU CITV j'rwperty. W. I'arnam Smith & Co. , 1S Farnani. PKIt CUNT MONI2Y ON NUD. & IA. PAHMS. W , U. MelUlo , 1st Nat'l 13k. LWc. , Oiualm. MONKV TO WAN AT I-OW HATES. THE O , f. Pavli Co. . IK * Karnam St. W IM FAItU LOANS. 1 TO 10 YUARS ; rate * , darvln Broi. , 1613 I'umuni St. M OMAHA PROPERTY : LQWKST RATES ; LulldUiE loam wanted. Fidelity Tnut Co. MONEY TO' LOAN ON IMPHOVKD OMAHA real estate , llrenntn , Love i Co. , 1'axton block. W-4W MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. l u ey Thoma * , 297 1st Natl BH blj W 5 FROM 1100 CO UP. P. D. WEAD , 16th & nouutai. W-J9T-J19 I AW.\UIIOKUIIS. ll. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY , 41S N. II ST , (01 HOUSCS. LOTS. FARMS. tANT > S. LOANS Oco. P. Berals Ilcal Estate Co. , Poxton Block RE EOi BARGAIN , ONLY fSOO.OO FOR LAROT. I.OT. ON pri.-iilc , nt 56th axenne nnd Corby fctrc t. Gar vln Droa , 1013 Furnam street. RE M63S 5-HOOM HOUSE. BARN. ETC. , 241S HAMILTON St , J2.000 00. C-ronm IIOIIFO with VA ncres land , 5501 No , 2ltli St. , J2.000.00. G-room house , S. E. cor. 28th and Pjclllo Sts , . J2.000.00. G-room house , 3121 Burt at. , J1.200 00. 4-room house , bnrn , large lot , north , $500 10-uioni IIOIIHC , hnrn. etc. , 1&0.1 YutcM St. , $2,000,00. 5-room house , 3018 I.lmlsey nve , $7. > 0.00. ICO ncres In Snrpy county .Improved , J3.00000. 100 ncres In Sarp > county. Impioved , J2.200.00. 4ft nerrs ' 4 mile from Mlllard , Jl.SCO 00 DO ncres on linuleinnl neir Ilelleviie , J2.SM CO. SO ncres with line RFOVP , pjirlnK water , etc , suit able for stock feeding purposes. Jl.'Ofl CO. G'4 acres u mllea bouthnpgt , ll.Oi-O 0) . 40 acres within 4 miles of postollke. J2.400 00. 1'OTTEH AND CinoItGE COMPANY , S. W. Cor. 16th and K.iinnm Sts. nr ; M 173 v , IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPERTY PAYING 12 jier cent cross , pi Ice $ U,000. Write I. 4C , Ilec. HE 421 WANTED. A PURCHASER TOR MY ElfillT- innmoil hon-e ; lot 3Q : > 1 < 0 , located. 1314 North 22d street , Onialm. Seven blocks south Transmle- sUMppI grounds. Good nelRhboihood , hot nml cold city nnd cIMcm water , K.-IS , every con venience. A comfortable , cozy tottage house for $2.9" D Easy terms : title perfect. Appli to Mr. Chiirles Dooley , Water Works olllce. Dee build ing , or W , S. Seiivey , Hastings , Nfli. I I RE-4IT 20 FOR SALE. NICE 7-ROOM COTTAGE , NEAR 20th nnd Farnarn ; n bargain. It taken soun. Good 5-room house , Arbor Place. Six choice lota close to llanscom park ; also Ir rigated lands on easy terms In tiacts to suit purchaser. Columbian Investment Co. , First National Bank bullillni ; . RE M4.ll ASTROLOGY. PROP. A. MAKER * ' OF EOY1T. PALMISTRY and astrology the wonder of the nee ; past , lircscnt and futuio told or no charsp. nt 2025 Hnrney street , Omaha , Neb. M323 23 * SHORTHAND AJSU TYI'nWHITI.VO , A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , 511 N. Y. LIFE. ( vT OMAHA BUS COLLEGE. UTH ! & DOUGLAS Cflf li-OH IIE.VT IIOTKI.S. HOTEL FOR BENT OF 30 ROOMS , AMES AVE and 21th t. , opiwslte rxposltlon grounds ; nlmcst now , rent reasonable. Bemls , Paxton bile. MOW MUSIC , ART AMI ) LA\CUAJi ; . GEORGE F. GELLENI5ECK. BANJO. MANDO- lln nnd guitar teacher , ISO ? Furnam street. Te' 22S. OOS FOR NATURAL STONE WALKS , TEL. 412 OR eend postal to A. Stutzer , 330 Board Trade. -M731 June5 sinnwAi.ics. SAWED NATURAL STONE , ARTIFICIAL brick. Tel. 1CS , W. J. Wclihans , 3C9 S. Ulli nt. 113- KMPLOYMU.VP OFFICES. AMERICAN AND GERMAN EMPLOYMENT bureau. 1524 Dodge. Telephone , 476.MSC3 MSC3 Jrll LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN-ONE SORREL MARE , white Htrlpe on fact } ; onr black colt one year old , star on foiehend. Liberal reward If re turned to )32 ) Saratoga street , J , W. Lewis. Ixist 4.-25 BI.ACIC COCKER SPANIEL DOG , ANSWERS , t ? l ° name "Nls. " Reward If returned to 1SJ8 North 19th Bt. Lo t 417-25 * JPHOI.STDHI.VC FURNITURE REPAIRING AND PACKING Couchen and cushion * ) , mattresses made uni renovated. Price * will pleaie you. See M S Wnlkln , 2111 Cumlnt ; street. Telephone 1331. ' -COT I'Aij'l'UUAnE. nouses ONLY , BOARD FENCES , SPRINC water. A , W. Plitlpa & Bon , 201 N. Y , Life Ml M l > IIOTO-i : > UAVI.\G. U MAKfc FINE HALF-TONES. ZINC ETCH- ln , fmbmslnir dies , trl-color plate or any thing In up-to-date engraving. We guarantee time , quality and vvormantlilp. Woman' ! Weekly , Nineteenth and Furnam.W43 W43 June 1J FINANCIAL. LIFE IN8.POLICIES BOUGHT. W , F. 1IOLDEN Mi AUCTION. SPECIAL AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD Kood every Wednesday and Saturday morn tng . Nebraika. Auction and OommUilon Co. B. W , corner Hilt and DoOg itrecU. M428 June4 TYl'KWIUTUHS. LATEST MODKL TYPEWRITERS ; SUPPLIES United Tyixwrtur & Buppllui Co. , 1612 r rnarr -lid J31 * FINALLY GET 4 SECRETARY Dead Lock In the "Lo1 Joints" Broken in the Fourth M6King , VILLIAM A , RUSSELL UfefS THE POSITION Vow onii-lnl l n H'Wcll KIIO II In Oinaliii , lln-\ln : rti' ii Coiiiu-cleil ' for . William A. Uusicll baj been elected scc- etnry of the Omaha and Council UlufTa .ocal 1'jiAJcngcr association , with Jurlsdlc- lon over the ticket market of Lincoln. The election took place at a meeting hclil In ho city onicea of the ChlcaRo. Milwaukee & St. Paul late yesterday afternoon , ng the most exciting two days' strife that ias ever been waged within the ranks of the 'low JolnU. " After Mr , Ilusjcll had aecurcd a majority of all the votes cajt , his election was At nca made unnnlmoufl , anil the secretary-elect will enter hla now oince-vnrdlally welcomed > y the representatives of all the linen , even ly those vho have most bitterly opposed him. The election to the newly created position s effective at cnce , provided the action is endorsed by the Western Passenger nasocla- Ion , A meeting of thLi Institution line been called for Thursday morning at 10 o'clock n Chicago. J. H. Reynolds , who presided nt yroterday afternoon's meeting , at once \lrcd Chairman Caldwcll of tlui general as sociation notifying htm of Mr. Husaell'fi elec- lui. It la not expected that any opposition o confirmation of the cltctton will be ex- icrlenced In the Wrateru Payscngcr nssocla- lon. FOUR MnETINGS NRCESSAHY. The meeting athlch the election took > ! ace yttstcrdny marked the fourth attempt o select a permanent liccretary. On Monday afternoon thcro wore twq liouro of Ineffectual > allotlng. There was nnother meeting > rc- erday morning , but nfler an hour spent In mUlctiP dlscurslon or tha capabilities of the candidates whose names had been presented he meeting adjourned without accomplishing ID object. Another Ineffectual effort to elect a secretary was made yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. One of the lines waa not rep- rcamlul , and therefore no election wao held L-tlo In the nfterncon the city passenger agents got together again In the Milwaukee olllce anil miccocdod In ending the fight. The newly elected secretary is not un known among Omaha tallroad men. For several years be was stationed at Kansas 'ity In connection with the amoclation here. Liter he- served cii assistant general passenger agent of the Chicago ( Jruat West ern , and more- recently he. has been the general - oral passenger ngaut of the St. Paul & Du- utli ralh Althnugh tills Is but u small Ine , with n mileage of IfiO miles , It Is an mpTtant line on nccmitl of Its aummer ourist biLsineas. Competition made the post of general passenger agtiitjaft important one. Mr. UusMolI U expected in. Oinalia the latter > ait of the week. His ( .name was prrsentoil itro by the Burlington"ireprosentallves , who ! .uccc iifully pushed hLjictalnis for the posi tion. The other candFdite ' who clwely . E. I'cllM "C ik Poslllvt * Kii4lllc fi r STopv- 01IM DlMfllMCX. Ktlwsml Evoivlt Hill" , I ) . P. U L. P. , the cclcbntti'il Xi-\v T Author and I'hllnnthronisit. xviltos : I inn nsmircdty \ : i can-fill " ninnni ; lending pliyslcliins and [ > iM'.s"oiiil ; I'rli'iHl.s wlio hiivc used it tind in whom I have lln > utmost eonliiloiice. Hint lr C'hiircut'M Ivoht Nervine Tiblots : are in- valiniblii in in oinniii and all nwvou- disoasi'S. " Fifty ri'iiH and ? t IKV box. Write for tcsllinoniiils of cure * . ICurake Cliuinltiil Co. , Li ! Cros&eVi.s. . SUES & CO. , fAIFKT EOLICI10RS ( Jiuahrt Neb Advice nnd I'.uunt llo : RAILWAY TIME CARD leaves IIIUJILINO'ION SMil. . ltlVElt.Arilves | Omaiiat | nlun Depot , IQt.h tc Mason tiu. ) Olimh.i 3t'um : ! Denver Exirvta | 9:3Sam 4.r > pni.lllk nil's. Mont & I'ucet Snd lit. 4 : pm 4Jopin Denver Eipre-u 4u pm 7tiptn..Lincoln ( Local ( x. faunday ) . . . . 7:4'pni : ! : Uiim , .Lincoln Local ( ex. OjniiliaJUnlon " DepJt. 10th & .Maaon Sta ' Omahn Sjojpm . .Chlcigo VeMllmle BiOOmi SMSam Chicago Expre * * 4lipm : 7M : > pm . . .Chicago S. St. Louis Express. . . . 82Jum ; ll:4ium ( Pacific Junction Local 6iOi > m Fast Mall 2..Upi : Leaves rciIICAGO. MIL. S. ST l'AUU\rrlve | OinahaUnlonDepot | _ _ , 10th & Mafcnn KtjuJOinahn C.1Cpm ; ChlcuEO Limited S.O'air Il00nm..Chicago _ Expicsa ( ei , hllinlay ) , . 3.23i'n | Leaves'CHICAGO ( & NORTIUVEST'N ( Arrive * OinahaUnlun | Depot , 10th & MIVHOII Sts , | Omahn 10:4'am * Eaitr-rn nxpresi , 340pm ; 4:4Epm : Vestlbuled Llmiti'U * * 54 ; < pm : ' ! ! " ! ! . ! . Paul LlinltVjI. , ' " " ! sior-inn i:30ain .Kloux City Local. . . , llilupm C:3Cpm Omaha-Chicago 800am ; Missouri Valley Ixrau 930am ; Except Sunday. " Except Molina ) Leaves ( CHICAOO. R. I % ) A , I > ACIK1JArrives ( | Union Depot , 10th & Sli. I Oinqh 7UV3am Atlantlo Exniess , ( tx. Sunday ) . , E:3-pm : 7:00pm : Nlfht Exprei 8.15am 4.3upm..Chicago Vcstiuuledi' Limited. .l20pm ; - Paul VrstlbuledlLlmlted . . . ' l:2pm Colorado "Limited 4OSpm : 12:50pm-.SioMx City E.xpr s , x. Uu . ) . , .nUiini : S.Uanl..Sioux City Arctimvoilatlon , . 8:00pm : GUpm " St. Paul Llmljej , , 9Haru : Leaves ! F. 13. & MO. . VALLEY. | Arrlve Omalial Depot. 15th & Web t r Sti. | Omaha SMpm. : ( . . , , .r.tft Mall and ijxprpss sToOprn 3:0 pni.ex , Sat. ) Wyo. Ex , < ex , Mon. , . 600pm ; 7COam.I'remont Lucal ( fcunduya only ) . . 7:50am..Norfolk Expreu ( ex. Sun. ; i 6Upm : St. Paul K. C , , BT. _ . Omahn , Union _ Depot , 10th . S.OCarn Kansas City Day kipre CslOpm 10.K > pm..K. C. Night Exa UTl'Trons. _ . ; 3iam ) Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. { Arrives Omahal Depot. ISth & Wehater Bis. I Omaha ? : Ci > m . . .Nebraska & Kaiisu fLlmltej..12Kpm ; f0pm , . Kansas City Express , , tiOOam t.Upm Nebraska Local ( ex. Bun ) t.OOam Leaves ) SIOUX CITY & .PACIFIC. ( Arrive * Omahal Depot. ISth & wib'ter Sts I Omjiu 6il6pm St. Paul"Llmlttd 9:10am : MttVH I SIOUX CITY & " OmahaUnlon | Depot. 10th & Mtmon Bla'l Omaha CMOam St. Paul"Fu senger..H10pm ; 7oam.SIoix : City Pa : en8er t:06pm : 8SIpm St. Paul Limited 950am Leaves I WAUASH RAILWAY | ArrlTe7 jOrnahalUiilon pepoL 101 h fr MOBOP 8t . | Omaha 4-30pm .7 ! . . ' . 'Canon Ball ll307m Leave * ( " " ONlON pTcjFli ? ; [ ATrlviT OmahalUnlon Pi-pot. 10th & Mason Bis. ) Omaha StOam : . . . . .Overland Limited 4:4Spm : : SOpm.neat'ce & Stromib'i Ex ( ex Sun ) . : Wpm 5 : pm..arand Island Exnreti ( w Bun. ) , . JiSOprn fttOr" > , Fast Mall 10-JUam Most Complexion Powders I liaro a vulgar glare , but Foz/otri'a la a true whose effects are lastlujf. pressed Mr. Unreel 1 In the contest ( or the local position were : Martin J. Dowllng and Harry r. Deucl. ir.NION I'AGiriU AM ) silOUT MM ! . I"nll ( o Accrpc Utintt ( lip ( Inmllon of Trnlllp ArrntiKPiiiPOtn. General Manager Dickinson of the Union Pacific , accompanied by * number ot other officials , returned from the cast yesterday. They find been In conference with the re ceivers for nearly a month past regarding matters connected with the foreclosure ot the road , They also had many Interesting ses sions with the olllclals of the Oregon Short Line regarding traffic arrangements between the two roads. Asked regarding Iho latter conference. Ocneral Manager Dickinson nald to a lice reporter yesterday ; "No decision was n ached. So far ns traffic arrangements with the Short Line are concerned they are no nearer perfected than they were before the conference. The matter fclll bo taken up again at another conference. This will beheld held either In this city or Salt Lako. I do not know which. The mooting will probably bo held soon , but I do not know Just when " In reply to a query concerning the separa tion of the Union Pacific telegraph lines from these of the \Vestctn Union , Mr , Dick inson said the entire matter was In the handset ot General Solicitor Kelly and ho preferred not to talk on the subject. Asked whether It would be pce lble In separate the lines by September 1 , as required by order of the court , ho eald : "If that ts the mandate of the federal court , and I understand from this morning's paper that It Is , wo shall en deavor to carry out tlio provisions of It by September 1. " Superintendent Korty of the telegraph de partment of the Union Pacific declined to talk on the court order except to say that to separate the lines nnd Instruments of the railway company from those of the Western Union by September 1 would mean a lot of hurtling on sonic oncVt pirt. SIIPKmtS IlKMOUSi : OK OONSCIKNtjn. After imtrpit Yi-ni'M , IV-rHi-ll Wnulu to I'ny for a Stolen Hlilc. General Passenger Agent Francis of the 11. & M. railroad haa had his attention culcd to Joseph A. Pcrsell of Fnrnam , Neb. , \vlio after trying lo nvuld hearing thothumpn ot'hls conscience by duy nnd by night , haa finally contained to having stolen a rldn on a Burlington train fifteen years ago. Ho haa Just written to the local headquar ters to nnd out the amount lie should iny Iho company to obtain his heart's case on lli'a ' matter. 1IU letter Is na follows : "To the Official' of the Ilurllngton Hallrjad , Omaha. Dear Slra ; About fifteen years ago I was going cast lo hunt work. 1 Old not have money to pay my way on the ttaln , so I beat my way from Illtio Hill , south of Hastings , to Lincoln , Net ) . , In a box car. Please wrlto mo what my bill Is. I want to make my wrong 1 llnd by reading the bible we nuiit do these things. The man that cover- eth his slna ohall not prosper. Please write aoon. " 1'cisell's requrut to bo prompt In Rending bill had the desired effect on the railway of ficials. A lutter was sent him by the very first mall , informing him that ho was In debted lo the company to the extent of $ X4S , For fear that he might pccaibly recover from the effective workings of his confidence the letter \vaa rushed to the tialn. ami Instruc tions \\cro Riven that it should be delivered to Mr. 1'ersell as soon as It reached Karnam. A check for $3.48 Is expected by this morn ing's mall. MATTHHS FOIL CO.VSIIJHIIATIOX HciMluK f AWslern I'uMHiMiyrer AHMO- clutloii Called for Tlinrtilay. Thcro will bo an Important meeting of the Western Passenger association In Chicago on Tluusday morning. All the Omaha lints except the Union Pacific will certainly bi icprcscnted. H Is possible that the "Over land lloutu , " too. may bo represented , as the call for the meeting requests the al tendance of representatives tiom thosellnrr ( hat do not jet see thulr \ > ay cit'ar to come within the fold of traffic associations. It Is altogether likely that the Immemorial institution , known as Homescekers' excur sions , will bo abolished , or the privilege of reduced rates on occasions be great.y curtailed. This action was about to be taken In the defunct association when the supreme court abolished It. Among the other items of busluees scheduled for the meeting Is the reaching of a determination as to member ship and the formal adoption and placing in effect on Juno 1 of the rules and regulations ai approved by the general counsels of the lines represented in the association. Ilnllnny Pfoti-s nml I'erNonnls. Travoltas Passenger Agent Jagoe of the West Shore railroad is In the city. The Locomotive Engineer Is convinced that the run made over the Chicago , Burling ton & Qulncy from Chicago to Denver de serves to be considered Iho most extraordi nary run ever made. Oliver Irwln of Now Castle , Pa. , a con ductor on the Pennsylvania railroad. Is In the city , en route from Los Angelca to Phil adelphia. He says the. Los Angeles meeting of conductors was the largest and best eve1' held. held.Kirk Kirk H. Palmer , general agent of the Uoclc Island passenger department at Peorla. nnd formerly stationed hero for a long term of years as city passenger agent of the Rock Island route , la In the city for a few dajs' visit. IIo was most cordially received j-csterday by his old associates. Oeorge P. Bliss , representing eastern capi talists , Is organizing a company to con struct a line from Jollot to Hock Island , to bo known as the Chicago , Jollet & Western. The line will bo about 200 miles In length Subsidies nro being asked ot towns through which It ta proposed to build the road. Ringing noises In the ears , snapping , buz zing , roaring , caused by catarrh , all dls- ippoar with the use of Hood's Sarsaparllla M.-II'H Concert lit Walnut Hill. The Walnut Hill Methodist church 1ms a very lively Men's club and the first concert undertaken by this club will bo given Thurs- ilay night of this week In the church , corner of rortj'-flrbt and Charles streets. The con cert will consist largely of old plantation melodies and stirring war songs , The chorus numbers over thirty voices. They have been In training about six weeks. Some of the prominent soloists of the city , also the Ilanscom Park Main quartet , will assist. The club decided Monday to admit all Grand Army of the Republic men and their wives on ono ticket. Sent Free to Men , INIHA.XA MAN IHSOOVKilS A UC- BIAIUCAIII.K HI2MICDV FOIl LOST VICiOIt. Will IIo Sent Freu to All Who Write for It. Jas , P , Johnson of Ft. Wayne , Ind. , after battling for yeur-j against the mental and phyalcpl suffering of lost manhood , linn found the exact remedy that cures the trouble. IIo Is guarding the secret carefully , but la willing to send a sample of the medicine to all men who suffer with any form of eoxual weakness resulting- from youthful Ignorance , premature losa of memory and strength , weak back , vnrlcocelo and emaci ation. The remedy haa a peculiarly grate ful effect of warmth and seems to act dl > roctly , giving- needed strength and develop ment wherever needed. The remedy cured Mr. Johnston completely of all the Hla and troubles that come from years of misuse of the naturally ordained functions , and Is said to be absolutely reliable In every case. A request to Mr , Jas I1. Johnston , Box 1010 , Ft. Wayne , Ind. , stating that you would like a sample of hla remedy for men will be complied with promptly and no charuu whatever will bo aukcd uy him. IIo Is very much Interested In spreading the news of this great remedy and he lu careful to aend the sample securely sealed In a perfectly plain package BO that Its recipient need huvo no fear of cinburrusamt-nt or publicity. Headers are requested to wrlto without delay. AFT13II A QU.VUTIill Or A CUMTRY. Iontr Service In One1'lncr J2iu1r < t liy ItctlRttndnn. A. C. Poster , who has been general man ager and superintendent of the Swift nnd Company packing plant nt South Omarm ever since the house was located , has precntcd his resignation to the company , to take effect Immediately. This will bo ft surprise to most of Mr. Foster's acqualn'anccs , ns Ills connection with Swift nnd Company has been of such long standing that ho has eomo to bo considered ns much n fixture na though ho had been a member of the llrm. It N Btntedthnt ho has tendered his resigna tion In order that ho tuny give his ntlro attention to his Interests In the coal and cattle-feeding business , which hnvo de veloped to proportions that require his per sonal supervision. Mr. Poster hna been connected with Swift and Company over sincetho orig inal members of the company be gan business In a small retail market In Clinton , Mass. , Just a quarter of a century ago. IIo had charge ot the market nt Clinton , which wai opened August S , 1872. In the fall the business had Increased to ttnch an extent that the Swifts began slaughtering cattle for wholesale trade and In 1ST5 Mr. Foster was sent to Chicago to Investigate the situation With a view to openIng - Ing n wholesale hnuxp at that point. On Ills recommendation a slaughtering plant was opened and ho remained In charge * of the buslnefo. During the winter the cattle were slaughtered In Chicago nnd the product was shipped to Clinton for distribution , nnd In the summer the live cnttle were shipped and killed nt Clinton. In 1STS the first plant ot the company was built In Chicago under Mr , Foster's supervision nnd ho continued In charge until Mny "S , ISK7 , when , under his direction , the Omaha house was located , Slnco then ho haa been general superintend ent of the local plant , During the past few years Mr. Foster haa liocoma Interested In neveral other enter * ises. IIo Is president nf the South Omaha Ice ami Coal company and U also Interested In the Packers' National bank of South Omnhn and a large cattlc-tocdlng concern. Ho vvns Jiio ot the members of Iho former Hoard of ! "lro and Pollco Commissioners and WAG an Independent candidate for mayor at onn tlmo during the recent campaign. For the present the buslnera of the South Dmaha. plant will bo In charge of Prcd 0. Wilder , who wes formerly general superin tendent of Swift nnd Comp.iny'ti huslneM * nt Chicago , nnd later manager of the Kansas City house. Mr. Wilder was hero last week nnd spent several days looking over the plant. 110LI.V STARTS KO ll LINCOLIV. U\-flt > - TrriiNtirrr Ili-nlns Mix Mm triMi V ' rn In ( lu > I'oiilli'iillnry. The I ) . & M. fast mall , which left this city for the west at 2.55 yesterday after noon , had among Its passengers Henry Holln , tha ex-city treasurer , convicted of the embezzlement - bezzloment of $105,500 ( , f the funds of the city of Omaha. Ho was on hU way to enter upon the sentence passed upon him by Judge H. S. Uakcr , May 1C , ISUfl , condemning him to servo the state nineteen jears and to pay A line In double the amount of the embez zlement. Just before loaxlng the jail Holln stated that ho was resigned to his fate and vvns prepared to endure the punishment which had been meted out to him. He showed no traces of emotion. lm was composed and reasonably cheerful. Ills family ppent the morning with him and the farewells were said In the privacy of the largo cell room In the front portion of the jail , to which Holln was removed several dajH ago. He expressed the hope that liU sentence would bo reduced or modified. In some way after public sentiment had become somewhat mollified. Speaking of his family , ho said his two bojswho had reached the &KO of manhood , have taken up the burden of caring foi the other members of the family and are both employed nt moderate wagi s. The talk of appealing to the supreme court of the United States on what la claimed to bo a constitutional question seeiua to have entirely subsided. Uolln'a attorneys nay that Holln has no money to make such an appeal and that they do not feel warranted In payIng - Ing the costs themselves. They also say they have received no fees for their services In his behalf and cannot assume the burden of costs In an appeal to the federal court. A DaiiKcroiiH I' < 'tlinr > o' . The forerunner of a train of evils , which too often culminate fatally , Is Inactivity or lethargy of the kldncjs. Not only Is Hright's disease , diabetes , gruvcl , or borne other dangcroua Integral dlseaee of the organs thtmiEclvos to bo apprehended , but dropsical diffusions from the blood , rheumatism and gout , are all traccablo to the non-rciilQval from the blood by the kidneys ot certain Impurities. Hosteller's Stomach Hitters depurates the blood , renders the kidneys active and prevents their disease. AUO.VO .MISSOURI Tral ll Ion tin of ( lie Krillt Shlppi'il lo Northern MiirUctx. n. H. Branch has returned after apendlng a few dajs In the strawberry country of Missouri centering around the towns ot Carthage thago , Nevada and Sarcoxlc , Berries occupy the same position In that country that corn does in Nebraska. The harvest Is now at Its height and some Idea ot what that mc-ani may be gathered from Mr. Branch's state mcnt that eighteen cars were loaded with strawberries at Sarcoxle alone on Saturday and on Monday they expected to send out thirty. At night It i a strange sight to HCC the camp llrcs of the pickers burning In every direction. In the vicinity of Sarcoxle It Is said there are 20.000 pickers , the most of them In camps. These people earn all the way from CO cents to JLCO per day , the price for picking being 1U cents per quart box. Mr. Branch Is of opinion that the crop Is a paying one as there are many evidences of prosperity to be observed. Carthage especially struck him us being one of the flneat llttlo cities ho had over visited. They have Just completed a $100,000 court house and thi ? roads leading out Into the country are macadamized and kept In splendid con dition , _ Boecham's Pills for wind and distress after eating. WATHIl COMl'AXY CAN.NOT COLLECT. City OlllclnlN KiiJolniMl from tin * CIMIIIIIIIIJ-'M CliilniN , Judge Koysor signed the order yesterday enjoining the mayor nnd comptroller from drawing a warrant for the sum of $43,373,60 for the Omaha Water com pany , which was Included In the appropria tion ordinance paesed by the city council nnd signed by Actlnif Mayor Blngham , The order also enjoins Iho city treasurer from paj-lng such warrant. The a order goes far ther and enjoins the city authorities from allowing or paying any bill of the Omaha Water company for hydrant rental under the old schedule of $80 per year for 250 hydrants , $00 per year lor 1,087 hydrants nnd $10 for each Intermediate hydrant until It shall have been determined what amount , If any , the Omaha Water company la reasonably en titled to receive. Stilcivnlk Tlilrvt-N Aru Sldovvalk thieves along South Sixteenth street are having a merry time , and they are also proflt'ng by the fact that city has ordered the repaying of the ctreet. In re- paving , the curb line has been placed hack several feet , which has necessitated the re moving of the eldewallta. The contractors In taking up the eldowalka have thrown the planku out Into the vacant lot and most of them have been carted away , Monday and Tucoilay men with wagons followed up the men who were removing the walks , and at ) fast na the planks were pried up , they were loaded up and carted off , regardless of the protests of tbo owners , DlHtrlliiitloii of City Oliai tor. City Comptroller Westbere has received the completed edition of the new charter , The volume Is made up after tbo eamo typo graphical pattern as the old charter , bul the marginal uotca and Indices are more complete. The municipal court bill and the amendment to section 123 , providing for the Issue of renewal bonds are alia Included. The demand for copies of the cDartcr Is already far In excess of the supply and l\\i \ Indications are that scarcely a minority oi the people who want charters will bo able to get them. "False In one. false m til , " U an ancient' ' legal maxim. Remember It to the disad vantage of any tradesman who tries to sub- stltute one Article for another. piiVpnpncMii * > v * ni > IT iiTimrr COAGRLSSMEN ARL AT WORK Interest Themselves In a Continuous last Mail Service from Now York. ARE MOVING FOK BETTER TRAIN SERVICE DiMny \VrBtliouinl Mull In Cl N Taken Vit nml DlKtMixn liy CoiuiiuTi-lnl Club Committee. The movement agatnet the delay of west * liound fast matt trains In Chicago from two to eight hours , for the accommodation of the newspapers of that city , ( advanced sev eral points at yesterday's meeting of the Commercial club's executive cominllteo. Commissioner Utl reported that ho had writ ten to the senators and representatives ot Nebraska nnd Iowa regarding the Incon venience and real loss sustained by the busi ness Interests of communities hereabout ! t > y the needless delnvn. Ho Also read several Very favorable replies which ho had Just re ceived. Congressman Maxwell wrote that ho woillit ; lvo the matter his ImmiHllato attention uml that ho vould do nil In his power to bilng about the speedy nnd expeditious transfer ot western mall at Chicago. Congressman 3trodn said that ho had already Interested ilmsclf In the crusade for quicker malls from the east for Nebraska. Ho had ru- Iticsted Speaker Heed to appoint him to the umso committee on postolllces nnd post roaJs aid thought bo would rwho the position. If ho did he would bo in n position to do much to ndvnnco the movement. Congress man Stark wrote that hosnn In full s > iu- lathy with the efforts being mnilo to nbolUli [ ho unnecessary deln > s at Chicago and that ho would cheerfully do all In his power to secure the desideratum. A resolution reported by a committee of vhlch Mr. Popploton wan chalrnun , com mending J. K. Damn and Danlsl Km roll for liavlng brought suit against the Omaha Water company to prevent iho collection of M3,373.til , passed due rental , fiom : he city , was unanimously pacspd. A peti tion from citizens of Uerliti. on the Mis souri Pacific , protesting against the wlth- Irawal of the local trains nn that nud , wvs tccclvvil , The business men of Derlln naked : hnt the Commercial eluo use lla omlcivora to have a local train put on , onnbllni ; tlii-m to get tholr mall before S p. in. John Sleel moved to lay the petition on tuo table. This was not done , but the whole matter wca referred to Iho cumml&jioner ot 'he lub with power to act. Considerable tlino was spent In discussing a clipping from a country weekly reflecting on the club. A message congratulating the club on lla good work done for the location of the Indian supply depot ha been tccclved from Cou- giossman Mercer. The action of the commissioner In securing the conference that will plan a new railroad line to the gulf for this city In September waa approved , Letters from Albert II. Wharton , Topcka , and Ilailoy 1' . Wagner. Atchlson , attorneys of the -Missouri Pacific , both of whom worked Industriously at Washington in aid of the Indian supply depot here , wure received and acknowledged. John Utt was made chairman ot n com mittee of flvo to accompany the iiks to Minneapolis In July to endeavor to secure the 1S9S meeting for Omaha. Four other Klks will bo added to the committee. Tlio matter of securing adequate factory facilities for a local piano establishment waa conaid- crcd and referred to the commissioner. KOUII IIUMMIKI ) CARS OI " .STOCK. lK IlfCflptx nt South Oniiiliii Htoclc YarilH Y ( > N ( r lny. Yesterday was a big day at the South Omaha live stock market , the receipts bus - s 4,312 cattle , 13.IG.1 hogs and 2Sfi3 nhoop. When It Is considered that 400 cars were required to bring in that nmotit ot stock , which would make a solid train considerably over two miles In length , the extent of the business carried on at South Omaha may be better appreciated. Very little of this stock was left unsold at the close of tha market , and the packers nnd other buyeia had to pay out over $183,000 for the day's purchase , Outside of a few stock cattle to bo taken back Into the country to bo placed on feed , practically all of the stork received wan bought by the paek'ers and will all bo slaughtered and converted Into product nt South Omaha. That work has ull to be doao within one day , each day's purchase repre senting one day's killing at the packing houses. M > HOOMS .tlDMCII'AI. COURT. City Council Deny ( InH < > < | iiht of llio .Illll l-N. The request of the Judges ot the mu nicipal court for quarters In the city hall will bo denied by the city council. Councilmen - men Lobeck nnd Durkley favor the court having a home , but the other ROVCII mem bers of the council think otherwise. City Attorney Connell recommends that the best and quickest way to reach nn understand ing In regard to the validity of the Inw Is to reftiho to rccognl/.o the court nml allow the judges to bring mandamus proccijdlngs to compel the council to piovldo them with quarters. Tim majority of the councllnun nro Inclined to lake his nclvlce , ns they contend that the question of the constitu tionality of the law should bo tested before the present system of Jurisprudence Is dis turbed. Examine the labels and trademarks of pro prietary articles. Imitations arc conuiou , and In some cases the dlffeicneo bctwe.'n them and the genuine Is so slight as to ns- rape careless observation. Doware ot dld- honest shopkeepers nnd salesmen. Alle-Kfil Ill-Ill for Trial. William McVey nnd George IlraJhhaw , Iho two men nrristcd for attempting to bold : ip Ur , Wllcox last week , are to bo given a pre liminary hearing In pollco court next Turn- day afternoon nt 2 o'clock. They will bo tried together on two charges , one of shoot ing with Intent to kill and the other , nssjult with Intent to rob. MoVey will nlsa bo tried Wednesday on the charge of burglary. IIo U acciiftpd of robbing the tcslderce of Hcv. J , M , Wilson. In the meiatlinu the two prisoners are confined In the county jail In default of bonds , ONE OF TWO WAYS , The bladder waa created for one purpose , namely , n receptacle for the urine , and na Hucli It ts not liable to any form of dUcaso except by ono of two ways. The first way la from Imperfect action of the kidney * . Tha second way Is from caroluas local treatment ot other diseases. CHUCK CAUSI3. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy U the chief cauao of bladder troubles. So tha womb , llko the bladder , waa created for one purpose , and If not doctored too much Is not llabla to weakness or disease , except In rare cases. U Is situated back of and very close to the bladder , therefore any pain , disease or Inconvenience manifested In the kldnoya , back , bladder or urinary passage is often , by mistake , attributed to female wenknc&M or womb trouble of some sort. The on or U easily made and may bo as easily avoided. To find out correctly , set your urlno aside for twenty-four hour * ; a sediment or Bottling Indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and extraordinary effect ot Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot , the great kidney and bladder remedy U aoon realized. If you need a medicine > uu Hhould have the bcwt. At druggists , fifty cents and ono dollar , You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet , both pent free l > y mall. Mention Tbo Omaha Dally IH'tj and send your addresu to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , JlliiKbampton , N. Y , The proprietors of thlu paper guarantee the ecu * ulncu of this offer.