Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt.WEDNESDAY : . , MAY 20 , 1807.
"Wheat Holds Stubbornly lira Until the
Final Dealings.
OUipr nriitnn niul ProilnloiiH
fcluin n Sllwlit 1'iillliiK ( T f tr the
j lllHit | > liil ll > UC UferniMi !
In Uorlil'n hliiL-lM.
CHICAGO. Mny 25-Wlirat toelny tlosnl
nt a decline of"he The liuirket hciil stub-
bornlv firm ilurliiK " " - lounoon In Fto !
of hcnvy lliuM.illon | , liut flimllv iiicciiniljOl
Corn xuiscnk nti'l lo t 'ic. Oats rtiinl
n fhiidu lower nnd rirovKloni dcclltuil tli
\Vhont otJdicil ( Irm nt nliout llio prlfc It
rlosid at xslttcl.ij. lircaute rrcnch countty
iniitkLlstit ( | UoUd | > nitlill > 1
hlKhor Mvtipool , on the other Imnil , oiotiil
> A ( ! lovvor. AMI ) the nt\t tituitatton noted
fiiino transnctlunH nt u furtlur 'id iloollno
llfrctuts nl Mliuic.i'jlls | ntul Iniltltli were
% cii heavy , lliu totiil niiiiibcr of cuts nt th-
t\vo uliiccs lioliiR Ml , JiBulnst 'II on the 101-
iftiiundlnK dnor lluar before- The
Jli-mncRs vvhlili ctiiitc.l on the attcitRth 10-
tinrtid In Pn-nch jinul"t' un-4 shaktnlun
nhniit Imlf an noui from the upcnltiK the
Mt l.onlE rmntit bml.c to lo jic-i bii liolow
tinDI ILO It eMu ci ! at teMcid'iy nnd New
link feiil illtliiitclitM nbitit the .unu time
rliltnliiK u tlnIliH "I I'arlt ( cptni to l'tp
nor lui Tiles * iiintleis kept tinniaikot
lltlfU ! lllllK will in II n.ineivv t.HIKi ; ! lltlllllK
tliu Moinli-K .lnl > ( ipcniil n sliiilc lllBhi-i at
frtnn 71'o ' to ilSi. . . tleclliiLtl to "U. roiovuul
to 71V-71"i' . tlun it onn to 70V anil back
nmiln to 'I'm- ' In tlmi ( . 'liu.iuo IL-
celvcl OPll tw l\c eailiinil- ) aid l.V'KrJ bil
vviicInsncottd out of ctoic. The Atlantic-
null cl ( niinc-e ! ; of nlu-at nnil lluiuvcrc
01 i\ tiiinil to 121.f Ki tin CUnlwj ciblis K.UO
the nit ilfi-lh.csi fin the ditv nt Liverpool
at 'vil ' ench fur \liiv nnd Jtilv and Wd fen
f < nttinbir llinilitn it's , whirl.m c\-
ti i li'd to show a 1 eicjxo In tin vvoild's
Ftiuks foi the vv ck .if nboiit l,70 , Kl In :
roioiteil ( .nly * i'l ( 1 bu ikiii-ito In the
Intt h.ilf hour a bmk. which ii | ) | Mid < Im-
nil the foiuiionn , but only niniciiil
l/til on the tcif-lpt of I'railHlnei's rcpoit ,
i-1 ilnl Jnli down to 7flV" nnil It < luiii nt
70'M. A lineof aljulil l.fKtO.OO ) bn , nuppuscd
ti ) be luiii ! win nt vvnsfoltl .it fiuin 7lc dr\vn
In 70\c Tliu most of that fc-'l Into tin-
liatnN ofLnlpirs , vvlici , In r , III'IIR "I"1 ft
nuiln niJMid iln fnitbcr ih-dltic
Cnin was miMli-i il l\ active ntul winK
Inlliifiiepil pilm Inilly by the e\ttcnicl >
liu.i\ > in-i-ipts Ml enrTh'jra vvua ton-
tlnitotis lioivv M. HIIK by thu t-Sovnlrit pc-o-
nlo nu.illlttistetii puichn--cs. vvlillu bu.i
Inp vvn crnlUrdl A eooil deniniul foi - pol
( in n vvns 11 polled. , lul > oponril " 41 : loivu
nt L'l\c. soM nt il\/Jl1 ! / < .c nnd tleillnil to
2IUc uhcicIt closed
( Inttvna dull nnil cVnlblttd thr ilininc-
InrKtli-s of jiHtcid.ij-s in i rite t In Hint pi lees
In-Ill Rtendv , iieit\vlth-5tnnllnK ( receipts of 070
nil" ! Tr.ullliK vvai Ilinlteil tu small lotntul
llni-tti illons were.innrow Ju'v opfncd n-
cinnieil nt li c. Bold nt 17V uiul closed at
IToxNIoiiM Were vvcnlc nnd lower on the-
Inri iIIOK reeclpt-4 vvrst. I.oiit.s Ilqulilutcil
fre-ilv the sIlKht Mippurt nff'iiilotl thitnar -
hnt rnmhiK fruni picKilAt tileclo c Jnlv
nollev.ii about 7".i livvci nt 1-412' . , Julv
Inul nc Invvci nt fi70B'72'4 ! and Jul > ribs ue
lower at $141 ! .
I'stlin.itcd rerolpti Woilncidnv Wheat
10 cats ; ioi i , W)2 cars ; oats , 3wl cat f , liuc- ,
r i no iiuini
LciulliiK fiitme tnngc an fcllow :
I Cknj i VuHilv
O.H Ci.J
5j' (
8 111 B 17H
S 1-J'j ' B 211
b 17S 8 M
3 (17'n ( ' .1 721 ,
.1 7J' .1 77 '
: t hu . ) si
4 r n
4 . ' . ( I
_ 4 524
ijiiotatlnnsvcic as follnvvs :
ll Pihlcr , winter pattnt$4Cdri470 ,
? 2'OH311 ) : stnilKht" , JlUCflfO , fprlnc
KpPclnlB , $1 Cli4 fO. Fprlngp itcntK , JllSUfSlO ,
BtralUilK , t3WiJ.75
NSIIIJAT No 2. tprlns , 72073' ( ; No. 3 cprliiK.
GSf 72-Jo ( : No 2 reil MS"2c. )
COItN' No 2 24Uc.
O \TS-No C. ISc , f. c. b.j No 2 whlto , 2Wip
22TJC , No 3 whlto , f. o. b , 19140220
XH i : No. 2. Sic.
IIAIILKY No 2 , nominal ! No. 3. 27fl10e ; No
4 , r o l > 2 c-
ri vxfiini : ) NO i 703770
TIMOllIV hUin : rrlinf , J2. 0fi285
IMIOVIMONS MPMI pork , per hbl. . 8 12V4U8 15 ,
lanl , per 100 llu . (3 CT. T3 C7'i , tOinrt rllii nldfH
( ImiM ) , J4 4 ( t4 CO , iby B.iltcil i-houltlcrs ( luiied ) .
| 5.(0ii521 , bhort clear Blilcs ( bnxcil ) ( IC2n4'5. .
\S11IS1CV DlatlllprB1 flnlFluil Kootlj , i .r pnl ,
II 1' '
SUO UlS-Cut loaf , J134 ; grrnnulated. } 4 71.
Onlliel'iM liue oxali 1111:0 toilav tlu < butter m ir-
hot was linn , crc-nncrv. llul ltc ) : ililrv. .ct
1-Jo PITER , linn , frcsli , Idc. Chfi-su. vvnak ; Hfo
HSe IHU ] > iillltr > . C.IHJ , Uill.liH , 7SSc , Chickens
7c , ducks 7UKa.
YOHIC si A it ic nr.
< ( lliitlitIoilN of the liny an Crlierul
NK\V YOIIK. May STFIX > Uli-Htcclil | . 23-
231 Mils , cxportB , C.S74 bbls Dull anil ' 10c
lower lo pell , In Fjmiiathy with the break In
wheat , vvlnttr patents (4 MT4 90 , winter llKhtx.
)4 : ( i43S , Mlnne'Hotie patents , } 4 2DIT4 S5 , vinttr
txtrau , II 4 ( ! 3.70 , Mliinrsotu ImKem , fl [ > XP3 70 ,
wlntir low ( .railes. J2 COOS 80. Ilye Hour. Eteudy.
H\i-Htend > . No 2 western , S7'tc.
llAKIiV-nU't. : 2S'4c '
AMII3AT llccelpts , ! 5.22S bu ; exports , 25,183
bn hl'otifiiU. ' . oiitlonn uirnetl | nteatller on
Htrcnir Trenrh cables , but turned weak untl tlf-
rllneil all the afternoon , under llitulilatlmi , n
tnnill rctluetltm In lliuilptreet'H vlslhlc , favora
ble- crop ncus and n hrrak In late calitfii , closlnit
* < l * c net lovver. No 2 red May , MMfUftC ,
cltwIiiK , H/.c ) Bepti inlwr. 7Jf72Vtc. cloeliiir. 7.V , ,
COItN IlecelitH | , r,0.f.oo bn , expoitu , IIS , 131 bu
Hl.ot . , vvtak. No Z , ' "JVic. Dpllons nptmul Kteutl > ,
but Hold i f ( under big reeelit | , lliiill.lnllon tun !
tint bleak lu wheat , elosbiK Uc net loner , Alay
tlnttil ut i'Jic , beptember , 3030 | 11-lCc , cloaliiK ,
SCi 4c.
CIATS HecilptB , 207.COO bil bpot , weak , No
2 , Kt. O | > llonH dull ami easier , with tliu other
initrlvtlB , closlnc 'ic lower , Muj , Sl fi.'l o
clotlniITic. ; .
II AIJusy ; chlpplntr , Me , Rood to choiceCi
HOI'H Quiet , state , common to choice , 1S93
crop , Sli'.c , Ibw crop , Ii7c ; I-uclflo ceiaet , liiij
cup , 3 | ! .c.
IIIDKH 1'lrm : ( lalveston He , llnrnoa Air-H
Ur > , IS'iJiliic , Texas dry , lDt > c ; California. ICc.
l.lIATIIIIH-Qnltt ; hemlock sole , Humes
. .
lltlTTIJIl-Uece-lpIs , 13.C18 pkita , linn , western
crenmtsr } . lUfl&ifcc , lIlnliiH , 15140 , factory , 7'4W '
I.'lliisi-Itecelpl8. lOOIl pkes . quiet , rtatc
larKek i c , ninall , Uil'J'ic , | iait t-klms , tW7'vo
full skliiiH , : U l3c.
13HOH HecelptH. l.CO pkio. ; t trail ) , state ami
l'i imi. ) hiinln. l2Vic , n extern , ll'-.c , couthern
lOHCrll'iiO. '
I'UUVIhlONK Ileif. strati } , beef lianm JM
Cut iniats , stead > ; thnulileni , J Mff5 V ) l.nnl
wtakcnern ; tiiiin , H UO uskeil. rt-llncJ , tasy
J'tiik ipilet , I IK ( | W.
' .
OILS Coitt.nnif.l. dull : prime cnule. :
pllinc nuiumir , > ellovv : : b2 < > c , prime whtr. |
lu'ic. IVIrolt inn , ilull. reiin > lvanla crude
rlead ) , June , fcta bill ItiiMln , neuilj . Klmlned
lonimeii tti Buod , ll.'ilft 75. Turpentine , n y
HICi : Steady , fair to extra , 4UGGO , Japan
Ml41vC ,
MOl.AhSCH Qult-t. New Orleans , open kettle
Kooil tu choice. 3i2&c.
Mlrr.M S-l'lK Irein. quet ; southern , | 5 r.j
icrllirrn , HUIiCiflSCO Copper , Mead ) ; Uke
brckcr * . Ill 00 , e-nchanwe 111 Oojfll Si. Tin
quiet but firm ; straits , > l34ijlU > platen , ea )
hprltrr. steady. 14 li4M 84. l ud , stead ) : vx
change. W. 121/3 30 , brokers , } 3 iji.
Ncn Yuri ; lr > ( iiioilH MurUi-t.
NinVO11K. . May S5. Dry gcxnls ( how no
ctiaiikt-- uii > department. 'I lie mull onlrni were
VUJ I kht and tput trailliiK" stores Hero of u
em lit i-uit , ( lencreil df | n tlunna caiinnl h > the
report of Ilia Mimll tlUlilemU paid bv full Itlver
mills , u better thawing being ( .enerully eipcitfil
In Jebtlni ; > terra ( here Is little snap to the
Irudlni ; . Coarse cvluietl collon * except In cer
tain linen are vvell oltl up , ami the. denmiul Is
not n heavy cue. 'Iriuilnir In print cloths is
ffincwhat inorttrltk , lllds for bt > th i tB im (
future * aninuelv for eitrus at S 716c , but the
mills are net benvy eellfrs 1'rlnts are iiulet
\S'oolfn and worstrj uooja show a utneral Ue
ell lie In Inteieit.
St. I. oil IN ( inie-rul
BT IXl'IB. Mu ) -riXJl'H-Qulel untl un
rhuiiKetl , patents. ll7i04W. extra fancy. II 49if
4fX > . ritnc ) , | 3.llXi3 W. choice. 13 till ! S5.
, \VHIAT tMtures ci > < n J dull and Htuk today
* nd v tr > ry qulcl. Th * iwdertvut became
luni-r Intn tut trnOra wrrc ttfr M to tAke
Kill MII ] tlir ir.nrKtt tleinl He to 1H lower
11 n > < - > litlii > Si'til , No J fed. tush ,
nlevolor S.e iilc ! . - e Brkrd No t hinl , cftsh ,
( Kukkdl Jnl > , 7J'ic ' bid ; Annum , it-'J , ! nuked ,
s < epl nibcr 7fr"ie
l-OltN-rutuies vveiik In Mmrnlhy with whi-Al ,
clofclntr irnrtliiinllx lovvrr tfitti > c > Icrlxj. Snot ,
cislcr. No. ScKsh , Me 111. July , M'iWJSIci Sep.
nnlr \c iifKed
OATS MimrMlull m ! vvnk Spot , lower ;
NJ 3 rarh , Hi > ic bill , Julv. H4c nskcvl.
H\i : rirm. ale track
IIAItl.HV N'tnlnnl
COItN MHAI , II cotfl K ,
I'l.NNKnnU'fBiU ( , t 7 ?
llllsvNDull , fUlol nn I unchanged
\Y-Dull. . pteiiilj nti'l unchansctl ;
III TnU-lII ! iPr ; ctcnmtry. IHflfc ; ilnliv. It
B12 ?
] : < ! ( ! * 1 Inn HI 7c
rori/ir.Y-Clilekeri tten1 > fnr rM hens nt
Cc , lower fti fprlnrn nl 14l li > , ducks ,
' ! it > fH 10 | it i tlfctn
t 01" ! ON Til : * * I- .
SIKl'AtJS I tml. qnln ; W 10ff3.15't. pMtrr
Irm , SI
I'ltOVIHIOS'tI'oiK , sUndv , ftmidnrd IIII-IK ,
I hlilni ; . > SI'5l" 7J Until lo er , tirlmu tteam
I1.,0. elinlre H "W Itxcnn ( bnxctl ) . fhfillilorn
niul putra nhott elriei , $ M7'/i : rllm , II ui > , i-hotts
iC'4 li ) rnlt me , It ( betl ) , > houl1er , H ST'l- ,
Mb ! ' ! fhortiI' " ! Z 1 .
Hiceliitii ! I'lfinr , 3 tw < i bbl > . : wheat , C MC bu ,
lorn ' 9 "f ) bn on IK. 71 iffl bil
-tlilpnifliln : I'li.lil n/W / tbU. , vvhcnt. 1,0-iC bil ,
eeim. 24 ttie1 btl . einii. . , 1 l-CC bu i
OMVIIV IJI'.M'.lt . M\ltlvP.I < < .
Ciinillllilll of 'l'i 11 ill1 mill ( li
on sitil | | < - nnil I'liniM 1'riiiliie-L- .
l.OUHHulk of mlix , 7 > iCI < < - .
Ill'TrKtl I'omiiein tt > fall , iifl's , ebolte to
farcj roll , 10jlc nparator creamery , lie ,
Kiit i"rt-tl urunifM , ICc
11AMK Kl < TthlliK nut ot teaon ,
\ \Ir-CIilcc ) fil | (0 to liu lu : ) . , quoted nt
MIIKhiihC .in I oeiii * " 4flr > c
MVi : I OLI.T1Uliens. . Cc : eocks 3'p eprlnj ;
cliliUti.y | er Hi Ue
I'UiroNh I.lvr , 7"1l"wcileiii. . plpcons not
IIAY-rphml | 1 'if. ' mtdlnnl , 54" ) . lovvlnn.l ,
f.OO ) Hltav J4 W loloi irolecH tile ptlct- till
iiiv llhht links cll t'ie bent , only lop cintle-i
.11 Inn Irp prlrtr
ItltOn.MuiUNrnttmclv lnvv diitc' , new cnv.
liMviirtl in trick In c < mti > , cholnrtiecn fnlt-
noiklnii cm pi * iu.r 1 ! SiUS'Sc ' , choice grifn ,
unnltiR In hurl : ji : ' o rominoii. l'4c.
nUit.V l'iAS--ir | 't , lin box , 7'c.
I'll : l'l.\Nr-l'ci ID -sc-
Ct Cl'.MIIlIIl.S Per dor. , 400rnelexas. . W-bu.
nix 11 (0 (
AM'AnAdL.-S-a-cr dori" - < V.
SPINACH- r linrki-t. DOc , p t bbl 1 00
TOMAIOIIS IVr lnnl. ; l crate , 13.60
llADlMll.'S-I'ci tloslie
Mn-rt i i : Per dw s'lfiioc.
UAX IIIMNS-1'er " 4-bu box , J1 ; p r bu
. - ro
I'Ad.SMI" ! IVr bid 7Io
STH1NO linNSIer H bu box 1100
NlONION'S Per tin100 l c
I'AllSl.lIi I-PI dor IWflc
IIIIItMI'DA ONIONSlir crntc J3 M Fo'it'iern
Cilb Hiik IS no ncu California , wlillP. lirgp
ind fntic > pel Ih 3c
LIMA 111N < l-it II. 3c
111 ! vNs-ltitiirt-iplird | | nav > per b l 11 lOffl 20
CAlUtVOC-Cnllfornli 2' < o pel Ih
I'OlAlorN w ler Mil 14 pel Hi , Cull-
fiiinla , 2ijc ulii mtl\e vto k pel lu ! r.c , earl >
Ohio mid pntatte" Tteil river vallcv , 400 , Min
nesota ISmbnnkti 40c
CAI irOISNrA Clir.llKIUb-l'er in-lb bo\ JIM
RIHAUMJIMinir.v-rnmv , } 2 CO , choice , S17.1W
1 K
A1'l'I.i : I'anci. lirto tltOlfSM
SOUTIICHV Pl.TM t'i- 2l-il | ca'c , KW
inoi'ii-Ai. rntms
OiNOl.5ccillii | s , 530C032 : , Medlteri-mcnn
\veot-t ffiiicv . 13 i'o
IjKMONS Mc "lnnifaiicv. . S3 7J&4 00 , cliolci
I" 2'iU3 DO. illnKe Cnllfornli } 2 73
1IANAN Cliolct HIKI Ftocl. per bunch
:00ii2'i , meilltini bum-he' 51 "Oig : 00
I'lNKAPrLKS-rer < 't / St ro
NC TS Union. It , l ti iroinl.i. per Hi. lit BO
1 7.1Ke , Ilin'/lls pel 11) ICi , nn.llfll vwilnutt-
IHI Ib , fanrv , port hcll 12O11C , stnntlirils ,
mntlc. IIIKrts pi i Hi. inc. pi-cui" pollkbcd
IURC 9llit | , Jiinilii. ll 712e , line hlckorj nutH ,
$1 2" , per bu , eetn.iiml * . 4tic c icJi
I Iflb Importtd rancv I trn\vn 20-lb bOTes
l.'e , 5 crnwn rO Hi = ISffllc
110NI2\-Ch < ilic 13li lie
Cinnil Clnrined Juice , per lulf 11)1 . J2 15 , pel
hi hi si ro 4 : - ,
M'I.i : hYIU'P rive-KOl cnn" cnoli. K 25 ;
l cnns puio , per doz 512 , hilf-KaV cans ,
ff.2' , quart cin JS ro
nini : TAI.T.O\V. iic.
HlUr5 ! N'o 1 Kitt-i- lniei | < SV , N i Erefn
hides , 4'.c No \ 1,1 1 n cnlfil hlltt I'cc ' No 2
MCcti allPd hltliB 'i.c .NV l veil calf. S tj 12
111" 7c. No 2 cnlf. I to 1" lh . 4c No 1
tlrj ( lint hi let -liilCc , Vn 2 dtv Hint hldc , ( If
Oc , No 1 dry Fiilted 'ilil s EfTIc prut curnd
hltles He pei 11" le s than fully curt 1.
.sinii- : I-II.T aic-n .niteti. e.icn 2-iitfOc :
Biii-n knlloJ. hi-Hrlliics ( ihort wooled euly
skins ) eat h I'c , tbj "licnilltiffs ( short nooled
carlv tklnit ) , No 1 , cnch , 5cOr > Hint Kant-i3
and Ncljia k.i. butcher wool peltp pei Hi ac-
ln.ll vvclkht , 4'7 < > c , ilr > Hint , Kansas and Ne-
bin < -l > i Slurriln wool pelts per Ih aeluil
welrht 5Ci4c , dr > flint Ci lot ado butcher wool
pcltn , per Ib , actual weight , 4iic dry Hint
Coloi nl'i murrain won ] pelt ? pel Ib actuil
weight , S14c f et cut off , as it l useless to
| .ni . fitlslit en them
TAI.T/W AND OniASr Tillow , No l.2i4c ,
tallow , No 2 , 2c , KteSfc. white A , 'c , grease ,
white II , So ; trcisc. > ellow , 2csre IFC , dark ,
l > , o , old luiltcr. 2ff2VjO , beeswax , prime , 153220 ,
loiiKh tallow 1c
\\OOr 1'nvvHf.hcel line h"ivy C { ] > 7c , fine lluht
Sf c. quartet blrnd , 10 < ffl2' P'd > , hurry and
clmffy fflV. eotttil nnl lieken conrse , 7fjD' ,
cottel nnd Inoken , fine CJfSc Tleece vi a hed
nipilluin TiiJlSc. flne , 14P1CO , tub washed , 10JT
l c. black. Sc , buclo Cc , las locks , 2B > 3c , dead
pullet ) . ri7Co
HONUS In curlot8 weldieil nnd delivered In
ChlciRO. Dr > buffnlo per ton J12 05ffl4 dO. dry
countrj , blenched | er ten , JOO 012 00 t'ry coun
try , dump and meaty pei ton , J6 OOiffS 00.
IIRRSSRD nini' Good n.itlve steers , 400 to
CflO Ihs , . 7c , good forequnrters tteers , t c. Bond
hlnelfji-Trters , 6'tc ' , western Rteeri" . f'.c ; fancy
lielffr CV.P : teed heifers Co ; Rood forcijuartcrs
heifers rc , KOOI ! hlndquirtcra hclfeix , Sc , KOO.I
cows , Cc , fair cowp 5'ic , common cows , Cc
cow forvquni ters. 4 c , cow hlndquirterH , 7'4c
Illinr Cl'TK ' Tenderloins 20c , benders Hrlpa ,
lOc , strip loins , tc , rolls , Oc. sirloin butt * . Se ,
rhoulder & 'ic , tump butts , lie- , teer
chucks. 4'Jo envv chucks , S e. boneless chucks.
4'4c , cow plates , 2'ic , steer plates , S c , Hunk
steak , 6c , loins , No 1 14c , loins. No 2 12c ,
loins. No 3 , I'c ' , No. 1 short loins , ICc , No 2
short loins. He ; No 3 short loins , 12c : sirloin
ends. kJ10o. ribs , No I , 12c , libs , No. 2 , lOo ,
rlhc , No 3 , 7c , Ftrer rounds , 7c , cow rounds ,
C'tc , cow rounls , slianlc off 7c : cow rounds ,
fJimik and rump off , 7'ic , trimmings , < c. beef
shanks , 2(4c ( ; brains , per doz Me , sweetbreads ,
per Ib , lie ; sweetbreads ( calves ) , IM.I Ih , 40c ;
kidneys , per doz , 2'c ox tails each , 3c ; ,
per Ib , 2l c ; hearts , pei Ib , 1'jc , tongues , per
III 12c
POHK--nresetl pies 5'4c dressed r.c .
- - ? , , hogs , ,
temleilolns , lOltc , lolnn , r c ; tporo ribs , 3l c ,
ham san iiKe , hutte , Cc ; Mumlilern , routh , Gc :
shoulders , skinned , 6".c , trlmmlnK" , 4Hc leaf
lard , not rendered , O'ic ; bends , cleaned , 3c ,
snout and ears , 3c. backbones , 2c , cheek meats ,
3c ; neck bones 2 Vic' , pigs' tails , 3c , plucks ,
each. Cc , chltterltrRs , Cc hocks 4c hearts , per
ili/ . , 2' > c , stomaehH , each 3c , tongues , each , 7c ;
kldne > , per doz , lOc , brains , per doz , ISc ;
pies' feet , per doz , 3V ; livers , cacn , 3c.
OutNliU-m TnUi- Iln ml niul DeiilhiKN
Are * llortAiiliiiulfil. .
NKW YOUK , Mny 25 There was more ani
mation shown In the denlbiKs on the Slock exchange
change- today thnn for many weeks past and some
huvliiB by commlHtflon houfcc iihentu gave evi
dence of u fllfchl uwakenlnir of outelle In-
terebt In the markets Hales for the day reached
an ugKTCuatc of nvir fW 000 shares nnd weic
much better distributed the list than
linn been the rate In tie recent trading , 'llieie
was a tlUplny ur considerable ttrenKth , vvhlct
currlitl iiiout Htocks at cue rate or anotner
al > uv likt nluht'B closlni , ' , but sales for profit
tnklni ; wire quite heavy iin.l cnrrliil prices down
ut the close The market Is still In the contro
of the professional truilem and their tactics
offset the elements of htrenKth Nrvv Jereey
Central Knve evidence of lavbiK' rt'ncieil a poln
of reElstancu tu further depreciation , and the
short/ were * dilvcii tu rather ttrenuous exer
tlona to cover Tie lonn rait ; of the stock v\a
bid up by manipulation In order tu < 'inliarra u
the shorlr The mnoval of theseveru pressure
on tiu ! ttock for tliu timebclni ; VMIS quite u
relief to the market , though time VVUH u lalf
reaction In the ( irlce SIIKUT was strong on the
l > llef that the explanation offered of tliu sugar
reludulp of the tariff I'lll ' In the teimte vumh
help Its cluiiiceof passaRcTlie deallnKs In
liu Flock weie Inrirer than for mime tine and
weio tecond only tu ( note In CnlciiKO ( las. The
dealers In ChlcuKU ( ' wcie Inclined to take
mi exceedingly conttrvatlv view of th benelltH
assured by the action of the Illinois renate In
purring the Kas ( rtintiiKf und consolidation lilIU
un ueoniildei-atlon The block illil advance
huril | > on the news of the pusfiine , but was
currlel down by heavy realizing rales The tone
nf > | dilation Kenerull ) showed conildcrahle nc
cms of uonlldvnce , various causes rontrlbutltiB
to this feeling Venter.laj' decision of the tu
preme lourt deiolntr the right of the Interstate
Commerce eommlrslon lo ilx railroad rates till
exercised u favorable Inlluence ein railroad val
ut . not t > n account of the Immediate effects
cif t IB uVclilcn , but owing to the heller that I
Insures aiUorac ) b ) the commlfclon of a law to
authorize railroad poollnt : weakenlni ; of the
exchange market during theda ) was ulto te
trardttl us un encouraging- factor In the Ren
erul outlook und account wan also taken of the
wtuk'v Hate of merchandise exports from New
Vt.rk. showing a total of 110,1J7ICO , un Incrrare
of 1450.4VO over last week ami of * i,031.7t : eve
last 5 cur. Tills luiKe rxpuiutlon of exi.urls Is
looker ] la help uftnel the heavy bnMirt | In an
tlcliuitlon of Ihe new turllt and lo help adjus
tinexchaiiKo uilunre tilutcmcnls of railway
euinlnKs were also EOCH ] , tsiwclally that of fcouth
crn rullwayn. shuwlng an Increaoe of net earn
Ings for April of ! 70,81 and of gross earning
of } ! , i.6H Tie effect was tu nlre the price o
the tock , The third week's Hatnnenls of grot *
uirnlng * of Ht , I'xul and Missouri 1'aclllc cuutei
a , cheerful feellntr amonir eiwneri | of rullrout
Htocks , the former lu > Klng nn Increase of 131
34S ami the latter of 11910. New Jersej Centrul'ii
ruiige v\u 3V > polntm the net guln tflng u point
Western Union llucluuled Irregularly , but clocei
with nit * ln of i traction , Louej of u
rncllon were ireneriil , tlif exception * beinc cnlns
of 1V4 per cent In I/icldle tlai preferred , 1U
r ctnt In l al preferretl nn.l nf n polnl In
jike Shore CrnolMnlrl On nnd St l nils
Sun rrnnclsco ll-nt preferred Client Northern
preferred nnl Supquehnnim i. U trrn preferii-d ,
Vcwoth A Harlem , jumped , 1 | ulnts to 823 Ini
IIP bid pricewltlmut tllclllni ; HnJ orfcrlnjit.
Th lionl mrrket illrplninl fem < B < Ilv It ) In
heIntP Irnillnjr nnl sjmpnthUed In the tin hied
rnllj nbleli oecnrtcil In the rtocl. fculatli | > n.
lucliic'iix wns IniKflj reMrlitoil to the protnl-
itnt Irmif-i In whhb the iliint's vieic nets
s tntl l Tinncsreiiiite 'alts vvprililfl ( X )
Inveii.nientn enlnril llKhlly en pnrclmi-cs of
The llvtnl-tt l'eft y t milnn llnandlnl cable
gram not. 'Th H l. itiafkM' tirre were Ir-
rciulir ti'imj nnd II i Until to lie dull en the
r\iectutl | < n nf complications lefoti the ra lirn
nnttciIi rcttlfil Tin chlff fenttili nf thp tlnll-
! ' wnn inKll : h r.ilN thi .tttlfin-nt tllfclfm-
in , IK \pecletl n latne biill me unt nnd lilcli
< iitiinr' < , tnn-lnu ; up to 10 pr ccnl There-
VIIB furtliri n He tlmt lit Krltlrs Cotltnnpies
on Amerban tt 10 per cent 'Inlay' * wlthlrawnl
of gold fieim the Hank ot I nulsnil wns mainly
or llii > rln. and mote Is lo KO The iprratlnn
n illllliult to iinlerMntul n the Iwst lnforni"il
ii' pic tt > neit whnll > c nntct It with curreno
> lnt * The I'ntl * iHitirtc vum tiadv , nttct dull-
no , and the llcrlln imrkcl was Rteitl ) '
D Inlliivvliik were the closing quolnllT * o
\vu Yurie 1l nv llnrkcl.
Dasy nt l Wl'i per cent , Inat loan. 14 per cent ;
elo eil offercil at I'iWI'i per cent
i-niMi : MIIICA.N-III.L : I-AI-KH .iui per
Sl'iUbINO : nXCIIANlliVeh , with nctiml
luiplnccs In bankers' bills at { 4 S7U for tlcmniul
ami S4 S3"404 fcd , for sixty cln > s ; postoil r.itcs ,
Jl fOijff4 87 nnil } 4 IS5T4 ISU ; commercial bills ,
? 4.S5i-
sn.rn cruTiriCATK' ? o'iccoso
I1A11 MIViil r.9'c per oz
MP/XICAN lOI.I.AUS-47 , c.
hfATi : itoNns null i
Closing quotations on tioniH were as follows :
HAH ail.VRU Plat , 27 9-ICd per oz ,
MONI3Y ' 4 per cent.
Th < * rate of discount In the open market for
short bills In 1 O-liI per cent , for three tnontlit ,
htllK , 1 D-1C per cent ,
Oold | H quoted nt Iluenos A5 res at 190 , nt
I.lfl.on . , 4$4 , at Home , 104 W
IlnnU of ( ie-riiiuii } Stntl'lile-ilt.
HKIIUN. Mny SO Ihc weekly etatement of
the Imperial Hank of Germany shows the foi-
lowlnh changes an ccmparetl with the previous
account- Cash In band Increase , 10,000 WO
marks ; treasury notes. Increase * , 640 roe minks ,
other ktcurltles , dtcieare , llti.'OWH ) nuirks ; notes
In circulation , iltcrtahe , 241SOIXX ) marks.
Crci'k i < ml Turl.l li lliiiulH ,
I/NUON , May 25 Porelgn bCcurltleH arc
quotnl us folldwii , Ortecc , 18S4 , V higher nt
25 , Turkey , new defente4 hither nt 103U , grouj
A , 'i lower ut CS. group 31 , H lower nt 37 , group
U , > < j lower ul 21'i , eioup I ) , V , lovter at 20K
AiiK-rlrnii Se-c-iirllli-M In Iiiniloii ,
I/NION , Mny 25 The market for American
securities varied little all day , with no tpccla ]
Inlluence , The clotlngl tone was dull but steady
and demanil was generally light.
Pori-luT" I'Miiiiiii-lnl ,
1'AIUS , Mny 25 Three per cent rentes , I03f
43a for the account Kxchange on I nndon , 221
lOo for checks
I/NDON , May 25. The amount of bullion
withdrawn from the Hank of lnglunJ on balance
today Is 17t > .CG4
IIRUI IN , May 25 nxciange on I-nndnii , eight
da > ' eight , : o murku ! SVi pftr Tlie rate of dis
count Is 2b I > CT cent.
Kliilltii-llll Votf-N ,
HOSTON Mny 25. Clearings , $14 SM.4C5 ; bal-
ancen , f 1.M4 919.
ItAI/riMOHK. May 25. Clearings , | 2,4M.i6 !
balances , 5374 , M4
NIJW 'iOUK , May 2S.-ClearlnEi , | 03t39.S4
balances ,
I'HII.AIIKI.VIIIA May J5.-ClearlngH 510228.-
235 ; l.alancin , Jl,43S.7ai.
MT IJQUIS. Mu > 23 Clearing ! . JiSTMtt , 1ml-
nncfa , J54JS99. Mone > , 4O7 per cent , New York
exchanKf , COo prt-intum Lie ) , iOc prrmlum n kfil
CI11CAOO , May 25 Clearlnir" . JI35iOS3 New
York cxclianxv. Uc pre-mtum 1'orelitn vxcluinhv ,
Uirrly tteaely ; eleniantl , J4HS ; tlxty tluj ,
Oil MurUe-U.
Oil. CITY. 1'n. , May 25 Certincates. no bltls.-
crctll balances. We , tlil.nnnls | , SI.GOO bbl ,
runr. 1(0 ( 785 I. bio ,
I/NIKN , Mu ) 25 Untectl oil 14 > ld
IIUUMEN , Muy ii.-retr leum , & marks CO fie.
Arrivals at tXTisil Ynr"3 Unusua'ly
Cnttlf Wen It ty/Tfii Ce-Ji n l.o i r mill
N , , Y Ji | > SllO H
lit op ntMc-ti | IIIK ! Sell
SOUTH OMAHA , Mny -Itccolpts for
the dajs Indicated were :
Cultlc. Hogs Sht-p Hotses
" " "
Mny 21 1.WI . ! 2i4 3 Ml
jjliy ! > , lw2 1,747
.M.IJ21 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1JV.I S377 3.MJ
1.716 7.E01 3 311
May 19 3110 G GJl Sl. > 6 43
May IS. , S.t'fiO ' 9fi7l ) 3iM
May 17 20.U 1.41S 3271
May 15 l.l7i > 4,23- 1,711
Mny 11 2.413 5r.4D 1.M9
Mny 13 2,210 0,703 C'116
Mny 12 2.77.2 5Ifli
May 11 2.S2S
Mny 10 1,1SI 2.C03 1M7
The olllclal number of cars ot slock
brought In today by each was :
Cattle. Hog's Sheep.
C. M. K. St. P. Hy a
O & St 1. . Iiy
Jllssotirl 1'nclllc Hy G 4
1'nlon 1'nclllc Kjitem. . . 30 4C >
rA : N. W. lly
1S 1 i : ft M. V. H. U . . . . 49S 69O
S C & P , Hv. . S O
( J St. 1' M K O. Hy. 17
I ! A : M. H H. 11. . , 12 51
C. H A ; U. Hv 2 4-
K C. .V St .1 '
r H I. t\j I' . Hy. , cast . . 1 's
a. H. I. et P. Hy , west. . 5 14
Totil receipts IXi 201 14
The disposition or the da > 's receipts was
as follo\v , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of lic.ul Indicated :
lluvcri. Cattle. HogSheep. .
Omaha Packing Co : : ( > 2,7.12
( } II Hammond Co 452 2,191 9
Svvlft and Company 1 , ( > U 3,017 171
CudnliN Packing Co Slfl 4,001 1,012
H lie-fleer & Uegan 71
Vans lilt .V : Co 23
.T. I. Carey 271
I.obni.m . Hothschllils. . . Ml
Hill & Lewis Co Si
Huston ft Co IU !
" ' ' °
Svvlft Kansas City ! ! . 25S
Snerrj ft Uarnes. . lil
S P. Hans 51
Hammond. Kansas Cltj 171
Ijivton ft Co 113
Other bnjers 233
I-eft over 2UU
Totals 1,201 13,430 2.070
CATTL.C Receipts of cattle today were
\crv large , li.3 . loads , the largest run of the
jear to date.
The buyers were very much Inclined to
take advnntago of the situation to pound
values and the market opened slow und
dinRgy. The early bids were generally lOc
lower , and , as salesmen were not prepared
to make tbc concession , the morning' woce
away with very little being accomplished.
The cattle kept telling , however , but at
urk-CM that were weak to lOc lower and in
the end a fair clearance was effected.
Cowu and heifers sold steady to a little
lower In some caes , the m.irkct being no
more than a Miaele easier .it the most. There
was a little mwe activity in that depart
ment of the market nnd the offerings for
the mo-t II.H t changed hands early.
Light stock ci * tic --old well , \alties being
fullv steady or even stiong In some ca&es
Tlie demand for llnsh > cattle was not so
good , bujeru being Inclined lo neglect that
kind. HeireSLiilnU\ji ! sales :
2. . . 7E5 4 00
No. Av. 1'r. No Av. 1'r
11 fillers . . . M5 | 3 0) 146 feeders . . 408 II 73
143 feeilirB , 705 4 00 ,
lions 1 he receipts of hoe * , ns well as of rat
tle , were the lieavlrfct cif the 5ear , over 200 loaelii
be I DC reported In tlm > nrd . |
The. market was ' - ' lower , the popular price
IIP I PC ' 340 , in nmlimt 13.45 jeBterduj Tbe de
mand wan kuotl. the lucsl iiaekrru all l.tlnK file
IJUKTB , anil tlif trade active In Hdte of the
laree recelptr. Tlie great bulk of ull the lioun
clmnn'il hands early In toe mornlntItejire -
tentative tales.
No. Av. Ph. IT.
10 . . . . 327 . . . J3J5
12 2C9 . . . 335 I
10 504 . . . 3 35
10 , . . . 241 . . . 3 35
10 236 . . . 3 55
C2 3C3 ICO
11 . . . . 32U a 33 i
IS 303 W 3 33
43 3U , . 3 3i
15 301 . . . 3S5
CO , 312 ICO 3 JO
3 SCO . . . IV
27. . . . jr. . . . 3374 n joj , . sio
67 311 ! fO 3 37'i 73 22 K ) 3 40
70 ! 93 ! 40 3 J7'i M. . . . . . .317 I'M 3 40
CS J7S fO 337U M tW . . . S 40
H 317 TO 3 ti , C3 203 . . . 3 40
M . . . . 197 . . . 3 J7'4 K m (0 3 10
44 342 SO 33714 57 317 (0 340
137 , . . 3 37 > i i 9. . . . . . ! 49 . . . 340
H 243 . . . 3Si4 71. . . . . . Ml tV 310
67 . . . . 2 2 $0 3 37H 71 t . . . 3 40
74 219 120 3 37'i 2 ! SG . . . S 40
M 121 (0 3 37' * 71 ! 76 . . . 3 40
OS ,352 1CO 340 116 . .279 HO 340
6S . . . . IVS ICO 3 40 TO 201 . J 40
f2 313 0 3 40 f4 2SS 160 ! 40
f4 . . . 27C. (0 340 53 Z6 . . . ' 40
ei . . . . : M so s 40 n . . . . 313 so 3 40
M . . . , . . . : > 0 . . . 340 K 211 fO 340
72. . . : < H SO 340 f7 217 120 340
f 1. . . SC' , S0 3 40 C6 . . . . 2 < 7 210 3 49
37 . . ,2S9 . . . 34) 75 . . . . 2T. 120 3 40
49 . . 343 . . . 3 40 72 241 SO 3 40
30 2C1 fO 3 40 C9 . . . . I S . 5 40
f.l . . . .IV ) 4(1 ( .1 40 t . . . Ml . 3 40
fP . . 2(1 ( SO 3 40 ' CO . . 282 . . . 3 40
N . . . .108 . . . 3 40 72 . . . . 2.12 . . 1 40
08 . . 274 .34) ) fO 321 Ml 1 40
70 . . . 260 . . . 3 40 301 . . . 3 40
r,1 .274 M 1 40 72 23C 40 1 40
11 . . 2S7 . . 3 40 fS , . .21 ! W 1 40
fl . . 277 . . 3 40 f 267 40 1 40
ft 213 160 3 40 9 264 SO 3 40
C'l . . . 270 ICO 340 . ' 4 314 160 S 40
Cl . . . . JM . . . 3 41 M. . . . 303 SO 1 40
fS 2 < > 7 KO 340 C4 2S1 . . S 40
CD 2.1 240 340 (0. . . 2S2 . . 341
C7 . . . . 271 . . . 3 40 ffi ! "X > M ) 3 40
fi . . . 327 . . . 1 4fl 71 270 0 1 40
62 2'1 ICO 3 40 B7 279 SO 3 10
7 ! . . i. . . 2M . 3 40 (3 ( . . . 2 40 3 40
78 2M . . . 3 40 M ) 5V1 40 3 40
120 . IM . . . 3 40 re. . . . 2il . . . 3 40
64 IOC. SO 3 40 i 27 . . . . Sll 40 1 40
70 2.11 M ) 3 40 73 . . . . 217 120 3 40
72 . . . . 251 . . . 3 40 fO 297 SO 3 40
f9 . . . 2f1 120 3 40 T4 . . . 321 . . . 1 40
C2 . . . . 271 FO 3 40 67 ! 'i2 M ) 3 40
111. . . 101 ( .0 3 40 rs . SSI SO 3 40
C8 2(3 SO 3 40 7' ) 311 So 1 40
n 2C2 ( .140 C2 . . . 2-1 . . . 340
r.7 . . . . 2'2 ICO 340 20 303 . . . 340
2 240 . . . 3 40 73 212 . . . J 42V4
74 213 SO 340 04 247 . . . 3 42'i
ri . . . . I" * ) . . . 3 40 20 227 . . . 1 42 < 4
70 212 . . 340 40 241 . . . 3 l.4
72 2f1 40 3 40 71 240 TO 3 42' ' $
CO . ! 'IS fO 3 40 ri 2V ) . . . .1 421 ?
f,6 238 . . 310 111. . . . 2-SO SO 3 42'a '
M 214 tO 340 C9 2I2 . . . 3 42'4 '
in. , . . : n . . . 340 ci 2 3 . . . s 4i'i '
6,1 . . . . 241 . 3 40 1 fS . . . . , 2.10 . . . 342' ' ! ,
C5 2V ) SO 340 77 210 . . 3 42'4 '
fl. . . .277 KO 340 2S . . . . 217 . . . 3 42'i '
C2 211 (0 3 40 C5 241 . . . 3 I2 > 4
Cl 2'I4 JOO 3 40 71 272 . 3 42'4
ro 112 0 3 40 70 217 3 52'S ' ,
07 IDS ( .0 3 41) 77 . . 267 Hi 1 42ia
2.1 . . . 1W . . 3 40 70 2.11 3 421 ,
133 . 270 SO 3 40 71 24S SO 3 42lj
G3. . . .272 . . 1 40 f ( ! . . . 2ft 1 42'j. '
04. . . . 27S . 3 40 71 . . . . 2i1 . . 3 42' ' *
fl . . 210 SO 3 40 f4 . . . 277 40 3 421. ,
ft. . . . 2CS . 3 4) ri 240 1 42'x
n ) . . . 270 SO 3 40 fi4 27ri SO 3 42Va
0.1 298 . . 3 40 01 . . 211 . .1 42it
0.1 2S" ) . . 340 ft 207 . 1 42 A
21 . 203 fO 1 40 M . . . . 241 SO 1 421 $
Ki. . .I'O SO 340 Gl 261 240 1 42t-
4' ' . . .122 . 1 40 74 . . . , 247 . 3 42 j
ro . . 2i2 KO 140 71 251 14214
70 . . . . 2M > SO 1 4) 41 211 . 1 42U ,
72. . . 2l.l . . 1 40 S3 240 . . . 3 42U " ,
GS. . . 211 . . 1 40 71 241 . 3 41
f . . 2S2 100 3 40 SO . . . 211 SO 1 41
fO . 271 120 340 ' 06 211 . . 141
f1 . . . 2SS SO 140 71 . . . . 211 . . 141
10 . . -2U1 . . 1 40 S4 . . . 200 . . . 1 41
fS . . M2 . . . 1 40 79 210 . J 43
21 HI . 1 40 71 . . 241 SO 3 41
ri 132 40 340 ri 211 . . . 343
12. . . . 202 . . 1 40 67 1S3 . 3 41
M . . 27S 2IO 3 40 C4 . . . 271 SO 3 41
20. . .211 . 1 40 i 71 227 . 1 41
fli. . . . 271 lfifl 3 41 fO 211 120 3 45
Cl 318 SO 3 40 CC . . . 211 80 3 4C
1 170 . . . 3 50 9 231 . . . 3 13
1 400 . . . 3 ! 0 1 2",0 . . . 340
1 100 . . . 3 31 C 231 . . . 3 40
2 271 . . . 3 V > 5 . . . . 2 C . . . 1 40
4 217 . . . 3 15 4 . . . . 227 . . . 3 40
I .30 . . . 331 3 110 . .140
5. 21S . . . 3 35 9 2S7 SO 3 40
HHT3KP Ilccclptu were liberal nnd the market
nbnut ptendv * . Iteprcscntntlvc gales :
No \Vt. IT.
9 nntlvc cvvcs 1I2 ti 21
4 vvintern vvothers , shorn 112 4 00
111 mtlvc t-vvcs 77 4 20
2"7 native ewe . . . 71 4 20
r,14 western lambs , shorn 77 4 40
114 western lambs O , 4 CO
47S Colorado lambs 12 5 40
Cuttle Slim niulV 'nl. lion * SUM
I'lilllntr siii'cii stciulj.
CHICAGO , Ma } 23 1 ic c.ittle muKct was
vlo\v nntlcik. . 'Ihe pocre t beef steers frol 1
around $1. n few selling as l < m as { 1 ED and the
bulk cf the CHttle went for from $1 . .0 to Jl SI ,
\\CBtcrn fed steers telling nt from $4 to $4 SO
I'rlccn Bhovcd no pirtlculnr chanuc foi buteh-
frs' stuff , ami ftedtrH asaln told chlellj at from
14 to J4 SO Cahes were fte idv. choice feeding
lots Fclllncr lawels arouml } C Todnj'a cattle
ere unchanged.
Prices of hogs are Fteullh wenkenlns owlnt ,
, to the licnrecelptB , tlieio bclns : a furthci dc
cllne toclny of about 21' * " ' "lies ne m.iilc at nn
extieme rnnce of finm S3 sa t } 1 73 cl li llil
from J3 Cl to J370 , prime llRht hois and plRs
bcln the best tilleia. : with choice medium
\\elhtH ( follouliiff close.
Around the thtep pens there as n fairlv ac-
tl\o demanil ntlenl > price * . Shicp 'nld nt fiom
$ J 1.1 tu $2 $ 73 foi ccinmon. and ftnm $403 to
J4 S3 for prime mtlirsllh Fnles ciint from
J3 CO to J4 ' 0 Tc\ans hold freil > at from SI CO to
} 4 I.amhsere In demanil at fn in (1 to $1 . " 0 foi
Infcrlo. , and frcm } r > 40 to 11 CO for choice to
prime 1-ambs Fold at from 51 M ) to Jl 10 and
sales \\cro mide of ti.rlnK' . lambs at from 53 to
Itccclpts- Cattle , 2000 head , hoes , 28 COO head ,
Fheip , 11,000
iiM CIt > ljt\v StouU.
KANSAS CITY. May 23 CVT1 L.K UorelpK
C1 COO head , market about fteady , Ttx.ifl i-tteiH ,
J3 23SJ4 TO , Texas cown , J2 SOfil Cl. nathe tefis
} 3 COffj CO , natl\c cons and lielfers , J171TM40 ,
stockers and feeders , 53 40JJ4 fO ; bulls f2 41JT3 CO
HOGS HecelntH 18 WO head market opened
weak , clo.-e.l > Lu k of sal's 53 47'4g3 f2H ,
hci\lc ? J3 42V..Q3 5JH , p-ieliera , $340fi3CO , mixed
J34f@3f5 , llchts. ' JJ 206355 ; lorkcrs , f3 52'tjf '
j K plxs. SI 'M < 8 > 3 4r
hHIIKP Hecelpt" , 1 OCO head market steady ,
lambs , I433OGCO , muttcns , 13 21H4 70.
St. I.oulN I.l\i * Stcu-U.
ST. IJQVIS , May 25 CATTLH-Rccelpts , 3000
head , market active and steady , shipping steers ,
14 tO5 21. stockers and feeders S3 Ii004 40 , IlKht
steem , $3.70 ) 31 ; co\\s and heifers. S2 ( iXT4 70 ,
Texas and Indian steers , } 2 S5if40 , cous unJ
I elfers. J2 C0 3.75
HOGS Receipts , S 000 liriul ; marltct active but
( c loner. Ilcht and mixed , S3,33@3CO , heavy ,
J3 30ff3 C7'4
SHIJBP Ilecelpts. 2.COO head ; mirhet active and
i-tronjr , native muttons fi 21ffl4 W ; Texas sheep ,
S3.10&4.25 ; lambs , JS.OOfifl CO.
Sioe-lc In
Record of recelptH of live slock at the four
prlnclpil markets for Slay 25 :
Cattle llocs Sheep
Omaha 4312 11.4C3 2 f.i'1
Chlc.lKO . . .2 COO 28 OKI 11.000
Kanias City D 000 1S.OOO 3 CKIO
ht 1-OUiR 3 ( XX ) 8,000 2.5CO
Totals 18312 G7.4C3 19,303
Xcit Yorl lilSteiclf. .
NIJW YOKK. May 25 liniJVIIS-UrpelptB , C91
head ; no trading Uuroptan cables tiuiiliAnii'il -
uin steers ut lOitftllViC ilret--.ul vvelklit , fclicrp
llfpllHc. refrlRerator lx > of 1(9H < - i\portp. : tuO
beevpH 1.2SS i-heep nnil 2 C < > 0 < iuurter of Iwef
.SHiii'-J37Cfi4 40. jearllngH. J3. lamljs , JC 00
fW 70. vrnls , } I COO5 25
HOGS Hecclpts , 4,205 bend , steady ut J4 OOjJ
Toneof 'I'm il < - IN ( ( ulct itllli I'rlci-H
Well MiiliilnlntMl.
I1OBTON , Maes , May 5 1 lie v\ool maikct has
been dull and the tone of trade thovvs inoic
< iulttnct Territory uools are mei tlmt with n
sluvv Hale at COc. Tlio price quotetl for M > ol lots
of nnc medium ami line Is yet nliout 33o to 3Cc
Kcnure-f ) Iliecea an tluvv , with tnuill off clinics.
1'mvashcd medium. Missouri quarter-blooil roinb-
InK. llfilSc , Mlftourl IhrtL-clKlitlm blond conib-
Ini,1. ISfil'Jo. braid coinMnjr , lie Tt-xa * wools
rprliiK imillum ( twelve months ) , HiflJv , scoure'il
I'/kc. ' 3 T34c , sprliiir fine Uvvelve. monthf ) 10 j
12c ; fcoured prlee , JlOSCc Tfirlloi > v\oo | , Mnn.
tmii , lint medium und Hut. IV'AVK'ae , kcouieil
price , r. , 3rc Utah Wjomliu , tic fine me.
ilium and line , UWI20 ! scoured i > rle-o , Ki/iao
btaple , JTWSSc Callfrrnla wools nuilhein tprliiK
14ril6c. scoured , 35 j37c , middle lounty spring
ionize. scimreU price , 3fi33c Austialla , scoured
basis , coinblnir tupcrllne , 4SW4JC , ceinibliif. KCKII !
43SilCc. coinlilni ; . avenge. 42c , Queennland ,
comblni ; , 43845C
In Atiillnlilu .Sup ply.
Ni\V YOIIK , May 23 t-pecla | cable and tele-
Kraphlc dltntc ] ic to llrnndfctixefs , coverlnc ( lie
principal | > olnls of accumulation , Indicate the
follonlnK e-hanKts In avullablet tujiplles of Kialn
on Haturdaj , as compared with the niicedliiK
Kilurda > ;
Wheat Unltci ) htales ami Canada , cam of
the HiKklm , deereai-v 2,415 0"fl bu , alloal fur ail. :
Ill Kuropela I.lveiptxil Coin Trade News. In.
eiraze. 1,700.000 Lu , totul ilecresuieworld's avail.
able , 'M out bu
Corn , United Slates and Canada , eabt of the
Horkles , decrcute , 2 230 000 bu
Oats. Unltci ) htatis and Canada , east of the
Ilurkles , decrease , 1,077,000 bu
Tliu most ImiHirtant decretreii In stocks of
available wheat , not covered In the oillcla ) vis.
Ibid supply statement , include fXO 000 I u In
northwestern Interior elevators 410 WO bu at
Manitoba storuKe | x > lnt * and 93,000 bu In Chicago
cage privateelevators. .
I.liTIioul < ; nil ii mill I'roiMlonu. .
J.IvniU'OOl , . May -WIUAT-NO 1 red ,
northern t print ; firm at 6a Id
COHN American mixed , > pot , dull at 2a DJ
I'utures. dull June 'h 7d Jul '
, , , > , - > kV-d
KlXJI'lt Ht Ixiuli fumy winter , "lull at ? M ,
ntOVISIONH-HacGii. clear I.ellles , 12 to 14
! b dull ut 2Cs , CumLerlnnd rut 28 to 30 | bi ,
dull at 2Sn M. thort ribs , 20 to 24 Ibv , 2G3 Cl ,
Ionic clear middles , llchl , 35 to 38 Ibu , : C M ,
lonK clear mlddlii ) . heav ) , 40 to 43 Ilia , ' > , thort
cleir middles , heav ) 45 tu CO Urn , ? . ' .s. lleef ,
firm , iitra India inefcs &u & 1 ; prime mecs , 47 |
C.I I'ork , prime mess , 40s CJ llanu , ( Inn , short
cut. 14 tu 1C lb . 42 Cd
CJIjihIJ-rinmt : : American wlilte anil colored ,
ta at Mi , ordlnar > new , 49s
TA I.I/ ) \V-8teailj , prime ell ) 17 2d
OII S Cottonseed , dull ; I.ln'rj'onl re lined. Ui
3d. Tun'fntlnc ' , tplrlti , steady ut 20n till. Uoiln ,
tlrm ; cuinmon , la SJ ,
Seven Dftys of Wcnther Favorabb to
Vegetable Growth ,
Siniill Or 111II SulTrrM Si > mo for \Vnnt ill
Itiiln Curn riiintlnn AliiMist
Ciiinplrl Mllli ii Ui
diiccil A
Weekly crop bulletin No. 7 of the Nc-
bra kn t > cctli > n of the climate and crop serv
ice of the \ventht-r bureau for the \\cek end-
Itiri S n. ni Ma > 24 ,
Ihe past \vcek lm boon nuiy varm one ,
the daily mean teinperattiti. 1ms nuiKLd
seven di'Rippi nbove the nc-imnl nnd the
maximum tcmpernturcB cNfood ninety elc-
crees In many localities , e-porlrtll > In the
ri'iurnl counllc-t , on one or mote dii
The rainfall lint lui-n above the
In thecxtretno we torn and notth ceiitril
rountlt's and gt-netallj below elM. vvhcie.
Thy tust week hns been an cxtilleiil one.-
IPI the adxnm-i-immt of fnim woik H him
bi-i-ii fnlilv f.uoiablc for the KiovMh ofi' '
iHiitloii In u lar c pot lion of the
an 1 s lUthvvostcrn "oetlons of I hi- state the
yinall Ki.tln it h < . lmihi to vurfoi lot unnt
ot mulstuic. and corn IK ptcnitlnj ? slowly
und comltiK up nneve-nly foi tint.inie ni -
bon. Keneinllv hinn ! ! Kialn 11.11 qtcnvn wi-11
In other mcllons Coin pi intlt u is ne.uli
completed In the and outlii-iii coun
ties and moic than thice-fointh-t of the viop
Ii nlnntod In tbe noithern conntlps Tlu >
eaih plnntcd coin Is coming up In all HPO-
llons ind theic Is u crenel il complain that
the stand Is thin and that loiisUleiable te-
iiluntliiK will bo iiece-w.ii.v Cultl\.UIun ol
coin h 1-4 Lomincnueii in the . - - outlRin01111 -
tlen Huport b > counties.
Itutlir- Coin nearlj nil plantcl , worms nro
ilnliiK e-oiifldernble eliiin IM to mill , nine Melds
will be itpl inted , win u meil rrln
Cuts \\lieat oats ntul all \ei , < tut lull doln
nliel > , coin planting neailv icmpletid und cut
tlvatloti < umimnced
I'liij Corn plantliiK marl ) < omplited , sitnll
kiain doliiK well , tra ° s aim piMincs CMcllent ,
earl ) planted coin belli ) ; cultivated , piot-pects fur
null good
rillmorc Some few fanners still nlumbiK com ,
wheat und oats 111 KCHH ! condition , f I lilt prospcctx
Gage- Corn bclns oulihalcd jiul iluln , ; nlcdj.
some 1 Uo pieces ( if mm to pliint mil eon lder-
able to plant eiver on account of worms and
poor weed , rjt In bloom , winter wlieit % < r >
hhort crop i
Hiimllton Ilarl ) planted coin coml.iK up , tome
plowing for coin > < t to be done , but most of
the. crop planted , paRtuus goid
Jeffei son All coin Is iiuw plinlcd .mil the
eaille t Is 1 elntf cultl\ated , tin ill M iln Is dnlns
fnlil > will
l.encistu bin ill niln Is .luliM well , sonic1
Kfiln up uil. . cultl illiin liimn.
N' tn i in Corn abnut all pi u ted , tnanv had to
replant , fine clItlvatlnK tin ( list time , \\lntti
v\heil ImpioviiR , taidi m line
NucknllH 1 lisl 1 01 11 planted ivadj fni culti
vator ami gxiciall } a tin d lai d , n little to
plttiit e vcr. wiieut and oits lolm ; vvetl
Otoe Corn planting : ali < nit llni-n 1 in lder
able * cuilv planted coin will hi\o U bo it planted ,
all othei itu.ils unit milt 'hintDm h
I'nvvnic l.-ulv corn lomliiK up ( , oed , nits 'iced
rain , wlieit coining ; on well
1-olk 1-lantliiK "orn iiiuKre sIne lapldl ) , ciul >
planted comlii ) . * up
Hlelinnln > n ( oin planllnt , ci mideted , coin
coming up well , Mn HI fcrilii lei IvS well but
lain Is medetl.
hallnc Lorn iiio tl } plant. M ! .ml rnmlni ; fnlrlv
v\ell , some of the irl > p'inttd rotted on low
Mi und , fill crop of ( iirlv fiult In | ini.nt |
Siunilers Coin ibimtill plintid and eomlnK
up fnvt , Lnt-ces ] lavf ome out nlcil > , I nt.ttoes
a good stand , maiden ve ntiblei dolm , w ll
sew mil Coin .ibout nil ] i'.inted nnd llio eirl >
pi lilted about l.u c enough to cultivate , t-otnt'
complnlnt of poor eland on account of who
worm , winter wheat ind OP healing
Th ivei ( .0111 .online up and a L.OI ! slund
Ktneiall > , i-ouie e 1 > > cutworm , coin < al-
thallon eonunenretl , sin ill KI iln lolni ; will
\ orU Some are through plinlln corn but
theic Is con lderubli' set In plnnt , eirllmt planted
coin up , rjc heidlmr
Antelope 1'ai m work has been iL lieil nlonK ,
about M per cent of tie ennct to plnnl , ill }
and cold , conditions not the bcbt
llojil inill train claim ; well ; corn pi tntlng
well ulvanoed , fnmc eombiK up , lye heading :
cut , UK it frost on the- Hill
Hurt Small Kialn and glass dclnu nlcel > ,
quite a bit of ceirn being rt planted because
of pool- heed ; carlv jiotatocs up
Cedar Small grain doing well , corn planting
mn-tly llnlbheil , Koine up and look ) will ; some
potatoes up , fruit trees and luubbcrj doing
Colrxx ITp to I'rlday ground v\ns div nnd
crops nettled rain , good turn IVbl ij and all
crop" now In good condition
Cumins Some corn to pi int jet. rje Is headIng -
Ing out and looks well
Dlxon Corn planting ne.irly computed , early
planted coming up , mo tl > a thin Mand , wheat
In good condition and n lingo IICICIRC.
Dodtc Corn planting still bring crowded , first
planteil coming well , eutworms worUlng * t.ome , making blow growth , pi--tiirtR good
Dougtap Coiisldernbltj coin pla-itt-1 during
week , earliest pi mtetl two ami llnec Inclica
high ; pniull ginln und piibturcs doln well
Holt Corn about all plinlrd , curb phnted
lartc enougli to woik , potatoes lonl.iiiK line ,
wild fruit tome Injured by float ,
Mnill onS heat and outs i itlicr baeln ard ,
coin m < it all planted ; eontlilt ruble replantliiK
1'lrrcc Oofxl growing we'ek , but dry and lift
few dn > s vilndj , most of the coin planted ,
plenty of srai-s , lain would do Rood
1-lattc ISent grovvlnff week of FiaKOn , rje headIng -
Ing out ; corn nl.tntlng llnHieil , early planteil
up rnme replanting neceuai ) , alfalfa all winter
hnrnv Corn marly all plintfd , blur grass nd
clover In bloom
Manton Corn about all pUntPil BOIIIO uji nnd
n pou.l Eland ; noinc i > ( * Is beginning to head ,
vckctallcn gremlin ; very fact
Tliiiralon Small gniln doing will corn ncnrlv
nil planted , romp coining up , not a hood Mand ,
porno complaint of corn Kilting In rr < und
AVahhliKUon Moi-t of tin mm Is plintul umll
grain looks well , pabtures good , lain would do
good \\'a > ne- Small rraln doing nbelj n > m < > com
plaint nf poor ptand of coin , ronsldti ible corn
> ct to plant , Ilifl plnnlfd tiunr Iceta coming up
Iloonc Smill ( .rain doing well it in plintlng
neail } dune , fome corn up and a gt od Hand
lluffalo Corn iiiinlng f lil > wed Finiill j r.iln
puffeird befoie tilt hluwern of IStli nndUt ,
fruit will bo a fhort crop
Cuxt < r Coin planting about flnlidiel , earl >
planted cnmlng up ruin lueiltd In niulhrrn put.
inttureB and Finall hialn rhovvlng effietn of
droulli there.
Daw f on Corn nearly all plantel nnd coming
un urevrnlj mmll grain limits luttei aflei lain
of rift , Brnic arc Irritating wht-at
Hill-live Is JieudliiK out virv heavy , nil nmnll
grain looks will , coin pl.intliu U getting well
nli Hi.- flout did not Injure fruit
Howard .Small 1,1 iln nifdlng rain bully In
patts of eount > , ceirn plintlng nlmutinlshid , cnmlni ; up lint I )
Mcrrlik Hye bending out ami lookn promlflns
cTrn inoftly planted fc > ini up mil looKii well ,
fin. ill Ki.iln mills mine ruin.
Nancelnter win il Improving , rjo and onls
loddng well ronv ino tlj idanled , eailj plnntul
coin and potatoes are up
SlurminKails KJWII wheat looks falrlj well ,
fniHll Main hue I.OMHI to tuffir for vumt of
moUliire , corn not comlUK will because of
Vnlliy Corn plinllng about flnlnlifil fnmn
ronilni , up. tmall i.riiln an 1 t-nihs doing will
but need rain , fruit Mas et will t
Atlanu Wheat looks well cats not so ( , ood.
com planting about dine , rome corn IIIIM-
ini.iigli In plow
Dundj Coin planted and much of It up some
rc.uly to nililuiH lotiilois Inkni ; line , K'-ol
rain on 20th anil1ft
r/nnklln Coin pbinllni ; nbcut Imlnlml ton cool
nUliln fur corn , winter wheift nnd nc In good
I'n nlli-i f'.ini Is neatly all planted nnd iiimn
up Is plainly Mm In the ruws , 150 nevir wan
flni-i at thb Keast n In r unt )
rurnns homr are cultlvutlng corn , pnmu tied
lint tomlliit up \enl ) , poHlurm und iflfulfa line ,
vvhcut looking will
( lori * r Corn mining up Mnely and a good even
ttand , all tnmll grain In gooi condition ; .lardrni
tenuwhut backward
Harlan-Hmujl iniln ( .entralli poil but
drouth raured wheat to turn ) illow In pi ices
l > c lit ad Ing out , prttuim yrol iil'ulra IminTin ;
Hitchcock \Vcilt hut and dr > , ull crops need
rain.Kearney - Nearly all com planted much of It
up larllt-M ready for rultlt itlon winter
vaitl ) Improvitll cniull Kraln looks trry line-
Lincoln Kmall krulii imitli injuiid fur want nf
rain , Ihrte-fiurlbs of the corn pi mil I
Ptiklnsf lher dry errn all pUnl 1
UPI | \\lllovv The light rhoi er * of Ihu Will and
; 1M inol triitl the tnp iol | un I ill I m'l ' u M I
Cherry faplendld wiek miull grain c nilng up
nicely itnd u ( , oed flund , etirn uelni. ; > Unliil iiulle
tiltmrhely kruts MOW Int.iupl.ll >
Chi ) nine riiMiiriB never lonkrd iKl'ir ft. me
com up and titling well , alfalfa plante-l lad
Ma iion l up nicely ami er-ji on ull In l.l line.
Dcuel- Heavy rain * tenellelal , | ia niien ixeel-
lent , some com up , ulfulfu dolnir well.
Ktlta-UucU Deeded rula ciiue on the 101 hj
fntmrn nro bury pluntlng corn ) fmill grain nj
KrasM Kt > od.
Kein 1'liha Nice lulll ! KfAfslioprptu lukll g m.
Ki-ent den I of the lunMI Kraln ; com romlng tp
Klmball Smnll grain mostly up ami K RIKH !
M-in. I , corn nnd potatoes being plnnlfd ,
KvH.Hoik - Cera pUnt'nR About ilnlAhril ; Rrnln pf Alt
kinds looks wrll
Se-otts IMuff Corn e-omlnc l > ; thr fr-ul tf Urn
14tn ill < 1 little rtninHxr , Rrass nnd pastures much
l.tiiuittM by inln cf inii
'htrldmi UniiR * KOIH ! hnil ttock elfllng nrllt
alfiilfu In potnl enndltlon.
ihotimsDrj wick , ( .nuiiui Innlr con.llllon
but ncetts nin s < m , tbc ftvit 'itnl vretk lld Illllo
dam-ike. is , \ . ixlVii\Nl > .
Seetlon I'lre-e-tor. Lincoln , Neb.
NI.'VVOUK , Miy -COITKC-Opllon *
openett ttehO ) nt 5 to in points advance In > m-
luitlij with tint rtucindit In Kuriiptiui markets ,
ruletl iteadj nil tla > . with buvlng local llrnvy
. -
. , tttul vl lble for the
led Slates , " 4 ilw b g , ncnlliht 31C SS5 ltn
jtar nnl 1C1' Ki bif , In 1M- .
HAMU : . Mnj ZV iMITiTil : ] in ft t kfflf net
udviinti , Miles , lv WO bi s
JUNTOS. Mn > SJ e'drri'i : ijiilet. K < MII | uv rime -
ime hiintvK , ; . . : w ) lilt , uctlpls , two tlnjp , 7.IVO
bilk * . Mick , SOCM > bims i \
mo in : jAM.nto Mm -corrin'
SltiuU , No 7 Hlu. v,7i < 1 lels , exeliuiir 7 4il ;
itvclpts , two elujiinn ) bits , moil. . ! 30W J but , * .
( iillnll
NiVO11K : Mit > ! - . I TO.V- Spot tUlcl | ;
ml I Him : iiplnii 1. 7tt . mi idling MI If. So Sales ,
1 < > 3 lMl ( " < riltmis l-KlldJ "llm 9700blli-s ;
liimnii ) , K7S , libiiunv. fin March } ( .
Mnv .mil June1 , } J IS lul > . I-i. AUI.UH JJ IS.
ipti-mber K.JS. Oitnber Jt > 73 , Nuvembii , 1C Jl.
Dm ml. . i r , JC 74
MOKI.IIA.NS : Miiv I" COn ONfllluies ,
quirt niul stfndv vilrs l'i too Inlrn , Mu ) J , : o
bid. Illlli STr.JlT.lT. .III ! ) J7lfl7l. | Allunyt.
$ i 'I'liCDt , Sipiimlci It. i.tii 0.1. Oi tidier K 4SSP
l'i' ' , November , I' oUfif 11 ; ItouinUl JCiIin'.J ,
la unrv srui0riT , libruau If ' < ffB CO Spot ,
sttailv , IHI , 1 Ko I iliii. i.iiHniir ) . nSo , Ruotl
u.liiuir > i 'to. low ml idllmr 1. 1. . ir.mlitdlini ; ,
7Uf , good ml Idling 7 II K.c. middling fair.
K VN AM I'l'lY , Mnv 21 - WIICA -Hull. . Kiw
Armies' Jo to 4eImM i Ni ! liiinl , 77fMi { ) Nn
1. 711774C , No I , COnCTitvvo enii of choice ftt
71c. N.i 2 spline 7-.ifi-ic' . No 3 70il73c , No 2
HdHff'lle. . No 1 Mt/S'it Nn 4 lORvOo
f-OIl.N'-Hlinitj mid fnlrl } active. No 2 nilveil ,
i" ) \ I-4 | onnil lo ti'Ntr , Nn , 2 vv'ilto. 22e .
in I' Mriulv , No ! ic
Il -\\cik : mill uiuli.uiRitli tlnioth ) 11000 ;
pllllllii7 O )
111 ITIIUenl , , ticnincry , lo'i/iriSc ' ; ilnlry ,
i(3CiS-rirm ( nt 7c
l * - u In MitiUcC * .
BI'noilIA. . M ! > -COUS' ' tend } , now No Z.
"oATS Paul , Nn 2 vvliltt2U - .
M lllKY Me'itlv lltiUlirtl pooils on the
l > n | t of (1 11 fin vi hue
Itccclpt" I'ornU Old liu , oit . 1,71" bn IVP ,
mine' , uhb-Itv , none , vvin-lit coo lui Siiliunnts :
f'nin , 36 MX ) bu , nitK Sf:00 bu , rje , nonoj
\vlilskj , 410 l.bK , wlieit , nenu
' liunr It'll l.fls.
IONHON Mn > 21-111 ir Hl'UAU-Mrj , ? s 91 ;
' *
M.OIIK 51 u 2 : sntAll-llnvv. llrm :
fair letliilntr. 21ie. cenlilfiiRnl "u tr't J'iC llc-
niml llri-i , cruHhctl.ri c : pirn Icinl 4)iC. nrnn-
ulnted , 4'ic
\ \ ( Mil 11-irKvlN.
NI'W TOriC ! Miv \\OOLr-Rtriilv llccc * .
lfi"0 ( ! , pulle 1 lFfi"Ci.
hi' 1.01'IS Mnv 21OUIUiielnnSeil
rnlir < iriili lil- < l riiitix.
" ' . nuirr >
rilflT' ' rinii tvii | . . . primp nlrt
ti.O , 4fi4 ic.vim1 itrli-d irlme ,
M iii-lir fi > i' Ti-vllli' 'I rnde * .
MAVCFiP'-rri ! Mnv S. - Cliitlm nnil Slim ,
qill t n-i t vinld lotell nnlr s nt conn ssi MM
"Mill l''l' 1 IlfNfll Will-Ill ( llllllltllIIK.
S\N I'll vvr-l'-ro Miv -\\HU\T tjulet :
nccenil cJl Z" ' bid
An honest stoteUcrpii v\IIl not try to con
vince hnjcis thnt ho Knows what thoj ucej
better than they oo
I'litn for > < - \ < Vi'nr'K M'tuk.
At 2 p m .Mondiy. .Mn > 21 , tile Hncllsh
lltentuio deoaitment of the Womnn'H ' club
held n "peel il meeting to dl"ctiss a pliti of
woik for ne\t venr , at me j-nme fine to
meet their new olllcei , .Mrs. Frank Heller ,
leadei , Mis IVnnor-k , sl-itant c.iJer , aiiLt
Ml s Kolm , Frrret.irj
Mr > 1'innock piopot-od for the flisl mtcl-
Inf In the fall Ui it tnicli int > mbe > r brliif , n.
iioitrilt of Hh.iK pc ire and give a Bbort
biogtnphv cf the pilntPi , together with a
s's < tch of Hie poet's life at that pei'od '
ThN plan will ics-ilt In a collection of
"nine tblitv plctiiieM of the diatnatlst , to bo
u--ed iii rofcience dui'ng ' the sear , also giv
ing the life of Shikeopcain in a most en
tertaining mnnner
Mrs llcllei requested the Tnembcrs to N'l
lead dining tbe summer the play of "Mac-
bftl' . " as It Is the ( list In order of plan of
stutly. .
Is best and quickest reached \la the Union
I'aclfle 1C hours quicker than an > other
City Ticket OITItc. n02 Tarnam St.
rermlts to wed have been Issued to tha
following parties by the county judge ;
Name nnd Ilei'dencc Age.
I > irrv A Krltpnbilnk , South Omaha 11
Matglo Tex , Papllllon 24
Thom.iM J Nol in , Oinilri 30
Margatet II ntzmtrlclt , Omaha " 2
Albeit B Cliik , Omali i 21 J. Ncff , Oniaba 18
Gustav II HMiue. Om ilia 21
Hannah M. , Omilia 2.1
John A licns n , Om.iha 27
Bertha N. Olson , Omaha 21
Vlirle'tiNf Vein
The police at C 41 o'clock yestcidny mornIng -
Ing found MIH r Poster of 1211 South
Twelfth Htictt bitting on the curbing nt
Thliteenth and JoniH stiectmrrouiuleil by
a pool of bl lod. It was learned that while
walking u vnilco'c v < In In one of the
w man s legs burst. The vvomun wnH n1-
mcvcd lo her homo. While It WIIH nt first
ft ireil tint Hhe might din from the croiit
'oss of blcod. It Ii now believed she will
Wlipn you buy a prop/letary article , loo'c
at Jfore the silcaman wrapi It up , anil
atiriuiu vourtidf that yon nrp getting thv
light thing. Substitution la rampant.
Tin : m\i/rv
INSTUTTMONTS placed on roc-ird TnoHday.
M ly 21 , 11M
II H Illch and wlfito Hilvvaid OlvenH ,
lot L' , blk 2 , Illlli He lull ) . . . ? 100
Frank Nccll nnd wife to Krancls
Jliovslty , t'Vt of ni'il',4 ' lot 2 , b k 11 ,
KounUo "d add . . . 1.50
l'i iiif'es JlioMMcy and liuabund to John
Pixii , raine' 775
IJ A Ittnrr to OV Ha > cs west W )
fpet eubdlv lot 8 , In tux lot M In
' ' '
IJ C1 Sivvyrr and vv'lfe- 'to'llosiKvcrtH ,
lot 7 nnil cast r > feel lot K , b k 1 , A
rf 1'itrlik's add 3,000 ,
C l < Kterntr i-ii'J husband to 13 A
Ittn-r 2Jxl40 fit t In nw HW 10-n-ll.
M I Way and hiiBbuul to M K Andcr-
iiHi , I t 7 , blk 4 , Honth Oniabn ; uik.
William SOVI-KH and \vlfo to ll'V-abeth '
Hnvtke nVi lot 'fl. blk 3 , I'otttr At
C'n 2d add
A SI nel'oul nnd wife10 Nclhcrton
Hull lot 4 blk 17. Kcully'H add . , , 23
Sheriff to iJilinbtirirh homhiinl Invcht-
Hunt compiny , lot 12 , blt 4 , Koumt/.u
: U add . . 2,100
S.i i in to John Woodfonl , lot 1 , N J
rimith I' ate . 401 In ! master loniallnu t'r hBiiinn ,
lot 1 , ' , blk fi Kliull'H 2il ndil . 1,075
HIUIIO to i : 1' D.ivlH , lulH 4 ! ) and 50 , blk
1 , lot 1 ! ) blk 2 KiiimliMV At Jl' add
to Walnut Hill . . . MO
Shcr.lf to II H Wood , tiun'ro lot 2 ,
bl1. : 4 H-itild Oniiihn . . . COO
Ii | J Wood , trustee , lo M IJ Cobb U nl ,
Total urnomt of IrnnHfcrs 12,730
Ko lioncat chain nlll try to cell what lia
l.nous llio cuslomcr dlJ not order anil ilocn
not want Kubotltutlou tbrlves for a tlmq ,
'jut In the long run It KOCH to the wall ,
Tck-plioiic 10 , ' ) ! ) , Oiniliii , Neb.
noAim OK
Direct wires to Clilcot'o and New York.
CormpondtnU i John A. Wurrta & Cu