COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT. MI.VOU MHVriO.V. Smith , plumber , 2 < 01 Avc. A. Tel , 3.13. 1'flstiiraKo , ti. P. Juilnon , S20 Cth avenue. MI-B. W. H. Crnmlall will fpcnd the summer monthw In New York Utc. You will nnd W. S. Cooper , the fire Insur ance man , at his new odlcc , No. C Tearl St. Miss I/mlse Kent ami Mies AiluMn I'feltler Unve for Uortland , Nc < > . , tomorrow to vlalt ftlcnda. Mrs. Savery , who Is the guert of the Mlsse.i Ilaldwlti , dcparti for her home In Dm Molnes tomorrow. Mlta Sualo Jeffries of Kansas City will arrive In tint city this evening. Whllo here BIO ! will be the must of Mrs. A. T. Whlt- tlcsey. i i > ' I I * Jcppa Hannlbalaon , n carpen'er , assaulted nnd severely heat Mcll SeeMona. a fellow workman , yesterday and the officers were looking for him last night with a warrant. V The new Union band has arranged.o give a ntreut copcert on tomorrow evening If the weather l suitable. The band will Ue sta tioned on the corner of Scott ftrect nnd Ilroatlway. All members of company li. Third regi ment , Iowa National Cliinrd , arc hereby or dered to report tit their armory at 1:30 : p. in. Sunday , May 30. Will O. 1'ryor , captain commanding. Mm. Schcnck of Lincoln , Neb. , la a guest of Mn . K. O. llartlett. Mrs. Schenck l en loute homo from Illinois , where fihe at tended the supreme camp of the lloyal Neighbors of America. There never Man n tlmo when we h&v. > rtono HO much family work , nnd wo never have done the work no well as this spring. Wo have made an art of the laundry bust- nem. at thu "I3aglc , " 721 Ilroadway. II. A. Otto of the Northwestern bridge crnsttuctlon force received a telegram an nouncing the death of n sister residing In Trceport , 111. , and departed for that plnco last evening. He wan accompanied by his daughters , Viola and Liila. Thora will he a special meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance union nt the homo of Mr . H. A. niillcnger , 721 Willow avenue , at 2:30 : p. m. , to appoint commlttcca and complete arrangements for the district convention , which will be held hero during Juno. Last November a lot of carpenter tools were ftolen from James Nctaon , who had reasons to suspect that Tim O'l.eary was the thief. A search 'warrant was Issued from Justice Vlcn'fl court yesterday nnd O'Lenry's home In Garner township was marched. Thu toulii were found and Tim. was locked ui < . on the charge of larceny. YcBtcrday morning two of the tramps on the chain gang sized up Olllccr McCrcary after they had gone a block from the ela tion .ind one of them icmarkcd , "If you want us real bad , old man , come and git w. " Olllccr Word succeeded In returning oni < nf them. The cliaso was over a course of about twcnty-llvo blocks , The Union Epworth league of the city hold a meeting at , Ilroatlway church last evening for the purpose of electing a delegate to the national convention to ho held In July nt Toronto. Can. The meeting wus n spirited tmo and Hcv. J. II. Senecny of lUoadway league was chosen to represent the Council Illu ? leagues. After the bUHlnrss had been transacted a ehort musical program was rendered. The Council niuffa ba o hall team , on Fri day afternoon , will play the Australians on the Kit-Id elub ground . On Saturday they will go to Omaha und begin , i ricrlcti of four games with the Klncoln university team. On Sunday there will be a game with a team made up for the occasion. On Monday fore noon thu team will play the University club team on thu Omaha grounds , and thu tame ; chili on the homo grounds In the afternoon. On tomorrow afternoon the printers will play a combination of the doctors and law yers on the club grounds. Durslars entered the Klrst Presbyterian church on Sunday night In thu expectation of finding the contribution box still well filled. Entrance wan effected by cutting out n section of Rlasa near one. of the side doors. The pastor's stuily was rnnsiackcil , his dcak broken open , and ovcry place about the church where'It would be likely articles of value would bo found was closely Inspected. The contribution boxes were thrown out Into the middle of the church , Nothing was missed except a few postage stamps from the pastor's desk. The burglary was not dis covered until yesterday when the sexton opened the church to clean It. C. B. Vlavl company , female remedy. Med ical consultation free Wednesday. Health book furnished. 320-327-328 Mcrriam block. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 520. Floircr Knt < There will bo a floral entertainment at the Klscinan building next Saturday morning ct 10 o'clock , to which the public ! a Invited. The program will consist of mimic and speak ing of ft patriotic and memorial nature , and will bo mainly under the auspices of the Woman's Relief corps of Abe Lincoln post , Grand Army of the Republic. Each person attending Is expected to .bring flowers for nso In decorating the soldiers' graves on Sunday. No restrictions are laid down ao to the quantity or kind of flowers donated. Those unable to attend may send flowers to the building any tlmo during the day. The pro gram has not been entirely arranged as yet , but It Is understood that ' .Miss M. J. Klmball is to make the principal addrccs. Mr. Henry DeLong. im chairman of the flower committee' appointed by the Grand Army of the Republic , has called a meet ing of tlui committee1 at the Elsoman build ing Thursday morning at 10 o'clock to com plete the program. Combination book cases thla week , $10.75 , at Durfee Furniture Co. , 205-207 , Ilroadway. 04O4 + O + OO + O41 BUY CIGARS OF A The Usual Order Reversed , Old fashioned methods "don't go" with us. 1'eoplo's tnstes arc be- coniliiK tnoro educated and nothing but hlfih grade stock In Sc cigars nowadays can bo sold to hold patronage. It used to bo considered profitable to get 10 cents for a clear of 0 UKNT QUAUTY. Of course that was stupid. Wo consider It more profitable to sell a cigar of 10- GBNT QUALITY for C CKNTS 9 which H "the usual order reversed. " OWe Wo wanted to boom our business , 9 TO had a cigar made to our order , O being an all HAVANA filler , with p SUMATUA wrapper , nnd named It ? the "COHNEH , " to Identify H with * our place of business , and we can 9 say without hesitancy that U Is a 9 cigar of 10-CKNT QUAUTY for 5 6 CBNTS. O Moore & Ellis. ? O4O + CH04O4O + S I ITTI t' nun n i n i r\o Titnif LI 1 ILL CHILI ) LEADS THEM Chief Canning and His Assistants on a Qoo3o Chisa. YARN OF A PRECOCIOUS GIRL She Splim n l.iiKiitirlniiN Sl ir > - mill KJL- clU'N Aluvli S > mpntliy , but lit I.iiNt AilinllM > < lir WIIH Sim ply A vast amount of sympathy was wasted In pollro circles yect < rday on a clean , sweet- faced Rlrl , aged 10 years , who was found wan dering around this railway depots In the Bouthcrn part ot the city anxiously Inquir ing for a train that would take her to her home In North Dftkola. The child was taken to the station nnd confided to the care of Chief Canning. She gave the name of Fraud's Green , and told a long and well con nected story of how slm nnd her brother , two years older , had been Kent down here from Cayuga , Sargent county , N. D. , by their father to visit an undo who lived five miles from Council llluffn. On reaching here they found the uncle had moved away , so they vlHllci1 with a family named Sweeney. They had round trip tickets and enough money to pay their expenses. On Saturday , Just after dinner , the boy disappeared , tak ing the. money and tickets ulth him , and yesterday the Sweencjs brought the little girl part way to town and left her to make the lioi-.t of her situation. Chief Canning took great Interest In the casu , and tried to locate - cato the Swcoticys. but couldn't. He also tried to locate the girl's father In North Dakota and failed. In the afternoon a sjetemntlc Investiga tion showed the child had run away from the Christian home during the forenoon , and that her wonderful story was a pure fabri cation. At the home the history of the girl and boy was obtained. The father of the children wife 'K. ' G. Knodlc , once of Kanscs City. Three years ngo his wife died , and at his request one of the mln'stcrs of Kan sas City arranged for placing the children In the Christian home , and they were legally adopted by Manager Lemcn. Three weeks Inter a clipping from a Kansas City paper wen sent to Lemcn , announcing that Knodlc had committed suicide. Shortly after Man ager Lemen found a home for the children , and Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Wright of Cayuga , N. I ) . , became their parents by adoption. The Wrights were highly recommended as exemplary citizens and Christiana. For more than two years the children found a happy home , nnd .their regular letters to Manager Lemon and Matron Dakan Indicated that they were developing and Improving In every way. No trouble was heard of until two weeks ago , when Manager Lemcn received a tele gram from J. F. Devlin of Cayuga telling him that the children had left their home and wcro at lib ) house and asking what dis position should bo made of them. Matron Dakan went at cnco to Cayuga. She found the whole community wrought up to a high pitch of excitement by the stories of fearful cruelty and abuse which the children had told. Mobs had been organized to bang Mr. and Mrs. Wright , and they were In fear of their lives. Mrs. Daknn visited the Wrights to Investigate , and when she called upon Devlin to get the children to bring them back to Council Bluffs ho refused to give them up unless she could give a bond of $1,000 that she would take them to Council niulTs and not return them to the Wrights. She telegraphed Manager Lcmen , and through the Citizens' bank ho wired the nec essary bond and the children were released by Devlin. Mrs. Dakan's investigations led her to believe that there was not a particle of truth In the awful stories , but she was Informed that any attempt to return the children to the Wrights would lead to a tragedy , as the stories told by the girl had worked the community up to a degree of dangerous frenzy. Saturday afternoon the boy ran away from the Christian home , and Induced half n dozen of the other homo boys to accompany him. They went as far as Honey Creek , when nil of the other boys became tired and homesick and retuniC'd , but the Knodlc boy continued on his way. Yesterday afternoon the girl admitted that all of the storlea she had told about Mr. and Mrs. "Wright were untrue ; that she and her brother had a good home there and were contented until a hired girl came there to work , and Induced her and her brother to run n.way. I1IWCAN JUUYt KAILS TO AGIIKE. No Vrrillct lionchcil Up ( o a I.n < e Hour I.iiHt MKlit. The Jury In the Duncan case was sent out yesterday afternoon , and up to 11 o'clock last night had not reached a verdict. It was reported around the court house that a Inrgo majority of them were In favor of a verdict of guilty , and that two or three friends of the young man were holding out for nn acquittal. Judge Smith yesterday pawed sentence upon L , C. Taylor , the professional burglar , convicted of breaking Into Miss Sprlnk's millinery store. The sentence was three years In the penitentiary. When Taylor was being taken from the court room ho re marked , with a smile , "Well , that's getting off easy. " Harrison Oilman , who pleaded guilty to the charge of lewdness , was sent to the county Jail for four months. Hattlo Bothers , Indicted with him for adultery , had her caeo continued by order of the court for sixty days , which she will spend In the county Jail. Her husband , Zed Bothers , who la prosecut ing witness In both cases , has left the coun try , and the continuance was according to an agreement with the county attorney to i secure some sort of punishment for the 1 woman. Kri-c Noilii Wnlcr With ovcry 25c or more purchased at our store. Dcetken & Whaley , 410 Ilroadway , tl.OO bottle of the best sarMaparllla for BOc. 25o bottle of the best little liver pills , 15c. 25c bottle of the best laxative pills , IGc. 23o tooth powder , fragrant and antiseptic , 25c tooth brus'j , lOc cream soda' , all for 25c. DEETK13N & WHALBY , HG Ilroadway , lit School for Hie Deaf. The pupils of the Iowa School for the Deaf have arranged for a field day at the Insti tution next Monday. David Ryan , Jr. , teacher of gymnastics , will have charge of the contents. Superintendent II. W. Rothert will bo president of the day , and Trustee A. T. Klleklngcr. Prof. G. L , Wycolt and Mita L-kura McUlll , teachers , will be the Judges. Mrs. J. W. Wherry and Miss Cora 13. Coe will be timekeepers. Will Strong , I ! aisle make , Fred Woodworth and ChiUlle Larson will act as aislstantrt to the manager. Following Is the program : Military drill ( boys of gym nasium clasucs ) ; throwing bastut ball ( girls ) prize , parascl ; running high Jump ( boys ) I prize , pocket knife ; fifty-yard dash ( girls ) prize , belt ; tumbling race ( email boyu ) prize. ball ; peg race ( small girls ) prize , ball ; 120- yard hurdle race ( boys ) prize , sweater ; rhig pulling ( girls ) prize , book ; military drill ( girls of gymnasium claetce ) ; fencing with wands ( boys ) ; wood sawing race ( boys ) prize. CO centi In caeli ; fifty-yard hop race ( girls ) prize , GO cents In cash ; obstacle race ( boys ) prize , pocket knife ; three armed race ( girls ) prize , book ; backward running race ( small boys ) prize , tie ; backward running race ( email girls ) prize , tie ; hand wrestling ( boys ) prize , pocket book. 12xcrrli's will conclude with an exhibition of dumbbell drill by small girls. llrnl Kxtiur TrniiNfera. The following transfers were filed yester day In the title and loan olllce of J. W. , Squlro , 101 Pearl slreet ; Bcntilu L. Wlese nnd husband to Peter nV4 noi 13-76-39 , w d . S 1 Klla M , Pmmcn to Nellie I'urudy , 4 acres In vw corner seVi "eU C-7 3 , SS25 Two transfern , total , P KiitcATKiOIM.VS ; mn.s. ContrnrtN for Addition to Twentieth Avoniic School Arc Ict. The Board of 1'Vlucatlon held n special ses sion last night for the purpcee of opening the bids and awarding the contract lor building the 15.000 addition to the Twentieth aventio school building. There was n spirited contest among the bidders and a largo num ber of bids were submitted. Bids were called for for the bulldltiK complete , excepting the plumbing and steam heating , nnd the nicutm and carpenter work separately. The con tractors bid ns follows : Martin Hughe * & Son , mason worllCOG ( x ) John W. I'cttrson , carpenter work. . 2.57:1 : 00 P. Hoscn , carpenter work 1 , : < 23 00 Hrlstrs & Cuihmnn , Omahn , com- p'.elo f > , f > 00 W George Turner , nmsjn work 2 < 7il ( I ) Herman K. Hro\ui , carpenter work. . 2.S4D 00 Anderson Bros. , carpenter work 2,217 ( ) Kidfon & Henron , carpenter work. . . 2,415" ' ) A. Llles. cnrptnter work 2,200 ( M T. H. Wind , building complete 4,011 W ) Ncls Jensen , brick work 2,0lj ( ) .letiFcn tiros. , carpenter work 2,311 00 Hugh Urown , building1 complete 5,6.11 00 John 1' . Weaver , brick worc 2.1SS w ) Fcrcuson & Shepurd. carpenter work. 2,1M l' > .Tunics & O. P. Wlcklmm. complete. . J.rj7 W James & O. P. Wlckhnin , brick work 2 , ISO 00 James ft O. P. Wlckhnin , carpenter work 2,103 15 Plumbing bids were submitted , Including steam heating. They were : Welshnns & Wunch , Omahn Ji"4 J. C. Hlxby W Wllllnm Gilbert -177 Stephen Bros , 3S7 The remarknbly low bid submitted by Martin Hughes & Son created some doubt In the minds of the members of the board en to whether the contractors had fully under stood the advertisement for the bUs and had based their tstlinatc upon the specifications , which called for the necessary excavationa , removing the portions of the old walls necessary - sary and the plastering. The board waited an hour whllo a mersengcr was sent out to hunt up the contractors and ark them to come In nnd explain their bid , but they could not be found. A vote was then taken and the mason , work awarded to Huhgcn & Son , the carpenter work to Bosen and the plumbing and steam heating to Stephen Bros. The contract waa then referred to the committee on buildings and grounds with Instructions to see Hughes & Son , and if their bid was found to bo all right to enter Into n contract with them. The new work will call for the use of 250,000 brick , which , at the market price , $ G per 1,000 , would ccst $1,600 , which would leave n very narrow margin for the cost of plastering , excavating and the repair work necessary. If the bid In found to be all right the total cost of the building. Including the plumbing and steam heating , will only bo $4,008 , or $1,000 le s than the architect's estimate. Inspector Blxby fllcd his report showing the condition of the heating plant and hollers In the High school building and recom mending a change at an early date. A new steam heating plant was ordered for the Pierce street building. The old hot- air furnace was shown to bo worn out , out of order nnd too small for the work required. The board decided to elect teachers at a meeting to be held In the flrst week In June. I'UOSI'EIlOt'S YHAH'S HUSI.VKSS. Annual .Mi-rtliiK of .Stoi-kliolilt'r * of lh ' II. , C. II. , t X. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , May 25. ( Special Telegram. ) The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Burlington , Cedar Raplda & Northern railway was held hero today. The report of Prcaldcnt Ivcs shows the pant year has been one of the best ever had. The following directors wcro chcGeti to eervc three years : G. W. Cable , Davenport ; Thomas Hedge , Burlington ; J. .Caiakadden , Musca- tlne ; C. J. Ivc-s , Cedar Raplda. The old executive committee , consisting of the fol lowing directors , was re-elected : U. R Cable ' J. C. Peasly , J. W. Blythe , W. G. Purdy C. J. Ivcs. At the conclusion of the stockholders' meet ing , the directors held a brief session , when the following officers .were chcsen , all being re-elected : R. R. Cable , chairman of board , Chicago ; C. J. Ives , president , Cedar Rapids ; Robert Williams , vice president , Cedar Rapids : H. 'H , Holllstcr , treasurer , New- York City ; S. S. Dorwart , secretary and as sistant treasurer , Cedar Rapids ; J. C. Broeksmlt , auditor , Cedar Raplde. IOWA HOY ItlM.S HI ? IlItOTJIEK. COCK Out ( o Piny After tinMiirilcr mill CoiifoHHfM I. ( e at xi ht. NEWTON , la. . May 25. Albert and Perry Nealo , ngcd 13 and 11 years , living In Mlngo , quarreled over a pet bird at their homo last evening. The younger boy took a gun and shot the elder In the side , caus ing Instant death. He then took a cloth , wiped up the blood nnd went out on the street to play. No clew to the murderer could be obtained until midnight , when' the boy confessed his. crime. K illn Ilotvii lOlcvator Shaft mill I.lvcti. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , May 25. ( Special Telegram. ) Eugene HUBS , an employe of the Cereal Milling company , fell from the top floor of elevator B to the bottom , a distance of seventy feet , this morning , a trap door giving way , allowing him to go down Into a bin. Not n bone was broken , but It Is feared ho sustained Internal Injuries. The physi cians think there Is a good chance of his re covery. Ilniiil .MaiiKl'-il by a Clay Cruxlier. RED OAK , la , , 'May 25. ( Special Tele gram. ) Charles Swaneon , while tending a clay crusher In Cook's brick yard , east of the city , attempted to throw out a stone and caught his right hand between the Jaws , mangling It so that all four flngures had to be amputated. _ Fire lU-oortl for a Pay. SAVANNAH , Ga. , May 25. Fire this morning destroyed the wholesale grocery etoro of Smith Brothers and badly damaged the grocery stock of J. M. Dlxon & Co. Loss. $ CO,000 ; fully Insured. MOAQUI , III. , May 25. The largo elevator at Radford , 111. , owned by Walker & Small of this city , was destroyed by flro today. The structure had Just been rebuilt. SHBLTON , Neb. , May 25. ( Special Tele gram. ) Fire broke out In Sbelton nt 10:45 : tonight , nnd the large grain elevator owned by J. S. Adalr of Kearney and operated by J. P. Gibbous & Co. , was entirely destroyed. Three cars of old oats , one of wheat and several cars of corn were consumed. Much of the grain had been stored by fanners nnd was not Insured. Hard work saved the lumber yards nnd several cribs of corn. CIIH TriiHt Illlln 1'iiNN tli .Senate. SPRINGFIELD , III. , May 25. The gas frontage bill and the gas consolidation bill , supposed to be the pet measures of the Chicago Gas trust , passed the senate today , 31 to IS. The bills lmo yet to pus the house. , caly , bleeding palmi , flmpclcti nall , and painful llufcr ciulu , plmplvi , blacktu-ads , oily , m. > lby Undry , thin , nnd fulling liMr , Itch , log. icjily Kcalpi , all yield quickly lo warm bnthi wllu CUTH'tlti Biur , and Ktntlo anolntlnga with CUTICUIU ( ointment ; , the great ( Via cure. li loldlhrouf koolthi iU. FoTTilDicoiupCaitt. Com. . Holt Koi * . . n > .u > n. - " Uow lo Vioduct ton.Whllt Uuxti , " htt. ITCHINQ EASY TIME m 'THE LOCALS " * . ' ' ' ' University Olub Team GoU fi Soft Game at Uomo. ' ' ! ' AUSTRALIANS LOSE WITHOUT STRUGGLE < Iaine full of Heavy lnttiiiK and I.ocnc pil , \ \ a Crimil of Knt lu In IlPtAll. They say that If truth Is crushed Into the mud It will rise again like an air ship ; that It U a long lane when n worm won't turn , and that still dogs bite deep. This la all mentioned apropos of the'dawning of a new era of bast- ball In Omaha. The local fan who has been sitting out In the rold so long appears about to inter the parlor. Harry Muesrove's Australian bate ball team mtt the Universities out on the Twentieth street grounds yesterday afternoon and met with n reception that would nuke Hilly Uiyan , who la touring the country , feel like the Cherry Sisters when I'adorcwakl , 1'atil. Nat Gooil- win and Little Egypt arc all playing In the same town. Last night the people all over the city were talking base ball , and chewing over the wild scenes of thrilling Interest enacted at Unlvcmlty park In the afternoon. Mel nnd boys argued over the phenomenal contest as enthuflltstlcnlly ns they did six months ago about the 53-cent dollar and the crime of ' 73. Captain Lavcr of the Antlpotleana wouldn't believe that Captnln Abbott's vai legated ag gregation could afford hU brawny tails from the lands of the Southern Cross common amusement. Now ho U telling the angels that they can. It wns Tuesday afternoon mul there were nearly a million people more or less- gathered In the grandstand and on the bleach , cm. KvcryboJy wanted ( o ace how the An- tipodc.ins stacked up against the real thing In our great national game. And they saw. The ( spectacle wcs wild and weird about the worst that ever happcneJ. Now , as you all know , a great many things happen In a game of base ball , nnd , paren thetically , it may be stated Hint most of the things that happened to the Universities yes terday were runs. The ttlngo representatives essayed to bull the error market and suc ceeded In covering all but three of the afternoon's crop. They couldn't play ball a little bit. Still that Is not to be wondered at , as , they wcro tired , having traveled all the way from Australia yesterday. They hit well enough but mamma dear , you should ECO them field. Hlwcver , they are all nice , gentlemanly fellows , who are on n tour of pleasure and who play ball simply to wear out their old cricket uniforms. They go from here to England , where they hope to do better. Captain Lavcr said Just after the game yesterday that he would put all the boys to bed before 2 o'clock and he thought by this morning- they would feel refreshed and this afternoon they would turn the tables , up setthe chairs and throw the piano out of the * window , Score : UNIVERSITIES. AU. n. mi. sir. SB. ro. A. E. Whitney m. . C 2 3 0 , 1 2 0 1 Crawford , Sb. . G 2 ' 3 0 1 Klefner. If. . . . R 1 2' ' 0 0 1 0 1 Abbott , lb. . . . C 3 1 0 0 11 1 0 MeAullfTe , 2t > . 5 3 4. 0 , 0 5 -I 0 Huvcs. c .loneH. ss 0 2 31 0) ) 1 1 0 0 Lawler. p fi 3 -1 Oi 0 1 3 0 Hougland , rf. . 5 It -I 0 1 0 1 0 Totals SO 21 2 ? 0 C 27 13 3 AUSTUALIA. AB. H. Jill. SIX. SIJ. PO. A. E. Totals . . . .41 11 IS . 0 3 27 10 S Universities 0-1 0 t 4 4 S 1 2 21 Australia 10004024 0 11 Earned runs : Universities. 5 ; Australians , I. Two-base lilts : McAuliffe , HoaRlund (2) ( ) , Trawler (2) ( ) . Jones , Over , Kemp , McAllister , Stuckev. Three-base hits : Whitney. Ingle- ton. McAllister , Stuckcy , Carter. Struck out : Uv Lawler , fi ; by Ewqrs. 1 ; by Kemp , 1. Haso on balls : Uv Lawler , 4 ; by Ewers , I ; bv Kemp , 3. Hit by pitcher : By Law ler. 2. Wild pitch : Lawler. Time : Tw'o hours nnd thirty minutes. Umpire : Mr. Keith. GAMKS OP TUB NATIO.VAL LEAGUE. IlrooUIyli EitMlly MnltcH It Three Slmlnht lit Cincinnati. CINCINNATI , O. . May 25. The Hrook- lyns made It three straight today , defeat ing the Ucds easily In nn uninteresting game. Payne went In the box for the visitors , but was relieved by Fisher after the first inning- , only one hit being- made oft Fisher in eight Innings. Attendance , 1,000. Score : Cincinnati 2 00000000 2 Brooklyn G Base lilts : Cincinnati , 3 ; Brooklyn , 8. Er rors : Cincinnati , S ; Brooklyn , 1. Earned runs : Cincinnati , 1 : Brooklyn , 1. Two-base hits : Jones , Hey , Lachance. Stolen bases : Irwln , Miller. Double pldy : Shlndle to Iji- chance. First base on balls : Off Brelten- Btcln. 2 ; off Payne , 3 ; off KIslier , 3. Hit by pitched ball : liurke. Struck out : By Brelt- cnsteln , 1 ; by Fisher. 1. Passed ball : Grim. Batteries : Cincinnati , Khret , Breltenstcln nnd Schrlvcr ; Brooklyn , Payne , Fisher and Grim. Umpire : Lynch. BALTIMORE , C ; PITTSBURG , 2. PITTSBURG. Pa. , May 25. In the eighth Inning- , when the bases were full and two men out , Stenzel rapped out a two-bagger , scoring two runs. Then three singles fol lowed , bringing In three more tallies anil winning the game for the Champions. At tendance , 3,200. Score : Plttsburg 0 00001001 2 Baltimore 100000050 6 Base hits : Plttsburg , 8 ; Baltimore. 11. Errors : Plttsburjr , 0 ; Baltimore , 2. Earned runs : Baltimore , 4. Two-Dane hit : Stenzel. Three-base hit : Kclley. Stolen bases : Ely , Klllen , O'Brien , Double ; plays : Ely to Davis ; Donovan to Davis. First base on baKs : Off Klllen , 3 ; off N'-'PS. 1. Hit by pitched ball : Jennings (2) ( ) . Struck out : By Klllen. 5 ; by Nops , 2. Wild pitch : NoOs. Butteries : Plttcburg , Klllen and Bugden ; Baltimore , NOIKJ and Clarke. Umpire : Hurst. Hurst.NEW NEW YOniC , 8 ; CHICAGO. 0. CHICAGO. 111 , . May 25. The Coltn wcro outplayed nt all poln's and Riven their first rhutout of the twafon , only one of them reaching second base. The GlrintH played perfectly , took advantage of every mlsplay , stole bascfi nt will , ami won easily with but four safe hits to their credit. Weather cold ; attendance , 1,100. Score : Chicago 0 00000000 0 Nt-w York . 1-8 Base hits : Chicago , 8- Now York , 4. Error - ror : Chicago , 4 ; New York. 0. Earned runs : New York. 2. Thrce'basd hit : Holmes. Homo run : Joycs. Stolcnnlmses : Holmes , Tlernan (2) ( ) . Davis (3) ( ) , ! yuu.Ialtrcn. | Double ulays : Dahlen to Connor to Decker. Davis to Olea 3ii to Clark. Struck out : Uy Denzer , 1 ; bv Husle , 3. Bases on ballsvOff Callnhnn. 1 ; off Dcnzer. 6 , Hit with ibait : Holmes. Bat teries : Chicago , Cullulinn ; Denzer nnd IJon- ohuo : New York. Husle .an.d Warner. Um- nlres : O'Day nnd McDoiali' ) ( BOSTON , 7 : LOUISVILLE , 1. IX1UISVILLE. Ky. , lluy./ii.-The / Bostons had everything their iron way from the start today , us the Colonels could neither bat nor field. Attendance , 1,600. Score : Boston lvr l 1 3 0 0 7 I < oulsvllle 0 XJitM-l 0000 0 1 Base hits ; Boston , 9cLoulMvllle , 4. Er rors : Boston , 1 ; Ixniluvjlle. ,7. Earned runs ; Boston , 1 ; Louisville , l/'ririt base on balls : Off Hemming , 1 ; off ItcwIMJ 3. Struck out ; Bv Lewis. 2 ; by Henunlnir ; 1. Homei run : fltahl. Thrce.lio.8o hit : Duffy. Stolen hazes : Clliigman , Hamilton , Btrsen. Double pay ! : Ktabl to Tenny. Batteries ; Boston. Ixiwlu and Berecn ; JxmlRvIlle , Hemming and Wil son. Umpire : McDerrnott. CLEVELAND. 10 ; I'HILApEr.PHIA , 9. CLEVELAND , O. . May 25. The Indians ac-aln defeated the Phillies In a hot finish. CUDDY held the visitors down well until the clcht inning , when bad errors by McICean and Childs were responsible for six runs , Cuppy being hit hard after the * lde should have been retired. McOermott pitched for Cleveland In the ninth and retired the Phil lies In order. In the last half Carney went un In the air. giving three banes on balls , and Orlh. who replaced him , forced In a run with another , O'Connor batted for McDermott - Dermott and his double ( "cored two runs , while xirmner made the winning run on CJeer'B wild throw lo the plate. Attend ance. 800 , Score : Cleveland 4-10 Philadelphia 000000270-9 Base hits : Cleveland , 17 ; Philadelphia , 1C. Errors : Cleveeland. 6 ; Philadelphia. 2. Earned rung ; Cleveland , 3 ; Philadelphia , L First tmtte on hulls : Off Cuppy , 1 ; oft Cnrsey , 1 9 ; off Orth. 1. Struck out ; By CMppy. 1 ; by McDcrmott. 1. Thrw-nAW hits * : Sooknlexl * . Cross , Nnsh. Two-base hits ; MeKenn , O'Con-1 nor. Zlmmer , Stolen bnse : C'oolcy. Hit by nltched balls : By Cuppy , 1 ; by Curacy , 1. Batteries : Clrvelnml , Cuppy , Mi-Ucnnott nnd dimmer ; Philadelphia , Cursey , Orth nnd Boyle , fmplre : Shcrldnn. ST. LOUIS , $ j WASHINGTON. G. ST. LOl'IS. Mo. , May -Tho Brownr. nlayed well today nnd defeated WnshhiRton. Uonnhue , whllo hit often , wns nlnu t Invln- rlblf at limes when hits meant Minn. Ger man succeeded Swain In the fourth. At- tendance. 500. Score : St. 1/jnls 2 0 n 0 2 0 1 0 0-S Wnrhlnirton 2-G llnfe hits : St. Ixjuls. lUj WiMhlngton , 13. Errors : SI. l.onlsVa : liitiston , 4. iiarninl runs : St. l.oui ! > , 5 ; Washington , C. Two-base hits : I > ti\\d , Crcs * . Klsslier , German. Three-base hits : McFnrlnnd. Se'.b.ich. Home runs : Douglas , Wrlgley. Stolen base * : Cross. IIoii ? > MiHi , Turner , Selbach. Wrlgley , Brown Double play : Wrlgcy ! to Fnrrell. First base on balls- . Off Donahue , 1 ; off Swnln. 2i off German. 2. Hit by pitched hall : Bv Houyeinnn. 2. Struck nut. Uy Donahue , 4 : by Swain , " . Puffed ball : F.irrell. Sacrl- tli-e hit ? ; llcllly t2) ) , Demont. Hattcrles : St. Ijouls. IXnahiie nnil McKnrlnml ; Washing ton. Swain , German nnd Fnriell. Umpire : Em.Mle. Em.Mle.STANDING STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Baltimore 2 20 fi 7G.9 Plttsburg , . . . . ' 21 1(5 ( S Grt. " rinclmmtl 2 19 10 Ki.3 Boston : < ' . ir 10 f.1.5 2' ' ? 15 11 fl7.7 Philadelphia 27 14 13 51. lilnuklvn 27 1,1 11 4S.1 LoulJ-Vllio S3 12 13 4S.O New York 2.1 10 12 43..1 Washington 25 s 17 32.0 rhleaco 27 s 19 St. 1/ouln 2 < 7 21 2 .0 Games .for today : Boston at Ixnilsvllle ; New York nt Chicago ; Philadelphia , nt Cleveland ; Baltimore ut I'lttsburg ; Wash ington nt St. Louis. SCOIIES OF TUI3 WP.STT.IIX LEAGUE. Tilt-Kilny'N WlniKTKt KIIII.MIM City , Co- luinliiiN nnil SI , t'inil. KANSAS CITY , May 23.-Scoro : KniiFns City 1 S Grand Uaplds 0 0 0 1 0 I 0 0 0 2 Base lilts : Kansas City , 15 ; Grand Itaplds , G. Error * : Knnnns City , 2 ; Grand Jlnplds , 4. Batteries : Kansas City , Abbey and Lake ; Grand KniiUK Foreman nnd Twlnehnm. MINNEAPOLIS , May 25.-8i'oro : Minneapolis ' 1 0010000 0-2 Columbus 7 Base hl's ' : Minneapolis. S ; Columbus , S. Errors - rors : Minneapolis , G ; Columbus 3. llatU-rle.M : Minneapolis , Baker and Hoyle ; Columbus , Keener nnd Fisher. ST. PAUL , Minn. , May X.-Score : St. Paul 0-3 Detroit 00010000 0 I Hase hits : St. Paul. S ; Detroit , S. Errors : St. Paul , I : Detroit , 2. Batteiles : St. Paul , Mullune nnd Spies ; Detroit , Halm and Trost. STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. St. Paul 80 22 S 73.3 Milwaukee 2S 17 11 00.7 tndlannpolls 25 15 10 GO 0 Columbus 21 13 11 54.2 Detroit 2i ( 13 13 50.0 Minneapolis SO 12 IS 40.0 Kansas City 2S 10 IS Sj.7 Grand IJnplds 2G 7 19 2G.9 Games for today : Grand Unplds nt Kansas City ; Detroit nt St. Paul ; Columbus nt Min neapolis ; Indianapolis nt Milwaukee. W Mtern ANNIICII | < | IMI SviircN. DUBUQUE , la. . May 23. Score : Dulmciuc 100030000 4 CJtllncy 20002130 * S Base hits : Dubuqne , 9 ; Quincy , 11. Er rors : Dubuqiie , 3 ; Quincy. G. Flatteries : Duburiue , Wolverton und Sullivan ; Quincy , Monroe nnd FriFbee. HOCICFOUD , 111. , May jn.-Score : Kockford 4 Des Molnos 11 BaFo lilts : Bockford , 7 ; Des MMnes , 12. Errors : llockford , 3 ; Des Molnes , 1. Bat teries : Hockford. Underwood , Huh. er and Quitm ; Des Molnes. Sonler and Ixihman. CBDAU BAPIDS , In. . May 23. Score : Cedar Bnplds 0 5 St. Joseph 2 JJaso hits : Cedar Haplds. G ; St. Joseph. 4. Posrla , 0 100010100 3 l-'urilngton 0 5 Base hits : Peorla , S ; Burllngtpn. 7. Er rcrs : Peorla , 5 ; .Burlington , 3. , .Batteries Pcorin , Hansen nnd Dugdalc ; Burlington , Kltson and Williams. EVENTS O.V THE HU.VMNG TRACKS InilleiitloiiN for Only Five StnrterH In ( InI.ntonlit Derby. CINCINNATI , O. , May 25. The Indica tions are that there will be. but five starters In the Latonla derby tomorrow afternoon. The owner of Dr. Catictt , who was looked upon as having an excellent chance , decided not to start him tomorrow. The colt has been ofC In his work , and this , tog-ether with tno fact that ho had several hard races down the line , led his owners to declare him out. With good weather tomorrow the track should be In fair condition , but not fast enough for any sensational time. The starters , weights and Jockeys are : Ornament , 123 , A. Clayton ; F F V , 114 , J. Hill ; Panmure , 110 , J. Gardner ; Endurance , 114. W. Martin ; Box , 114 , Sherrln. IXUISVILLE. Ky. , May 25. Results : First race , nix furlongs : Sharon won , Eugenia Wlckes second , Sister Clara third. Time : 1.16. Second race , half mile : Pclltenlo won , Nada second , Incidental third. Time : 0:49'A. : Third race , one mile , selling : Anger won , Murtle Hnrkness second. Bookwood third. Time : 1:44. Fourth race , the Kingston stakes , four furlongs , selling : Cob won. Cuba Free second end , Ma Angellne third. Time : 1:03. : Fifth i ace , six furlongs , seeing : Fili buster won , Clifford , Jr. , second , Assassin third. Time : 1:1G' : . ST. LOUIS. May 25. Track fast ; weather clear. Itesults : First race , purse , maiden three-year-olds , six furlongs : Miss Alfarrow won , Judge Stouffer second. Play Boy third. Time : 1:1G : % . Second race , purse , for 2-year-olds , live furlongs : Eva Hlco won , Trombone second , Free Fun third. Time : 1C2. : Third race , purse , one mile : Bclvadcll -non , Dan Huger second , Treopla third. Time : 1:13. : Fourth race , selling , nix nnd a half fur longs : Nlmrod won , Sen Ilobber second , Dumocles third. Tlmo : 1:21. : Fifth race , selling , mile and seventy yards : Boynl Choice won. Charlie Kelff second , Florldas third. Time : 148. ; Sixth race. Milling , seven and a half fur longs : Trilby won , Forsythe second , Itus- sella third , 'rime : 1:38. : CHICAGO. 111. . May 2o. Harry B , nt 20 to I , and Warren Pont ! , nt 10 to 1 , won the opening and closing rucen at Ingalls' uurk today. The latter bent Terramle and Sulsun In 1:13 : % for three-quartern of a mile. The other three favorites all won. Besults ; First race , three-quartern of a mile : Harry II won. Hello of Nlles ncrond , Chepe-ta third. Time : 11RM. ; Second race , four nnd a half furtonps ! Knowles won. DouMerswtvel second. Tom Tohcr third. Time ! 0-M. Third rnre , neven-i-lsliths of n mile ! Dr. l won , Sunburst occoiul , Wh'rlawny thli.l. Time : 1M4. : Fourth race , one mile : Harry Shannon won. Morte Fence second , Hen Wndilcll thlr.1. Time : 1-41. Fifth rneo , thief-quarters of a mile : War ren 1'olnl w-n , TCI ramie second , SulMin third. Time. IslJU. NK\V YOIlK , Mn.v 25.-The Moirls park trnrk was heavy nnd sojrsy today. He- BUltf : F rst race , t\x \ fur'oni ! " , sdhm : : Hu slor won , I > olando pecond. lit ) n us third. Time : 1:17. : Second race , "even furlong * : Divide won , Kuiiemln | li second , Miss 1-iltti th'rd. ' Time : Third rnee. Fashion stakes , half mile- L'.Vloutte won , Sagacity second , Kenmoio Oj.-een third. Time : 0:47 : . . Fourth rrci. IMtnntli-o stake * , one mile Hi us finer won , Arbuc'-sle aecond , Don Do Ore third. Time : 1-41. Fifth rnee , five furloiifif- , selling : Nosey won. I.ndy Afhiey secoi-.l , Tnntrls th rd. Time : 1:0 : > .V Sixth rnee , one mile : Wolhurst won , Cromwell second. Hr'tk thl'd Time : \'Wt XF.W ltflis OK TrillCONCHttSS. . Sin-Hill Mt--tliiK IN Holtl III Cliiflillilltl to CoiiNliU-r Knotty I'olntN. CINCINNATI , May 23.-A speelul meeting [ of the American Turf congix"- was held litre yesterday. Alex Abold of Oakley pre sided and there were present : James Mur phy. St. Louis ; W. V. Shult , Louisville ; Mil ton Voting , Kentucky association ; E. Corrl- gnn , 1'nellle eoan ; J. M. linger. New Or- : enns ; James 11. Uccse. Memphis ; J. W. Huasworm , NnMivllle ; W , N. McFnrmnml. Memphis. The purpose of meeting was In with- the nueBllons of the ptiul book nnd i.utliwod : JiiekejH. It wan ordered Hint horses under i-h.irgo of the nmi > trnlner flinll be eoui l-d In tinstrnlKht hotting , though owned by different hoi semen. It wns also ordered that outlawed Jockeys desirliiK roliii-liitcment limit apply to the committee before June 1 , after that to the joint committee on.Hppenls nnd license ? . A enmmlttre was appilntt-it to confer with the ,1'rkey club to secure uniform rulen of registration. It wns resolved that In c.'i-o of III-IKOIIK reporting to the courts tu reverse the Judiiiu-ntn of tlie committee on appeals of the Turf conguss , every traek Hhiil bur them from all Its * privileges ; tlmt nnv person hurlinrhiK such nn olfentU'r rhall hnve no liadncs Issiiod to him nnd nny horse suelt n person may start shall be barred In the bc-ttlng. Kurtherin re. nny horyi- ridden b > n Joi-key who hns taken an injunction ngnlnst the Turf cntiKtesH cummlttce's dec slon sliitll be barred In tile betting , and all mem bers shall refuse stable room and entries to sueh horses. The pennlty for violation of this ru.e by n club may be 11,000 line or expulrlan. Oil I'oiit C'lnli'M Sriiro. The weekly IJu I'ont club shoot took pHcc yesterday afternoon , nnd Oopltu n brisk breeze , which blew transveiwly ncrors the riince , some rumurkably good scores were made. Curtis 00111 01111 11111 11111 11111 22 Towiifend . . . .11111 11111 00101 11111 11111-2J 11011 11111 11100--21 Rmead 10111 11111 - - Head Will 10C01 11111 IMIll Will -17 10001 lllll 10011 01111 11111I'.i lekcn K'OOl ' 11110 mill ( KWOO 11011 U Perry 11101 11101 01011 11101 01001 17 MuLcury . . . . ( KXMl 1(1110 ( lllll 11010 W001-I.1 Llndey IXM01 OfKXX ) 00100 00010 OIOt 4 Ovwnik OOlOrt 01011 00.01 10001 rOIO V- ; i Itaiiman , II..03111 11001 10J10 1W11 01010-13 I'felfer 11110 10110 OHIO 11011 11101-lh Watt 10011 10101 MWOO 01111 01011 13 Moore . . . . .00010 11001 01101 11000 01100-11 lintimnn , J. .00000 10101 onioo 10111 1010111 Unuereimper 0 003 10)11 ) OH110 OllOel 01001 - fl Hoborlfon . . . .01010 00001 1C111 01011 00110-11 Schneider . . . .1COOI 11101 01111 10101 01100-lu iilshop UUOO 11HX ) 11110 WM 01001-11 Sampson CK4I01 IforO 11011 00001 10011 Id ihiinmui 11011 won 11111 null ) 11011 is Lung 1110i ) neil OHIO 11101 10H1-1R Cm-roll 11111 01010 11000 POOCO TO101-11 McD-nald . . .OHIO 01101 11000 lllll 11011-17 \IMV Itcc-oril for Ci > c1i'il Hut. PORTLAND , Ore. , May 25. A , H. Croar- man of the Mitltnomnh Athletic club , last night smashed the world's "cocked hut" bowling record , making eighty-six out of n possible ninety. Charles Fueleher of St. Louis bowled eighty-six In ISM , but the nl- leys on which his score wns made were not constructed nccnrdlnjr to modern regulations' . The Pnc-llic northwest record up to this time lind been clphty-triree , made In 1S93 by Nel son of Seattle. In A. AV. Stops Mntrli HIIIM-B. BALTIMOUE. May 25. The LenRUO of Amerlcnn AVheelnien racing board has put its foot down on league match races be tween prominent riders. The board will grant permits for fame when It has the as- surnnce that races are on the square and that the purse named is not n fictitious one. rlillnilrllililu IlorHC Slnnv. PHILADELPHIA. May 25. The- sixth annual exhibition of the Philadelphia Ilorsu Show association opened today at Wlssa- hlckon Heights and will continue live days. The list of entries Is the largest in the his tory of the association and the prizes ug- firc'gate $15,000. CIIUIS IS AKTEIL JUG MOXBY. HUM Grent IiIeiiH of ( lie Worth of 11 IliiMc Hull KraiiehlMc. ST. LOUIS , May 25. When seen today President Chris Von dcr Ahe said that the St. Louis base ball club and franchise had not been sold and that It would not be , and as far as ho was concerned the negotiations with FVank do Haas nnd Stanley Roblson of Cleveland were off. The magnates had a long conference at the Southern hotel today. Von der Ahe told Hoblaon flatly that howould not sell , while the latter as flatly said ho would not go above this amount offered. Various proposi tions wcro discussed. The St. Louis presi dent offered to buy Durkett nnd Chlldn to gether and one or two others aeparately. The HoblBon'a were quick to decline , payIng - Ing they would sell the whole Cleveland club as a bunch or not Bell at all. When the trio parted Mr. Von ler Ahe said to a representative of the Associated press that ho had not been offered bis price for the franchlso by $100,000. "I am icady to Eell and get out of base ball for good , " ho said , "If I can get my price. I don't want any half-way play about It. My price has not been offered , nor any approach to It. I consider the value I place upon the franchise as n just one. When people have I ho money they can come to me and I'll talk busness with them. I am tired talking to men who haven't money. " President Iloblson Intimated that another offer would bo made to Mr. Von der Ahe. Hugh Nlchol , ex-right floider of the Prowna , arrived here today from his homo In Hock- ford , III. , and assumed the management of the local team. Dowd , whom ho succeeds , will captain the Drowns. ANHEUSEPrBOSGH BREWING ASS'N. ' THE LEADING BREWERY IN THE WORLD , Brewers of the Most Wholesome and Popular Beers. The Original The Faust Budweiser The Anheuser The Michelob The Muenchener The Pale Lager Served on all Pullman Dining and Buffet Cars. Served on all Wagner Dining and Buffet Cars. Served on all Ocean and Lake Steamers. Served In all First Class Hotels. Served In the Best Families. Served In all Fine Clubs. Carried on nearly every Man-ol-War and Cruiser. Served al most ol the United States Army Posts and Soldiers' Homes. The Greatest Tonic , "Malt-Nutrine" the Food-drink , is prepared bji this Association , In Darkest Africa. And Even Unto the Ends of the Earth Munyon Is Supreme , The Munyon system of illfoftso cur < s made tip of Munyon's Honipoopntlila Home Ileinedtfs , In doliiR more to rlil the world of tmin and RlckncsB than nil th doctots com bined. Then * (11 s c o v cries , harmless In the hnndn of & child , are prov ing their po tency In . o many than * flUldS Of CBSCS. Hint It wonlil bo oncer mail- ncsa foi nnjr nick pirson to turn away from their b o n o ft I R. A cloud ofUt - nesses , Rtrctch- Ini ; from Kixst li West , mid North to South , tire telling ( heir cures , nnd prnlsliic Munyon , whom they look upon us their benefactor and friend. U C. Onston , 13CO Twelfth Street , Den ver , Col. , gnys : " It nftunla me gi'eiit plear.ure to etnto the wonders Munyon's Hhcumntlsm Curn has worked for me. I have been a sufferer from nltciimntlsin for nearly live years , nnd nt times suf fered moat oxcruclntlnir ncony. After using two bottlfs of Munyon's wonder ful remedy 1 can frankly sny 1 ixm entirely cured. I cheerfully recommend It to my fellow-sufferers. " Mr. C. II. Parker , HOI ! Lincoln Street , FprltiRlleld. Mo. , salesmnn for Wnllnco > fe Chflmyrld , of 13. Liverpool- . . says : " Kor ten years I suffered with catarrh , of the head and throat. 1 finally iot so Iwl I could not Bleep nlRlitP. AH the mtdl'-ln.'S that I tried did not Rlvo mo nnv rollef. Aftjr takliiK four hottlcM of Munyon's Catarrh Cure I found I was completely cured of that dreadful dis ease. " Munyon hna a separate specific for each disease. For sale by drutrplnp , mostly 25 cents n vial. If In doubt , write to Pro- fi-rsor Munyon. at I'hllndclphin , Pa. , nnd pet 1'iedlcnl advice froe. Searlcs tS Scarlcsp FpcclnllstH In NERVOUS , GHRONIi ! Alt Private Diseases and Disorders of Man Treatment by mull Consultation I'rcc. SYPHILIS Cured for life. HOME TREATMENT M , i ; IOH AM , KOUMS OK Kr.MAI.I3 W12AIC- N13SS AM ) niSKASliH OF WOM13N. Catarrh , nil Diseases of the Noso. Throat , Chest , Stomach , Liver , lilood , akin and Kidney Diseases. Lost Manhood , Ilydrocclo Vnrlcocele , Gonorrhea. CJIect. Syphilis and ALL PIUVATE DISEASES 'J\f \ MEN. Piles , Flstuln mid Hcctiil Ulcers cured with out pain or detention riom Business. Drlght's Disease , Diabetes nnd kindred maladies. Call on or address with stamp , DR , SEMES 8 SEMES. " 9 "tfttSfk * A written Gnnranteo to CURK ANV CASK or MOMiy HEFUMICD. Ourcurolspcrnwnentamtnotarntchlnffup. treated ten years ago liavo never wen a j tntitom rlnco. II y deicrllilnu your capo fully HO can I rent you lijr moll , and weKlro I he name fctronetruarantrnlururcor refund nil money. If your symptom * nrc i > lmi > l < - on rare , uri- throat , imicoim | > alchv In itiniitli. rheu matism In IIUIICH and Johns , Imlirulllnir out , iuitlnim on Any pait or tlio body. IcclTinf oC ifcncrnl flcpreaslfiu , iintna fn head or have no tlmo lo wanti1. ThoFo who nr romtantly F U- Incmercurj and pouiih should cllfoonilnup It. Constant u o of these drugs "III guicly lirlnR ton's and callnir ulcers In the end. Don't fall to write. Tlioto who pre fer to como IHTO for t rent mint ean do no and wan-Ill nay railroad fare both vaynand hotel Mil * whllo liero Ifwe fall to cure. Wo cliallenKO the world for a cam that our Dingle Itemcily will not cure. Wrlto for full particular * and pit ilio erlilcnco. We know tliat you are Kkcpltcal , juttly BO too. an the most. eminent phyelclana Imvo noTcr tern able to ( { Ivo more than tem porary relief. In our many yearn praetlcn wltli thin SIUElc Ilcmcdy It line hern most d.nicult to over come the prejudice ! ! ofrnlnHt all BO called HpecltlCA. llut underoumtroiiK Kim rant juu nhoiiul not lieeltato to try this remedy. You take no clmnco of losing ynur money. Wo euarantro to euro or leftmd etcry dollar and as wo Imvo a reputation to protect , alto financial lucklnc of HSOO.IIOO , It Is perfectly tare to all who will try the treatment. Heretofore you nave Men Cutting up and pa/In ? out your money for different realmenta and altnouch youaro not yetctired noune has | iald l ck your money. Do not wactn any more. money ur.lllyou try us. Old , chronic , deep.ieuted CIKCU cured ; In thirty to ninety < lny . Invmtl- Kitu our tlnr.ncUl standing , our reputation as liuilneti men. Write us for name and addre e > of thono wo have cured of Dyphlllfl , who liavo given iiermlBuloa to rcfertothem. It cents youonly pmt KOtoilo this i it will wive you a world or eufTerlne from mental ntralni and If you are married what may your oltrprlnK Fuller IhrouRli your own n lluence I All oorrekHindenr | gent traleuln plain enveiof e * . Welnvltethemnttrlirlcl InventlKatlon and will do all In our power to aid you In It. Write u > for our 1OO page ttoult and absolute procifli or cure * , GOOIC REMEDY CO. . gi EVERY WOMAN Sometimes ntwlrt a reliable monthly regulating medicine. DR. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL RILLS , Are prompt , safe nnil certain In remit. The Demi- Jne ( Or. IVnPs ) iievertllsnt.point. S < iitaiiYwherB. U. 00 Sherman & llcConnne ! Drue CC. , 1911 Dodge Direct Umana. Vn- PANCRO-PEPSAI.IA TABLnTS positively cares Indigcitlon , Catarrh of tht Stomach , Heart-Burn , Sour Stomach , DYSPEPSIA and nil kindred Ktot'iarhTroulitet , AiclBntlflo com bination ottho but i-omudlaa known to roedlcul tklll , A PERFECT CURE Bold by nil druggists , or ta. per Hoi. THE PEP5AUA CO. fcioud for ( reo circular. CHICAGO Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL , $100,000 WE SOLICIT YOUIl JIL'SIXKSU. WI3 IiSIH15 YOUIl COU.IICTIONS. ONE OF TUB OLDEST I1A.NKS IN IOWA * p run CKNT iv.m ONrun : ni OA.LI. Ann scu v onvurro. . SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS. I'HUT. I'-AUM AND < lAIttiil Innila fur rale ur rent. Uuy & lUeu , 'i'i I't-ur ) ttn'Ct. I.KAHi : , ONJY ri'J.ANI ) MIHSOI'Itt ' rlvt-r front age und lout lumllnK. near Ii po l < lion KrnuiiilB nultHlil for i > lcuxut rmoru. In trie B tu cult ; I'linty Inrduooj timber ; ubumlant noivlnx tPilr.K" , with iuilclint : fall for runn to tt iu v.utn fur fuuntntns und Hii | > | ily ; bank rand ami Kruvtl for walk * anil driven ; leuullful iiHlunii imiki of jiljtruuunlli > ami Muff * ; on r. ft N. W. It. It. ; 2(4 ( mllt-i ii'irfi cf rd.ntll UluTu , anil uliuut S'.l ' inltea noiiliei.H from JJxiK iilon irounJii. I , . I * . JuJ- on , 'Jt'J h'utli Kvcnue. I-'OIl KKAHK , HANI ) AND OUAVMI. IIANKH , with Bui > i-rlor trick cluy undvrlyliiK mime ; about SV4 mllca nortlifnutcrly fri'in ' Onuilu ) ! x- Iiotltlon ground * , uml twu iii.len noilh of Council lllii.fn , cr Mloiiurl rlviT , utnl or. c. & Ky. . It. II 1 l < Judton , Srj HlitSi avenue , Council Illuffs , FOR HAM : , AHOUT oo ACUIH : ov ujilanil fruit , vegrtaule and park lundt ; IUo Bcrrn uml upward ut IU tu'Ji per acre , urcord- InK to locution und iitnount , ul < oul tlirto mllei nurth of city and about eainc ilUtunie fruiu Kipodtlon , other UnJi and Council Illultn loli at low prlcei. U l' . Judton , vJ9 Blittt uv - nut , Council UlufT .