Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1897, Image 1

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ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 1871. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY G , MAY 20 , 185)7. ) StNG-JjB COPV 12 OtiXTS.
Floods of Oratory Lot Loose in the United
States Senate.
Rhode Island Senator Makes a Speech Ex
plaining Measure.
Estimates of Revenue Which Each Bill Will
I'rcNNluiv ISciM-Nxll ) for llt'M-ntiv
ULTM I'retSnmir nn liii | > ONNllilllt ) _
Vent SlivnltH In OIIOHOII | | |
to Iliu Mtii-Mire
WASHINGTON , May 25 The debate on
HID tarirt bill began In the fcnato today
vllh crowded gallerlea nnd a largo attend
ance of senators and the tariff leaders of the
house. Minor business claimed attention up
to 2 p m , when Senator Aldrlch of Rhode
Inland , In charge of the tariff bill , had the
tncasurci laid before the senate and took the
floor for the opening t-pecch. At that time
cvciy available seat In the galleries wuu oc
cupied The republican side of the floor
showed an tolld representation , there
being three or four vacant neala. The dem-
ocints also presented full ranks and the scat
tered scats of the populists were occupied ,
with but one exception Mr. Dlngley , chair
man of the ways and meana committee
nnd author of the house bill , took a scat
Immediately beside Mr. Aldrlch and lis
tened attentively. Other republican mem
bers of the way * and monm\ committee and
Representative Shntnon of the populist con
tingent occupied the rear lounges. Speaker
Hoed was not present.
Mr Aldiich fcpoko for almost art hour and
a quartet , adopting an easy , conversational
style HI i speech was the olllclal utterance
of the finance committee , and , In a seiiix ? ,
of the republican sldo of the chamber. With
out making Invidious dl'tlncllons bet-veen
the two bills , Mr. Aldrlch clearly elated
as the belief of the finance committee that
the bouse bill would not yield revenue ade
quate for the needs of the government
Mr Vest of Missouri , one of the demo
cratic members of the finance committee ,
followed with a statement In opposition to
the bill He ppoko of the futility of piling
up taxcu on an overburdened people when
there was n balance of $129000000 In the
treasury. He criticised the schedules In de
tail , declaring that some of them were dc-
nlgncd to bo piohlbltlve. Ho severely at
tacked the Increase In the lead duty , declar
ing It wns for the benefit of the "cormo
rants" of monopoly and against the people.
Mr Cannon of Utah , a silver republlcin
closed the debate for the day by urging that
the protection should be so distributed as to
aid the mrmers.
Early In the day Mr. Mallory. the new
ncnator from Florida , was sworn In and took
his scat.
The tariff hill was taken up at 2-03 with
out opposition and Senator Aldrlch proccede
to explain the piovlslnns of the measure.
In opening hli speech. Senator Aldrlch
m Id :
The business of this entire country Is In
n Htato of pifpcnilon awaiting the action o
the senate upon the bill under conslderatlor
3 believe thnt the anxiety in secure nctlo
upon thli Impottant measure at the oarlles
iwlblo day Is shared bv overv incmbor o
the senate I cnn nay for the senatois sit
ling on ihli pldo ot the chamber that n
time will bo spent In academic discussion o
the pilnclpnls of protection It Is my pur
POM > to keep the bill continuously befor
the senate , to the cxcliiHlon of all otho
legislative bUFlness , until It Is finally dl
po ed of , and In this I Bhall expect th
hearty cc-cpcratlon of senatois on both i-ldc
of the cban her In the discussion of the hi
the incmleiH of the. majority of the com
mlttoe will content themselves with sue
bru f explanations as may bo found neces
Miry of the various p u.igi.iphs as they cr
rent bed
It neoms desirable that at the beglnnln.
of this discussion the majority of th
finance ccmmlltoo Bhould present to th
Miiatc In detail tlieli estimate of the ufi'ic
which the bill would ! . ivo UIKIII thn rovonu
nnd that thev should explain In a genera
wnv the character of the amendment tht ,
hnve suggested
The majority of the committee bellev
that If n thorough tevlslon of our levcnu
l.i VVH MI 'i IIH In contemplated by the hou -
bill IH necesniry It should be catrK-d ou
In a coiiaoi vutlvo spirit and that such
moderate and rcusonablo measure MiO'ild b
cdnptcd ni : will Insure a much greater
nf poimnncnco to our tariff legislation 1'ic
ciueiit revisions of the tariff are prodii-liv c
of long periods of uncnitnlnty nnd arroste ii
development. 'Iho change In pollc iiy
In 1" " > 9I proved dl < dntious to the bu-lness In
tetestH of the country. It VV'IIH thOHnighl
inidcrxtoud throughout the cottmiy in tl
last poll ! " ! ) ! campaign that If the iop-ihli-\t
Iiirty should bo again Intrusted vvltn po\\o
no t\troine tat Iff" legislation vvonll Iclcvv
It was believed that In the changed concl
tlotm of the icmntiy n return to the dutlt
Imposed In- the net of IVK ) would not 1
iiccottMiy oven from a protective st.indpoin
II was with those facts e-oiiHtnnlly In vie
that the majority of the llnnnce commute
pic-pared the amondmentH which thov luiv
Kiibmlltcd I'm youi coiisldcintloii Nothln
CLuld be in 10 conducive the return an
maintenance of ioal piospeilty In thlx com
try thiin the woll-groimdi-d bc-llef that there
Is to bo mi violent change In om ic-ve-nue
policy foi Homo yeurH to come The- true
irlendH of a protective policy do not Insist
upon extreme mien IKT any that nre not
noeewiirv to ccmall70 conditions. While It
IH true thnt lutes nliove this line nre often
Inoput Ulvo , yet It must nc admitted that
they fuinlsh needless opportunities for do-
ctructtvn attack *
The committee bollcvcH that In thn rcduc-
ti us they have suggested from the rates Im-
imM-cl In the liouso bill that they have not
K me In any Instuuco below the piotcctlvt
jiolnt. nnd If the bill should bocomu a law
In the form pieentecl by them ovoiy Ameri
can IndUHtty would be enabled to meet foi-
elgn competition on eiina' mms , that IH
n > far n this equality can bo in-cured by
tariff legislation , Tim i.ites ftiwgc ted by
the committee's nnieiidmeiitH nio c nvlilor-
nbly below lho ° o liupotcd b ) the house bill
and In most Instances below the t > contulned
In the net of 1S10
In uiffKestliig thoKo reduction9 the. mem-
be rn of the ) maj rltv of the committee ie-
nlllim and emphunUo their petition as
filendH of Ihe protective Policy The ultl
mule puiposo nf Ill's policy U to xccure
aa fur KB thin Is pOHKlhlo by wise und con
servative. 'oKlslutlon tbo utcudy growth and
dovelopmcnt of all Intcii'Mf agikultural ,
inanufucturiiiK and cominerclni TIKI pie
\lt > loiii ) of 11 tuiiff law nfTeet nil those luler-
( ht In nunibeile > bM wiiyn nnd imleHS theie can
bo titiiblllty In tariff policy there cnn be no
cutulnty of prorporlty , for Industrial condl-
tloiiH In thin countiy. with very fi-w oxcep-
tlom > , do not demand a ictuin to the rule *
Impeded by Ihe act of 1S90. The blttri con-
left vvhlih Is golni ; on among tin- leading
nations of the world for Industrial miprem-
acy huvo lirJUKlit about im | lovemeiila In
inethodH and economics In production to an
extent which wax not thought no * lu o a
few year Hugo Thet > n new conilltlonn must
bo taken Into account tn consldeilni ; the
rntcH the bill Impn en
Without lellnqulfchlni ; one particle of our
devotion to the cniisu of protection vv feel
that wo have u rli-ht tn auk that Iho caute
fhull not be burdened by the lmpn--ltloii of
duties whlcii are unnecessary mid expensive
In the readjustment of raten FiiuKtalfil the
oominlttee has Irle-d In every liiMiince te
make them xutllcteiitlv nrotecilv n to domes
tie Intercuts without belnu prohlbltlvo
The fraiutTH of tie | house bill estUuut , .
tolol ruvenu fi-in the bill of J2w llii .10 In
normal yearn This would 1)3 the Urgent
revenue received from lustoimi duties , and un
Increase of J11.1179.711 over the customs rev-
f-nuo of H9 nnd of J70.73aaM over that of
\ < xn The report or the way an 1 ir.rnns
committee of the house rccn nl/os the fact
thnt anticipatory lmx | > rtttlon * will Hrgcly
reduce the expected revenues of the llrst
Ilwnl year under the ne.v tariff , but after
making allowance- for the-1 Importation *
estimates a net Income of $ i > . | i.oi > i fcr fl.e
year 1W , provided the livv hoiiU be pns nl
iiv May 1 If Its c-nactm nt vver dolaved
until July 1 the ret > ort addd that 115'fwW )
additional would easily be Ijst to the publl-
After Riving In det.ill trchouie estimates
of revenue Mr. Aldrlch pr-o < eds It will be
apparent from n critical examination ot the
urovHons of the house bill th it the estimate-
of Jtcicotjoo Incrc.isc of rev-mi" If the Mil
Bhould become a law b > the llrst of .lulv , was
excessive To Indl.'nte * li. ptoutid * upon
which thin Judgment m ba ol , wo may tnko
the wool and vvoolan srhuJulo , from nhlch
$2lOCO,0iO ( out of $ "CCM ! > II > Im reuse Is ex-
pectctl. The fact IB wall known that thc-ro
have been unti uil Importations of wool , In
ntitlclpitlon of the relmp-n't'on of a duty -
enough , according to the trade reports , to
supply all the foreign wool needed by then
domestic niaiiufactur"rs for mure than a
Thstatl ° tlrs on this inint ) 'stlfv the be
lle f thnt thorp can be 11-1 i.vniii" from the
vrol duties dm Ing the ( Is-i' year I" > v , cMert
t1" Ibly a small amount finri third classu
wcoi-j The estimate SI I "n < ! 0y liiot it"o
fiom woolen goods Is equtllr orunfoui _
TI o "mine condition i Msts In leaner de
gree perhaps with reform "e to ether srhed-
ult. Instead of nn Incro.isvl it venue fr'in
tn'ncco. wo may 111010 afely count upon n
d'c ense In the first von. th" lnoi"iis' frim
rugnr will be nuich lo < - than tli > * vvny < ami
monim committee estimate , owing to the
fart that one-ciuaitor of Hit year's supplies
cf raw Mignr will be Imported be-
for > any new rates of duty can no .ipplled
to them
Thf > secretary of the tr asurv estimates
th" expenditure > for all purpo"es for the 11s-
oitl vcar ending Juno /O , IW at JIGJ.'tld.OK V
Tintlnancc committee estimates the lev-
onlio to be derived In the sun" iljrnt year
from custom . If the provi-dans of I'IP bill
reported bv it should be enacted Into
law. at MF2 741.000 This Inr'urt" * an -
mated revenue from thu temporary duty on
tea of JS.OOO.OOO
The coinmltt'c e tlm.iles the id'clit" fiom
Internal revenue for the s-inio pciiod nt
tlTO.OCOOOO If wp add to Oils the treasury
estimate foi miscellaneous ieelpn , f i.CnX- )
W ) nnd the receipts on nc'ount cf the post-
offlcp. $ 'x. 22',0'tt , we hnve tolnl estimated
receipts for the Ilscal yenr IMS o' $401.071,070 ,
or an cstlmnt d excels of icc"lpts ever ex
penditures for tint vear of { 2.72S ' !
If the estimated revenue from the duty
on tra nnd HIP additional Internal rev
enue tuxes should ho omitted f"om the com
mittee's estimates of receipts there would be
an estimated deficiency of Jll.I1 ; iW Instead
of a surplus of $ . ' ,72."i.02S. 1 no LO-nmlttoo be-
It to IIP the Imperative lutj cf con-
to provide In the measure unrl"1 ! con
sideration for a levenile whl"h will cer
tainly meet the requirements of the govern
ment for the next Il cal > car. Thu adop
tion of u levenue bill which should lull In
the Immediate future and which would re
quire a furthci Issue of bonds to meet < ur-
rcnt expenditures would certainly be fntnl
to the hopes of future succtts of anv i u'ltlcal
party responsible for such legislation
In selecting the sourcts for additional
revenue the committee decided to Increase
temporal lly the tax on articles of voluntary rather than to assess additional duties
which might prove Inoperative upon ai llcles
of necessity or upon those wlil h ti te.r into
our manufactured products Assuming that
flip necessity for additional rovpiiup exists ,
nnd of this WP believe there can bno ques
tion. theie Is no economic rca on nnd cer
tainly none that affects the public Interests
why beer and tobacco would not bear tl.elr
share of additional taxation
The committee believes that the duty pro-
pO ed on tea will not prove n. serious burden
upon the coiiHUinora of that article Noth
ing in the theor > of piotcctlon Interferes
with the Imposition of further Internal rev
enue taxes by protectionists whenever such
a com so Is found desirable for revenue pur-
po'es only In the future It is almon cer
tain that WP shall be ob l ed to depend more
and more upon taxes of this nature for ncr-
cs"3ary revenue.
In the > car.s to come we must expect n
( lecteaso rather than an Increase in the cus
toms revenue to bo derived under the pilncl-
pal schedules of the tariff With duties
adequntclj protective upon manufacturers
of cotton , wool , silk nnd flax \ve may ex
pect a constantly diminishing revenue from
the Importations of thesp products. If the
rates Imposed by this bill on sugar Bhould
be found to lead to the rapid development of
the beet sugar Indus-trj In the Tnlted States ,
we mnv expect large reductions year by jear
from the c-ntemplHted it-venue from sugar
Some of the mo t sanguine advocates of the
policy of encouraging beet sugar produc
tions in this counirv bcllevp that we Phnll
within ten years produce all of our sugar.
The legitimate n > ult of a protective policy
I't to give the American imuket to Ameilcan
producers. When this becomes an accom
plished fact the icvenue growing out of
protective duties dlsippeart U must be
evident thetefore that wo mu t look for
other sources of revenue Whether It should
be along the line of an Increase of internal
revenue taxes , such as we have suggested
or whether some other sour e * of revenue
should be sought It Is not necessary now
to determine. It K safe to assume that
numcroiiH objectors will ulvvajs be found to
any plan for Increased taxation. In this
paitlcular case the committee Is only strenu
ous that a wise public policy requires that
our revenues should .it all times be equal to
our exiwndlturcs and th it the people of the
United States will not be Fatl'Iled with any
revenue measurethnt docs not provide ade-
eiuate Income- for this purpose.
In the sugar schedule 13 we have suggested
a chance In rates and In the manner of as-
seEHliiK the duties As the- schedule Is a very
Important one It pecms proper that I should
txpluln dcflnlte'y the effect of the piovlslons
wo icc'ommeml
The nnnuiil consum'HIon of sugar In the
I'nltPd Slates \ > about 2000,000 Krosn tons of
2,2-10 pounds each , with a value ba ed cm
foreign pile- ' * approximating $ 'O.OOO.OOO. If
the hij-'h duties proposed In oithei HIP house
or tcni'.tu bill should be adopted the annual
cost of siiRni u consiimeiR would be more
ttian fJMOOOfrfl Of the consumption In
_ -IO , < KN ) tons or 2 per cent , was beet sugar
' ' " " " " "
iiKi'ducid' iii"lho"Uiiiteef "sf.ite i"and" 2167000
tom , 01 12 per cent , was d imcxtk cine-
fiigai , nnd Ifi'cXin tons , or s per cent , was
sugiir admlttPd from the Hawaii in islands
fieo of duty undc-r otn treaty with the
Huwallan ( , oveiiiment The 2.000.0"0 tonn of consumed In the I'nlted States con-
Hlltute neirly . " 0 per cent nf the t'till con
sumption of the world , the- total "tigai crop
of 1VW being npproxlmatelv 7 CtW IM ton , of
which 4.WOfcOO , or about Cl'i pel cent of the
whole , wiis beet Fligni
The putting m CCMS iv for recurlng groitly
Inciciised revenues srom to render a return
to a republican p II'y of flee sug.u , adopted
In 1 > 'W , an linposslbllllv The denian I for
revenue limp HIS and the belief that every
reasonable effoit should hiniude to cncoiir-
ugtt the piotcctlon of betit sugar In the
United States led a majority of the llminc-o
commltteo to recommend the high intes
upon sugar which are contained In the bill
now before the donate. It Is believed by
the friend * of the- beet sugar Industry that
wo can miceei-Hfully Imltuto the example of
( leimany In the ipkl development of beet
sugar production
The bill as It came to us from thn house
of lopiesentatlves , conttilns piovlslona whlcii
levy a spclllo duty , based upon polarl&eoplu
test , upon Imported fiijru varvlng from 1
cent per pound at 75 dcjiecp , to l' centH pci
pound on all emgai * iibovo No Hi Dutch
Mtandard In color and Kilned biigui- ' The
effect of the.-e lads , IIH applied lo the total
Impnitatlons at the poit of New York foi
the month of .lanuiry. iw , it shown bv a
tablet which I submit to the .senate which
has been piepif'J bv the customs ollhfr In
New York The ratca suggestul show a
tango of nd valorem ecmlvAleuts from Ti
to 141 3 pei cent A caieful examination
of the tables will enow that the nalo of
latex adopted beam very unequally on all
I iw giado. nujni Tlio clurnttei and c\-
tent of th.s ! discrimination led youi com-
mltteu to behove that the schedule should
bn modified The < oinmlttce dc-teriiilned ,
after n cm if id Ion of thu whole
subject , to nconimcncl intes which vvcii'.d '
bo In their effect us high at luiht as the
house bill , but which would be levied In a
manner that would make the ud valorem
equivalents more uniform We believe that
( ho ImiMjslton of the high ? pciiiu ! rates
clion low grade HUKur trptlnt ; t < 7 donees or
below would hnve the effect to exclude them
fiom the iimiKelHrr the I'nlted States The
total amount of thexe low crades urodueed
IH unlmpoitunt an compare 1 with the total
! > ugar crop , but their continued importation
Into the United H Intes is voiy linpoitant.
when viewed from the standpoint of our
trade and commerce with othei countries.
To exclude fi 'in theAnieilcju marle.t all
Ihe lew grade an" siigniy fi < m the nearby
coi.ntiiOM and Mig.iiH of all grades fiom
distant cotmtilis vvoiik ] ui.Ilne American
purchase8 ! lo beet .sugar nnd to centrifu
gals from other points iii-atcat thn United
flutes and solid nil other H to free
mnrkeU IIKr ( 'tinndu nnd England This
Eiollcy would undoubtedly Ircnut-c the pi Ice
of the uUKJrs from iif.uby countries and
I ( Contluucd ou Eccoail Page. )
Oonforenco Report on tks Sundry Civil
Arouses His Wrath.
llciiinil to VliroKnlp ( Ii < * Order of I'ro
lilc-nl t'lcolniiil , lull I'rlt nlcly
Ailinltx HN liiipi > toiic > la
TbU Dlifi-tloii ,
WASHINGTON , May 25 ( Special Tele
gram ) The conference report on the sundry
civil bill , earning $200,000 for the Trany-
mlsslfslppl Exposition was reported to the
senate by Senator Allhon late this after
noon , the senator giving notice that he would
call up tbd bill tomorrow , or as soon there
after us po i3lblc. Senator Pettlgrcw , who \e \
„ really Incensed agaltu't the compromise cf-
J1K J1 ctcd on the forest reservation amendment ,
K Ivlng the president discretionary power to
! t aside a certain part of the reservations
1 ncluded In President Cleveland's order. In-
1I 1t t mated that he would oppose the bill and
I Hccernary at'empt ' to defeat the measure
the compromise agreement was Insisted
Senator Pettlgrcw could not be reconciled
o the action of the conference committee
n the part of the hoiu > o and senate He
node a strong fight to abrogate the order
' President Cleveland so far as the fcrent
servatlons arc concerned and his aggrcs-
vo action was largely responsible for the
memlmcnt wiping out the whole , of the cx-
resldcnt'f ) sweeping order being Inserted/
: ie bill Now that hUi work la largely come
o naught , he la hot and sajs he will pur-
iie guerrilla warfare If necessary to have
: ie conference agreement defeated IHfl pcp-
> ery manner In asking Senator Allison when
e expected to call up the bill showed how
etcrmlncd Pctllgrcw Is In behalf of certain
itercsti' In his state After the senate ad-
ourned the oenlor senator from South Da-
ota admitted that the bill would pas. } , but
ot before ho had , shown up existing coudl-
Mr. Hose-water , between his attendance
pen committee meetings nnd general con-
crenc B of the Postal congiecs , has found
line to put In a good word for the Trans-
nlcstalppl Exposition Learning that Hon
'homau Needles of Illlno's ' wa-3 holding up
he senate bill in the Illinoly legislature ,
ppropriating $50,000 for the c\posltion ho
t once began work on Senators Culloin
nd Mason to Induce them to pull Needles
ft. As a of hli3 efforts the following
elegram went to Needles today :
WASHINGTON , liny 21 ; Hon. Thomas
sreedlcs. Springfield , 111. . We believe It to bee
o the- Interest of Illinois to putlclpate in
.ho Trnnsmlt-ilSHlppI Exposition If you can
aeour way clear to favor the bill passed
iv the M'nate we hope jou will make a
iromnt fuvorable report and work for Its
lassnge. W. E MASON.
As Needles Is a candidate for a place on
ho Davves Indian commission and Is being
ret-sed for the ? place by Mason ana Culloin ,
t Is thought this telegram may not be vvlth-
nit effect.
The following examining surgeons were ap
pointed today : Nebraska Drs. John II.
Jack , W. T. Neal and Chailes T. Stewart ,
at Auburn ; Drs. C. 31. Kubbock C. Wll-
lams nnd C. M. Headilck , at Tecumseh.
owa Drs. E. H. King , G. 0. Morgridgc ,
at Murcatlno ; Drs. E. N. Brown and J. N.
Augufltlne , at Marcngo ; Dre C. C. Powell ,
G Lewis and B. K. Hyatt , nt Ottumwa ;
Drs. A. M. Avery , A. B. Bow en and C. M.
Tuckey , at MaquoKeta. W > omlng Dr. II. J.
Maynard , at Cheyenne.
The contract to supply fuel for the public
building at Des ( Molnea during the next
fiscal jcai was awarded to P. II. Martin of
hat city.
The applications of the following persons
. 'or ' authority to organize tbe National Hank
of Decorah , la. , with a capital of $50,000 ,
Is approved : II. C. Jcileid. Robert Thom
son , E. It. Thompson , L. B. Whitney and
0. C. Johnson.
A. A. Havvler has been appointed post
master at Gresham , York county , Neb. , vice
S A. Tobey , removed.
Cc lie nil .lob ii It. llroiikc > uinfil IIH i
Ililjor Ci-iicrnl.
WASHINGTON , May 25 The prcslden
today sent the following nominations to the
senate :
War Brigadier General John R. Brooke
to bo major general.
Navy Assistant Engineer D. E. Dlsmukes
to be passed asalstant engineer.
State Edwin H. Conger of Iowa , to b <
envoy extraordinary and minister plenlpo
tcntlary of the United States to Brazil ; John
G. Foster of Vermont , to bo consul of th
United States at fiherbrooke. Quo. , Canada.
Intel lor George B McLaughlln , agent fo
the Indians of the Blackfcet agency In Mon
NI-VIH for lli < - Arm ) .
WASHINGTON. May 25. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Post Chaplain Charles S. Walklcy
Ins been oidered to Tort Harrison , Mont ,
for duty.
The following transfers In the Eighth In
fantry have been made : Second Lleutenan
Ernest B Grsc , from company II to com
pany K ; Second Lieutenant Joseph Drlpps
from company K to company II.
Second Lieutenant Robertson Honey
Kouith artillery , has been relieved fron
duty at West Point and ordered to Join hi
Second Lieutenant Samuel Holt , Elgiitl
cavaliy , has been detailed for duty at Wes
The following transfers In the Fourth In
fantry have been nladt : Second Llcutcn
ant William A. Ralbovn , from company I
to company K ; Second Lieutenant John J
lU-niard , from company K to company r
Captain Hugh L Scott , Seventh cavalry
has been ordered to return to his prope
station , via Chicago.
The following tiansfera have been mad
at the request of the officers concerned
rirht Lieutenant John C. Gregg , fron
Eighteenth Infantry to Fourth Infantrj
company K ; First Lieutenant Pcrclval G
Lowe , from Fourth Infantry to th
Eighteenth Infnntrv , company 1C Ho wll
proceed tn join the company to which ho I
Leav s of nbhenco- Second Lleutenan
Henry G Colo. Twenty-third Infantry tvv
months , Second Lieutenant Jamcb Humlltoi
Third artillery , extended three months
Captain Champec McCulloch , Jr , assists n
surgeon , three months. Second Lteuteimn
Charles \V Castle , Twenty-sixth Infantry
two months , 1'lrbt Lieutenant Alonzo Gray
Fifth cavalry , two months , Second Lieu
tenant Joseph Frailer , Nineteenth Infantry
three months from September 1.
Private IMward J. Grltlln company G
TwHitv-Rc'cond Infantry. Fort Crook , ha
been transferred to Ihe hospital corps , a
I.nUiI'roiit CIIMU Dcclnloii Heady.
WASHINGTON. May 25 The decision o
the commUbloner of the general land otllc
In the Chicago lake front case , Involvln
$15,000,000 worth of property , has bee
formulated and will be promulgated tomor
row The decision Is on a rt bearing o ( th
case resulting from a sensational repudlatio
of the decision rerdered by i former con :
mUaloner ,
WASHINGTON. Mav 25 The senate toda
confirmed Ihe following nominations :
Brigadier General John R Brooke , to b
maj general Gc - B. - .
r ; rc-o Me-l.aughlin of Mon
tana , to bo agent for the Induns of th
BlacKfoot agency la Montana.
.limit U.S LOOS ! ! Tllr.Hl AMI VTII.
Crltlclfiiu ut Slf- I'lillli | Currle
CIIIIION Illicit ( Oil Snllxlllir ) .
dht , 1J9 * . by I'rof n lutilUhlne Compftny )
LONDON' . May I5.-jHN wj Vork Yorld Ca-
legram Special Tcleyram. ' Sir Ellis Aeh-
mead Bartlctt's Impmtant Interview w 1th
10 ultan continues ) tb e : cllo widespread
otlco and commnilVljerc n London The
tar , the leading rallfcal Journal , gave tea -
a > . 'In the couiso\Sf Sir ARhmead Bart-
ett's interview with \he BUltan , the latter
llttdcd Insultingly to the British nmlj.upa-
or This then , Is the first fruit of Lord
allsblir > 's boasted cncrnd.inoy In the coun *
Us of Europe The sultan Insults onr am *
> assador , and the liiRUlt IB echoed and In-
orscd by a prominent Incmbcr of the tory
iart > If thU had been done under a Glad-
tontan ministry , how the torlcs would have
Hated on the degradation ot England "
The Dally Chronicle , coinmcntlng on the
nltati's attack on Ihe Drltlsh nmbaesador
n the Interview , sajs : "Tho attack on the
IrltUh ambassador by a toverclgn to whom
ie Is accredited Is a very serious matter ,
ho llrst question Is whether the sultan's
ords are correctly reported. We believe
lie ) are They point , of course , to the
bsolute nullification of British Influence In
Turkey It the sultan thinks It Is safe to
isult the British ambasiadar , It Is cettaln
liat the gentleman docs not exerclbc the
lightest authority with him. Why , then ,
s he maintained there ? It seems to us
luit the Salisbury policy has met the rc-
vard of all Laodicean.statesmanship. The
mpcroivi Jockey us and the Turk spits upon
s. "
Jrcekf. Tnki > to Sii > iimr Hani TliliiKH
of inrh Other.
LONDON , May 26. The .correspondent of
ie Times at Athens says :
The torrent of recrimination , denunciation
nd bitter Invectives which was checked
jy the fear of the Immediate Turkish ad-
anco to Athens has broken out afresh , novv
hat this danger has been removed by the
rmlstlce. Tha authors of the war policy ,
qually with those who are held responsible
or the disasters , nro being clragged before
he bur of public oplulon. So far na the
tllclal culprits nre concerned , 11 Is believed
tiat the government will appoint a couimls-
lon of Inqulrj to punish tbe guilty. A
horough Investigation Into th. * ambulance
ml cotnmlbsary deiKirtmenta will probably
ntall scandalous dUclosUrcs.
The Ethulke Hetalila Is bitterly denounced
ml the government \ urged to seize lib
umls , -couflftcate Its stores and arms and
o coirpel It to render an account. It la not
Ikcly to accede to this suggestion , but man >
icrsoiij prominent In polltlj-al life arc closely
onnected with the organization , and the
' . -talrla , conscious of Its'strength , has dc-
ilded to remain silent and to preserve Its
njstcrlous and Invisible ctiamcter. Possibly
mitten nvlth compunction ; however , the so
ilety has donated 00,000 ditchmas for the re-
lef of the Theasallan refugees. This Is ap
parently the best Justified Hem of all Its
expenditures. ,
NO .NOT A Mi 1'Uliti TOGii'linit.
llNCorit Anion tlitM 1'omTM Ttltli
ItcU'rrnci to nnstorn ( liiVNtlon.
CONSTANTINOPLE , ( May 23 The collec
Ive note of the ambassadors of the povvcrn
on the subject of the Turkish demands upon
Greece has not yet been presented owing to
ho German ambassador Constantinople
mvlng been forbidden to sign It until Greece
consents to the peace terms. It Is further
understood that n < -rmanydpnlareaxltliat.t .
will tvvlthdra-w altogether from mediating
nhould the other powers copsldcr the previous
consent of Greece to be unnecessary. Ger
many's action Is fcgardecj aa being highly
prejudicial to the prospect of a epeedy con
tusion of peace , as It leads Turkey to be-
Uove the powers are dls-unlted and en
courages opposition.
VIENNA , May 25 The rteue Frele Presses
publishes a dispatch frora'Constantlnople to
day saying that Germany has finally ap
proved the conditions of. . peace and that the
Identical note of the powers on the subject
wau presented to the Turkish government
ArniN for lit ) _ " , TllrkN.
LONDON , May 20. A dispatch to the
Standard from Athens Biys : The Embros
publishes a sensation ln a telegram from
Lamia declaring that the Prltlsh men-ot-wai
at Vole prevented the landing of guns anc
ammunition from a RusfciTan man-of-war for
the use of the Turks. The story Is probably
untrue , but It Indicates the prevailing dis
trust ot Russia. >
New { Sovoriinr for Crolo.
LONDON , May 20. A dispatch to the
Standard fiom Berlin cays the powers , In
cluding Turkey , have & .isentcd to the ap-
ppolutmcnt of Prince Franc's Joseph of Dat-
tenberg as governor general of Crete.
AVII1 Hold ( InI'ortc tn Time.
LONDON , May 26. The Athens corre-
polntment of Prince Francis Joseph of Bat-
have assured Greece thct the Portd will not
be allowed to evade the conditions of the
armlatlce. '
niforlH t Solve ilii'I'roliltiu of ( lu
Origin of tinltiic.o. .
NEW YORK , Moy.(25.i-Dr ( Franz Boas
curator of the anthropological section of the
American Museum of Natural History , am
Dr. Livingston Fonand ftf Columbia unlver-
clty , left this afternoon /or the nort'iwest
where they w 111 make a etudy of the ethnol
ogy o ! the Indians of .the North Pacific
slope In llrltlbh Columbia. Harland A
Smith , who Is to work vvUh them , left n few
dayo ago. The throe scientists Intend to
complete a systematic study of North Amcrl
can Indians and other peoples of north
eastern Anla , with a view t tracing the
historical connection that-has long been one
of the theories of the origin of the American
Indians. Expeditions' will go out every
EUinincr for six years unBer the- auspices o"
the Museum of Natural History. Nex
year's work will bo among the Coreans am
the peoples of noithe < Mtrii A.ila. Morris
K Jeesiip , president' pf the museum , has
provided the funds vv'lthlwhlch tbe expedl
tlon will bo equipped. !
I II I I'll HO llllTt'Ht.jH ( > M'llllirNlOll III till
limit-mum ? uiKMiiiiMT.
PRICE. Utah. May 25-4-Intense Interest I
manifested not only throughout Utah , but Ii
Colorado and nunieroustothcr western am'
mtdillo states concfcrulug the contemplate *
opening for Hfcttlcmentj under the Unite :
States land lavs of fhoUocompahgro Ulo
Indian reservation In Utsji.Thc future of th
conclusive action of congress now pending a
Washington Is being pagtrly watched by In
coinlrg settlors. Many inquiries by mall at
received here dally for Information concern
Ing both the agricultural "null mineral land
said to be In abundance on the reservation
The commanding officer at Fort Duchcsue
distant nlnetvfive milca from Prlco by
stage , lias charga of the reservation , am
also upwards of 1M)0 ) JixlUus , who rucelv
their rations from the government throug !
Fort Duchesne agenqy.
Up Trlinl | ItflnlloiiN.
TAHLEQUAH. I. T. . May 25 The Dawe
and Cherokee commlrglona , which have bee
negotiating at this place for the past tw
weeks , went Into executive session today t
form an agreement which will abolish trlba
government. Kull blood Cberokcen are oj
posed to any change In tribal affajm. but ar
greatly In the minority The full whit
adopted citizens ind balf-bc eV < favor
change , which It 'a likely will be tbo reaul
cf the conference. Tains Blxby , the newl
appointed member of the Daw ex commission
la here and has commenced a study of th
Indian U U believed an agreement wl
be formed in about a week.
aso in the General Fund Warrant Called
Before Judge Baker.
Vttnck tl\f VnllilK } of ilio Pri-llin-
liiur } llrnrliiK mill I'lml
lu the TI-II iiot-rl p t
NluuThU MoruliiK
TMc proceedings In the case of Joseph S
inrtlcy , the ex state treasurer , charged with
ho embezzlement of about $200,000 In slate
umls , enmu up bcforo Judge linker of the
rlmlnnl branch of the district court ycstcr-
ay aftcri oon.
Hartley was In court nnd was represented
jy T. J. Mahoncy nnd C. 0. Wliedon of
Incoln. Tno state's Interests were In the
anils of Attorney General C. J. Smyth ntul
County Atlortey Baldilge.
The proceedings constituted an argument
f the motion lo quash , filed by Hartley's nt-
erne > s The motion was based on the ground
lint the police court had no Jurisdiction nnd
hnt Hartley had not had a preliminary ex.-
mlnntlon nor had ho waived the Fame , nnd
lao on the ground that n similar piocecd-
ng , based on the charge of embezzling Iho
nine funds cohered bv the complaint In the
aso at bar , were pending In the I-.ancas.ter
ounty court at the time the proceedings In
hla county were coinnicnccd.
The leading argument for Hartley wan
nade by Mr Mnhone > . Ho offered In cvl-
cnco n certified copy of the proceedings In
ho courts of Lancaster county , showing the
) cndcncy of a similar action In that court ,
vhlch wns commenced April 19 , nnd Dartlej
jotiml over to the district court April 20 ,
ho day lieforo the proceedings In this
ounty wen. commenced
Mr. Mahoney read the warrant Ihsucd bj
ho police judge of this city , calling atton-
lon to the fact that It wns directed to the
hciiff , which he claimed was not within
ho powers of the police judge. IIo also read
bo transcript of the proceedings In the
'police court " and claimed that the statutes
lo not confer upon the "police court" any
nrlsdlctlon to hold preliminary cxninlnu-
lens nnd bind prisoners over to n higher
ionrt lie nrgued that all authority In such
matters is conferred by the statutes ) upon
he "police judge , " and on these statements
10 based his claim that the defendant had
lot had a piellmlnary examination and wns
lot , therefore , legally bcforo the district
court for trial.
The argument for the state was made by
bounty Attorney Haldrigo , who quoted au-
hoiitio' ! In oi position to those icfoired to by
ilr. Mahonej. The county attorney con-
: undcd that it was Immaterial whether the
name "S , I. Gordon , " signed to the tran
script , was follow od liy the words "police
udgo" or "judge of the police court , " as the
: ourt would take Judicial knowledge of the
fact that Gordon Is a police judge Ho took
up seriatim the other points raited by Mr.
Mjhoncy nnd nrgued against them.
Attorney General Smjth also argued
against the motion to quash. Ho contended
hat the points referred to by the attorncjs
or the defendant should have been rnlsed by
i plea In abatement and not In the shape of
a motion to quash.
Following this attorney general Mr. MaHoney -
- Honeydiscussed ttc ) transcript of the pro
ceedings In the- police court. Ho attacked
the record. as show n by tbe transcript ,
claiming that the finding of the oourt was
defective in that It did not show that the
court found that a crime had been com
mitted within the jurisdiction of the court
and that there was probable cause for be
lieving that the defendant had committed
the crime
The closing argument was made by Mr.
Whedon , who discussed the alleged defect
In the warrant , claiming that It did not show
the crime with which the defendant was
charged. He read from the wairant to show
that it simply charged "embezzlement" nni
Iio claimed that the statutes require that
the warrant must state the specific charge
He contended that Hartley had not been ar
rested In the manner provided by law and
had not had a legal preliminary hearing.
Judge Baker announced that lie would take
the matter under advisement until 9 o'clock
this morning. Heforo making this announce
ment the judge paid the questions raised were
serious oncu and he dcslicd to consider then
well before deciding upon them. Ho severely
criticised tbe papers sent up from the police
court , pronouncing them the most abaun
examples of bungling
( lilCHtlnil Ii-Knll < > of Action Tulcoii
Con ii < y CiiiniiilNMtiiiK-rH.
LE\D , S. D , May 25. ( Special ) At a
recent meeting of the county commissioners
of Lawrence county the county treasurer
was Instructed to sell the delinquent tax
list for the years prior and for 1893 at the
face value of the lax certificates. The legal
ity of the action la being severely qucstloncv
and no doubt will result In a good many
cases o ! litigation In the future. Iho trcas
urcr hns nlrcady disposed of about $25,001
worth of taxes , and people all over the
county are being notified by the purchasers
to pay up or clao a tax deed will bo fee
cured. If redemption It , made the Interco
goes to the assignee as profit , which in som <
cases will bo as high as 43 per cent. Prop
crty owners In Lead ha-ro for n number o
years been negligent In the payment of theli
taxes because of an uncertainty In Iheli
Motlioillxt MlNNlonnrj Mi
VEIIMILLION. S. I ) . , May 25 ( Special )
The Methodist Episcopal Woman'u Forc'lgi
Missionary society of the Sioux Kails dls
trlet will meet at Vermllllon May 25 and 20
The olllcers are- Mrs II. A. Stout , president
Mrs. II , II. Hager , corresponding secretary
Kilo Murphy , recording secretary ; Ll/zl
Hclfenbark , treasurer. The prominent fea
tures will bo an "Open I'aillament" for did
eusslnn of missionary subjects , model mis
slonary meeting and an address by Confer
ence Secretary Mrs Louise I' . Hauser.
stnrt tip an Iillc MIJI.
CHAMBERLAIN. S , n . May 25 ( Special.
The roller mill at Castalla , which ha
not been running foi some tlmo , was ro
ccnlly purchased by J. II. Wolf of Klmbnl
and has now commenced running agali
A contract has just been entered into wit
II M. Miles an aitcslan well contractor
for the { .Inking of an ai teuton well , which I
designed to f'rnlsh power for running th
mill The well must bo completed wlthli
tlirco months.
A K for n New Mull Itniilo ,
CIIAMBERLUN. S D , May 25 ( Special
The I'ostofllco department will bo asked t
establish a mall route between Oacoma , op
poslto hero , and Bonestcel , Gregory county
It Is probable that the application will b
granted , as Gregory county , which lies o
Ihe southern boundary of the state. Is quit
thickly settled , and at present receives ma !
by means of stage lines from Nebraek
tow DB
Martlnir nNon' t/rriiiuery ,
CHAMBERLAIN , s n. . May 25 ( Special
The machinery for the new creamery a
I'latt , Charles Mix county , will bo receive
this week and will Immediately bo placed I
poiltlon There are now considerably ovi1
100 creameries In the state and about twent
new ones are contemplated for this season
Knur llorHCH Aru Stolen ,
I'JKRKB , S 1) . May 25. ( Special Telo
grain ) Four horses belonging to dlfferen
persons In this , city wore rtoleu last nlghl
i-9 far no trace of the thieves has been dls
IIJMIV i. vnot'ciir.nn ' mritrrs. .
Vltliitrnun I nroiiilltlniutll )
litMiuli * V mil iit Iliirrlx.
NEW YOIIK , May 25 llcnry Labouchoro
as withdrew n the allegations he had made
n a speech In the House of Commons nnd
n articles In Truth fee 1'nrls Gnulols
ctkcthiR upon Ir HulK Vd Harris. Capr-
Mwn serretary of thogj Hi Charted South
Urlcnn company In frlvWlltl'r nt alleged
: ccK jobbing In connct J C"1 the Jameson
aid of December IS ! "
In n letter which XH K < 1 to the parlln-
icntniy commit tie j p WlO' today , Mr.
.abouchero said tlmt3bBitgnlloii8 | he had
nndc were based uj | = jf flH authority of n
orson presumed to IjjfcWeisaiit with the
nrtR with the pre\9 | = flsurnnco of Hint
icrson that he was rpjjBMf testify to their
cranltj , but that tlj-jHBon had objected
o testifying In v Ij BthrRc vfncts Mr
.abouehoie wrote , h < WNHreu In the- moil
imiunltrtc'd mnniirt the nllcgntloni made
gainst Dr Harris nnd npologl/ed for
unking the statement In the House of Com-
iions of which lr Harris oomplnlncd. Fur-
hcr. Mr. l.abouchcro said ho treated the
\ldnieo whlrh wns not loithcomlng us
olng nonexistent , nnd he accepted Dr. Hnr-
Is' denial There had been a hasty selling
f theChnrtorc'd company's securities be-
ore the Trnns\nnl rnld but thcio wns not
lithe of o\ldonce to show that Dr. Harris
nd been concerned In nny such selling.
Ml s Florn Shnw , the rolonlnl editor of
IIP Times , testified that Ihe cnblo mcssngos
\hlch passed between hertclf and Cecil
( hodcs were unlinportnnt , nnd she nh-
olvcd the colonlnl office from nny conner-
Inn with the \lcws expressed In her nr-
Irks published In the Times
tliollo Clri'loH In niiKlimil f > onmliil-
Iroil b > u lUMiuirKiililo MnrrliiR ; * * .
Copy right 1W , by 1'rtcn J'libllshlnir ronipnnv )
LONDON , Mny 25. ( New York World
'ablrgram Special Telegram ) Catholic dr
ies hero arc greatly excited over the remark
able marriage which took place yesterday
jf E. de Ilcaumonl Klein , a former Jesuit
irleat , with lion Kathhcn 0'IIagnn , eldest
laughter of the hto Lord O'Hagan , lord
ihanccllor of Ireland ,
A few yeaia ago Lady O'Hagan. mother or
ho girl now married , became assocHtcd In
Catholic rescue work with the then Father
Cleln. She In n Townely , the oldest Catholic
anilly In England , and cxerc'sed great In-
lucnco In Catholic alfalro Agalnit the wish
of Cardinal Vnughan she appointed Klein
chaplain to the convent started under her
auspices In Ilayswakr Shortly afterward U
\as announced tint Lady O'liigan nnd
IClcIn had become UnitutlaiB It Is believed
hat she Intended to mairy Klein herself
mt It npnears he piefcired the daughter
vho was as completely under his Influence no
was the mother. The latter accepted the
ncvliable and was present at the wedding
which took place in the Unitarian chapel
I'ortlind' ' Place.
Klein la 50 years old , fat , sleek and
mctuoiis , with long hair He Is an Alsatian
by birth Ho Is declared to bo the first
Jesuit who ever left the chuich. 'M'us '
3'IIagan Is Just 21 , tathcr good looking , ex
tremcly clever and accomplished , with a
argo fortune.
Object < < > ( lie lilies on I'lsli.
LONDO , May 25. Mr Curzon , the par-
lamcntary secretary for the foreign office
replying in the House of Commons today on
he subject , said that the Drltish ambaBEa-
lor nt Washington , Sir Julian 1'aimcefotc
would bo Instructed to make representa
tions to the United States government In re
gard to the proposed duty on salted mack
erel and other cured fish , as has already been
dOrjo-tYtrthiTfiUnJcct of certain otHeVfluT
to be Imposed by the new United States
I.llM-rillH AIlNCIlt rril IIIHOl % OH ,
MADRID , Jlay 25 The president of the
Chamber of Deputies , Senor IMdal , In the
name of the majority , has begged Senor
Sagosta , the liberal leader , to persuade the
liberal , ? to resume attendance upon the sit
tings of the Cortes. Senor Sagasta replied
that the question was between the govern
ment and the liberals and not between the
liberals and the majority. Consequently , the
Chamber of Deputies met today without
the liberal members
CiiliniiN Itcnil ) for Ilfllcf I'uiiilN.
HAVANA , Jlay 25 A rumoi was circulated
In Guanabacoa , near this city , yesterday
that General Fit ? : Hugh Leo , the Unltei
States consul goncMal was going to distribute
money to the poor. In consequence about 00 (
persons gathered together In anticipation o !
receding relief. They were advised by the
police that there was no truth In the rum err
and wcic ordeicd to disperse The eiowds
however , refused to obey and the police were
compelled to disperse them by force.
ClltlHCN Veil TllllHOll tl > Wl'C' | > .
HDRLIN , May 25 The examination o :
Herr Von Tausch , the former chief of the
secret political police , who Is charged will
four fold perjury and treason , wns contlnnec
todaj. Von Tausch wept during the course
of the proceedings.
mid Trolley Cur Collicli- .
KINGSTON , Jamaica. May 25.n engine
on the Jamaica railroad ran Into a trolley
car In a tunnel today killing three persons
and Injuring four others.
I'nnr Killed by I'l r < Morl.N. .
PARIS , May 25. During a display of fire
works nt Nantes last evening , four pel son
were killed and n score were injured by th
' xploslon of a bomb
OrOllH DlllllllHIMl , IllU ItllNHlllll TIllMlll
AlHO Klllfil.
HOWARD , S. D. , Muy 25. ( Special ) A
cold wave , earning the tcmpcratuiu down
to 2-1 and resulting lu a he ivy fios
last night , bwcjit over Dakota jestciday
Same damage was done to caily gardens an
corn was nipped off , but this was more thai
compensated foi by thu killing of million
of Russian thistles ,
Walter McKco , Jr , started this morning
for n 400-milo run on his wheel to hla ol
home In Independence. lu.
J. U. Adams , a pi eminent farmer nn
politlcul leadei of Miner county , died t > ud
denly In 'I'eiuicssce on Wednesday of las
week. Ills remains were burle-d from hi
home In Hra\er townMilp yesterday.
iii'Hrlr IKIH | ! lor I'ort Alciiili- ,
STURGIS , S. D , Miy 25. ( Special. ) Tin
govcFnnient has granted a contract lo tlu
clcctilc light conipauy of this rlty to wlr
Fort Mcade for clectrle lights There wll
bo a bavlng of $300 a > car over kerosene oil
A strong flght was made by the Standard 01
company to prevent the rlnnge being made
Iho fort w'll ' soon be unmcctc'd with Sturgl
by the electric ) ail ayi which Is being built
Ailnillx a trlinihltii roniiiiii | } .
PIERRD , S D. May 25 ( Special Tele
grain ) The state Insurance department ha
granted authority to transact business Ii
South Dakota to the Security Mutual Llf
Insurance company of Fremont , Neb
Will I'll if i a ii llurjfil la llii > ItuliiH.
CHICAGO , May 25 The body of Geoig
Murra , the watchman at Armour's Pepsi
factory , Is supposed to be buried In tbe ruin
caused by thu fire In the building last night
He la supposed to have bceu on the thin
floor when the explosion occurred , und t
have been carried down with the heavy ma
chlnery Hu has not been ueeu wluco th
KliM-trlcliuiM mi n SlrlUr.
MII-AVAUKKi : , .MayAbout tt elec
trlclanx ore on a strike becnuM contiactor
refuse to grant their demand of 31U eent
as the minimum wuge scale pir hour , elgh
liourw to coiiKtltule a OIO'H work for jour
nevinen The contractora Imve rubmllte-
a contrfict railing for a mlnlinuin nealu o
i'i centn per hour They uHo Included
clause tpedfyliiK ( hut upprentlceh must l >
over 10 iPura of age und nerve ll > f > earsr
The ceclrlclanti ! are oppobcd to the ujiprei
llctHhlu tcule.
ugar Trnst Mftgnato Oallctl Before the
Court nt Wn'liington.
lacked Up Ijy nn Imposing Army of
Lcgnl Tnlont.
ludenvor to Show that Question Wcs a
Poraonnl Ono ,
: ivrrtou It. Cliiiiininii IN lroNi'iit IK u
WllncHM , but IN Not Culled I'lioll '
to 'I'eHllfj Viimj speoa-
torN Altoiul.
WASHINGTON' . Mny 25 The trial of
hoodoro O. Httvcme > cr , president of the
vmorlcan Sugar llcflnliiK 'company , for re
using lo answer a question propounded by a
upir InvestIgatltiu committee In the pprlng
f 1S9I , began before Jtldgo Hradley today ,
'heio was a large crovd In aUend.incc , No
rouble was experienced In Hecurlng n Jury ,
nlj three peremptory challengeH beltiR madu
y the defense and none by the prosccu-
loli. District Attorney Davis conducted the
aso for the government and Nathaniel \VI1-
on , John O. Johnson of Philadelphia nnd
ohn 12 Parsons of Now Yorlt appeared for
ho defense.
Klvcrton H. Chapman , the New York sugar
roker , v\ho Is serving a thlity-dija' een-
enco In the district Jail for the offense of
vhlch Havcmejcr Is helm ; tried , VVOH present
s a vvltne H , but did not testify todiy. The
iltiUKKtti today were the fllo clerk of the
ouate , the committee's stenogiaphei and
Scnatorn Gray , Lodge , Uavls and Lindsay ,
vhoero on the lnvc'Etliatliig committee
The line of dcfci no as dlschned today Is
hat the question asked , which looked to the
iioductlon of dita as to ( lie political cou-
rlbu'ions of the sugar company to state and
ocal elections was not peitlnent to the In-
lulty. This was shown l ) > the repeated de-
clopmrnt of the fact that Mr Hnvemejcr
inswcicd the question as to the national
ampalcn , and as to the election of United
Stated senatorH before the loKlslatnrps Tills
Ino of dcfciif.0 wau anticipated somewhat
jy thi district attornej Consideinblo strem
vns ul&o placed on the attempt of the de-
PIIBU to show that Allen's question ( which
Mr Havcmcjcr declined to answer ) was an
nillvldual not a committee question , but
ho testimony today went to prove that they
query was propounded by the direction of
ho committee.
S , -oo IlrcnkH nt r.l IMiHii , Tt-x. , Hint
Wnlcr ItiiNlii-N 'I'liroiuvli Sro 't .
AlI-LTrgrtpx 'May i5 A special to the
News from El Paso , Tex , says :
At 1 o'clock thU morning the flrc alarm
aroused the people In the lower part of the
city. The levee had broken and the flood
waters of the Illo Grande were rurhliiR
through the city. The levee that broke woj
on the banla of the canal on Stanton street.
The river had reached Its highest point
olnco 1S91. In a few mlnutM 11 latgo force
of men were at work tr > lng lo check the
mining waters with Hacks filled with rand ,
jut a second break above backed up the
water on the workmen and they had to re-
The Texas & Pacific railway otnclals , ro-
Ulzlng that hundreds of families were- being :
Hooded from their homes , backed In a largo
number ot cmptj freight cai.-j for the accom
modation of the homekflo. Not leei than 120
liouseo were swept away and tonight several
liu ml red men re at work on a new levee.
They have thrown up an embankment on
Third street In an endeavor to check the
advance of the flood , which 10 tunning over
one of the International Street railway
bridges The splash of the walla of falling
houses Is mingled with the ciles of af-
frlghteJ women nnd children who arc driven
from their homes. I'eopls residing In the
lower part of the city arc leaving their homca
und moving to the foothills of Mount
Several hundred families are now housed
In f i eight cars standing In the cea of viator.
Should the Improvised levee on Stanton
street Ineuk tonight the water will flood the
business portion of the city. The ringing
of the flro belt this morning saved tbo
llvco of man ) people who wcio asleep , Ig
norant of their danger.
IiNViit : , Cole , Muy 2H A special to the
Republican from Santa To , N M , saja
Itlo Giaink flood wateis have Inundated a
part of the town of Hocorro , Including the
Atchlfon , Topeka & Sinta IV railroad yards ,
and t-coicti of faring and orchards uio under
water fiom two to three feet , 'I ho damage
will amount to thousands of dnllara to the
fruit trees and crops Many fcttlcrs have
been dilven from their homes and scarcely
hope now to cave even their flue orchards ,
FH It Is raining along the volley agnln to
night and evctjthlng points to a continuance
of the Roods foi weeks to cime The AtchIson -
Ison , Topeka & Santa 1'V company luui a
largo force working dav and night to protect
Ita tracks.
_ _
l < iuiKHlioroiiiiiii'N TiiiUoiuil I nlon.
Ni\V YORK , May 21 Thn American
'Lotib'Phoroman'H union remaned UH Hi ? ! con
vention today It was decided to recommend
that n badge bo leaned to rnoinbom to dH- |
tliigulHh them from non-unl IIH , po an te >
save gang foremen tiouble In choosing their
laborers. There wan received a cabk'Kiain
of gu-etlng Irom the Natlona Union of Uoclc
LiboroiH , Hlgnc'd by Its pruildent , ItlchaiU
Mudhc.0 M. I' .
l ) > nainllr'OIINI | | i'u < - > - TrlnlH.
Hl/OO.MSIiUIta , Pa , May SI The dyna
mite conspiracy trial Involving Uuyil H.
WlntcrHtcIn , a prominent buslnpRs man ami
lawyer of thlv count ) , and ( . 'llflon KII rr bo-
K.m In the county court her" toilnj The
llr t cafe , charging WiiiterHUln with Intrnt
to commit murder by exploding a djnamlto
bomb , was the flrni out- called for Ufa ) .
Knorr nlended "sudtj" und Wlntci&teln
" . "
"not guilty.
ratal KlKhl AIIIOIIK : llooi
MIDOIJJSHOItorfiH. Ky , May 2JTho
IIcltfeldtB and Cnwnnr , rival moon hlno fne-
tloiiH , plying their biwInoHs In the I'oonu-
vllle rldgo mountain , Hancock county ,
Tennessee , met nt a sliiKliiK at Coal llrnneti
Fchool house ) e.ttcrdity A light which lun't'l
for an hour resulted Jnm > "i lleltfeldt wau
killed and Tom Cuvvnn wan mortally
wounded. No ni rests were made.
.Sixteen I'lNlu'rini-ii I. out.
noSTON , May 25. A dispatch was received
he-re this afternoon from I'rovlncetown , an
nouncing the in rival therr of the Province-
town llshlng Hchooner Joseph It. JohnHton
with the IOBS of xlxteen of Its crew The
Kchormcr hud been Unitingon thu western
banks nnd It la supposed the men went
astray In clorlea , No further particulars have
be-cn recelvc-d
SIMc-r < ioe Out.
Ninv YORK , May 2i. The atenmshlp St.
Paul will tuko out tomorrow 000,000 ounce-a
of silver.
oiiifiilo of Out-mi Vriciii-lN , Slay il.1.
At Now York Arrived Wcxtcrnland , from
At Oue-enstown Arrived Teutonic , front
New Yrrk for Liverpool , and procetdtd , A