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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1897)
FHE OMAHAT DAILY BEE ESTABLISHED JlJiNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , MONDAY , MAY 24 , 1897. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. WILL TREAT DIRECT Eurkey and Greece'to Fix Up Their Differences Themselves. EDHEM PASHA TELLS THE GREEK OFFICERS Enys He is Empowered to Do Business with Them , WANTS A GREEK PLENIPOTENTIARY NAMED Armistica to Bo Prolonged Till Peace is Finally Determined , ANOTHER COLLECTIVE NOTE TO THE PORTE Pint * fH Iiixlrtu't Tlielr AmbnMsiulorN TliHr llrpreneitlltl\ to Art OH , III .Ni-Kotlntlnw tliu TIM-IUH \ , ot 1'eulM' . , ' 'ATHENS , May 23. It Is reported here Bcml-olnclally that Edhem Pasha , commander of the Turkish army In Tbwsaly , has In formed the Greek officers , who , In conjunction orOccni , nre arranging the , -wlth the Turkish neutral zone , that he Is empowered to ne- ot with Greece direct. Kotlato the terms peace Later H Is again scml-ofllulally asserted that Edhcm Patha. the Turkish commauder- In-chlcf , has repeated bis ytatcment that peace may be negotiated with him , and Is now pressing for the apolntment of a Greek plenipotentiary to conduct the settlement ot ti HIM. M. Dellgorgls , a former foreign minister , has been elected president of the Cretan cential committee. General Smolenskl has Bdiit telegrams to the Athenian newspapers denying that he ordered a retreat except In accordance with the commands of Crown Trlnce Constantine , ami adding : "I earn- oily beg yon not to publish Inaccurate state- incuts calculated to create dissensions In the nrny " He also denies that any guns fell Into the hands of the enemy during the re- tuats from Revcnl and Velcstmo. Thu Bertbet column ( Italian ) Insisted on coming here , several of the volunteers refus ing to return to Italy on the ground thai they are llabld to arrest as desertera. inc government has decided that ths column and will must return to Italian territory undertake to brard and lodge only those liable to arrest. PROLONG THE ARMISTICE. Ferdinand of Bulgaria PARIS May 23. Prince with M toJay garia , had n long conference It I : affairs Hnnolaiit , minister of foreign understood that the Greco-Turkish will be prolonged If , at Its expiration tin peace negotiations should not be finished. LONDON. May 23.-Tho Athens corre to tb < Tlmw : Owing Bpondent of the says disquietude caured by the presence In thi bodies of volunteers the go\ < -ltv ot laire crnVent h s hastily recalled the force o gendarmes sent to Arta and will Make meat , lies to the a dangerous iiris to ile | > ort these vaHoiw countries at the earliest powlbV kos of the volunteers making up tb and the gov Borthet column are anarrhists. to a rofuslng ormnent has done wisely in low them to come here , although they In . The government sen Blstcd on the privilege. them from Arta to Zavarda. and there dla armed them , with orders to leave for Italy i Greek vessela. Thereupon they began t Indulge In nil sorts ot excesses and got Int. conlllct with the Inhabitants , with the resul that one Italian was killed and six wer seriously wounded. Finally , after n grea deal of trouble , they were sent to Brlndls Greek men-of-war. under the escort of two The correspondent of the Tlmce at Con fitantlnoplo says : The powers have Instructed their am habsadora to act aa their representatives 1 mediating between Turkey and Greece. collective note will be banded to the port forthwith. Palace elides now realize tha reat maladresso has been displayed on th Turkish side. INDEMNITY REDUCED. LONDON , May 24. The correspondent c the Standard at Constantinople says : Tin ) peace negotiations continue. It Is as carted that the amount of indemnity will b reduced to 8,000.000 llree. 2.000.000 to b paid In cash to Turkey and 0,000,000 to b accepted by Russia as part payment of th Indemnity owed her by Turkey. It Is sal that after the suspension of hostilities , th Greeks , under pretense of washing thel linen , crossed the bridge over the Arta an were attael-ed by the Turkish commanden who drove them back after heavy fightln lor ten hours , The Athens coienspondent of the Standar , , The govori inent and people are now enl anxious for the disarming of the Irregulai end they confidently rely upon Genen Smolcnnkl to do lhl as soon as the coi dltloiis of peace have been agreed upoi Tbo Gieck army Is paralyzed and news comi ( from Salonlca of the dispatch ot large Turl Ish reinforcements to Thessily. At Larlssa , Trlkkala and Karilltza tli Turks hdzed corn valued at l.OOO.OC drachmas , Great Indignation Is displayed at the stor that Clement Harris was killed with tl butt ot a rlllo becau o bo was unable I walk , _ ITALIANS MKIIISI3 Jt.u Cliiirneter of tln .Men Who Trie to AMNN | | ( Jreeee. LONDON , May 24. Tlio correspondent i the Dally Telegraph In Eplrus gives a te rtblo picture nt tlio excesses ot the Itallai Avhlle traveling from Arta to Zavcrda. Ho says : "They stole brandy and dnu : It like water. Armed only with revolve nnd bayonets 'by the time they reache Hitvcrdt , they weio quarrelling fierce ly amot themselves , Thu villagers , thorough alarmed , gathered In ri'.iillnesa to fight tl . Italian ) . , and the situation became ttrloti fV A Greek trlel to pacify a Garlbaldan , 1 AV.IS nbou * to dash his brains out with stonu , vvbereupun an Italian fired at iwni'tided the ( Itrlhulilan. Instantly the cry was raised : "A Grec lies been killed , " nnd the villagers bega to 11 ro ( heir rllli's. The melee became get eral , but tlio Italians displayed 11 Hag i truce , i ml the cinbarkutloti was effecte thoUKh with gre4C dllllcult ) . Several Italia olllccrs told mo they did not expect to reai luii'l ' alive , as llielr rulIUnly soltlleis wou turcly kill them. M-51'TltAI. 70X13 IS AflllliRI ) O : rVVIll lie iinlit : Iliiiulreil > leter Wli mill Inelliile All I'IIKNTK hut One. ATHENS , May 23. The otllcers appolnti < o llx the neutral tone on the frontier Iiu' completed their work , It announced tb bath armlee are to fall back and leav ? neutral zone SOO meters In width. All the ( mates are Included In this zone , exce I'bourtKu. which -the Turks hold . Million Attempt * Slllelile , LONOON , May 24 , According to a dlfputi to the Pally Graphic from Corfu , It Is t ported tiu'ro that Colonel Manas attempt pulcldo while In Jail , Ho has been tet Intiiilcuffed , with his entire t > taff , to Athr ior trial by court martial. SfllilH Allillllllllln lluiue. LAIUSSA , May 23 Kdlitm Pasha , t Turkish commandoi. bag JUbauded and re o ( heir homej uiu t ut tbu Albanians In L army. 1 SI'AXISII 10VI2UXMiXT IX A FIX. Hani to ( ict n Ministry to Look After MADRID , May 23. The position ot tbo cabinet U the theme of most anxious dls- cuKfllon on all sides. Some of the government organs think the ministry should meet the Cortes tomorrow , endeavor to secure the adoption of such bills as are pressing and then suspend the session ns soon aa possible. Others think a ihange of policy expedient and , In fact , Inevitable. All admit this dif ficulty of appointing n ministry to carry on tha business of the country. The cabinet sal In council this evening until S o'clock and It waa decided to appear before the Cortes tomorrow and give explana tion * of the Tetuan-Comas Incident of Fri day , tvcn If the liberals should alisent them- delves. A special committee of the Cham ber of Deputies will be Instructed to consider the budget bill. LONDON , May 24. The Standard's corre spondent at Madrid says : In the conference held on Saturday between the president ot the stnale , the premier anu Senor Saganta with reference to the Tctuan- COnias Incident the president eaid he would not be Justified In Interfering , as * the affair had not occurred In the Senate chamber , but In the lobby. The premier declared that the opposition ought to bo satisfied If the duke ot Tcttlnn announced In the Senate chamber that he never Intended to slighter or give offense to the liberal minority. He added that the government could not dis pense with the duke of Tetuan's services en minister of foreign affaire , because he alone was acquainted with and able to conduct Important and delicate pending negotiations with foreign governments ( meaning Amer ica. ) Senor Segasta promised to give his fol lowers , conciliatory advice , but said be must be governed by their dec'fllon. ' Accordingly he summoned a meeting of the liberals , who were In no conciliatory temper. However , after a prolonged discussion they gave a vote of confidence to Senor Sagasta , with lustrucllons to settle the conlllct on UK understanding thai they would not cntet lie Coites until the government had llvcr lioin such satisfaction as Senor Segastr Icemetl proper. The dissenting conservatives declared thai liey would follow the decision of the lib' rale , and therefore ministerialists only have ecu present In Parliament since Friday 'he premier , on receiving the reply of Senoi Sagasta , went to the place to Inform tin , uoen regent , who summoned ft counacl o nlnisters. The crls's has withdrawn popular attcn entlon from the attitude of the United State ; enate , which a majority of the newspaper : and the ministers affect to consider wllhou mportance as bearing on the Immediate re atlons of the two countries. LONDON , May 23. The Madrid corrc pondcnt of the Times s > ays : Seldom In thi ilstory of the Cortes has an event createi nich a sensation as the Tetnan-Comas In cldent. It Is difficult to conceive how a stall nd experienced statesman like the duk < of Tettian could have so completely lost hi self-control on so blight a provocation. I s believed that Senor Sagasta Is willing t < lo all ho consistently can to minimize th lldlcultles of the situation , but It seenii mpcesible that the duke of Tetuan shouli retain his portfolio. ELECTION IIIOT IN IHrNOAIW Fourteen Kllleil mill Thirty WoniHlei l > y ( he .Military. AGRAM , Hungary , May 23. The electlom 'or the Croatian and Slavonian Provincta Diet took place today. Serious disturbance occurred In several towns. At Bosuyacz there was a terrible riot. The mllltar were ordered to fire upon the crowd , will the result that fourteen were killed am thirty wounded , Now DnnlHli Ministry. COPENHAGEN , Hay 23. King Chrlstla iai accepted the resignation of the Throt ministry , which was tendered on the lOtl The cablnel has been reconslructed with th following assignments of portfolios : Hot lloerring , premier and minister of finance Vice Admiral Rayn , minister ot marine an ad Interim minister of foreign affairs ; Her A. Ilerrauo Buerdenlleth , minister ot the ir tcrlor ; Hcrr Alfred Hage , minister of agr culture ; Bishop St. Hyr , minister of edncs lion nnd public worship ; Colonel Puxen , mlr later of war ; Hcrr N. R. Rump , minister e Justice and for Icland. Herr Herring wo minister of Interior ami public works i the cabinet of Throtl , Herr Rump and Vic Admiral Rayn retain their former portfolio of Justice and marine , although Baron Throl was minister of foreign attain ; In his ow cablnel. Ailvlues from SutilU Amorlcn. LONDON , May 23.-A dispatch to tl Times from Buenos Ayres says : The sugar Industry Is threatened with severe crisis , owing to over-production. Tl : excess of available export for the currei year Is more than 100,000 tons. Telegran from the Brazilian frontier ot Uruguay so the rebels made a determined stand at Ri vera. The government troops tried to ea ] turo the to'vn , but were repulsed with BI vero loss. They are now waiting for ri Inforcenients , Hiillwny. MANAGUA , Nicaragua , May 23. For tl last three weeks Charles Smith , represen Ing a syndicate of English capitalists , hi bten quietly hut actively engaged In enlIs Ing the Intercut of willing officials In b half of a freight railway acrcws Nlcara i against the American Canal company's ' coi tract. For two months prior to coming hci ho wns In Costa Rica promoting the san project. OntlireiiUHKiiliiNt AriueitliiiiM. . LONDON. May 2L A dispatch to tl Dally Telegraph from Constantinople ta ; that serious outbreaks against the A : inenlans have occurred near Van and i Inebolo , a scaporl of Asia Minor. The Hii ; Man consul at Inebolo has telegraphed to tl government to cend a war ship. Colonel SlnlUox I , out ex Crete. CANEA , Island of Crete , May 23. Colani Stalkos , with the last detachment of tl Greek expeditionary forces , embarked f ( Greece today. _ _ of 1'rlenilM. NEW YORK. Mny 2.-Tho ! 203d Bssslo of the Now York yearly meeting of the Si clety of FrtcndB waa continued In the mec Ing house on Stuyvesant- square throughot the day. From morning 10 night the di : devoted to public \\orehlp. There wi n prayer meeting In the morning , where number of peivoiiH Interested In the soclcl delivered niltlresst > , and In the nfternoc there- was u school meeting , at which U xchoul children attended , followed by meeting for worship , which WIIH Inrnely n tL'iidoil , Meetings weto nlso held in Hrool lyn. In the evi-nlne there was n meeting i the YOUIIK Ft lends' association , nt whli Mnry A. Nichols rend n p.iper , entitle "Are Friends Clear of MuteilallMii ? " HI ( ( intention wns Unit oven among- those wl believe In tlio principle of truth and t ) divinity of C'nilbt inuloi lullsm was maklr Inroads. to Coiixnllilntt' . KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Mny 23. Hy nn n rniiKement Jusl completed , the Nation Hank of Commerce of this city will ahnoi the hunhifFs of the .Metropolitan Nation bank , having decided to buy the deposits < the latter institution outrlpnt. Hoili ban' nre ninong the oldest established and bi cost conceins In the city. From UK Hint iiient , tendered Jlay ll , the Metropolis showed iIcpoHTth of } 2OtOKi.i ( ; loans and ill counts , Sl.'lSM.i ; cash anil vldht cxchang JS55.4M ; total rcpouroea , $2.G23Ofil , The Mat imnt of the Dank of Commerci1 , Issued tlui same date , showed depot-ltM of PJ.-tU'C. lor us and cil-c unth. )4.M . & 7 ; ca h und f ! u excliuuse. jL'.CST.liS ; totnl IOPOUICVS , JT.il1- 527. _ Mnrllnvlll nt Alliiiiy. ALBANY. N. Y , , Mny M.Mer Marti will HIIS , thu pilnelpal finest o ! honor nt tl celebration livtu lodny of tlie llftteth unr vrrnary of thp cat.ilillahmenl ot the Cath llo Oloccise of Albany I' mass , eilrbrntrd the nri-hblhhoo preuld UK Tin \ re pontllli-al vp pern thl.s exenlns T inurrow a ri-cvptlon will bo tendered to tl papal delegate. IUSTLINC FOR THE FUNDS aptists Are Busy Trying to Komovo Their Indebtedness. NDEAVOR TO CATCH THE ELUSIVE D3LLAS Committee lit Clinrno of ( lie Mutter Mccllth ( Jriitlfj'ltiK SUCCCHB of the 1'rvH- terliuiK. riTTSlUJHO , Pa. , May 23. The Baptist ilnlstcrs attending the adversaries filled 10 different pulpits In the city today and large number of special meetings were held , ho regular program of the Baptist missions aa carried out In full , and consisted of nornlng , afternoon nnd evening religious ervlccs conducted , respectively , by President Icnry G. Western , LL. D. , President An- uatug 11. Strong LL. IX , and Rev. Arm- Iron g , D. D. Rev. H. C. Mable , D. D. , of Ilcoton and lev. R. L. Morehouse , D. D. , Brooklyn , N. ' . , secretaries of the American Baptist Mis- lonary union and the Baptist Homo Mlrt- lonary society , respectively , announce that ; 200,000 has been secured In cash and pledges or the payment of the debts of these so- Ictles , leaving $31,000 yet to be secured , 'ho interest In this great effort has extended rom the Atlantic to the Pacific. The re- ult of the society's appeal to churches and ndlvldualy for an Immediate and final rally o raise the remainder before June 15 , an- ounclng the condition of John D. llocker- eller of $250,000 to meet the balance of the cbt , The latest contribution waa received oday by telegraphic order. It was $1,000 alscd by the Second Baptist church of St. .011 ! e. SL'MIAY WITH 1MIUSIIYTI3UIAXS. Member * of the ( ieiiernlNHembl.v . 1'HHN thf Tlnurrollllllily. . EAOLE LAKE , Ind. . May 23. Though the jenprpl assembly has not been In session oday , it has not been a tlmo of Idleness. Many ministers have preached In nelghbor- ng towns. But most of the commissioners and visitors have remained here. Consequently quently the meetings held In the large auditorium have been vary fully attended. Three sets of meetings have occupied the day. In the morning Di. James A. Worden , superintendent ot the Board ot Sunday School Workers , taught the Sabbath school : eason. It was upon the first council al Jerusalem and was made to teach the author- ty of the general assembly. The second session consisted of a missionary acldrcra upon Alaska by the moderator , Dr. Sheldon Jackson. The first hour of the afternoon was de voted to the Interests of the American Sab- sath union. Addresses were made by Dr. I W. Hathaway , Hon. Samuel B. Hur , Phila delphia ; Hon. William Lannlng , Trenton N. J. ; Mrs. Darwin M. James , Brooklyn president ot the Woman a National Sabbatl alliance , and Elder James Yerance , New York , manager of the union. The follow ing hour was devoted to the women's cxecu tlvo comnvittce on home missions. Rev. John Wall of Emporla. was presentee and an address waa delivered by Rev. Johr Eton of Utah. Among other things ho sale that the Idea that polygamy was dying oui waa a mistake. Several ot'ier commissioner ! ppoke , the final address being delivered b : Dr. Sbeldon Jackson , who again spoke of UK hardship caused by the failure of th < churches to provide for the continuance ol the. work In the school at Sltka. In the evening Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman pastor of Bethany church , Philadelphia preached on the "Holy Spirit. " The cxer clses of the day were closed In the intcres ot mlwlons , home and foreigntho speakers being Revs. Drown , Dubuque ; Samuel Mot faltt , Korea ; Henry C. Vanderbeet , Newark N. J. < During ! the day the matter of the Prtsby terlan building In New York has been dls cunscd in private conversation and the gen eral Impression is that the general assembl ; will not order Its Bale. > MUI.TUB CBXTUIIY MAIIU AiHi-rlcai ! Tract Society Ci'li'lirntt * ItH Seventy-Second Anniversary. NEW YORK , May 23. The seventy-secom anniversary of the establishment of tin American Tract society was celebrated toda ; with religious exercises In the Broadwa ; tabernacle. Various organizations con nected with the churches conducted eeparati exercises during the day. A report was reai In the evening by Rev. G. L. Shearer , show Ing the work ot the society for the year The report deals largely with the effects o the "Increased financial stringency ot th year , " which it Is said led to ocrutlnlzlni revision of tlio modes ot work and varlou reforms In the Interest of economy. Th salaries of all employes have been cut down the caU of running depositories reduced the "depository" at Rochester has been , dls continued and the Issue of new publication has been greatly restricted. The report says that the mcst of all to b regretted has been the falling oft' of legacle for the year to the amount of over $10,00 as compared with the preceding year , an < then elates that notwithstanding the liar times the sales during the year have beei slightly larger than those of the pr'ci'dlni year and the trust fund has been Inc/eaaed It Is said that the rental of the new bulldln ; has occasioned disappointment. The ne\ prominent publications added to the scclety' list during the year are seventy-eight. Caw ! grants to foreign missions of ovangellca churches for the year show a total less tha $800 , During the year ISO colporteurs work ing In thirty-two states and territories niv Ontario and Manitoba , made 135,005 famll ; visits and found 9,050 Protestant faml'le ' without the bible. Five lloyM DriMviieil. CHICAGO , May 23. Five small boys wer drowndd In that portion of the south branc of the Chicago river known as Mud lak yesterday afternoon , while trying to crocs tli stream on an Improvised 'raft. ' There wor sis on board , but the Jad who. was the caus of the disaster from his baring started panic among his comparlons caved hlmsel by jumping Into the water before the cral bad drifted Into the deeper water. The dea are : FRANK CJUINN. 10 years. CHARLES COATES , JX years. JAMRS CQATKS , 8 ot tb preceding. CHARLES SVIC , 9 years. ALBERT SVIC , twin brother of the prt ceding , _ ll'nill llrltli .MeetK. INDIANAPOLIS , .May 23 , The nnnui meeting of district grand lodge , No. 2 , Ordt of IVnal Brlth began Its Bcsslon hoi Ibis morning. The district Is composed c Ohio , Indiana , Kentucky , Kansas , Mlssour Colorado and New Mexico , Korty-llv .odpes lire represented. The most Importai bu lnefB today was u movement Inaugurate by Habbl Levl of Cincinnati to relieve poi ulur prejudice against the JewUh race , upeclul committee will consider the subjee Slieeii l.eail to hliootlllK1. RAWLINS , Wyo. , May 23.-Bpecni. ! ) .luck Shaw of Hannn , was arrested yestt'i < ! uy , charged with attempting to kill Fran Hewett. Hewett bud killed one of Blmw tiheep , nnd Bhnw shot ut Hewett three Unit with n rllle , fortunately missing him. Shu WUB given a preliminary henrlng. ut whlc tic pleaded Kullty to the chnrge of shootln with Intent to kill , nnd was held to the ell 'rlc-t court for trial , l-'lml Triiln Slncr ( lie Overllv. . ORKKNVILLU. SlUs. . May 23-The fin train on the Ynzoa & MsBtb ! ! pi | Vullt rnllxvny slncv the overflow , arrived toda : Regular trulim bttwc .n Or-envllle mi Carey will commence running tomcrro\ The river ia falling , CIIASICI ) 1IY A SPAMSI OfMIOAT , : \lierlonrf of the Kti ; I lc l While OulHliiH : In Sontliern VntiTK. PHILADELPHIA , May 2J.J-A'ftcr ' belnp wlco chased by Spanish Rimbfiat's. and pass. ng through n perfect' btmni bf shot , wtilcli plashed In the \vfttcr ncrosej the vessel' * ow , the British fruUvptcmcij Ethelrcd or- Ived at this port tonight , atldr a five days' ' tin from Port Antortlb , Jamaica , Whem the Ethclreil Jcft1 hrr'e May 12 , ll as the Intention of CApUIn John D. Harl o accompany her , but he was irrostcd as lit as about to step on the gang plank to ge board. As It was bin Invalid slaughter wai passenger. H Is supposed that the agcntt f the Spanish government In this city hail otlflsd the Spaniards In Cuba that Harl ould bo on the vetsel , hence the effort tc lold up the Ethelrcd In Cuban waters. The first brush with the Spanish crulsci ccurred oft Cape Malsl on , the trip down list after dusk on Sufulkif evening , May 10 gunboat without nny lights shot out froir nder the Malsl capes and , crowding on al team , steered directly for the fruit vessel \ftcr steaming for nn hoiir without galntiif : n Inch the gunboat turned 'a search llghi n the other vessel. All steam was crowdct n the Ethclred. which wa * beginning tc how the Spaniard a clean pair of heels vhcn a cloud of smoke "belched from th < miser's side and a second later a solid shout ut the water a halt mile ahead of her bows 'hen came a second ntn\ \ third shot , cacl carer than the others. Captain Israel kep in his course , and after another hour's chaai he Spaniard dropped from , the race. Tlio second chaw ; happened last Thursdaj iftcrnoon In almost the exact sp'ot In whlcl ho first attempt to hold the vceael occurred list as the Ethelred rounded Cape Malsl i Ig Spanish gunboat , of the newest type tarte.I out from undetv the cape and gavi hcso to the Ethelrcd. For two hours thi ihase was kept up , enlivened now and the : > y a solid shot throwing up a'sheot of whlti pray Just ahead of the > "mtl'ft vessel's bows t began to look ns If , the Spaniard mean o chase the Ethclred clear-to the Delawar. . apes , when another sjealnshlp was sighted ml the gunboat bhecrqcl off and gave vigor us chase to the newly discovered steTCmcr. cnxTtrcicY AXJU . VICTORIA DA\ Xaxlivlllc to "Welcome n Sinter Stnt < on tintiieun'H lllrtliiliiy. NASHVILLE , Tcnn. ; May 23. Yesterdaj losed a most successful week. Espcclallj vas the attendance lar e at night. Ofllcla igumi are not obtainable , but competcn udgca give the night attendance as tin arge.3t yet experienced , . Fully 20,000 peopl. . Islted the grounds ycsterday-and the week'i attendance foots up over 50,000. Tomorrow Is Kentuclty day } , the first state lay to be formally ohservbd. Governo Jradley , his staff nnd tt larga nnmbcr ot nt ending men and women will arrive tomor row. The Louisville Legion. GOOi strong , ar rived tonight and \vlll > erve > as an escort ti he governor , assisted by local military com mnlM. The arrangements and exercises an n charge of a committee representing tin ventucky State association of ! this city Yom all the Kentucky towns largo delega . .Ionswill attend. The exercises will begin a . : p. m , , when the train bringing the gov ernor arrives , and the procession will niaicl "immediately to the exposition grounds , wher lunch will be served and n general rcceptloi will bo held in the Woman's building. A 5:30 : o'clock the Kentucky building will b dedicated , Governor Bradley making th opening speech. Mis3 Yandell of Loulavlll will alngand Hon. E. JC'McDcrmott will dc Iver an address on" behalf , of the commlfe sloners. President J. ( 'W Vhomas will In troduce the speakers and Speaker Thompso of the senate , representing Governor Tayloi and other' distinguished citizens will dls speak , reprtsentlng'lhe-'Kontncky assoclatlo ! and the exposition management. The Louis vllle Legion will also give a full drcs parade. ' Tuesday will bo the first convocation of th State Federation of Women' clubs , nnd th sessions will continue two dajs. Wednesda will also bo Roman Catholic schools da and also Greek letter day. Art day will b observed Thursday , and the awards of th Jury on pictures will be announced. Tomoi row la also to be Victoria da In honor of th birthday of Queen Victoria , and in th Woman's building an admirable program wl bo carried out. t GOItnV MAY IS'SOAPIS GAM.OAVI Iiettcr IMiriiortliifi : to Throw NCM . I.lKht on tlio Crime. GEORGETOWN , Del. , Mpy 23. A senna tlon was created here'tod'ay , when It be came rumored that Lawyer-fcullon , the chic attorney for the defense 'In the Gordy casi had a letter in his possession which state that the writer nnd a copipanlon bad plottc the murder of Mrs. Le.wls , for whoso deat James Gordy Is to hang on Juno 11. Th story comes from Gordy'si.cell and ho sa > ho has been assured that his attorney ba the letter , nnd that the fiaso Is to bo It vcsttgated. Gordy talksas' though ho wa firmly convinced that the "writer can on will be traced , as he Bays'.no has an Idc who the parties are , . , * It Is In keeping with th/e-theory uilvance by him , " In on lntervie\V , on Tuesday las when ho stated that he sunpected certal persons in Newark , N. J. , ; ti having workc up the Job and personated * him , as the know all about his prlvatp affairs. Ho sas the letter states that there were two In tli plot , that they InduceU Jrs. Lewis to coi vert everything slie had Into cash , even he furniture , which she spld " 19 a dealer whoi name Is not given ; that one of them marrle her , then brought her down Into Dclawai es dercrlbed at the trial ; that the accompllt who had gone , before met them at the rive and took charge of her 'after she was place In the boat nnd then 'finished the inunli after the other had begun. k At the trial the question was argued as I whether one man could have done all olalmed to ha\ wa.-s claimed Gordy was clone In the time alloted. Especially It WE doubted that he could have rowed the. bo ; a. mile up tbo'creek and -disposed of the bed In the manner described In the short tht the woman'a compauton'thaf night 1 know to have spent on the river ; , DOCTORS MHKT If Ainerlenii Mi-illoul J\M o6ln < lon AHMCII hleH Unrly X&cd Moiitli. PHILADELPHIA. May 23. The gold ( Jubilee meeting , of the A'merlcin Medical a soclatlon , which will bfl belf In Phlladelph Juno 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 , prWtets to bo not on the most Important Jhcetltifr ever held 1 this great organization , but/ / also the grcate gathering of medical men bv r brought t gather In this city. JVparfc from the Ian attendance of phjelclans from all parts the country , the number of notable and ah papers on the program Inztire a meeting Important scientific researches , and In tl priceless hints that will be plven from tl experience of the practical workers In tl Held of medicine and sur err. While the actual mcetlngr'of the ai-socl tlon do not commence upttl June 1 , tl committee on arrangemefatp has arranged series of clinical lectures and demonstration free to membcro , for the week precedlt and that following toe association meutlu The course of Instruction , by the faculty the teaching colleges of the city and tl laboratory , dispensary and ward demonatr tlom by thu ( staff ot the various hospital ai medical institutions , ba.9 been designed f the considerable numl > r of phjslciana wl would be glad of the opportunity of brus ili up on the various branches while In the clt The college course will begin tomorrow all tliu colleges and hcr.plUU In the city , ai besides clinics , opportunltlca will be glvi to tee the practical working of the Roenlg ra > s at all the hcepUaU. I'Mlle.l Off the"RoeliM. . ST , JOHNS , N. P. , Mny 2J.-The Hui Ijurjr-Amcrlran liner Arcadia wan pii'.leil < the rocks near Capo Itny nt 3 o'clock tl morning by tb ? lirltlsli war Khipd Cordell I'f UIITI nnil luzriud , UPS | I' I tiy flvp tus She U now H.iftly nnrtor l In Port Ai Basques harbor , having rcacneil tlure unU tier own steam. i TVPPTI T n t iiriMMrn IMM t IT Al'TER ' TEN WEEKS DELAY enato nt Last Gives Premise of Getting Down to Business. ACTION ON TARIFF BILL DUE THIS WEEK tcnmirr Will Ho Tnlton I'll ' for Cniinlil- ei-iitl < m nil Titrmlny Senntorw ' Sat Fully HorlilrU oil Their Course , i ' WASHINGTON , May 23. On Tuesday next , on weeks oml a tiny after the beginning ( the session , the senate will take up tlio arlff bill , for the paesago of which the stolen lon was especially catted. The bill was to lave been called up Monday , but the death f Senator Knrle of South Carolina will rcn- er necessary an adjournment for a day. lenator AUlrlchwill call tip the bill , movt ? t9 consideration and make a speech In , Us nvor. The democratic amendment , striking tit tlio Internal revenue features of the Bill , vlll bo Introduced by Senator Vest. After his tlio course of procedure la somewhat mleflnltc. ' S-VV' - > \\J > * The democrats are not clra > nslo whether hey will permit the Immediate taking up of ho schedules , or will permit sot speeches scaring on tlio general policy of the bill , bo prevailing opinion among the democratic coders Is against the policy of set speeches at the bcglrnlng of the session , but they will lot attempt to restrain Individual senatoro vho may wish to be lieard. There are somu [ emocratlo senators who are disposed to dlscufB the general features of the bill , and vho Incline to the belief that the best time or such speeches will be while the debate wi the bill Is young. Senator Vest dues not expect to make a speech In presenting the notion to strike out the revenue features , nit the motion may lead to debate , and If xceptlon Is taken to It the Missouri senator vlll bo heard from. The silver republicans and populists will cek opportunity during the pendency of the bill to submit some remarks of a political nature. and some of them may bo heard during the week. The general sentiment among straight republicans Is adverse to the ncourageracnt of any general discussion of he bill , or long speeches on the schedules , but no party policy has yet been decided : pon. A caucus has been called for this purpose to be held Monday afternoon. OPPOSITION TO SOME SCHRDULES. There will undoubtedly be strong opposM- lon to some of the schedules on the part of the republican senators and amendments vlll bo firmly prereed. Some of these amendments will be offered to the chemical schedule , the llrst of the list , nnd they will probably be reached during the present vcelc. Other features of the bill which re publican senators will attack are the e nf- TectlnK sugar and wool duties and takliiR ildes rrom the free list. Senator Petllgrcw'o nmeirlment against trusts Is certain to prove fruitful of much general debate when reached. Senator Altrich says ho will not speak to exceed on hour in time on Monday. He will give , for the first time , the estimate of the epubllean members of the finance eommlt- : eo of the amount of rc\enue the bill will produce , and will explain the committee's planof action , giving the reasons for some of the more Important amendment * made. Ills statement Is anticipated wltlf'mucu Inter est. In reply to a question Mr.Aldrtch , who will have charge of the bill on bshalf of the republican side of ihc senate , said today that when the bill was once taken up he would press consideration to the exclusion of all other business except conference reports until It should be finally disposed of. The conference report on the sundry civil appropriation bill will probably be consid ered some time during the week. The con ference committee has practically agreed on a compromise on the forestry reservation pro vision , which they hope will prove satisfac tory to all parties , but whether It will or not can only be determined when the report Ie presented to congreM. HOUSE FORECAST. The iMorgan resolution recognizing tin belligerency of the Cuban Insurgents , which passed the senate on Thursday , will be actoc ! upon by the bouso this week. That Is the decision of the republican leaders. Tbej have decided to block the resolution until the plans of the president , which are now maturing , are more formulated. There will doubtlecs be a demand on the part of the minority for action , but they are powerles : to secure consideration unless the rules com mlttee wlU report a special order. This th ( rules committee will not do. The majorltj will antagonize any attempt to force con- rlderatlon with a motion to adjourn untl Thursday. On Thursday the conference re port on the Indian cr sundry civil bills ma ] be ready. If one or the other Is not readj the house will adjourn until the following Monday. XO JIKI'OUT IS EXI'KCTBIl SOON Denial of HuninrH Concerning Cnl lioint's Mission in Culm. WASHINGTON , May'23. To set at res the common expectation that a more or lesi sensational report upon the eltuatton ii Cuba Is looked for any day by the prebldcnt It may be stated that It Is not a part of tin understanding under which Mr. Cnlboui went to Havana that ho Is to make a repor by mall , or Indeed at all until ho returns ti Washington , and then his observations ma ; bo communicated to the president verbal ! ; and not In writing , for It Is a fact that Mr Calhoun's duty is on Investigation of tin lUiU case. ASICS FOR THH HUMOVAL OK HOWK Senator I'ettlwreiv Files ClinrKi * AKiilnxt Hi'Klster of l.iutil Oilier. WASHINGTON , May 23. Senator Pcttl grew of South Dakota today filed charge with the secretary of the Interior agalns Clark nowo , register of the land office a Chamberlain , S. D. , and asked for bis re mov'al from office. Tha charge made Is tha Uowo sent notices to homestead settlers 01 the ceded Sioux reservation telling them the must make their final proof within sevc yeara , while the law allowed nine , and tha these notices wcru distributed to cause th settlers to make their proof during Howe' term of olllce , HiioU from it Junket. WASHINGTON , May 23. The members c the Universal Postal congress returned t Washington today , after a cruise down tb Chesapeake. There were about 135 member In the party and visits were made to Foi Monroe , Newport Newt > , Norfolk and the nav yard at PorUmauth , Va. Severe Wind Storm. TERR ALL , I. T. . May 23. A wind Bton approaching the proportions of a cyclon did conhlderoble damage here last night. I town the houses of Hev. W. C , Benson nn Mr. Stcphena were blown down and In th surrounding count v housea w < n wrecked. So fur an known no one won hur SOUTH I3NI1J , Okl. . May 23. A sever hull storm prevailed In till ? portion of OJ luhoina last night , causing serious dumnu to wheat and oat crops. Homo farmers n port their crops destroyed. Wheat will I ready to harvest In two weeks. Movements Of Oeellll VeNlielN , Mil ) ' - . ' At New York Arrived Lu GaacoKni from Havre. Bulled Massllla , for Mui Fellies. At QueenBtown Sailed Lucanla , for Ne York. At Havre Arrived La IJourgogne , froi New York. At Liverpool Arrived Ktrurla. from Ne' York. Safied Assyrian , from Glasgow fc Philadelphia. of Home for Ne At Movlllo-Sallcd-Clty , * Vew York Arrived Manitoba , froi * * - London , - unstJi/rsa m. * SUNDAY ACCIUKXTS. Olio Mail Killed mill Severnl Hurt nt \IMV Cnstle , 1'n. NEW CASTLE , Pa. , May 23. This morn ing the big Hosena furnace-lnthls city , owned by Senator Mark Hanif8MR ex-Sen ator Cameron , let go , and thjjIMBi Instant n heavy volume of coke , IrotfijtjSjand coal came crashing through the roT Ing house , burying In the nlMfsfrhood ot thirty men under thp debris. llfJBlKer Hols was taken out with the Bklluljjiglng In ( Oircds from bin hand ? and lludlniul his lrg were terribly burned nminBPIIcd. The others Injured arc : Samuel Moody , burned and bruised all over the body. Mike Petro , head cut In half dozen places , anil bruises and burns about the hands and arms. William Hanna , head cut and arms almost severed by falling sheet Iron. Joseph Love , head a mas ? of cuts , laying the skull bare In three places. Frank S , Heard , body badly cut , legs bruised , back binned and arms terribly burned. His Injuries are very bad and may result In death. , Half a dozen other men were also more or Ires Injured , but the above are the woist rases. The second accident of the day occurred about twenty minutes after the one at tic 'Hosena furnace. It was n cave-In at the -big seventy-foot cut of the New Castle Trac tion company , which IB making n new track to Cascade Park. F. L. Curdy was burled under sand , clay , gravel and rocks and was dead when taken ut. ut.Pctor Pctor Herlneky was terribly crushed about ho shoulJers and hips , while his chest was rushed. He will likely live , I.VMtVltnCKKU , IS SIJXT TO JAIL. lolui F. Jo huso ii of IniiKniiNiort IN llehlnil tlio lliirN. INDIANAPOLIS , Intl. , May 23. John F. ohnson , the wrecker of the State National bank of Logansport , was brought hero today and now occupies n cell In the Jail. He came in the custody of United States Com- nlssloncr Funk and United States Deputy Mark , and was allowed to remain In the leeplng ear until 8 o'clock. He was then , akon to the federal building and Judge laker granted him n uaplte until C o'clock his evening before sending him to jail. When the respite wen granted , Johisnn. In barge of Deputy Marshal Clark , went to the Jrand hotel , accompanied by hla wife and tomnleslnner Funk. There were many hlngs to look after and they were busy dur- ng the greater part of the day. During the ifteriioon Mr. nnd Mrs. George P. Prescott of Tcrre Haute , father-in-law and mother-In- aw of the prisoner , arrived. They were ac companied by Mr. Johnson's 9-year-old laughter , who was visiting them when the crfsh came , and who docs not yet know of icr father's disgrace. Johnson was taken to Jail nt G o'clock th'a evening and there parted from his wife. Joth were perfectly sclf-porscsseJ , even to he point of exchanging comment. Johnson vlll plead guilty to tome of the charges against him , but others he will light. Com- nlssloner Funk sajs If the Lugausport bank e promptly reorganized It will be able to > ay out. mmiiKiDtti ? u.\\ns IIIMSHLF. Well-lo-Do Fnriucr Slleotinilm til III * Kill ail ulnl Trou l > lex. NEOLA , la. , May 23. ( Special Telegram. ) William Burbrldge , a well-to-do farmer Ivlng about eight miles northwest of this place , committed suicide this morning by hanging himself. Ho went to his barn about o'clock , after breakfast , presumably to look after hla stock At 10 o'clock a neighbor called to ese him on eome business matter , nnd after looking the place over to locate ilm found Durbridge suspended from a crof < s-beam In the barn by n short plere of 'ope. ' He was dead when found , The action Is thought to be the result of worrying over financial affairs. Burbrldgo was about 45 years old , and ea\es a wife and three children. He had a line farm and a lot of stock. He told ils wife and daughters several days ago that 10 would hang himself , and also told bis father that ho would hang himself before next Tuesday. His Immediate relatives are nearly prostrated over the act. CO.UMnXCI3ME.Vr rilOCKA.1I 0V V. S. I ) Exercises to Continue Over Tlircf Days of Next "Week. VERMILION , S. D. , May 23. ( Speclal- ) Commencemcnt exercises at the State unl vcrslty will be as follows : Sunday , Jun < C , 11 a. m. , baccalaureate sermon by Hev D. D. Scott of Sioux Falls ; Sunday evening sermon before the Christian association b ; Hev. J. G. Morrison , Plpestone , Minn ; Man day evening , Juno 7 , Longfellow's "Join Endlcott and Chlldc Coray , " BUbfreuhmat graduating exercises ; Tuesday evening , Juni 8 , Commencement concert by the music department partment ; Wednesday , June 9 , 10 a. m. graduating exercises of the senior class 7:30 : p. m , , president's reception ; 9:30 : p. m. alumni banquet , President Dlalr and Mr. Italre of the nev Doard of Hegents audited current accounti at the university. They will take up m matters of Importance until their lega status has been determined at Pierre In tin quo warranto proceedings set for next week V , S. 1) . AilileloH SllHHlleil. VERMILION , S. D. , May 23 , ( Speclal.- ) The University of South Dakota athlete held an Informal meeting last night. The ; feel well satlslled with their records mad at Mitchell this week. They won ten lira places out of twenty-five events. Alber Hurkland broke the btate record In the 100 yard and 220-yard races , making the dls tanco In 010 1-5 and 0:22 : % , respectively The one-mile relay race waa made In 3:1 : and broke the state record. Especial com mendatlon Is given Hefcreo Ralph Tredwa ; of Sioux City and Dr. Hay Smith of Scot land for their services at Mitchell. Sninv Di-lftN Still Un or , PIERRE , S. D. , May 23 , ( Special. ) Th local papers of Hand county report that I many of the gulches In that county , whcr tlio snow was piled to limnciiBe depths las winter , there arc > ct piles of snow Severn feet deep , In many places the gulches wer filled entirely full , and thu Immense bo < l of snow which was packed in In very slo\ \ to melt , and It will be Borne time yet be fore it all disappears Ieinl Club IjieoriiorutoN , PIERRE , S. D. , May 23. ( Special. ) Al ttclcs of Incorporation' were filed today fa the Crescent club i of Lead , with capital of $2.r > QO. tlncorporators : Muse Tyler , Charles 13. Cooljdge , Clarence C. Janet W. J. Clark , Henry Monhelm and J. I Connor. The purposes of the club are tb dealing In real ( state , personal and mlxe property _ Nliot to Dentil In IIU Cell. HOUSTON , Tex. , May 23. n , W. Slewar a prominent merchant of Llndnlo , wna ri ctntly enticed from hlH home by a ncgr and murdered. Elllo JoneH. a negro , waH ai rested for the murder nnd In u confeHHlo Implicated Will Joncn , n white man , prpni Irent In the community. Jones WUH HI rc-sted and placed In jail. Shortly after 1 o'clock a mob appeared at tha county Ju at Tyler and broke in the doorn , wont t Will Jones' cell and hhot him to iK-ath nn b sat on his cot. He told them thc-v were kli : Inir nn Innocent mull , but the lemlern ui : Bwertd they bud proof of bl guilt. The refused to kill KlUe Jones , the negro wh killed Stewart , Baying Unit as he did m have the means find influence to escape put in lime nt they would let the law take It course. _ r Ilool'efeller VetoeH Sniulil ) ' I. l or , CLEVELAND , Miiy 23 It Is announce that John D. Rockefeller lias Issued edict ognlnst Sunday labor by the men en ployed im his ore docks on the upper an lower lakes , While the men nre expected t respond to calls to loud or unload vessels any hour of I he day or night , they will m be uitkfd to work between midnight Satu day und midnight Sunday. VICTIMS OF A FIRE Two Lives Are Lost in a Bnrning Building in New York , MOTHER AND HER CHILD DIE TOGETHER Parent Attempts to Hcsono Her Offspring , but Both Perish , SEVERAL OTHERS RECEIVE INJURIES Wild Panio Occurs Among Inmates of the Edifice. WOMAN FALLS FROM THE THIRD STORY She In So lln.lly Hurt dint She Not lleeoer T o l''lremeu Serloiinly Injureil In a IoulH > Illo Fire. NCW YORK , May 23. Two poisons wer killed and three scrlousty Injured In a lira which stalled shortly after 4 o'clock thU morning In the four-story and basement building at 429 West Twenty-third street. Several others narrowly escaped death. Ths dead are : MRS. CATHERINE MOSSWAY , 33 year * of age , died nt hospital from suffocation anil turn ti. BEATRICE MOSSWAY , 4 years old. daughter of the former , suffocated In her room. The Injured : Mrs. Mary C. or Carrie liowlcs. boarding house keeper at 28 Hollla street , Boston , dangerotiUy hurt ; Miss MacDonald - Donald , slightly burned on face ; F. 3. Ptlaps , slightly burned on face. The building was occupied for both busi ness and dwelling purposes. In the base ment Is an all-night eating house. The Weber Piano company occupies the first floor and the upper part of the building Is a. [ urnlshcii room establishment conducted by Mrs. Curtis. Before the firemen readied the scene the building was Illlcd with names. The hall way from the nisi noor to the roof was In , flamcH and escape by the front \\as cut on' . Panic seized the Inmates of the house. While a tenant named Laniont was crawling along the narrow sill to reach the adjoining iiouao the body of a woman struck a largo sign which \\as on the ciltslle of the buildIng - Ing and toblch he clung for n support. The sign was torn from ils fastenings nnd fell with a crash to the street. The woman was Mis. Howies , who bad precipitated bcrselC from the third floor to the street below when she found that egress from the house by way of the Etalrn was checked by tlio names. She was picked up and taken to a hospital. Lament did not fall to the street. PANIC REIONS SUPREME. On the , tonoor the wildest sort of panic had seized/the tenants , among whom wcro Mrs. MosAvay and her daughter , Moat of the tenants. Including Misw MaeDonald and Mr. Picas , had escaped to the roof. Mrs. Mosswny. who lost her life , waa sleeping with her little daughter when eho wss aroused by the smoke. She run Into the hall ahd gave the alarm and then went back after her daughter. When she started to return the smoke and names drove her again to her room. She attempted to open the window , but It did not yield readily and she broke the glass with her hands. The window would ojot open and uven If It bad. tlicro would have" been little chance for her , as It Is protected on the outside by Iron bars. When the firemen ( searched the house they' found the little girl dead In bed , the mother lying on the noor blistered from beat and almost dead from suffocation. She waa removed to a houpltal , where yhe died three hours later. Late in the afternoon ( Mia. Bowles recov ered consciousness at the hospital , but no hopes are entertained of her ultimate re covery. She arrived In the city three dayu ago from Boston on a shopping tour. She lu about 35 years of age. The origin of the nre Is not known , but it is believed that n belated tenant lit a match In the hallway to see bis way and carelessly tossed the still burning match away. The fire started at the foot of the stairs and the light well acted as a nuo to carry the flam en to the roof Instantly. The damage was about $2,000. TWO FIRE-MEN BADLY HURT. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , May 23. The old power boliso of the City railway , at Seventeenth and Walnut , which of late ban been used for storing the company's machinery , waa burned with Ita contents' ' this morning. Half a dozen firemen were caught under a falling wall while fighting the fire and two of them , Frank Haggle and Jack Jacob , wore seriously hurt , The former had both legs broken and the latter U Internally Injured. Captain Latlmor , Ed Hughes , Tim Latin and John Barry were more or less BCilonsly burned. The loss Is $120,000 , parly Insured. STELLA , Neb. , May 23. ( Special Tele gram , ) Fire occurred tonight In J. 0. Mel- vln's drug store. The proprietor left the store at 11 o'clock. In ten minutes an ex plosion was beard and tbs whole Interior waa In flamca , The alarm was given nnd In a short time plenty of Water was on bund , and In ten minute * ) the fire was under control. The total loss will be over $100 ; Insured for $2.300. WESTERN , Neb. , May 23. ( Special Tele gram. ) Four business houses touth of Kemp's brick store 'burned hole last night ; partially Insured , SHOT DtOAI ) IIV IIKII 1IHMIAMI. Ilrillnl .Muriler of a Former .NelirilHliiL Wuiiiun In CliluiiKo. CHICAOO , May 23. Lying helplessly 111 , child asleep by her fide with her 3-year-old , Mra , Dcnnle Dawson , 25 years cf ago , was shot and killed by her husband , John Dawson - son , this afternoon. Thu nhootlng followed1 a ( | uarrel. The murderer IH nt large but the police declare he will goon I" ! captured , as ho Is well known to them. Thu dead woman's ' father Is a well-to-do fanner near Lincoln , Neb. She married Uawton In Lin coln eight years ago , Kllflit Over CurdK , PITTSnUHO , I'n . May 23. A fight over rnrds today ut Snowdcn. n mining town In this county , resulted In the murder of Robert drier by Qcorgo Doughm , both colored. A g-ume of drnw poker was In progrcHa when DouKliiH WIIH bluffed by Smith to laying down tbrco quevnH nguliiHt n boblnll tliiHh. Thin enraged lilni , and a light en sued UoiiKluH then v.'fiit to bin house and returned with n gun. The crowd then rushed In the house to ( < Bcape him , ] Iu flrei through he door , hitting Albert drier , killing him Instantly. DouglnH then lied , puruueil by a crowd und won captured lit the woodH , nnd was about to be lynched when olllccrH appeared und captured und brought him to I'lttHlmri , ' , to jail. , Street Cur * Jlun In Toronto , ' TORONTO , Out. , May 23. The street cnrtf ran today and were liberally patronized * notwithstanding there WBH u utuudy down * pour of rain. There was no disturbance - , anco or Incident of any kind connected with ) the running of the ear . AecoidlnK to ij , decision jjlven by Judge Fert'UBon las inebt denying nu Injunction U la not likely < * further effort will be madti to Interfere. 'l\ho money taken In today will bo given to tha city hohpllala. IIInliop Mullen U l'lnif. I RIIO , J'a. , Muy 23. The last rcllgtoutf rites wro administered to the lit. Hov. Bishop Mullen this morning and prayer * for the ( lying wpin mild by Tllxtiop Hyan. Tb * buihop'N condition la ropdetu.