THE OMAHA DAILY B3D.E ; SitVTmiDAY , MAT 22 , 1807. C05151KRGIAL AND FINANCIAL Bears Force Wheat Down with the Aid of Lower Oablcs < CORN IS FIRM ON COVERING BY SHORTS Onin Folldtrn IVIirnti I.onlnw Onc- iiwhth Crnl , mill rrorlnlnnft Ail- MIIUMInlliteiK'ril > > } ( lie Snme CUIIMCM UN StrctiKtlicii Corn. CHICAGO. Mny 21. The wheat market was weak and lifeless today. Lower cables encouraged the bears and they maintained H steady selling pressure throughout the uctslon , crowdlnB the closing figures to Tie below those of yesterday. Corn was Inde- HiLtidcntly llrm on covering by Phorts and closed unclmiiRcd. The same cause closed provisions at advances of from 2V4c to 10o , Init oatu followed wheat nnd lost He for July. Wheat at Liverpool opened Ud lower and Siad declined V d more before trading started 3iere. The drop was said to bo owing to very favorable weather for wheat In the . "United Kingdom. The weather hero was chilly and therefore less suggestive of ac- itlvlty among the Insect enemies ot tho. rwbeat plant , Those changes In the general durroundlngs were apparently tha cause of lh from Ho to lie decllno with which July anil Hoptembcr wheat started here , the former selling at the start at from 71V4o to 7Ic , and the latter ( Wic and GfiVic. Some buying orders came In from the northwest shortly nftcr the opening , and that , with Home buying against shorts , steadied the market at the decllno for a time. The. preB- nuro ot selling orders was kept up , however , nnd persistent dropping of that kind worn a flesh hole In the markut , through which the prlco dropped to "OTdc. Chicago receipts rwuro 11 cars and 1M.OOO bushels were In- upected out of store. Minneapolis nnd ajiilmh received 178 cars , against ; Hli a week ugo and 293 on the corresponding day of last year. Shipments from Uuluth worn 231,000 bushels. The elevator stocks of Minneapolis ( iris estimated to pliow a decrease of 5 0,000 bushels for the week and of Duluth a do- crunso of r.0.000 bushels , or 800,000 at the two places together. The most general estl- anato of the change In thu visible supply was 2.000,000 bushels. The day's exports from the Atlantic seaboard amounted In wheat and Hour together to about 420,000 il.UHhels. Closing cables reported Liverpool yA lower for thu day. Paris 20 centimes lilgbnr and Antwerp 12'A ' centimes higher. aierlln half a mark lower. Huslness was of a very sm.ill local and professional kind nnd the prlco of July wheat , after the break recorded above , kept close around 70c dur ing the remainder of the day and that was itho closing price. In the corn pit , although the trade was nmnlt and wheat weak , there was more dls- ro.'ltlon to buy corn already short than to odd do previously existing lines on that side of the maiket. The day's receipts , which were estimated yesterday at 315 cars , proved to number only 2fin. Kxports from the At lantic ports were 213,960 bushels. July corn opened at 24V4 : the range was from ZVik ® 24 HO to 21c and the closing quotation was Speculative trade In oats was slow. The feollni ; wan easy and prices droppeil off a pop , Int-Koly In sympathy with wheat. July opened Vic lower ut ] 8c , anil after u Uc ranso , closed at the opening- figure , The provision market was relatively the moat notlvo of the speculative centers. It win strong and lilRhcr from the start , Much of the Imylns was thouKht to he for the nc- < ! ount of the Cuilahy lirothers. Thu clay's run of hots wan 24,000 head , or 3,000 under yrsterday'B Mtlmato. July pork closed lOc lilffhor. July Inrd 2Vic up und July rlh 7o lilKher. Kstlmated receipts ! for tomorrow : Wheat , 10 earn ; corn , 375 cars ; oats , ZKS cars ; hogs , 14.0CQ head. Articles. ! OPTO. | Hlih. | Low. | Cloai. | Yoi'dy7 Wheat- May. . . 72 ! < 71M 71W 72M July. . . 7lr M 70M 71UJ 71 ? ( Sept. . . till 07K Corn- May. . . . C4V4 July. . . . Pcpt. . . JJ74 Oats May. . . . 17H IS July.- . . is IhU 17K-- Siipt , . . , 1BH IS lSs3U Tork May. . . . ' 8 35 H * * 'W July. . . 8 27 * 'A 37K 8 7 8 37 < , i s5 Sept 8 i)7M ) s : u S 4-'H S 117J4 Lnrtl May. . . . : t 85 : i so July. . . I ) III ) 3 R n PU Sont. . . 4 UU U US 4 OJ 3 i)5 Sh'tUlb Way. . . 4 S7M 4 fii 4 S7H 4. DO July. . . 4 Ul ) 4 ft2 4 57 H ' _ Sipt. . . 4 O'JH 4 C7 4 0-Jh 4 5' " " No. ? . Cash quotations were ns follows : 1'LOtJH Unchanged ; winter patents. 4.70 ; stralBhts , J4.40ffll.flO ; bakers. J3.OOff4.2S ; Hprlns cpeclula , ? 4.6i > ZH.70 ; gprlns patents , H.OW } 4.30 ; ntralKliti > , J3.70W3.90. WI IK AT No. 2 sprhiff , 71l4d ! > 724c ; ! ; No. 3 Bprlui ; . 68fp7Jc ; No. 2 red , S7c. COHN No. 2 , 24M024yi ! . OATS No. 2. lS-l ) lie ) ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. , Tiomlnal ; No. 3. IdQ'SO'/ . KYIJ No. 2 , 34Vtc. 1IAHLRY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. . 300 S2c : No. 4 , f. o. b. , nominal. TIMOTHY SEii > i'rl'm'e , J2.70. IMtOVIHlONS Mess pork , p = r bbl. , JS.45. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , J.1.SO. Short ribs , sides ( loose ) . J4.4J 04.70. Dry Bulled shoulders ( boxed ) , Jj.00ff5.23. ( Short clear side * ( boxed ) , 5I.C3. .WHISKY Distillers' finished coeds , per gal , BUOAUS-Cut loaf , J5.S4 ; granulated , J4.71. Ontlui l'i-o III.TI ) uxali iii7D to.lav thn 'jjttor mir- l 't was Htuuly : oro.imcry. lllilll'-ic : d.ilryA ] 2e , KirsH , tlrm ; freili , OWc , Cliiwiso. qnlct : 84 S ! < c. l.lvo imiiltry. steady ; lurlcoyH , So ; chlcKciia 7W7lto ; iluckH , Sc. MKW YOUIC GliXUKAh MAUICI3T ( { iiiilntlniifi nf I lit- lii > " oil ( Irnorn OjllllllOlllllt'M. NI3W YOHII , Jlny 2l.-l''r.Olllt Hecclpts , 23,77 ( liLIs. ; exports , 11,219 bbls. Dull nnd easy , ex. cept winter patents nnd stralRhts , which weit ntroiii-ly held ; winter patents , > l.i."c/I.SO ; wlntei Btr.tlulitu , Jl.l' Hy Hour , dull : HYl'3 Nonilnul ; No. S western , SSc , COHN JllIDiill : : yellow wus'-rn , 5e. IIAHLRY Slrndy ; 2SH&2S'Jc ! , nAUI.UY JfAUT Dull , \VHKAT-Hei-elpti ! , tS.rOO bu. ; exports , 27,90 ; bu. Hpot. weaUr ojtloiis | opened wpnk and de > iJlneil nil day , with few rallies. I.lnulilatloi Mi-\k. I.lvcinol | Kiilej , lower local prices um favorable clop nejvs wove tlui It-adliiB factoni 01 the vvonUncss ; No. 2 red , iSii75'jc ! ; cloned , 7 Tlu Oiiti-mbrr. 73i.fD7nc ! ; cli. . 'd , 725i- . COHK llocvlply , fO I.-.0 bu.j exports , 54.8I bu yptt , iiuleti No. 2 , 2c , Opllcins weru dull til ilny , wllhln n niuinw ratic < > , clolns uncliaiiKei to 'to loner ; Mny clorcd ut 50c ; September SOTiffSl 1-lCo. HATHliiwl | > t * . IS .OCO bu. ; rxportH , C4.335 bu Hjiol , cjulot : No. 2 , : : ' ; < - . OptlQiu lu-Klf.tud : um nominally 1I.XY Dull ; receipts l.irs'r ; thlpiilnjr , JS.tOsi 6. & > ; KIWI ! to chotciJ7.OOy7.SO. . I'llOVIWONH-UcPf , rteady ; beel ham. . J23 -'J't ' " 'catsteiidy ; plcl.led belllen , Mcliled haim. , J5.00WXW. Jard. uuijt ; westcn leiun. } l.j | rtjilnwl , llrm , 1'oilt. dull ; mesa 'I'feSilohtl'.V ' { < iulct ! ! " ' " tf * : Pl-lm y * | in low. 23&t | . o. IVIroUum , dull ; IVi'iisyivuiil , = " ' * . " " ' -'ly : June. K bid. loMn ? Vlrin m dyl VS. ' " ' " B0" ' " " - TurkntSS Japan iA e " VMSSr S S S srir-wiiiiw/ii81"1- / ' . * Murl < fU , . $87- ton ' . 'S1" ! ne , ' w lpt. of cj vnlon I in ii . . ' ' " " " "nlier 1 , 1S9J : Onl NKW OUI.BAN8. May ll.COTTOKHpo QUl t and le dy ; sales , J , M baits ; crdlnan Hoj coo-1 ordinary , liioi low middling. j-ifc Iddllnif. 7 4e ! mlddllnc , fair. SHc. Futures , ' ull and M'nilr ; s le 41.200 bales ; Mny. J7.1J d ; June. 17.14 7.16 ; July , 17.15 7.15 ; Auirust. , Z6 .S3 ; 8ptember , M.58ffS.59 ; October J1.48O 47 ; November. J6.47SK.4 i l > eoember , JfJ.VMIC.51 ; anuary. t.S39 .54 ; rebruary , tt.ECOe.OS. ST. l/riB. Mny S1.-COTTOJI VJulct nd un- langed ; sales1 , 101 * bnlM ; mlddlln ? , 7c ; reorlpts , 8 bales ; jihlpmtntii , cct baits ; stock , 23.C43 bales. OMAHA niCMOHAI. MAI11CI1T.S. Ciinilllloii nf Trnilc mill lnotnl < nix on Stnple it ml I'linoy 1'rodiicc. KGOS-nulk of sales , 7Hc. IIUTTKH Common to fair , CftSe ; choice to ancy roll. 10 < 8il2e ; s'paratof creamery , 15c ; atSe d creamery , 13c. OAMK IJverj-thlnB out ot season. VKAICliole tut. M to 1H > Ibs. , quoted nt i9o ! ; large nnd conrro , 4 5c. MVK 1'OULTIIT Hens. 6c ; tocks. 30 0- spring hlckens , per do * . , J4.0W4.M ; per Ib. , 20JI2JO. I'lOKONS I.lvc , 754JWW ; dead pigeons not wanted. HAY Upland , t.M ( ) ! midland , 14.00 ; lowland , 1.00 ; rye Mtraw , J4.00 ; color mukei the price on my ; light bales sell the best , only top grades ring top prices. IlllOOMCOltN Kxtremely slow sale ; new crov. fllvtreil c.n track In country ; choice green self- orklng carpet , per Ib. , 2fj2Hc ; choice green , unnliiK to hurl , 2ff2'.4jc ; common , IHc. VEOKTAllWiS. QUKKM I'HAS 1'cr H-l > . ) ox. 75c. 1'in PLANT I'cr Il > . , He. . . CUCL'MtlKIia I'er doz. , 40SCCO ; Texas , U-bu. box , Jl.OO. ASl'AllAOUS-Per dnz. , 25 j 0c. HI'INACII I'er basket. OOc ; p r bbl. , Jl.OO. TOMATOKS Per C-buket crate , 13.50. HADIHIIKS I' r dot. , 15c. l.KTTUt'K I'er doz. , J'lHJOc. WAX HI-ANB 1'er W-bu. box. Jl.OO ; per bu. , 2.M. I'AnSNIPS I'er bM , , 75c. STR1NO IlKANS-Pcr 4-bu. lK > x , Jl.OO. NKW ONION'S I'er doz. . 1013o- 1'Altai.KV Per do * . . 2SK300. I1KIIMUDA ONlONS-1'er crate , W.t : southern , Vlb , sack. J2.00 ; new California , white , large nd fancy , per Ib. , 3c. LIMA HKANR-Pcr Ib3e. . lIMAN.S-Hnnd-plcked navy , per bit. , J1.10S'1.20. ' CAIlIlA(5I-V-Callfornla , 24o ? per Ib. 1'OTATOKS New. per bbl. , J4. per Ib. , Cali fornia , 2tinlil ; native stock , ptr bu. , 25c ; early Ohio seed i > otatoe i , lied river valley. 40c ; Min nesota , Hurbanks , 40c. CAL1FOHNIA OIIKIWIEH I'er 10-lb. box , tl.BO. STnAWllEIiniES Fancy express receipts , "Al'l'LiS Fancy , large. J3.tOJJ3.EO. TUOP1CAL Fltt'ITS. OHANOES Seedlings , I3.00SW3 ; Mediterranean weets , fancy , J3.50 , LEMONS Messlnaa , fancy , J3.75S1.00 ; choice , 3.2r.W3.CO ; choice California , J2.75. HANANAS-ChoIco largu stock , per bunch , 2.00 2.2.1 ; medium-sized bunches. $ LGO 2.00. PINEAPPLES-Per doz. . Jl.tJO. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , California , per Ib. , large Ize 13c ; llrazlls. per Ib. , lOc ; Ensllsh walnuts , > cr Ib. , fancy , soft shell. 12013c ; standards , OWUc ; fllb-Tl , per Ih. , lOo : pecans , polished , arge , H10c ; Jumbo. 1118120 ; large hickory nutu , 1.23 per bu. : cocnnnuts , 4V4e each. F1OS Imported fancy 4 crown , 20-lb. boxes , 2 , : ; G crown , r,0-lb. boxes , 1314e. HONHV Choice , 13015 = . CIDEH Clarified Juice , per hnlf bbl. , J2.33 ; per ibbl. , J4.00t > 4.2.- > . MAl'LE SYIltir Five-gal , cans , each. J2.25 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , J12 ; half-sal , cans , C.25 ; quart cans , SI.CO. HIDES , TALLOW , 13TC. .IIDRH No. 1 green hides. f > Hc ; N > . 2 green hides , 4M.c ; No. 1 green salted hides. C' c ; T > o. 2 Rreen palled hides , Bile ; No. 1 veal calf. S U 12 Ibs. , "c ; No. 2 veal calf. 1 Sto 15 Ibs , , 4c , No. 1 Iry Hint hldeH , 9 10c ; No. 2 dry flint hides. K0 9e ; No. 1 dry salted hides. EWOc : part cured hides. > 4c per Ib. lesi thnn fully cureJ. HHEHP PELTS Clrwn malted , each. 255TCOC ! green salted , shearlings ( short wooled eirly skins ) each , 15c ; lry shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 1. each , 5c ; dry Hint. Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per III. , ac tual wclKht , I'SZc : dry flint , Kansas and Ne braska Murrain wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weight , 3i'4c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4JT/3c / : dry Hint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. actual weight , 35T4c ; feet cut off , as It Is useless to pay freight on them. TALLOW AND GREASE Tallow , No. 1 , 2e ; tallow. No. 2. 2c ; grease , -white A , 3c ; grease , white H , 2c : grease , yellow , 2c ; grease , dark , 13ic ; old butter. 22',4o ; beeswax , prime , 15Jf22c ; rough tallow , le. WOOL Unwashed , line heavy. 67o ; fine light. S Wc : quarterblood , lOO'-Uc ; teedy , burry and chatty , 805c : cntted ind broken , coarse , 7fi.9s ; cotted and broken. mc. WSc. Fleece washed , medium , 15fi > 19e ; Hne. 14flOc ; tub washed , lCf ISc ; black , Scr bucltn , Cc ; tag locks , 2B > 3c : dead pulled. CflCc. HONES In enrlots. weighed and delivered In Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton , J12.00.SI4.00 ; dry country , blearned , per ton , JIO.00012.00 : dry coun try , damp , 'and meaty , per ton. J8.00S.OO. FUKSH MEATS. DRESSED HI313F Oood native steers. 400 to COO Ibs. , 7 < j ; good forequarters , steers. 5c ; good ilndqunrters , S' c ; western steers , fl c ; fancy lelfcra. CVc ; good heifers , Oc ; good foicquarters iclfera. EC : good hindquarters heifers , 8c ; good cows , 6c : fnlr cows , 5V5c ; common cows. 5e. cow fonxiuartcrs. 4' c ; cow hindquarters. 75c. IIEKF CUTS Tenderloins , ! 0c ; boneless strips , lOc ; strip loins , Be ; rolls , Oc ; sirloin butts. 9c ; shoulder rtoda , Mtof rump butts , 5c ; steer chucks , 4yic ; row chucks , 3lef boneless chucks , 4Vj : cow plates , 2 0 ; steer plates , 3)io ; flank steals , flu ; loins. No. 1 , 14a ; loins. No. 2. 12e ; loins , Nn. 3 , 8ci No. I short loins , 16c ; No. 2 short loins. He ; No. 3 iliort loins , 12c ; slrlnln ends , SGHOc ! ribs. No. 1 , 12c ; ribs , No. 2 , lOo ; ribs. No. 3 , 7o ; steer rounds , 7e ; cow rounds , 354c ; cow rounds , shank off. 7c ; cow rounds , Flianlc nnd rump off. 7V6c ; trimmings , 4o ; beef shanks , 2V5e ; brains , par doz. . 23c ; sweetbreads , per Hi. , Ho ; sweetbread * ( calves ) , per Ib. . 40c ; kidneys , per do3rc ; ox tails , each. ? c ; livers , Her Hi. , 2V-CT hearts , per Ib. , l ! c ; tongues , per 111. , 12r. I'ORK Drep ed pigs , BV4c ; dressed hogs , 5c ; tenderloins , UV4o ; loins , Bc ; spare ribs , 37Jc ; bam raitMRi * . butts , Be ; shoulders , rough , Cc ; shoulders , fklnneil. 554c ; trimmings , t < a : leaf lard , not rradnred. 5V6c ; heads , cleanoJ , 3e ; snout oiitl ears , 3c : backbones , 2c ; cheek meats , 3c ; neck bonfs. 2V4c ; plga' tnlls , 3c ; plucks , each , Co : chlttcrllrics , "o ; hoclcs , 4c : hearts , per doz.'J3c ; stomachs , end ! . 3o ; tongues , cnch , 7c ; kidneys , per doz. , lOc ; brains , per doz. , 13c ; ; s' feet , per doz. , 30c ; livers , each , 3c. CONDITION Oli * THIS WOOL , 3IAHKHT. iiliiH Arc Still Pur In IAilv < iiic of I/i t Venr'M. HOSTON , Mny 21. The Boston Commercial Ilulletln will Bay tomorrow of tin- wool market : The market Is rluller than for months. The sales nf ilome.-tlu are con lined to teirltorlal nnd pulled wools. There has been no business In fleeces. Prices ot pulled wool and ordinary ter ritory have weakened slightly. Staple nnd fleece woobi are unchanged. The sales ot the week uro 1,549OCO pounds of domestic and 2,270,000 pounds of foreign , against pounds of do mestic nnd y.lM.KV pounds of foreign last week , and 1,23.1,000 pounds of domestic nnd 071. CO ) pound of foielgntor tht > ir.ime week last year. Thu t-nles to date uhovvnn Increase of 40.442000 pounds of domestic ; nnd RS2.7CO pounds of foreign from thn pules lo the same date In 1S96. The receipts to date tliow nn Increase of 20,115 bales of dmiKj-tKr nnd ! i,24l bales of foreign. " NKW YOIIK. May 21. WOOISteady ; , fleece , ! S ? 23c ; pulled , 13&Z2C. tiT. LOUIH. Muy 21. VVOOIy-Unchangcd , St. I , iul ST. LOUIS , May 31. FLOUK-CJulet and un changed ; patents. $4.7504.90 ; extra fancy , J4.40 ® 4.50 : fancy. $2.SOffJ.SO ; choice. J3.25ff3.3i. WHKAT Futures opened dull nnd lower. Trnd. Ing light nml fluctuations were within narrow llmltc. At the clove prices were % c tit Tic under yostciilny. Hpot In fairly active demand , with light offerings : No. 3 red. cash , elevator , ! > 2a bid ; track , 92894c : July. 755j)75Wc ) ; Aunust. 725to bid ; September. 72c 1,1(1. , COHN 1'ulureH dull , easy and fractionally lower. Spot , lower ; No , 2 cash , 22V4o bid ; July. S2io hid ; September. 2l'i . OATS Futures dull mid nrm , but with no speculative dvmnml. Spot steady : No. 1 cash , leu bid ; July , IS ia bid. 11YB Nomlnnl at S3c. iV Nnnilnnl. MUALr-Jl.G03iK. I'iCn--IllKher : ut 74c. I1HAN Pull ami quirt ; sacked , east track , nominally worth , < 5iMO. TIMOTHY SEIIIJ I'rlme , J2M 2.CO. . . HAY Dull , xtcmly and unu'.iunged. null ! creamery , na Vca ; dairy , CO , POULTRY Chickens firm : old I-NIB , fc ; tprlnjs , iWlto ; duckH , 'mirlnirs. Jlsog4.f i > er dozen. lillOS Sleaily at 1&C. WHISICY J1.19. COTTON TIH8- . . MUTAI.S-Ivead , quiet nt J3.03 < ? 3.10. Spelter , firm at Jl. PIIOVIS1ON8 Pork , steady ; standard mn , Jobblns , JS.2JCS.73. Lard , hlicher ; prime steam , t3.C7 > , i ; choice , 13.75 , llacon ( lioxed ) shoulders and extra , short clear , JJ.37'i ; ribs , (5.50 ; shorts , tr.K'a. ' Dry salt meats ( boxed ) shoulders and extra short clear , J4.i74 ! ; ribs , J5 ; sliort'i J5.1IH. HKCKI1 TB Hour , 4.000 Mils.r wheat , 70,000 bu.j corn , K'OOG. ) bu- , ; outs , 12.(00 bu. SHIPMENTS Klour , 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , bu. ; corn , 3J.OCO bu. ; oats , 7,000 bu. Himrnr LONDON' . May 21. grn.Mt-Ileet. > * M. NEW OllLHANS. May Jl.-SUOAH-Open ktt- tie. 3Vi 3Hc : whites. 3 ll-lGHSHo ; yellow , 3H.O 3 7-ltc ! ; secomls , IViWJ'.ic. Molasses , steady ; ccn- trlfusral , 4 9c. Ni\V * YOHK. May II.-SUrjAU-Uaw. dull : fair refining , i ic ; cfntrtftiKal , 9d test , JV4c. lie. lined , steady ; mold A , Oic ; standard A. 4c ; confectlonera' A , 4Hc ; cut loaf , 5 Vic ; cruihed , Kite ; powdered , 4)ic ; granulated , 4'/jc ; cubes , To Itdo MiirkHx. TOLEDO , May n.-WHKAT Dull and lower ; No. 2 cauh and May , 7'ic ; July , 7'lc. CO11N Active ; No. S ml d , 25Wc. OATH DulI , but steady ; Nn. : mixed , I'M. IlVH-Qulel ; No. ! cash , : & , CLOVKIt SEED Quiet ; pilmi cash , JI.53. OIL Unchanged- Oil City OIL. CITY. Pa , . May Jt. Credit balances , Sic ; certificate * , no bliU ; ( hlpmcnU , 03,782 bbh. j runs , 67.IS9 bbls. MnnrlieMtrr ' 1'exfilu Triule. MANCHESTKIl , Hay Jl.-Cloths and yurni dull and laactlv * . IMPROVEMENT IS MARKED Monoj Market Indicates the Rising Fulso of Business. RECEIPTS OF MONEY EXCEED SHIPMENTS Mlilillc Went KccU the t nn Apprirlnlilr vru Wlieul , Ui-vclptM Jlntcrlnlly i\oeed lmnl ( \ > rer'n. NEW YOIIK , May 2t.-n. O. un & Co.'s Weekly Kovlcw of Trade tomorrow will say : Unmistakable evidence of Impi-ovement corned In the general Increase tt commercial loans , mostly for castrrn merchants or companies , though some well known hour-en In the middle West appear with considerable re-dlscounl from _ Kot for n lonp time have commercial lonni been fully hnlf the whole. The distinct change Klvefl proof that now bimlness hiia been larger thnn many have sui > i > o ed. Ilccrlpls of m < ney from the Interior exceeds Milpmonts JlHiO. ! X ) , mostly fronv the middle xv t. Ilxports of KOld have no Influence , nnd only signify the wllllnE- ni's uf nu Mn to pay n price for the gold needed. The excess of merchandise Itnporta to answer demands for hnlf a year to corne Involves a Krcntcr CXCCMI or exirorta when the nntlclpntory movement ends und crops bcKln t move , whlcli fact Rives the country a stronger position In In ternational markets. Meanwhile there Is a con tinuing Increane , distinct though gradual , In the volume ot Implncas In demand for products of manufacture , nnd , considering the time of year. In movement of grain and produce. Western wheat receipts exceed Inst year's for the week. belnR S.miM bushels , BKulnst 1.73S.OSS hushels lint year , nnd Atlantic exports were 1,670- 813 bushels. Hour Included , against 1.302,491 bushcla la t year , nnd for three weeks 4,778,71 ! bushels , against J.SS'i.'jtO bushels last year. Western receipts ot corn were lC5ti.G77 binhols , nKalnst 1,493,670 bushels last year , nnd Atlantic exports 2,1SSS23 bushels , ngalnst 1COS,748 bush els lost year , notwithstanding the enormous In crease hitherto. Wheat again cheated hopeful buyers nnd fell nearly 4c , closing 3V4c lower tat the week. Corn was a simile weaker. Cotton once more hopefully advanced to 7e , but fell back to 7c. with poor support here or abroad , lloth the volume' of stocks nnd the con dition of domestic find foreign markets for goods hinder advance , and later acreage reports lire better. The Iron Industry has quite nn Increase In new business , though not In all branches. 1'nrt waa duo tn the rupture ot the steel beam pool , and the fall In price from J1.S3 to il.'i nomi nally tpioted , and some good structural con tracts were nt once secured. Part Is duo to a bolter demand for plates nnd for pipe , ot which one largo contract for Indiana fields was placed and part to growing needs for cars nnd vessels. There Is also some Increase In rod.i. though the season for wire and nails Is Hearing nn end , because of im expected pool of rod mills. Ixjw southern freight rates marketed n little more Iron at the. north and eastern foundry Is slightly lower , with gray forge only is.25 nt I'lttsburg. Thu Carnegie works are now turning out 3,000 tons ot rails dally , nearly all on old orders , and exports of finished products Increase. Sales of copi > er , said to IK ; nearly 60.000.000 poiinrta , Imve stiffened the price to llV4c for lake , nnd tin rose to U'ic , In spite of large arrivals , though lend was weaker nt ? 3.2T. and tlnplates at 13.30. Coke Is also n ( hade lower. Sales of wool decrease , though still greater thnn when all the mills were busy , but manu facturers are doing scarcely anything , most of their possible demand for months ahead having been supplied. Western holders begin to offer at Ic to Hie lower than of late. Woolen goods are dull , but prices arc flrnv. The strike of clot'.i- Ing hands here somewhat restricts the new de mand. Cotton goods ore without change In prices , print clothu still at the lowest on record and the demand Is still Indifferent , with talk ot tem porary closing ot mllla at the south. Failures for the week have been 243 In the United States , against 277 last year , and 37 in Canada , ngulnst 2S last year. WI3EKI..Y C1.EAIIIXC ! IIOUSK TOTALS. of lluslnuHH TrniiMiictloiin of tin : AnKoclulcil IlniiUH. NEW YOUK , May 21. The following table , compiled by Bradstreet's. shows the total clearances at the principal cities and the percentage of Increase or decrease , as compared with the corresponding week last year : .Some Iiniirovrmrut til Triulo IM Shown In ( li > Nurlli\VL Ml. NEW -YOHK , Jlay SL-Brnastreofa to morrow will say : The sllirlit Improvement In trade In In the ten dency of bualneiUi to Increase ut a few cities In thu northwett , on the I'aclllo coast' nnd Houtli Atlantic and ( rulf utates. There Is IncreaecJ buying nt Daltlmore , Atlanta , lllrmlmhaiii and New Orlenna , where trade ha revived on the nnnouncemcnt that the northern lyiukluna , Mis. bls > lppl and Arkansas flooded dlstilcU ate belm ; Idaceil tir.der cultivation and tiit ! the damage done U leii than vxi > ected. There arc Increuued len at Milwaukee , Omaha , Chicago and Ht. iulii and cipurts of general merchandU and lumber from Han 1-ranclcco have Increased , Ad- vlcis from California are that unsearnnahle rains nnd dry winIn have Injured the wheat and fruit croM. | IxirKer eastern centers report the movo- inend of merchandise tlovr and trade dull , Thu reason U xi far advanced that nn general rain U looked fnr till after the fall buying vats In , Tlur urual Industrial dliturbanci'8 "lave marked rulMliij ; nnd other Induitrles , notably vliillilni , ' , inlnlnx. Iron and utefl. Manufacturers at wci > | . enif tire well stocked with raw material , but nwtnR to slownera of'iu , prices are racier. Makers of cotton goods ate at a disadvantage , ciwliiil tu the relatively hltiher price of cotton nnd I lift Increase In nrixturtlon , Tlure Is no BIIIn In demand for Inni and steel , prices for which continue law. The report that the steel rail , wire und billet makers are lr > lns to form u noul lu advance prices la not confirmed. KsportK ot wheat ( Hour Included ) from both cnamu of the United Slates and from Montreal this week aiiuiunt to 2,655CG2 bushels , compared with V.1M.OIO liushels last week. 1 wa.ClW bus'.iels In I lie vt ek a year uito , 2.751.000 bushels two yrars nio , ! .310COO bushels thrt-e years uno. and us contiauted with 3.106.000 bushels In the like week of ISM. Kxporta uf Indian corn amount to t.mift ) bushels , us compared with 3,900.000 bushels last week. 1C5 > .03 ! > bushels In tha week a ycr.r uco , 1,032,010 buvbeU In the week two ycart ago , 170.0 n In she'd Or" X nM ao , ami contraiteil with RS.OI- bushel" InJUW- There are ! bu-lness failures tMs week In the t'nlted States , wrrtrfrtfs not f r from what mar be calUM th normiil , This total Is compared - pared with 231 last w lr-118 In the third week of May , ISM. 203 In the like weekof ISM , JM In 1S54. There are twentf-oqii busImns failures re ported from Oici IVimmlnrt of Canada this week , compared with thlrtXOUe last week , twenty- Uht In the week a year nso , and twenty-flve two years ago. . - / / i I UKVlliW > ! - ' THU'STOCK J1AIIKUT. IrrcRiilnrlty In 1'rlc"ml , Coniplcto NK\V TOUK , Mny21Urailstrcot'fl review of the stock murket tomorrow will say : Irregularity In prices ifrm n complete profes sional fpeculatlon havtt lfcen witnessed In Wnll street this week. The discussion of the Cuban question him kept the public out of the markets nnd cnuse-d London to nvoM our securities for the time , though prices of Americans there * > m- > nthlze somewhat from the result of the RrmI- Ice between Greece nnd Turkey and the pros- iect of peace In the I < cvant. I'nvornblc crop tportn from the west Rave n strong undrrtone .11 the KraiiKtrs nnd Indufed coverlnR of Bhort contracts In that Kroup , although the iincer- nlnty about the Cuban ilevelopnunti at Washing on evidently prcTented a larse Interest from oklnc the Initiative on the bull side. The tarllt bill' 1ms beea for the time bclnir ob- fcured by the more Interestlntf developments In tonnectlon with our foreign relations nnd Amer- can Sug-ar stock has been letu active than usual > ut preserved n steady position In the fnce of some selHhK pre ure , leased on predictions that he amended sugar schedule will be rejected. The narket , ai a whole , Iwhnved well nn Trlilny , In he fare of the adoption of the Morgan Cuban belligerency resolution by the fenate on Thurs- lay pvenlnff. them was no demoralization of prices , the minds of speculators having nppar- ntly been , prepared for such an outcome of the OKltntlon and s'.iort coverhiR caused a. pretty Benernl Improvement In prices nt the close. Thn street paid little or no attention to Hie Bold tdilpplnir outlook or the forelKn cxchanffu nntket. The latter was unsteady at rather ewer rates , and the only Bold exported this Week Is Jl,200,000 by Kuropcan steamers. The ( lould stocks , which recently were the object of so much bear pressure have been neglected at slight recoveries. It In asserted that the Western Union dividend rate will bo unchanged nnd that the Interim ! UlTercnceH. If any existed , In the manaycincnt of the Qould companies , have been healed. STOCKS iAM ) lllM > S. IH llcninvcd nml UuilurlyliiK StrciiKlli IH AKHertcil. NEW YOUK , May 21. The stock market was relieved today ot some part of the pressure ot icavy liquidation In Uie coalers and especially Jew Jersey Central and Chicago 5as , which mve been the- heaviest drnn upon It for several lays past. The latter stock showed some strength odny on n renewal of faith In favorable action by he Illinois legislature on the consolidation bill , s'ew Jersey Central also recovered nbout 2 points 'rom the lowest of the day on quite n heavy covering movement. The underlying strength of the movement was thus allowed to assert tsclf to some extent , nnd was helped by some special strength In Individual stocks with the result that the day's trading brought fractional Rains all through the list. Hut while the tcn- lency ot prices was upward , the market was licking In buoyancy , nnd vas dull nnd apathetic , : he denlhiRU being1 In tha strictest sense pro- 'esslonal nnd very small , and the variations , outside ft few special casts , very narrow. A feature of the market for the last few days has > een the small volume of dealings In Sugar. Efforts have been apparent at different times -ecently , to reprca ? any marked upward move ment In this stock since the tariff bill has been reported to the tenatc. The restricted dealings n a droopInK market would be a natural con sequence of this tendency. The engagement for export ot J2,500CCO of gold from here had no Kreat effect on the markets. The shipment Is said to bo In settlement iof bills of exchange eold during the week. , . The probability Is that such exchange ns Is "being called for Is being settled by gold shipmentseven , at the low price ot exchange prevailing ' and this IH considered to > e not unlikely ti > contluui- . The week's Im- lorts ot dry goods nt .New ! York were valued nt ! 2S73,374. which IH a jJi-Qrcaj-c of J423.S81 , com- jared with last week. probable that the mports of general merchandise at this port tn he reported tomorrow will thow n proportionate 'afllng oft , the decrcascda'customs receipts rc- ; > orted from day to da > v foreshadowing such u result and accounting In. purt for the llgtit de mand for exchange. ij n.ndon did pome buying In the New York stock market today , ' nnd was a factor In the upward loriQency of prices. New Jemey Central and Chlcagt/ Gas again absorbed about one-third .of theitotsl dealings today , the aggregate sales M > all stocks , being only 112.CH , ) shares. New Jersey Central's range was 2 % per cent , and a net ealn.'bfllH Per cent. Lnck- awanna anil lelaware. > fe II idson also Improved , the former 1V4 per cent , and the latter i per fent. Chicago Gas , GencrAl lilectrlc and Man hattan also gained ( . | ) , nt each on " the day , the latter on rcpKrls , afterward denied , , that the new motive powertoirtie adopted had'been determined upon. The-rallways. , practically all clcued higher ; OmaJa."lcadlng. ) with a gain of ? i per cent. There was good buying In Western Union , resulting In a rls& of % per cent on the day. Tobacco was heavy and lost a 'large frac tion. The closing--was strong , though dull , and practically tit the top prices of the day. The bond market ruled quiet and uninteresting , with a slight tendency toward u higher plane. The St , I outs & San Francisco securities were prominent In the npeculatlon. with the general 5s rallying l',4 per cent , nnd general 6s 1 per cent. The aggregate sales were JS77.COO. Gov'- ernments were neglected , but generally llrm. The sales were J10.000. The Kvcnlnpr Post's London llnanclal cable gram says : "The stock markets have grown quieter as the settlement approaches , but the tone today was distinctly good. Consolu hardened at the close on the success of the Indian loan. Foreigners were stiong. notably Turks. Knlllrn , after a period of dullness , closed strong. I learn that n syndicate wan formed some time back , principally of Horlln nnd Amsterdam capital , ot about 230,000 , to operate In Kalllrs. At the beginning of the recent rise about 300.COO Is said to have been , laid * out on which huge profits have been taken In the last few years. Such a factor on a bear market goes far to explain the recent little boom In mines. The Paris and Derlln markets were llrm. " ' . . : following were tha closing quotations o" the leading stocks of the New York exchange today : Viirli .Hour ) 3iirU . NEW YOUK May Jl , MONKY ON OAI.I - Easy at Uitfl'4 iwr rent , last loan , Hi per cent ; losed. ofTered at UiWlVi per cent. 1'ltlME MKHCANT1LE PAPEIl-3Mi0l pel STEHLlNa EXCHANaU-Steady , wltS actual tuslness In linkers' hill nt JI.S7UOI.S7H for de mand , and at J4.SSU 4.H ! for tlxty d n ; p < i ted rates , JI.S7 and Jl.SStn.SSVi ; ccmnierclsl bills , | t " . F-ll.VEU CKUTIFICATES-MHCCOHc. 1IA11 SILVF.ll- per ounce. MEXICAN UOLJAH3 4Hc. OOVEIINMKNT IlONOS-Flrm. RTATB HONIS-DulU ItAlLllOAl ) IlONDfl-Flrm. Closing quotations on-bonds were as follows : U.S. now 4 .Te > r. . da 4s . . . U.S. new coup. . . . . KrlnSdt U. S. fi . , roj Ill ) O. H .VS. A. Us. . , . . . . U.S. ni.caiip 11:4 : do 7s llll ) U , S. 4 < > . * . . . . , 1HI4 n.VT.c.r..i in II.S. 4.eaup ll'J do til 101) ' ' ' ' M. . K. .tT 1st 4 * . H4S1 I'.icitlc'iaor'"J3i' ! . . do 11.14 * ( lit s A in * Mutual Uulon ili.i 107 Ai.i..eistH. ! : . . . . . . imm K. J. C. Ovi. ,1 . . . . KIS1 ! Ala..cta .sU 101 No. Piieltta IMS. . . 117k Ala. Currency 100 N'o. p.i'lile ' 'nl < . n US La. New Con , 4s. . lift N. W. Mir.otirlll8 UK ) 114 N. C.lls 121 11,0V Ml. IsH. . . 74 N.C.-ls Ull ' ' . C. noiirunJ H St. P. C. Jl P. W.'fii Mil TOIIU.UOW St. - _ . .V t. M.Oii.l. till Tpnn.nowrtetai. . 10 * gpt.L. .V4. F.OaiU. lltti , Tcun. old lift 1,0 ITex.-xs IMS. MH. . . Rl ! Vn. Ot'iiturlpi 014 T , < xii IMn.'di. . . . SHU ilodifirr.Mt ! U. P Inlsof MJ. . . iwi AlclilHoii Is SI WoslShori It . . , do''iH -IS K fi N. untiled Is. 711 Cnnad.iSoV.'iu ! * . . . . in.m Southern As , H ; > M O. P. istsol 'U.l. . . " " \CMV York Mlnlite ( inntntliinsi. f NEW YOHIv. Miv 21. TIM following arj thom m ; uol-itlons : Chollar . „ . . til ) Ontario UDti crown Point . an Onlilr. S5 Con. Cat. .t Vn. . . . ! * > l > Plymouth IS Deadwood . 11)5 ) QnlcHMlver 100 ; ; mdd A. Curry . 50 UutoUHilvor ufd. .10.10 UnloA Norcrof . . si Slerrv Nnv.ida. . . . . 3S llomctuiku . 2'JOi ) St.indarl nit lion .Silver . 34 tjnlon Con Ill ) Mexican. . . , . ,15 Yellow Jacket . . . . as London Slnulf limitation * . LONDON. May 21. I p. in. closing : ItMl Hlt.Vin Stonily nt S7'.id per ounce. SIDNEY H per cent. The rate uf discount on the open market for Ehort and three months' bills Is "i per cent. < 1 re1 U nml Turkish .llondn. LONDON . May 21. Foreign securities are quoteil ns follows : Qret'cc , 1SS4 1 point hlnher nt io'4 ; Turkey , new defeupo , U higher at 102 ij Kroup 1 ( A ) , unchanged nt CO ; group 2 ( It ) , H lower nt 37',4 : group 3 ( f ) , U higher at 2laj group 4 ( D ) , M higher ut 20'i. Aiuorlciui ScL'iirltlt-M In Io nil on. LONDON , Mny 21. American securities de clined somewhat niter thi * opening , but stif fened later on buying chlelly by nrbltrago house * . The close Is llrm , with the demand gen erally light. Kluiimtliil .Vote * . 11OSTON. May 21. Clearings , } 13,227,4S7 : bal ances. $1,990.374. DALTIMOHK. Slay 21. Clearings , J1S27,003 ; balances , COIi.CO } . NEW YOUIC , May 51. Clearings , JSS.Sr.9,622 : balances. SC.C10.9IO. I'lIILADnLl'IIIA , Mny 21. Clearings. $11.218- 217 ; balances , } 2OOfi,7K ) . C1IICAC5O. May 21. Clearing , $1I,079IJ : New Yorlc exchange , S5e premium ; foreign exchange , steady ; demand , f4.87- ; for sixty days , J4.S61 * . ST. IjOtllS. May St.-Clearlngs , $3,726CCS ; bal ances , t. > 91ifi. Money , 4W7 per cent ; New York exchange , COe premium bid ; $0o premium asked. Fori-lun Klmtlichll. PAniS , May 21. Three per cent rentes , 103f 42c. Hxchangn on London , 2."f ] 0' c. LONDON , Mny 21. The amount ot bullion gone Into the Hank of Hngland nn balance to day Is JCCO.OO ) . Gold Is quoted today nt Ituenos Ayres nt 107.40 ; at Lisbon , 4SV4 ; nt Home , 104.90. NEW YOUK , Mny 21.-COPrRi-OptlonH opened' barely steady nt R to 10 points lower , i , sympathy with weakness abroad. Heavy re ceipts at Ilruzll checked buying ; trading mostly for local account ; clearances large , warehouse dellverltu moiierate ; closing steady at 10 to 15 points lower ; sales , 13,2o bags , Including : Sep tember , $7.25 ( 7.30. Spot coffee. Hlo , steady ; No. 7. Invoice , $7.73 , Mild , steady ; Cordova , SlI.MfJ 11.75 ; sales , G.OOO bags. Hlo. No. 7 , to arrive nnd to b shipped , $7.75 , to New York grocers ; 20D bags , Savanllla , p. t. Total warehouse deliv eries from , the United States , 124.4M bugs. In cluding 11,423 bags from New Yorki New York stock today , 3C3.ST5 bags ; Unlteil States stock. 41fflC2 Imgs alloat for the United States , 331.CCI ) bags ; total visible for the United States. 747,162 bags , against SuD.EiJl bags last year , and 5S8.C2J bags In IMC. IIAVU13 , My 21. COt'KBR Closed dull at a net decline of fef. Sales. 7.000 bags. HANTOS , Mny 21. COI-VEH Easy : good av erage Santfj , 9,700 rcls. Hecelpts , S.COO bags ; stock. 2S8 , : o bags. HAMBURG , May 21. COFFEE Declined U © UPfK. Sales , 25,00) bags. IlIO. . May Zl. COFFKE Weak : No. 7 rtlo. 8.E50 rels. Exchange , 7 25-32d. Kecelpts , 9000 bags. Cleared for the United States , 9000 bags , for Europe , 5,000 bag.i ; stock , 217,00 bags. ICuiiHiiH City Markets. KANSAS CITY , May 21. WHEAT Jlnrliet good , hard and uprlng steady , soft bid 2c lower ; No. 3 hard. 0081c ; one car yellow berry. S3c ; No. 3 , 73fJ7Cc ; one cat choice , SOc ; No. 4 , 53COa' ( No. 2 spring. 0c ; No. 3. 7477e ; No. 2 red , Me asked : No. 3 , SOffMc ; No. 4. SOffS8c. ( CORN Market slightly lower , fairly activeNo 2 mixed , 21Vt22c. OATS Market fairly active , about steady : No. S white , 22 > 4c. UYn Market steady ; No. 2. SOc. HAY Market firm ; choice timothy , $10 ; choice prairie , $7.WS7.50. IJUTTUIl Creamery < /CQ lower on heavy re ceipts , quotable nt HfJ12V4e ; dairy , Sfflllc. EGGS Market steady. 7c. Liverpool Grain nml I'rnvlnloiis. LIVERrOOL. , May 21. WHEAT Spot , No. 1 red , northern , spring , dull at Cs. COHN Spot. American mixed , steady : May and June , dull at 2s 7Wd ; July , dull ut 2s Slid ; American mixed , old , 2s 9'1. KLOUU St. Loulu fancy winter , 8s Cd. PROVISIONS liacon. demand , abort ribs , 21 to 2H Ibs. , 27s : clear ml.ldles , 40 to 45 Ibs , , 25s ; Ions clear middles , light , 33 tn 33 lb . , 26s. Shoulders scjuare , 12 to 14 Ibs. , 2Ss. Lard , prime westcrnr stemly nt 2tti. Hams , sliort cut , 14 to IS Ibs. , 42n 2d. Tallow , prime city , steady at 17s. IVorln Alal'UftH. I'EOniA , Mny 21. COHN Active , easy ; new No. 2. 23',4c. OATS Irregular ; No. 2 white. SOViflllfSc. WHISKY MarUet steady ; llnkihed goods on the basis of 5L13 for high wines. HECEH'TB Corn , 70.450 bus. ; oats. 51,500 bus. ; rye , none ; whisky , none ; wheat , none. SHIPMENTS Corn. 13.4CO bus. ; oats , 2S.4.V ) bus. ; rye , none ; whisky , 435 bbls. ; wheat , COJ ( bus. Ciiiidlllou of tinCiinl * Inrk < - ( . NEW YOUK. May 21. The Engineering and Mining Journal will report In its Issue of Mny 22 that Bales of anthracite cnnl are not very satisfactory anil that there Is n epeclal lack of demand for Fome plzes. Circular rates are llrm , and arc not likely to Increase on June 1. In the soft coal market there Is n little nioro ton nage going forward than Inst week , though the market Itself Is not changed. Ciillfornln Dried Kriiltx. NEW YOHK. May 51. CALIFOIINIA DHIED FHUITS Uvnporatcd apples , llrmly held ; other dried frulto. btendy ; evaporated apples , prim" wire tray , 4''ic ; wood dried prime , 4c ; cliolce , 4V4c ; fancy , 4 © 5c. Him FrniK'lNi'oVlnnt fliiotiilliniM. SAN FllANCLSCO , May 21. WHEAT-Stcady ; May , $1.3Ilii December. $1.25 bid. Accldc-iit InV 'Ilun l Cniiul. ST. CATHBIIINK8 , Ont , , May 21. The llrst perlons accident In the Welland canal this seaxon occurred this morning when the American steam barge J , TI. Otithwallif crashed Into the headgatcB of lock No. 7. The collision forced thu ga.te open , but the force of the water In the ono and one-half mlln love ) above caused them to rebound Tha right gate was forced back before the left , the water rushed through the opening nnd threw the big gates from their fasten- Itigs and carried them away. Tim water broke over both bunks , running over the lands ns far us the city limits , dolnjr much damage , Navlsratlon will bo resumed In two or three daya. Till : IlISAI/rV MAItKKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday , May 21 , 16S7 : WAHIIANTY DEEDS. South Omaha Ixind company to Frank Hajilak et al , n'.i ' 'lot 6 , block 217 , Kouili Omaha $ 450 J. 8. Faddcn and wife lo Eujeno 1'lcltard , e CO feet of s 150 feet lot 10 , bioc'.t 1. Biighton 500 G. H. Qoodhard and wlfo to Km mi Haskaiuon , lot 7 , block 2. Crawford's add to Klkhorn l/.O ) C. J. Shelling to Hleronymous ICUele. lota 5 , G , 10 and 17. block 4 , Wakuley. SOD J. J. Melanin and wife to v. J. Md.aln. Iota 2 and 5 , block 4 , William Hase- dorn'n add COO Jlotz Uros. 3Jrcwln i-ompnny to Eliza beth Neber , e'i lot 2 , block S3. , Omaha 4,000 tUIT ) CLAIM PKEDS , JI. F. Glllanjilo and wlfu to (3.V. . Siilclds , no no 17-13-10 1 DEEDS. Special master to H. J. Hubbard , PX- t'CUlor. lot 23 , b'ock ' 11 , lirown park. . Su > > Same to L . O , Nlltie. lot II , block t > , suniH .003 Sheriff to W D. Mead , Jr. . ft l , trus tee , lots 1 to 12 and n 40 feet lots 1:1 : , 14 and U , lots ! ' - > , to 23 , 2'J to 23. block 2 , Hedlck park . , 15.D50 Total amount of trannfi-ra J'-I"J1 OJIAIIA LIVE STUCK MARKET Arrivals of Cattle Light and of Hogs Fairly Liberal. CATTLE TRADE IS DECIDEDLY SLUGGISH AVpnkticn4 Stn t Priiiioniu'cil In flic Cnlillililll , lllllf-1'iU < ; rinloH llii I Soorc nn Ailvitnoc 1 I'lvo CoiitN. SOUTH OMAHA , Mny 21-Ilccclpts for tlio days Indicated wore : Cattle. Hoc . Slictp. Horses. May 21 1\M 8,377 Jlny 20 1.7K. 7tfll 8.511 li May 19 315J 6621 S 130 4S May 18 .VitJ ) ! Mi70 : UlU May 17 2,010 1.41S a.2.1 . May 18 1.17K 4,235 1,715 May II 2,44:5 : ri)0 : lnS ) May 13 2.24I ) ,70j G.91G May 12 2.773 5 10.1 2SW May 11 M fi.217 1.519 Mny 10 MSI 2t'jS 1.407 Mny s 2.ra : i.wx i.isn M.iy 7 2.5'fl ' r.,429 1.M2 May ( i 1,077 5 , .1I 2.743 1 The olltclnl number ot cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. HOEO. Shcop. c. , M , & St. i . ny O. & St. U lly 1 Mo. I'aolllo lly -I I ? Union I'aclllc System 21 30 1 C. & N.V , Uy 2 K. , Ii & M. V. U. 11 21 31 S. G. ft. 1' . Ity 1 1 c. , st. i' . . M. K o. ny 7 n 11. A M. H. U. K 17 HI 7 C. , 13. & Q. lly . . K. C. Sf. St. J 1 X C. , U. 1. & I1 , lly. , cast i > c. , 11. i. .t r. .Uy. , west : i Total receipts 77 120 IS Tlio disposition of the day' * rocolots was as follows , cnch buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Uuycrs. Cattle. Hop * , Sheep. Omaha Parkins Co 2'J 1.-W4 . H. Hammond Co : HS 1.5S2 Swift and Company. . . . . . &m l.COU - 315 Ctldahy Packing * : o J-'O 3,02 7 Iko Meyers 102 Hill & [ -owls Co 01 Livingston & Sehallcr. . . 5T > Cudahy 1' . Co. . country. I'l ' . . . C07 Chi. P. & P. Co. . Xeb. C IMS Swift , 1C. C 2 Hammond. 1C. C 130 Other buyers 2IG Left over 100 Totala U51 S.SM 1,273 CATT1..K Uecolpts of cattle wenllsht to day and the quality of the fat cattle was none too ( rood. The market as avholo was slow ; id dull , tnc trade beliiK entirely devoid of new or Inlorostlng features. Ucef Hteers sold a little castor , the weak ness naturally beliiK the most pronounced on the common and half-fat stuff. Sales men wore slow to cut loose at the bids and buyers seemed In no hurry to till orders , so that comilderable time was consumed In effecting a clearance. Butchers' stock did not show much ohanjce , the market on desirable cows and buffers beliiK fully steady , to nay the leant. Veal calves ans lower. The packers have come , apparently , to the conclusion that they have been paying too much. Still an hlKh as Ji > was paid for choice veal. This city butchers were strong buyers and that fact helped to hold up the market. Stockers and feeders were In light supply and the market was just about steady. Representative sales : . NATIVES. HKE1' " STliEHS. I HOQH Kor the diet tlmo 111 many days tha lion maiket looked up , making- possible to quote an advance. For ten days p.itt the market has Leen ( steadily irulng down , tha drop ulnco the SUi of tie month amounting to 20c. i'ester- Jay this downward movement wnu inrrptutl , und today values were given nn upward turn. The market WUB cloto to Ee hlxhur and uctlvo ot thu advance , T.n : great bulk 01' all the hogs old ut | 3.6Sii3.i7' , ns tigulnst yi.MV3.MVj ycster- day. Toward thu close , after the moiu urgent dr.lors weru Illlcd , thu market woii net iiulto tn htiunir , Today's advance recovers nil th ground lout thl * week , and places the market In a stronger thun U was tn Monday. Ueprccenta. No. Av. f3h. 1'r. M 2J9 1201315 64 324 to 3 65 C8 3 | | kO 3 53 M SO. 210 365 Ut 340 120 3 IS fD'i'Jfi . . . 3 55 3H 3vO 10 355 7S 214 200 355 C2 231 210 3 U 25 207 . . . 353 CO M . . . 355 53 MO JO 3 6714 70 2Jt . . . 3 57V4 SO 210 W 357(4 ( CO 241 80 3 S7'i ' 73 ViS 40 X 57V > C2 2T7 40 35114 C3 257 . . . 367i ( , CO 23 ? UO 36714 74 212 SO 3 57'.4 ' 27 251 . . . 367VJ 75 2iO 40 2JIV4 11 ir.i } . . . 3 i7'k 12 2W 11 ; ICO tor. 5 367W . . , , . . , . ' 3 O7'i r.S 279 .3 6T'/i ' C4 2C2 357V4 CT Zl 367H 51 27 .i SO C3..263 SOM 3 r,7Vi 4 SI7 M 3 6714 68 20J to 3 5714 C ) 201 iO 3 6744 58 'ft , 35714 2S1 40 367Vi 73 270 12' ' ) 357 2'.7 ICO 3 67 CO SCI S 57li to sea 3 67V4 68 2 35714 73 SJ 3 5714 70 2 S 317'-i CO. . . . .SOS m. . . . . ; co. . X CO 71. . . 211 3 IX ) 6D. . . 201 3 CO 79. . 3 0) 73. .242 3 CO < 7 220 SCO 70 J7T SO 3 R M JM I ft K 273 3 M 14(1. ( . . . . . , S 1 6) IS 305 3 3R 20 SOI AND KN' > f > . 3 ( X ) S MO 3 srt 310 11 WT S 45 8 ; j d ill 3 DO 3 , , .5iO 3 SM 3 ( W 9 M3 3 MH ' ' JMH 3 S3' ' , \ . . SSO 3 M4 ! SO 3 W r. . . srn 3 M i. . sjo 6 , .21 S ; S 4 2. 1. . . . . . .4iX > 3 M " " ' ' ' 3 MV4 S . .an S M ! . . . 3 85 H 1 3 no HHKIP : Ilecelpts of Jhr-ep were liberal In ad- Oltlon to which there wrre seven lends held ovrr from > rsterday. The buyers wnnted shffp nnd were wllllni ? to pay about Meiidy piti-es. but tellers wore not Inclined to part with tliclr hold * Inn * . llepn-sentallvo mlm : Nil. Av. 1'r , 3 i" tern ewrs . M t3 SO 14 wrutrni ewes . M ) 375 1 ! > 3 Mexicans. mixed . 01 4 TO 4) western ycArllnxx . 80 423 1 wether . ISO 4 ? 5 2 5 Colorado lamln . " 5 R 40 I tprlni ; < s.nh : . JO 601) CIIICACO MVP vrot u MAUICUT. CnttliI'lriucr HUH * At-llvo mill lllprlior Hln-1'ti StnuiK * OIIICAOO , May ! -There wan n heller de- muiitl for cuttle tlmn j-cMi-nlay and prlrra iiilrd llrnier. Sale * wore at nn extieino IIIIIRP of troni $2 to 55.30. The bulk sold nt fi-otn Jl 30 tit J4.S.V with a Rncil many sales nt } 5. A few stivkiMs niM feeders ( sold nt from 11 10 to M.7 ! > , Imt Eiil-s wrre lat-Rrly nt firm 14 to Jl 5) . Calves wne In nrtlvc Ornmnd , one Ininrli brlnslnu Cows , heifers and bulls were actlvn nml strut : , nnd Texans j ld at Mrnily ptlcta. There was u llxely demand for hnpi from the Mart , the mnrtiet advanclnir 5e > ti > 10 per 10 * Ibs. , nnd allowing more strength than nt any previous time thli week. Sales were nt nn ex treme rniiKe of from $ .1.4' ' ) to J3.S5 ; prime. neleutcd "pn | dKulnR the hlRhost. and the hulk oC hoiM brought fiom f3. & ) to i.l.CO. Khrcp were ultonc ahd In Kiiod demand. l ilnh cold at from (3.M t SJ.CJVi ; woolcd Colorado , rellllur nt from $3.40 to t. > .C'i , while iilinni himbs sold nt I trim ! l to Jl.lTi ; fprlllInmtm ) Pol , I ivt from jr > to IHM for iwd lots. nveraKlns fniu in to ( " ) Ibs. . and nt from U T.'i to > 4.73 for poor lols. lUeiitKlnx from 40 to M ) 11' " . Shee | > ridd nt fiom S3.i. > to f4. DO for ( lie puoiest to the best. chloily nt from 13. ' to fl..0 ; with TCXIUIH at from JJ.BO ti > J4.10 , anil choice Tcxnnu nt from 14.-I' tn 14. GO. Keceljita : Caltlc , SO.lfO heail ; IIORK , 21,000 hend ; elitcp. C.IXX.I head. SI. I.ouls l.lvo .Hi ( > tK- . ST. T.OII1H , Mny 2l.-fATTI ! K-Uecelpt , I W head ; sliipments. 1.000 Mead ; mniUet Bteatly ; fancy i-jport fctcerst. Jft.triiff5.30 ; fair to choice nnthe Fhlpplnf ? rteera. $4.U"iff5.10 : bulk of sabi * , { ( .SUflLlX ) ; dressed beef nnd butcher * ' nUois , ; : i.S.1i3. r > ; bulk of iiles ' fia.RI.IU ; Rtcckets nnd feeders. ? 2. ii4 M ; b-ll'k of rules. J3.WJ4 10 ; steers , under l.COO Ibv , t3.7om.Sr. ; bulk of full' ! " . > 3.S5 4.f ; cows nnd liclfeiii. > 2 SOffl.M ) ; bulk of cuwa. JL'.7J'u3..i ; biill , W.HHiM.S'i ; Te\n nnd In dian ateeis fed. } 3.IOff4.13 ; Bnifs , $2.SOJJ.C3. cowj ami heifers. fS 2Jft3.C."p. 1IOQH Iteci'lpts. 5/00 head ; nMpmiMitH , 4.Dro hend ; market stronB to Bo higher ; light. JS.ColJ 3.7f > ; mixed , J3.5Pfi3.7l ) . SllKIM' HccvlitB. I. < X h ad ; ohlpmentn. 2.0IX > head ; market Ftc.idy fur Iwtl inly ; native mill ions. t".2 ; < i l 25 ; culls nnd bueki , l-M1iiT-.13 ; Texas shicp , t3.UVlM.CO ; iprlns l.nnbM , * 3.0i1iC | CO. KIIIIHHH Oily l.lvo SlorU. KANSAS CITY , Mny 51. - i'ATTI.l'Uceelpts , 4.0HO head ; market steady t" Ktinnu ; Trxas Btecrii , i.1. 15W4.40 ; Texas euvs. S2.iW'fi0 : ! ; native ftreii , $ ? .6l > fi5.00 ; native rows nnrt hetfi-r * . JJ.MITI.lft ; utocKcra nnd feeders , J3 uiitJl in ; biilN , $2 2JP4 : .V ItOOS Itecelpts , 13.0(0 ( head ; mirkct slrnns : t' > 5o hUth'-r , closliiK n little weak ; bulk of pules. J3.5053.65 ; heavies , t3.4'ifi3.r : Vji paekeis. 13 , HJj > 3.f > 5 ; mixed. $3 4r 3'3.rO : llshts. } : t 47'iifT5.n ) ; York ers. ! 3.5" e3.'J ( ; ' : piK.i , J2. iinffa ( : . S11HKI1 HceclptH , 3.0CO head ; market strunj ; lambs. t3.90n.OI ) ; muttrns , J2 2'iftl.uO. Xi'ivoiK l.lvo Sloolf. NKW YOUK. May 21. P.IEV12H-nccelpl t l.F/il bead ; nulet nnd t-tpwlv : oxen , fl M ; bulls , } 3.3rfiJ50 ; ilry ccw ? . 5.12'iii3 [ fr , . I'.u orcan c lil * Amctlcnu rie.T * t ID'/sWlllic. drct e.l weight ; sheep , llii-li' e ; rtlilsx'ratorme \ [ at SW ! ? f. KIIKKP AND 1.AMI1S ncc. > lpts. 3.Kd head ; steady ; sheep. f.Mff4 ! 0"i : yenrllmis. tl.4f(5 87V4. llOr.S Itecelpts , 3.11J head ; nnirkct steady at J4.lOlj.I4.20. Si oU In Sl li ( . r.ivord of receipts of live ftoclc nt the four principal markets for May 21 : Cattle. Hoes. Sliwp. Omaha . t M S 577 3 341 emcnso . ami ) 24 con < : roi I'lty . 4 OX > l' 0'0 .injo St. Louis . , . l.CM B.W 40)p ' Totals . . . 58.831 02.377 tO.Ill OF T < ; I > AY'S I'urlly < Jlniiily. wllli Sliowornj Cuolor , w\th rVurlliVlinls. . \VASl 11NCTON , Jliiy 21. Forcciust fur Saturdaj' : For Nebraska nnd South Dakoln Parllv cloudy wcathor. with Hhowurs ; coolcrr soutli wltulH. licromhiB lflslc nnrtlu'i'ly. Kor Kanti8--Parlly : oloudy wuuther. with occnaUinnl shnwiTM ; aoulli wlnd.i. For Iowa nnd MI'ROtirl tlcnomlly fair In the inaiiilniT , Increnslnff I'lnuOIncss In the aftnrnoon ; south winds. For WyomltiK I''irtly cloudy weather , with shower * nnd thunder storms ; cooler ; brisk northerly wlndi. : l.ootil Itooiiril. OFPtCK OF TIIF WKATIIBR BUFIKAU , OiMAUA. May St. Omnliii record ot rainfall nnd iciniiuruturi ! coinpare'l ' with correspond- .n8 . day of the pBt , tl.reo . ar Maximum ti'iuperaltire . . 73 81 (5) ( Minimum tempernturu . . FiO j1 ? -10 41 Avtniye toinpuraturo . . . . fi2 CS Dl ! natural ! . 00 .0) ) .00 .00 Record of temperature nnd precipitation at Omaha for thlx day and aluco ftlurch 5. U'J" : Normal for the ilny . Ct Dijllelcnc-y for Ihu d.iy . 2 Aceurnulatod dellcloiuiy Hlnee Marcli 1. . 41 Nornml rainfall for the day . 14 Inch ni-flclency for tin ; day . 11 Inch Total rainfall slimAlarrh 1 . 8.70 lnnhe Kxi' S3 Hlncu Slari'll I , 1S97 . lIHlnrlu-rt KXCPS-S for cor. period , 1SW ! . ( . . ' ! Indies Dellclency for oor. pfrlod , lSy."j.l.i'j ! Inchcu 1U'1IV''N I ' ' "I" SlnlloiiH : l < N p. in > Sevenly-llfth nieiidlun time. T liullcdtfii trace of preclpltiilln. fnite'l liliiles liiiiMrirnrnj at AHrlculluri weather tmrenii corn and nheit rrulun bul letin for thi twenty-four hours fii'Sim nt 8 u , m. , tevcnty-lUth meridian time , Muy 21 , U37 : ITtmiiioratiiro. IV.llllf.lll. StHtluiiH of UU'' ) .SL-lllI of trlut. ' airl linn- wo.itli'r -.J'"tU.iJ'Ll ' ! ilrodtlix. AHliliind , NuuTT in ,00 iOIoar toluinbiH. ! ! Nub. 41 .ml cbvir Fnlrbiiry , 1'eb , , . 7H Jin Pi Fairmont. Neb . 7Ha IK .DO om.ii Lincoln , Nl > . . . a IH .on li't cimijr liiirtliiL-iou , Nub. 7. " . .Di ) Uultdulo , Neb 77 , in ) Olcar ( .iii.ili.-i , J.'i'h. , . . . . Hl rou .nil ciunr O'Neill , Neb 73 u .Oil ( Hi ar frcciiniHi'h. Neb . HI 41 .00 Tulcamali. Nub. . HI if .oil . I ill roll. Jt 71 4.1 .Oil loloil'ly Clarl dila. , . . IIS .0.1 l4Jlciir tJlblfy.Ia 03 -III .1)1) ) ( Cloudy e . srallrred nhowcrii In the ucHtfin portion , T Indicates Inappreciable rainfall. Maximum for yesterday. Minimum for twenty-four 6 . . evi-nly-i1.'tli iniirlUIuu hvjr . tinllni ; u. m. , - tunf. Note--Tho average maximum und minimum temperatures und the iiveingu rainfall are jnudo up at each center from the actual number ot rercrt received. The "ulato of weather" U that prevailing "t time nt obretvallon. U A. WKI.8II. IXKJH ! Fi.rrcant Ofllclal , * JAMES E. BOYD & CO , Telephone 103 ! ) . Omaha , Neb. COMMISSION : PaOYJSWS : ANJ : lioard of Trade. Dllrct ulres tu Chlcairo und Nt * ' Yoilc. JobD A. Warrtn & Co.