Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 151315 : SATTUDAY , MAY 22 , 1807.
Ml.NOIl .U
Smith , plumber. 2401 Ave. A. Tel , 3J3 ,
r turage , L. P. Judson , 929 6th avenue.
N. W. Williams has returned from Idaho.
George A. Kcellno has returned from lion-
E. H. Hcnton has returned from , a tea
days' tU8lnrE3 ttlp to Texan.
Ir , C. A. Love , a prominent physician of
Malvcrn , la. , la In the city today.
E. H. Shcafc has returned home after an
absence of three months on a buslncpa trip.
Joel Mayno and wife of Utd Oak arc vl -
ItlnK with his brother , Gideon Maync , corner
Sixth avenue and Ninth street.
All the rcKiilar Bcrvlcca at the F'fth '
Avenue and Epworth Methodist Episcopal
churches will he continued , as usual.
The High school alumni reception wag
held at the Odd Fellows hall last evening
and was nn unusually brilliant event.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Mark , Sixth
street and Twenty-fourth avenue , a twelve-
pound son , at 10:10 : a. in. Thursday , May 20 ,
Judge Smith has fixed May 25 as the date
for paislug sentence upon L. C. Taylor , con
victed of breaking Into and robbing Mien
Sprlnk's millinery store.
Foreclosures were taken In the nupcrlor
court yesterday In a number of cases
against Timothy miscall and others , Involv-
ItiK an Indebtedness of about $2,500.
There never wns a time when wo h/iv / ?
done BO much family work , and wo never
have done the work so well as this spring.
AVe have made an art of the laundry busi
ness , at the "Eagle , " 721 Ilroadway.
I'at Corrlpan was arrested last evening
on the charge of peddling without a license.
Corrlgan la an Omaha man who attempted
to dispose of a stock of spectacles without
first liavlng ptctircd a llccnbe to uell from
houGi * to house.
While Dr. K. P. HcllliiKcr was attending
a patient on Ilroadway about 3 o'clock yes
terday morning IIM ! horse nnd buggy were
taken from the hitching post In front oUthc
hoiiFL1. A search V.T.H made as soon as the
loss was discovered , and the vehicle and
horeo were found near the end of the motor
bridge , the horuo being tied.
John J. Crowe was arraigned before Judge
Snillh yraturdny upon the charge of statutorj
assault upon a young girl In the western
part of the city , for which the grand Jury
Indicted him. He pleaded not guilty to the
charge. Dick Dubolse and .Mrs. llerdle Klm
ball , charged with stealing a saddle , wen
also arraigned and pleaded not guilty.
The Grand Army of the Itcpubllc mcnv
bcra have decided , In view ot the school :
closing before Decoration day , to give ai
entertainment on Saturday morning , Maj
29 , at 10 a. in. , In the Eiscnian building
The object Is to Induce the children to brlnf
flowers to be used In decorating the rave.
on Sunday. The Woman's Hellut corps wll
nqjlst the Grand Army of the Republic It
tlio entertainment. >
Tlio Young Men'a Christian asaoclatlni
meeting Sunday at 4 p , in. will be of
memorial nature. The speaking will bo HI
"What this Generation Owes Its Fathers , '
by W. 1J. Tarklngton ; "Tho God of Dallies , '
by Superintendent W. S. Paulson. Mr. C
C. ilancock , the colored tenor of Chicago
will render some selections. All men an
welcome and all soldiers have a special In
A young man named Llnqucst applied ti
the police last evening for assistance li
relieving a load of anxiety that was on hi
mind owing to the continued absence o
two young women whom he had pcrmlttci
to go driving with hla horse and carriage
They had not returned at 10:30 : , and h
feared an accident had befallen them. Th
young women are employed at the Woman' ,
Christian Association hospital.
An effort Is being made to secure a dls
missal ot the case ot the State against Haiti
Bothers , Indicted for adultery , and If till
falls to secure a light line Instead ot a sentence
tenco to the penitentiary. Zed Bothers , th
prosecuting 'witness , has disappeared an
cannot bo found. H was Intimated aroun
the court house yesterday that he was con
nlvlng with 'tho relatives of the girl to pri
vent her punishment , and was being concealed
coaled by them until tbo criminal docke
had been passed.
The trial of Charles McIIugh , alias Hlloj
Indicted for shooting Nick O'Urlen , was ec
for hearing at the present term of the dls
trlct court , when the case was continued a
the January term. At the request of the Of
fondant , another continuance was grante
> cstcrday , and the case will probably g
over to the August terra. The continuant'
was made necessary on account of the con
dltlon of Colonel Iairey7 who Is dcfendln
JilcIIngb. Colonel Dallcy has been sufferln
severely for several days from acute cataar
ot the stomach , and Is unable to attend t
his cases In the court.
C. B. Vlavl company , lemalc remedy. Med
leal consultation free Wednesday. Hcaltl
book furnished. 32C-327-32S Merrium block
N. Y. riumblnp company. Tel. 250.
Methodist market at old stand Purlt ;
Candy Kitchen today. Homo made bread
cake , pies , -etc.
BT Service. I
Next Sunday will bo an interesting tlm
In the new building of St. John's Englls
Lutheran church at the southeast corner e
Willow avenue and South Seventh street. A
the 10:30 : a. in. service the congregation wl
have a service of rejoicing over entcrln
Its new and permanent place of worship , Th
pastor , Itcv. G. W. Snyder , will preach
sermon appropriate to the occasion. Thcr
will bo no effort made to raise money othc
than the regular Sunday offering. At 8 ]
in. the Union Veteran Legion will hold 11
annual memorial service In this churcl
Addresses will bo made by Judge Jacob Fa\\ \
cctt of Omaha and Attorney James McCal.
of this city. The audience room will I
finely and appropriately decorated. All ai
most cordially Invited.
When n womnt
IS " < ff3' 1 is ' " thorouKhlj
$ Mt J K ° od llcaUlt sht
I I . * i''fM can stand a greu
I 1 M M G deal of hard woil
I ffw \ \ without serious fn
UKUC or Jnjury
When a woman ii
ill and fitill spun
herself on to work
work , walk , iron
i morning till night
she is doing hcistll
grave injury , am
tooncror later mus
pay the penally. /
woman under thesi
circumstances is working under the lash ol
death. If n woman will always take prone
care of the health anil strength of l-cr Uis
tinctly womanly-self , she is pretty sure ti
be in good general health. Too few doctor ;
understand this , ami consequently attributi
the troubles of which women complain ti
the wrong causes.
Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription is i
marvelous medicine for women. It act
directly on the delicate and important or
pans that make \vifehood anil luotherhooi
possible. It makes them healthy and vie
orous. It allays inflammation , soothes pait
mill heals ulccration , U tones the nerve
and makes n woman feel bright , happy am
amiable. It docs away with the discomfort
of the critical period and makes baby's ad
vent easy and almost painless. No hones
denier will urge an inferior substitute fen
n little extra profit. The sale of "Favoriti
Prescription" exceeds the combined sale
of all other medicines for women.
Dr Piercers i "niE ?
m-r A J * * * r flCllC SlcttlCS' '
Io a very extent uea thine of llic past. 1 f i
was pjftiuil , the proper remedy would lie prompt
Iy resorted to , nud the long train of disorder * fo
which It i * rctpoiibiblc would cea c to exist , tlu
unfortunately constipation U the easiest to ntg
lect of nil sickness-breeding condition * . A rcior
( o the right remedy Is put elf from day to d y. 1
shows llhelf In a headache , and some injuH
ou * headache powder that Kive * but temporar ;
relief U used. Dr. 1'ierce's I'leannt J'ellet
to ( Ue first cause of the trouble and cur
Ru They are a prompt and permanent cur
for constipation. They cause tie pain ani
never gripe. l > tujfj'll
tell them , and cell uothiup
else that Is "Just a * uood.1'
cquittcd of the Charge of Perjury on Final
Hearing ,
Vttemitt tn Tnkc AilvnnltiKc of n
MUII'N iKiiiirnncc llrmliMl IHT mill
( lie ( liicM for VeiiKeuncc
| | Also I'll I led.
A Jury In the district court yesterday nc'
quitted William Gayhart of Xeola of tin
charge ot perjury , for which he was Indicted
by the grand Jury last fall. The hearing ol
the case occupied all day. The evidence
showed a rather peculiar state of affairs
Gayhart Is a farmer , unable to rcaJ or write
and Just able to make a certain comblnatlor
of scrawls , which after being translatcil
represent hla name. Some time ago Gnyhnrl
In settling up a deal with some of his neigh
bors found himself unable to meet his finan
cial obligations and was induced to put hla
peculiar olgnaturu to what was represented
to him as being a promissory note. The In
strument , however , proved to be a chattel
mortgage Instead of a note , nnd In dui
course of time Ills creditors began to seize
under It alt of his farm products and per
sonal property. Ho resisted the onforccmenl
of tbu mortgage and replcvlned the stuff ,
At the hearing of the case before a Neolc
jnutlco of the peace the mortgage WUH In
troduced and given Its proper name. Altci
lilii property was seized Gaylmrt learned tin
difference between a chattel mortgage anil
a promissory note nnd when ho went on the
witness stand In the Justice court he franhlj
and firmly swore that had never signed a
chattel mortgage. The signature to the In
strument WHS proven to be genuine , but the
justice restored the property taken under II
to Gayhart. The holders of the mortgage
then had Gayhart lndlctc.1 for perjury
Gayhart was penniless , but found two attor
neys willing to defend him. When the ver
dict was announced Gayhart stood up ant
wept like a child.
Judge Smith will continue to hear tlu
criminal docket today and the case of Frei
Duncan , charged with the ruin of Grnci
Lamb , a school girl , will be called for trial
Judge Smith has made the fourth assign
meat on the law docket since the opening o
the term. The following oasts arc svt foi
hearing on the respective dates :
Monday , May 24 377 , IlouGor agalns
Schocnlng ; 39G , White against Gray ! 439
Mottaz against Huber ; 537 , First Nationa
lank against Itcdman ; 57S , Gronewvg t
5chocntgcn against Beck ; GSG , Fisher agalns
Tuesday , May 25 353 , Elevator Co. agalns
Drown llros. " Grain Co. ; 598 , ChrlstofTcrfiei
gainst Canning ; 699 , Lincoln against Cas
eady ; C01 , Maxwell against Gale Manufac
tiring company ; COS , Falrvlcw Cemetery As
eoclatlon against Cassndy.
Wednesday , May 20 C03 , Smith apalns
ilnder ; 441 , 1'eycko Dros. ngalnst Hazen
450 , Park against Mass. Building and Loai
association ; 473 , McCurdy against Saguln.
Thursday , Mny 27 ISO. Uoardman ogalns
Douglas ; 613 % , C. B. Hoofing Works agalns
A'lnd ; 615 , Wcston against Day & Hess ; C1C
ilediuan against West ; 618 , Cosady agalns
Man. Ins. Co. ; 619 , Sharpies Co. against Wcs
Friday , May 2S 587 , Relchart against n
I. Uy. Co. ( special ) ; 59 , Wright against Dy
Works ; 620 , Pratt against McMullen ; 623
Lake Manawa L. Co. ngalnst Grout ; 62-1
Crystal Mill and G. Co. against Jackson.
Saturday , May 29 1S18 , probate , claim El
Vlckery ; 498 , Krolm against Schwenk.
Monday , May 31 552 , Chapman ngaliiE
c AVoniiiii Hlldlj-
Mrs. Fannie Singleton and her two brlgl
llttlo children are still wandering around th
city , homeless and friendless. A week ag
Mrs. Singleton appeared at the city Jail lat
at night after a ride on a freight train froi
Atlantic , without a friend In the city or
cent of money and two very hungry chlldrc
on her hands. She told Captain Maltby th :
she had , lived In Atlantic for many yeai
and that her husband deserted her there tw
years ago , leaving her to care for herself an
licr children. The Cass county authorltlc
liavo been keeping her for the last yea :
Mrs. Singleton told them she had som
[ rtcnda In Madison , Neb. , who would hcl
tier , If she could get to them. The Cat
county * ofllcers took her at her word , bongl
tier a ticket to Council Bluffs , put her an
tier babies on beard a freight train and foi
jot all about her. The woman has bee
liauntlng the ofllco of the overseer of til
poor ever since and endeavoring by otlu
means to ralso enough money to pay for lit
passage to Madison. The county authorltlc
liave no power to furnish money to send ti
woman out of town and on her way and hav
turned a deaf car to her entreaties. Th
woman hso been urged to turn her chlldre
over to the Christian home people , but n
fuses to do so except for temporary care. H <
condition yesterday had reached a deplorab
stage , and It Us probable that something wl
be done today for her relief.
The ladles these days are very busy wit
house cleaning. They find carpets badl
worn , curtains a little old. Now , wo do m
wish , to disturb the lanics in their worl
but wo want them to know what an clegai
line of carpets , curtains and rugs wo carr ;
Como and see the new goods.
Combination book cases this week , $10.7
at Durfco Furniture Co. , 205-207 , Broadway.
ItiM-clvcr for Mimlmttiiii llcncli.
Upon a petition signed by six of the cre <
Horn ot the Manhattan Beach Improvomei
company , Judge Smith yesterday appoints
C , II , Judson receiver of the property an
the bathing beach on the south side of Lali
The financial affairs of the company ha
got Into such a shape that there was no prol
ability of a settlement being made tlu
would permit the beach to bo opened at th
beginning of the season or kept open dm
Ing the summer , and the appointment of
receiver was the only way out of the dill
culty , Judsoii will endeavor to put the beac
In proper condition for the season's enjoj
me nt and keep tho1 business going. The si
crcJItora who joined In the application fe
the receiver are the persona holding 111
principal amount of the claims agatimt 111
company. Numerous small creditors hav
obtained judgments , anil ( hero was a fire ;
probability that they would have oxecutlor
Issued to satisfy each claim , and thus pri
vent any business being done on the beac
during the reason , But very little ex pen ;
will bo required to put tlio property In goo
condition , and the receiver will Have tb
authority to make the necessary expend
lures for this purpose.
Ill-ill KHII | TrmiNfrrn. I
The following transfers were filed yeste :
day In the title and loan ollico of J. \ \
Squire , 101 Pearl street :
. 1Vlnther nnd wife to Vonsen nnd
Mnry Larson , lot 8 , McGt/o'n nub of
block IS , Hughes' & Donlplmn'H add , ,
w. d I Jll
William P. Olllcer nnd wife to Anna
K , Brumbaugh , lot < , block 10 Morn-
Ingslde , q , c. d , . . 11
Sheriff to John 8. Smith , uml. Inter
est In eVi se'.i. sV noi und seVi rnv'.i
1-70-41 , u. d I
Sheriff to ! * , T. True , lots 4 and G ,
blotk 17 , Iluyllss & Pnlmer'u udd , B. d , V
Four transfers , aggregating1 } T :
C ! ii in i * Tiiiiuirrotv.
Camp's aggregation of artists will try co
elusions again tomorrow with the plciii
team from Omaha on the Council BluF
ground. The tcamu :
Council liluffa. Positions. All Oman
Uurltmrt Middle Held Whltni
Luca.8. . , . . . . , Third base , . . . . Lawl
Jonea Oatclu-i- , . .Graham-Ko ;
Cump-nwyer First base. , . . .Lew
Fyock Left Held Jnli
Brockway Shortstop Bradfo
Clarke Pitcher , Soul
Frlck .Ulsht Held , Cur
GatowooU Second bauc..BUtlin ;
CIIMIA Kill ii at lllncknttillh Kcltey In
I.lkoltil III * DUllllNNtMl.
The legal Investigation ot the case against
A. J , Kelley , the blacksmith who was ar
rested upon tbo complaint of some of his
neighbors on the charge of assaulting and
threatening to kill his wife , was begun yet-
terday In Justice Vlcn's court. The Inquiry
was not completed and further hearing was
continued until today. From the evidence
Introduced yesterday the trouble seems to
have been a case of misapprehension on the
part ot the neighbors and unjustifiable In
terference In the affairs of the Kelley house
hold. Mrs. Kclley declared positively yes-
terduy that her husband had not mistreated
her In any other way than perhaps paying
a little too much attention to another
woman. Neighbors had picked up little re
marks she had made and grossly exagger
ated them , and had likewise misrepresented
to her the conduct ot her husband. Kelley
Is u hard working blacksmith and bears a
good reputation. The case will probably be
dismissed today ,
Srlitii > l ToiU'lu-i'H mill Vm-nlloii.
The close ot the public schools today give :
the teachers their liberty until next Septcnv
her , For several days they have been plan ,
nlng how to spend the long vacation In the
in031 pleasant and profitable manner. U U
noteworthy that all who have so far made
any announcements ot their Intentions have
declared that the vacation shall be spent al
work In line with their duties ns teachers
and In the direction of Increasing their use
fulness and efficiency. One party of flftcci
has about completed arrangements for at
tending the meeting ot the National Educa <
tlonal association , which meets In Mllwaukci
In July. The party will be headed by Prof
Illaey and will le.ive on July 3. Anothei
party will leave on Sunday evening for CM
cage for the purpose of spending sometlim
studying the Spccr system of teaching num
bcr work , which has been Introduced here b ;
Prof. Illsey with such great success. In till ;
party arc Mrs. Gleaaon , the M'escs ' Badollct
Hardln , Field , Honn. Howe , Mlllard , Perry
Parsono , Lyon , Declining , Grass and Pile
Later on they will be joined by Mlss'Ihomp
son , Miss Van Order and Miss Jacobs.
, IIlM Icovolvcr IM I'oor.
Sam Douglas Is In Jail now upon a chargi
ot disturbing the peace and trying to shoo
Joe Scott at the lattcr's homo In the south
cm part of the city. The Intentions of Doug
las were good , but the cartridge failed ti
explode. When the police ofllcers were ti
arrest Douglas he started to show them hi
gun , but was overpowered before ho couli
use It. A partner of Douglas was arrestei
In Omaha yesterday atthe request of thi
local officers.
Lost , star-shaped pin , diamond In center
points set with pearls. Lest on Fourtl
street between Fifth avenue and Wortl
street , before C o'clock. Finder leave n
Bee office , Council Bluffs , and receive re
J. G. W. & CO.'B Clear Title Cc cigar Jus
placed on sale with forty first-class clga
dealers In this city. Try one. At wholesale
John G. Woodward & Co.
Wood and AMiluilt the Kuviirltc 1'iiv
liiK Matcrlul.
London Is eo large and Its municipal ad
ministration so complicated , says a wrltei
In the Indianapolis News , that only tin
barest outline can bo given in a short letter
There Is no room for detailed statistics
which , by the way , are very dilllcult to ob
tain. Between the years 1S56 and 18S9 thi
domestic housekeeping ot the city was under
dor the control of the Metropolitan Bean
of Works. In the latter year this was abolIshed
Ished for the reason ( given to me ) that then
was too much and too extensive work to b <
looked after by one board. This will be ap
parent when It Is known that there are ovei
3,000 miles of streets. The modern sevve
system built by that board cost $32,500,000.
Domestic affairs were then turned over ti
the London county council , and by varlou
parliamentary acts and usages their super
vision has been subdivided until at this tlmi
the city of London Is divided Into twenty
eight municipal boroughs , or parishes , cacl
parish being governed by a vestry , inaklni
an annual report to the London city coun
ell. Each of these boroughs , or parishes , 1
a separate municipal organization , collect
Ing taxes , opening streets , paving and clean
lug them , tilting care of garbage , looklni
after the health of the people and the sail I
tary condition of all the houses and publli
places In the parish. When it Is rernem
bered that the entire area of the city Is 12 :
square miles , It will be observed that eacl
vestry has only about four square miles o
territory to look after , and many of thi
parishes are , In fact , very much smaller.
The favorite paving material here , as li
Paris , Is wooden block. All ot the bes
streets are either paved with wooden blocker
or asphalt.- The following tacts I obtalnei
by personal Interviews with public ofllclal
or out of ofllclal reports where I could ob
tain them , and I glvo them In as near th
words ot the ofllclal as I can , having ii
most Instances made memoranda at th
tlmo of the Interview.
There are something over 100 miles o
wood pavement In London , some laid b
contract , as In Paris , by the parish. Abou
seven-eighths of the wood Is creosted , som
by "dipping , " more , by forcing the creosot
into tte blocks by pressure. White pine wa
formerly used , but yellow pine crcosoted I
now the most used , although Australia
"Jarrali" and "karri , " both very liar
woods , are now being laid on some street
of exceptionally heavy traffic. These wood
are not being crcosoted. All pavements ar
laid on Portland cement concrete ; Instca
of broken stone , gravel Is mostly used 1
making concrete. The cost for foundatio :
and blocks complete Is from $2.45 to $3 pe
square yard one year guarantee If done b
contractor. It costs about 5 per cent pc
square yard per annum to maintain them.
The average life of blocks on heavy trail !
streets Is about ten years. A wooden pave
mcnt on a light trafllc street was show
mo that had been down seventeen yean
with the remark , "Blocks dipped In crco
sole ; " but the sued was not In good con
dltlon. King William street , leading t
London bridge , with 22,000 vehicles passlni
over It each twenty-four hours , is pavci
with wood , but I was told 1L had to bo replaced
placed every seven years.
Asphalt Is more popular here than ii
Paris , especially on narrow streets and li
sections of the city where there Is a gooi
deal of filth and'dirt. There are about one
third as many yards of asphalt as of wood
so I was Informed. It costs upward of $
per square yard , with only eighteen inoutlu
guarantee , after which It costs ftom 22 cent
to 28 cents per square yard per annum fa
maintenance. It will thus bo seen that th
taxpayers In Indianapolis pay less both fo
wood and asphalt pavements than the tax
payers of London , and I carefully watche
the layers of each kind , and outside ot th
Portland cement used Instead of concrul
here , I observed but little difference In tl
way they are laid ,
The cleaning Is not so well done hero t
In Paris , but la done In much the same wa ;
that Is , with orderlies taking up the droi
pings during tlio day , and ordinary strei
sweepers sweeping at night. At present tl
streets are not washed here at night. Fi
a 'vhlle It wan tried , but tlio cost of tl
water made the cost of cleaning cxcesslv
An effort Is now In progress to have a nyi
tern of pipes put In to convey salt wati
about the city for cleaning and sewer tlusl
Ing , and the only thing that prevents 1
adoption Is the sanction of Partlamen
Stone pavements are not laid now , and i
rapidly as those now In use are worn 01
they are replaced with wood or asphalt.
There are many miles of macadam
London , but as no practical way hca hei
found to clean them and still retain the
tine surface , they are rather rough. Thi
are cleaned with the ordinary uweeplng mi
chines , which remove the fine matcrle
leaving the coarse stones sticking up , ma
Ing a rough surface.
This Is a city of parks. Many are Bine
parks nnd squares , no other city In tl
world having so many. There are ov
3COO acres In parks and squares In the clt
exclusive of the royal parks. Public bat
lug places are a.great feature here. Sc
arato departments are provided for womc
A bath can bo obtained for 1 penny. Publ
lavatories are everywhere about the clt
mostly below the street surface , each
charge ol an attendant ,
Eleven Mon Who WJ'li' ; Spend the State's
ovrrnor Drake Will Summon the
Mutiiliern < < > Mirtnt | lion Muliic *
Next Week MoMly Sic" t
DES MOINES , Say.121. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The state executive council today
appointed the Iowa commission to take
charge ot the state's Interests at the Trans-
mlsstsslppl Exposition at Omaha , The com
mission U as follows :
l-'lrst District-John II. Wnllbank. Mounl
rii-asnnt ; democrat.
Second Dlstrlct-S. D. Cook , Davenport
r ° '
T'iitrdUDlstrlct-R N. Chnse. Cedar Falls
republican ,
Kourth District J. E. E. Markley , Mosor
City ; elcmocrnt. , ,
Fifth Dlstrlet-S. H. Packard , Marshall'
town ; republican.
Sixth District U. .M. ( Moore , Ottumwn
Seventh District Allan Dawson , Dei
Molnes ; democrat.
Eighth District S. H. Mallory , Charlton
Ninth Dlstrlct-aeorgo W. McCord , Lo
gan ; rcpubllcnn.
I'eiith District Owen I.ovcjoy , Jefferson
Eleventh District A. W. Erwln , Slou >
City ; republican.
Most of the members have had special ex
pcrlencc that qualifies them. Mr. Chase wci
secretary of the Iowa Columbian commission
secretary of the committee that linndlci
Iowa's Interests at the New Orleans Cottoi
Centennial , and connected with the lowi
Centennial commission. Ex-Governor Pack
ard of Louisiana Is known as one of the lead
Ing live stock men of the country , and wll
doubtless look alter tills.Important Intern
for Iowa. Mr. iMnllory was vice presldon
cf the Iowa Columbian commission. Mr
Moore has been a director of the Ottumw ;
Coal Palace association , and Mr. Erwln 1m
been president of the Sioux City Corn Palac
The members of the commission will hav
Charge , under the general direction of th
state executive council , of the cxpendltur
of the state appropriation to secure prop *
representation at the Tratifjinlsslsslppl Ex
xjsition. The act of the llrst session ot th
Twenty-sixth general assembly provided a :
appioprlatlon of ? 10,000 for the bsglnnlu
of the work , the expectation being thai th
amount would bo Increased by $25,000 o
nero by the Twenty-seventh general asseni
The Iowa Interest In the exposition ha
lad a hard fight in various ways. Whe :
ho last session of the legislature opcnc
there was1 a strong disposition to repeal th
ipproprlatlon made by the former sesslor
mil it was only prevented by hard worli
Uoforo the end of the session , however , th
iiembers were generally convinced that th
appropriation ought not to be Interfered will
and that the state was entitled to a first
class representation nt the exposition. Tii
feeling was very favorable to adding to th
appropriation next winter.
J. S. Urownlng of this city , who was chic
clerk of the Columbian exposition burea
of awards , has been1 selected as chief of th
jureau of exhibits. . " 'Mr , , Browning has bee
hers all winter , looking- , after the Interest
ot the exposition liintho .legislature and else
wheio , and It was largely due to his effort
that the matter caino out so well , from th
standpoint of the- exposition , as It did.
Governor Drake .has ! announced that h
will call the commission together In this clt
next Thursday for'1 ' organization.
Mnlv < ; H it vovcl Uofciisc ti
11 CliiirKe of Imiiti > iicr Conduct.
SIOUX cm' . May2l. ( Special Telegram.
Hev. George \/l D ( evangelist llvlni
n this city , has bcen'suspeiKled from preach
ing the gospel by a ury of Methodist rain
istcrs in this city pending the action , of , UN
Northwest Iowa conference next fall. Mr
Oako has been dolng'much active evangel !
cal work In Iowa nnd Is said to be a powcrfu
young preacher. While conducting a serlei
of meetings In Goldflcld , In. , It Is chargci
that ho acted In an unbecoming mannei
toward Ethel iHam , a servant girl In tin
family of Rev. Mr. Bristol , with whom hi
was staying. The testimony was that hi
ordered a pitcher of water brought to hi :
room by the girl And while she was In thi
room he threw hla arms around her. Thli
Is denied by Mr. Oaltc , who says that thi
hugging -was all doneby the girl , but tin
jury suspended him until a better cxplana
tlon la made. Ilev. Robert Smylie of For
Dodge acted ns the defendant's attorney am
Bennett iMltchell of Schaller as prosecutor
Mr. Oako has a wlfo and three chlldrci
liero and Is highly esteemed by his neigh
Gasoline VvHHcIx to 1'ly Ilctivoci
Slouv City mill Cliiuiilicrlniii.
SIOUX CITY , May 21. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Work was commenced hero today 01
the first of a number of boats to bo built fo
a now line of vessels for 'the Missouri rive
to ply between Sioux City and Chamberlain
S. D. A local company has been organize !
for that purpose' and a half dozen vessel
will bo built in time for use In the fall
They will he small boats to be propelled wit ;
gasoline engines , some of the boats bein ;
120 feet long and others ninety feet long
They will carry the farm produce from th
country between Running Water and Cham
bcrlaln , a distance of over 100 miles , wher
the farmers have no access to railroads an
ralso largo quantities of grain. They hav
tried repeatedly to secure the establlshmen
of a steamboat line , but have failed untl
this year. '
Caiiprlit I y ' HlH Footprint * .
MASON CITY , la. . , May 21. ( Special Tele
gram , ) The vllMln who twice attempted t
wreck the Illinois Central flyer by placlu
obstructions across the rails , each time ncarl
accomplishing his purpose , Ins boon ru
down by Sheriff Parker , He given hla nam
as Louis 13. Hyde of Floyd , la. It was a lies
piece of detective work on the part of 1'arkci
as hl only clew was the tracks made by th
man's shoes , the soles of which left peculla
marks In the earth. Ho Is now in Floy
county Jail awaiting the action of the Septem
bcr grand Jury , die has confessed the crlim
All Kiitlrc > SlilnliiilliU-r Ilium Afoul o
I mi American Jol < c ,
There was an Englishman hailing froi
Hull on this side tile water recent , relate
the Washington Star5 , looking at Americ
and , of course , ho came to Washington. H
was a largo man , weighing not less than 2
pounds , and rising ito a height of at leaf
six feet three Inches ? ' 'He was for an Enf
liman , not yet Aracrldanlzed , quite cbatt
and affabls , after tli'e. Icte was broken , albe
Just a wee bit eWbffwlt. ,
"I'm a Hull 6hlpuuller , " he was sayln
to a Yankee nowipapcr man In a Bin a
party of Journalists Who were blowing hli
oft to a few rations > yof and dry nt n foul
dry where such thing ? , arc manufactured.
"Of course you aro" responded the Yanki
as ho measured hi ? huge proportions an
emi'.ed ; "you could scarcely make us bcllo\
you were only part of one , don't you know.
Those In hearing laughed and the Engllsl
man looked at the Yankee with a puzzle *
yearning expressionoo lib broad and hone
face."Really , " he pleaded , "I beg your ' pardon !
and then before International c'ompllcatlo ;
could arise , somebody called on the Engllsl
man for a speech or something and tl
Yankee Joker got away ,
A < 7oiiiiiirlnon. |
" " said Mr. Cumro
Washington Star : .No ,
positively , "It lun't the amount of time thi
a thing takes that regulates Its Importance
"What made you think of that ? " Imjuln
hla wife.
"Our daughter , When graduation df
comes It'll only take fifteen or twenty mil
utea to utaml up and Inform the public aboi
'The Inconsistencies of Modern Thought at
the Ultimate Destiny of the Human Itact
Hut It'll take her half an hour or more
make up her wind as to what kind of syn
she wants la her soda , water. " ,
sti'iir.Mi : eoLirr svii.uu.
McClannhnn ngrilnst Kinsman. Krror
rom DouRln * county , neversort nnil re-
mnndcil. Opinion by Judge Ilynn.
Where the question nt Issue Is whether
Attorney's fees charged nnd retained should
have t > ecn restricted to 10 per cent of the
amount collected and the parties who em
ployed the attorneys hail testified to that
tstrlctlon , It was error , on cross-cxamlnn-
lon , to hold that this witness could not be
asked If said witness nt the time ho had
> ecn paid 75 per cent of ttie collection had
lot said to one of the Attorneys who had
mndc tlio collection that witness would not
expect said attorney to do nil the work for
0 per cent ; that said attorney was the decor -
or , and furthermore , that witness had nc-
ceptcit the proffered checK for 73 per cent
of the .inld collection.
EvcrliiRhiitn ngalnst Harris & Co. Error
torn DotiKhis county. Aillnned. Opinion
> y .Tmlpo Ilynn. . .
Questions of fact cannot be considered In
lie supreme court In the bscncc of a bill
of exceptlonB.
2. An assignment directed against n.i en-
Ire proup of Instructions Is not available
vhen the action of the trial court a to one
or more of such Instructions Is not shown
o IIP erroneous.
.1. The foroRoltiR portion confers on the
olllccr named exclusive original JurlfillMion
of the designated subject tnnttor , and the
urlsdlctlon Is not dependent upon or
iffeoted by the presentation or other i-x-
ircsslon of the will or desire of the residrnt
voter * of the territory to bo organized Into
a school district , nor Is any prior notice of
the proposed action of the otltcer ncce.i5n.ry.
Missouri 1'acltlc Railway Company against
'radlcy. Error from Otoe county. Alllrmcd.
Opinion by Judge Norval.
where n resident of another state dies
ntostato an administrator mny be appointed
iy the county court of any county in this
state In which there shall bo an estate to
in admlalstered , Irrespective of the value
of such estate.
2. The county court of a county wherein
a nnnrc.sldcnt of the Htnte In killed may up-
> oliit an administrator to prosecute a slnt-
itory action for the Injury causing the
Icath of the decedent , though the latter
i-ft no property In this stale.
3. The fact Hint one has been sued by an
administrator will not authorize such per-
on to petition to the county court for a re
vocation of the letters of administration.
4. The nets of an administrator do facto
nrf binding between the estate and Innocent
third persons , although Ills appointment bo
erroneous and voidable. Harrison , J. , con
curs. Chief Justices Post , Irvine , and
Ragan , C. C. , dissent.
Homa Fire Insurance Company against
Phelps. Error from Douglas county.
Alllrnipd. Opinion by Judge Norval.
An objection that the court refused to di
rect a verdict In the case not considered be
cause not raised beow ! In the motion for a
new trial.
1. Kxceptlons to Instructions ns n whole
are unavailing unless t-.icn paragraph Is er
3. Errors .n respect to Riving or refusing
nslriictlons must bo separately assigned In
the motion Tor a new trial. .
4. A verdict based on contacting evidence
will not be disturbed.
B. Where nn Insurance compnnv , with
knowledge of u breach of the con'dltlons by
the Insured fails to declare a forfeiture of
the policy rind continue * to recognize Its
lirblllty by demanding proofs of loss. It
waives the defense based upon such breach
of policy.
Meyer Rnapko against Miller. Krror
[ rom Dawson county. Reversed. Opinion
[ > y Judge Norval.
Where a mortgage of chattels Is In pos
session of the mortgaged iirooerty tlio In
terest of the mortgagor therein niter the
debt Is paid may be" reached by the process
of frarniphmcnt bv a creditor of the latter ,
2. It Is ilrmly settled that proceedings In
garnishment arc binding from and after
the service of the summons upon the
pnriilshec , nnd the property of the debtor In
Ills hands Is thereby placed In custodla
3. Under section 14. chapter xxxll , ConVl'cd
Statutes , a chattel mortgage can be made a
valid lien ns to the other creditors of the
mortKagor only by depositing- the Instru
ment , or a cony thereof. In the ofllco of the
county clerk of the proper county , or by
the mortgagee taklnp and retaining posses
sion of the inortirnKed chattels.
HodRln against Whltcomb. Error from
Thurston county. Reversed nnd remanded ,
Norval , J.
This court will not consider n bill of exe
cution where the same Is not authenticated
by the certificate of the clerk of the court
2. An objection to a charge not called to
the attention of the court by the motion for
n. new trial will not bo considered.
3. An assignment of error to instructions
as a whole In a motion for a new trial or
petition In error Is Insulllclent unless each
Paragraph Is erroneous.
4. An Instruction will not be reviewed un
less It appears to have been cxcepted to
r . A Jiidpo of the district court is without
authority In vacation and out of term time
to cither pass upon a motion for a new trial
or render a money judgment In a cause.
B. If a petition falls to state a cause of
action it will not support a Judgment , and
t may be attacked on account of such In-
Irmlty nt any stage of the proceedings In
the action.
C. A petition In nn action of replevin com
menced In a district court Is the basis of
the action , and must be sudlcient within
nnd of ItKelf. The nllldavlt In the suit can
not be resorted to to aid the petition in
? ssentlal allegations In jurisdictions where
iiotli nllldavlt and petition are lllcd In ac
tions of replevin.
7. A branch of the promise on which the
notion Is predicated must bo plended In the
5. In nn action of replevin wherein the
plaintiff claims the right to possession of
properly by virtue of a special ownership
Conferred by chattel mortgage thereon In his
favor , the petition Illed must contain alli
gations which show that the debt secured
by the mortgage has matured , nnd nlso that
It Is unpaid , and If claimed by virtue of n
clause In the mortgage by which the mort
gagee may take possession at any time If
lie feels unsafe or insecure , the petition
must also contain an allegation that the
debt secured remains unpaid.
9. In this , a replevin action , n bomV was
given by the plaintiff before the property
tajen under the writ was delivered to him.
The bond was Imperfect or defective. On
motion of defendant a now bond was re
quired by the court , which wns given. The
defendant Illed answer. Issues were Joined
nnd a trial had In which the defendant
participated. Held : That the right to fur
ther object to the bonds was waived.
Culbcrtson Irrigating and Water Com
pany against Olamlcr. Error from Hitch
cock county. Reversed. Post , C. J.
A settler who has entered public lands
under the provisions of the United Stntcs
homestend law tins from the date of sucli
entry an Inchonlo lllle , which Is In a legal
sense property and subject to defeat only
by bis failure to comply with the condi
tions Imposed by the act of eonsres.
2. Such title will support nn nctlon by the
settler for trespass committed after entry
and before his right to a patent becomes
3. A general verdict will bn pet aside If
in irreconcilable conllict with n special findIng -
Ing of fact material to the Issues In the
same case.
Kelly against State. Krror from nurt
county. Reversed and remanded. Harri
son , J ,
The action of the trial court In excluding
testimony merely cumulative , held , not
prejudicial If erroneous.
2. A wltnens whoso name was not en
dorsed on the Information may be called on
rebuttal , or on a subject llrst brought Into
the cnsn In thn evidence of the defense , and
which Is In rcbultal of and made nceexnary
by such evidence Introduced by the defense ,
but may not give testimony which Is not
directly nnd plainly rebuttal or whli-li tends
to prove the commission of the ciimn nnd
might properly have been Introduced on tlio
part of the state ns of Ila evidence In chief ,
3. The nctlon of tlio trial court In refus
ing' to give certain Instructions examined
and approved.
Rooney against State , Error from Doug
las county. RovL'fHcd nnd remanded , Opin
ion by Harrison , J.
To HiiHtnln a conviction of larceny there
must bo proof of the value of the property
by competent evidence.
2. Evidence herein held InsuIIIclcnt to sup
port thn verdict.
Hay State Llvo Slock Company against
Ring. Appeal from Klmball county. Af
firmed , Opinion by Harrison , J ,
"Each organized county not already di
vided Into school districts , or any part of
such counties not so divided , shall be di
vided by the county superintendent Into as
many school districts ns may bo necessary.1
Subdivision 1 , section III , chapter Ixxlx ,
Compiled Statutes , 1MC .
State ox rel. Simons agnlnst Cornell. Mnn-
damuH. Writ denied. Opinion by Post. O. J.
The net of April 8. 1W3 , entitled "An net
to provide tqr a uniform system of vouch
ers and for the ntllxtnc of nn oath
or nlllrnmtlon thereto by the claimant , "
etc. , applies to nets which by their terms
appropriate a definite amount , or so much
Woman's Nerves.
Mrs. Platt Talks About Hysteria ,
When n ncrvo or a set of nerves supplying
Tiny organ in the boily with its due nutri
ment grows weak , that organ languishes.
When tlio nerves become exlmusteil nml |
die , so to speak , the organ falls into de
cay. Wlmt is to bo done ? The answer is ,
do not allow the weakness to progress ;
stop the deteriorating process nt oneo 1
Do you experience. Ills of depression , alter
nating with restlessness ? Arc your spirits
easily affected , so thn tone moment you laugh
and the next fall into convulsive weeping"
Again , do you feel somclhlnglikc almll rising
in your throat nnd threatening to chuko you ,
all the senses perverted , morbidly sensitive to :
light nnd sound , pain in ovary , nnd pain es
pecially between the shoulders , sometimes loss
of voice and nervous dyspepsia ? If so , you arc
hysterical ) your uterine nerves are nt fault.
You must do something to restore their tone.
Nothing is better for the inn-pose than Lydia E. rinlthnm's Vegetable Com
pound ; it will work u cure. If you do not understand your symptoms , write to
Mrs. Pinklmm , Lynn , Mass. , and she will give you honest ,
expert advice , free of eliurge.
Mus. LKVI R Pt..vrr , Womleys-burg , Pa. hnil
a terrible experience with the illness we have
just described. Here Is her own description of
her sufferings :
" 1 thought I could not be so benefited by any
thing and keep it to myself. 1 had hysteria
( eaiibcil by womb trouble ) in Its worst form. I
wns awfully nervous , low-spirited and melan
choly , nnd everything imaginable.
" The moment I was alone I would cry from
hour to hour ; I did not earo whether 1 lived
or died. 1 told my hublmnd I believed Lydia.
K. Pinklmm's Vegetable Compound would do
me good. I took it and um now well and
strong , and getting btouter. 1 have moro
color in my face than I have had for a year and a half. Please accept my
thanks. I hope all who read this and who suiFer from nervoiibue&s of this
kind will do as I have done nnd be cured. "
thereof us may 1)0 required for n. designated
L' . The siifllclency of section 4 of suld act
to rcqulm verification by allldavlt of claims
tiKiilnst the state being conceded by relater
Is not determined.
Teel ngiihiHt Mills. Krror from Frontier
county. Hever.ied. Opinion by Post , C. .1.
One who delivers to an ollleer n valid
writ without direction an to lln > manner of
Ila .service will not , except In case of sub
sequent ratification , bo liable for torts com
mitted by such ofllcer while engaged In tin-
execution thereof. Murray ngalnst Mace ,
41 Ne ! > . , 60.
2. The successful party to nn nctlon of re
plevin should recover therein nil damage
which he IIIIH actually sustained by reason
ot the unlawful detention of the property
In controversy.
3. A defendant who has In nn action of re
plevin recovered judgment I'or the return
of the property and Ills damage for the
wrongful detention thereof cannot there
after maintain an action agnlust the plalti-
UfC for damage on account of di'prrcl"tlon
in the value of pilch property while In pos
session of the hitter.
The Nebraska National Bank against
Johnson. Appeal from Douglas county ,
Aillnned. Opinion by Post , C. J.
A plaintiff In order to recover the pro
ceeds of property stolen by the defendant
Is not required to prove the guilt of the lat
ter beyond a reasonable doubt. It Is snfll-
clent If he establish the allegations of his
petition by n preponderance of the evidence.
2. Equity will as against n servant
charged with the care of the ofllces of llic
plaintiff , a banking corporation , and the
preservation of the property therein , de
clare a trust In favor of the latter with
respect to the proceeds of money stolen
from it by the former while In the discharge
of bis said duty.
3. The conventional relation of trustee and
cestul yuo trurfi , or other Ilduclary relation ,
Is not essential to the jurisdiction of a
court of equity to declare and enforce a
trust with respect to the property stolen
from tbo beneficial owner.
4. Evidence held to support the decree ap
pealed from.
Hudelson against First National Bank of
Tobias. Error from Siillnd county. He-
versed nnd remanded. Opinion by Harri
son , J.
In nn nctlon of replevin commenced In the
district court , where the affidavit lllcd con
tains no statement that the property Is
wrongfully detained by the defendant , If
there Is a duly verified petition on Illo In
which there appears such statement , It Is
Buflicleiit to give Jurisdiction to Issue the
writ , and the writ if Issued will not be void ,
but voidable.
2. A statement in nn aflldnvlt of replevin
that the plaintiffs "ore entitled to the pos-
seslon of said property , " being In the
present tense , means that they are entitled
to the Instant possession , and the nllldavlt
Is not Insulllclent for the reason that the
word Immediate was not used therein In
connection with posesslon.
3. Where a statement of nn affidavit mny
be read so as to nivc It a meaning , which
will make the affidavit defective , but may
also be read so ns to clvc It a signification
which will support the allldavlt , the latter
will be adopted , especially where It Is a less
strained and technical reading than the
I. Where nn affidavit has defects In former
or substance which might bo amendable.
If the parties In the case who might Inter
pose objections to the affidavit appear ,
answer to the merits of the nctlon and go
to trial without making objections to the
allldavlt , they waive the defects.
The Graving for Tobacco.
All sorts of nostrums have been proposed
and tried for the purpose of curing the ex
cessive craving for tobacco , but the results of
their administration have been for the most
part very uncertain. A remedy of a illft-jrent
order has been pateuttd In the shape of a
time lock for tobacco boxes. The victim of
the habit can adjust the torture nf depriva
tion to suit his moral and physical limita
tions. Having made up his nil.ul what is
Iho longest period that he can abstain from
the weed , ho seta the gauge on the box r-nd
waits .for the expiration of the predetermined
Interval of time before he takes a fresh chewer
or ( Ills up Ills pipe. The Inventor , who ap
pears to speak feelingly on the subject , recom
mends sufferers from the nicotine habit to
make the early Intervals very Bhort , and to
Increase them gradually until the yearning
for the weed haa at last been trained down
to the vanishing point.
Victim of Nervous Dyspepsia
and Nervous Prostration.
Thd Exparionco of a Grateful Woman
Cured by Dr , Chnrcot's Kola
Nervine Tablets.
Onalaska , WIs. For ten years I have been
the Buffering victim of nervous prostration
and nervous dyspepsia. I canont begin to
tell you or remember the remedies I have
taken or tlio proscriptions I have trlpd.
Take what I would , I grow worse Instead
of better , and was well-nigh discouraged.
Then came the grateful change. One montli
ago on the advice of my brother , who sent
mo a box t commenced taking Dr. Char-
cot's Kola Nervine Tablets. I have taken
ono box and gained flvo pounita , but that is
nothing compared to the physical relief I
have experienced. I am better and happier
than I have been for llvo yeais. If I could
make the recommendation Etrouger 1 would
gladly do tx > .
Yours gratefully ,
Dr. Charcol's Kola Ncrvlno Tablets are
famous for curing nervous diseases where
other medicines had failed. They will make
you Btroni ; and well , try them. I'Ifly ccntri
and tl per box at druggists or sent direct.
Eureka Chemical and Mfg. Co. , ha Crossc
REST0R Tlil.i ercnt Vi'Beta'il *
1C ,
tlon of u famou-ii'rencU pliclcliiiiwlll quickly euro son of nil ni-r *
I yous or tlls'a-sta oj the fi'ucratlvu iirRuni , bucli m J/ost Manlidciil ,
y eUtlioligrromoiImpotencr. 1Hl'it i.HKclcauiwUiOlivir : , tlio
i- BEFORE . NO AMC-lf klUncygand th urinary orpniii-it nil Imjmrlllea.
iit rJ fiSr nr" Per cent are troabM . .th .
id T r to wlllioul un opc-r.-ttlon , KrtJU-iillnionl-
v > lalKU/CCJl'I DUNK Is the only known remnly
. i Sl ro A written KUHninieoclTen i l money rHurni IU U l-ixw. doc-3 not eUectoKriuaiicu cure.
LO SuOoUoi.Vu Kirf3.W.liy mail. Bena lot KUKKClrculirnuO tcettiuonltU.
rlJreji OAVOIt S1KUICINK CO. , 1 .O. KtuandBan lind oCaL
IP Myers-Dillon Drug Co. , 8. E. Cor. 16th and Fanmm His. , Omaha.
Searlcs &
FficclnllstH In
n nd
Alt Private Diseases
and Disorders of Mctt
Treatment by nml I
Consultation Free.
Cured for Ufa.
FOII AM , mm MS OF1 rn.
Catnrrh , nil 13l ci ; ca of the Nose. Throat ,
Chest , Slonuu ! ; , I.lvtr , Hlood , Skin nml
Kidney Diseases , I-oat Manhood. Ilydroccla
Vnrlcocele , Gonorih < > a , Gleet , Syphilis nnd
Plies , Fistula nnd Ilectnl Ulceia cured without -
out p.iln or detention fioni business.
13riht'n Disease , Diabetes und kindred
Call on or ndCrcss with stamp ,
We cure CiitnrrJi , AH UlmMtMCM ot
.tlio \ osiTliroilt , Client , Stomach ,
lloucls and Iilvvri Hyilroccle , Vurl-
ooccli' , SypIilliH , ( ioiuirrliocn.
NERVOUS DEBILITY . mg"1 , & , &
AMD QITIN Discuses , sores spots.
PI nnr *
BLUUU AINU OIUW l-implos. Bcroriilii , Tul
mors , Tetter , Kczcma and Dloocl PuUon thorough
ly cliMiiiped from the EyetLMn ; also \Vcuknena oC
Ort'.inf , inflammation. Itupturcs , Piles , FUlula ,
CATARRH Throat , L.uncs , Liver , Dyspepsia'
umiAtinn and Bll , Jowe , nna stomach
LADIFS Given cnrerul nmt special attention
unuiL.u fr n ] ) ( | ltlr mnlly nimnts. |
WRTTR Your troubles If out of city. Thou-
vriiiij-i BaniS cured at homo by coircspcmil-
TUEATMCNT UY MAIIr-ConbUtlntlon free.
Ounlia Medical and Surgical Instil ul 3
ICO. Doilure HI. . Omiilui. Nell.
Clothing , School Hooks , etc. Detmrtmcnt oC
the Interior , Ollico of Indian Affairs , Wash
ington , D. d , April 3 , 1SU7. Sealed Proposal * .
Inuorsc-d : "Proposals for Coffer , bugur ,
Clothing , School Jiooiis , etc. , " aa the case
' " ' ' " " " ' " " '
irny be , und directed to the CominlHsloner
of Indian Atilrs ! , No. 77-79 WouBter Struct.
New York City , will be received until 1
o'clock p. m. , oC Tiifsday , May 25 , 1897 , for
furnishing for the Indian Service , CoiTtts ,
Sugar , Tea , Illcc , lienn.s , Unking- Powder ,
Si up , Groceries , Ulnnkets , Woolen and Coc-
lon Goods , Clothing , Notions , IlatH and
Cipi : , HoolH and Shoes , Crocker nnd School
IJoukw. Ulds muni bo ninilo out on govern
ment blanks. Schedules civlni ; nil necessary
Information for bidders will be furnish 'il
ii ] ion application to the Indian OIllci ; In
WuBhliiKton ; No , 77-79 Wooster Slrcut , New ,
York City , or No , 1341 State Street. Chicago ,
Illinois ; the CominlsHnrlcn of Subsistence ,
U , 8. A. , at Cheyenne , l eavenworth ,
On-alia , St. Louis nnd St. Paul ; the 1'ont-
ma.HlerH at Sioux City , Yankton , Arkansas
f'lly , Cnldwt'll , TopL'ka , Wichita and
Tucson. lildo will bo opened at the hour
and day mentioned , and the bidders am In
vited to bi < present al the opening. Cvrtltlnil
C'hccliH All bids niiiHt bo accompanied by
ci'i'tlll'Ml checks or drafts upon HOIIIU United ,
Slates depository or nolvcnt national lank
for nt least flvo per conf of tlm amount of
the proposal. D. M. I3HOWN1NG , Commls.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL , . . . $100,00
lamia fur fealo ur rent. Day U lieu , 29 Pcarr
l-'Oll l.KABK. ONhY UI'l.ANI ) MIBKOU11I
rlvrr frontage oiul lioat lamllni ; , near IlxiiijtU
tlon grnuntlti EUltnMn fur jilouMire rcHortv. Inf
tree's io mil ; pUiity Imnlwuo.l tlnilier ; Htiumlant-
ftawliii ; tprli'KH , wall euillclciu full for livilruuilo'
runt * iu fcloit wulci for fuuntulna uml liupply ;
bunk f n nil uml k'lavfl fur wulkK cm ] driven ; !
liuutlful natural puilm of plateaux , vulkyn
uml t'lurtu ; en e' . A N. W. U. It. ; 2V& iiillni ,
ii-n-i i of I'lincll lllurr . uml ntioiit S',4 mitral
i.uriliu.H fiuni 1.x petition rrouiidn. Jj. 1 * . JuJ.
sen. UJ'J i-ull" I'vnue.
wllii kuiiirlur lirlck rluy unltrlylnir tunic ;
nboul 3'-i nillcH iibrilirimterly fnun Omahu Hx-
! > Maun grcumlK , uml two in , lea r.oilli of Council
llluttH , en Mluiourl river , uml ui. U. & N , W.
It. K K H Juilbon , Hrj HUUi avenue , Council
upland fruit , > fKctnl > Io ami park Urulu ; nvo'
acre * unil tipwurd ut liO to lid per uere. accord-
Inn to location nml amount ; about three in I It
riorlh of city nnd nliout tame distance froirV
Kkp'jiiiiun ; oilier lands uml Council Illurfu
lutk ul low prlcti. U J' . JuJso.h 'M BUtli
nue Council Illuffo.
A t-JanUsomo Complexion
Is ono of tbo crcateut charms a mnnan can