THE OMAHA. DAILY MAY 21. 1897. SPEGLALJOTICES AiU vrtlKFiniMitfi for then : column * will lie tnUi-ii until IB m.or the rvctilnu ; "mil until 8 l > . in. for the ttiornlnir nnil Sumlny cillllniin. Advprtlm-rM , li > - ri'titii-xlliiK n nuni- lii'rcil cliccli , cnn IIIMO niniwt'M nil- ilrcuNrtl to n tttimlicrcil IrltiT In cnr * > of The lleo. Ainmr-rH nil nililrrxncil Mill lie dclltprcil on iirtiNpntiitlwii ' ihp c'lirck only , ItntfN , 1 l-lo it Mtint llrM Inacrtlaiij In n tvoril Ilierenfer. NotliliiK tnUen for IOKH thnn U.c for the llmt Inner * llcui. Tlu-ir ailvcrllnciuciiln inutt bo run eonm-enlM rlj- . SITUATION POSITION WANTED IY ) A COMPETENT butcher ; IS > ears' experience rclesences fur nished Additsa 1 * . life cilice. Council Bluffs. A-MJC7 53 WANTED. IIV TOt'NO MAN Of GOOD HAH. Its emplnjeil during rt y tlm < > , pine * to "Oik for board nnd loom. llc t of reference' _ _ it a. " HIP A-M30J 22' ALL-ROUND , < Jooi > nuTi'HER , WANTS SIT- tinllon ; fourti ti yearn * experience ; itood refer ences Address V. Sudllc , Sohu > lir , N b A MHO23 * M ) MAM3 IIKM * . A FEW ENERGETIC HUSTLING MEN CAN nnd tteaily , profitable work with C. F Adnmr Co. , MI HO i ih st. n-m MEN WANTED TO LEARN IAlUltR TRADE nt tlin Omaha Barber College , flneit In the wr t ; cnmpletn course. 8 winks ! term easy ; " -nd tor cataloirue. 1317-1211 Douglas St. . Ontnlin. jj-M'lOJuno 4 * WANTED. HALESMENi IN EVERY TOWN ml cltj , Bnlnry nnil commission Hnvvks Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , Wls 11 5185 * 81 * BATiESMEN Toll CIOAnS : $12 * . MONTHLY nnrt rxp nM , nld ( tnhllnhed liottpe ; experience itnnrcc ai > : IndiicMnents lo customer * C. C Bishop Po , HI , Louis R-M2SS 31 * WANTED. MEN TO LEARN THE DAUBER trade ; nur new method Is thorough constant practice , innipetent mutnictlnn * flnil expert examination ; wages nnd experience 8itur lu > s In rlly FhcpM licforo completing nutflt of tnoli Riven rludraU ; only requlren t o monthi to secure tillimtlnn , write In mint convenient nil- ilrcRt for llliiMrnlPtl rilaloi i * . Molrr Hylrtn of llirlier Schools , Chicago. St. Louis or Min neapolis Jl M 2 K * WANTII : ) , AN At nnnK ron . . nfllm work , nru t IIIIVP practical experience , ntflti' IIRO. Bfllnry , present nml furmur occu pation , otlionvlfo no attention Klvn nppllci- tlon Addles * I. 27. lec. U-295-53 1VAVrr.ll KHMAI.I3 HK1.1' . 100 antics ron AM. . KINDS wortic ; n ao (7 week. Cnnailiuii olllco , 1522 Doug ! . . C-M7iS WANTir > . niar , FOR onNnitAi. . nouau- ork , at ItlO Ninth 23th xtreet. C MM3 20 oooi ) mm. ron CIINIIIAI : , HOUSU work , Oermnn preferred. Inquire 1512 bherm.m Avenue. G 2X 20 * . GOOD KOK anNKHAI. lioiiionorlc M2 8 ZSIIi. f M2H 21 * , A coMi'irrnNT nint , ron IJK.V- ernl home-work ; smnll fntnlly. Apply SCOJ 1'op- plfton nve. C M27C WANTED. 1'OU onNHHAI , 11OUSK- work ; not cook 513 North 10th strict O Ml 20' IVANTIID. AN uxrnr.inNrnD COOK AND coed laundress at 121 So. liith. c-2in OIRI.S KllOM 1 TO 18 TO INTllODUCn A new nrtlcle ; no pxj > erlence noce ) * ! iry mothers requi-stiNl to call with ilniiRhters nt 511 1'lral Natl. bank flum 2 to 3 p. m. Friday. C-231-21 . - - \VANrnu , A coMi'innNT ainu AT ONCIS. for general housework ; no v\nslln ) > ; . nnil the lirnt wages. 1C4 1'nrk avenue. Council IllutTn C M312 I-'Oll ItbAT HOUSES. HOUSES IN AI.lj PARTS OP Tim CITV. THB O P. Davis Company , 1505 rurnam. D 173 iiousus. IJENUWA & co. , ios N. ism ST. D 174 MODnriN nousns. c. A. s > TAnn. 025 N.T. IJ-475 C1IOICK HOUSnS AND COTTAGES ALL OVCR the city. $ J to J50 ridcllty , 1702 Tarnain St. D tie HOUSES , WALLACE. DROWN HLOCIC. 1GTII find Douglna D 177 HOUSES , COTTAGES & STOUK3 , ALL TARTS ot city. Hrennan , Love Co. , 430 1'itMon block. D 178 JIOVINO HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. Om , Vnn . Stor.ioC Co. , 1415 rarnam. Tel. 155a. D 47 ! ) LIST. M'CAQUU , 15TH & DODGD. D 480 HOUSES , I-LA.TS , OAUV1N IlROS.lOn FARNAM D 4SI HOUSES FOR RKNT. IIE1UB , PAXTON BL1C 1) 482 THHKINdTON. 'COS DE11 UUILD1NG. , D-483 BTANFORD ClUCLK COTTAQns - 6 ROOM - . All mpilern. Apply 204 M"e bullJInir U-772 s-RooM MODERN FLAT , 703 so win. W. U. Mtlkle. room 504 , Flrat Nnfl Bank.DC10 DC10 TKN-llOOJI MODERN ISItlCK HOUHE. 24U Cniti Ht. , J30 00.V. . U Mclklc , Ml l t Nnfl Imnk. D-ilG04 EI.KG VNTLY 1 URNISHED HOUSE DEUGHT- ful home of trn ro ms ; lBt of locations ; WcHt Farimin Price very reasonable to right parties. M. .T Keminrd & Son. 310 und .111 j j. Urown bloclc. D C07 C-UOOM HOUSE INQUIRK 2709 DOUGLAS 5tr-ct. 1M76 2011 IJ.UINEV : 10 KOO1IS ; faTEAir JIiAT. June7 1R RENT. KI.KOANT riVIMtOQM STEAM henteil lint. Apply Fill 9 , Di > vliin-e 10-llOOM PLAT DOUGLAS. NEAR V4TII ; MOD- ern. utentn heat ; nlpo S-room at 310 So. 15th. Inqnlro LlntjulFt. 3JO P , 15th. D 317 TWO S AND 9-I1OOM IIOU EH , MODERN. rln e In. J22 < ' 0 anil jr. 00 J. D Xlltli2H | 8. Wtll. Om Nit. Il.inU lil.Is D 7UJ-22 l-'URNIKIIED HOUSE DELIOHTFI'L HOMK. \\est r.iinim St. Price vrr > naKonihle to rlKhl pnilli-H II. J. Kunnnnl A. Son. . :10 and III lit on n liliH-l , . D-M91I THREE-ROOM HOUSES , J5 00. 1022 N 21RT. D-J53 23 * I1OU8KH. J. II. HIIERAVOOD , N. V LITE D-M178 TOR 11ENT MODKRN iiniT-TlOOM : HOUSE , S2nil and 1'acino StrcctK , Apply to J. H KvapM , Natlnnal 11 ink uf Coinnierce. B1X-HOOM .MODERN FLATS. HI ! S. 1ITH. D-M2I7 K' COMPLETE I'OITAIIE OP SEVEN ROOMS , fur inun nml wife , without clilldrui. KO South 1111) Mrrct : t ! oil refi'H'nces reijulreil Aililresa 11 , Wlllnril hotel. D M101 23 TOR fli/OHS. BTKAtI IIRVrii > ROOMS. TKLKPHONE AND all rnn\t.r.lence ; rates reutoii.ililo. I'undt Reel. IffliCf , JI2 3 17th St. E 70J rURNISHED IIOO.M3. 170 J DOUGLAS ST. E 7 \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JtOOMS FIIRNIPHED Oil UNF1IRN1.'IIED , cool , pleaiiant locution , modern coim nlcnci's. neur Shelton anil Mcrrlam liotelu. ! I27 lo Ua treet. n-SIKI J3 BAhT FRONT ROOM NICKLV rt'RNISHKD : also piinUler one , fiOti No 17th , j ; 22S-20 * NP.WI.y rtlRNlHlIED ROOMS , SINGLE OR en ultp , Apply ISU I.n\vmvorth ttrrtt. 3d ( loor. n MJ40 Z5 TIIItllE FURNISHED ROOMS. HOUSEKEEi' Ing. 1 | B lllll. E-MSIS 25' FUHNiailED ROOMS. J NICE HOCLMS TO OKN'TLEMAN for lltiht Jiouiektcplng ; KUH clove ; modern liuualklnt dl taiii-c ; asphalt utrert. 1 , 13 , lie * cilice. U-.M291 J } HI1O3IS AM ) 1IOA11U. NICE ROOMS , OOOD HOARD. HATES REA- tollable. The Uosx. WO Harnt-y. SI-I'lM 80 UKUdANT ROOMS. SINGLE OR UNHU1TE private Imth , excellent InmrJ , 150 ? Capitol nve M-Fi < H _ MODERN IIRICK. ROOMS AND HOARD : IS 5 vvoelt. ( H N. mil. r-Jli7 S ) ' I ) ES IRA1U.E ROOMS , Wl'llT HOARD ; RKFER- onccn. SO ? N , ISIh. r-M2M tl > 110OUS AND HOARD , 1721 DOUQLARI' I' ! - KtlRNISHED UOOM3 , HOUSEKEEI'TNG. I 21 8U Mary's. F M 274-U * NICELY FURNISIIUD KOUTHKAST FRONT rouuij mjJeru couveitlencv ; iMarJ. * o : r. , tilth Bt HOOMI Ann no\nn. ( Continual ) ELROANT PARLOR , HAM' nLOdC FROM new poftomc * , for man ana v lf or two gentlemen. KB North 17th. F M30I 22 I.AItni ) ROOM , WITH AWOVJ5 , SOl'Tll AND enitt frontaRf , Iroanl ( or two ; Kountre Place. Address Ii 31 , Ilee irtHce. 1' SU111t rou nnxT itNKtJUMsiinn UOOMS. BUITB Or llNFtJItNISHED ROOMS ; MODttllN CIS South 23th street. U 211 20 * roil KHAT sTouns AM ) orncus. roil IlKNT. THK 4-STOI'v nllICK 11UILDINO at 91C I'arnatn St This IniltdliiR has n fireproof tcm < nt Inwincnt , complete steam heating fix tures , water on nil floors , gas , etc. Apply nt the unico of The lite. 1 910 WAM'JUO. WANTED , AGENTS ; J , PER MONTH AND expense * paid active men If HKM , Ktx li sold by * ampli > only , nomples , also horse and car rlnce ftirnlshcd free. Address Jobber , DoxC.103 , Tloston. Mass. J 44 AGENTS KASILY ESTA11L1HH RHSINKSS , 100 ixr rent profit ; novelty match , lamp , Move nnil clirar lighter useful prrrywhcrvj blrycll'ts buy nl slilit , sample by mall 11 centx. Mnnon Novelty Co , room 1020 , 4 Dearborn utrect , ChlcaRO. J M27S S3 * AOKNTS WANTED. 4 TO 7 DAILY EASV , patent novelty ; u eil hy every family , farmer anil Rtalflcmnn : district Klven Klrwnn & Tyler , "Dept. O.f > HiUtlmore , Mil J M303 2l WANTIM ) . PLKASANT ROOM. WITH HOARD. In strictly private family , convenient location , liy youtiK buslnets man nnil wife , references mkeil Address L 24 , Ilee. 1C M587 2T WANTED. MODERN DETACHKD 9 OR 10- room hoiis , with l > arn , vicinity of Hamcom parlc. Address , statins location , L 35. Ilee K M2SS 22 * FURNISHED IIOUSK OF 9 TO 12 ROOMS , CEN- Irnl. nu children , best of reference * AiMrc&s U 23 , Ucc. K 273-20 * He was n merchant of very good ssnss , But would paint his ads on rocks or fence. He found that didn't pay , And tried a better way- He's had ads in The Bee ever since. _ n. n. w. STOHAH1C. PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. { OS-mo Jones. General Storage und foru.irJina. M 488 OM. VAN & . STORAGE , 1413 FARNAM. TEL 1550 M ( S5 WAITED TO IHIY. WANTED , A LIGHT ROAD WAGON FOR single 40 In. Shetland pony. Leo Gleedy , Far- raeut. la. N-M242 23' WANTED TO UUY. NICD COTTAGE HOME , centially located , within walking distance of business renter , or convenient to car line. Call or a Ureas. W. C. Uouk , 219 So ICth St. N MSOC 23 FOR SAW1 HOIISKS AND AVAGO.VS. . I FOR -5VL15 , "CLEMMIE C > STANDARD I bred ; rcuo'-d , 230 ; petfectly safe for lady to j drive. Gem Stable * . 1715 Cass. P M309 Z3 j ' I run. SAM' .HI.S < JIILAMOUS. HARDWOOD CRIBIHMJ. HOQ AND CHICKEN fence , cheaper than ' "all wire , " C. R. Lee , 001 Douglas. Q 487 TO HAVE YOUR NEW OR OLD WHEELS rubber tired , for a good home-made buggy , or first class palntlns nml rcpalrlnc. ECO Win. Pfclffcr , 27th and Lcav en worth , Q 259 1122 CHICKEN , HOG & LAWN FENCE ; ALT. WIRE ; cheaper than wood. Wire Works. 403 8 14th. Q GCO J-2 CARPETS. DRAPERIES. DRESSGOODS. SILKS 12 monthly on > lfl purchase. Hend postal ; will call with samples. E Hirsh. 1C.-J 2 STOCKS GROCERIES , 1 MEAT MARKET , 1 druir stock , faima , eastern Nebraska ; iicreieo In ana around Omalui. Omaha clt > property. R R 11.111. 901 N. Y. I. . Q-'a5 J7 STANDARD 11RED MATIK , DELIVERY uraile blcjcle. phne- i ason. harncB , hjsli toni Rood work horse , fresh Jersey cow , huck- hoanlVnll bargains. Frank Hart , Center uiid C3d stri-ets. Q-M21 ; i , ' ron SALE , DRY HARDWOOD KINDLING. Jl WILL Ht'V A KIM1ULL Ul'HIHHT In B oil comlltlon. Omaha MorlKHRe Co" 308 South ICth ttrtet. Q-M30U _ GARDENS & FARMS TO RENT. T. MURRAY. R MS40 CLAIRVOYANT. MltS. I--UITZ. CLAIRVOYANT. 817 U , 1IATIIS , U'l'C. MADAM 8MITII. 1C1T IIOWARU , MASRAaK , Bti-am buths. ' T-M28j 20 MIIS uu. LION , ILICTIUC : MASSAHI : HATH jurlorsj restful anU curntlve. 411 8 ( Itli.jip. 1'UUSO.VAL. VIAVI FOIl UTCUINU TIIOUHLKS. SIM 1I3U ( 111. ! ! ph > lclan , toosuitutlon or health booh free , MAbBAQKl MMB. 1'PhT , 31 ! > ! 4 S JSTlt. IU1TURE CURED , PERMANENTLY ; NO pain : no detention from bLtliiMw ; we ra'ei to thousands of putlentu cured Call or write Mill l"Vl m"- " > 1tf" Y"1' T-lr * Tim on bulldln's. Omaha BALDNESS CURED. KS BOARD MAYiit. auuuuoN.ciiinoroinsT , nianlcure. * 00 1'axton lilocl. , illplomn lSS < i. U 5I3l9 ultt IZXI'OSITION INVIiSTMl.'NTJJ. FOIl I'l.UAS. uro nJ prjflt sen 1 I * . Judeon's vvant nils , Ci > ur.ll ltluft SMMY T L.OA.VIUAL ESTATE. N LOAN & TUUST CO. 815 N. Y. U : uulcK money at low nilts for choice faim lundj In Ion a , northern Mleeourl , eastern Nchtutka , J.OANS ON IMI'IIOVCD & UNIMl'itOVKD CITY proper ! } . W I'arnmn Smith U Co. , 1KO F G Plilt CUNT MONEY ON NU11 & IA. PAIIMH. V > . II. Melkle , Ut Kat'l Ilk. tldu . Omalm.W4M _ _ W-4M MONIY 10 IJDAN AT ijow HATCS THK O. F , Bavli Co. , 1W5 Farnani HU W 19 TAI1M LOANS , 1 TO IK YIlAIla ; IJOVVUST in'.tt. Garvln tro ! . , H1J 1'arniuit Ht. W SJJ ON OMAHA PItOl'EUTY : LOWEST loam wanted. Fidelity Tiust Co , W JM MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real eitate. Drennirn , Love & Co , I'axton block. W-493 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMI'ROVCn OMAHA frontrty , IMsey & Ihomm , S07 1ft Natl lik bid \ vs FROM J1M.WL'l * . F. D. WEAU , KUi & Uou.Ui. W-J97-J19 aioxnv TO I.OA CIIATTIIS , TO LOAN. 30. M , M I > AY3 ! FUUNI- lure , pianos , etc. IMm Oreen , 11. B , liarXfr bin. X-tOO MONF.Y TO I/3AN ON FUHNITUUE , 1'IANOS horses , wngoni , etc. , at lowest rules In iltyj no removal of gooil.i ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off nl nny time or In at.y amount. OMAHA MOHTQAaK LOAN CO. 306 So. mil .St. X 49 nusi.vnss CIIAMKS. HENT SMALL WAT1J11 1'OWEll MILL. Cna also handla grain. AilJrcis box K , Lin- roln , N b. Y-W1-J9 ; INVESTED EARNS SO WEEKLY : NO stock speculation or gold mine Investment : you cotitiol cripltal ; fifth nuccefsful year ; partlcu- i rs frep. Chase & Campbell , 12 Union Square , New York. Y M267 M2J Toil KENT , NEW OIIOUND 1'I.OOU : 1'HOTO callery for sale or rrnl. Address U. II. Stlnwon. I'awnee City , Neb. Y M180 23 IlESTAtrilANT ruilNITUIlK AND riXTUHES for snlc ; will sell cheap , II. McCaffrey , Doone , lloond county , la. Y MIT4 ll GOOD LOCATION POU IltlTCHUU SHOP WITH lea Iwx nnd rarks. Hent 1 very low. Apply to W. lldruh , 8tl3 N street. South Omaha. Y-MJ27 ll i-oit WANTED , A IIAnnWARK OH IMPLKMF.NT stock In exchntiRe for stock In n JoliblnR house ; KOiwl openlnu : making money. oed reasons for splllnR. Address M 100 , Ilee olllte , Council Hluft Si M101 TO TOADn. IIOIISH 9 HOOMS. LAIiniJ LOT , clear of Incumhrance , Invvti. simile and fruit trec , northwest imrt of city , nnd cash for rcildenci property In or near Hnnncom Place or Weil Fnrnnm st. Call or vnltc 404 Karbnch bkck. Z M281 23 KOIl SALIC IlHAl. I2STATK. SNAP. ON 18TH ST. , NEAR DODGE. 45XC6 feet , J2.700 John N. Frenzcr , opp P. O. RE MCSS HOUSES , IJ3TS. FARMS , LANDS. IOANH. Geo. P. Bcnils Real Estate Co. Paxton IJloolC. RE S02 GREAT BARGAINS IN HOUSES AND LOTS In any nnd every part of the city , north , east , eouth nnd west , ranging from Jo50 to IS 000 or $ G 000 and upwards. Any terms desired liemls. I'axton block. RE J75 BARGAIN , ONLY { 500 00 FOR LARGE I.OT. ON glade , at 23lh avenue and Corby ttre-t. Gar- vln Bros. , 1013 Farnam street. RE MC33 Ly\RQE LOT WITH ONE 4-ROOM HOUSE AND one 5-room house , one ml. south P. O , Jl C30 ; a bargain. F. D. Wead , ICth and Douglas RE SOS 23 KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAINS , J2.EOO , J3.7M TO : cDOO , photos at ICth and Farnum ; Morse Bids. J. J. Gibson , 511 First Nat. Bank Bldf RE COl 6-R. HOUSE , CITY WATER , ABOUT 0 BLOCKS from U. P. Depot , for Immediate sale , JS5000 , F. D. WeaiJ , ICth nnd Douglas. RE 207 23 FOR SALE , LARGE LOT "WITH TWO HOUSES cnn sell one or both ; the rent of one house pays Interest on the whole Investment ; a bargain - gain If sold at once ; terms easy to right party. Address L 20. Bee olllce. RE 213 20 FINB RESIDENCE. MOST DF.SIRABLE LO- catlon , north of Hanscom pirk. S-room house north with all wutrr conv. and full lot. J1.600. Oooil lot with old house , near Hnnscom park for J550. F. U. WEAD , 16th and Douglas 11E-MS-25 TWO NICE FIVE-ROOM HOUSES , WITH 52x 1J1 fert of ground will be sold at auction , Saturday. 3 p. m. May 22 , nt 2SI3-1S1 ! Douglas street. McCague Invettment compTny. JIE M30S 21 MIOOM CO1TAGE AND LARGE IJDT. AT half the value. 1S12 North 21st. RE M307 FOR SALE , I'VE GOT 10 FIN ? : HOUSES UP near Hanyrom pnik ; l'\r got n few In other illrectUns ; I've get thp most beautiful residence lot. one block from Hanscom paik , J.'OOO ; corner near i > aik. 100\H3. JWO ; line building lots near park , JJOO to Jl.COO ; cottage home , J7SO , new house ami full lot , near Hanscnm purl ; , SLriO ) , monthly pnjmcnts ; huitse and nloo lot. only JiOO ; I have ( ho finest resi lience ooiner , 130x1 0 , tint lies out of doors the finest view In th" whole Hty , ICO-acre rli-ir furm for Omaha prnpeity , Brlni ? In jour tnultlfs ; I cnn get you i-omethlng for them. Dc.n't be rolslfd ; ! onk out for higher values Lymali Waterman , S22 N , Y. Life llldg. RE M30J 21 LOST. LOST. A litlNCU Ol' ' KCYS. RETURN TO Bee Olllce. Loit 273-21" LOST , POCKET BOOK CONTAININO NOTES nnil German army papera Itenard for UH re turn to .Fritz Mueller , 1724 Vlnton LOS r 209 20 MIOUT1IAM ) AM > A. C. VAN SANT'a SCHOOL. CIS N , Y. M 60) AT OMAHA BUS rOLLEGE. ICTH & DOUGLAS cry. flIIJMC , AIIT AM ) I.AIVGUAGK. aKOROE F. niSLLENBECK. BANJO , MANDO. Ilu und t-ultar t ucher. 1S07 Farnara street. Tel ) . MC1IT .SCIIOOI , . LATJN , OREEIC. ENGLIhH ; ALL BRANCHES of mathcmitlcs and hookkeiplnu taught at night by graduate of Tmonto imlvetelty. L. A. \Vell oed , 623 N 21t Urtct.M2I3 2" FOR III.NTIIOTIJI.S. : HOTEL FOR RENT OF 50 ROOMH. AMES AVE nnd 2llh st. , opposite rxpojltlon grounds ; almost now , rent ivatonable. Bemle , I'axton bllt. IMIOTO-KMiKAVI.Va. WIS MAKE 1'INE HALI'-TONKS. ZINC ETCH- lags. embOKsliu ; died , trl-color plale or uny- thins in up-io-datB engraving. We cuarantt-e time , quality and normunxhlp. Womnn'M Weekly , Nineteenth nnd Farimm. Farimm.M34J M34J June II FDH.MTIJIIH I'ACKKI ) . M. 3. WAUilN , FURNITURE PACKINO. UP- bolstering , repairing , ir.atlreas. ( eatlun renovat. ed ; prices nduceii , lei. jwi. till Cumlnr. OFVIUK. AMERICAN AND GERMAN EMPLOYMENT bureau. li : < Dodsc. Telephone , S7BM5C3 -M5C3 Jrll I'MNA.NCIAL. INB.POUCIES 11OUQHT , W. r. JJO1J5EN 505 1'A.S'l UUAGIS. HORSES ONLY. BOARD FENCES , L water. A. W. Phelps Bon. 107 N. Y. Life. . 5C1 Il II. UAROWITZ LOANS MONEY , 418 N , It ST. MI FOR NATURAL , STONED-WALKS , TKU 491 OH tend postal to A. Stutter , 330 Board Trade , . -M731 JuneS * SAWED NATI'RAL " - ARTIFICIAL. brick. Tel. 1CS9. W , J. ans , 3C9 S. Hth St. 11.1- TYI LATEST MODEL TYPlTSVniTERS ; SUPPLIES United T > penrltcr & Siuipl s Co , 1612 Fnrnam * ' r -M6M Jv3l ' ' ASTIIO'I'OOY. tit ' PROF. A MASERU' OFnKUTPT , PALMISTRY nnd nslrology the vionder of the age ; post , present nnd future told or no charge : at 202G Harney street , Onnhn , Neb. M953 21 & CO. , PATENT SOLICI10RS lice lluliaing.Omalm Omalm Neb Advlco nnil Patent Itoak VllKK HIRESHIRES HIRES Rootbeer. A. written Guarantee to CUIIE ANY CASE or MONliV EtEI'UNDED. Onr euro Is permanent and not a patching up. Ctats treated ten years ago here nenrscen a symptom lnee. By deacrlblnir your cmo fulljr vro c n treat you by mall , and neRlvetho same strouiTEUAranleo tocuro or refund all money. If your symptoms are plmplei on fhcc , * ore throat , mticuim untelie * In moutli , rlieii- inutlnin In bones and Joints , hulr lulling nut , eruption * on any part ot the body , feeling or pcncral depression , nulna In bead or have no time to waste. TuoCeVrliu are constantly talc. InRmercuryandpotaiihehoirMdlseominuoU. Constant uxo of these tlrua will nuitly brine noroa and eatlnir ulcers In Iho end. Don't full to ivrlie Those \vlio prefer - fer to come here for treatment can do BO and o will pay railroad fare both wnyrfoml Hotel bills nhllo here If wo fall to euro. Wo chaUcnro the orld for o CAM that our BInRlo nemedvmlll not euro. Write for full particulars and Ri-t tlio evidence Wo know that you are rkeptlcal. Justly Eq too. as tlio most eminent physicians have never bten Ablp tb Rlro mot o than tern. porary relief. In our man > years practice wttb this JdnElc Slcmcdy It lias been most difficult to over come the. prejudice ! ) nealnst all so-called rpeclflcs. But under our strong guarantee J'ou uliouid not hceltato to try this 'remedy. ' You take no chance of losing ynur money. Wo guarantee to cure ot refund ofory dollar and as we hare a reputation to protect , also financial backing of SBOO.OOO , tt Is perfectly safe to al'j ho will try the treatment. Ilerctotoro you hai o teen putting up and paying out 'your money for different treatments and altnough yotiaro tiot yet cured no ono has paid back your money , ' . Do not waste any moro money until } ou try us. Uld , chronic. < lcei > . * cntcd cniva cured In thirty to ninety days. Investi gate our financial etandiiig.pnr reputation 03 butlneiis men. Wrlto us for named and addresses or those we have cured of Syphilis , wliq have given permission to refer to them. It costs you-emy postagotoilothlsi It will sayo you a world of suffering from mental strain ; nnclir you are married nharmay your off i 1nff sutler throug your own n lllcencn I 'All eorre&iwndence sent Healed In plain envelopes , jwe Invite tlio. moat ilgfd Investigation nnd wtll do all In our power to aid you In It. Write ua for our 1OO page book and absolute proofs ol cures * COOK REMEDY CO , , Searles & Searlesr Specialists In and ' PRIME DISEflSES. AH Private Diseases nnd Disorders of Men Treatment by mall Consultation Free. SYPHILIS Cured for life. HOME TREATMENT FOU ALI , FORMS OP 1TOMAI.E WEAK. 7V15HS AM ) DISHASISS OP WOMHK. Catarrh , all Diseases of the Nose. Throat , Chest. Stomach , Liver , ' Dlood. Skin and Kidney Diseases , Lost Manhood , Hydroecle Varlcocele. Gonorrlifa , GJpet , Syphilis uncl ALL PRIVATE DISEASES OF MEN , Piles , Fistula and ncctal Ulcers cured with out pain or detention from business. Brlght'fl Disease , Diabetes and kindred maladies. Call on or address with stamp , OH. SEUUS 8 StlBliS , ' " RAILWAY TIME CARD Leavea IBURLINGTON & MO. HJVEIt.Arnvea | OmahaUnlon | Depot. 10t > ) & AlasonSta. _ | Omaha 8:3'am : . . . . .Denver EMire s 'J.SSam 4.S5pm Blk Hll'i. Mont & i'liKU and Ex. 4:03pm : 4.30pm , Denver { SNvres . 4.0jpm 7 .USpm. . . . Lincoln Local ( ex. faunJuy ) . . . . 7:43pm : J.51pm..Lincoln Local ux. hunda . . . , ll:40am Leaves | CHICAdoT BURLlNGTONr slfTArrTCTs OmahalUnlon Dejot. 10th & _ Maaoi Bts ' ( Jinalm .Crlcauo . VeitTbuleTT 9iSam ; Chlcuxo Kxprvus 4.15pm 7 : > Opm.Clilcngij fc hi. Lou In Express , , . , ll:4 : um 1'ucll'c junction Local , , , . . , , 0:1 : Op in . . . . .Fast Tlall . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0pni. ; . , . OmahaUnlonUci | _ > ot , JOth & ata | Onmha C.3Cpm . , Clilcafc'o Llnilled , . , , 8:0atn : ll.OOam..Chlcugo K pre i.e , taunja ) ) . . 3:2op'n " " " L"eirv"eT"fCII I CAd O AT NOIlTinVi:8TrKrrArrTveT Oniolia ] Union Urpot , 10th & Mraon tits. ) Omaha :0:4'am : . . . . _ , , . . .iaxtcrii Kxpr ai . , , . . 3 : ( Op in . Vcalbuli'd . Bt 1'aul I'.ipt i . 8.30am l : < ( Mtn , . St. I'uut Llnllleil . S:0imi : i0am : . Sioux C'lty L.iuiil . . . .lluiipin e.JOjim . Omahu-Chlcato hj.tilU ; . E00am . .Missouri Vulleynl icjil . 9:30am : Uxcept tiumlay. ' * Except iAlonua > Leaves ClIICAQO , H. I , & ; ? .l > ACU''tOArrlv | 3 Oina-.aUnlon ! | Depot. 10th & JMtmon his. ! Omaln T.COum Atlantic 13xprena ( ec.1 Kunjay ) . . 5:35iim : 7.0Cpin . Nlrht KxprerB . 8.15am 4SOpm. : . ChlcaKO Ventlliulrilir Limited. , .lopm 4Mipm . . .ht 1'aul Ve ! lbuleil-Liiilleil. , | . . . li' ' inn ' ' . . . . Colorado "Llmltcil . 4 05pm l:20iinHloux : | City Lxnievsyx. . 8l6am : , , . .Sioux City AccdinMaUatloii. . , 800pm ; Cl5pm : , . . . . St. 1'aul Llmtfil | . , , . HjlOjni Leaves I P. E. & MO. VALIJ2V. | Arrlv e Omahal Dfpot , 15th ft Vtl er 3t . | Omaha J.OOpmT . Knit Mall uiiil Klpr ? a . 6:00pm : J. 00pm , . . ( ex. Bat ) W > o. Ux.04 x. Mon. . , C:00t > m 7SOam. : , Fremont I > cnl ( Sunt&os unly ) . , 7DOain.NorfolU : nxprein iox. Dun 6.15pm . St , Paul Kxpra-'J l'ljain : ( I"K. . C. . BT. - , & C. II | Arrives 'Omaha JJnlonDfnot. I 10th At Maaon Sis | Omaha , , Kansas City Day Express , , . . ( jUobii ) 10.00pm..1C. C. Nig it Ex via U P. j rails. . 650am ; " " " * ' " 'SSOuill . .M WUAV PACIFIC. iArrhes _ Depot15th _ & eb ter _ Sts.JjOinalm , * .Nebraska & Kansas , i linltt < l. . ,12Svpni Kansai Clt > Expresa , . . , , . . , ( ; 00ai . . . .Nebraeka Local ( e > t. Sun. ) „ . . . 9.00am Ieaves | SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. lArrlven Omaha 15th 6:15pin : I * v BiOUX cTTY & " PACfflc ( Arrivei Omaha _ Dfpot. 10th & Ma&on Bl | Omaha SJlOum St rim"Pa senser . . , .H:10pm : 1y : > an\ Sloui City I'useenscr. . :05pn > t'63pm . Bt. Paul l.lnule.l . . 90am : Leaves I WA11ASH IlAlEWAY JArHVeV Omaha ] Union De | > ot , 10th & Maapn Eta. ' Omaha V-sOpm Canon Ifcil . 11 tjOiim I.ruve , . Ornaha lJISl' ' 2Sfit5MjL ! * Mason JBtt JOrnah 8.20am . . Oicrlanii I.fmltea . 4''PT > Bi-at'ce & Btromili'e Ei ( n Sun ) 3-Mpm .Grand l l n.l nxrre < Sun. ) . . 3T.m : Mill . 10-JCuiP TRAMPS RAID THE STATION Three of Them Ransack the Place , but Find Little of Value , HOBOES HAVE MERRY TIME AT NORTH BEND the Union Pnrlflc Depot. Slioot lit tlir Airritt nnil l.oeU the Tumi Mnriluil lit the I'rt'lfi-ut lloiinr. AccordlnK to n precedent of several years' standing , which lias been connrmeil almost ovnry euccrtalvo season , It Is In the sprlug- tlmo that the tlioiiRhts ot the railway uuper- Intomlpnts and detectives reluctantly turn toward the genita hobo and the best means of rlddlni ; the railroads of the name. This nprlng la no exception to the rule previously established. Tlio tramps arc bobbing up serenely along nearly all the Nebraska rail way lines nnd causing no little trouble to the operating department * ) of thcso roads. As the metropolitan specimen Is fond of marking the housro where ho has been most hospitably entertained , BO the pralrlo hobo draJRuates the particular road which he and his brother tramps may best visit during a particular season. Last year the Oinahi roiil was the ono selected , and Superintendent Javned had his hands full of trouble , the congregation of tramps at Ulilr and Calhoun being especially annoying. This HTOSOII the hoboM ha\o picked out the IJnloa 1'aelflc , and they are swarming along the "Overland Houto" In great numbers. Said Super- Intondrnt Canada of the Union I'aclflo'fi spe cial service depaitment to a Ilee re porter jcstcrday : "These tramtM are springing up AS thick as Juno bugs all along the line. I don't know just what we'll do with them , but we'll omleavor to rid our selves of them In Bomo wny. " There have been frciiucnt cases ot trouble reported from stations along the line durlni ; the past week , but tlio Iraldcst wet It of the tramps occurred yesterday at North Hcnd shortly after 2 a. m. Night Operator Pargeter was sitting at his Instrument tcrt > - graphliig when three masked men suddenly made their appearance before him. They de manded all the valuables In tlio place and added If they couldn't get valuables they would accept anything they could got. The operator's efforts to convince them that there was nothing of value about tlio place proved fruitless. The visitors became highly Indig nant at their cold reception nnd began shootIng - Ing their revolvers In a reckless manner. The operator says that two bullets came dangerously close to him , one even grazing his Up , being tinned aside by a button. Dick Street , the town marshal , heard the shooting and nppcoicd on the- scene , but the tramps didn't take a fancy to his appearance , so they Just compelled him to go within the ft eight depot and when ho had entered they made sure of his capture by locking the door. Then the tiamps ransacked the place. So far as Is known nothing of any value was taken. It Is believed that the tramps arc of the came gang that broke up a freight train at nikhorn Wednesday by se'tlng the alr-brakcs They left nikhorn on fi eight train No 17 , and arrived nt North Bend at 1 o'clock jes- torday morning. They spent an hour looking about the town for trouble , and not finding It lying about loose , they made the raid on the station. Threa men were later arrested at Schuyler on suspicion of having been connected with the North Bend affair. They admit that they siw the operator assaulted , but deny that they participated. The operator and town marshal have left North llcntl for Schujler to Identify the prisoners. Although the tramps were masked It Is thought that they can bo Identified. I'ASSUftGBIl AC.nVI'S HCOIlGAMZn. New Agreement Ailoiiteil AVIilch IK In Aeeoril v\llh I < jtt\ . The "low Joints" are again. The honorable organization was resurrected yesterday after noon from the oblivion Into which It was cast by the _ supreme court decision against the Transmlsslsslppl Freight Rate committee , at a meeting of the city passenger and ticket agents of Omaha and Council Bluffs at the old quarters In the United States bank building , this city. J. B. Hejnolda , city passenger agent of the Burlington , was chosen temporary chairman. The election of a secretary , which will bo a salaried omce , was deferred until the ne\t meeting. The local agreement , prepared by Chairman Caldwell - well of the Wcstcin Passenger association was adopted without dissent. The meeting then adjourned until Monday morning next at 9 o'clock. The new agreement is practically the old ono remodeled so as torallow the association to come within the scope of the law. In the new agreement the secretary , who will really be the head of the local association , Is given wider authority than heretofore en joyed by that official. The secretary will now bo able to flic a complaint with the as sociation against any road violating the local agreement. He will have power to prosecute the offending road without leferrlng the mat ter to the Western Passenger association , and asking that a special agent bo sent out to try the case. It Is generally understood that James W. Munn. the popular assistant gen eral passenger agent of the Elkhorn , will bo again offered the position of secretary. GILAVHL ICOH tllSKKKKSON SQUARU. Union 1'aellle Donatex Six CnrloailH to the ( Uty. The Union Pacific has Just donated six carloads of Shciman gravel to the city of Omaha , to be used In making now walks in Jefferson square , j.'our carloads have already been delivered hero and the other two are now enrouto. This granite gravel Is taken from the gravel pits at Sherman , AVyo. , on the hill where the "Overland Jlouto" crosses the Ilockles. The gravel 'is almost wholly 9f rock and Is said to be the best found anywhere In this country. The Union Pacific has during the past few ycar used great quantities of the Sherman gravel for Improving Its , roadbed and for making floors of car uhops and freight depots. It makes a hard pavement and Improvcu with Increased tralllc across it. It Is found ( o bo much Jnoro durable ) for flooring than wood. Tiy | All Want Them , "Ono has no Idea of the popularity of the handsome Eomonlra ot the 'Overland Limited' recently Issued , " said Cashier Dar- low ot the Union Pacific passenger depart ment to a Bee reporter. "Every mall brings In a stack of applications , and the requests on my desk now measure a couple of feet In height , Wo couldn't begin to answer all the demands. Railroad men from all over the country have been Bonding In for tliom , and wo liavo received some line com pliments on the work. General I'aesengcr Agent Smith of the Like Shore , wno was In the city tlio other day , said the souvenir of the Union Pacific's 'Overland Limited' was ono of the finest plecea of railway advertising ho had ever seen , " , N MV Mjle of Kolder. The pasaenger department of the B , & M. has just put out what Is probably the most complete , convenient and best arranged folder of tlrno tables and general Information ever issued by an Omaha railroad. It con sists of forty-four pages , and the tlmo of all possible connections la clearly given , Bold-faced typo Is u&ed throughout for the tlmo of trains , and an Indoi to all statlonn on the Burlington toute is found in the front. Doubt tlit' Iteiiorteil Railroad officials In tills city do not gen. orally believe the statement of a local paper that W , II , Newman will soon leave the Great Northern. R. R. Ritchie , who Is well acquainted with Mr. New man cald yester day : "That's nons to nio , and I have juut coma from Chicago. I was will a number of Mr. Newman'a closeat friends and they knew nothing of the matter. I also metA A11ll . AI ANY KNOWN MAKK ent rrepalj nnjwlic-rc. Hend olntnp for lint and particulars. DICYCU SMJIHC IXClUSOr , 26 West DVnf , N. V Mrs. Newman , and she did not nlludc to any such change. It may bo so , but I doubt It. " nnllvrny Notes nnil I'crionnls. The general offices of the Nickel TlMo road will bo mo > td from Cleveland to Chicago cage at an early date. II. W. Austin , assistant general pwenger agent of the Northern 1'Jctflc at St. Paul , h s been appointed canislant general passen ger agent ot the Baltimore & Ohio , with headquarters at Chicago. The date for the sale of tickets to the meet ing of the National Educational n-voclJtlon nt Milwaukee , July 0-9 , for this territory are July 3 , 4 nad 5willy August 31 as the final return limit. The- rate is one faro plus $2 for the round trip. The Burlington has Just Issued an attractive tractive- booklet for the Iowa Christian Kn- dcavorers , who will UPO the Burlington route to Denver It Is announced that the rendez vous will bo at the Union depot hi this city , Wednesday , June 30 , at C o'clock p. m. A special train of tourist sleepera will loavu for the San Trancisco convention at that time The- Kansas City , Fort Scott & Memphis railroad has announced that it would here after disregard the rule of Southwestern Trafllc association forbidding the Inspection , weighing and sacking in transit of grain at Kansas City , destined for points In Texas and the southwest. As soon as this notice was kaucd the Katy and the Plttsburg & Gulf followed by giving similar notice Kor the following occasion western roids liftvo agreed to make a rate of ono and one- third legulnr fate for the round trip Kreo Mason's convention , Lincoln , June 14-18 ; Ne braska druggists' convention , Plattmuouth , Juno 7-9 ; meeting of Uniform Rank , Knights ot Pythias , Lincoln , May 25. For Iho Lin coln race meeting , Juno 14-10 , the rallnnds will grant n rate ot one faro for the round ti Ip from till points within 1GO tulles of Lin coln. Additional evidence that traffic matters generally are gradually Improving Is found in the following statement of gross railroad earnings for 1S97 for the second week of May compared with 169C. Canadian Pacific $ l4t- ! 000 , increase $42,000 ; International & Great Northern ? 52,7C1 , increase $5,145 ; Kansas City , Plttsburg & Gulf $43,098 , Increase $29.- C95 , Mexican Central $253,9S2 , Increase $74- 231 ; Minneapolis & St. Louis $32,33.3 , In crease $ l,09ti ; Movlc-in National 124-19S , in crcaso J3S.542 ; Missouri , Kansax & Texas $190,481. Increase $29.480 ; Rio Grande Wtnt- ern $47.800 , Increase $900 ; St. Paul $321,381 , Increase $14,948 ; Wisconsin Central $82,039 , , decrease $8,420. > lore C'irntl > e iimcr Is contained in a bottle of Hood's Sarsa < parllla than in any other similar preparation. It costs the proprietor and manufacturer more It costs the Jobber inoro and it Is worth more to the consumer. It has a rec ord of cures unknown to any other prepara tion. It Is the best to buy because It is the Ono True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills nro tbo best family cathartic aid Hvir medicine. Gentle , reliable , sure. OVUIM.OOIC o.\n HUT. Visit Suhotiriil > ' IloiiMe , hut KM 11 to Kind ViiIiiuhlfH. A burglar visited the residence of W. Schourub , COS North Twentieth street , Wednesday night and secured $1.50 In money. He overlooked a valuable gold watch. Entrance was effected through a window In the kitchen. Fiom hero the midnight vis itor went to Mrs. Schourub's bedroom. He passed by a watch Ijlng on a chair near the bed and went directly to tlie dresser. He ex- tracetd the money from a pocketbook , leaving the. latter. He appaiently then left the house through the back door , which was found open In the morning. Mrs. Schourub believes that the burglar saw her daughter putting the money in the pocketbook at night just before going to bed. He could have done this by taking a stan3 on the roof of a shed In the rear of the hoise. A burglary occur'ej ' Wednesday at the gro cery store ot D. Gro's , 1125 North Twenty- fourth street. The thieves tore off the blinds from a rear window and climbed through a broken pane into the otore. They took a quantity of stock. Yesterday several boxes of cigars and some tobacco were found stored away beneath a pile of telegraph poles near Twenty-third and Izard streets. 1'HOIIAI' IJUIVKN OUT IJY FIRE. Hufllilcucc DcMtroyeil nt nil Knrly Hour TIilN Mornliu ? . A blaze which started a few minutes betore 1 o'clock yesterday morning completely destroyed the residence of Frank Pi dial , 1312 Gnrfleld avenue , together with Its contents. The flro also com municated to an adjoining dwelling at 1310 Garfield avenue , owned by Mrs. Mary Prchal , aud damaged this to some extent. The loss on the first Louse was about $1,200 and on the other about $125. Both are fully Insured. It Is believed that the first was caused by the explosion of a lighted night lamp in the residence ot Frank Prchal. Prchal and his wife were awakened before the flro had attained much headway , but they became confused. In her efforts to get away Mrs. Prchal mistook a door and went into a closet. The door closed and tlio woman found herself sectiiely Imprisoned. The woman Kcreamcd lustily and her husband went to her res cue. To get her out hs was compelled to break a glass In the door. In doing this he u talned a severe cut upon ono of his wrists and his hand was badly scratched. 1)IHMUIJHI.Y IIO ( LSI ; IS RAIDED. Toiir AVoincn Arrested nml Tukcii to Jnll. The police Wednesday raided a house on Fourteenth , between Howard and Jackhon streets , and arrested four women on the charge of being inmates ot a dlsoiderly house. Tlio parties were Joslo Williams , Pearl Jackson , Annlo Right and Allco Smith , Three of the women allege that they tm- tered the house for the purpose of getting In out of tin' rain. The housu Is the residence of "Plunk" Henderson. All the occupants , Including the women , weru colored. The police have received a number of complaints about the place to the effect that It was a Ihloves' den , to which victims are enticed , A trav eling man alleges that a couple of nights ago liu was Induced to go to the house and spend the night. He was awakened , and raised lily head just in tlmo to BOO a negro crawling from under the bed toward bis clothing. It IK said that a number of In stances of this character , which In police parlance are known as 'badger acts , " have occurred at the house at late. DAVI.S TH1I5S THE IJV.SANH Prefer * the AHylniu to the Slate I'ttnl- tfiitlnry. Charl Davis , the leader of the notorious "Davis gang" of thlevts , who has been confined In the county jail for several weeks , Is feigning Insanity , He lies on a cot In tbo hallway of the east wing of tbo jail and stares about him. He makes no reply to questions and lies perfectly motionless when any person la about. Ills method In about the same as that of "NItk" Vox. the wife murderer , who feigned Insanity for months and only ceased after he bad been convicted of murder in the second degree , largely on the testimony of Dr. Tllden , who Insisted all along that Fox was only feigning , Not until ho un.i on the road to tbo penitentiary did Fox admit that he had been shamming. County Ph > slclan Heiccr pronounces Davis a humbug , but the prisoner keeps up hia shamming. The charges against Davln are numerous enough to give him a long sentence in the penitentiary and the county authorities are satisfied that ho IK shamming Insanity to avoid belli ) ; tried , Look Over Tliclr Kuture Members of the eighth grade of the Lake Bchool , accompanied by their teacher , Airs. Carlisle , visited the High Hchool ycnterday afternoon. They were Hliown ttbout the building unil introduced to Iho puplla. The mcniljum ot Oils clam * , Home Mlxty In num ber , will enter the Hl li school next full. After leaving the High ochool the young men nnd women visited the urt exhibit In the city liall , vvhete they remained during the i eiiiHlnU-T ot the ufternoon. No honest dealer will try to tell what ho knowb the customer did not order and does not want. Substitution thrives for a time , but ID the loili run It goes to the wall , Smiling Faces Sweet Greetings that Keep the Home Happy. It Is Hard to Smile When the Body Is Racked With Pain. It's Imnl to smllo when the buck Is nchtnff , the hend throbbing , and the body Is full of pain. The thing to iU > N to rid yourself nf tli nchct nnd pnln-i , nnd Mun- von will help > ou do It The Mutiynn Honifo- pnthlo Homo Kcmcdle * . muds tip of dlscoverle * nnd cotnblnatlont In medicine , nro vcrttnblo boon to mankind , Th world is rnpidljr being converted by truth nnd evi dence , nnd soon the Munyon pcuoolotnicdlcino will be accepted and rccotrnltcd nit the onlv school tnftt M snfo nnd sure. Hero's proof. Will you Mud/It ? N. A. Smith , 203 "Washington Avenue , Sndnlla , Mo. , says : " I have been nf- lllcted with kldnny trouble for tlio last thirty years. My niirfeilngs wore something - thing terrible , nnd part ot the tlmo I WOT conHnoil to my bed. I tried almost everything that vvns reconunondod , but never found nnythtiiK that renvo mo any relief until I used Mirnyon's Kidney Curo. Thrco bottles cured mo completely. My release from suffering has been BO complete - ploto that I feel llko n young man. " Mtinvon lini n ftepnr.ito euro for cnchillirnR * For sale bv druggists , mostly 55 cents n bottle If In doubt write to Profc or JIunyon at Philadelphia , l'a.iiiul get medical udvlco free. MOORES WORKING FULL TIME Long Line of Oallora A wait His Arrival at tbo Oflico Each Day. NEW MAYOR LOOKING AFTER CITY AFFAIRS Many Ciniilliliitffi for tlie Ponltloiis ) tlmt Are .Still li-ft to He I'lir- | culcil Out \ > y the Ultj'n , Mayor Moorce is spcnillng as many hours in his ofllce as any other employe ot Iho city , and between attending to the regular routine of hla office and receiving people who arc Interested in the remaining appolutlvo offices , his tlmo is fully occupied. Hla ofHco was well filled with callers before 3 o'clock yesterday and the line waa unbroken until noon. The principal offices which are to be filled by Juno 1 are supcilntendout o < city hall , gas Inspector , weights and meas ures Inspector , license Inspector and special agent. The Advisory board will designate the Inspector of contagious dlscasci , meat Inspector and milk Inspector and the jani tors. Elevator men aud other ( jubonltuato emplojca of the city hall are also to be ap pointed. No slate has jet been determined on , but there are a number of candidates who are reasonably dertaln of getting what they are after. J. T. MoVittle will probably bo ap pointed license Inspector. The next Inspector of weights and nieas- uics has not been decided on , but ho will probably bo a colored man. There Is also a good deal of uncertainty as to what will be done In regard to the buperlutendency of the -city hall. George II. Hess is making an actlvo fight for the job , but ho has several difficulties , la his way. A number of thel councllmen assert that Hess fought at least two of the republican councllmanlc candi dates at the election , and If be should bo ap pointed there will certainly bo a fight against his coollrrudtiou , U Is the understanding that Milk Inspector Uoyd will be rcappoliited. Boyd Is an old soldier and has been a very cucrgotlc ofllclal. Dr. Young , the present moat Inspector and veterinarian , has a competitor In Dr. Kamac- clottl , and the Job evidently lies between them. Aa previously stated , Dr. Ralph 'will succeed Dr. Towne as inspector of contagious diseases unless there Is a change In tlio pres ent program , There Is home talk of abolishing the office of special agent for the legal department , but whether It will be done or not has not been decided. Ono of the liveliest contests Is for the Job of street commissioner under the now Hoard of Public Works.V. . H , Rlbourn , Leroy Fur- nas and J. II. Beverly are the principal can didate. H. B. Carter will bi > asulitant Inspector specter of buildings and Charing Hail may remain as cleric of that department. The ro- raalnlng places , Including the employes of tlio city ball building and the various poqltlonrf under the IJoatd of 1'iibllo Works , are anx iously regarded by any number of candi date ? . But these roust wait until the moro Important places are distributed and no BC'VJ- tlonB have yet been made for these posi tions. niAVoit is AJ.AIMIII > , Itt'dirilH tlio Ilronlrli Suit nx an I'ffort < o Aiiuoy Him. The fftct that ex-Major Broatch had filed quo warranto proceedings In the supreme court was accepted by Mayor Mooros without apparent disquietude. When asked what course he propo i'd to puisuo Mayor Moorca said that that was a matter which i cited largely with his attomoss , I'prsotmlly , ha regarded the suit as merely an effort to annoy him and ho did nut o.\icct | any eerlous re sult. Ho had been too busy to take tlie mat ter up with | IH ! attorneys , but did not antici pate any difficulty In knocking his opponent * out of court If the case ever came to trial. City Attorney Council , John C. Wlmrton. nnd Charles J , Oreeno will re-present Mayor Moorea nnd the city. Mr. Council nald that ho was not sufficiently familiar with the allegations to nay exactly what Iho answer would he. Ho did not know whether an ap plication would he inailii to have the cas cent back to tha district court on not. There was where It properly belonged , for If the case came to tilal , there would undoubtedly bo a great deal of evldcnco offered with which the supreme court would not bu likely to want to take up Ua tlmo. If the case were not remanded to thu district court , a rcferao would probably ho designated before whom the evidence would be Introduced , nHTTItVfi V AM I I.I AIL WITH WOIUC. New MviulterN ol Iloiirtl ot 1'iiMlo WorkN Tnkn Hold. The Board of Public Worka met WednesJay afternoon , but took no action except to con tinue the old employee * unlil further notice. The board mot again yesterday , hut a the members of the old fcoaril did not have their schedules ready to ( urn over , an ad journment was taken subject lo the call of the clinlnnmi. City Knglncr Hosewater and Secretary Co- burn spent yesterday In completing o llat of tbo employe * and In famlllarUIng them- uolvos with the work that was hrfng done. As loon as the now board U sulllcleiitly fu- inlllar with Iho situation to act Intelligently the force will probably bo reorganised to fiomo extent. While no official utatement IIP * been made of the policy of the now boarJ In this direction , it is pretty generally un ilemtood that the men who have been drawIng - Ing tliclr salaries from tha city for perform ing political work will bo replaced by men who are willing lo earn their salaries In a legitimate manner. The fact that the curb- ! DK , guttering and cleaning fund Is nearly uxhaiutfil will neccfcsltalu cutting the force In the street department to a minimum.