SPECjAUjOIiCES AilviTllnciiiciilN for tlicno column * wilt he tnltiMi until 11 ! in , for Die PXMilitK nml until 8 1" . in , for the iiiornlnir mi l Siimlny eillltnnn. AilvfrtlM-r * , hr rfiiipnilnK n mint- IIITCI ! rlioi'li , cnii IIIITC iiinivrem nil- tlrcjincd 4 it minihcrril letter In cur * if Tin * lire. AtiHirnrn no nililrcKficil will lie Ofllvcrnl un iirvHpntntloii of ihr chrc-lt onlj- . ItnlvN , 1 1-Hc li tvnril llrnt Innortloni Jo -iviii-il tlicrciift T.otliliiK taken for IcHx than ! 2. > c for tin * llrnt IIIIHT- ilon. Tlirfti1 nilvortlnciiientN nitiNt l > run conxrcMitlvrly. > ' . . - SITUATION'S POSITION WANTID IJY A COMPRTFIXT butcher ; 15 yc.irs' experience roleiencen fur- nlshotl. Aildtem K , Iec olllee. Council lllufM. A-MSC7 S3 WANTIJO. I1Y YOt'NO MAN OK OOOD HAtl. Its employed during d y lime , | .Iao - to wulk fur linnrd nml loom. Heat of reference * . "It K. " Ike. A-M3DS a * i.vnooNi ) , aooi > ntnviiKitVANTH SIT- uallon ; fourteen yearn * esperlenee ; KOOC ! refer ences. Addicsd V. SuilIU , Schuyler , NH > . A M310 23 * WA.\Tii > MAM3 IIK1.P. rnw itfinonTic IHJSTMNO MUN CAN nml rtenilV prnfltnlilp work with C. I" AJnmi Co. , t.i sn. istn si. n m MKN WANTKI > TO I.EAItN TJAniinil THAUH nt thn Omulm Ilnrher College , lineal In the went ; Complete coume , 8 week * ! terms enny ; n-nd for calalocue , 1317-12n I > miRl fit. . Orrtnlm. 1I-M710 June < WANTF.n. HAT.r.RMENi IN IWKRTf TOWN anil city , salary nml commission. llnwks Nursery Co. . Milwaukee , WIs. II 11883 21' BAMSMn.V FOH CICJAI13 ; JUI MONTHLY nnil expnnes ; old e'tnhllsheit tiotme ; experience < innecesfity ; Imluepinents to cu lnmiTs. C. C. Illshop Co. . Rt. Louis. n-jli 3 31 * _ w.\NTni > . MIN : TO J.IIATIN THK iiAiinnn trade ; nur new method li thornUKh. constant prnclleei i-nnipetent InstnietloiiH : llnnl Mpert xnmlnntlon ; W K < ? S ntul experlenoi Saturday * In elty i-hrtis In-fore cumii'etliiK ' ; nutflt nt InoN Elven stUil nta : nnljreijulrea twn montlis to recure sltuntlnn ; write tn mnst convenient fiil- ilrest for tlliistrntPil catnloqiiiMoler Hy-tem of llarlier Schonli , ChtcnBO , Bt. l nulM nr Mln- iii-iiinll | 1I-M2S2 ! J' WANTIOH. AN At CtnHK KOU OKNKIUL eitlleo i > rkj nnl t lnive iinirtlcnl experience ; utiite rgc. unlnry , tireient nml furmur occu- imllon , otherwise no nttentloli Klven nppllc.i- tlim. Addii'KM I , 27 , IJcc. U-253-23 AVAvrr.n FKMAM : HUM' . 100 OIUI.S VOn MA , KINDS WOIIIC ; tTO JT week. Cnnnillaii olllee , 1522 Uouslns.C . C MTM WANTKO. OIHL FOR OnNHIlAI , work , at 1410 Noitli 23th street. C M223 20 * WANTKI ) . OOOD OIIII. FOll OIINnilAL 1101131) work ; ( lermnn preferred. Inquire 1512 fjliernum Avenge. C 2JC 20 WANTI1D. OOOD OIItI > roil C32 8. 2Slh. C M2I4 21 * WANTKI ) . A roMI'IlTHNT OIUI , KOU ( III.V- ernl lmtis work ; smnll family. Apply 2TO2 Pop- pleton nvc. C M276 WANTKD. Oinii VOll OHNKKAl. work ; not cook. 513 North 10th street C 291 20 1VANTKD. AN n COOIC AND Kood InumlroHS at 121 Ho. lath. C 2i3 ; S FIIOM II TO 18 TO INTUOOUCn A new nrtlcle ; no experience necexsary molliers requustetl to cnll with ilRURhlera nt 314 First Natl. bajik fiom 2 to 3 p. in. Friday. _ . C 231-21 WANTED. A COMI'IH-UNT OII1U AT ONC13. for Bcnernl lioiiBCwork ; no uiiKhlnir. nml the limt wnges. 1C4 1'nrk avenue. Council lllutTs C M312 rou HOUSES IN AM , PAIITB OP THH CITY . TUB O. P. Davis Conii'iny , 1505 Furnnni. D 172 flOUSES. 11I3NEWA & CO. . 103 N. 15TH 8T. " D 4 MODCnN HOUSES , C. A. STAIIR , 03 N.T , LIFE U-175 CHOIC13 HOTJSnS AND COTTAGES ALL. OVER the city , J3 to KQ. Fidelity. 1703 Farnam St. D-176 HOUSES. WAIXACE. IlItOVS'N DI.OCIC. ICTlT nnd Douglaa. O 177 JToiJSES , COTTAGES & HTOUKS , ALT , PARTS of city. Ilrennan , Love Co. , 430 I'uxton block. D 178 JIOVINO HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. Om. Vun iStomsc Co. , Hla Pa mam. T l. IM'j. D 470 LAIIGU 1.1 ST. M'CAQUIS , 15TJI & UODRE. D-480 HOUSKS. FLATS , OAUVIN UrtOS.lGU FARNAM D 4SI HOUSES FOR H13NT. UUM1B , PAXTOND1S D-1S ! TURKINGTON. 'COS BEK BUILDING , i D 483 BTANFOIID CHICLE COTTAQKS - 6 ROOM All modern. Apply 204 l > e btilldlnif. D-772 S-ROOM MODKHN FLAT. 703 So. IflTII. J17.CO. W. II. Melkle. room C04 , First Nafl Bank. DC10 TKN-ROOM MODI3UN UIMC1C HOUSB. < n Ciiw St. , .i'.0i ' . W. U. Melkle. Wl 1st NafI hank D-MC04 ELKOANTLY FURNISHKD HOUSK DCL1OHT- ful home of ten ri > ms ; lieHt of laratlons ; West I'lirnom. Price \cry reasonable to right parties. M. J. Keimnrd & Son. 310 und .111 J J. lirown hloclc. . D COT C-ROOM HOUSK INQU1HK 270 DOUGLAS D-M7W 2011 HAUNHY ' : UOOM3 ; STCAlt JIRAT. U-SHS3 Junc7 FOIt HUNT. jiiOANT I'lVK-IIOQSI STEAM heated lint. Apply Flat 9. IXulrtgr lMff D M8OT _ 10-P.OOM KI.AT DOUOI.AR , NITAJi I4TH : MOD- ern. Ktcnm lient ; nlco B-ronniH nt . .1C So. IJtli. Inquire I.lnqulft , Jin H. 10th. I > 317 TWO S AN'H 9-HOOM IIOUSIM , " " iionblW rlosc In. t.f'0 nnd f r. Co j. D.mil. . zjn s. Utli. Om. Nat. llnnlc l > Mff. ) J 79MJ KtiiiNisiiKn iioiisiJ. nni.ioirrFi'i , IIOMK ! Went I'liinam SI. Price \or > - n'n uiiiljle to rlKht pnltliM M. J. Konnnril & Son. . 210 nnd Jit llti'Mii liloclt. U-M34J TimiK-itooM iiousns , tsoo. 10:2 N. 2isT. L ) JOS 23 J. n. Hiiuitwoou , j 'x.'V. i.iv U-M178 NT. MoiiiiN IIOIIT-HOOM HOUSH , SJml ami 1'Arinc StrcrtK , Apply to J , Jl , Natlnnal 1) ink uf Cnnuucrre. D-KJ-JS BIX-HOOM MOliiN' | JI12 S. 1IT1I. D-M2I7 r COMPM3TIJ l-OTTAOB OF "sr.VIJN ROOMH. for mull nnil wire , without chlMrcn , C3U Kouth Hill ftirct : KO.TI rcferencea reiiulrvil , AiMrees II , MlllnrJ lintel. 11301 S3' von iii-\T nojiji. . " " BTKAM llC.\TiU ItOOMS. 'fELKl'IlONIJ AND nil rnmenltiirrii : rates reason.diUPunilt Jleal. Icnce. 11 ! 3. J7lh Ht. K 70J ROOMS. 1703 AS RT. JIOOMS I'HIINIBIIKI ) OH UNKtlUNISlIKD , null , | ilra ant luoutlon , moili-rii coiutnlfnci'e , neur Slirlton am ) Merrlum liutel * . JlI IolR trr > t. n-il 4 SJ _ IAST KHONT ROOM NICIIV ruiiKiKunn : ulBo tnmller one , W No , 17th. K KS-JO * Ni\viv i'TJiiNisiiin IIOOMH , SINOI.U on en Htiltp. Apply IS17 I.cuvenwortli ttrcet. 5J n FiitN i s 1 1 K u iioojis , no suKiir 111 ? B. llth. i-MJISl ROOMS , 1516 llovVAux K-Slsi Nicn ROOMS TO aKSi'I.iiMA.s AND WIKB for llglit liounrkecplnst KU tove : modern liuufc ; unlklni ; distance ; uEplmlt clrerl. I , 13 Jlee cilice , U X1S91 rl'HMSlll-1) H003IS AM ) UOAltU. NICH ROOMS , OOOD IIOAHD , RATUS RKA- tunable. The l\o > , M-0 Hariify. M Kit ! SO' iiioANT : KOOMS. private Imtli ; excellent board. 1W3 Capitol nve. MOniRN HltlCK. ROOMS AMU HOARD : JIM week. CM N , IStli. F M1I Z ' i ROOMS , WITH HOARD ; cnccn. JO ? N , ISth , T-MW5II' _ ItOOMS AND IIOAHD , 17l IXIUQUKH. FUKNI8HKD ROOMS , IIOIISUKKKPINO. KS3 SU Mury' . K M ! ! 7i-J' NIl'KI.Y PURNISIIKD BOUTHBABT FRONT ouui ; lu'jJeru coiuciilcnce ; UjarJ. 70 : H. 29th su ROOMS AND no.\nn. ( Contlnuti ) , ) I'.MXJANT PAIII/R , ltAlK niXKIC FROM new poftofllr , for rnnri and wife or two Kentlcmen. ZOS North 17th , P M304 K' , .i . ROOM , WITH ALfOVi : . SOI'TH AND east frontage ; board for two ; Kountio Place. Address L 3L Uce olflco. F Milt SI * I'OIt nnMT lF.NKUIt.MSIIRI ) UOOMS. 8UITB OF UNFirilNISHED 110OMS ) MODKIW CIS South 29th street , 0-214-20 * KOIl HHST STOIinS AStO OPFICUS. Toil RKNT. THK 4-HTOI'v nltlCK 11UII-.DINO at 910 1'nrnam St This liullJlnB has n nreprojf cement linwincnt , complete tenm heatlnR fix tures i water on itll lloors , sat , etc. Applr lit the ulllca of The Dee. 1 910 AtJKXTS WANTED , AflHNTS ; J. " ? I'KIl MONTH AND ( rtpenxoii paid active men If rlRht ; goods soM liy fanirl' only ; camples , also horse nntl car rlaR furnlnhctl free , Address Jobber , Box M03 , Iloston , .Mnns. J 454 AHHNTS IiAHIIY KHTAllI.tSH IU1HINKSS ; 100 ixr cent prollt ; novelty match , lamp , stove nnd clitar lighter , tuerul everywhere ; tilrycll ts buy at sight ; sample liy mall 1" cent * . JUunon Novelty Co. , room 10JO , Kt Dearborn utreot , ClilcnRO. J M278 S3' AOINTS WANTED. t4 to ; DAILY RAHY ; patent no\elty ; used liy e\-cry family , farmer nml Rtnlflomnn ; illstrlct ghen. Klrwnn & Tyler , "Dept. O. " Ilaltlmore , Mil. J M303 ! ! WAvni > TO HUNT. WANTKD. n.KAHANT ROOM , WITH HOARD , In strictly tirlvntc family , convenient location , liy VOUMK business man and wlfei references nskeil. Adilress I , 24 , Dec. K M287 : .l r.-L---- ± _ - , - - , - j.-- _ % _ - . --i WANTID , MODERN DETACUKD 9 on 10- roon > lions * * , with liarn. vicinity of Ilanscont ] > arl ( . Address , stating location , I , its. Ik-o K J12SG 52' ri'ItNIHIIIHI HOUHK OF 9 TO 12 ROOMS , URN- trnl ; no ehlldren ; best of reference * . AiMrets I , , 23 , Hee. K S7J 20' MOXIJY TO I.OATf CIIATTIM.S. MONKY TO I/AN , M , 60. M DAYS ! KURNI- ture. pianos , etc. Duff Oretn , It , 8 , Ilarker btk. X-tOO MONKY TO IXIAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest ratw In city ; no removal of goods : strictly conililentui ; you can pay th loan oft at any tltno or In any einount. OMAHA MOIITQAOK 1X3AN CO. , SCO So. ir.th St. X 4'JS IHISIM-SS FOIl URNT-SMAM , WATER POWER M1M , . Can also hanJln grain. Address box K , Lin * roln. Neb. Y S31-J9 M INVRSTKD KAIINS $80 WKEKIA" ! NO stock rptculatlon or Bold mine Investment ; you control capital ; fifth succetsful year ; particu lars free. Chape A Campbell. 12 Union Square , New York. Y M2 7 M23' FOR RENT , NR\V OROUND FIXOR ; PHOTO callery for sale or rent. Address II. It. Stltnnon , Pawnee City. Neb. Y M180 S3' RESTAURANT FURNITURE AND FIXTURHS for tnle ; will sell cheap. U. McCaffrey , lloone , Iloone county , la. Y M174 II * OOOD LOCATION FOll nilTCHUIt SHOP WITH Ice box nnd racks. Rent Is very low. Apply to W. Doruli. 2112 N street , South Omaha. Y-MM7 It * 1MUI KXCUA.MIK. WANTED , A HARDWARE OR IMPLEMENT stock In exchange for stock In n jobbing house ; Bond openlnic : inaklni ; money , ROO < ! reaponi for selllnf ? . Address M 100 , Uee olllee , Council llluffs. _ TO TUADI3. HOttSB 9 ROOMS , LAROU LOT , clear of Incumbriince , lawn , slinde and fruit Irecii , nortliwenl part of city , nnd cash for residence property In or near HanRcom Place or Weit Furnnm st. Call or wilto 401 Karbnch block. Z-M283 23 KOIl SALIC IinAI. KSTATK. SNAP , ON 18TH ST. . NEAR DODOE , 45X66 feet , J2.700 John N. Freiucr , opp. P. O. RG MCSS HOUSES. 1.0TS. FARMS. LANDS. LOANS. Oeo. 1' . Honila Real Kstale Co. , Paxton llloclc. RE so : He was a merchnnt of very good sen33 , But would paint his nds on rocks or fence. He found that didn't pay , And tried a better way He's had ds in The Bee ever since. _ n. D. iv. STOHAMIS. PACIFIC STORAOi : AND WARU11OUSD CO. . COS-910 Jones. Uencial Storage and forwarding. M 488 Oil. VAN & STORAOE , 1415 FAHNAM. TEL. 1559 M 485 WANTED TO IIIIY. WANTED , A LIOIIT ROAD WAGON FOR slnslo 40 In. Shetland pony. Leo Oicedy , Far- ragut. la , N-M242 23' WANTED TO IJUY , NICI3 COTTAGE HOME , cenlinlly located , within walklnR dlstancP ot business renter , or convenient to car line. Call or a.ldrees , W , a Bouk , 219 So. ICth St. , N-MSOO 23 li-OIl SAL13H ) U.SHS AND AVAGO.VS. FOll SALE , "CLKMMID C > STANDARD brcil : rccoiil. 2:30 ; perfectly safe for ludy to drive. Gem Stublcw. 171S Cass. P M309 23 * l Oll SA.LI3MI.SC12I.LAMCOUS. . HARDWOOD "cniBllIKU. 11OO AND CHICKEN fcnco , cheaper than " 'all wire. " C. U. Lee. 901 Douglas. Q W TO HAVE YOUR NKW OR OLD rubber tired ; for n. good home-made bugRy. or tlrst class painting nnd repairing , tee Win. Pfeiffcr , 2T7lh and Lc-nvumvorth. Q 219 J1J2 CHICKEN , HOO & LAWN FENCE ; ALL WIRE ; cheaper than wood. Wire Works , 403 8. 14th. Q 666 J-2 CARPETS. DUAI'KHICS. DRKSSGOODS. SILKS t2 monthly on JIO purchase. Send postal ; will call with samples. E HIrsh , KM Kyi.cr Ave. STOCKS GROCERIES , I MEAT MARKET. 1 Uruir stock , farm" , eastern Nebraska ; iicreago In and around Omalui. Omalia city property. It. R. Hall. 001 N. Y. L. Q 'as J7 STVNDARD 11RED MARK , DELIVERY WBsonv harncB. . hlgli trade bicycle. PhDr- ton KOOU work lioi-ae , fresh Jersey cow. buck- - ' Hurt Center imd boar.l-nll barsalns. 1'rnnk KM ulrtets. Q-TASit l > - FOR SALE , DRY HARDWOOD KINDLING. Jl per load , .lelhercd. Tel. 973. Omahii r.utt.T . * Tub Co. Q-MMk a sr..OO WILL III'Y A KIMHALL Ul'IlIOHT nlano In pooi ! comllllon. Omaha Mortic Re I Joan Co. . 306 South ICth street. Q-M300 BlIbCULLAMJOUS. GARDENS & FARMS TO RENT. T. MUKUAY. CIAIIIVOVA.\T. MRS. FRITZ. CLAIRVOYANT. 817 .MAKHAC.1C , 11.VT1IS , KTC. MADAM SMITH , 1617 HOWARD , MAS8AOB , steam baths. ' T-.M2S5 2C' MRS DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE HATH parlors ; teitfu ) and curative. 417 B ; lltli , up- Ktalrif. 197 * V1AVI FOR UTERINE TROU11LE3. W1JKU lUh' . ; phjslclan , toiuulttttlon or health book free. U < > 9 i MMK. POHT. 319(4 ( S.U U 190 uT-H CURED , PERMANENTLY ; NO Mlii : no detention from bLilninu ; we ro'er to thousands of i > utUnt cured. Call or r"0 Th O. E. Miller Co. , 933.3 New "inrlc Llf bulldliiff , Omalia , U MCSS 11ALDNUS3 CURED. 326 HOARD OP THAllC. MISS MAYER. HUHUEON-CIUROPODIST. manicure. II. 400 Puxton block ; tlliloina | ISiii. U < wAll > > JIB EXPOSITION INVESTMENTS. FO I'LEAS- iira and profit e U P. JudBOn'a want nds , Counvll llluffn paso. U SItiI MllXKY TO LOA.N HHAL I3STATI3. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 815 N , Y. L. : uulctv money at low rules for choice farm lands In Iowa , nortr > Mii Mlnsourt , eastern NclnutUa. - LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property , W J'arnam Smith At Co. . C PUn CENT MONEY ON NEU. i IA. I'ARMH. W. 1 . Melklc , 1st Nafl Mh. bldg. , Omalm. J W-4M _ _ _ MONEY TO LOAN AT IXJW RATIOS. THE O. F , Davis Co. . 1S05 Far i' am St. W 4M l-AHM LOANS. I TO 111 YI < AItS ; LOWUST TH'.ttOarvln Uros. , 1(13 Farnam til. ON OMAHA PIlbl'ERTY : LOWEST RATZS ; bulMlnc loans wanted. Fidelity Tiiut Co. MONUY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real citate , Ilrennvn , Love & Co. , Paiton block. W-49J MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. I'uiey & Tliumss , M7 1st N tl Uk bid Fitota fioo.ot UP. v. u.VIAD , ictii A - W-W-J19 GREAT BARGAINS IN HOUSES AND LOTS In any and every part of the city , north , cast , south and west , ranging from $550 to $5.000 or TO.OOO and upwards. Any terms desired. Hemls. Paxton block. RE J75 BAROAIN. ONLY $300.00 FOR LARGE I.OT. ON glade , at 23th awmic and Corby street. Oar- vln UroH. . 1613 Fa main street. RE M63S LARGE LOT WITH ONE 4-IIOOM HOUSE AND ono C-room house , one ml. south P. O. , Jl.GM ; a bargain. F. D. Wcad. ICth and Douglas. RE-20S 23 KOUNT2K PLACE 11ARGAINS , J2.500. 53.7M TO IG.r.OO ; sco photos at ICth and Farnam ; Morse 13MB. J. J. Gibson , 511 First Nat. Dank Llldn. RE 601 S-R. HOUSE. CITY WATER , AHOUT 6 11LOCKS from U. P. Depot , for Immediate sale ISM 00. , V. D. Wcad , 10th and Douglas. RE ! 07 S3 . j FOR SALE , LARGE LOT WITH TWO HOUSES , I I can sell one or both ; the rent of tmu lioue J pays Interest on the whole investment ; a bar- J gain If sold at once ; terms easy to right party. I Adilress L 20. Uee olllee. RE 212 20 FINERESIDENCE. . MOST DESIRABLE LO- catlon. north of Hnnscom park. 8-room house north \\lth all wutor conv. and full lot , Jl.GOO. Good lot with old house , near Hanscom park for J550. r. D. WEAD , 16th and Douslns RE-MS 22 TWO NICE K1VE.ROOM HOUSES , WITH 52x 121 feet of ground , will be sold nt auction , Saturday. 3 p. m. . May 22 , nt 2S13-1S15 Douglas street. McCague Imestment company. HE-M308 21 4-llOOM C01TAGK AND LARGE LOT. AT half the value. 1SI2 North 21st. RU M307 FOR SALE , rvn GOT 10 FINK HOUSES UP n .ir Hansrnin park : I've cot n few In other dlrectkns ; I've get the most beautiful residence lot , one block from Hnnscom park Ji.OOO ; corn-r near paik. 100x115. tW > ; line building lots near park. $500 to $1.000 ; cottage home , $700 , new house and full lot. near Hnn.scoin park , $1.300. monthly payments ; 6-nvim house nnd nl-o lot , only MOO ; I have ( he llnest resl- ilenocorner. . 130x150 , that lies out of iloorH , the finest \Iew In th whole rlty ; ICO-acre i-li-ir farm for Omalm prppeily. Urlnit In your equities ; I can get you i-omethlng for them. Don't be njlsleil ; look out for higher values. Lynmn Waterman. 822 N , Y. Life lllilg. IIU M30221 * LOST. LOST. A HUNCH OF KEYS , IlHTI'llN TO Ileo Olllee. List I73-2t * LOST. POPKKT HOOK CONTAINING NOTES and German nrmy paper . Reward for HH re turn to.l'ritz Mueller , 1724 Vlnton. LOS 1' 299 20' SIIOHTIIAM ) AND TYI'ISWIUTIMS. A. C. VAN SANT'8 SCHOOL , 613 N. Y , LIF r.04 AT OMAHA J3US COLLEGE , 10TII & DOUGLAS . W AHT AMI IANGUAfiI3. * OEOROE F. OELLENBECK. 11ANJO , MANDO ? " KuUar < "C"er. ' 1S07 Farnara street. Tl - * MCll'l' LATIN , OREEK , ENGLISH ; ALL UltANCHES of m.ilhem.itlcs and bookkeeping taught at night by iriadtiate of Tin-cnlo iinUtielty. L A Wellwciod , 023 N Zlet etrtet.M213 2" FOR nu.vr HOTEL FOR RENT OP 30 ROOMH , AMES AVK nnd 21th st. , opposite exposition giounds' almost now , rent leasonable , Demle , Paxton wit IMIOTO-UXCHAVI.VG. W13 MAKK FINE HALK-TONHS. ZINC KTC'H- Ingn , einUwklni ; Ulc , trl-color plnle or uiiy. thliiB In up.io-date engraving. We guarnntee time , quality and ivormanshlp. Woman' * Weekly , Nineteenth nnd Farimm."qlnl'r"1 M915 June li FUUMTimiS I'ACKKD , W. 8. AVAU IN. rttllNITUIIE PACKING. UP- liolnterlns , repairing , ir.atirem , featlii renovated - ed ; prices reduced , Tel. iWi. Jill Cuinlnr. KMI'LOYMK.Vr OVVIOK. AMERICAN AND QEltllAN KMPLOYMENT Lurcau. U2t Dodge. Telephone , 876.M863 M863 Jrll KIVANCIAL. LH'K INS.POLlClKa 1IOUOIIT W. I' . HOIJ3KN I'AMTL'IlAUIi , HORSES ONLY. HOARD FBNCKS. SP water. A , W. Phelpr 4 Son , M7 N. Y. Life. . 5C1 I'AWMlItOKHUM. II. & 1AROWITZ LOANS MONEY , 411 N , 1 8T , FOR NATURAL STONKMVAUCS , TKL. 4)2 O send postal to A. Stutter , 130 Hoard Trad * . M7JI JuneS * si n > SAWED NATURAL E , Aimi'ICtA ! , . bflck. Tel. 1O9.V. . 3 , ans , 3C9 S. 17th St. 11 J- LATEST MODEL TYPEWRITERS ; SUPPLIES. United Typewriter & Smipllps Ca.t 1612 Farnnm " ' 'T McnJvai * ASTito'l'ohv. PROF. A. MASunv OF KUTPT , PALMISTRY nnd astrology the wonder of the HRCJ past , present nml future told or no charge ; nt 02 $ Hartley street , Omaha , Neb. 11933 21 * & CO. , , FATFST SOLIC110US Hrollulldlne. Omnlm Neb Ad\Ice imd Pn tent Hook Fit BE Laugh at the Sun Drink Rootbeer/Cool-Drink HIKES Rootbeer A written Guarantee to CUHK ANV CASK or IUOMJV KEl'UNDED. Our euro Is permanent and not a rwtchlnB up. Cases treated ten years ngo HUTU nertTBCen a ymptomslnee. ly doscrlblnir your case fully we csn treat you by mall. andweKlve t no same stronf ; guarantee tocureor refund all money. If your symptoms are iilmulca on nice , Rore thront. inucoim pntchei In uioulli , rlieu- inutlsui lu bones and JoUil.i , hair railing out. eruptlnnn on any part. ot Uie body , tcciTng of penernl depression , nolii * In hcnd or bone * , you haronotlme to watte. Tlu&etttio are constantly lab- Injtmcrcury and potaih ( hoiAl discontinue it. Constant Una of these diugs will Biuclyibrlng sores and rating- ulccraln ttiocnil. Don't full to ilte. Those wlio pre fer to come Iicro for treatment can do eo and \vo will pay railroad fnro both wayrf and Hotel bills lillo here If wo fall to cure. Wo challenge' the w orld for a case that our Slnale Remedyimll not cure. Write for full particulars and cet IBo evidence. Wo know that you arc skeptical , Juotly sa tuo.os the moat eminent physicians Jmve nerer bccnlblp to K ! O more than tern- poranr rrllcf. In our manj years practice witb this MnBlc SLcnictly It has b pn most d.lllcult to overcome > como the prx'Judlccn apalnst all so-called specifics. But under our strong guarnnteo iou nliouidnothcMtato to try thls'remedy. ' Vou take.no chance ot losing your money. Wo guarantee to cure 01 : refund ercry dollar and asre liare a lerutatloa to protect , also tui&nclal bmcklnirof & 5OO.OOO , It Is perfectly safe to al'jvho will tfy the treatment. Heretofore you have "oen putting up and paying out 'your- money for djllercnt treatments and altnouorh yaaaro oot yctcured no one has paid back your moneys. lo not waste any more money until 3 ou try us. Old , chronic , dcep-sentcd CUSCR cured In thirty tp ninety days. Investi gate our financial standing , pur reputation as business men. Wrlto us for namea anil aduresnes of those tvo have cured of Kycliltls , whalhavo Blven iwrml-yion to refcrtothcm. It co ts you nly postaRetotlotbls ; It will save you a world of ralferlnK from mental etralnj andlf < you ate married vflia6"may your off prlnjr suitor throuBn your own 11 UceDec- .All oorresiwndence sent Healed In plain envelopes , .we Invite Ilia inostrlgld Invcstlgallon nnd Mill do all In our power to alii you In It. IVrlto iia Tiir nur 1OO pugo Uooli nnd nbiolutc i > roofs of cures COOK REMEDY CO , Searles & Searles , Specialists in and All Private Diseases and Disorders of Men Treatment by mall Consultation Froo. SYPHILIS Cured for life. HOME TREATMENT FOR AM , FORMS OP FEMALE W1SAK- N1SSS AM ) DISEASES OPVO.11i : \ . Catarrh , nil Diseases of the Nose. Throat , Chest , Stomach. Liver , Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Lost Mantiooa , Hyilroccle Vnrlcocele. Gonorrhea , GlPct , Syphllla and ALL PniVATE DISEASES OF MEN. Piles , Fistula and Hcctal Ulcers cured with out pain or detention rrom Dualncss. Brlght'a Disease , Diabetes and klndrod maladies. Call on or address with stamp , w. SHIIUS 8 wm. RAILWAY TIME CARD Loaves JHUHLINOTON & MC ) . lllViit.Arilves | _ OiiiaiiaUiilon [ Ueput. 10th , & ilasoiiata. _ | Omaha 8:3'a in Denver E\i > re&s 'JiSiain 4:35pm.31k ] HII'i , Mont & 1'UKet Snd Us. 4:9pm : 4&i > m Denver Kxtrei-s 40jpm ; : uspm.Lincoln Local ( ex. Sunday ) , . , , 74Jpm ; } ; 5ipm..Lincoln Local ( ex. aunil.iy.ll.IQujn Leaves lOHlCAGO , BUitLlMOTON" & 07)Arrive ) ! OniahalUnlon Deyut , IQtli & Moaon Hts. ' Omaha S03pm ; Cr.iaiBO 'VeitTbiile 6:00am : Chlcuvo Uxprvuti 415pm ; 7 iCOpm.Chicago A : tit , Louly Express , , . . . _ 11:4ftam : , . . . . .Pacific junction Local , , b:10pm : Fast Tllall : I > .i\e IC1IICAGDT"M 1 L7"3 " "HTT"VAULjArrives Omatiul Union Depot. JOth & Mason 3ts. | Omaha C:3Cpm.T : Chicago Limited , , . 8:0am : llJ1P5amilChIcuBoExpres3iex , Sunday ) , . . 3:2.'pm Leaves ( &HfCAaO & 'rNcrRTinVE8TrNv.Arrlve1f | OmahajUnion Depot , 10th & Mi\aon Sts.j Omaha tO:4am' : . . . . Eaytirn Expre i. . . , 340pm ; 4:45pm : Vettlbuled LlniUe'1" ' C4upm iiOipm. . . , , .St 1'JUl Hxprl-'tJ SJOam : C40.im ; . . .St. 1'aUI LlnlUe.l. 9:0 ; pm 1:304111 : Slouz City Ltllftl lUlUpm CJOpm Omahu-ChicaEO BM-'clul. . . . . , . , ; 00am Missouri Valleyfllx > cal 930am ; * lixcept Sumlay. * Except iMonaa > , Leases ICHICAQO. 11. I. & 7u > AClFIt,1Arrlves | Omahal Union Depot , loth & ; al < mon S't-l ' 7:00din. Atlantic : Express ( extt Sunday ) . . 6:35pm : 7OCpm . Nil-fit Expreea . SU.un ; 4:50pm..ChlcaBo : Vc tlbue ! < ULimited. . . . .l:20pm : .Bt. 1'aul V _ l:2'pm : . . . . . . Colorado "Llmlinl . , . " , 4Fo5pm l:3&pin..Hla-jx ! ! : City r.xuiesjvx. . Bun..nWum 8:18am. . . .Sioux City AecoinjWodatlon. . . . 800pra ; ; . . . _ . . . . . . . , . Paul Limjjtid . VUOam Leaves I F. E. & MO. VALLEY. ( Arrives Omahal Depot. 15th & Wet y r Sts. | Omaha 3OOpmT : . Fnit Mall and Binrrsa 3.00pm. . . ( ex. Bat. ) Wyo. UX.MSX , Mon. . . 6:00pm 7:50am. : . Fremont Lucul ( Suiiifetyg unly ) . , 7COam ; . Norfolk Kxprean tax , . ; , , . . . : ! tilSpm . St. Paul Exprom . . . VHam " " " Leavs I K. C , . of. J , & "c."ll. lArrlvcs * qmahaUnlonpeiKt.10th [ ' & Mason Bts | Omaha e05nm..n.Kansas ; City D'ay'Express , , , . . tiilOpm . . . . _ . , . . . _ iA.n/fnn. . . T . C. vti ' Ex in ' n - : : * IOOOpm..IC. Night via VJ'"Ij-.ins. . 650ain ; leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. jAirhea Omahal Depot. 15th & WeLtter Sis. | Omaliu J:00pm : . . .Ntbraiika fc Kausa Limited. . ,12:5pni ( : : OpmKatisai City Hxpresi , ; MIII 215pm Nebratka Local ( ex Sun. ) 9Mali ; ; Leaves ! SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. Arrlven Omahal _ yat. 15th & WebsterSJs. | Onijhii OiiiahttlUnlon Depot. 10th & MaBonSl _ | Omtt"a " 540am ; St piul"Pu senser. , . , . " . . .ll:10p"m " : Sftam Sioux City Pttstenger. . , :04pm S:53pm. St. JPaul Limited CiiOain Leaies I WAilASlI R"AiLWAY { AffT\f OmahaUnlon ] Depot. 10th & Mnaon Sts. ' Omaha 4SOpm . . . . . . . . . . .Canon Hall , . . ' . , y0nm : , , OmahalUnlon Di-pottOth _ _ & M 8pam. : Ovfrlond l.fmltrd * , . . iWpm.Heafce & StrDmib'R E IPX Sun ) . 3'Mptn JSpin..Drand Ulan.t . Express < Sun. ) . . 3Vpm : , , 10 : mir > TRAMPS RAID THE STATION Three of Them Ransack the Place , but Find Little of Value , HOBOES HAVE MERRY TIME AT NORTH BEND l , ol ( lip Union rnrlHo llppof , Shoot nt Ihr A if cut nml l.ncU the Tim n .Miirliul In the 1'rolKht lliniHC. According to n precedent of acvcral years' standing , which has been confirmed almost every Bticcesslvo season , It Is In the spring- tlmo that the thoughts of the rallwny suppr- Intemlpnta nml detectives reluctantly turn toward the semis hobo and the best means of ridding the railroads of the Mine. This spring Is no exception , to the rule previously established. The tramps nro bobbing up serenely along nearly all the Nebraska rail way lines and catislns no little trouble to the operating departments of thrso roads. As the metropolitan specimen Is fond of marking the houses where ho hits been most hospitably entertained , so the prnlrlo hobo designates the particular roail which he and his brother tramps may best visit during a particular season. Last year the Omaha road was the ono selected , and Superintendent Jayiios had his hands full of trouble , the congregation of tramps at Illalr and Calliomi being etptclally annoying. Tills neason the hoboes have picked out the Union , Pacific , and they nre swarming along the "Ovorlnml llouto" In great numbers. Said Super intendent Canada of the Union Pacific's spe cial service derailment to a Ilee re porter jcstcrday : "These tramiw are springing up s thick as June bugs all along the line. I don't know Just what wo'll do with them , but we'll endeavor to rid our selves of them In some way. " There have hcen freiiticnt cases of trouble reported from ntatloim along the line during the past week , but the Iraldcst woik of the tramps occurred yesterday at North Demi shortly after 2 a. in. Night Operator Pargeter was sitting nt his Instrument tcrfc- graphlng when three masked men suddenly made their appearance before him. They de manded all the valuables In the place and added If they couldn't get valuables they would accept anything they could got. The operator's efforts to convince them that there was nothing of value about the place proved fruitless. The visitors became highly Indig nant at their cold reception and began shootIng - Ing their revolvers In n reckless manner. The operator says that two bullets came dangerously close to him , one even grazing his J Ip , being turned aside by a button. Dick Street , the town marshal , heard the shooting and appeared on the scene , but the tramps didn't take n fancy to his appearance , so they Just compelled him to go within the freight depot and when ho had entered they made sure of his capture by locking the door. Then the tramps ransacked the place. So far as Is known nothing of any value wua taken. It la believed that the tramps arc of the same gang that broke up a freight train at Klkhorn Wednesday by setting the alr-brakcs. They left Klkhorn on fieight train No. 17 , and arrived at North Bend at 1 o'clock yes terday morning. They spent on hour looking about the town for trouble , and not finding It lying about loose , they made the raid on the station. Three men were later arrested at Schuyler on suspicion of having been connected with the North Bond affair. They admit that they isiw the operator assaulted , but deny that they participated. The operator and town marshal have left North Bend for Schuyler to Identify the prisoners. Although the tramps were masked It la thought that they can bo identified. I'ASSKXGEH , AOHXTS HEOIIGAMZE. KanARrcfiiioiit Ailnittcil Which IN In Accoril with LIMV. The "low joints" are again. The honorable organization was resurrected ycstcnJp.y after noon from the oblivion Into which it was cast by the _ supreme court decision against the Transmlsslsslppl Freight Rate committee , at a meeting of the city passenger and ticket agents of Omaha and Council Bluffs at the old quarters in the United States bank building , this city. J. B. Ueynolds , city passenger agent of the Burlington , was chosen temporary chairman. The election of a secretary , which will bo a salaried olflce , was deferred until the next meeting. The local agreement , prepared by Chairman Caldwell - well of the Western Passenger association was adopted without dissent. The meeting then adjourned until Monday morning next at 9 o'clock. The new agreement is practically the old ono remodeled so as toallow the association to come within the scope of the law. In the new agreement the secretary , who will really be the head of the local association , is given wider authority than heretofore en joyed by that offlcial. The secretary will now bo able to file a complaint with the as sociation against any road violating the local agreement. He will have power to prosecute the offending road without referring the mat ter to the Western Passenger association , and asking that a special agent bo sent out to try the case. It Is generally understood that James W. Munn , the popular assistant gen eral passenger agent of the Elkhorn , will bo again offered the position of secretary. GRAVKL IfOIl VI3WEHSON SUUAIUS. Union 1'nelIU * Dmiiitrn Six CarlonilH ( o the < ; ity. The Union Pacific lias just donated six carloads of Sherman gravel to the city of Omaha , to he used in making new walks In Jefferson square. Four carloads have already been delivered hero and the other two ar < S now cnroutc. This granlto gravel Is taken from the gravel piln at Sherman , Wyo. , on the hill .where the "Overland llouto" crosses the Ho'ckies. The gravel 'is almost wholly or rock and Is said to be the best found anywhere In this country. The Union Pacific has during the past few years used great quantities of the Sherman gravel fur improving Its , roadbed and for making floors of car shops and freight depots. It makes a hard pavement and improves with Increased tralllc across it. It Is found to hi ) much .more durable tor flooring than wood. Th.jAll AVimt Tin-in. "One linn no idea of the popularity of the handsome souvenirs of the 'Overland limited' recently Issued , " aald Cashier Dar- low of the Union Pacific passenger depart ment to a Bee reporter. "Every mall brings In a stack of applications , and the requests on my drsk now measure a couple of feet In holght. Wo couldn't begin to answer all the demands , Ilallroad men from all over the country Imvo bepn Bonding In for thorn , tind we Imvo received tioino line com pliments on. . the work. General Passenger Agent Smith of the Lake Shore , wno was in the city the other day , said the souvenir of the Union Pacific's 'Overland Limited' was ono of the finest pieces of railway advertising ho had ever seen , " „ N - v Style of Kolilrr. The passenger department of the B. & M. has jutt put out what Is probably the most complete , convenient and best arranged folder of tlmo tables and e ieral Information ever Issued by an Omaha railroad. It con sists of forty-Jour pages , and the tlmo of all posslblo connections la clearly given. Hold-faccd typo is used throughout for the tlmo of trains , and an index to all stations on the Burlington route la found In the front. nonlil ( InitipiirUil . Railroad officials In this city do not gen erally believe tire statement of a local paper that W. H. Newman will teen leave the Clreat Northern. H. II. Ritchie , who li well acquainted with Mr. Newman old yester day : "That's noun to mo , and I huve just cotno from Chicago. I was with a number of Mr , Newman's closest friends and they knew nothing of the matter , I also met SA1MR 0IHUI ANV KNOWN MAKK . - / O.-lUL/ULi U.I HVMIj „ , , „ , prepaid unynhera. tieiul clamp tor ll't and particulars. DICKIE SUWlt IXCIWSGT. 26 West U'way , N. V Mrs. Newman , and she < lld nol allmlo to ony such change. It may bo so , but I doubt It. " IliitliTtir Mole * nml I'crnonnli. The general ofllcea of the Nickel Plato road will bo moved from Cleveland to Chicago cage At an early date. 11. W. Austin , assistant general passenger ftgcnt of the Northern Pacific At St. Paul , lift * been appointed assistant general passen ger afcent of the Baltimore & Ohio , with headquarters at Chicago , The date for the sale of tickets to the Hirel ing of the National Kducatlonal at ocUtlon at Milwaukee , July C-9 , for this territory are July 3I nad 5with August 31 as the final tcturn limit. The rate Is one faro plus | 2 for the round trip. The Burlington has just ISMIO ! an at tractive booklet for the lows ' "brlsllan Kn- ilravorcrs , who will xisw the Burlington route to Denver It Is announced that the rendez vous will bo nt the Union depot In this city , Wednesday , June 30. nt 6 o'clock p. in. A special train of tourist sleepers will leave for the San Francisco convention at that time. The Kansas City , Fort Scott & Memphis railroad has announced that It would here after disregard the rule of the Southwestern Tralllc association forbidding the Inspection , weighing and sacking In transit of grain at Kansas City , destined for | > oliits In Texas and the southwest. As soon as this notlco was Ifoued the Katy and the Plttsburg & Gulf followed by giving similar notlco. For the following occasion wpstein roids liavo agreed to make a rate of ono and one- third regular faio for the round trip Kreo Mason's convention , Lincoln , June 14-lSj Ne braska druggists' convention , Plattemouth , Juno 7- ! ) ; meeting of Uniform Hank , Knights of Pythias , Lincoln , May 25. For the Lin coln race meeting , Juno 14-16 , th ? rallrmds will grant n rate of one faro for the round trip from all points within ISO tulles of Lin coln. Additional evidence that traffic matters generally art * gradually Improving Is found In the following statement of gross railroad earnings for 1SII7 for the second week of May compared with 189G. Canadian Pacific $140- 000 , Increase $12,000 ; International & Great Northern $52,761 , Increase $5,145 ; Kansas City , Plttsburg & Gulf $13,0 ! > S , Increase $29- GD5 ; Mexican Central $253,952 , Increase $74- 231 ; Minneapolis & St. Louis $32.332 , In crease $1,098 ; Mexican National $124,493 , In crease $3SG42 ; Missouri , Kansas & Texas $180,481 , Increase $29,480 ; Ulo (1 rondo West ern $47,800 , Increase $900 ; St. Paul $321.381 , Increase $14,948 ; Wisconsin Central $82,039 , decrease $8.420. Mor Curntlvp rower Is contained In a bottle of Mood's Sarsa- parllla than In any other similar preparation. It costs the proprietor and manufacturer moro. It costs the jobber more and It la worth more to the consumer. It has a rec ord of cures unknown to any other prepara tion. It Is the best to buy because It Is the Ono True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills are tbo best family cathartic ntd Hvjr medicine. Gentle , reliable , sure. IIIHMIAIIS ovum.ouic o\n HIST. Visit Schouruir HOUHC , lint full to I'Mil ( I VllllllllllcH. A burglar visited the residence of W. Schourub , 605 North Twentieth street. Wednesday night and secured $1.50 In money. He overlooked a valuable gold watch. Kiitrance was effected through a window In the kitchen. From hero the midnight vis itor went to Mrs. Schourub's bedroom. He passed by n watch lying on a chair near the bed and went directly to the dresser. Ho ex- tracetd the money from a pocketbook , leaving the latter. He apparently then left the house through the back door , which was found open in the morning. Mrs. Schourub believes that the burglar saw her daughter putting the money In the pocketbook at night just before going to bed. Ho could have done this by taking a stand on the roof of a shed in the rear of the bouse. A burglary occurred Wednesday at the gro cery store of D. Gross , 1125 North Twenty- fourth street. The thieves tore off the blinds from a rear window and climbed through a broken pane into the store. They took a quantity of stock. Yesterday several boxes of cigars and eomo tobacco were found stored away beneath a pllo of telegraph poles near Twenty-third and Izard streets. I'HCHAIj D1UVI3N OUT 11V TIIIE. Itcalilunce DcHtrnyril nt nil Karly Hour Thl .MoritliiKr. A blaze which started a few minutes before 1 o'clock yesterday morning completely destroyed the resldeneo of Frank Prchal , 1312 Garfleld avenue , together with its contents. The flro also com municated to an adjoining dwelling at 1310 Garficld avenue , owned by Mrs. Mary Prchal , and damaged this to- some extent. The loss on the first house ivas about $1,200 and on the other about $123. Both nre fully- Insured. It Is believed that the first was caused by the explosion of a lighted night lamp in the residence of Frank Prchal. Prchal and his wife were awakened before the flro had attained much headway , but they became confused. In her efforts to get away Mrs. Prchal mistook a door and went into a clo et. The door closed and the woman found herself securely imprisoned. The woman screamed lustily and her husbind went to her res cue. To get her out ho was compelled to break a glass In the door. In doing this he sustained a scvero cut upon ono of his wrists and his hand was badly scratched. HOUSU is Pour Women Ari-i-Mled nnd Tiilccn to Jitll. The police Wednewday raided a house on Fourteenth , between Howard and Jackson streets , and arrested four women on the charge of being inmates of a disorderly house. The parties were Joslo Williams , Pearl Jackson. , Annie Right and Alice Smith. Three of the women allege that they entered - tered the hotBe for the purpose of getting In out of Ilic rain. The house is the residence of "Plunk" Henderson. All the occupants , Including the women , were colored. The police have received n number of complaints about the place to the effect that It was a thieves' den , to which victims are enticed. A trav eling man alleges that a couple of nights ago hu was induced to go to the house and spend thn night , He wan awakened , and raised lib head just in tlmo to sou a iiegra crawling from under the bed toward bin clothing. It la said that a number of In- Htancm of this character , which In police parlunco are known as 'badger acts , " have occurred at the house of late. DAVIS TIIII5S TII13 INSANR 1'rcfern I In ; A yliim to the Htiilc1'eiil - tt-lit I nry Charlm Davis , the leader of the notorious "Davis gang" of thlevVa , who has been confined In the county jail for several weeks , is feigning Insanity. He lies on a cot In the hallway of the east wing of the Jail and stares about htm. Ho makes no reply to questions and lies perfectly motionless when any person la about. His method In about the same as that of "Nick" Fox , tbo wife murderer , who feigned Insanity for months and only coawd after he had been , convicted of murder In the second degree , largely on the testimony of Dr. Tllden , who Instated ail along -that Fox was only feigning , Not until ho wast on the road to the penitentiary did Fox admit that ho had been Hbanimlnt ; . County Ph > siclan Jlcicer pronounces Davis a humbug , but the prisoner keeps up hl shamming. The charges against Davlfl are numerous enough to give him a long st-ntenco la tbo penitentiary and the tounty authorities are satisfied that ho IK etiainmlng Insanity to avoid being tried. Look Over Tlirlr Knlure Members of the eighth grade of the Luke school , accompanied by their teacher , Mrs. Carlisle , visited the High Kchool yentmliiy afternoon. They were shown about the building and Introduced to I ho pupils , The members of this clanH , Homo Hlxty In nuin- l > er , will enter the High school next full. AfU-r k-uvlng the lilyh ttchool Die young men and women visited the art exhibit In the city tinllWIIPIO they remained during the remainder of the afternoon. - - No honcat dealer jvlll try to cell what he knowb the custorjn vJd ? not order and does not want. BUMB ! lelan\ thrives for a time , but la thn long ' < ; u3 to the wall. Smiling Faces Sweet Greetings that Keep the Home Happy. It Is Hard to Smile When tdo Body Is Racked With Pain. It's Imrd to snillo when the back Is nclilnff , the head throbbing , nnd the body Ii full of pain. The tiling to do l to riil yourself of tlio nchon nnd pnlm , nnd Mun * ( Kd'V y ° u n' ' " help you do It. > fcli The Munyon Homeo pathic Home Remedies , made tip of dl covcrle nnd combination * In mrdlcmo , nron veritable boon to mnnklnd. The xvorM Is rnpldljr being converted by truth nnd evi dence , nml noon the Munyon school of medtcfna will bo accepted and recognlicd ns the onlv school that li safe nnd sure. Here's proof. Will you study It ? N. A. Smith , 203 "Washington Avenue , Bodnlla , Jlo. . says : " I have been af flicted with klilnny trouble for the last thirty years. My Bufferings wore somo- thtnK terrible , anil part of the tlmo I Vfan uontlned to my bod. I tried almost everything- that was rccoinmoncled , but never found nnythliiK that fravo mo nny relief until I used Munyon'B Kidney Curo. Three bottles cured inn completnly. My release from miffrrlng has ln-on no cotn- ploto that I feel llko a young man. " Mun von 1ms n aeparnto euro for each dl.tcaia Per sale by druggists , mostly is cents a bnttlo If In doubt write to Professor Munyon nt 1'hllndclphia , Pa. , nnd get medical iidvlco ( roe. MOORES WORKING FULL TIME Long Liiio of Oallors Await His Arrival at tbo Office Each Day , NEW MAYOR LOOKING AFTER CITY AFFAIRS Slimy Cmiillilntt'N for tliu tlint Are Still I.fft to lie IMr- | uulcil Out I- the Cltj'n I Ilxi-cutlve. Mayor Moorca Is spending as many lioura In his ofllco as any oilier employe of the city , and between attending to the regular routine of hla olflco and receiving people who are Interested lu the remaining appointive , offices , his tlmo Is fully occupied. Ilia ofHco wae well filled with callers before 9 o'clock yesterday and tlio line was unbroken until noon , The principal offlcon which are to be filled by Juuo 1 are superintendent ot city hall , gas Inspector , weights and meas ures Inspector , llcetibo Inspector and special agent. The advisory board will dcelgiiato the Inspector of contagions disease * , meat Inspector and milk Inspector and the Jani tors. Elevator men and other subordinate employed of the city hall are also to be ap pointed. No slate had yet been determined on , but there are a number of candidates who are reasonably certain of getting what they are after. J. T. McVittle will probably bo ap pointed license Inspector. The next Inspector of weights and meaa- uies has not been decided on , but lie will probably be a colored man. There IB also a good deal of uncertainty as to what will bo done In regard to the superlutcudcncy of the city hall. George I ! . Hess Is making an active fight for the job , but ho lian bcveral difflcultlta In his way. A number ot thn councllmen assert that Hess fought at least two of the republican councllmanlc candi dates at the election , and If he ehoultl be ap pointed there will certainly bo a light against his confirmation. It ta the understanding that Milk Inspector 13oyd will ibc reappolnted. Lloyd Is an old soldier and has been a very energetic ofllclal. Dr. Young , the present meat Inspector end veterinarian , has a competitor In Dr. Kuniac- clnttl , and the job evidently lies between them. As previously stated , Dr. Ralph 'will succeed Dr. Towne as Inspector of contagiouu disease ; ! unlras there Is a change la the pres ent program. There Is some talk of abolishing the oftlco of special agent for the legal department , but whether It will bo done or not has not been decided. Ono of the liveliest contests 1 for the job of street commissioner under the now Hoard ot Public Works. SV. II. Klbourn , Lcroy Pur. nas and J. II. Beverly am the principal can didates. It. n. Carter will be asxl.itant Inspector specter ot bulldlnga anil Charles Hart may remain as clerk of that department. The ru- malnlng places. Including the employes of the city hnll building and the vtirloim pooltloni under the Boaid ot Public Works , are anx iously regarded by any number of candi dates. Hut these roust wait until the moro Important plarcs are distributed and no FCJ- ! tlons have yet been made for these posi tions. MAYOR JIOOIIKS IH > 'OT ( In1 llrontc-h .Suit IIH nil lOffort to Aiimi ) ' Him. The fnct that ex-Mayor llroatch had filed quo warranto proceedings In the supreme court was accepted by Mayor Mooros without apparent disquietude. When asked what course he proposed to pursue Mayor Moorca said that that wait n matter which rested largely with his attorneys , 1'rrsonally , ha regarded the suit as merely an effort to annoy him and ho did not expect any serious ro- ault. Ho had been too busy to take the matter - tor up with his attorneys , hut did not antici pate any dldlculty In knocking Mi opponents out of court If the case ever came to trial. City Attorney Council , John C. Whartori and Charles J , Greene- will represent Mayor Moorea and the city. Mr. Council said that t.o was not sufficiently familiar with the allegations to say exactly what the answer would be , Ho did not know whether an ap plication would ho inado tn , liavn the cas cent hack to tlio district court on not. There was where It properly belonged , for It the case canio to trial , them would tindoiihtodlr bo a great deal ot evidence offered with which thn mipremo court would not lie. likely to want in take up Ua time , If the case wcro not remanded to thu district court , a rcferao would probably bo tleilgnalcd before whom the evidence would bo Introduced , ( lli'lTINn 1M.1I1I.IAR WITH WORK. No\r Member * of lloaril of 1'nlillo WorkH TnUn IIolil , The Board of Public Works met WednesJay afternoon , but took no action except to con- tlnuo tbo old employees until further notice. The board mot again yesterday , hut as the members of the old froanl did not have their schedules ready to lurn over , an ad- jouinment was taken subject to tlio call of the chairman , City Knglnpr Ilosowater and Secretary Co- burn spent yesterday In completing a ILat of thu employe * and In familiarizing them- HOivns with the work that wan being done. As teen as tbo now boaul Is sufficiently fa miliar with the situation ( o act Intelligently the force will probably bo reorganized to fiomo t'xtent. While no official statement hen been made of the policy of the now board In this direction , it Is pretty generally un derstood that the men who have been drawIng - Ing their salaries from the city for perform ing political work will bo replaced by men who are willing to earn their ualarles In a legitimate manner. The fact that the curb- Inn , guttering and cleaning fund Is nearly exhausted will nccc altatu cutting tbo force in the ilrcot department to a minimum.