TII13 OMAHA DAILY UBK : HflTDAY , MAY 21 , 18J)7. ) COUNCIL BLUFFS. m MKNTICM. Smith , plumber. 2401 Ave. A. Tel. 333. Pasturage , L. P. Judcon. 929 Cth avenue. Mrs. A. J , Illoomcr will spend the eummcr with her on , H. II. Illoonicr and hl family. Mrs. N. I ) . Smith of I'arkman , O. , la visit- Ini ; her daughter , Mrs. Moore , oa SKth avenue. Judge Smith yesterday made a new as- ilsnment of the law cases covering the re mainder of the month. Prof , Kdwln Southwlck of the Iowa School for the Deaf In oxpoctrd to soon return home from a visit In New York. Mnty Bouthwlck Is In Carroll , la. , for a vlfllt. She U the gucat of her couMn , Dr. C.V. . SpauldlnK. and family. Como to the quilting party In the parlors of the Congregational church thin afternoon , Mny 21. Supper served t C o'clock. Unity guild will hold It * regular meeting Filday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. A. Tl. Cook on Vine street. Members are re quested to be prtfiont. The Driving club will hnvo a meeting at the Grand hotel thlfl evening for the pur pose of arranging for the first matinee , to bo given In a short time. Arrangements have bcni made by the senior tlttffl and the High School alumni cadets to give n icccnllon In Iloyal Arcanum hall on the evening of June 2. Them never wno a tlmo when we have flono BO much family work , and we never have done the work no well n this spring. Wo have made an art of the laundry bust- nets , nt thu "Eagle. " 72 Broadway. The taee of the state ngaltist William Gay. Jinrt. Imllcttil foi perjury , nnd Fred Duncan , for seduction , ore ? et for hearing today and tomorrow. In the Duncan case the defense lias subpoenaed about a dozen well known young men to prove that the. reputation of the Klrl was not nuovo reproach. Oeoigc Kincilno uiifctnlucd bcvcrc Injuries taut evening 1 > y hln horeo falling upon htm EmiTlno Is a rnttlu dcnlcf , nnd the accident happened , Nhlle ho wax engaged In hl b ? l- iirwThe ) horse fell running rapidly , the whole -weight of tlio animal coming upon the innn'H foot and leg. The foot was bndly crushed. A number of the pi If oners Indicted by the grand Jury at the recent seralon have euc- ceciled In Bccttrlng ball. Hurry Vest and Lillian I'clffcr , charged with lew-dittos. admitted to ball In the sum of $200 and $300 , icspectlvely , and Mrs. Klmball , charged with complicity In the theft of a saddle and In- dlctvcl with Dick Dubols , wns given her lib erty after filing a bond for $100. A number of the primary teachers of thU city arc arranging for a visit to the Chicago bchoolu Imtnrdlatcly after the close of this term. They go especially to BCD Iho work In H'ipciliitcndciit Specr'p district of that city. ThoRC who contemplate making' the trip arc. Mrs GlcaRon , Mitres Bndollctt , Miss Hardln , Mlw Field , Miss Harl , MIN3 Mll- lanl , Mies Perry , Mlsa I'artoiis , .Mia * lloim , Mlus L > ons , MI.S3 Grarn and 'Mis.Pile. . C. B. Vlavl company , remule remedy. Med ical consultation free Wednesday. Health book furnished. S2C-327-32S Merriam block. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. Try the nev\j J. d. AV. & < Jo.'s Clear Title Go cigar. Made for smokers who have been buying lOc cigars. AsK vour dealer for U. 'At wholesale by John O. Woodward & Co. VOIIIIK llnxfii Iliullj Hurt. George Ilosen , a son of C. BOSPU , the con tractor , arrived home > esterday iifteinoon suffering from the effects of a severe acci dent which had befallen him at Kcollne's ranch In Wyoming. The accident happened on May 9 , but the friends here knew noth ing about It until they were Informed by vvlro yesterday that he would arrive on the evening train. Young Boson went out to the ranch about six weeks ago to take part in the spring round up. On May 9 ho was driving a team of horses that became un manageable and ran away with him. He was thrown from thu wagon and fell be- reath the wheels. Ono wheel passed over his chest nnd across his face , fracturing sev eral libs riul crushing the bones of Ills mouth end knocking out a number of teeth. It was necessary to go nearly 100 miles to reach the nearest railway atatlon , and It was 1m- pof-slblo to get word to the family hero \ery promptly. As soon as the boy was able to travel bo was taken to the station und ecut home. The ladles th ee days are very busy with house cleaning. They llnd carpets badly worn , curtains a little old. Now , wo do not wish to disturb the ladles In their work , but wo want them to know what an elegant line of carpets , curtains and rugs wo carry. Corao and see the now goods. COUNCIL BLUFFS CAUPDT CO. ( inn Club "Unii'li Shunt. The Council Bluffs Gun club held a match hoot yesterday afternoon at the grounds In the western part of the city. Ono match at twenty-five targets was shot for a prize of a pair of corduroy pants olfered by Mct- colf Bros. A club shoot nt twenty targets followed. The scores were as follows : At twenty-live targolx : D. T. Stubbs. 19 ; Julius Klmimrll , 22 ; Klncstniry , 1C ; Mat- thul , 20 ; Anderson. 1C : BcioPhelm. 21 : Heln- rlohs. I'l ; Ilufer , 17 ; Pyper , 15 ; Hnrdln , 12 ; West. 22 ; Brno. 20 ; Syewart , 1C ; Crabill , 20. The tie between Dr. West nnd Klmmerl ! was Phot off , Zlmmorll winning. lieno.lS ; Stevvmt. 18 : Crnjjlll. IS ; QrltlUh. H iSomo good ecores were made In practice ehcrots , Dr. West making nt ono tlmo a ocoro of twenty straight targets. Combination book cases this week. J10.75 , at Durfco Furniture Co. . 205-207 , Broadway , Hrnl Kxlnte TrniiNforH. The following transfers were filed yester day In the tltlo and loan ofllce of J. W. Bqulre , 101 Pcnrl street : If. H. Hill and vvlfo to Fred J. Hill , lots 22 , 23 block S , Wrlght'H add. , ami lot 10 , block 10 , Crawford's add. , w. d $ 1 Blu'Hff to F. J. Day and John P. Hess , lot C In original pint lot 4'.i , nnd lot 4 , block 1. llagg's add. , R. d 353 Francis C. Moody to F. II. Hill , s'4 8H no'i se < i 17-73-43 , vv. d 1 Robert S. White and wife to John O. Sullivan , w 23 feet lot 1 , and o 8 feet lot 2 , block 44 , Doers' nubiL. w. d. . . . 1,000 John O. Sullivan to George W. b'niltli. w 25 fci't of lot 1 , and o 9 feet lot 2 , block 44 , necrs' HUbd. , w. d 1,000 John Uye and Geoigo B. Dye and wlfo to George A. Stevens , Bw'4 13-74-41 , w. d 4.0CO Six transfers , aggregating$7,315 HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glaea with urine * nd let It Bland twenty-four hours ; a eedl- \ ment or ucttllng Indicates an unhealthy condition of the kidneys. When urlno ttalna linen It la positive evidence of kid ney trouble. Too frequent desire to url- nato or pa In in the back U alto convin cing proof that the kidneys and bladder re out of order. WHAT TO no. There U comfort in the knowledge so often exprelrfH | at Dr. Kilmer's Swamp. Hoot , tlio"T lililney remedy , fulfills every wish li Wllevliig pain In the back , kidneys , liver , bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain In passing it , or bad effects following use of liquor , vvlno or beer , aii'l overcomes that unpleas- uiit necessity of l lng compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. , ' Jio mild und tlio extraordinary effect of amp-Hoot U POOH realized. U elands the for Its wonderful curee of tlio most dlstrekur cases , If you iiccd a medicine you elioulT wve th ? best. Sold by drug- gl&ts , prlco llr eiits and. ono dollar. You may have a rainift bottle and pamphlet both tout free by mall. MfchUlpn The Omaha Dally Ileo and fend your addTNtto Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Ulnghatoton , N. Y. TR roprlotora ol i | I tblf paper guaraatsc tke ifininTt jt ol ihk l I I NO MORE DODGING-POLL TAX Oily Council Announces Its Policy in Begard to Collection. INTENDS TO GET IN EVERY DOLLAR DUE Collector Illooil Autlmrlrcd In Gu to Ilic Pull Htlvnt of Uie l.iiw to beourp tlio .Money ur I Jib or. "Wo have a poll tat collector this year , and wo are going to collect all of the poll tax that belongs to the Uty , " rcriiatkcd Alderman Casper yesterday. "Tho council will back Mr. illood In his efforts to collect this tax , nnd there will bo no question whatever about his doing It. We do not want to bring milts to enforce collection , but where suits are necessary , they will bo Instituted and prose cuted , The law Is not burdensome , an.l there Is no question about Its justness and Its constitutionality. We do not Intend to keep Mr. lUootl at work playing hide and seek with delinquents. Where notices are properly served , payment will be enforced whe-re It Is resisted. " The city ordinance under which the poll tax collector operates was passed by authority of section 939 of the code. The same law also provides for the levying nnd collectIng - Ing of the tax by the county authorlien. ! An examination of the ztatc- laws on the subject , chows that section 1I9S of the code , governs thu manner In wnlch poll tax notices elmll be served. The road supervisor must glvo at least a three days' notice to the person liable to the tax , to appear at the place designated with the proper toola , and perform two daa' labor on the roads. In cities of the flrt > t- class , the plnro of the road supervisor Is taken by a commissioner or collector , acting under the authority of the Hoard of Public Works and tlio council. On the matter of serving the notices , depends largely the ques tion whether the poll tax Is collectible. Section 149S fixes the penalty for those who fall to work out the tax. In case n person Is notified , and falls to nppeir within three dajs , ho Is given two moio days In which to appear with on excuse. If , at the expira tion of five days , he docs not appear , ho Is llnblo to n forfeit of $3 per day for each day ho falls to do so , for ten dajfl. If nt that time ho has not appeared , then the road supci- vlsor may recover by action at law. In the mi me of the road supervisor. The city has a similar power , though It Is never exercised. The treasurer is given his authority by section 1G02 , which bays : "If It appears * that any person has foiled to per form the two days' labor lequlred or any part thereof , and that the supervisor has neglected to collect the amount In money re quired to be paid In case of such failure , the clerk shall add the- amount to be paid In cuio of such falluic to such persons prop erty tax nnd certify the same as required In section 976 , nnd the auditor shall enter the same on the proper tax list and the treasurer shall collect the t > ame as required In said section 975. " Section 975 specifies the manner In which the delinquent tax shall bo certified. As to neglecting to pay the tax , section 1331 pro vldcs as follows : "And If any one neglect to pay his taxes nt or before matuilty as bereln provided , the trcasuer may make tire sumo by distress and sale of his personal property , not ex empt from taxation , and the tax list alone shall bo sufllclent warrant therefor. AUUnST OK IIIACKSMITH l > y a XelRlibor ttltli Hn\liiK Attempted o Kill HIM Wife. The police were notified at 10 o'clock las evening that Mrs. A. Kelley , living on Avenue nuo II nnd Tenth street , had taken poison with suicidal irrtent. The case was Inves tlgated by the police and a physician wa sent to the house. When the officers arrives the house was eurrounded by excited squaj of neighbors , and the room in which the woman was lying , was crowded with sym pathetic people. The woman was nppar ently suffering very severely/and Iri answe to questions denied that she had taken pot eon. The examination by the physlclai failed to disclose nny symptoms of poison ing , but revealed the fact that the womai was suffering severe pains In the abdomlna region. The physician prescribed for he ir and left. A dozen of the neighbors crowded nroun the reporters and tbo officers and whlspcre oo in c rather sensational things concernlni the cause of the woman's illness. They de clared that she was suffering from an as sault made upon her by her husband , an d' after dark last night he was seen cliasln g her around the yard , flourishing n knife an threatening to kill her. Other neighbor asserted that the cause of the quarrel wa the discovery by the wife of a rather com promising letter written to the husband b another woman. The husband etrenuousl denial this , and the woman refused to sa anything. The husband admitted that th * had not been living happily together , an that his wlfo was very Jealous of him. II also admitted that they bad engaged In hot quart el last nlk'tit , after he had rcturne from work. Kelley Is a blacksmith , and 1 engaged In ono of the shops on Fourth streei Shortly before midnight Kelley was ar rested on Information Illed by & nelghbo charging him with attempting to 1(111 hi wife. Standard , reputable articles are not dear a the prices asked for them. Substitutes offere by unscrupulous and Irresponsible makers ar costly at any figure. Be sure that no hum bug is practiced on you when you go to buy May Iluy Another Or ml or. The Board of County Supervisors may see arrive attbo conclusion to purchaee anothe $1,000 road grader machine. The ono alread purchased and in operation has given sue great satisfaction that the demand for a second end ono has been created. The resolution o f tlio board authorized the rjurchaeo of one o ir more of the machines , but at the time th IP first was ordered , there was such a feelln IPK of timidity among the members for fea IP the machine would not prove to bo a wls id Investment , and bo used as the basis of pollt idt leal criticism In tbo future that any oppo - sltlon would have prevented Its purchase > But this fear has now been allayed and strong sentiment has grown up favoring th purchase of at leatt ono rnoro of the ma chines. Pottawnttamlo county Is nearly lift v miles long and forty wide , and the grea amount of roadway to be built would make several years before the grader could ge over the county. The work done by the ne machine eo far baa been con lined to th cast end of the county , and the members o the board , who represent that portion oj th county , are being overwhelmed with request to keep the machine there , and keep It a work and buy another for the west em There does not appear to be any objection I this demand from nny source , and it Is proba bio that the board will act favorably upo Tha supervisors have been engaged week on a stiutch of bad road In IheVv of the old Chautauqua grounds , praps rings for tlio grader. A number of thir aCrui hills arc being cut down , and the eartfl car - lied Into the low places.Heyopd df- " ' " where this work la t/lnrfTdiMW-Mlie. , . . . stretch of low Hat roadUafiVbero the graVe will bo used. The trial of. L. C.rTay'for on the charco o having robbed the millinery store-of Minn Helen Sprlnk last winter occupied the at tentlon of tfie district courd yesterday. Ills Court Attorney Saunders had prepare an array of testimony that the defense wa powerlees to break down , mul when the. case was given to the Jury It only required te : minutes to reach a verdict of guilty. Taylo heard the verdict -without betraying an' ' signs of interest. He was remanded for ecu tcnco. llrndjMiml Strve III * Tlliu- . OTTUinVA , la. , May 20. ( Special Tele gram. ) The supreme court has refused now trial In the catu of I'attick Brady , vvh VVM convicted two yean ago of makln vouchwi to & county for Aid extended fictitious poor , by which means he mulcted the county of rejiXal thousand dollar * . He HA9 eentenccd to two ytdrs la the peniten tiary. Several arrests were made of county officials for malfeasance t the same tlmo , but Drady wag the only conviction secured. Everything was done to keep Uraily out of prison , but the supreme court has settled the larei and bo will bo taken to Fort Madi son nt onco. AMUSEMENTS. for eight nlghta , commencing with a mall- neo Sunday , May 23 , the Paiges will be the attraction at Iloyd'fl. The work of the com pany will bo remembered as being of a pleasIng - Ing nature and especially that of Harry Eng lish and Lillian Paige , whose efforts received cordial approval , Seats for the entire en gagement wilt be placed on sale Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. The ale of seats opens tomorrow morning for the thrcc-nlght engagement beginning at the Crelghton next Monday night of Miss Georgia Cayvnn , and the excellent company with which tilie has surrounded herself on this , her first stellar tour. During her engagement hero Miss Cayvnn will pre sent two of the plays In which she has found favor In New York nnd Sail francisco , with alt of the original New York scenery anil appointments. "Siiulro Kato" will bo the bill for the first two nights of Miss Cayvan's stay nnd "Mary Pennlngton , Spinster , " wJll bo presented nt the two performances Wednesday. Otis Skinner will appear nt the Crelghton for the second tlmo this season , opening a three-night engagement Friday , May 28. Examine the labels and trademarks of pro. prlctary articles. Imitations nre common , and In eomu cases thu difference between them and the genuine la so slight us to es cape careless observation. Ueware of dis honest shopkeepers and salesmen. BITTER PARTISAN DEBATE ( Continued from First Page. ) terlor to allot landii to the Uncompahgro In- dlans In tlio Uncompahgro and Ulntnh reservations , all opened lands to bo opened to settlement April 1 , 1898 , excepting those containing gllsonlto nnd ncplmlt , tlio United Stntrs to retain tltlo to such lands and lease them , the secretary of the Interior to fix a royalty and regulations to prevent a mon opoly. The house conferees were Instructed to work for such ft compromise. At 6:25 : p. m. the houpc ndjourned to Mon day. TiiuiisTovs srnncii ox CUIIA. Nclirnxkn'H Junior Senator Ar iiex for tlio Morfiiii IlcHoliitloii. WASHINGTON. Mny 20. ( Special Tele gram. ) Senator Thurston'e speech on grantIng - Ing belligerent rights to Cubans is regarded hero as a strong contribution to the litera ture * of this subject. Ho was In magnificent voice. It was a dignified plea for the passage sago of the Morgan resolution. There was no great attempt at oratory on the part of Thurston. Several strong passages were used In connection with the speech , which oc cupled ono hour and a half In delivery. Dr. John B. Connway has been appointed a member of the Board of Pension. Examin ing Physicians ut York , Neb. , vice Dr. J. W. Shidler , removed. General Manager Dickinson of the Union Pacific , with his family , was In Washington yesterday , leturnlng to New York Hn the evening. Representative Maxwell has Introduced a bill to abolish distinction between actions at law and suits In equity In all actions and suits In the United States courts and to simplify procedure In such courts. The following fourth class postmasters were appointed In Nebraska today : Bert- rand , I'helps county. W. R. Pcdloy , vice J. F. Wolf , removed ; Chapman , Merrlck county , E. I. Gallngly , vice W. Rlcke , re moved ; Exeter , Flllmoro county , C. N. Phil lips , vice James Kelly , removed. Secretary Bliss has rendered decisions In Iho following land cases : Nebraska Clem Turpcnny against W. F. Allen , Lincoln dis trict , land ofllce decision nfli.mcdand Allen's timber culture entry held for cancellation. South Dakota Frank Waggoner against Joseph King. Rapid City district , decision affirmed and land awarded to defendant ; C. E. Ady against Z. Boyle , Aberdeen district Mrs. Boyle's petition for rerevlew denied "and land awarde/d to Ady. Postmasters commissioned : Iowa Ellas C , Walker , Calmar ; David L. Wylde , Superior ; Abraham L. Uelfsnider. Alexander ; Delia Kelso , River Junction. South Dakota- Oliver I' . Ashley , Lenox ; William L. Van- derley , Marlon ; William T. Dale , ( Mcllette. Pati'iitH for WoHtrrn Inrntom. . WASHINGTON , May 20. ( Special. ) Pat- ' cnts have been Irsued as follows : Nebraska William S. Larson , Stromsburg pump attachment. South DakoU Herbert H. Freeman Pierre , hat holder. Iowa Carl H. Anderson , Ogden , coupling for vehicle poles ; William J. Bennlng. Boone wntcr motor ; Jacob B. Engstrom , Manchcs ter , registering measuring vessel ; Frank Fourt , Fnlrfleld , dental artlculator ; Glaus Haimsen , Garwln , pig holder ; Leroy Leggett Sidney , cistern or well cleaner ; Joseph H McCurvllle , Centervlllo , puzzle ; Delbert 0 Paxton. Montour , towel rack ; Charles J Peterson , Dubuque , dentil mandrel ; Philip Schneider , Gamer , kitchen cabinet ; Elme- C. Smith , Goodell , gate. Sfimte CoiillrniM Morrmv. WASHINGTON , May 20. The senate today confirmed the nomination of William M Moirow of California to bo United States clr cult Judge for the Ninth Judicial district. Fifty 1)elpriiti-N In Attendance. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , May 20. ( Specla Telegram. ) The annual convention of th Sunday School association ) of the St. Pau district of the African Methodist Eplscopa church began hero today with about flft ; delcgitcs In attendance. An Interesting pro gram la being carried out. The annual meet Ing of the ministers and lay delegates ha been brought to a close and the next meet Ing will be held nt Muchaklnock. Say "No , " and stick to It , when you ar ! urged to buy something "just as good" as tb article you asked for. TIIIJ IinAI.TV INSTRUMENTS placed on record Thurs day , May 20 , 1S37 ! WARRANTY OKI-IDS. H. 'L. Matthews to M. I' . Matthews , lot IS , block S , Viral add. to South Omaha , John Fablk and wife to Mary Dvvoruk , Jr. , lot 14 , block 3 , Uwor.ik'H add. . . . J.W H. W. Yates und wife to C. G , Johnson - son , w 30 feet of o 70 feet of n 20 feet of sVi lot 5 , block C , Park Place. . . . Emma Devrlrs and hiirbnnd to W. H. DuHols. u 13 feet lot 7 , block C , lcn- Isu'c. add , M. I. Crelgh to M. A. Donahoe , 22 , ucrc-s In Bui ! seU 18-1C-13 1,00 „ a. F. Rlvlnlus and wife to F. C. lllv- Inlus , umH lots U to 2J , block 2 , Loomls' sub , * . * Tflf' WJiroii Heed ct at to J.V. . -iamilton , lots 1 and 2 and n 20 feet lots 2J and 24. block 3 , Reed's . " 111 nil. 8,00 Matilda Kowalevvskl and husband to . JV. Russell , vv'4 of lift lot 33 , Uurr OjUt HurnTon Schcll to Llnwood Park Land company , lots 1 to li , block 2 , Pope 1'lucu ; lot 1C , block 2 , Itedlck park. , W T. J. RyoiKn.Ud wlfo to J. W. Mack , v Mot 12. RJbeVS. Valley Grove add. , . , 00 A. H. Morns , executor , to B. C. An drews , lot 2 , block EG , Florence , , , , , , so QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. F. J. Krejcl and wife to Mary Dwornk , Jr. . lot 12 , block 2 ; lot 1 , block 2 , 00 " J. H , Schmidt und "wlfcTtb Nellie Tobin - bin , lot 6 , Ford's Saratoga add 00 J. G. Mi'k'futh und wife , to T. A. Me- Kiath , lota 9 to 15 , block 2 ; lots 21 to 30 , block 1 , Valley Place , . . . , DEI3DS. Sheriff to South Omaha Savings bank , lot 9 , block 4 , Brown park , JOJ Mutter In chancery to N. W. Mutual Loan Insurance company , vv 97 feet lots 2S und S3 , block 5 , Kountio & R.'s add 6,300 Sheriff to Charles Turner , n 142x50 feet lot 3 , block 20 , West End add. . , . . , . . 2,427 Total amount of transfer * . REDS DEFEAT TIEOJmifltES'ii Take A Fall Out of the Vicfcrittas Loaders at Cincinnati } ! OCCURS IN A CLOSE AND EXCITING CAME Score Stmidx II < n 10 ln > lfn\or of lic XVInnorw Kcoonl , . „ . . ( illlllPM 011 ltll T DlHiiiDiidii. ) < i Clnclnnntl , 11 ; nnltlmorp , JO. Plttsburtr. 10 ; Philadelphia , 4. St. bouls , 4 ; Hoston , 11 , Chicago. 14 ; Washington , 16. Louisville. 13 ; Brooklyn , 12 , Cleveland-New York ; no ffnnie. rain. Kansas City , 9 ! Columbus : 3. Minneapolis. 1 : Indianapolis , 14. St. 1'nul. 5 ; Grand Rapids , 4. CINCINNATI. Mny 20-Tho Reds tic- fcntcd tlio Orioles In a close nnd exciting Biuno today. McGruw was put out of the Kiitno In the eighth Inning. Attendance , 7,000. Score : Cincinnati . 2 0 2 0 U 1 0 0-11 ll.iltlmoro . 0 1-10 Bute hits : Cincinnati. , IS ; Hnltlmoro. 13. Krrors : Cincinnati , H ; Baltimore , 1. I.arned runs : Cincinnati. 0 ; Unltlmorc , 7. Two-base hits : Miller , Mcl'hee , Keelcr , Irvln Kocler Three-b iso lilts : Hoy. Stolen bases : Me- Plieo (2) ( , Irvln (2) ( ) . SchrKer , Hoi day , O'Brien llurke. Miller. UoubU ; play : Irvln to Vaughn , rirst on bills : OK Khrct , 3 ; oft Hotter. 6. Hit by pltcheri Btenzet. Struck out : Ily Horr.ur.lt Hittorlos : Cincinnati , niirot , bwyertind Schrlvcr ; UnUlinorc , Hot- fcr nnd Clark. Umpire ! Sheridan. 1'ITTSBUIIG , 10 ! I'HILA'DCL.IMUA. 4- IMTT8HUUG. May 20. PlUsburrr's itpldlnB errors were bad enough to lose any ordinary came , but fnclr peed , hard hitting won out. Klllcn pave no hits after the third I Inn ng and errors vvcro responsible for the I'lilllles' two runs In the llfth. Attendance. 2,500 Score : I'lltsburrr . f > 0000140 * -10 Philadelphia . 0 20020000-4 Unse hits : I'lttsburg , 10 ! Philadelphia. 3 Krrors : I'lttsbuifT , 5 ; Philadelphia , 3 learned runsrVlUs'imr 3 ; Vn'iimlolpnln. 1. Imso hit : . . Sns'i. . . Thrve-b.iso hits : .Smith , Davis (2) ( ) , Broil le. Homo run : Brodle. Sacritlcp hit : Paddcn. Stolen base : IJon- nellv. First base on balls : Oft Klllen , 3 : off FlfleUl. 4. Hit by pitcher : Padden. Wild pitches : Klllen , Flfleld. Batteries : Pitts- Imrfr. Klllen and Silgden ; Philadelphia , Fl.'Jd and Boyle. Umpire : Hurst. ST. LOUIS. 4 ; BOSTON , 11. ST. LOUIS , May 20 Tim Browns played poorly today. Hutchlnson was on the rub ber and was lilt hard by Boston. In addi tion > ie was very wild , nearly all of his bases on tails provingfatal. . Attendance , D.&OO. Score : St. Louis 0 0-4 Hoston 0 - ! ! Base hits : St. Louis , 12 ; Boston , 10. Kr rors : St. Louis , 1 ; Boston , 0. Earned runs : St. Louis , 0 ; Boston , 2. Two base hits : Duffy. LongMcFurl.md. . Three base hits : Collins (2) ( ) , Hutchlin-on. Home runs : Mc- rnrland. Lonp. Collins , Hamilton. Stolen bases : Long. Tcnncy , Duffy , Collins , Ham ilton , Dowd and Lowe. Double plays : Long to Lowe to Tcnney. First b.ise on balls : Off Hutchlnson , 6 ; oftLew Is. 2. Sacrifice hit ; Lewis. Struck out : Hi' Hutchlnson , 1 ; by Lewis , 2. Passed ball : McFnrland. Wild pitches : Hutchlnson.i 2 Battcilcs : St. Louis , Hutchlnson and McFarland ; Bos- tcn , Lewis nnd Gnnsell. Umpire : Lynch. CHICAGO , 14 ; WASHINGTON , IB. CHICAGO , May 20 Today's1 game was the greatest fnice of the neason , both teams playing like a lot of soliooliboys It was n slugging match from tha start. After usinc up three of Washington's pitchers and having a comfortable lead , Brlgps went up In the air in the ninth , tavc n base on balls and was pounded all \tvcr tbo Held. McJamcs pitcher No. 4 , camp In In the ninth nnd although he wan chilled through from sitting on the bcnfcli. Mint the Colts out without a hit or a run. 'Score : Chicago 22303301 0 14 Washington 4 0 3 0 0 2 2 0 G-10 Bast hits : Chicago 1. . : Washington. 15 Errors : Chicago , B ; Washington , 4. Earned runs : Chicago , B ; Washington , 5. Two b.ihe hits : Ryan (2) ( ) , Connor. Three base bit : Wrlgley. Home" run : Lunge. Sacrifice hits : Everett. Anson , Rellley."Btolen bases : Ev erett , Lunse (4) ( . Rynh , Selbach (4) ( ) , De- mont , McQulre. CartwrlKht. Double rplnys : Demont to Wrlgley to Cortvvright. Struck out'By Brlggs , 5. Passed balls : McGulre. 2. Bases on balls : QtT Brlsps , C ; oft Ger man. 2 ; oft Norton , 5 ! off McJames , 1. Wild pltchc-s : Brlggs , 2. Hit with ball : C.irt- wrlght. Batteries : Chicago , Brlggs and Alison ; Washington. King , German , Nor ton , McJames and McQulro. Umpire : Mc Donald. LOUISVILLE , 13 ; BROOKLYN , 12. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , May 20 The Colonels were not In the frame today until the sixth Inning , when Daub was knocked out of the box. They also Rot after Kennedy and tied the score in the eighth. Neither team could score in the ninth , but ench team scored two runs in the tenth. Louisville won the game In the thirteenth Inning , pcorins three runs , while the Bridegrooms were luckv to get two. Herman was replaced by Cun ningham during the tenth Inning. Attend ance , 800. Score : Louisville 00000503020 013 ! Brooklyn 002600000200 2 12 Base hits ; Louisville , 21 : Brooklyn , 14. Errors : Louisville , B , Brooklyn , ( i Earned runs : Louisville. C ; Brooklyn. 4. First bnse on balls : Off Herman , 3 ; oft Daub , 1 ; off Cunningham , 1 ; oft Kennedy , 4. Struck out : By Herman. 1 ; by Duub , 2 ; by Kennedy. 3 ; by Cunningham. 3. Home runs : Jones. Li- Chance. Three base hits : Cllngman. Smith. Two base hits : Herman , Dexter , Clarke , An derson. Sacrifice hits : McCreedy , Wc-rdcn , Grltlln (2) ( ) , Cunningham. Stolen bases : Pickering , Cannvan Double plays : Cllng- mnn to Rogers to Wordcn , Smith to La- Chance. Hit by pitcher : CunnliiKliam , Jones Passed bull : Dexter. Wild pitch : Cunning-ham. Batteries : Louisville. Her man , Cunningham and Dexter ; Brooklyn , Duub , Kennedy and Grim. Umpire : Mc- Dermott. CLEVELAND. May 20'-No game ; rain. STANDING- THE TEAMS. Played. Lost. Won. P.O. Baltimore 23 10 4 82 G Clnclnnntl 21 17 7 70 R Plttsburer 21 14 7 CG7 Philadelphia 23 13 10 DO H Cleveland 2.2 12 10 fi4 5 Boston 2J 12 10 Bio Louisville 20 10 10 EOO Brooklyn 22 9 13 40,9 NPVV York 1 7 11 3S9 Chicago 23 7 Ifi 304 Washington 21 G ir , 2Sfi St. Louis 23 C 17 2C1 Games for today : Boston nt St , Louis ; Brooklvn at Louisville ; New York at Cleve land : Philadelphia at Pittsburs ; Baltimore at Cincinnati. .SCOUTS OP THIS ' \VKSTBIIST M5AGUK. \VIiinpr i KnnHim City , TiiilliiiuipollH , St. 1'niil niiil KANSAS CITY , May 20.-Score : Kansas City 100000233-9 Columbus 0 03000000-3 Base lilts : Kansas City , 14 ; Columbus. 7. Errors : Kansas City , C ; Columbus , 1. Bat teries : Kansas City , UiinutU and Lake ; Columbus , Dlnsmore and lasher. MINNEAPOLIS , May Jtt-TBcore : Minneapolis , . . . , . . ,1 P..O ' 000000-1 Indianapolis . . . : . . 3 \f\ \ > * t ' 1 2 2 0 ' -14 Bake hits : Mlnneapolfl } ; ' j ) ; Indianapolis , 14 , nrrors : Minneapolis , 2P IndlannpolKO. Batteries : Mlnncnpolls 'l'-rhllllpH , Harvey and Miller ; Indianapolis ; J'hllllps nnd Wood , ST. PAUL , Minn. , Mny , J Score ; St. Pnul 1 0p / a 1 0 0 0 0 1-S Grand Rapids . . 2 0 6 , 9 , 4 0 1 0 0 0-4 Bnso hits ; St. Paul , 9 ; ( Jiand Rapids , G Errors : Si , Paul , & ; Grand ) Itaplds , 7. Bat teries : St , Paul , McGllr arid Spies ; Grand Hanlds Cross nnd Tw ( nebum. MILWAUKEE , Mny Jo.-Scoro ; Dotrolt , . .iv6"0 00010-1 Milwaukee . . .j.Miifl 00011-4 ! Base hits : Dotrolt. ItiMUwaukee. Er rors : Detroit , 6 ; Mllvvnuktj' . 2. Batteries : Detroit , Kgun nnd Trostf 'Milwaukee , Terry und Muck , Umpire ; OniV'rt. STANDING OF 'jfolJ ? TEAMS. Lost. P. C. St. Paul . 25 18 7 720 Indianapolis . 21' 14 7 < U > 7 Columbus . . , . 2U 12 0 C7.1 Milwaukee . , 25 , 14 11 500 Dctiolt . 23 11 12 47.8 Minneapolis . 20 12 14 4R2 Kansas City . 23 U 16 30.0 Grand Rapids . , 23 G 18 21.7 Games for today ; Detroit at Kansas City ; Columbus at Milwaukee ; Indianapolis at St. Paul ; Grand Rapids ut Minneapolis. . . . i W 'M < rrii AxHiiulatlnii ScorfH. ROCKFORD , III , May 20. Score : Rockford . , . 00000000 0 0 St. Joseph . , . . . . 0 Q 0 0 0 0 1 2 -3 liuso hits : Hockford , 9 ; St. Joseph , 3. Er rors : Rockford , 2 ; St. Joseph , 1 , Butteries ; Rockford , Underwood and Qulnn ; St. Joseph , Merldlth and Collins. DUBUQUi : , la. . Mny -Game called at end of oeventh Inning. Score ; Dubuque . 0 Z 0 0 0 1 2 5 Des Molnea , . . . . 002003 l- Base hits : Dubuque. 10 ; Des Molnes. 9. Errors : Dubuque , 6 ; D a ilolncs , 5. Bat- ' trrlc * ' Dubuque , Wolverton nnd Sullivan ; DPS Molncs , Mnuek nnd Ixjhtn.in. PCORIA , 111 , Mny 20. Score : Peorln 14000002 -7 Qulncy 00010011 0-3 Base hits : Peorla , 12 ; Qulncy. 6. Errors : Peorla , 2 ; Qulnev , 3. Hnttorlcs : Peorla , Roaeh and DURdnle ; Qulncy , Monroe nnd Trnllley. CEDAR UAPtDS. la. , Mny 20.-Score : Cedar Rnplds 10001100 0-3 Burlington 00310001 -6 Bnse hllAi Cedar Rnplds. S : Burlington , n , Errors ! Cedar Rnplds , 3 ! Burlington 0. Batteries ; Cednr Rnplds , Cnrlsh nnd rut- Icr ; Burlington , Coon and Williams. rmsr I. > NIM > I'ltovns FATAL. . U. of N. I'nnlil'to Overcome UK Early lllnnitcrw nt CHICAGO , May 20. ( Special ToIcRrnm. ) The University of Nebraska bnse bnll team went down before the University of Chicago team todny by the pcoro of 4 to 2. Th" game wnn exciting nnd full of brilliant plays. Henry Clarke , who will pitch for the Boston lenRilo team nfter Juno 1 , was In the box for Chicago Ho pitched nn ele gant Knme , but the Nebraska boys outlmt- ted Chicago. The rlrst Inning proved fntnl to Nebraska. Covvglll fumbled Henry Clarke's hot grounder. Hlrpchbcrner was hit by a pitched ball and Billy Onrdncr rnppvd out n thrco-bnRger and scored on Sawyer's Sacrifice. Although Chicago filled the bnsps with hut ono man out In the sixth Innlnir , they were not allowed to scocf. Abells made the other run for Chicago cage In the eighth on a single , n passed ball , stolen base nnd Johnson's single. In the fourth InnliiK Benedict of Nebraska made n terrific drive Into right field and cnmo In on Sawyer's failure to field the ball. Benedict In the eighth mndc a sin gle , stole second rind third nnd came In on Robinson's hit. Scorn : U. of N 0 0010001 0-2 U. of C 30000001 - ! Base hits : Nebraska. 7 ; Chicago , B. Er rors : Ncbiaska , 4 ; Clilcago , 1. Earm-d runs : Nebraska , 1 ; Chicago , 1. Stolen ba es : Nebraska , 5 ; Chicago. 2. Sttuck out. By Gordon , r > ; by Clatkc , 10. Bases on balls : Off Gordon , 3 ; off Clarke , 1. Batter ies : Chicago , Clarke nnd Gardner ; Ne brnska , Gordon and Filel. I'mplre : Tlndall. CiuiuSaturday. . The University club base bnll team will play the University of Nebraska team S it- tudny afternoon at University p.nk , Iho Nebraska te.itn Is Just returning from a victorious eastern trip , having played Drake university , Iowa State university , Notre Dtme. Northwestern nnd Chicago. The toims will line up ns follows : Omnlm. Position. Unlvcislty Hayes Catcher Frlel Jclen Pitcher Robinson Abbott First base Kindle'1 ' McAullffp Second IKT.O Benedict Trull Third base Wells L-ivvler Shortstop , Crclsh I Ittenger I/oft Held fi Keedcr Roblrscn Center Held Packard Crawford Right Meld Gordon i's rotm-Mii.i : iticoiu ) . Iiiicrotln IlnrKlu Coders tin1 DlNtiuicc- In | Se Mi-Elt'Vou Pint. OAKLAND. Cnl. . May 20 Lucictla Bor- Kla. brown colt , 4 years ofd , by Imp Hiatus out of Lodctto , bred and owned-by William Boots & Son of Pan Jose , Cal , now holds the world's record for four miles. Splendidly ridden by Jockey Clavvson , a clever lightweight pilot , and piccd by Peter II over the third mile and Instnllator the fourth , both of the horses owned by Boot's Lucictl.i Borgia covered the distance In the wonderful time of 7.11 and that , too. In the face of n stiong wind blowing down thu back stretch. The record for four miles against tlmo has stood for nearlv twenty-one yoarb , havlnc been m.ido by Ton Broeck , the celebrated long-distance horse , on September 2187(1 ( , at Loulsv Hie. Ky. The competition record for the same distance has stood for twenty- three years at 7:1DV- : , made by IVllovv craft at Saratoga on August 20 , 1874. SAN FRANCISCO Mny 20 Weather line nt Inglcslde ; track fast. Summailcs : First race , live furlonirs : Jerlldcro won , Chappie second , Gold Boy thlid. Time : 1.02V * . Second race , six furlongs : Reel won , Ana Basis second , Dolore third. Time : 1:10. : Third race , ono mile and a Muartor : Col lins won , Bully McCloskey second , Lady- Hurst third. Time : 2.0M/1. rourth nre. four miles , ifnlnst the coast record of 7.20' $ : Won by Lucrctla Borgia In " 111 , breaking not only the const record , but lowerlnc the worlds record by over four seconds. Fifth race , mlle nnd one-slx'ecnth : Snt- cmma won. The. Roman second. Lost Girl third. Time : 1:48V4 : Sixth race , ono mile : Earl Cochran won , Del Paso II second , Montaladc third. Time : 'Seventh raco. six furlongs : Midas won , Fortunate second , Una Colorado third. Time : 1.1.1W. CINCINNATI. May 20. The fasteit six furlongs of the meeting was run at New port today by W C T , who covered the dls- tonco In 1:1314. : Ho bent his Held by ten Icuigths to the wire. Results : First race , one mile : Henry Launt won , Suydam second , Searranl third. Time : 1:41. : Second race , six furlonira : W C T won , Stanza second , Oily Gamin third. Time : 1:13V4- : Third race , ono mile and seventy yards : San Juan won , Eddie Burke second , J H C third. Time : 1:44. : Fourth rnco. four furlongs : Eulala won , Folnnto second , Arasnot third. Time : Fifth race , seven furlongs : Orlmar won. Uncle Simon second , Proteus third. Time : 1-2S. Sixth race , flv furlongs : Meddler won , Cyclone second. Hilda third. Time : 1:14. : ST. LOUIS , May 20. Following were the lesults ut the fair grounds today : First race , six furlongs , Helling : Jos Joe O'Stot 'won. Butler second1 , Swifty third. Time : 1:17. Second race , six furlongs ; Charlie Christy ivon , Tommy Rutter second , Elslo D third. Time : 1:17W. : Third race , four nnd one-half furlongs , purse , for maiden 2-ye.ir-olds : Ncpper won , Beoueath second , Beumonde third. Time : Fourth race , one mile , selling ; Marciul owen won , Florldas second , BennmaU third , Time : 1:4214. : Fifth lace , six furlongs , purse : Dr. Walmsley won , Sllgo second. Dot ah Wood third Time : 1:14. : Sixth race , seven furlongs , selling : Nlm- rod won. Ferris Hartman second , Trilby third Time : 1:29 : % . LOUISVILLE , Ivy. , May 20-Four fa vorites nnd one 'well ' backed second choice divided the money at Churchill downs tils afternoon. The feature , of the prog , am was the Cadet stakes , worth tl.SOi ) , Galli vant , Dr. McLean's Blue Eyes-Perlcol Or colt , was made favorlto on account of IIJH peed showing In the Futurity. Pink Co.it. Banastar and Dal Hlco being- second choices. Gallivant rewarded his backo-s by winning handily from Mndlcn's Hindoo celt , Benares , who was a length and a half In front of Pink Co.it. In the remarkable tjrne of U.r- . clipping a half second oft the tiack record for the distance First nice , four furlongs : Lady Irene won , Nancy Till second , Mny Agnes thirl. Time : 0:43 : . Second rnco , mile and - - Do mingo won , Captain Plcrsal uecond , Judith third. Time : ltsaj. : Third race , six furlongs : F F V won , Loneta second. Sister Clara third. TIiu : : Voiirth race , -four and one-half furlongs , Cadet stakes ; Gallivant won , llc-nares FC-C- ond. Pink Coat third. Time : O.J5. Fifth race , six furlongs : Molllla won , Old Center hecond. Fretful third. Time : 1-1 V4 , DI3TROIT , May 20 Results at Windsor ; First race , live and one-half furlongs ; Adam Johnson won. Carl Holland second , Snag third. Time : 1:13. : Second race , one-half mile : Maid of norh- flcld won. I idy Dorothy second , Sleden- bach third. Time : 0 52. Third race , llvo furlongs : Summer Coon won , Queen ICiithcrlno second , Folderol third. Tlrnei 1:07 , Fourth race , selling , one mile : Banlsnd won , Little Matt second , Commissioner Frank third. Time : Fifth race , selling , five furlongs : Judge Bullock won , Tnvorl f second , Hanty Curry third Tlmp : 1-OGli NEW YORK , Mny 20. Results ftt Morrla Pnrk ! First rnce , seven fut ings. selllnK ! t o- Inndo won.'Kaiser I.u .wig second , Sue Kittle third. Tlmo : 1.23 Seeoml race , sis furlongs ; Blllnll won , Honcwell second , Cleophus third. Time : 1V14. 1V14.Third Third rnce. four nnd one-hnlf furlongs : Sagacity won , Jiula second , Kilt third. Tlmp ! 0B5 : j. Fourth race , Bay Chester , one mile : Renssnlner won , Arabian second , Set Fast third. Time : 1:41. : Fifth race , one mile : On Deck non , E.ister- tldo second , Slmonlnn third. Time : 1:4,114. : Sixth rnce , one mlle : Dead Heat bctw en Sir Walter nnd Valley , Haitian third1. Time : l:4l : 4. Volley wnlked over. itmiiv oiiAitici : ois To IIOSTO.V. MuiiMKPr Sclep Admire * the" Omalin MOJ'H AVnrlc In tlic Ilnx. Omaha followers of the grent American "unimcr sport will be pleased to know that Omaha has contributed another to the Nn- tlonnl league's galaxy of stars of the game. The Chicago Tribune sayst "Henry Clnrke , the clever University of Chlcnuo twlrlcr. lias broken into fni > t com- tinny and In Juno will mnkc his debut an a [ enguo pitcher , wearing the colors of thu 'MntmRer Selco. nlwnvs n believer In the cfllcncy of collpRlnns. hns secured Clarke s nroinlsp to pitch for his tram. The trial of the heto of Mnrshnil Field will not begin until the end of his collnRlatc year. In Juno. "Yesterday Clarke wnn Riven ix chnnco to show his good point * to Seicp , nnd for half an hour worked nt the league park .i the Muggers from Ueantown. Caplitln Duffy , 1/ong. Stenzel nnd Hamilton went nualnst him time after time , but could not hit his delivery. He hnd good spcul. nn excellent cnnngo of pace , combined with curves that kent the > Itostou men guessing. During his exhibition Selce stood behind Clarke , a close observer. "When the trial was over Seleo said : I ndmlro Clarke's work and believe him to be n clever pitcher We have not signed him , as ho will not play -until Juno , nut I IlUc him very much and will give him n trial. Until ho has faced leatup teams the-ic ! no telling what material he Is made of "Clnrku himself oays that he Ins not made up his mind to go Into professional ball , but that ho will tu'rrpt Selce's offer of a trial when the school y < nr Is finished. "Clarke Is the most promising of western college twlrlcrp nnd ona of the tlrst to get notice from lenguo malingers Nichols has hnd chances to pitch for league teams , but never accented his icputcd offers Grllllth , Noithwestern's Houthpavv. had a trill with Cleveland , but was iv failure. However , his raieor on the college diamond was dlsip- polntlm ; also , as ho had poor contrjl. "Clarke hits for the last thrco vc.us been on the 'varsity team and In * been one of the mainstays In the success of the tram. He Is nn Omaha boy und mine : o the Uni versity of Chicago from Williams cile ) pe , \Vllllamstown , Mass , where ho p'tchnd ' successfully for two nelsons , and would be Ineligible next year under tlio Intercolle giate rules. " YAMCTOV IVI.NS TIIU IlIO I1OMMIS. CnrrloN Oft So-ion FlrmtN nml Seven _ MITCHELL , S. D. . May 20 ( Special Tele- grnm ) Tlio annual meeting of the State Intel 1 collegiate Athletle association was finished I today. The events were exciting and ! closely contested. Results : Onc-hundred-yard dnsh : Won by Burk- land Vermilion ; Hey IIP , Yankton , second. Running broad Jump. Hey no. Yankton , llrst , Lyman , Yankton , second. Tivo hundred and twpiity-yuid foot rape : Burkhxnd. Veimlllon , Ilrtt ; Stevens , Ynnk- ton , se < ond. Standing broad lump : Wilson. Vermil ion , llrst ; Lyman. Yankton , second. KiKlHy-elRlit-vnrd foot race : Johnson. Yankton , flist ; Jordan , Veimlllon , second. Ono bundled nnd twenty-yard hurdle race , final : Burkland , Vermilion , llrst ; Hoync. Yankton , "ccond. Flftv-yard race , final- Hey IIP , Yankton , first ; Burkland , Vprmlllon , second. Balcom and Kcltain , Yankton , won tlrst In tennis doubles ; Blanchaul and Lausman , Mitchell , second. Running high Jump : Lvman first , Bow- dish second , Sullivan third , all of Yankton. Pole vault- Won by Sullivan , Yankton ; Buikland , Vermilion , second. Two-mile bicycle rnce : Won by Fry , Ver milion ; Williams. Mitchell , second. Hammer throw : Hammond. Yankton , first ; Wcyland , Vermilion , second. Runninghop. . step and Jump : Won by Belknnp , Yankton ; Burkland , Vermilion , scrond. The relay race was won by Vermilion , Yankton second. It waa close contest. The base ball contest closed this after noon between Ynnkton and Mitchell. Score 18 to 10 In ftivor of Yankton. The playlUK was ragged nt the last end of the same , Yankton batting out the victory In the last Inning1. The annual meeting of the Athletic asso ciation was held last night and the follow ing ofllcer.s elected : President , George T. Jordan of Vermilion ; vice-president , Christ Olcson of Sioux Falls ; sccietary and treas urer , J. Towns of BrookinRS. The next meeting of the association will be held nt UrooltltiR-s In conjunction with the Oratoi- leil association. OMAIVA HHiH SCHOOL FICI.I ) DAY. Yoniiff Amateur AtlilctcN to Try Con- cliiHlmiK In the OIIPII. The annual High school field day will beheld held at the old fair grounds this afternoon , Instead of tomorrow , as erroneously stated In yesterday's Bee. The young athletes are nil In fine trim nnd a great day of athletics Is suie to eventuate. Cich of the fifteen events has a gold medal for the winner nnd n suitable prle for the second man. All are under Amer ican Athlctlp union rules nnd these bicycle rnccH have the League of American Wheel men sanction. The program nnd entries are : 100-yard dnsh ( In heats ) : Roy Morris , Moore , Will Nenl , R. Morse , J. Rice , Petrip , Kopald , Bedford , R. Johnson , J , Hpans , J. Bell , H. Crundall , G. Bldwell and F. Leh- mer. Polo Vault : C. Engel , P. Ilanchett , Mors- man. 120-yard hurdle : G. Bldwell , Morsman. Underwood.- Half-mile run : Will Wood , J. Beans , J. Bo-ll , N. Spaford. J. Rice. Hammer throw : Nesledek , Jensen , F. Lehmer. J. Rice. Nellson. 220-yard run : Will Neal , F. Lehmer , Bid- well , Barrows , Petrle , R. Morris , Kopald. R. Johnson. Ono mile bicycle rnce : John B. Hayes , Barnurn , W. Brown. Schwartz , R. M irrlott Gallagher , G , Martin. Hardy , Potter A. Boyer. Running high Jump : C. Engel , Hnnchctt. Morsman. 220-yard hurdle rnce : Will Wood , Fonda. Bldwell , Underwood. Shot put : Hutchison , Ilec'd , Bartlett F Lehmer. 440-yard run : John II. Hayes , Will Wood , OIIP mlle walk : n. Morse , Jensen , Prltch- ett. Nellson , Moore. Running broad jump : Bedford , Moraman R. Morris. One-quarter mlle bicycle rnco : John B. Hayes. Gallagher , A. Bayer , Potter. R Miirrlott , W. Brown , Schwartz , Barium. Carlson , G , Hardy. One mile run : Petrle , Moore F. L hmer Prltchctt , Bedford , Carter , Bryant. Chlsam : IJIJIITS I.V I'LUVI'i , HUT NO AS.SCTS. CredltiirN of Mimror SallNlmr > .Stand Little SKM | > . SAN FRANCISCO , May 20. The petition In solvency of Munroo Salisbury , Involun tarily Insolvent , was Illed at the olllco of the county clerk of Alameda county yesterday and the showing made Is anything but en couraging to tlio numerous creditors He places his liabilities at $153,181. and Bays his iiHH.-ts amount to but } 400 In personal prop erty , all exempt from execution. There Is homo encouragement In thn fact that he owns property In Chleigo estimated to bo worth $250,000 , but mortgaged to the GOLD DUST. Largest package-turn voJue. bold ercrynbere. ' Made only by THE N , K. FAIRBANK COMPANY , etLouli , tUwYvik , Iloitoa , xtnt of MHI.WO Howo-rer. thnt Is offset ngntn by the fact that Salisbury l defend ant In suit * commenced ngnlnst htm by the United States government In the northern district of California for Ki .SS , with Inter est nt 6 per cent nlnco 18 > 2. Mo t of the elnlms nre not secured , but those of Frtrjro & t o. for promissory notes nnd In terest arc. nnd that tnnk has already brought suit to forcclooe. ooTTi.mn AVI. > S THIS STAU MKUAU ntul Mellnnpy Drup Out lit the Shout-Off. KANSAS CITY , Mny 80.-A feature of the shooting tournament yesterday vvns the con test for the Kansas City Star medal , rep resenting the ohnmplonshlp of Missouri and Kansas , nt tlfty clay pigeons. C. Ooltlleb. Frank Hodges nnd H. Mcllaney tied ut forty-live ench. In the shoot-off , at twenty- five clny pigeons. Gottlieb scored twenty four , Mellancy twenty-two and Hodges twenty. The high guns In the other event * \ > ore * Five Llvo Illrds-nillott. Whlttlcr , HlRilon , Herman , Gottlieb , Dudd , Running , Gilbert , McCurdy , Whltworth. Foster , live ench. Seven Llvo Birds-Plumber. Allen , J. S. Smith , nillott. Thomns , Herman , SnrKcnnt , Wnldron , Dickey. Weston , Gilbert. Run ning. Porter , Hnillwcll , CrnlKen , Hcvenench. Ten Live BirdsGilbert. . Runnlns , Llnder- man , Hnle , Dickey. Foster. Whltworth , Stover , Hngtrmati , Hlllott , Hubbard , ten each. Twenty Targets Weston , twenty ; Hudd. Whltworth. Dabney , nineteen ench. Twenty Targeta-Saigpnnt , Mcllnncy , Her- mnn. Gilbert , Ray , twenty each. Twenty Targets Helkin. twenty : Budd , .Inderman. Glover , Whltworth , Running. ) ny , Ray , nineteen each. Twenty Targets-Gottlieb , Hngcrmnn , vventy each ; Mcllnnoy , Running , Me- ' .lurchy . , nineteen each. Twenty Targets-Gilbert , twenty ; F.rhnnlt , lour , Running , Barree , Louisiana. Lcde , Ineteen cm h. , . Twenty Targets-Parnirlce , tweiitv ; Budd , .Inderman , Sargeant , Helkes , ttlUott. Jnck- ion. Running , McMurchy. Sexton , nineteen " { vventy Targcts-lUuld , Helkes , Gilbert , .vventy eneh . . . . Twenty TarBCts-Helken , Qlovcr , Noel , vventy each. _ 111 inIllooileil Colt. SAN FRANCISCO. Mny 20. Beautiful .lolls , the sensational brood marc of Amerce - co , has a fo-il. The newcomer arrived nt 'alo Alto Tuesday night and Is sired by ilonaco , a son of niectloneer. _ SLOW TO SPEAK , lint It rinnlb I.enUed Ont. There ) Is nn amount of pleasure In vvlnnlnR 'onnneiidatlon ' as a recognition of merit. The amo tntlsfactlon one- lisa In finally winning n customer who has been prejudiced In the tart. In New York n cwtnln wholrsnio giocer and manufacturer has gained n na- lonal irputatlon as a comiola cur of fee < ! o and dilnks. Wo might as well give h's name. hen you will nil know whether wo hnvo . Ightly spoken of Mr. Hnziind , he of Shrewd- bury Kntoiip fame and the maker of n list ; > f the choicest specialties In the food line n the world. Mr. Hazard was requested o make a test of Postuin Coical Food Cof-/1 \ , L. 'co nt hli private table , but demurred oa 'Hi ho grounds that ho had tried three- kinds "ty f colfco "substitutes" and ho hnd all of that kind of experience he wanted. Learning .hat Postumwan not offered as a "sub- itltute. " but stood on Its own basis EB a liuro health food drink , claiming to have Iho color of Moiha , and n delicious pungent lilqunnt taste , all Its own , but very much IKo the milder grades of Javn. and that It ivns made of the gluten nnd phosphates of . ( roils ho concluded to moKo a trial of It. The following morning he icpBrted that 'Mis. Ha/ard had token n gicat fanry to 'odtum , " but would giveIKI opinion one way or the other of how Mr. Hazard regarded It. The fou.-th or fifth morning after , he was moving around from desk to desk In their great ofllco on Hudson ktrcct , when one of ho oldest travelers of the * house said : "Mr. lazard , I hear you have tried Postum Cereal 'ood Coffee , what Is theic In It ? " "Well , I'll tell you , ( Jeoige , this la the fifth morn- ng I've had It for my bicakfaat and it Ison ny tnblo for good. It's the finest thing on aith for a breakfast beverage. Coffee meets the tutte of many people and Postum will ncet the tnste of as many more and keep them for friends ; It don't ubus9 them ai coffee does xome people. Postum Is all right , you can depend on It. " It would be dlincult to llnd higher authority In the w 01 Id. Postum Is made largely of tha gluten of the cereals and contains no other Ingredient than the pioducts of the pure grains. It appeals to the need of the brain tvorkeib who are frequently troubled to digest coffie. It truly "makes red blood" and builds in the parts needed to replace the lost gray matter In the ncrvo cells. Postum conies In 15 and 25 cent packages , and Is , now-a-days , a part of the stock of every well conducted grocery In the north. It U widely and steadily advertised , which , together wliU its unbounded merit , has built up a great liubliu 3. The works of the Postum Cereal Co , Llm. , ore nt Ilnttlo Creek , Mich. , and all prominent Jobbers carry It. There Is but ono original Pontum Food Cof fee , bee the red seals on packages. "It Makes Red Blood. " There are many Imita tions offered as "Just as good. " PANCRO-PEPSALIA TABLETS positively cures Indlgeitlon , Catarrh of the Stomach , Heart-Burn , Sour Stomach , end all kindred Slomaeh Troubtrl. A clentlQo com. btaatlon of the bait remedies known to medical eklll. A Bold by all drugzliti , or 5Q " = W-Pr Her , . JHEPEPSAUACO. Bond for f reo circular. CHICAGO DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY All Druggists. 'Vollcito lllllldc-r.s. Sealed proposals will bn received bv tha Donrd of Education of the State Normal Bchool for the construction and completion of the new dormitory at Pom , Neb , until 10 o'clock. May 2 ! > , 1S97. Drawings and spccl- flr.Uloim may be HPCII on and after May 17 , lf > 97 , at tlio oilier of the principal of the State Normal school , ItldH will bu received for the biilidlng complete or In I arts. A certified check Tor 2 per cent of each bid. pay.ible to the Hoard of Education , must accompany each bid Thu right to reject uny.and all bids Is reserved. lly order of the HOARD OF EDUCATION. Peru , Nob. . Mny 11. 1KI7. Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL. . . . $100,000 WIH SOLICIT YOUIl UUSINC89. WIE nnsiiiB YOim COLLECTION ! , OND OF THE OLDEST RANKS IN IOWA * D PIEIl CENT PAID ON TIHE UBl'OBITfc OALb AND BEB U1 On vVniTB. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS' IMM:1.I.IN(1H. : J'UL'IT. PAltM AND IniHl * fur tulu or lent. I > ay & 3'J J'rarl klrrct , rou MAKI : : . ONLY PI'LAND MIKSOIUII ihir frunluge and l > oit luiutlng , niur Kipukl- llon truuniU mllul.lo . for iilninurr rmorli" . In tr c B to tu.ij pi nt > luiiivvoul t. inter ; ulmixiant llonliiK n > rlr f , wiili tuiltclcnt fall fur liitrau la runm u' ktoit water fm fountalim und uui > i > ly ; bunk mil J und cia\U fur walk * anil ilrlviH ; Ubulirul untuiul jmiliH of iiluttuuv , viillcM und Mutfi , on c. A. N , \ \ ' It It. ; 2'i ' inlUa M'jii'i or CdiKll llluTu , und cUout l'i inllrv nurtlieort fiuin l.xpuiltlon iroun.li. u 1' , JuU- Ben , ! i-"J i-ulli ! > "nue , IXH J.HAHi : , HAND AND OHAVUL IIANKH. with u IK 11 or lirlck clny uii < Inllni ; euinc ; aluut 3'4 inllea nortluHHirly fiom Omaha Kn- innltlun t'rcund , ami two m lea i oilh or Council llln'fn , ci < Mlruourl liver uiul 01 , C , & K , W. H. It U It Judeon , va Hii'.h uu-imc. Couni.ll Illurti roa SAI.I : , AISOUT < w AC-IIKS ov CIIOK-U upland fruit , veKitutle anil purk landi ; flv ttcri't und upward nt US to IWJ p r u < ir , uccord- inn to location und umount ; about Iliiee tnllci north ol city and about rumo ulitunce ttvin Kipottllon ; other lunili mid Council Ulufm lots at low prlc . U 1 > , Judnuu , JJJ tililb nut , Council l