THIS OMAHA DAITjYMFETjfc FRIDAY , MAY 21 , 1897. ASSESSMENT NOT INCREASED Etato Board of Equalization Gives the Popu lists a Surprise. RAILROADS TAXED AT THE SAME OLD RATE I'xpiMMciI AilinncM * In flic Vnltmtlon of ( lie II. A. .M. anil I'lUliurii MIIUM Jliicx .Nut .11 u- U-rlallr.c. LINCOLN , May 20. ( Special. ) The State Hoard of i : < iuallzallon has practloally com pleted Its labors aud the result of the session In that none of the railroad companies arc to bo raised In valuation. H was tbo ox- prcmcd Intention on the part ot the board at leant to raise the valuation ot tlio H. & M. and iikiorn ) Unco , but the arguments ot tlio representatives of those roads seem to have been BO convincing that the figures were left as originally presented to the board. The decision Is viewed with great dissatis faction by prominent jrapullsts who had their attention called to It today. They point out the fact that last > car the average nsscna- niciit of all roads In the state was at the rate of $1,587 26 per mile , while the valuation of the 1) ) , & M. , which , next to the Union Pacific , was the host paying road In the state , was only $1,420 16 per mile. It was generally be lieved that to put the II. & M. on an equality with the other Hues the valuation should bo raised to something like $5,000 per mile , and that the iikhorn ought to bo raised from $3,500 per mile to $4,000. As a rcflult of the Investigation of the board It win found that the telegraph lines along the H. & M. nnd Missouri Pacific roads had not been given In for assefamont and they were put down on the books to pay the same as the other llnio of the state , amounting to about $ C5 per mile. The BtatutCH provldo that the state super- Intemlent nhall receive from the state treas urcr on. or before the third Monday In May of each year a complete exhibit of all school moneys belonging to the several counties of the state. In accordance with this the treas urer has just handed ID his statement for the elx months ending May 17. Tlio statement shows a larger amount than was ever before recnlvcd for the same period , the total being $302,226.03. Ihc nearest approach to thlu wan for the last sl\ months ot 1S92 , when tlu amount reached $318,126 43. Tin- report of ono year ago slmna only $260,11012 , vvhllo that of last December Is as low as $231,958.30 The per capita apportionment tlil.j year Is $1.03' , , while under the statement of last May It waa only 77 cents , and for Deccmbo CGV4 cents. The number of puplla to receive apportionment this year Is 34S.53S , a decrease of 3,573 from ono yeir ago. The statement in ail o today compared with the statement of eno year ago Id given lielow May , 1807. May. 1S9C Stnto school tax $77,8299.2 $ ul.79U 23 Interest on school land sold 151.S0003 83,017.33 Intel cat on .school land Itsnsetl 43,39011 20,017.70 Interest on United States consols I.'iOOO 30000 Interest on state funding bonds , 13,05069 13,03069 Interest on saline lands so'd and leased 2,0 > 4S9S 2,273.14 Interest on county bonds. G9fiOI.U 74.100 SO Interest on school dis trict bonds 70300 2,15333 Amount not apportioned In Inst apportionment In suspended banks . . 2M314 * 3,09C01 Total $ .102.22003 Interest on state deposits. The governor has appointed Prof. D. D Martlndalo ot Nlobrara a member ot the Hoard of education for the State Normal school , to nil out the uncxplred term of W. It. Jackson , ending Juno 21 , 1900. The TCT apolntnicnt of W. A. Jonrs as superintendent of the Spliool for the Illlnd at .Nebraska City In also announced. The latter npolntmenl won made under the novvdaw. William Michael of company I , , Second regiment , Nebraska National Guards , hai been discharged for the good of the service' and Lieutenant J. H. Drown of the same company has been discharged on account ol non-rcsldenco. The flrst general target practice of the Ne braska National Guard will commence Jura 1 , and pasters and other necessary articles for the practice arc being scut out from the adjutant gencral'M olllce. nuii/i' I AH > rou jA YCAU , DnKotu CKy MctlioillNlH Dedicate n IlilililHDiiic INtM > Church Killllce. DAKOTA CITY , Neb. , May 20. ( Special. ) The dedication of the First Methodist Kpls- copal church of this place wag held yesteiday , attended , , -upwards of BOO people from this place and surrounding country. The dedicatory exercises were under control of Bishop McCabe , whose eloquent discourse waa followed by the raising of $1,000 to de fray the church debt nnd the splendid new edifice now- stands free from debt. In the evening Bishop McCabe delivered Ills otlirliiR and eloquent addicss on "The Bright Side of Life In Llhby Prison" to a crowded house. About fifteen local preachers assisted In the dedicatory exercises and the entlro program was welt carried out. On April 19. 1890 , the Methodist Episcopal church In this plico was destroyed by fire , and the rcoldent pastor , Rev. W. K. Gray , at once sot to work to leplaco It. This has been accomplished In exactly thirteen mouths and there now sfuids on tlit > oh ) cite a splendid and veil b\illt brick edifice with a seating capacity of COO , free- from debt and already well fuinlshed. 1'iMilcclloii for Home McrclinntK. GUANO ISLAND , May 20. ( Special. ) Al the regular meeting of the council last nlghl a number of business men appeared with ati ordinance raising the occupation tax on Arc nnd bankrupt ealei from $10 to $30 per day , The oidlnancn as amended at once passed , The action was occasioned by the arrival ol on Omaha fuinlturoand caipet company wltli a stock of furiiltuio , carpets , refrigerator * ) , etc. , and placing It on auction Bale. The Omaha people have paid the lax. Oraml Island bclluvcs in standing up for Its home merchants. Mail ! ) < at .NorIII Liiiip. NOIITH LOUP , Nob. , May 20. ( Special. ; Yesterday a strange animal of the bull ( Jog variety ramo Into town from the uprlvei country and wns eepn to bite and snap ai fences and waa seen to blto a number o dogs , calves anil perhaps other nnlmals. Ar alarm was given nnd a posse otganlzocl am they fluccceded In limning him dowiii ami shooting him. It la certain that ho vlaltei almost every part of town and no doubt bl a number of dogs and other nnlmals whei uiiBcen , Avn lliillilliiKH < ; Up nt .S > rnciiHe. SYHACUSK , Neb. , May 20. ( Speclal.- ) Ilenry Hlef is erecting a Jlno brick bulldlnf on the elto of his old frame structure. A Lockhart Is putting up a now dwelling foi lilmielf. Orrln Andrews broke ground yes terday for a new house on eighth street. Dr. Martin Millet Sit. KIIKMONT , May -Special. ( . ) Tin friends of Dr. B. W , Mat tlu , who was olectei to the school board by a majority of flvi votes over Frank Hammond anil who ue Elected to qualify within the time fixed b ; iQet Ayer's Cherry Pectoral "Get it honest if you can , but get it. " / / cures all coughs < ; ; < / colds. aw , are still confident that the doctor will ervo on the board. It now appears that ho doctor took the oath within tbo tlmo. ) Ut neglected to file It. His friends are of ho opinion that the oath having been taken within the proper tlmo gives him the place. Some tlmo ago Hammond expressed nto In- cntlon of tratlng Martin's right lo a place on tliojboard by quo warranto proceedings , nd such an action will probably bo brought. ) i\TSTS .tMTllOOTOIIS AT MNCD1.V. \tiiinnl 3lc-o liir ( of Mn ' V lrntt fliiiiit AUcmlnitri' . LINCOLN , May 20. ( Special. ) The state cntlaS again put In the whola forenoon In llnlca Much Information was derived from cmon'itratlonfl of actual work by Dr. George t. Na oh , Ontaha ; Dr. ID. . Shcrwln , Lin- oln : IJrl H.-C. Miller. Grand Island ; Dr. D. T. Hill ) 'Syracuse , Dr. t > \ W. Hill , Lincoln ; } r A I * NlXon , Stanton , Dr. ! ' . N. Connor , Omaha ; Dr W II Sherraden , Omaha. This afternoon paporn were read The society tonight Retorted these officers or the ensuing ) earPresident. . O. M. Hcus- , ls , Nebraska City ; vice president , W. 11. jatey , Omaha ; recording secretary , T. J. latflold , York ; corresponding secretary , C. II. Tefft , Lincoln , treasurer , -Jl. J. Cole , Nor folk ; members of board of censors. K. J. Skeelo of Seward , S. It. Davis of Lincoln and J. C. Whlnnery of Omaha. A committee to ook after malting arrangements for a na- lonal convent Ion of demlals to bo hold nt Omaha during the exposition was appointed These are , W. II Shrlver , W. N. Dorward and II. L King. The annual mooting of the state society will bo held at Omaha next year. After adjournment the Usltlng mem- icrs were tendered a banquet at the Ltndcll lolel by the Lincoln meters. Today the State Medical society closed up n very Interesting and profitable session. luring the day papers of Interest to the pro- csslon were read nnd discussed. Mis A , M. Kecfcr , ono of the pioneers of . .Inuoln , died limt night at 10.30 o'clock , ( tor several months' Illness. The University alumni will hold Its ban- net nt the Llndcll hotel this year. Instead of t Grant Memorial hall as heretofore. The senior class of the university wants 10 Latin In the graduation ceremony thla /oar , and a preamble and resolution were Irawn up and presented to Chancellor Mac- , can , asking that he olnlt the Latin formula. Omaha psoplo at the hotbla : At the Lin- dell 13. A. W. Snell , C. II. Collins , II. H. ) o Koll , Van D. Lady , H. 11. Grotte. At the jlncoln John II. Wo UP , 15. K. lliando , L. V. Qondron , James 13 Kolby , F. T. Hansom I.VriJKSTATlJ ( ! . A. ill. I'.VCAMIMIIS > T. Vo I cm us MriH nt Superior anil Decide ID Meet There Aunlll. SUPERIOR , Neb. , May 20. ( Special. ) \.bout fifty delegates were present at the nteratato Grand Army encampment held hero oday. The meeting was \cry enthusiastic ind Superior vas unanimously chpseu an he place for the next reunion , the dates icing fixed for ( September 13 to 18 Inclusdvo. The following odlcer.s v/ere elected : Com- iiamler. Colonel B. D. Brown of Nelson ; senior vlco commander , Colonel J. 1 > Stlnc of Superior Journal ; Junior vice commander , Colonel 12. D. Honey of ICansis ; olllcer of the day , Frank Uroknw of Superior. The district convention of Woman's Relief corps olixited officers as follows' President , Mra Abblo Adams ; aenlor vice , Mrs. Bl- nlra Phillips of Chester ; Junior vice , Mru. Mary Fuley ot Republic City , Kan. ; secrc- .ary , Mrs Jennie Stive of Superior ; treasurei , Mrs. Km ma Knight , Inavale. iMcnits KOII cimmtiv.s noun. Crnurul Muiiilcr.son for I'rcnlilcnl a ail I , mils D. Unimex Vice I'l-csMciil. FREMONT , -May 20 ( Special. ) There was a largo attcdanco at the evening session of the Nebraska Children's Homo society at the Metbodlbt church last evening. A letter was lead from ex-Senator Mandcison regretting hl.s Inability to be present. Music was fur nished by the quartet from the Fremont Normal school. The address of the evening was dollvcied by Rev. Stephen Phelps , D. D. , of Omaha. The following officers were elected : President , General C. F. Mauder- jon , Omaha ; vice president , L D. Holmes Omaha ; directors , . Rev. n. L. Wheeler ol South Omaha , I. W. qnrpenter , W. H. Alex ander. Dr. S. Wright Butler , W. A. Saunders - ers , W. P. Harford , Omaha ; Hon. Silas A. Holcomb of Lincoln , Rev. D. AV. C. llartlng- ton of Lincoln , Rev. T. J. Mackaj of Omaha W. E SniE'ils of Fremont , and Mrs. T. O. C Hairlson. linn FiNh In HIM ltcHcr\olr. ARCADIA , Neb. , May 20. ( Special. ) Abou two years ago W. B. Reynolds of this place constructed a large reservoir for the pur pose ot windmill lirlgatlon , and the results obtained have been perfectly eatlsfactory liv November. 1S95 , Mr. Reynolds stocked his reservoir with Otrman carp , black bass am cropplco , which were furnished by the State Fish commission. The reset volr now abounds with the above kinds of fish , man ? of which mcasuio more than a foot In length. They are fed regularly at 5 o'clock In the after noon , tlicii food consisting ot bread crumbs shorts and soaked corn. DIxtrllnitliiK riMh at Sl.liiey. SIDNEY , Neb. , May 20. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Nebiaska fish car arrived hero today in charge of Supeilntendent William O'Brien , and distributed 325,000 carp , pike and catfish. Every applicant was In town , whkh shows the vast Interest taken by the people In stocking the eti earns of western Nebraska. Commissioner Obei folder ant Superintendent O'Brien left with the car for the Wyoming hatchery tonight for the purpose of procuring a carload of rainbow trout , which -will be distributed In the waters ot Nebraska. Hey DlKM Out a Den of I 13LSIE , Neb. , May 20. ( Special , ) A young boy by the naino of George Lane , who 'is herding cattle for Klethery & Cllno , two miles south of this place , had a thrilling ex pel Icuco with a den of wolves , Ho drove .1 largo wolf Into its den and then procured u long pleco of barbed wlro which bo twisted Into the animal's bide. Ho pulled It out of the den and killed It with his pocket knife He then got a npado and pioccodcd to dig , into the den , and In a tow minutes had cap tured seven young uolvoa. for lliirulnir n CENTRAL CITY , Neb. , May 20. William Wilson and Frank Smith , who net flro to the Morrlelc county court house while Attempt Ing to escape from Jail , liavo been Benteneei by Judge Sullivan. WlUon was sent to thb penitentiary for three , and a half ycaid , nm Smith for two years and thrcu months. Wil son Is only about 20 years of age. but ho lias already been In the reform fachool ai Kearney and has served sevcial Jail sentences. Heeelver of .Stolen Properly. WEEPING WATER , Neb. , May 20. ( Spo clal , ) The trial of Henry O'Brien for re celvlng stplcn property wns concluded today and he was bound over to the district court O'Brien has had Will Campbell , the boy from % hem ho received thn goods , nrrestei on the charge of stealing , Thomas Glennon who wan arrcated with O'Brien , has dlsap ptared. I.IMIc Tomml'i in CIIMH Comity , WEEPING WATER , Neb. , May 20.- ( Spoclal. ) Repot t wan received hero till moinlng of a tornado doing considerable damage ago about six mllca southeast ot here or John Davis' placu , farmed by N. C. Christen nen , The house and corn crib were blowr lo pieces. The section 'sit ucl ; was about on mlle wide , Griiut Ttto .Saloon lilccnxcx. OSCEOLA. Neb. , May 20. ( Special. ) Th village trustees had a meeting ycsterda afteruuoiK and granted two licenses for sa loons. The school treasury IH $1,000 bettc off and there Is * .100 In tbe village treasury and there will bo added to that treasury $10 each month until $600 has been paid In. Jlurnell Jlntlrr a ( Joint Seller. BURWELL , Neb. , May 20. ( Special. ) Tb Loup Vajlty cieamery , conducted by Ita Wag ner Is doing a splendid business , It It nav getting cream enough to make about 40 pounds of butter each week. The butter I shipped direct to iBoiton , and It hai com within H-ci'iH ot topping the market. Tlicriiioiactci- llji to Miioly. NORTH LOUP , Neb. . M y 20. ( Speclal.- ) Yeuterday wuu the hottest day of the siaso to dite , the mercury reaching 90 degree * in thb shade , To make ( lie wiatlicr ttll lore uncomfortable , there waa an enervating irecze from the south. The surface soil Is > ocomlng somewhat dry and farmers are be- Inning to clamor for rain , IAI.V nni.i's TIM : CHOIVH AI.OMJ. Clinno Count } I'liniu-rw Tool I2nirenllx ! Jiilillant Oti'r tinOutlook. . IMPERIAL , Neb , May 20. ( Special. ) 21mto county was again blessed with n timely aln last night. Tully nn Inch and a half f water foil. The early spring rains had nit the ground In splendid condition , and an nustially large crop ot small grain was own , and thp corn was mostly well advanced nd looking1 fine , and In Just the proper co.i- Itlon to receive a good rain. The fall as uniform and general all over the county , 'verybody feels highly elated at the splendid respects for a good crop this year. The ; rass on the prairies was never better , and lock ot all kinds Is growing fat on It. The plendld range ind healthy cllmato and pure vater ot this county hag so highly recom mended llielt In the past to stock growers liat there have been shipped Into this county hlo spring for grazing and keeping pur- > oses o\er 2,000 bead of cattle. Kllpatrlck Iros. , n few days ago shipped a Iralnloid rom the south. The train consisted of nine- ecu large palace stock caw. averaging forty- hreo head to the car. Those were young leers , averaging from 2 to 3 years old. flio farmers of this county are largely turn- IIR their attention to stock raising , and are apldly githerlng around them small herds Dirro are some thirty or forty farmers In tils county who have within the past few cars accumulated email droves , from fifty o 100 bead , nnd thereby are growing rich. OLAIIKS , Neb. , May 20 ( Special. ) There vas a nice rain here last night. The ground vas getting pretty dry , and the fanners are ; lad that the rain came Just as It did. Corn s about all planted An Increased acreage as been put In In this county. Small Brain aver looked better. UNIVERSITY PLACE , Neb , May 20. Special. ) There was a good ehower ot tain ere last night. It will do much good to all rowing crops. SURPRISE , Neb. , May 20. ( Special. ) A no rain of two Inches fell here last venlng , which has placed all crops In flno ondltlon. OSCEOLA , Neb. . May 20. ( Special. ) There vas a splendid rain hero last night. The ; round had become dry and plowing very ard. but It Is In good shape now. SYRACUSE. Neb. , May 20. ( Special. ) A ery refreshing nhower fell last night. The rainfall measured 0.71 of an Inch. The acreage of corn Is very largo In this section and la coming on nicely. Tiiii on1 'rnitKini.n ciiAiinn. YOHIIK Olrl'M Acciinatloii of Ilr Father IN Not vSul > Maiitlllteil. TECUMSEH , Neb , May 20. ( Special Tele- gram. ) George Liggett was acquitted In the district court today ot the charge of Incest , irought by his 14-year old daughter. Jessie "jlggetl. The ttlal waa of two days' dura- .lon , ending at G o'clock last evening when t \vafl given to the Jury. The Jury remained out all night and until noon today when an acquittal \erdlct was brought In. Mrs. Liggett has been dead two years , and ; he daughter complained to her grandparentn that her father was carrying o.i criminal relations wltn her and the grandparents brought the case Into the court. Two charge' were named and the evidence would not oub- stantlate the complaint. The vonllct glve.i "eneral satisfaction to persons hearing the i hole tiial. Liggett was liberated from the county Jail today after ten weaKa of impris onment , awaiting trial. Out of respect for the memory of Judge Thomas Appoiget. the court adjourned this afternoon until Monday. Dlxtrlet Court at ( ii-rlngr. CURING , Neb , May 20. ( Special. ) Dis trict court Is being held hero this week by Judge Grimes. The docket contains forty - nine cases , ot which seven are criminal cases. The first of these submitted to a jury was the State against Scott , for maliciously shooting seven or eight head of horses. He was ac quitted. Theio Is a horse stealing case , which originated In Box Butte county , anti Is hotly contested , both by the stock asso ciations and the accused parties. The other riminal cases are liquor selling prosecutions. HIIIIH A ay Front Home. SURPRISE , Neb. . May 20. ( SpeclilJ. ) . L. Smith , who hah been living on one of C. H. Walker's farms one mlle north of town , took two carloads of cattle to Omaha last week and returned with a nice little sum of money In his pocket. On the day after his return ho took a team/ / and started to town , telling his wife he would be back by 1 o'clock , and since tint nothing has been heard of him. The team was found and returned from Uttca , twenty miles south of here. StealH a lluwrny ami Two HnrNcn. FAIRFIBLD , .Neb. , ilay 20. ( Special. ) A team of hcr&es , one bay and ono roan , to gether with a top buggy and harness , were stolen from Vincent's livery barn In Dewcese list night. The thief made the mistake of getting paiU of two different sets of harness which should assist in the identification ol the rig. It Is thought that they were driven north , toward Howard and Aurora. IiiHiuilty UOCM A'ot hhojv ItNclf. ' FREMONT , May 20. ( Sp'cc-lal. ) Jacob rfands was before the board of insanity com missioners today on a complaint filed by Mis. II I Kerstlng , alleging that ho w&s Insane. The board could BOO no symtoms of Insanity about him and ho was discharged. The Kerstlngs are tenants of Sands , and It looks as though there was some ulterior rao- tlvo back of the complaint. .Accident Dmto the U'lniT. ASHLAND , Neb. , 5Ioy 20. ( Special. ) During u wind storm last evening the roof of the corn crib of Mr. Bumgartner , who re sides six miles south of here In Cass county , blew oft , striking young John Bumgartner on the left log and breaking It In two places. The Injured boy Is getting along as well as could bo lliiyilenx' Iluller Siile. Very best Nebraska separator creamery butter ICc. This Is the finest butter made. Elgin butter , ICc , good country butter , 8c Corned beef , HVic ; sausage , Sc ; beat cheese , EC ; chipped dried beef , 12VSc. Thla Is beef from the ham. Uholco fresh neufchatel cheese , 3 c ; fancy brick cheese. Hie ; Ohio Swiss , lOc ; llmbergor , 7Vio ; sap Mgo thcr e 7c each. Fromago do brie , camembert , loquefort , pineapple cdain and all the Imported and domestic chee o found only at HAYDEN BROS. DEATH 3VOT DDK TO TIIK , I'lcUcrlnix TIININ Her butt IIIMiup llrotlierx. The damage ault ot Mrs. Elizabeth J. Pick ering against Bishop Bros. , druggists 01 Sherman avenue , usujced In a verdict Ii favor of the defendant ? . Mrs. Pickering sued the drugglstK for { 5,000 , alleging tha they bad sold liquor to her husband Ulysses D , Plokirlng , nnu that this bat caused bis death. U was ( ihown on the trial that Plckerlnp wan a druggist and that bo was sufforine from a cancer , which ultimately caused hi death. It waa tbown that ho had bough liquor of the defendants as a medlclno tc allcvlatn the pain caused by the cancer Medical testimony was Inttoduccd to show that his death resulted from tbo canrer am not from the liquor. The case was given to the Jury Wednes day night and a verdict was relurncd yea terday morning. Jocliey IN Itoliueil. C. A , Lndeley , n Jockey from Btlllvvnter Minn. , reported to the pollco yesterday afternoon that he had been robbed of n goli watch and chain nnd 720 while In a sulooi at Tenth nnd Pncllli : htm-tn. Harry P. Mot roll was arrested list evening nndhci searched at the station the missing v\ntcl was found upon him Ho claimed that h had merely taken tbe timekeeper for saf keeping , an I.aileley was In no condition t ( protect bis own propel ty. l ater W. O. Con nor was taken Into custody und a portloi of the $20 Btolen from Ladeley was fount upon him , The men are charged with lar cuny from the person. "False. In one , fatce in all , " is an ancltm legal maxim. Remember it to the dlsaj vantage of any tradesman wbo tries to sub stltuln one atllclo fur another , TOUCHED HIP BY A CYCLONE outh DakobuiHccolvea a Sovcro Visitation from the Wind. PASSES OVBR3NORTMERN MINER COUNTY Mentor .mult I en t nt Cnrtlmw l ntroyiMM'Attil Oilier StriivlnrcN I So Knr lift Kiumn. HOWAIID. S. D. , May 20. ( Special. ) A yclono passed over tlio norlhcrn part of Iluer county last night. The greatmt dam- go Mas done nt Carthae , , on ttio Chicago & Northwestern railroad. Patten & Jickson's levntor wag totally wrecked , the mllroad opot partially dcsltoycd and S3\cnl smaller ulldlngs more or less damaRcil. There are cports of damage In other parts of Hie conn- ry , though no details are obtainable j'ct. No Ivco were lost 'as tar as known here. The body of Guy Wells , who vvna drowned n the Jim river on Sunday , May 9 , rose to lie surface yesterday and was recovered. The etna Ins iveto brought to Howard and burled oclay. SOUTH 1JAKOTA OHOI COMHTIONS. fruit DOCK Sonic DninnKc unil Smut ! SrolliniM Ni-i-il llulii. HUKOK. S. I ) . . May 20. ( Special. ) The ollovvltiK extracts from the official bulletin sailed today gives crop conditions In this tate up to date : On the 14tli frost vvns quite general and n some central , northern and western lo- nlltles Injured Burdens and fruits to more r less extent/ few northern counties ro- ) ort some grain cut down and barley over Imlted areas somewhat Injured. There was very llttlo corn far above the ground cx- cpt In the southern counties , and hero tin : rest was not lieiivy enough to hurt It. The bowers were scattered unil mostly light , xcopt that the northeastern counties re otvcd good ralim nnd some BIIOW. In onutk'H there H n general report of grass iml Bnmll grains doing finely. Kirly sown grain appcartt to be In good condition 1,011- rally. but In tbe southern , cential , north- vest and extreme western counties there ire many localities where considerable of be later sown needs rain , either to sprout t or nourish that which Is sprouted and coming up. Thern appears also to bo considerable corn In the same sections that cannot sprout and do well without more nin. The subsoil Is RullliMontly moist , but ho top Boll Is moil too drv , nnd the crop roots are not sulllelontly developed to bo > cneflted by the subsoil moisture There Is still some small griln seeding to > e done In the most northcin counties. Corn and potato planting Is well ad vanceil Flax seeding Is far nd\anccd The cool weather was favorable for the stoollm ; of early sown 'grain. TS goii.vrvSIJAT ci Tns T. Motion for "Moillflratlim of tin1 Former OriU-r of ( lie Court. PIEimE , S , D. , May 20. ( Special Telr- gram. ) Arguments were presented tlih ovenlnR ln''tllo ' Bounty Mat contest from Roberts county In an order to show cause \hy the former Judgment of the court should not bo moJJfled.q In asking for the modifi cation the grounds given were that Interpola- : Ions had been made bv some one In the judgment Which * v\ ere not warranted by the jleadlngs InJ fhe'tasti and the judgment was so Issued through Inadvertence. ThLs asser tion was denied | by the oppolltlrami th' iiloadltigs declared to bo fully carried oul by the finding ? flf the judgment. The cast is under advUeinent and un opinion will be forthcoming In a few days. A'f < o .Saloon Il < * t > iiMu Ordinance. UAMBErHjA N. S. I ) , May 20 ( Special ] The city fcouncll has placed the saloon license for1 the jCity at , J2JO per annum Mayor HurkJioliIeretoed Ihp ordinance fix- lug the .amount of license on the ground that It 'VES tco.'lo'w nnd not' In propertied to thg amounts 'fixed by Mio' largo majority of South Diltola cities and'jtowns Atten tion 'vvas called to the fact that licences ol less than $400 per ahnum are the exception under the now liquor law , while ia sucli towns as Aberdeen , Armour , Elk Point , Mil- bank , Spearfish , Pierre , Madison , Belle Fourche , Red field , Alccster , IJorcaford Mitchell , Planklnton , White- Lake and Dell Ilaplds the amount of license was placed at the limit of $600 per year. The ordinance waa passed over the \eto. Chamberlain , EC far as known at this time , has the lovvesl saloon license of any South Dakota city of Us class and population. Work for Small I'ny. MITCHELL. . S. D. , May 20. ( Special Tele gram. ) Sheriff Cook received Information from Mount Vernon that the Milwaukee depot and the J. E 'McEvvlns' ' store wer ( onteicd last night and the safe In each build ing was broken Into. The Milwaukee afe wan empty andxinly a few dollars In change was taken froin 'McKnlns' safe and no goods are missing from the store. South Omaha News. Civil Service Inspector HuiUon yesterday visited the packing houses and the stock yards In company with eqtno of the Inter ested parties in the Investigation. Some ol Dr. White's patients were nlso visited. No testimony was taken , but oral statement/a were listened to by the inspector. The object vvaa to get at the fueling of the people on the matter. In conversation with Inspector Huston yesterday several members ot the Live Stock exchange said that a special meeting of the exchange was to bo held POOH for the pur- pcxso of taking somu action on the removals and on the Investigation , which they were positive was a farce. The Inspector was told that the excliaugo would pass resolution. commending ex-Stock 1'xamlner Heal and condemning Don Aycr , Senator Allen was visited at his hotel In Omaha by one of the attorneys representing the removed ofllclaH and the Investigation was talked over thoroughly. Senator Allen requested that all Interested parties ncv cumulate all the evidence possible concern ing the conduct of Doc Ayer and Ed Sheldon during the examination , capeclilly wltli rofercnco to thelp Interfering with the progress of tlict Investigation and the coachIng - Ing nf witnesses In the halls outside tlu chamber whero" > tlie sessions were held Thi senator furJht'p Sld that upon receipt ol this Information " 10 would take It to th ( chairman offtthp .senate- Investigating com mltteo and epo Jhjit some action wan taken Further , SeDUorAllen ( aald that he wouli renew IiU cfforta for a senate Investlgatloi as soon as hri'teturned to Washington , whlcl would bo Inlabuut two weeks. Copies of Tlio"'nee , with the full procsed Ings of the Investigation. have been for warded dally to members of the Civil Servlci Conitnl3slon'And ' certain senators and rep resentatlves leV ted In tbe Investigation. lu'.jtar ' 31 'in ml ill A Joint iiujDHiig of the committees It charge of the/ Memorial day exercised hai been held ami' arrangements for the prope celebration. ttfa'A clay completed. Member : of Phil Kearney ! pbst No. 2. Grand Army o the Uepubllefipjl old soldiers and sailor * the Sons of yfitarapa , Daughters of Veterans Woman's Relief corps , etc. , will a&semhl at Grand Array hall , on N rtreet. at 2 o'clocl Monday afternoon , May 31. Pupils of th public school ) will assemble at the Cut Al bright school at the same hour am hold themselves In readiness to bead th proccuslon when the column reaches tha point. The invitation to join In the parad hay been extended to the mayor , member of the city council , all city olllclala , clvl societies , fraterual orders , and too publl generally. t The procession will bo made up tn fol lone ; Mayor and city officials and orator of the day In carriages ; clvlo organization and fraternal orders , public and parocbla schools ; Sons of Veterans , Woman's Helle corps , Daughters of Veterans , members o the Grand Army of the Republic , old sol dlers and sailors. Carriages and pedestrian ! and all who with to Join In the march , wll bring up the rear. Tbe line of march wll be direct to Laurel Hill cemetery , The following program will be observe ! at tha cemetery ! Invocation , llev. n. C. Wlnshlp ; reading of President Lincoln's ad- dre s at Gettysburg , November 13 , 1SC.1. by Comrade J. I ) . Krlon ; oration by Judge Leo Kslello of Omiha ; address. Major 1'uray of Crook pist , Omaha ; address , J. A. Heck , captain of T , S. Clarkson camp , Sons of Veterans ! flag drill by nix girls and twenty bojs pupils of MltB Soykora at Hawthorne school ; services of the Woman's Relief corps at the graves of the unknown dead ; Grand Army memorial service by Phil Kearney post No. 2. at the gMVe of Samuel Dennis. At the close of the service a salute of three volleys will be fired by a detail of the Sons of VcteraiM. The graves of fallen heroes will then be strewed with ( lowers by the school children ami friends. IVrilowIng the ceremonies at Laurel Hill a visit will bo paid to St , Mart's and the German cemeteries and the graves of sol diers resting there will bo decorated. The procession will be marshaled by Com rade lUter , and J. U Krlon will act as olllccr of the day at the cemetery Several bunds have been engaged and will bo given positions In the procession , bculdcs render ing selections at the cemetery , On nicely h > Ioral Talent. At Ilium's hall this evening loci ! talent will present "An Afflicted Family. " for the benefit of the > Grand Army t > est The hall has been handsomely decorated for the oc casion nnd the stige embellished with the portraits of Grant , Lincoln , Garfleld , Logan and other cUxul hcroca. Members of the Sons of Veterans will act as ui'hem The cast Is as toilono C Crotchclt , retired merchant , G. H. Harding ; II. Fizzy , a Inrber , J. P. Parker ; Dr. J. Llnton , a practicing physlclin , II. C. Harding ; L Staple , a joung mer chant , Cljilu Storms ; Clarence , a student , William Newton , John Hciuy , a man ervant , W V Peraslli ; 1 Sel/er. a con stable , O. B. Harding ; Mra Crotchett , on nvalld , Mrw. Persells ; DaUy and Dolly , daughter and niece of Mra. Crotchett , ttmiua larding nnd Maud Caborn ; Doroth ) , a maiden aunt , Mltu Maggie Dawns ; Uetty , a maid servant , Mrs J. I < \ Paikrr. The pro ceeds of the entertainment will be used In laying the expenses of the Memorial day celebration. Sola "S A couple of dark skinned sharpers worked the smuggled cigar racket at the exchange yesterday and left the city with quite a roll of bills obtained by misrepresentation. These 'cllows talked broken RnglUh , and when per- nilttcd to go ahead told a story to the effect that they bad smuggled a quantity of cigars over from Cuba and wcle disposing of them n the Interest of the Cuban junta. Samples of the cigars they offered for sale were given away quite freely to prospective purchasers , and au the sample was of the best quality .hero was no trouble In making sales Some of the bo > s bit to the extent of pacing $0 n hundred for atalncd cabbage leaves , while other. ; bought the same thing for $2 a bun- dred. A similar scheme was worked about a year ago. The sharpers left tbe city as soon as possible after cleaning up all the money In sight at the exchange. City Warner HUiran , Mankota , Kan. , Is In the city for a day or two. B. S. Klrtlaml , Hermlon , Kan. , la regis tered at one of the hote'M. The veterans will visit the public and parochial schools this afternoon. T. M. Howie , Butler county , was a visitor at the exchange jesterday afternoon. Fifteen canj of sheep from Fort Collins , Cole , arrived at this market jesterday. Alpha Rebelvah ledge No. 14 will hold a meeting tonight for the election ot ofllcers. John Ganimill has gone to Nelson , Neb , to spend a couple of weeks with relatives. G. T. Putney , a prominent Ithlca fanner and stock raiser , Is In the city looking after business matters. Rev. D. W. Morlarty returned from Wash ington and New York , where ho spent three weeks visiting friends. The trial of Frank Dolczal , who was a- rcalcd for being drunk and disorderly , will conio up In police court this afternoon. The women of the South Omaha hospital will glvo a pound social from 2 to G o'clock Wednesday , May 2G , a"t the hospital. Uvery- ono Is cordially Invited. L C. Gibson's horse eloped with the driver and occupants of the buggy last evening at Twentjsixth and N streets and threw out the occupants and badly used up the buggy. Joe Mallander has arranged for a grand opening of his Sarpy Mills park next Sunday. Tnero will be a ball game between the B. & M. and the Union Pacitlc teams , besides other sports. Yesterday afternoon -fire nearly destroyed the home of John Sweeney at Twenty-third and J streets. The family was absent at the time , and It Is not known how the fire started. Loss about $50u. By the resolution of the city council at Its last meeting the city treasurer has been ordered to transfer the saloon occupation lax to these funds : Sidewtlk repair , $371.46 ; street repair , $400 ; general , $1,37854 ; salaiy , $1,075 ; fire and water , $875 ; total. $4,700. Permits to wed have been Issued to the following parties by the county judge : Name and Address. Age. Richard Johnson , Omaha 31 ilu'da. Johnson , Omaha 20 P. A. LlndberK. Omaha 31 Caroline J. Nelson , Omaha 20 Charles J , Sprlngborg , Omaha 24 Fannie H. Killlan , Omaha 21 Ira J. Adams , Om.ihn. 3S Mrs. Alice Martin , Omaha. 42 Thomas Spokes , Omaha 32 Annie CoulMn , Omaha. 20 GLAD HAP TO CUBA ( Continued from Tlrst Page. ) officer , at HID suggestion of Mr. Uoar threatened ' .o clear the galleries U the demonstration was repeated. SPOONER OPPOSKS. Mr. Spoon01 spoke In opposition to the resolution on the ground that Its adoption would bo an Infringement upon the prcal dent's prerogative. Ho contended that the resolution of belligerency had been recog nlzed as aru exclusively executive function slnco the dajy of Washington and that there was no occrslon at this Into day to make a change There was no reason to doubt Mr McKlnlrj'n lojalty to tlm republican plat form nor ot his love of Independence , illo had nhonn himself on the battlefield to bo a lover of liberty , and no sentiment show Ins him to bo otherwise than such had ovc fallen from his lips. Mr Spooner arfiiici from a constitutional Htandpolnt on the pro rogatlvo of the- executive In diplomatic qucs tlons and ale explained his vlows of th meaning of the recognition GORMAN HRAHI ) FROM. Nol'mtll ' ( jcsterday , said Mr. Gorman , h.K ho become convince ! that It was tltno fo the Rcimto to act. When the * admluUtratlo officers feared the assassination of our officer In Culn , and did not Immediately fcciul on of our ships at Hampton Roads , then It wa tlmo for , the senate to act. "Do 1 understand. " asked Mr Hoar , "thft the senator supports this resolution on tli ground of the delinquency of the president'1 "I say , " re'ponded Mr. Gorman , "that I the State department contains Information from olllclala whose- names cannot bo glvei without endangering their safety , then tli executive Is delinquent when ho falls t send a war ship to protect our officers am our Interests. No nation on earth wouli fall to protect Its representatives In sucl emergencies. " Mr Gorman said ho resented the sugges tlon that tlm protection of American cltlrcn was ono of party. He expected to follov Picsldent McKlnley In the protection n American citizens. "But In view of thol failure " "Failure by whom ? " Interposed Mr Hale. "Failure by the executive- branch of th government , by the president of the llnltei States , and the secretary of state , " ans\vore < Mr. Gorman. The senator s.iltl he shared In the anxlet ) of the great commercial Interests , but thef could bo no yielding to these Interests whet American lives were In danger. This dange- was enough to warrant the sending ot wa ships to Cuba. Mr. Gorman closed 'with ' th statement that be did not believe the passag of the resolution would Involve the Unltc < States In war with Spain. Then c.une the final vote. When the pre siding oincer announced the progress of tli resolution the pent tip feeling of the senator found expression In a noisy and long-con tinned demonstration Mr. Chandler , wh was In the cbulr , pounded IIH ! gavel , and Mr Haw-Icy , springing to his feet , exclaimed "I protest against the mob. " A moment later the senate went Into ex ecutlvo iscnslon and at 5:40 : p. ui. adjourne until Monday. WHAT WIMi 'I'll IJ IMtnSIIin.tT IX ) hlu'ciilatlniiN IIM in llu CoiirNc 3lr Mi'KliiI.will TaKe. WASHINGTON , May 20. President Me Klnlcy Is not llkclj to bo called upon to take action upon the Cuban resolution passed by the senate today for home tlmo , and perhaps not at all The resolution would not be sen to him for his approval until after It hac been adopted by the house , nnd whether the house takes It up must be decided hereafter It lo kno\vn that Mr. McKlnley desires the postponement of final congressional action 01 the Cuban qucbtloii until the report of Mr Calhoun , who it , on the Island to Investigate * the conditions there , has been made. Mr Hltt , the republican leader In the house , said guardedly In the debate today that the Morgan resolution at this Him. might cmbariass negotiations which the president has In mind to secure the Inile pendonce of Cuba , and although Mr. lilt expressly disclaimed that ho apoke by an thorlty. It was well known that he had bcei in conbultatlon with the piesldcnt on Cuban affairs , and his utterance was taken as a re flection of the wish of the president. The senate resolution can be brought before the bouse only by a special rule , and Spcakci Reed la known to be opposed to Its adoptloi at this time. There may bo much piessuri. brought to bear by the republicans , who think early action on the Cuban questlot advisable , to have the resolution adopted by the house , but BO long as the leaders con elder that It may embarrass President Mc- Klnlcy's plans , It Is likely to lie on the table OUGA1M/.U T1I13 , RUIZ COMMISSION Itcaily to Commence OIP of ( lie Cane. HAVANA , May 20. The Ruiz commission was Informally organized this morning and will go to Gtianahacoa tills afternoon to commence menco the Inquiry Into the death In the Jal at that place of Dr. Rlcardo RuU , a natural Ized American citizen. Senor Enrique Rlog whose name was presented by Dr. CoiiRoato the Spanish consul at Philadelphia , who ac companies the United States commission , W J , Calhoun , was finally accepted as counso by Consul General Lee and Mr. Calhoun Cordial relations prevail among all the par ties concerned , Dr. Congosto and General Let breakfasting together today. An honest storekeeper will not try to con vlncc buyers that ho knoMs what they need better than they do. & Ok B " " = & I1" ftt I I B l liUWJJUW WUMBlKEOK AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD " CASTOBIA , " AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " AS OUR TRADE MARK. / , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER , of Hyannis , Massachusetts , was the originator of " PITCHER'S ' CASTORA ! , " the same that has borne and does now * f . " * on ever / y/f/y 2. bear the fac-simile signature of & & &X/-&M wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S ' CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see thdt it ia the k/vc/ you have always bought , frf , / / $ # JJT * on B and has the signature of & < &ffl&&X' wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher /a ° ( evident. March 8,1897. 8,1897.Do Do Not Be Deceived , Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you ( because he makes a few more pennies on it ) , the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed TOIL . IMC CINFAUH eUM T > MVMMT II > irr. NW DR. HOBBS/ PROPHECY PROVES During Ihc I'ait l-'l o A\YrU Thora Han lleen In Omaha ami Vlclnltj it , JteiaarUalile AineltoraUiiii of Ilin hiilTcrltiuN of ThiiNC Aho lla > e lleen 'I'roahlcil A > lth Klilncy DlNcaxe. IK Kurl , Sump DriiKuUtN Say tlml Fully Oiic-Thlr.l of 'I liimAllllclcil 1'eoiile lime lli-cii Curcil , or i Crcatly llenellleil , hj the. Heroic Action of OR , HOBBS SPARAGOS \ KIDNEY PILLS , Amongst llu > VJIMI munlicr of to itt. monlals jjlviMi In favor of I > r. 1 lobby SimtngiN Kttlnoy Tills It inny l i iwslly liifcrroil Unit u latgo itiopoi'Mon of tlicso nvii f i-oiu I IM > I > IIvli > incfer that thi'lr n unit's should not ho published. In tlcforoiico to lluv Ishos of tlii'sc poo- pie. all such lostlinonlulshlli on Illo In tlio ollk'i1 of thi1 UolilM lliMiiotly Co. , uio In-Ill titik'dy c'onllili'titlal. Othi'rs ( liowovor , fooling Ihnt lliolr los- tliuoiilnl may l o of Uonolll to tlioiismuts of similar sufforoix. are anxious that tliw win lit at law should know lln ioab good Dr. Holilis Spata us Kidney Tills aio acooiniillsliliiR , In vlow of tln > oonvlnrltiK tostlmonlalH roRJin'Ing Mils thoroughly ofJfootlvo lint liarmlosi lonu'dy , wliich have nhoatly bwn pnlitlHliod In ( bin pappr , U Is tiiudly nocossaiy to SUKKOSI that all POIMHW however IntolllKont. win ! have any Kidney - noy dllllculty , hiK'Uacho. tlii'itmatlsni , oto. , slionltl pninpH.v take advantage of l > r. Huhhs Kiand dlsfovory. If I hey have tlip toast dohlie to got lid of sut'h ail ments. There may ho seine who ate yet Irt doubt as lo' the otiiMtlvo olVorts of Dr. llohlM Sparanus Kldnoy Tills , and for Uio bonpllt of all Midi pi'1-.sons , wo pio- dnoo below , luitbor i-onvliu'liiK pi oofs of thpvalidity of Dr. llobbs' dnims. Ouro lllmlilcr ami Klilttr > Triuililrw. TinHoblis IMlli which I piooircil frniii Kulm & Co , DriiRRlMH ha\o Krpitly rc-lloveil my hluliier nnil KUIiuj uoulilf nnil I now Imvo no null ! fiom Hint nourec wlmtexcr i : 1. MA HUN. S Ointha. Neb Tlio HcNt I'rcpnratlon on lli - Miirki > < for All KlimAllcofloiis. . - Tills Imvo boon t'la IIo > lis HparnRUH KldnPJTills menus nf rlililliipr HIP of u ncrlouu Kldncj illm-asa comblnpil with iluumntlsm I consl.lir Ihcai the li .l iirppnrntlon on the nnrKct for all Ulilncy ami rhpumntlc nfTn tlons. 1) D 1111UNHON UiiKKiiec i 'IrniiFfi-r Line. Norfolk , Nob. " .NiMtT Unil hnch Hcllrf I rom ICIiliicy WlMlKllCHN IIN I lla\C NOT . " I hml - ciloim troubles with my Kidneys foi hpvernl ycnrH. nml lilcil spvcrnl Klml of kidney inc < llt.lniM anil iloctoni' iirp--crliitloiui without ROt- tliiK icllcf 1 recently bouclit pome of Ilnliln PpiiniKUS Kldnoy 1'IIN at SprnKin | % ' Urutr hloia nmliseil them thoroURhlv I never lunl such relief from Kldm-y weakness OH 1 lm\o navv. Yours truly , Ileatrlce .J > .IfiJ19' , lrm > from 1'nlii After A'arM of * uf- ferine. Rome tlmo Mneo I received from Mr J H. Snlier n wimple of jour wonderful Kldnoy I'llln. As I Imvc sufftrcd Krciilly for n number of > < j with kidney nnd liver troubles , which doctora seemed not to undei stand. 1 decided TB n list resort to try jour treatment 1 Tmve now tnkun nearly two tjoxirs and un very tlmnUful to suy tlmt I nm entirely Irto fiom pnln. Jnd 1 thanlc jou heartily for lirlimlnK > our trulj woiukrful pills to m > notice. Youui Kratefiilly. CHAS. H. AUTXUN. IliiHthiRS. Neb. An OIil Voteraii Ciiri'il of Rlirinili * Kill. ni-y 'I'roiililc anil ItheliniatlHiii. O I hnvp uufTpred for seveial jenrB with chronto Kidney troubles nnd have aHo bein nHllctcd wltli rheumatlnm. In fnct. until I Rot a box of Dr. Hobbs SparnBUs Kidney Tills at the dnm ttoro of Chas. II. IJruncr n few weeks ngo. I Ii id not l > een entirely fne from piln for n number of jears. I am now Rlad to f-iy that my rhou- imtlsm ban left me , and tlmt my kidney tniulilo Fcems to have been urcally bonilltcil , nnd all \ owlni ? to the meilts or Mr llobbtt HimaRim Klit- ney I'ills ALUXANnnit % V ALIJJWAV , Vremont , Neb All old soliller , having scVvcJ In 62nd Ohio , iind IMth Ohio llCRlmintH , Dr. Hobb < * Spniagus Kldnny Tills OOc , Box , G for $2.00. FORSALKBiT KUHN & CO. , Reliable DrugKiata and ( Vllncral Water dealers , N.V. . Cor. 15th and Sts , O in ah a , Nob. pitosAi-s Ken cop-isr , . ClothliiK' , Hchool Hooks , otu. UiMi.irlinriil n { tlio Inturlor. Otllcc of Indlnn AfrulraVnnii - lliuton , D. C. . April 3 , 18UT. Sealoil I'roposah. Indorsed " ' - . for ' . : 1'roi-os.ils C'offop , , ClothliiK , School ItooiiH , otc. , " ia tin' uiso rray l e , Aul ) illrootcil to the Commln l < mcr of Indmh Affairs , Vo 77-73 Won" t IT r > tic , New Yoik City , will lie locolvnil until 1 o'cloclc p. m. , of Tui'Bdiiy , Miiy 21 , 1S'J7 for furnlsliliiK for tlm Indian Hoivlc" , Corfie , SiiBiir , Toil , lllcc , Hi-aim , itjkliiK I'owilpp , Hi Hli , firoccrli" ) , Hlanlci'tH , Wool" n and roc- ton Goods , ClolliliiK , Notions , lints and dps , Joot anil HhocH , CiO' kcr HIM ! Scli'jol UoolCH , lilili iniiHt ! ) inndo out on KOVTH- ncnt lilnnk' ) HcliPilule lvln ( ; nil nicosanry Information for bidders will lo fiirnlHli iipcn application to the Indlnn Oflleo In WiiHliltlRtoii : No 77-79 Woostc-l Strc t. New York Cltj' . or No lit ! Sltito Street , Clilcaso , Illinois ; tlio ( 'oimnlss.trU.M of Siilislstoneo , 1' . S. A. , nt Cl.oi'ime , Ijcuvpinvoiih , On ilia , St I-ouH arid Ht Paul , il.n 1'um- niiiHtcrn at Sioux City , Vunltlon , Arkansiu City , C'lildv/c-ll , Toppli.i , Wlfhlt.i nod Tucson. Hlds will ho opuncd at the 1'our nnd d.iy inon'ioneil , anil thn lilddorx ate In- vllcd to lie preHuiit at the opcnliiK C. itHU-d CliciUs- All MiU ninsl lie ncconipnnlcd liy oirllllsil cli ! lea or ilraftn upon HOIIIB t'nl'ed Hlatfo depository or tinlvcnt nntlunal Im-ilt for nt lenHt llvo pnr rent nf the amount of the proposal. D. M TinOWNINR , f'oininU. uloncr. Tliu PiioicrVif nn l' < ivon& l ine oreignion MmanBr * lei.t HISATb ON S\ln TOMOIIIIO\V Kor 'Jhtep N'lifht ingaicmnt of -GEORGIA. CA.YVAW Monday and Tuefday rvcnlii ! ; > , "riiiilrc | Kntc , " WvilneHdny in I'lneu nnd rvtiilnx , "Mary 1'i.nnlii ; . on , ( inlriHtcr " 1'rlceK KB Me. 75o. > l 00 Ulh nnd The Mallard Douglas Street. OMMH. LOOATEI ) . Ameilc.ui plan , t2.50 pni day ii | > . lumipuun iilun , ! ! . ( ) ( ) pur day up , J. E. M AUK L & SON. 1'rou , When you come to Omnha atop at tha MERGER HOTEL TIII : nnsT $2,00 a day house in the West. IfJ room 1300 p r day W rocimi wllii Liutii , (2.10 per day , Hi > cclal ratci by the month , WI.MC TAVI.OII , - ' BARKER HOTEL. IIIIIITIINTH AMI JOMS .STIIIJK'I.S , 140 roomi , batin , ntcmii htul ami uli modern onvunlencc * . Itbttt , 11.10 anl t ; CO per day , Toblu taiex'elled , Hlittlal low luten to rtKUlai boaider , U1OIC 8.MITU MpnuK r. STATE 10S-IO-12 DouifUk W M. IJAHIt , Miiiucer. (0 ( wfil funi | hd ruomt Kuropoun or Amtrliak ItATKfl 11 W AND"H 60 I'KIl DAY VKCIAI > ItATlJS HY TUB WHEIC Oil itOMTir , " 'r t car lln conm-ct to all oar in of lh cltr. \ Pozzoni's Complexion OWDKB produces n soft and Ixjuutlful uklat t combluui every clcracut of Ixiuuty aoii I purity