Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1897, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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The ( sixth biennial fieudon of the Grant
lodge of Nebraska , Anrhnl Order ot Unltei
Workmen , wtilth xvas held 111 Ihld city las
week , was a record breaYer In point of 1m
liortanco and Intercut. The natural resul
was that the session was very warm a
timed , and It therefore laeled much tongei
than was anticipated. The prearranged schcd
ulo provided for an adjournment on Tliura
day afternoon. The delegates counted them
ecl\cs lucky that with two night session
they managed to gut away with the end o
the week.
The sen-Ion was remarkably xvcll attended
There xvero fully f > 00 delegates on hand am
these were accompanied by as many men
feminine relatives and fellow incmbetrt of tin
order. The flguro 1,000 Is a coiiservallvi
estimate of the number of strangers xvhi
\voro tailed to the city by the meetings. Un
fortunatel > Iho press of business was ao grca
that Iho local member * ware not allowed tin
llmo necessary for extended entertainment.
Jlowoxer , tlio vteltors wcro not allowed ti
Iisvo nny of their leisure time burden them
On Tueiday evening they xvoro the BUieli
at ono of the musical uxctits of thu season
the concert at Crclghtoti theater The Mo
RUlllaiM furnished them with a "bully ROOC
tlmo" by conferring the'.r sldo degree upoi
a selected number. It was Intended to glv <
thg delegates a reception also In the Com
merclal club parlors , bin this hail to be dc
clarcd off for want of time. The women wcr
not permitted to go without care , either. Oi
Thurslay afternoon they were the guests a
an Informal reception , < tt which the hosli
wern about 100 members from Iho Degree o
Honor lodges of the city.
The Hesslons were exceedingly lively Thcr
wcro threi ) matters that aroused cxtraordl
nary lulorost. Ono wns thu hearing 01
npural O [ the Talc caae. Another XVBH th
election of olllccrs. And finally there - nora
a number of very Important proposed change
In the constllullou and by-laxvs. The Tat
cano and Iho locations took an entire da :
Grand Master Workman Tate secured i
clean bill by a unanlmoNs vole on all th
charges preferred against him , and ho xva
fully upheld Iti every onu of his alleged II
legal acts. Thin xvas taken after a most ful
and complete hearing , In which all the evl
denco that could bo brought to bear wa
presented. This vindication had been con
ildently predicted by bU friends.
The elections wcro decidedly warm. Th
contest oxer the olllco of grand master work
man xvas particularly hard fought. Thor
were eleven candidates and six ballotH wer
required before a result waa rcac'icd. Tlier
was a light also * over some of the other oillcc :
The final result xva na follows
M. 12 Shult ? ot IJcatrlco , grand mastc
workman ; H. I1. H. Millar of Lincoln , gran
foreman , II. M. Stockwell of Clearxxntei
grand overseer ; George II. H.irber of Gran
Inland , grand recorder ; P. J Morgan c
rinUsmoutli , grand receiver ; J. II. Moore
lioad of Kails City , grand guide ; J. I ) . Draj
ton of Hassctt , grand watchman , Jacob Jat
kulck of South Omaha and Jacob Wooster c
Hastings , grand trustees. J. S. Johnston , on
\ of the foi iner trustees , holds over.
As Indicated abovu there were a consldei
able number ot Important amcmlmentu t
the constitution adopted. Hardly one , lion
over , went through without coiiRlileiablo dc
bate and dl.scus.ilon. It was duo to this , I
great measuie , that the session xxas prc
longed beyoniMlio usual length of time.
Ono of tl > o most Important of the change
was In connection with the financial inanagi
incut of the order. This In thu past has bee
in the hands ot a nuance committee , or
pointed. This committee xvaB entirely dlf
penned xvlt'i and In1 place of It uns mibstlti
ted a board of control consisting of tli
grand trustees , who arc bonded In connei
tlon with tills mention might be made <
thu fact thai the grand lodge authorized tli
employment of an expert to goover tli
locurds of the gipnd lodge olllclala durln
the laot four years.
Another light was made on the attempt t
change the ulllco of grand medical examine
from an appointive to an elective posltloi
On this a compromise xvns made. The moi
leal examiner x/111 In the future be selectc
by a board consisting of the grand masti
workman the grand foreman and the thn
grand tiustcei.
The body also took some action regardln
Itself. In the first place , It xvlll hercafK
bo less cumbersome. It Is to bo compose
of only ono rcpresentatlxo from each subo
dluato ledge In the state , but each of thei
V rcpresentatixvs will bo entitled to cast tl
full vote to vLI'-h his subordinate ledge
entitled on the present basis of represent ;
tlon. The number of delegates xvlll thus 1
decreased 200.
An amendment WR also passed giving tl
Kiand ledge poxver of putting Into effe
amendment ) ) to the"tutlou adopted 1
It without action being t V ° u on thorn 1
the subordinate lodges.
The following embodies tt o action taki
on the other moro Important matters th
en mo up heroic the grand lorige.
Members suspended foi over tUr n moutl
will bo reinstated upon the payment of a f
of { 3 CO , Including the clmrgo for icodic
examination , a reduction from $150.
The jupsent sjstem of assessment , $1 ft
for every member , xvas olloxved to romal
The proposition to adopt the "Btcp rato" sy
torn , by which the assessment Increas
every llvo jcnrs , wan killed.
The matter ot ( sailing a $1,000 certifies
vxas rofencd back to the commlt'teo on k
with Instructions to rrport at the next se
The question of taking In nonbeneflcla
or social members wns referred back to t
same committee with the mine tnstrtictloi
Subordinate lodges xxlll heicaftor bo llal
for the per capita tax on oxery member
Catarrh of the Stomach.
A rii'HKiint , simple , hut , nft. nml I :
fcctiinl Curu Cor It.
Catanli of tlio stomach has long been cc
oldcrcd the next thing to Incurable. T
usual sjmploms are a full or bloating scni
tlon after eating , accompanied sonictln
with a four or watery riflings , a formation
Bases , causing pressure on the heirt a
lung.i and OIIIlcuH breathing , headache , del
appetite , nervousness aud a general plaj
out , languid feeling ,
There Is often .1 foul lacto In the mou
coated tongue , and it the Interior of I
stomach could bo teen It xvould show a sllj
Inflamed condition ,
Tlio euro for this common and obatln
troublu la found In a ticatmcnt which can
thu food to bo readily and tb
aughly iligrated before It has tl
to ferment and Irritate the dellc
mucoim iiufaco of the stomach To secur
prompt and healthy dlgedtlon h the i
ncccisary IliliiK to do , and when normal
Kostlau is BCcured the catarilial coinllt
will haxo dlsappbared.
Accordlnc to Or. Uarlamlaan the saf
and buit treatment la to USD after each in
a tablet composed of Diastase. Aseptic Pope
a llttlo Nux , Golden Seal and Krult Acl
These labletH can noxv bo found at all di
stores under tlio name of Stuart's Dyupef
Tablets , and not lining a patent medicine i
be used xvlth perfect safety and assura
that healthy appetite and thorough digest
will follow their regular use after meals.
Mr. N. J. lioohor of 2710 Dearborn St. . C
cage , III. xvrites : "Catarrh Is a local coi
tton. resulting from a neglected cold lu
head xxheioby the lining membrane of
nosu becomra Inllamed and the poison
discharge therefrom passing backward I
thu throat reaches the utomach , thus prod
Ing catarrh of the stomach. Medical
thorltlea prescribed for mo fur three > i
( or catarrh , of stomach without euro , but
day I am the happiest of men after using cone
ono box of Stuart's Djujiepsla Tablets ,
cannot mid appropriate words ti5 express
good feeling. I have found flesh , appe
and sound rest , from their use ,
Stuart's Djmxjpsla Tablets U the sa
preparation is xxell as the clmplest and n
convenient remedy for any form ot Indlf
tlon , catarrh of stomach , blllouinesi ,
atomacb. heartburn and bloating after me
Send for llttlt book , mailed free , on iti
acb trouble * , by addressing Stuart Co. , M
ahall , Mich. Tin * tablet ! can I * found
standing on the daya the assessment !
arc due January 1 and July 1 of each year
Subordinate lojge officers were mad <
i agents of the members ot the lodges and noi
of the grand lodge
Tlio minimum ago of admission was rc >
( lucc.l from 21 to 18 years
The offlco of grand lecturer xvas abolished
The salary of the grand master workmai
WES reduced from $2,600 to $1,500 , and tin
salaries of the grand recorder and the gram
recclxcr wore nxed at $1,500 and $300 , re
spcctlxcly , PT annum.
The per capita tax was Increased from $
to $1 f > 0
In the last hours of the session two othc
maltcrs xxere disposed of after some fight
llio location ot the atito headquarters wai
allowed to rtmaln at Grand Inland , althougl
a fitrcnuous effort xvan made by Mncoln ti
secure them Then the body gave powe
to the grand trustees to award the coutrac
for the publication ot the Golden Hod Worl :
nnn , the itato official organ. Thto Is bclni
publkjhcd al prcacnl al Grand Island. Tin
Trannmlsslsilppl Exposition was not over
looked In the mess ot business adopted. / '
resolution xvai passed , asking the suprenn
ledge at Its meeting In June to approprlati
a sum of money sufficient to erect an ap
proprlato building upon llio cxposllloi
grounds. The supreme- lodge reprcscntallve
wcro Insliuctcd to do all In their poxxe
In thU direction anil were further ordorci
to try to secure the 183S meeting ot the su
prcino lodge * for this city.
The supreme rcprtaenlatlxes are Georg
H. Ilarber of Grand Island , George P. Mil
bourne of Mlndcn and P. n. White ot IMatts
mouth The committee on laxxs Is II. M
Waring , George II Burchard , Omaha , am
W. I' . Hall , Holdrege.
The 1890 session of the grand ledge xxll
be held In Lincoln.
When the grand ledge finally ailjotirnci
slno die at 1 30 o'clock on Saturday mornlni
It was estimated that the expense1 ? of th
session had run over $ " ,000.
The lodgu at Clay Center , a ssted ! by thi
Degree of Honor lodge , observed "llora
day , " last Sunday by religious services litho
the largo couit room , which xvas crowded
Hov. 0. C. Hubbell of Kalrfleld , who la i
member of the order , delivered a very ap
proprlato address The mu ° Ic furnished b
a male quartet xvaa selected xxlth apc ln
reference to the occanlon and waa xvell rcn
dered After thrao services xxcre conclude
the members ot the rder dro\o to tlio cem
ctery and decorated the grave of the on
member of the Degree of Honor xvho wa
hurled there.
A Degree of Honor ledge was Instituted a last Monday evening with slxty-thrc
charier members. Grand Chief of Honor Mre
Adrlla Harding ot Hebron conducting th
Modern AVomlnioii of America.
The delegates from the Omaha , Soul
Omaha and Council Hlutfs camps composln
the IransmtssUslppI conference commute
held a meeting on last Wednesday exenlnt
The committee has had under conslderatlo
the matter of arranging for the receptlo
and entertainment of the Nebraska and XXCH !
crn low a delegates to the next head cam
of thn order. The delegates xvlll assombl
In Omaha on Saturday excnlng. May 29 , an
a reception xvlll be tendered them at th
Commercial club rooms , Hefieshments xxl ;
be frnrved , and the visitors xxlll bo ontertalue
by fraternal speeches and good music. O
Sunday iteming the delegates xvlll atten
In a body and listen to a sermon by Uuv.
Wright Htitlcr at the St. Mary's Aienuc Cor
gregatlonal church. On Sunday attcrnoo
they will be glxcn a trolley ride aboul th
city , particular ! ! to the grounds ot the Trans
mlsslsslppl Exposition. They xxlll leave i
5 o'clock In the afternoon for Dubuque , g (
Ing by way ot Galesburg , xvhere they xvlll b
joined by the Missouri and Kansas delegate ;
going thcnco to Hock Island , xxhcic a slioi
stop will bo mads > going thonceto Fultoi
111. , xxhere they will stop for about an hou
During the otay at Fulton the Missouri , Kai
sarj and Nebraska delegates xvlll be show
through the office ot the head clerk. Hei
'he ' delegates may see how the books an
recoids of the order arc kept and ascertal
hoxv the business Is conducted. After leai
Ing Kulton the delegates xvlll go direct I
Uubuime , arrivlns ; about noon Monday.
The session of the head camp xxlll ope
Tureilay morning at 10 o'clock and will llkel
continue- cession about four dajs Thci
xxlll be In attendance twenty-one head ofl
cera , " 81 delegates and nlno members i
standing committees. The local Woodmen i
Dubuque are making extensive preparatloi
for the reception and entertainment of tl
head camp. On Thursday they will have tl
big day , on xvhlch they xvlll have a grai
Modern Woodmen picnic.
The Iransmlaslsslppl conference coraml
tee has been considering the advisability i
having Modern Woodmen headquarters e
the exposition groundo. The committee hi
had plans for a building prepared and thci
will bo reprcscntatlxcB to present the matli
to the head camp for consideration. Sever
1 of the head officers and many of the del
gates to the next head camp have cxpresst
thonihclxes us being In fax or of having hcai
quaitens established on the cxpobltlc
grounds The headquarters will be a plai
where the Modern Woodmen may meet , b
comu acquainted and get Information as
all matters concerning the exposition.
When the head camp of the Modern Woo
men met In Madison , Wls , In June , 1S95 ,
had a membership of 140000. During tl
post txxo years the order has had a marvelo
growth and xvhcn the head camp meets
Dubuque Juno 1 the membership will be ,
round numbers , 240,000 , show Ing an Incrca
ot 100,000. This Is far ahead of the Incrca
of any other fraternal order during tlio nar
The laxv committee for the next head can
consists of Charles Q. Laybourn of Minn
apolls , Minn. , K. n. Murphy of Leavcnxvort
Kan. , and J. W. Houder of this city. It h
completed its report and It Is now bell
printed and xvill bo distributed previous
thu session. The committee recommcn
several changed of considerable Important
Some of the changes recommended are : I
creasn of territory , bonding of tlio ofllcers
Indemnity and guaranty companies , I
creasing the number of prohibited occup
lions , changing the laxv regardlnc dlsciplli
changing tlio arrangement ot the laws , ha
Ing the section numbering run consecutive
through the- laws , and changing the plm
eology ol many of the present laxvs.
On Friday ami yesterday the state gra
council of Nebraska xvaa duly Instituted
tlio lodge rooms of Union Pacific council
The Dee building. Tim ceremony xxas p
formed In Iho presence of about llfty rep
sculatlves from , the eighteen subordlni
councils In the state. Tlio xxork of the s
slon xvas quite an arduous one. Inasmuch
the ncxv body had to prepare for Itself a co
plote constitution and by-laws and porfo
the other work of organization Thin 11
the election ot otllcote occupied the whole
tentlon of the grand council.
The council lias been organized only at
a mighty firugglo. It was come months f
when the Idea xvas first considered serlou
and at thai time there were lacking about
ot the necessary 1,000 members that xxo
' bo required before a state council could
IK organized. The members , however , at ni
sot to xxork to attain their goal before I
meeting of the supreme council , and mi
a grcal liuslla for membership. They t ,
coeded In getting the 1,000 members just
tlnu > , Inasmuch as the session of thu suprc
, | . council occurs In Hoston tbU coming ; xve
II. If the requisite membership had not bi
I10 obtained lu time It xxould have been ncc
eary to wait another year before the gr :
council could have been organized ,
to The grand council elected the follow
ofllcen : Prank I * . Gregory ot Union 1'ac
council No , 10G9 , Omaha , G. II. ; n. I , . S
gent of Frontier council No. 942 , Cedar It
Ids , G. V. II. ; II. U. Goring of Casa ooui
ly No. 1021. I'lattsmouth. O. O , ; J. U Mat
I of Kuoxall council No. 14G1 , South Omaha ,
ny P. It. ; A , P. Drink of Union Pacific rout
lie No. 10C9 , Omaha. G. S. ; T. 0 , Magranc
Pioneer council No. 118 , Omaha , Cl , T , : H
> t T. J. Mackay of Union Pacific council ;
nt 10C9 , Omaha , 0. C. ; J. C. E. Duval of I
neer council No. 118 , Omaha , G. G. ; T ,
Howland of Weeping Water council No. I
U. Weeping Water , G. W.J C. M , Illcli of Ku
all council No. HOI , South Omaha. O.
irB , S. Patera of Deutrlcc , H. Vance Lane
at Omaha and George Powell ot Omaha. Q.
J , W. Maynard ol Omaha , repie * atativo
he supreme council ; John S Knox , alternate
H prcscntatlvo Maynard has hod ouho a
uly placed upon his shoulders. Ho I ;
tiarged to come back from Hoston with the
S S meeting of the supreme council safely
odgcd til his Inside packet tor this city. II
vlll lake a good deal of hustling to capture
to sei'slon , but U Is believed that Maynaril
III succeed. Ho leaves the city loJay for
lie flesslon.
The local members of ttie ordr arc cor.
ralulatlnK thcnaclxes hugely over the or
; anlzatlou of the grand council. While th <
ountry councils did all Ihoy could to gel
oxv members , the local onis had the brunl
f the campaign on their shoulders. Su
reine Warden Parish of Michigan workeJ
anl In behalf of the scheme during lh
vceks he has been In the stale. Ho xxenl
act Friday to Boston to l. on hand al tht
csslon of the supreme council
ThU supreme body meets In Uoslon on noxl
Vcdneslay morning H xvlll bo attended bj
omc 100 delegates , who xvlll represent aboul
)0,000 members The council xxlll bo In scs
Ion for several days and will probably trano-
cl considerable Important business
On June 23 , 1877 , the Iloyal Arcanum hai
ust nlno members These wcro the organl-
ers of the present magnificent society. Con
cquently June 2.1 next xvlll bo the Iwenltetl
nnlxrrjary of the founding ot Ihe order
n nnllclpatlon of this day Ihe local mem
tiers of the order are alreidy preparing fo :
he big banquet xvhlch has annually char
actcrlzed thn ex cut In Oils city.
Out ot the big batch ot candidates taken Ir
eccntly not only have the old councils beer
eplenlt'hed but tvxo noxv bodies have beer
orined. One ot these Is In South Omaha
This has a charter list of about ihlrty-flvc
Tlio ofllcers are T J. O'Neill. U. P. ; N. n
lead. It. ; J. C. Carroll. V H ; F. J. Wall
vcbber , O ; J. O. Gibson , C. ; W. H. Crcssy
! ; IJ T Miller , C.
The new council In Omaha has been namei
Omaha and has a charter list of eighty-one
Is officers nrci George S. Powell , P It
C. Wright , II. ; n. S. F. Montgomery
V U. ; O. P. Juild , O. ; W. L. HurgKi.1 , S.
V. C. HlacKburn , C. ; A. W. Allen. T : II
lardy , C ; J. W. Schradcr. G. ; J. H. West
phalcn , W. ; W. IJ T Hell , S. ; V 0. Strlck
cr , H. H. Griffith and J. II. McDonald , T
'ho council will meet next Thursday nigh
n the ledge rooms In The Dee building ti
elect a meeting night and hall
IniM > rliit M > Mtlc
Windsor castle held Its regular monthl ;
ipen meelliiK last Thursday evening at It
tall o\er the Doston store A very larg
indlence was present , among which th
> adges of tlm visiting delegates to the gran
edge of the Ancient Order of United Work
nen xxero plenteously found All presen
seemed to bo xvell pleased with the prograr
xhlch had been carefully prepared by th
landing entertainment committee , conslstln
ot City Deputy Duncan , Mrs. Tostevln an
) r. Henry , and each number xvas greeted xvlt1
L hearty encore , and In almost every case th
ecall was cheerfully responded to. The pro
gram follows-
Mane Duct On the Unco Course .
. Misses Mnhor and Hnbe
leeltatlon The Telegram . . .Miss C. Foai
Violin Solo-Selected . Ml w Udim Murtli
SonjSelccteil . Mlsa Lauretta C.ise
: > xvnrC Qu.irtot . Lilliputian
Vililiess Ilenevolcnce , Fraternity and
Security . Uev. J. O Staple
Quaitet The Hull DOR on the Hank. .
. .Messrs Akin , Henry 1'nchnrd & Piim
hat niter Sketch The F.irnur nnd the
Lightning Hod Aijent .
. Messrs Ilelmm and Itctto
Violin Solo Cax.Ulna . DeMlitl
Mr. Guy Wood ml.
Hccltntton Talc of a JIou1 .
. Miss Kdim JIartli
Either Duct .
. Prof. A. O. Muller nnd JlKs Gucle
Solo Selected . Miss H. L Uln Solo . Miss I. V Grrnhnrd
Uimorous Recitation . Mr. Packan
During the Intermission , refreshments wcr
eivcd. Considerable enthusiasm xx-as arouse
) y tint efforts ot Windsor1 castle to cntcrtal
ts members and theli friends , and as a con
sequence , City Deputy Duncan has his en
gagement card full of appointments to xvrlt
up applications for presentation at the nei
regular meeting
W. S. McDonald and William McGillixiaj
members of Doou castle at Plpestone , Minn
\xcre piesont , being in the city for a fe <
lays in the Intel ests of the Imperial Mystl
Dr. R. T. Dott , chairman of supreme flnanc
committee and provisional grand regent fc
South Dakota , Is In the city , In consultatlo
xvlth Supreme Field Marshal Hennlng , n
: aidlng the xvork.
Mjstlcs Terrier and Miss S. Mclntlre (
louncll JllufTs , la. , brought greetings froi
their castle. They are secretary and treai
uror , rctpcctlvely , of Queen City castle.
Some Important changes have been made I
the oxecutlvo council during the xxeok. M
M. Gulults hax Ing tendered his reslgnatloi
H. G. Ajcln has been elected supreme regei
and 12. W. Cook of Plattsmouth lias succeedt
Mr. Akin as the supreme treasurer ot tt
order. These changes became effective ;
once. Thenexv executive council comprlsi
the following officers : TIcnry C. Akin , si
piomo regent ; E. 41. Packard , supreme secri
tary ; R W Cook , supreme treasuiei ; G. I
Hennlng , supreme field marshal ; F. 13. Con
tcr , supreme physician , and W. 0. Henr
supicmc sutgeon These ofllclalb are no
roxlslng the constitution and ritual , but thei
xvill be no chongra In the general plan of tl
nrotliorlnxMl of KlUx.
The Omaha Hlks are al present making
determined and systematic effort to secure I
Omaha In 1893 the grand ledge meeting
the order. With this end In view the folloi
ing committees xxere recently appointed
assist the "Minneapolis club" In completli
arrangements to attend the annual meeting
bo held at Minneapolis , July G , 7 , S and 9.
Geneial Committee Chairman , Kd P. Mi
Ion ; secretary , James H. Dowar ; treasure
A. D. Touzalln.
nntertalnment W. n. Taylor , chalrma
Dr. Geoigo S. Nason , W. A. Paxton , Jr. ; A
J. Foyo
Circulars IF. P. Strlckling , chairman ; A
D. Taylor. A. D. Toiualln.
Press Lexv W. Habcr , chairman ; Charl
Marsh , n. L. Vaughan , I. W. Miner.
Concessions Geoigo T. Mills , clulnna
George P. Cronk , W. B. Taylor , W. D. M
Hugh , J. E. Utt.
Transportation George P. Cronk. chalrma
George T. Mills , A. C. Dunn , C. P. Mullen.
Uniforms , Paiaile , Etc. J. R. Preston ,
W. Cockrell. I ) . J. Scannell , W. K. Pea :
Geoigo W. Shields.
Membership Aithur II. Drlggs , chalrma
W. C. Doilnian , G. P. Moore , T. J. Orrnat
A. S. Urlggs , J. C. Farrlsh , James How ,
C. Tetard
That the Minne.ipolU club xvlll sacral !
landing this monster convention goes x.'ltho
saying Many circulars have been sent c
asking sister lodges to co-operato xvltll Oma
ledge In Its efforts to secure the ' 98 meotlr
and alicady manv favorable responses l.u
been lecelved. The chairmen of the varici
committees meet every Wednc.Uv and B ,
urJay evenings at 5 o'clock 'n ' the led
I'riitrriial Union iif Amorlcii.
The meeting of Danncr lodge xxas xxell i
tended Thursday evening , Nlno candl'Jal
xvoro Initiated and thirteen noxv appltcatlo
" voted upon. After the regular session M
Sprague and others favored the ledge xxl
music. A committee xvas appointed to ma
preparations for a public entertainment
the near future.
Maglo City lodge of South Omaha pa
ponod KM literary. Ice cream and strawbei
social until next xvcek , on accounl ot t
tain last Saturday evening.
George C. Hawkins , fraternal master
Platlsmouth lodge , visited llanner led
Thursday exenlng. Hits lodge ho moro th
llfty members.
Moio than COO applications xvcro reeclv
by the supreme lodge lout month. Slxi
five dejiutlen are now working In elghlc
IClllKlllH llf l > ) tllIM. |
Tha Dennett lodge , noted for UH Ilour'ohl
condition , made an unusual display ot <
tlvlty last xvcfk. The occasion xvas the <
ganUatlon ot a section of the f-iiJawmi
rank known as the Insurance hmnch J.
Faulkner of Omaha Initiated the boys a
when thu ceremonies xxcro comnletd | U
Newton xvaa elected president , Chris Hu
sen vlce-jirealdpnt and F A. Grover sec ;
tary. The wli i * and daughters of the me
bcrs organize' Dllwortli assembly No.
Pythian Sisterhood , and muxteied about I
teen members , A number of the Lincoln i
scmbly sisters xxevr there to assist In t
J. work and Install the officers , who are aa f
loxxs ; P. 0. . Mrs Georgs U. Smith ; C ,
Mru. It. L. Nen ton ; V. U. , Mrs , I , Lamboi
P. , Mr . J. T. Dobbs ; M. of C. , Mrs , F.
Grover ; M. ot A. , Mrs. I > \ HugcmanJ A.
of A. . Mrs , I , M. Duwuou ; I , Q. , Mrs. N <
Pederion ; O. G. , llbw Cora Smith. M
Gcorso n. Smith waa ej < rd delegate to UK
Brand lodge asemblylAJlch ( was held In
Lincoln Wednesday ami ThursJay Those
who were present fromjilncoln were Mrs
Prod Chancy. Mrs Pred Miller , Mrs N G
nsey , Mrw. Julia PlcrriV , Vrs Will Lawlor.
rs. S T. Cochran and > ! > * , W A. Dlltxorth ,
ho latter being the lauHafter whom UK
oxv as uit bly lu r.Mticd.The Lincoln ladlce
ere rojally entertained at the Smith hotel ,
With tinMif imli
The week In Masonic-circles has been giver
p almost entirely tottl . , slxth reunion ol
' 10 Scotllah lllte bodlcft pj the state. The
: atherlng was held on jta ; < Mday , Wednesday ,
. . . „ , and Friday or last week The at-
cndanco xxas not as gottJ'f/om points in tht
ate as was expected , bul nevertheless the
eunlon proved toin \ an Interesting one.
Almost the entire time ot Iho reunion con
sled ot the communication ot degrees. This
.13 qulto a tfiiik , Inasmuch o In the latci
egrees , particularly the thirty-first am1
lirly-second the number ot candidates wa
ulto large The reunion was closed xvlth t
anquot on Friday exenlng.
Ml Caxalry eommandery , No 1 , Knlghti
cmplar , held n special cbnclaxe last Krldaj
Rht and put through three candidates. Tlu
ork xxas followed by the customary banquet
The Masonic blue lodge al Schuljcr electoi
10 following officers W. W. Wells. M.
Vlll Munger , S. W. ; 13. A. Robblns. J. W.
. F Shonka , S ; Bernard Mick , T
The Shrlners are preparing lo have UK
Iggcsl and most cxtcnslxc ceremonial np.i
on In their history. U xxlll occur during tin
omlng xxeok The occasion xxlll bo markei
y on Innoxatlon , from the fact that xxomei
ro to bo allowed to sit al the traditions that always clcnea a session. Tin
em-Inlno ex has In the pasl been barrel
ut , bul II xxlll bo lei In on the groum
oor In order that "they may be royally en
ct tallied and ever thereafter forget to do
xcr a lecture xxhcn the nobles arc lifted
ilnutcs late returning from the shrlno meet
ngs. "
meeting Is to bo hold on Thursday oven
ig at 7 30 o'clock for a full dress rehearsal
o complete all details for the session and ti
athcr In volunteers for the Arab patrol
'ho ceremonial session will occur on Frlda ;
fttrnoon , beginning at C o'clock. The ban
net will bo serxed promptly al 8 o'clocl
11 tha evening at the Commercial club. Ad
ulsslon will bo by ticket only. A rccep
Ion committee xxlll bo on hand at 7 o'clocl
o look after the guests and visitors.
Following are the chairmen of the com
ilttecs In charge : Gustaxe Anderson , commit
o on reception ; Henry C. Akin , commllte
n loasts and speeches ; R. W. Brcckenrldgc
nmmlttco on music , Robert Carleton , com
mitten on decorations ; Robert J. Dinning
onimlttee on entertainment. The commll
eo on banquet Is. Henr ) Hardy , Charles S
luntlngton , Fred W. Rlchaids , Ddxvlu H
erfccl , Louis n. Weltllng.
The members of the shrine arc making i
'Ig ' liuatle for candldattn In order to rais
nonoy enough to make a gooc * showing a
lie session of the imperial coun 1 In Dctrol
n June 8 and 0. At leist a carload ot Hi
ocal members expect to attend the session
'hay ' xvlll Join here llio caravans from th
'Csteru ' patt of the country The departur
vlll occur on the afternoon of Sunday , Jun
The Nebraska repiescntatlxes aio. Hour ;
n. Akin , Gustavo Anderson , Henry Hardy am
lobert K. French.
Knlnlils iif ( Ii < - Jln
W. H. Weeks of Scflbntr xlsilcd Omah
ast week and looked in'updn ' Goto City , Ne
iO , Thursday evening. p
The May entertainment and dance p'oniie
or ne.\t Tuteday eveijlng , promises to b
argely attended and fully , as enjoyable n
ho ono glxen In Marclla \ t. These havln
nx Itatlo'is can Fecuro tickets of admlsslo
t the door , or from Slr , ICnlght llubbarc
The Ladlts of the Maccabeca have piepare
, n elegant lepast on thqlr oxvn accounl
.vhleh . will , no doubt. 1P largely patronbei
'ho entcrlalnment xvlll cpnimenco at 8:3 :
m. sharp and will consist of a minstie
.rat part The proceeds xvlll be dexoted the t
ho purchasing of an outfit for the dcgre
' '
The committee on the plrnlc to Ulalr o
uno 11 has about completed Its arrange
nenU * . A xcry loxv rate has been secure *
"James of all sorts \xlll , boMnduJgcd'ln an
r.ash pi beg 'aVal'dod' tlie"xVfiiJier3 Goo
music xxlll be at hand 1or dancing. Ever
MO Is expected to tnk6 eufllclent edible
along or they can be pui chased at th
grounds. Tbla being the sixteenlh ann
orsary of Iho order the tents from Fromon
Tekumah , Missouri Valley and surroundln
: ountry Inxc been Invited to particlpale.
Washington tent , No. 67 , of1 South Omab
s arranging for a degree team outfit.
of tlit ;
Last Wodneaday evening at the rcgula
session of the Gate City nlvo No. 9 some (
the members planned a very pleasant BUI
jiriso for the lady commander , Mra. James V
Uouk. Shortly after the opening con
monies Mrs. Amy Hopkins presented her xxlt
a handsome bouquet o cut flowers , suppli
nented xvlth a xvell xvordo'd address , In xvhlc
the objects of the order xvero vividly brougl
bcforo the members. They were reminded i
ono of the prlino teachings , "wherein a
members are urged to display their icspec
to each other xxhile mingled hero togcthi
before the angel orator pronounces a beflttli :
eulogy over all that remains of their mort
bodlea when tho. spirit lus taken Its flight ,
Mrs. Bouk responded to the address In a fe
remarkfl assuring the members of her appr
elation of tholr kind feeling thus dlsplajc
A largo number of visitors xvoro prcsei
from South Omaha and Council Bluffs , and
templing luncheon at tlrp close of the mec
Ing served as a fitting svlndup of the occ
The members of Gate 'City ' hive , No. 9 , n
requested to inept In Labor temple no
Thursday afternoon at Z o'clock sharp f
practice and drill.
O rilr of Hii'TWo r 1 il .
Oil Tuesday exenlng , May 18 , a May par
and ball will be given by Illvorviow lodge , N
21 , Order of the World , at Forest hall , Six
and Pierce streets. . ,
The dramatic and literary entertalnme
given by members of Omiha lodge. No. 200 ,
the lodge rooms , Patterson block , last Mend
evening , xvas a decided success. After the 1
erary program xvas completed , a dance xx
given , the music being furnished by ' ' ? led
orchestra ,
On Monday evening , June 7 , a concert a
dance xvlll bo given by $ Myrtle lodge , t >
399 , In Myrtle hall. Continental block.
Ordi-r of KorcNlcrM.
The officers ot the court recently Instltut
at Homer are as follows : John L. Nlxc
C. D. ; Dr. D , B. Stldxxorthy , C. P. ; S.
Droxvn , C. II. ; Thomas "Ashford , Jr. , P.
U. ; Fred Wllkins , V. C.'H. ; George Douchi
H. S. ; C. F. O'Connor , Fi S. ; W. Winch , '
Oliver Smith , C. ; Fred Oluckxvalter , S. V
George Ford. J. W. ; JohB II. Clayton , S. 1
Fred Q , Chander , J , H.tiufii
The team xvlll visit Ctfttfls Mondamln a
Omaha next Tuesday nlgfifto Initiate can
dates. _ .jff
Iiiilciirmlriit Workmen of Aiurrlrr
Last Monday oxcnlflB Thomas Hobor
supreme grand maste ? asalsted by Depi
James Morris of Stellh&organlzcd a led
xvlth twenty charter iwynbora at Table Uo <
The follow Inc are tlioo(5Mrs ! ( chosen No !
master , S. J Jobo ; vlc4 tioplo master , W.
Mitchell ; secretary , H. t . looro , treasur
J , W. Dray , cucort , Loxvls rollers ; phyulcli
P , H. Droylos ; Inside tu7fd , F. W. Bain
outside euard , F , M Linn.
Hocrcl Soi
Alpb-i camp , Woodmen of the World ,
tends a cordial InvltaBfinJito attend a M
party and ball given Ti5f gli7 evening , M
20 , at 8 o'clock at Mj-tUodiall.
Mrs. 0. B Allen ofMlrclty xx-os elecl
a member of the bohfnjf managers of I
Hoyal Neighbors of Ainfrlci for a term
two years. The body -.vtiS In seialon at He
Island , III. f
The Ut-bokah lodge at VuVMrn recently
st'illod a ledge at Jolinson xvlth clghtc
charter members. The olllrers elected a
itu.talled are a follnxxtiMra John Wlrli
N. G ; Mrs A Jexxoll. V , G , ; MUs Warul <
It S. ; Mlia Jew ell , U S ; Ml'a Tolan , T.
lit- May ( \ill fur iliuVluil ,
A. H Olson and an unknown blcycl
xvero enjoylni , ' life lust night by racl
1 uloiu ; North Sixteenth street. They \xi
ordered lo Btop by a couple of pollcemi
but paid no attention to the order un
they at length fell In xxlth ono near ti
teentli and Cumlntr atreets. They xx <
captured and taken to the patrol box , 1
whlln u call wns belnjr turned In for t
patrol xvagon the wheolmiin Hiieccoded
making good lila escape. Tht ! man In t
buggy gave the name ot A : H. Olaen. T
xvheelnian'B machlnaxaa taken to the a
Tlio theatrical season mav bo regarded as
'radically ' closed In Omaha as ol'exxhcre A
attractions will bo offered between now
lid the hot xxeilher , but most of the tfaxcl-
UK orginlzalloos hue closed , nnd , so far
s llio local playhouses are concerned , dark-
ess xxlll bo for llio mosl part the order of
otli day and night until midsummer , xxhcn
he repertory companies will be with us once
gain "Tho Lilliputians' open an engage-
ncnl at the Crolghton tenant , and Georgia
ayx'an , supported by an excellent company ,
111 soon appear at that house Miss Cu > xan
, as not been seen In Omaha , since the SOJSDII
f 1834-5 xvas opened at Dojd's bj the
j > coum company In "Tho Ama/ono , " and
er return Is anticipated xxllh pleasuie.
If the entertainment ottered by Iho quect
ttlo people xx ho call Ihcmsclxrs "The Lllll-
ullonn" Is ot us diverting a character an II
as been on former visits , no theater goel
111 regret an exenlng tpenl xvlth them on
10 opposite side of the footlights. They arc
.11 . German , and when they have been heie
eforo they have spoken that language alto-
; ether In their performance , the occasional
fforts of one of them lo oxprora hlmswlf In
iiiRllsh only exciting afresh1 the risibilities ol
10 audience. They liaxo been Rtudylng 1'ng-
lali slnco thai lime , It Is said , xxllh the re-
ult that their dlaloguo U noxv moro com-
rcliLMialble. Bul dt Is of small consequence
hat language they speak , as a good rliaru ol
ho performance U in pantomime and a con-
idcrablo pirl of It Is spectacular , appealing
ather to the eye than to the ear. Their play
The Merry Tramps , " Is an extrnxaganza ol
ho order ot "The Brownies. " H la said to bt
orgpously furnished forth xxlth scenery anil
ccessorlcs and to be ono of the most clabor-
lo spectacles which the season has offered.
Although Ihe season has not been n flnan-
lally rcmuneratlx o one for the country ir
encral , and although the Omaho
lieaters haxc umiuiMllonably fell tlu
revnlltng depression , the attraction !
resented In this ctly slncu lasl
ulumn have been of unusual \arletj
ml general cxcellenco qulto extraordinary
loyd's opened last August with the Calhoui
ipora company In "The Black Hussar , " ani
ho Crelghlon about the same time xxitl
. "erguson nml Hmerlck in "McSorloyV
* XVIIB , " This statement Is merely by xvay o
Istory , and Is not offered In support of anj
vldenco tending to shoxv the high quality o :
ho ji-ar's entertainment.
The list xvhlch folloxvs , howexer , ( thi
tcuis being taken in the order of the date ;
HI proxo that Omaha theater-goers hu\i
'ared exceptionally xxell. Slnro the txxc
penlng attractions noted , the local public
as had the opportunity , xxhlch It has Ini-
roxcd to a greater or lets degree of hearhif
mong other ! ? , "Tennessee's Pardner , " tin
"rohtnan Empire lompany , the Hendersoi
> pera company In repeitory , the Columbl'
pera e ompany , Channcey Olcott , Julia Mar
o\\o and Kobert Taber , Hlcharil Mansfield
oyeph Jefferson , Otis Skinner , "Darkest Hus
la , " Kntlo nminel * , "Tho Gay Parisians , '
vtth Sadlo Mnrtlnot , W. J. Ferguson am
thers , "Trilby , " the peicnnlal "Charlie' !
Vunt , " Kathrjn Kldder In "Madame Sail !
Gene , " Lillian Hussell In "An Amorlcai
ieauty , " "In Gay New York , " with a grea :
: ast , a company headed by A. S. Llpman li
In Mlzzoura , " Walker Whlteslde , Stexi
'irodlo ' , "Thoroughbred , " "The Prisoner o
5enda , " "Hob Hey , " "The Black Crook , '
The Twelve Temptations , " "Tho Girl :
eft Behind Me , " Sol Smith Iluuoll , Ma :
rxxln , xx ho tried her noxv plcco , "Couitei
nto Court , " on the Omnha "dog , " Palmei
Cox's "Broxxniey , " Hddlo Fey , Nat C. Good
, xln , "The Lady Slavey , " "Pudd'nhead Wll
,011 , , " Frederick Wardo , "Alabama , " Cla ;
loment , Emily Bancker , Hal Held li
'Human Hearts , " Hopkins' Vaudevilles
lancroft , the magician , Hojt's "A Blacl
beep , " Frank Daniels in "Tho Wizard of tin
Wlo , " Francis Wilson In "Half a King,1
leland Hoed , Clasy Flt/gerald , "Chlmml
i'adilen , " "For X alr Virginia , " James O'Nell
'My Priend from India , " "Too Much John
: on , " Stuart Hobson In "Tae Juckllns , " Prim
ese and West , DoWolf Hopper in "El Cap !
.an , " and Margaret Mather In her fine rovlxu
f "Cymbellne. "
The benefit to Frank Lea Short last nigh
it Iho Crclghton , although pparsely attendee" "
anqupstlonably gaxo pleasure to the selcc
'oxxxvho xxcro present. An excellent prograrr
musical and diamitic , xxai provided , includ
ing piano solos by Don M. Long , a vocal sol
by Homer Moore , violin solos by Franz Adel
mann and Hana Albert , a recitation by Mrs
Mathcson , a solo on the harp by Miss Lowi
musio by the Trinity quartet and Iwo play ;
"Nance Oldflcld , " a one-acl comedy by II
B. Pealtle , and W. S. Gilbert's charmlu
'Sxveethearts. " Miss Klmball esperially ills
tlngulshed herself by conscientious xvork 1
the title role of the former , and Miss Orrl
Ober made a favorable Impression aa Jenn
Northcott In the latter play. Mr. Short at
pearcd In both pieces , and Mr. McKeon cor
tribuled a clever character sketch to tli
Gilbert comedy.
The Lilliputians will return to Omaha till
nvenlng , xvhen they xxill open their shoit cr
gagement at the Crplghton theater , prescnl
Ing their latest and greatest succens , "Meir
Tiampa , " xvith xxhlch they have scoied a li
In Noxv York nnd other cities. These Intel
estlng little folks are great favorites xxlth tli
theater-goers of this city. They are as fu
of fun , as clever and as bright as over. Tli
parts of the three merry tramps Joe , Jli
and Bob ore taken by Selna Goerner , Ado
Zlnk and Franz Ebert. Mlrs Jaeger plaj
the part of Mary , the professor's daughtc
xxhile Miss Lau and Mr. Walter make loIn \
In a realistic -vxay. Mr. Hlng to the nillle
Little Ludxvlg Merkel haa the part ot a mat
ape , a sort of Daixvln's mlralng link , causlti
no end of laughter wlOi his ically ape-lili
nlmbleness. The music ot "Merry Tramps
Is said to be exceedingly pretty. The con
prser , Mr. Carl Plelnlnger , conducts the pe
formanccs. The spectacular part of the pie
includes three gorgeous ballets the harvo
festival , In xvhlch ( lie dancers are costumed
represent corn , wheat , hops , xvlne , dlfferei
cereals , etc. ; the dance of the lights ai
lamps , Indicating the various forms of Illur
Inatlon of all nations and all ages , from tl
primitive stone and oil lamp up to the I
candescent electilc light of the present da
and Iho silver lace ballet , xvhlch allows
magnificent scenery of xvhlto lace , xvhlle tl
dancers are costumed In a mass of sllvi
ribbons. The Lilliputians take part In c
tlio danced. In response to the encores tin
usually earn with this specialty they appe
riding on Ihelr Shetland ponies. "Her :
Trarnjv < " | H raid to abound in Ingenious m
chanlcal devices , among them the pneumat
railroad and the table xxhlch turns Into
balloon. The pantomime In the second a
Is ono of the moat comical Incidents nf ' <
play. The roars of laughter created 1
Ebeit In the act of taking a shower bith ci
better bo Imagined than described. The mil
tcry ot the Lilliputians Is on exact that o
has not a moment's doubt as to xvhat the
gestures are Intended to express. Altogeth
a moro enjoyable and delightful performan
than "Merry Tramps" cannot be found ai
no ono should miss seeing It. The engai ;
mcnt Is positively limited to txxo nights ,
matlneo taking place on Monday oftornoo
The adxanco sale of seals began on Frld ;
morning , and has been laige.
Commencing with a matinee this nftcrno
and continuing for four nights , the realUI
American comedy-drama , "Tho Pulae of Ni
York. " xvlll be > presented at Boyd's.
Stella Ma > hoxv and Chris Bruno head t
cast. Mlw Mayhexv portrays six dlffcre
characters u young nelrcsa , a tough girl ,
down-east Yankee lady , a gresn Germ :
girl , a tjplcal housemaid , a newsboy besld
dancing and Hinging numerous Aongs. W
Brunoxvlll be remcmbsred as tha prlnclf
comedian of Charles H Yale's "Devil's At
tlon" company. There am many speclaltl
Introduced , Including singing , dancing , qua
let , solos , etc ,
"The Pulae of Nexv York" has a record
sixteen weeks In Nexv York City , twol
weeks In Chicago , and no less than six wee
In the other larger cities , and It Is nald
given noxx exactly o < 9 produced original !
Splendid scenery and mechanical devices a
curried with xvhlch to reproduce urb w <
known auJ fascinating pictured of life In t !
metropolis as the Illuminated Ilrookl ;
. bridge , thu elevated railroad , Herald aqua
L. by gisllght , and the Five Polntu. Two
I tbo thrilling iceoea of the piece are a stea
pile * driver lu actual operation , and the es
cape ot a nun nnd woman from de-Jtb by
hinging under the "L" track * as n train
over their hcaiK
? , itixir c.Aitnnv OIMMMI
Kxi-nl Chnrni-li-rlii-il li > lnr c >
uinl IXcclli-nt Mnli' .
A touch of metropolitan life was ndddl tfl
the city last night In die opening of the
SchllU roof sardcn. For many weeks pist
the electricians and decorators have been at
work upon the old garden xxhlch serxed tot
pleasure seekers last jiw and a wonderful
transformation has been wrought. The roof
of the- garden has been coxcred with n wealth
of ornate- stucco xxork At the Intersection1 !
of the largo panels In the celling i lectrollcri !
haxo been placed which spring from a globe
epresentlns the coats oj arms ot the com-
'any. ' The sldro of the largo garden haxc
oen neatly wainscoted , and the supporting
'olumns ' throughout ha\o been handsomely
mbelllshcd ami supplied with numerous In-
'Andes-cents ' The colors emplojed nro green ,
iltio and red and produce a rich effect.
The arrangements for serving tlif patrons
ot the place haxo also been much Improxod
ho old circular counter xxhlch formerly oc-
luplcd so much room has disappeared ami
; lxen place to tables t-mt chairs. The bai
or the handling ot liquid refreshments has
iccti placed in the norllnvcsl corner and the
thor appointments placed along the nortl :
Lasl nlghl Ihe garden presented a falrj
ipcctaclo xvllh Us moving phantasmagoria ol
eoplc. Its potted palms * nd llovxcry decora-
Ions. together with the strains of an oug-
ncnlcd orcheslra , xxhlch lent a festal lone
o the opening night. Manager Henry Llexen
tatcd that the musical attr.ictlonoH ot the
; ardcn would bo made a special feature dur-
ng the summer. The oichcslra Is under the
llicctlon of Franz Adelmann and will comdsl
f nine pieces. The orchestra i endured a pro.
: rrm of sixteen selections lust nlghl lu lit
irst boxv to the public.
J. T. Howetrce , Denxcr , Is a Mlllard gu st ,
D. Rogers of Ragan , Neb. , ( s at the Mer
F. R. Lamb of Chicago la at the Mil-
J. B. Hnrah , Creston , la. , Is at the Mil-
Judge J. M. Hall , Lincoln , lo at the Mil-
P. P. Kgau , Denver. Is In town , at the Mil.
C. Plattenhcrg , Chicago , is a Millan !
N. B Updlko and wife of Harxnrd are li
he city.
Senator Nick Fritz of Tender Is a xltiltoi
n the city.
H. H Compton ot Cedar Rapids , la. , Is al
lin Mercer.
Julius Ljons , Kcokuk , la. , is ! n the city , al
ho Mlllard.
B. Hlnschfield , Cincinnati , la registered al
he Mlllard.
H O. Lebs of Hastings , Neb , Is stoppliu
t the Mercer.
C. W. Peck , Concordla. Kan. , Is stopnluc
t the Mlllard.
B. F. Gcorgo of Mllxxaukco is registered
.1 the Barker.
W. L. Marshall nnd wife of Kansas Cits
ro at the Mlllard.
P. M. Mack of Rochester , N. Y. , ts stop
ilng at the Darker ,
II L Saigent of Cedar Rapids , la , is stop
Ing at the Mercer.
IJ. n. Blown , a banker ot Lincoln , is legis.
cred at the Mlllaid.
Vcrnon W. Peck , Daxcnport , la. , Is reels-
cred al Ihe Millard.
A. F. Bloomer , the poetic lumbeimau fron
York , is In the city.
George- . Evans and xvlfe , Ncxv York , on
u the city , at the Millard.
Mrs C. C. Yates ot Lincoln Is In Iho clt-
on a shoit visit xvlth frlenda.
Robert Copley left last night on a shor
visit xvlth friends In Chicago.
C. L Cole , Independence , la. , came In thl
morning and Is at the Mlllard.
Frank Sxxoboda icturned homo yesterda
from an extended eastern trip.
Louis Meta retuined home lasl nlghl froi :
a trip to Chicago and eastern points.
D. T. Mount and daughter left last ex en
ng for Chicago on a short visit xxlth friends
Gcoige B. Harris , vice president of th
Chicago , Burlington & Quliicy Is at Iho Mil
Mrs. John W. Hosier fs Improving after
surgical operation performed on Thursda
morning last.
Sheiman Canflcld of Sheridan Wyo , xvh
has been In Omaha for a fexv days on bu ;
Iness , left for home- last night.
B. F. Perkins , a prominent banker of Shei
Idan , Wjo. , xxho has been in the city for
few days , re-turned homo last night.
Ncbraskans at the hotels : O. C. Andersoi
West Point ; James tjonklln , Jr. , Frnnkllt
Andrew Sblnn , Wlnside ; George B , Vallo ;
LItchfleld ; W. H. Gieen , Cielghton ; J. ;
McNelll , Lincoln ; F. II. Bailey , Nebrask
City ; Alex Weber , Lincoln.
James Grcenxvood , Franklin ; O. G. Bnlle ;
Bloomlngton ; L K. Myeis , North Platte ; I
M. Cooklnglnm , Humphrey ; H. W. Laflli
Wymoro ; A. H. Toxvnsend , Stratton ; F. A
Lee , Wellfleet : II. W. Parchon Sidney ; C. 1
Walker , Benkleman ; R. fi. Reynolds , Trei
ton ; W. B. Taylor , C. S. Fuller and J. I
nrfoid , Lincoln , and W , S. Walters , Beatrlc
are spending Sunday nt the Barker.
The German republican club xvlll meet i
Germanla hall ut 2:30 : Ibis afternoon.
The next regular meeting of the Technlc
club ot Omaha will be held at the Publ
Library building tomorrow evening.
Grocer PccU at Txxentleth nnd Martha wi
worked for tie difference between $3 xvor
of groceries and a $11 check In the tiar.
William Elsaeser hns been granted a pc
mil to build a brick Hloro al 2417 Sou
Nineteenth strecl. It xxlll bo a onc-sto
Milton Rogers & . Sons have taken out
permit to rover the alterations in their stc
at 1323 Farnam street. The estimated c
penso Ib $1,500.
A. M. Bluckwell , living at 1102 Capll
avenue , reported the loss of an overcoat ye
terday. The article was taken from I
room by name sneak thief.
Tomorroxv morning Judge Munger w
call the laxv docket In the United -States d
tricl court to arrange the order of the tae
which xxlll require a jury tin anticipation
ono being called by May 21.
Miss McDougal's class of girls from t
Young Women's Christian atisoclaUoii he
n picnic In Rlvervloxvi park yeslerday aftc
noon. Lunch was served and all In atten
nnco report a very enjoyable tlmo.
The pupils of the Central school , membc
of Miss McCarthy's class , held a picnic
Hanscam park yesterday afternoon. T
tlmo xvas spent In partaking of a sumptuo
lunch Hwlnglng and plaj Ing games.
Rex' . Newton M , Mann will preach tl
morning at Unity church on "Tho Case
the nvungellcals against the Heidlcs , "
illustrated in the proposed action of t
Youni ; Women's Christian association ,
The nctlxo members of the Young Womei
Christian association not wishing a chan
of basis , have been Invited to attend a mei
Ine to bo held tomorrow evening at the Fli
Presbyterian church , corner of Seventeen
and Doilgo ntreetB.
Recolptu at the cutitoms house for the pi
xveek have been thirteen cars of ore I
the smelter ; uhlpmcnt of china ware fr <
Germany fur ISamuol Burns ; shipment
marble otatuary from Haly for Guy C. Bi
Ion , and a shipment of woddlni ; pnaci
from Kngland for Mm , Florence Cox
The Lalrd-Schober Htoro closed up jcsti
day from 12 to 1 , to enable the sixty Kali
men now In attendance to cat Ihelr luiu
They- also announced lo close the Htoro fr (
0:30 : to 7 for the same reason , but It w
twenty minutes later before the doom wt
finally opened again and In the mcantli
the sidewalk In front was a seething ma
of humanity waiting to get In. The otc
was immediately filled and the doora we
closed again and again during the ovcnl
to enable those who wore in to buy wl
aoy sort ot fiutUfactlon. Such a thing b
never been known to he necessary at a
al * ot any kind ot goodi in tbla city.
Parts of Four Days Devoted to Honor'nj
Nation's Heroes.
Decoration of lirinrn on Sntiiriluy ,
Memorial JMTIHOHH oil Stiiiila ) , inn * .
l'urnilt > anil Oration on Aloii-
ilii ) lit llatiNi-oiii I'arU.
As Mcmorlnl day this sear falls upon Sun-
ilny there will bo lltllo or no celebration In
commemoration of the licrori of llio civil
war upon that ilny. The nctunl dr-eorntlou
of the \etcranV graxei In this city will tnko
ptaco on the preceding diy , Saturday , Mnjr
29. The memorial exercises \\lll bo held ,
In Ilaiise-om park on thi > afternoon of Mon-
da } , May 31.
This cotirue of proceiluro was decided upon
last ctonlng at a meeting of a Joint com *
mtttre representing all tlio Omaha posts of
theao oignnlzatlonsOrnnd Army of tlio He-
public , Sons of xn. " < n and the Woman1 *
Hellcf corp The meeting * a ! > Si M 1 "ourt
room No. 7 , In The Dee building , anil . .
presided oxer by Dr S K. Spaldlng Nov.
1/eroy V Brltt of this clly was selected an
tlio ointor of llio day. C R Hurmolstcr will
act as olllcer of the day The marshal of ths
pnrado will be chosen at the meeting of the
committee on Saturday oxcnlng next
On niday. May 2S , the pupils of all th
puhllo and thn prKato schools of the city
will take to their respectlxo seliool house *
flow PI A to bo used In the decoration of Iho
soldiers' graxos. The gra\en will bo dec
orated on the following day , Saturday , by
.arlous committees from the organizations
avlng In charge the commemoration. At
eon on tills day a salute will lie fired by a
limd of veterans under command of Sergeant
On Sunday a number ot the leading pas-
irs of the elty churches will preach sermons
f n patriotic and commemorative character
o their rongu'Kntlons. ,
On Monday will occur the real celebration
t Memorial day. There will bo n parade In
10 afternoon from the business center of the
Ity to Hnnscom park , wheio the exercises
111 bo held. The paiado will march out to
10 park early lu the afternoon. The organ-
rations Hint \\ero last night formally lu
lled to take part In the procession nro :
ho Thurslon Ulllcs , the Omnha Guaids nnd
10 Omilm High School cadets In addition
o these there will bi > a number ot posts of
10 Ornnd Army ot llio Republic and of
10 Soi s of Veterans and Bc\ernl bands anil
rum corps. At Hanscom pails there will
o held appropriate exercises. In addition
o the oration thcio will bo an Interesting
art taken by forty-fix o school girls Cacti
no will represent a state ot the union , and
111 assist In the dc'coiatlon of the graves
' the unknown soldiers There xvlll ah o bo Instrumental mid vocal music ,
oxernl choruses by the school children eon-
: ltutlng an Important pait of the latter.
AV < * tt'rii Iluiili'r < int hcri-il in ,
Mike Mullen , a hunter from tlio western
orllon oC the state , aim ted In to round
p the tenderloin dlstilct last night , mid
nbibed too much 1'cer Ho xxas found by
10 police In a. saloon near Ninth and
apllol avenue. At the station a mink skin ,
quantity of Ilsh hooks and lines , and
thur hunting equipment1 ! xxeio rouml In
Is possession. A giving the name ot
homiis Uiuna xx.i.s anested xxlth him on
usplclon that he bad designs on the hun-
er's pot jetbook.
"Wo hnvc numerous inquiries In ro-
garil to S. S. S. in cases of internal
cancers , such as cancer of the womb ,
stomach and bowels. When the dis
ease attacks these organs , the doctoro
generally admit that it is incurable.
Wo make no boast of what S. S. S. will
do in Huoh cases , as the following let
ters wo feel are worth more than vol
umes of claims that wo might mako.
Head them carciully :
NORWICH , CONIT. , Deo. 80,1805.
Atlanta , Ga.
GENTLEMEN : "Will you kindly mail
me your book on blood poison , skin
diseases and cancer ? My mother , 70
to 75 years of age , has a cancer in the
rectum. Two of our beat doctors here
hiive given her up. and Bay the sooner
she dies the better for herbelf , and if
she lives long she- will die in agony.
While I do not know that they are
wrong in their opinions , I am not sat
isfied with them , and believe your
8. S. 8. , if it does not euro her , \\ill at
least relieve her so she will die peace
fully. I got her started on your
8. S. 8. yesterday , and what I want of
your book is points as to bathing or
injecting. Will bo pleased to Lear
from you soon.
Yours very truly ,
Uox IC-i , Norwich , Conn.
Nomvicn , CONN. , Feb. 0,1800.
Atlanta , Ga.
GKNTI.KMEN : When I wrote yon
the latter part of December , my
mother was , according to the honest
belief of Uireo physicians , on her
deathbed ; the could not retain cither
food or mudioino on her stomach , and
it did not seem reasonable to think
there waa anything but death to ro-
licvo her. The doctors informed us
eho had n cancer in I.'io lower bowel
and there- was no cure for Her. She
allowed such vitality for a person to
be so near death we thought thorn
must bo something to help her , and
reading of others being saved by the
uge of your S. 8. D. , wo thought it
would do no harm. If not name goqd ,
to try it , so wo informed her of her
condition , just as the doctors had in
formed us , and left it with her to try
your remedy or not , as she saw fit.
tihe concluded to try it and from the
flrst dose or two , eho began to brighten
up , and Improve ; she can now get up ,
dress and help herself , and can eat
everything or anything she wants and
no distress from it. Wo all feel quite
hopeful that the cancer will puss away
in due time by the use of your 8. 8. 8. ,
which she will now gladly take. You
may make this loiter us public as you
choose , and the more BO the bettor , na
too much praise can not be given your
valuable remedy.
Youra truly ,
GEO. L. CnoBoiiovn.
The abnvois but a sample of the many
letters wo reccivo dally in regard to
various deep-seated blood diseases
which other remedies do not touch.
Contagious Blood Poison , ScrofulaEc
zema , Itheumatlsin , and Toiler , are ob
stinate blood diseases , and only a real
blood remedy will haveany effect what
ever upon tfiem. 8. 8. a. ( guaranteid
purely vegetable ) la a real blood remedy
and never fails to euro any disease hav
ing Itfl origin in the blood , it matters
not what other treatment has failed ,
Valuable books can be obtained by nd
dressing The Swift BpeoJUo Co. , Athu *
ta.Ga ,