Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1897, Part I, Image 1

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Combine of European Nations Antagonistic
to Great Britain.
Germany , Trance and Russia Work Together
Againat John Bull.
Transvaal to Be Mfttlo Independent and
Egypt Evacuated.
1VIII Slide l > > ( lie C/ar ami ( InI'.ni -
jicror i\oii TlioiiKli I'ulillo
e-nt DciniiiulH the
UllltHlI'OHlllllll. .
( Coprrlsht , 1897 , by the Associated 1'ress )
DI'HLIN , May 15 The correspondent il
this city of thu Associated press Is reliably
Informed that during the past week a dcf-
Inlto understanding was perfected by whlc !
the cablnetB of Oermany , Franco and HUB
ela will eexin reach the solution of the l.gypl
and Transvaal questions , and this will bi
done systematically In an ontl-Hrltlsh sense
As soon as the Greco-Turkish trouble IB set
tied the subject will be Jointly taken U |
unlcMs Great llrltaln In the meanwhile pro
clpltates mattcis , In which ease she wll
encounter the united open hostility ot tin
three continental powers. The ultimate on
Ject of the ngicement Is to force the evaeua
tlon of Egypt and the nullification of tin
I'rrtorla convention of 1SSC , and to put tin
Transvaal upon a perfectly Independen
basis France , In the settlement ot th <
peace conditions with Greece , will persist
cntly side with Hussla and Germany , li
fpito of the strong current of public opln
Ion * o tbo contrary.
Hotli the bills piopoBcd by the Imperin
chancellor , I'rinco Ilohenlohc , one reformlni
\ the right of assoclitlon and the other re
forming the military tilals procedure , nn
understood to have secured Imperial ap and that a cabinet crisis Is consld
ored to have been adjusted for a time. Tin
rtelch tog and D'ct ' would hardly pass thosi
mcasuies this st'tslon , being tired out am
anxious to adjourn at the end of the comlni
"w cole.
Tlesldes , In the Diet , the bills will nice
with violent opposition , owing to the agree
nient reached between the e'mpcror and th
officers of the German Colonial society , o
which Duke Albiccht of Mecklenburg 1
president , that at the annual meeting 1 ;
Juno in Munich a resolution will he passe' '
to launch a thorough agitation throughou
Germany to enlarge the German navy , th
aim being to equal In strength the na\
of Russia , and to ha\o a na\y two-third
the el70 of that of Franco. Mass meeting
for tills purpose w 111 bo organlrcd every
where * and the press will bo utilized Sev
cral political meetings on the subject ha\
already been held , ono of them at Ilngeia
helm , whcie the above program waa adoptee
Follow Ing the week's sojourn of the em
peroi and empiees at the clnteau Ur\lll <
Hear MeU , Ilmperor William , on h's ' wa
Wiesbaden , paid a short isit to Stras
burg tojay. The chinch bells wcro peale
ami salutes ot aitllleiy were fired. He vvi
received at the railroad station by Prlnc
IIohonlohe-LangcnburK , the goveinor of Al
sace-Lorralne , accompanied by the piincesi
his wife The emperor and the empresi
who was also with him on tli Is e > ccs ioi
weio heartily dice-red by tbo people Aftc
lunch at the governor'n palace their majestic
proceeded to Wiesbaden
A. high treason trial In the imperial cour
nt Lcliwlc tlila weelc brought out a numb"
of sensational details De-pot Master Me-l
ciceko of the artllleiy of Met ? was shown t
lia\o been foi years past In dose connectlo
with French spies , and espee-lilly with th
Kreneh police commiiraioncr , Ismeit , and
oonl dealer named Ilanno of Montlgny , t
whom Moll eelo hold all sorts of vulimbl
material , such as new tO | > a uf n'ucl's ' , fuse :
liulleis ust-d with the new rllles and lists c
the phns for e-qulpmoiit and moblllzatlor
Jlelnerko made enough money by this mean
to rotlio recently from the army and llvo n
the lnte > res.t of the proceeds of liU rascilltj
HeV H t.crtenced to six years and thin
months of haul labor , with lees of elvl
lionora for ten ye-ars.
Frlnco lllMiiaick lost twenty pounds I
weight dining his last lllne s. Di Sehwe-t
ingur , his physician , ha 01 de-rod him t
take tlio waters at Ga.steln this rummer.
Count von I rankonbe-rg , dining the weeli
made .i violent attack upon Ameilean oluc
in irgai Ino ind UN linkers In thn uppe
lioiuo of the I'riiHslan Diet , claiming that th
"Etilff Is polboiious and unfit for liunia
looet " Iho fe-dcratlon of mnnufactiueni ha
a nliaip piotcst to the I'ruxnlan coiiiinh
of crnimeree , MPH JJiofcld , warnln
linn agilnst fcendlng objects to the I'hllo
dclphla mutcum They argue that In vie' '
of the Dlngley bill , AmerlcaiiH merely wls
to Imltiito German inodela
At Iho International Alt exposition , Drrt
flci , the Ant-rican pulnteis , by unlvcis.i
consent , lead all other countries , Meterj
Molchcrs , IlleUok , lliidge'inan and Wools be
lug especially Urong
The stcerago ratra from Stettin to Ne-i
York lm\o been lalsi-d to 130 marks. Th
Ktrc-im of emigrantb pacing through th
de-pot at Ruble-bo , neai Spjiuliu , avoiagc
700 dally. There are fewer Huwlan Jovvi
The cmlfiants are mostly peawants fior
Kuthenla and Oallcla , dertlned chiefly fo
CanadH ,
HUM MIJ tHr Ti7iy wTFT SU-u.VTIO >
Jtiillnii llt'Klnx lo Minn IIU 'ivi-tli (
lilt } I'M1ITH.
' < 'P ' > rlKlil , U'J7 , lij the AiuocUttil Vtfm )
IX3NDON , May ISThe biiltun u reply t
tlui iioto nf llio ambarsadors at C'oimtantlnc
plo ffe-rliiK mediation , laying lie nould b
ri'ady to discuss the matter after the Grt-a
IJalram festival , which ends Sunday nigh
Justine * the fe-ar that the powers lu\o draw
n geiil out of the war tint will lint ha oas
to get back. Abdul Hatnlil'a answer Is eec
utmost to the point of Innolt'iice , n u inur
that of a eovorelgn with a powerful arm
behind him and ho U disposed to treat til
powers cavullfrly
Articles published In the prt-t
of the continent show that the Increase
lirfutlge of the sultan U the ihl ( concer
o ( the European eablnots , and the prospect
of an tffcctlu' c-iiforccmriil of gnirtvl r <
luiuu for the TuiUhh iipirc aru tbtreb
elogatcd to the very distant future
The Journal eles Debits declares that the
esult of the war has been to place Turkey
n a position she hns not hold for the past
ialf century , adding , "Her tremendous mil-
tary effort Is largely in excess of what the
struggle against Greece required H was
lone to refute- HIP allegation of decrepitude
and to demonstrate to the sultan's own sub-
i els and to those of the smaller states and
o the great powers that Turkey is able to
icilil her own against other dangets than a
war with Greece "
The IlrltlRh , Russian nud Austrian news-
lapers echo these remarks and It Is gener
ally felt that this fact will have to bo reck
oned with In the negotiations upon the con-
lltlmiH of peace. In the incanwhllp the pcot-
pone > mrntof the sultan's reply until after the
Ireit llalram Is Intcipictcd as meaning Hint
hlB majesty means that his army shall con-
tlniio \lctorlous advance until every
strategic point on the Othrya mountain range
Is In the hands of the Turks and that only
then will Gdlieni 1'asha receive orders to
stop fighting The resumption of flghtlns I'V
tlu > Greeks In Eplruit Is regarded as a fcollsh
move , and only furnishes Turkey with
plausible motive for refusing nn armistice.
It also hinders the progress of tbo peace
The chancelleries ale also occupied with
the difficult problem of how Greece' will pay
the war Indemnity which Turkey seems cer
tain to demand M Dolyannls , the former
Greek prime minister , in bis newspaper
sangulnely argues that Greece cannot bo ex
pected to pay an Indemnity because the
Turks "declared war otllclally without
provocation "
This view of the qucbtlon Is not shared
clsowhero and nn Intel national commission
to administer the finances of Gieece on the
lines of the similar Turkish commission It
mooted. The commission would , It Is pro
posed , sit at Athens and UKo over the
Greek customs tot the purposes ot Gcecli
debt and possibly for the wai indemnity
The sultan ot I'url.ey is now livalllng Em
pcror William of Geimany as a sender o
telegrams and as a patron of theaits Ab
dul Hamld sent a dispatch to Preslden
Faurc c-xpressltig sympathy with the fumllic ;
of the victims of the charity ba7iar fire , ant
the sultan has now Instuictcd Hdlicin I'asha
Iho Tuikish commander In Tliessaly , to taki
special care of the works of antiquity li
Greece and to prevent hla soldiers from do
Ing any damage1 to the-ni Tue Turkish gen
eral was further instructed to dispatch nl
the movable articles of value Immedlitel :
to the Ottoman miise-uni at Constantinople.
mtrrisii POI.ITII s L\CIC i.ivr.
t'lirlliiineiidiiM l'i ocicillntisro Cu
Clirl DIM oil ! of IVatnrr.
( CopyilRht 1S37 hj Vieoi 1'iiljllshliiB f'ompnni
LONDON May 15 ( Now York World Cablegram
blogram Special Tolegiam ) The absolute
deadncss of political affairs is the rncMt remarkable
markablo feature of English lite at present
Not since the starting of theI'ainell move
mcnt , seventeen years ago , has Paillamen
been eo life-less. It Is impossible to keep i
quorum at Westminster except for govern
inent business and ministerial meabiiics an
now pabscd in as many hours as , would ha\i
occupied weeks a couple of years ago.
The collapse of Gieeco has deprived tin
liberals ot one subject of contention tha
promised to insplio them to activity agaiiib
the government The panics are par
alyzed by their fatuous dissensions Join
Redmond , as a set-off to Mr Uanington'i
secession , promised a icvlval of obbtructloi
In I'arlHment , but ho and lilb followers an
as conspicuous ns evci by thc'lt absence.
The tory govcimnent lh undKputed masto
of the bltuatlou. It can do a.s it chooses am
its deposition Is to do n little as possible
'Iho session will piobably end in July Instcai
of being protracted , as of lite yoais , to th
end of August 01 September , and this thougl
a holiday of thiee v.ecks instead of the cus
tomary oua week , la to be given at Whltsun
The Iilsh landlords are the one class llkcl ;
to be neil t materially by the puscnt session
The ministers have consented to appoint i
royal comml&bion to ineiuiio Into the admin
Utration of the Ir'ah ' land acts They hav
done this In 01 del to Intimidate land com
inlbsloncrs , who have recently been icducini
rcnU to coriespond with the i eduction eland
land values.
The Irish mcmbcis of all parties , union
IstB and homo nil' rb united the other even
ing in demanding that Ireland icceive he
full pioportlon , equivalent to England's , un
der an act of the last session , making ,
grant In aid of r.Uro Irelam
had been offered 150,000 a ycai , whereas ho
admitted fair slmio was 780,000 Havini
absolutely no ausvici to nuiKo to this dc
iiiand , the mlnisteis now authoiitatlvely de
claio tint they have decided to concede Ire
land s claim In full
In England agrlciiltuial rates are paid b ;
the- tenants who , thoicfoio , iccolvo all thi
relief In liohuiil the lutes nio paid by th
landlords who will accordingly tecelvo hnl
the le-lltf. That Is the le-ason that the gov
e-rnmcnt libs conceded Iicland's demand
Juutlco had nothlni ; to do with It
TUUKS i\u ( ! AT ritivis\
Sill Inn's Pori-cx eillcito Siii-ri > iiilcr li
(1111 lirfl'liN.
ATIIFNS May 15-A prlvat } dispatcli fron
Atta Just rice-lve-d licn > says that the Tnrklsl
garrison at I'revesi , at thu noithe-in intranc
of tno gulf of Arta , whleh hat , bt-e-n bctde-gei
by Iho Girclv land and tea forces nlmos
from the outbieak of the war , has sent th
Greek arihhlshop and live notabilities of Pro
vcsa to the commander of life1 be'bioglng Gicel
army with a nirscngc raying tint the Turkisl
force Is icady to capitulate to the icgula
forces of Girece
In Iliinnr of ( > ' ( ( iiiui-ll.
UOMIJ May 15 The fifteenth anulmsai ;
of the death of Daniel OComikl ! was ob
solved today by a iremlcni mats cc-lehratri
.it . tbo Irish college. A duiped catafalqu <
healing the nrmn ot O'Connoll and Iclan <
ami the flguio of un angel with a fxroll In
scribed , "Emancipation , " wc > o placed lien
tha altar C.irdlnalH Vauhhai' and Satolll
several Irlbh and Kngllbh bishops and tli
pupils of the English epruMng colleges a
Rome were present Dlshop Keam > , formerl ;
rector of the Catholic university at Wash
Ington , and now bishop abbhtaut to tin
pontifical throne1 , delivered un cifctlon.
UrlllHli ( riilxi'iKiiiiiliitiK roliiinlilii.
LONDON. May 15 U U npoitcu that th
llrltish crulper Powerful , tald to be th
largest ciiilse-r In the world , will Hhortly b
Bent on a full powci run to Ne.vprk am
baek In omiilPtlon of the inn of tbr I'lilte-i
Statf.i cruldcr ( 'olumbla. The ? Powerful I
a Hrst class criilerr of 14,2 ( > 0 toiu and 25,00
Indicated boroe1 power. It la 500 feet long
hai meuty-onc feet beam nnd draws tvvcn
ty-tcvcii fret. It li credited with a t-pe-ed o
twcntj.tvo knotfl U U a tilstcr riilp o ( th
Terrible. It tan dtachaigtneaily 1,7,00
pounds , or eight tooh of metal , in a mluuU
It cairn * u irew of 810 iota.
American Women in London Now Give 11
Show of Beauty.
Riches of Mine and Loom to Craco th <
Charms of Nature.
Stunning Costume ? Astonish Even the
Habitues of the Palace.
IMiiiiN for Kiitcrdilulnur mill IlcliiK ' "
( crtiiliiril During : ( InSCIINOII anil
lip Into ( In * Siiiiinii > r Are
I Alrciulj I.ulil.
( CcpjrlKht. 1 < S7 liy PreM Publishing Company
LONDON , Mnv In ( Now York World Ca
blcgram Special Telegram ) The World1 !
fnslilon coricspondent writes : "Atner
Icons made acry bra\o show a
thU last draw Ing-room. The pretties
woman In the room was Lad ;
Nay lor Ley land. It Is impossible for men
words to give any idea of her magnified !
young beauty She was dressed aa AVotil
only dresses his beat beloved clients. In fill
ver tissue , Into \\hlch was worked real lac
with real lace flounce falling to tlio hem
utid her beautiful traln was turquoise bin
velvet , lined with blue satin , which wa
caught up by a trail ot full-blown pink rose
on ono ahouliler. while the other side wa
held on by a glorious brooch composed o
OHU pile blue sapphlic or was it a blue dli
niond surrounded by brilliants ? The who !
tog was so simple , jet bple'idld. In he
Inlr she were an all-round crown with peat
hluped points Hound htr neck were bev
ural necklaces of pearls and diamonds an
one diamond necklace bas on it a iait > c
( lower which was very eltCLtive. He
bouquet was of pink roses and white orchldi
With her were. Mrs. Tnlbor Scarlsbrick , wh
also looked cry pretty and was dros3"d b
\Voith all In white satin , cmbrolderpdvl !
diamonds and pearls and a bouquet of wnlt
oichlds. Mrs. Nayloi Leylund , who presente
woio some buaut'fu '
her daughtet-ln-law ,
old lace and haiKlsomo dlainon Is.
"Anothei sensation at tills drawing root
was the ( list appearance ab a bride of Mrs
Rupert Beckett. It Is not many years ng
since Mis B.ncst Heckett was the fashlo
and a lovelier woman was never seen I
England. Now she la dead and would al
most bo forgotten by her acquaintances i
not by her friends If It were not for a love ]
picture of ler by Edwaid Hughes. In tli
meantime Rupert licckett has married on
of the Taget family and the Pageta at
well known for tbcli beauty. This Mn
Rupert Ilcckctt laerj tall and hat , a mai
\elous air of distinction. Her figure is ver
good , not in the least like young girl" , an
she wears het dark hair thrown back trot
her forehead inery pictuies > que stjle Ht
diess was made by Paquln , and It had
white \clvct train falllns o\cr a white sail
frock , veiled In pink diiffon and sparklln
ill o\cr with den drop diamonds. As o :
namentH she wore pink pearla , her brldi
grcom'a gift.
"The duche-w of Manchester went throug
the room vcrv qulcklj. She is neveicr
trong anil cannot bear tight dic se , KO o
thl" occasion oho were a Mason dress t
black satin In empire ttyle with u band i
npaikling diamonds all around the hem an
diamonds en broldcrlng a very big collar (
black tulle Her diamonds were \eiy ham
borne , although they paled In splendor b <
sides those of the duche'S of Portland , wh
was talking to her a great deal , and wet
diamonds and peat Is vvhlrh would almo :
have beaten tbo o wlilch btlong to tl :
duchess of Mai thorough She wore quite
now diamond chain , which leally vva1 * wlu
might bo called a rope , for It corwlstcd (
enormous stones and was wound aiound lie
nitlc , with the endri falling in tabsels wit
large pear-shaped brilliant drops HE
sapphire and diamond tiara and nccklac
were also beautiful to bee.
"There was an Anicilcan present , a Mr
Rroidlcy Harrison , who I bad never hcjt
of before , but who woto a most wondorfi
drcsw of Mre Mason's manufactuie Tli
train was a sort of Venetian brocade of pai
pearly gtay , almost white , with slhci rui
nlng through tlio flowers This was wor
over a prctlj little fiock of white silk miisli
and lace glittering with diamonds and tl ;
dhmonds she wore In her hair and on lit
link were supeib
"Mi's Roosevelt also made som"thl ig of
pcnsatlon The hnd airid the day befot
at Warwick House ( which she .Mi'l anothc
womnii have rented for the season ) nil
brought with her hit I'aiiuln dr.H3 whlc
was teully wondeifully pretty A train r
Iho ilehest white ellk was veiled In whit
gau/o uppllqiio all over In hill , flounces , wit
little running trniU of babj ribbon , Tli
Clock that was worn with It waa soft whit
with c'litredenx of real late ,
" .Miss Van Warts diess waa particular !
handsome and catrled out In vety bilgli
colors The diess Iteclf was roso-coloie
entln brocaded In cmeiald flowers The trnl
was of emerald velvet with lining of brocad (
The lining alone cubt $00 $ and ' .he1 dress HBP !
mubt hu\o cost n great deal us the rui
broidery has tuKui neaily nil winter to di
.Miss Van Watt had n drawing roaiu tea c
her pictt ) house In South stuut , r.hbh eh
will leave nt the end of ( lie bcason to eUf.l
lish herself at Curzon sticot. Sha was en
ot tlio fortunate people who patitd befor
the quten
"Mrs John Hay and her daughter wer
both dressed lather alike , in pale Eie-i-n an
"Fiom a coclai point of view , as well i
musical , the opt i H ha * beui a falluio th
season. There wire empty baxe * on 111
opening nlgbi and empty stalls , a tlilu
which ncur happened In blr Augustus Hai
rla' time. The fact U , too many cooKi ai
spoiling the broth Lady DeGiay and Mr ;
Harry Illgglna and others on tlio commltU
all have * ellftere.u lde > ah as to the nianagi
incut , while u mistaken economical idea he
presented them from securing the eer\lc <
ot Melba and un English audience uot thai
oiifiUly musical will not go to hem opera ui
Ufh some stars are tinging On Tuesda
night the houeci was only half full , but a
Wednesday there wag rather a good lious- -
Lily , duchess of Marlborougli , lias taken
box for the eeatoD , also Lady Ensex , Lad
Colbrooke. Mrs Dudley LclchMta UomtUU
and Mrs. Adalre
"EMTJ one Is wondering what Mrs Brad-
oy-Mnrtln will do llor publicity will bt
er } dldlcult to carry with price , as before
licr ball watf boomed stfc was aery un-
Importanf person although cjrrjbody wlic
knew her thought her Tory pleasant Sht
o taken on opera box atid was there on th <
opening night , ablaze $ lth diamonds , bill
now she baj gone to Parla to buy some more
new drones and the layout for Lad > Crtt'
\en'a baby
"Mrs. Hnrrj Hlggina. aery popularAmcr
lean woniftii , of com so , has her box and sin
was to wear different dresses o\erj night
"Mrs Mackaj has a box OB u ual , but she
only has It to ghe It away to her frlenda
She will do nothing in tils way of entertainIng -
Ing or being entertained thld season.
"Mrs Arthur Paget Is .Hill In Paris ,
where she Is rti > lng three weeks to complete
her preparations for th' ser.eon. She Is bu > -
Ing a great manj of lur drocses there , am :
also her fancy dre'M for the duchess cl
Io\otishlro's ) bill It M she1 who Is rewponsl
blc foi the ball , as the peisuadcd the
chcfcs to gl\c It , and Is getting up an
oriental quadrille , which will'be the feature
of the entertainment.
"Mrs Dudley Leigh has just settled li
her new house In Hertford street It ha
been repainted and redecorated and look
womlcrfullj smart , but Is an unusually bli
bouse for Mafal > - with a. quite linposlni
frontage. Mrs. Lclgli dicfsra a gicat don
In Pails and Is alwajs particularly smart.
"Mrs. Prrklnson Sharpe is atlll ll\lng 1 ;
her house at Palacegatc , but she has ba >
It redone , and \ery bsauttfully , Indeed , till
jcar , to do some cntcitalnlng. She is t
be presented at the next drawing room.
"Mrs Ogden Goelet , a charming lady , mucl
admired by the piince of Wales , and presented
sented bj him to the queen when flheai
nt Cannes , has taken Wlmborne hou o li
Arlington street for the season , a palatla
tnansicn lented at a palatial price 2,50i
for two months Lord arl Lady Wlmborm
ha\o gone abrond on aceount of Liely Wlm
borne's health , and so one of the flues
hoii'cs in London is to be let. Mrs. Oqdei
Goelet and her daughtci go to the diawln ;
"Mrs. Deach Grant has been so scrlousl :
111 that her daughtci , Lady Ess-'X , and he
son , Douglas Giant , ha\p l > e nciy anxiou :
about her. Rut she Is convalescent now , am
Is going to slay with Mrs Jfackaj for a fev
weeks in Cailton House Terrace. Mr. < im
Mrs Douglas Grant have taken No 1 Holtoi
street for the reason and ars clnperonlni
Mka Lulu Scott.
" 1'ilnce and Princess Albert Ridrlwlll ar
lived In Lcndon toda > . They have taken ai
opeia bo\ . for the season with Mis Cugen <
( liK-cii Aiiiiro\'N \rr.m r < MiH'iin fo
I Innlniiiiinil Julillfc.
( CninrlKlit , 1S07 , b > the .S-ssdtlHtoiI Pre" ! )
LONDON , May 15 The few dajs whkl
Queen Victoria passed in town gave a grca
Impetus to the season The crowds whlc ]
ai. cmblcd whenever her nt-jjestj drove ou
exceeded all records in point of Humbert
The queen seems remarkftblr well and take
the greatest iuteicst in preparations beIng
Ing made to celebrate licr diamond jubilee
Her majesty's outings were not confined t
drives in the paiks , hut In nn open innda
with postilions and an cqueriv on eithe
sideof her carriage she diova down th
1 names embankment almost to the city an
through Trafalgar square , the Hajmarke
and other hticets not often frequented by th
aovnelgn. During hei drives the queen wor
dark spectacles.
The festivities mapped out for the jublle
ha\e now received the queen's sanctloi
These will begl'i on June 20 , the date of he
majcstj'B rscetislon to the throne , Rlxt
jears ago , with a religious sorvlee at Froj
more , Wlndcor , the site of the mausolcui
erected to the meniorj of the pi luce conuoi
and the queen's mother , the late duchcts t
Kent. The queen und the ro > al family wl
be pie cnt.
On the Mondiy following , June 21 , th
couit will move In semi-state to London on
that evening thcro v/111 be a banquet a
Lluckingham palace In honor of the royi
guests. It will be follow eel by a reccptlo
foi Iho members of the diplomatic corps nn
the special envojs.
On Tuesday , Juno 22 , the rojal proccsslo
through the streets of London will bo th
great feature of the day and It will be fol
lowed by Illuminations at night.
On Wedii Hda > there > ill be a garde
party at Buckingham palace , to which thou
sands have been invited.
The court on Thursday , ( Juno 24 , will mov
In Eumi-stato to Windsor. . .Troopsnil ! Un
the route to Paddlngton station. Her mi
jest > will leave the train at Slough and wi
drive with an escort of tbq LifeGuards , o
waj of : : ton , to Vilndw , .taking this rout
In orJur to ciwble the Leiju ot the Eton pul
lit bchcol to rcreive heir mpjesty.
On Trlday there will be another banque
at Windsor and on Saturday will take plac
the naval review at Splthold , , which tli
queen will not attend , (
1,11. r HAI' .NO I.OVKII
- - -
Sir It. I'ci-I'K IiirnliiiiUoii HUN Vim
Ihlu'il mill Slit * AViuilH li > in- > 'il linn.
( Coji > rlElit 1W , by J'ris I'tilillslilni ; Companj
LONDON , May 15 , . < N\pw York Worl
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Mrs. Lanp
try a belated divorce causes only a me
mcntary flutter here , as the onto adore
Jersey Lily has teatcd ( o. interest Hnglls
society , The > old story that alio desires t
marry > oung Sir Hobert IVel la revived , bu
his Infatuation long > since lanlfhcd. Nc
Is Iho report more crcdb | ] | > that her latcs
admirer , the aged PrJnco J ftei hazy , Is like1 ]
to lead her to the altar. Fir more plauslb !
Is the thcorj advanced hyiUicsc aciiualnte
with Mrs Langtry tUal she simply de
sires to bo free partly for freedom's sake
partly In order to bo ready to deal with an
desirable matrimonial opportunity that ma
Should she re-enter they holy state. It wi :
not bo with a peunllwi baronet , how eve
handsome , but with some ono plentifully er
do wed with tills world's goods. Acqulsltlo
of money is her elomluatlng pacnlon It I
notcwortlo that the only record of Mr Lin ;
tr > 's position or views on which the KnglU
prras has to rely at this juncture U a
interview with him sent by me In tties
dispatches at Christmas , which Is plentiful !
quoted today UALLAJID SMITH.
PARIS. May IS. It U stated ( hat the dt
lay of the sultan of Turkey In arranglii
for a cessation of bWilltles Is duo to tli
direct advlco of Kmperor William of tier
maaj not to grant an armistice until tli
CJre > cltB ha\o again retraated.
( ri * < > lH lliiiuliuril .VlkiijiollH.
ATHENS , May 16. The Orceks have bee
borabaidlng NlkopolU uluce early tbla inorr
Dastardly Conduct of Mem in the Recent
Paris Holocaust.
Strike Down Defonsaloss Wonnn in Order to
Sava Thomsslvcs.
Namoi of Soma Ara Known Who Will B )
Under Soo'.al Bin.
MANY PARIS THEATERS ARE NOW CLOSED' rirrliiipMhloli fliiNt ! ! <
ItcoiiiiHtriiolfil llt'fure lli-liip ; lle-
iiliciieil rrciiolimi'ti HcNont
r'N ( iltt ( o Hrlli-f Kiinil.
( Copj rlKht , 1S97 , 1 > > l > r fs 1'ulillsiilnB
LONDON , Ma > Ifi ( New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram ) A sUnlliefitit
fact connected with the charity bazar lire
In Parts Is that of the 150 men present only
three were burned Their eocapo may lw\o
been duo to their supcilor strength and en
durance , or to their high hats , which broke
the fall of the burning rafters , but thenIs
another less Haltering Intel pretitlon. My
Paris correspondent writes :
"A woman , who has to thank her presence
of mind only that she- escaped the fate of EC
man ) othcis , and whom I saw the day aflet
the fire , told me of the revolting behavior
on the part of some man , whom sh was very
soi r > not to be able to name , f.o as to mi.kc
his shame publicly known She was already
near the exit and would have ln-en out of all
elangci In a few seconds but for nnothei
woman , a friend , who had nearly lost con
sciousness and whom she- was trjln , ? to ba\e
She had taken hold of one of hci limels and
had to far succeeded as to pull upr out b > it ,
when just as bhe had good reason to hope
that slio would be able , not only to cscnpc
heiself , but also rese-ue licr filend , a tall
man behind her got her around her waist
and tried to push her aside in order to pns
her. Forced to let go of her friend's baud
she turned and giaspcd the beard of the
cow aid , who was forced to pull her along
" = ho showed mo a tuft of hair which was
left In her hand when the man toie hlinsell
avv-ij with a jerk aftci thr > j reached the open
air evidently to cbcape being recognized
Her f i lend polished in the llamcs. Tin
woman afcsured mo that but for the eowardlj
action of the stranger they both , as well as
the man , would have escaped , as they were al
three so near the door.
"Tho papcis published other Glories' of the
same Kind A young man went to the bazai
with hK liance. In spite of her cntrcatici
not to leave her , he did so as. soon as the
alarm was , regardless of what her fate
would be She succeeded In saving herself
and when ehe got home , bllghtly wounded
she found thcie her heroic lover who hai
eomo to Inquire whether she had leturnet
and how she felt. She , of course , thnnkee
him for the Inteitet ho took In hei wel
being and Informed him that the engagemeni
vva-3 biokcn off.
' Neaily all of the visitors to the baa :
belonged to the upper "Pour Hundred '
Manj bear ii.unes of some of the oldest arts
tocratlc houses In Fiance , and their action- -
compare badly with the brave deeds o
some of the work.nen who happened to bi
near the scene of the citastrophe , and win
hastened thither to do their utmost In rcscu
Ing numbers of the people The countess o
Castcllane has contributed a million franc
of Jay Gould's money for a memorial hospita
for the traged } . "
Daioncss Goige d'llcuter was one'of those
who had narrow escapes. Some man behind
her put'hed so violently In his efforts to gel
out that he pushed her out , too , althougli
she h of rather portly build The h-iioneto
as Miss Maud Porter , was ono of ho pret
tiest and most potnilni girls In the Americir
colonj of Paris , and she used to go out vvltl :
one of the Kothechllds.
Mis. Dudley Skcs , one of the beauties o
the American tolony , has for the lost fou ;
years held a stall at the annual baiar li
aid of a religious sisterhood in Paris , am
she was prevented in doing so this jcar enl ;
bee-aim ) her time was occupied In gettlni
up Eomo private theatricals. Doth eho am
her husband are in great request on sucl
occasions , being excellent amateur artists
Mr. Sjkce Is also a painter of some. rcput <
and EOIIIO of his pictures arc in the saloi
this season. Ho Is a distant eonnettlon o
Sil latton Sjkes DALLAHD SMITH
< : i ii/rv or IIIUTAI , COWVIIDICI :
Scirrnl l 'ii Wlm Will Hi * Ilnrml fron
I'llflH MM-lclj .
( Cop } right , 1W7 , by the Associated PICFS )
LONDON , May ID. Tim Inquiry Into th <
flio at the Charltj bazar at Paris , May 1
has bean followed with the most keen Inter
est In nrlhtocratlc circles at the Trench cap
Ital. This has been especially the case wlti
the evidence thioulng light upon tliecowardl ;
conduct of many of the men The exninln
Ing Judge , iJI Dertclus , minutely Investigatei
the clicumstances , and It la ass rtel t-n |
the names of several men guilt ) of bruta
eawardlco nio known and .that they wll
never again bo admitted Into Paris Eocle'y.
Mme. Uaefell , wlfo of the painter , Jcai
Haefell , and who distinguished herse-lf b ;
making eeveial heroic attempts to rescue lei
daughter , who subsequently escaped , favs I
Is quite true that beve-ral > oung men , thrci
or four of whom arc known , behaved inutr
ably ,
A friend of Dr. Foulerad , who tli | > il whlli
rescuing a woman from the flames , declare :
that ho avv three women struck by men
One woman , who Is dying , was standing am
holding a ladder which had been let dovvi
from the olllces of La Croix , a newspaper
wlipn a man , In order to make her release lie
hold , struck her hand with his walking stick
breaking all her flngeis Another account
however , says fcho was paralyzed with ter
ror , and was blocking the exit.
M Achlllo Fould , a banker , sa > s that twi
men , whose names aie known , crowded pas
his wlfu , and ono of them struck her In tin
face A member of the women's commit
tee Rays a man , who 1s being held up by tin
nrwepapers to public admiration , was seei
slashing right and left with a ttlck at womei
standing In his way
The Temps , In an article on "Mascullni
SelflBhncfH , " comments on these reports , am
to what It dc crlbes as shameful conduc
of ( ho members of the flue arts bchoo ) , win
taado a disorderly scene among the women o
the school , The police had to protect tbi
Ouo sequence of the Pails fire Is the clos
ins of numbers of small theaters and cafe *
cr Toi-crnst pf Bt > rtu < kn
RSB Vnlf South \\lml
1. Trlpnrtltc AfiSflltli < li Cmnlilnc.
AinrrlrniivV Mut DriuliiK Itoiiin ,
liilr ( ' < > ir l Vlio 1'nrU I'lrn.
Vlrturln SlirH H < r l-i- < 'litinr .
3 Cornell DprlRrHiK Nnv > l Cmlotl.
ItiintiiH Uliit EfXti I iiturlt ) Hue.
n. 1'iiT'nliiit jHM * 1 > ilitttliiii *
AliiiitniiiMit KBir o W i lilii t.i t.
t. l.atl VVi'i-l H f mini soi Inl OlnltM.
MiKlpil > < ) lniiif the ult
f > . ltli'w of ( tie sitiiU | | Drpnt rniiiiltn. |
Am-rlciti liitcrcMtlll lti < Pro tritt il.
IiiilliinR M ( ! " < U U-'iiunml.
TO'IIKIII Trmt H Kno ' 'I O it.
0 , Coinu'll Ilium l.ocil Mitli-r-i.
Hniliil llunlci nt DiMihuiiMl.
7. I'.c'liltM fr.i n thn V it ' It Mill * .
1'rcp ir Uloil fur Dn-nnitlciii I ) ly ,
0. Coiintv Sottli'i I'ni r r.irm C'nm- .
10. Wiioiiini Ili-r \ \ tA mill Her World.
11 , "Tlirrp I'.n-tm-rn. "
Killtiirlil ii'iil 1111111111111.
lit Oin iliiN SPH ( } ivrr uncut Hllltdlnc ,
CtirdiuiliiRV of u ) - \Vi'R' ( .
1 % . I'liniincrt'l tl and I'ltiitulul NPVVH.
Iduriin In tlinlhl Wii il "
IK Ui' < 'lit > ( irUt of Spurttiii ; Cnsslji ,
111. In th VN.vrhl ( if Utilrlliu WliceN ,
an , " 'Murliiii'H Trlclt "
DciMlK f u rniiiium ( .rrrlc I.rinli-r.
clinntnnt The Pahls do Glace baa been
closed also. A majority of the Paris thfiters
ate deadly flretrtps and need utructural
changes , nven the stalls of the opera hoinc
arc not safe , owing to egress from them bclti
obstructed bv additional seats
The rigno's relief fund reached the sum
of 1,17SS2 ) frntics today , and the Happel's
reacliesl ' ! ri7,92r francs
While I'mperor Wllllim's te'legram tr
Picslde'iit Paure expresslim Hjmpathy for thr
families , of the victims of the fire made n
good Impipsslon , he made a false step in
contributing 10.000 fi incs to the relief fund ,
a his so-called patronage Is gie\\tb iventee :
and has elicited antl-Cierimn aitlelcu fiom r
large section of the French press , which if
suspicious of the motive ot the gift.
The Matin warmly protests ngilnst anj
Franco-German reappioachmcnt , bascil or
nmperor WIlllTm's elomtlon , vvhlcli It rcgird'
as a bid for Fionch support against Greil
Urltain In South Africa , declaring thil
France Ins no rexason to himper Oreat lliitalr
In that qu.iilcr , and congratulating M. llano-
tnux In refusingGermany's support in ev
thaiiRe foi Gci man support In DgMH.
The Solell and the Happel publlbh slmlUi
The Figaro , on the other hand , sajs II
does not hcllevo that nmperor William sent
the gift simply to prepaie for his visit to the
Paris exhibit of 1900 , adding that his majcs.
tj's act is higher. "The emperor , " the
Figaro says , "wishes to assure Germany , bj
the hegemony of continental nut ope , In face
of the rest of the world , that a great colon ! i
emplie is Indispensable to her Industries
His fii-st step Is to conquer , pacificlly , Parlh
which his giandfather took by arms. "
CiireloNNiu-NH of na Ilmi > lei < > lleKixiil-
Kllile for llii/niir Conlliitvriuldu.
PARIS , May 15 The origin of the flic or
May 4 last at the Charity bazaar on the Itue
Jean Goujon seems to have been established
A man mmcd Hellac , an e-mploje of the
elnematographr > booth of the fair , confessed
yesterday evening to having accidentallj
caused the conlligritlon. Dellac explalnct :
that finding the elnematograplic lamp burn
ing bidly he tried to nil It with ether. li
order to be able to see better he struck c
match , when the vapors Ignited and Instantlj
spread to the hangings around the apparatus
ncllac and hie assistant have been allowee
their liberty provisionally. The inquiry lute
the cause of tlio disaster Is now closed
ItcmsiliiN ol Duclirx < ! ' V It-m-on.
DIU3UX , Department of iurc et Lois , May
15 The icmalns of the late Duchess d'Alcn-
con arrived here today , accompanied by 2riO
relatives and friends , including the Duches1-
d'Orlenns , the Comtcsse do Paris and other
members of the house of Oilcans The Aus
trian , Spanish and Ililtlbh ambu'wadors ul ° c
accompanied the remains The body vv.ifi
met at the railroad station by the clergy and
tnunlclpil authorltle" ? , who escorted the
casket to the magnificently decorated Chapel
Itoyal. There a requiem mass wan cele
brated , after which the remains were placed
In the crjpt , to which only the French
princes were ml mitt oil.
foiiNiil'H Olllc'f IN It old , < > il.
LIMA , Pent , May IG. Kmlllo Clatk , tin
United States consular agent at Parlo , hai
published a btatemcnt that his olllee has beui
sacked and Important donumentH , money anc
other valuables stolen. 'I he prefect of pollci
denies thisand , eajs that the only seUurc wa
of the fiirn'tuie '
rciiiNtniitluc IN n ( DoiiiiikiiN.
ATHI3NS. May 15 A dlFpatch from Li mil
sa > s tliat the Crown Prlnco Constantine ha
not left Domokos
or A > INDIAN MI itiiitnn ;
Hull of A In < > < < , ( he IMiilc , IVIio Klllci
'IVn Ahllc M.-n.
KINGMAH , May 15 Alnote , the PJute
Indian wli3 ! ia In the last thrro dajs mm-
dcred no less than ten white men , Is de-ad
Ho met his falo at the hands of members ol
his own tribe , who wcro compelled by the
miners in Hldoiadn cdii > nn to tuiil flic mur
derer to death , tlio penalty foi tholr failure
to do so being fixed at the annihilation ol
every Pluto the mlneih could icarh
Right > ears ago a brother ot Ahvotc , vvhc
a few days ago murdered many vvhlto men
near nidorado canjoti , Killed a mall rltlcr
'Iho whites demanded that the inurdciei be
killed and Ahvoto was oidcred by the tribe
to kill him and bring b.itk eonvinclng prool
that ho had executed the order. Ho In ought
In ono toe and a part of an ear , but the
whites hald ho must bring better proof Twr
( lavs afterward ho brought the head of hie
Since that tlmo Ahvoto haw been morosi
and tuillen and lived apart from thu tribe
Three dajs ago lie took a rifle and klllei
Lars Fiaiibui and ilt'n Jcnes , tcanibtoin
Clirlntldii Ncilson and Charles Monaglun
miners , Judge J M Morton , assaycr am
mill man known all nvrr the eoaet ; Join
Powers andV Connolly , well to-do mini
owners , and three * other mm , naini'S un
known Thu killings were all cold-bloode <
The mliififj congiegatod In Kldorado can
yon and told the I'lutm that If they die
not bring In or Kill Mivoto they would kll
every Pluto they leacli MX Plutea Immcdl
i < tel > took the tiall and followed It to tin
placru where his victims wcro killed Fron
ildo to side of the * Colorado riser went Ah
votu on his pilgrimage of murder. The In
dfuna following him down the river fou in
where ho had made hta last landing am
trailed him ten miles up thu eanyem Inti
tlio inountalnt , where they crept up am
tliot him as he ; wan going over the
England's ' Qneon Shows the Wear of the
List Twelve Mouths.
Excitement Has Dlol Out and She i
Suffering from Reaction.
London's Reverential Homage Unnoticed by
Utr Gracious Majesty .
I'tilillc Pall * to UcNitoiut to tin * SII
Ki'itloii of I lie Prince | o Alii
( lie l.oiiilon Insdliidoii
of Ol
( tVp > rlcht Ita ? li > 1'rcM IMWlnliInu rompnny >
LONDON' , Mnv 15 ( New York World Ca-
ble'grnni Special Telegram ) Ue hearsing for
the > Jubilee- procession , Queen Victoria dreno
several tlmea during her three da > s' vlelt to
London this week In her four-hoi i > o carrlngo ,
with outrldcm and IMJIU tries , through the
crowded West Hnd Htieets On our of these
occnuiotis I chanced to obtain a very elose >
view ot her and I cannot corroborate diet
glowing accounts of her healths appearancej
and BiactoiiMiess of demeanor given In the
London piees On the eontrarj ulie seemeMl
to mo to have shiiink awn } to nothing slnco
In > it jcar Her face was denthl > pule Hvci
when pae liiK thiough theImmctibo ciowd In
Ilvdei park eho took not the slightest notice
ot the silent > e-t utipcctful hjlutatloiis , but
sat back In the cnittago , her face covered
with a black veil , looking btialght ahead.
As thehoises kept at ,1 stradv trot , lender-
ing eloso Investigation of the veiled figure
Impossible , tlie'ro was no le-nson vvh > the
fantastic suggestion made in tlio ciowd that
it was not the eiueen at nil nil ht not have
been tine
I again saw licr driving to the railway
station on her icturn to Wlndsoi , when she
agiln absolutclj Ignnied the lojnl demon
stration of her BUbJei'ts Kitting with hoi ejea
eloBCd , evidently dcalng
In court circles the effoets on the aged
queen of the intense cxeitemcnt caused by
the jubllco fcetivltirs iindoublrelly nro
watched with keen ajiprohi nslon. At Hist
the propaiatlons and bustle had a rousing ,
exhilarating effect , but the reaction has set
in already and the eiuccn is buffering from
great mental Irritation and phjslcal feeble
ness. The excessive prehMire of court bus
iness in connection with the festivities has
compelled the queen to sanction the employ
ment of a coips of btenogiapheib and type
writers to assist her pthato beeretuiies. This
Is an innovation ugainbt which she had
sternly set her face for jcirs , the cnnae-
qucneo being that her pi hate secretaries
have been among the baldest worked olllcialu
In nngland Iho nitre fact that she linn
yielded shows Urn. her autocratic will In the
management of her own nllal-s is at labt
being overridden.
It cannot bo alleged that rratltude for the
blebbingb of Qneon VUtoilat lecord relgu
has mnnlfetited iteclf effuslvel ) in tlio sup
port accoided to the eommemoiaUon funds ,
specially advoeated bj Hiyaltj 'Jhe prlnco
of Wales' hospital fund by which all the
London liohpltaln weie to be > fitcd fiom debt
and handsomely endowed foi the futuic , has
proved a Hal failure The Behemo was to
obtain between pledged annual huliHerlptloiiB
and Intcrtbt un invested capital , an Income !
of 150,000 a year Up to now the eapltal
fund only rcui lies 25,000 , while the ptopohed
annual Biilscilptlons are under 10 000 a yeni.
'I ho rival claims of the Indian famine fund ,
to which 150,000 has been subbciibod lu
London alone , me accountable paitly for
falluio of the prlneo ot W.ilts' appeal , but
that falluio Is albo Indieatlvo of u lack of
real enthusiasm among the monoye-d
over the Jubilee celebrations In Individual
cascn immense bums are given fen upeelal
objtclH. Sli Dlunilcll Maple , foi liibtunee , Is
devoting 120,000 to adding u new wing to a
hospital , in reward for which net e > f gon-
eioslty ho expects a peerage , an expectation
In which his f i lends think ho Is destined to
bo disappointed. A biewei fiom Hiirton may
bet deemed eligible to a beat In the glided
chuinbei , but not a fiiinltuic denlci from
Tottenham court loid The pilneesH of
Wuleo' fund to give dliiiieu to the destitute
poor on Jubilee day in a giealtr llc eo than
her hush mil's bc-hemc Uoth the pilneo ami
prlneeBs aio bitterly disappointed and nro
said to bo planning Home last de&pciutu coujj
by vvhleh to galvanUo their iiioposnls Into
life. OIILO Jubilee dny has pabted , all hopu
of succcfcu will \unluli.
( | Into I , mill ( ( iiiiiiilHHlon.
( CopjrlKlit IW7 , li > the AfiieluU t l'rm )
LONDON , May 15 'Ihcio IB a chorus of
denunciation fiom the liboiafaml natlonallnt
prcbH at the aiiiionnei'inoiil mide last ov < n-
Ing by the ehlef seerelo y for li eland , Oerahl
Dalfour , that a rojal rommlt/jlon would be >
appolnte-d to Infinite Into the worklngei of
the Irish land commlt-olim Iho momboia
of the oppoaitlon aceiiio thn goveinine'iit of
attempting to Intimidate' the Biibcominlfl-
Hlone-rH against i educing tales , and deelaro
that the new commission Id appointed solely
In the landlord * ' Intel eht , duo to the iov- ;
01 nine nt being alarmed ut the landlords
Joining the iiatlon.illi.tfl on the question of
flnane-lal relations between Ort-at llrltaln ami
Ireland ,
TriiiiHtiuil Iniiulrj % < -ai-l , > Dailcil.
LONDON , May IS The parliamentary
romtnlttoo whleh lm been Inquiring Into the
Transvaal raid In exported te > coneludo the
Hrst of Its Imiulry with two tnoro i > lttlnfH ,
when an Interim icport may bo mibmltled.
The inoinbe'ifl of thn coiiiinlf-tilon expcet to
accomplhh the Inejulry tills
MociniiilH of Ocean \rnNrlM ,
At I'hlludPlphlii-Balled-lthyiilund , for
Liverpool ,
At I.lveriKiol Airlveel Lueanln , from
New York , Sylvnnlu , fiom Uostein S.illeil
-Nonmdle , for New York
At New York-Arrl\e-I f'unipanlii , from
Liverpool , Ht. I'aul , finm Buiithampton ;
iltkla , from Copenhuircn HilUd Cam-
In lanii , for London ; Bchledam , for AniHtcr-
daiii ; Li HourcoKiic , fur HnvrtAller , for *
Ilrotne'ii , KmH , for uenoit , Amste-rdam , fop
I'uttcrilaiii , l''unie Hla , for ( } | a gow ;
nirurlii , for Liverpool.
At Alovlll' Arrlveel-f'lrcaHHlu , from New
At Havre Sailed La OaHeogne , for New
At 8outlmmpton-Bnllrd-8t. I'aiil , for
New York
At Hi einm- Sailed -FrledrUch
fur New I'o