Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1897, Page 2, Image 2

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    o Tins oarAUA DAILY PISH * yum AT , TSFAT ti.
of Omaha Impudence , and ono Now York
piper , in an argument Intended to clinch
the tnnttrr , pointed out that In the Ilorough
of Manhattan tlicro Is & building large enough
to contain the entire population of Omaha.
On Wednesday Hepresenlatlve Sherman , who
wan chairman of the Indian affairs com
mittee In the Fifty-fourth tongreM , mid to
the Chicago Tribune's Washington corre
When the Indlnn appropriation 1)111 wns In
conference recentlv I renerved the right to
oppoio the proposition to establish nn In-
linn MJppllenrohoucn nt Omnhn , Neb.
( 'onsenuenlly , when the report of the con
ference roinmltfe Is prf'enlr.l In thn noiiiw
tomorrow my efforts will be drooled to en-
comp-i-slnf lhr defeat of this innnmre.
When t finned tit" i" if rMiw report It \\n
with this limit r tnndlii f. J'rom whnt I rnn
lenrn wovlll bfe nbl to bent this Orrmlin
nuggestlon , nnrt I n.m more limn over fon-
vlnceil of Ih's ' t/nre ImrnlnR of the let'1 of
the cotnlnls lonoi nt Indian nffnlrse rnil
this minttroubl" ovrr tlie propo nl ic-
rnovnl of the inill-in stipp'los ' warehouse from
riilcnRO In til' Klftv-'hlrd rongress I wns
opposed to proposition then , mill no hl - *
JmS oetMiri > d slnop to muse n. rhnmje of
tny opinion. There Is no norpuslty for n
chance , nnil It bns not been icc-ommenilnd
by nny ono at the Interior department or
nnywhcre else My sole reiiet is Urn I I did
not Imve the loiter of Imllin Commissioner
llronnlnc to rend before the conference n
Tow days ago. ThiU rommunleitlon would
Imvo ended nil the hopes of tno Omnlin con
tingent so fur an the rifty-Hfth congress
might be concerned.
In the Trlbuno of Tuesday the letter of
Commissioner Drowning wan gl\en much
prominence and war evidently relied on to
Boltlo Omaha's pretensions It must bo read
In connection with the fact that Comtuls-
Bloncr Drowning Is nn Illinois man , nnd has
naturally nn lntcre t In the Rreat metropolis
of the Sucker state Ho has finco before
blocked the plan to hiivo established In
Omaha a branch warchcuse of the Indlnn
unpply depot. In his letter the rommlsslonei
uses arguments that were fully met at the
hearing before the conference committee
The Tribune of Tuesday says-
When the house take * up the Indlnn np-
nroprlitlon bill u bombshell will bo thrown
Into the ( -.imp of the ronsplmlorn who lime
been seeking to remove the Indian ware
lioiiso from Ohlc.iRO to Omah'i.
innn Cooko's visit to Wimhliwton has 10-
HUllcd In uncarlhlnc n strong letter from
the commissioner of Indlnn affairs to the
Beoretnry of the Interior on this yeiy sub
ject , unit when this Is rend In the house the
result must nercssirllv be to Hhow the su
preme folly of attempting to iemo\e the
warehouse to Omnh.t Commissioner
Drowning says that the measure Is one
which would result In no advantage to the
eovernment , but e ill for nn annual expendi
ture of from n.OCO to $10 COO for which there
Is no necessity
The rommlssloner shows that facnntor
Allen was Rrossly lunornnt of the method
of purch.isInK and forwarding liull in .sup
plies , as be evidently took It for granled
that Indian warehouses \\eie n-til as place's
of stor.iee , from whli-h requisitions are filled
from iiuntilltlc * of suiiplies kept on hand
AH a matter of fael lln"t > warehouse ale
only points for the rerpptlon of woods ,
whore they arc Inspected .itul Immrdlateh
uhlpped to' destination The aitlflcs c.illed
for are scheduled purchased In bulk under
rontraet and delivered l > y the contraetors
nt the warehouses In Net. York Chlrngo.
Ran Kranclseo , and sm-h of the prlnelpal
eltles In the west as prove most mlvm-
tngt'OU' > to tlio government bv reison of low
freight rates The commissioner si\a that
Omaha , under the iMespnt sjstotn , 13 used
us a slilppliiR ] )0lnt ) for rertaln supplies
which r.iu be advantageously aetepted at
that point , but the shipments are so small
ns not to call for a w.ire'iouse
In the rourso of his letter rommlssloner
Browning Hays : "Itlddeis are linlted to
bid on delivery of their coeds at New York
rhleaco Omaha , Knnsis City , Sioux City
and St Paul , but out of the millions of
pounds shipped annually to the reservation
only a fexs Items were found to be cheaper
for shipment fiotn Omalia It I" the ex
perience of this bineau that the bidders for
Hiieh Indian supplies as aRrleiiltutal Im
plements , furniture and woodenwaie , har
ness , wagons , p.ilntH nnil oils , tinware ,
Inrdware. Iron and nails of which large
( lilatilltlcs nro annually pureh ird and
uhlpneil to the Imll'in reservation ofter
much lower prices for delhery In Chicago
than In Onintia. Sioux City 01 St Paul"
The cnmmlsaloner further takes u full
out of the congressional mcUd'ers ' with his
depirtment bv savlup "I think legislation
of this character Is unwise as It takes from
this department the rlRhf of usulatlnR It- ,
inuthods of business which in the present
Instance ate conducted on lines of iconoim
nnd for the best Inteiest-i of the Rovcrn-
inent , and arc the lesuK' or years of ox-
perlcnce. Tlia law Rlvlui ; , to this depart
ment the illiaction of Innlan affairs pio-
vldos full discietlon In these malleiH , and
devolves upon the depirtmeut the duty of
the purrtnxo of Indian supplU" . This has
been done hctetofoio wllhout congressional
nctloti 01 limitation , aird I think It Is a
matter that should bo left In the dlsciutlon
of the depaitmcnl. "
This letter was written two weeks ape ,
but has been bottled up In the flies of the
Interior department , as Secretary Illlss did
not bolleve It proper to send It to congress
in the ab'-cnco of any liujuliy for his opin
ion. Now that It has been uneaithfd by
PoiiRrcssman Cooke so It cm be used dur-
IIIR HID debate In the housn the pinhiblllty
Is that It will put an cud to the scheme to
transfer the Indian warehouse to Omaha.
The news was sent out from The nee olllce
Immediately upon Its iceelpt from WnshliiR-
< oo. At the Oommerelal club a number ot
Omaha Jobhcis and tiailesmcn heard the
nous fiom The Ike olllee Thej got up and
nliook hands with themsehes , and at once
began to flguro on the Increase that thej
inlRlit expect In their iespectl\c brancliCH of
trade It was the consensus of opinion thai
thp conimuclat interest * of Omaha would bo
most materially aided by the location of the
supply depot hcie.
Ono piomlnctit man said"While Ihln U
cjulto \Ictory for Omaha , It la really no
moro than wo desert e. Hero Is Omaha , the
Raton ay to the Iransmlssourl territorj
Them could nol ho a bettor distributive
point. There Is ncarcoly a single tonunodlt )
that cannot bo distributed among the ludlans
better fiom hcie than from any other
point. "
W II. Alexander raid' "It's good news for
Omihii , nnd I hope the depot hoio will soon
bo Htartcd AB I understand tlio matter ,
Jiowcter , the tlmo for pljclag the Institution
in this city Is loft with the s-etetary of thi >
interior , tliu only pioxUlon beliiR that It
hhall he within a jeir. It was hard woik to
otcrcome the objections of Chicago and Ni w
York. The former city eapeclully luia acted
\t-ry foolluhl ) In the mailer , It appears to
me It has played the dual pail of a hog
and n big bahy "
Tlicro was unfolded Joy among Inn Omaha
rnllronders on the receipt of the news that
Oninlrn had won In the contest for the loca
tion of the Indian supply depot jostcrday
uftvinoon. All the rallioad men agreed lhat
11nH a Rooil Ihlng for Omaha , Ihe freight
tiallic men being eppcclally well pleased with
tlii ; prospect of Ihc nildltlonal ft eight that
the location of the depot at Omaha will
( loiibtltv-s glvo the Ouuha inilroads. Hero's
the way some of the intlicmd men exinmsiHl
Oeorgo L I.oomls , Arxlstnnt lo Ihe Ocncral
Manager , U. * SI It's a good thlr-g , and I'm
ilad Omaha has It
Hvcretl 13. IliicMngham , Supcrlnlondcnt of
Car Service , Union 1'acllle I'm Rlad to hear
that Omshn IIIIM the depot. 1J deserves It.
'Iho Union Pncllle Is prepjred to handle all
the freight the depot will want to send out
tb Us agencies , Ju/U what Increase It will
mean In our bualnutH I do not know
Clmlfa L. l.ane , Assistant ( icneral Krelght
Agent , Union I'aclllc I'm very happy over
the good news. Of course , > ou know I'm not
a demonstrative innu , hut my fuco It Ju t
wreathed In umllca over Ihln It will ho n
good thing for Omaha If It employes 100 at-
tHchus , ns leporteil. that \\lll mean nupport
hero for about < 00 more people , The dis
tribution or the Indian suppllru from hero
will naturally help the rallroidsi'o nro
Rlad of It , because It will swell our tonnage.
Of course It will not Increase our revenue ,
as government business on the Union Pacific
la not paid for In cash
General Charles I' .Mandeienn , General So-
llcltof , II. & M It's n very good thing for
Omalia , nnd I am very KUd of II , I Imve nol
icon the exact language of Iho conference
Keep on
If you want to. If you want
to cure that cough get Aycr'a
Cherry Pectoral. Jl cures
coughs and colds.
report , hut I understand the location of nn
additional Indian supply depot nt Omaha , any
tlmo within the next year , l left lo the dis
cretion of the tecretary of the Interior. As
Mr llllfo Is n New York mm It cannot bs
expfoted that ho will do very much that will
help Omatm ni agnlnst New York.
The majority of the prominent railroad
officials arc out of thp city. At their oftlces ,
howcor , various expressions of conirntula-
tlon o\er the location of the Indlin supply
depot here nero heard While none of the
railroad men llilnU there will he any Rieit
hoom In traffic on the oppnlnp of the depot
hero nil agree tliat lls prwence will ma
terially help to Improve buslnefn. The bulk
of the supplies thaLjjjIlI hereafter he dis
tributed from hero'thavc In the past KOHO
through Omaha on their wa > to the Indian
reservations The Rreal dlfTeronpo will bo
that the tni Intos wlll-hVUie future originate
here , and the competition for the traffic will
be atnotiR the Omaha representinges of the
various western lints.
TOM Mnwrn ATI : "TrsVAN vi SAUY.
W " linliiMl < .r 1'pi'nlij U-rlnti Clniroli
Crli'lirnli-N H 'rt-nlli Yi-nr.
Last evening the Vv'cslmlnster I'rcsby-
lerlnn church , Tvvcntj-ninth and Mason
streets , celebrated the tenth anniversary of
Its existence The handiomo auditorium wns
metamorphosed for the occasion Into a larno
banquet hall. IxinR tables took the place of
tlio powe extemlliiK down each sldo of the
church , all prettily decorated with flowers ,
and laden wllh all manner of choice vlanda
The annex to the main auditorium , located
on tlio west , which Ii usually separated by
a rnllltiK partition , was thrown open to tlio
pupils of the Sunday school , and here , around
a fretnl board of their own , the youngsters
hi'lil hlsh carnival. The church was other-
wicc decorated with potted plants and cut
( lowers.
Shortly before 7 o'clock , whcni members to
the number of nearly 250 had arrived , Mr
Warren Swltrlcr , duly appointed toastmas-
tcr , took li's position at the head of tlio IOIIK of white linen , and In a abort speech
announced the character of the celebration
Ho complimented Hev John Gordon pastor
of the tliurch , for his Industry In KatlierltiR
toRcther such a larpe flock during Iho term
of yens of hli pastorate , and roiiRratnhited
the iiK'inbonrt present upon the HourlshliiR
comlltlou which the church Is cnJojIiiR.
rartalchiR of the various delicacies was
next In order , pud Immediately followliiR
canio the addresses nnd numerous musical
selections wl.lch had been provided The
llrat on the musical program wns an organ
solo by Miss Ueymer A vocal solo by Mrs.
Hly followed , and then a violin , solo by Ouj
Howard nccompinleJ by Miss Annie Mc
Dowell. Miss I'dna Williams aUso sang n
couple of solos which were well received
William Itandall was next called for by the
toastmaatcr and responded with n congratu
latory address directed to the pastor and the
cotiRregatlon At the conclusion of the
speech Mr. Randall presented Dr. Gordon
with unhandsome act of books on Arctic
Hubert Larmcr. representing the uoinl of
deacons , spoke for a few minutes , and waa
followed by II L , KritMler , superintendent
of the fiumla > Bchool Mra Clnbaugh spoke
In behalf of the Ladles' Mhsiounry society ,
and Mrs. Gordon , wife of the pastor , for the
I.aillrs' Aid society. Darlcy Hall of the
senior order of the Young 1'eoplo's Society of
Chilstlan Kmlcator outlined the woik ac-
coinplinhcd by the organl/Jtlon. Mtos Cella
Wolcott a suinotl the same duty for the
Junior section of the same order. The fes
tivities cor eluded with an addrem by the
pastor , Ilev. John Gordon.
Jim AVIlHOii , or Dun llmiKfii , Sa > M III'
\\-iintoil In ! M > iitli Oninlin' .
DAVID CITY. Neb. , May 13 ( Special. )
Sherifl' Derby has In ciwtody a boy about 11
> eara old , who eeems to have been the pal
of some professional crook. Ho first gave
the name of Jim Wilson of 2120 Wabash ave
nue , Kansas City , and said ho was an or
phan and was working hU way lo Denver.
He s-os he haa been on the load about a
month , during which tlmo he told papers
In Kansas City and St. Joseph , and has been
at Plattamouth , Hamburg. Council Ulurfa ,
Wahoo and Ceresco. He afterward gave ths
name of Dan Leroy Mangcn and said hit )
patents icsiile In South Omaha , his father
bulng a pliustrrer He announces that ho
wai3 with Demcr Harry last fall and Carl
Cooper In Pl.itlsmouth , that Denver Hairy
and he were together seveial times , that he
does not want to go back to South Omaha ,
as there la a toward out for blm and If his
whereabouts were known ho would be sent
for , and ho would bo sent to the rcfoiin
pclionl. He sajs that ho went by the name
of "Dan UiB Klil. " At ono time ho worked
for a fanner near Cererco by the name of D
I' . Tuincy , but Turney ascertained the fact
of the reward being offered and wna going
to take him lo South Omaha. The boy then
gave him Iho slip. He appears to Know
by leputntlon and personally a numbei of
ciooks and Is evidently endea\orIiiK to escape
punishment for some crooked work.
NurriMV Ksc'iiiu * from Vsili | > xlntlnii.
I'.iul HurgeHon , a lodger nt the State
hot 'l , ne.uly passed Inlo the beyond
Innt nlKht over the giis route Paul \\iis
out wtl'i a number of friends unil ! a late
hour , nnd writ lo his room nnout I o'elock.
Half nn hour laler Ihe night eleik smelled
gas eM-iiplnir from llm room rind broke In
the dooi Hurgelson was nraggcil out nnd
resloralUes npplleil. IIo will recover , riur-
gelson WIIM hxler removi'd to tlio station , .is
the police believe ho Is the pernon who broke
Into the Omaha Hrewlns usioclatlon's olllce
about a month ago.
llomlM > iit Vet Alfred.
ST. LOUIS , Mav 13 It In now stated that
the southwestern lines , whose reprcHonta-
Uves have bren In Hc.sslon lieu- for so\
diij-H past , hnve not yet ngioed upon a plan
for Ihe leoig-nnl allen of tlio Southwestern
Ti.illlc nssoi'liitlou. lliich elaii"o of the
proposed iiireeiiient hn.s IICPII eniefully con-
Hldered and ivrtnln modllleatlons sngKesled
so us lo avoid Iho possibility of nnv Tm-
Illctlth the supreme roan's Interpreta
tion of the law In the tiaiismlnsoiirl cnse.
The conference icHunu'd work this morning.
Victims of n > Sim mill Holler ,
TIPTONVILL13. Ky. , Jlay 13.-A Kiwmlll
bolli-r e\plodeil on Iteelfoot river , sovnn
miles fiom heie , UlllliiK Kdwnrd Pi.tter-
HOU nnd Dink Hodges , white , unil two col
ored men whose names i-ould not be
learned. Thtco oilier men will die.
llllii < > > Onl nf tint lliu-c.
TA1.LAIIAB3IOH , Ha , May ! . Ilnnoy
wlthdrow fiom the .senatorial rnco lodny.
The ballot lesulted. Clilpley , 17 ; Stockton.
11 ; Horkor , fl , Hcntlcrlnir , 2 ; fid necohiiy | lo
a choice. Only ono ballot was taken.
it c vi , iiitivrnis. : :
The Parish Aid eoeloty of All Salntu'
church will meet at the chinch this after
noon a 3 o'clock.
lluiglars on Wednesday stole n harness
out of n barn on the premise- A. C. Me-
"SO'i ' Sherman avenue.
What the Jew Heads In the IJook of
Jonah , " will bo the * mibjocl of Hnlibl Fianlc-
lln's discourse at Tcniplo Israel at 7 13 thia
tu en I UK' .
.Miss Jcn.sen , 915 Jackson street , while In a
ciowil at .Sixteenth nnd Douglas ttreets
Wednesday afternoon , had a pockethaok COH-
InlnliiK $ .1 stolen from hir.
Miss Gertrude Cozad of Kolio , Jaian | , will
take part In the social shen by the Ladles'
society this afternoon In tlm parlors of St
Mary's . \\cniio Congregational churrh.
Dill Williams was ui rested lust evening
near Ulorcnth nnd Fatuain streets with a
couple of IIPW laprobos In hlH poasrssloa
They uio impposed to ha\e been stolen. Wil
liams was looked ill' .
Mrs. Oi'orgo H Clark waa arrctjied last
night for breaking Into the saloon kept bj
her hnsbaiid at Fouitecnth ind Capitol ave-
nui ! . anil during n quarrel breaking a show
case The woman was charged with mali
cious dfalriiclloii of property.
Mra Kittle Over had ipnsoiu to suspect
Inet night that her luifbanl was urcupylug
a room with another wnninn lu the block at
Fifteenth and Howard streeta. She accordIngly -
Ingly armed herself with a club and buttered
down Iho door of tbo room In which die
thought hi-r rot.reant spou ! > wan ciibiouced ,
Shy was urifsted for dUturblng the in-uit- ,
Wt'Jnt'filay H , Croft , a conductor of the
rrortlont , nikhnrn & Mlrnonri Valley railroad ,
had an rncountcr with vicious JOK IIIMI
riftoei'th and Howard utrrcts , Croft was
rldhm a blcM-le. Illi ilothes weie torn and
lie was bitten lu the h-g. The wound was
cauterized , Tlio owner of tlio animal hna
been liutrti''tei ! to kill it lu orJur tu titapo
State Board of Equalization and the Annual
Tax Levy.
Auditor Cornell " nM Some nf tlio H < % -
iliifllon In Viiliinlloii Itirln r
< bc l < itHl Tour 'learn Will
Hi * Hettirncd.
UNTOI.X , May 13. ( Special. ) Tlic State
Hoard of Ktiuall/atlon Is meellng every day
and considering the miestlon of taxation , the
larger part of the tlmo being taken up with
the railroads. The board U required by law
to bo in sc don until the ISth , and 11 13 pro
bable lhat the work will necefsltnlo one or
two meetings after that date. Auditor Cor
nell , ono of Iho members of the board , saya
that the rate of afsc'smcnt of some of the
railroads will bo Increased , and thai none
will bo lowered , making the lotal amount
larger than It was last year. Ho says thai In
the last four years the railroad valuation hns
decreased about $4,000,000 nnd that nn In
crease of $1,500,000 this year would bo about
right. It la understood , however , that the
members of the bonid are not all In favor of
this Incrccse.
The Nebraska Ilcfonn Prcea Business
association filed articles of Incorporation to
day , Hinting lhat the association would make
Lincoln Its headquarters , and would engage
In the bu.slDCpa of Issuing ready prints ,
soliciting advcrllsliiR and selling stationery
and printers * ' slock. The capital stock Is
$20 000 and Iho Incorporators nro Hrlc John
son D S. Dtiscnbery , Hey W. Ilhone , War
wick Paundcrs nnd J. W. liarnhart.
The Ijollrldgc-Hermanco company of Lin
coln filed artlclea of Incorporation today with
? 5,000 capital , the purpose being lo engage
In Iho wholesale ( lour and feed business The
members aie William W. Lotlildgc , Hairy
P. Hennancn and John N. C. Lotlrldsc.
Frank II. Myero of Company C , Second
reglmcnl , Nebraska Nalional guntd , al Ne
braska Clly , has been , appointed regimental
quartermaster. Jos-eph McQraw , corporal
of company K , also located at Nebraska
Citv , v\as reduced to the ranka. A bulletin
of Information sent out by the Nobra la Na
tional guaul today statci that noncom
missioned officers cannot bo reduced to the
lanl.s without the consent of the regimental
commander The bulletin. also shows
the method of proculuro In such
canes , which statca that Incompetency ,
nonatlcndatce al drills and neglect of duly
are sulllclent grounds for reduction to the
ranks. Olllcers maj aUo bo reduced at their
own icqucat.
The Uoaid of Public Lands and Buildings
finished lla v ork of examining wllncsscs al
Boalrlcc jcslciday and will resume the
hearing of the chaigca against Dr. Kail at
the blato hciiEio next Monday.
The University cadet battalion was In
spected jcstcrday aftcinoon by .Major lloorc ,
U. S. A. , of the Seventh cavaliy and Major
The double funeral of Mra Nelllo Curtlss
and her daughter , Mrs. Fred Shepherd , was
held at the First Congregational church this
afternoon and was atlonded by a laige num
ber of fricuds ot both women.
The fourth annual concert of the Univer
sity Glee club was given at the Lansing last
night. The club was assisted In Its program
by the Sutorlus mandolin orchestra of Omaha.
A lecoptlon and ball were given In honor of
Iho orchcslra In Courier hall immediately
after the entertainment.
Lincoln lodge. No 33 , I. O G. T , last even
ing celebrated the twenty-ninth annlvcrsniy
of Its formation by giving a Jnpancse soclnl.
The young people of the Plymouth Con
gregational church gave a Japanese wedding
pantomime at the Young Men's Christian
association auditorium last night.
Pi of. J. T. Lees of the State university
was ai rested yesterday for riding a blcjclc
on tbo sidewalk.
Omaha people at the hotels : Al Ihe Lln-
dcll C. W. HInzIo , II. C. nounlree , John T.
Yatcs , I. Harris , W. E. Johnson. At the Lin
coln John II. llartc , W. W. Lowe , S. G.
Couch , S. L. Kelley , C. W. Iltnzie.
Tim 1:1:1 : nusi.tnss ni.ooiv.s nim.v.
T mn of Stella IN VIslte.l by u DIUII-
iiKliiKT Klro.
STKLLA , Neb. , May 13. ( Special Tele
gram. ) This town was visited by a big fire
last night , beginning about midnight in D.
Stramer's dry goods store , which was a total
loss ; Insurance , ? 2,500. Other losses were :
R. F. Good's clothing store , most Roods re
moved , fully Insured ; II. Walrod'a dry goods
nnd groceries , total logs' ' , partially Insured ,
household effects saved ; Camblln Urea. , hard
ware and furniture ; J. G. McIJrlde. drug
fitoro , W II. Wheeler , hardwnie nnd fur
niture ; W. II. Hozref , dry good * and clothIng -
Ing , Vnndcvender & Overman , dry goods and
gr.-iccik-s , W II. W > ntt , diy goods nnd gro
ceries , were nil damaged from ? JOO to $300
each by rcmo\al of goods. The euppoalllon
la Iho fire wa of Incendiary origin. The
buildlngo burned were old frame structures
and bclODgcdclo W. H. Wyatt , Sir. Masse
and C. O. Gentry. The buildings were all
a total loss , with no Insurance. The fire
originated In a rear room of Stramer's dry
grod sloro , the walls apparently having bosn
saturated with kerosene. It was a calm
night , which prevented the whole business
part of the town from being buined. The
noutli wall of Camhlln Bios. ' largo hardware
store h In bad condition from the excesalve
heat , Ilrlck buildings will soon replace the
old structure" .
er of n Hotel In Crnnil Inland
Arroslcil on .HiiHpIelnn.
GUAND ISLAND , May 13 ( Special Tele
gram. ) A seirch warrant was this afternoon
placed In lliw hands of Sheriff Dean , and
laler , with the assistance of ex-Police Odlcer
Joseph Smith , be hearclicd the picmlses of the
old Grand Island hotel , nnd , under a stair
way , found a heavy chest. Under the chest
was a trap door , nnd this led to a small hole
In the giound , which , however , wne well
filled with silks and worsted dress goods , also
gloves , handkerchiefs , neckties , velvet goods
and three pairs of trousers. Some of the
goods were markoj "T. S " nnd "N V. " The
value of the lot Is about $200. The manaper
of the lieu > e , Jonas Hoynolde , was arrested
and Is In Jal ! .
ivmi3oij : 7s An.tivvr simiim.v.v.
I'rplliuliinry Iloiu-liiK' In llentrloc CIIHC >
IH Ciniel lilt I'd ,
IlHATUICn , Nol ) , May 13 ( Special. )
The State Hoard of Public Lands and Ilullil-
Ings continued taUIng IrBtlmony until 2
o'clock this moinlng , al which time an ad
journment wut , taken until Monday , May 17 ,
vlu n the hoard will reconvene at Lincoln
All of the evidence taken at the Institute
vcbtcrdaj , with the slngla exception of Hint
of I. A. Sheridan , tended to show that every-
IhliiR would bo linrmonlous at the Institute
If Mr. Sheildan were removed.
I'liiiriiuio ApplleantN Adnilttcil.
GHAKD ISLAND , Neb . Slay 13. ( Special. )
The board of examiners of the Nebraska
State Hoard of Phaiinac ) convened In this
city > u tcrduy with all members present.
The board of examiners consists of C. M.
Clark of Friend , A W. liuchhcll of Grand
Island , II. It Goring of Plaltsmouth , flrlff
J i\uns of Hnuflngs and Hcniy II. Harth
of Lincoln. The following applicants weroex-
umliifd John Anderbon of I'almcr ; 0 , P.
llaumann , rn-mont ; Frank Kline , Auburn ;
lit \ \ ' . A. DoMay. Danhuiy , Dr. II A. Hansen -
sen , Platte Ccnler ; W. 12 Morton , Kdlson ,
13. II Low la , Fall Held , A. W McKlnnon ,
Valley ) Di A. t , Mulrhead , Wlnslde. F M.
I'hehUB llcavcr City , H D. Richards , Nor
folk , and George W. Smith of Shelton. The
examinations luivo not jet been paused upon
Ilulli 111" Iliirirlnrn IlriiiiKliI Ilnrk.
ST. PAUL. Nol' . , Ma > 13. ( Special. )
Sheriff Lahouitrelumed last night from
Denver .vlth James Callvell , ono of the men
who In rvliniar ) broke Into the store of P.
t ! Shunbtrom , ktealli:0- : lot of clothing
The robbcni wcin afterward captured In
UamliiKU bud Jailed , but broke jail und
gained their llbiitj. A ulioit time ago Jones ,
ono of the burglars , wan recaptured In Con-
tint City and hrougbt back , and plead guilty
lo the chnrro In the dlsirlct court Sunday
the. sheriff Wlvwl n MeRram from Denver
nnnounclnR the capture of the second man
Ho started nt once to Lincoln , procured extradition -
tradition papers and returned with his man
last night .ILLs cxpwi l he will also plead
Ritllty and niSf both men wilt bo sentenced
by Judge Kendall this week.
Choose Mud I HO n for .Vctt runt pnlliin.
WAYNH , Neh , May 13. ( Special Telc-
Krim ) The Women's Homo Missionary so
ciety of the Norfolk dl lrlcl held nil inter-
estlnR Bcs n.iero In the Mclhodlst Episco
pal church of , tli'o oily yesterday nnd lodny.
Many matins of Inlctrst were discussed nnd
Interesting 'papers were road. About thirty
' " elites ,
dulfgates were prese'nl from"other
Sladlson wig selecled as Iho place for hold-
Ins ; Iho rexl convention.
Tlio follow In ? officers vvcro elected for the
tnsultiR jeir : President , Mrs. J. II. Lecdom
of PIlRcr ; corresponding eecrttnty , Mrs.
Clara Keller ; recording sccrelary , Sirs. II. H.
Millard , Wayne ; treasurer , Mrs. S. J. Horton -
ton , Stnnlon.
I'lnd Stolen Merelinndlse.
ITHACA. Neb , May 13. ( Special Tclo-
Rrntn ) Workmen cnRngcd this morning In
repairing the Methodist church hero found a
larRO assortment of stolen boots , shoes nnd
clothing etored away under the church. They
nrt > goods thai were ntolcn from W. N.
Smith's Renernl store hero seven or clfiht
years ago Several hundred dollars' worlh
of poods were lakcn nl the tlmo. The prop
erty found this morning consists of thres
pair of drawers' , Ihreo leather coats. Iwcnly
shirts nnd fifty palra of boots nnd shora. All
were In fair condition. Parties who were
suspected of thl i jobbery have served tlmo
In the penltcnllary hlnco and some of them
are there now.
rontrreniifloiiiillNt * n | Sjrnoiine.
SYUACL'SK , Neb. , May 13 ( Special. )
Last night n'arked Ihe clcse of n Ihrco days'
pcsalon ot Ihe Lincoln AtBocIallon of Congre-
gallonnl Clu.rclies , held In Iho CongreRn-
llonal church of this village , Hev. 13. V.
Gardner , pastor , presiding. The entire session
wns ono of great Interest to the denomina
tion. About thirty-five delegates were pres
ent The locll nllcndance waaRoood , though
greatly diminished by rain. The exeiclsca
clcoed with an nddicss from Kev. W. A. Scl-
Icckon the "Mayflower Compact , " which was
listened to with great Intcnot. Ilev G. W.
Crofts ot Beatrice spoke on "Our Polity an
Educator "
Cl\e UK * 1'iiNtDi- lllo t'li' .
YORK , Neb. , Slay 13. ( Special. ) The
First CongicRntlonnl church of York lanl
night cclcbiatcd Its twcnty-flfth annlvo'nary.
It was a pleaoant soclnl occasion. Brief his
torical sketches of the church , Ihe Sunday
school and of Iho various auxiliary societies
of the church were rend When organized
In 1872 there wcra just slmembers. . Today
Iho chinch liai ncaily 300 on Its rolls , and It
la In a healthy condition. Ono feature of
last evening' * festivities was the presentallon
ot a high grade bicycle lo the paslor , Hcv.
H. T. Cros , by the Ladles' Aid society.
( Jlrls mill HIM MVlni Griiiliinte.
COLUMBUS , Neb. , Slay 33. ( Special )
Superintendent W. J. Williams of the clly
schoolo nnd his staff of assistants are busy
arranging the program tor the commence
ment exercises , wjilch will be held in the
opeia houset Juno ! . The graduating claf.3
this year Is jmtch larger than usual and Is
composed of. five , boys and seven Rills as
follows Benjamin Davis , Anna SI. Dodds ,
Lois Early , Mettn SI Ilensley , David T.
Slarlvn , Carilo D , Parkt\ Fred Ilollln , Jennie
Snffron , August Wagner , George S. Wilson ,
Jennie Wilson , Winnie SI. Young.
I'laiit l'li > ( > of Po < iios. .
NORTH L ( UP'Neb. . ' , May 13. ( Special )
Notwithstanding 4he very low pi Ice of po
tatoes Inst ycnr the acreage being planted
here again this pcason will bo very large ,
the argument In favor of ao doing gcneially
being that ueldom , If ever , do two jcais of
minimum price conic consecutively Excel
lent teed of the bent standaid varieties from
last s6aE\jn's crop Is stored In the neigh
borhood and Is abundant as well as cheap ,
nnd this fact will albo be of Importance in
influencing th fahners In their"action. .
llriiiieli I U 1 11 lc t
YOIIK , Neb. , May 13 ( Special. ) The
Fii-st National bnnk ot this city hns started
a branch Institution at Bradshaw , lo oc
cupy Ihe field just vacaled upon Iho failure
of the Bank of Bradshaw It Is to be a
state bank nnd has nn authorized capital of
$5,000. W. E. Bell , assistant cashier In the
First National bank , will have charge of nf-
falrs temporarily , nnd George S. Cook of
tills city will take charge later on. A general
banking business will be transacle-d.
Old "Him Shot nnil IH
ORD , Neb. Slay 13 ( Special Tclegiam. )
Gideon Summers wns shot last night about
11 30 nnd now lies In a dangerous condition.
The ball entered the back of his neck nnd
cnmo out of his moufh. tearing his tongue
and knocking out ono of his front teeth. The
slifiotlng was donu by Walter McPhcrson , n
bad man from Boyd county. After the shootIng -
Ing ho skipped out for the sand hills. The
sheriff nnd posse started In pursuit , but so
far no trnco of him1 has been found.
Hlo\iN Off ( In * Itewt of HIM Finder.
GRAND ISLAND , Neb , Slay 13. ( Special. )
While attempting to show how his gun
didn't work , ex-Chlcf ot Police. Ryan's
weapon discharged and the 32-callber ball
took oft ono of his fingers. The accident
occurred In a snloon and a Sir ,
Alstodt came near being shot In. the
head. Sir. Ilyan'o flnger had lo bo ampu-
lalcd at the knuckle Joint. Ho had lost the
first joint of the s.amo finger jcars ago In a
railroad accident.
Iliirlal nf Dr. Luki * .
REPUBLICAN CITY. Neb. , Slay 13.
( Special. ) Dr , C. B. Lake was bulled here
today. Ills death was very sudden , his III-
ne&h only having lasted three davs. Sir. Lake
waa a member of Gould post. Grand Army
of the Republic , -which eider took chaigo of
his remains. Ho was a heavy dealer In
lumber and also had been feeding a great
number of sheep hero for Iho past two jears ,
shipping them from his ranch In Colorado.
I'ollee Klml Sliili'n ( iiodH.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Slay 13. ( Special. ) The
chief of pollct ) of this city lias Juat illa-
covend a lot of stolen goods which were
hidden In the Denver township hall , two
miles tioutli ot Hastings , Among the arti
cle. } found arc. a lot ot spectacles , ihlmblc. )
and gloves , all of .which have * the cost mark
on. U Is thought the goods were stolen
from wine nniall town In this state and
they nro being held for Identification.
DrnftN < HI a llioKi-n llniik.
HASTINGS.nNcll/ 13 ( Special. ) O.
N Phelps of York Was ai rested hero yester
day on the thirge of obtaining money under
false pietenjcal For some tlmo he has been
Issuing right idtaflH on tlu- Alliance bank
which lua been defunct for the past eighteen
months and was fortunate enough to get
ono of York's prominent buslntns men to
Indorse them Ho will be taken back to York
today , i ' _
Funeral , of ] .11 rn , Fiiureron.
CRETE , NebniTUay 13. ( Special. ) The fu
neral of Sirs , ( idorge H. riigeron , who died
on Sunday last , took place yesterday at the
Episcopal chur i , Uev. Sir. SIcKInn of De-
Witt read tlio.osryjces Sirs. Fugeron was
ono cf tlio old icttfcru In Dili county , having
moved hero frthVliiiffalo , N. Y , In 1872.
She leaves a lui bliiid and largo family of
grown up cliiliiioiil is
Win Oiuiiiiiiil l.oHe One.
CRETE , Nob. , Slay IS. ( Special ) Base
ball hns n new Inning In this city wince foot
ball IIIIH been tabooed Two frames have
been played this reason ut Athletic park.
The Biimo , JJncoln ngnlnsl Crete , re
sulted In u clean vlctoiy for tlio home
team Yesterday Huvelotk came up to
me.iHiiro strength wllh Iho homo team and
carried off lliu belt by 10 to 9. Both ti-ntns
phiytd alroiif KumeH. _
lloj KnllN froni Tree nnil llrenliM Arm.
RED CLOUD , Neb , May 13 ( Speclil )
Yesterday afternoon the youngest son of J
W Warren fell from ft tree and broke hla
right arm Jual above Hie wrist
Arrextril for A
BERLIN. Neb , .May 13. ( Special. ) Ted ly
upon complaint of Dick Klerchoff , Constable
0 , 0. Taney. upon warrant issued by A I1'
Young , justice of th& peace , arrested Henry
Spechl charge 1 with n criminal n siult upon
the person of Miss Margaret lluckholt , n
domestle In the family of a farmer named
Tlpp , living two miles southeast of thta vll-
Inge. The Irlal will take place Slondny nexl
llrl-S < i.illiiK'I'riitiiiin In .lull.
PONCA Neb , Slay 13 ( Special ) A dfp-
uty frhorlfr came In last night wllh Jnmeu
Hamtnc ) ! nnd Bob IlMtett , Ihe two tramps
who carried off the Iwo datighlcrs of Mr
Praelm nnd slsrlcd for the Black Hill ?
The men were1 overtaken several miles west
of HarlltiRton by Sheriff Brown and are now
In Jail hero on a charge of kidnaping One
of the elolen Rlrls M only 14 years ot age
Tlirer Ollleei Itolled Into One.
IJAV1D CITY. Neb , Stay 13 ( Special. )
The clly council held Us flrsl regutir meet
ing Inst evening. I. J. Went received Iho
appointment of marshal , streel nnd walcr
commissioner at the agreed pilnry10 per
month , for performing the duties of the sev
eral olTlces. Slartln Bowles was employed
as engineer nl the water works , at a salary
of $10 , a reduction ot $10 from the wagw
formerly paid.
Atlou Mmitler I'I-OH.
THKAMAH. Neb. , Slay 13. ( Special. )
The case of Dcvnl against Minnie Snjdcr
WAD tried In the county court jcstcrdny nnd
a verdict rendered In favor of the plaintiff.
The plaintiff sued for damaged In nn In-
juncllcn cnse , Ihe damages claimed being for
attorney fees In securing n dissolution of
the Injunction. The nttorncvs claimed $100
aa fees and the Jury allowed them $4250.
CIMI Illoi f n MjNtorloiiN
MASON CITY , Neb. , SIny 13 ( Spsclnl. )
Mr. O. II. Sloomey of this place lest a val
uable cow last night by some iujstcrloiu ?
dlseaoe. The cow vvs apparently all right
the night before nnd In the morning waa
ucaily llfelcus. A good veterinary wns
called , but could not tell what was the mat
ter or do anything to help. A poslmorlcm
examination rcvonled nothing.
Promotion for n llnllronil Anenl.
NEBRASKA CITY , Slay 13. ( Special )
II. D. Apgnr , who has been genernl aRcnt
of tlio SlIeEourl Pacific railroad nl Ibis polnl
for Iho last live > ears , has bepn promoted
to the general nRency of the St Louis , Iron
.Mountain & Southern , nt Slonra3 , La He
will leave for thai place In n fiw days lo
assume Ihc duties of Ills new position.
ItiilldliiK ii Telephone l.lno.
DECATUR. Nob. , Slay 13 ( Special. ) Ar-
inngcmenls have been completed for connec
tion with Tckamah by n telephone lino. Sir
Lnlta of Tckamah Is Interested and Repre
sentative H D. Byrnm of this place Is one
of the piluclpal stockholders The line will
be cent roll ed b > a sjndlcalo and pushed
Ih rough ns vaon ai possible.
I'lmlN Ills ( ioiiils .Stolen.
TAIRMONT , Neb , Slay 13 ( Special )
This moinlng when James Carl , proprietor
of the Racket sloio , look down some boxes
which ho supposed contained some fine
woolen undciwaio which he was EoltiR to
pack away for the summer he found them
empty. The goods had been stolen bltice he
last looked nt them.
IIn < tliiK > eliriiMl.n. Innd
ELGIN , Neb. Slay 13. ( Spoclr.l ) Th-jio
an probpccts of several sales of farm lan-l-s
being made heie this week to men prospect
ing from lown nnd Illinois Thsv are com
ing l.tre lo take advantage ot ihe present
bargains of land and bcem highly ole.iFul.
Tiep edict a bis immigration to Nobras.'a
Ibis 'all.
! IolHlnK < i > n Home nil Hall.
ELGIN , Neb. , Slay 13. ( Special. ) A. 0.
Ifolslngton , Iho proprlelor of Iho local mcnl
millet. Is homo on ball. Ills trends here
believe that lie had no pan In t'io ' ( .icallng
of Iho cow which was traced to hi" promises
and hope thai he will be able lo prjvo i'la
inuccf nee.
Clt > Aiifliitiiiints at Hell Cliniil.
RED CLOUD , Neb. , Slay 13 ( Special. )
The city council met last night and made
the following appointments for the jcar :
For street and water commissioner , J. F.
KliMol ; for city engineer , J. SI. Scllara ; for
city marshal , Roy Hutchison. x.
Tlilevi-H nt C M\I > H Are C
COWLES , Neb. , Slay 13 ( Special. ) Tlio
genenl merchandise store of Fuller & Good
In this town was broken Into on Sunday
evening and n quantity of nitlcles stolen.
The thelves have btnco been captured ut
Smith Cei tor , Kan.
Itolilier In TnUeii to l.lneolil.
PONCA , Neb. , Slay 13. ( Special. ) Sheriff
Hart yesterday started for Lincoln with
Charles Gloves , convicted of robbing SI. K.
Gamble's stoio in Febrnaiy last nnd hen-
tenced to servo a jear at hard labor in the
( iiinilinaiiHiiii Moves for ae Trial.
I'ONCA , Neb , Slay 13. ( Special ) Motion
for a new trial In the Goodmanton wife
poisoning case was considered , yesterday be
fore Judge Evans , who ha taken It imdei
advisement nnd will deliver hla decision to
Fimernl of Air. Unlier.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Slay 13. ( Special. ) The
funeral of Sir. Slaher , who died Tuesday ,
was held nt 2 o'clock this afternoon from
the Roman Catholic church , where the
funeral sermon was preached by Father SIc-
OM-r < lu > Corn.
TEKASIAH , Neb. , May 13. ( Special. )
All tlioso who have any quanllly of last
j oar's corn In Iho erib nro moving It and
picking out the spoiled corn In order to keep
the remainder from moulding and heating.
.Sill oo n In .Ne IIiindH.
ASHLAND , Neb. , SIny 13. ( Special. ) The
new town board has granted a license to Ed
Swaiidon to teil liquors for the ensuing jear.
During the past year John S. Nell ran the
saloon as agent for Omaha liquor men.
Clmrned vvllli ANMiuif tiiK u Clilld.
PIERCE , Neb , Slay 13. ( Special ) Some
Interest won taken in the tiial of Wilson
Hall yesterdaj , charged with nfsault upon
Iho a-year-old daughter of Marshall Goff.
Hall took a continuance for n week.
To un Without n Iim.ier.
MASON CITY , Neb , Slay 13 ( Special. )
Homy SI. KIdder , Iho only lawyer In the
town , will leave about Juno 1 for Scrlb-
nor , Neb , where lie will engage In the prac
tice of law ,
Mellll Vlslleii liy a llnil Ftrn.
STELLA , Neb. . May 13 ( Special , ) At 11
o'clock lost night a fire broke out which con
sumed seven ctores , about half pf the busl-
ncwi patt of the lown. The loss will amount
to $25,000.
Painter 1'allM from 11 I.ndilcr ,
TEKASIAH , Neb. , Slay 13 - ( Special. )
Dan Cornish , a painter , fell from a ladder
whllo painting W , W. Latla's residence. Ho
was badly Injured , bill not seriously.
Mlller-Tn > lor.
NEBRASKA CITY , May 13. ( Special ) -
SIlss Kale Taylor , daughter of Sir. and Sirs.
Joseph Taylor of this city , was married this
morning to A 0. Sillier.
Archb'shop Ireland Speaks Eloquently at a
Cleveland Banquet.
I'll } * n Trllmto tit I be ( ircndti" ! * of
A in crlm n IHMiioeriM.j
\ \ herein ll-s 1 (
eat Slrt-iiutli.
CLHVnLAND. May 13. Nearly 400 of the
leading business and professional men of the
city attended the annual banquet of tlio
Chamber of Commerce nt the Hollcndca this
evening. The guest of the evening was
Archbishop Ireland , nil Ihe others In attend
ance being members. After the bauruiel
President W. H. Warner , after n neat speech ,
outlined the achievements nnd prospects of
the chamber nnd announced the lonsls.
Sitintor M. A. Haiina responded to the
Industrial and Commcr-
tiuet , "Cleveland :
Archbishop Ireland spoke upon "The Sine
Foundation ot n True Clll7enshlp. " He
spoke In part at follows :
of America Is her democ
The grcntncES
racy0 Ainerlea , as no other nation.r. .
lpoil ) ! > - -
. . . ' America. It sulllces to bo > ii mnn
l omul In ettl'cn-
In this countiy nil men tire
shlp : then ) Is no civil < IP n vileW
for the few ; there Is no civil or I'o leal , In-
ferlorily for the many The peril ot Am -
lea Is in her dcmocr.iev 1 b-'ve IUJHPII
fullest faith In the democracy of America ,
lYei-imse I have fnlth In the people of Aim- -
c.i and because the democracy of this
countiy hns nmlxl lerrlllc trials pi oven s
right mill power to live. 1 Imve faith , too.
In tbo future democracy ot the vyorltl , bo-
ram ! ! , the manifest evolution of humanity
In toward that end and the Helng vvno
moves liumnnlt\ makes no mistake.
I ndiult Hint deniocincy lemilres ilpllciite
nnd coiiHtant c.ue and thnl UH H.ifelv will
be the revvniM only of never-ceasing vigi
lance So little Is democracy a cienlute of
common giowlh In bumanfly Hint umlpr
Deiiallv of loss of freshness nndlgor and
even of llnnl decay. It cinnoi be nbimlonetl.
unprotoeted , to struggle by Itself for exist
ence amid the prejudice- ! and | > .f * lon i Of
the nice. Those who prize It will anxiously
follow It. pledging to It.s worlb tlio best
thoughts of the mind nnd the warmest af
fections of Ihe heart Whence will coiiip
to demonicy the potency of morality'
With level ence I pionounco the sacred
A out conscience.
Conselenee rulinir , Americans will be a
law-abiding people , for lighleousiipsH com
mands obedience to law and proclaims thai
tin- law of the nation Is the law of Ibe Hu-
.ind of nations
1)1 ) emu Govcinor of nun
Alnilghlv Oed Americans will ie v'pit Hie
rlubts of tlulr fellow-citizens Conscience
bids them know thnl no one 1 yes for him
self nlonc nnd tlmt Hoclely. with Us lights
and Its Institutions , Is or divine mold A
ration without conscience Is n nation with
out soul The sooner the earth Is lid of It
the belter for humanity Nothing good can
come fiom It . ,
The brightestJiiges In our history spiang
from conscience. America's Immortal
heroes , heroes of valor , heroes of patience ,
were Insplied by conscience Conscience
lotl ' .metleans to leddeli wllh Ihelr blood
hundieds of bnlllollelils lo pieteive Amer
ica one nnd Indivisible anil lo make IKT
banner one of fieedom for all the cnlldtcn
of her soil. Conscience will lend Americans
today nnil tonionow to vvntch Jealously over
Ihe life nnd weal of their country , to
spreatl tbinugh Ibe bind poclal equality nntl
liar > plnc.s.s. to make \meilca Ihe filic-,1
and Ihe best of Ihe n itloiis of the earth
Whatever the dllTeicnees of conditions
arising from Inciinnllty of tnli ills and op-
portunltles. nil men , nnd nil el isses of nun ,
must be allowed their own. else all Is chaos
and dpith. Theie shall be. decile those
li-ptiu illtles , no w.11 fair Those who
give labor will give it honestly and faith
fully : tho. e who trcrlve label will remit l
In return the honorable tieatmPiit which Is
duo to men wearing thr honored Insignia of
manhood nntl of citizenship nnd the Just
wage vvhltli Is I idol's claim nnd light
Poveity will not losu its .self-respect and
wealth vvlll not forget Its duty to Inimanitj
There .ire moments when one's heiit
stands still before the Ihoughl of what
might come If Amci leans betinycil theli
cltl/t'iishlp of whnt mlKhl come to Ameilca
Itself , In whoso destinies mo vvi ipp"d up
our hopes , our loves ; of what might coinu
to llbeity In the , whole world , since liberty
foi other nations reads. Us tilumim or ltn
death In the tilmnph or death of liberty In
It is an election dnv In the land Twelve
millions or more of voters within a few
houia have pronounced Judgment upon the
affairs of the great nation .rts thpv decide
so vvlll laws be onarled. so vvlll executive
powei 1m put to use. In clly , stnlo nnd na
tion , anil im laws .IIP enicted bv the nu-
thoilty of voters and im executive power Is
used In the iinmo ofotiis , so will the na
tion be sw.ijod , foi life or for death , din Ing
succeeding yen is. Tal.e a.v ly conscience on
clocllon d i.v , let vott'is like Hie populace
of oltl Home , scinm'ile for fond and ple.isuie
democr.icj vvlll have given up the ghost and
either an ' Impoint'ir" vvlll li.impliupon
American llhcillts or anarrliy will give the
land Its lurid ( lames Ameileans , f < .u not
Conscience Is on Kiiard A gicat tilsls nilses
In Amcilcn , Huch as all nuiions may S-OOIUM
01 1 iler expel Icnoc , such ns tno enemies of
democincy Imve predicted ns ( citnln one
day lo put an nd to American democracy
Lord Mncaiilnv Ininglned a cilsls In Amor-
lea. "A crlHls , " ho vvrjtes , "will befnll It In
n hcason of hard times , when the masses
of the people vvlll mal.o use of thrlr po- power lo despoil the ilc-h and dlsin ] > t
hocloly "
Americans , fcnr nol. JIneaulay did not
know the people of America. Ampilc.i Is
Hiife. Conscience. Is on Mimril
Wlmt vvlll foster conscience In tin- citi
zens of AineilcaV I .UIKWCI religion n sense
of a Hupu-me leglslaluro ruling HIP -.vhole
universe , fiom the tiniest llowei to Ihe
mightiest sun , inllng man ami aggitgatlons
of men , rewaiding nnil punishing PatriotIsm -
Ism Is nevt'r so potent is when It | j Klcntl-
lied with icllglon.
The cilsls for ilc-mociaiv vvlll comt vvli n
comes the crisis for icllglon i\ll lllv
for America mo UIOSP when ngmntli iHm and i
maloiiallsni aie punched liTongb the I ind , |
when man is told lhat hi * IM but a plt-cc of i
mochnnlHm , which no fu-o wl'l ' controlH , '
that he Is but a grain of iliuil , tossed up i
for .1 vvhllu In Ihu ail , .scon to be ililvtii
hick Intt ) Iho common heap , b ivln no
leHponslblllly , no hope , H.W what el ly and
slones niounil him hive Kortunati'ly for
America , deep In the lieaits of Ann i leans
lies Ihe insllnc-t of lellglon AnuileniiH vvlll
ni-ver bellcvi * thai an Inllnltn Indulgence
does not lule the unlvtihc , that tinHOII ! of
man Is not Hpliltunl 01 Immoital Tiny will
never permit thai Ihe S.ilib.ith d ly be taken
flOIll UlO HITVlfO Of 1-OllHLlellCU lO hi ! Pill tO
the HPrvIce-H of matter , or thnl Its clinic lies
reawti Ihclr Inmvenly tniihlc. The enemli-H of
lellKlon me the cnemlcH of country nnd of
democracy. ,
After making n plea for moralUatlon of
youth nnd condemning sensational jouiaal-
Ism , the arrhblsliop closed as follows
Amt'ilruiiH , wo ! ov Anutlcn , wo fain
would make her gicnt ; our licnrtH * pra > i r is
"inny Him Im Immoitnl lo bless dining agin
uur SOIIH nnd Ihelr BOIIH and lliosc that will
Im born of tin m. " Let UH work for Amor-
leu , but lememberlng that nol In BclenccH
and ill IK nol In commciuc and nrmlts , miiHt
her trust bt > , hut la men Nothing moif
Hltliillleniit and moro v.ortnv of our need
than the words of our own KHICIHOII. "Tbo
tine test of civilization IH not tbo muses ,
not the Ue of ellli-s. not the crops , but
tbo kind of mull the country turns"
The other speakers were J O W CowlcB ,
ox-piosldent of the chamber , und President
0. T. Til wing "f Won torn Heservo unUeralty
Prof Tawing spoke of 'The Coining Cen
tury , " and held that development of the next
century would bo mainly along Koclologlcul
To Pearline Users Only.
You have confidence in Pearline. You
must have , or you wouldn't be using it.
But what do you do with it , besides the
ordinary washing and cleaning ? There's
a long list of things in which Pearline
ought to be helping you. Why isn't ' it
doing so ? For every purpose for which
you would use soap and water , Pearline
is better. You ought to be ready enough
to believe that , with what you must
know of Pearline. KM
Sparagus Kidney Pills.
Hnve Reached n Sale itf
Omaha and Vicinity
That is Simply
iit'Mutr.ns ' or noxr.s MM.IIisrnii :
.YntlihiK I.IKe U liver llenrd of
KIIIMMI nf llefore In
ThlN Oil ) .
Stop a inomiMit nnil think of It ! llun-
tltTtlt of l o\o t of Dr. llnhlw SIIJIIMKIIH
Klilnoy rills wcio sold In Oinnhti In ti
single ilny , nnd tlili of a ronii'dy lhat a
few tnonllilis MROa totally iinhoaul of
In UiU section of tlu state.
Had tlii'ie been no merit In Dr. llolilw
Sjiarnpim Kidney 1M1N. and luul all tlio
elalins niaile for tliest > pliu not been ver-
Hied , no anionnt of nilvertlxlntr. lunvevT
ItU'Ro , could have been the means of
produciiiK siR-li Ineredlble sales.
It nns simply a iiitestlon of metll , and
the enres effected by Dr. llobbs remedy
have been so iiionoitneed that those \\\w \
hud been benefited or enied bv ulnj :
lloblis Spant us Kldmvr Tills mld n it
relV.iln fiom reooinmendlnn thi'in to
their friends on all occasions , of COIIINC ,
the frank ami open handed honest man
ner In whleli llobbs Sp.u-anns Kidney
Tills were Intiodtieed In this eit.Is . per
haps another explanation of their suc
cess , and of their u underfill .sale In and
around Omalia.
Dr. llobbs says the Kidneys should bo
in perfect order to Insme wood health.
This Important fact Is nndetstood bv
Mankind suffers from the fact that Ihe
human pnillleis of the blood-the Kid
neys me not peiforming their wink
propei ly and. like any lilt of delicate
machinery that Is out of older , needs ic-
palrln .
H1 the kidneys don't lllliale all poisons
out of the blood. It Is because they ate
sick and \\eak. What Is the risiilf A
hnndied and one ailments 01 innate
fiom diseased kidneys. This shuns how
important It Is lo Keep your kldney.s
acti\e. stroni ; and \\ell
Hence , lf you are a sufferer fiom
backai lie , Kidney trouble , diabetes , din ] )
sy , iheumatNm. jionl , ueneral nins < nlnr
neaUnesss , in > nialjla. headiuhe , ueious
exhaustion or generally inn ilonn , K' > tu
your druuKist'.s at once , and nniKe the
best investment jou ever iuidi In jour
life , by piocnrhiK a ltoof Dr. llobbs
Sp.uacns Kidney I'llN. and In aicK's
time you will have uudeivoiie a change
for the belter that will sin prise jou as
well as jour friends.
C'nriItlinliler nnil Klilnp > TriMildrH.
Tlio Iloblit 1'llls which I procuicil fiuni Iviihii
.1 C'o , DriiKBli-t't , lu\e frntlj nlloxil my
lil.itldcr nntl Klilno } tinn ) > lu niul I i\n\\ li.\u ) no
pain from tint M > ur < e vlialt'MT
i : . Ij MAU'l IN. boutli Oinnhi N 1) .
"Curoil nf VITJ IMnil * lliu'U. "
I am Rlnil to ny I fool Kii-nlb In n. Ill I bv
Hiet"f nt llnlilis Hpirnmm Klilnt'V I'lll I I t
a Mrj 1 line Imtlv unil non I nm "ill n't ' ' ' 'I
one box of llobbi IMI.IKII" Kltlnrv I'llN I In e
icuimmuiilcil tlii-ni to olhorn K K HI NN
1J01 1'lciio .St , Omj in , Neb.
A Sure Cure Tor llneknelie.
I \\na 1 ilil up In Ix'ilsllli pnln In ins b irk
fmni Ulilncy Iiniiblc fni wtic | Tilna on'
araln slartlnK up. ninl 1 tonic jour s iinplc lux of
Spir.iMin Klilnry Pills nnil linu hid nn p In
sltiLO 1 am nuvnililni ; p\iry dn > 1 dull
tiiKe moro nf nuronibrful pills anil l m-
niLnJ tlicin to nil my filcmli
, iinu.M.v ni.vssi u
2115 h. IMlh at , Oman i Nib.
V Well KIIOMII Coniiell II In IT H C'ltl/eii
U I'll.-N " 1 DIMI'lllM \n < Ml lllKlil. "
1 luue li'en u cripple wllh iliiMiinulii < iii fir
mm ) , nun ) > e rj Till ufft n-1 Omlti * . tint nmo
nnlolil .iRuii ) , nt llinos the jinlii I 1MB unlionr-
able Not on ! ) ilkl I lia\o rliMim ill-in but
phjslolniiH said I Inn ] Ilrlmt'H ill-iiivi. I I iiirtv
I luul nuful p.ilnH In in ) lui'k nnil mv Kllnos
botliorLil mo tinlbl ) . A Hliuit tlmo at- I t , t
some of Dr llobbs SPIIIRIIH Klilni \ I'llN nt
ClonrKt S DiMs' ilniK stoio. anil Hi HIK I I
\\nnlil ID tlu'in ami rri > If llio\ \ \ < ro an > t" I
To my Miipilsc in ) ill.uinaHpm bail ilU ipp ui'il
unil my l.iiln's ln\o eta e.l In pain in > ny
more It miiM l > " > onr s-p u i ns I'llN II ul I <
rtxeil mo In sin b Komi Dluipf f r I nm n w a
coinparitlxoh will nnn 'ioiir pills ai nil riuht.
.IK lllluiiK
-Ti Vine SI . I'niiiull Hlnfl I i.
Dr. llobbs Spar.ijius Kidney Tills
rOU SAL13 11Y
llcllalilo DiuIgRlsts and Mliuial Wnt r
N. W. Cor. Inlli inn )
Oniiilui , Nub.
4ti I . 'imp fin r l nnil | inil ji i .
DIIYCII SvilDU IXUHMCI , 2fi WoAllwo , N V
All Druggists.
sTiiiiv , M\V in , aijio.
rcrfuiiuniKo ut luut 1 rlilny will ! > < > i < | itutcU in
UH rntlrtty
TU IvIVI'S , " . .c Ml IIK.IU'll.
On palo nt tlu * liti"III * i fi 'in toile
\ r.
huats on Sale U5c. fiflo , 75c , < I 00
The Mi
\inoilcan plan , (200 pordn ) up
ICiiropeaii plniufl.UO par day up
J E MARK bl iK SON , ProuH
When lou como to Omuhii eioi > at ( lie
TIII : mvr :
f2.00 a day house in the West.
Ifj room * 2 W jicr iluy ( o room * with butli ,
I ! SO | > er clay biicldl rutei by Iho moi.tli
WINK 'rV\lllt ( , MIII
l IIIH i r.m'i'ii AMI .IOMS : NTHIJICTS ,
113 room > Udlim , tlcaia heat unJ ull iiit/iJtin
ronvenlcntfj , UUPB | II. DO MIIJ (2.CKI per iluy
lab'H ' unocvlkJ. tin-clal law rjli tu ri'tulai
Irta.clerJ , DICK HMIT1I MtBautr
J6S-10-1Z I > IIUKU > \V M , 1IAIIII. Uaiugtr
! i w d fujiiln i Ml rooini l urupvun r Ainnlcaw
HATI.-S Ji co NIJ ii w inn nxr
fillt cat llnei conniot tu all curtu of ihn city.