Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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    THIS O rAHA DAILY UEE : TriSHDAY. MAY 11. 1807.
Text of too Formal Presentment Given
Oat at Lincoln.
Xncoiitnctcncr , Inxnliorillnntlnn ninl
I > lnroni > octftil Comltiut Allcprcil ,
Ti-llli Siii'i-lllcntloiiK Under Knch
limit InrinlrjIlcKlim Today.
LINCOLN , Mar 10. ( Special. ) The Hoard
of Pulillc Lands and Buildings baa nllovvei
tlio public to Inspect the charges brought
against Or. C. I' . Fall tot misconduct ns su
perintendent of the Institution for Feeble
Winded Voutli at Beatrice. The secretary
of tuo board state * tbat J. V. Wolfe carried
tile copy of the charges away to Hasting !
Saturday and did not remember that ho had
them In his pocket until ho saw the criti
cisms Itk tlio papers. Mr. Wolfe returnee' '
homo today. A copy was mailed to Dr. l'"al
l > y registered letter last Friday. The case
cornea up tomorrow before the board. The
cunrRiB flk'd by the board read as follows :
LINCOLN , May 7. To the Hoard of Pub-
Ho I.fuul.s und HulldliiKH of the State of Ne
braska : Gentlemen I hereby choree Dr. C.
] ' . Kail. suiHTlntcndent of tlio Nebraska
Institution for Keelilo Mind oil Youth , with
li.conipi'teney , Instibordlnntluii nml dlsre-
npcctful conduct iind misfeasance In otllce.
Further specifying wherein ho has been
Ktillly of tin1 same , 1 would state the fol-
icwlnir :
Incoinpotency : 1. The said C. P. Knll has
nhowii himself unable and Incompetent us
mipcrlnlcnilont of until Institution to conduct
the same In a suitable and satlsfantory man
ner , and has shown himself unnblc to man-
nee the siild Institution Is nucli miinncr us
to promote harmony among tiio employes
theri'of. "
2. lie linn shown himself Incompetent to
properly i-aro for the children placed in
Raid Institution nnd under bin care nnd an
n result two of aald children have lost their
liven \vhllii lie has been in charge of said
Insubordination : 1. The said C. P. Fall
tin superintendent of said Institution lias
failed ntul refused to comply with I bo
orders nnd directions of the Hoard of Pub
lic Lands and IlulldliiKS In the following
particular * , viz : ( a ) M. J , Kennedy or Nor
folk was dcslRimtod by raid board on Feb
ruary 12 , 1SU7. as n night watch
man for said Institution , but the
fnlil C. P. Fall has failed and
refused to permit the said M. J. Ken
nedy to enter upon his work , ( b ) Kred
Allen of nutlet- county was on February 12.
ISDi , (4 < lerteil by said board as a supervisor
In said Institution , but the F.I Id C. I1 Fall
floon thereafter reduced the said Fred Allen
to a position as attendant at a less salarv
than that of supervisor and placed In salil
Institution na supervisor n citizen
of Oltnivood. la. , all without the
IdiowlcilRC or consent of said board.
( c ) 'I ho Hoard of Public Lands nnil
Hulldlnn ? ; on February 12 , 1MI7 , ordered thai
the Ktewnrd In said Institution Miould keep
the books thereof , but the wild C. P. Fall.
In violation of said order , refused to per
mit the steward to keep said books , but
without Die knowledge or consent of the
Hoard of Public Lands and IJulldlnRH cm-
Ployed IT. Hush to aet as bookkeeper for
nnld Institution , ( d ) On May r , , I.si7. : said C
P. Fail refused to permit C. W. Pbelps. who
1ms theretofore been duly chosen toy said
board as nteward for said Institution , to
enter said hulldlnt * for the purpose of per-
foriiilnK his duties as such steward , ( c ) On
the filh day of May. 1SS7 , the said C. P. Fall
refused to permit J. V. Wolfe , chairman of
the Hoard of Public Lands and Hulldlnss.
to enter said building or to po throiiBh the
Bamo In his olllclal capacity , but attempted
to exclude him , therefrom.
Disrespectful conduct : 1. On May 5 , 1S97.
thni wild C , P Fall did attempt to exclude
, , ' V w"'fo ' chairman of the Hoard of Pub-
lie Lands and Hulldlnps. from said Institu
tion and did cause. Incite and permit the
other employes and attendants at such In-
iVlliU nw"s ° 'llsrpspectful lanfrua < ? R to-
Tiri'J rw , : 1 helps. II. A. Glvens and J. V.
Wolfe , chairman of the said Hoard of Pub
lic Lands nnd UnlldliiRS. I further choree
that the conduct of said n. P. Fall while
superintendent of said Institution , luin been
nuch as to brlnp said Institution Into dls-
Knico and disrepute , and has been contrarv
fn / ! ! " ' , i "Ba's ! ' $ the best ' " 'crests ' of said
tnitltutlon Its
, Inmates and the state of Ne
braska , j. v. WOLFE.
Or. Fall has received notice to appear In
Lincoln tomorrow afternoon and defend
nlmpclf. The notice was mailed at Lincoln
Saturday , but being sent by registered mall
did not reach the doctor until late this af
ternoon. I3r. Fall's attorneys will bo In
Lincoln tomorrow morning , nnd It Is under
stood will nflk for reasonable time to pre
pare n defense.
Last year the Security Mutual Insurance
company of Fremont , the Lincoln Life
company of Lincoln , nnd the Equitable
Insurance company of Grand Island In
corporated under the Insurance laws of
the state , paying State Auditor Moore
tlio fee of tlO each for euch Incor
poration. The
present Insurance cotn-
mltijlonor haa notified the companies that
the fee should have been $50 for each , and
has ' made a demand1 for the balance , the at-
to'rney general having decided from his con-
Dtructlon of the low that the full amount
should bo paid , The Fremont and Lincoln
companies have refused to pay the balance ,
claiming that a $10 fee was all the law
called for. The Grand Island company has
not yet been heard from. The Hankers'
Iloservo nnd the Hankers' Guaranty com
panies of Omaha have Incorporated under the
enmo law this year , arid pnlil the full fee.
The two objecting companies have consulted
Attorneys and wllf contest the demand made
by the cnimnhalpncr.
The secretary of the State Banking Hoard
could glvo very little Information concerning
the closing of the Hartley bank nt Atkinson.
Ho fiald that tlio report of Examiner Coad
had not yet been received , but that the
deputy attorney general had gone to Atkin
son and would today or tomorrow make ap
plication for the appointment of a receiver
fur the bank. The secretary said that the
bank did not have the full amount of the
legal reserve on hand when the February
statement was made , and was In no better
condition In April. Thu rumor that several
other banks had been found In which Hartley
had deposits , and tbat they were all to bo
placed In the hands of receivers was em
phatically denied by the secretary. Ho stated
that no other uuch banks lud been found.
A reiiulaltlon wna issued today for the re
turn of Jnmos Coldwoll from Colorado to
Howard county to answer the charge of bur
glary. The store of Perry ) G. Shanlstrau , at
St. I'aul , was broken Into on the night of
February 15 , nnd $342 worth of goods taken.
Caldwell was arrested for the crime , but
broke Jull nnd ran away. Ho Is now under
nrreat In Denver.
The first application under the now em
ployment law was received by the deputy
labor commission today. The applicant IB
Aleck Horunozeii , who liven at 812North
Ktchteenth street , Omaha. Ho writes that
his previous occupation has been that of a
florist , but that he la willing to accept any
kind of work. The law does not go late effect
until May 13 , but Mr. Horonozon got his np-
plication In early In order to avoid the rush.
Daniel D , IlorerH. colored , who several
wecks , ago shot and Injured Charles Moore ,
also colored , was today sentenced to eighteen
months nt hard labor In the penitentiary.
Over fifty Knlghta Templar from the Lin
coln commander/ attended the funeral of
John llwyer at Beatrice yesterday ,
Members of Ilellcf corps and Sona and
Daughter * of Veterans held a picnic out at
the homo of Thomas Stmtton , northeast of
Lincoln , thli afternoon. A shower Inter
fered somewhat with the anticipated good
George G FUner , world's secretary of the
Gospel union , U In Lincoln today , and this
evening will aihlrera a meeting at Goupol
tabernacle. Mr. Fisher has Just returned
from a mlrslon visit to Africa.
During the thunder storm tlila afternoon
two houses In the city were struck by light
ning and a few telephone circuits wore
burned out , but no serious damage was re
The University observatory wa to have
been open to the public tonlgtit from S to
10 for views of the moon and atars , but un
favorable weather has prevented and the
public will bo Invited sorao day later in the
Omaha people at the hotoU : At the Lin-
dell H. K. Kales. C. L. Uouffera. At the
Lincoln Frank Irvine , L. 13. Ballard , II. D.
In .lull for .Stfiillnur llnriircB.
OSCDOIiA. Neb. , May 10. ( Special. ) A
couple of fellowi arrived hero the other
Bight and/ / encamped near the home of L. L.
Snider , JtiBt mtt of town , nnd when Snider
went to hit barn In tie morning he discov
ered that his best harness was gone. He
made up his mind that the campers were
the thieves , and etarted In pursuit with the
sheriff , The men were captured near Slrome-
burg. They had the harness with them.
Sheriff Hahn brought them back and put
them In Jail. They gave their names as
John Biker and Frank Williams ; one to 18
years old and the other 19. They had In
their wagon two pretty plush robes. They will
have their examination na soon as Judge
Getls can get to their cases.
Fnrmor * Arr tinny I'ri-linrliiK1 for Ati-
nllicr Hnmitlfiil Crop.
ORAFTON , Neb. May 10. ( Special. ) A
largo acreage of corn will bo put In In tbls
section tbls year. Nearly nil the farmers
are now planting. The corn that Is In the
farmers' bonds Is In good condition. Win
ter wheat , for the most part , Is In splendid
condition. Pastures are well advanced.
Fruit trees promise an abundant crop.
NORTH LOOP. Neb. , May. 10. ( Special. )
Haln fell hero on Saturday morning to the
depth of ono-thtrd of an Inch and temporarily
rily made the roads qulto muddy. Whllo the
soil had not as yet become dry to any great
depth this fall of moisture seemed to freshen
up the pastures nnd gardens beneficially.
JUNIATA , Neb. , May 10. ( Special. ) A flno
rnln fell yesterday evening that will greatly
benefit the email grain and vegetables. The
hot weather for n week had dried the around
on top so that a shower was needed. The
fruit deco not show any effect of the frost of
a week ago and promises ono of the largest
yields ever produced hero. Corn Is being
planted rapidly. The acrcago will bo large.
KAHNAM , Neb. , May 10. ( Special. ) The
unusually favorable weather of the past
week or ten days has enabled the farmers to
prosecute their corn planting o continu
ously nnd successfully that the acreage
plnntcd Is very large. Some have finished
the work , others are well along with It and
never have the farmers been so hopeful and
confident at this season of tbo year. Not
withstanding the low price nt which the last
year's crop sold , the acrcago planted In corn
will this year bo nearly doubled nnd every
rod of ground broken and fit for cultivation
Is being utilized for n crop of some deocrlp-
VotitiK IIMii J.ONC * 111 * 1,1 fe llnrlne u
DniUMXiMir ScrMnirr.
SaiUBXER , Neb. , May 10. ( Special. ) At
a dance given Saturday evening on the farm
of Charles Buggcnhagen , living seven miles
southwest of Scrlbner , Hugo Elchblattc ,
aged 22 , fell out of nn opening In the barn.
He died this morning from his Injuries.
The dance was being held In the haymow
of the barn , nbout t.en feet nbove the ground.
The young man > vas standing near the open
ing watching the dancers , when suddenly
n pair of the dancers pushed against him
and , losing his balance , he fell headlong out
on the hard ground dislocating his neck.
He was picked up in an unconclous con
dition. Medical aid was promptly summoned
nnd everything done to relieve him. Yes
terday bis friends decided to take him to
u hospital In Omaha. He was taken to
Hooper and put on the afternoon train for
Omaha on which ho died. The body was
taken In charge toy tbo coroner of Douglas
Young Elchblatto was visiting friends In
the neighborhood. Ho lived hero until a
few years ago when his parents removed
to Skldmoro , Tex. His father , Emll Eich-
blatte , la well known by Dodge county people
ple , having been a leading democratic poli
tician In years gone by. Relatives were notl-
Hed by telegraph. The young man has a
sister named Olga living In West Point , who
was notified of her brother's sudden death.
War Velt'rnu Slionln Illmclf.
SYRACUSE , Neb. , May 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Cyruo Sellers committed suicide
about 11 o'clock this morning by shooting
himself over the right car with a 32-callbre
revolver. His body was not discovered until
about 5 o'clock. It was found In tbo barn of
Mr. Tuttlc , with whom ho was living. The
deceased was once a member of company I ,
Eighth regiment , Illinois Infantry , and had
an application for a pension pending. Ho
leaves n fnmlly of four small children. His
wife died hero last December. No cause but
general despondency Is assigned.
T.lKlidiliiK SlinKcm n Itnnf.
FAIRMONT , Neb. . May 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) During a thunder storm this after
noon John Slanlng's houeo was struck with
lightning. The chimney was entirely de
stroyed and the roof of the house badly torn
to pieces from the chimney to the valley
where the lightning followed the tin down
to the cave-trough , from that to the tin plpo
across the west end of the house nnd Into the
cistern , where It made two holes about the
size of a man's (1st. ( Mrs. Slanlni ? was badly
stunned and completely covered with soot
and plaster.
llu 11 It of IlniilHliuir Cloned Up.
BRADSHAW , Neb. , May 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The doors of the Bradshaw bank
failed to open this morning for the trans
action of business. The cause of the trouble
Is slowcollections. Local deposits are light
and do not exceed $2,600 , and are in small
amounts. It Is thought depositors will bo
paid in full , but It will take time to realize
on securities. Tbo bank formerly held $10,000
of state funds which has been fully paid but
recently , and this may have helped their
In Jnll for StriilliiB Porlc.
PONCA , Neb. , May 10 ( Special. ) William
Parish , a young man of 22 years , wlio was
arrested n few days ngo for stealing $50
worth of pork , Is In Jail hero. The evidence
against him Is convincing.
Children Give nil Enterlnlninpii * .
NORTH LOUP , Neb. , May 10. ( Special. )
An entertainment was given at the townhall
on Saturday evening by the pupils of the
primary and Intermediate departments of th
city schools , under the direction of Mli
Drills Colby and Mlns Maud Springer , th
rcspectlvo teachers of these departments , t
a crowded bouse. The program consisted o
dialogues , recitations , aongs and manuM drll
exercises , and the little folks carried ou
their parts -well.
Mnnh DmnnBed Corn nt Coliiinlnm.
COLUMBUS , Neb. , May 10. ( Special. )
Much of the coin which was cribbed hero dur
Ing the past winter In now found to bo In a
badly damaged condition. Tlio corn which WAI
cribbed early In the season and welt covcrci
Is much better than that which was bough
during February and March. Some of th
Investors will lose qulto heavily on th
HNtrte * Ciitirt Oiipiin nt Seluiylcr.
SCHUYLER , Neb. , May 10. ( Special. )
A regular term of the district court opened
this morning. Judge William Marshall being
on the bench , The Jury Impaneled was on
hand , but the docket Is light , especially the
criminal , about the only case of consequence
being that of Charles Jancck and Joseph
Pcsek , who were bound over from the county
court for their attempt to derail the Over
land Limited about a month ngo.
Aivnril n llrldfrc Conlrnet ,
SCHUYLER , Neb , , May 10. ( Special. )
The county commissioners on Saturday
awarded the contract for putting In tbo
spans of the Platte river bridge that were
taken out by the Ice last spring to Charles
Williams. The time required for the comple
tion of the work being short , work was begun
gun Sunday and will bo pushed with vigor
so that the bridge will be ready for use nbout
.May 20.
Choice Cuttle Go to ChlctiRO.
M'COOK , Neb. . May 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Ono of the finest shipments of cattle
In years left this point for Chicago this
afternoon , via Omaha. Ten cars of choice
hlghbrcds were shipped by Hntflcld &
Evans , and four cars of extra westerners by
Church & Evcrlst.
Saloon I'IIJ.H for n Marnlinl.
NELSON , May 10. ( Special. ) Since the
Inauguration of the now village board a
billiard hall and saloon have been licensed
here. The license fco provides tbo funds
for a city marshal nnd A. J. McCluskcy has
been appointed to the position.
TrniuiiM Steal Two ClrlH.
PONCA , Neb. , . .May 10. ( Special. ) Two
men left hero last nlghUhcadcd for the Black
Hills taking with them two of Mr. Frarm'o
daughters , ono of them only 14 years of ago.
The sheriff started In pursuit this morning.
The father Is furious and It the men are
caught there will bo trouble.
llolli Illn IifK * Ilrokfii ,
NIOBRARA , Neb. , May 10. ( Special. )
William Tucker , living ten miles west of
here , was thrown from his wagon yestcrdaj
by a runaway team , and was found sev
eral miles from home with both legs broken
and several other Injuries.
noodiiuiiiMoii Still Him Hope.
PONCA , Neb. , May 10. ( Special. ) Dr.
Goodmanson , who was convicted last week
of polsoulng his wife , Is still In the county
jail here. Ho shows no concern over his
position , saying that bo Is confident of a
new trial and acquittal.
K p I it i-1111 u at Nlolirara.
NIOBRARA , Neb. . May 10. ( Special. )
There Is scarcely a family here but what has
a case of measles , and the disease Is n i
confined to children. The schools are closed
and the graduating exercises will bo post
* _ _ _ . ,
Kniicral of A. C. KliiKNhcrry.
PONCA , Neb. , May 10. ( Special. ) A. C.
Klngsberry , a prominent lawyer and politi
cian , who died at Sioux City last Saturday ,
wan Interred here to-day by the Odd Fol
lows. The funeral was largely attended.
AdiuiiH County TeacliorM.
JUNIATA , Nob. , May 10. ( Special. ) The
Adams County Teachers' association met In
the new school building hera yesterday ,
about CO teachers being present. An Inter
esting program was rendered.
Malccs a Xew Itonil llccord.
BALTIMORE. May 10. Henry Smith , o
member of the Maryland Century Cycling
club , finished a twenty-four-hour road race
against time this morning , during which
bo asserts he established a new set of
American road records. Smith who has
never tried for a record before , started on
a course laid out on the famous shell road
cast of Haltlmore at 6:10 yesterday morning.
At the end of twelve hours he had covered
170 miles , and when he quit this morning-
had reeled off 314 miles. T-ho figures will bo
submitted to the Century Cycling Club of
America for verification.
Union Pacifies Arc Defeated.
COLUMBUS , Nob. , May 10. ( Special. )
The first ball g-amo of the season was played
hero yesterday afternoon nt the ball park
near the river between Jlmmlo Jones' nine
nnd the Union Pacillc employes' club In
which the latter came out second best by
a score of 20 to 12. There was a largo
crowd In attendance. C. 13. Early was um
pire. Jones' club is open for engagements.
Throe Hundred ChineseArrive. .
SAN FHANCISCO , May 10. The Pacific
Mall Steamer China arrived from Hong
Kong- , Yokohama nnd Honolulu today with
a largo number of passengers. She brought
300 Chinese , Imported on the pretext that
they nro to appear at the Tennessee expo
sition. The Chinese and Japanese passen
gers were transferred to Angel island
quarantine station for fumigation.
A bottle of Cook's Imperial Extra Dry
Champagne with your dinner makes It com
plete. It pleases every ono.
The best opportunity of your life Is
now given you to get new plcturo frames
for wo do tlio frnmintf at about half
price you can't buy the moultllii } , ' alone
elsowlicro for what we'll do tlio whole
Job for tlina pictures are as handsome
and the most proper wedding Rift you
can make you can always pick up a
bargain In our art rooms where there
are more pictures than In all Omaha be
sides and there's art In them. ,
A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
Music and Art 1513 Douglas
Selling brand new " 1807 Fowler" bi
cycles for $115.00 spot cash Is making
ho dealers crazy who have been paini
ng off wheels a year or moro old at
hat price we make the price $ OT .00
> pcauso wo nro closing liicm out overy-
> ody knows the Fowler one of the very
jest made we've had a big run on them
oiliiy and will have another tomorrow
and until they're gone after that
you'll pay $100 for them the regular
'ramo ladles' or men's any saddle
uiy handle bar or Kiso frame choice
III nil uro gone $ ( ! 5.00 spot cash or
575.00 on easy payments.
Kearney Cycle Co. ,
Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries
122 S. 15th St. , Omaha.
it i
Administer a Drubbing' And Go Up Ono Peg
Triple 1'lnr ' > ' M Vl > JoiuiliiRn nnit
Ilultr. Prove * lirllc the Kcaturc
of the ( JiilVic'-i'oilier
( iiimcx. "
Washington , 13 : Baltimore , C.
Plttsburg , 4 ; Boston , 2.
Philadelphia , 13 ; St. Louis , 1.
Louisville , 0 ; New York , 0.
Chicago , B ; Cincinnati , T. - ,
Cleveland , 2. Brooklyn , .1.
Columbus , 7 ; Indianapolis , C.
Bt. 'Paul , 7 ! Minneapolis , 5.
Clrnnd Ilnplda , S : Detroit. 7.
Milwaukee , 9 ; Kansas City , 7.
WASHINGTON , May 10. The pitchers
decided the contest bore today. Jtlng was
In good form , while Nops and Cogan ( who
succeeded Nops In the seventh Inning )
were both wild nnd Ineffective. A triple
play was the feature of the game. Doyle
caught a fly from Selbach's bat , threw to
Jennings , who retired King at second and
then scut tbo ball to Rcltz , who caught
Brown oft of first. Attendance 2,500. Score :
Washington . -13
Baltimore . 0 5
Base hits : Washington , 14 ; Baltimore , 7.
Errors : Washington , 3 ; Baltimore. 2.
Karncd runs : Washington , 4 ; Baltimore. 1.
Two-baso hits : Dement. Three-unite hits :
Abbey , Hcllly. Homo run : Doyle. Stolen
bases : Stenzel , Doyle. Cartwrlcht. Triple
play : Doyleto Jennings to Hcltz. First
base on balls : By King , 2 ; by Nops , 1 ; by
Cowan , 2. Lilt by pitched ball : By Nops ,
O'lirlcn ; by Cognn , O'Brien. Struck out :
By King , fi. Wild pitches : King , 1 ; Cogan ,
1. Sacrlllco hits : Kellly , Magulro. Batter
ies : Washington , King and AlcGuIro ; Bal
timore. Nops , Cognn and Robinson. Um
pire : Hurst.
PITTSinmo. May 10.-Nlchols , Pitts-
burg's usual Jonah , could not pull the game
out today because of slow fielding behind
him. On tbo other hand , Killen's support
was llrst class. The game was won In the
fourth by three singles and Collins' fum
ble. Attendance , 1,500. Score :
Plttsburg . 0 0031000 * 4
Boston . 0 00100100 2
Base hits : Plttsburg , C ; Boston , 12. Er
rors ) : Plttsburg , 1 ; Boston , 3. Earned runs :
Plttsburp. 1 ; Boston. 2. Two-baso hits :
Lyons. Three-base hits : Collins. Double
| ) lays : Ely to Pnddon to Lyons ; Pnddon to
Kly to Lyons. First base on balls : On"
Nichols , 1. Struck out : By Klllen , 1 ; by
Nichols , 2. Left on bases : PlttsburK , 3 ;
Boston , S. Batteries : PlttsburK , Kilten nnd
Sugden ; Boston , Nichols and Bergen. Um
pire : Lynch.
ST. LOUIS , May 10. The Phillies had no
tropblo in boating the Browns today. La
Jole's stick work was a feature. Attend
ance , l.GOO. Score :
Philadelphia . 32012020 3-13
St. Louis . 0 10000000 1
Base hits : Philadelphia , 14 ; St. Louis , 8.
Errors : Philadelphia , 1 ; St. Louis , 3.
Earned runs : Philadelphia , 7. Two-base
lilts : La Jole , L. Cross. Homo runs : I > a
Joie - < 2) ) , Orth (1) ( ) . Stolpn bases : Cooley.
Double play : Cooley. to Hullman. First
base on balls : Olt Orth , 1. ' Struck out : By
Donahue , 1 ; by Orth. 1. Sacrlllco hits :
Gelr. Batteries : Philadelphia , Orth and
Boyle ; St. Louis , Donahue und Murphy.
Umpire : ilcDormott. * >
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , May 10. Seymour
started out by striking out bis llrst three
Louisville batters today , \ > ut after that ho
lost control , nnd this topother with opportune -
portuno hitting , gave Louisville the game.
Scrappy Joyce and the rest of the Giants
delayed the game sevcraKtlmcs "by object-
ins to Umpire Sheridan's decisions nnd that
olllclal was compelled to jmt Davis out of
the game , and line Jilm , J2j. Attendance ,
2.300. Score :
Louisville . O'O 2,2 , 0 2 0 0 3 9
New York . 0 2 0 0 21000 5
Base lilts : Louisville , 3 ; New York , 9.
Errors : Louisville , C ; Ne\v York , 3. Earned
runs : Louisville , 1. First base on balls :
Oil' Hemming. 4 ; olt Seymour , C. Struck
out : By Hemming , 2 ; by Seymour , C.
Three-base hits ; F. Clark , ClliiRman.
Stolen bases : Tlcrnan , Van Hultrcn. Double
play : Stafford to Gleason to Beckley. Hit
> v pitched ball : Werden , Itogers. Passed
> all : Wilson , 1 ; Warner , 1. Batteries :
Louisville , Hemming und Wilson : New
York. Seymour and Warner. Umpire :
CHICAGO , May 10. Rank errors by the
locals gave today's game to the Reds. Five
of tbo visitors' seven runs resulted from
mlsplays and but four hits. The Colts
closed twice on Rhine's wild pitches , and
earned their other three by good base
runnlm ? and a bunching of Jilts. Attend
ance , 3,100. Score :
Chicago . 0 00203000 C
Cincinnati . 2 10020020 7
Base hits : Chicago , 9 ; Cincinnati , 9. Er
rors : Chicago , 4 ; Cincinnati , 0. Earned
runs : Chicago. 3 ; Cincinnati , 2. Two-base
bits : Miller , Ritchie , Ryan , Brings. Threo-
jaso lilt : Irwin. Sucrlllce lilt : Ryan.
Stolen bapc : Lange. Double plays : Mc-
Phco to Vaughn. Struck out : Off Rhinos ,
J ; IV Brlggs. 3. Base on balls : Oft lUilncs ,
2. Wild pitch : Rhlnes , 1. Hit with ball :
Burke. Batteries : Chicago , Brlggs and
Anson ; Cincinnati , Rbines and Schrlever.
Umpire : McDonald.
CLEVELAND , O. , May 10. The Clevc-
ands were unable to hit Daub today , and
'or that reason the Brooklyns won. In the
ilnth inning Sockaloxls led olt with a two-
base hit and was sacrificed to third , but
Oio next two batters were unable to bring i
ilm home. Attendance , 2,000. Score : I
Cleveland . 100100000-2
Brooklyn . 0 10000101 3
Base hits : Cleveland. 'G ' ; Brooklyn. 8. Er
rors : Cleveland , 2 ; Brooklyn. 0. Earned
runs ! Brooklyn , 1. First base on balls :
Oft Daub. 1. Struck out : By Daub , 1.
Two-base lilts Sockalcxts , Burkett. Three-
> aso lilts Sockalexls , La Chance. Sacrifice
hits ! O'Connor. La Chancs. Stolen bases
Burkett , Cannvan. Batteries : Cleveland
Young and dimmer : Brooklyn , Daub nna
Grim. Umpire : O'Day.
Played. Won. Ixist. P.C
Baltimore 14 U 3 TS.
t'tttsburg 12 * 3 75.
Louisville 13 9 4 CD.
Philadelphia. 15 9 6 GO.
Cincinnati 14 8 6 57.
Cleveland 14 7 7 to.
New York 12 6 C 50.
Boston 13 5 8 ZS.
6t Loul * 14 5 9 ST. .
Brooklyn 14 5 9 35.
Washington 12 4 8 33.
Chicago 15 4 11 26.
St. I'iml Stilt Unlit * lt 1'Incp nt llcn.l
of the 1.1 lie.
MINNEAPOLIS. May 10. Score :
Minneapolis 0 00000410 r.
St. Paul 20001301 * 7
linsn hits : Minneapolis , 13 ; St. Paul , 9.
Errors ! Minneapolis. 5 : St. Paul. 3. Bat
teries : Havey and Baker ; Muliuno and
COLUMHUS , O. , May lO.-Score :
Columbus 0 7
Indianapolis 3 00010011 C
Huso lilts : Columbus. 12 ; Indianapolis , C.
Errors : Columbus , 4 : Indianapolis. 3. Bat-
terlcs : Smith and O'Mcaru ; Phillips und
ICnhoc. '
GHAND UAPIDS. Mich. , May 10. Score :
annul llnplds . . . . 1-S
Detroit 0-7
Basn hits : Grand UapldB. ; Detroit , 7.
Errors : nrnnd llnplds , 3 ; Detroit , 2. Bat-
terlcs : Grand Kapfds , Foreman nnd T\vlnc <
ham : Detroit. Thomas and .McCatiley.
MILWAUKEE , May 10. Score :
Milwaukee 000221121-3
Kansas City 0 1 0 1 1 0 G 0 0-s
Base hits : Milwaukee , 10 ; Kansas City. 12.
Errors : Milwaukee , 4 ; Kansas City , 4. Bat
teries : Milwaukee , llettnor and Specr ; Kan
sas City , Abbey and Luke.
Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
St. Paul ! 13 3 S1.3
Columbus 14 10 \ il.4
Indianapolis 64.3
Minneapolis 17 8 9 47.1
Detroit 15 7 S 4K.7
Milwaukee 16 7 0 43.8
Kansas City 17 G 12 20.4
Grand Uaplds 15 3 12 20.0
ST. JOSUPH , May 10. Score :
St. Joseph 0001030003-7
Peorla 1-6
Base lilts : St. Joseph , 10 ; Poorln , 7. Kr-
rors : St. Joseph , 3 ; Peorla , 2. Hatterlcs : St.
Joseph , Illsley nnd Collins ; Poorla. ( McDon
ald and DUddalc.
UUIILINGTON , la. , May 10. Score :
nurlliiKton 0T ,
Hoekford 30005103 1-12
Uaso lilts : BurllnRton. II ; rtockford , II.
Urrors : nurlliiKton , 1 ; rtockford , 2.
terlos : nurlliiRton , Packard and AVllllams ;
Hoekford. Uubster and Qulnn.
QUINfY , 111. , May 10. Score : Qulncy ,
10 ; Cedar Haplds. C. Uase hits :
Qulncy , 15 ; Cedar Haplds. 12. Errors : Qulncy.
2 ; Cedar ItnptdH , 0. Ilntterles : Qulncy. Hiick-
ptt and Trallley ; Cedar llaplds , McDaugal ,
Donnelly and Fuller.
D1CS MOINKS. In. . Olay 10. Score :
DCS Molnes , 7 ; Dubuque , 2. Base hits :
DCS Molnes , 11 ; Dubuque , 4. Errors : DCS
Molnes , 12 ; Dubuque. 3. HnUerles : DCS
Molnes. Sonler and Lehman ; Dubuquo. But
ler and Sullivan.
Tire Out of Six FiivorltpM AVlii oil
Jlenvy Trnclc nt Xi-wport.
CINCINNATI , May 10. Two out of six
favorites won on a heavy track nt Newport
today. Lammorc and Prosecutor were the
good things tbat went through. The
weather was flue. Results : .
First race , selling , six funongs : Cecil won ,
Lufra second , Will Wallace third. Time :
'Second race , selling , seven furlongs : Lam-
moro won , Nccedah second , .Merry Nel :
third. Time : 1:34'4- : _ , ,
Third race , ono mile : Jake Zimmerman
won Winker second , Joe Clark third. Time :
: iGVt.
Fourth race , selling , four furlongs : Da-
clan won , Prosbvtorian second , Camadown
third. Time : 0:52 : % .
Fifth race , mile nnd a sixteenth : Prosecutor
cuter won , Onondagiie second , Little Buck
third. Tlmo : l:33Vi. : , ,
Klxth race , celling , six furlongs : Her Ex
cellency won , Goodlni ; second , Vengeance
third. 'Time : 1:17'/1.
NASHVILLE. Tcnn. , Olay 10. Weather
was clear ai.4 the track fast. Results :
First race , * olllnR , one-half mile : Madam won. High Born Lady second. Am-
phltlte third. Time : OMOVb.
Second race , one mile : Paul Kauvar won.
Traveler second , Harry Leo 'third. Time :
1:42V1. :
Third race , six furlongs : Gaston won ,
Daisy Marc second , Command third. Time :
iir vl.
'Fourth race.'splllng , five furlongs : Med
dler won , W C T second , Thornbush third.
Time : 1:0 : .
Fifth race , solllntr , one-half rnlle : Jaybird
won , Eulala second. Cuba Free third. Time :
0:4 : ! > ' / ' .
Sixth race , ono mile : Tuillla won , Prime
Minister second. Trilby third. Time : 1:41. :
DETROIT , Mich. , May 10. Results at
First race , one-half mile : Colonel Rowles
won , Isabella II second , Early Bird third.
Time : 0:33 : % .
Second race , selling , six furlongs : Hums
won , Confession second , Prlmo third. Time :
1:19. :
Third race five furlongs : Bloomer won ,
Edith second , Jennie Juno third. Tlmo :
'Fourth race , selling1 , one mile : Spring
time won , Danlgnd second , 'Master Fred
third. Tlmo : 1:40 : % .
Fifth race , steeplechase , short course :
Eppleworth won , Grenada second. Brother
Bob third. Tlmo : 4:0j. :
LEXINGTON , Ky. . May 10. Last day of
meeting. Clear , track slow. Results :
First race , selling , ono mile : Adonis won ,
Grey Eclipse second , Robert Bonncr third.
Time : ! : .
Second race , soiling , heats , six furlongs :
First bent : Oily Gamin won , Landseur
second , Blackmore third. Tlmo : 1:20-74. :
Second heat nnd race : Oily Gamin won ,
Ann Garth second , Winthrop third. Time :
Third race. Strauss , selling , stakes , one
mile : The Planter won , Myrtle Hurkness
second , Parson third. Tlmo : 1:48. :
Fourth race , selling' . 9-16 mile : May
Lemor won , Mary Adalr second , Berwell
third. Time : 1:00. :
Fifth race , for two-year-olds , flvo fur-
With spring cornea gardening nnd gas
oline stoves nml there's no stove lllso
that "Insurance- " for It Is the best stove
made no question about It nt all
we've sold clean out of our first lot-
am ! Just got In n new carload Saturday
some $1-1.00 ones among them some-
inoro refrigerators IJurd's wo don't
seem to be able to get them fast enough
Is It because no one else Hells refriger
ators or Is It because the Ilurd Is the
best ? § 5.40 and up Ice boxes for $ : i.i25
and our tin shop It's amazing the
amount of work cnir tinners can do In a
day and they do -today not tomor
row or next weelrlnit when you want
It at little or no ost.
Bulld rs' Hmrtwnro Here.
1514 F&rtpim St.
Swooping competition- aside has be-
conio Btich nn cnsy 'nitirfcr ' with us Unit
wo'vo seine doubt as to whether there
Is any op uot-ouo thing Is sure not In
Chicago nor In Kt Louis nnd certainly not
elsewhere In Omaha will you see mich
uu array of Itoyal Wiltons ns we are
now allowing for weight -quality and
richness of design they stand without a
peer oomo and see them we hitvo a
good all wool Ingrain tit -1'Jc , <
Omaha Carpet Co
1515 Dodge St.
TUB Time
What Mora Can bo Aqkod ?
Only thlj ; Mk your grocer for It , nnd Insist oa trying It. l-nrgcst imcUago greatest econortij' .
Chicago , BU Louis , New York , BoJlon , Phlla < lrU > btlk ,
longs : Dissembler won , Stanhope second ,
Crecdmore third. Time : 1OS. :
OAKLAND. GAL. , May 19. Weather fair ,
track fn t. Results :
First race , llvo and one-half ftirloiiKs :
Monitor won , Blue Bell second , Heartsease
third , Time , InWtf.
Second rape , one mile , pclllng ; Lady
Hurst won , Dcvault second , Widow Jones
third. Tlmo : 1:13. :
Third race , seven furloiiBS , nelllne : Lost
Girl won , Una Colorado second , Vcrngua
third. Time : l:52 : i.
Fourth race , six furlonps : Salabro won ,
Michael III second , Elsmoro third. Time :
Fifth race , mile and onp-slxteenlh : Wheel
of Fortune won , Installator second , Bcr-
nardlllo third. Time : l:4SVi. :
Sixth race , ono mile , soiling : Fortunate
won , San Marco second , 1'erseus third.
Tlmo ; 1:42. :
ChnyiiKlii < ho Mini Selected to I'ut Up
AmrnliiKt Him.
SAN FRANCISCO , May lO.-Infonnatton
reached the city last night that points to
the probability of a match between Corbolt
and Choynskl. Tbo reason for Parson
Davlcs' mysterious visit to the cast Is thus
made apparent. Ho went to arrange n
match between Corbett and Choynskl to be
fought in this city In the fall. The Parson
took the tilp In the Interest of the National
Sporting club , nnd the olllccrs of that or
ganization have received Information th-1
leads them to conlldently expect that the
match will bo made.
Davlcs has urgfd Flt7.slmmons to bring
about this n-sult , knowing that if Fltz-
slmmons announced to Corbettt that he
would light him after the ox-champion had
beaten Choynskl , Jim would probably BO
In for the battle. Fltzslmmons , It Is be
lieved , Is lending himself to this project.
Choynskl is perfectly willing to llsht Corbott
for any amount. The only trouble In bring
ing about the match has bcun with the
latter. If the bout comes off , It wllllic a
twenty-round go for a pur.ip of $10,0\W. All
the National people arc Jubilant over the
The California Athletic club announces a
program for the 31st Inst. at Woodward's
pavilion , the principal attraction being a
llftceii-rouiid so between Sluvln and Joe
Butler of Philadelphia. It was at llrst In
tended to put Salvin up against "Thunder
bolt" Smith , but Smith illd not seem
anxious for the match.
Hc-fe > < < > Stops Hunt ivltli Kil Smith ill
Fourth Round ,
NEW YORK , May 10. The twenty-round
bout between Joe Choynskl of California
and Denver Ed Smith tonight was cut short
by Referee Roach , who stopped the bout
after two minutes nnd eight seconds of
lighting In the fourth round. Smith fre
quently tried to hold Choyns-Kl's hand dur
ing the first three rounds and was hissed
for doingso. . Choynskl had an easy tusk ,
for ho knocked Smith down in the tlrst
round and the Denver man took nearly the
full ten seconds In getting to his feet. Joe
was always ready with left Jabs und he
sent them In on Smith's face repeatedly at
the close of the third round. Smith's face
was badly punished , nnd tnu tilood trickled
over Choynskl's body during the clinches.
The foul tactics of Smith In the fourth
round made Referee Roach caution him.
Finally Smith clinched and refused to
break away , acting1 like one bereft of his
senses. The referee shouted to him , but
all to no use. Smith would not break
away and kept rubbing his head In Choyn-
ski's face , covering the California ! ! with his
blood , As soon us the referee succeeded In
( Mllng them separated hp sent them to
their corners and stopped the boil' ' , Hn
awarded the fight to Choynskl and tbcro
were mlnplcd rhcer.i and Kronns from nil
over the house. Tlmp of round two minutes
and three seconds. Choynskl was the fav
orite In thn betting. Choyiiskl was nprnmloil
by Tom Slmrkey , Parson Davlcs , Ocorgo
Ross and Bob Armstrong ; Smith by Peter
Mnhcr , IVte Burns , Buok Connelly , Dock
Colyrr nnd .luck Qulnn. Clioynskl welshed
ITS. and Smith was but n few pounds
" ' ' "
MlIiITAIlY "r'llT.'n'I'To"CAUM.VAI. . .
iv.-nt.i riirUrlpntril In ! > ' the Sol-
illi'i-y of ChltMiK" .
CHICAGO , May lO.-Tbo Military Ath
letic carnival opened nt the Coliseum tonight
In the presence of n largo crowd. The
opening exorcises consisted of a parade l > y
all the military organizations taking part
In the carnival , a special drill by the regu
lar artillery. Infantry nnd cavalry , the
bloyclo rorps of the regular army and the
United Slates life saving crew. The mil
itary feature caught tbo crowd and was
wildly npplnudrd. Brigadier Ocnerul T. II.
Stamen , II. S. A. , was present us the rop-
rcsentatlvo of tin ; secretary of war , Re
sults :
Four hundred yards run : Hallandor ,
Twenty-second Infantry , New York , won.
Tlmo : 0r. : : > 3-r > .
Final 100 yards dash : Lellliigwell , Illinois
Naval mllltlu , won. Time : 0:102-3. :
Two hundred and twenty yards dash :
Gannos , Illinois Naval mllltla , won. Time :
0:27 : 3-5.
One mlle run : Walkover for A. II. Alllor ,
First battalion , Illinois Naval mllltla. Tlmo :
5:29Vi. :
Eight hundred nnd eighty yards inn ,
heavy marching order : licman. First biit-
tallon , Illinois Naval mllltla , won. Tlmo :
3:12. :
3:12.Ono mlle bicycle race : Rouen , First bat
talion , Illinois Naval mllltla , won. Time :
3:03 : 1-0.
Eight hundred and eighty yards run :
Hallandcr , Twenty-second Infantry , Ne\w
York , won. Tlmo : 2:063-5. :
IJi-ii.v ( lint < ho lllo'clc Pntli to Flor-
riicc IN a Knilurr.
The Associated Cycling clubs held their
regular monthly meeting In the Union Pa-
clllc wheel rooms at the Mlllard hotel huit
night. A resolution was passed to the effect
that all rumors statlny that the blcyclo
path to Florence was K failure bo con
demned and 'that the resolution bo pub
lished. The secretary was authorized to
have l.nOO subscription slips printed for gen
eral distribution. Mr. McCord reported that
a number of scorchers were using Twenty *
third street for-their evil practices and Iliac
the police should stop It.
The membership committee reported fa
vorably on the name of Theodore Unuincr
as an additional delegate from thn Turners'
Whei-1 club to the Associated. The Thuni-
ton RltlcR Wheel club wast accorded a mem
bership In the Associated , with O. F. Coleman -
man ns captain.
A special meeting was called for next
Tuesday night to hear the report of the
racing board for the scries to 'take ' place
May 2 ! ) . All League of American Wheelmen
members will be admitted to the grand
stand nt the races free of charge.
The Judiciary committee was directed to
take up the matter of street sprinkling and
recommend that a dry strip bo left on the
pavement to be used by whuelmcn. It Is
expected that a parade of all wheelmen In
the city will be given prior to the races
which transpire ' .May 2l , and It was tha
sense of tile nioctlnir that Olllcurs HarnoH
and Baldwin of the Omaha police force bo
asked 'to head the procession.
Drex Ij. Shooman Is so busy deliver
ing shoes these days that ho has had
to hire a new wagon hut his loads will
bo lighter for the next wool : or so just
as many shoes to the load but they
won't weigh so much now oxfords are
here tans and black pointed and Col
umbia toes every lady knows the value
of the ( iiinlity of our high boots-the
leather's Just the same In the oxfords
$1.50 and § 2.00 brand now mind you
the brightest-lightest kind-beautiful
shapes and shades.
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
1110 FAItKAM.
Send for our Illustrated Catalogue. Frco
Come and see our now clocks some of
the prettiest designs ever shown are
lore among them are a lot of Itoyul
Homi frames which are unusually hand
some one In particular hand decorated
visible escapement French dial-
strikes the hour and half hour has ca-
.hedral gong price ? 1'J.OO n beautiful
china clock with same movement $7.00
i marble enameled clock with glided
trimmings decorated porcelain dial-
also $7.00 higher prices get better val
ues wo are closing out a lot of $2.00
ilann clocks at ? l..rjO each wedding
stationery nnd stationery of all kinds
we do the engraving.
C. S. Raymond ,
15th and Douglas.
In this enlightened age people have
got past going to almost any old place
to have their eyesight repaired buying
a pair of specs means something more
than picking them out nt random eyes
have been almost totally mim-d by such
practices the oycs the most delicate
Uio most Important part of llfo should
receive the best of treatment scientific
treatment the test we make is proof
against mistakes your eyes cannot go
wrong If you bring them to us before
they are beyond repair we guarantee
Columbian Optical Co
Denver. 211 B. 16th St. Kaniui City ,