8 THE O FATIA DAILY BEE : FTUESDAY , APBIL 20 , 18J)7. ) SCHOOL TERM UNCHANGED Board of Education Decides Against a Ton Months' ' Session. DEFICIT EXISTS UNDER PRESENT TERN SecT -lnr > ' ( , Itrport Imllcntrn n 1'rolin- MP llollclt of 8(1 ( , < > < > < > lit the dune of tinrUcnl Vunr on ' Jill } 1 Next. > Vhc Board of Education last night worried through a longer meeting than It has held for a considerable length of time and trans acted a big amount of routine business , In which there were also mixed a variety ol matters of moro or less general In tor cot. I'csalbly the action that will Interest the public of the city most was the decision to allow the school year to remain nine and one-halt months Instead of extending It to ten months. The resolution favoring the extension , which was Introduced at the last meeting and referred to a committee , was unfavorably reported back , In view of the fact that even with the present length of the school year there will be an Increased dcfl. clt In the school treasury at the end of the > car. This unfavorable report was almost unanimously adopted , Van Gilder being thu only member to vote In the negative. In connection with this matter Secretary Glllan submitted the following report with regard to the- condition of the treasury : The expenditures since Julv 1 , 1S36 , Up to April 1 , 1W7 , embracing the llrst iilno inontl.f of the- school yenr , have nmounted 1o J24l.Ni7.Sl. The expenditures for the llrst nine- months of the preceding school jear amounted to $2j7'jll , ! SI This shows n H.ivlMK during the past nine months of 3in,121C3 In addition , to this the board bus plaee-tl JMKX ) In the Insurance- fund , and n bill of over JlO.COtf for paxlnjy around the lllgh school has also been pnld during the jmst nine months Addlrg these sums to- irethtr It imy be seen that the actual run- uilng expenses of the school district Imvn been about Ktf.COO Kss during this first nine monthH of the present school ye.ir than during a like period of the preceding year 1 estimate our receipts and expenditures for the remnlner of the .school your as Warrants outstnndlnt , ' April 1 , 1K97. $ 1C.74113 Expenditures April 1 to Julv 1 H97 ( school co ! Ing June 11. 18i7) ) 121,0 0.00 Total J140.741 n dish on hand April 1 , 15s'i7 $ 9.7U.4I HcotlptH April 1 to July 1 _ , 1SOT 4r > , ooo.oo 1'rob.ililo Total $110.741.13 SCHOOLS CLOSE ON ARBOR DAY. The board determined that the school dis trict should bo fully rcpicscntcd at the In augural celebration of the exposition on Arbor day All the schools were ordered clcaed throughout the day. The High Kchool cadeln were given permission to take part In the parade Finally the members determined to be ono of the sections of the' parade themselves. They will ride In car riages , the cost of which they will pay out of their own pockets They were Instructed by Grand Marshal Wlleox to be on hand nt their place In the line at 1 o'clock promptly. They will meet at the boaid rooms and go to their pluco at Nineteenth and Farnam streets In a body. The examining committee , which was In charge of the teachers' examination on JIarch 30 and 31 , and April 1 and 2 , reported that the following numbered papers had reached the passing mark : Primary grade , New. 7 , 89 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 14 , 15 , 17 , 18 , 23 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 30 , 37 , 39 , 40 , 41 , CO , 52 , 53 ; grammar grade , Nos. 34 , 54 , HUh school ( literary ) , Nos. 31 , 59 ; High school ( mathematical ) , Nos. 57 , Gl ; High school ( scientific ) . No. 68 ; High school tLatln ( ) , No. GO ; High school ( special chcm- Ifctry ) , ' No. 62 , Teachers' certificates will bo Issued to the'ovvnera of the papers. In view of the probable alignment ot Lieutenant Clements , Instructor of the High echoo ! cadets , ; to another point at the openIng - Ing of the next school year , a resolution was A passed requesting the War department to ap point First Lieutenant Edward C. C. Ord as the succeeding Instructor. Lieutenant Ord ts the eon of the" late General Ord , at one tlmo eomrrander of the Department of the Platte In this city and was for three years a student at the High school. Ho Is now etatloncd at Fort Crook. WILL PLANT TREES. Several learned disquisitions on trees and tree- planting were delivered by various mem- bcis when n request was read from the Real Eistato eichaiiRo that the board plant trees nbout school properties , and especially the High school After tome discussion author ity was given for the purchase oil 200 trees Of the number 100 will be us > ed In replacing dead trees nbout other buildings and the lest will be set aiound the north , west and east Bides of the High school between the side walk and the curb A new course was added to the school cui- rlculum It was Incorporated In n resolution by Johnson , which was as follows "Resolved , Hint the committee on teachers and examinations and the superintendent of Instiuctlon bo authorized 10 icquostall teach ers to glvo the pupils In the public schools of Omaha particular Instruction In the prin ciples ot morality , ttuth , Justice and patriot ism. " A motion to table this resolution \vas lost and It was ( hen adopted. Stcietatj Glllan read 4 note from Harloj M. Eller , William II , Slevers , II. Allen and J. J. Kenlgan of the manual training school , which accompanied a handsome oaken read ing desk , presented to the secretary by them , and offered their compliments. The desk was an excellent specimen of carpentry and was the handiwork : of the lads. The secretary uted It during the meeting. A resolution was passed , complimenting the makers on thctiskill. . skill.FOR FOR iMDMOIUAL DAY. The principals of the various schools were given authority to arrange with the proper committee of the Grand Army 6f the Repub lic so that members of the army may address the schools on the Friday before Memorial day. An Invitation wa extended the Western Drawing Teachers' association , which meets this jear In St Louis , to hold Its meeting of 1898 In ttls city II. E. Palmer & Son were authorized to wrltu an Insurance policy of $2,000 on the supply house' and Its contents to run for three years from March 15. The > committee on finance icportcd unfavor ably upon the proposition of a real estate eompany to sell the board several Iota ad joining the Walnut Hill and Dupont school Kites on account of the financial condition of the treasury. About twenty applications for the positions of school census enumerators were received. A number of applications for positions as janitors and teacheiH werp also handed In. The board was Invltei ! to make an ex- oxhlblt of manual training echoo ! work at the next meeting of the American Manual Training association nt New 'Haven ' , Conn. , July 1 and 2 , The matter was referred tea a committee. Teacher Jennie R. Barker was granted ono year's leave of absence on account of Illness. Claims amounting to Jl.923.92 were al lowed , The Hampton Lumber company was awarded the contract for furnishing lumber for the ensuing Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair , DR ; BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fr ( rom Ammonia , Alum or any other adull 7f r * 40 Years the Standard. 9.1 , tf-2 , ? i snons AT IDC , znc , nnc Mnrnlnit IlralnN flrnnilput MciiKtitlonnl Simp Shoe Snlc H\cr HELD IN OMAHA. AT BOSTON STORE , OMAHA. Wo buy a (20,000 shoe stock out ot town and put It on sale WEDNESDAY , APRIL 21ST. Every kind and style of shoe and oxford tic worn by man , woman , boy and child will bo In from this stock , and every pair will be an Immense bargain. 4 , J3 , $2 OXFORD TIES , IOC , 29C , 30C. In this stock there are , however , about 3,000 pairs of ladles' and misses' oxford ties and slippers which cost originally ft , 53 , ! and $1 a pair. Thcco will bo on sale to start the ball n rolling , at 190 , 29C AND 390. Everything else In this Immense stock will bo sold almost as low. Be sure to attend this greatest of nl shoe sale's on Wednesday , April 21st , at BOSTON STORE , OMAHA , ICth and Douglas. Sam'l Burns has placed In front window hand painted Glangcw China dinner set , enl SliA.MCSKV UIJTS WAIMI Ur.CUl'TlON Feature of KiiMter Si-ri lorn n < ( lie Church In Slieele.v ( IMMI. The Easter mass that was being celcbratci ! In St , Wcuccslaus' Bohemian church at 1412 South Fourteenth street , was disturbed and almost broken up by a tumult that did not fall far short ot a free- for-all tight. The Individual who proved to be the dis turbing clement was Jan Slansky , a joung Bohemian ot pleasing appearance. Slausky has studied for the prlcathood and has also been a student at the State university at Lincoln. Ho came to the city last Satur day evening and was the guest of Join Roslcky. He arrived late , but decided nevertheless to take In the mass that waste to be celebrated at St. Wenceslaus' church When the > oung man reached the churcl ho found that the congregation filled It to the doors. Therefore he went aroun I to the sacristy doors to obtain admittance. He felt that his priestly studies entitled him to admittance In this way. Father Vratiek who was In the sacristy , thought othcr- w Ise. "You have no right In here , " stated that reverend minister , and he pushed the young man roughly toward the door. "I have a right , " replied Slansky , whose temper rose nt the Interference. Ho did not feel like standing the resist ance , and some of the spectators say thai ho took a poke ut the reverend father , but did not land. The fact that the priest was not struck was not considered. The blow aimed at the lev eiend man fired the joung acolytes who attended him In ecrvlco. They turned upoi JOUDK Slan ky and assaulted him. He was beaten In the face repeatedly and the blooi ( towed from his wounds In goodly streams Ho finally made his escape and then left the church without attending mass. The news of the affray soon spread among the members of the congregation and Fathc Vranek had considerable dllllculty In holding their attention to the holy work la hand After the services were concluded , the mem hers of the congregation gathered about the doors of the church and talked about the affair for some time. It would have gone lather hard with Slansky If they could have placed their hands on him at that time. Slansky was In police couit jcsterday to sec If lie- could get back In a legal wa ; at some of his assailants. He bore upon his face full end conclusive evidence that he had been the victim of an assault. He was however , utablc to furnish the names of anj of his assailants , and therefore did not sue cecd In seeurlng a warrant for the arrest o any one. "The priest Informed the congregation against me , " said Slansky. "The people were like teirlble wild beasts , without civ 111 zatlon. Thcj struck mo across the face am made mo. bleed : " Later In the day Slansky appearcc' with an addition to his story , which was will difficulty understood , as ho talked very pee English. The gUt of It was" that ho was the victim of an assault In Shceleytovvn Sunday afternoon shortly after 4 o'clock. Ho was trying to argue with a small audience upon the "bad people" In the world when somebody struck him in the face. He hat trouble In getting away. He believes tha the assault was committed by some ono o the congregation of the St. Wcnceslaus church. Slansky alleges that he will be able to Identify the man who hit him and a police man accompanied him to Sheeleytown In an effort to locate the Individual. "A life on the ocean wave" and a quart o Cook's Imperial Champagne , extra dry. Is the acme of happiness. Why send to other cities for flower , grass , vegetable or field seeds ? The Nebraska Sect ! Co. , 520 N. ICth st , can supply you with bet ter seeds than any house In the country. TIIK MHirilU nVl'UH. > LI.M3 Announcement. Extraordinarily lovv excursion rates at various periods during the next few months , cast , north and weal Eastern excursion tickets are good on either the "Overland Limited , " it 4 45 p. m. , or on the "Omaha- Chicago Special , " at 0.30 p. m. , arriving at Chicago at 7.45 and 9.30 next morning respectively alwa > s. It la difficult to Imagine better or more complcto equipment than these trains are supplied with. City office , 1401 Farnam street. ] 2&ciirNl < m ( o 2Vew York City. The Nickel Plato road \vlll sell excursion tickets , from Chicago to New York and re turn for all trains leaving Chicago on April 23 to 2G Inclusive , at rate of $24 for the round trip , being less than via other lines. Tickets will be valid for return passage from New York to and Including May 4 , 1897. For particulars call on or address J. Y. Cafahan , General Agent , 111 Adams street , Chicago , III. _ i\CUIlhIOV SOUTH Via tinIValniHli. . On Tuesday , Apr. 20th , the Wabash will eell round trip tickets to nearly nil points south nt very low rates For tickets , time- : able and further Information cell at Wa- iash olllco , 1415 Farnam street ( Paxton Hotel block ) , or wrlt . 0 N. CLAYTYON. Agent. Six-Thirty P. M. Trnln. of the CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RY. Best service , ELECTRIC LIGHTS , Dining car. City office ; 1504 Farnam. LOCAL iuiiviTiis. : Judge Munger and Clerk Hlllls arc at Hast- nRS holding a term of the United States dis trict court Chief of Police Slgwart yesterday swore n thlrty-flvo special policemen , who will > e on dut ) about the polls today , Thcro will bo a mars meeting of Baptist hurches at the Young Men's Chrlstlon Atao- latlon auditorium Wednesday evening. Deputy Marshal Tomllnson arrested Joseph Mead for the burglary ot the postoffice at Vaco , Neb. , but the prisoner was released on :5,000 : bonds to appear at the next term of ho United States court. . Articles of Incorporation of the Guthrlo Irothera' Live Stock Commission company mve bi'en filed with the- county clerk , The apltal stock Is $20 000 , the IncorpoMtors > elng W. E. Guthrle , S. A. Guthrlo and E. [ Gibson There will bo a public Inspection of the ) tuaha letter carriers on Thursday morning1 > y Postmaster Marl In The carriers have nearly all new suits anA expect to inaKo a ory preseutulilo appearance when ( hey line up for InupeiUon , Otto Mererhelra , a C-year-old boy , was mocked down by a rig at Hixte-onth and .ociiBt streets Sunday afternoon at 4:30 : I'clock. When bo was picked up It was ound that he waa badly brulmnl , but was not erlously injured. The lad was removed to U home BUI Carter was fined W and costs In lollco court HBterday for asmilt and lattery upon Llszle Carter a few days ago. ho testimony showed that Carter went fter the woman with an ax , but the veapou was taHeu a\\ay by a little girl. Hu hoa fiUppti the womau'i Juce , TRAIN ROBBER BOUND OVER Postofiko Officials Produce Evidence Against Him Which Seems Indisputable , TRUE TO ANSWER IN UNITED STATES COURT Attempt to 1'roie nil AllliI for the .Mail Who Ilclil Up the I 1'ii-tt Mull Proton . , rutUe. , I , Jnmcs True , ono of the two men who BO boldly held Up and robbed the mall cnrg on ( ha Union 1'acinc's "Past Mail" train neat Ulntah elation , Utah , last October , lias been examined before a United States commis sioner at Sacramento , Cal. , and on the strength of the evidence there developed lm been bound over to the next term of the United States district court. Information tc this effect was recalled by Chler William T , Canada of the Union Pacific's special sen Ice department yesterday. Thomas Hobbs , the other suspect who was arrested by government detectives last week , was discharged by the commissioner because of lack of convincing evidence. The licarlns waj held at Sacramento last Saturday after noon. The next term of the federal court thcro will be In September , at which time It Is thought by ths postolllco and railway officials that True will be given a lengthy sentence In a federal psnltentlary. The cane hoa been conducted principally by the olll- ccrs of the I'oslnnice department , as tha robbery of the registered mall sacks W.TS a crime committed against the government. The government detectives have , however been greatly assisted by the Union Pacific detectives. The hearing developed the fact that Tru 'a description corresponded almost exactly to that given by the train hands and the ex press messengers of the man by whom they were Intimidated. Inspector Watcrbury ol the I'ostolllce department located True at Nevada City , Cal. , tome time ago , and ho has been under surveillance ever since , though not arrested until last w ° ek. Tes timony was offered proving that he had been spending money very freely In Sacramento , San Francisco and other California points soon after the robbery ft was proven that ho was an ex-switchman of the Union Pa cine , with whom the road had had trouble before. J Letters were Introduced to prove that Mrs True , the wife , had endeavored to estab- Huh an alibi for her husband on the night of the robbery. She wrote to Mr. and Airs. Wadman asking them to swear that the } were at her house playing cards on that night and that True was there This the } refused to do. The wife swore that she had bold her carpets In order to raise $8 foi True's transportation , but the commls&Ioner did not think this statement harmonized with the fact that True had been spending money lavishly as soon as he reached the Golden Gate. The attempts to establish an alibi failed completely , and much damaging evidence regarding True's actions and gen eral talk after the night of the robbery was Introduced by the government. ymnirr KAIIW\Y on.NGKS HANDS , TnniHfer II lullif the MUCH In SI. Loiil * . The largest street railway deal In the his tory of St. Louis was completed last Sat urday , when a controlling Interest In the Missouri Hallway company was transferred to parties who represent the Lindell Rail way company. Nearly $2,000,000 Is represented sonted In this transfer. Edwards Whltalte and Charles D. McLure are the purchasers The Missouri Hallway company operate three lines the Olive street cable , the Mai ket slrect and Manchester road electric am the Lacledo avenue electric. Its authorize ! capital Is $2,600,000 , of which about $2,200,000 has been Issued. The par value of. the stock Is $100 a share , but It has been selling at $150 recently. The price at vvhlcn thl transfer was made Is said to be $1C5. iiii-jc'ifH < ; r : ! ? . CHICAGO , April 10. The Denver & III Grande road gave notice to all Its connec tlons today that for the present It Intend to observe strictly the law signed by Gov ernor Adams of Colorado on Saturday , pro hlbltlng the roads charging for the tranapor tatlon of blcjclea when accompanied by pas sengcrs The Denver & . Ulo Grande will n-j check an > bicycles through the state , hu will deliver them unchecked to connection at junction points. _ Itullviay > ntfN mill PerHunulH. W n Everest of the Great Eastern Fas Frelpht line stopped off In Omaha jcsterda > while on his way to Denvtr. Western itllroads have "Individually an nouneed a rate of one Taro for the roum trip from Omaha to St. Louis for the Na tlonal turnfcst , May C-0. General Passenger Agent Mi C , Tovvnsem of St. Louis and Land Commissioner G. A A. Dcano of Little Hock , Ark. , both of the Missouri Pacific & > stem , jvere In the city } cs terday. The Union Pacific measurement of the water of the Missouri river , taken at ( o'clock yesterday morning , showed a fall of twelve inches In the preceding twenty- four hours. Assistant General Freight Agent Wood o the Union Pacific and General Freight Agcn Morchouso of the Elkhorn went over to Chicago cage last evening to attend a conference o western freight olllclals. On the occasion of the dedication of the Odd Fellows' temple at Council Bluffs , nexl Mondav , April 20 , all western roada will sell round-trip tickets from points' within 100 miles of Council Bluffs for ono and one- third icgular fare. C. II , Spencer of the Qulncy , Omaha R. Kansas City has been transfeired to other duties , and the olllco of atststant genera ! manager Is abolished. C. E. Soule , after an iibberica of several months In mercantile pur suits , returns to the service of this railway , and la appointed superintendent , with olllcc at Qulncy. The confarcr.co between the general mana gers , general freight and passenger agents and superintendents of tin1 Union Pacific anil : ho Oregon Short Line , which has been on for several dtjs at Salt Lake City , came to an end yesterday and the Union Pacific men have started homeward , It Is under stood that the object of the conference waste to tighten the relations existing between the larent road and Its offspring. Another con- 'cicnca will probably bo bold hero within the next fortnight. _ Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup has nlnajs been kept up to the standard. It Is the tame It was forty years ago , the best sold. Permits to wed Imvo been Issued to the following parties by the county Judge ; Name and Residence. Ai iudolph Larsen , Omuhn . , , . , 29 ilna Jensen , Omuhn . 27 Cdwurd Shields , Omaha . , . 29 U-glnii Hoyd , Omaha . . 29 loliu II HJIT , Omaha . 37 Mia , Mnry'C. Goodman , South Omaha. . . . 35 Jesse O Polsley , South Omaha . 2G lurenco May Svvlckanl , South Omuhn. .19 Fire lliiniH it Hum. A tire In the barn In the rcur of 2G22 Hurt street called out the ikyurtment shortly after 7 o'clock lust night Thu burn vvns owned and used by Aaron Hoc ) . The loss was between (75 and (100 , It la not Known lovv much Insurance nus carried , KINGSFORD'S SILVER GLOSS STARCH Unsurpassed for fine Linens , Muslins and Laces. inns i.A cni.uuT 'run CITY JAM ttxccnnUr VHP ofl. Morphine Cnuno Mr * . Trrvn'n Dentil. Mrs. Terrsll , & cltn prisoner , ellcd In on of the cells at the police station jrrstcr day. The cause of 'the ' death Is stated te ha\o been heart failure , induced by the ex cesl\o use of inon > hEno and Intoxicants , t both of which the dead woman IN an addicted At the tlmo of lior ideath the woman wa being held on the ithirgo ot larceny fron the person She was arrested arly Sunda ; morning on complaint ot John Unrtcll , nhi accused her of robblnK him ot a dollar In i house at 103 South Klghlh , street last Sntur day night. Doth man and woman were ar rested. Mrs. Terrell jcsterday complained ol being very cold She * nas also In a d cldedlj nervous condition , bnt this WAS believed ti have been brought on because she wns no furnished with morphine. She was able ti go to the police court room about 10 o'clock whcro eh was arraigned and pleaded no guilty Her case nas set for trial In the afternoon After being returned to her cell the woman was visited liy members of the Visiting Nurses' association Several drops of brandy \\ero ghen her to strengthen net nerves and the visitors left. This \vas ten minutes before her death. The woman be gan to complain and n message was sent to the city physician. Before he arrived the woman expired. The remains have been removed to the morgue , but It wet stated by the toroncr early In the afternoon that no Inquest would be held The city phstclnn stilted that there was no need of an examination , ns the death was clearly caused bj heart failure. Mrs lerrell was known to the police as a disorderly woman Although she wai white she was the wife of a negro named Ter rell. Terrell was sent to the penitentiary nbout a > car ago on the charge of burglary , having been convicted ot looting n chicken coop. Ho was sentenced to n term of two jcarq and ts no\v In the penitentiary at Lin coln. Hcccham'g Pills for stomach and liver Ills A lot of very speedy horses , vvi'll broker drivers , line carriage ttatns , and royally bred colts will be sold at the line horse sale bv Wnlworth Proctor Co , April 23 and 24 , at the Union stock jards. Write for a cita. toguc. lIiiiucNfrkrrM' I"\i-iirnlon. On Tuesday , April 20th , the Missouri Pa- clllc railway will sell round trip tickets at very low r.itcs to certain points In the south , southwest and southeast. Stopovers allowed on the going Journcj For Informa tion , land folders , pamphlets , etc. , call or address compauj's olllcc , KHIi and Fnrnain , or depot , 15th and Webster streets , Omaha , Neb. T V GOUI-UKY. P. & T. A. J. 0. PHIIUPPI , A. G. F. & P. A. US lloiirn CltltMiKii (11 NCMVofU. . $24 for the round trip via the Nickel Plate road , leaving Chicago , April 23 to 28 In clusive , geol returning until May G Inclusive , Thin rate Is lower than \la other lines. City ticket otllcc , 111 Adams street. Audi torium Annex. Depot , Clark and 12th stieel viaduct , Chicago. Telephone main 3JS9. A PnNt Train for Mimtnmt and the Pacific Northwe ° t leaves Omaha -via the Burlington Route nt 1 3.1 p. in. dally. It Is vcstlbulcd , carries sleeping and le- clltilng chair cars und Is nearly a whole hall dny quicker than any othei train from Omaha to Helena , Unite , SpaKane , Seattle and Tacoma - coma Tickets and tlmo tables nt 1502 Farnam St. TotirlHt blt'curri Leave Omaha dolly for Ogden , San Fran- clsco , Portland , Ore , and other western points , via the UNION PACIFIC. Ihls Is an economical and comfortable way of traveling. City Ticket OlTlce. 1302 Fqrnom St. Crttitl llomiinriit CiTfiimiilul nt % orK. Tal < o the twenty-eight-hour trajn on the NftfKi > 1 Plate road. Solid trains bet > veen Chicago cage and New York. * Meals served In dining cars. Coaches lighted with Plutacli gas , and In charge of colored porters. A trip over this line will convince you of Its superior ac commodations. Kate lower than by other lines. J. Y. Calalian , general agent , 111 Adams street , Chicago , will take pleasure In furnlah- Ing all nccce&ary Information. I. I'AIIAGUAIMIS. Dr. T. W. Leeper , Oakland , Is In the city. A. B Cady , St , Paul , Is an Omaha \lsitor. J. II. Temple , Spokane , Wash. , is a IJarKcr guest. II. Q. Jloel , Chadron , Is reg'otered at the Barker. A. L. Hanlson , York , Is a guest at the Mercer. W. II. Severs and wlfo , Noith Dtnd , are In the city. H M. Adams , St. Louis , Is registered at the Mercer. II. H Spelman , Carroll , la. , Is stopping at the iMercer. H. A Davvson , Pine Hldge , S. D. , Is stop ping nt the Mcrtei. John Roberts of South Omaha left last evening for Llticoln. Frank II , Daly , Chicago , and Joe Tlmmons , St. Louis , are at the State. D. M , Kugcr and W. M. Dame are regis tered at' the Barker from Fremont. J. W. Jockson , a commission dealer of South Omaha , left last evening for Chicago. J. H. Mallalieu , secretary of the repub lican state committee , arrived in the city lust night. i J. L. Spring , n. L , D. Voorhees and Charllo Kuascll oru Llncolnltcs stopping at the Barker. R. S. Brlgham , manager Crawford's theater , St. Joseph , Is stopping ut the HarKer , accompanied by his wife. Mrs. Carrlo Htiltmnn has been vlnltlns her son , Hcv. P. O. Hultman , this winter She leaves this evening for her home In Essex , la , J. F. Tilly , who has been superintendent of government work at Fort D. A. Hussell , Is In Omaha on a vacation for a few wcuKs. Mr n S. Brlghara , manager of the Craw ford theater at Bt. Joseph and wife are In the city. Mr. Brlgham Is en route for Cali fornia. W. II. CopplB ami 0. Hewitt , Bancroft ; T. R. Woody and William Gleek , Waynoj J , Hyrne , Mlndenj K. . Hall , Lincoln ; I ) . A Smith , Auburn , ana C. Walberg , Bmnlmm , are Nebrabkans regjstcred at the State. Ncbraskans at the hotels ; D , T , Cornell , Holdnrce ; E. ( ! . > Dey , Lincoln ; William White , Table Rock/IS. ; D. Gould. Fullerlon ; John W. Tcmpleton , St. Paul ; I" . M Mor- rloon , Wllber ; JJH H. dlcCovven , Hastings , C. J , Anderson , 'Nellch ; N , Hall , Lincoln ; P. Janscn , JansenjJohn L. May , Lexington ; \V. A. Johnson , Wood River ; W. F. Haupt- man , Svvanton ; Vt'f J , Robinson , Gothen burg ; N , W. Wells ; Bchuyler ; II < O. Paine , AJnsuorth. Humphrey's ' No. 10. C J'OIl 8TOMACII , BoM by ilniKKlntc , 2Sc , Hunip1in > n' Mol. Co iormr William and Jphn Kit. . New York Bankers'Building ' and Loan. Association 102 * Capitol Avc. Has money to loan at all times on first real estate mortgages. Monthly pay- mciitH , TO cents per uharo. I ouns can be repaid by giving SO days' notice. Tor further Information apply to M. F , POSKHOOSER , Sec'y. LAYING THE CORNKRSTONI Event Promises to Bo Ono of the Qrcatcsl Demonstrations Ever in the Oily. EPOCH IN HISTORY OF THE EXPOSITION nxtetiNl\c 1'repnratloux Ilrltifr Mmlc for tlip Work Hint AV111 lie Per formed .Next Tliurmlnj Mnrk the Arch of Sluton. Preparations for the Inauguration cere monies of the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition arc nearly completed and there Is every Indica tion that the affair will be ono of the greatest demonstrations ever wen In this city. He * HpoiiEes continue to be lecctvcd from various organizations , giving notice that they will take part In the parade The latest notice of this kind was that received from the Mer chants' and Manufacturers' association of Council DlufTs , slating that that organization would bo In line with a large representation atU would probably be accompanied by a band. It Is estimated that there will bo about 10.000 men In the parade. The work of laying the foundation of the \ich of the States , the cornerstone of which will bo laid on Arbor day , np\t Thursday , was commenced } estonlay It Is the de sire of the exposition manHgement to make this aich a permanent Btructure. and with this Idea in view , Architect Klmball has been in cur-re t.ondetice with various mami- factuicrs of brick and with owners of ston quarries with a view to having them con struct the arch. One plan suggested Is to build the ntch of cream colored brick It haa been urged that this would form a beau tiful contrast with the decorated frieze and result in a landmark which would be a thing of beauty The plan of the urch. an agreed upon contemplates having the frlczo dec- oratoil will the coats of arms of the Males of the1 union , done In colors , the transmlbsls- slppl states being represented on the north and Houth Pices , the thirteen original statwi OH the ° pst face of the frle/e and the re mnlntng stjitrs on thr west fare The nrch will tlii-n hp what Its name Indicates the Auh ot the States It will span Twentieth street nt the south entrance to what will bo known aftei the exposition as Kountze park , and will form n most ttrlklng land mark , vlslblr In every direction. The design for this stricture thows an arch on thi > order of the famous triumphal arches of European countries It Is massive and Im posing In appearance and in u most pleasing architectural conception Eastern papers have commented c\tt > nt > lvcl } and favorably on this arch , bomo of them printing sketches of It. The cornerstone of this arch vslll bo laid Arbor day by Grand Master Pheljw of the Free Mccons of Nebraska , assisted by the ofllcers of the grand lodge. The ceremony will take place after the parade has reached the exposition grounds. Van Court & Wlnn , the contractors who will do tile grading of the lakes and lagoons on the exposition grounds , have commenced moving their grading outfit to the grounds and expect to commence work the first of next week. Wo heard a mechanic say that lie would not be without Salvation Oil. It kills pain. J24 Chicago to New York and return Less than via other roads. Llmltwl tweaty- elght-lmur train via the Nickel Plate Tickets on tale April 21 to 2G Inclublvo , good returning" until Maj 5 Inclusive For r ° s ° rva tlotis In sleeping cars or any other Informa tion , call on or addiets J. Y Calahan gen eral agent , 111 Adams street , Chicago , 111. tlrNlilp IN fij I'orlnl. The nlishlp that has been infesting these and neighboring parts Is a nightly visitor at 1'ortal vvhenevei the weather Is line. The- residents of that little place- , which Is but a few miles from this city , would be unablu to sleep If the- airy inonstc-r dlil not put In .1 regulai uppeaiaiice. So h.ijs Mrs. John McCarthy , who llvis then * and who has friends In this city. The ship appears on every night when it Is flour. It hccms to come Invailably from the direction of Seymour pailc. It .slgyngs across the heav ens and shoots up or down with equal facility. According to the- people who lmvt viewed it through glasses It is long and oblong , and Is p-ovliled with huge wings Lights are hung front and aft. Science has invented a nou-fiinkablc life boat : Fill it with water and it actually bails itself out in less than a minute. Science finds a way to save lives that seem beyond savins' . When the good ship of Health is stranded on the k-e shore of Consumption , science comes to the rescue with Dr. Pierce's ' Golden Med ical Discovery. It is the non-sinlcable lifeboat of medical science. It makes red , rich blood that drives im purities out of the circulation , stops un healthy deposits in the throat and lungs ; . heals up the tissues jand restores vital en- \cry \ ) and solid flesh. Its nutritive proper ties are far superior to any malt extracts or cod liver oil emulsions , as it does not make soft flabby fat , but genuine muscular power and nerve force. It cures all diseases that result from impoverished blood and all weak run-down conditions. J. W. Jordan , Hsq , of Corbln , Whitley Co , Ky. , writes : " About two and n half years ana when I was nt Pint I.lck , Ky. , I was taken with severe pains In chest , after which I began to spit up blood and vvns also troubled with night-sweats. I was so short vvladed that I could hardly walk half a mile at once , and if I got the least bit ncnried I would have an attack of phthisic ( as thma ) and almost die for about twoor three days I concluded to try Dr. R V. Pierce , anil I related my case to him. He wrote me that I should taVe his 'Golden Medical Discovery , ' I began using it and used nbout six bottles. I brgan to see that it was helping me. So I concluded to continue the 'Golden Medical Discovery. ' I did so and I have improved both In strength and in weight. I have not had the phthisic , nor spit up any blood since last spring. " Dr. Pierce'a Common Sense Medical Ad viser is the most popular medical work in the English language. It contains a thousand and eight-pages , and over three hundred illustrations. It is a great store house of valuable information , A copy strongly paper-bound will be sent free on receipt of twenty-one cents in one- cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only. Address , World's ' Dispensary Medical As sociation , Huffalo , N. Y. If a handsome , cloth-bound , stamped binding is pcrferrcd , send ten cents extra (31 ( cents in all ) to pay extra cost of this handsome and better binding , Bco , April 19 , S7 , A SPECIAL In Spring Overcoats Merc's a chance to own a stylish light weight over coat for about half price , Our New York man re * ccntly closed out a small line of Covert cloth coats , which we put on sale today at less money than coats of equal quality have ever been sold for before , They are handsome , light colored garments made from genuine Covert cloth , cut in the stylish lengths 40 inches and have fly front , horn buttons , full picco back and overlapped pocket and side seams. Going- by all the values ever offered in Spring Overcoats in other stores these garments arc really worth ten or twelve dollars , but to make short work of them wo name a price of $5 75 each while they last. All sizes from 34 to 40. This ts a case where the early bird' ' gets a worm and a half , V Largest Stock and Lowest Prices CHAS SHIVERICK & CO , 12th and Douglas. VOTE FOR 0 F El & I iat TOR COMPTROLLER. A vnti- for him Is a vote for buMm > f > H inpthodd In the comptrnllcr'H nlllce , us his butlntFs icconl In this ilty will attest. VOTE POK , . . .FOR . COUNCILMAN-AT-LARGE. - - . A nd ask your friends to do the sumo DR. McGREW l > TIIK ONLY SPECIALIST WHO THRATS AU. PRIVATE DISEASES VVcakneu ft Unorder ot MEN ONLY 0 Veari Eipenence. U Yean in Omaha. flock Free. Coniultalloo and humiliation Hct. I4lh and Farnam Sls _ OMAHA NKB. Alt , IIAIM.S UOII > K.N -.1" ) it cnn l > o Kltpn uliliiiul the hniMrlriler of ( lie pullpiit IncolTtr , Ira or cirlltlMiif fm > .i "III tflrct u ptrmituint Anil rpiiily cum , ulirllur tha pillcnl In u mmlcrHli' ilrinkcr or HM Hkulinllc wn'ck. Ilnok of particular' frnIn hn huil of Kuhn A. ( la. Iftlh < l llourlao M > . Omubii. Nth GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO , Prop't. Cincinnati , L > , 7rlt if ll'tll ' ! * * oo Morphine JUUI mili > 4 fr * WILCOX COMPOUND Tlin only rollubln remain rrgulnlnr Nnvrr I'lilln. holdbyilrugglbU W'-.0l ( 8Mid 4o fnrVomHN'ft Nufecnuril , WILCOIUIEICiLCD.228 S.SIhSt.PUh Pi , U A New Man From top ( o to * that's when you're dre& > td in one of NfcolTs Spring ; Suits Thepricfisara from $ J5 to $40 The quality is best. Everything to measure. Samples cent out of town. 207 S. isth St. Branches In all principal cities Our Gold Crowns Are Hindu of eolit Kcild , which In 2'lc \1SUU fo" CsmaVl Krrouim. JO 00 fop ] i Bicuspids and { * . mid JH.OO forlurgo V Crowns apjillod ' painlessly ; touth uxtrticte-il xvltliN out the Icaht pain by localuppllcutlon to th " . . gums. Bailey , the Dentist , SD FLOOR 1'AXTON OCR , Lady Attendant , MADE ME A AJAX TAHUnSPOSiriVFLV CUUIJ 4 LI , > rri ! < / > ( * * * Falllntf Mom * or ) . Jmi otmicKlf > * i lfMneBi ( itc .uiufcej by Altukuuud nllmr \ iiwunui flnd Iiidlt- cntlonvArjy t/tiir/ty ami * urr/ir iittorit I/ > -l Vitality in old or jouiu . uuj ( U a man/urUu.ly liuiitinbuor inurrUu * , „ , _ . J'rt-vrnt lni > umty unu Consumption if taktm in time Jhelr tun uliowi linineillnlo Improve ment unil utfectfl u CUUU where all other * lull In sUt upon liuviittf tlin itpnulno Ajitx Tablets 'iht > jr IIIITHcuiI tltouHiimUnntl will euro youM ulve a punitive written KUHnintbM to * ffett u cure In each cua or refund tha mono ) J'ricufiO r nu tor imiknueor fell luitkuKe * ( Tull trHatmvutJ fur $ JW iJy mull , it * plain wnipfM'r. ujon ri rlnt of \ rlco. Circular Iff AJAX REMEDY co. . , ; : ; ; ; ' , ? ' Tor Bale In Oinalia by Jumcu Foreyth , ! 03 N , I ICtli Mrtrt. Kuhn ti. Co , llth anil Douglui Strceti , At Mrs. Benson's Old Stand , 1519 Douglas Street. AT AUCT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF MAX MEYER & BitO , 00 , Consisting of $100,000 Worth of WATCHES , DIAMONDS and JEWELRY , Will be sold at Pubic Auction to the highest bidder without reserve or limit , Every article warranted as represented or money refunded. Sale Every Day This Week. af 10 3. HI , 2 p. mi and 7 pIHi , a"d will continue until the entire stock is sold Ladies fc are especially invited to attend this sale. 4 Mrs. Benson's Old Stand , 1519 Douglas Street.