TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEEi TXjffiTESDAY , APRIL 20 , 1807. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Opens with a Bound , bnt th ( Strength Simmers Out. SHORTS ACT LIKE MANIACS AT THE STAR ! AVnr A > T I l\cn Tlu-in n Ilcclilcil Scnrc nnil They Miikc n Mini HiiHh to Uovor Iri InlotiN ( lnlvt. C11ICA O , April ID.-Aftcr a very o.xclt- IMC opening today nt an exceptionally grcal nilvnnco In Its price wheat simmered down to nbout Its Usual subdued nervousness , The Html outcome was that Slay closed worth "Jo and July 74Vd75c , ns compared with 73 > io and 73'4c ' , icspectlvcly , Saturday nf let noon. The other tnnlkets had n some what similar experience , except Hint Iti the case of provisions no advance was es tablished for the day. The outbreak ol hostilities between Turkey and Greece over shadowed all else In Its Influence on the markets. As was expected wheat wns wild anil excited nt the opening ; the news that war had actually begun produced constei nation among the shorts niul the utter disregard of caution displayed by a majority of them was clearly Indicated by the prices they paid at the first onrush. May wheat , which Saturday closed at 7a > ic , started this morn ing In one mighty bound from 3'/4c ' to 4Uc higher. There was a difference of Ic1 per bushel In pi lee between the llrst tiansac- tlons made pimultnncoURl > In different parts of the pit. lioth May and .lul > were bought at fiom 77o to 77' ' , < ! C , with a few sales as high as 7SC. So utter was the confusion anil haste to do business during the llrst few exciting moments Hint men standing alongside of each other In the pit were doIng - Ing business at He per bushel difference. Most of the usual statistical mnvs was wanting , owing to the closing of the for eign nmikets during the Caster holtdayu. 1'ilvate enbli-H , however , showed u cuib advance at I.lvipnol equal to fc ! per bushel. Although reports from the KIowing crop were enough In thunsflvrs to pioduee a strong market , It Is piobablo that after Katnrday's excited bulge a reaction would have been rectn ilt-d today had It not been lor the oiltbieiiK of hostilities In Kurope. As It was , after the llrst wild scrambli- , the excitement began to die down. The market heaved and sank and lieaved again , however , In great Irregular billows for an hour before Its motion got calmed down for a while to the comparative ripple of Its oidhmry lluuluatluux. Realizing during this time was enoinious. Klnc after line of long \\heat was thrown on the market and acted like oil on stormy waters. Indeed this fact piuhably pii'vintetl what many looked for today , namely M-eent ) wheat. Ciulahy , I.lnn and Hanett weio the most conspicuous wlleis during the flrt hour , the two former to be taking prollts on long stuff. while the Inltpr Hold for the short account. Ctidnliy nnd Linn were ercdltc.il with elenr- Ing Bomi'thlng like $100,000 cncli us n result of the dny'-J It.inductions. John W. Gates of the Illinois Steel company nnd W. T. Hnkcr nlso won hi'.ivlly. Hofore the pi Ice settled down In the manner Indicated It hud touched 74\c on Its downwind course nnd rcat'Ucl around 7. c. It rose again to 7Ce , once more got down to 7r c and closed at that. C'hlciiKu received six carloads of win-lit anil C.'IW ) luibhels weto taken out of atore. Mlmii'iipolls nnd Duluth receipts were SOS carloads , ngulnst 477 the corresponding spending day of the year befoie , nnd CC2 en i a week ago. CleaianccH since Sat urday from ( be four principal Atlantic ports were equal In wheat and Hour together to INi.OOO bu. The visible decrease for the week was 727.1100 bu. Corn VVJIH influeneed chiefly by the excited feeling In wheat and at the opening much rcrcmliliMl that mtiikct In the wide range of prices. There wns Instant reaction and under icallzlng by holders and for the bal- nnce of the session the market ruled com paratively quiet. Covcilng1 by shorts ilur- fliiK the last few minutes started prices up 'iiiri/ln and the market closed strong. Ex ports' were heavy -110,000 bu. Hay opened Wie higher at from 2l',4c to 2 : > c , gradually settled to 24'ic ' anil reacted to 21c , where It closed. Oats ! opened firm on the war scare anil sympathy with wheat and corn , and for a time exhibited considerable strength , with Tree covering by shorts. Sellers were not lacking and liberal realizing soon caused n break. The market then steadied and prices gradually advanced. Mny opened nbout % c hlKher nt 17Vi517c , sold between 17iC ! nnd Wic , closing nt 17'/ic. 1'iovlHlons wore excited for a few min utes at the stait by the war talk , but the jmckers hail more for snle than there were buyers , the consequence of which was that curly buyers had cause to regret their Im pulsiveness. Tlu > prices made In the llrst fifteen mlnules were thu highest of the day , nnd at the close of the ilny they were nt the bottom of the range. Mny pork closed a shade lower at JS.47'A ; May lard 2" " > i > lower at $1.20 bid and May ribs a shade lower at J4.75. IJsllmated receipts Tuesday : Wheat , 7 cars ; corn , 123 cars ; onls , 1S3 cars ; hogs , 20.COO head. The leading futures ranged n.3 follows ! Articles. | Open. I Ill.-li. Low. | Closa. I Sal'dy , \\bent- Aprll. . 77O7H 78 73 7351 July. . . 77W78 7H 7.1JS 74 Sept. . . 71f7C Coin- April. . 21 24H JiW-VS J5 ! UIH July. . . . -'HUH Sept. . . i7 ! ( * H , 275. 27W O.-its- Mny. . . . 17 July. . . . IrtX , 17U-18 bent. . . . 10)1 ) l Jf fork May. . . . 8 115 H 70 H 47H B f > 0 July. . . B 70 B bO B ( JO B (10 Lnrd- May. . . . 1 15 ! 4 15 ! 4 20 4 'J2H July. . . 4 37M 4 ' . ' 7 4 III ) 4 MVW Sept. . . 4ID 4 45 4 H7m t 40 4 40 Eh'tKlbH Way. . . . 4 HH 4 Ri > 4 77H 47"tl July. . . 4 Mi 4 H7hi 4 7S 477Hi " Sept. . . 4 00 4 110 4 KJ 4 HD 4 fe5H No. I Cash quotations were as follows : ri.Ol'il Klrm ; patents , 3c lilKlier ; winter pat ents. J4.33if4.r.3 . ; Imkent , J2.COtf2. 0 ; HtrnlBhts , ( ( OOR4.20 , FprlnK > > | > eclals , 14.20. WII13AT No. 2 Pining , 75O7Cc ; No. 2 red , 79iji C4c. ( JOHN No. 2 , ( % ; No. 2 yellow , 2 Hc. OATS No. 2. 17'4e ' , f. n. b. : Nn. 2 white , 21fl > Kc , No. 3 white , f. o. b. , 18621'-c. ' IlYi-No. 2 , 35 > 4e. IlAJlI.UY-No. a , nominal ; No. 3 , f , o. b. , 27 < j33c ; No. 4 , f. D. b. , 2."e. FIA.\HiHl-Nn. 1 , 774 ! 79Vic. TIMOTHY 81:1:0 : : Prime. $ ! . 'OO2.7i. ! 1'HOVIHIONH Piirk , me s , per bbl. , JS.45 8.r,0. J.nrd , per 100 lb . JI.20. llncon , short rll rides ( InoKe ) , Jl.C.'ilf ( . .6 , Dry baited shouldrrH ( tKixed ) , J"JM.0 ; hliort clear sides ( boxed ) , UnchaiiKed ; rut loaf , : . ( . ! ; franu- lated , Jl.t ? . Onthol'rolnce nxeli.iii'-0 tO'l'iv tlm butler mar ket WIIH vvcak ; creamery. KldilOSui il.Urv , ! W 16c , KVKH , weaki fu'Hh , 8l < c. Cheeso. weak ! imoUdho , I.lvn poultry , Hte.uly ; tnrkeyu , Uc ; chtckoiiH , 7ciluckHUdl ; ( > c. YOHIC < ; IMHAI. : : MAUICIST. QiiolnlloiiM of tinDii } ' on ( ifiieral i'llllllllOllltlOH , NIIW YOUK , April 19.-ri/OUH-llecelpts , 18 , . O'.U bbls.i exports , : sfs,3 Mils. , strong ami more active , with prices held I'lOJCc hlulnr. Mlnno- Mita patents , J4.20til.CO , Mlnne otn bakers , J3.CO 4j'3.W ; winter patents , Jl C5f4. ! > 0 Mil ; winter ex. trus , J3.3r.e3.fO ; winter low Knule , J2.7I02.M. It > e llnur , tinner , > u | 'rllne , J2.30(2.CO , CUNMKAI/-HtBiiil > ' . wtnlein , Clo bid , IIAHhUV-Klrin nt 27W2ilie. IIAHI.KY MAl.T-Uiilel nt 4CfiJ5o. WIH3AT lleielplB. lfc. 00 bu. , exports , 1(0.- ( 477 bu. ; H" > t. um-ellleil ; No. 2 red. S64c ; No. S hard , vi Inter , I2c. OptloiiH opened tleudy and blglur on the war Hewn , nUvunctd on local nnJ forelun buyliiK , but later tinned weak ami declined thnrpl ? under Kener.il realltliiK , ub- Hence of expoit ilcmund ami better newu from the notlhvvett closed unietllcd at 3 ? iiie nrt nilviiiicu ; No. 2 ifd. Aprll , closed at kOo ; May , ; rOHN-'necelpIs , 101.iffl bu. ; exports. S7.4M 1m. ; pot , llriner , but ijulet ; No. S , SO o ; yellow , SHo. Options opentd active ami Mronu vtltli vheat , but WM Incllnnl to ease off under rcuj- U'Hk' raUs nml clun-d IrreKUliir ut ? ; s/lc lui- vaiu-t'i Apill cloted at 30 c ; Muy , : 'j ll.icif 30\c. clovetl 30Uc. OATS Itecelpt , 168,000 bu. ; exports , HS.tiOO | jui rpot. firmer : No , 2 , SJc. Option * were ttrrnic all day with a light truile , cloklni ; lu net hlKher ; Muy , nttWtr , dosed 22 c , HAV-Steaily ; thlpplnif , WJifOc ; jtood lo choice , 70 fT5c. lIOl'.S-Qulet ; H > 5 crop , lURCc ; U5C crop , 6U0 for mule und roinmon ; I'ucltlp co.in , iKft crop , IIl&S Krra ; lluino Ajres , 18iJ9c ; Calllornn ' K I.KATIIiil-Hteuily ; btmlock cole , lluriios A ) us. 0 j2Ic. HT'IM hu-Hi'i-eliUi. | 10 tld I > ! < us. ; ( ( Ulcti We > | . rn ciiuintrISUlTc ; Klglne , lie ; factory , g i , J.1CO ; kg * . ; marka ttcudy ; Mate large. 9ni2Kc ; itntc smflll , 9911'ic ; P rt skims , 4i(7UC , full skims , SHflSc. iaOB It clpti * , 1SC5 pkgs.j market state and I > nn ylvnnln , lOc ; western , sonthfrn. SUOUc. PnOVlSIONS-IIeef , ntcndy ; fnmlly , . 10.00 ; extra mots , Jl.SOflfUO ; beef hams , JI9.60 f20.(0 ; puckers , JliCOil .ro. Cut meats , about steady plcklwl bellies. I500W6.M : pickled shoul ders. J4.75W5.00 ; plcktrd hams. J9 0069.60. I.iiril , fasy ; western steam , II. JO ; refined , steady , I'ork , ntilet ; mefs , J8.7Sj9.60 ; short clenr , J9.75j10 CO' , family , J9.7D010.fA Tallow , dull ; city , 3U8 3 4c ; country , SHflS'ic. HICK Hteady ; fair to extra , 4UOCHc ; Japan , MOI.A8SiS : Ston.l- ; New Orleans , open kettle , poor lo choice , SS/30c. OILS I'ctrolpum , dull ; no market. Rosin , quiet ; strained , common to good. J1.65. Turpen tine. ijutet nnd steady ( It 29V4030c. Cottonseed , 'inlet ; prime summer jcllow. ZJc ; oft summer , . MI7TAI.S I'lg Iron , easy ; fouthern , . ll. " > ; northern , JIO.tOfri2.0l. ( Copper , dull ; brokers , J11.21 ; pxchnncp. tll.30011.tO. Tin , dull ; straits , J1J 13I3.50 ; plates , quiet ; spelter , quiet nt JUOC4 20. Lend , easy ; exchange , JJ.27I4 U3.32H ; lirokers , 13.20. OMAHA ( ! HX U It A 1. .11 A It ICETS. Conilltlon of Triuli * Mini ( liiotullniiK on Stiiile nnil I'niicy 1'ruiliiri . nnOH-Ilulk of salit ) , 5c. MUTTKU-Common to fair , 7e8c ; choice to fnncy roll , UflHo ; teparator creamery , ISc ; Bat'.i- ered creamery , 15c. OAMK lllue winged teal ducks , tl.ro ; green wing , Jl.2.1 ; redheads nml mallards , J2.7S83.00 ; caiivnsbaclts , J3.00 ; Canada gccic , large , Jj.000 6.W ; small. J2.tO 3.CO. UAI Choice fat , SO to 120 Ibs. , arc quoted nt large and coarse , 485c , j l > OlJI.THY-Hens , 7',4WSo ' ; cocks , 335c. I'lOKONa-LIVc , 75 ! )0c ) ; dead pigeons not wantrd. HAY Upland. J4.50 ; midland , J3.rx > ; lowland , J3.W ) ; rye straw , J3.SO ; color makes the price on hay ; light bales sell the best ; only top ginilcs bilng top prices. IIHOOMCOHN Extremely Blow fnlc ; new crop , delivered on track In countiy ; choice green self- working carpet , per lb. , 2 2'ic ; choice green , running to hurl , 24(2'ic ' ; common , 1V4C. VIXHTAIII.KS. MUSIinOOMS-l'cr Ib. box. C08MO. I OUIIN I-HAS i'cr 2j-ib. box. jz.oo. CUCt'MIimiS-l'cr doz. , Jl.iW. CAri.ll' < IX3Wiit-rer crate , J3.&OIJ4.00. ASI'AIlAat'B-1'cr ' lb. , ICc. SPINACH Per bu. box , Jl.CO ; per basket , 7Bo. TOMATOiS-Per 7-baskct crate , J.1.00. WATHIl CIlisS-l'er : ir-qt. crate. J1.75. I'll ; PLANT Illinois , DO-Ib. boxes , J1.2CS1.BO. TfUNIP-S-Per bbl. . J1.20. OLD ViOKTAUl.is : Uctts , carrots , parsnips , per bbl. . Jl.W. HADISlinH Ier iloz. . 50c. , MJTTUCU-PiT doz. , 30c. WAX lliANS-llu. boxes , J3.00. STIlINO 11IJANS Per bu. box , J2.50. ONIONS Per doz. , 15if20c. I PAItSMIY 1'er iloz. , 25c. IIKIlMfDA ONIONS Per crate , J4.00. HWKI3T POTATons-Kancy Illinois , per bbl. , Jl 75 ; feed , Jl 2 ; 1 50. ONIONHiood stock , per bu. , Jl.23fjl.50. LIMA lir.ANS-Per lb. , 3c. IIIIANS Hnnd-iilcked navy , per bu. , Jl.OOQl.lO. CAllllAnnCalifornia. . 2o p < r lb. CKM3IIY Per uoz. , large , California , No. I , Me , No. 2 , 4Sc. POTATOKS-Uood native stock , per bu. , 23S30O ; early Ohio i.eed potatom , lied liver valley , 430 50c ; Minnesota early Ohio , 408IJC. KUU1TS. .STIlAWlliilUins-Texas. : per 24-qt. cases , J.1.00 ; Louisiana , 24 pints , J2.7GJ3.00. MAU\A ! GUAPiS-l'cr keg , J7.00. CHANllUllUins-Per crate , Jl.CO. APPLES Fnncy. large , J2.23 ; choice , J2.00. TIIOPICAL. FRUIT. OUANOICS-Callfornlii navels , 150s to 00 , J3.73 ; large sizes , J3.234jM.SO ; ECCdllngs , J2.25Jf2.60 ; Med- Itiiiraiican sweets , fnncy , JJ.OD ; choice , J2.500 IJ.MONS-M : slnas , J3.0003.25 ; choice Califor nia. J2.75 ; fancy , J3.WI. I IANANAS Choice , large stock , per bunch , } 2.00Ii2.2o ; mcitluin-KlZGil bunches , 11.508205. MIKCILIANKOUS. Nt'TS Almondi , California , jicr lb. , large size , 13c ; lir.izlls , per lb. , 10c ; llngllsh vvnlnulii , per lb. , fumy , soft i-hell , 12tfl2ijc ; btandards , lOifllc ; nibeii.- , per lb. , lOc ; pecans , polls.ied , large , iifilOe ; Jumbo , Il0l2c ; bilge Iilckory nuta , J1.I5 per bu. ; eoconnuts , 4'/ic ' e.ic.i. PIUS Impuited fancy 1 crown , 20-lb. boxes , Ue ; 5 clown M-lb. boxes , 13gHc. 11ON12Y Cllolce , 13fil4c. C'lPint Claimed Juice , per half bbl. , 12.50 ; per bbl. , H.OOJJI.2J. MAPI-t : SVIU'P Five gal. cans , each , J2.50 ; gnl. cans. pure , per doz. , J12 ; half gal. cans , 10.23 ; quart cans , $3.50. HIIJiS , TALLOW. UTC. Ilhlch No. 1 green hides , Cc ; No. 2 green hides , 5c ; No. 1 green tailed hides , 7'/4e ; No. 2 gieen wilted hides , C c : No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 Ibs. , 7c ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1 dry Hint hldcu , SfflOc ; No. 2 dr > - Hint hides. Sft9c ; No. 1 dry called bides , 8SJ9c ; part cured hides , M.C per lb. less than fully cured. 8HUKP 1'KLTS Qrcen. baited , each. 25gCOc ; green tailed , . hearlngn ( short vvoolcd caily skins ) , each , 15c ; dry thearlngn ( short woolej early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebrnj-kn butcher wool pells , per lb. , ac tual weight , Ij5c , dry Hint , Kansas and Ne braska Murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , Sff-lc ; dry ( lint Colorado butcher wool pcltB , per lb. , actual weight , Ifi5c ; dry Hint Colorado Murrain wool pells , per lb. , actual weight , 3fc ; feet cut off , as tt Is useless to iuj freight on them , TALLOW AND OHnASE Tallow. No I , 24c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2c ; greai-o , white A. 3c ; grease , white IJ , 2c ; Krect'e , > ellow. 2c ; grease , dark , l = ic ; old butter. 2Q2c ! , beeswax , prime , 10822c ; rough tallow , Ic. WOOI * Unwashed , fine heavy , GSJ7c ; fine light , FilOc ; quartcrblood , 10i)2c ) ; tecily. burry and chaffy , 6ft9c ; cotted and broken , coarte , 79c | ; cotted nnd broken , line , CJJSc. Fleece washed medium , 15iJlbc ; line. 14QlCc ; tub washed , ICiJ 18c ; black , ic ; bucks , Cc ; tng locks , 2J3c ; dead pulled , 5j6c. HONKS In carlots , welgheil and delivered In Chicago : Dry Uuffnlo. per ton , J12.COJJH 00 ; dry counlry , blenched , per ton , $10.00812.00 ; dry coun try , damp nnd meaty , per ton , JO OOJJ j.OO. FHES11 MEATS , DHHSSKD nnnF Oood native steers , 400 to COU-lbs. , CHc ; goo.1 forniuarters Fleern , 5V4c , good hlndquarteiu , b'.ic ; wectern fleers , 64c ! , fancy heifers , CUc ; gooil helfera , Co ; good foreiiunrteis heifers , 5c ; good hlndiiuarters helfera , 8c ; good cows , Cc ; fair cows , 5',4c ; common cows , 5c ; cow forequarters , 44C ; cow hindquarters , 7'/c. 11KEF CUTS Tenderloins , 2Cc , boneless stripy , 9Hc , strip loins , 7V4c ; rolls , Sc ; Birloln butts , He ; choulner clods , IHic ; rump butts , f.c ; tecr chucks , 4'4c : cow chucKs , Ic ; bonele s chucks , 4 > ic ; cow plates , 3 > ic ; steer plates , 4c ; Hank steak , Cc ; loins , No. 1 , He ; loins , No. 2 , 12c : loins. No. 3 , 'Jc ; No. 1 short loins , ICc ; No , 2 short loins , He ; No , 3 short loins , 12o ; ulrloln ends. Tie ; ribs , No. 1 , 12o ; ribs , No. 2 , lOc ; ribs , No. 3 , 7e ; steer rounds , Cc ; cow rounds , 5.ic ; cow rounds , shank off , 7e ; cow rounds , shank nnd rump cff , 7c ; trlnunlnEs , 4c ; beef snnnks , 2l4c ; brains , per doz. , 35c ; rwcethreads , per lb. , 12o ; sweetlirendB ( calves ) , per lb. , 40c ; Kidneys , per doz. , 45c ; ox tails , each , 3c ; livers , per 11) . , 3c : hearts , per lb. , 2c ; tongues , per lb. , 12c. MUTTON Lamb ? , 80 ; J ear , Inns , 7ic ; Bhcep , 714o ; market rucks , long , Sc ; hotel racks , short , 12c ; legs und saddles , He ; lamb legs , lOc ; breasts and stews , 3c ; tongues , each , 5c ; plucks , each , 3c. I'OHIC Drenied pigs , ! > V4c ; dressed hogs , 5Uc ; tenderloins , lie , loinu , 7'c ; tpnre libs , f..ie ; bam fcausage , butts , CVicj uhoulders , rough , DHc : hhoulders tklnneil. tic ; trimmings , Cc ; leaf lard , not rendeied , fie ; heads , cleaned , 4c ; snoutu and ears , 4e ; backbones , 3c ; cheek meats , S'/ic ' ; neck bones , 3c ; pit's' tails , 3'c ; plucks , each , 5c ; chltterllngH , f.c . ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per doz , 25c ; stomachs , each , 3e ; tongues , each , 7c ; kld- neyB , per doz. . lOc ; bialnn , per doz. , 15cj pigs' feet , per Uoz. , 30c ; livers , each , 3c. STOCKS AMI IIO.VDS. AVKli KnroiM'fiii .tlnrlii-lN COHI-I | Ienl- < TH KIIIMV Not \Vlilit lo Do , NEW YOUK , April 19. Nothing outride of the news of the war between Tuikey und ( Ireeee bad much Interest In Wall street today. The tradem In stocks are iiccustomed to look with reliance to the course of prkes on foreign ex changes to guide them In their dealings In prop- erllex HLely lo be affected by European nlfalrs. The absence of tills Index today on account of the continued closing of ( he exchanges In Umdon nnd Paris over the Easter holidays left the mlndu of the traders In some confusion nnd as u IruJlt the movement of prices was ut tlmi'i very erratic without any corrcsiondbiK change In the tenor of neua to Juiilfy It. it was evident at Ihe opening , however , that this maikct was bearing Ihe biunt of whatever BellIng - Ing was u result of tlie war , not only by local holders , but by ( hop * In Ixmdon , Paris und llerlln , w.iere the exe.iung was also eloped. The treriu at the opvnlrm wan an exciting one und there wa heavy pretture lo sell through out the whole day. There had been many Hop orders placed befoie the opening In anticipation of u ( .lump unil there were speedily uncovered , running salen of from l.tW to 4 001) ) shares being made nt Ihe opening In many Mocl.s. The In. trrnatlonal stocks , nf courre , were most uf- fecteil and declined the mott , Loulnvllle A : NiiHiivlllc being the nion conspicuous example , with a full of 3per rent Other Inlirnu- tlon.il hhurt'H loM over a point In the I lllil ileallngs , and the VnmUrblltc , New Voik Central and Luke tiliore were each off 2 per cent. The grangers showed marked declines , exicndlng to P j ir cent In Ft Paul. The whole list uyin- pathlzeJ und lost from a fraction lo nearly 2 points , An upprehentlon of gold exports had Its added effect In dcpri-ntlng prices , the rates for exchange having notably hiinlrr.ed on the war new * . Home cxoange biokcrs legarded Ihe rate of exciange as having reached the gold expoit nu'ii > uie toduy , b'lt ilc'.iloru In stocks are In iloulil whether foreign buying of our bread MulTB which reruns from Pie war will not be futllclem to tlfret forelRti te'llig of American reeurltleii and Kirp the balance of credltH In our fuvor. It wan this doubt that helped In the full of prlco. though till ? wan mainly due to the leporU thutvtiu eurnnt thut foreigners were buying ttocKn , and were also celling grain on t.ie rlie. The rally In the ttock market WIIH connlktert wlt'i the leuctlon In wheat , am ) both WITH more or teen due to the knowledge of for eign operations agalmit the current. Hut the rally In Moiks fulled lu hold , although wheat continued nt IV lower level. The rally wan general und extended lo over a point In docks such IIB l < oul vlllc tc Nutbvllle , New York Cen tral , Heading und Kansas & Texas preferred. The activity uf tlie marku u liirgfly u p > idel ut thl'j period , owing to the iHrrunicn of mind of tie trader * and was Kwtvvrml rparmodlc afterward. SI. Paul wan tlie mou actively dealt In , the Halm footing up over IK ( < I ihuKii. Prlcvn rnuna'd a downvvanl courie after the rally and In mo t cut reaclita th maximum I decline for the d < iy. reaching JH p r cent In Louisville & Nnshvllle , 3 percent In Unkr Shore , ! H per cent In New York Central , JS P < T cent In St. Paul ami In OmAlin , and 2 per cent In Routhern preferred and Pullmnn. These stock ! njo > ed a fractional rally , which was ijencml t the clo e. The net losses en the day ex tended to a point or over In many stocks , Con solidated Ons and Lnclede Gn lost Hi per cent each and CHIcrwo das 14 per cent. Tennewe Coal nnd Iron continued xvral ; on the decreased earnings for February nnd scored n net loss of 2 per cent. American Spirits preferred also scored n loss of IH per ccr.t on the day. The bond market nlso ruled depressed , with the International liens the chief rtifferers. The market dlFplued quite a little rffl'tnnce to the selling movement In the early dealings , bul later succumbed , with the average losses nbout n point In the principal Issues. Hocking Val ley tu fell f > per cent. The aggregate fnles were J1.2M.OOO. Government bonds were strong and higher during the forenoon , with the Bs regis tered gaining H per rent. The gains were sub sequently lost and the market closed weak. The sales were JI19.000 , The following were the closing quotations on the lending clocks of the New York exchange today : Total snics of stocks toilnycro 2.F > 4,34I fhnrcs , Including : American Tnlmern , 3,400 ; American SliKnr , 23,110 ; llurllnRton & Qulncy , 2.1,550 ; Chl- cniro Gns trust rccclptH. ID SOO ; Oclnwnrp * : lluil- sun. 3.2CO. Ocnernl Hloctrlc , 5,500 ; lxjuls\llle & Nashville , ID. 500 ; Mnnlmttnn Consoliilntcil , 60,400 ; New York Central , lO.&OO ; Northern 1'acltlo 1're- fcneil , 5.C.0 ; Omnhn , n.HW ; HeadliiR , B.OBOi llock Island , C.CdO ; Kt. I'mii , Ht.CfO ; Tennessee Coal and Iron , 4,415 ; Western Union. C.475. X 'iv Yorlv Money Market. Nn\V YORK , April 19. MONIJY ON CAMj Haty nt lffl'4 per cent ; lasll loan , Hi per cent , clowil , ljfl'4 per cent. 1'IUMU MiUCANTII.E : rAl'13U-3'4ff4 per cent. STKUMNO nXCHANCin Firm , with nctual business In lumkcra' tills nt J4.f > 8'4 for dcinnml and nt $4.SGVi for sixty ilnys- posted rates. J4.S7 W4.S7U nml Jl.iS'tfM.W ; commercial bills , tt.85 © 4.S5'i. SILVKR GOVKKNMttNT 1IONDS Weak. BTAT13 I1ONDS Dull. , ' UAIUtOAD 1IONUS Weak. Closing quotations on hoimi were as follows : Snii Frniiclneo .inning QuotnUoiin. SAN FRANCISCO. April 19. Tno omdal clov Inir tiuatatlona for mlnln ; siouki toJiy warj as follows : Nciv York Uunliitlons. NEW YOUIC. April lO.-Tho followinr arj the milliner qitotiitlons : Chollar . 116 Ontario 7110 Crown Point . 1(1 ( Onhlr. Kit ) Cou.Cal. A. Va. . . . 143 I'lyinoiith is Ueailwood . 115 Quicksilver lee Quicksilver pM. . . 1. ' , ll.-ilu , t Noreroai. . H5 Slerr.iMovada 100 Humentake . 21)00 ) Standard 100 Iron Silver . 35 union Con. , L'l ) Mexican . 4S Yellow Jacket . . . . 20 asked. .SI. I.DiilM ( ioiii-riil llnrkfl. ST. 1/JUIH. April 19.-KI.01'H-Iull , but nomi- niilly hlKher ; patentH , $4.ur > ( i'4.M > ; oxti.i fnncy , H. 30W4. 43 ; fnncy , $ : ! .SoI3.05 ? ; choice. J3.SOfi3.50. WIII2AT There HUB it % ery ixclllr.t ; time In the pit at the openlnR toiluy imU ttaileiu nmile a \\lld nifh to buy ulieut. July nheat , on the litrenglh of the beclnnlnir of actual hohtllltlen between ( Ireece nml Turkey , ojicneil uji at an advance of fiom 2T4e tii 5 ? e from S.-ituid.o's clote. TlieieN.TH a Kfneral cnlllnh' for mar- Klim und a ili'clileil illi-poiltlon to e\en up truile. The lonKHvvru Inclined to lake prnlltH nnil they liuMlvil to Ket umlcr oo\er. Thcie was nn nilvance of Vjc at the openlnB , Ihen , on the report thut foix-litnciB were lu-uv ) bellera In New York nml ChlcuKO , the muiket xtarteil to decllno anil went down rapidly , but llnully cloteil nt nn advance of from c In H'.ic ' from Saturday. July wheat opened at W,4c ) , lluctuutcil between 80c anil Sic for uwhlle , KflM down to Kl'io ' , up to fcOHc , wa offered down lu 7iTic ! , soldnt t-Oo - , down t Tk ic , and then up to 7Uc , wiiere It too < l at call time. A rally fnllimed uinl the price wn 7U7ie. May wheat WIIH offered nt S3o and Irnil 93o bid , 2'iC ' hlKher than Salttnlay's clnpe. The close wn nt lH'ic. ' Annum opened at 77e , 3'ic hlKher than Kulurday'a clouit wan bid up to 7754e , mid at 77',4c , lluctuated fur n while between flint price and 77V > anil then wan offered down lo 77c ; 7G'4e ' was bid at the clow. Tor Ihe llftl lime since 1891 cash wheat imsu'il tae ilnllar maik. Meexmore A : Clannit hul'l one niiloud of c lra hlcli Rraila wheat for $1.01 und two uirloads of No 2 red winter wheat nt Jl.02',4. ' lloth pali-a were from Biunplep , the purchai-erH lielnir mlllerH ; No. a red rash , In eleuitor. We bid ; nn track , JI.U3fi'l.t)2ii- ) May , Sllio liM ; July , 73io ! ui-Ked ; AUKUH , "C',0 ' bid. bid.fOHN ruturoH t-troni : iuil hlsher In sym pathy with wheat ; UMII hlKlu-r , N"u. 2 en h , 2Se , Ma > , 22U4/22 / > .c ; July , 23ie hid ; September , 2D'ie. OATS Kuluies dull , but utroiiK and higher. In hjinpufhy with wheat ! MIDI hlc.hcr ; No. 2 cnsli. IkVlc , May. lf > ' , ic bid ; July , lk ic , UVK-HlKlier lit 3l'ic. ' IIAULUV Nominal. IHtAN Dull and weak ; eaft track , eacKi-d , wurtli nomlrnlly f.Oif..lc. KI < A.XHHii-HlKher : nt 7 < 'ao. TIMOTHY Hiti-l'llni : : . nominal at : Wff2 ( M. llAY-Hteady , prnlrle , J400IUS.M ; timothy , Jb.W ( iK'.iO. llfTTKH-Steaily ; creana-iy , 13018io : dairy. sgisi. . IX1OR Hteady nt 7J c. PQl'J.THY C'hlrkeiiH , qillrt. hen , Co per pound ; fpilnK . Jl.Wi4.00 | mr dozen ; tuikry , lower ut 6' ' fi9e : iluclm , Hun nt 7s ! l'Jic ! ; , nominal ut 3Ijlc. WHIKKY-J1.19. Min-AI-S-l-enil , dull nt | 3.12'iif3.17'i. ' ' Spelter , linn ut 13.91. COTTON TIES-- ! ' "changed , IIACJOINO t'ncliaiiKCil. "uJX'RII'TH Klour. k.OiO bb.i. ; wheat. 13 COO l.il . , corn. Cl.eOO bu. ; nuts , 21,000 bu. HIIII'JUJNTB riuur. 11 mX ) bills. , wheat , 15.COO bu.j corn. 23I.WO bu. ; talii. 25000 bu. ICllllHIIN CIO > l rl > lN , KANSAS CITY. A | > rll -WHHAT-Mnrkot hell eever.il cenlH hluhtr , but wan ilull ; No. ! hard. Uc aikcd. No. 3 , nominally TlttTSc ; No. 4 , 71ttfl7ie. ! No 2 red , II luKul ; No 3. We ; Nil 4 nominally mjfSej No 2 H'rtng ' S3No. ; . S , 77060C. l\J N Marki-l 'aOlo lilif.ii-r nml fairly active ; NI > 2 mixed , SIC'-'Jc. OATS Market Hi in jind fairly active ; No. t white. ? . HYK No. 2 , ! 0o. HAY Maikct fomewhul eri'ler ; choice timothy. } 0 M : I'tolce iiralrle , Js.fOti700. lU'TTKU-Markft weak ; vmmtty , J5Vi017o : dairy. I0 14p , EOGS-MarWct weak ana l'c ' lower ; 7Kc. OMAHA LIVEuStflCK MARKET Week Opens with < w Bather Light Run All ATotJtid. URGENT DEMAND J3AYES CATTLE PRICES llnyem Wniit tii Utif , but \ccrnlt > Uoniiiclft Tliem.t to I'ny Slrmly 1'lmirrn HOKN Sell nt I Saturilit ) ' * 1'rlcvn. SOUTH OMAHA , April lO.-Ilecclpta for the days Indicated were : Cattle. Hops. Shoep. llorsca April 19 . MO 2,893 2,025 April 17 . 1.C12 3,111 4,378 April 1C . 1,192 4 JM 4t20 April 15 . 1,975 6,334 2.D63 April . 3,220 4.8T3 3,433 April 13 . 2,263 3,609 2,6)2 ) April 12 . 2,163 1,203 1.658 April 10 . 1,306 2 721 2,801 ! April 9 . 2,413 2,010 9SO April S..i . l.VOu 4,030 3.G09 April 7 . 3,420 3,475 2,591 April 6 . 1,937 3,323 1,719 The ofllclul number of cnrs of stock brought In today by cnch road vvns : Cattle. HoesSheep. . H'r's Missouri rnclllc Hy. . 1 1 U. P. system . ; . 21 8 8 P. , K. & M. V. H. 11. . a. . . 8. C. & P. Ily . 2 . C. , St. P. , M. & O. . . 14 3 . & M. a. a. a. . . . n C. , U. & Q. Hy . , 2 1 1C. C. & St. J . 3 c. , n. i. & p. ny. , B. i . C. , 11. 1. & P. Ily. , W. 4 1 . . 1 Totnl receipts . . . . 59 29 9 1 The disposition of the dny'a receipts wn.8 us follows , cneh buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Uuyerw. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. O. H. Hammond Co . 90 421 Swift and Compunyi . 2S2 MS 11 Cudiihy Packing Co . 371 893 77 H. Licckur and Degnn.i. . 45 . . . . . . . . Vansant & Co . i . 27 . I'Obman & Hothschllds. . . 263 . Itenton & Underwood . 104 . Huston & Co . C . Krebbs & Co . 20 . Hammond , 1C. C . MO Other buycru . , . . . , 257 . Totals . .Tin WIG SS CATTLI3 Kecelpts of cattle were not large enough to cuusu any weakness In values , but with other markets coming Hut lOo lower It was hardly to lie expected that the trade here nhould bo very brisk. The buyers were backward In taking hole ] and the general market on fat cattle was slow and weak to start with. The buyers , however , wanted the cattle , nnil the pens were cleared In good season and at prices not materially different from Saturday. In fact , buyers claimed that the cattle cost them strong Saturday'H prices. Not enough cows and heifers on sale to make any test of the market , the three or four loads here selling nbout like Saturday. Stockcrs and feeders were In fair receipt and the market was about steady. Every . . . . . HOQB-Ilecolpts of 110R3 were light nnil the trails wna eon over ullli. The mark * . wn * ' niul nctlvc. nnil in htcnUy at Hntunla > vrlcet . . The Kifnt bulk fffi-clp.1. cni-lv cICHTTinciwna - ? the liiw "oW nt J3.SO imU J3.92H , the fciitno "Tho W. rt0. ' JSUhli. market tc i mer BHKIJI' There were no fcheep here of liny account , but iven If there Imil been they would doubtless have hold 10 15o lower , ovvina lo the reporte.1 decline nt 'other ' points. As a lule sheep men do not U > { 'k "pon Ihe break In tlie sheep miukel n of more limn temporary character - hardly pobsllilp to acter us It does not n-ein keen'tile market fldwii. . Heprei-entntlve mlesi ' ' ' Av > Pr' No 25 mlxe.1 natives , IMibW 'J ; 5. D2 mixed natives , j1-1" ' , cs 'w CIIICACO .MAHKIOr. n'i ii Ii Ulnul.intir , Alnnil Sli'iuly. IIIUN ; anil Sheep CIIICAQO , Aiirnjfl-lSJIioli-e < ntlli > were iiBaln In moilcrate BUpjilMifUtllTboweil decbled slreiiKtli , all otlieiB usuallyJ > lfinK about lOo per Ittl Ibf. lower K le HBreJtfA' ' fie busls of from 11.85 to M.23 for i.iillnuryUt a-eil beef slews up lo from J4.C5 to 16 28 IfJi * KOml to pilme export cattle with "Itp-rVjf'-'liiln ' v\orlb fiom 13 M tu J5.40. Kiilei were I M < 1 > ' ul fiom J4.35 lo J5. ( . Thu tlocker uniHfftjlW nail * v im active nt the. usual vvlile liVlWii'of ' prices , with choice freillnt ; callle In i'FiVcliill > nnlmiileil ilfmaiul. Tut cows and heifers-'Id ' actively at uronK prkes , hlle i-annelb v\ue flliihtb lower. Tii.re VVT.S n 4tivu demand for IIOBH and the eupply was u U.I l n at ttronscr prices. Thu bulk of the offerlnss eruswil the M-nles nt fiom II 15 lo 142" ! be Ins niaile of lu-jvy packingIIIISH ul from J3.W lo S3.M. v\lie | | Ihe brst hogs of illffrrrnt v\elKhts broucht 14 SO. One lol of SSO-lu. hotm broucht 14 22'4. ' Large recilptB of hheep ami luinbs caused a v ciiker fi-ellnc anil liiinhs mfftrcd a fiuiher lifeline of nboul Idi i r KM Iba. , mlrb ln-lnf slow ut fruin ! 37I > to JI fo for common lo prlma Hocks. Sheep Mild brttt-r Iliun luniha mill were , us a rule , no loner. Nutlvr rl'.reii mlil at fiom J3 f.O to J5.23 ; noli'in rhtep told at from Jl.(0 to H.H , nnd Tex.is i-heep hroiiUlt Jl 30. Hecelpts : Cuttle. 19.WW head ; liogs , 27.000 head ; tluep , 25(4 liuiil. Slni'k lu > l lit. Heconl of receipts of llvu loik at the four principal market * for Ap-ll 19 : ( battle. lliiHheep. . Omaha 1.4W 2 SS3 2023 2"i IHH ) NHW YOliK. Apill 19 ( IICnVKH HrCflptF , I- C3) hcsiil. HI rale , l.WC hrud fairly urtlve und i-tead ) , IUK " " 'I men. .lS , bulls , K. dry CQWB , | liOU3.40. European cuLUs quote AmeHcnn nlwrn Rl lOHnil'ia , wclRhtj p.hffp. 10'itflSiic , refrigerator ticrf , n WlOo. Cnlvra , reoelptu , & , ! 10 hfnd , notlvo an flrm ; Vf l > , JI.tXifl5.2S. flIIHi1 : ! AND l AMIIS-tlecrlrtK , 15.130 bend Btiltt. 7,31X1 bend ; quirt Interior crtdti , HOC vrenk ; unchorn Inmbs , | 5.COtj .C2ti ; cltriped l mb . Iioas-Ilecelrts. 13.M9 html ; steady at 11.2 Q4.SS. Clfl.lvr Stuck. KANSAS CITY. April ll.-CATTlE-llrcflpt ! 4 , COO head best ftrmlM steady ; others nenK Texas steers , J3.10ff4.40j Texan cows , J2.SJtfJ.75 native pteem , f3.30fIS 00 ; nnthe eon * nd licit ? rt. Jl.2tfl4 10 ; ttockeis nn.l fevdrtt , JJ.2.-UI.CO bulls , J5fi3.W. ] HOtS llecelpts. 8.0JO btnd ; market stronR t Co higher ; bulk of tn\tr. \ J3.KU393 , brnvles J3MS4.00 ; packers , J370W3.90 , mixed , J3 7504.00 llRhts , J3.U63.95 ; Yolkers. W.M 3.0J , pigs. J3.0C W3.70. SIIKi : ! ' nccelpls. 11,000 Iienrti market weaker Inmbs , J3. ' { J7.SO ; muttons , Vt.00fjl.75. S . I.olllH I.Ivo Sdirk. ST. I.Ot'13 , Alirll 19. CATTMV-llrcclptB , 3.00C fund ; market barely steady ; fnncy export Mrers J.ri.2A ; fair to choice native shipping pteei-ii , Jit B5.00. fteera under 1,1X0 pounds , J3.50JH 25 stockrrn and feeders , 1.1 MM. to ; cons and mixed Jl.Wj3.00 ; Texnns ami Indian steers , } 2.tlKI4.:0 cows nml heifers , J2.0003.7I. ailKKI1 Itecelpts , 4X ( ) head ; mnrkrt lOc lower , within the ranee ; native muttons , J3 C0 ( OB ; lamb" , J4.7005.10 ; Texas sheep. ja.loe > 4.W spring lambs , J5.lon8.10. _ Cotton Mnrkrt * . Ni\V YOHK , April 19. COTTON-Fpot , quiet mlddllnp ; uiilnndp. 7Se ; mlddllnK Rulf , 7 9-JCc snli-s , SM luilrs. I-Mturon were quirt and steady sales , 104,700 Kilei ; January , JC77 ; rebmarj JC.Slj April , JBOO ; May , JS.M ; June , J7.00 , July J7.0T. ; AURiist , J7.00 ; September , JC.SO. October J0.fp9 ; November , J6.C9 ; December , J6.73. The market opened IrreRUlar , S to 14 points lower follow Inp ; the sensational war reports. Trailing however , wns IlKlit , eonsldcriiiK the ilecllnp , with local operators almost entirely In control. There was little fnrelsn trndlnir , owlnp to the Knstcr holidays , KiillowlnR the openliiK the mnrkc steadied 3 lo 4 points on local buying , but n 10:30 : eased oft to the llrst point of the morn Ine on active sclllni ; for New Orleans account Hears Were aided In their cftoit to depress tilt mniket by heavy receipts nt the iwrts. At 11 o clock the market wns nervous Ht n net Jos' ! of 13 to 14 points , with fnles of ! 55tK)0 bales. The repoitB of disastrous Hoods on the touthern Mis- sl-nlppl were lost slRht of. nttentlon belni , Klven entirely to reports of further eomjillcn- tlims In the European troubles. Nijw OHI.IANS. : April W.-COTTON-QUICI middling , J7.7C , CnlTi'O .AlarUef. NHW YOIIIC. April 19. COPI'BR Options opened firm , 20M points higher on active Euro pean buylne ; ; further ndvnnceil 1W15 points later on renewed buying , both for local nml outside Interests. Absence of fmelnn markets tended to cheek speculation. Market closed firm , with prices SOffd points net advance. Sales , 21000 ImRs , Including May , J7.COiS'7.75. ' Spot. Illo. firm No. 7 , Invoice , KM ; jobbing , J .M. Mild , stead ) and active ; Cordova. JI3 lS'4iTM4 ' 23 ; sales , 4500 bags Maracalbu ; 10,000 baKS lllo , No. 7 , nJloat. IVorlii MnrUctm. 1'KOIUA , April 19.-COUN-Klrm nml lilglicr ; new No. 2. 2tc. OATS Firm and higher ; No. 2 white , mm- Inully , 20fi2ic. WHISKY SInrkct steady ; finished goods on the basis of Jl.19 for high wines. IliCiil'T8 Corn. 30.MO bus. ; out" , 19.CW bus. , rye , none ; whisky , none ; wheat , COO bu . SHIPMENTS Corn. 12.2CO bus. ; oats , 24,200 rSi' ' . ryc > nunc ; 'ilsky ' , 1,200 bbls. ; wheat , 4,200 bus. Tel cilo MnrUi-tM. TOI.RDO. April . -WIIUAT-IIIghcr and weak ; cash , % c ; May , 97c ; July , MHJc. COIIN Active and IilKher ; No. 2 mixed , cash , and May , 24-c ; No. 3. 21ic. No. 2 yellow. 20c ; No. 3 yellow , 2.'i'ic ' ; July , 2T c. OATS Dull und Heady ; No. 2 mixed , 18Uc , May , 18e ; No. 2 white. 20K.c ; No. S white l'.H4e ItYn Dull anil hlKher ; No. 2 , 37cNo 3 3lc CIOVl.u.SiiD-Dull and Bteady ; prime cath , April and October , J.31. A'lHllilo Supply > f Cri-lii. NI7W YOHK. April 19.-The Hatemcnt of the visible supply of grain In stoic nml nllont on .Saturday , April 17. ns compiled by thp New iork Produce cxchnngc , Is as follows : Wheat , ofl.9i9.000 bu. , a ilectcnse of 727000 bu. corn "J 103. m bu. . a decrease of f64OW bu. , oals , 13.- V'0 ! I'a , ileiip. .c of 3TO.OCO bu. ; rye , 3.- 630,000 bu. . n decrease of 12 000 bu. ; barley , 3,293 - 000 bu. , an Increase of SSS.ouO bu. Ciillfomiii. IlrltMl Fruits. NHW YORK , April -CAI.IKOIINIA NI'TS ? , 'i ' .i1 wnlnl"1. C'iOT'XiC ' ; paper hhelled nlmonds , 1-Si 13c ; toft phelled alnionils , PC , CAUroilNIA DIHKD KUt'ITS-ptendy ; evap- nrated apples , prime wlic tray. 3(031"C ( ; pea nuts.2i4Ci7c , n to sle nn.l quality ; nprlcnlH , royal Tallo. Moor park , 12SI5C ; peaches , C j7c , unpecled ; peele.1 , llfiHc. . NHW YOHK. April 19.-St'aAn-nnvv easy ; fair rellnlng. 2c ; centrifugal. SC test , 3 c : tales , 4,400 hags centrifugal , 96 test , In port , Ttc , ex-ship ; 3fO bags niolnbse-i , R9 test , In'iiort , 2' c , ex-ship. Ilellneil , linn ; crushed Olio : pow dered , 45Jc ; granulated , 4'ic. X - TVY IPC Dry CiiimlN llnrk ( * < . NiW YOHIC. April 19. Today's market was marked by Increased mall orders , In which the call for bleached cottons was n factor. Wool and silk fabrics moved freely on old orders. Printing cloths were quiet at 2 9-lCo. KlKlii ItiiCi-r Market. ni.GIN. III. , April 19.-Ilt'TTI.n-Market firm ; offerings v\ere 919 tubs , sales , 2'0 tubs nt IC'/tc- ' 2CO tubs at IC'.ic ' ; 410 tubs at ICc. Oil City llnrkolN. OII > CITY. I'n. , April 19. No quotations for certificate oil ; runs , four iluys , 2J.9.KX . ) bbls shipments , four days , 341.C30 bbls. Yl'nol MnrUotN. NHW YOHIC. April 19.WOOIFirm ; neeced , If.iil2lc ; pulled , 15i&2C < - . ST. IXJfIS , April 19. WOOI Unchanged. IlllHtoil nxi'llllllKCN ClONfll. IIOSTON. April 19. The exchanges werecloteil today for Iiister Monday holiday. Sitii KriuiclNfii When I ( ( llolll f IOIIN. RAN KHANriSCO. April 19.-WHiAT-Klrm ; December , Jl.li ! > d I'M ii line1 1 n I .VitfcN. ST. IRITIS , April 19. Clearings , J5,13CSS9bal - mces , Jfc07.Sfi2. Money , 8fi7 per cent. New York > xchan ; e , 7..c premium bid , Jl premium asked , IIAKTlMOIli : . Apill 19. Clearings , J2,43I,970 ; jalancps. } 313..r,21. PHH ADUl.I'HIA , April 19. Clearings. JI0.221- 278 ; balances , II , IBS. US. NKW YORK , April H.-Clenrlngs , J71,72SK2 , i.ibincos. J1.C76.794. CUICAOO , Apill 19. Clearings , JH,7.,0.971. New York exchange. 40c iireniium. Foreign exc.innge , firm ; demand , Jl.SS'i ; nlxty days , J1.SCJ ; , IHUIA is HAIM.Y iiiisTinii ) . Porllnii of I IK- Town IN Prnc- ( l < -iilly AVI'MMl Out. CLRVKI AND , April 1 ! ) . The buslncfa por- tloa of tlie town of Burca was nearly out by nro this morning. Tlie lilgh winds irrvalllng inailo It almost liniinbslbU * to check ho HaniPH , vvhlch ctemwl likely to encompass ho entire town. The tire started In the ihumvvay block , which was t > eon burned 10 ho Krouml , anil communicated to J , C. Nopo's Iry gooilH store , I ) , T. Gould's dry gooila tore , the City hotel. P. E. lieclcwlth's livery stable , L. H. Chevalier's carriage and black- mill ) shop , Fred L. Smedley's photograph gallery , .Mr- . William Maglcy'B restaurant , ho Miller block , S. S. Ilrown'fc Jewelry Etoru , P. Cannon's coal olllce , Martin Xurlch's shoo hop , G.V. . Heater & Co.'s shoo store , 1' . C. Quay's homo and Dr. W , C. Clark's home. The heaviest losers are In ( he Shumway > lock anil the Miller block , which will ag gregate $20,000 oath. The total loin will reach $80.000 , The other losses range from 5.000 to $12,500 each. Heroa has no water works and there wan mall hope of saving the town. A detach- nent of the Cleveland lint department , with ourteen men. secured water from a branch of the river about a ( juartpr of a mile from ho town. The contents of most of tlio stores vcro saved hy the efforts of citizens. The cause of the fire was attributed to tramps nil Deputy Sheriff Asllng escorted three of hem out of town nt the mouth of a re- olver. To adil to the excitement .1 dog went mad nil bit several people before It was thot. The ( Ire waa put under control at noon. COIIIA AVA.VTS iv TOSTAI , uxio.v. SenilM a DrlrKiifi- ( In * CoinliiK- - Irriiiitlomil CoiiKri'KN. SAN KHANCISCO , April 19. Among the arrivals on the t > teumlilp City of Pelt In yen- cnlay was .Mln Sang Ho , vice minister to the Jepartinent of Communliatlonn of Corea. He s oil his way to Washington to uttend thu obtal congress , which has been called to Mi-el there next month. Mln ung is an ln- clllgent young Cor can. and Hu > akn Kngllsh try ( lucntly. Klght yeara ago lie took a ouiho In Uio Maryland State Agricultural ollege. Upon bis return lo Corea he VVBH ; lven a | Myltlon In the foreign olllce , und ia.j ever blnco continued In the governmental ervlcc. Ho served ono year a vie1) mlnl&ter af the pepartment of Education. He has iren In his ptcscnt oltlre for eight months. 'on-a IH anxious to join the postal union , and tcpi. will probably he talcn at the coming ctulon In Washington looUli.g . to the admis sion of that country. I rolui-r lo I'arlli'llHili' , NEW VOnK , April 19. The llrltlsh cruiser falbot arrived this mornloe from Jamaica Boys' T'f it Clothing. . itI I Wo dress n boy like a boy-that Is , lit him gracefully niul mnkc no sncrlflco of style anil appearance. It COSTS NO M011W to make him look niul fool neat than It does to put slip-shod attire on him- provided ili you KO to n merchant who hna your Intercut at heart. Wtinlm nrlilt ! In s.Mllj UIO11T HOYS' CLOTHING AT MIGHT # THICKS. Wo Invite you lo visit this department of ours , istomer Tif or not ; n hearty welcome anil courteous trentmeiit Is accorded to every * { * . caller. TV * ! * Kor STERLING 1NTKC3UITY hi Hoys' Clothliiff , for HOCK-HOT- & fit TOM prices ; In fact , we believe them the best ever offered to the people of this community. # * f & IJ vjuv/iiijtiim < fe Corner 14th and Douglas Sts. One Price Clothiers , Hatters arid Furnishers. Samples of our C'lothlnjj and .Measuring Guides ' mulled free on application. and anchored In the North liver. The Talbol will represent the llrltlsh government In the naval display at the- Grant monument cele bration. Just before passing the Narrows Ilia Talbot saluted Fort Wmlswortli. I'r I I'M ( I'lills from it Aliidmv. . ST. JOHN , N. 11. , April 13.-Uev. D. Cor- hctt , n Honinn Catholic prlrst attached to the Cuthcdial parish , fell from the third- story window of the bishop's resilience early this morning and was limtnntly killed. KOHKC.YST OITOIJAVS IVIMTIIKH. i CdiKlII IIIIIN ivtlll Slilv - < -rs ; 3IniliViiiiuor ; SoulliYliiiln. . WASHINGTON. April 1U. Forecast for Tuesday : Kor Nebraska Throatcnlng weather ; pos sibly showers ; decidedly warmer ; south winds. Kor South Dakota Fair ; warmer ; high south winds. For Iowa Fair ; warmer ; southeast winds. For Missouri and Kansas Threatening weather , with showers ; warmer ; soutlu-ast winds. For Wyoming Generally fair ; southerly winds. Local Itoeiinl. OFFICE OF THIS WKATHEIl ItlTUEAU , OMAHA , April 19. Omaha record of rain fall and temperature compared ' \\lth cor- respondliiKV day of the past three years : 1S97. IS96. 1M3. 1S9I. Maximum temperature . .45 74 07 S3 Minimum temperature . . 'JO 44 47 37 Average temperature . . . . 3S 59 57 45 Italnfall 00 .00 .00 .20 Record of temperature and precipitation it Omaha for this day and since March 1 , 1S97 : Normal temperature .for the day 53 Deficiency for the day 1.1 Accumulated dellclency since March 1..107 Normal rainfall for the day 11 Inch Deficiency for the day 11 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 2.GO Inches Dellclency since ' .March 1 (6 ( Inch ICxcefs for cor. period , 1S % 70 inch Deficiency for cor. period , 1S93 SO Inch Kc ] > i > rtN from Statimm at S it. in. Hinimty-nfth nu > rKllan time. T Indicates trace of precipitation. Corn licit Illllli-tlii. Untied Stntep Department : \Krlcnlture , wPHther bureau coin und wheat resloti bul- etln for the iwenty-four hours endlnic nt S a. m. . seventy-fifth meridian time , April 19 , 1S07 , A cool wave has spread over the wei-tcrn ami entrnl portions of the corn ami wheat belt , and vlll extend nter the. eastern portion within the ext twenty-four IIOIIIH. Very IU.it showcro are eported In all districts , except Omaha , DCS lolnes and Columbus. T Indicates Innppieclnble rainfall. Maximum or jestenlay. Minimum for twenty-four lours , Liullnu B a. in. . i.evvnly-fiflh meridian me. Note The average maximum and minimum emperatures and Ihe average rainfall are made p nt each center from the actual number of re- orU received. Tne "stale of weather'1 IH that > revailing ut time of observation. U A. WilhSII. Loral Kiirccait O/Hclal. / TIII4 III3AI.TV JI NSTIIUMKNTS placed on record Monday , April 1U. 1897 : WAUIIANTY nisnns. Vimuxta Rc'hitrtnvv and hUHlmml to Nlnna Mueller , lot 3. , block 8 , Wool- lawn add . $ SSO ' . A. Hlrney and wife to H. H. Jlliney , H 24 feet lot 4 , block 78 , Hotith Omaha . 1.2SO ohn Tiummer and wlfo lo M. IMe - Oren. H KfiV4 feet lotH SI and 2J. block C , anil lUs lots 21 ami i : : , block ii , Huinmlt add . lr,00 I. I'1. McCrea find huHlciml lo W. K. I-1. Vllu , H 8 < i feet lotH il and 22 blork fl Summit add . low V. H. Ileaton nnil vvlfn to Hmina I'lowmiin , lot n. Uiid'n 2d add . 2WW 'lilted Blairs In l.lzctta llennlligliaiiH et nl. mvU l-ir.-iu . J. 10. Ktratmaini and wife to I ) . Y. Alfop. n 07 feet of vv j lot 4 , block 45 , Umiihu . 4,1'H QUIT CLAIM I ) 12 ISPS. IDlobo Ixian and Trust company lo JnmtH 1'helpH , lot 2) ) , block 1 , Italpli I'laee . 200 nine to Kami' , lot 18. t-umo . j.uni ; to Kame , lot S , block 10 , West Side add . 'rank 1'lvonka and wife to T. II. Mc- C'ugiie , receiver , lot " , block 72 , Hotith Omaha . 150 UKKDS. tuHter in chanci ry to J. H. ItobertH , C0x52 ! feet In block 4 I'orklim' Hub. . C.&OO pc-elal muHter to I'lilladclpblu Alort- K'lgu and Trust company , lotu 3 nml 4 , block 172 , Omaha . 08,100 Total amount of transfers. Y purchasing needs tnndo nt the following Ncbr a ka factories. If you cnn . not find wlmt you want , coiiiiuunicatc with the niiinufacturcrs a.t to 3 w li a t dealers hnmllo their uoods. DAGS. BUIILAP AND TWINE. fl 13.111 ! O31AIIA I1AO Co' Klnnufactuiera of all klnla of cotton anil bur * l p bans , cotton Hour sack ) anil twins a ene > laity. G1I.B1G.618 S. llth St. BULUVEU1EB. OMAHA IlllliWlXU ASSOCIATION. Car lo.nl fliliunenls made ! : i our o n refn * .rrator cats. It.uc Itllibon. Kllte Uxoort. Vlenn Exiwrt and Family Kiport dcllvereil to all ra.'U nf tiu city. UAVlb A : < J I.ILL 1HUA WUKKJ. Iron mill U.-.lni t'ouiiilcra. Manufacture ! ! ) tnn Jobbers of Machinery. Otn- yal rcp.ilrlng a ncccmli ; . i&oi. 1501 and 1DOJ Ackoon siree ; , Omaha. Nen. 1ML'STIUAI4 IHO.V WOHICS. Manufacturing and repalrlne of all Mnflt at machinery , enclnts , pumnK , cluvatom. nr ntlnit presjes , liangcrs , shafting ana couplings. 141 $ and 1105 Howard St. , Omaha. 1'A.vro.v IHO.V wonics. Manufacturer ! ! -.rc.hl'.ioutn ! Irc-n Work. General foundry , dlacluiit ant ; Iilacknmltr nrork. Unslnecrs anil Contraclon fur Fire Proof Dulld * Inps. Olllcc and works : U. P. Ity. ma Bo. 17th street. Omaha BHIIIT PACTOHIES. J. II. EVANS MillllA.SICA SIIIUT CO.UIMM' . Kxcluslv. custom shirt tailors 1111 Firnam. A. J. SMII'SOX. 1-1(1 ( ! ) , Ml I DiHlwri- . Full line of OarrLiRes , lUiR Ics , I'haetons , I'onjr CarlH. Wlicclii rubber tired. The best Is tlia cheajicst. TENTS AND AWNINOg. AM10U1CA.V TK.vr A.VI > AAV.M.VG CO. t v/nlngg , Tents , Horse Covers , Fines und i ullns T ntfl for rent. Salesroom CIS South Sixteenth ttrcet. Telephone 408. , T DYE WORKS. SCHOKDSACIt'S TWI.V CITV MVI3 WOUICS ; 15 1 I'nri.iiiii HI. Dyelnc nnil clearlnt ; of gnrinents and goods of every ileb.'rl | > tlon. Cleaning of line gannenta a tpo-Inlty. JAMES E. BOYD & CO Telephone 103 ! ) . Oniulia , Nfjfa. COMMISSION GRAIN iPiHWSWJ : AXO : SfOJH Hoard of Trade. Dliect wires to Chlcnfo nnd New York , Correspondents : John A. Warren & Co. iiu.vrnu TO IST OUT or THU HACK. Will UP Alilc lu IMi'lalitin - VI-TP r-j - l.Volillin-i- tinltlllllilli < liii CailriiH. KJIANKKOUT , Ky. . Ajirll la. It was given out at the Hunter licnd < iuartors this nioriiliif , ' , apparently by author ity , though not liy Dr. Hunter himself , that ho would withdraw nfler the hallot tomor row , and that Senator Jonco , chairman of the republican caucus , wojld call n now L-aueiiH for ollhor tomorrow night or Wednes day morning. When asked If he would , withdraw. Dr. Hunter replied evasively , nnil thc o republicans who have had lightning rods up all nusslon are doing uomo tall hurtling , The nominee ) of the now caucus will of course ho dictated hy Hunter. This letH nut nil thought of Colonel St. John Iloylo , for whom the bolting republicans have been votlni ? . It wm rumored thin morning thut the Hunter people had not decided upon whom they wnild combine , but that It would likely ho Judge W. II. Holt or Senator Ik-boo of Marlon. JJ There us little Interest IN the Joint ees- Blon of the general assembly at noon to day. According to agreement entered Into by the steering commlttrni of the purlieu but ono vote was cast for each candidate , after which the Joint i.esslon adjourned. MOIIH Itl'MOItS OF HATI'3 IMJTTI.VO. MlNNourl Piiclllinnil I'nlon ' Pni-IIlo I'll ) ClIlllllllKMlollN 10 llrilklTH. CI1ICAOO , April 10. Huniorn of coinltiK doinorallzatlnn uf paNBongur rates were re vived today by a report that tbc MlKBiiurl Pacific and Union Pacific wuro paying tlio I EaiiK > cninnilEBlona to ticket brokcru us are now bcltiK pild roKUlarly appointed ticket agents. An lite preEint rate nf roinmlKslona IH four Unit'a that of tlio normal , ltd payment tu Ibo broken ) would furnish them with a big margin on whlili to cut rates. There Is much talk of rcductluiiH In regular one way ratf tu tlio name extent an the cuts made by the broker * . II r > n n Siu-iiKH nl I'ViinK-fort. ' KHANKKOItT. Ky , April IB. Tlui mipeeH ofV. . J. I Iry.-i n to the Ifglaluttiro liero tliT afternoon wan delivered ut the opera liotist\ to which wns ndmlttrd , brsldeM the IfKlH- l.itorx , n crowd of 1,200 people , rcprcHcnt- Ing every party nnd fnctlun In Kentucky politico. Mr. I Iry-i ii WIIH the Kilcst of thu leulHlnturo nil day , and left tonlyht for liliif home Ho l utlll Biirfcrliib" from Urn of. fcctd of thu full In Klorldu , und whllo lia uliowH no lKpu of It when , apcaklng , U * iru 3 o bandagcu. i -