Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 TIIE DAILY 3JEE : 'SATURDAY ' , APRIL 17 , 1807.
Lakes and Lagoons Will Soon Bo Things of
Actual Fact ,
Cornrrntolic of the
Trliiinphnl Arch AVIII He 1'ut
. lit I'lncc on Arbor
The contract for grading the lakes nnd
lagoons for the Transmlaslealppl Exposition
Was executed yesterday and the work
will bo pushed as cxpcdltlously ns possible.
Van Court & Wlnn wcro the successful bid
ders tor the cdtlro work. Their bid was 9.7
cents per yard on that portion of the work
lylnn cast and G.7 cents per yard for the
portion lying wcat ol Twentieth street. The
cntlrs work will require the removal of about
80,000 cubic yards of earth.
The contract with thcno bidders rcqulrei
that the work Dhall bo completed not later
than Juno 25. They are given ten days from
the signing of the contract to get thslH men
to work , nnd , the entire Job Is to bo conn
jilcted In forty days.
The contractors will use two grading maChines -
Chines nnd several "wheelers" on the work ,
necessitating the employment of about forty
men. This grading "outfit" will bo removed
from the present location to the exposition
Grounds at once , and the work will be pushed
to completion.
The contractors liavo been literally overrun
with nppllcanta for work since It became
known that they had underbid the other com-
jictltora. They tell all comers that no men
will bo employed until the tlmo comes to
start the work.
The ordinance providing1 for the temporary
closing of the streets mi the exposition
grounds has been signed by the mayor and
no obstruction now remains to prevent the
work of enclosing the grounds and commenc
ing the grading. The fence around the
Kountze tract Is nearly completed , but
Twentieth street will not ho closed until the
progress of the work makes It absolutely
The building of the fence around the large
tract forming the northern section of tha
grounds is progressing rapidly , and that
around the tinct east of Sherman avenue la
ixlBO well under way. The ohape ot Iho
grounds makes a great amount of fencing
necessary , netrly five miles being required to
enclose the entire ciound.
The committee having In charge the ar
rangements for the Inauguration ceremonies
Arbor day Is making good progress. It has
been decided that the cornerstone to bo laid
on this occasion shall be that of the Trans-
mlsslsslppl Arch , the striking and artistic
triumphal arch of the transmlsstsslppl states
which will apan the main entrance to the
exposition. This arch will bo ono of the
unlquo features of the great show and will
bo a moat attractive example of the use of
color In producing architectural effect. The
arch will span Twentieth street on the south
line ot the Kountzo tract and will be a land
mark visible for a long distance. The corner
stone at the southeast corner of this arch
will bo laid by the grand master of Masons
of Nebraska , with the Impressive public ceremony -
mony ot this great order. Judge W. W.
Koysor , the grand marshal of the grand
lodge of Masons ot Nebraska , was at the
grounds Thursday with President Wattles
of the exposition to arrange for the location
of the surroundings necessary for the ccre-
inocy. The platform for the speakers and
for the ceremony of laying the cornerstone
will bo at the east sldo of Twentieth street
at the site of the arch.
The Masonic grand lodge has taken an
active Interest In the matter of laying this. ,
cornerstone and Invitations have been sent
to the lodges throughout the state to bo
present on this occasion and tnko part in
the ceremony. It la cxpcctpd that fully
1,000 Masons will bo In line In the parade ,
representing all branches of the order.
Letters of acceptance have been received
by the committee from Hon. J. Sterling
Morton , Lieutenant Governor Harris of Ne
braska , Governor Drake of Iowa and Hon.
'John ' Baldwin of Council IHuffs. A letter
, was also received from the secretary of
lion. W. J. Dryan to the effect that Mr.
Bryan would bo present If ho returned to
Nebraska , In time.
The executive committee of the ' ' Hoard
of Managers will meet Tuesday morning to
perfect Its permanent organization nqd dls-
peso of such business as Is before It.
Neuralgia Is the prayer of the nerves for
pure blood. Hood's Sareaparllla U the Ono
True Blood Purifier and nerve builder.
I'rntcnt Aunlnut
nn AilvrrilHlntr Sheet.
The Board of Managers of the Nebraska
SUto fair held a session yesterday to com.- .
plcto the odds and ends left from Thursday
night's session. A largo part ot the tlmo
yesterday was taken up with reading
proof sheets of the annual premium list , now
In the hands ot the printer. The printed
lists will be ready for distribution on May 14 ,
the work being well nlong. A few small
bills wcro audited and allowed. The rest of
the tlmo , waa taken up" with a warm
discussion over the request ot certain mem
bers of the Omaha Advertisers' club to
abolish the State Fair Bulletin. A committee
consisting of Charles D. Thompson , J. II.
Mclntosh , M. S. Bartlctt and J. W. Hosier ,
appeared before the board to argue against
the proposition to renew the contract with
the publisher ot the Bulletin.
The board listened attentively to nil ar
guments presented nnd promised to notify
the secretary of the club when It reached
a conclusion In regard to the matter.
Mr. Thompson submitted proposition to
advertise the state fair In 200 weekly news
papers , 150 to be published In Nebraska and
fifty In western Iowa. Ho agreed to furnish
six Inches of advertising matter for six
weeks prior to the fair In each of the 200
papers for the sum of $7GO. The proposition
was taken under advisement.
The board adjourned nt 1 o'clock and the
out-of-town members left for Uielr homes
In thu afternoon. The next meeting \\lll be
held on Juno 1.
A lot of very speedy horses , well broken
drivers , fine carriage teams , and royally bred
colts will be sold at the line horse sale by
Walworth Proctor Co. , April 23 and 24 , at
the "Union stock yards. Write for a cata-
Why send to other cities for flower , grass ,
vegetable or field seeds ? The Nebraska Seed
Co. , 520 N. 16th st. , can supply you with bet
ter seeds than any house In the country.
OliKcrve G'ooil Friday.
According to the rulss by which the church
calendar Is arranged yesterday was Good
Friday , a day celebrated by many churches
as a day of fasting and prayer In commem
oration of the day of the crucifixion. It
was a day of especial observance In the
Catholic churches , being preliminary to the
observance of Easter Sunday. All the
Catholto churches of Omaha observed
the day with the usual masses. Services
wcro also held last evening In most of
the churches , the feature being the rendi
tion of the Tlnebrae , or responsive readings
from tha Lamentations of Jeremiah.
AlnnyN the Flrxt to I'ny.
OMAHA , Neb. , April 15 , 1SD7.
Mccsrs. Necly & Funke ,
General Agents Equitable Life In. Society ,
Omaha , Neb.
Gentlemen : I desire to express my ap
preciation for the prompt manner In which
your company settled my claim under Policy
No. 8321. on the life ot my late husband ,
Alvln Wood worth ; only six days from tlmo
proofs were placed in your hands until re
ceipt of check ; and cheerfully recommend
the Equitable as a safe company for all who
desire assurance. Respectfully yours ,
Murphy CietH tlic Cup.
Patrick 15. Murphy , state agent at this
city for the Mutual Life Insurance com
pany of New York , Is the recipient of a
handsome token from the company In ap
preciation ot his services. It Is a tall sil
ver cup ot beautiful design and handsomely
engraved and Inscribed.
KIIiBT Sirs. J-avInn , April 1C , aged 39 yrs.
Funeral from Cnstclhir St. Presbyterian
church Saturday at 2 p. m. to Laurel Hill
i cemetery.
TREMANN-A. W. , April 15th , 1S97 , nt his
i late residence , 1S22V4 St. Mary's avenue ,
| aged CS years. Remains leave on the. 7
j o'clock p. m. train , April 17 , Interment at
Rock Island , 111.
Special Easier Sale of Gloves , Salts , Jaokota
and Skirts.
Kxtrnonllnnry OfferltiKH In Hosiery
nnil UiulcrTTcnr for l/nillcii nml
Children Special Attraction *
, | In All Department ! ! . , ,
American nnd foreign tailors contribute to
the make uji of our stock of ladles' suits and
Jackets , nnd they arc every ono of them
triumphs of the tailor's art. The fabrics are
perfect , the trimmings flno , as handsome-
handsome- can be. Our usual popular prices
will prevail.
Our aBScrlment of Individual skirls Is com
plete , more than that need not be said.
Wo Invlto Inspection and urge comparison.
$1.00 Thoroughly good glace kid gloves ,
beautiful stitching , tan , crcamo and pearl ,
$1.25 Pique , two-clasp , tans , reds , crcme ,
primrose. v
$1.50 Real kid gloves , four-clasp , tans nnd
black. . .
Wo announce for Saturday our full line
of now shades nnd additional novelties in
the "Monarch glove. "
Ladles full fashioned scamlces hose , double
heel and toe , fast black , Saturday 15c , 2 pair
25s.At 25o pair , the very finest quality , cotton
hose , fast black , 40 gauge , double heel , too
nnd eolc , plain or rlchchuu ribbed , Saturday
25c pair.
At 35c , 3 pair $1.00 , wo nro showing an
elegant line of ladles' fine lisle thread hose ,
fast black , plain or dropped stitch , the best
In Omaha for tha money , Saturday 33c , 3 pair
Silk at 50c.
Ladles' fast black silk hose , double solo ,
heel nnd toe , "a genuine value , " Saturday
COc pair.
At S5c , ladles' silk hose , In black , tan
bronze , red and all evening shades , Saturday
At 15c , greatest value ot the season.
Children's ribbed cotton hose , tans and black ,
double knee , heel and toe , all sizes , C to 0
inches , Saturday IGc pair.
At 25e , children's extra fine quality cotton
fine ribbed hose , tan and black , double knee ,
heel and toe , all sizes , C to 8 , Saturday 25c
At 25c , new shades for children , the oxblood -
blood , children's line ribbed hose , lisle finish ,
double knee , heel and too , fast colors , sizes
C to 9 Inches , Saturday 33c , 3 pair $1.00.
"It's Opening Day" every day In the um
brella and parasol department.
The new spring arrivals are hero In com
plete assortment.
Ladles' 26-Inch steel rod , close roll , black
silk serge , natural wood handles , In congo
and India briar , silk cover and tassel , Satur
day $1.50.
Wo have the most elegant line of novelty
parrtols , latest designs , at the lowest prices
In the city , without an exception. Style
costs you nothing when you shop here.
At lOe , ladles' Rlchllcu ribbed vests , a
splendid quality of cotton , low neck , no
sleeves , full sizes and taped , Saturday lOc
At IGc , ladles' Swiss ribbed cotton vests ,
low neck , no sleeves , also short sleeves , a
good value , all full sizes , Saturday lEc each.
At 23c , we offer a special bargain In ladles'
llslo finished vests and pants , white or ecru
silk taped , finished seams , Saturday 25c each.
At 50c , an elegant assortment of llslo
thread vests , black , white and ecru , very
best finish , extra or medium size , Saturday
50c each.
Ladles' pure cream silk vests , an elegant
quality , cannot bo equaled , low neck , no
sleeves , crochet neck and arms , Saturday EOc
Wo aic showing an unusually largo line of
children's underwear , one of our special lines ,
child's Egyptian cotton ribbed vests , high
neck , long and short sleeves , pants to match.
Sizes 16 , IS , 20 , at ICc each.
' Sizes 22 to 30 at 20a each.
Corner Farnam and 16th.
Medal aed loma
. .AWARDED. . .
. . . BY THE5 . . .
In singling out Dr. Price's ' Cream Baking Powder from all its competitors ,
and bestowing upon it a special Gold Medal , the California Midwinter Fair
concurred in the verdict given by the World's ' Fair jury , which awarded
both medal and diploma to Dr. Price's ' Cream Baking Powder , declaring it
superior to every other brand.r ,
The victories won by it at all the great fairs , and its wonderful growth
In popular favor , due to its purity , uniformity , wholesomeness , keeping qualities
and excellence , have confirmed and emphasized it as
Jf'tflllOS ,
KnJcr SnuWA > Special * .
100 dozen unlauhdcfpfl flhlrts , double back
anil front , good quality muslin , 29ot each ,
worth COc , *
COO dozen men's fincf laundered shirts ,
frpm the Kly & Walker" stock , In all the
now patterns , collars iittitchcd and detached ,
ehlrts worth $1.00 to $1.50 each ; your choice
for EOc.
Men's fancy colon * ! bosom shirts , made
from Gnrner's best pbrcdlcs , worth $1.50 to
$2.00. go nt 7Ce.
100 dozen men's fnnH' Uand bows , IGc each ,
worth 25c.
100 dozen regular 50otqtt&tUy men's suspen
ders go at 25c.
Men's balbrlggan ehlrts and drawers , 25c ,
39c , COc ; special values.
EOO dozen ladles' 4-button kid gloves , In all
the , new shades , G9c , worth J1.50.
100 dozen ladles' corsets , special values at
60o Saturday.
CO dozen ladles' night gowns , C9c , worth
1,000 26-luch sun shades , worth $1.50 , go
at 98c.
Spool cotton , Go dozen.
Ilohks nnd eyes , patent hump , same as the
DcL/ong , 2o for card of 2 dozen.
No. 1C all silk ribbons , 7 > 4c yard. <
15c shell hairpins , Cc dozen.
Fancy gauze ribbons , worth 39c , for 25c.
Children's black and white button clasp
hose supporters , worth JOc , ICc and 20c , only
Cc pair.
Ladles' sateen belt supporters , worth 25c ,
for IGc.
New veilings , new ribbons and now dress
Flno black gros grain silk capes , fancy
lining , trimmed with ribbon , at $2.48.
Dlack brocaded slllc capes , trimmed with
chiffon and satin ribbon , black or fancy
lined , at $3.48.
G different lines of capes , black and col
ored slllt , lace ribbon and jot trimmings , the
very latest styles , at $4.98.
Wo have 2fi Imported sample capes , worth
$12.00 to $25.00 , to go oa pale at $7.50.
Laillcfl" sp Ir.g Jackets In English meltons
and covert clothe , half lined with silk , fly
front , nt $5.08.
A handsome Imported cloth Jacket In cream ,
tun or mode , lined throughout with llncsl
quality taffeta silk , at $7.88.
Ladles' tailor made jacket and skirt , In
plain colors nnd mixtures , at $1.48.
Ladles' Jacket suits , In all the new shadca
and mixtures , tailor made , lined throughout
with silk In reefer or mesa coat style , at
Elgin Separator creamery 20c. Country
butter 8c. LImburger cheese 7 4c. Com
pressed , yeast Ic cake. Soda crackers Cc Ib.
Condensed n.lnco meat , package , Co. Choice
family whitefish 3Vc. Fresh Neufchatel
cheese 3 > , c. Corned beef 3c. 3-lb. palls
best lard ISc. HAYDKN BROS.
Sco advertisement on page 12.
SUES FOR covrixGiavr FEES.
City Engineer Jlo-uell After Union
Mode Yiiriln Company.
R. IB. Howell has commenced suit in the
district court/ against the Union Stock Yards
company for $3,338.97 , alleged to be due him
for services rendered add plans furnished
for a water works plant for the stock yards.
Howell alleges" that In'-Feb'ruary , 1893 , he sub
mitted plana and speciflc'atlons for a com
plete water works plant at the request of
the defendant , the terms being that he waste
to receive 3 per cent upon the cost of the
plant for the plans , and 1 per cent for superIntending -
Intending the construction' the plant. lie
alleges that the estimated cost of a plant
constructed according to his plans was
$08,291 , on which his commission at 4 per
cent , ho alleges , was $2,731.04.
Ho further alleges that the stock yards
company used his plans- for the purpose of
securing concessions rfrom the Omaha Water
"Works company , and. ho charges that It se
cured concessions ami reductions amounting
to $90,000 , after yalcji th& project of con
structing a new plant was 'abandoned. '
It Is nlao claimed that $507.33 is due on
account of fees for professional services and
advice prior to the submission of the plans
referred to. Ho asks Judgment for the full
amount of the claim , $3,338.97.
Extraordinarily low excursion rates at
various periods during the next few months ,
east , north and west. Eastern excursion
tickets are good on either the "Overland
Limited , " it 4:45 : p. m. , or on the "Omaha-
Chicago Special , " at G:30 : p. m. , arriving at
Chicago at 7:45 : and 9:30 : next morning
respectively always.
It Is dlUlcult to imagine better or more
complete equipment than these trains arc
supplied with.
City offlce , 1101 Farnam street.
There IN .Vo
In the running time of the Burlington's
"Vestibule Flyer. " It still leaves Omaha
at 5:05 : p. m. still arrives In Chicago at
8:20 : a. in , still carries a la carlo dining
cars , elegant chair cars and the finest sleep
ers Pullman ever built still runs over the
easiest and smoothest track west of the great
lakes still offers the best service that
money can buy or experience provide.
Tickets , time tables , berths , eto. , at city
ticket ofllce , 1502 Farnam street.
HomcHccUcrs *
On Tuesday , April 20th , the .Missouri Pa
cific railway will sell round trip tickets nt
very low rates to certain points in the
south , southwest and southeast. Stopovers
allowed on the going Journey. For Informa
tion , land folders , pamphlets , etc. , call or
address company's office , 13th and Farnam ,
or depot , 15th and Webster streets , Omaha ,
Neb. T. F. GODFREY , P. & T. A.
J , O. PHILLIPPI , A. Q. F. & . P. A.
.Six-Thirty 1' . M. Train.
of the
Best service ,
Dining car.
City ofllco : 1504 Farnam.
Unltril I'ri'Nliytrrliin AN
Another opportunity ia presented , to
Omaha to secure a convention In the con
vention year of 1S9S. The general assem
bly of the United Presbyterian church Is
composed of ministerial and lay delegates
to the number of _ > 0 nnd lioldH n session
of one WPGU In each year. This year , be
ginning May M , the meeting will be hcltlj
in Hock Inland , III. Kor several yearn
Chero IUIH been tulle of Inviting thu absem-
bly to Omnlm , but the matter did not tnko
Fhnpo until iccontly , Tlui three churches
of thl.s r.lty and the Eolith Omnlm church
have united In an Invitation and the pres
bytery at Ita recent met-tlnn In South
Omaha endorsed tile Invitation. It has
been customary In other'cltle : ) to give frco
entertainment to Uie delegates it ml that Is
the Intention here.
1'rlntrr 'MlNNlotinry to I.rc'fure ,
Rev , G , W. MonlRon,1 formerly a mis-
slonnry In India , will lecture In thq Central
United 1'renbytcrlan tolilirch next Monday
evening. Mr. Morflsorf was n Nebraska
boy nnd learned the printer' * ) trade In the
Enterprise otllce at r Pawnee City under
O. a. Wallace In 1879. , Ills father. Ir.
Marlon Morrison , Is stilt living In IMIsslon
Creek , Pawnee county , nnd was ono of
the pioneer frontier missionaries In Ne
braska , Mr. Morrison lius enough of the
newspaper Instinct to kno.v what IH Inter
esting and always Keen the humorous sldo
of life. ,
iKlie ( Condition nf Mlnem.
MASS1LLON , 0. , April 10. It Is learned
hero that Senator M. A. Hanna has de.
tcrmlned to look up mining conditions as
they prevail In western Pennsylvania , He
proposes to exercise bis Influence for the
betterment of the conditions under which
the men are uow laboring.
Siillorn I/iiiuU'il ,
PHILADELPHIA , April 16. The captain
and crew of the Norwegian ship Sentax ,
twenty-one men In all , from St. John , N
B. , for Newport , Eng. , before reported
abandoned , were landed at thta polnj today
by the British steamer Snowllako , from
Penarth , _
liny Will ( iu to Cuba.
CANTON , April 10.Iudgo William R. Day
will leave Canton Saturday afternoon et 2:05 :
for Washington. Ho received a telegram
today calling him there. Ho will go to Cuba
a week or two later. The time lias not yet
been fixed.
The rcjtlnfrntlon toilny IK no
ix KPticrnl roKlxtrntlnn , lint u rcvl
nloit of the old lint. All votcrn MIO
rrcro iiroticrly rrRlntcrcil Innt fnl
nnil linvc not olinnno < l their rcnlilenc <
Bin on iicpit Hive- HIP mutter ni > nt
trillion , but nil voter * who lm\ <
moved from oni * wnnl to nnollior or
one votliiR iirci'liict Into nnofhrr
HliouliI olitnlit n. trntinfer from the
voting illxtrlct innliloli they men
rcKlxtorciI nnd arcthnt their muncn
nrc properly rpRlMlercil In the votliiRT
illfltrict In rrhlcli they iiotv renlde
Tliono who nre now Icunl voter * niitl
ivlio rrerc not reKlitereil Innt full
Nlioiilit * oe tlint their nnnicH nre no TV
properly reRlNlereil In the votltiK ill -
trlct In Tvhleh they lionrrxlile
Others INC they it 111 not lie entitled
to vote. -
The requirement it of the eleetloi
Invr to conHlltnte it IrRnl voter nre
nix montliM * resilience In the
Mule , thirty iln > n In the
county n i ul ten rtnyn in OIL
Iirccliict. A ehniiKe of rcNlilcitec
front one votlnK illntrlct to niiothcr
VHtlnnr illNtrlct lit the Nnme preclne
Vilthlti ten ilnyx iireccilliif ; eleetloi
trill not reNiilt In u IIIHM of the rluh
to vote , provlileil the reiiilreil trniiN
fer IH ohtnlnril nnil entered. A ehnnprc
of roNlilcncc , however , from one pre
cinct to another precinct Aioulil re
milt In the party liiNliiK' hlw vote.
At Iniicli-Ilmrn'H OiiHh Dlncoiint Snlr
Watches , diamonds , Jewelry , silverware
umbrellas , purses , belts with satchels at
Inched , fipera glasses , nnd so forth , at
prices unl < ! ard of , everything goes.
Kor Saturday , April 17th , I will offer my
entire stock at a discount of 20 to 60 per
cent. Iunlit I c&nh , nnd every puri'lns-ii' will
receive more than his money's worth , nl' '
goods warranted ; my stock Is new , am'
everything the latest ; observe the follow
ing special Inducements , as space permits
the mention of but a few , everything else
goes equally as low.
1QO leather belts , harness buckle , the
latest style , monkey skin , in all colors
worth $2.00 , now 7Ec.
100 Rob Roy leather belts worth ? 1.00
now 2Cc.
50 leather belts with satchels , silver trim
inlngs , worth $4 ; now $2.GO.
Solid silver teaspoons , set of G , worth $5
now $3.50.
Solid silver nail flics , worth $1.25 ; now
Solid silver hat brushes , worth $2.50 ; now
Solid silver hair brushes , worth $5 ; now
Solid silver scissors , worth $1.75 ; now BOc.
Salt and peppers , suitable for Easter ( egg
shape ) , worth $1,00 ; now 50c.
100 children sets knife , fork nnd spoon ,
best plate , worth $1.50 ; now 75c.
100 nlclclc alarm clocks ( best makes ) ,
worth $1.50 ; now 75c.
Diamond rings , studs , lace pins , scarf
pins , everything cut to the lowest notch.
Cor. 16th and Farnam St.
Deliver ainii'd Allllcllnii 011 the Kvc of
William Mablo , a prominent citizen efFort
Fort Collins , Colo. , was in the city yester
day while enrouto from Chicago to Ills home.
Mablo was accompanied by a couple ol
friends , who watched him closely during
their short sojourn In this city. He Is
thought to bo temporarily deranged. Ho has
been cngageJ for about a year perfecting an
alrbralte. Ho has bent his ! -wholo energy to
the task and , so his friends saj- , has fre
quently worked upon his Invention nights
for a week -at a , time. Ills strong constitu
tion has at length broken down under -the
severe strain , and It is now feared by his
friends that ho will become hopelessly In
About a month ago Mable completed his
task upon the airbrake and took It to Chicago
cage , where it Is now being examined by
prominent officials ot several roads. The In
ventlon Is said to possess many features of
merit nnd may possibly be adopted for use
by some of the eastern roads. It was while
In Chicago that he was seized by the malady
which at present Inflicts him. Ills special
aversion appears to be policemen , and he
becomes frantic upon the approach of any
blue-coated custodians of the law.
Get a well known , agreeable remedy for
catarrh. 10-cent trial size Ely's Cream
Balm. Druggists.
Improvement AVI 11 lit" Miule oil Cap
itol Adeline ,
The contract for the construction of the
now twenty-four Inch sewer on Capitol
avcnuo was awarded to J. O. Corby by the
Board of Public Works at the meeting yes
terday afternoon. There wore five bidders
for the Job , but the Corby bid was the lo.v-
cat by a considerable amount. The bids for
furnishing and laying 1,550 feet of pipe ,
which is the principal Item In the construc
tion , were these : J. 0. Corby , Portland
cement. $2.5S per foot ; American cement ,
$2.57 ; John A. Crelghton , Portland or Amer
ican cement , $4.05 ; Katz & Crandall , Port
land cement. $2.64 ; American cement , I2.C1 ;
Charles D. Fanning , American cement , $3.37 ;
P. H. Mahoncy , Portland cement , $3.17 ;
American cement , $3.07. "Tho cost of the
sewer under the bid accepted will approxi
mate ? 5,000. '
To u Hut Sleepem
Leave Omaha dally for Ogden , San Frnn-
clscn , Portland , Ore. , and other westetn
points , via the UNION PACIFIC.
Thin Is an economical and comfortable way
of traveling.
City Ticket omce. 1302 Farnaro St.
SKJX AViiicii I'oi.vra our TIIIJ WAY.
Intuxt KnilielllMlinieiit nt tlie Union
Ili-pot for Traveler * .
The union depot has at length been dec
orated with a sign. It hen been given the
position of honor on the north sldo of the
old red shed. For years signs have been an
unknown quantity at the union depot , and
the attaches of the place look upon the now
acquisition In about the same light that a
fond parent regards a flrst born. "Stairway
to the stieet , " the sign announces * In big
black letters , and a hand of gigantic proportions
tions of the Haiiio color points In the direc
tion of the viaduct. All day yesterday fro-
niiontcm of the depot regarded that sign with
admlilng glances. Heretofore Chief Flem
ing nnd Train Director Mk | have been busy
pointing out the way up town to liiany ques
tioners. The sign now docu the work with
neatness nnd dispatch.
g , cay ! , bleeding pitlmii , ibaprlcM nalU ,
ami painful linger end * , plmplci , blackluudi ,
oily , tnotliy akindrjr , tblnnml , fulling lialr , Itch
ing , tcaly scal | > i , nil ) ield quickly to warm batlii
with CUTicimi Hcur , ouJ geutlo anointing )
with CUTICUIU ( ointment ; , tbo great eklu cure ,
Ioldilirouchoultbewf > ilJL
Coir. , 8ol 1'iopi , iio-ton.
or " How to Vtcduct Boll , \Vhtt lludi , " lire.
Uce , April 1C.
Youth's Suits.
We doubt very much if any single store in the
country shows as many Youth's ' Suits as we , Our
assortment occupies the greater part of our second
floor and contains every conceivable material that is
made up into suits , We have suits as low as two dollars
lars and as high as twelve dollars , and suits at every
quarter dollar price between these extremes. This
week we call special attention to some novelties just
received from the East at prices much below their real
worth. Five dollars for a handsome olive bronze
cheviot with fly front vest and latest cut trousers and
made up in the fullest fashion such a suit as you
might readily pay eight dollars for elsewhere. Five
fifty for a still better suit in a wood brown cheviot that
looks as good as a ten dollar suit. Five seventy-five
for a splendid line of all black Confirmation suits , in a
superior grade of worsted , equal to any that have
ever been sold in Omaha for seven dollars and a half.
Better see these suits while they are here to be seen ,
Largest Stock and
Lowest Prices
12th and Douglas.
. a i fe. . -
Of'every description the only complete - { $
plete assortment in the city. Prices * j <
from 5c up. * ( f
BABY BUGGIES 100 styles to ! fc
select from. Prices , $1.50 to $ J5. viv
The 99 Cent 1319 Farnam
_ , _ .
Store. Street.
. . . .
Ai . * > -ftAi . * * . : * Ti : .T i > . -K > ; : ;
.I * i ' w i * " - ! i * ' ! 'I * * 1 * " * ' it" it' * it'
AVe'vo KOI more p KR tlmn anybody
fresh oiii'S , too ( i'tdo.en ' , , 4 dozen for
Joe but refusu to sell eggs at thlH price
mil nothing else.
WM. GK.NTLKMAJs , ICth & Cnss.
He will apply business methods to the
udmlnlutrntlun of his olllco and will servo
ho city fiilthfully.
. . .TOR. . . .
And ask your f lends to do the sumo
For Councilman.
A vote for him is a vote for business
nethods in immlcliml affairs ; etrlct
conotny ; lionest government , regardless
af party. Ills platform Is Jils
ecord as a councilman ,
Saturday's '
H/y The very latest slmpos Ilia
J"o very lalqbt duslrublo shudcB
uBCk6IS * n oovort cloths kersey
cloths , etc. at the lowest
prices over known for man tailored
Jackets.AIno another lot of Ladles'
"Mess Coatw" the latest Hhapo lined
throughout the most becoming fitted
Jacket for ladies of , ' 12 to JJO bust
measure that lias been aliown for years.
Something now for child-
inndo of all wool sorfio
_ ( l jacket , skirt , blouao
and hat all to match , Just the kind of
a suit that n child enn live in from now
until November and at a cost so small
that wo dislike to mention it. Lot 111
show them to you.
Don't buy your Bicycle Suit until you
see ours next week.
15iO Douglas St.
Are nmdn of coin
Hold , wlilclils2.'k
naMV churRu
, . < 5,00 for sinull
P ( Ton us. tO.UO for
I , Iliinisnict'u urul
fl'7.0J ( uiicl 18.00
Jr. ' for lai'KO molars.
JCrowim upplltut
painlessly ; tcvtli
uxtrautcd with
out thu least pain by local uppllcatlon to th
the Dentist
Bailey , ,
I.uily Attumlnut.
OR ,
Weikncn & Ditoidcr el
CO Yean Kipciience.
V Vein in Omih ,
Rook Fret. Cotuuluiln *
and biitniualiou fr'ic * .
Mill and Farnare SI * .