TIDE O3LATTA DAELY BEE : SATU11DAY , APBTL 17 , 1897. 5 A great sale of men's and boys' Spring Suits Saturday , Biggest Stock Biggest Variety Biggest Values Biggest Crowds Biggest Saturday > .oo The very latest Clay Worsted Scotch Plaid chev Eastertide. stylish bpring Suits Dress Suits 3 iots very newest c 3 and 4 button button frocks or shades tobacco Suggests new things for little fellows cutaway sacks all sacks regular $ 15 brown most ele and big ones , too to appsar well wool brown mixed clay worsted , most gantly trimmed dressed without being conspicuous is or plain plaid cassi- elegantly trimmed an ideal business all sizes for all suit all sells proper on the ambition of all Our suits possess meres no other men we sell for occasions , ) 'ou can them for less than air of and an quality unsurpassed cost cash pay $12.50 , but we so our price than the Sio , we sell for cash sell cash no more flimsy sort. for , so 50 our price is. . . . is our price ir. Test us from start to finish Saturday from the cheapest to the finest money gets its due here. $12.50 $15.00 Fashion's latest fad Fine imported fancy very fine .all.wors . Medium weight cheviot and imported ted and fancy" plaid suits some of them worsted suits in the ' ' newest , nobbiest and cheviots -7- , , , 'finest were $15.00 some most exclusive styles princess serge lining were $18 and in latest sack , and pant legsjjmedium three-button - cutaway some were $20 you EASTER BARGAINS IN wide or smalU1 wither * style nothing better ' that much on or without 'straps pay ter at other stores ; ij'u * * others ask $ { 5.00 credit we sell for for $20 and $25 The Continental for ' our cash cash , so our price is Saturday BOYS' $12.5O $15.00 Suits 6 . in to ages 14. ' At Saturday's great sale 200 a handsome oxford reefer suits in ages 4 to 8 only mixed cheviot , elegant ly trimmed sells usually handsome all wool cheviot Spring Overcoats , $7.50 Satur Covert Cloth Top Coats , $9.50 Dark Gray Diagonal Imported Stein , Block & Co.'s Covert with beautiful braided sailor day wo will sell our all wool domestic Great Easter push on covert Spring Overcoats other stores Cloth Overcoats no equals for ally at $5 our crowd mestic covert cloth Overcoat , cloth Overcoats for Saturday in drawing price this Saturday collars. These suits beat coat , made with strapert seams , the nobby Hex Coat , In the shade got $15.00 we sell for cash , so style or finish strapped seams silk sleeve linings , at ? 7..r 0. This of imported covert cloth , perfectly and our price is and perfect fit we sell for cash , urday before Easter them all coat can only be equalled In ly tailored and equal to any other stores for $10.00 or ยง 12.00. $7.50 garment outside the Con so our price is | ' tinental our price Saturday 7 Oil Easter the average man , woman and child likes to appear in new clothes unhappily times are such that many are unable to afford as much'as in past years but if you come here Saturday you will be astonished to see how far a little money will go. EASTER $ /50 275 A CUT IN $2.75. Boys' Easter Gloves BROWNIE At4 00 We offer one lot men's SUITS INDIGO Fine I heavy weight Dog- NECKWEAR skin Gloves , with out- brown pin check cas- FOR seams , and alarge assortment oC 300 suits ages 4 to 15 250 SATURDAY BLUE Suits qhiulcs. A good Glove . to use for walking or driving. simere suits to coats double breasted ages 4 14 CHEVIOT In 00 Wo offer a now lot of ' All the new Suits imported _ men's light weight in neat black an.d farmer's satin linings , wo realize this SUIT. worsteds , cheviots Dogskin Gloves , foe a gray early that wo have street wear , In new tan shades , facings absolutely this iots and stitched , clasp. We lit piped , overbought on The usual Job- serges pique one check cassimere that pin popular Suit and Is every pair to the hand the same as Ing price more ' all wool fabric and a never have cut the price 'rtte In our better gloves. always retails at $5.00 on every Drownlo than wo retail this $5 Suits 3.50 At4 SO Wo offer men's Per- er fading material at Suit of this sen- Suit for an all Suits4.00 rln's "Hrcda" Light made by one of the best son's make In order wool , fast color in $550 Street Gloves , plquo less than the cost of - ' Mil der to reduce < iuan- digo blue cheviot , $6 Suits 4.50 stitched and two clasps. A largo materials New York makers our tltles-fJ.50 , HOO , Suits 5.00 assortment of shades , both tans and which you can $7 . . $3.75) ) browns. All fresh goods. colorings In high Among the new terials and trimmings ' . readily $5.00 Y' pay grade Neckwear the rich all-over price Saturday Nothing better in . for outside our olfeet predominates In popularity. the world than Particularly appropriate for Eas -4. 5 $3,50 atoro our prlco those four numbers ter or evening wear Is a line of Saturday is ' they are the best beautiful 'feck and Four-iu-IIand Scarfs , made up from silks of our j i We Fill Worth $3.75 , S-l.GO materials over used own Importation , In exclusive de 1 /Mail Orders and $5.00. Don't $2.75. Ju the production signs light grounds with delicate mlsa tills opportun . ' . of Boys' Clothing. colorings , lit $1.00 each. ' Promptly ity. Special Sale. Spot Gash. In connection with this Easter . display of Fashionable Neckwear , wo offer at special sale a largo lot We buy and People live of 'fecks , Four-lu-IIands , Imperials , sell for I'ulTs , Ties and { f\ only within a radius Hews , in all shades. jl 1C Spot Cash. Trading Hats * ' of 100 miles of Spring Special Price.- ' at the Continental ing I'enrl Fedora Hats Also a new lot ) of Spring Nock- tinental this Omaha , We expect designed like llio Cuban wear. In both light and dark effects , on but bold ghttpcj better i lit all the now shades of Tccks , basis gives the pect one-half of Men's Our CaHh I > erby Bulling Hutu I'rlce-.t. 1"1 Four-lu-llands Hews , made for , Imperials regular - and 11 and purchaser a big them at the big Cash ftt half Helling piico Jinre Price. . . , . i. lar half dollar Ues. advantage , busy store on Men's Huch 08 Derbv sell Hat for $2.00 - I . Special Saturday. Cash aelllliB 1'rlco. . . . , . l. T