TTTR O1UA1TA TAirV PT. VI''A \ VITI.OAV. ATTJTT , 17. 1 ! 17. Former Statutes Amended in Important Par ticulars and More Chapters Added , ' RADICAL CHANGES FROM THE OLO AUSTRALIAN BALLOT Legislation for Benevolent and Mutual Insurance Companies Occupies n Prom inent Place in the Now Code Direct Blows Aimed at Trusts and Combinations Added Privileges Glvon to the Board of Transportation. The UPC prcxsntn herewith a compendium of the laws enacted by the Twenty-fifth ses sion of the Nebraska legislature , which ad journed kino dlo last Saturday. The ttrao in which the governor could approve or veto bills which passed the two houses expired Thursday evening and until that tlmo had expired a correct aynopsls was Im possible. No attempt has been made to present each new law In full. Each law , however , haa been cnro- fully examined mid epitomized. Where It _ was amendatory of a law already on the statute book the difference between the old and the new provisions has been pointed out. Whole the law Is entirely now Its leading features have been brlully outlined. The arrangement follows closely the gen- crnl arrangement of the compiled statutes of JS05. Many" pro forma laws have been omitted , as they have no place In the statute books. The appropriation bills have not been Included , as they have already been pre sented. Tlc : bills fur the now charters ROV- crnlng the cities of Omaha and Lincoln have also been omitted , as they have been fully 'exploited rind are of Intcrcat only to the people of the two cities Interested. The legislature passed lu all 133 bills. Of this number the governor vetoed seven and allowed , two to becorao laws without his signature. Chapter II Agriculture , Sections 12 to 20 Inclusive , of articln Iv , chapter II , have been entirely repealed. Thesti sections contained the law enacted by Unr"le-glslnture two years ago for the purpose of encouiaging the beet sugar and chicory in dustries by paying a bounty of five-eighths of 1 cent n , pound on the manufactured pro duct. The bounty law was repealed by a strict party vote , but the legislature refused to make any appropriation for the payment of the bounty earned by the factories for the two years during which the law was In force. The whole subject was referred to a committee with Instructions to Investigate the validity of the claims and report their findings .to the governor. Sections 21 to 30 Inclusive , of the same chapter , relating to the destruction of Rus sian thistles , was also entirely repealed. This law was also enacted but two years ago. It proved burden- come as far as expense was concerned and failed , to meet the expectations of the men who asked the legislature two years ago for Its passage. r III A men ( linen tx to the CoiiNtltution. A. 'ne'w method of making returns of the Tote cast for or against proposed amendments to the state constitution has been provided , calculated to do away with the doubt and uncertainty as to the result In the previous history of Nebraska. Under the new law , - which la amendatory of sections 4 , 11 and 13 , of chapter ill , Judges and clerks of elec tion are required to make return to the county clerk the following facts : First , the number of voters voting at such general election at which ouch amendments were voted upon ; second , the number of voters \\lio voted for the amendment ; third , the number of voters who voted against the amendment ; fourth , the number of voters who voted for senators ; fifth , the number of voters who voted for representatives ; sixth , the number of voters who voted for both senators and representatives. All these findings must bo transmitted to the secre tary of state , and by him submitted to the State .Uoard of Canvassers , In order that the fate of any constitutional amendment may be definitely declared by that board. OlmptiT IVAnlniulH. A new aojtlon has been added to article 'It 'of clfapter Iv , which will bo Inserted In the new statutes Immediately following sec tion 20. It Is a law to regulate the South Omaha stock yards and its general provi sions are as follows : AH stock yards operated In this state or prcafllzed under the general corporation laws of this state or by special charter , which I receive live stock for the purpose of exposIng - ' Ing or having the same exposed for sale , and doing buslnesa for a compensation , and .Which/or the preceding twelve inonths shall have had an average dally receipt of not loss than-100 head of cattle , or SCO head of hogs , or 300 head of sheep , are declared to bo pub lic markets. U shall bo unlawful for the owner or pro- prlntor of any such stock yards within this utate to charge for yarding , loading , unload ing , watering and weighing of live stock tn'lces greater than the following : For yard- Ing , loading , unloading , watering and weigh ing cattle , 20 cents per head ; calves. 8 cents ; hogs , C cents ; and there Bhall bo only one yardage charged ; and It shall be unlawful 'tb make or charge any other or further chargpa. or ratea to the owner or shipper of live stock than In this act specified. It shall bo unlawful for such stock yards to charge a greater prlco for hay sold and delivered to the owners or shippers of live stock than CO cents for 100 pounds more than the wholesale ) price ; nor more than 60 cents a bushel for corn more than the whole- Bale prlco. Heavy penalties are prescribed for a viola tion of any provisions of the act. . , , . .CliiiiiliT XVI CoritorntloiiH. Bcctlon 12C of chapter xvl Is amended so as to read as follows : Section 126. Every corporation , previous to the commencement of business except Its own organization , where the same Is not formed by legislative enactment , must adopt articles of Incoiporatlon and have them filed In the otllco of the secretary of state and recorded In a book kept for the purpose ; and domestic corporation ) ) must also file with the county clerk In aho county where their headquarters are located , except mutual In surance companies , building and loan com panies , loan and Investment companies and banking Institutions , which shall bo filed with the state auditor and State Ranking board. All mutual Insurance companies , building mid loan companies and loan and investment companies required by law to fllo articled with the state auditor , shall mo a certificate with the secretary of state , stating the date of filing with the auditor , name and pla.-o of business and names of stockholders. Hanking organizations Incor porated under the laws of this state that have been approved by the State Ilanklng board and that have filed articles of Incor poration with nald board , shall file a certifi cate In tfio ofilco of the secretary of state , stating thn d&to of filing articles with Buld board , name and place of business and names of tockholderu ; provided , that this net shall not apply .to mutual fraternal benefit socie ties or association . Passed with the cmer * gency clause , JfAV NOT INFLUENCE ELECTIONS. An entirely now section has been added to chapter.Ifi , governing corporations. Thojicw act provides as follows : It ouall bo unlawful and a misdemeanor for any corporation organized under the laws of the stale of Nebraska , or any corporation organized under thn laws of any other state or territory , or under the laws of the United States or under the laws of any other nation , and doing buulnres In the etate of Nebraska , to give or "contribute money , property , trans portatlqn , help or asslotauco In any manner or form to nny political party , or to any can dldato for any civil office , or tn any polltlca organization committee , or to any In dividual to bo lined or expended for polltlca purposes. Any corporation \Iotatlng the pro visions of this act shall foifcll and pay a fin of $1,000 for the first oftcrsc. Upon con vlctlon of a second or subsequent offense the fine Is $2,000 and forfeiture of Its charter It Is made tha duty of the attorney generate to enforce the provisions of thn law. Cliaiitur Xt'IH Couiitr OlllcerN. County treasurers In every county of Ih state will bo Interested In the provisions o a now section to article I of chapter xvlll , de fining their duties. Under the new law th county treasurer of any county In whlcl there Is a sinking fund on hand for the re dcniptlon of outstanding county , township o school district bonds , where such sinking fund IK not otherwise Invested , Is directed to Invest not to exceed 70 per cent of sucl fund In registered county warrants. Al warrants no purchased shall be kept. In th treasurer's office until paid by the respoctlv funds on which they were drawn , In the ! regular order of registration , and no Interes shall be added to the warrant from the tlm of purchase to the date of cancellation. CLERKS FOR COUNTY JUDGES. County Judges will be Interested In n new provision of the law governing their offices which permits them , If they preside over th court In counties having a population o 25,000 or over , to have a clerk , who Is author Izcd to receive and file all papers , fix the time of hearing petitions and other papers administer oaths , make certificates and or ders , algu and Issue marriage licenses , slgi and seal processes Issued out of the county ' court , and do all other acts required of th' county judge , except Judicial acts. All acts of the clerk of the county court shall bt In the name of the county judge. CUTS OFF PERQUISITES. Another new section added to the genera provisions of chapter xvl , governing corpora tlons , Is embodied In a law prohibiting per soi.s , partnerships and corporations from furnishing to officers In cities or villages any gas light or other artificial light , water or water service , telephone or telephone service or free transportation over street railway lines or upon street earn In such cities ant villages free of charge or at a prlco le&a than Is charged for similar services to other com panics. Another law added to the general pro visions governing corporations is one whlcl provides for the sale upon execution of stock In corporations , and designating the manner of levy thereon under execution and writs of attachment. Under this new law stock li corporations owned by the Judgment debtor or the defendant In attachment proceedings may be levied upon under executions or writs of attachment by notifying In writing the president , vice pi evident , secretary , cashier or other managing agent at the usual place of business of said corporation that tlis stock has been levied upon under the writ held by the officer. ERECTING NEW COURT HOUSES. Section 25a , of article i , of chapter xvlll , has been amended so as to read ns follows : Section J. Whenever It shall be deeme < necessary to croct a court house , Jail or other public buildings In any county in this state the Hoard of County Commissioners may and upon petition of not less than one-fourtl of the legal voters of said county as sho'vn by the poll book of the last general election shall submit to the people of said county , tc be voted Upon at a special election callci by the Board of County Commissioners for that purpose , a proposition to vote .1 special annual tax for that purpose of not to exceed 5 mills on the dollar valuation of the taxabli property In said county , for a term not to exceed five years. The only change from the old law la that propositions may be submitted at a special , Instead of at a general election. Clmiitrr XX CourtN. An entirely now feature to the Judiciary laws Is the one establishing a municipal court in cities of the metropolitan class. The gen eral features of the law are Included In the following paragraphs : There shall be established In Omaha a mu nicipal court of three Judges , to bo appointed by the governor. The Judges hold their office for three years and appoint a clerk , who serves for the same length of time. The Judges receive $2,000 a year each and the clerk $1,800 per annum. The municipal court has exclusive original Jurisdiction In all civil cases when the amount In controversy does not exceed $1,000 , ex clusive of Interest and costs ; In actions of replevin when the appraised value of the property does not exceed $1.000 ; and to re cover the possession of real property where the plaintiff or the defendant , or any one of them , Is a resident of the city ; and concur rent jurisdiction with the district court of the county over all other civil actions In volving a sum not exceeding $1,000 , exclusive of Interest and costs ; provided , however , that the municipal court shall not have jurisdic tion : First , In any. action against a public officer for misconduct In office ; second , In actions for malicious prosecution ; third In actions for slander and libel ; fourth , in any matter where the title or boundaries to land may bo disputed , nor to order or decree the partition , conveyance or sale of real estate Provided however , that nothing herein con tained shall bo construed to deny or abridge the power of the municipal court to order the ealo of land seized In attachment and to confirm the sale so made. Provided further that nothing contained In this not shall bo construed to take away from the county courts any power now possessed relative to election contests , the condemnation of real estate , adoption matters , assignments or habeas corpus. Either party In a eult before the municipal court may demand a trial by Jury. Appeals may bo taken In the some manner provided by law In cases tried before a Jus- tlce of the peace. No change of venue shall bo allowed In any case from the municipal court. All expenses and salaries of the 'judges , clerks and employes of the municipal court shall bo paid out of the fees and charged received by the clerk , except the furnishing of court rooms and an ofilco for the clerk , and the equipment of tha s.amo with the nep. CEsary furniture , and the supplies , records , books and stationery , which shall be fur nished and equipped at the expense of the city. CJhnpti-r \\lllnc.-cilcnli. . Section 214 of chapter xxlll of the Compiled Statutes hna been slightly amended so that the provisions of the law relating to the pay ment of debts anil legacies of deceased per sons shall apply to letters of special admin istration as well as to letters testamentary or of administration , Oliiiptrr XXVI Klretloim. The radical amendments to the election laws will Interest every voter in Nebraska. Die whole form of the Australian ballot which has been In ute In Nebraska since 1800 has been changed and hereafter the ulector who desires to vote an entire ticket with one cross of the pen may do so. The principal features of the new law are as rollouu : All ballots shall be printed and distributed it public expenso. Any convention or primary meeting may nominate candidates for public office. A convention or primary meeting within the meaning of tha law Is an organized as semblage of voters , representing a political party which at the Uut election polled at i i leant 1 per cent of the entire vote of the state , county or other subdivision or district for which the nomination Is made. Hereafter , In this state , each party at the first state cenvcntlon shall elect a party emblem which shall be filed with the certificate of nomination , and the party holdIng - Ing the first convention and adopting the party emblem shall have the right to the exclusive us forever afterwards of the party emblem , and Ita use by any other party In the state , county , district , precinct , or municipal election shall be deemed a fraud upon the voters of the party first adopting said party emblem ; provided , such vignette or deilgn ahull bo nny appropriate emblem ; but the coat of arms or seal of the etato or United States or the national flag , or the llkencta of any person living or dead , shall not bo used as such vignette or design , Candidates for public office may be nom inated by petition. SUCH candidates shall have their names printed on the official ballot as candidates by petition without any party emblem whatever. When any electors are dissatisfied with their party they may form a new party and holil their stale , district , county , precinct or municipal conventions and nominate candi dates for ofilco and select a party emblem , Vor such new party It shall require HID at tendance of at least 200 delegates to a , elate convention , or fifty In a congressional district or county convention , or twenty-five In any precinct , city , village orward convention. In arranging the tickets the party which cast the highest number of yotcs at the last general election for the head of the state ticket shall have the right to have Its ticket on the left side of the ballot , the party having the next highest shall have the second place for Its ticket , and so on , the candidates by petition to have the extreme right place on the ticket. Each of the columns containing the list of candidates shall bo separated by a distinct and heavy lino. At the top of each party ticket , and under the party emblem , shall bo made n small circle half an Inch In diameter and nny elector may vote a straight party ticket by making his cross In thla circle. If the elector does not wish to vote the straight party ticket ho can make his cross on the blank space at the right of the candidate he wishes to vote for. APPOINTING JUDGES AND CLERKS. Section 17 of chapter xxvl has been rad ically amended , so that hereafter Judges and clerkH of election shall bo appointed by the county judge Instead of elected. The now provision Is as follows : Section 17. The county Judge of each county shall at least one week prior to the first Tuesday In November of each year ap point three Judges and two clerks of election In each election precinct In the county , to servo for the term of one year. They shall each bo of good character , approved Integrity , well Informed , who can road , wrlto and speak the English language and have re sided In the election precinct In which he Is to servo one year next preceding his ap pointment , and bo entitled to vote therein. Said Judges and clerks shall during -their term of ofllco act at all general , special and municipal elections held In the county , pre cinct or city of which the voting precinct In which they reside forms n part. Provided , ' that the county Judge may appoint as Judges anil clerks of election , at least ten days be fore the election , three judges and two clerks nominated for such office In precinct primary and the county Judge shall select for each precinct one Judge of election from the party polling the highest number of votes at the last general election In the precinct , and one Judge from the party polling the next high est number of votes at the last general elec tion In the precinct , and one Judge from the party polling the third highest number of votes In the precinct. In case there Is ono or more parties still to be represented on the ticket , ho shall appoint a clerk of election from each of the 'two parties not represented on the election board , polling the 'highest ' number of votes ; and , provided , that In case there are to be only two parties with tickets on the official ballot , the said county Judge shall appoint two Judges from the party polling the highest number of votes , and the two clerks from the party polling the lowcat number of votes ; and In case of three par ties on the official ballot , ho shall appoint a clerk from each of the two 'parties receiv ing the highest number of votes , and such Judges and clerks shall constitute a board of election. , Section 7 Is also amended so as to strike out from the list of offices to bo filled at gen eral elections the Judges and clerks which are to be appointed by the county Judge as provided in the new section above quoted INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM. A new feature has been added to the elec tion laws embodied in chapter xxvi The last bill passed by the legislature was the ono known as the "Initiative and Referen dum. " Nebraska being the first state in the United States and the first In the world after the republic of Switzerland to put this law on its statute books. The law Is very complex , and Its provisions will have to bo studied In detail before they can bo well understood by the voter. The general fea tures of the now law are two , The first gives the people of any city , town or vil lage , the right to propose nn ordinance , and when n petition signed by at least 15 per cent of the legal voters of the city , town or village , is presented to the city clerk , ho must submit the proposed ordinance to vote at the next general election. If 20 per cent of the voters sign the petition the proposed ordinance must bo submitted at a special election within thirty days. Not more than ono special election shall be held each year unless the petitioners deposit with the clerk an amount equal to the expenses of eald special election , which amount Is to be for feited In case the proposed ordinance Is not adopted. The second main feature of the bill is the ono which requires the city coun cil to submit to a vote of the people any ordinance which It may pass If 15 per cent of the voters petition for the right to vote on the satne.t The law does not bccomo operative until It Is adopted by n vote of tie people In each city , town or village. Cliaiitc-r XXXII Kramliilent Con veyance. Section 11 of chapter xxxll , has been amended by the addition of the following proviso : "Provided , that any conveyance either by way of mortgage or otherwise , or nny sale or transfer of household goods , or any In terest therein , owned by a husband or wife , or by both husband and wife , and used by them In their dwelling house , or purchased or held by them , or either of them , for use n their family , shall bo void unless such conveyance , mortgage , sale or transfer , shall ) o executed by both husband and wife In .ho same manner conveyances of real estate are required to bo signed and acknowledged jy the laws of this state. " The law re- erred to prevents a husband from giving a chattel mortgage on his houshold goods uu- ess his wife also signs the mortgage. Ohniitcr XXXIXn IniliiNlrlnl Home , The laws governing the Industrial home at Mllford have been materially changed , both n relation to the management of the In stitution and In the regulations prescribed or admission. All applications for admission o the homo shall bo made to the county udgo In the icounty In which the applicant esldes , If the county judge finds that the applicant Is a penitent woman or girl ho shall at once forward the application , to gether with his findings , to the visiting ind examining board. The management of his homo la placed In the hands of a > oard of three women , all to be appointed by the governor , who shall also appoint the uperlntendent and such other officers and imploycfi as may bo deemed necessary , Mem- > srs of tills board shall receive $3 per day or each and every day actually served , and all necessary traveling expenses. They shall Ult the homo at least once -eachi month and nqulro Into Its condition , needs , etc. Cliui.tcr X.YXIXII IiiiluMtrlnl Under the new amendments to chapter xxxlxb the deputy commissioner of labor Is ; lven a few added duties. He may require each township and precinct assessor In the state to collect statistics , giving the name and occupation of all persons over 21 years of ago , thn products of farms or factories , ) tc. The commissioner la also authorized o open and maintain at the state capltol a reo public employment bureau. All per sons wishing to hire help may file appllca- lens with the commissioner , and all per sona desiring employment may fllo appllca- $ lens for the same lu a similar manner , It -made the duty of the commissioner to irlng the two together. Chapter XI , ] 1 1 Inxtiraiicc. Chapter xllll , relating to Insurance , hag > een lengthened by the addition of an en- Irely new Uw providing for the organiza tlon and ro il.iiiVn o ? mutual hall Insurant companies , Tt.iJ Rfntrfl ptovlslons of tl now law are as jjdllos ; Any nun.ber or poisons not loss than 1CK who collectively-OHM not loss than 5,00 acres of grain , may form nn Incorporate company for tho'rilirp'oso of mutual Insurant of growing cropsr against loss or damage b hall ; provided , Iji&t iuch IncorporatorB sha bo residents of not less than two countlc. Such persons nhall Jllo with the auditor o public accounts a declaration of their Inten tlon to form such n tfcmpnny , which dcclnra lion shall bo signed by not less than 100 o the Incorporate , .and shall contain a cop of the charter proposed to he adopted b them. Such chnctcr sjinll set forth the nam of the Incorporation , name of tfis city o town or vlllago In which the buslnesa offlc shall he located find flic Intended duration o the company. The number of directors sha not exceed nine , to bo elected by the mem bers by ballot. The policy holders sha elect from their own number a prcslden vlco president nnd treasurer , nnd also a see rotary who need not be a member of th company. Any person owning property In th Etato Insurahlo under ttls a6t may becom n member of such company , nnd shall he en titled to nil the rights and privileges np pertaining to them. Such companies sna Isstto policies only on growing crops ngntns loss or damage front hall. MUTUAL CITY INSUHANOn. The laws governing the organization o mutual Insurance companies embraced I chapter xllll have been so amended as t permit the organization of such companlo to Insure property In cities nnd village against loss by fire , lightning , tornado , cy clone or wind storm. The general feature of the law are ns follows : Any number o persons , not less than 100 , who own city o vlllago property of not lefs than $100.000 I value , which they deslrfc to Insure , may ns soclato themselves together for that purpose They company shall fllo articles ot Incor poratlon with the auditor of public accounts Officers shall bo elected at an annual mcctlii 01' the members. The number ot director shall not exceed nine. All officers shall b members of the company except the secro tnry , who may bo selected from outside Such companies may Insure property enl within Iho corporate limits of cities or vll lagcs. PLATE GLASS INSUHANCE. Section 50 , chapter xllll , relating to plat glees Insurance companies , has been mate rlally lengthened by an entirely now law permitting the organization ot mutual plot glass Insurance companies. The- general pro visions of the law ore as follows : Any number of persons , not leas than fit teen , may form a company for the mutua Insurance of plato glass against nccidciita or other breakage. All persons who talc such Insurance are members during th period their Insurance Is In force nnd n longer. Such members shall sign an appllca tlon obligating themselves to pay all assees mcnts made for expenses of such compan or losses sustained while they continue a members. The management of the com pany shall be by a board of directors , no exceeding nine. If any member neglcc or fail to pay his assessment within flftoc days after receiving notice ho may bo sued. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. An entirely new law defining1 and rogulat Ing fraternal beneficiary societies , orders o associations has bfen enacted. The new la\ la considered nmplo to afford every protectlo to the- policy holders - in such societies aiu associations. It was prepared by proml ncnt friends of-bcnorolent insurance In th state , and had the backing of the leadlni fraternal -orders of Nebraska. The law I of Interest only to members of such mutua societies , and Is too long to permit of an In telllgent aynopsls within the limits of a s'n ' glo newspaper paragraph. Suffice It to ea that all such companies are placed uuder th direct supervision and control of thn audlto of public accounts , \vho Is authorized to re celvo report ? aml.tOjmake an examination o the books of each society whenever in hi Judgment such examination may bo necessary to conserve the interest of the Indlvldua members. . I WIPES OUT INSURANCE TRUST. Another new feature of the chapter de voted to Insurance Is the nntl-compact law It provides that nnji combination or agree ment made or enterid Into between two o moro flro Insurance ! companies within till state , relating t.o Nitrates to he charged fo Insurance , the amount of conffnlsslons to b allowed'to ' agents for procuring Insurance o the manner of transacting the business of fir Insurance within this state , shall be illeza and unlawful , and that any such company officer or agent violating this law shall be guilty of a misdemeanor , and , on convlctloi thereof , shall bo fined not less than $100 no moro than $500 , to be recovered for the ti c ° J tPviI ! rmanc"t1SC10 | ° ! f"nd. The audlto with the en Chanter I.VMo IlcIue. The laws governing the practice of medl ' " ths ! atato ? have becn materially modi- , - fled. Sections 3 , S and 10 of chapter Iv have been reconstructed. In section 3 It Is pro vided that no one of the secretaries of the State Board of Health shall be In any way connected with the faculty of any medical acnool or college. Section S , defining the term medical school or college , now provides that the curriculum shall Include four courses of lectures of six months each , no two to b'a held within ons year. The old law provided for but three courses of lectures. Another new provision in section 8 requires such medl eal school or college to give at least four hours1 Instruction Irt each week In tha prln clplcs and practice of medicine and surgery The four years' requirement of the new law does not go Into effect until August , 1893 , Under section 13 the now law provides that each applicant for a certificate by examina tion shall pay an examination fee of $10 which shall bo equally divided between the four secretaries as their sole remuneration for their services. The old law provided that the examination fee should be but $5 , Cluinlcr IVIMIIIniry Coilc. The old military code , comprising chapter Ivl of the Compiled Statutes , has been re pealed and an entirely new code substituted. The old cede wns ambiguous In many of Its provisions and conflicted In some particulars with the laws of the United States. The now law was drawn by competent military authority and Is believed to bo complete In all necessary details. Under Its provisions the Nebraska National Guard Is to consist of not more than 2,000 enlisted men and the necessary commissioned officers to perfect the organization. There shall be not moro than twenty-olght companies of Infantry , ono trooji of cavalry and one battery of artillery There shall be an annual encampment for In. ctructlon and each enlisted man b required to bo in attendance , Chanter IXIV.OIU. An added section to article 2 of chapter Ixlv. provides fop > tlio Inspection and testing of gasoline. All' ' products of petroleum known as gasoline , whether manufactured In the state or nqty , .shall be Inspected before being offered for aala for any purpose. All gasolines shall tyo rejected that have a grav ity test of less than 68 degrees. The state oil Inspector shall 'charge a fee of 10 cents for each barrel of gasoline Inspected and heavy penalties are Inflicted for selling gasoline ; which has not been Inspected , or which , after : Inspection , has ibconyrejectcd , Chapter 1..VVIU , Slate Printing. Chapter Ixvlll. relating to state printing , has been entirely repealed and a now law enacted. H'ereaft9r InII state printing shall bo performed by.jjpniract under the direction and supervision of an expert printer , who shall bo appointed f by the State Printing board and hold lilsjolfice for the term of two years or until hit ) successor has been appointed and qualified. The salary of the axpert shall not'c.xcfcd ' $1,800 per annum and ' ho shall bo paid * qul ot the state treasury Ho shall have hla office In the state house and shall give his entire time to the prepar ing of schedules and contracts , examine all bids and keep and.preserve all stationery for ' the use of the state. > Cliantcr I.Y.YII UaUroailn. The "powers of the State Uoard of Trans portation have been greatly extended under amendments to article S at chapter Ixxll of the Compiled Statute * ) . Section 9 of that nrtlclo and chapter has been amended BO as to require compliance with the orders of the board within ten days from the date of service of a copy of the order , subject to a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $5,000 for failure. Section 1G of the same jrtlclo has been amended so as to require the railroad company 'to ' file an answer to any complaint within ten days. If the answer is uot BO filed the board may take the case Into any court of competent jurisdiction and secure a mandamus. Section. 17 Is amended jo as to provide that In all trials under Its > jirovlslons the burden of proof U thrown upon : the railroad company ( o show by satisfactory evidence thnt the rntea , regulations , orders , classifications , ncta or charges are unreason able. Ily ntlll another law all telegraph , telephone - phone and express companies doing biwlnes * within the state are placed under the con * trol of the Slate Hoard of Transportation and that board la given the samn power to rcsu- late rates to bo charged to the public that It has over the railroad companies. VCSTIUULES FOR STREET CARS. An entirely new article , No. 13 , has bwn added to chapter Ixxll , relating to street rail way corporAttons , by the passage of an act entitled : "An act to rcqtilro persons , copartnerships and treot railway companies operatlnn elec tric cars , cable or other cars propelled by steam , cable or electricity , to protect certain of their employes from the Inclemency of the weather during certain month.1) ) of the year. " The law takes cffrct November 1 , 1897 , and requires street railways In the city of Omaha to protect their conductors and molormcn from the weather between November 1 and April 1 of each year by constructing vesti bules of wood , Iron and glawi on each end of the motor cnrs. The law applies In cities of the metropolitan class only. Another addition to the provisions of chapter - tor Ixxll , relating to railroad corporations , Is a now section requiring all railroad com panies doing business In Nebraska to mow the grass and weeds on their right of way at least once each year , between the 16th day of July and the IBth day of August. Chapter I/XXV lloforni School. Section 5 of article 1 , designating the ago at which persons convlclcd of crime may be sentenced to the penitentiary , has becn ma terially amended. Under the former law any boy or girl under the ago of 18 convicted of a crime committed while under the ago ot 18 could not bo sent to the penitentiary , unless the crime was cither murder or man slaughter. Instead they were committed to the Industrial school. The now law reduces the ago at which such boys of girls may bo committed to the penitentiary from 38 to 10 years. , , Section 2 ot chapter Ixxv has been amended KO as to provide that the governor shall np- polnt the superintendent of the Industrial School for Boys at Kearney. The governor shall also upon nomination of the superin tendent appoint an assistant superintendent and n matron , either of whom may be re moved by the superintendent or the governor for cause. The old law vested the appoint ments In the Hoard of Public Lands and Buildings. Section 4 ot article 11 has been amended of the superintendent so as to place the appointment perintendent nnd assistant superintendent of the Industrial School for Girls at Geneva pud matron In the hands ot the governor In In the foregoing the same manner as provided ing paragraph. i Clmi > cr l.XXIX SoIioolN. Of Interest In school district officers In sparsely settled counties In the northwestern part of the state will bo a now section added to subdivision I of chapter Ixxlx , providing for the dlspcsltlon of the property of dls- momborsd school districts and for the clos ing up ot the nffalta of said district. Whenever - over the number of legal voters In any dls- tilct becomes less than three the county superintendent shall act as the third officer ot such district. When for a continuous period of ono year a district shall have less than two It-pal voters residing therein , the coun'y superintendent may , In his discretion , annex the district to one or more adjoining districts upon petitions signed by a majority of the legal voters of such adjoining district or districts. When for a continuous period of ono year a district shall have ICES than two legal voters , It shall to lawful for any court of competent Jurisdiction to authorize the county superintendent to close up the affairs of the- district , sell the school prop erty and pay off the debts. If there is still a balance duo the county commlssloncis must levy a tax sufficient to pay the remainder. PUPILS IN ADJACENT DISTRICTS. Section 4a of subdivision v , has been amended by adding to the section as It now reads the folowlng proviso : Provided , That no taxes on the real estate shall be transferred under the provisions of thlii section except the taxes'upon BUCU real estate as Is situated on the same quarter sec tion of land on. which the parents or guard ians reside. This section (4a ( ) , which has been amended as above Indicated , provides that where- chil dren of school ago are living over ono and one-halt miles from the school house In the district In which they reside they may attend a nearer school house In an adjoining dis trict. The amendment changes the manner by which the taxes shall bo charged. The old law made no provision for the taxation of the real CHtatc owned by the parents of such children by the district In which they at tend school. The new law corrects this omission. SCHOOLS IN CITIES. Section 1 of subdivision xlv has been ma terially amended and a part of It repealed. The now section as It will hereafter appear reads as follows : Section 1. That the territory embraced within the corporate limits of each Incor porated city In the state of Nebraska , or those hereafter Incorporated as such ( to gether with such additional territory and additions to said city ias may bo ndded thereto ) , as declared by ordinances to bo the boundaries of such city , having a popu lation of 1,500 Inhabitants , Including such adjacent territory as now Is or hereafter maybe bo attached for school purposes , shall con stitute one school district and bo known by the name of "Tho school district of ( name of city ) , Im the county of ( name of county ) , in the state of Nebraska ; " and as such In that name shall be a body corporate and pos sess all the usual powers of a corporation for public purposes , and In that name and style may sue and too sued , purchase , hold and sell such personal amf real citato and control such obligations as arc authorized by law ; and the title * to nil bchool buildings or oilier property , real or personal , owned by any school district within the corporate limits of any city , shall under the provisions of this subdivision vest Immediately In the new district ; and the Hoard of Education by this subdivision provided shall have exclu sive control of the same for all purposes herein contemplated ; provided , that any ter ritory not Included within the corporate limits of any city and containing territory or a number ot children sufficient to consti tute a sc3iool district under the provisions ; of this chapter , may -petition , signed by at least n majority of the legal voters of : such territory , and < a majority of the board ot education of ouch olty , bo by the county superintendent erected Into a separate dis trict under the conditions Imposed by this chapter. A slight amendment has been made to sec tion 24 , subdivision xlv , telating to taxation for Bchoo ! purposes. Under the old law this section road , "that the aggregate school tax : Jhall In no ono year exceed 2 per cent , " etc. Hie opening sentence of the section has been changed no. as toj exclude 'taxes ' for the pay- nont of bonds from the limitation. The sec- lon now reads : "That the aggregate school ax , exclusive of school bond taxes , shall n no ono year exceed 2 per cent , " etc , Section 21 , of subdlvlclon xvll , relating to schools In metropolitan cities , was amended no as to empower the Hoard of Education ( o make the annual school levy. Under the old law the board could only report an eatl- natoottho amount deemed necessary and the levy had to be made by the city council. A new law of cwneclal Interest to school eachers and especially to students attend- u < 4 any of the .prlvnto normal schools of the itato for the purpose of fitting themselves 'or the profession of teaching , is ono which irovldes that ouch schools may Issue cer- Ificates , which shall receive the recognition if the state superintendent. Under the pro visions of this law , when any college , unl- 'cralty or normal school shall have a course f study equal in extent and similar In Its iiibjccts to the elementary course of the State Normal school , and shall have full ami implo equipment and faculty of Instructors nlly competent to give satisfactory Instruc- lon In the branches contained lu said couree , my graduate from raid coume shall be en- Itled to a state certificate of the same tenor ind effect as the certificate to teach Issued , to he graduates from the elementary course of ho State Normal school , The nauio pro- Islon Is made for graduates from the higher tturso. Thu law applies to all Institution * vhtch are Incorporated under the laws of the late , which have Invented not less thuu iIOO.000 , and which employ not fewer/than Ivo instructors. C'haplcr JyXXX School I.anilH , Chapter Ixxx of the compiled statute ! , rovidlng for the lalo and leasing ot the chool lauds belonging to the state , haa been | entirely repealed ftnd a now chapter rn.icled Under the new law the further1 nlc of eehool lands has bean stopped. Such Um'A are now subject only to Ir.isc. Chapter l.XXXIII-Stnto Oillrrr * . Section 3 , of nrtlclo II , of chapter Ixxxlll , Is amended to read as follows : Section 3. There shall bo pal.l to the secre tary of mate the following fct : For cer tificate with senl. CO cents ; for commission to any officer or other person , except military commission * , $1 ; for copies of exemplifica tions of records , with fical , for each 100 words , 10 cents ; for copies of bills or other papers , with certificate under seal , for each 100 words , 10 cents ; for filing- article ! ) of In- cot poratlon , consolidation , domestic or for eign , $10 , and If the capital stock authorized by such articles exceeds the sum of $100,000 an additional charge ot 10 cents for each $1,000 of stock authorized In excess of $100- 000 ; and he shall also charge for recording such articles 10 cents for each 100 word * contained therein ; for receiving and filing a certificate ot the auditor of state the sum cf $2 ; for receiving , filing nnd recording ar ticles of Incorporation formed for religious , benevolent or literary put poses , not for profit , having no capital stock and not mutual In character , or religious or secret societies , or societies or associations composed exclu sively ot any class of mechanics , express , tel egraph or other employes , formed tor mutual protection and not for profit , $2 , nnd 10 cents for each 100 words for lecoiMIng ; for filing certificate ot Increase of capital Etock ot any corporation , association or consolidation , do- mefltla or foreign , $5 , and 10 cents for each $1,000 of the capital stock authorized by Ettch at tides ot Incorporation , association or consolidation In excess ot the amount of capital stock originally authorized , and 10 cents for each 100 words for recording ; for filing certificates of decrease of capital stock , $ D ; for filing articles or decree of court , changing the name ot nny corporation or as sociation , $5 ; for filing amendment ot ar ticles ot Incorporation , $5 ; for Usulng li cense , $1 ; for taking acknowledgment , CO cents ; provided , that all fees provided for herein shall bo paid to the state treasurer before the services therefor are performed. DEPOSITORY LAW AMENDED. The state depository law has been ma terially changed. Article xlll ot chapter Ixxxlll , has been amended so as to permit the state treasurer to deposit In banks designated as state depositories all Idle funds In lil.s hands. Instead of being deposited as separate funds , as under the old law , the treasurer deposits everything ns belonging to the general fund , and the Interest Is credited to the general fund. The separa tion of the funds Is made only on the treas urer's books. No bank Is entitled to receive on deposit nn amount greater than 30 per cent of Its capital stock. The snmo amend ments are made with reference to county depositories. Sections 6 nnd 7 ot chapter Ixxxlll , ar ticle vlll , have becn amended so as to exempt the regents of the State university from the provisions of the uniform voucher law. The law presetIbes n form of voucher which can not be accepted by otficlals of foreign gov ernments with which the regents are fre quently called upon to transact business , and hence the exception In their favor. Chapter I X.VXVI t'cnltciitliiry. The new law for the government of the state penitentiary Is designed to place that Imtltutlon moro directly under the control of the warden and to make It moro nearly self- sustaining. It Is placed under the manage ment ! of the warden , who shall bo appointed by the governor and the Hoard of Public Lands and HulldlngB , who by virtue of their offices are made prison Inspectors. It Is made the duty ot the warden to provide labor for the prisoners and to keep them In industrial employment as far as possible. To this end he may let out the services of the prisoners for a term of years not exceeding three and shall collect nil money duo for such services , nnd the warden Is charged with the duty of making the state penitentiary as nearly self-sustaining as possible. All moneys received by the warden for the labor of convicts shall bo placed In the main tenance fund and any excess shall bo cov ered Into the state treasury for the benefit of such fund. The expenses and legal fees of sheriffs and other officers Incurred In conveying convicts to the penitentiary shall bo examined and adjusted by the auditor of public accounts nnd approved by the secre tary of state and shall be paid out of the state treasury ; said ; auditor and secretary of state may allow for such expenses and fees the following rates : For sheriff , ? 3 per day for time actually necessary In conveying ouch prisoner to the state penitentiary and re turn ; for each assistant or guard absolutely necessary , $2 ; provided , that no allowance shall bo made where but ono prisoner is brought to the penltentlarj. Uhaplcr XCIii TrtiNtN. The antl-itrust law Is one of the new fea tures of the compiled statutes. It is general and sweeping In its provisions , nnd designed to wipe out ail general combinations which tend to restrict trade , prevent competition and to enhance prices , It first defines n trust as a combination of capital , skill or acts by any person or persons , to fix the prlco of any article or commodity of trade , use or merchandise , with the Intent to pre vent others from conducting or carrying on the same business or selling the same ar ticle , or a combination for any or all of the following purposes : First , to create or carry out restriction In trade ; second , to limit or reduce the production or Increase or reduce the prlco of merchandise or com modities ; third , to prevent competition in Insurance , either life , fire , accident or any other kind , or in manufacture , sale or pur chase of merchandise , produce or com modities ; fourth , to fix at any standard or figure whereby Its price to the public shall In any manner be controlled or established an any article of merchandise , produce or ' manufacture of anything Intended for Bale , use or consumption In tills state. Heavy penalties are pi escribed for the violation of any of the provisions of the law. AIMED AT THE ELEVATOR TRUST. Four new sections have becn ndded to chapter xcia , relating to trusts or combina tions in restraint of trade , by the passage 3f a Inw prohibiting combinations between sraln elevator men for the purpose of pre- raitlng competition , The new Inw makes It unlawful for grain buyers or nny person iwnlng or operntlng ernln elevators to enter into nny understanding , contract , agreement jr combination with any other person , com pany , partnership , association or corpora- lion , whether within or without the state , ngagod lu n like business , to prevent or Under the fullest competition , Violation of ho provisions of the law render the person jonvlcted 'guilty of n felony , liable to Iin- irJsonmont in the fitate penitentiary not ongur than nix months , and to a fine of lot less than fl.OOO nor moro than $2,000. Chapter XOIIVarelioiixcH. . Sections 13 nnd 14 of chapter xcil. rcgulat- ng the operation of public warehouses In S'ubraska , ban been amended so as to In- lude chicory and the products of chicory vlthln Ita provisions. Chapter XCIHa irrigation. The district Jnlgatlon law enacted two ears ago and embodied In nrticlo 111 , chap- er xcllla , has been changed iu many of Ita iiost Important provisions. The sections mended are as follows : Section 4 has been changed by the addl- lon of a proviso that the district treasurer hall elvo a bond for not less than J5.000 nd not lees than double the amount of loney that may come Into hla hands. Sec- Ion 2G also contains an added provlsa to the ( feet that the assessment of any property n the name of the wrong person tliall In ) o way Invalidate the ntseEBinent. The moat ruportant changes , however , are made In ectlon 19. When the assessor ha com- . , . leted his work and the board of directors ' wda the annual levy , the secretary VII n the future certify to the county clerk el [ ho amount of taxes levied on each tract of elct ct nd In the district. The county clerk enters ho list upon the regular county tax llat and sc ? Ii IIIni ni n fie erIK n IK fuOl Ol Kt : KtHt Ht HtBi Bi BiWi 1" kiiTi Ti ai vli cli CO COm fo pr the amf In delivered to tfio cbunly and lounshlp trcaaureni. The Uvoaaro collected liy Ilio townrhlp trcflsurerg , nnd when o col. lected nro turned over to the treasurer of the IrrlKfttlnK district. The latter omdM no longer lifts power to collect Irrigating district taxes. . PIlOUiniTS USELESS WASTH. A now section Ims been ndJed to chapter xcllln , relating to water and T\alcr rights. The now law Is designed to prohibit too use less ttflatc of mutual artesian water , and Us Konoral provisions are ns follows ! Tlml It shall bo unlawful for the owner , lessee , occupier , foreman , or superintendent of any farm , town lot or other real estate , on which artesian water lias becn found , or imy bo found hcrrnttcr , to allow the water from such well to ( low out and run to waste In any summer to exceed what will slow or run through a pipe ono-h.ilf of ono Inch In diam eter , except where the water Is first used for " Irrigation or to cieato power-for milling or < \ other mechanical purposes. Any refusal to shut oft the wastage from such wells within forty-eight hours after being notified by any party Intctcstcd , shall render the person so refusing liable to n flno of not Ices than $10 , nor more than J2f . MAY HIS D1SCONT1NU15D. " Chapter xcllla , hns alno been added to by a new law , wh'ch ' Is designed to enable Irri gation districts formed under the law of 1805 , and which have no outstanding Indebt edness to discontinue their organization , The now Inw provides : "Whenever n majority of the resident free holders representing a majority of the num ber of acres of the Irrigable lami In nny Irrigation district desire to discontinue such Inlgatlon district , they may petition the board ot dltectors to call a special election atvlilch the question shall he submitted. H the board of directors are Entlsfled that the dlstilct has no Indebtedness of any character It tlmll at once call the special election. If a majority ot the freeholders pf the.district . favor the discontinuance- the district , the fact shall be certified to the clerk of the dls-i trlct court. " A now proviso has been added to section ( Continued on IClovontli I'ngc. ) THAT'S WHY IT'S THE DEBT , FOREST AND OF FINEST FLAVOR & Written Gnurnntco to CURE KTEK1T CASE or MONETf REFUNDED. Our cnr la permanent and not a patching up. Cnset treated ten yeara BRO uavo never Been a tmnpton ulnce. Uy describing your case fully we can treat you uy nmll. and wo dive I no aamostronB guarantee to cure or refund all money. Those who prefer to come here for trent * ment can tlo BO and wo will nay railroad fan ) both waya and hotel bills vrblle hero If we fall to cure. We clial- \inuo \ the world for * case that our Mnnlc Itemedy will not cure. Wrlto for full particular ! and act tha evidence. Wo know that you are skeptical , Justly BO too , aa tha moat eminent physicians hare never been atla to Rive moro than temporary relief. In our ten yeara \ practice wjth this Blnelc Itemctly It bai been most / dinicutt to overcome thu prejudlicb against all no-called Epeclllca. Hut under our strong iruaranteo you should not hesitate to try thin remedy. You take no chance ot losing your mono ; . We guarantee to euro or refund every dollar and aa no have a reputation to protect , also financial bucking ot S5OO.OOO , It li perfectly aafe to all who will try the treatment. Heretofore you have been putting up and paying out your money fol dllTcrent treatmentsand although you are not yetcured no one haa paid back your money. Da not waste any more money until you try us. Ola , chronic , deep-seated cases cured In thirty to ninety clays. Invmtlgato our financial etandlDi : , our reputation a * business men. Wrlto us for namea and addresses ot thooe we hava cured , who have glrcn permission to refer to them. It costa you only postage to do thla t It will nave you a vrorM of eutterlnff from mental strain ; and If you are married what may your ollsprlng Butter through your ownnegljgence ! If your Bymptoma are pimples on face , Bore throat , mucous patches in mouth , rheumatism to bones and joints , balr falling out , eruptions on an ) part of the body , feeling o : general depression , pains la bead or bones , you have no time to waste. These who are constantly Inking mercury and potash should dls- contlnuelt. Constant use of these drujrs nill surely bring eorea and eating ulcers In the end. Don't fall to write All correspondence rent oraled in plain envel opes Welntltn tua most rlirld Investigation anawlu do all In our power to aid you in 1C. Address , . . Searles & Searles , CpccialistH III nnd All I'flyntc ' nttd Disorders of Moll' Treatment by mall Consultntlou I'rco. SYPHILIS Cured for llfo. TREATMENT I-'OH AM , KOIMIS OF KKAM ? AVKAIC- M'JS.S AM ) niSISASia.S Ol' WOJIKX. Catarrh , all Discuses of the NOHO. Throat. 'Jhcst , Stomiich , Ulvtr. lilooil , Skin nnd ICIdney Diseases , Lost M.inlmoa. Ilydroeclo krntIcocele , Gorton > ioa , GU-et , Syphilis and \M I'lUVATU UISHASES OK MiN. 'lies , Fistula and Ilectnl Ulci-ia cuied wlth- nit pnln or detention riuin uu.ilncs.s. ' Dl.seaHC , Diabetes anil kindred fall on or mids-ens with Htnnip. in. SEflRUss mm. ' ' CURE YOURSELF ! Usn l\\jt \ \ < l lor unnatural illicliarfti'S , IntXii'iniivilons ' , Irritations or iilieratlonf of in n CUDS nit lu branns , Painless , un < ! nut astrin. , Hold by 'or ' e nt In plain wrapper. by express , pifpaid. rot II M. or 3 botllel , 12.79. Circular seut on Chlchcstrr' * IHamoml I flrlfftnal nnil Only Genuine , BATE. atr ) jr > rtljatla. LADIC * l far ChUtititinWi , HU-it o ! 6. > Uneulio\ ! . M alvd nltb blue rlMjon , TaUo no oilier. JJtfuit dangtroHi tuti/ifu * Hum auj imttattoiH Al UraCKtlll.onrDd If. in Itunipa fur | rllouUrl , KftluumUU sni "llrller fur l.utllrnltutr. \ . tjr rrturn . , Mull. llylUII fMllmonUU. Ktm * fu\'ir. \ i ( 'LI.-tir.KTfticnjtiul tu.Uii ) < ll i fyuqi C , LMUUructUu. t J'bllcdu. , l/o. I'UOl'OSALH l-Xm INDIAN SUPI'MK3 sul TruiiHportalion. ] ) cpirtsm > sit of ihu iterlor , Olllco of Indian Affair : ) , \Vunli- igton , D. O. . April 3 , 1K97 Seulcil propomila , sulosxeil : ' ' 1'rwosnlu for lt-of ( bids for ei-f muni be unbmlttcd In step.irato en- dopes ) , Hour and transportation , otu. , " as Im CUBO muy be. and cllrrcu.'d to the Com- ilxtfloDLT of Imlltin Affair * , No. 1211 Htiitu trcnl. Ul'ldieo , UK , will bo received until o'clock p. m , , of Tuesday , May 4 , U'J7 , for jnilaliliiK for the Indian iicrvlcc , beef , Hour , neon and otlu-r artlc-lt-a of mibitatriice ; Iso for Jitfrlrulturil implement * . WUKOIIH , arni > , iiurdwnro , medical mipplles and a iiK list of mlHcollimcotiH articles ; alHo I > H ir ilio traiiHixirlatloii of such of t | > e urtlcloj. upp oiuHitiayn t be ( Oitraoieil jr. to l > u 'Jellvori-il at the ugviirlea. Benlud rupoxalH , pndorHCil : "J'ropasaln for eoffte , niriir , clothing. Hdiool huulix , etc. , " a tlm inn may be. anil illrrrteil tr > the Coinmls- oner of Indian Affalrn. NOD. 77 and TO booster ( street , Now York City , will bo r - plvtd until J o'clock p. tn. , of TueKd ly , lay 25 , 1W7. for furnishing fur ( hit Indian rvlce , roffcc , stiKor , tea , rice , beans , iiltlnn powder , woap. BroctirlpH , hlnnknts , oolen nnd cotton goods , clothing , notions , ills and CH.PB. boots and Hliocx , crockery nd school hookH. HI da must \ie \ tuaOo out government blanks. HclieiJulcH ( 'lvlim nil Information for bidden ) \vlll bo irnlsbt'il upon applloutlon to the Indian Dice In WuablsiKtoti : Noa 77 nrd 79 Woo tor reet , Now York CMty , or No. 1211 Htuto trrut , Ctcnf ] | , ' ° . ' " Hie CommUnnrles of ilbslstenrc , U. B. A. , at Clxiyomie , J-eavtu- ortli. Omaha. St. Jouln and Ht , I'aul ; tha ustmastera at Sioux City , Viinkton , Ar- itnuas City. Cald well , Topeka , Wichita mid IIHPOII. iiids will b oiH'iiiid tit. thy hour nd days nbovn dialed and bidders are In- ted to bo iirt'HHiit at the opcnliiK. C'orlllled icrks. All bids snust Im accompanied by rtlllod churks or drafts upon some United. latcH ilepoHltory or Holvent national bank ir at I east & per cent of the amount of iho ropoeal. D , M. IJrownlne , CoimnUsloner.