Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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Scientific optl'-Un , Wollman , 400 B'way.
Augusta Orovo will meet In regular session
this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Attention teachers I Ilattrnburg , Honl-
ton and Point lace braid ; also embroidery
( Ilk , at Mrs. Ilrajw , No. 10 Main street.
' McSorley'd Twins , " with Teny Ferguson
and Qcorgo H , Hmcrlck In the leading pnrts ,
will appcur at the Uohany on Sunday even
The Young Indies' Missionary society of
Broadway Mclhodlat church will give a
Boclablo at ths church parsonage this even-
A building permit wnfl ls ucd yesterday to
Lillian 12. Tanner for thu erection of n cot
tage costing $750 on lot 4 , block 14 , ivcrctt'o
The Ladles' society of the Second Presby
terian church will meet this afternoon at
the residence ot Mrs. J. D. Hutchlnson , 1009
High street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. C. I'gan returned homo
this morning from Dlxon. Ill , where they had
been called by the sudden death of Mrs.
Kgan's mother.
All mcmheig of Illuff City tent , No. G3 ,
Knights ot the Maccabees , me requested to
bo present nt tha regular review this evenIng -
Ing in Hojnl Arcanum hall.
Wanted A man with ecnnral acquaintance
Inr Council muffs , to canvass for a well
known Omaha establishment. Staleexpert -
enco and inferences. Address , r 64. Omaha
Dec , Omaha.
Wo cater lo people who appreciate good
work , prompt eervlco and businesslike
treatmcn' . We please hundreds of others
nnd can please you. The Uaglo Laundry ,
721 IJioadway.
Notwlthslandlng Iho dirty condition of the
city water this spring , they are able to turn
out the whitest , cleanest work In the stale
nl the Hnglo Laundry , OH they aru supplied
from their onn wells with pure , clear water.
Hilgunc Lamb of lloono and Hannah IJarnes
of thlH city wore married yesterday after
noon at 731 Mynstcr atreel. Mr. Lamb Is a
Ill-man on thu Noithwcstrrn railway and was
ono of the sufferers In the Logan wreck.
They will Ihc In Hoone.
In the district court yesterday the 1'lrst
National bank of this city began a suit
against Daniel A. Fnrrell to collect a note
given by J. N. Casady last September upon
which ho was sure-ly. The note was for $500
duo In ninety days. At the tlmo the note
waa made Caseady was u warm advocate of
free silver and Farrell was In hot quest of
tlm white metal In a Colorado silver mining
camp. Casady made no effort to pay the
note , nnd Tarrcll will bo obliged lo do so.
Yesterday was the last day upon which
tnxca could be paid without Incurring the
delinquent penalty , and the consequence was
that the usual crush of men and women were
Ihronglngi around the counters of the county
tieasurcr's olllce. Aa largo a force of clerks
wcro put at the work of taking money and
making out receipts aq could work ad
vantageously , but there were still a large
number of taxpayers who wcie unable to
exchange Ihelr cash for Iho treasurer's re
Mr. anil Mrs W. II. * Roblnson and George
Kcellno and family relumed yesterday from
Florida , where they have spent the winter
They were dclnjcd on the way by the ex-
ecsslvo floods In the south. At one point
the railroad ran through eighty miles of
water , and all along the route when nlghl
> airc Iho UaliiH stopped and watted until
uaj light. At Memphis the Mississippi rhei
was fifty miles wide as Ihey crossed. The-
water was a swift current flowing over the
torntry. Mr. Recline sajs the northern pen
pie cannot appreciate th * lerrlblo devasla-
tlon that the floods have ctitmcd In the lower
Mississippi valley.
C. U Viavl company , fcmalo'rcmedy. Med
ical consultation free Wednesday. Health
book furnished 32C-S27-32S Merrlam block
N. Y. Dumbing company. Tel. 230.
Wanted , gilt-edge farm and city loans In
small or large amounts Lowest rates and
( julok money. Lougeo & Lougcc , 235 Pearl.
CrKlvlHOH Itov. Jut ; .TOUCH.
Rev. Joe J. Jones , brother of the noted
southern evangallst , Sura Jones , has been
conducllng a series of meetings al tlio Trin
ity MethoJIst church. At the meeting on
Tuesday evening hs dropped Into a remln-
lEce-nt mood and detailed ec-nit of his ex
citing and rathci Inteicstlng experiences
when ho wan a full blooded sii.ner and Ilk'
to 'nako things happen. Jones was In the
rebel army , and among other things he gave
a eamplo of Ihc famous rebel jell lhat the
old vets love lo talk about. Some of his
nntl-Chrlsllan experiences were decidedly
funny , and amused some portions of his
audlcncu and offended others One of the lat
ter writes to The Dee the following com
It might Impjvn thnt a person would , b >
mistake- , find hlmstlf or herself In lm
company once- , but with a purpose Htrong
to exercise ihe HOP will which God 1m--
Blvon ua nnd enjov Hie better thlnps o
this life , ho would not no found Ihe-re
tvvle-e. It Is to bo supposed nn even
ing1 meeting In n clmrch would bo a B.ifo
fluce to go , but of nil thu shocking tall
ever heard of , that Inllleted on an un
deserving public lasl ly evening in
Tilnlly Methodist chinch , was the worht
Horry , company must the speaker Imvc
been Keeping , llo would flnd moro edlf-
- Ing leile'Ulon nt one of Council muff's
diinccH , citnl parti or thmtcra. We do
nol Irnln our children by agitating the
original nln which might bo slumbering ii
them , but b > c ireful vvordi nnd north }
examples lend where It Is bafo to follow.
A MOTIliit.
SI I llliu-r ) 0.e-iil UK.
Mrs Adclc O. Card desires to announce
to the ladles of Council Dluffs that eho wll
have a display of Pattern Hats , Ilonnets am
Novelties at the Dry Goals Store of licll &
Bon , 104 Ilroadway , Friday and Saturday
April 2 and 3.
A couch this week $4 50 at Durfce FurnI-
lure Co , 205 and 207 Hroadvvay.
Miiltliy AdJiiNlH the Cnxr
Rugcno Russell , the St. Louis steve man
who had trouble with the authorities at Te-
cumse'h , Ne > b , over his salesmen neglecting
to secure a license before peddllnf , arrived
In the city yesterday. Ho was arrested on
a charge of being n fugitive from Justice1
but was released at the station by order ol
Captain Maltby. Itobert C. . Karburg was
Iho man wanted. Ho was fined JOO and cost
at Tecumseh , and released after promlel.i ,
to settle the flno. Instead of pa > lng the
Una hu left the stato. On being Informed
> f the circumstances Captain Mallby to ) I
bis mon nol to arrtst Karburg , oven If the
Nebraska authorities did request It.
The MurrliiKr Ili-ronl.
Marriage Itccntca have been Issued to the
following persons ;
Nninn and Hesldi'iice. Age.
John nieb. Jr. , Pnttawntlamlo county , . , . 21
Urivur , Pi ottnwattamlu county , , 23
Alpheus J. Tucker , Wt'ston , la 31
llosa Wright , Pigeon In 2.1 !
nugt'lio 1-uiib. Hoone , In , , , , . 21 ;
tlunmili Harnes , L'oiincll Uluffs is
Most torturing and disfiguring of Itching , ,
burning , tcaly skin and scalp humors li In.
stantly relieved by a vrarra bath with Cun-
cuiiASoAi- single application of Cimci'iiA
( ointment ) , tha skin euro , and a full dose
of Cuncunx HESOLV OT , grtateit of blood
purifiers nud humor cures , when all else falls.
( uticura
If wU threurioultlu worll. Porril Dtr i Ann C M.
Cotr.lropi.UMljp.llowloC ngiltlll uinn - .
CRII lUf ) UAID Pl" l > lf tMW.UikjDUmlilMi ,
rALUNU HA1K ti 4 tr emeu * o . .
Tlr'rteenth Animal Report of the Woman's
Ohrisf'sui Association.
to Clenr t'p ' Hu- Second , Mort-
. DHL In rultriinrj Uiorl
( it tlic TrcnMircr mid
The Woman's Christian association has
iled Its thirteenth annual report. The
document Is the most elaborate and goes Into
moro minute detail than any previous report
made by thu association.
'During the year , " the report says , "tho
association has held ten regular meetings ,
with an average attendance of thirty-three
members ; also fourteen meetings of the
board of managers. The number of mem
bers as shoxvn by the books Is noxv 15G , of
which nineteen arc honorary members , a gain
of twenty-seven over the preceding year.
From this membership there has been col
lected In pa > mcnt of yearly dues $77 , of
xxhlch $6 arc for dues of 1895. When we as
sumed the work we took upon ourselves an
Indebtedness of $5,200 In two mortgages.
Of the original debt we have paid off $725 ,
and have flvo shares In the Council Bluffs
Building and Loan association. Of the or
iginal debt $4,475 remains We hope to
clear up the second mortgage which Is $270 ,
this coming February , reducing the Indebt
edness to $4,200. This vxould have been done
before , but Improvements which were
thought necessary required payment. "
The pamphlet contains the reports of the
treasurer and superlntcndpiil. The treasurer
rajs that the cash donations during the year ,
together xxlth the cash on hand at the be
ginning of the > car , amounted to $5,231 2S
The total expense * , for the jear , Including
a balance ot nearly $140 , carried over from
1S95cic $4,95C21.
The report of the superintendent , Mrs.
IJthcl A. H > cron , shoxxs thai the number
of patients enured during the last jear xxas
175 ; the number of surgical cbscs , seventy-
five ; the number of medical cases , 130 ; that
seventy-four males nnjl 101 females were
admitted ; that there were Wi married and
seventy single airong thj patients ; that
Here were eighty paying patients , thirty-
seven county patients and fifty-eight who
xx ere attended from charity.
The following xxomen have the work of
the hospital on their shoulders ; President ,
Cmmix G. Lucas , 500 Oakland avenue ; first
vice president , Isabella C. Stewart , Fouith
stiect ; vice presidents , English Lutheran
church , Catherine Hoyman , 103 Fourth
street ; Congregational church , Keo K. Stod-
dard , 920 Second avenue ; Episcopal church ,
Anna James , S1G Third avenue , Methodist
church , Uuth Mayne , 22. ! Park avenue ;
Christian church , Eva Metcalf , 183 IJlulT
otreet ; Latter Dcy Saints' church , Mary
Wind. 738 Washington avenue , Presbyterian
church , Angela Shugart , GOO First avenue ;
Baptist church , Mary Mc.N'Itt , S09 Avenue C ;
recording secretary , Mlnta Galnes , 718 Third
street , coriespoadlng secretary , Laura J.
McBrlde , 292 Harrison street ; tieasurer ,
Sarah B B. Kohrer , 239 Vine stieet , assist
ant treasurer , Homlc Itlsscr , 71S Mill atrcet ;
auditors , .Mary E. Thomas , 127 Eighth street ,
and Carrie Butts , 920 Flist avenue.
I'rnHe-cMitlmi ttnilniA OTM ( o Slinti tlitit
tli < : De'foiHliint'w Annie IN 1'crKliiH.
Sox oral new elements of doubt were inter
jected Into the Edglngton case jcsleiday.
The government , by a dozen witnesses ,
sought to ehoxv that voting Edglngton was
lot only aware that his real name was not
Cdglngton , but Perkins , In IS92 , a jear before
he applie-d for a pension for his mother , but
that he was visiting his Perkins relatives
back In Scott county In the vicinity of Green-
Held and was generally Introduced there as A
A. Perkins. A number of these witnesses
Identified the prisoner at the bar as the
young man whom they met there. This evi
dence was Intro luccd by the government In
rebuttal to disprove the testimony of Edging-
ton in his oxxn behalf that he was first made
acquainted with the fact that his name waa
Perkins by h'a ' grandmother a long xvhllo
after his arrcnt In sub-rebuttal the de
fendant's attorneys put on the \\ltness ntand
yesterday a number of people from Avoca
who sxvoro positively that young Edglngton
was In Avoca at the time these dozen wit
nesses sxxoro that he xxas In Scott county.
Many of the Avoca xxltncess had documen
tary evidence of the fact In the hhapa of
papers and Instruments that young Edging-
ton 1iad signed In thslr presence at that
time. Some of them bore dates Identical
with thai * mentioned by the Scott county
witnesses. This closed the testimony and
the arguments to the jury were begun. The
opening address vxas made by Assistant Dis
trict Atlornpy Elcher. District Attorney
Fullen will make the closing argument and
the case will reach the jury before court ad
journs tonight.
ItrpalrN ou I.iincr llrondviay.
Contractor Wlckham has about completed
the work of depositing slag on the lower
Uroadxvjy macadam , and as soon at , the
front Is all out ot the ground will put the
finishing touches on the roadxvay. City E * . -
glncer lostr-vln has completed the work
of taking measurements tor tvo purpose of
determining the depth of the flag and r.s
cortalnlng If the contraclor Is keeping
within the provisions If his contract , which
calls for a depth of nine Inches of slag be
fore It Is rolled down. If the weather Is
at all favorable the roadway will bo com
pleted within a month. The contractor will
bo required lo ; uit the big steam roller on
the xvork as Boon as the frost leaves the
Rtound The inglMci believes that the bctst
r can Ha ran be obtained by the rolling pro-
toss vhllp the eurth Is very soft , and hi )
xvl | > insist upon this part being done at
tliu eailleht pi.ietlcal moment. Cinders and
gravil have been determined upon as the
material to bo used In the top dressing.
This must bo rolled until it Is pu-ssed Into
a firm and compact mass with a smooth and
uniformly level surface.
The experiment on Lower Broadway is
coating the city and county a good deal of
money , and It Is being watched with much
Interest. If It Is successful It Is certain
moro of the same kind of work will he done
on both city and county roads. The agita
tion for better roads has taken a deep hold
upon the community , and money for perma
nent Improvements of this character can ho
obtained If the vxork that Is being done
proves to ho what Is expected.
Hi-ill KxliKr TruiiNforN.
The following transfers wcro filed yester
day In the title and loan office of J , W.
Squire , 101 Pearl street ;
Charles A. Fox and wife to John Peter
son , lot 13 , block 1 , Itcgatta Place ,
w , d , . , $ 75
John Peterson and wife to K P. Jud-
son. lot 13 , block 1 , Itegatta Place ,
" " ' ' ' ' '
Mnfry VarrVlY"to"WlTlia'm'V.'rarre'll !
lots 7 , 8 , U and 10 , block 2 , Arnold's
add w. d 00
Sheriff to Omaha 1 oin and Trust Com.
pany Savings Bank , lotr IS to 22 and
utt. 23 block 1 ; lots 9 tu 22 and H'S
and 23 , block 2 ; lots 1 to 7 and 24 to JO.
n ! { , b and 2J. block 3 ; lots 2 to 7 and
21 to 30 , and nVli 8 and 23 , block 4 ,
East Omaha Park , H. d 1,210
County Treasurer to Oeorgo P. Shel
don lot 25 , block 41 , Ferry add , tax
deed , 152
Same to same , lot G , block 23 ; lota 18
nnd 19 , block 14 , Perry add , tax d. . . 14
Same to name , lotx 1C and 19 , block S3
Ferry add , tax d G
Same to Hamo. lotH H and 17 , block 23 ,
Ferry add , tax d 0
Snmu to uarno lnt 27 nnd 29 , block 41 ,
Ferry add , tux d , , . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . , 137
Nine transfers , aggregating$2,601
I.ocatloiu of it School Houxe ,
The people of Creaccnt township are dis
turbed about the proposed sale of a school
house In district No. 3 , and have brought
their dlftereactB Into the district court for
Battlement. The retool dlrectoru have long
had In contemplation the relocation of the
school house , and during the winter reached
a decision to sell the old building and erect
a nexv one on a site In a different part of
the township. Yesterday Charles McKeovxn ,
who claims to represent a large number of
property owners and school patrons , peti
tioned Judge Smith for an Injunction re
straining the school directors from taking
the contemplated action. The petition states
that ttio present school building located on
section 15 Is to bo sold April 1 , and If the
sale Is consummated It will work Irreparable
Injury to a large number of patrons , who
will bo left altogether without school priv
ileges. They assert that there will llo be
tween them and the proposed location of the
new building Insurmountable barriers , which
are designated as Impassable hills on ono
side , and Matlack and Honey Creek lakes
and the Pigeon river on the other three
sides , and after they overcame these obsta
cles their children would have to walk from
two to three miles. Judge Smith concluded
the showing was strong enough to warrant
a temporary Injunction and granted the ap
StrayeJ , Monday evening , n eorrcl horse
without halter. Ilcturn to Henry DeLong ,
t > 27 East Broadxvoy. Itccclvo reward.
( Continued from First Page. )
affix his signature. The commission will bo
notified Immediately and the relief work will
go on.
Captain Noxv comer , the engineer ofilccr In
charge at Memphis , has telegraphed General
Wilson , under date of yesterday ; "Three
crevasses reported In lower Yazoo levee
district , ono at Dcerfleld , northern side of
Lake Leo Sunday night , end opposite Island
Mill Monday afternoon , and one at Stop
Landing , Choctaxv bend , this morning. "
Piill AinoniitH lit .Sonic I'nrtH of tlio
.State ( o Tlirrc Iiie'Iu-H In a I Jay.
CLAHKS , Nb. , March 31. ( Special. )
Rain began to fall hero early last night
and continued heavily for sK hours. It thor
oughly soaked the ground , and leaves It In
excellent condition for the farmers , vvro
have Just begun plowing and seeding. The
preepects for n good season were never
better at this time.
WESTERN , Neb. , March 31. ( Special. )
Ono and three-quarter Inches of rain fell here
vesterday evening and last night , accom
panied by heavy thunder and lightning. H
was Just what was needed to settle the
ground and start the winter wheat , which Is
looking much better than It did. Considera
ble spring wheat nnd oats have been soxvn ,
which will be benefited by the rain.
SUPERIOR , Neb. , March 31. ( Special )
Heavy rain commenced here last evening.
The soil Is In better condition for spring
work than ever before.
FRIEND , Neb , March 31. ( Special ) One
of the heaviest rain storms for years vis
ited this place last evening , bordering on a
cloudburst , and three Inches of water fell
In less than two hours. Succor creek , which
runs through the town and furnishes the
entire drainage was bank full , and all resi
dences and buildings In its proximity were
flooded. About eighteen Inches of water ran
Into the lower story ot the city hall. South-
wick & Barclay's poultry yards xvere flooded
and they lost two dozen fine chickens. The
storm waa accompanied by terrific lightning ,
and the barn of George Humphrey , three
miles norlheast , was struck and two horses
FAIRMONT , Neb , March 31 ( Special. )
Rain began falling last evening about
o'clock and came down In sheets , accom
panied by homo hall , which did no damage.
The streets were flooded In good shape.
Later In the evening it began to thunder.
Lightning struck the house oocupled by Mrs
Rensing and family. Shingles and brick were
scattered around and a severe shock was felt
by the occupants when the lightning ran
] | doxvn the chimney and demolished the stove.
FREMONT , March 31 ( Special ) There
have been several heavy showers here today ,
the total rainfall having been over one inch.
The ground Is very wet. Winter rye and
wheat are getting green and In good condi
tion. The rain vx 111 keep the farmers oft the
ground for a week longer.
SHELBY , Neb , March 31. ( Special. )
heavy roln came in on a strong wind from
the east last night. It settled the ground
and made It In good shape for farming , as
soon as it dries sufficiently. Prior to the rain
the toll was spongy , owing to the frost
which had melted.
NEBRASKA CITY , March 31 ( Special )
The shoxvery condition of tbo weather which
has existed for several days past culminated
last night In a heavy rain. Spring seeding
Is already retarded , the ground being so wet
the farmers are unable to get Into the fields
No attempt vxill bo made to sow oats before
the 10th or 15th of April.
WEST POINT Neb. , March 31. ( Special. )
U has been raining In this section steadily
for eighteen hours , and fears nro enter
tained of a flood. The Elkhorn river is ris
ing rapidly. The dam across the river is
partially washed out. Efforts are being
made to repair the breach , but It Is feareil
the Increasing high water will carry out the
entire dam.
BELGRAIJE , Neb. . March 31 , ( Special. )
Rain commenced falling Tuesday morning
and continued a steady downpour until early
this mornli'g ' , thoroughly saturating the
giound. Forming will be delayed , as It will
bo Impossible to get Into the fields for at
least a week. The frost Is all out and grass
Ib starting nicely.
TECUMSIZH. Neb , March 31. ( Special. )
Johnson county vxas visile 1 by a one-Inch
rainfall last night. The vxlnd and sun today
are contributing much toxvard drying up the
now thoroughly soaked ground.
LYONS , Neb. , March 31. ( Special )
Heavy rain fell here last night. Water Is
standing in all loxv places. Farmers begin
to worry over the lots season. Wet weather
has damaged thousands of bushels of corn.
A larga acreage of small grain will be
BOXXII this cprlng.
WYMORG , Neb , March 31. ( Special )
Last night at 6:30 : rain commenced to fall
and continued at tnterxals through the night.
The electric display was unusual at this time
of the year. Lightning struck the belfry on
thu High school building , but the damage was
only slight , Tlio rainfall wan very heavy.
At leaqt three Inches of water fell , and all
loxv grounds were flooded. Hall fell for a
few minutes about 6,30 p. m. Although the
hallstone-s were very large no serious damage
has been reported. Farm work has not com <
mcnced to any extent In this locality on ac >
count of the cool weather and the unusually
largo amount of moisture In the ground.
Owing to melting snoxv and recent rains It
U not thought the ground will bo dry
enough to begin work for same time.
HERMAN , Neb. , March 31. ( Special. )
Early this morning rain began to fall and it
has kept It up all day. The farmera have
been anxiously walling for Iho ground to
dry out BO they could begin Ihelr aprlng
work. The boltom east of town Is In such
a wet condition that It vxill bo weeks before
any planting con be done.
- Cnlllr mill Shi-i *
IllUr.ird KIIU MUIIJCnlllr
_ Hnllriiiil Train * Siiowliouml.
CHEYENNE. AVyo. . March 31 , ( Special
Telegram. ) The blizzard which commenced
Monday night and spread throughout Wyom
ing abated at noon today , Stockmen estimate
cattle lojsca at from 6 lo 10 per cent and 16
to 20 per cent on sheep. All passenger and
freight trallic on the Union Pacific , Cheyenne
K. Northern , Cheyenne & Burlington , and
Elkhorn Valley railroads Is suspended. Tlio
easthound Atlantic oxprcwa on the Union
Pacific , which was stalled last night at Red
Huttcti , was brought to Cheyenne tonight
with the alil of a rotary. The westbound
Overland Flyer , laid out at Hllltidale , six
teen miles eabt of here last night , Is still
In the snoxv , A rotary vxas sent out tonight
to clear the road so that the Overland could
pull In , but broke doxvn when but elx miles
out. It is expected that service east and
west can be resumed tomorrow ,
RAWLINS. Wyo , March 31. ( Special Tel
egram. ) It has continued to snow all flay
and Is still snowing tonight. Thu weather
Is warm , and the uuoxv U thawing and pack-
in ; , All eastbound trln have been held
here tocUr. A couple of freights and posel-
bly a passenger train will bo'scn west to
night. Should the weather fUrri cold and
the snow crust range losses will' ' Uo largo.
DEADWOOD , 9. D. , March 31. ( Special
Telegram. ) Deadwood nnd th'ct Black Hills
country ixoro visited last night nnil today
by the h avlcsl snowfall of th < J 'winter. ' The
snoxv Is at least thirty Inches 4oer on the
level In the streets of DeadxvoocI , nnd as the
enow Is a very wet one , It took sojne hustling
to save the roofs of a number- - building
from collapsing under the weight of the
burden. The snoxv Is still falling and gives
ov cry promise of being * record breaker. The
storm WAS unaccompanied br wltul and the
temperature has been abovfe Hhb freezing
point. L
HARRISON , Neb. , March 31. ( Special
Telegram. ) A blizzard struck tHK place last
night nnd raged furiously for ten hours. The
snoxv drifted badly. Anxiety Is felt for stock
and the losrf will bo heavy should the storm
continue much longer. _
Illlrrnrd In. itic AVcxt IllockH All Hull-
ronil TriilUis
The rain which prevailed In this vicinity
tor the past two days developed Into a bliz
zard In vvcptcrn Nebraska , Kansas , Wyoming
and Colorado , nnd became n death-dealing
cyclone In Oklahoma. The snow accompany
ing the storm In the west had the effect of
completely stopping all traffic In that sec
tion of the country on the three Omaha rail
roads , the Burlington , Union Pacific and the
Hock Island. Several ot the through trains
were abandoned entirely until the snoxv could
bo cleared axvny , and others were blockaded
In heavy drifts.
The only part of the Union Pacific system
vvhcrg trains were operated jestcrday mornIng -
Ing was between Omaha andSidney. . The
western limit on the Burlington was McCook ,
and on the Rock Island nt Phllllpsbiirg , Kan.
Tralna which should have arrived In this
city yesterday afternoon did not arrive till
this morning. In Wyoming and Colorado
train service was almost entirely abandoned.
It la pronounced the BOVcrest storm ex
perienced In years. The depth of the snow
ranges from two to eighteen Inches. Tele
graph wires went down In a number of
places , cutting off communication with
blockaded trains. The railroad companies
have all their snow plows at work and ex
pect to clear away the snow In tlmo possibly
to icsumc the regular running of trains some
tlmo today.
TrnliiH I' . fiot On < of
n\ffpt ( o tlio Wont.
TARGO , N. D , March 31. The Red rivet
Is still rising rapidly and Ihc Ice Is begin
ning lo break up , forming bad gorges. Buf
falo river Is causing much trouble. There
have been no trains over the Great Northern
from the east since yesterday morning The
Northern Pacific coast train reached Fargo
fiafely , but all later trains are held at Muskogee -
kogeo on account of high water and trains
sent cast this morning had to come back ,
being unable to go farther on account ot
high water. Traffic on the Milxxaukce Is
abandoned , the tracks being covered by
water practically from Fargo to Wahpeton.
The only way the twin cities can noxv be
reached from here Is by going west to Val
ley City nnd taking the See road there. There
Is txvo feet of water over the Northern
AM.VOODIJN ] iiiimis ; Ajtn COM : .
Clny Countx"H PIooil I.OKSCK Hii e Ilevn
L'miHiially bo\ ere .
VERMILLION , S. D , Maah 31. ( Special. )
The county commlsslonof will soon be In
session and will have their lipnds full of
business. As far as can < bb luarned about
thirty bridges have been swept away by the
high water In tha county. The ) loss Is esti
mated to he $15,000. No Iron bridges were
taken out. There Is scarcely a wooden bridge
left In tb3 cbunty. The county "bridge build
ing fund Is ptetty 16w , but all'bridges ' Hut
aio necessary for tiafilc will be rebuilt this
, .
.Sion" Trnlllc IVcnr Aliqrdceii.
ABERDEEN , S. D , March 31. The wash
out has succeeded the Eno'xv blockade In all
this section. Fully one-third of the railroad
roadbeds seem to bo under water and the
end Is not yet. Trains on the Milwaukee
and Northxvestcrn systems could not get
within fifty miles of this city last nighl
and two hours before Its departing time
the regular Black Hills & Dakota passenger
xxas abandoned. Twenty washouts are re
ported on the Northwestern road , between
this point and Huron. The Milwaukee south
la submerged for a long distance North ot
Andover , In many places , the tracks are
covered two or three feet deep. Interruption
lo Irafilc vxill continue for a week or more.
Rain Is now falling.
HI * or Siitloiinr > lit St. I.oiilH.
ST. LOUIS , March 31. According to the
report of the local weather bureau today
the Mississippi river will remain stationary.
North of Louisiana , Mo , the Mississippi will
fall slowly , and will commence to fall to
the soulhxxard as far as _ Grafton. From
Grafton to St. Louis It will remain about
stationary. The bulletin this morning
showft the following gauge readings with
changes for the previous txventy-four hours
St. Louis , 23 feet , no change ; Davenport , 9
feet , no change ; Keokuk , 12 3 feet , 0 4 loxver ;
Hannibal , 14.4 feet , 0.2 loxver ; Kansas City ,
14 9 feet.
Three Kvi t of Slum lit I.einl.
LEAD , S. D. , March 31. ( Special. ) A
heavy snow storm has been raging for three
days. It Is now three feet on a level. Out
side mining operations have been stopped nnd
It will result In an expensive delay to mine
owners. A had thaw , which will likely do
much damage to the cities In the gulches , is
feared. The unow Is general over the entire
Black Hills.
Siile-ldo of 11 V. I * . I'liM
CHEYENNE , Wyo , March 31. ( Special
Telegram. ) A sensational suicide occurred
hcio tonlghl. A Union Pacific passenger
who arrived hero on yesterday's belated
Denver train shot himself In the forehead
in Iho ladles' waiting room of the Union
Pacific depot. Ho had evidently destroyed
all means of Identification , as nothing can
ho found on his person or among his effects
tu Identity htm or locate his residence. He
Is vxell dressed and from his general ap
pearance is either a school teacher or min
Trouble for I'roxfrutliiK Attorney.
NEW YORK , March 31. George Samson
assistant prosecuting attorney of Lsnawec
county , Michigan , vxas arrested today by
detectives from this city at the dock of the
Thlngvalla steamship line In Hoboken , N.
J. The arrest was madp unper an Indict
ment returned by the Nex > Ypfk grand Jury ,
which charged him with hldjil and abetting
the escape of a prisoner , This Is an outcome -
como of the case of Antorr/'CIirlatciiseii / of
Rldgoxvay , Mich. , accused 'tit'embezzlement
of a largo sum ot money from'the Kldgcxvay
Creamery company.
\ * . . Siiprnr Coinpnio 'llli'orporiiti'd. '
ALBANY. March 31. The1 New York Sugar
Iteflnlng company of Lcrnf ? Miami City was
Incorporated today with n-capital stock of
$000,000 , to manufacture tfnd reline sugar.
Hector A Unescher A. iTcd IJehr. II. C.
Tleluult W. II Logan nncT Frederick Brom
mer of Brooklyn are Dili Intorporulors
llv I lit * ml on Aiuerlruu Toliiu-c-o.
NEW YOUIC , Mnr-h 3' Tile diii-ctois of
thei American Tobacco e-ompuny Iiive do
clnred the regular ( iunnrly { , dividend of 2
per cent on the prefair l Htoi I. and a div
idend of 2 pur cent on Mws icoinmo'i ftrck
In place of the usual . .imirtril/ per cortt
Is the best starch for your laundry.
Roaches New York Aftar a Successful Run
from Philadelphia ,
Unilcr rnrccil DrntiKht vvllli Ordinary
C nl HpurtH tip < < > ir.Tr Knot *
mi lloiir Siicptl Trial
.Next We-eU.
NEW YORK , March 31. The battleship
Iowa , bound for Its ofllclal trial trip oft the
New England coast , reached the New York
navy yard this morning after a euccesstul
run from Philadelphia , where It will bedecked
docked und cleaned for the speed trial next
week. The contract speed requirement Is
for sixteen knots , with a bonus of 150,000 for
every quarter knot In excess ot that figure.
If Its behavior on the run from Philadelphia
to Nexv York Is any Indication of. Its povxcru
It will earn a good premium for Its makers ,
the Cramps. This la the last of the war ships
for which a bonus xvlll bo offered.
The Iowa was given three runs bekxveen
the lightships off the Flvo Fathom bank
yesterday. This Is a distance of 11.125 knots.
The trials were made under forced draught ,
with ordinary coal. The speed obtained on tha
first and second legs was 15 30 knots an hour ,
but on the third It spurted up to 1575. Cap
tain Sargcant , who navigated the ship , nnd
Superintending nnglncer IMvvln S. Cramp
were entirely satisfied with this performance.
The lowu Is the , llrst of our so called
"sen-going" battle ships , the Indiana and
class being termed , originally , "coast-
linn , " nnil was authorized by net of con
gress approved July 11 , ISU. Her dimen
sions and general particulars nro :
Load wntrr-llne length SCO foot
i\tremp beam 72 fcot 2 5 Indus
Maximum draft 26 feet 9.73 Inches
Mean draft 21 feet
Normal displacement , when ready
for use 11,410 tons
Maximum Indicated horse-power ,
estimated 11,000 tons
Speed In knots nn hour , contiact .1C knots
formal coal supply 023 tons
Possible supply bunkers
filled 1.7SO tons
Complement olllcers , seamen , and ma
rines -ISO
Defensively , the -ship Is n heavy bo < c of
steel , supporting still heavier nrmoicd sta
tions for her guns , about which Is built
a ship-shaped form of lighter metal.
The enemj'B shot must be guarded
against ; and with nothing- but her en
gines to drive her , every oaro must be
taken to shelter them behind thick plates
of sloe ) and tonn anil tons of coal , and below -
low the water's siufacc. And , that It
should not bo holsttd by Its oxxn petard ,
her magazines , laden with their great
masses of slumbeilng destrnctlvencss , are
housed within and beloxx * the ' .imo pro
tecting \\alls On the Iowa this shelter
consists , llrst , of a wntor-lino band of
armor seven and onc-lmlf feet wldu and
fourteen Inthes thick three feet above nnd
four and one-half feet beloxv the normal
load-line , running forward and aft. amid
ships , for a distance of 1S3 feet. The for
ward and aftct ends of this armor are
met by V-shaped , atlixxartshlp bulkheads ,
twelve Inches thick , the points of which
aio on the center line , and. vxhllo guard
ing against a foe's fore-and-aft lire , foim
the foundation for the txxo big turrets
above. On this six-sided boso to speak ,
Is laid a protective deck 01 loot of steel
two and two-thirds Inches thick , \\liicli ,
In conjunction with the four-Inch arnioi
re-enforcing- sides from the toil of the
xxutcr-llne armor to the main deck , is
equal to deflecting any shot that m.ij
strike It.
Above this protective deck nnd extend
ing to the sides , thu 1.7SO tons of coal are
so dispohcd as to yield no Inconsiderable
protection to the "vitals" below and within
the miib lvo box of btecl. From the lox\er
edges of the V-shaped bulkheads , extend
ing from side to bide and running thence
to the bow and to the stern , are two
decks of three-Inch 'Steal , the forward out-
terminating at the stem and forming the
backbone for thu ponderous ram Coffer
dams , ranging from three and one-half to
seven feet wide , on each side nnd forwaid
and aft of the vital region , lilled with
cellulose a substance swelling rapidly
when wet and capable of plugging auto
matically Khot hole's admitting wate-r , give
added shelter to the parts less heavily
Within the outer hull for a distance of
204 feet the space occupied by the engines ,
boilers and magaInes and up to a height
of about ten feet above the water-line , there
is an Inner or double bottom. The hpaco
between that bottom and thu outer plating
IH divided into many water-tight dlv IslotiM ,
thus localizing Injuries to the outer plating
admitting water. And further , but on a
larger scale , the whole of the Interior of
the craft Ib cut up Into other water-tlpht
compirtments , that injury to one may not
affect the others ; while tcieat pumps , con
necting with each , will Hood them or free
them ns the occasion may require.
The niotlvd power consists of txvo sets of
triple-expansion engines , each In Its own
water-tight eompirtmem and each actua
ting onei of the1 two sixteen-foot propellers
These engines have cylinders of thlrtj-nlnp ,
fifty-live and eighty-live Inches respectively
and a eommon stroke of four feet Steam
at a working pressure of IW pounds , Is Blip-
piled by live large boilers In four separate
xvatcr-tlgfit compartments , and , under the
lulluonrv of gn at revolving fans their llam-
Ing mouths glare with a blinding fury ,
which must be met by a well-nigh ceaseless
shovelliiK of coal.
Into great condensers the exhausted steam
Is turned , and In a moment's time , con-
vet ted Into hot xxivter ready again for the
boilers ; while evaporators transform salt
water Into steam for condensation to meet
the moderate loss within the tanks. Tnus ,
troublesome salt scale is formed , not In the
boilers , but within an apparatus susceptlbfu
of easy cleansing.
Eighty-odd auxiliary engines electrical ,
Ktcam and hydraulic , perform morn than a
hundred services , and leave to the crcxv
hardly more than the tax of simple direc
tion. A great Htcam windlass handles the
weighty anchors with rapid ease. Tic boats
and heavy stores uro raised and lowered by
two great cranoH. The rudder under fte-im
control , may bo moved from side to side by
only n llnger's pressure , and that against
the rush of tons nnd tons of water.
The offensive phase of the ship consists
principally of Its guns and toipulo dl-
chargcs. The main battery Is composed of
four twelve-Inch and elirtit tight-Inch
breccfj-loadlng rlflm , mounted In pMr In six
Hlchbom , Mrbettq turrets ; the secondary
battery consists of MX four-Inch rapid-fire
Bund , while twenty six-pounders , four enc >
pounders and two sailing guna constitute
an auxiliary force. ,
The four 4xvclve-lneh guns arc housed In
two balanced barbette turrets , and unlike
the turrets on the other battleship built , can
bo turned from side to side without listing
the vessel. Thece great Runs poke their
long nockB out through walln of hardened
steel fifteen Incftos thick , vxhllo the men
thnt control the machanlsm" " that turn the
turrets through their arc of 270 degrees ,
load , dcpre s and elevate the guns , arc -Oicl.
tcrcd snfelv behind the protection of bar
belles seventeen Inches through. Centered
upon a fee on either Hide , the four treat
guns could send forth at n Mnglo dlsrfinrgc
a maps of ? a ton nnd a quarter of hardened
Bteol Impelled on Its errand of demolition
by 1.720 pounda ot powder. The might of
these guns can best bo realized when ono
knows thai they have a innge of something
over twelve miles and In their ( light nro
nbo ! to nltaln a height nearly equal to that
of the highest mountain In the world. Sent
nt ono at point-blank ranpo nnd at n dtf-
tnnco ot u mile , the awful velocity nnd
poxvcr of such weapons Is too much for any
thing but llcurcs and formulae ,
rrotn the four smaller turret * , five Inches
thick , also of hardened steel , tiring through
aics of 170 degrees nnd revolving within
Imrbettcs tlnce Inches heavier the elgut-
Incli rlllcs can tire Bhplls of 250 pounds , capa
ble of pisslnp milk-formed through eight
Inches of steel 4,000 yards away.
Four of the four-Inch rapid-lire guns are
pinned on the main deck , sheltered within
armored sponsons four Inches thick and
of good , tough nickel steel , while the txvo
ipmalnlng are mounted up In the after
superstructure deck , where they command
an exttiulcd field of artlon. Tluflo guns
have whnl In known us the Dashloll rapid-
lire biccch mechanism , by which ten nlmcd
shols can bo seemed In a minute. The six
and one-pounder guns and the ( inllliigs are
mounted on the bildgeii In the superstruct
ure , nnd up In the military tops of the
blnglo mast.
Krom two places on either broadside tor
pedoes can bo launched while the men In
charge rest behind live Inches of Ilnrvey-
Izcd steel. The torpedo Is the common
leveler of nil classes of naval vessels , and
from the lightest lo the lieu lest. Is viewed
with a ftar that Its unfailing dcath-stiokc
warrants well.
Just behind the forwaid twelve-Inch tur-
ict nnd boloxv the pilot hoti'-r. Is the con
ning lower , within the nairoxv i-omp iss of
which and behind whoso encircling xvalls
of ten-lneh steel the captain dhects the
mighty poweis at his roimnnnd and guldps
his Bhlp In ne-tlon. Within that miriow re
gion U cenleicd the directing brain fotce
of the entile ship , nnd lending below like
branching nprve-s Ihrough an aimored
splno of seven-Inch steel , go vxlres and
pines nnd speaking tubes on their dlvcr.s
mls-slons of Instuietlon to every Important
pirt of the erafl There bpfoip him the
captain reads the speed of his ship , knows
to an Inch the direction of the i udder , and
the turns of Hie gicat revolvingbercxxs ,
reads unsxxcird the oidcrs that he gave and
knoxxs that they me minded , follows the
hand that minks In yards the distance of
the Hearing foe , kuoxxs the readiness of
eveiy part of that great throbbing m ibs
below him ; and , Ihrough Ibo tun row silts
In the walls about him. xxatelics his enemy
and guides the good ship Into battle.
Up on the mast a code of red and white
lanterns Hashes signals by night , while on
the bildgcs great search lights send their
broul beams ovei the elaik wntois and
guard against the stealthy approach of
dangerous ciaft. On txvo small stands one
on the forward nnd one on the after bridge
rangc-llndcrs nro placed to be centered
on the nearlng lee , while beside each gun
station a dial murks the distance of the
approaching ship. Kleetriclty does a mani
fold service , and , besides lifting the charges
from beloxx and ramming them home In the
gient guns , does watchful bcrvlco In every
compni tment of that gloat oiganlzation , de
noting the prc'enio ot lire or c\tra walcr
and marking Hie legion of Hie threatened
The high freeboard forward thnt Is ,
height of hull nboxp water piomltes to en
nblo the ship to light her guns In almost
any condition of bi-a xxlille the added
berthing ppaeo thus secured will giant un
usually romfoi table * quaiters for the crrxx
To secure this freeiioird without undue
xx eight , the t-ides , amidships , fumble In
board , and , while thus suing weight and
material , gl\e a ve'iy desirable fore-and-aft
innge for the small puns.
It has been estimated , with Its bunk
ers lilled , Ib will be able to steam at a
ten-knot iati * . quite 7,400 miles , and , at full
speed , should be able to cross the Atlantic
atid have something' left. Size considered ,
It has no superior abio.ul.
The > ArtDUtVrciit IInrti-M.
Secretary Charles Harte of the building
Inspector's ofllco Is the victim of a. pccullai
circumstance , xxhlch Is causing him some
tiouble and his friends considerable amuse
ment. The Saturday Uee eoi'talned a brev
ity to the effect that Charles Hurte had
been ai rested at Fourteenth and Douglan
streets for bolng diunk and disorderly and
Insulting women. Unfortunately an Item
from the building Inspector's olllce , in xxhleh
Mr. Ilarte's name vxas use'd , appeared di
rectly under the police Item and the con
clusion that the same Individual was re
ferral to In each ease xxas very natural Mr
Harto wants It understood that this Idea la
not eorrect.
One P < TNOII In i : , < -r > Four SulViTH
IVuill PlIt'H.
About ono perfon In every four suffers
from some farm of rectal dlacase. The 1110.1
common and annoying It Itching piles , indi
cated by warmth , slight moisture and In
tenso. uncontrolloblo Itching In the parta
The usual treatment has been some simple
ointment or salvo which sometimes give
temporary relief , but nothing like a perma
nent euro can bo expected from such super
ficial trealmcnl.
The only permanent euro for Itching piles
> et discovered Is the Pyramid PHo Cure , not
only for Itching piles , but for every other
form of piles , blind , bleeding or protruding
The first application gives instant relief and
the continued use for a short time causes a
permanent icmoval of the tumors or the
small parasites which cause the Intense Itch
ing and dlscomofrt of Itching piles.
Many physicians for a long tlmo supposed
that the remarkable relief afforded by the
Pyramid Pile Cure was because It was sup
posed to contain cocaine , opium or similar
drugs , but buch Is not the case. A recent
careful anal > sls of the reremdj showed It to
ba absolutely free from any cocaine , opium ,
or In fact any po'sonous. ' Injurious drugs
whatever. Sold by druggists at 00 cents per
> . s
I. O. O. F.
Friday and Saturday , April 2 and 3.
will be the finest display we
have ever irncle. aid we extend a specia' '
invitation to the women of Council Bluffs and
Omaha to see it , It will comprise everything in
Art Needle Work and Embroidery , Pillows
Doyles and Center Pieces. Free instruction giv
en each day. Premium stamps with all material.
Age vs , Youth ,
An Insurance Man Aged Fifty *
six Made to Fool Like a Man
of ThirtyfiveVigorous
Now in Mind and Body.
"MiKfnclui ( elts MutunJ Mfe Itmirnnct Co ,
51 $ Ounmnly Illilg. , Mlmirni'olls , Minn Clciu
tlcnicn : VMM ) < > u cei | > t ' > ' ( Imnkn for tlm
kfeat lifnollls received from the lite of lr.
Uhnrcot'n Kola Nenlnc Tnlj | t7 A ( the lime of
cuiniiuncliiK It * u P. InM Jul > , I couKl not
rriul , without my K\tiftt \ , the tlgns on our
buMnem utirots , conM not retain on my mlnj
a iimtter ot liiisliifMt tutlklcntl ) ' IOIIK to net
to the ttrcet fioni ml ollke , nnil could not call
tlio immn of m ) ' Intlmitto friends ntiJ nouUl
fiequcntl ) get lost In tmrtg ot the ell } ' where
I hnil been n Onll > \ tailor for lhe past tevrn
jcnrs. I attributed my ronJItlon to utlxnnctj
nee. Ihnnkn to Kola Nirtlne Tnblft , how-
e\cr , nlthotiRh fifty-six > fi > r of oge , I nm
tatlslldl thnt 1 nm today In an KOCH !
a coiulltloii , In every roped , n I
A M at tilitne. ! . An ) IhliiK that will
Accomplish Mich vtoiulnful renilt * ns thin should
be liernMcil la IVnl.l I mlRht luld , for th
benefit of the | > utilc | , Hint thin testimonial Is
Mven without liny Felicitation on jour port
Yours truly , \ \ ' , 8. Surtt , Mnnngcr.
Mr Swell In one of the lust knimn Insuriiiico
men In the Northwest In fnct thrnti.liaut the
counti ) . inn rn e 1 not singular , ihousnncl )
similarly nffected have been similarly curca
by Dr. Olmrcot'ii wonderful ptcucrlpllon
Ur. Clmreot'a Koln Nerxlne Tntiltti are rec
ommended Hlid prercrlbed by nloMoliini of Mth
repute nR the bid Known niul MIICI ! cure in
ciisrn of Nervous Deblllt ) . Hlertilnnnrui , Nerv
ous I riepli | , Mebiiic'iolln , Nerxoun Cxhon-
lion. Impoxeixhed lllood , Neixoun I'ruslnitlon ,
Neurulsln , Asthma , Impaired Vlhor , Ilheumn-
ll m , nnd nil other conditions arising from a
debllltnted nervou * oxtem.
rift > cents mid II i > 0 nt druggist * or rent
illrcit Sic Or Clinrcol'i nninc on lubel. Writ *
for testimonial * Hureka Chemknl .1 MfB Co.
l i Crcs e , AV Is.
Cbcoa's ' Kola faine Tablets
KUHN & CO. ,
loth and Dou Ius.
01 "Written Gnornntco to Cimn EVEKTT
Our corn l permanent ami not B pitching up CAKI
treated ten yearn affo ha\oiurcrfrrno. Bitnplon Mncn.
UT describing your coo fully "e ecu trrat jaa liy mall ,
tnd f Klvo t no a-iine BtranR aunronlco to cure or refund
ill money Those who incfcr to cunio liero for thriit-
me nt condo o ttnJ wo will naj railroad faro both ways
and hotel bills while hero If vo fall ( o cure XV e chal
lenge the world torn cam tint our Maulc Ilcmrily
will nol curn VVrlto for full particulars and Ret tha
erMence VVeknow that jou are kkiptlcal. Justly no top ,
at tha most eminent phytlclajis litva never been l > lo
to KITO more than tcninornrr relief. In our ten years
practice with this Jlnulo llcnicily It hat been moit
difficult to overcome tha prejudice * ngalnut all so-eallea
cpeclllcs. Hut under our drong auaianteeyou nhuuld
not hesitate to try this remedy. ou lake no chance ot
losing your money. We guarantee to cure or refund
cvcrv dollar and as wo have a icpulMlon to protect.
al o flnancUl backing of SOOO.OOO. u Is pcrn < ctlr
safe to all who will try the treatment. Heretofore you
have been puttlmr up and pujlnit out your money fof
different treatmenlsand although yon an. not J it cured
VVrlto us for names and aildris cs of the o wo hava
cured ho bate Riven permission to refer to them.
It costs you only poslnce todothlHi It will save j on
worl.l or atiircrlni ? from mental rtriln i and If you ar
married what may \our olfcpilnic mtlir through your
own uccllKCm'o ! If your pymptoms are pimples on faro ,
pore throat , mucoui pr.tchi * In niouth , rheumatism 10
boneaanl jilnts , Imlr falling out , eruptions on any
Eart of the body , fee-lint ; o ? cncnil deptesslon , pains la
tailor bones , you Imo not'mo to wait e. Tliosewho
are constantly taking mercuiyund potash should dls.
contlnutflu Constant use of these drurB will ruruy
bringuorc3and eating ulcers In luctnd. Don t fall to
wrlto All corrcfpomlonce sent sealed In plain cnuN
opts Wolmlte the mo-t rigid Investigation unuwill
riHmer toutdyouln 1C. Addrcaa ,
fiEBY tOO.c Chicago , HI.
PROPOSALS ron iiucrioN : : OF uiucic
Dormitory Building U. S. Indian Serv
ice , faac and 1-ox Agency , Toledo ,
low a , March ISth , l&'iY. ' Sp.iled pio-
pfliiK endorsed1 ; " 1'roposils forUicctlon ot
lUillilliiK" and addressed to Iho under-
hlcnpd al Toledo. loua. will bo received nt
this agency until 1 o'cloelc p m of Satur-
diy April 10th , 1S37 , for furnlMhliM the ne-c-
Cbsnry materials and 1 ibor reiiuliod In the
erection and completion of one (1) ( ) brick dor
mitory building , with steam heating plant
and wiring for electIc ! Hjjitliifr , on noveln-
mcnt site ncir Toledo , Iowa , In.
strict nccordanee v\lth pi ins and
specifications which miy lie exam-
hud nt the In II in Olllce- , Washington ,
D C , the ollleps of the "Ioa HI ite IJPKls-
ler" of lies Molncs. lovva ; the "Jamtin ! " of
Sioux City , Iowa ; the "Ilro" of Omaha , Ne
braska ; the "Inter Oce in" of Cnlcairo , Illi
nois , and nt this AKLIIC ) . Illiloe-rs will slate
clearly In their bids the lenpth of time re
quired to complete the woilc The rlsht li
reserved to leject any and all bids , or any
p irt of any bid , If deemed for the be-st In
tel csts of Ihe service1. The1 attention of bid-
der.s IH invited to the act of congress , ap
proved August ] st , 1V9J entitled. "An act
relating to the limitation of thelioiirx of
dally service of labon rs and meeliatuca
einplojed upon the public works of Iho
United States and of the District of Co
lumbia ; " also to ihp aet of eoiiKioss ap
proved August 13 1S94 , entitled : "An act
for the protection of ptrsons fuuiN'ilng ma-
( prlils and labor for the construction of
public woiks" which will be m iclo a part
of any contract cntcied Into under this ad-
vcrtls-ement Cci tlfled Cheeks Knch bid
must bo accompanied by a ecrtlfkd oheelc
or dinft upon some I'nIUil States depository
or solvent national bank In tin \lilnlty of
the rohldpnce of tin * bidder , made payable
to the order of the Comml sloncr of Indian
Affairs , for at least rivn I'KIl CHNT ot
tin ; amount of the proposal , which check or
draft will be forfeited lo the United States
In disc any bidder or bidders receiving on
award shnll fall to promptly e-xecule a con-
Iracl with good and milllclent sureties ,
otherwise to be returned to the bidder. Hlda
nccompanlfd by cjish In HPU of a ee'rtlllcd
i heck or draft will NOT bo considered Top
further Information apply to HORACH M.
nnnOTC. U S. Indian Agent m20il21t
Omaha , Neb. , March 2 , IS'17. SpnlPd pro
posals. In triplicate , will be received hero
until 12 o'clock m , renlial standard time ,
April .1 , 1S97 , and llicn opened , foi con-
HtiuctlnK a hay storehouse at Tort Nlo-
brara. Nob. U. S. reserves ilKht to rejecter
or accept any or all proposals , or any part
thereof. Plans and hpeclfloatlons tan bo
seen , and all Information had here. Cn-
v lopp8 containing proposes to bo marked
"Proposals for Hnv Sinn house , " and ad
dressed to D. D. wnnni.nii. iiuj. , Q. u.
ISoflc-i- .
Notice Is hereby given thnt at 2 o'clock p.
m on the Glh day of April , 1R97 , Iho stork
of driiKS. wares and mi'ichamllcc , tlm foun
tain and fixtures and otlu r poit < oiml prop
erty lit longing lo tlio 1 1 tain of A , 1J. Alor-
ils dcceafod , and Inonlod In the oily of
O'Neill Nibraska will be Hold in bulk lo
Ihc liighcsl cash bidder
in nAM'AfmnR and
orrici : CHIKP
Oinaha , Neb , March 2. lfc'17. Sealed pro
posals. In trlplluito , will bo received here
until 12 o'clock m , central Htandaid time ,
April J , 1M7 * , and then opened , for eon-
Hli lulling u hay storclioura al 1'ort Mcado ,
S l ) . U. S. rese-rves rittnt lo reject or
aeeept any or all proposals , or liny part
thereof. Plans and specifications can bo
seen , and all Information had hero. En
velopes containing proposals tu bu marked
"I'roposalH for llav Storehouse , " and nd-
drjase-d to U , D , WHHHMHt M.ij , Q , M.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL , . . . $100,000
C/V' N/VN XVVU" yrkxxxNvy"w'V <
luiiilH tor ale or lent. Day & lie * * , 23 I'tail
residence , CZ5 Mil ave. , on motor line , ntai
Bitter * ' tcfcool ; ulau other bargain ! . J. It.
KOU BAM ; , run A p ran CAHH , MY
dene * properly , 72S MudUon itve. a. C. Taylor ,
UOOM roil HUNT , 7 1ST AVi :