8 TIITD OMAHA DAILY BEE : TinmSDAY , M AH Oil 25 , 1807. STIRRING UP ENTHUSIASM Assessments on Stock Are Now Being Promptly Paid In. INTEREST IN THE EXPOSITION INCREASES Vnltipn of Vncnnt Properly lit the Vicinity of the Show ClronndB , Have it NlroiiK L'invaril A ; I Tfiiilcncy. „ u' ' t. i The recent decided developments In ex position matters have hnJ Hie effect of stir ring up a great deal of enthusiasm which hail hecomo rather latent , and a much stronger feeling of confidence has been mani fested during the past week or two than has been shown at any previous time. On every cldo are heard expressions of the strongest approval of the action of the Hoard of Di rectors In changing the site , and the only criticisms heard are to the effect that It was unfurtunato that the fair grounds site was not selected In the first placo. The effect of this change has been to cause subscribers to pay their assessments on stock , and the money has been coming In at a lively rate. The effect upon the exposition Itself , how ever , Is .not . the only result which has fol lowed the encouraging developments of the past few days. The positive Indications that thu actlvo work upon the exposition was to bo pushed with all possible speed i lias had the effect of causing property values ; In the neighborhood of the exposition grounds to show a sudden upward tendency. All vacant property In that neighborhood has suddenly acquired a value which was not druamcil of a month ago , and the market In options ! has gene up llko a balloon , with no Indications of coming down. Every hour In the day sees a largo number of people ex- aiivlnlng the properly In that vicinity with a view of establishing stores of various kinds , The people want to either buy or lease , and those fortunate eiiojgh to own land in that part of the city are being eagerly bought. The work of making a topographical sur vey of the ground Is proceeding rapidly. As the work progresses maps are made of the grounds In order that there may bo no delay In determining upon the grading , etc. , necessary to be done. WILL DR A WHITE CITY. The exposition will be a "white city. " Tills has been decided upon , mainly for thu reason that It will be Impracticable to give It any other color. It Is conceded that the material to be used In covering the largo bulldltiga , such as the Agricultural building , the Machinery and Electricity buildings , thu Manufactures and Liberal Arto building , etc. , shall be the stucco material known as staff , being the material which was used so ex tensively In the World's fair. These buildIngs - Ings will all bo of a temporary character , designed to bo removed after the exposition closes. It was demonstrated at Chicago that staff Is the most effective , as well as the most economical , material which can be used for Kiich purposes. The World's fair manage ment , after spending thousands of dollarn In experimenting , demonstrated that It was Impossible to give the staff a tint. The natural color of llio material was a dazzling white and all efforts to give It a creamy- tint or an "old Ivory" tint , or any other tint , wcro failures. The Transmisslsslppl management will profit by the experience of the Chicago people and will not lose any time or money experimenting. It was sug gested by Mr. Ilosowatcr , while this sub ject was utder discussion by the executive committee , that there Is a large bed of natur.U cement almost equal to the imported article , whlcl Is to bo had In the northern part of this state for the hauling , and the idea of using this material for making stucco , wh.'ch ' would give a , natural stone "effect , was discussed , but-ltfcwas concluded that tuoro , wasxiio time for .experiments aud the matter was allowed to drop. . ' -There' will bo several gateways to the ex position grounds , and It lias been suggested by Manager llosowater that the parties In terested in the development of the various kinds of building stone In the western states be asked to construct towering arch ways of attractive deslgna at these gate ways , thereby displaying the artistic quali ties of the stoiio and Itn adaptability for such work , as well as embellishing the exposition grounds. This suggestion met with favor with the executive committee , ami some of the stone men In this city have signified their dcblre to taku advantage of such an opportunity. REGARDING THE UUILDING. The tracks of the licit Line railway cut off about twenty acres of the north cud of the exposition grounds , and it is proposed to move the tracks temporarily from their present position , up to Ames avenue. If this la agreed to by tintMlsourl Pacific com pany it will allow the exposition manage ment to Include within Its grounds the grove of largo trees In the northwest corner of Oak Chatham addition , near the Intersection of Ames avenue and Twenty-fourth street. U has been decided that In the construction of the large main buildings of the exposi tion , the construction of galleries shall be tabooed. It In said that the experience of other expositions where gallorlea wcro used In the large building ? has been that the exhibitors who were assigned space in the galleries were greatly dinappolnled because the people would not visit thesa exhibits and the dust dropping upon the exhibits below has been very annoying. It was A Stitch in Time. IJ your Kidneys are diseased , vlugeUh or wealc. If your back iichca. If your blood IB full of nrlr acid and niicuma- - ( tin pains hang about you ; If the t'fiina of Malaria are In your system j If your Moods \ closed with i.oltons and Impurities ; If your bladder la weak , Inilamed or dUvaucU , You need lr ) , Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills uw.ua. .D. for they soothe , lical uncl en thu Klilncyu. They prevent HrlRht'x Plff.ipe. They cure DlalieteH and Propny. They clUmUc grave ! and brick duct deposit * In the urine. Tlit-y illlri- uric acid , Malaria nnd other poisons out nf the hlnod. They cure Illu'iiuinllsin. KeunilKlii and the like. They f uic backache and all Kidney ami llltultlcr trouble ? . They innlu * pure , ilch blood--rlch lilood means lll'UlI'.l , i\peet One More llox to Completely 'lire Me , Oin.ilu. Neb. . .Ian. K.th , 1W. The n mlc box o ; lluhlm Hpnr.ieua Kidney l'\\\ \ \ \ $ whlci : 1 m-elu'd fnmi Kiilm & Co. . rtitiKclau , linn relieved moid of the pain In my baik and cleaned lip water FO that 1 expect one inure I > ON to completely cure int. At'CII'ST PAUSTKN'H. < ll < ! l-cnvi'mvuith St. . Omaha , Neb. IIOBI1S RKMKDY CO. , PnorniETOiis , Cuiciao. Dr. Hobbs Pills , For Sale Hy CorKUHN & . CO. , PHARMACISTS , Cor , ttli nnil Houirlas Sts. , Omaha , IVib , MADE ME A AJAX TAltLHTSl'OSmVKLY CUIIK .4 f.rrt'uiM IHitautt Kaltltig Men. or > . Im | | < 1i < * iH''lSlr < > p ) Mn6Kntt.i-HU > t il hy Atmtt uml oihttr Kxi'vftue * anil linlU < c ret inn * 'I'iriwtirklu titttl turtty rclore lxi l Vllitlil ) hi oM or Jouii . unit lit n UIHII fori-tuOr hiulnohK or murrdiKn , _ _ . rit'ttfiit iiikiinily uittl ( Vmbumi'tfon If u eu lu ( lulu , lliHir II H uliowa linme > llnt iinprovu * limit uii.l t-tTttrttf u CUHhi wharo nil othrro Jail. In > i t upon liuriiirf thtf teniiiiii * yijax Tnlilete , 'llttiy liuvti curetl tliou ftn'l otul will cum joti.Vt * UTH a | x itfv vrriltrn vuaruntutt lu * if eel u ruruln warn cum or riidmii thft ntoiipy , i'ik * fiO rvnib i-cr iirrkncu.or linHCkaBiulfull tiDfttmeiil ) for $2. L liy tunll , in IMIUII wri i > i T , urim rff li > t of | > ricu. Ctrctilftr Itvo. AJAX KBAinDY CO. , nRS * H > For Kile In Omaha by Jjnuu ronytli. ' 01 N , Kill HtUTt. Kuhn & Cu. , Ulh uuJ Duutlu Sticttu , CURE YOURSELF ? Via lllg < J far uuntluril illicbartoi , InHammitlcoi. Irrluiloni or ulcrrallcu of inticoui lucrulirunM. l' lnki > , tuil uot aitrli. ginl or | liunnui , Weld l > y Illuc-jUU , rnt In pUIn r pp r. k' - Pi " . Pffr ild. let * ( . ( ) . or J totll , ClrcuUi HBI oil therefore decided that no galleries would be plftc'd In the buildings , A siiRRcstlnn which ha * met with great favor with the executive committee Is ono which contemplates the placing of the fluherlca exhibit tinder ground. It Is proposed that the huge tanks tn which will be Imprisoned the monsters of the deep and the beauties of the mountain brooks shall bo nlaccd beneath the surface of the ground In a subterranean Btructure lighted by electricity and properly embellished to make It a cool retreat from the heat of the day. This Idea Is taken from th * great Paris ex position where A department constructed along these name lints formal ono of the most attractive nnd popular exhibits. It Is th purposa to have In this exhibit the faro and curious monsters which Inhabit the tin- Been recesses of the great oceans , as well as the more common members of the piscatorial family. It Is the opinion of the management that an underground exhibit ot this nature would form a most attractive feature of the exposition. More CiirnllVR Potvor Is contained In a bottle of Hood's Sars.r parllla than In any other similar preparation. It costs the proprietor nnd manufacturer more. It costs the Jobber more and It Is worth more to the consumer. It has n rec ord of cures unknown to nny other prepara tlon. It Is the best to buy because it Is the Ono True Ulood Purifier. Hood's Pills-ore the best family cathartic and llvjr medicine. Gcntl ? . reliable , sure. THAT cimrnw IIKI.I , AVII.IJ ni.\ OrillnaiU'O IN XimIn Kit vet. From yesterday until the possible period when It shall bo declared unconstitutional , the newly adopted curfew law will go Into cHect. Nominally the ordinance has been In effect since Its passage , but Chief of Police Slgwart did not rccelvo a copy until yesterday. The text was read for the first time to the police shift last night nnd will bo read to the dnji shift , this morning , and thu olHccrs will bo Instructed to en force the provisions from this time on. The new ordinance Is not as stringent as the old one wlik-h was declared unconstitu tional by the district court. In the first place It docs not allow the authorities to place the arrested child In confinement as the other ordered. Again the now law provides that the parents or guardian of a clvlld arrested shall he fined and not the child. In other respects the two ordinances are about alike. The law provides that no children under the age of 14 years shall be allowed upon the streets after 9 o'clocK from March 1 to August 31 , an-1 after 8 o'clock between Sep tember 1 to the last day of February unless accompanied by parent or guardian or while In the performance of an errand or duty or while engaged In some employment. It Is further ordered , however , that the police shall arrest a child If It Is loitering or playIng - Ing on the public streets whether or not It Is In the care ot parent or guardian or on an errand -or whllo employed. The police are authorized to arrest the offending cl.lidren without a warrant , take them to the polled station and retain them there , but not confine them In any manner. The parent or guardian ehall nt once be notified of the arrest and told to come after the prisoner. The ordinance does not pro vide for punishment for the first offense , but states that If the parent or guardian falls to eare for and restrain the child In the fu ture hu may be fined In any sum under $25. This Is the sfcine fine as that provided by the old ordinance. The new law gives the police judge con siderable oversight over the welfare of chil dren. In cases where children arc found and picked up repeatedly on the street he Is given authority to make an Investigation and If he finds the offending children in corrigible , he Is further authorized to begin proceedings to scud them to the reform school. _ Tlicro \ollilnp- - no Good. There Is nothing Just as good as Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption , Coughs and Colds , so demand It and do not permit the dealer to sell you some substi tute. He will not claim there IB anything better , but In order to make more profit no may claim something else to be Just as good. You want Dr. King's New Discovery beiausc you know It to be nafe and re liable , nnd guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Coughs , Colds , Consumption and for all affections of Throat , Chest and Lungs , there Is nothing so good as Is Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial bottle free at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store. I.ICHT.S IN UOVKlt.VMK.NT IIL'IMH.VC. SiieclllflidoiiN oil \\hlrli Illcls 'Will III- Hi'c'cU c.l. Superintendent Latenser of the government bullulng has received the specifications for the electric lighting of the structure , bids for U-J3 work being advertised for to bo sub mitted by April 7. The wiring of the build ing will bo uiiilor what Is technically known us the central system , as distinguished from the field system , which really means a sec tional system. lirass armored conduits will he nin throughout the building , and the wires will bo strung through these. The conduits will contain cords , and when the tlmo comes for attaching the wires , tbj lat ter will be pulled through the conduits by means of these co.-ds , and afterward when wire gets out of repair. It will be removed and a new one substituted in a like manner. The wiring of the building will be made with a view to the government putting In Its own dynamo. If deemed expedient , yet so tho. wires may bo attached to the local lightIng - Ing plant If so desired. There will be no display lights other than those which will bo put In the tower to light the dial of the clock. The specifications call for SIS Incandescent lights of IB-candle power. Of those about 230 will bo on the first door In the postoIHce department. Forty-four will bo In the workIng - Ing room of the postotllce. There will he fifty In each of the court rooms. The central chandelier In the court room will contain twenty lights , and there will be two standing lamps , , ono at cither Fide ot the Judge's bench , each wth ! six lights. The building will also be fitted with gas fixtures which will run at .the flldo of the electric wiring , cither to lie ued In emergencies. The plan of the lighting throughout contemplates brilliancy without any unnrcesary display. Liver Complaints cured by necclmm'a Pills. Vint ! n I' Burglars went through the residence -of Itev. J , M. Wilson , Sixteenth and Cast llar streets , last Sunday night while the family was ut church. Thnlr booty consisted of $14 belonging to a domr-stlc , and n valuable gold watch belonging to Mr . Wilson. The case of the watch was engraved with the owner'u name , and with an Inscription showing that th9 article was a gift from the women of the Castellar street church , of which Hev. Mr. Wllcon Is the pastor , nir.n. SCIIMIDT-Hclpii ICllsabpth , Infant dausli- tor of Mr. nnd MI-H. J. 11 , .Schmidt. Fu- iii-ral I'l-lday at 2:30 : , from re.sldonre , Ii20 ! Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. BAKING MOST PGRFECT MADE. \ pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fe ; frcr. ) Ammonia , Alum or any other atU.lirt ! 40 Years the Standard , I THEY ARE NOT FOR BROAICli Resolution to Endorse the Mayor is Promptly Laid on the Table. COLORED MEN STAND ON THEIR RIGHTS < o Ho 1)lctn4oil tn liy the Mnj-nr nil it UN Licit * tuimiUn , Stump fJnrtli nnil Illll lltiNlintul. , | There was a red-hot meeting of the colored republican club , In which Stump Garth and Illll Husband profess to bo the leading ma nipulators , down In the Third ward Tuesday night. Garth runs a gambling establishment on Fourteenth street and Husband says that ho leprcscnts tlw political end of the firm , In addition to oclng the janitor at the city jail , For a week past , HusbanJ and Garth , with the assistance of John T. Clarke , have been b'uslly engaged In getting the colored voters In line for Ilroatch. It had been asserted that their success had been entirely satis factory and Tuesday night was the occasion selected to make It good. The colored men were congregated and Broatch went down to make a speech. He spoke at some length to explain why ho was entitled to tUo sup port of the colored people , and then Stump Garth Introduced a resolution by which tli < cnndiJacy of Ilroatch was endorsed. Ilroatcl took the resolution and rnado some changes to suit himself and waited for the anticipate ) endorsement. The vote was taken , and to tin surprise of the IJroatch heelers , the resolu lion was laid on the table by a decisive vote IJroatch then walked out of the hall In un concealed disgust and the colored vote stll refuses to bo corraled. DATI2 OF Uii'L'IIIICAPUIMAHIKS ' Coutrnl Committee Ciillcil to Mi-o Tills KvcitliiKT. Secretary Jefferts of the republican city central committee sent out notices yester day calling a meeting of the committee at Patterson hall this evening. The meet ing Is for the purpose , of Issuing a call for the city primaries and convention , and for adopting such regulations for the govcrnmen of the primaries as the committee may deem advisable. There Is no definite understand Ing as to the date of the primaries , but It Is anticipated that they may bo called for Saturday , April 3 , and the convention for the following Monday. Several ward clubs will present petitions to the committee , ask ing tint the names of the candidates for the councilmanlc nomination be placed on the ballots , the candidate who receives the high est vote to be considered the republican nominee in that ward. We often hear people say there is only one good cough medicine and that Is Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup , the specific for cold. Desk for sale 305 N. Y. Life. Slx-TIilrty r. 31. Truln. of the CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RY. Best service. ELECTRIC LIGHTS , Dining car. City ofTlce : 1501 Farnam. To Cnllffirnln , Comfortably. Personally conducted excursions leave Omaha via the Burlington Route 4:33 : p. m. Thursdays , for San Francisco and Los An geles. Cheapest way there Is. Comfortable , too. No change of cars. Finest scenery on earth. Call at ticket office , 1502 Fnrnam street , and get folders-giving full Information. J. B. REYNOLDS , City Passenger Agent. roil A coimsB OP HOMIS CULTURE. Local Hrniich of University tloii Hi-Inn Formed. The Omaha teachers are being Interested In the formation of a local branch of the University association , which la an outgrowth of the World's congress , held at the Colum bian exposition. H Is a union ot the uni versities of the various states , and some foreign Institutions , for the purpose of fur nishing a course of homo culture In some respect ! ! similar to the Chautauqua system. It contemplates a five years' course , the subjects being history , literature , political economy , astronomy and art , cor.aecutlvely. The last two years are optional. Ulshop Samuel Fallows Is chancellor of the asso ciation , and C. C. Bouncy , LL.D. , and Mrs. Ellen M. Ilenrotin , president of the general federation of Women's clubs of America , are president and vice prenldent , respectively , of the International council. The Instructors for the first year arc selected from among the professors of history In the American universities and some of the foreign In structors will supervise some of the work for the next year. Mlas Cora Dale Dean of Trenton , Mo. , reprcnents the association In Omaha. _ IIucklln'H Arnica 3nlvc. The best salve In the world for cuts , bruises , Bores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter ) chapped hands , chilblains , corns and all skin eruptions , nnd positively cures piles , or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give i > c-r- fcct satisfaction or money refunded. Price , 25 cents per box. For sale by Kuhn & Co. , Omaha. Nebraska. AI1OLKSO\ NOW SHI2ICS DAMAGES. SIIJ-N He WIIH Injured "While "Worklnfr III ( I' .Sewer. Charles J. Adolfson linn commenced suit In the district court against Mahoney & Stenger , the contractors who built the sewer around the new postofllce. Adolfson alleges that ho was employed as a laborer by the defendants nnd was required toassist In the operation of the large bucket In which dirt.was re moved from the sewsr ditch. While BO doing December 17 , last , ho alleges his hand was caught In the cable with which the bucket was hoisted , and was carried Into the pulley and budly crushed. He alleges that the accl- dent was caused by the faulty character of the cable and the negligence of the con tractors , He sues for $5,000 damages and $25 for money paid out for medical attend ance. DUinlNNtil of the Diilley Suit. The cas9 against the I ) . & M. Hallway company for $5,000 damages on account of tha death of John T. Dalley , a section fore man , has been dismissed , The petition filed In this case recited that Dalley was em ployed by the company to keep the tracks In Sarpy county , near Bellevue , In repair. It was alleged that while so engaged , Febru ary 17 , 1SOC , Dalley and hla section gang were riding on a handcar near La Platte. A special train of an engine and ono cai > came up behind them unexpectedly and ran into the handcar while the men were trying to remove It from the track. Dalley re ceived Injuries from which he died-and suit was commenced against the company by his administrator. HriMVII JfllN l'JnoilKll r.llTT. The suit or Jmeph , Brown against William Lander , prpfirletor of the Lauder Ilaklng company , has been settled out of court and dismissed. Ilrown sued for $10,000 for In- lurlos alleged to have been received while dictating a .machine known as a bread roller. Ho alleged that the machine was defective , ind that while attempting to operate It his fingers worn drawn between the rollers and crushed. The suit was commenced In July of last this Watch , Ono O'Neill , first name unknown. Is charged with ! Ihe larceny of a watch belonging to Elmer Woods In a complaint that was filed In police court yesterday. The theft oc curred on February J5. Woods was at that time living at 603 South 'Sixteenth atrcet. The watch was taken out of his trunk. The article was recently recovered In a pawn- whop , > Sufferers from Coughs , Sore Throat etc. , should try "Brown's Uronchla ! Troches , " a simple , but sure remedy. Sold only In boxes. Price 25 ceuu 1IAYI1IIN 1IUOS. peolnHHinpH Tlmrmlnjr. SILK18IIHCIAL. niack India twill tat-'Thursday , only lOc. DRESS GOODS SPECIALS. 40-Inch all wool jnovelty In figures , two- toned brocades , mixture * and plain weaves the very latest designs and colorings , worth 75c yd , special prleo 39c. All the balance of 'this season's novelty dress goodfl , 40 , 4(1 ( r arid 50 Inches wide. In all wool , silk anfl/wool , In all the latest design * , Inchecks , plalils , stripes , mixtures two-toned effects , ovr shot cheviots and Scotch weaves , worth Ifl.OO , $1.25 and $1.EO , to bo closed out at 48e'and ' 7Bc yd. A full dress for 98c. 7 yds , two-toned novelty dress goods In all the new spring shades , light and dnrk colors , also black , worth $2.00 , at 98c. 13LACIC GOODS. fiO-lnch all wool black French serge , mo hair finish , regular'75e quality , special price only 39c. 46-Inch all wool black silk finished hen rletta , extra fln < s quality , rich lustre , worth S9c yd. our price only 49e. 8 yards nil wool black French serge , 38 Inches wide , extra fine quality , nice lustre , worth $3.50 , our price only $1.98 per suit. SPECIAL PRICE ON WASH DRESS GOODS. 25 pieces double fold dress plaids , 7V4c. 25 pieces fast black sateen. 5c yard. 1 case fine dimities 15c values , all new , Thursday , lOc. 1 case 33 Inch fine sheer printed lawns , all new , nobby patterns , lOc a yard. 25 pieces elegant effects In 40 Inch batiste colors of the very best at 16c. Make your selection from the largest stock of fine washable fabrics ever seen In the city. GRAND MILLINERY OPENING. Saturday wo will have our grand spring millinery opening , showing the newest and most exquisite productions of Europe and America , HAYDEN IJHOS. Selling Lehman wall paper stock. Cheap garden land for sale. Hicks. Tie Neb. Seed Co. . 520 N. 16th. sells esedf < > t higher grade than eastern houses. Persons holding claims against the Nebraska braska Savings & Exchange bank who have not iccelved the 5 per cent dividend declared will please present ttelr certificates to the receiver at once. Wm. K. Potter , Receiver. ? 25 Reward. The above reward will bo paid and no questions asked for Information concerning the pockethook containing rings , keys and money lost on 2Gth and Harney. Address F 66 , Bee. _ \OTV IN ( lie Time And the tturllnton ticket office the place to buy steamship tickets. ALL lines. Remember the number 1502 Farnam. M3W FIKI3 AXI ) I'OLICK 11OA1M ) 9II3I2T M Appointed nnil nil Ad journment 'I'n Ue n Until Monday. The new Board of Firg and Police Com missioners met yesterday and effected an organization. None of the members of the old board were present to do the honorn of the occasion , ao Messrs. Foster and Pal mer were out of 'town. The meeting yes terday was held .In the private office , but It was announced that hereafter It would be the rule to make all sessions public. All of the members of the board wcro present and Mayor Broatch presided. Com missioner Herdmnn was elected secretary , and after a short discussion the standing committees were named as follows : Finance Chairman Broatch aud Commis sioners Herdraan and Gregory. Property Dullard , Herd man and Peabody. Men and Discipline Peabody , Gregory and ' Dullard. The rules of the old 'board were adopted to govern until -otherwise ordered , and , after passing a resolution , inviting the members of the previous board to bo present next , Monday night for advisement , an adjourn ment was' -taken until that. date. WATSON" AVAXTK0 A1S SIOUX CITY. Iiullctoil liy. tin * firmiilji'Jury mid Chnriifil Trltli Many Crime * . Bob Watson , a negro known to tome ex tent intho Third ward , was arrested yes terday as a vagrant , but Is being held for Jumping a $1,000 bond and a grand jury In dictment In Sioux City. Perjury In a murder - dor case Is the charge against him In that city. The arrest was brought about by Dep uty Sheriff Anderson of Sioux City , who came to Omaha Tuesday. The principals were arrested. Watson ap peared at the trial and was charged with giving perjured1 testimony. The matter was brougnt to the attention of the grand Jury that is now In session in Sioux City. An Indictment charging perjury was brought against the negro. He was released on $1,000 bonds and Is said to'have at once jumped the town. Watson soys he was In Omaha when the offense charged against htm la alleged to have occurred , but he was not seen here at that time by the police. He has been In the city oft and on for some time past. i : HOYS OIVKX Til Kill LIUKHTY. 1'referred ApwliiHt Tliem Vull to Stick. Three young fellows , Thomas McGan , Charles Cartrlght and Albert Blaze , were arrested for starting a fire In a freight car last Sunday , In order to keep themselves warm. After the arrest It was announced that the boya were members of a gang and had set a number of fires In the southern part of the city. The prosecution was begun on the charge of arson. This was duly put aside , and then a complaint was ( lied against the three , charging them with incorrlglblllty and set ting fire to a freight car , the two accusations being In the same complaint. It was then found that two of the defendants were too old to bo sent to the reform school. The Incorrlglblllty complaint wao therefore dis missed , and yesterday the three prisoners were once more arraigned In police court , this tlmo on the charge of disturbing the peace by making a lire In a freight car. This case was dismissed and the three defendants were discharged and released. Hallier Kxiriinlvc fur "Willie. E. A. White , the ex-switchman who was arrested Tuesday for going homo drunk and beating his wife , was fined $10 and costs yesterday by Police Judco Gordon , Whlto begged to be released In order that ho might go to the Li dslde , of a dying father In Illinois , but the plea 'had ' little ef fect when It was learned that he had knowl edge of'hls parent's condition before ho wont on his epreo. Mrs.Whlto testified that her husband had struckMher In the face. Major AVlivelt'k-ftncM to SI ; J'aul. Major D , D. Wheeler , U. S. A. , accompanied L panied by Mrs. Wheeler , left yesterday afternoon - noon for St. Paul , where ho assumes his new duties as chief quartermaster of the Department Qf Dakota. Major F. II. Hutlm- way , at present depot quartermaster at Chicago cage , succeeds 3UJor Wheeler as chief quartermaster of 'tho ' Department of the Platte , butU la tint known' how soon ho will arrive In Omahii , as he will bo the last ono of the officers ill ) change. An Kml > 4o 'I'llIN Sport. As a result of the accident which befell Mary Altman of 1205 Williams street last Saturday afternoon from a ball game be tween a gang of boys and girls and a dog the patrolmen have been ordered to stop all such games In the vicinity. Mlfs Altman wao knocked down by the dog and was severely bruised. She applied to the au thorities for satisfaction , but received none , it being Elated that no ordinance covered the case. _ ' IllH Draft WIIN CVot Honored , Jumes Myers , a young' man from the western portion of the alnto , has been In ho city n few days , and Me funds be coming exhausted he > nndo n Onift upon ila relatives for $20. The draft was canned > y Qua Stopium of the Turf n\rhuni.'e nu- eon nt Thirteenth and r > oii > ; lix : mrt-ctH. flie draft wn not honored by Myers' pur- nt , and MyiTd wan -iccorillniVIv rirrested ust night upon a elm rue of ohtulitlim money under fiilHo pretenses , Hi wat rck'air.l ipou bull and the i-as ? will prob.-ihly lu U'jmlasi'tl ' later , us It is expected that Ih/J ratter will be adjusted byr.ends of My PUSH ART SALE , Water Dolors of European Artists and Porce lains from Dresden. DIRECT FROM CUSTOM HOUSE An Overflow of I'Mnc Art lit the Mar ket IlrliiKx Thin AI > oiilUn- Iivuril of - I'rleen on I Witter Color * . i ' ! All will be sold at A. Hospe's art gallery. Tb2 art public of Omaha can prepare them * B elves for a surprise , the finest In art works , In water color painting , In Dresden china porcelain' . Original works of the celebrated masters. Wo might mention a few , as Haqucttc , VII- torlo , Dalleslo , Carters , Fraser , Fortunatl , Oabnnl , Loire , Achlnl , Do Gamy and others too numerous to mention. These original art pieces are placed oil sale In Omaha at astonishing low prices. Think of It original water colors for $1.50 , $2.75 , $5.75 , $ G.85 , $9.60. Some elegant pieces $21.60 , usually fetch $50.00. Some at $2-1.00 , which bring $00.00. A few at $30.00 , $48.00 , up to $72.00 , that have so'hl'as high as $200.00. Porcelains at ridiculous prices , lower than the small dealer can purchase them for In the markets of the world. All goods marked In plain figures and must ho dltrioscd of this week Thursday , Friday and Saturday- day and evening. Don't miss It. You will see more fine pictures at ono tlmo than you have ever seen before. Remember the dates March 25 , 2C and 27. A. HOSPE , Jr. , 1G13 Douglas St. For beautiful sweet peas and other flower teeda go to Neb. Seed Co. . 520 N. 16th. "The Ovvrliinil Limited. ' . ' To Utah In 29 % hours. California In 60 % hours via the UNION PACIFIC. This la tha fastest and finest train In the west. Tickets can bo obtained at city ticket office , IS02 Farnam street. Ilead inarerM for SleaniNhlp Ticket * 1502 Farnam et. the Burlington ticket offlos. ALL lines. * " EXTIUH PA JULY SupiioHed to Have lleen Murdered ami tile HoiiHe Fired. NASHVILLE , March 24. News reached the city today that the residence of Jacob Ade , fifteen miles from the city on Paradise ridge , burned last night. The bodies of Jacob Ade , Mrs. Adc , Lizzie Ade , aged 20 years , their daughter , and Rose Morlcr , aged 10 years , who was visiting the family , were found In the ruins of the building. Henry Ade , aged 13 years , Is missing. Ado was a well-to-do farmer. It Is supposed the family were murdered and the house burned to conceal the crime. The authorities are investigating the case. Searchers in the ruins of the house this morning found the body of the missing boy , burned to a crisp. The belief that murder preceded the lire Is growing. The principal evidence leading to this belief Is tl fact that though the girl's face was only slightly burned , the back of her head was missing. It is thought that she was struck by some such instrument as an ax. The heads of two of the bodies were not found. Mr. Ade was over 60 years old and was con sidered a rich man by the truck gardeners and small farmers among whom he lived There Is no clew to the possible murderer A roll of money , partially burned , was found In an oyster can In the ruins. COMMISSION STAHTS DOWN IIIVKU Will lie I'repnreil to Undertake Kiiicr- Ki'ticy Work lit Once. ST. LOUIS , March 24. The members o thu Mississippi River commission sot out for New Orleans today on board thq govern ment boat Mississippi to Inspect the govern ment work from Cairo to New Orleans. It is the regular annual tour of Inspection , but Is being made earlier this year on account of the heavy floods. The members of the com mission on board arc Colonel George L. GII- lesple. New York City , president ; Hon. Rob ert Stasltor , Fort Wayne , Ind. ; Henry Flad , St. Louis ; Lieutenant Colonel Amos Stlck- ney , St. Louis ; Major Thomas 'II. ' Handhury , St. Louis ; Henry L. Marlndln , aralstant United States coast and geodetic survey ; Captain H. E. Waterman , secretary , St. Louis. The commissioners expect to bo gone about ten days or two weeks and are pre pared to have any necessary emergency work done at a moment's notice. 110XIS MUST 1113 PAID OVKR AfJAIPf. Sedalla School DlHtrlct SnflTerN from an KANSAS CITY , March 24. A special to [ the Star from Sedalia , Mo. , says : Judge : W. W. Wood of the Johnson county circuit court has decided that the Sedalla school district must pay $23,000 to the holders of cchool bonds 'Issued In 1883 and fraudulently sold to eastern people. The bonds wore paid ton years later and left In the custody 3f J. C. Thompson , cashier of the First Na- .ionnl bank and financial agent for the school bonds. Instead of turning -them over to ; ho tireasurer to destroy Thompson resold ' them to eastern people , and by paying the Interest on the coupons the swindle was not detected until the bank failed and Thompson had lied to Mexico. i Hirer IllHliiK at KIIIINIIN City. KANSAS CITY , March 24. The river gauge- at noon Is 17.2 , or a rise of ten feet since March 10 , when the first perceptible rlso was noted , The danger mark la twenty-one feet , and It Is feared that this will b < ? reached befbro many days , as the water Is gradually coming up. No damage has yet resulted. No nainiitfe at Li-aventvortli. LEA YEN WORTH , March 24. For the twenty-four hours ending at noon today the Missouri has risen a little over two feet. The present gauge Is 4D,1 , or 12,8 above low water mark. The water Is now rising at the late of half an Inch an hour. No special damage has resulted. XIMV Coal Mlnt'H. LOUISA , Ky , , March 24. The operators In the new cannel coal fields on Grccry creek announce today that they will put 1,000 miners at work April 1. fice. March 14. For a Dollarfice. We arc selling , this spring , some very good looking Junior Suits for little lads of 4 to 8 years old , They are not "elegant" suits , They are not worth two dollars and a half. They arc good substantial cassi- m re suits made from nearly all wool material with a little fancy braiding , and they will give more than a dollar's worth of wear. We are selling children's suits for remarkably little this spring. _ On account of the market conditions we thought it was a good time to lay'in a larger stock than usual , and if prices are lower than ever it's because we had that in mind. While we have a great many suits at $4.00 to $6.00 , and a great many at one to two dollars , our heaviest assortment is from $2.50 to $3.50 , and at these prices we surpass any house in the country for values and styles. Our line of Junior and Reefer Su ts at § 2.50 is the finest ever seen in Omaha and its strong points are , first variety , second value , third wear. \ \ e guar antee wear. SPECIAL SALE OF FURNITURE The following are some of our great reductions in our Special March Sale , Koduccd Heduced from To . . . from To 1 Mahogany Sideboard J 75.00 $ 3S.OO Mahogany IJIvan J 2s.UO I 19.00 1 Mahogany Inlnhl Table 25.00 9.00 Mahogany Taborct 12.00 S.UO 1 Mahogany 1'nrlor Table 12.00 5.00 C-plecc Mahogany Parlor Suit 1S5.00 C3.W Onk Parlor Table 4.00 1.75 3-l'leee ' Mahogany Parlor Suit 45.00 21.00 Onk Silk-board 200.00 85.00 Inlaid Mahogany Divan oo.oo 44.00 Mahogany Sideboard 100.00 47.00 Arm Chair , satin damask CO.OO 24.00 Oak Ten Table 12.00 D.Ol ) Illrch Divan 13.00 14.00 White Maple Tea Table 12.00 B.OO Murrls Chair . 1500 7.00 MnhOKany Inlnlil Table S.5.00 37.00 Combination Hook Case unj Desk . 36.00 22 00 Inlalit Satin Wooil Table r.0.00 22.00 5-plcce Parlor Set 65.00 29.00 Onyx Parlor Cabinet 105.CO 100.00 S-pIece nirch Set IS.OO 15.00 Illrch Lailles' DeMt ZS.OO 13.00 I leather Sofa 123.00 73.00 Oak Ladles' Dork S.CO 4.CO Cordiiloy Couch 28.00 IS.00 Vernls Martin nc. k G5.00 31.00 Kino Leather Coticl S5.00 65.00 Inlaid Mahogany Rocker 20.CO 12.00 Mahogany Dining Table 183.00 100. 8 Mnhopany Hocltcr 2S.OO IS.00 Maple Folding Ucd 75.00 40.00 Mahogany Parlor Cabinet 75.00 40.00 Velour Couch 35.00 1C.00 Mahoeany Shaving Stand 16.00 S.OO lloliarn Couch 100.00 62 00 MnhORimy Hockcr. leather real. . . . IS.00 5.00 Hat Rack 65.00 32 00 Mahogany Rocker. Inlaid wood Beat 15.00 0.00 Hall Hack 100.00 DO.OO CHAS. SHIVERICK & CO. , Special March Furniture Sale.12th and Douglas Sts SHIPS GO ASHOIli : XI3AII XKW YOU 1C. I.lfo Siivliifr CreivN Uniilde ( o llcnoli One nil Aeeoiliit < if Iloiuvh SCUM. NEW YORK , March 24. A dispatch re ceived this morning from the marine observer at Fire island says that there Is a three masted schooner ashore at Jones Inlet on the bar. The life saving crews from Point Lookout , Short Beach and Zach's Inlet are on the beach at Jones Inlet. They have not yet succeeded In rendering any assistance to the stranded schooner on account of the high sea that is beating on the beach. There Is a Chapman tug lying near , but It cannot reach the ship for the heavy sea. Superintendent Havens of the life saving crow at Mt. Pleasant telegraphs that the steamer reported ashore eight miles south of Barnegat Inlet is the Clyde liner Saginaw , from Hnytlcn ports for New York. 11 has n cargo of coffee , logwood and cotton , and has a crew of thirty-five men. The vesrel lies easy and is In good condition. The crew are still on board. It is commanded by Captain Johnson. MAY UHIVR OUT THIS OIL TUUST. Threat to Move to ICnKluiid If Tin I'lnte Seheilule Ilec-oineH a I.UTV. NEW YOIIK , March 21. A meeting of rep resentative men of various trades Interested In the exportation of canned goods was held yesterday for the purpose of protesting against the tin plate schedule of the Dlngloy tariff bill , and particularly that section ot it which prohibits the allowance of a draw back on exported tin cans and boxes , made from Imported dultable platea. Resolutions at protest were adopted. In the course of a speech. In which he lenounced the tin plate schedule of the Dlngley tariff bill , Mr. A. S. Comllt of the Central Lard company said : "The Standard 311 company will move Its works to England , thereby throwing thousands of American workmen out of employment , If the tin ilato schedule of the Dlngley tariff bill bo- omes a law. " Salvation Oil Is a certain cure for headache , oothache , earache , ctc. Only 25 cents. Context for the Kink Kdtiile. SAN FRANCISCO , March 21. A contest IBS been begun for a share of the estate of \sa Flsk. well known as a money lender , vho accumulated $500,000 by ( .having notes. Us eon from Denver claims half the estate , 'ho elder Flsk was married in Massachusetts , igrcelng with his wife that all property jrought by her Into the marriage should bo leld In trust for the children of the marriage ind "no others. " After a disagrr-cmrnt and divorce Asa married again and left the iulk of his estate to the second widow and ler children. The eldest son under the ( lr t narrlago now sues tinder the ante-nuptial igrccuicnt In Massachusetts. liitl-Deiiirtni | < ! ii < ! Store'Hill I'IIHNCH , SPRINGFIELD. III. , March 21. The antl- lepartment store bill today passed the senate vlth only four negative votes. Tim house Is xppcted to pass It , hut Governor Tanner nay veto it on the ground nf uncoiiritltu- lonallty. fit Kent's of IlniunKi * nt SI. .IiiMeiih , ST. JOSHPII , March 21.--The MIfaourl Ivor at this point Is rising slowly. A con- Inued rUe Is expected , but no damage Is nticlpated hero except the washing away of iiany acres of rich soil , which occurs every prlng. t nniihoal'N Trlnl Trip I'liKlponeil. NEW LONDON , March 24. The trial of lie gunboat Wilmington has been deferred a account of unfavorable weather. PILL I'cr Ullloin and Nervous disorders such us Wind and I'alii In the Sloutitch , Sick lioiiilueho Itddlness , Fullness and Swelling after meals , DUzlnoaa and Drowsiness , Cold ClillU , Klushlngl f Heat , Loss of Appotlto , Sloitneji of Drouth , Cosllvemm , Jllotchos on the Hldn , Dlsturbud Icep , Frightful Dreams , and all NorvoUsuud Tromblln ? Hoinatlonu , &c. , when tliuia symn- oins are caused by constipation , us most of them ( ire , THE flRSr DOSE WILL GIVE IICLUf U WCNir MINUTES. This U no fiction. Every sufferer U earnestly Invited to try ono box of thoio 'llli uud they ulll lie ucknaMrltHlgoil to lia A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'3 ' PILLS , talton at dlruztoJ , will qu.lclfly rutirj foinulcs to complete [ They promptly remove obstructions or Irrojulur'ltles of llio sysKnn. Kor u > rVEAK STOMACH , IMPAIRED DIGESTION , DISORDERED LIVER hey : ict.llloiiiixlc- fuwdoiu * will ork nronUerj upon tho"VU- l or um ; atroir.-t-iiuiilii the niuvulnr System , restoring tholoru-loituonipluxloo , brlnzln ? buok lUa Icoon oJgo of npuollle , ncl arousing with the KuiebuU of lloiltu the \rlioln "liylcil oiierjjr of thu human raiiu' . Thojouro facts admitted by hous.inds , la all cliues of incloty , and ono of the bust uurautKfV to the Nervous and Dubllltuted Is that lleecliaiu'n I'lll * li vo tlio Larifujt Hilo if liny I'utcnt Mi-illi-lue lu thu IVoMil. WITHOU T A RIVAL , Annual Sales over 0,000,000 , j3oxcd. Va at drue itores. or will be tent ly V. B. Agenti. D. P. AI./I.EN & CO. . ICS Canal gL , New York , fiottpalii , upon receipt of prlct. Ugek ( ft * ujou gpllc tloa , in high-grade bicycles although their construction has almost ; reached perfection. The 180T combines the highest "mechani cal skill and the finest material , hones riders claim it is "BUILT LIKE A WATCH" Only ono grade and every wheel up to that grade Get catalogue. OMAHA AGENCY : Gate City Cycle Co. . 424 So. I5ti ! St. IflSLtY inr. iicvrisr. Pioneer of Uca.sonablc Prices in Dentistry in Oiniilia. 15 Yearn' Rxpjrlaticc. Office 3d 1-loir f > .ixt3U llloi. ! Ifttlinnd l-'arii-im JSti. TEL. t < 85. LADY ATTENDANT. Tiill Set Teeth $5 < ) < > HuNt Sat Teeth $7 5O i Host 'JVutli , tliln plutu $ ! ( ) . ( ) ( > IlrldcnTeeth $ S 00 Gold Alloy Kllllns . . . . 1.00 I'uruCdlil l'lllln-s J,2.0O I O'uld Urowns 43.00 t Searles & SearleB SPECIALISTS | . Nervous , Clirooio itud Private Disease HUXUALbX. All 1'i-lvuto LJUe i tnriUUorduri of Alia TriMtineiit by malt SYPHILIS an "BKCTAL ULCERS. IIYUIIOCKI.l VAIUCOCEI.B permanently and iu curwl. Method new and unfnlllnz. STRICTURE AND GLEET Br n w method without rale or cuttlnc. Call on or addrei * nllh ( tump , DL Scailas & Searias , "SS. " " TRADE MARK MENLO German Savings Bank. Comrnrnclne at 10 o'clock March IStli , 1E97 , III * Ucclver of the German Havlnga Dank will pay : IJIT rent on Itt-clvtr's Ccrtlllcutts , as per order it coUrt , March litli. Ml , THOMAS II. MeCAGUE , 1011 .V. irJIh SI. Ilct The Perfume of Violets The purity ol the Illy , tha Klowof Uioroio , I aad the Uusli of Hvbo combluo ( a FOUOHI'C nondroui I'uvrder ,