c TUB OMAHA DAILY BJ-JItttltrilSDAYMABOJt 25 , 1897. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Declines at Chicago from a Market Lack of Support , CROP DAMAGE REPORTS HAVE NO EFFECT Corn nnil OtHa llnvo J.llllc Mfu nnil Show Only .Minor Cliiiuwci 1'ro- k tlnlciiiH CliiNi : Very Stronir III u SIlKlit Ailvnuci : . CHICAGO , Mnrch H.-Spccttlallve bun. ness In 'grain seemed lo go on crutches to clay , It was HO halting nnd slow. Wheat declined lifiHc , chiefly from hick ot mip jiort. Corn closed unchanged titid oats i Bhade loxver. Provisions xvero the only mar ket to shoxv tiny slrunglh , a general ad vnnco of 2140 being rtconlcd. Wheat was weak at the opening nnd for nil hour iitterxvards the bt-nrs had almost complete control 6f the mnrkel. The carlj l.lvcri.ool cables cnine 'id higher , but half of this xvas mibseiiucntly lost. The trade was Bonicxvlint disappointed In this , as It was only u feeble response to the liulllsli fccntlmcnt which ruled hctu yesterday anil discouraged those who wcro expecting for- lilgn help IM putting pi Ices up. The wealher. lee , was regarded ns fuvoruble , Their abiding slrcngth , however , came fron the seahonrd rej > oils reiterating the stale cry of no demand for cxpoils. That was emphasized by small cleiiranccs of wheat nnd Hour fiom thu Allnnlle seaports In the last txventy-four hours , the total amouni be-lng the equivalent of 200.WM bu. and of that total 100,000 DU. was wheat. May opened ut from "S'.ie ' lo 73'/i7.1'/4e. ( ' ngnlnst yesterday's closing piico of 73'ic ' , and worked ginduully loxvcr until in nbout in hour It sold at 72'ic. ' Minneapolis and lu- Intli ict-elpts wen1 33'i carloads , compitrcd with 11 a week HBO and S' ! the corrcspoml- liiK day of the year bc-foro. Chicago re ceived 18 oats. The crop IIPXVS xvas ol about Ihe same character us of lute II possible , woiso ; hut si omul to be without fffrcl , ns the tlnde tu-emed to bo getting used to that sort of thing and tin- selling by HI. Louis , while sending In crop dam- ngo nexvs , p.arid the hitter under suspi cion. Speculative- business wns illstitss- Ingly light , nnil the market rose and fel alternately over nbout 'fee tungton the execution of btiyltiK or selling orders so small Hint ordinarily they xvo.tld not entire a lluc-tuiition of inoic than 1-lU , If al all. Tinreport of some little t.\port bilslncf having been done at Nexv York , twenty boat loads , and of nbout 50,000 bu. sold here to millers xxa givens \ the reason for 11 recovery In May to 7riC a fur the decline nlrcndy tefcired lo. The price eased oil again in the lust half hour , and May closer' ut 72Vr7.1e. * Corn xva.'i dull , but there xvvrc buyers ol the moderate eillerlngs nil day at very Hllphl cone-fusions from yesterday's closing rilces. Hcceipts here were very light al ! ) l e-nrs and Atlantic ports ngnln exported enormously , the day s clparntic.es being 1,1777X1 bu. That served to aleiuly the nniikct , nolxvllhslaiidiug Ihe xve-aknrss of wheal. May opened unchanged al 2l5ie , BOid lo 21 lie and rallied lo ai c , where II closed. Outs nltiacted no special attention and tturexas little lo be said of the maiket Hnslne'ss for a xvhllp after the opening wao moderately good , but during the Rtvatei part of the session trade xvus more or los ? dull. The range of pi ices was narrow , will ! a tendency toward e.islncus. Se.ibonn ! clearances were1 Hl.WJO bit. .May open"d un changed at 17'iC ' , touched 17Uc , and closed lit ll ' , ) , ' ' ( 11,4 C. I'riivlHions xvere dull for a time and weak About thirty minutes from the close * the mniket siiddenly dcvi-lopcd slrengtli froir no apparent n-upon. Karly sellers became bujirs and trade liroadencd out ronstd i-ritbly , the result being that all the eurlj ( iPc-llnr xviis recov Tcd. At the eliisp .Maj pork xvas 21ic higher at ? .77'/ . ; May lard a',51' higher at tl.23 and May ribs , 2t/.e liliIn-r at $4.fi"H' . Intimated receipts Tliursdny : Wheat , 9 curs ; corn , ! I3 cars ; oats , P2 cars ; hogs 11.KIO ! ( head. _ TlirIcniljnK fultircs ranged as folluxxs : ' ' ' ' Aiilcli-H. l'oluTu. l' . . ! Ilil-liT | 1.o\V ! TjIloSoT I Yi-Hi'y. Wheat March. 71 ' < 72 | Way. . . 7.IU _ July. . . 1U-7-J 7 lVfi , 714 Sopt. A iliiH ciu < r.- - - Corn March. May. . . . July. . . . Si-pt. . . MIA "OH atijs OalH- March. H5M HIM Mav. . . . 17(1. ( 17U July. . . . 18 J8H I'o'k May. . . . fl TO H 70 R ll.-i 8 77K July. . . K HI'S 8 'JO 8 " "I H 87H bO Lanl- ' ' ' ' I ' . ' ( I -1 13 ! 1 ' . ' ( I 4 a-'H Jn'ly. . . l : ( . ) 4 SO 4 aa May. . . 1 41 7 M 4 ( K ) 4 4 cr _ July. . . 4 7-JH 4 ( iUW 4 7-'H 4 70 No. 2. C'nsh iiuotatlnns xxi-re ns follnivs : PIXIIIK Quiet ; winter patents , J4.JOS4.CO straights. 1l.uOfil.20 ; spilng ip < e-uls , tt.M ; Hpniiir patents , J4.00fl4.10 ; slrulghti. M.40JJ3.70 ; bakers J3.00ji3.30. Wll BAT No. 2 spring , 72f < > 73c ; No. 3 spring. Tlq. No. 2 it'll , Mf/M'o. ' COHN-No. 2. S3USi2le : No. 5 yellow , 235Ji24\ ! OATS No. 2 iriU.plC c ; No. 2 xvhlte f o. b. , 20',4021'.ic ' ; No. a xxhlle , f. o. b. , 17Ul'lc | HYK Nil. 2. Xc. ! HAHI.KY Nei. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 25 i33e. KIA.\-SIID-NO. : i. 77 ? sic. . TIMOTHY HBiil-l'rlnie. : ti.GSR2.70. I'HOVISlONB-Mess pork , per bbl. , J8.70iiiR.7r. ; liird , per 100 Ibs. , J1.1S ; short ribs , shies ( loose ) . J1.6SHJ4.M ; dry salted shoulilers ( boxed ) . J4.75re C.OO ; short clear i-ldes ( boxed ) , t4.75b4.S7i > . WlimKY-Ulvtllli'iR' llnlhhed goods , per gal 11.17. The folloxvlng xvere the receipts nnd shipments today : On the Pro Inco oxah.iiizo toJ.iv llm b.Uter unr- ket xx-au llrm : civainnry. ] 0ilrtc : dairy. IW lt < ' ! fl'eH1)au' ! ' < 0ChciBc. . llrm ; rCHhiHl poultry , steady : turkej-B , 12 ii , 7 Sc ; dttelCB , IHjl-'c. NH\V voitic < ; I.MII.\L ; JIAUKKT. UiiiilatloiiM tif Hit. | ) ny on ( ii-nt-riil ( 'llllllllllllillt'S. N13\V YOHK , March 24.-l-'I.Ol'H-Hccelita | , C.- B78 bhls. ; exports , 7b2S bbls. ; market steady and u shadenioru active for popular brands ; city mill patents , t4.k006.03 ; city mills , clear , t4.705J4.kO ; Minnesota patents , } 4.2oa4.40 ; Mlnne. sola baKfi-s , t3.75S3. ) ; winter patents , tl-65 ; winter ejtrus , 13,15 ; xx Inter loxv grades , J2.CO Bouthern Hour , steady nt t4.25. Hye Hour dull : mine-line. 2.co 2. . Huckxxhcal Hour , 3Ji&35'ic. c. I. f. , track. HI'C-KWIIUAT-Qulet nt SliiOSc , J-OHNMHAIr-Hteady ; yelloxv xvestern. J8c. ] llQupt | ; No. i xx-estern , 37fi37'lc HAIH.KY-Qulet at 2C03IC. I'Ajtl y MAI.T-Diill : xvestern , 4J8S.le. \\IIKAT-Hecelpl8. 4,125 bu. ; e-xports. 8.C23 tm. ; spot steady ; No. 2 hard xiInter. MIC. Op tions opened eatler , lulloxxlng better crop nexvs nnd unnatlBftictiiry cables , xxus dull all day > ed ai 60ic ! : * " ' * ' " ; , , . CORN Ili-etlpls , 1'8.I75 bu. ; exports , 34 , iCC Im H.ot Itmcllve ; No. 2. HUW. 2illio In Heviitor ; si'.io nl iint ; xlenmer mixed , 29c. Optlona opened lower rxv * r a 'iVl.JeTa',1 ' 3Co' ' 11 at Z9 > iC1 Ma5' " ' ' - ' OATS-Itecelhtll , 118,400 bu. ; exports 10447 } m. ; spot Mfiiily ; No. 2. I'SiJc. Option * dull nm < ° l n'S"ti ' Muy' 2llMlW Tic ! ' > c I : ' HAY-.Sti-iidy , uhlppllig , SOOMoj good to choice C7ltUiaC. ' HOI'S-Btcndy : 1SS5 crop , SHflS' use e Cfillcj coaiit , UOi crcp. 34j5',5c ' ; , H Klrm ; Oalvecton , 13c ; Buenou Avrcn o ; Trva * . 101c ; Cnllfornla , I6c. ' LHATlliit : l-'lrm ; hemlock , V 1olsl0l ' ' HUTTI-Ill-Hecelpts , 6.ES5 pkfii. ; sleadyweit. . l-Hl mamcry. 134/l ! o ; Klglns. lie ; fuclory 7O V-ilKKSK-Hi-celpts [ fiouA. * . , * . . . . . . . . II , nvti 1.010 i , . _ pkgs. . . ; slate - large iC.OS-Sleady ; receipt. . 16.2J7 plig. . ; Btate nllj reniljylvanla , lO'.Sc ; xxettern , lO loUc ; Bouthern V49C OILS I'etrolrum , Bloady ; rellnej , JC.43. United liweil at Wo bid ; IVmmylvnnlH crude strimB- April. WHC , CottoiiBeeil , quiet , prlnie crude. 8i)5 ) : prime jelloxv , JJi.tc nuked. Itoiln. steady ; tlinlned , common lo KOIMI , Jl.CjtH.K7U , Tur- jicntlne , .leudy at I9ie2f ! c. HICK Sti-Hdy ; fair tu extra , 3'k06ic ! ; Japan MOLASSKSQuiet ; Nexv Orl an > , open kettle MITTALS 1'lir Iron , ensy ; .outhern , 11. W ; northirn , I10.JOUit,0. Copper. quiet ; brokers , Jll.tO ; rxchanee , JlI.60in2.fcO. Tin. raty ; vtralt. , 113. Wii 13.30 ; plate. , ( any , Spelter , * l ady ; iloine.tle , J4.15b4.:0. Lead ha. had the aUvontax * of Urui Ut , LouU tdrlcc. and cloied ittn.ly . with Hie exchnng * quMlm ; Jl42i,4fi.47H , nml i > r. Krrs iiitang : JJ.80. ( ) .1ll.JIl.MlHAIt M.11IKRT. Cnnilllloii of Tru1i nnil ( tuiittltlonft on Htniilr nnil KIIIICJrrnilitre. . KOaS-l'fMh Rsthere , ! , 7'tCfc. ' Ill'TTKUCotnni.m to fair , JUlJfc ; choice to funcy roll , lOSflJc ; n-p-.r tor creamery , Uc ; K th- errd ooninery. He. ( JAMK-Illue xxln fil ttnl thick * . ll.SO ; green whif. JI.JJ ; ttil lien A : and nmllnrd * . J2.M02.75 ; Cnnadu. geese , lariee , ; tmull , J3.tOfl4.CO. VKAL-Cholcc fnt. JO IP 1 IUf. , Me quoted at 'titli'c ; huge and coal to , 4)6 < ! DltrsSlili I'OULTHY-Chlckcim , 7',4'JSc ; lur- kejt. li'iis. lllilZe ; gene , , t/n / ; ilucks. OiMOc. UVB IXJl'LTHVHeii ' ! - , IL'I clicks. 3fl4c. rilliONLlxe : , TSUMtfi dead plnt-uns , not xvnnled. HAY I'l'lnntl , J4.50 , mlillntlit , JJ.M ; lowland , J.rye rtnixxJ3.W ; color mtilics tlic pilct nil hay ; Iliiht li.ilis sell theb t ; only top entiJea bring top prices. HltOOMCollNKutmnply slow nne ! ; new crop , ilellx'ered ( in track l CMintry ; chi-U-e Rtcrn lelf.xvoiklng eniprt , per lb. , 2fl8'.4i ' ! ; choice grem , running to burl , 2 < J2 ! > c ; i-ommjii , IH1 * . URIIN : i'i-As-i'er : ro-ib , bo.x CUClJ.MHiHS-I'er dc.it . J2.CO. ( 'AtiIFLOWI-it--cr | tnite , ASI'AIllisIVr ; lb. . 20c. Sl'lNAClI1'er 2-S bu. basket , 7Si-flJl.CO. TOMATUiS- : 7-bnslii-t etnte. SS.IOUS.SO. I'll ! l'LANT--Hnnie gioxvn , j.nHi. . . 6 lOo. TrilNH'S-rer bhl. , SI.SO. OLD VKdHTAIILKS- , cnrrcts , parsnips , tier bbl. , 11. CO. HADIKHIM-rer do ; . . 2Cc. Lr.TTtJCU-I'rr doSOc. . ONIONSI'er dnz. , i' ; . ; . I'AHHLKY-rcr iloz. , 25c. HIH.MIDA : UNIUNK per crate , J4.co. HWIIirr rOTATOKM-Knncy Illinois , per bbl. , JI.COV1.7C. ONIONS-cod ! cte.ck , per bu. , J1.23. LIMA I'.KANS-l'er ill. , 3c. lllIANS-Ilntid picked nnvy , per bu. . ! > 5ceJ1.00. CAIIHAClK-Fnncy steck , per 100 Ibs. , J1.73. CMLKHY I'er iloz. . Inrge , Cnllfornln , 7c. rOTATOnS-tlood nutlvc stock , per bu. , 25fl20o. FHU1TH. SrnAWHKUHlKfl-Florldn , per quart , 23c ; rexns , per 24-quait dices , Jl.Ci'lh'.OO. ' MALAOA nilAPKH t'er keg. J7. CHANllKHlllKS-llett Jersey , per bbl. , JI.CO ; ! > er cinte , JI.CO. AI'l'LKS Kxtra fnncy , large , JZZJ : choice. K.M. TltOI'lCAI. FHU1T. OHANOnS Cnllfoinln mix els. l.,0 lo OOs , J3.73 ; large rlr.es. } J. : : . 3.M ; t-ccdlliiKi1 , JS.SiM2.tO. I.KMONS Mi-Ktlnn * , J3.3a3.DO ; choice Califor nia , J2.7'i ; fancy , J3. HANANS-Choli-e , laige stnck.'per Umch , J2.00 { ! 2.2 : ; medium-sized hunchex , Jl MU2.00. MlSCin.LANKOfS. N'T ! ' Almonds , California , pi-r lb. , larg > ; size , 13c ; Hrazlls , tu-r II ) . . ICc ; Hnsllsh xxnl- nuts , per Ib. , fancy , snft hhi-ll , lQ12"-c ; tlund- nnls , lOfillc ; Hlborts , per Hi. , 10c ; pecans , pol- Ishcil , large , Wide ; Jumbo. Hftl2e ; large hick ory nuts , J1.23 per bu. ; cocoanuts. H'c encli. FIGS Imported fancy \ ctoxxu , 20-lb. boxes , 12c ; S clown . " .0-lh. bo\es. ISgllc. linNIIY-Cholee , 13 fl4c. ClI'KK-Clatlll.Ml Juice , per bnlf bbl. . J2.CO ; per l > bl . J4.0.fl4.23. ) MAl'LK SYHfl'--Flve gal. cans , each , } 2.t.O . ; gnl. cans , puic , per doz. , J12 ; half-gal , c.ins. > 0.2."i ; quart cans. } 3.f.O. II1DKS , TALLOW , KTC. limns No. 1 gieen hides , Co ; Nn. 2 green hliliii , Cc ; No 1 gieen rnlted hides. 7''c ; No. 2 Klein tailed hides , liiic ; No. 1 venl cnlf , 8 to 12 Ibi. , 7c ; No. 2 vinl cnlf , 12 to 15 lb ? . , 4c ; No. 1 dry Hint hideJifilOe ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , keV ! ; No. 1 dry snlleil hides. 8W'c ! ' ; part cured hi. Irs.sc per lb. Inn than fully cureif. SIII1KI' rULTR arcen sailed , each , 21HCCC ; green s.-.ltfd. s-lieailngs ( short xvooled curly skins ) , inch , 13o ; diy pheiirlrgD ( short xvooled parly i-Uins ) , No. 1 , each , Cc ; dry lirnt. Kansas and Nrliriiskn butcher xx-ol pelts , per lb. , nc- tunl weight. 413c ; dry Hint , Knnms and Nc- luiiHUa Murinln xxool pelts pi-r lb. , actual weight. SIMc ; dry Hint rolnrnilu butcher xx-ool pelts , petll , . , actual xvclRut.l 3c : dry Hint Colorado Muualn xvool lulls , per 11' . , uutunl xxelght. i'/nli ; feel cut of. : 03 It is uselon to pay freight rn i iem. TALLOW AND ( lUI.'AFIV-Tnlloxv , No 1 , 2 = ic- tiillmv. NJ. 2 , 2n ; Kiente. xvhlte A , 3e ; friense , xvhlti' II , 2c ; qrnnsiyelloxv , ic ; nren e. ilatk. l ic ; old Iiuttei. 2f2'ic ; U " > xva.pi line. irf)22c ) ; timeh Inllnv. ii\ WOOL-rnxvnslicd. dm ? hcnxy. C ? 7c ; Tuio llsht , Sfi'iqu.irtcibh.oil. ; . . lOWUc ; udy , burry and ehnffy , SfiVccoltid nnd brr.Ken. course. 7 f3c ; ci.tti'd . nnd binhep , fine. SJiSc. Fli-ei-o xx-nPhed mi-'llum ' , ISSUc ; ( ! : .e. llffllc ; tub 'voshcd , WSIlFc. blnclt , tc ; bucks , Cc ; tas locks , -ffjc ( : deafl pulletl. ri ( . HONKS In cmlotn , xxelshcd and delixcred In Chlcn Il : i 'ry nuffnln. ' . .iieitun SIS OOJT14.H ) ; dr > country ; bit-ached , per ion. J10.WSil2 ) ) 00 : dry conn try , damp and nietity. r ' ! . JC.cogs.nu. ritnsu MKATH. DltKSSKD 11KKF ( Inod nntlxv yteers , K ) to I'OO Ibs. . ni2c ; gnod furftiuart-jis pti-t-tB , Sc ; goi.i liindquarlers , t leers , S e : xx-fstirn btetrs Cc r.incy heifers , Cc ; gone ! ( tellers. 3ji : ; good fie lunitciv. heifers , -njc ; guoil hlnilquarl < .r . heifers r-\c ; good coxvs , 3si.fair ; co\v , 5'ir ; common . -oxvs , 47 ' : coxv f.-irequai ti-i-s , 4'ic ; t-oxv hlndquur lew. 7'ic. ' UniiCl'TS : Tcnilci Inins , 20c ; bone-leys htilps 5c ; strip loins. 7c ; rolls. Sue : sirloin butts , S'4c shoulder clods , Vtc ; rump butts , Cc : steer chuckH i c ; coxv chucks , 31ic ; boneless chucks , 4UC coxv plates. 3'ic ; steer plates 4c ; Hank hteak Be ; loins. No. 1 , 13c ; loins. No. 2 lie ; lnln . No 5. Si'jc ; No. 1 thort loins , 15c ; No. 2 s.iort loins I3e ; No. 3 short loins , lie ; sirloin end ? , 7Se ! i lilt. No. 1. lie ; ribs , No. 2 , Sc ; ribs No. 3 , ti'ie tecr rounds. li5c ! ; coxv rounds. Cic ; cow rounds ilinnlc off , tic ; ccxv rounds , shank and rumi iIT.7IJC. . trimmings , 4c ; beef shanks , 2H-c ; brains l > er iloxen , SSc ; sxvectbicnds. per II ) . . 13c ; sxveet- lireads ( cnlx-cs ) . per lb. . "tOc ; Klilneji'i , per dozen ! 3c ; ox tails , each , 3c ; livers , per Ib. , : ; c ; hearts ; n'ilb. . , 2c ; 'tongues , per lt > . , 12c. MUTTON Lambs , 7'zc ; jenrllngs , 7c ; sheep ; } 4e ; maiket racks ( long ) , S'Bc ; hotel nicks : sliort ) . IPic ; legs and saddles , Sc ; lamb legs , 9c nenMs and stexxs , 3e ; tongues , each , Sc ; plucks -nch , 3c. I'OHIC Dressed plgn , 5'4c ; dressed hogs , 5c cnderlolns , 14c ; loins C'fcc ; spanilbs. . Ce ; hull iausage butt , 5',4c ; shouhlers , rough , f.e ; i-lu.ul- . Icrs. skinned , fic ! ; tilmmlngs , 5c ; leaf lard , not endereil , Cc ; heads , cleaned , 3Mc , ; cnouts nm -ars , 3ie ; backbones , 3c ; cheek meats , 3',4c , ntck tnni'f , 3cTt pigs' tails , 3'ic ; plucks , each , 6c , hltterllngs , Cc ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per dozen , : "c ; Nlomnchs , each , 3c ; tonguei , , eaeh , 7c ; kld- icys , per dozen , lOc ; brnlns , per dozen , ICc ; ilgs' feet , per doz , 30c ; llx-ers , each , 3c. STOCKS AM ) HO.VD.H. llri'iik Up of Hnllroiiil 1'iiols ( litI.oiul - liitr I'uidiiii AVnll Street , NKW YOUK. Mnich 24-Tlie decision of the upiemo court uillrmlng the Illegality of the rrantmlssourl Frelsht association under the ilierninn nntl-tnist laxv occupied almost cx- luslvely the attention of the dealers in flocks iiid bonds todny. That there was good grounder or the apprehension expresped uf the effect ipon the values of railroad properties of the eclslon xx-as obvious fiom the character of some I' the selling , hut there xvas also an nggrega- liui of luars of traders In vlexv of dcprvshlng rices for the benefit of there shoit of slocks , . contingent reputed to be quite large ut tliL-i line' . The extent of the activity of this clement nd the Interest In It xvas shoxvn by the llxcly iiox-cment to coxer nt the loxxer point , which I'oikcU a rally nt ihu close of the day , reeult- tit ; In a fexv CIIFCS In a full recovery of the envy declines. The same tiling occurred very eon after the opening , at xxlilch the bears tnrted In to raid the market with great eneigy ml determination. Judging from the rcpyrts hut xxerc kept In circulation , by the thort In- i-rest erne xxould haxc suppoi-ed Hint u. xvlioie- ale disruption of nil agreements to maintain ules hail occuneil xvithout tlio parties ex en , -altlng to rec tin ) lext 'of the supiemu court's eclnlon and Hint all inllruuils xvere entering Dithxvlth on a dlsnhtrous war of into cutting ' .ie Joint Tnilllo ncsuclntlon , on the contrary , aa de-lei mined to mnlntaln Its existence iieiul- u : the decision of the cnsu In the supreme imrt. There Is little confidence expressed that Ids decision xvlll be sustained by the tupn-mu ourt on uppenl. The opinion sc-ems to be Ken- mi that neither the Joint Tralllc association or liny other nilhond agreement to maintain utcs nnd divide the tratllc , can stand the tctt f u laxx-euit under this ileclnlon. Tlie action f the Atchlbon nnd the llurllngton In giving otlce of x * ithdraxviil from tlio iiKsoclatlons of lilc-h they nre members foreslnidoxxcd the iliB- slullon of those unoclatluna nnd made the rnngeiM and soutnvuicr.it ! especially weak ic ile.lrc to sell ill rdllio.id eti.lis being very lanlfCKt. There Is no doubt t'.at u large amount f long etoch ivnn thrown i > > \ il.e maiket In the uy's tnidlng and that ixvncrs of securities take 10 most i-erlouB vlexv of the Inhibition ugulim w ruto and trnlllc iiKn-eiiK-nt.s contained In the jpreme court's declnlon. The grangers and nillmcBlerns , nn In-Ing Immediately nffected urn-ed the heaviest declines , us follow * : liur- ngton , 2H per cent ; Nortlnxestern , 1 1 per : iit ; St. 1'uul , 2 per cent ; Hock Island , S$4 per nt ; UiuUvllle K Nn-shvllle , 2i percent ; Kanias Texas preferred , 14 ! per cent ; Atchlson , l i ' i-rcent ; Atchlson pieferred.'Ha per cent ; South" rn prefcirud. Hi per cent , nnd Omaha , 2 % per ; nt. Other lum-s xvrie ; Cnnada Southern l er cent ; Clexeland , Cincinnati , Chicago & St ouls , Hi per c-iiit ; Deuxer & Hio Grande prc- srreil , l'j per ifiit ; llllnoti. Cenlriil , 1 per cent- iigur. IS per cent ; Sugar preferred , Hi per . nt ; Chicago ( Ins. lit per cent ; General Kleo- ic , HI per cent ; J ad , 1 per cent ; Paclllo Mall , b ' per cent ' ; Spirits preferred , H4 per cenl. nnd 'eticin I'nlon. 1 per cent. The anthracite coal group dlnplayed n quite urprUIng n-slttunce. only New Jersey Central ml Heading llrst preferred yleldlnu oxer a frnc. ion , tlio foiiner 1 pt-r cent nnd the latter 115 per Mil. Nexv Jersey Central milled 2',4 per ci-nt I , the close on the sticngtli of thu Increase of iiiningB hewn In the February statement. The ctlylly became very maikcd In the closing palings nml there xvns quite n .crumble to cnver lurllnglen recox-ered 1 per cint , Northwestern 111 < r cent. St. Paul m per cent. Hock Inland 1 er cent. Louisville & Nashville and Omaha l > fr. tiyfAte11' ' * " " I I'er cent. Cleveland , Cln- limatl. ChlcnKo & St. lx > uls Hi per cent , and ugtir IU per cent. Notable ikcllnm occurred In , ul < e Shore of 2 per ci-nt , xvltli u recovery In lUclvde ( .la. , the preferred tellliiK at 7 i , ! ; us Dinpart-d wllh Ihe prcvloui tranaacllon at 78 nd the common loilnc IS per cent , anil Mlnnci otu Iron losing 4 per c vit ami regaining IK IT cent. The exceptional Bhaies which Bhoxvt-il gain on the day. though It xvas only fractional , ere : Toliacco , Cleveland , Cincinnati. Chicago : St. Ixiul. , Connolldated Uus , Iwickaxvannu. lelaware & Hudson , StHiidard Hope. Mluourl 'aclllc ' , Iteadlni , ' , Li-nthcr prt-ferrsJ and Wheel' IK & Iwike Krle prefrrred. The deallns. xvero vavler than on uny day Unce la.t fall , the > tnl .hares fold numbering 530,000. Hallway bond , xvere quiet and active and tioxveil general conce.klcns In tympathy xvlth : i * unjcttUd clumcttr of toe itock ipccula- tlon. The fnietlonnl lofrfs w re quite unlforr In Hie speculative iMum nnd In * nme of the inld ille grade Iffiios. In xxhieh tome strength ti befn apparent of Inte , noteworthy declines oc furred , pnitlculnrly In St. 1'nul gtnpral 4 > which lost iCj | * r cent. The sales were 1 507 , < W Uoxernments were lower on the flrM cull , bu Inter stiffened ft fraction for the new 4s o purchases of t.to.fxio. The Kvenlng Test's London financial cnblegrar nyss "Ilxeept for Americans , there was n gen eral rally In nil clocks here today , the reason being shortness In stocks nnd the ease of mone nt the settlement. There were \ngue rumor of n cnmpre.mlfo of the Cretan dlillciiltles , nn n shnrp spurt In Kngllth rnllfi tn Rood trnfnc I'o fltdy the Improvement may be only trnnslc-n nnd the favorable political reports mny prov to bo overdone , but for the moment the tone I dcclilfdly cheerful. Consols were 11214. The ft tl tnent certainly shows that , In fpltc of poll tii-s. benr holders nre l nnclou ly clinging t nil goenl slocks. Americans xvcrc lint nd elosei til the loxvest. Contangoes on Americans nr about 3 per cent loxver. The lni t decision Ii Hit. United Stntes. the action of the sennt tt.xrurd the arbitration trenty ami the llqulilalloi of mnll stale bull accounts are the causes fo UKdepre > slon. The- market expects a reduclloi in the bunk rntc tomorroxv or the folloxvln week , iillhough the xvenkness of the contlnentn Mchnnsps must be remembered. The 1'nrls nm llerlln markets xvere flrm. " The folloxrlng xxcre the closing quntntlons 01 the leading Mocks of the Nexv York cxchang today : * offered. The total Falos of Blocks today wore 33710 shnree. InclndlliK : American Toliacco , ! 0) ; Atch Iron. 4.CM ; American Suwir , 42.400 ; lltirlln ton 37.200 ; Cltlr.iKo ( > aK , 17.CDO ; Clevohind. t'lncin null , Chlcaso K St. Lou's , 3 sio cirncral Klc trip 4.KO : I/oiilFvllle * Nashville. 10.100 : Man hnttan. f , 700 ; Mlfsonrl raelllc , 4.HO ; Xrrthxi-est t-rn. O.f.CO ; Omaha , li,400 ( ; lliMdlni ; . II.CUO ; Ten mFfiiCn l nnd Iron , 6SW ; Ncxv Jcisey Cell trill , 14CCO. X MV York > nini-.v NKW YOHK , March 21. MONEY OX CALL- Kaxy nt 1'itil per cent ; Inpt loan , Hi per cent c ed ofTi.'ied nt l1 per crnt. 1'HIMU MKKCANTIl.K I'AI'KIl 3ViW4 per cenl STCULINCl iXCHANHi-Klim : : , with octua buFliiifs In bankers' lillla ut $4.S7Viti4.8ri4 fur lie nn.nil and J4.i51l'3I.SC ' for sixty-day bills ; postiM rates. f4.SMf4.f4 ! nnd J1.SS34.i > 84 ! ; cunimcrcla bills , 4.S4i. HAH } ? llVKIt-G2c. GOVKIINMEXT I5ON13S Firmer. HTATn IIONUS Dull. UA1LIIOAD 11ONDS Weak. CloslitR qitotatlona on butin3 xvcre as folloxvs : ItoNton Stock ( liiotntloiiH. DOSTON. March at. Call loini. 'J5sti ; nai cent : lime loans , a > (6l p r cjtit. Cloam , ' prices foratoekB. bimdaand mlnliv ; Mliaroi : A.T.AS. F lli ( WIs. O.r.itnl 2 American Sui.ir. . 112K Kd. EI03. Ill l.-.o Am. Sugar pM. . . . . Oai. : Elee. nfd 7.1 Hay Statu Gai Ifj Atchliou pf.l Bell Telephone. . . 224 Atchlnoii ! hO lloston.tAlluny. 2ir INinv Emrlaua ( Is. . lltj ; lioHiou.VMalna. . . " " U ( Jen. Hco.is til 0. . II. & Q 7HKi WIs. C nt. IH t'itchburz Hi ! lAllouezMluliu Co . . il Renernl Elurtrlt ! . . .ii : | Atlintlo : il ! Illinois Steul 311 illoson ; , t Moiitani Ii7' ! < Mexican Ontr.il. . Hli Ilutt3.t Ilost-n. . . . Silx'er.bars , i24c ] : Mnxlcan iloll.irH. draftsBit-lit , 17 c : ilraffj. t.'lojrapi. ! aOc. \ < -xv VnrU .Illiilnur ( liioiaUoiiN. NEW YORK. March 2 l.-Tho following nra th3 cloBlne minim : quotations : Ilulxver 17 Ontario uou Chollnr. 110 Opiilr no Croxvn Point Iff Plymouth -JO Con. Cal. A Va 120 QuIckBllvor 100 Dendxvood ia5 UulckBllver pfd..lOIi ) ) fjouldACurry 1'23 Slcrr.i Nox-aila 41) HaluANorcroiH. . 30 Standard 100 llomuhtako 80 Dillon Con 25 Iron Silver 20(10 Yellow Jacket . . . . 23 Mexican 20 London Stm-U ( tunliitloiiN , LONDON. March 21.-1 p. m. closlny : Fliiaiiclnl .Noti-H. IIALTIMOHK , March 24.-ClearlnK , J2,27CS 2j jnlanccH , 13M.W8. 1IOHTON , March 24. ClenrlngB , J14C92,1W ! ; bal- uicc.s , JI,4ol,4D4. KKVf YOIIIC , Mnrch 24-ClearlneB , JS2,309,47C ; jiilalH'cM , } 4,170f Ki. I'lIILADl-JLl'IlIA March 21. . , -Clearings J9.CCO , 02 ; balances , J1,3M,24I , ST. I/DUIH , March 2l.-ClearlnKB , J3.S11.CC3 ; lalnnces , f..tuSc. . Money , 57 | per cent. .S't-xv fork exclinncc , Ko premium bid ; tOc jircmlum itked. CIIICAOO , March 24. ClenrlnKB , JllOC8.3a7. Vexv York exctmnKe , Stfc Lid ; 25o nskcd dl - ount. I'ori-lftn exchange , llrm ; demand , 3I.674 ! : ilxty day , J4.y > % . Fliiiiiirliil. IH'llI.IN. March 24. Kxclmngo on Ix > ndon , iigM days' tlRht , 20 murks 37 pfg- . I'AIUK , March 24. Tliree per cent rento , 102f Xc ) for thu account. Kxchunge on Ixindon , Mf IS'jo for cht-cks , LONDON , Mnrch 24. Ilnr golil la quotea nt 7s 10J. Oold U quoted at Huenos Ayres today it 210.C.O ; LUbon , 44 ; Home , 10i.C2-i ! , KIIIINIIN City I KANSAS CITY. March M.-WIIEAT-Fnlrly icilve , but quotably unchanged ; No. 3 hard , &ff77c. No. 3 , 70 ( 74o ; No. 2 red. tlbUSo ; No. S , ilii'.Co ; No. 4 , 7DUUc ; No. 2 irrlnf , 747c | ; No. I , 70ii73c. COHN Hather scarce ) eteody nnd active ; No. 1 mixed , UHU19C. OATS Dull and about steady ; No , 2 xvhlte , HYB-Klrmi No. t. 31o. HAY 1'rnlrlc. eumewhat higher ; choice nelllne it 15.60QC.OO ; No , 1 to 3 , J3.lOQ5.tO , choice tlm- Hhy. 16.UHJU.00. m.'TTiu ' Klrm ; creamery , 16817o ; dairy , 10 . UUCIS Weak ; receipts heavy ; demand unltn- iruved ; quotutly 7 He. Loiiiluii Colunliil Wu l LONDON. March 24. The catalogues offrreil t the wool auction tales today were IUTKU nnd umUtc-d ot 18,117 bales , of which 1,000 xvtie vlthilrawn , Tbu attendance waa good and tlie bl < ; ilnK wa fplrllfxXifiir nil ROO > | wool , while faulty Meek rule.ll Irfegular. ( loml Tnsmnnlnn xxfcols Kftld nt full Stoic's , fht American buyers purchnred nbout MAioilbiiln. Merinos nnd cress- breeds retain thelrlhlfh level. The snle I' fixed to close April . Folloxvlt K nre the sales In detnll ! Nexv Pout.i Wales. ( .21 ? bnles , scoured , scoured. lOdtfi's iSjlf 1 greaty , &HlSVtil. Vic- torln , 3.778 bales ; fcdutrd , tU-lCli 4Vjd ! grensjr , HUdJMii till , South Australia , 1.1SS bales ; scoured. Is Id ! greasy , 4ft"id. Tnsmnnln , M bales ; greasy , MCM + Mid. New 7-enlnml , J.SI7 bales ; scoured , loivifjTs 2'4d. Cape of Uood Hope nml Nnlnl. 1,518 bnles ; scoured , HVidWU 2Hd ; greaty , 4i(7U-j. ( CO.MHTIOX Ul'Vl'lJin WOOI MAUKI4T. Snlen 00111111110.01111111 HiuiriiilitiH Scale wllh 1'r-lei-N Vr.v Firm. HO.TTON , March J4.i-Thc American Wool nnd Cotton Itepcrtcr will ny tomorroxv of the xvool trades "Thimnrket has been xcry nctive iltir- InB the past xxeek , the lloston mnrket receiving n gain In psles of 74 per cent , compared with Hie corresponding period of lust yenr , Foreign wools have been the feature , pales In both Hos- Ion nnd Nexv York probnbly exceeding those nf domestic. The rales of the week In Huston footed up 12 , i ,00o Ibs , , ( 9,000 Ibs. being do mestic nnd GG20UOO Ibs. foreign. The- Uniting In Hoston hns been Inrgely speculnllx-e , so much so that It hns been Impossible to clearly make cut hoxv much ( .t the xvool changing hands bus actually gone out of the market. The specula tion In foreign xvools has been especially note- xvorthy. We kncxv cf lit leaet three i-nles of f.10,000 to UTO.lcO Ibs. each In lloston tn the trade nnd of an effcr to put OO.tOO Ibs. , xxhlch , hoxx-- ever , xvas not accepted. These thoxxconcluMxely how the outlook for pflccs Is generally regarded. 1'Hces arc extremely Him , although there has not been any general marmni ; up movement Elncc xxe lust xvrote. Still gicuirr activity nnd higher pliers arc looked for. Tcrrltoiles have sold well. Auttrnllnn hnn been In excellent de mand , all graiU * being In ic-iucsl , nnd pules inclutio n latgc amount of croctbtcds. Dometic scout cd xvnol hns been In nctive demand , .is hns also been pulled , prices e > n Ihc lntte-r shoxvlng a temle-ncy to iidvancc. " HT. IXJUIS , March 21. WOOLr-FIrm ; clear , lCi,45fl7c ; light line , O'tlflSc heavy line. J'.iW ! i c ; medium , KtitiUltc ; tub xvashcd , IMiW * NKW YOHIC. Mnrch 21. WOOIKIrm ; lleece , IGQSlc ; pulled , lt.c. St. I.oiilN ( ieneriil Iliirkctn. ST. IX3UI3 , Matclrlt. l-'I.OL'H-ejulct , sleady and uncliangvd ; patents , Jl.loiH.tS ; extra fancy , tl.4Qii4.tO ; fancy , } 3.7r,5(4.Wl ( ; e-holce , J3.20JfJ.tO. WHMAT l-'ulurcs ortncil xx-enk and loxver , x lli ! light trading. There was uuy a moderate upccu- lutlx'e demr.nd. The market ndxnuced soon after the opening nnd fluctuated coi.t-IJcn.bly. llmilly closing HlOso under ycUcnlny. Spot loxxer ; No. 2 red , cash , elcvater , Die bid ; track , OOff USV-e ; May M'te nsked ; July , 73 > iJ73ic. [ C'OIIN l-'utures dull , biuely tleauy , closing easy ; tpol , steaily ; No. 2 cash , 21ifec ; May , 22-c inked ; July , 23Seatkcd. . OATS rirmj No. 2 wish , Ike bid ; May , 17ci July , ISUc. ItYK Klrm : 3lc bid. HAHI.KY Him. llltAN Hrni nnd bcnicc ; racked , I3ast track , nominally , f,2JiwCe. ri.AXSEl-H ) Nominal , 75c. TIMOTHY .SIHCn-riime , t2.COT2.cr . HAY ( juUt , linn ; prairie , tl.COli7.t,0 , ; timothy , o.cofiii.ri ) . I'itOH.Slil ) 1'Ofl/niY Chickens , llrm ; old and yoiinif , ( tC'tc : turkeys , xvcaker nt CHtftlc ; ilucks , steady nt 7't ' .vV e ; geeic , xvcalc nt u ( > lc. llt'TTIJH Hrmj cre-nmeiy , lltVl'J'.ic ; dairy , f < fp lie. lie.KOOS KOOS Higher at 7'e- . WHISKY tl. 17. Min-AUS-l-cnd , firm , JXHiJOT SU. Spelter , Hi in. mo bid. I'HOVIKIONS 1'ork , ptcnily ; Ktandard inepn , Jobblrg , JS.509.10. l-.ril , ftendy ; prime Fte-iim , J4 ftchnlcc ; , 54.10. llaeon ( boxe.l ) , i-houlders , t4.85 ; extra s'lort clenr , 15.20 ; ribs. J.113 ; rhorts , } 5.t. > . Dry salt meats ( billed ) . Fhr.uldei-s , ? ! . * ; cxtru short clear , t4.W ; ribs. SS.IO ; fhorts , J.'i 10. IlKl'HIPTS Klour , 2.CUO bids. ; wheat , 2S ( A'O ' bu. ; corn. M.CCO hu. ; otitF. 12.CCO bu. SIlIl'MKNTF-Klour. C 000 bills ; wheiit , IC.toO hu. ; corn , 111.WO bu. ; cats , 59,000 bu. Liverpool ( IVuli'i mid Pi-ox IMOHH. | l.lVUHI'OOf , . Marclt 24. Wll SAT-Spot itilet ilemnn-l pcnr ; Ni > . 2 nil. fining , Cs 21 : N < . I Callfanla , CH .Hid. Futures opened nulet. xvlth near and distant' pi ett.i ns ijU higher ; 11 sed iiulct , xvltli Mny V il blgheinnd other months unchanged ; busliieis. rl out eipinlly t'.ttti-llmted ; Mnrch. Cs IJiloy. ; . fs 2Ud ; July. 63 21. I'OnX Spot quiet ; American mixed , nrxv. 2s 7Ud. l-'ulurrs opened quiet nnd unchanged ; . clecd steady , xvltli near pufltlons 'tOHd li.xver and distant positlqiH unchrnged ; Mnrch. 2s C"id ; ; April , 2s 7'id May , Is Mid ; " ' " < . 2s ! , % ! ; July , I-It'll Dcinanil moderate ; St. Ixiuls fancy i-lnlo 7S Od. clear ees. 14 o s. , a . inu.erv Fquare , 12 to IS lhF.24s. Hams , thort < : ut , 14 to 1C lb . . 43s. iTnlloxv. f.niNorth Amcrlc.in ISs 3d. "Href , cxtrulixlln mcsitfa 3d. prl.nt. mess , 47s Od. 1'cik , prime ni"ts. line xxestein Cosimiiium ; xx-CKtern , 4 s. . I.atd , * xxcHt-trt. EisI . ? J -v. C1IEUSK Firm ; demnnd moderate ; flncc Amerlcim xvhltp and coljreil , r > 7s ( jil. Hl'TTHH Finest I'nltC'l Slntei- , SOs ; good , 5 : s OILS Llnteed , 15s. 1'etr leum , iciiiied. ClJd Naphtha. CUd. HRFlUdKItATOU IJBI-JF Korequarters , 4Hd hlmlqunrtcr ? , Cd. HOI'S At London. I'aclllc const , 3 15s. ColVe-f Mjirki-lH. NHW YOHK. March 24. COFFKB Options opened Meady and 3 to 10 points higher In sym patliy xvlth ICuiopenn markets. which xvero ( Inner on llk-ht receipts at lli-nzlll.in polls Local nnd furelgn huui-es boiiKht ; prominent bears sold ; clofed steady nml unchnngcd tu 10 potntB net ndvance cub's. lV.'f,0 bass , lncuil ! Ing March , 18.30 ; May. J.2iS 31. Spot. Hln dull ; No. 7 , ! 8.K,4 ! , Invoice ; HL1214 , Jobbing. Jllld , i-tenily ; Coril.nn. SH.l'iii'l J.TJ : sales , , : , ( ( bags Maiaealbo ; 00 bags Sax-antlla , nnd 7.0 bags Central American , p. t. Total xvnri'honst- dcllx-erles from the L'nlted States. 16.CS4 bass ; Including 15E > K4 lugs from Nexx York ; Nexv Yoi ] stock lodny , 331 , ' . ' ; 2 bags ; I'nltid i'tntes Hccli. 413.7S8 ban * ; nHoat for the fulled Slntea , 2S7.CIII bags ; total vlslhli- for the I'nlK-il .States. 700,71-S bacs , agalnbt 4H2 , 42C bags Inrt year. HAVlllMan ; - i 24. l UFFHIO Clotcd i-teady UJi'Af net nilvnnce ; FaleK , 13,000 hap * . SANTOS , Marc'i .24. COFKHK-lJiilet ; gooi nx-ei-nge Sanlos , 10.000 rcls ; lectlpls , 4,000 bags stock. 43Q.ODO bagh. HAMIH'HO , Match 24.-COFFKIV-i p.'g. ad vance ; pales , IC.flO bags. H1O IK JANKIHO , March 21. COFI-'KU Steady ; No. 7 Hlo. 10.MH rcls ; exchange. M ; ic celpts , 9.WO bags ; cleared for the United States , 14,000 bags ; stock , 27,100 bagF. ( 'nt ( on Mnrl.-rtM. NRW YOHK. Mnrch 24. COTTON Spot quiet ; middling , 7f-lCe ; inlddllm ; nplinds , 7 Slii.ml 1- dllnB gulf. 7'J-lCc ; sales. 4J1 bales. Futures quiet nnd steady ; sales. 114 , SW bales ; January , SG.7C ; 1-Vbruary. JG.SO : March , $ . ! ) ' ) ; April , to U5 : May , J0.97 ; June. J7.01 ; July , J7.0.1 ; AugUft , J7.C Sep tember. JC.7U ; October , JC C7 ; November , tC.GS ; December , Jti.72. The mnrket opened dull but steady , xvlth prices unchanged tt 1 point higher. Trading durlmtlio llrtt bnlf hour xvns xcry small , but later becnmc more active' under local selling , nnd prices declined from 2 to 3 pulnti. At 11 o'clock the mniliet xvns bnn-Iy steady nnd iiilher nerxoiiH nt n net loss of from 2 to 3 points , xvlth sules of 25 , WO bales. Llverjiool cables xxeru stendy nnd without Inllueiuc. NKW OHLKANS. Mnrch 24. COTTON Kny ; middling , 0 15-lCc ; loxv middling , C ! c ; grod ordi nary , CVic. .Vxv York Dry ( iiinilN Mnrlcvl. * NKW YOHK , Mnrch 21. AltoRpthcr the busi ness for the day rounded out n very good , vol ume. Hroxvn cottons shared in n much Improved demand. Sales of bleached cottons xvere quite heitvy. hut there xvas only n moderate trndu In colored nnd fnncy goods. Prints did well through forxvnrdlng on old purchases. Wool fabrics nre In good request for account of nu- tumn. I'rlntlng cloths nctive. Sales ut Full IllviT for this week xvero over 400,000 pieces. Mnrket llrm nt 210c. ! . LONIWN , Mnrch 24-SltfIAH-Cnnc , quiet ; llt- ( lo demand ; centrifugal Jux-n , 11s ; Muscnvnilo , fair rcllnlng. 9s. Heet , hteudy ; March , Us Kd ; April. St il. NKW YOHK. March 24.-HITOAH-nnxv. llrm ; fair refining. 2 IVICe ; centrlflignl , ( lO lett , 3r-lCo ; sules , ll.OiXi lnu'.B , iientrlfUKul , at breakwater , [ u lloston , W test , . aic , HeHned , llrm ; granu lated , 4V4c ; criiBhfd. 'tHe ; powdered , 4ic. 1'i-orlii 1'KOHIA , March 24 , , COHN Firm , higher ; ncxv No. 2 , 22c. OATP Klrm ; No , IT .white , 20fl20 ! < ; C. WHISKY Market' 'ftenily ; llnlthed goods on bo biifcis of J1.17 for nlah xvlm-.i , HKCKII'TS Corn.i'CS.dOO hu. ; oats , 10,600 bu. ; rye. none ; xvlilFky.'none ; wheat , 1,200 bu. SIIII'MKNTS-Corn. 7.450 bu. ; oats , 13.400 bu ; ye , none ; xxliUkyj37 } , j'bls. ' ; xvheut , 1,00-J bu. Tolt-ilo : > Iiirli < 'lH , TOLnDO , Mnrch SlJU-WIIC.VT-I.ower nnj dull ; No. 2 ci h , 'Jl&c ; MaV. 93't ' . COHN Actlvo luWsteady ; No. 2 mixed , 24Vic. OATS KB By. Nil. 12 Tiilxed , I7He. ItYi'J Dull nnd loxver ; No. 2 cash , 37&c. ! CIXJVKH SKIID-iiVrHi'0 and easy ; prime cnsh nml March , J5.25. OIINorth Lima. . JIij ; Bouth Lima nnd Indiana - ana , & 2c , Oil ci. , OIL CITY , Marpli"sl'-Credlt balances , iilc ; crtlllcates. no bids : Bhlnmt-nts , t5,70i bbU. ; uns , 101,197 bbls. , . Sun I'Viiiii-Ucii U'ln-iit SAN FIIANCISCO , March 21 WIIBAT Quiet ; December. II.16H ; Mny. J1.35'j , AVI 1 1 llullil n Henry lllller will liulld a pretty residence. n Rirnum street , Just west of C. Hart- nun's residence. The hole for the fouiula- lon la noxv lielng , UUK ; , i " < l n building per- nlt will bo tiilten out the latter part of hla week. The reslduiiro will be n frame tnicture , with all modern Improvements , nd part of tlio Interior finish will bo of quurtur-Bnxvcd whlta ouk and white ma- logany. It will cost , when completed , In ho neighborhood of ' ROOO. ' i O Juvenile Ku tt > r till union ( . A novel cntcrtnlnmont Is to bo given In ho auditorium of the Younj ; Men'B Chris- ian iitMoclutlon tills uvenlrnr. The entire irofe'rain , xvltli , the exception of ono num- icfV will be Ktvcn by Juvenile musicians , nd not these ordinary , district school kind , ut by rt i artist. . , | i , , OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts of Oattlo Continue Liberal and Hogs Only Pair , CATTLE HOLD UP VERY WELL IN VALUE Knlrlj- Active niul Prior * SiiHlnliirtl nil All Oriulr-H Him * ( Ilicii Htrail- , lint Clo.HC Slotv anil Wenk. SOUTH OMAHA. Mnrch II.-Hocclpta lor the days Indicated wcro : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep , Horses. Mnrch 21 . . . 3,3M 4SU 3.355 March SJt . 3,415 B.syO D..tfl March 22 . 1.7S1 1.S38 1 2i7 Mnrch 20 . 1,137 < , M7 4,34S > 21 Mnrch 111 . 2,010 4,327 1.374 5 March 18 . l.SSI f.,458 2.13S 1 Mnrch 17 . 2.1M r..lX)4 ) 760 . . . . Mnrch 1C . 2079 3.7C9 2,201 3 MnfCh 18 . 2.4S9 1W9 ( 6,598 Mnrch 13 . CSO 3,874 4.176 2 ? Mnrch 12 . 1,216 3,717 1,101 28 Mnrch 11 . 1,709 4.S10 2848 1 Mnrch 10 . 2.7 3,745 2.975 Mnrch f . " .031 6,081 3,005 2 Tlio olllclnl number of curs of stock brought In today by cnch roiul WIIM : Cuttle. HORH. Shcvp. G. , M. & St. r. lly . i 2 Mo. Piiollic lly . 2 1 Union I'aclllc Kyutrm . 6fl 20 S O. & N. W. lly . 1 I I1. , H. & M. V. H. II . 21 15 S. C. & I' , lly . 4 C. , St. I1. , M. & O. lly . 20 1 H. Ai M. II. II. II . 27 21 7 C. , II. & Q. lly . . . C. , 11. 1. & 1' . lly.V . 1 2 Totnl receipts . H2 70 13 The disposition of the ilny'n receipts was us follows , ouch buyer purchasing the num ber of bead Indicated : Uuyers. Cattle. Hogs. Shoep. Ormihii Packing Co . 11 Mil The G. II. llainmond Co. 447 770 211 Swift and Company . 917 " , 'JM (172 ( The Cudahy I'm-klnir Co. Xil 1,010 L',011 H , llccktr and UtKHll. . . . 219 . Vun.sniit < fe Co . H3 . J. U Curuy . fi7 . Lolnniin A liotliHChllila. . . . C37 . W. I. StcphetiH . 4'J . - . . Hill , t I .owls Co . 'jl ; . Honton it Underwood. . . . ( > < ! . Huston .t Co . M . JCfLllllH CY . "S . Htimllton . iS . 1' . D. Armour : . IGS . . . . 47'J Other Imvi'i. ) . 233 . over . , . MO ICO Total . : vl8 ; ! 5,127 MOO CATTLE llocelplB of cattle were liln'nil for this market again today , the number of cars horn being H3hlch was thu mimu as The market as a whole did not shoxv any very material change as comiMred with yesterday , and , considering the liberal run for two days In succession , It xvas In xery fair condition. OffetlngH of cornfed heevcs were large , and ivhlio the huyers xvere not unite so hungry for them as yesterday , they bought them nt just about steady prices. The trade ' .vim not particularly snappy , but the cattle r.cpt selling and n leasonably early clear ance wns effected. The bulk , ct the entth' hero sold at Sl.l.lfc-UO , xvltli the top at Jl.tO. Uuteherw' stock sold fairly xvcll at yctcr - day's prices , and the day's operations lulled ( o develop any nexv features ot malt-rial Importntice. Stockers and feeders sold even stronurr than yesterday , as high as $ | .M blng paid ie > : - somexvlth the B'Cnt bulk nt SJ.lou-MO. Ihe supply xvas tint large- and tin- cattle In nrst hands xvere soon exhausted. While quite a good many feeders and stoee.Utlo ; Inive arrived In the past fexv days , the country demand has been of suflielunt proportions to keep the yards well cleared. If anything thu demand has been In excess of the sup- I'ly. llcpre-sentalive sales ; NATIVES. HKEP KTEHHS. 'N" ° . Av. Fr. No. Ax1'r. . No. Av. IV. " ' : : : : ! ! " H : : : : ! " . . . . . MO 3..0 5..112S 41.- , 2C..1118 ISO 1..10.0 37. , 43..12IS 415 U..130S 4 CO 2..10,0 373 40..1213 413 22..1ilC ! 30 9. . . . 194 3 SO 12..IM 415 41..1204 130 01..1121 3 so * s. ° ' ! . ' 'i27B 413 ' 2TiL'i ; ! ; ! ; ; 430 11. . . . ! )4I5 ) 3 W > 14..li01 413 CO..1277 I S3 16..1173 3 M f.12-G 415 21..140 ! ) 431 4..1217 400 3S..1203 420 20..1276 1 S3 40..113 4 CO 49..1147 4 20 Gn.3l-J 4 - , 4..12SO 4 03 ID..1128 4 20 20..I2IM 4 371 , . 29..1116 40.- 41..1221 420 20. 12.13 440 M..1213 4 0716 12. . . .1237 420 19..1.1.5 440 17..1154 4 10 41..12W ) 4 20 12..1171 4 40 1..14IO 4 10 39..10.17 4 20 C..14M 4 40 21..11CO 410 39..1W1 420 . . . .1110 140 2..1435 4 10 23..1IS3 4 20 1G..12CO 4 40 5..1224 4 10 61..1252 4 20 40..1331 ( < 0 C. . . . 040 4 10 41..JOT 4 2.5 19..1341 4 45 4.1211 ! ! 4 10 27..12S4 4 23 20..1172 4 43 41..12)2 4 10 K..1213 4 25 S..H1B I . ,0 18..11W ) 4 10 20..1244 4 23 IS..1120 4 50 1..1120 4 10 4..11S2 4 23 IS..1513 4 M 17..1141 4 10 S3..1248 4 23 3V..1)2 : 4 CO 12..1103 4 10 10..1340 4 30 1S..14SO 4 CO ( * ' " ' * a COWH. I. . . . Sf'O ' 175 1..10M 300 01. . . . 9M 320 2. . . . 925 1 ! IO C. . . . 1191 3 M ) 4 1157 330 1..11CO 1 95 27 737 30. ) 3..1013 335 1. . . . 1)30 ) 200 1..1200 300 1..1EM ) 333 1. . . . HO 200 1..ID-JO 3 00 3..H2J 340 1. . . . 830 2 00 1..111,0 3 10 1..11SO 3 40 1. . . . 20 210 1..H10 300 2..1115 340 1..11CO 223 1..1(130 ( 310 1..1270 3 Ol 1. . . . (80 ( 225 1..1100 310 2..13'0 ' 340 2..1060 223 1..1040 310 1..1UO 310 1. . . . tSO 2 40 2 1225 3 10 . . . . | ; 3 45 . . . . ( , > 2 f.O I..1100 3 10 12..10-2 ! 3 45 3..101' ) 230 1..1IOO 313 I..1230 3 SO 2. . . . 970 250 1..1HO 313 I..112U 3 ; 0 4..IOC. 2 CO 1..1IS-0 315 1..133U 3.11) ) 1..1(130 ( 2 Of. 1..1030 313 21..12-0 SCO 1..1040 2 03 11..1032 3 20 S..110b 3 ID l..p ; ( 2 K 9..1f,0 321) ) S.JIM SCO 1..1000 2 C3 2..I2UO 325 22..100S SCO l..llO ! 275 I. . . . ! W 323 2. . . . [ ICO 3 IM 3. . . . i'.SG ' 2 75 2..1105 3 25 1..1I30 3 CO 1. . . . IIIO 2 fO 2..1115 325 4..1250 SCO 1. . . . I'OO ' 285 S..10S3 323 2..110 } 31.0 8..1102 290 4..1032 325 1..1UO 303 1. . . . C70 2 90 HKIKBHS. I. . . . 730 175 1 900 323 1..10CO SCO 5. . . . (34 273 3D. . . . 5S4 323 1..MK ) 3 C3 5. . . . 428 301) 2. . . . 910 335 4. . , . WJ 3 C3 ] . . . . 970 3 00 7. . . . M7 3 4U 1. . . . 570 3 03 1. . . . CSO 3dO 2. . . . 743 350 2..1010 303 1. . . . 570 300 1. . . . 910 330 3..1013 3 C5 2. . . . 470 310 1. . . . 4SO 310 3. . . . 900 375 5. . . . CS'J 315 1. . . . 740 350 1..1(180 ( 375 1. . . . Gil ) 320 4..1007 330 23..819 375 2. . . . MI5 320 1. . . . 7M > SCO 2..1123 373 3. . . . f,2 325 2. . . . ! 0 S (0 ( I. . . .131.0 . 3 SO 1. . . . 790 3 23 1. . . . 9JO 3 00 6. . . . 974 3 85 3. . . . 455 323 3. . . . 85C SCO 1. . , , C20 400 3. . . , 380 3 23 i HUU.S. 1..14SO 210 1..IC10 2 CO 1..1MO 300 1..1040 2111 1..1490 270 1..1540 3 UO 1..1370 215 1..ICSI ) 271) I.- ) 300 2..1310 213 1..1210 273 6..1750 300 1..1290 230 1..12II ) 273 1..12CO 300 1..1IJO 233 1..1270 273 1..1110 305 1..1MIO 2 40 1..11110 2 73 1..1330 S 10 ] . . . . 910 250 1..11140 2 tO 3..14CO 310 1..12:10 : 250 1C..1420 2M 1..1140 210 11..1325 2 CO 1..I330 2 S3 1..1IM ) 315 1..1200 230 1..10SO 290 1..1270 315 1..U'20 260 1..1710 2 UO 1..1IJO 325 1..1200 250 2..1315 290 1..11CO 340 1..1G40 2 CO 1..1230 290 l..l :0 340 1..1010 2 CO 2..1C23 290 4..843 300 HTAOH. 1..1OO 2W 32..14S2 330 9..1130 31)5 ) 1..1S90 30-5 S..10II ! 345 1..17M ) 400 ( -ALVBH. 10. . . . SCO 315 3. . . . 35G 420 1. . . . ISO fi CO 1. . . . 370 3 5 CC. . . , 370 425 1. . . . 210 C W 3. . . . 374 323 S , . . . 348 423 1..170 DM 1. . , , 100 3 DO 3. , . . 340 433 4. , , . 142 CCO 1. . , . 340 4 00 C , . . . 238 4 75 8TOCKKHH AND riJEUKHS. 1. . . . SCO 300 1. . . . 640 4W . . . .1 ( 8 415 1. . . , 410 300 1. . . . t'W ' 400 2. . . . 805 413 1..1COO 3 20 7. . . . WH 4 e 7. . . . 9W 4 15 2. . . . 400 323 1. . , . fcCO 400 1. . . . 700 415 1. . . . 970 323 2. . . . f.95 400 ' " . . . . 718 420 1. . . . 94' ' ) 3 23 3. . . . 9JO 4 CO S. . . . C17 4 20 3. . , , US3 3 40 1. . . . ! 'JQ t U ) 4. . . . 433 4 20 2. . . . 7S3 SCO 1 , . . . 7iO 4 ( K ) 8. . . . 926 420 5. . . . 7SO SCO 21..1114 405 10..1023 420 1. . . . COD SCO 2J. . . . fc 4 405 2..41' ' ) 425 ] , . . . i > SU 3 CS C. . . . k'M 4 10 21. . . . COG 4 25 9. . . . 703 3 C3 8. . . . 707 410 C. . . . 472 425 2. . . . MO 370 12. . . . fiO 410 1C..CD2 433 1 , . , . KM 375 1. . . . WO 410 11. . . . K3 435 2. . . . 785 375 2S.941 410 17..C24 440 1 , . . . fC'l ) 383 . . . . 875 415 3C..47G 440 C. . . . CTO 400 7. . . . 818 415 107. . . . MS 4 (0 8. . . . bC3 4 CO 2..1145 4 1C 1IOC1H Hecclnts of liogx xreio uliout the unmet IB ymte-nlny , ami the market elld not ehow nucli chunb'e. 1 * . uH-iml | fully eli-uily uiul potnlhly a little tronije-r than th Lett tlm yente-nluy , unit the in Ik of the hoipi bolil on that IJiibls. Toxvaril hu clon , utter the iiiont urgent orders xxerei llle-U , It 1'nn-il "Tl lui'l clotcnl glow unil xve-nk. Almaat cx-crvthlns , both heux-y anil llisht loads , iolil ut f3.90Q3.95 , the numo an ye-nte-nluy , but H exv lomla touched II , xvhlch xvuu Co higher than inythlnif laought yrblerilny. Hot" ) hold toiluy In uliout the came notch ni i xxee-k life' " , but 40c lilflu-r than the ) tlmt of the nonth , "d 26ii30c hlh-lii-r than on the corre- poiHllntr iluy of lubt ye-ur. Itipresi-iilutlxc Eali-u : io , Av. Kh. I'r. No. Av. Sh , 1'r. 0 3C3 . . . > 3 82Vi 42 201 , . . (395 2 310 . . . 385 24. . , 215 , , , 393 0 ya . . . S 85 Cl 233 , , . 3 W 1 273 . . . 385 C2 198 . . . 3W 0 219 . . . 3 87V4 71 239 . . . 393 G 281 . . . 3W 80 242 40 3 l 3 C SSI . . . S W ) I 72 237 . . . 3 IIS 7 310 40 I 90 CG 253 ICO 3 liS 7 Z42 . . . S 90 | C3 21S . . . S 93 7 284 120 390 < 221 . . . S 95 0 332 210 SIX ) I I U 245 , , , 393 " 23 . . . S 'M 79 217 , . , 395 320 bO 3W < IS 219 . . . 393 502 . . . JW I CS 227 200 893 3 2C3 , . , S 90 , CC 241 , . . 393 8 4 . . . 3'JO ) 70 248 0 3 95 7 257 . . , SW 4 233 . . . 3 95 0 , , , 2U . . . W iv CO 2U H St * SIIUl-i'-Itfcclpt : nf stit-cp wne lllirrnl , mid the m.irl.ct active nm ! i-troiiR to u little higher. Some of lh < ; shcfptrc fold to nirl\c , mid utlivrs mi | > rlvnte tcrini > . HO Hint only tew talcs were roporlfd. lteirc cntntlvc rnlrs : No ' Av. 1'r. 27 ivpMctn lambs Ei ( $350 12ri' ! < U'inotllorx 110 3 75 2lt Aes-lcrn yfiirllngs , 73 4 M 214 wt-i'trrn welhris IP ! 4 l.'i 21.1oMnn u other 117 4 15 43. . WMtria ! nml"t C3 4 40 * S wmtern Innibn C'J 4 C5 11 ! ) western tniuKs 71 4 K 17 western l.unb * 5S 4 75 CHICAGO 1.IVI : STOCK MAltlCUT. Uatllt * nml IliiKM Itnlt * Siciidy > xilli Sheep Active mid Illevlicr , ClIirAdO , Mnrch 2I.-ln entile thi-ie xvn.i n | Koo.l Hiiiiply nnil they sold lit rtemly inli.-rr. The best Lee-vcs bohl nt from $4.f.O to J5.-M , xx-ldle the- common elai-s of itre'i'cil beef ptccr * luuiuht from 13.70 to { 4. the bulk of tl.c lie'f cattle crossing the pc-nh-H lit ft cm SI.S3 to } 3. A COjil many llRht moi-k ttte-ia feM nt fiom 12.9'J to 3.DO. Venl rnhc * solil chlcllj nt fixm Jl 75 to JO. Tcvns nittliB.ilil i\l n \\lile riuiKe of in Ices , prime loin i-rlllng uiTimiil VI. 1.0. HOR prices inlcil unoiii ; nt s-es-teiiln > ' turn-on. Lucnl pnelteli ! niul i-liliipc-rti hail tu t-rnimlili' to net e-xi-n Mil.ill nui.b : > iT , call's KUK-.UII ; fiom JJ.73 to W for park'n.'i hits , up tn 51.20 I'miirlme h.'nvy nml ii--i1liim X'-IIKIHC. The built eolil ut fiom s.i. 10 to ; r..ir . Trtule 111 MU-CII xx-ns r.rtlvp , pilro.i inlliiR stliiUKi-r. .4lii-ei | xxeie mh1.1. , it finm } 3 ID J.t ' , rt foInferlnr to c < ninion , up tn finm JI.25 to ! 1.(0 for tooil to choice Hocks , xxeflei-ns InIlisln , ' , ' fiom Sl.io ; ; tn J4.i.o. l inilis xvcrc XMinteil it : tnun J3.ro to (5 for four lots. n ; > t from J5.2.'i to J"i 40 for chi'U-e , xxftirnfetililni ; finm JI.30 to Jl.li ) . Sheep pohl ut liom 4:1 : ! iO lo ? 4.in for Flmrn uiul xhorn lumb.i at fluiu 14.10 to ; i.t > * > . Het-clpU : Cuttle. 12.MO lieml ; bf > g , 13.0CO brail ; blicni , H.Out ) brail. M'HS'riSllX I'At'KIXf ! IIOI'.SIJ Ol/'TPVT. of HIIUN CnndlHies mi u Ililell l.iiryreiScale 'I'liaii a VeinAK < > . CINCINNATI , Miiix-ii 2l.--ii-iieclii : TeleKiam. ) Toniori-Dix-'n 1'rlceCm lent xxlll n.x : Itoturns for the1 xvi-flc lihllcntu total \ve > ti-nl Mllini ; * 273C'CO IICRS , compni-cil xxlth 205K tlic ) ire-ccelhiit xxcck ami 240eO for the. colicjpnnilliiR : xve-e-lt last year , mnMtig u total ut' I.OI.Vulu cln.-c Miu-ch 1. iiRnlnst td'i.li'O , i year IIKI- . The quality l KIII- ernlly K"xt > the xxelRl.t uxeniHluK lighter. l'i-rmltient - tolloxx'i iilucc-i cumpaic uu ; : L-Ity. ISI7. ! lE ! i. ChiciiKO Slo.oo : 305.000 KIIIIMIS City li2.Wi. ; ) I20W Omaha S1.0W H0.005 SI l.ouls 87.IX-0 70.000 Inillalripolls 32.0UO 23.1MO Cine.-llin.itl 43W J 3l.lKJ : ) Mllxx-auki-e 420.0 fO WJ Uttiiinxx-u 27eel1) lii.Ki ) Kt. .1o e-il | lO.MO lliOO Ci-ilnr HlltililH 2-J.eKW ( . . ( .OJ : --uux | e'lty 11,0.0 12 ouo rtt. rant lOOuu 12,000 St. l.uiilx llx Miiel ; . BT. t.OUIS , March 21. OATTI..IJ llecflpln , S.30W he-nil ; mnt-kot stiiuly to rtrons. within the iunii' quuteit : fnr.cy Moors , J3.10$5.f ! : fchlpplny : Hccrs , fair to choice , Sl.in,3.CO ( : steers umlcr I.OIM pounils , J3.,0120 ( : toekeis anil feeders. f2.C5iJ4.23 ; nnvb ami helferf ; , J2.MVffl.23 ; Texas anil Indian slieivi , J.COff4.:0 : : : : ; COXVK and heifei ? , | 2.l'03.0. | ! ; IIOCJK peei-lits , C.OC-0 head ; market tteady ; IlKlit , $ .1.9'-fi I Oe > : mixed , $1.7''u103 ; hcuxy. JS.CO'o/ / 'silCKI1--Hecelpt ? . SCO hrrfil ; steady an.l un- LhaiiKed ; n.-.lUi muttons , $ ' .iuii4.50 ; lamb" . J4.CO iil.ro ; 'IVxiis Mliti'p , 53.2CQ3.80 ; tprlmr lambs , I7.00S10.00. KIIIIMIS L'Ky I.lve Sloelc. { KANSAS CITV , llnrcli SI. CATTU3 noci-lpto , 1,100 head ; shlpiiu-iitx. 2ri < o henil. Market about , teady ; TI-M-S ttt/ei-s. J3.23Ji4.13 ; Texas c-oxs-f , 3.13V3.70 : native Meer. . $3.30ft5.tO ; native cims inJ he-lfers. Jl.fOt4 CO ; 5toiUet > and feeders , 2.25 4.70 ; bulls , } 1.7.lifj3.iiO. HOCiH Itcielpts. 10.000 head ; Khlpnients. 400 lead. Maiket npeneil xx-e.-iU. closed t-trons ; bulk if tales , J3.9U'fi4.00 ' : heavies , ; 3iO(4.03 ! ! ; packers. ; S.80fi3.i3 : : mixed. JIUHi I.W : lljlils. ? 3.7003.90 ; firkers. f3.snW3.Mplus. . J3.35Ii3.C5. HIIKKI' Hit-pli'ti. ' 3 , ( 0 head ; shipments , (00 : < -ud. Miitki-t steady ; hirnb" , Jl lOffll.SJ ; muttons , :3.23 : J4.SO. . Xt > - VciiUIlv - S'oi-U- . NKW YOUK , Maivh 21. HKKVUS-Horelptn. W head ; muil.et ipilet nnd Ki-nerully Hiady ; best steers n little ( lnn r : native steers. $4 fOfi > i.50 slnn ? nnd o\e-n. JI.008/1.0) ) ; bulls. t2.n3ii < > J.25 ; dry cnxxs Xl.CO rj.wi. Ctililes iiunle Aitn-il- an stefru at ll (12c ( ; slii-ip nt HSil-'c ; refrlKurnlor iteof nt n rlfle ; i-xpn-ts , fi,04S iiuarters nf beef. SHIKI > AND LAJIIIK itereiptH. e.m head ; inlet but sIlKhtly l'rmi > r : "lu-ep. f3.25ff4.90. HOliS Hee-elptH. 7"CO head ; t > lruly at $4.40i ? i.10. SlocU in Slnb ( . Itfcord of leeelpls of llx-i > stock at the four iilnclpul mnrketK for .March 24 : Caltle. HOKH. Sheep. Imaha 3 390 4811 3 355 ! ilc.iKO 12 r,00 19.000 O.dfiO CansiiR fity 4,000 10.000 3CK ) t. I.oulH 3.MX ) 6,000 80) Ti.tala 23,330 33,541 1C.155 t.iirnHTATio.\St All I'nctorlo * In tinAVrnt Snppllcit Tliroimli Oinnlm. Three c r ol sugar beet tccil will pass through the Umnhn cuftoin honno today , for Meyer & H.tapkr , which s'lll make total of txvcnty-onc care received by this firm this winter. The receipts today xvlll close the Rhlpmcnti ( or ( tils season. ( ) ( these Imputations 1,100 facka ot the secil have boon shlfticd by the Omaha Arm ! o the factory nt Chlno , Cal. ; 250 sacks to the ( actcry nt IAIS AJamns. Cnl. ; ZOO N.icKrt tu the AlanicilA Su af company at Alvarada , Onl.100 ; to the IJtnh Sugar company at liclilpli. Utnh ; 700 sacks to the Orand Inland factor } ' , anl 1,200 ancks to the Norfolk fac tory. In aiMltlon to these shipments , nn Importation of 1,000 sncks wno sent to the Sprci-kels factory al Watsouvllle , Cal. , by way of Novx York xvllhotit | ) asslng throtigti the custom liotiEo hsro. Seed for experi mental purposes was alsit Bhlppetl to parties In Oregon , Ohio. Illinois. Indian Ter ritory , Arkansas , Indiana ami Wisconsin. Mcjer & Haapku received a letter n tcvf days .IKO , Inquiring about reed , from Henry Altenbrand , president of the Noxv York ami Brooklyn Malting company of Now York , In which the writer stated that ho was con- tctr.iitatlng building a sugar factory at Man hattan , Mont. Thu bulk of the seed received came from Oermany , some ot It from France , and n little from Warsaw , Russia. The seed Is thoioughly Inspected there tinder government supervision on a half dozen different points' , n certificate nf IhlH Inspection accompanying every shipment. The prlncliul point of In- npcutlon Is the minting capacity of the feed , nil of It being leqtilreil to allow a capacity for 20,000 tiprcnitK to the pound. The Importation ot teed this year xvns greatly In excess of that last year , Mr. Meyer ntnttng that It required Mxo extra men ( o attend to this branch of the business thin \v I liter. Cook 'a Imerlal Champagne. Rxtra Dry. Cook's lUK-ilal Chnmpagiie. Kxtrn Dry. Cook's Imerlal Champagne. Extra. . Dry. Custards Cakes For Puddings , , arid Blanc-Mange. Ever cy' hmiKl coiiflilornfotj * the pnrnmount ot jpot In Iiuvsinii ntp. Saf-'ty < < mbliicil with prullta In n punnanont linoHtnient U no nisy inattoi to Iliul. Iliul.Tho Pcnn Pnfo Sj st m uhtt.li han stood the to-t ; > f lime , hat- pone through all Klu.U ; of < llR- iiftioitA itiitl ptnjTiuuod niark it paytnj ? wpulnrly I'Vtry i\v. ) w.-i'U.s a proilt lo its pntrons nvcriiKln ; ; thit'u ti fmir huiitlioil jioi ci-nt I'd ' * amuuii anil In now oniliir ptl li > tlio HUUIIZST and MOST UHUAHIJ'j uiitlmi Uj nf > luMiii ; Fiife , sure and most ileMruWe. Viiu sht'itld ' invpptlKixto our methods thoroughly. \Vrllo for portloulais. Avoid Risk We ntv an Incorpor.itod company with One Mil lion iMpltal. J-'eiul for our Klxtli annual statement. It It > % Dl'TV you n\vf unt i yi-ursi-h- air ! Ph.-uld nut bo lU'RlicttHl. ThtniMiiuIa < f cltlx'-m have KHI \ kvcalthy thiuttKli nur tnetluxls of Fclentltlo Kpcc- iilutluii niul no money has ever boon lost for a customer. The E , S , Bean Company , llciultiuartcr ! ' . Syndicate llulldhiR , No. 35 Hioad- way , Ncxv Vmk City. Uranchcs TIM : E. s. DIAN co. , 41 Carcxxllldg. . . Cincinnati. Ohio. Tun K. S. DEAN CO. . \Vyumlollc. . ColumlniB , Ohio. THIJ E. s. UI-AN co. , SOO Cuyulmea HUe. , Cli-x-cland , Oldo. SIRS. M. E. S1AHSK * . . Commi-rclal Club llIilR. , Indlannpolls , Ind. CLAHKi : YOf.NG. 2lti Atlas Illock , Salt Lake City , 1'tah. HTEAPMAN , HOUIIV < 'O. , 07 Mlllt Ht. . Huston. Mass. T. .1. MATT1IRWS , Hcudeilck llldg. , Knoxvllli' , Tei.n , A. O. wr.TMOlli : . CIK ! Commrrclal-pl. , Nexx- Orleans , Lc , THE E. S. OMAN CO. , 00 .Security HldK. , II. F. Wllmont St. , St. Ixjula , Mo. J. F. UltANNON , 400 I.oxvndOB llldg. , Atlanta. Oa. II. It. SHEUWOOD. 3C Louisville Tnist llldff. , IxiulBville , Ky. H. T. .KIllrVSON. I.in-ill UimtiKfr , iiK' , Omaliii. JAMES E. BOYD & CO Telephone 103 ! ) . Omaha , Noi. COMMISSION Hoard of Trudc. Dhcct wires to ChlcuKO uiul Ncxv York. Correspondents : John A. Wurri-n & Co. Can you define what is a Newspaper ? A Newspaper is a publication issued at stated intervals. What are the duties of a Newspaper ? To publish all the news both local and foreign. Can you tell me what paper does this ? The Omaha Bee. Are there any others ? There are some that make a pretense of publishing all the news , but there is only one that does , that is The Omaha Bee. You are right if you want to read it all , you must READ THE BEE